#High gain antenna
antennaexperts · 1 year
How Does an Antenna Work?
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Antenna is used widely in the telecommunication field, military operations, and other applications. It gets an electromagnetic wave and converts it into electric signals. Some antennas receive electric signals and radiate them as electromagnetic waves. A simple radio antenna is a long straight rod. Many indoor TV antennas take the form of a dipole that is divided into 2 pieces and folded horizontally. Numerous outdoor TV antennas have more than one dipole with a central supporting rod. The different types of antenna designs include parabolic satellite dishes and circular loops of wire.
Generally, the waves emitting at the antenna from a transmitter are the same in any shape of the antenna. Different patterns of dipoles help to concentrate the signals for easy detection. This effect can be increased by adding many unconnected dummy dipoles called reflectors and directors. These dipoles bounce the signals over the actual receiving dipoles. This is similar to boosting the signals and picking weaker signals better than a simple antenna. We will further discuss the working of different kinds of antennas and the science behind their working. We will also discuss the various types of antennas and their different properties.
Important Features of Antennas
An Antenna contains many important features such as:
The gain of an antenna is a technical measurement and the amount at which the signals are boosted. Television will pick up a poor signal without an antenna plugged in. Metal cases and other components pick up some kinds of signals by default. You need to add a proper directional antenna to gain better signals.
The gain of an antenna is often measured in decibels (DB). You will receive a better reception with a bigger gain. Outdoor antennas work more effectively than outdoor antennas.
Dipole is very directional and picks up incoming radio waves traveling at right angles to them. The telescopic antenna on an FM radio is less directional when the signals are strong. If the telescopic antenna is pointed straight upward, it will capture good signals from any direction.
AM antenna in the radio is very directional. While using AM, you will need to swivel the radio until it picks up strong signals. Highly directional antennas give ample benefits such as reduction in interference from unwanted sources or signals.
 The bandwidth of an antenna refers to the frequency range on which it works perfectly. Broader bandwidth gives a greater range of radio waves. Broad bandwidth will be more helpful in the case of television but not in other cases like satellite communications, telephones, or cell phones.
Different Kinds of Antennas
An antenna is a tool used for receiving and transmitting signals. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and features according to the needs of the customers. We will now discuss the different types of antennas and how they work.
1. Dipole Antenna
Dipole antennas normally contain 2 similar conductive elements like rods or metal wires. This kind of antenna includes odd and even modes. It contains a center-fed driven element to transmit and receive radio frequency energy. It is the simplest type of antenna containing a straight electric conductor made of metals like copper thereby making 2 poles.
The metal wire length is half of the highest wavelength in free space at the frequency operation. The conductive materials in the center of an antenna are divided through an insulator known as an antenna section. The RF voltage source is normally given to the middle of the Dipole Antenna. Voltage and current are then supplied via the 2 conductive elements to produce radio or electromagnetic signals. These signals are later radiated outside the dipole antenna. In the center of a dipole antenna, the voltage is minimum and current is maximum whereas the current is minimum and voltage is maximum at the two ends of an antenna.
2. Grid Parabolic Antenna
Grid antenna is a kind of parabolic antenna. It normally contains a reflector made from a grill of parallel wires or bars targeted in one direction that acts as a polarizing filter and a reflector. These antennas normally reflect linearly polarized radio waves with an electric field parallel to the grill elements. The spacing of the grid elements is frequently dependent and inversely proportional to the frequency.
Grid parabolic antenna has the highest weight ratio and strength. It is a very efficient antenna in which gain figures approach the theoretical maximum for the curved surface area. This antenna contains a full Parabolic reflector for a smooth digital communication system.
3. Yagi Antenna
The Yagi antenna was discovered by 2 Japanese scientists Shintaro Uda and Hidetsugu Yagi. It is a kind of directional antenna and is generally used in point-to-point communication. Yagi antenna radiates signals in one fixed direction. It includes a long transmission line with a single driven element containing two rods connected on any one side of the transmission lines.
This antenna contains a single reflector on one side of the transmission line and several parasite elements that act as directors. In Yagi antennas, the reflector is kept behind the driven element and is longer than the driven element. On the other hand, the director is kept on the front of the driven element and is shorter than the driven element. Normally, Yagi antennas have one reflector and multiple directors.
4. Satellite dish antenna
Dish Antenna are popular these days. They contain 2 major components namely parabolic shaped reflector and a low noise block down convertor. Parabolic dish gets electromagnetic signals from the satellite and focuses them on LNBF.
Final words
This is all about a High Gain Antenna with its working pattern, design and features. The working of every kind of antenna is almost similar with slight changes. These antennas are used in multiple applications from satellite communication to telephone lines. Many antenna manufacturers and dealers sell the different kinds of antennas online at affordable rates.
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eteilytech · 1 year
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 3dBi Rubber Duck Antenna Manufacturers in India
2.4GHz 3dBi Rubber Duck Antenna
Eteily manufactures a wide range of Rubber Duck Antennas covering a wide range of frequencies supporting all applications. Our antennas are designed to work in rugged environment yet durable providing promising and satisfied customer needs.
This 3dBi high performance, omnidirectional antenna provides broad coverage. It is ideally suited for GSM GPRS band applications as well as cellular applications.
Features & Application
Ground-plane Independent 
Cellular Applications
Tilt and swivel design
Routers and Gateways
Compact Good performance Omni Directional Antenna
Eteily’s Rubber Duck Antenna is high performance, Omni-directional providing broad coverage with a Strong and Stable Signal. It is ABS enclosed antenna with IP65 Rated Enclosure. It is ideally suited for all RF Cellular Devices. This antenna features a rugged composite random with SMA Male connector. It is compact, lightweight and easy to install.
We are top notch manufacturer of Antennas in India, We supply Antenna & RF Products Globally
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rfantenna · 5 months
Bluetooth trackers and GPS trackers serve similar purposes but operate in different ways and have distinct features:
Bluetooth Tracker:
Range: Bluetooth trackers typically have a shorter range, usually around 100 feet indoors and up to 300 feet outdoors. The range can vary depending on the model and the environment.
Functionality: They rely on Bluetooth technology to connect to a smartphone or other compatible device. Users can track the location of the item to which the tracker is attached using a mobile app.
Battery Life: Battery life is usually longer compared to GPS trackers since they have a smaller range and don't require constant communication with satellites. Some Bluetooth trackers come with replaceable batteries, while others have rechargeable ones.
Accuracy: They are less accurate in pinpointing the exact location compared to GPS trackers. Bluetooth trackers provide a general idea of the item's location based on the last known connection with the smartphone.
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bestanimal · 8 days
Round 1 - Phylum Onychophora
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
Onychophora is a phylum of long, soft-bodied, many-legged animals. They are commonly called Velvet Worms due to their velvety texture, and the human propensity for calling any small animal with a long body a worm. Onychophora is the only animal phylum in which every extant (non-extinct) member is fully terrestrial.
Onychophorans are predators, preying on other invertebrates which they catch by spraying an adhesive, glue-like slime. This slime can also be used to deter predators. They will target slime at the limbs of their prey, and have even been observed targeting the fangs of spiders. The slime is stretchy, with high tensile strength, and forms a net-like structure when sprayed. It takes about 24 days to replenish an exhausted slime repository, so they will eat their dried slime when they can.
