#High-Efficiency Antenna
eteilytech · 1 year
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teacupwrites · 7 months
Vox, Valentino, and Angel with Moth! Reader
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You were a sunset moth, wings black on the outside with gorgeous rays of rainbows on the inside
Initially he wasn’t the biggest fan of having a constant reminder of Valentino as his right hand assistant
You were pretty calm, and honestly very laid-back with your emotions
You did what you were told and he liked that about you
Look- living in hell was hard and you needed a job, and you planned on keeping it
I like to think that moth demons usually keep their wings concealed in a similar way that Val does
So whether you use it as a coat, cape, skirt, dress? Vox doesn’t think too much of it at first
He was in a relationship with Valentino and even he hadn’t seen them all too much
Though little did he know that was the key to your emotions
One time, you were walking alongside Vox, updating him on his schedule and marking off any meetings he wished to cancel 
But this dumb bitch kept interrupting you
It wasn’t uncommon for paparazzi to crowd at Vox- he was an Overlord, it’s to be expected
But this girl was being a real bitch
So you were quick to whip around, wings flaring and antenna unfurling as you seethed to the woman, nearly clawing her face off as she backed away
Then as she finally left, your wings drooped, but kept out, hanging behind you like a cape as you turned back to Vox, and read off the rest of his schedule 
However, the TV headed Overlord wasn’t paying much attention, instead he was much more infatuated with the colorful wings perched on your back
They caught attention, his attention
You were useful, and he needed to take advantage of that
Ever since then Vox brought you around everywhere, which brought even more attention to you
Safe to say, you no longer reminded him of Valentino
Instead, you were the pretty little moth that helped bring more attention to his business
“I still don’t understand why you’re using me as a model,” you muttered, quirking an eyebrow as Vox held and observed your wings, handling them very delicately despite his excitement. “I mean- can’t you use Valentino?”
Vox hummed in reply, bringing his hands away to quickly copy down more commands into his computers, modeling out a robot that took the shape of a moth, a spy tool
“Because you’re wings are better than Val’s,” he quipped, coming back over and gently pressing down onto the base of your wings, the sensitive area just behind your shoulder blade. “And he wouldn’t let me.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning back into his feeling touch with a grumble.
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Moth demons aren’t by any means completely rare, and Valentino knew that
It was just that most of them were…bland, lacking in color and any kind of beauty that would bring people to his studio
So he paid them no mind
But you were different
You were a rosy maple moth, colored bright pinks and yellows and attracting attention wherever you went
Valentino was out in a luxury restaurant with Vox and Velvette, discussing business
And then you came by, prancing in your little uniform as you brought them complimentary drinks since they were Overlords, carefully crafted alcohol each handed to him by one of your three free hands
To say Valentino was interested was an understatement
He purposely took a long time to order just so you could stay by for longer
You were quick and efficient, getting all of their orders correct on the first try, 
When you came back you showed off your arm strength, each one holding up their plates high and setting them down with utmost caution before the three of them
Your colors were so bright, so eye-catching
How could Valentino not get you fired just so he could hire you as one of his own?
You were quite easy to catch, trapped up in his little web where you now worked for him
Once you did, he made sure you worked in the most populated bar he owned
You still had no idea just how much Valentino manipulated you, but you aren’t to blame for that
He babied you incredibly, broke you down with strung up hands and then built you back up just to make you trust him even more
He struck your deepest insecurities, manipulating you by taking random girls and boys and making you stand nearby as those cruel demons mocked you
And Valentino would then shoo them away, and baby you
You were never in any films as one of the main characters, (the ones who have sex)
But you were always teased as such, and were actually pasted across many posters of said films
You were photogenic, and Valentino took advantage of this
“‘Greetings sir, welcome to the….the…’ shit,” you sighed as you forgot your lines, bringing out your script from the folds of your wings to glance at it. “Sir I don’t think I’m gonna remember this.”
You looked to Valentino, shifting from where you stood, giving the werewolf actor above you a side glance. He drooled like a madman, some of it even dripping down onto your antenna, making you flinch back.
“You’re doing great, baby,” he called from his director's chair, right leg crossed over his left as he looked at you, pink smoke billowing around him as he gave a toothy smile. “Just improv it.”
You shifted, slightly unsure of just how good you’d be able to ‘improv’ your lines. 
“Don’t worry about it too much,” he insisted, standing up and slowly striding over to you, resting one of his hands on your shoulder as you followed him with your gaze. “No one’s watching the dialogue, right? They just want to see this.”
He ran one of his free hands down the shape of your wings, making you shudder lightly, antenna unfurling and twitching high up into the air.
“So just say whatever, okay?”
You nodded slowly, blushing hardly as he held your waist and shoulders with his much larger hands, leaning down and pecking a gentle kiss on your cheek before returning to his chair.
Angel Dust
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Out of the three, he probably took the longest to trust you
Not only did you work for Valentino, but you also happened to be the same species of demon
You were an atlas moth, with colors reminiscent of cinnamon
And you were a camera man/woman
So you and Angel often were in the same room during shoots
He didn’t resent you- it just took him a while to convince him that you weren’t gonna hurt him
In-between takes you would skitter forward and quickly fix up his hair and makeup, 
Unlike a lot of the other workers, your touch was gentle and caring, gently running your clawed hands through his hair, and dabbing a brush across his cheekbones to fix up the color
Slowly but surely, you began to hang out outside of work
One time- you spotted him in a bar with Cherri (who wasn’t the fondest of you)
You came over, offering to buy drinks
At first, Angel was very cautious, watching how you handled their drinks, 
Cherri carried this too
Then- that one dreadful night, where Valentino was in the same bar
Angel had rushed forward to protect Niffty, where the moth Overlord looked down at Angel with a sickly sadism
But before Valentino could continue his taunting- and getting Angel to snap- you spoke up from the crowd
“Valentino,” you began, catching your boss’ attention. “Leave him alone, he’s off the clock so just drop it
For a long moment, Angel looked at you like you were fucking insane- but you stood your ground
And after a long moment, Valentino sighed- grumbling to himself before finally backing off.
Angel paused for a long moment, before you came over to Angel, taking one of his free hands and helping him to his feet.
“Are you okay?”you asked, voice soft and sweet as you looked to him in concern
Angel took a moment too long to respond, instead looking at you in a mixture of confusion and adoration
“Val’s such an asshole, come on, let’s get back to your friends,” you offered, holding out a hand to him, and yet you didn’t take it by force.
You were lucky Angel didn’t completely malfunction that day
After that one moment, you became Angel’s one and only work friend
He loved Husk, Cherri, and Charlie- but you were different
You knew what it was like
After you two started hanging out more, he began to notice the little things about you
How you would chirp or squeak whenever he ran his hands along the bridge or base of your wings- apparently it felt good because it was hard to scratch and care for back there
Oh- and your antenna, you had special little brushes for them, and Angel loved them to bits- touching them, brushing, petting- all of the above
You were his work friend- his only one
“Ugh-” Angel groaned as he stumbled into your room, plopping down onto your fluffy and thick blankets, rubbing some of his makeup onto your pillows as you followed him inside.
