#Hilda Weeding the Garden
gameraboy2 · 8 months
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Hilda Weeding the Garden by Duane Bryers
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hildathesaint · 1 year
Hilda's Herborium: Sunflowers
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Scientific name:  Genus Helianthus comprising of 70+ Species
Native habitat: North and Central America
Magical qualities:
A tall plant with hairy, sturdy stems, usually branching in the wild and single in cultivated variants. Broad, coarse, toothed leaves are sometimes sticky to the touch. The massive flowerhead comprises numerous small five-petaled florets called disk flowers surrounded by larger, sterile, yellow to orange ray flowers, mistakenly considered sunflower petals. Disk flowers mature into edible seeds covered in hard, shiny, grey-black husk. The seeds have an oily, slightly sweet flavor.
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Sunflowers, hailing from Mexico and Peru, were used by the Aztecs in their temples of the Sun. The priestesses wore sunflower crowns and carried the flowers in their hands, and the motif of sunflowers was used for decoration, sometimes inlaid with gold.
There is evidence that sunflowers were being cultivated by Native Americans, in what is now known as Arizona and New Mexico, as early as 3000BC. They were a common crop and are thought to have been domesticated before corn. The plant was known as the ‘fourth sister’ and planted by several Native American groups on the north edges of gardens, next to the other sisters: corn, beans, and squash. As sunflower produces extracts that increase germination of wheat, amaranth, purslane, and many other useful plants, while inhibiting germination of weeds, planting sunflowers in the fields should be considered a brilliant, pro-ecological, and sustainable practice.
Early colonists in North America learned about the many uses of sunflowers from the Native American tribes near them. In addition to being useful as a source of yellow and orange dye for fabric, the sunflower also comes in handy medicinally - it was known for its antimalarial properties. In the 1500s, Spanish explorers took sunflowers back to Europe with them, and the species has spread around the world since then. The flowers were cultivated widely but were mainly ornamental. By 1716, a patent was granted in England for a technique to extract the oil from the seeds. In 17th Century Europe, some rural practitioners of folk magic used an ointment that would help them see the Fae folk. To do this required a blend of several summer, sun-oriented flowers, mixed in with sunflower oil and left in the sun for three days until it thickened.
Russia is credited with spreading the popularity of sunflowers. Texts from 1769 mention that sunflowers had moved from purely ornamental plants to being used to make oil. By the 1830s sunflower oil was being produced on a commercial scale. Part of the rise in popularity of sunflower oil was due to the Russian Orthodox Church. The Church forbid the consumption of most oils during lent, however, sunflower oil wasn’t on this list which meant that it rose immensely in popularity. 
In Greek mythology, sunflowers came about because a young girl was madly in love with Apollo and followed his path through the sky every day. He eventually got sick of her constant pining and turned her into a sunflower by piercing her with one of his sun arrows. Other versions of this story suggest that another god felt sorry for her and turned her into a sunflower so as to stop her obsession. The myth suggests that because of this young girl, sunflowers still follow the path of the sun throughout the day facing east in the morning and west in the evening. 
In many folkloric traditions, sunflowers are seen as symbols of good luck. Planting them around your home and garden will bring fortune your way. It is also said that if you pick a sunflower at sunset, then wear it on your person, it will bring you good luck the following day.
Sunflowers are often associated with truth, loyalty, and honesty. If you want to know the truth about something, sleep with a sunflower under your pillow - and the next day, before the sun goes down, the truth should be revealed to you. The sunflower is considered a flower of loyalty because day after day, it follows the sun, from east to west. In some folk magic traditions, it is believed that slipping a bit of sunflower oil or seeds into someone’s food or drink will cause them to be loyal to you.
The sunflower is also associated with fertility, thanks to its connection to the sun. To bring about conception, eat sunflower seeds or take a ritual bath with sunflower petals. A necklace or crown of dried sunflower heads can be worn–particularly at Litha, the summer solstice–to bring about fertility.
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Quotes about sunflowers:
"A sunflower field is like a sky with a thousand suns." -Corina Abdulahm-Negura
"Who knows what may lie around the next corner? There may be a window somewhere ahead. It may look out on a field of sunflowers." -Joe Hill
"Turn your face to the sun, and shadows follow behind you." -Maori Proverb
"Does she realize she looks like a sunflower, ready to rain sunlight on all who look down upon her?" -Simone Elkeles
“Every friend is to the other a sun, and a sunflower also. He attracts and follows.” -Jean Paul
“And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood.” -William Cullen Bryant
“The road to freedom is bordered with sunflowers.” -Martin Firrell
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hufuf · 2 years
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Hilda is hammering a stake to the ground but also accidentally hitting a creature Vittra under the ground
From Season 1 Episode 4
In the episode, Hilda's friends thought the creature as "stinky weed", which made the creature angry.