Onychophoran legs are called oncopods, lobopods, or “stub feet”. They can have from 13 to as many as 43 pairs of feet, depending on species. Their legs are hollow and have no joints, instead being moved by the hydrostatic pressure of their fluid contents. Each foot has a pair of tiny chitin claws which they use to gain their footing on uneven terrain. They sense the world via a pair of antennae, the numerous papillae covering their bodies, and a pair of simple eyes, though there are some blind species. Their mouth is surrounded by sensitive lips, and their chitin jaws, used for chewing up prey, look similar to their claws. On either side of their mouth are the oral papillae, openings containing their slime glands. Unlike their relatives, the tardigrades and arthropods, they do not have a rigid exoskeleton, restricting them to habitats with high humidity. They are also nocturnal hunters, and shy away from light, leading them to be most active on rainy nights. Onychophorans have two sexes. Females are usually larger than males, and sometimes have more legs. In most species the males will secrete a pheromone from their many “armpits” to attract females. Mating procedures differ between species. Some species are live-bearing, and some are egg-laying. The oldest known fossil Onychophoran, Antennipatus, is known from the Late Carboniferous.
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Propaganda under the cut:
The little orange guy in my avatar is a velvet worm!
Some species can spray their slime up to a foot away, though their accuracy gets worse with distance.
Apparently, velvet worm slime tastes "slightly bitter and at the same time somewhat astringent.” Don’t ask how biologists know that.
It is hard to evaluate all velvet worms due to their nocturnal nature and low population densities, but of the few species that have been evaluated, all are near threatened to critically endangered. Main threats come from habitat loss due to industrialisation, draining of wetlands, and slash-and-burn agriculture. Many species naturally have low population densities and small geographic ranges, so a small disturbance of ecosystem can lead to the extinction of entire species. Populations are also threatened by collection for universities or research institutes.
While most countries offer little to no protection for their velvet worms, Tasmania is unique for having its own velvet worm conservation plan and one region of forest dedicated to preserving the endangered Blind Velvet Worm, Leucopatus anophthalmus (seen in the 3rd image).
Onychophoran’s stub feet allow them to be sneaky ambush predators which hunt only at night. They move slowly and quietly, with their body raised off the ground. They only use their claws when needed for climbing, otherwise they walk softly on the pads of their feet. They are often able to get so close to their prey that they can gently touch them with their antennae to assess their size and nutritional value before the prey is alerted.
Onychophorans have small but complex brains, and are thus capable of sophisticated social interaction. Some species live and hunt in packs, acting in aggression and territoriality towards velvet worms not in their own group. After a kill, the dominant female always feeds first, followed in turn by the other females, then males, then the young. High-ranking individuals will chase and bite subordinates who climb on them, but will allow juveniles to climb on their backs without aggression.
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spacefrontier · 19 days
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The boulder-strewn field of red rocks reaches to the horizon nearly two miles from Viking 2 on Mars' Utopian Plain. Scientists believe the colors of the Martian surface and sky in this photo represent their true colors. Fine particles of red dust have settled on spacecraft surfaces. The salmon color of the sky is caused by dust particles suspended in the atmosphere. Color calibration charts for the cameras are mounted at three locations on the spacecraft. Note the blue star field and red stripes of the flag. The circular structure at top is the high-gain antenna, pointed toward Earth. Viking 2 landed September 3, 1976, some 4600 miles from its twin, Viking 1, which touched down on July 20.
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andmaybegayer · 3 months
When you first learn about phased arrays or beamforming it's easy to be like wow, that's fucked, the net power output of this array is obviously limited by physics, but we can concentrate that energy in one place using interference which has the apparent effect of stealing energy from the low power parts of the field to add power to your high gain area, even though the antenna elements are physically separate and driven separately. It's not like normal antennas which have gain patterns thanks to their cool shapes, which is normal and good and not fucked.
But when you say that you will have the horrible realization that this is also how normal antennas work! A yagi-uda or helical antenna consists of an array of infinitesimal uniform emitters that are phased by space and time to produce non-uniform patterns! The energy is still being magically transported through the ether from one side of your antenna to the other! It's fucked! Everything is fields! Passive elements are insane! A yagi-uda is a bonkers piece of technology because it remotely drives the passive elements and that focuses the field along the axis. I want to get off Mr Huygens Wild Ride!
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nasa · 2 years
Our Roman Space Telescope’s Dish is Complete!
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NASA engineers recently completed tests of the high-gain antenna for our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. This observatory has some truly stellar plans once it launches by May 2027. Roman will help unravel the secrets of dark energy and dark matter – two invisible components that helped shape our universe and may determine its ultimate fate. The mission will also search for and image planets outside our solar system and explore all kinds of other cosmic topics.
However, it wouldn’t be able to send any of the data it will gather back to Earth without its antenna. Pictured above in a test chamber, this dish will provide the primary communication link between the Roman spacecraft and the ground. It will downlink the highest data volume of any NASA astrophysics mission so far.
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The antenna reflector is made of a carbon composite material that weighs very little but will still withstand wide temperature fluctuations. It’s very hot and cold in space – Roman will experience a temperature range of minus 26 to 284 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 32 to 140 degrees Celsius)!
The dish spans 5.6 feet (1.7 meters) in diameter, standing about as tall as a refrigerator, yet only weighs 24 pounds (10.9 kilograms) – about as much as a dachshund. Its large size will help Roman send radio signals across a million miles of intervening space to Earth.
At one frequency, the dual-band antenna will receive commands and send back information about the spacecraft’s health and location. It will use another frequency to transmit a flood of data at up to 500 megabits per second to ground stations on Earth. The dish is designed to point extremely accurately at Earth, all while both Earth and the spacecraft are moving through space.
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Engineers tested the antenna to make sure it will withstand the spacecraft’s launch and operate as expected in the extreme environment of space. The team also measured the antenna’s performance in a radio-frequency anechoic test chamber. Every surface in the test chamber is covered in pyramidal foam pieces that minimize interfering reflections during testing. Next, the team will attach the antenna to the articulating boom assembly, and then electrically integrate it with Roman’s Radio Frequency Communications System.
Learn more about the exciting science this mission will investigate on Twitter and Facebook.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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micksture · 2 months
hello i’m back on the grind and today i bring you the fullbody refs i nearly did a backflip over 🌞 hope you’ll like em
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notes under the cut
- Former Princess of Hell. She resigned from her role and place in the royal home because if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to fulfill her dream of redeeming Sinners. Her parents had different plans and expectations for her, and deem her as an embarrassment. Charlie lived in a dingy apartment and worked a couple of jobs for a few years to gather money. She struggled, but she finally earned enough to afford an empty, run down building. At the start, she and the gang will have to start rebuilding and renovating it to make the hotel she planned to build :p
- More goat motifs (ears, nose, horns, pupils, legs and hooves)
- Doll-like joints, which make her movements awkward and robotic at times
- Fangs and buck teeth <3
- Fluffy, puffy hair!!! The color is a mix of Lucifer’s hair back when he was still an angel (golden) and the hair he has now, after falling (red)
- One snake on each side of her head. Both of them are different species and have different personalities. They’re also super venomous, but she doesn’t rlly use that ability
- A mole under her left eye because I just couldn’t help myself hehe
- Tail that she can’t retract and has all the time. It’s a bit too short and just bothers her most of the time by accidentally knocking stuff over
- A blue ‘blouse’ (it’s actually a long sleeve top with buttons printed onto it, kinda like those silly faux tuxedo t-shirts) and shoes with accents of the same color, as any variant of blue is a vital part of the very loose dress code for the hotel’s workers. She also wears blue earrings and always adds a bit of blue to her makeup :3
- Other than that I think her outfit is pretty much similar? At least to the Pilot one
- I tried to sneak in some hearts to her design and just overall make her look friendly and awkward lolz
- Former Exorcist angel. She gained consciousness during an extermination and was discarded solely because of that fact. Exorcists are programmed to be killing machines that feel nothing and don’t ask questions, so when they gain consciousness (which is very rare), their higher ups – so Lute and Adam – get rid of them. Vanhi was found by Charlie two days later, miraculously still alive. Charlie rushed her back to her apartment and slowly nursed her back to health, recognising her as an angel, but not an Exorcist. They’ve known each other for 3 yrs now, and they took some time to grow fond of each other but they’re getting there
- Obviously, the name change… She did used to be called Vaggie (when she was still an angel), changed it after being banished from the holy troops and left behind in Hell
- STRRRONG 💪💪💪💪 probs the strongest one out of the main six characters, at least physically
- Lots of scars all over her body from previous battles
- Long teased hair put up in a high ponytail for practical reasons. The black tips are dyed. Also RACOON TAIL!!!!!!!!