“Just relax Angie,” you eased, crawling onto the bed beside him, fours hands planted on either side as you leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his back. “He’s not here.”
Angel whined in reply, to which you picked up Angel by the waist, sitting him upright before using your low set of hands to gently massage the sore areas along his back and sides
Angel let out a low groan, easing into your touch to which you look to him in mild amusement.
“Thanks, dollface, really,” he managed to get out, smiling and reaching back to hold your face affectionately. “This feels amazing.”
“Just relax, Angie, and let go.”
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dankoneversl33b · 2 months
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so finally, meet Esther Cawthorne
hot mess of broken childhood unhealthy perfectionism and wrong choices, went from gifted kid to burned out disappointment to creature
loves bugs. and isopods. and women.
i don't really know what to say about her as i dont feel like writing her backstory rn maybe main points just in two words tw// s*icide
comes from a family of police officer (mother) and chief of police (father)
lost her mother at young age and witnessed her corpse staged as s*icide at their house. after that was left in abusive household with her father.
can be cold and distant, avoids conversations if possible remaining mostly as listener, or stays close to official manner of speech as it has somewhat stable model she's able to follow and predict.
patient, thinks before doing anything, sometimes overthinks.
lives in paradigma where she either best at everything she does or just no one (at least before she meets people that help her to abandon this mindset).
consealed her emotions as they were deemed wrong
but with patience and kindness her silly :> side can be revealed full of yapping about biology anatomy music and history and her others interests + other silly acts were she doesn't think too much about looking weird. loves explaining things.
avoids talking about her family
may seek warmth and love but too scared of expressing it, as the only person that has once loved her died and the thought that she is unworthy and unwanted has carved too deep into her mind over time.
understanding and protective of those she holds most dear and those in need.
little biological trivia:
forgot to mention on ref, her blood has deep red color due to big concentration of iron in her gem (this is why her gemstone is of such dark color, which is pretty rare amongst sapphires)
usually motion-sensing antennae in memors with high hardness are pretty weak but she trained hers to be able to sense even slightest movement in 5m radius
basically a powerhouse of memorkind having almost all the physical benefits of high-hardness memors, as height, very durable skin and bones.
her organism can efficiently store energy so normally she can stay awake for two days without any damage, but she overdoes it by not sleeping for almost a week harming herself.
suffers from migraines
also for little basis old refs for memor's anatomy (some parts are not canon now (such as skeleton structure) but for general understanding they might do)
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sixhours · 7 months
Chapter 4 - The Ghosts of Babylon
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut and violence Series tags: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Reader, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, LGBTQ+ characters, y/n is bi/pan, y/n is ~45, violence, pregnancy, abortion, medical trauma, emotional trauma, panic attacks, sex work, suicide, smut, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, romance, no use of y/n, reader has longish hair, Joel can lift you, smallish age gap (~11 years), I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
Jackson welcomed you with open arms.
They found you on the other side of Elk River, as you expected. It was easy to play the part of the weary traveler because that’s what you were for the six-weeks-on-foot trek from Kansas City to Jackson. When they sat you down in the interrogation room, you didn’t have to lie about the arduous journey. You turned in your weapons willingly and they didn’t ask to search your bag, which was fortunate–most of your cargo was repurposed radio equipment.
You got the impression the people of Jackson weren’t especially concerned about FEDRA’s influence. Being a thousand miles from the nearest QZ probably had that effect. What they didn’t know was that FEDRA had been setting up outposts for years; dotted along the highways, creating rough paths for delivery routes between the QZs, often cloaked as run-down gas stations or abandoned radio towers. The FEDRA network had grown slowly and stealthily thanks to people like you.
You were offered a home in exchange for work, given the pick of several empty houses that had been cleared for resettlement. You chose a light green, two-story cottage, drawn by the old-fashioned TV antenna springing prominently from the rooftop. That would come in handy.
You joined the town’s only other doctor, a 76-year-old man named Eric, at the tiny clinic just off Main Street and saw plain relief in the man’s eyes on your first day of work. It was clear they needed your experience. They didn’t have much compared to the hospitals in the QZ, but the clinic was efficient and clean. 
It was a straightforward assignment and you slipped into a familiar pattern: Ask around, ingratiate yourself to the community, find the people who made the decisions, and then…listen. You’ve learned that it rarely takes coercion to get people to talk here.
You sigh and drop your pen on the workbench, rolling your head on your shoulders. It’s two in the morning, and you have to be up at 5:30 to take over for the night shift, but you already know you won’t be able to sleep. You’re not used to it yet. Jackson is too quiet, too easy, too safe . Like a mirage in the desert, you keep waiting for it to evaporate into thin air, and yet, a month into this assignment…it’s still here.
You’d told your superiors about the girl on a hunch, and now they want more information. It’s not unusual for you to be asked to dig deeper into an individual, but you’ve never targeted someone so young. You suspect she’s the kid of some high-level Firefly but you don’t ask questions, you never do.
You spin slowly around in the creaking office chair, surveying the dormered attic where you’ve set up the radio and recorder. It’s filled with someone else’s memories, the usual forgotten fodder. Old trunks of graying yellow linens, a broken bicycle, a moldy dress dummy, and dozens of boxes packed with papers and books. Occasionally you paw through the latter looking for reading material–not that you’ve had much time to read.
Tonight your eyes settle on a box near the foot of the workbench, and you begin leafing through it, flicking aside dusty exam papers and report cards, drawings, construction paper turkeys and candy canes.
At the bottom of the box, you unearth a short stack of comic books. You take them out, brushing a thick layer of dust off the top, revealing the first cover: a monstrous creature with white wrinkled skin over a bright red mouth and four sharp teeth. The next book has a glowing UFO soaring across the starry sky and what looks like a fetus in a test tube, and the third shows a ghostly smeared handprint on a window.
You wrinkle your nose but tuck the comics under your arm, thinking they might be the kind of thing a 15-year-old would enjoy.
In the days after meeting Ellie and her father, you do some research. The pair first arrived in Jackson last winter, then promptly disappeared, the circumstances surrounding their departure mysterious enough to become a source of gossip. They reappeared the following spring, but no one can tell you where they’d been.
You learn that Joel works as a contractor and patrolman. He’s surprisingly well-connected in the Jackson hierarchy as Maria’s brother-in-law. He’s respected, but not exactly well-liked; he’s too reserved for that. You know he has an itchy trigger finger and a short temper, and the prominent opinion among many in Jackson is that his daughter is one of his few redeeming qualities.
And you know you don’t stand a chance of getting close to her without gaining Joel’s trust.