Removing weeds in the garden was my role during childhood and it was important source of revenue for me (@/ 10-50 yen or 0.08-0.40 USD)
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meowtalhead · 3 years
I have to tell everyone about my ocs from the story I'm working on WIZARD APARTMENT (copy pasted directly from the word document so if the format looks weird that's why lol) PLEASE LOVE THEM AND ASK ME THINGS ABOUT THEM
Wizelda Spellcaster
She's a professional witch and works in the library of spells at the local wizard tower. She walks with a cane because of a wizard duel injury to her knee and the cane doubles as a wizard staff for casting epic spells of awesomeness. She's kind of a pessimist and not great at minding her own business, but she's also very genuine and (usually) good natured. She always finds herself in the middle of whatever supernatural chaos is taking place and she is having none of it
Vlad Draculason
Are they 28 or 2800 years old? The answer is yes. They're a gardener for a wizard florist in town and always in a good mood! Naively optimistic and laid back, they're pretty much wizelda's opposite. Whenever they get hungry they ask politely for some blood and gently poke a friend with a painless enchanted swirly straw. You can attract them to your back yard in bat form by putting count chocula in your bird feeder. Important detail: they wear heelys
Luna Wolf
She's a werewolf and a scientist. Her unspecified science job consists of wearing a lab coat, holding a clipboard, looking through microscopes and space telescopes, doing complicated math, drawing pictures of molecules on a whiteboard, and observing beakers of colorful liquid. But mostly she studies SPACE! specifically THE MOON. Also is very into yodeling
Norm L. Guy
Norm is just your average guy. He somehow wandered past the illusion spells hiding the apartment from non-wizards and stayed there because the rent was cheap. He's also the only one aware of Mortimer being the Dark Lord of Evil but keeps it to himself because you know, getting a dark wizard mad at you maybe isn't the best idea. He's constantly anxious and trying very hard to keep it together, living a ridiculous double life where he has to pretend to know things about magic
Skye Crystalball
She owns a touristy psychic occultist shop that caters to non-magical people, and loves tarot and crystals. She has extremely powerful psychic abilities yet chooses to believe Instagram astrology accounts instead. Always selling things on wizard etsy. She starts out very immature and constantly gets on Wizelda's nerves, but she slowly grows as a person throughout the story. She is always crunching on a quartz crystal like bugs bunny with a carrot
Barnabus Blazeweed
He lives in room 420 and smokes magical wizard weed. He's one of those guys who goes to the gym a lot and wears flannels and he's always saying some positive motivational shit like "bench pressed the exercise bike, radiating love and good vibes of happiness and light to y'all on this WEDNESDAY you got this my dudes." Pretty much everyone likes him except Mortimer.
Note: maybe make him a geologist in reference to the high geologist meme? Wizard geologist who studies magic wizard rocks?
Claude Cauldronbottom
Claude works two jobs, one as a chef and one making wizard potions. The problem is that sometimes the potions end up in the food and soup ends up in the potions. Be very careful eating at their restaurant!
Bonnie Legg
Little old lady who lives on the first floor. She likes knitting, baking, napping in her rocking chair on the back porch, and playing mahjong. She ALSO likes committing arson and starting fights at the wizard biker bar for fun. She has pointy teeth and rides around on her houseling, a young baba yaga house still too small to fit inside, which at this early stage in its life resembles a wooden motorcycle with a shingle roof over the headlights and chicken legs instead of wheels
Hilda Hayfever
Angsty teenage anarchist punk rock scarecrow with embroidered tattoos and battle vest patches and stuff embroidered directly onto her because she's a scarecrow made of fabric character design hell yeah. Princess of the Halloween realm who fled to the human realm because of her firm anti-monarchy anti-authoritarian views, where she was basically adopted by Bonnie, who she calls baba. On Halloween night when the border between the two realms fades she fights The Pumpkinlord with a really cool really big sword that's shaped like a corn cob
Gil Waters
Merman. His room in the apartment is actually the koi pond out front, and koi are to merpeople what cats are to humans. So he has like 20 cats basically. Sometimes he babysits his baby niece, who is still in that adorable phase where she could develop into either a mermaid or a siren depending on her diet as she grows and constantly hungers for human flesh
Mortimer Darklorrd
The landlord of the wizard apartment and The Dark Lord of Evil foretold by ancient prophecies. Made of pure wickedness, absolutely vile, no redeeming qualities whatsoever, his ultimate goal is to be the ruler of the universe. He dresses like a boring regular guy except with a long black cloak, and he's always scheming new ways to exploit his tenants and conquer the world
Clint and Billy Draculason
Both use he/him
They're vampire wizard cowboys from Wizard Texas (a second Texas invisible to non-wizards located to the left of regular texas). Clint is Vlad's cousin and his job is stealing haunted cars. Ghost car wrangler with a car catching magic lasso. And he steals the cars with Billy. He and Billy are married. Clint has a bat shaped mustache. Billy has cowboy boot shaped sideburns
Bailey the Basilisk
A giant talking snake who works at Claude's restaurant. She's a BASILisk, not a regular basilisk, so instead of killing people with a death stare she has a little herb garden and makes really good pesto. Like REALLY good pesto, the best pesto you've ever had
Chad and the Bros
Chad and The Bros are a frat boy hive mind of which Chad is the blond one and central brain. They're all college kids who throw parties in the apartment but they’re kind of evil and messed up. The bros consist of Brody, Brostopher, Brotthew, Broithan, Bronard (pronounced like Bernard), and Bronard (pronounced like Leonard). They seem to see Barnabus as their responsible adult authority figure and can only be controlled by him
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kintatsujo · 3 years
LoZ AU- The Courage of Running Away Part FOURTEEN
You’ll see why this one took a while in just a second, I did that thing where I drew a whole ass scene again
Content warning for fantasy religions based loosely on Christian schisms
#AU August
#LoZ AU: The Courage of Running Away
So while Link is getting acclimated to Castle life and getting hugs from Marla and Tonbo (and also getting unofficially adopted by the royal family) Astramorus flies back to the Sky Temple with his loftwing. 
And he has a lot of time to think while he’s doing it; I don’t know how fast a loftwing flies but even so it would have taken some hours on Hera’s back and you don’t have anything to do up there but think about why you got blasted through a wall by a god-queen.  So he gets back and he’s feeling pretty fucking subdued when he hands Hera off to the Sky Temple commune’s gardener/bird caretaker, Maurice.