- Some moth motifs, like the antennas that mimic a bow and also her hair kinda resembles the wings of a moth when it is down.
- A funky ahoge (I think that’s what it’s called..) that looks like a halo :3
- A different eyepatch + protective gloves
- She wears a pink and white striped pullover under her blue shirt and she also has mismatched socks 👾
- Angelic spear, obvi.. its’ handle is a little bent in the middle, because Adam tried to snap it in half for dramatic effect and failed LMFAOJEBW BOZO
- He’s a famous pornstar under Valentino’s contract, and he has been for some time now. Before that, he’d perform in clubs
- Lots of Valentino’s influence in his choice of clothing: shorts, boots, the black top, pink gloves + fur scarf, rings and the collar. The only thing that wasn’t gifted to him by the overlord is the pinstriped shirt and hat that he’s had since the very arrival in Hell. ALSO SHOUTOUT TO MY FRIEND FOR THIS IDEA: the buttons on his suit are little flies because he’s a spider!!!!!!
- Six eyes, four arms (but he can also grow out two more), pedipalps and abdomen to rlly play into the spider theme
- His teeth are stained with Val’s red saliva
- He has lots of toned pink spots all over his body. I couldn’t rlly decide on an exact design for his markings and I felt like there was already a lot happening on him so I just went with little pink speckles
- Very fluffy :v
- Powerful Overlord that came back from his seven years of radio silence to invest in the biggest flop of a project in Hell and stick around, seemingly just to laugh at its’ failure
- Toned down colors yay
- Long, pinstriped crimson suit worn over a beige dress shirt, 1930s inspired shoes (they still have the silly hoof prints on the bottom don’t worry) and a tie because I’m sick of the bazillion bowties 👿👿👿
- Voice box located between the top of the knot of his tie and the bottom of his high neck ruff. He often uses it to speak without moving his mouth
- The two sharp ridges that peek from under his neck ruff and have a white glow to them are actually a part of a collar. He’s forced to wear it because of his deal. It’s made of angelic metal, so he can’t really take it off anyway
- For the deer features, I changed his ears to be a little more deer-like, made his antlers bigger and gave him a deer nose :p He has a tail and hooves too but he hides them as much as possible
- No fuckass bob 🙏
- Couldn’t help myself and gave him a pencil mustache 🕴️
- Staff inspired by a 1930s microphone. It can be shortened to a regular mic or expanded to work as a cane!! It's a sentient being and it often adds to situations/conversations by playing sound effects. And yes it does have tiny antlers hehe
- Different monocle
- Some green accents because his magic is green idk
-A former Overlord, long past his prime. His enjoyment of Alastor’s 7 year absence was short lived – now, he has to deal with even more annoying people in the hotel. He works the bar and because of Charlie’s request he’s allowed to only fix up mocktails instead of real alcoholic drinks
- Based his design on a mainecoon cat, so he’s super fluffy. Lots and lots of fur, which is unkempt because he gave up on trying to care for it a while ago
- Owl wings. His right wing is clipped (because of the deal with Alastor) and he can no longer fly. He can’t even expand this wing to its’ full length without having to painfully strain it to get it to move out even a little bit
- boy why u so eyebrow…….
- I live for chubby Husk <3
- A bunch of scars
- A rough beard and a droopy mustache
- A stained, patterned blue shirt with rolled up sleeves and a missed button at the top, tiny magician hat, black pants + suspenders and a green cloth to wipe empty glasses
- Give this poor man a break…
- Used to work at a tailor shop and one day, she came across Alastor when he went in to get his suit fixed after a fight. Rather than being presented with a deal offer, she offered her soul to him herself. He agreed, of course, but he was so weirded out by this that he decided to spare her life to further observe her antics. They’ve grown fond of each other and now have a father-daughter relationship of sorts
- I rlly leaned into the idea of her being a bug… She’s a grasshopper/ant mix, so she has antennae and mandibles
- Fluffy, glowy hair that she curls with hair rollers every day
- Green eye (same shade as her dress)
- Freckles :3
- Big patterned dress, a matching head scarf, blue apron and blue cleaning gloves
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shu-box-puns · 2 years
You wanna be one of them (Tsu’tey x Reader)
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Act 1  -->  Next Chapter
If you prefer to read on Ao3, the fic is here!
Word Count: 6588
Summary: Avatar!Driver!Reader passes their Iknimaya and encounters Jake Sully.
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
NOTE: The arrows indicate when someone is speaking in na’vi. For example, <”Fuck you.”>
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Flying was the best thing you’d ever experienced.
The weightlessness of your body. The quiet hum of your ikran’s consciousness in the background of your mind. The endless thrill of being so high in the air that one slip would have you plummeting to your death. But somehow knowing your mount would never allow it. In minutes of being airborne, the bond had strengthened into something unbreakable.
The joy it filled you with was indescribable.
Head tilted towards the sun, you could feel your cheeks aching from how hard you were smiling. Arms spread wide, you trusted your thighs to keep you in place as you threw your head back and let loose a victorious whoop.
Your ikran returned the call, shrieking his happiness to his brothers and sisters, who were eager to return his cry.
Around you, the other young hunters echoed the sentiment, performing barrel rolls and dangerous dives upon their own newly tamed ikran. You watched them with a sense of pride, glad that none of your group had failed their rite.
<”You ride better than you climb.”> Tsu’tey hollered from your left, snapping you out of your euphoric state. He was astride his own mount, looking relaxed in the saddle with a taunting look in his eye.
You grinned, flashing your fangs as you replied, <”I was born to do this.”>
He quirked an eyebrow, making a show of looking at your poor posture and incorrect hand placement upon your ikran’s antenna. <”Prove it.”> He challenged, before clicking to his ikran and taking off at speed. You laughed, yelling insults at his back as your own mount subconsciously prepared to follow.
You patted his neck, encouraging him to show his greatest speed. The ikran let loose a terrifying sound before shooting off after Tsu’tey, almost throwing you from his back in his eagerness.
Sitting up properly, you leaned over your ikran’s neck so your thighs supported most of your weight, tilting side to side with every bank of your ikran on the air currents. It seemed effortless on your mount’s part as you caught up to Tsu’tey’s ikran, soaring up and over him, only to continue on. You grinned, spinning in the saddle to jeer at him.
His normally serious facade had melted into the wind, leaving his face open and bright as he laughed at your antics.
Mentally, you told your ikran to bank, to which the beast easily obliged, tipping itself to the left as your leaned right to stay on. Tsu’tey followed your flight path, your ikran slowing its rapid pace to allow the warrior to catch up. Together, you dipped close to the side of one of the floating mountains, the spray of the waterfall dotting your skin as you sped past at breakneck speeds. The wind was sharp against your damp skin, as you swerved again in the air, feeling the air currents catch on your ikran’s wings, the powerful body beneath you coiling as you gained height.
This was far better than riding in the passenger seat of Trudy’s helicopter.
Far below, the ikran nest writhed with the countless colourful bodies, the beast starting to settle in for the night now that the hunters had claimed their partners.