You’re turning this over in your mind during your shower one morning, staring at the water-stained floor in your tiny bathroom when you have a flash of inspiration.
Joel is visibly surprised to see you at his door that evening. His eyes widen, then narrow in suspicion.
“Just wanted to check in on my patient. How’s she feeling?”
He sucks in a breath, staring down at you with a sneer like you’ve crossed some deeply personal line.
“She’s fine,” he says.
Ellie pokes her head out the door and sees you standing there with the comic books in your hands. Her eyes go wide. “Is that for me?”
“Hey,” you smile. “And yeah, I found these in my attic and thought–”
The girl shoves her way past Joel before you can finish, grabbing the books from your hands. She flips through the pages, frowning. “Aww man, I was hoping it was…something else. But these look cool.”
“I think this was some sci-fi show back in the 90’s,” you shrug. “I used to watch reruns. Seemed like the kind of thing you’d be into. If you like them, let me know. There may be more up there.”
“They look gross,” she beams at the cover with the white fanged monster, and you decide that’s a mark of praise.
“You done?” Joel snaps, still glaring at you.
“Actually, I have a question for you,” you say, turning back to him. “May I come in?”
Another pause, long enough for Ellie to dig an elbow into the man’s side. “C’mon, man. She’s a doctor . What’s she gonna do, bandage us to death?”
You smirk at this, raising your eyebrows in a silent question.
Joel makes a low sound in his throat. “Fine.”
The house is warm; spartan, but tidy. Not the bachelor-pad-slash-teenage wasteland you’d expected. You step into a small living room with an overstuffed leather couch, a small fireplace, and a coffee table. It smells like pine wood and fresh coffee.
Before you can look around, Joel is standing in front of you, broad-shouldered and scowling.
“So, I heard you’re a contractor,” you begin.
He blinks, expression blank, not offering anything further.
“And I…might have a job for you,” you continue. “My kitchen has some water damage on the back wall and ceiling. The bathroom floor feels soft, and I’m worried it’s not structurally sound.”
“Jobs go through the labor committee,” he says flatly. “Take it up with them.”
You wrinkle your nose. “I know…but it’s such a small thing. I don’t want to waste the committee’s time if it turns out to be nothing. And I don’t even need a builder, necessarily, just someone to take a look at the damage and confirm that my tub’s not going to fall into my kitchen next time I take a bath.”
Another long pause, Ellie looking back and forth between you as the pause unfurls into awkward silence.
“Ugh, he’ll do it,” she says to you.
“Ellie–” he growls a warning.
“God, and you say I have no social skills,” she mutters. “Just fuckin’ do it, Joel. Go help the lady with her kitchen or whatever.”
“She saved my life, right?”
Joel rolls his eyes. “She didn’t–”
“And didn’t you try to, like, shoot her?”
He glares at you before turning back to her. “I didn’t–”
You watch this exchange with fascination, the easy way the young girl neatly dances around his protests.
She smacks him lightly on the arm. “When do you want him?”
The question is so abrupt, it takes you a hot second to realize she’s asking you to name a date. “Tomorrow? I have a shift until 7 but I can take a break to show you my place.”
Joel seethes at Ellie, but she grins, entirely unintimidated.
“Fine,” he mutters through gritted teeth. “Tomorrow. Five.”
“Great. It’s on Coburn, the third house on the left.”
He nods but doesn’t say anything further.
“Guess I’ll show myself out, then,” you say, turning back to the door. As it shuts behind you, you overhear Joel’s low growl.
“What the hell’d you do that for?”
Ellie’s laugh is the only response.
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Vivo V40 Pro: The Ultimate Professional-Grade Smartphone
In the rapidly evolving world of smartphones, the Vivo V40 Pro stands out as a masterpiece of innovation and design. With its cutting-edge technology and professional-grade imaging capabilities, it’s a device that promises to redefine what we expect from a smartphone. Whether you're a photography enthusiast, a tech-savvy professional, or someone who demands the best in mobile technology, the Vivo V40 Pro has something to offer.
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The Vivo V40 Pro is equipped with a 50 MP ZEISS Ultra Wide-Angle Camera and a 50 MP ZEISS OIS Main Camera, ensuring that every photo is sharp, vibrant, and rich in detail. Whether you're capturing expansive landscapes or intimate portraits, the V40 Pro's camera system delivers professional-grade results every time.
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Available in Ganges Blue and Titanium Grey, the V40 Pro offers a choice of colors that are as sophisticated as they are unique. The Infinity Eye Camera Module Design adds a touch of luxury, making this smartphone not just a device but a statement.
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The V40 Pro also features 12GB RAM with an additional 12GB of Extend RAM, giving you the freedom to run multiple apps simultaneously without any slowdown. With 512GB of internal storage, you'll have ample space for all your photos, videos, and apps.
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With Funtouch OS 14, the V40 Pro offers a smooth, customizable user experience. From personalized lock screen styles to advanced multitasking capabilities, the V40 Pro is designed to adapt to your lifestyle, making every interaction seamless and intuitive.
The New Vivo V40 Pro smartphone has a professional-grade tool designed for those who demand the best. With its cutting-edge camera system, sleek design, robust performance, and advanced AI features, the V40 Pro is set to redefine the standards of mobile technology. Whether you're capturing stunning photos, enjoying immersive media, or staying connected on the go, the Vivo V40 Pro is the perfect companion for the modern professional.