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[Image description:  Astramorus, looking tired and still missing his hat, his hair a mess, is standing opposite a short and round mustached man with bushy eyebrows dressed in the same priestly robes, except that this man has his sleeves shortened to his elbows and is wearing thick gloves.  This man is holding Hera the loftwing by a lead, while she makes a particularly vacant happy face.  “NAYRU’S EYES, man, WHAT HAPPENED?”  Astramorus gives a very small smile, and after a pause, answers, “TURBULENCE.”  The man harrumphs skeptically, then says, “Well, LORD SERENUMBRA from the LORULEAN ORTHODOXY showed up three days ago and he’s been giving me ADVICE ON MY TOMATOES, so turbulence or OTHERWISE I’d appreciate you DISTRACTING HIM before I commit some WEEDING.”  Astramorus smiles.  “Ah,” he says in understanding.  “Yes, thank you for your PATIENCE, Maurice.”  End ID.] 
A note on Maurice, originally I was going to make him look like Gaepora OR Rauru and then Ice suggested basing him on Maurice-Belle’s-Dad and I liked that, so I blended the ideas a bit.  
I think I’ve mentioned that Lorule and Hyrule have different takes on the Hylia religion, haven’t I?
Basically since this Lorule is just the country south of Hyrule instead of a dark-mirror-universe world, Invid suggested that part of the idea might be that Lorule insists that Hyrule is wrong about which country the Golden Goddesses left the world from, and that the Triforce belongs there instead.  I kind of played with that a little further, and so now part of the thing is that their royal line is actually also descended from Hylia directly, except that at some point a sister broke off from (one or the other of) the royal family, founding the Hilda line versus the Zelda line.
And real quick here’s the Hilda of this story, which I promise is relevant:
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[Image Description: Sketches of a tall, black haired woman with pale skin and blue eyes and extremely long pointed ears, dressed in a cape and dress of purple, dark blue, red and gold.  She wears a blue and green belt trimmed with gold and black gloves, and a diadem featuring a red gemstone and golden spread wings.  There is an inverted Triforce symbol on her sash.  She is also wearing black lipstick and red blush and eyeshadow.  A sketch to the side shows her making a decidedly less dignified expression with the note “All the finery and rouge is a desperate attempt to fool you into thinking Hilda is in her twenties but she’s only actually seventeen, same as Link.”  Another sketch shows her next to an old man with round glasses and priestly robes different to the Hyrulean priests, who only comes up to her chest.  She has her hands on her hips and is ranting at him.  A note reads, “Hilda TOL.”  End ID.]
Anyway the thing is that currently, the two churches are relatively peaceable with one another, they have joint gatherings to quibble about tradition and who should be allowed to have what sacred treasures and who has to bring the roast boar next time, and that is how a very young novice Astramorus ended up as friends with the man he would eventually match in equivalent rank, Lord Serenumbra.  Who gets a nice picture equivalent piece to Astra’s introduction because of symmetry: 
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[Image Description: The same short priest from the picture with Hilda.  He has white loosely curly hair, circular gold glasses, a hat similar to Astramorus’s but in red, a dark red robe over a black underdress, both trimmed in gold, and is wearing a heavy golden neck piece with an inverted Triforce and golden wings framing a blue disc.  To the side are various comic panels; in the first, he has taken an extremely young Astramorus’s hand and is saying, “Let me be the first to CONGRATULATE you, my friend!”  In the second, he’s spread his arms wide while approaching Astramorus and Catena, Link’s mother.  “Let me be the first to CONGRATULATE YOU, my friends!” he’s saying, and Catena laughs, giving Astramorus a rough side hug that lifts him off his feet despite her only coming to his chest, while Astramorus gives her a gooey smile.  “TOO LATE,” she says, “I told my mum first,” and laughs.  In the last panel, Astramorus has collapsed limp into a chair at a dining room table, his hair in his eyes, his face wet with tears, propping his head on one arm as Serenumbra pats his shoulder from behind the chair.  “Let me be the first to say,” Serenumbra says, “How DEEPLY SORRY I am, my friend.”  End ID.]
This is awful but that’s currently my favorite picture of Astramorus.  
Serenumbra’s design is based on the priest and philosopher from ALttP and Link Between Worlds; the philosopher’s robes were red so I sorta priestified them.  The blue disc in the center of his neck piece represents the Moon Pearl from ALttP, which was actually red in the game but blue in some of the promotional materiel, and the blue was a nicer contrast.  The Moon Pearl was mostly important because it let Link run around in his human form in the Dark World but I always liked it because it was sort of weird and mysterious.  In Four Swords Adventures there’s actually a LOT of moon pearls and they let you make portals between the worlds.  There isn’t going to be a lot of world hopping in this AU, I just thought it was interesting context. 