<”We must start heading home.”> Tsu’tey yelled over the sound of the wind, to which you nodded, following his lead as he peeled away from the mountains and steering in the direction of home. Your ikran instinctively fell into place on his right, pulling back so the updraft created by the larger ikran would aid his flight back home.
As the mountains gave way to sprawling forest below, Tsu’tey hollered to the young hunters still messing around amongst the floating rocks. Returned calls sounded shortly after as the colourful beasts fell into formation either side of Tsu’tey, forming a neat ‘v’.
As the trees and rocky valleys of Pandora sped past below, the sun slid further and further behind the moon, allowing the bioluminescence of the jungle to flicker into life. Overhead, stars became visible against the growing inky blackness of the sky, a large portion of which was already taken up by the closest sister moon to Pandora.
Flying at night was somehow more beautiful than soaring around the Hallelujah Mountains.
The glowing constellations of your ikrans freckles rivalled the stars, you privately concluded as HomeTree loomed in the distance and Tsu’tey gave the order to begin climbing. The leisurely pace of your ikran’s wingbeats gradually began to increase in speed as the beast worked harder to gain altitude, pulling the air down in powerful strokes before striking up again for another wingbeat.
With controlled speed, the party soared into the branches of HomeTree and found suitable places to land and dismount. Sliding down from the back of your ikran, you stoked down the purring beast’s side as you walked around to his face. He was truly a gorgeous beast, stunning as he had been fierce when fighting him in the nesting grounds.
<”Well done today.”> Tsu’tey congratulated the group, calling the attention of all the young hunters to him. He easily commanded the attention of all those assembled, standing proud with the soft glow of his freckles to accent his form.
From the spiral staircase at his back emerged Eytukan and Mo’at, looking equally proud as their eyes trailed over the assembled hunters, grins growing brighter when they realised that everyone was accounted for.
Mo’at was the first to step forward, her arms raising dramatically as if addressing the heavens instead of her People. <”You are now adults in the eyes of Eywa.”> She declared, her face was the picture of joy. <”May the Great Mother smile upon you this day of your second birth. And may her kind hands guide you on this day and forever more.”>
As the hunters mumbled their thanks, Eytukan stepped up to her side, his chin raised. <”You will spend the following months crafting your bow from HomeTree. And are free to take a mate. But first, your celebration awaits.”> He bowed to the hunters, looking much like the proud father he was.
Hunters returned the gesture, clapping each other on the back, before focusing on their mounts. Vaguely, you registered Mo’at and Eytukan moving throughout the small crowd, congratulating everyone individually on their successful rite.
Unexpectedly, your mount nuzzled his face into your shoulder, sensing your underlying anxiety through the bond. With soothing hands to his snout, you quickly disconnected your kuru from him so he wouldn’t be able to sense anything else. <”I’m fine.”> You reassured him, although he would not be able to understand the words.
He chirped softly, head cocked to the side. <”Nosy.”> You laughed, lightly pushing his quizzing gaze away.
Earlier in the day, someone had already taken the time to set out the new saddles for the ikran. Neatly lining them up along a small branch nearest the helix staircase.
Pulling away from your ikran’s judgemental stare, you were quick in retrieving a saddle for him. Returning with it resting on your arms, you noticed the mischievous glint in his eye, already dreading the shit show that was going to be you putting it on him.
Approaching slowly, you offered him the equipment first, to which he lowered his head to give it a delicate sniff.
<”You have done well Dreamwalker.”> Mo’at unexpectedly stated from beside you, making you and your ikran jump. <”I will admit, the Great Mother’s plan for you was obscured from me, but you have proven yourself.”>
<”Thank you Tsahik.”>
<”I am proud of you.”> She continued as if you hadn’t spoken. <”Dr Augustine would be too.”> With that, she placed a firm hand to your bicep and squeezed, her expression kind before she drifted off to talk to the next person.
You became absorbed into your work, methodically coaxing your ikran into accepting the weight of the saddle between his shoulders. Rewarding him with scratches along his neck when he didn’t immediately toss it off. Gradually, he stopped trying to throw it off, and remained still to allow you to tighten the girth across his chest. From there, it was just a matter of providing his dinner before you followed the other hunters down the helix staircase.
You found dinner already underway with the fires blazing and the People gathered. A chorus of cheers erupted from the assembled people as the first hunters cleared the staircase, yelling cries of victory back, arms in the air.
Their joy was infectious as you slipped into the crowd in search of an empty space to crouch, lips pulled back into a fanged grin as you carefully picked your way through the families who had already turned back to their food. The other hunters had already dispersed back to their families, talking animatedly to loved ones about their crazy day.
Finding an empty space before the flames, you uttered your thanks to an older na’vi woman as she handed you one of the leaf dishes. She politely smiled back, offering formal congratulations on your successful rite before turning back to the conversation with her mate. You offered a quiet thanks before digging in.
It didn’t take long for Tsu’tey to find you. He’d hung back with the ikran to discuss his observations for the day with Eytukan.
His footsteps were silent as he approached you, dropping into a fluid crouch opposite and putting his bow down at his side. You didn’t bother to look up from your meal, content to eat after a long day of climbing mountains and almost dying. The silence was comfortable as the humm of the clan filled the large chamber, your ears swivelling to keep track of the different conversations going on around you.
<”You did well today.”> Tsu’tey commented, his hand snaking out to steal a grub off of your leaf. Rolling your eyes, you pushed the makeshift plate closer to him having already had most of your fill.
<”Is this just you complimenting your teaching skills?”>
<”Yes. I worked hard to make you into a respectable warrior.”> He replied easily, to which you playfully pushed at his arm. He shoved you back, fangs catching the bright firelight.
<”I wasn’t expecting it to be so easy.”> You admitted after swallowing your mouthful. <”I mean, I’ve heard you and Neytiri discussing the bond and everything, but it was so instant. Like he was an extension of myself.”>
Tsu’tey hummed, nodding along. <”Ikran make no mistakes in who they choose. As Eywa did not make a mistake in bringing you to us.”>
You rolled your eyes at the last part. <”Don’t go getting soft on me now.”>
He did not immediately respond with a fast quip, making you look up. Tsu’tey’s expression had lost the unfiltered joy of being in the air, but he still had a small, guarded smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The glint in his eye was unreadable. It could be amusement, it could be fear.
<”What?”> You asked, hand grasping his knee to ground him.
<”Young hunters that pass the rite are traditionally given gifts by their families.”> He explained, to which you found yourself relaxing.
<”Is that all?”> His expression grew pinched. <”Don’t worry, when I unlink later I’ll open a bottle of something just for myself.”>
Tsu’tey rolled his eyes before reaching for something next to his bow. <”I made you this.”> He said simply, holding out something small. Hesitantly, you took it from him, eyes raking over what you recognised to be a decorative armband. It was finely woven in the traditional Omaticaya style, with tiny beads made from glowing river pebbles woven across the centre. You turned it over and over, committing every knot to memory.
<”Thank you.”> You breathed, unable to find the words to properly convey how touched you were by the gift. Tsu’tey’s smile returned. Taking the armband from you, he softly asked which arm you wished to wear it on. You eagerly thrust your dominant arm at him, motioning to the height in which you wanted it to sit. He nodded along, expertly wrapping the band around your bicep and tightening it accordingly.
<”It looks good on you.”> He monologued, <”surprisingly.”> You gasped mockingly, placing your hand on his chest to shove him away.
<”Stop being an ass and eat.”> You fired back, to which he playfully, his tail batted at you, mouth opening to reply, when a shadow fell over your back and a voice you didn’t recognise spoke up in english.