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es46 · 6 months
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The principle elder-level of my take, meant to invoke dracule + bullet ants combined with Primeval's future predator - XERRAFERRUS
Title - Ironclad insect Monster class - Neopteran Known locales - Near any environment Element/ailment - Bleed + Defence Down Elemental weakness - Thunder (3), Dragon (2), Fire (1), Water (0), Ice (0) Ailment weakness - Poison (1), Stun (1), Blast (1), Paralysis (1), Sleep (1) Xerraferrus is a neopteran renowned for its ferocity, sighted in all manner of environments. It is distinguished by its lustrous metallic grey carapace and the various blade-like implements of its form, namely the enlarged mandibles and extendable blades on its first and second limb pairs. With its long limbs and extendable stinger stretching from the abdomen, Xerraferrus is a shockingly dexterous and mobile creature, locking onto prey with its keen eyesight and sensitive antenna. Fearless and merciless, Xerraferrus is a terrifying carnivore whose effective predatory tactics belies its occasional forays in grazing flora and fungi. It is particularly efficient at hunting snake wyverns, in which its hook-like tarsal claws and extendable stinger can hook into to hinder the target's mobility. The huge mandibles latch onto the victim, allowing a secondary feeding mechanism, the horn-like proboscis, to draw the victim's blood. Otherwise, traditional mouthparts chew flesh and flora alike. Humans are absolutely at risk from Xerraferrus, whose aggression drives it to attack anything that moves; staying absolutely still is the only means of avoiding its attention. Interestingly, Xerraferrus is most active during the periods of time when the snake wyvern Yondrei Illavius emerges en-masse. The neopterans clearly intend to exploit the huge bounty of potential prey, and researchers are convinced this gorging behaviour is how Xerraferrus prepares for its mating season, moulting into alate forms and departing to reproduce in parts unknown. Between its mandibles and claws, Xerraferrus can inflict gouging wounds on most monsters, likewise inflicting bleed upon hunters. In addition to its speed and the resilience offered by an organic-metal composite in its exoskeletion, Xerraferrus's stinger can launch a highly corrosive acid. This acid eats through most forms of matter with shocking ease, both maiming targets and also softening the ground to let Xerraferrus burrow and attack from below. Xerraferrus is a formidable monster who must not be engaged by low rank hunters unless no other option is available (High Rank - 6, Master Rank - 5). Traps are mostly ineffective against the neopteran; the metallic quality of its exoskeleton is oddly repellant to shock traps and it can dig its way out of pitfalls. Capture can only be recommended if the monster is severely weakened. Hunters are advised to focus on the few vulnerable joints of Xerraferrus, principally the mandibles and abdomen. Xerraferrus knows nigh no fear. Even elder dragons ranging from Namielle to Nergigante must contend with its aggression; although the neopteran is unlikely to win a drawn-out match, it can usually convince the elder dragon that staying in the area is not worth the effort. As the nemesis of snake wyverns, notably Yondrei Illavius, Xerraferrus's mere presence is enough to coerce such monsters to flee their turf without a second thought. The alate form of Xerraferrus, known as Skyward Xerraferrus, is tenatively considered a variant by the Guild, though the neopteran will shed its wings after mating. - Thank you for reading and take care.
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mindfulwrathwrites · 10 months
Words: 13,750 Tags: Horror, Sci-Fi Warnings: Gore, panic attacks, suffocation, POV character losing their grip on reality
We’re about a hundred light years out from Vega, four days into a 33-day long-haul, zipping along at our peak-efficiency speed of Warp Five and just bored enough to start exiting our skulls, when the computer flags something up on my screen.
Possible Signal Detected!
I yawn as I click through. The computer thinks it’s soooo good at detecting signals. What it’s really good at detecting are pulsars and Cepheids and all those other celestial objects that honk like cosmic foghorns, uncrewed. I’ll listen anyway because there’s literally nothing better to do, and sometimes it’s nice to hear a friendly foghorn in the distance.
Except this time, the computer gives me nothing. It’s just the random pops and clicks of deep space, the antenna reading the stars like sheet music. That’s never happened before. I stuff a finger in my non-earpiece-ear to hear better, and still, nothing. Nada. I crank the volume up.
Then I do hear it, and break out in goosebumps all over.
So faint it’s barely there, just a whisper on the antenna, three chirps, three beeps, three chirps. Then a pause. Then it repeats.
I start a frequency sweep, low to high, and it’s always faint but it’s always there. Dit-dit-dit-daa-daa-daa-dit-dit-dit. Broadcast in radio white noise, which you are never, ever supposed to do.
With one exception.
Keep reading
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NASA completes spacecraft to transport, support Roman Space Telescope
The spacecraft bus that will deliver NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope to its orbit and enable it to function once there is now complete after years of construction, installation, and testing.
Now that the spacecraft is assembled, engineers will begin working to integrate the observatory’s other major components, including the science instruments and the telescope itself.
“They call it a spacecraft bus for a reason — it gets the telescope to where it needs to be in space,” said Jackie Townsend, the Roman deputy project manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “But it’s really more like an RV because it has a whole assortment of functions that enable Roman to accomplish its scientific goals while out there too.”
Those goals include surveying wide swaths of the universe to study things like: dark energy, a mysterious cosmic pressure thought to accelerate the universe’s expansion; dark matter, invisible matter seen only via its gravitational influence; and exoplanets, worlds beyond our solar system.
The mission’s science wouldn’t be possible without a spacecraft to transport the telescope, point the observatory toward different cosmic targets, provide power, communicate with Earth, control and store instrument data, and regulate Roman’s temperature. Nearly 50 miles of electrical cabling are laced throughout the assembly to enable different parts of the observatory to communicate with each other.
The spacecraft will also deploy several major elements that will be stowed for launch, including the solar panels, deployable aperture cover, lower instrument Sun shade, and high-gain antenna. It’s also responsible for collecting and beaming down data, which is no small task for a space observatory that will survey the cosmos like Roman will.
“Roman will send back 1.4 terabytes of data per day, compared to about 50 to 60 gigabytes from the James Webb Space Telescope and three gigabytes from the Hubble Space Telescope,” said Jason Hylan, the Roman observatory manager at NASA Goddard. “Webb’s daily downlink is roughly comparable to 13 hours of YouTube video at the highest quality while Roman’s would amount to about 2 weeks.”
A Goddard Grand Slam
This milestone is the culmination of eight years of spacecraft design work, building, and testing by hundreds of people at Goddard.
“Goddard employees were the brains, designers, and executors. And they worked with vendors who supplied all the right parts,” Townsend said. “We leaned on generations of expertise in the spacecraft arena to work around cost and schedule challenges that arose from supply chain issues and the pandemic.”
One time- and money-saving technique the team came up with was building a spacecraft mockup, called the structural verification unit. That allowed them to do two things at once: complete strength testing on the mockup, designed specifically for that purpose, while also assembling the actual spacecraft.
The spacecraft’s clever layout also allowed the team to adapt to changing schedules. It’s designed to be modular, “more like Trivial Pursuit pie pieces than a nesting egg, where interior components are buried inside,” Townsend said. “That’s been a game-changer because you can’t always count on things arriving in the order you planned or working perfectly right away with no tweaks.” It also increased efficiency because people could work on different portions of the bus at the same time without interfering with each other.
The slightly asymmetrical and hexagonal spacecraft bus is about 13 feet (4 meters) wide by 6.5 feet (2 meters) tall and weighs in at 8,400 pounds (3,800 kilograms).
One reason it doesn’t weigh more is that some components have been partially hollowed out. If you could peel back some of the spacecraft’s panels, you’d find superthin metallic honeycomb sandwiched between two slim layers of metal. And many of the components, such as the antenna dish, are made of strong yet lightweight composite materials.
When the spacecraft bus was fully assembled, engineers conducted a comprehensive performance test. Prior to this, each component had been tested individually, but just like with a sports team, the whole unit has to perform well together.
“The spacecraft passed the test, and now we’re getting ready to install the payload –– Roman’s instruments and the telescope itself,” said Missie Vess, a spacecraft systems engineer for Roman at NASA Goddard. “Next year, we’ll test these systems together and begin integrating the final components of the observatory, including the deployable aperture cover, outer barrel assembly, and solar panels. Then we’ll finally have ourselves a complete observatory, on track for launch by May 2027.”