Anyway here’s two old friends having a conversation, image description and a little more commentary plus some bonus poking at Astramorus at the end:
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[Image Descriptions: Astramorus is entering a room with a rounded door and a coat rack on the wall.  “Seren?” he calls.  “ASTRAMORUS, are you QUITE all right?” Serenumbra answers.  He is sitting at a round table in the center of the room; there are two dining chairs, one of which he is sitting in, and opposite of him is a comfortable looking rocking chair.  “I came because I heard about your SON, have you still not found him?”  Astramorus, looking deeply pained, straightens some of his hair with one hand.  “I found him,” he says.  He settles into the rocking chair with a long creak.  Serenumbra is clearly shocked by his demeanor.  “Astra,” he says, concern clear in his face, “What HAPPENED?”  Astramorus stares at the ceiling while looking like death warmed over.  There is a panel fading from light to dark to indicate the passage of time, then we see that Serenumbra has a hand to his mouth in thought.  “So the queen refuses to see the DANGER here,” he says.  Astramorus has folded his hands together.  “She’s right about my SON, though,” he answers.  Serenumbra is quick to defend Astramorus to himself: “Well- he’s such a SOFT BOY, you wanted him PREPARED,” he begins, but Astramorus stops him.  “I pushed him too hard, too SOON, and with too little CARE.”  Astramorus lifts his hands and grins painfully, continuing, “WHAT was I DOING, trying to teach him how to FIGHT when all I knew was an ADULT’S routine?”  He puts a hand to his chin, still smiling.  “I must be the STUPIDEST MAN ALIVE.”  “Astra,” Serenumbra begins again, and Astramorus interrupts again.  “My wife used to tell me I WORRIED too much, did I ever mention that?”  He asks.  His face turns solemn.  “It was even one of the LAST THINGS she said to me,” he says.  We get a glimpse of young Astramorus and Catena together backlit by the sun; she’s wearing a blue version of the classical Link costume with a sword strapped to her back and plate armor on her shoulders, he’s wearing his priestly robes and hat.  She’s reached up to grab his face, grinning, while he’s put his hands on hers.  “And then she died,” Astramorus says.  He sits up, animate once more.  “What else could I DO but worry?!” he demands.  “You’ve studied the legends, same as I-” he subsides again- “That mark on Link’s hand may as well be a DEATH SENTENCE.”  He puts a hand on his face.  “And I’ve so THOROUGHLY FAILED him that now I’ve put the Royal Family in danger TOO.”  Serenumbra puts a hand to his chin, thoughtfully.  “WELL, you never KNOW,” he says, “Princess HILDA is more of an age with Link, maybe the Triforce of Wisdom will arise in the LORULEAN line this time.”  Astramorus laughs.  “That doesn’t change the SITUATION, Seren,” quietly adding “But also KEEP DREAMING.”  He then puts his hand to his mouth.  “How do I even BEGIN to atone?” Astramorus asks.  “Ahh, old friend,” Serenumbra answers, soothingly.  “If only Catena were still WITH us, she’d know how to ease the boy’s burden.  Why-she’d face down GANON HIMSELF if it came to that!”  Astramorus makes an intense face, as if he’s been suddenly burdened.  Serenumbra stands and puts a hand on his shoulder.  “Get some REST, dear friend, you still look TERRIBLE,” he says with a smile.  Astramorus is wringing his hands, staring forward.  End ID.]
I didn’t expect “Got pegged by his wife so hard that the mere invocation of her name knocked him back to his senses after over eleven years of fucking shitty behavior towards their son” to be on the bingo card for this character when I started this project either, but this is Draft 0.5 so anything can happen XD
Astramorus is so layered now what the fuck!  
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[Image Description: Serenumbra, face full of concern, asks, “Astra, what HAPPENED?”  Astramorus stares at the ceiling like death warmed over.  Behind him are the words “HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND.”  End ID.]
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[Image Description: Serenumbra, face full of concern, asks, “Astra, what HAPPENED?”  Astramorus stares at the ceiling like death warmed over.  Behind him are the words “WELL FIRST OF ALL I FUCKING DIED.”  End ID.]
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[Image Description: Serenumbra, face full of concern, asks, “Astra, what HAPPENED?”  Astramorus stares at the ceiling like death warmed over.  Behind him are the words “...my wife made this chair.”  End ID.]
Catena got into carving as a hobby during long trips but she started making furniture while dealing with nesting urges while pregnant, so imagine this little tank of a woman assembling a rocking chair for her tol noodle husband while ranting about her weird cravings.  
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pikablob · 4 years
Headcanons for the forest giant, Bartell and the Vittra (if you’re still doing this!)
Oh I am absolutely still doing this!! Keep ‘em coming!!
Send me a character and i’ll give an example of each:
Headcanon A: what I think realistically Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
Forest Giant:
A: He likes to deliberately challenge passers-by through the woods into games of poker, using his size to intimidate humans and others, and then force them to give him various things when they inevitably lose to him. A lot of his hoard was obtained this way, up to and including an entire car at one point.
B: He can actually see the elves; he made a point of doing all that tiny paperwork, at his massive size, just because they’re the only decent folk at cards he meets on a regular basis. The elves actually have a law against inviting him into their poker games, but it’s regularly ignored.
C: The reason why he (and forest giants as a whole) feel overlooked is because humans keep destroying their homes. Logging companies don’t care about giant trees, and will absolutely cut them down along with everything else. His kind think that the humans don’t notice them, but the truth is most human authorities see them as nuisances and are actively trying to drive them out.
D: He’s actually on the tall side for a forest giant. IDK why, he just is.
A: Bartell is the Bragga clan’s most-skilled pidgeon rider, and his talent as a jockey is a point of pride. Now that the Bragga are no longer exiled, he’s gained a reputation for racing elf-mail riders and giving them flying tips whenever letters come to the Bragga by air.
B: Bartell is the best person (or elf) to go to for fashion advice. The Bragga place a lot of importance on looking your best; his expertise at styling hair extends beyond just braids, and he’s really good at sewing and knowing what colours will best suit a person.
C: Living in the city isn’t without its dangers; Bartell is actually fairly young for a clan chief, because his parents died tragically when he was in his teens. He’s very sure of himself now, but the role was practically thrust upon him and he spent years trying to prove himself as a young elf. Agnes served as a close advisor to him, in her way, throughout the ordeal, and he still looks up to her a lot.
D: At some point, Bartell had to lead an expedition to the Northern Counties to formalise his giving of No Elf’s Land to the Aldrics. The other elves having to put up with them was an absolute riot.
A: In ancient days, finding a Vittra in your garden was traditionally a sign of misfortune, because finding out that what you thought was a tasty vegtable is actually alive tends to be a nasty shock. Even in modern Trolberg, digging up a Vittra is seen as an ill omen and the more superstitious will quickly rebury them in the hopes of avoiding bad luck.
B: The Vittra and the Rat King frequently cross paths, since their tunnels form part of the same warren of underground passages as his sewer pipes. The Rat King actually gets a lot of his secrets from irritated Vittra who want revenge on each other or the humans above.