“Excuse me, um, Dr L/n. Right?”
Tsu’tey’s easy smile had turned venomous as he glared up at the newcomer behind your back, but that could just be his face.
Meanwhile, your face had dropped at the quiet utterance of your sky person title. It sounded wrong in the setting of the clan. The familiar English sounded weird in a place it was no longer welcome.
Turning towards the voice, you looked up to find a young na’vi male smiling sheepishly back at you. Arching a brow, you turned fully towards him, rising to your feet. The pieces slotted into place as he gingerly waved at you, showing off his five digit hands. An avatar then. How the hell did he get accepted?
“It’s Y/n.” You corrected, and he nodded. You waited impatiently for him to continue, tail lashing.
He floundered for an explanation, eyes catching on someone over your shoulder before he pulled himself together. “Right. Um, Grace warned you about me? I’ve been around the clan for a few days now and haven’t been able to track you down.”
You grimaced.
The marine.
Oh god, no. Why?
Absently, a memory did surface of a file on your desk with a man’s face on it and the name ‘Jake Sully’ printed across the front. Although it had been stamped as urgent, you’d simply shoved it aside with everything else and pulled out your laptop to type up some notes. You were deeply regretting not having read that stupid file now.
“Oh, right.” You replied, waiting for more. Jake looked at you like he assumed that was enough. “Well thanks for stopping by-”
“Actually, she said you’d be able to help me.” Jake jumped in before you could turn away. You stilled, sending a thousand mental curse words Grace’s way before fixing him with a stern expression.
“Babysitting isn’t in my job description.” You returned sharply, this time promptly turning your back to resume your dinner. Whilst you’d been distracted, Tsu’tey had also risen to his feet and was watching Jake with a distrustful expression, hand hovering dangerously close to his hunting knife.
“Unbelievable.” The marine scoffed, but cut himself off when Tsu’tey tensed. You smacked your friend's thigh with the back of your hand, giving him an unimpressed look when he looked down to snap at you. You motioned for him to sit back down but he ignored you.
Meanwhile, Jake had clumsily stumbled around the edges of your space to stand in front of you again, his tail swaying side to side. “I’m just asking for a bit of guidance.”
“Neytiri is your guidance. Learn quick and learn well, you will die if you fuck up.”
“That’s it, that’s all the advice I get?”
“It’s more than I got.”
You hated Hell’s Gate. It was too cut off from the forest with its loud occupants and stone walls. And loud with the whirr of machinery and people in a way the forest never was.
It was jarring to unlink from a world that was so open and free to a life of tight corridors and exo packs whenever you wished to step beyond the protective barriers of the buildings. As a result, you tended to spend as little time as possible here, only unlinking long enough to keep this body alive before hopping straight back into the link to do more ‘research’.
Staying longer with the clan would’ve been much more bearable than whatever thing Grace wanted to talk about, but since you ignored her last request to look after Jake, you felt that you owed her in some way. Something told you that if you didn’t turn up of your own free will, she would stand outside of your link unit until you were done for the day and ambush you then. She’d done it before, and you knew she wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.
With a sigh, you allowed yourself to start moving within the link unit. Reaching for the latch, you winced as the bright, overhead lights of the lab flooded into the dim unit, momentarily blinding you as the unfamiliar sound of commotion filtered into the small space. You took a breath, then pushed the unit open, following it up to find the lab alive with activity. Scientists were buzzing around the tight space in white lab coats, hurriedly packing away equipment and supplies into large storage boxes as if the building was on fire.
Heaving your stiff muscles over the side of the unit, you felt disorientated by the height of this body in contrast to your avatar, momentarily clutching the side of the unit to calm your spinning mind as you collected yourself. Your shirt was musty and clung to your sweaty back only adding to your discomfort as your legs tingled with pins and needles.
Eventually, you managed to straighten up, which immediately caught Max’s attention. “Oh, Dr.” He greeted cheerfully, unaware of your grimace at the professional title. He broke away from the group he’d been helping dismantle exo packs, and made a beeline to the messy disaster that was your desk. Pulling your lab coat off the back of your office chair, he approached you with a smile. “We didn’t hear you unlink.” He apologised as he approached, holding the coat out towards you with his hands on the shoulder.
“Long time no see Max.” You greeted with a tight smile, as you turned and allowed him to help you into the coat, it smelt better than your shirt, but was in desperate need of a wash. You were pretty sure there was dust on the sleeves.
“Yeah well, everyone’s been busy.” He returned easily, turning and disappearing off in the direction of the coffee machine, leaving you to stand stupidly next to your link unit, internally debating just climbing back inside and going back to the clan. From what you could see, Jake’s unit was empty so he wasn’t even around to annoy you this time.
Instead, you kept your feet firmly planted in place, the mental image of Grace standing over your unit the next time you opened it keeping you from running away. To occupy yourself you focused on the commotion across the room. Your eyes slipping over the new faces who must have come in during the last rotation, whereas faces you’d grown used to over your eight month stay were absent, either by choice or having rotated home already. Time was weird on Pandora afterall.
“Y/n, nice of you to join us.” Grace swept into the room with a dramatic sweep of her arms.
You smiled, taking her hand when she offered it and giving a firm shake. “Dr Augustine, you wanted to speak with me.”
“I did.” Grace confirmed, turning sharply to begin helping pack up yet another box. You winced as she grabbed fistfuls of important looking documents as well as fragile equipment and began shovelling the lot into the nearest storage box. “We’re moving to an off grid base. Our newest driver is talking to Quaritch.”
If your ears could prick in interest in this body, they would be raised high. “Jake?”
“That’s him. I’m sure you’ve seen him around HomeTree?”
“Yeah, he’s a persistent fucker.”
“That’s him alright.” Grace replied with a shake of her head, “constantly comes out of the link complaining about how good you are at slipping away.” Then she turned to you, all the carefree attitude of earlier melting away as her expression grew serious. “Look, we’re gonna need your field notes and jungle knowledge if this is going to be successful. Oh, and I need you to scout the Hallelujah Mountain base to see if it's livable.”
You pursed your lips, “on one condition.”
Grace cut in, grinning with confidence that suggested she knew exactly how to get you to agree. “You will have unlimited access to the link unit and your avatar.”
You raised your eyebrows, impressed by how easily she’d guessed your motives. “I’ll pack my desk.” She patted you on the back, and the lab dissolved into silence once more.
You spent the next couple of days, dodging Jake’s constant questions and annoying ability to pop up at the most inconvenient of times. In theory, it should’ve been harder for him to find you between training with Neytiri and your own obligations to the clan as a hunter. But nope, Jake was a stubborn one.
Which led you to now, it was a fresh day. The link units had been open and ready when you rolled out of bed this morning, the lab blessedly empty as you slid into your unofficial unit and woke up in your avatar.
Jake’s avatar was still dead to the world near Neytiri’s hammock on the other side of the sleeping levels, so you’d clambered up to the rookery. Eager to get away from HomeTree before he could wake and to check out that mountain base for Grace. The clan had brought in a big hunt yesterday that would require all hands to dismantle and preserve, so you wouldn’t be missed much.
Tsu’tey was already awake and tending to his ikran when you reached the top most level of HomeTree where the ikrans roosted. He nodded in greeting as you slipped past, which you returned with a nod of your own before calling for you ikran.
The beast was quick to answer, coming in to land with a majestic beat of his wings and a greeting call. You stroked his snout as he offered it, glad to see that his saddle remained on and secure, since new mounts tended to tear at them until they got used to the sensation.
<”Good morning.”> You mused, laughing when he chirped in greeting, nuzzling your shoulder. <”What do you say, want to get out of here?”> The ikran seemed to nod, shifting his stance so you could easily climb up.