TOP IMAGE: This enormous piece of space hardware is NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's spacecraft bus, which will maneuver the observatory to its place in space and enable it to function while there. It is photographed here in the largest clean room at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, where engineers are inspecting it upon delivery. The bus rests atop an aluminum ring that will temporarily protect its underside. The two copper-colored flaps are Roman's Lower Instrument Sun Shade –– deployable panels designed to help shield the observatory from sunlight. Credit NASA/Chris Gunn
CENTRE IMAGE: This top-down view shows NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s spacecraft bus from another angle. It rests atop an aluminum ring that will not be part of the observatory and is surrounded by an enclosure used in testing to ensure electromagnetic interference will not affect the bus's sensitive electronics. The bus is covered in gray bagging material to prevent contamination –– even tiny stray particles could affect its performance. Credit NASA/Chris Gunn
LOWER IMAGE: While it may look small in this photo, the spacecraft bus for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is 8 feet (2.5 meters) wide by 6.5 feet (2 meters) tall and weighs in at 8,400 pounds (3,800 kilograms). In this photo, it rests atop an aluminum ring that will not be part of the observatory. The bundles of wires on top are part of more than 50 miles of cabling laced throughout the assembly to enable different parts of the observatory to communicate with each other. Credit NASA/Chris Gunn
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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New image of the B-21 Raider shows mysterious vertical elements on the tail
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/11/2023 - 18:51in Military
New image of the rear of the first B-21 bomber undergoing engine and taxi tests at the Northrop Grumman facility in Palmdale, California, shows vertical characteristics that make industry experts scratch their heads in relation to some prominent elements.
The new photo, posted on Reddit by user Folding_White Table, shows two vertical characteristics rising from the upper middle part of the B-21.
The vertical elements rise just above the root of the wing of the body of the combined wing, both port and starboard, just above where the engine core or cores are probably placed. It is not clear in the photo if they are positioned symmetrically on the aircraft.
Based on the previous photos, the vertical features are retractable.
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At least one of the elements was visible in a previous first view of the aft deck of the B-21, which circulated online in October. However, the angle of this photo made it difficult to determine if it was part of the aircraft or if it was a background object.
In a Reddit post, u/Folding_White Table said the photos were taken at the intersection of 40th Avenue East and Avenue N in Palmdale, right on the fence line at the end of Northrop Grumman Air Force Plant 42, with a perfect view of runway 25/7, 22/4 and Site 4", on the nearest public road to the Northrop facility.
This is the first look at the new B-21 Raiders rear-end.
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byu/Specialist-Ad-5300 inaviation
Industry experts asked to comment on what the objects could be - and speaking strictly about the background, given the sensitive nature of the B-21 - offered a series of speculations about the vertical components.
A common interpretation is that the vertical elements are covers for auxiliary air intakes in the open position and are extended to allow more air to enter the engines for ground operations.
However, two experts contested this, saying that the elements may be far behind the aircraft and too thin to serve this purpose efficiently. It was also observed that the elements are "exceptionally high" for such a purpose and so thin that the opening they supposedly cover may not be large enough to provide the necessary air.
These elements also look triangular and pilone-shaped, rather than flat.
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In this image after the revelation of the aircraft it was not possible to see the vertical elements.
Experts ruled out that they are antennas or sensors, as they would ruin the stealth form of the B-21 if extended during an operational mission. They also ruled out that they are "sabreen" extendable for fuel ventilation, since they are far ahead and the fuel openings are usually positioned in the tail of the aircraft.
Another possibility is that the resources exist to prevent a ground sensor from learning something about the cross section of the B-21 radar. The F-117 and F-35 stealths have a removable and faceted device that makes them more visible to air traffic controllers and increases the cross section of the radar. In these aircraft, the objects are removed for combat.
In the B-2, which served as the basis of the B-21 design, the auxiliary air intakes are placed just above and behind the entrance and give the appearance of four curved blades, with two above each entrance.
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The vertical elements of the B-21 are also close - but off the edge - to an inexplicable dark feature on the surface of the aircraft on both sides of the central bulge or spine. This feature is also visible in the front image of the aircraft released by the U.S. Air Force. It is inside the engine inlets in that image - not aligned with them - on the side of the column.
In both front and rear images, this feature is rounded and apparently teardrop-shaped, and darker than the general color of the aircraft's light gray paint. It also seems to have depth, with a potential wedge-shaped shadow inside.
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An expert suggested that the dark feature is a mechanism to disperse the large amount of heat probably generated by the avionics of the B-21, hence its proximity to a potential air bleeding feature of the engines.
Another speculated that this darker feature could be a necessary air outlet for the serpentine inlets of the B-21, which are air tunnels that hide the engine fan blades, but potentially create a bottleneck in the airflow in front of the engines. The argument against this explanation is the fact that the feature is not aligned with the likely position of the engines inside the aircraft body.
As clearer views of the B-21 emerge through the taxi testing process, the purpose of these new features may become more apparent.
Source: Air Force & Space Magazine
Tags: Military AviationB-21 RaiderNorthrop GrummanUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Is Mediatek Helio G99 Good For Gaming? Lets Go To Details
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Mediatek Helio G99 processor
The DC-1 is the first tablet with a 10.5″ LivePaper Display in the world that, when its LED backlight is turned all the way to amber, can operate without emitting any blue light at all. You can use this innovative display for an extended period of time because it functions at a super-smooth 60 frames per second, is easier on the eyes, and doesn’t flicker or glare outside.
Apart from the powerful, eight-core MediaTek Helio G99 SoC, the DC-1 is equipped with a large 8000mAh battery, fast Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0 wireless connectivity, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage. Even better, a USB 3.1 Type-C to Ethernet converter can be used to Ethernet-tether it.
MediaTek Helio G99 6nm
Outstanding 4G gaming smartphones at 6nm with amazing power efficiency
The next generation of 4G gaming smartphones is introduced by the MediaTek Helio G99. This  processor, which is based on the incredibly effective TSMC N6 (6nm-class) semiconductor manufacturing process, allows for all-day gaming, large cameras, quick displays, seamless streaming, and dependable international networking. Partners can modify the MediaTek Helio G99 platform to fit particular needs for their markets or devices.
Mediatek Helio G99 phones
The TSMC N6 (6nm-class) chip production process, which we used to enhance the Helio 4G series, allows the G99 to be incredibly power efficient and opens up new possibilities for device makers to produce gaming smartphones that last longer than before.
Mediatek Helio G99 ghz
Fast-moving 120 Hz screens with intelligent display synchronisation
Without the need for additional DSC hardware, device manufacturers may produce gaming smartphones that are lightweight and thin with Full HD+ 120Hz screens that are sharp and clear. Even 4G smartphones are now expected to have 120Hz displays, which offer an incredibly smooth everyday experience with noticeably smoother webpage browsing and app animations.