C: It’s kind-of an accepted thing that not all Vittra will survive hybernation; some don’t get enough sunlight and wither, or are dug up by humans who think they’re weeds or root vegetables. Many Vittra hate the hybernating season because they fear that their loved ones won’t be there when they wake up.
D: There’s an entire Vittra city somewhere under Trollberg, a giant muddy cavern with burrows all up the walls. It’s mainly used as a marketplace for the different Vittra, but other creatures sometimes visit and Hilda and her friends pass through on an adventure at one point.
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frizz22 · 4 years
Munchies pt. 2
Continuation of part 1, requested by @frizzyhairedbandit Sabrina finds the three high and giggly. Read on ao3
They’d moved their little party out into the garden, having somehow managed to collect a blanket, pillows and their snacks before heading outside.
Now they were sprawled on the blanket, staring up at the stars as they passed food and the blunt between the three of them.
Head buzzing pleasantly, Zelda turned her gaze when Hilda swung an arm upwards to point at something. “Look, it’s Uranus!”
Scoffing, Zelda popped some more muffin into her mouth. “You can’t see Uranus from here. Not without, without, blast what are they called, the telescope but there’s two..... binoculars!” She crowed, proud she found the word and rewarding herself with a puff of marijuana.
Hilda pouted and cradled one of the pillows to her chest. “Can too,” she countered petulantly, “I see it right there! It’s Uranus, Cee said it would be out tonight.”
Chortling, Ambrose took the blunt from Zelda’s outstretched hand. “Uranus,” he giggled again, “Dr Cee likes your anus, Auntie Hilda.”
A slightly strangled sound emanated from Hilda as Zelda burst out laughing. “Indeed, he does, I’ve seen the way he watches you walk away, sister. He’s a your anus fan.” Then a truly wicked idea occurred to Zelda and she rolled to face her still protesting sister, eyes glittering with mischief. “Are you certain he didn’t mean your anus would be on display? Perhaps his incubus had plans for tonight?”
The comment made Ambrose howl with laughter, which only spurred Zelda’s to increase as well while Hilda blushed furiously in the dim light afforded by the back porch.
Snatching the joint from their nephew, Hilda inhaled deeply and then retorted, almost offhandedly, “no, no plans for tonight. I doubt he could rally after the repeated performances this morning.”
Ambrose shot up from where he’d been laying to look at Zelda in shocked delight; eyes wide and brows expressive.
Grinning, Zelda rolled onto her stomach and propped herself up on her forearms to better look at her sister’s face. “Hildegard Antoinette Spellman, have, have you made the incubus your bitch?”
Her sister took another long drag from the blunt, slowly releasing the smoke before answering. “Perhaps.” The effect was ruined slightly when a spluttering cough interrupted her.
Laughter broke out among them, quickly escalating into guffaws. Then it shifted into them laughing at their laughter, Ambrose cackling when Zelda snorted and Hilda clutching at her sides, almost breathless in amusement.
This was where Sabrina found them moments later, rolling on the blanket out in the garden, sniggering.
“Uhh, what’s going on here?” She asked, arms crossed and brow furrowing.
Ambrose recovered first, taking a quick hit of the joint before holding it out. “Ah, coz, care to join us?”
Eyes wide, Sabrina took a disapproving sniff. “Is, is that weed?!”
Seeing Sabrina not even reach out to take the offering, Ambrose took another drag before handing it to Zelda. “Yes.”
If anything, this stunned her niece further. “Auntie!” She gaped, watching as Zelda blew several dainty smoke rings out.
“What?” Zelda asked, passing the joint to Hilda. At Sabrina’s wordless gesturing between all of them, Zelda huffed and flopped back down onto the pillows. “Honestly, Sabrina, I know the mortals are all ‘hugs before drugs’, but witches don’t experience the same type of addictive tendencies as they do. Not to say we don’t have our vices or addictions at all, but it takes far more than a little cannabis to do the trick.”
Sitting up a little unsteadily, Hilda gave the blunt back to Ambrose when she finished her turn. “Not that’s there’s anything wrong with hugs before drugs, my darling.” She assured Sabrina, a warm, loose smile on her face. “But it’s also quite a lovely way to unwind.” She slumped back onto the blanket and curled against Zelda’s side, nuzzling up to her.
Too lost in a gloriously comfortable haze, Zelda merely wrapped an arm around her cuddly sister without any remonstrations. “Join us or no, Sabrina, but don’t kill the buzz.”
“Yeah, coz,” Ambrose chimed in, now once more flat on his back and watching the stars. “You can stargaze with us, maybe even see Ur-,” he snorted, “Uranus...” the rest of his invitation was lost to giggles and Hilda and Zelda soon dissolved into them as well at the mention of the unfortunately named planet.
Confused, Sabrina just stared at them for a moment. “Uranus?” She repeated, uncomprehendingly.
A fresh wave of snorts and giggles overtook them; Hilda trying to muffle hers against Zelda’s shoulder while she and Ambrose laughed loudly and freely, heads tipped back in joy.
Slowly backing away from them, Sabrina headed back towards the house, muttering under her breath as she went.
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How tall do you think Cagney is? I personally see him being around 15ft
I like to think that prior to forming a deal with the Devil, Cagney was actually around the larger height spectrum for a Carnation– so about 24″ tall (2 feet tall, to be exact)
After said deal, though, he ended growing like a weed; shooting up in height dramatically. Cagney had grown from a small flower to a now hulking, very easy to anger flower that loomed over most people. Which isn’t exactly as funny as you’d think it be when you’re the one on the receiving end of some thorned vines swinging at you.
With that said, I like to think that Cagney is an even 13′0″ tall, and could probably grow taller so long as he takes good care of himself and lives long enough to do so. 