Patting his shoulder with a soft promise to get breakfast on the way, you easily pulled yourself up into the saddle. Automatically, your ikran shifted so you were sat more comfortably, your long legs finding the stirrups as you reached back for your main braid, pulling it over your shoulder, you reached for his antenna and connected your kuru.
It was a surreal experience, to feel the bark digging into your feet, but be sat on the back of an ikran with your feet cushioned by smooth leather and warm hide.
<”You need to straighten your posture.”> Tsu’tey commented from across the way, to which you waved him off, even as you followed his advice. Beneath you, your ikran turned to the edge of the branch, claws digging into the mossy wood as he looked out over the forest.
<”Make sure you don’t overdo it.”> Tsu’tey continued, he’d wandered away from his own mount to watch you, eyes critical with his arms crossed. <”Remember ride-”>
<”Ride the winds, find the air currents.”> You parroted back with a smile, <”I never knew you cared Tsu’tey.”> He scoffed.
<”It would be embarrassing to be associated with you if you fell off.”>
<”You and your stupid pride.”> You joked, before adding more seriously. <”I’ll be careful.”>
“Dr L/n, do you have a moment!” Jake called from the helix staircase.
<”Go. I will see you at dinner.”> Tsu’tey urged giving your ikran a soft push, coaxing him towards the edge where you asked him to tuck in his wings and dive. The joyous whoop you let out drowned out the rest of whatever Jake was trying to tell you.
You had grown used to flying on your ikran. In contrast, sitting in the passenger seat of a helicopter was dull.
There was no wind in your braids or the constant threat of your visor slipping. Only the view from the windows which made you feel removed from Pandora rather than one with it. Trapped inside the helicopter with an exo pack strapped to your belt, reminded you of how painfully human you were, regardless of the fact you spent the majority of your days amongst the People, taking to the skies, and being twice your usual height.
At least the company was amusing.
Sully wasn’t so bad, you realised.
His tongue was sharp as he engaged in multiple verbal sparring matches with Grace, and his senses were honed to a degree that spoke of experience in the field. He fit easily into the little ragtag group of three scientists and Trudy, the insults rolling easily off of him when Norm made a probing remark.
But that didn’t mean you liked him.
You hardly knew anything about him. He was clumsy in his avatar, and way too happy to come running to you for answers instead of waiting two minutes to think about it himself. He wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, a fact which he proved multiple times whenever faced with an issue he couldn’t solve using his fists or a gun.
At least in short bursts, you could somewhat tolerate him.
The pocket compound was cramped with the five of you crowded into it, but you didn’t care much. As soon as you’d thrown your bag onto your bunk, you were weaving around the others towards the link room.
“Make sure you eat.” Grace called at your turned back, to which Trudy shoved a protein ration into your hands. You nodded your thanks, waving the bar above your head so Grace could see that you had something.
Slipping into the link room, you tossed the bar onto an overhead shelf, content to have something more filling when you unlinked later, before starting up the closest unit.
Across the room, Jake was also linking up. His wheelchair pushed to the side, with him already sitting on the side of the unit, whilst Norm fiddled with the controls. You nodded politely when you caught their attention, before busying yourself with the machine in front of you.
The connection out in the middle of nowhere was shockingly worse than the compound, with the technology being years older, but it was good enough. Before long, you were laying down on the bed of silicone and pulling the unit lid down.
Your mind drifted to HomeTree, to the daylight already wasted thanks to this change of location, and before you knew it, you were opening your eyes in your hammock high above the main chamber. The surrounding hammocks were empty, suggesting that everyone else was already hard at work several levels below. You were already dreading the tongue lashing Tsu’tey would no doubt have lined up for you.
Rolling out of your hammock, you reached for your bow and slung it over your shoulder before darting for the staircase that wound down into the main chamber.
There you found Tsu’tey sitting beside the main fire, carving new details into the top of his bow. His head was bent, eyes fixed on his work. Keeping your footsteps light, you held your breath as you tiptoed past him, intending to slip into the forest unnoticed under the guise that you’d been hard at work all morning.
<“You’re late.”> The sheer authority in his tone had your movements stilling and your plans going up in smoke. The hunter continued to whittle the wood, eyes never leaving the task at hand as the crackle of the flames filled the silence.
<“We moved compounds.”> You found yourself explaining, feeling weird about talking about your other life in the safety of HomeTree. <“Somewhere safer.”>
Tsu’tey’s hand stilled on the bow, ears flicking before he composed himself and continued to add detail to the rearing pa’li appearing in the wood. <“You’re away from the Sky People?”>
<“The more dangerous ones, yes.”>
Tsu’tey nodded, <“good.”>
<“Any chance of breakfast?”>
He shook his head. <“You’ll have to wait until the evening meal.”> You pouted but didn’t bother attempting to change his mind. Thankfully, the forest was always rich in fruits and nuts so you’d be fine until later.
<“Tsu’tey.”> Came Neytiri’s voice from the staircase behind you, Jake following her down the last few branches. As Tsu’tey put down his carving to greet her, you bowed your head respectfully before nodding to Jake. He nodded back, eyes flickering uncertainly from Neytiri’s turned back to Tsu’tey’s towering form. You shifted your stance, curious as to why the marine wasn’t hounding you for information and what Neytiri wanted with Tsu’tey.
You didn’t have to wait long as the woman in question straightened up with a simple, “then it is decided.”
Jake did not look overly pleased by this development.
At your confused expression, Tsu’tey stepped forward, his previously warm expression melted away by a stony exterior. “Jake-Sully will be joining us on today’s hunt.”
“Haven’t the other’s already left?” Hours ago judging by the location of the sun.
“We will be hunting separately.” Neytiri explained as if that were obvious. Your heart sank as you realised your day was about to consist of babysitting the marine. Judging by Tsu’tey’s face, he shared your realisation. “Jake needs to observe personally before his own kill.”
You sighed deeply, earning yourself a playful hit from Jake who would normally be trying to argue that he wasn’t that bad. You butted in before his long winded explanation could begin. “Keep up.” You warned him with an accusatory finger. “I’m not hauling your ass out of any bogs.” Was all the advice you offered before following Tsu’tey out of HomeTree and to the right where the pa’li preferred to graze. Since Jake hadn’t yet taken the final test, there was no point in taking the ikran.
Jake mounted his pa’li easily enough, to your surprise as you swung up onto your own mount. He fumbled in connecting his queue but remained seated when he urged his pa’li to follow Neytiri’s off into the undergrowth. You and Tsu’tey held back, exchanging exasperated looks before following near the back of the pack.
Your location in the herd gave you plenty of time to observe the marine. He was a lot more acquainted with his body than the first time you’d spoken when he’d been all long limbs and a loud voice. Now, he ducked to avoid the leaves, kept his pa’li steady despite scanning the undergrowth for potential prey. It was almost impressive, until he tried to jump his pa’li over a fallen log and slid off its back upon impact.
You tried to stifle your laugh as he hurried to pick himself up and haul his muddy ass back onto his pa’li before Neytiri turned around. To her credit, she only rolled her eyes at him a little before continuing on into the undergrowth.
A sharp prod to your lower back had you growling at Tsu’tey, who didn’t even pretend he hadn’t jabbed you with the end of his bow. <“Stop watching him. Focus.”> He teased, and you slowed your pa’li enough to reach across the space between you and smack his shoulder.
“Focus, you two.” Neytiri yelled from the front of the herd, “you can braid each other's hair later.”
Tsu’tey clicked his tongue, ears slicked back, whilst you playfully tugged at one his braids which was coming loose at the end and looking a bit worse for wear. <”You might have to take me up on that offer, Tsu’tey.”> You mused as he swiped at you with his bow.