Through dynamic refresh rate adjustments, MediaTek Intelligent Display Sync technology increases the power economy of these rapid screens by only enabling greater speeds when they are most needed.
108 Megapixel Primary Camera
Large 108MP cameras are available for device makers to employ, enabling users to take the highest detailed pictures. When compared to other MediaTek Helio series chipsets, photographic results are better thanks to dimensity-class picture quality technology. Highly detailed bokeh captures in dual selfie and multi-camera setups are possible with twin cameras up to 16MP with ZSL.
Mediatek Helio G99 octa-core
With two powerful Arm Cortex-A76 processors that can reach 2.2GHz in frequency, the MediaTek Helio G99 is equipped with an octa-core  CPU and a powerful Arm Mali G57-class GPU. Accelerated data access using fast UFS 2.2-class storage and high speed LPDDR4X memory up to 2,133MHz maximises performance in games, apps, and daily tasks.
Gaming technology powered by MediaTek HyperEngine 2.0 Lite
2.0 Resource Management Engine
Longer-lasting, more fluid gameplay is ensured by an intelligent resource management engine.
 CPU, GPU, and RAM are intelligently and dynamically managed based on active power, thermal, and gameplay measures.
improved performance in difficult scenarios, high-stress games, and game engines that load slowly
High FPS power savings prolong battery life without compromising user experience by combining hardware and software improvements to lower power consumption during high FPS gaming situations.
2.0 Networking Engine
To make sure you’re always connected, the networking engine provides more dependable connectivity and quicker reaction times.
Call and Data Concurrency enables users to postpone conversations while playing games without the data connection failing, and WiFi antenna shifting modifies the signal between antennas to maximise throughput and minimise latency.
Two 4G VoLTE in tandem
For optimal power efficiency, a fast Cat-13 4G LTE modem is built inside the chip. Supported are global bands and IMS services; additionally, cutting-edge features like 4×4 MIMO and 256QAM offer dependable connectivity even in densely populated locations. While VoLTE and ViLTE services offer great call and live video experiences with faster call setup and substantially better quality than conventional calling, essential dual 4G SIM offers a seamless experience with fast data services from both connections.
Mediatek Helio G99 Benchmark
AnTuTu Benchmark
Overall Score: Around 350,000 to 400,000
 CPU Score: Around 100,000 to 120,000
GPU Score: Around 90,000 to 110,000
Geekbench 5
Single-Core Score: Approximately 500 to 600
Multi-Core Score: Approximately 1500 to 1700
3DMark (Sling Shot Extreme)
Score: Around 1800 to 2200
Mediatek Helio G99 price
Since manufacturers buy the MediaTek Helio G99, its mid-range chipset price is rarely listed. However, cellphones and devices using this chipset can give us an indication of its pricing.
Helio G99 Device Price Range
MediaTek Helio G99 smartphones are inexpensive to mid-range. These gadgets’ estimated prices:
The Helio G99 can be found in $150–200 smartphones. Mid-Range Smartphones: $200–$300 models with this chipset have more features.
Device Examples
Around $250 for Infinix Note 12 Pro. The Tecno Camon 19 Pro costs around $230.
Prices vary by model, RAM and storage configurations, features, regional pricing, and store pricing strategies.
Despite the MediaTek Helio G99 chipset’s price being unknown, devices using it cost $150 to $300. This line matches its mid-level mobile device affordability.
MediaTek Helio G99 Specs
2x Arm Cortex-A76 up to 2.2GHz
6x Arm Cortex-A55 up to 2.0GHz
Octa (8)
 CPU Bit
Heterogeneous Multi-Processing
Memory and Storage
Memory Type
Max Memory Frequency
Storage Type
UFS 2.2
Cellular Technologies
4G Carrier Aggregation (CA), CDMA2000 1x/EVDO Rev. A (SRLTE), 4G FDD / TDD, HSPA +
Specific Functions
4X4 MIMO, 2CC CA, 256QAM, TAS 2.0, HPUE, IMS (VoLTE\ViLTE\WoWi-Fi), eMBMS, Dual 4G VoLTE (DSDS), Band 71
LTE Category
Cat-13 DL
GPS / QZSS L1+ L5 / Galileo E1 + E5a / BeiDou B1C + B2a / NAVIC
Wi-Fi 5 (a/b/g/n/ac)
Bluetooth Version
Max Camera Resolution
16MP + 16MP
Capture FPS
32MP @ 30fps ZSL
16MP + 16MP @ 30fps ZSL
Camera Features
3X ISP;  AI Face Detection; HW depth engine; AINR; Single-Cam/Dual-Cam Bokeh; Hardware Warping Engine (EIS); Rolling Shutter Compensation (RSC) engine; MEMA 3DNR; Multi-Frame Noise reduction;
Max Display Resolution
2520 x 1080
Max Refresh Rate
Graphics & Video
GPU Type
Arm Mali-G57 MC2
Video Encoding
H.264, H.265 / HEVC
Video Encoding FPS
2K 30fps, FHD 60fps, HD 120fps
Video Playback
H.264, H.265 / HEVC, VP-9
Video Playback FPS
2K 30fps, FHD 60fps, HD 120fps
Read more on govindhtech.com
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mikkisworld · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ACER 11.6" ULTRALIGHT CHROMEBOOK 311 HD DISPLAY MEDIATEK OCTA-CORE 4GB.
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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Cider and a theremin! I headcanon that he's able to play it because he just seems like that type of person.. he has those vibes......
Plus some extra doodles
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Chip/Theremin rambling and doodle transcriptions below the cut. I included some explanations for the instruments pictured because I'm worried the drawings would otherwise be incomprehensible lmao
In case you can't read my handwriting: Doodle 1: Cider is saying "DANDY NO" and underneath it says *horrible theremin screaming* Doodle 2: the title says THORamin aka singing Tesla coil, and Otto is saying "Okay Cider please step a little closer to the instrument"
I like weird instruments so I assign them to fictional characters whenever it feels realistic to do so. The theremin is one of the world's first electric instruments (patented in 1928) and is played by moving one's hands around the two antennas, which are proximity sensors - vertical controls pitch and horizontal controls volume. Sound-wise, it's kind of like playing a synthesizer by hand? Also the hand gestures that are made when controlling pitch are.. interesting. (That's more or less what Cider is doing, it took an embarrassing amount of attempts to get that hand to look good enough so I just left it hhh)
Re: extra doodle 1 Touching the vertical antenna makes an unpleasant high-pitched noise (you're not meant to touch it at all while playing, just move your hands around like an electric wizard or something)
Re: extra doodle 2 "Thoramin" is another name for the singing Tesla coil, and a play on theremin and Thor (hence why it's here). It's a Tesla coil that's been modified to be a plasma speaker. I find these funny because people on YouTube always seem to be playing them in random suburbs. Just imagine looking out the window at your neighbor's yard and seeing a lightning storm set to Megalovania. Realistically Otto probably wouldn't have one (too loud, draws attention to the player) but for the purposes of The Funny™ he does now.