While Cagney doesn’t mind the sudden burst in height, he kinda mostly just uses his new tallness to able to groom tree branches in his garden and to subtly annoy Hilda and Goopy (he’s been the butt of many short jokes for years and now he is taking his revenge; he is no longer baby, he wants power).
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perhaps a Dedue and Hilda for the Meme ?
i actually did hilda the first time i did this meme SO....dedue time
favorite thing about them: he’s just a big ol sweet man...i want to give him a hug at all times!!
least favorite thing about them: i dunno if i’d say this is a “least favorite thing” but i wish he would stand up for himself more :( you deserve the world king
favorite line: can anything beat him telling dimitri not to eat weeds?
brOTP: i really love him and sylvain as bros! sylvain is so kind to dedue in a world where most people aren’t, and i think dedue’s friendship is really good for sylvain in ways that felix’s and dimitri’s sometimes aren’t
OTP: dedue/ashe is very cute....but im all about dimitri/dedue
nOTP: i’ll be real with you chief i haven’t seen enough of his supports to say if there’s anyone i really don’t like him with
random headcanon: i like to think that dedue and bernadetta would get along really well once bernadetta wasn’t, yknow, terrified of him. dedue is very gentle and shares a love of plants with her, and i like to imagine them gardening together in comfortable silence
unpopular opinion: i have done well to avoid the discourse here, so i don’t know of any dedue opinions i have that are unpopular
song i associate with them: king and lionheart by of monsters and men, esp for his relationship with post-timeskip dimitri
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
For the ship meme, the FE3H ships I remember that you like are Edeleth, Dimimari and Hilclaude, correct? No need to do all the questions for all of them if you don't want!
Those are by no means the only ones I like there’s many good ones XD
See here for Edeleth. 
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until Death doth part
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Probably a year or so after the war, all slow n romantic n proper with loads of awkward blushing and are-you-really-sure’s
How was their first kiss? - Started cute then got surprisingly passionate. Dimitri started it. 
Who proposed? - Dimitri. 
Who is the best man/men? - Dedue. 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Hilda
Who did the most planning? - Marianne. 
Who stressed the most? - Marianne but just barely. It’s a tough competition. 
How fancy was the ceremony? -Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. They’re romantic sops but probably would NOT want to be ostentatious while there’s children starving and stuff. Any leftover food was handed out as charity
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Can’t think of anyone, neither is petty enough
Who is on top? - Dimitri
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both about equally
How healthy is their sex life? -Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? -Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - 15 min?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Dimitri probably considers it a matter of honor
How rough are they in bed? -Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Two. 
How many children will they adopt? - Depends but I could totally see them taking in some kid they came across
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - about equal
Who is the stricter parent? - The only one dispensing any discipline is Uncle Gilbert
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Dimitri
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Marianne
Who is the more loved parent? - Both are very loved but if I had to guess Dimitri?
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Dimitri 
Who cried the most at graduation? - Dimitri
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Marianne
Who does the most cooking? - Neither is any good, luckily Dedue is around
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Marianne but only cause Dimitri eats whatever
Who does the grocery shopping? - Neither they’d be busy doing royal stuff
How often do they bake desserts? - average/ not that often
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - I wouldn’t be surprised if Marianne was a vegetarian, Dimitri might even take it up as well
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Dimitri
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - They each gently and non-pushily suggest some fun stimulating activity when the other is having a bad week mental health-wise or overworking themselves
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Marianne, but I wouldn’t trust either
Who cleans the room? - Dimitri
Who is really against chores? - Neither but none is very good at it
Who cleans up after the pets? - Marianne
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Marianne, out of desperation
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Marianne
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Dimitri finds a nifty dandelion salad while weeding the garden
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Marianne
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Marianne
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Semi-regularly, but they’d want it to be true to the real meaning of the holidays rather than commercial
What are their goals for the relationship? - Dimitri would probably give you a rant about how love isn’t about goals but about supporting each other commitedly
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Marianne
Who plays the most pranks? - Neither is really the pranking type
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - As long as it’s fun for both of them
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - They were probably semi flirty all the way back at the academy. Hilda runs off with him for lulz rather than bother with her obligations as a noblewoman anymore and they become a pair of adventurers
How was their first kiss? - Happened as part of a makeout session/ a sexy sort of context
Who proposed? - Claude
Who is the best man/men? - Byleth or Balthus
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Marianne
Who did the most planning? - Hilda. But both participated. 
Who stressed the most? - Holst
How fancy was the ceremony? -Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. (I think Hilda would like it to be shiny & fashionable, and it could be turned into a show of peaceful intentions between Almyra and Fodlan)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Lorenz, but he showed up anyways
Who is on top? - They like to switch it up but apparently, Claude liketh being graspeth by the neck
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both about equally. Sometimes for distraction purposes or favors
How healthy is their sex life? -Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now  
How kinky are they? -Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - a while
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Hilda would probably be a teensy bit of a pillow princess 
How rough are they in bed? -Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Can’t seem them with a super big family but if Claude takes the almyran throne he’s gonna need a heir
How many children will they adopt? -
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Claude. Hilda bamboozled him into it
Who is the stricter parent? - They both use reverse pschology/ positive feedback
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Hilda. She might be lazy but not wholly unreliable and have you seen Claude’s room?
Who is the more loved parent? - Hilda
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Claude
Who cried the most at graduation? - Hilda
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Both. 
Who does the most cooking? - Claude
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Hilda
Who does the grocery shopping? - Claude
How often do they bake desserts? - slightly above average but not exceptional
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - We know that Claude is partial to feasts
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Claude
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Hilda
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Hilda
Who cleans the room? - Their room is going to collapse into a black hole from all the entropy and chaos in it
Who is really against chores? -  Hilda obviously. 