<”As if I’d let you. You’d mess it up.”>
<”Hey I’ve gotten better.”>
<”You call /that/ better?”> Tsu’tey fired back, motioning to your own head of hair. Dramatically, you gasped pretending to be offended.
“Focus!” Neytiri repeated from the head of the herd, not even bothering to look back. You got in one last joking hit to his side before spurring your pa’li into a canter and taking off. Tsu’tey cursed at you for your troubles but didn’t bother to pursue. You both knew he’d find his own way of getting revenge anyway.
Before long, Neytiri grew so bored of your antics that she ordered everyone off of the pa’li to track yerik on foot. “I cannot believe Jake is better behaved than you.”
“Hey!” The marine interjected, only for Neytiri to wave him off dismissively.
Tsu’tey shouldered past you, throwing a smirk over his shoulder as he followed Neytiri deeper into the bush, Jake walking after them at a lazy pace. You rolled your eyes, before pulling your bow from your shoulder and holding it in your dominant hand, an arrow resting between your fingers as you fell into step behind the group.
The forests were always bountiful this far from the clan, so finding yerik wasn’t the hard part of the hunt. In contrast, the issue lay with what other predators had also come for the yerik.
You were up a tree when the thanator slunk into the clearing behind an unsuspecting Jake, your bow already notched in preparation to take down one of the grazing yerik.
To your left Neytiri yelled, drawing you and Tsu’tey’s attention off of your respective prey. You followed her gaze down to Jake and the advancing thanator, the former completely unaware of the approaching threat.
“Jake!” Neytiri yelled from the trees, scaring off the yerik and drawing the marine’s attention to her. She was frantic in pointing out the thanator, who hissed at Jake’s turned back. The man froze, a look of pure despair emerging onto his face before he even turned around.
“Run idiot!” Tsu’tey interjected, bow drawn to deter the thanator with arrows.
For once in his life, Jake listened to orders and took off at a dead sprint. Neytiri’s training showed in how he moved fast through the undergrowth, flying over fallen trees and slipping through the gaps in the trees whilst the thanator charged after him, obliterating everything in its path.
As the marine made steady progress on the forest floor, the three of you tracked his movements from the safety of the trees. Tsu’tey continued to fire arrows at the animal, careful not to wound it unnecessarily when he could scare it off with enough of a threat, whereas Neytiri kept ordering Jake to climb. Which the marine took no notice of when he dove into the roots of a tree and disappeared from sight instead of going up.
The thanator leapt onto the place he’d disappeared, shoving one of its arms into the dark space after him. It shrieked as it came up empty handed, before withdrawing and instead deciding to tear at the roots with its teeth. The sound of colourful swearing coming from beneath the tree was the only indication it hadn’t gotten to Jake yet.
Whilst you watched the spectacle as one would watch a car crash, you couldn’t help but hear Grace in the back of your mind. Her voice reminding you of how expensive the avatars were, and how long they took to develop, and how long they would take to heal. She would kill the pair of you if Jake got this body killed. And there was one thing for certain, you were more scared of Grace’s wrath than any six legged house cat.
With a sigh, you disengaged your bow and slung it over your shoulder. By nature, thanators weren’t the largest predators in the forest, they had a fight or flight mode that could be easily triggered by sudden movements or enough aggression. You prayed that it would perceive you as enough of a threat.
Tsu’tey paused in shooting at it as you peered down through the trees, mentally calculating whether the drop would do more harm than good. He must have recognised something in your expression, because in moments he was shoving through the leaves and leaping onto your branch, hand outstretched to grab your bicep. <”Don’t.”> Tsu’tey warned, hands closing around open air as you lent forward.
With a war cry, you dropped from the trees, ripping through layers of foliage with thunderous cracks that made the thanator’s gaze shoot upwards, before it leaped back with a snarl as you landed with a loud thump where it had previously been. Your knees bent upon landing, taking most of the impact as your tail thrashed. You pulled back your lips to display your fangs and hissed harshly, making yourself as big as you physically could. The thanator glares back at you, the mobile plates on its muzzle rising as it roared back. Feeling bold, you took a firm step closer, ears pinned back threateningly. Reaching for your bow.
“Jake!” You snapped, not daring to break eye contact with the predator currently sizing you up. “Stand tall and remain calm.”
“How the hell are you doing that?” He laughed, bordering on hysterical, but judging by his grunts and the rustle of grass had done as you’d asked.
“Deep breath.” You ordered, hearing him do just that. “Shoulders back.”
The thantor bunched, its muscles coiling in preparation to pounce. Somewhere above Neytiri ordered Jake to climb, you held firm, forgoing the arrow as you gripped the end of your bow like you would a spear. The beast met your gaze, eyes narrowed. You hunched your shoulders, arms tensed in silent challenge.
You saw the moment it came to a decision. Saw the slightest clench of its claws sinking into the dirt, the single flick of its tail before it pounced.
“Run Jake!” You shouted, leaping to the side, cracking your bow across its brow with enough force to throw it off course. Then you turned tail and ran.
Scrambling up the tree after Jake, you pushed at the marine’s feet, urging him up higher as you heard the thanator shake itself. The beast roared in outrage, thunderous footsteps rapidly approaching the base of the tree. Bark splintered under powerful claws, massive teeth snapping closed.
Muscles screaming, you cleared the first branches, throwing your bow up ahead of you onto a thick one, your nails bit into the trunk as you tried to hook your leg over. Powerful hands gripped your weapons strap, hauling you the rest of the way up.
You’d lost sight of Jake but judging by the harsh scolding coming from a higher branch, Neytiri had already gotten her hands on him.
Tsu’tey dragged you the rest of the way onto the branch, hands tight on your shoulders as he checked you for injuries, expression unreadable. When concluded that you were fine, he shook you. <“What were you thinking?”>
You gritted your teeth, prying his hands off of you. <“He was about to die.”>
<“Then you should’ve let him. Coddling him will not help him learn.”>
Your expression hardened, eyes narrowing as you rose to your feet. <“I’ll remember that next time you need saving.”>
Neytiri groaned from the branch above, poking her head around the trunk to glare at the pair of you. <“You’re like children!”> She snapped before pointing at Tsu’tey. <"You, stop being an ass. And you.”>
She flicked her gaze to you, <“Idiot!”> She smacked you upside the head making you snap at her. <”Never do that again!”>
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thegreatpapaya666 · 1 month
Vox Headcanons
(I was working on these with a friend :3)
- Vox is a transgender man. - He has 11 sharks named Victor, Veronica, Vivian, Vincent, Viera, Victoria, Vance, Veer, Valkyrie, Vanessa, and Vark. - He is dating Valentino, though it is an explicitly stated "open relationship." Valentino often gets jealous of Vox flirting with other people, though, and the "open" status is subject to change on a dime. - Vox forgets to eat and sleep until either Valentino and Velvette remind him, or he passes out from exhaustion. - He puts his work before everyone else in his life, even himself. - He was friends with Alastor for a long time and gained most of his current power from working with Alastor. But after confessing his love to Alastor and his feelings not being returned, Vox didn't take the rejection well and fought him. He almost lost the fight, but Alastor chose to spare him and Valentino found him hours later. - The fallout was also caused by Vox changing as a person, being corrupted by the technological advances he was making with VoxTek. After partnering with Valentino, changing his own head from a CRT TV to a flat screen TV, using mind control to manipulate his viewers, and neglecting the quality of his products, Alastor felt like Vox was a different person. - Vox still has a crush on Alastor, though he hides it behind a facade of hatred and disgust. - Vox is an ENTJ. - He's touch starved. - Vox is horrible with kids, but connects with children on the autism spectrum. - Vox can open internet tabs in his brain, as well as view security footage and send messages. Everything he sees is recorded with high-quality video and audio. - Every interaction he's had with Alastor is saved in a folder buried deep in his files that he only opens during "alone time." - When Vox dreams, they're projected on his screen for anyone to see. He doesn't know about this. - Vox's screen gets a pink tint when he blushes. - His antennae twitch when he's overwhelmed or flustered. - Vox can show pictures and videos on his screen. - He can play piano and guitar. - When asked the question, "ass, tits, or thighs," he always picks ass. - He's somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. - Vox is always up by 5 AM and never sleeps in. - He can turn his pain, auditory, olfactory, and taste receptors on and off. - Vox had a traumatic childhood with a verbally abusive mother and a physically abusive father. - He had a brother who also went to Hell, but he hasn't been able to locate him. - Vox is a switch but prefers to top because of how much he likes being in control. - He's autistic. - When he was alive, he had a wife who he would frequently cheat on, and two children named Alice and James. - The first time Vox had sex with a man was drunk with Valentino, who was his bisexual awakening. - Vox was popular in school. - When he spawned in Hell, he changed his name from Mary to Vox as a fresh start. - He sleeps in shark themed boxers. - During game night with the rest of the Vees, when it's his turn to pick the game, he always picks Monopoly. Valentino and Velvette have yet to beat him, but they have an evil plan to cheat and make Vox cry and are going to enact it next game night. - He wears rainbow striped socks. - Vox sometimes listens to musical soundtracks while he's working. - His favorite drink is bourbon. - His favorite color is red, but he always lies and says it's blue. - Vox's favorite food is Alastor's jambalaya, but he'll never tell anyone. - He's from New Jersey. - He owns a shark onesie he wears for sleepovers. - You know those Terms of Service nobody reads when you make an account on a new website or agree to a new setting? Well Vox manipulates the fine print to be used as a soul contract if you own your soul. That's how he rose to power so quickly, because millions of unsuspecting sinners were unknowingly giving Vox their souls by signing up for Sinstagram and other apps.