Something small I don't have anywhere else to bring up so I shall talk about it here: I started my Chipspeech Twitter archive project by just going through the tab on each account that says "Tweets" but it turns out that there are more tweets under the "Replies" tab that actually contain lore. So I am actually nowhere near done with this hhhhh I hate Twitter. I mean I'm still going to document everything because I want the story to be as intact as possible (including the small bits of character trivia that often show up in the replies tweets) but I am. not happy about it. I do not entirely understand the decision to put character information in the replies to fan tweets.. I mean things shared there are never really all that important, but I like weird small story details so I don't want to lose them if Twitter ever actually fully goes down. Also I am going to have to go back and put everything in chronological order (in terms of hours/minutes, everything currently is just organized by date) which means more time on Twitter. I traded efficiency for simplicity of each step in this process, which I guess was good for not becoming overwhelmed by the scale of things but it's dragging out a lot longer than I had initially anticipated. I start college in late August so ideally that's my hard deadline for this, which should absolutely be reachable but I'm still annoyed that it's taking this long in the first place hhhhhhh
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dialogue-queered · 1 year
Paul Cureton
Innovative design choices can have a massive impact in the theatre of war, so it is important to understand the principles behind their development. Recent use of low-cost cardboard drones by Ukraine, supplied by Australia, to attack targets in Russia is a good example of how this can work.
Australia has been supplying Ukraine with 100 of the drones per month from March this year as part of an aid package deal worth an estimated £15.7 million, following an agreement struck in July 2021, according to the Australian Army Defence Innovation Hub.
Emerging technologies tend to override current technologies, and in turn, this generates competitive counter-technologies. This circular relationship driven by innovation is often critical in warfare as it can provide key technological advances.
Drone technology was originally developed for military use. It was then seen to offer opportunities in the civilian sphere for logistics, delivery and disaster relief. This then in turn has offered new innovations that can translate to military applications.
Conflicts in the future will be particularly shaped by drones, which will have implications for international relations, security and defence.
The Australian firm Sypaq, an engineering and solutions company founded in 1992, created the Corvo Precision Payload Delivery System (PPDS) for use in military, law enforcement, border security and emergency services, as well as food security, asset inspection and search and rescue.
Ukrainian forces reportedly used the PDDS cardboard drones in an attack on an airfield in Kursk Oblast in western Russia on August 27. The attack damaged a Mig-29 and four Su-30 fighter jets, two Pantsir anti-aircraft missile launchers, gun systems, and an S-300 air surface-to-air missile defence system.
Design principles
The design principles behind the success of the drones revolve around several factors including the production cost, airframe material, weight, payload, range, deployment and ease of use. Other considerations include the reliability of the operating software and the ability to fly the drone in various weather conditions. Seven Network news report on SYPAQ’s cardboad drones.
Generally, small drones offer high-resolution imagery for reconnaissance in a rapidly changing theatre of war. The Corvo drone has a high-resolution camera that provides images covering a large area, transmitting footage back to its user in real time.
The importance of real-time mapping is critical in modern agile armed forces’ command and control as this can direct ground forces, heavy weapons and artillery.
In some cases, the design of small drones is concentrated on adapting the payloads to carry different types of munitions, as seen in the attack in Kursk.
The cardboard drones can carry 5kg of weight, have a wingspan of two metres and a range of 120km at a reported cost of US$3,500 (£2,750). Waxed cardboard is an ideal material as it offers weather resistance, flat-pack transportation (measuring 510mm by 760mm) and, importantly, a lightweight airframe, which enables a longer flight range and a high cruise speed of 60km/h.
Fixed-wing drones also offer longer ranges than rotor-based drones as the wings generate the lift and the airframe has less drag, so they are more energy efficient. They can also fly at higher altitudes. The drones can be launched from a simple catapult or by hand and so can be rapidly deployed.
Low-tech material, hi-tech thinking
Radar involves the transmission of electromagnetic waves, and these are reflected off any object back to a receiving antenna. Cardboard is generally harder to detect by radar – but its components, such as the battery, can be detected.
But the Corvo drone is likely to have a small signature. Radar-absorbing materials are needed to have full stealth properties. These polymers have various absorbing qualities to avoid radar detection.
Another design principle is the swarming capability of the drone. Swarms of drones can overpower air defence systems through sheer volume and or can be used as decoys in counterintelligence operations.
Swarms are highly reliant on the development of artificial intelligence, which is still an embryonic research area. But a recent drone race at ETH University in Zurich, in which AI-piloted drone beat drones controlled by world-champion drone racers, highlighted this potential.
All of these design principles and innovations have and are continuing to transform warfare and theatre operations. It is likely that small drones at low cost are likely to have further mission success in the future.
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catgirlpuppy · 1 year
Paprika runs a tabletop game for her favorite people.
“Alright, is everyone ready?” With a round of nods from the table, Paprika begins:
“'In a dusty tavern on the edge of civilization, four unlikely heroes are about to meet. One day they will topple empires, but for now they are but simple adventurers slaying monsters for gold.'” Her eyes jump from player to player. “Now let’s go around clockwise and all describe our characters. Bru, you start.”
Bruma is sitting backwards in his chair, thick arms folded atop the backrest. The butch wolfgirl has been Paprika’s best friend since they were kids, growing up in their small hometown. I honestly don't think I would've survived that place if not for him. His eyes scan his character sheet. “My guy’s an orc druid named Bo. She’s got big tusks and big muscles.”
“Great! What’s she doing in the tavern?”
“Hmm… I have this power where I can make little plants grow. Can I make little flowers sprout from the table?”
Paprika smiles; Bruma is nothing if not a dedicated plant-mom. “That’s adorable. What kind of flowers?”
“Daisies.” Bruma nods. “They’re growing from the center of the table, like a bouquet.”
“I love it. The innkeeper seems to appreciate it, too. He comes over to talk to you, and as he does you catch the eye of Joule’s character.” The orange tabby nods to her gray-coated girlfriend. Joule is the latest addition to Paprika's life; the nerdy catgirl started as Paprika and Mocha’s cute roommate before she graduated to being their cute girlfriend. It's only been six months since that morning at the coffee shop, and it's hard to remember life without her.
Of all the people here, only Joule has played before. “Oh! So my character is a little goblin chick wearing all black. Her name is Stabitha Greenedge! She’s an assassin, and she’s got all sorts of knives strapped to her. Oh, and she’s hot as fuck—like, eyes-popping-out-of-head AWOOGA-hot. She’s seductive and dangerous, and she’s got a heart of gold, but she hides it beneath a mask of coldness and brutal efficiency. Ever since the death of her parents, she’s been searching for their killer in a mad quest for vengeance!”
“I love her already. What’s she doing when Bo makes eye contact?”