Who cleans up after the pets? - Claude
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Hilda
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - neither
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Claude
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Hilda
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Both. 
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Hilda. She’d make her own decorations
What are their goals for the relationship? - They just like each other’s company & appreciate each other’s imput
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Hilda but often both
Who plays the most pranks? - Claude
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aphalleos · 4 years
for @toberoundistobefree : indooractivities {
🌼 gardening ( i know we have the other one but i'll send this one too! haha )
Gardening was something Hilda had never really thought too much of, despite Magnus constantly bugging her to join him out in his own garden... Yet, somehow, here she was, with another micronation, tending to a garden. She had to admit, it certainly wasn’t the worst thing she’s ever done, though it certainly wasn’t her most favourite thing, either. At least it was favourable enough to consider tagging along with Magnus whenever he’d invite her to tend to his.
Hilda stood up from her position, hands full of weeds she’d pulled before they could really get to planting anything. She discarded them in the designated yard bag, looking through the various different kinds of seeds that were to be planted. “It’s hard to believe that people really do this sort of thing every year.” It seemed she was just speaking what was going through her mind; who knows maybe it could lead to an intriguing conversation. “Maybe giving into Magnus’s pestering could be worth it, though...” She found herself tapping out a bit as she looked through the various seeds even further, feeling a bit overwhelmed with just how many there were.
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toasterfuloftoast · 5 years
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Second half of the fanart for @hildagirl99. This one didn’t come out as cute but I think it’s cute. Once again, I darkened up the skin for Sunia. This is because it was just so light. This time, Sunia is hanging around Louie, the little bab. Louie is 8 years younger than Kiki so he gets bullied a lot by his big sister. He likes Sunia for the simple reason that she looks like Hilda. He wants to show her a little garden he started. It’s filled with weeds but he wants to show his ‘momma’ something. Sunia finds him absolutely adorable. He’s so small she wants to scoop him up and bring him home. 
This time it was easier to pull colors by looking on DA. It was worth it. I hope you like these @hildagirl99! I did my best to keep both close to their original look.
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storywriting · 5 years
Drabble/headcanon meme: Snacks, Garden, Collect
Send a word and I will write a drabble or headcanon based on it
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Since Eureka’s life is predicated on gathering experiences, food in particular is a rich vein for her. She regards trying new foods with an unyielding sense of adventure and greatly values the time she spent learning to cook with Hilda and Renton. Cooking for others is part of how Eureka expresses her care for others and eating took on new meaning for her once she began to regard it as something that facilitates social experiences. Her favorite snacks are sweet. She likes the tang of fruit flavors as well as more subtle flavors like vanilla or green tea.
Eureka has lived in laboratories and on ships, so she doesn’t have a lot of experience raising plants or living among them. Still, she has an innate connection to the Earth and virtually every plant the scub coral has ever fused with, so she takes an interest in them. The world she lives in has large patches where humanity has settled and those places are almost devoid of plant life.  Humans generally stay away from forested areas since they tend to be overrun with scubs growing all over. I think if Eureka were to reach a point where she was completely secure in her own identity as a coralian, she would want to convince people that the nature of their planet is not something to be feared, but rather something to be embraced and cultivated. 
If Eureka were to ever settle down in one place, I think she would really enjoy gardening.  She would probably not limit herself to flowers and crops since she holds a weed or ugly fern in the same high regard as she would even the most gorgeous of Earth’s flora. If she were to ever have her own home, I think she would have a lot of indoor plants as well.
Ficlet, answered here (x)
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Open Starter
Kitchen witching wasn’t exactly the most prestigious of disciplines. It was a domestic discipline, often centered around the home. Gardening, baking and cooking with magic ingredients, enchanted foods, making salves and balms, blessing hearths, some potion making. It was looked down on by most of the ambitious of the coven as ‘settling’, and the implication was that it was what witches who weren’t skilled enough for other disciplines resorted to. 
For a girl who’d never had a home, there was a certain amount of wistfulness in it. The only one she’d met who really practiced it seriously was Sister Hilda Spellman, and, frankly, what she was capable of cooking up was really rather impressive. But, even before her excommunication, Sister Hilda was looked down on for being too soft and sweet. That view was just another reason Dorcas was determined to find a better area of interest. 
Were it just her, she might not care what others thought of her, but she was one of the Weird Sisters, her reputation reflected on her sisters, both of whom were far more ambitious, and she wouldn’t let her interest in a sneered-at form of witchcraft bring them down in any way. She was already known to be the softest and weakest of the three. 
But, she did enjoy it, especially gardening, and that was why Dorcas often slipped out of the dorm room late at night while all the other girls were sleeping and snuck through the Academy to the two pentagonal greenhouses. Among the potion and poison supplies was a small plot at the back. The professor had taken pity on her when she was just a little girl and had told her she could plant things there, though he’d take it back when he needed it. He hadn’t yet, and so, tucked between plots of belladonna and mandrake plants was a small area with mint, lavender, and chamomile. 
That’s where she was that night, well past midnight, kneeling in the dirt and plucking weeds from the plot with a lantern on the ground next to her, when she realized she wasn’t alone. She rose quickly and turned around, trying to see through the dark and shadows. “Who’s there?”
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knives-and-lint · 6 years
let the right one in
inspired by @spidergwen and her tags.
A gust of wind sends a flurry of leaves right toward their faces, Sabrina and Dorcas squealing as they throw their hands up in defense, laughter carrying with the air throughout the trees. It's a warm spring afternoon, and all Dorcas had said when asking Sabrina to accompany her, was that she wanted to show her something.
Such vague request piqued the teenage witch's curiosity and, as she had no other plans, accepted without hesitation. Dorcas holds her hand easily, guiding them along, the path they take one Sabrina is not really familiar with. Much more flush with other flora than she's seen before, almost as if they've stumbled onto someone's garden hidden in the woods.