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antennaexperts · 1 year
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apod · 7 months
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2024 March 1
Odysseus and The Dish Image Credit & Copyright: John Sarkissian (ATNF Parkes Radio Observatory)
Explanation: Murriyang, the CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope points toward a nearly Full Moon in this image from New South Wales, Australia, planet Earth. Bathed in moonlight, the 64 meter dish is receiving weak radio signals from Odysseus, following the robotic lander's February 22 touch down some 300 kilometers north of the Moon's south pole. The landing of Odysseus represents the first U.S. landing on the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. Odysseus' tilted orientation on the lunar surface prevents its high-gain antenna from pointing toward Earth. But the sensitivity of the large, steerable Parkes dish significantly improved the reception of data from the experiments delivered to the lunar surface by the robotic moon lander. Of course the Parkes Radio Telescope dish became famous for its superior lunar television reception during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, allowing denizens of planet Earth to watch the first moonwalk.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240301.html
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rfantennaindia · 3 months
915MHz 5dBi Rubber Magnetic Antenna with RG174 Cable (L -3Mtr) + SMA Male Connector
We are manufacturer of Antenna in India, We are world Wide Supplier.
Eteily is a global supplier of Antenna, as manufacturer we understand customer requirement and provide best solution. Our product lead time is very less we also big stockiest of our product. We provide our solution to various Industries such as Metering, Navigation, IoT, Marine, Telematic, Automation, M2M and other markets. We make all type and all frequencies antenna which include 5G 4G 3G 2G, IoT LoRa Helium, SigFox, GPS, GLONASS, IRNSS, BeiDou, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC and  many more.
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quillpokebiology · 8 months
Bidoof Crossbreeds: Spillway
(Name from @tlblitzle )
Spillway is the name for a Bidoof/Bibarel whose fathers are members of the Dragonite line. They got their name from Spillway's, which are passages for water from a dam. The breed is basically non-existent in the wild due to the Dragonite line living in the ocean and Bidoof living in lakes.
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Spillway Bidoof are loved for their ears and tail, which now look like the feathery wings of Dratini. They're bigger and shed a lot more than standard Bidoof, and they're considered high mantinence pokemon. In many ancient civilizations, the wealthy would often have many of these Bidoof about in their ponds.
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After evolving, Spillway Bibarel gain a golden fur color, a feathery shaped 'mask,' and logo antenna. They're about a foot taller than standard Bidoof, and a lot heavier as well. Because of their golden fur, many legends state that if you follow a Spillway Bibarel to their dam, you'll find mountains of gold. Also, this is more for contest peeps, judges absolutely love this breed. BUT because of their size, they can be dangerous to breed. It's safer to breed a female Dragonite and a Male Bibarel, even if that crossbreed isn't as elegant.
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Iterator Puppet Anatomy? On YOUR dash?
It's more likely than you think.
These are just a collection of my thoughts on how the average iterator puppet functions, specifically pertaining to my Disconnected AU. Because yes I have Thoughts, Headcanons, and Musings. Keep in mind that these are general qualities, but some puppets may have variations and whatnot.
Iterator puppets, just like many other organisms created by the ancients, are a melding of biological, mechanical, and electronic components, and they are built to last. Repair microbes are integrated into their every component, from their metallic skeleton to their biological muscles to their hardening sensory sheathes to their tinted micorbe-covered skin. Most components are able to be restored eventually.
Alongside mechanical wiring across the body, there is also a bioprocessing system within the puppet, which can take nutrients from the mechanical arm or through the skin and pass it around the puppet where it needs to go.
The biological components can last for a long, long while without nutrients, but not forever. Luckily, so long as the puppet isn't doing much, the nutrient requirements are not high, and it can bounce back with an influx of nutrients... so long as there is enough left to restore.
Core Processes/Components
Puppets have rarefaction cells in their chest that serve as an internal power source. This cell rarefacts the scant waste products from the biological components. However, if the cell is damaged or faulty, it cannot be easily repaired due to the void fluid within hampering the microbes.
The puppet's head has homeostasis, olfactory, ocular, auditory, and radio inputs and processing. However, there isn't enough processing to do more than maintain the puppet without the aid of neuron flies.
Most iterators are connected to their can in three ways.
The mechanical arm
The mechanical arm is what allows for an iterator to move about their chamber. Alongside that, it also provides an intake and outtake for nutrients and water for the puppet.
The umbilical
The umbilical is how the puppet gets extra power and shares data with the rest of the can. The blue wires are for power, while the red wires are for data transfer. Older iterators have more red wires than newer ones.
The neurons
The puppet is able to connect to neurons directly. In normal processing these are the neurons around the puppet chamber, and are used for more direct memory control. However, in an emergency, neurons can be brought into the puppet chamber to allow for the puppet to process things without any other outside input. This is *supposed* to be temporary, but in practice this setup can last for a long time, if not indefinitely, so long as their usage is managed. However, neurons are not conductive to long-term memory storage.
Misc Notes
The puppet can communicate directly with their overseers, either through direct contact or through their antenna.
Reading pearls temporarily gives the puppet a bit of extra clarity, allowing for them to organize their thoughts and think more clearly.
However, writing to pearls is near-impossible without an external power source to aid in the process.
Puppets can gain strength and muscle mass through exercise, though most don't really think about this feature because it isn't usually relevant or useful in their day-to-day.
Puppets can sweat for thermoregulation purposes.
Puppets breathe through their skin. They can also breathe underwater, though barely, and air breathing is much preferred.
Ordinarily, puppets do not have a scent, but they can develop one due to various circumstances.
And... that's it for now. Thanks for reading. Might post more eventually. Have a good day!
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