“Uhm, she’s probably sitting in the back corner, where she has a good view of the whole room. When she sees Bo, she thinks like, 'Oh, she seems interesting,' and she’ll get up and start walking over.”
“Alrighty, now we’ll put that conversation on the backburner for a second while we meet the other two.”
The seat to Joule’s left is empty; on the table in front of it is a little mobile chair, its six articulating legs folded into its sides. In the seat is a busty, six-inch tall woman in a fashionable top. Two red antennae part her black bangs. From the waist down, her tanned skin gives way to a segmented shrimp tail curled up beneath her.
Natalia has a side-gig as an online influencer, and Paprika has been a fan of hers since her follower count was only in the dozens. When the two of them learned they both lived in San Orchidia, they started hanging out in person, too. Now she's Paprika's girlfriend, and her followers are in the hundreds of thousands. Even though Joule and Mocha are only friends with the shrimpgirl, the three have bonded over their shared love of Paprika.
“Your turn, Nat!”
The shrimpgirl looks at her character sheet. I hope it’s the right size, thinks Paprika. That specialty print shop is supposed to be the best in town…
“Right! So her name is Camilla, and she’s a demon-blooded bard! She plays the guitar…”
“Nice,” nods Bruma.
“...and she’s wearing these poofy medieval-style shorts with red queen of hearts patterns, tucked into these black thigh-high leather boots that lace up the front. Her top has the same print with a low neckline and a leather cropped jacket with padded shoulders and silver spikes. She’s got huge tits, by the way…”
“Nice,” nods Joule.
“…and she likes to wear outfits that show them off. On her head she’s got this pale white beret that sits behind her red horns.” She turns to Paprika. “GM, is there a stage in the tavern? I think if there was, Camilla would be playing guitar for the crowd.”
“There is! What kind of song are you playing?”
“Ehh… a fun one? Like, a drinking song.”
“Nice, the whole taproom is stamping their feet to the tune, and a few patrons are even singing along.”
Paprika turns to the final player, Mocha. She and the half-cat, half-cowgirl met while skipping class in college, and they hit it off immediately. Now, the two of them have been together for almost a year. They hadn't expected to add Joule to the relationship, but it became obvious they all had feelings for each other. Now, the three of them are building a life together in their shared apartment. “And last but not least, Mocha’s up. Tell us about your character, Mo.”
The cowgirl straightens her character sheet, then adjusts her posture. How does she make herself look so flawless at all times?
“Well… I think I may be a bit unprepared. Everyone’s got so much to say about their characters! I didn’t think to go into that level of detail.”
“You don’t really need all of that fluff,” Natalia assures. “Joule and I are just extra like that.” Joule nods.
“Exactly,” Paprika agrees. “Whatever you have is enough. What’s their name?”
“Ah! I think I’m going to go with Madoka, like that show Joule was watching! It sounds similar to Mocha, too.”
“Cute! What class did you go with?”
“She’s a healer. But her goal is to…” she pauses, considering. “To open a cafe!”
“And what ancestry is she?”
“Minotaur.” replies the cowgirl.
Paprika smiles. This character’s starting to sound familiar. “Perfect. So, Madoka the healer minotaur, what are you doing here in the tavern?”
Mocha puts a finger to her lips, thoughtful. “She’s… ordering a coffee. Actually, she’s ordering four coffees, one for each of us.”
“Aww thanks Madoka.” “Yeah thanks!” “‘Preciate it.”
“In that case, the innkeeper isn’t just coming over to check out Bo’s flowers. He’s also got four mugs in his hand.”
“Stabitha sits at the table, grabs a drink, and toasts to Madoka.”
“Camilla grabs one too! She waves at Madoka and says, ‘Thanks for the drink, friend. Come over here and let’s all get down to business!'”
“Madoka goes to the table, and compliments Camilla’s style!”
The players engross themselves with their in-character conversation. Paprika watches them, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
“Whoa, hey babe, are you okay?”
“Love, what’s wrong? Am I not doing it right?”
“Why are you crying, Ricky?”
Her friends are surrounding her now. Joule holds her tight, purring next to Bruma. The wolf is hugging her with the ease of over a decade of familiarity; Mocha stands behind the chair and pats her head. Natalia has moved her chair up to Paprika’s paw where it rests on the table, and is hugging a finger.
How have I been so lucky? How did I get to be with so many amazing people?
She speaks through sobs. “I love you all so much.”
“We love you too,” coos Mocha with a kiss. “Now let’s help you calm down—your chair is starting to smoke.”
Burning cloth and leather waft into her nose. The orange tabby chokes out a laugh, and begins her breathing exercises. “Alright. Let’s get back to the game.”
I had a hard time getting started with this one. I knew I wanted to write a story with the framing device of a D&D game, but I didn’t know where to go with it. Once I’d written everyone’s character intros, I thought I could tie that into Paprika remembering how she met all her girlfriends (and Bruma!).
Also, setting name drop! I'm still workshopping the details of San Orchidia, so that's all the details im gonna share for now. Thanks for reading!
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Bunch of New Region Ideas
-A large satellite dish structure designed for detecting signals from extraterrestrials. Satilegs can be found here. Satilegs are large crabs designed to be living satellite dishes. Their main body is the dish, and their spikes, eyes, claws, and antennae are the receivers.
-A Dark region originally built to test differently-colored plants under different light. The facility was covered by a thick roof and had many chambers between rooms. The roof has suffered some damage, allowing some light in, but the majority (80%) of the area is shrouded in Darkness. Spiders and Miros Birds thrive here, feeding on Lampsters and lanterabbits who in turn feed on mushrooms and mold.
-The Deeper parts of the facility below ground, however, still function on backup generators. Here, the xenochromatic lightning experiment still runs. Quadrants of wild under Purple, green, blue, and red light are composed of aptly colored flora, forming the basis of an alien ecosystem that knows no sun.
-A region that was once a giant instrument. Giant symbals, drums, keys, and trumpets make up the landscape. Vultures hunt through the area.
-The remains of what was once an airport/airbase. Long runways stretch into the horizon. The openess to the sky makes the region a vulture hotspot. For the land-bound lifeforms here, speed is the name of the game. Creatures must sprint between the wrecks of derelict aircraft or hide in the isolated ruin of the central terminal.
-A bulky octogonal structure high up in the sky. Many large extensions and arms stretch out from the center. In it’s prime, it was a research station for testing the efficiency of wind-generated power. The central station once had broad windows for gazing over the clouds and seeing the windcatcher arms. Now, those windows have caved in, allowing vultures the swoop through the empty insides of the station. Vultures, Cyan Lizards, Scavengers and Centiwinds make their homes here. -------------------- YOUUUU CMERE I JUST WANNA TALK. THESE THINGS ARE ALL SO AMAZING WHAT EVEN. HOW UR BRAIN SO BIG. R U NOT BUCKLING UNDER THE WEIGHT
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hamradiostuff · 1 year
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