Coming into a clearing, the sun's reflection shining off a large pane of glass, pulls Sabrina's attention to a greenhouse that looks as if it's a relic of another time. All wrought iron and rotundas, that very well may be an actual relic, with the age the structure shows. Dorcas is watching her carefully, like any reaction to this place, is in itself about her.
“Is this yours?” Sabrina asks.
Dorcas nods.
“Can we go inside?”
Dorcas smiles, like she was waiting for the question to be asked, then steps to the door and whispers something Sabrina can't quite hear. Protection spell, she assumes. No one is allowed in unless Dorcas wants them there.
Sabrina steps inside and pulls at the lace of her collar, with the sudden increase in temperature, then nearly coughs against the wafts of several strong aromas the plants give off. She recognizes a few, from all her time helping Aunt Hilda tend to the garden at home. Rosemary, thyme, and lavender. Sweet basil, dandelion, and ginseng. Hazel, jimson weed, and lilac.
“You grew all of this?” Sabrina asks, bending down to the lilac and inhaling deeply.
“I did,” Dorcas confirms.
Sabrina turns to her with a smile.
“Is this where you sneak off too after choir practice?” she asks. “All those afternoon walks?”
If she didn't know better, Sabrina could swear Dorcas was blushing, the reveal of a secret no matter how small bringing about insecurities.
“Amazing,” Sabrina offers, turning about to look some more. Noting a few garden boxes toward the back, kept purposely separate from the rest. Hemlock, belladonna, and black hellebore. Poison sometimes necessary in practicality.  “You're amazing.”
Dorcas is definitely blushing now, but she masks it quickly, tending to a plant Sabrina doesn't recognize. Sabrina moves closer, smirking at how Dorcas watches her movement from the corner of her eye, and places a kiss on the redhead's cheek.
“I know your other secret too.”
Dorcas' eyes widen, but she doesn't turn her head, the implications varied and many.
“Why you always smell like honeysuckle,” Sabrina clarifies, waving a hand at the plant that clings to the glass throughout the greenhouse, growing more naturally than the others. “It's everywhere.”
Dorcas finally turns to her.
“Protection,” she states, though her eyes are on Sabrina's lips.
“From intruders?” Sabrina asks. “Surely.”
Her finger goes under Dorcas' chin, leaning in to kiss her properly.
“But Dorcas, what's going to protect you from me?”
The bell above the door chimes, as Agatha enters the shop with Sabrina in tow, who immediately scrunches her nose against the harsh stagnant smell. The only light source is a few torches placed a strategic distance away from the dozens of shelves lined with books, which Sabrina can't help to question just how someone can regard a book for purchase without actually getting a good look at it.
There's a gleam in Agatha's eye, that Sabrina has only ever seen in the library at the Academy, but somehow it seems more intense here. Like she wants to devour each and every tome within, because there are no restrictions, such as a school with rules.
Sabrina looks on quietly, as Agatha offers a polite wave at the merchant behind the counter, who nods in return before going back to the papers he was scribbling upon with a quill.
“Do you know him?” Sabrina asks in a hushed voice, even though this isn't technically a library, feeling the need to speak in soft tones.
“Humphrey the shop keep,” Agatha informs, as she heads to a shelf in the corner, running her fingers along the spines of several books. “We have a kind of kinship when it comes to books.”
Sabrina accepts this new information with a nod, tailing Agatha as she moves from shelf to shelf.
“Are you looking for something in particular?” she inquires after the third pass, and Agatha has yet to actually pull out a book to look at.
“No,” Agatha answers, eyes following her fingernails from title to title. “But sometimes one just speaks to me.”
“Interesting way to shop,” Sabrina comments.
Agatha turns to her, expression completely serious.
“It's the only way.”
Sabrina chuckles, and points in a random direction.  
“Then I'm just going to-”
“Off you go,” Agatha interrupts with a flutter of her hand.
Sabrina circles a few shelves, but nothing really catches her eye, until she sees her own last name printed on one of the books. Ignatius Spellman, author of something called Swift Incantations and Defense Magicks, written in a kind of middle English she can't fully understand. She wonders if Zelda or Hilda have ever heard of him, tucking the book under her arm,  fully intending to buy it after finding Agatha.
When she does, the girl is sitting in a grand leather chair perched in front of a fire place, with a stack of books at her feet and one in her hand.
“Are you going to buy all of those?” Sabrina asks as she approaches, pointing at the stack with the tip of her shoe.
“Some not all,” Agatha replies, not taking her eyes off the book in hand. “Did you find anything interesting?”
Sabrina pulls the book from her arm, offering it toward Agatha who finally looks up, eyes scanning the name as her lips turn up with a smirk.
“How serendipitous,” she comments.
Sabrina sets the book atop the stack at Agatha's feet, then pulls the one from her hands, before sliding onto Agatha's lap.
“Is it why you asked me to come with you?”
Agatha's brow furrows.
“For some strange reason, I knew this book existed?” she laughs. “No, you silly girl. I asked if you wanted to come with me, because I thought you might enjoy it. Because-”
“It's your favorite place in the world?” Sabrina finishes for her.
Agatha's head tilts, as if she hadn't expected Sabrina to pick up on that fact.
Sabrina leans in for a kiss, one that Agatha has no qualms about reciprocating.
“Definitely better than the library,” she states, pulling back to rub her thumb across Agatha's cheek. “No Ms. Hatchet to interrupt.”
Agatha nods her agreement, pulling Sabrina back to her for another.
No one would ever think it to look at Prudence. Who stands tall at every moment, speaks with nothing but confidence, and walks every step filled with determination. That she loves being the little spoon, when cuddled up in bed with Sabrina, those rare nights her Sisters do not join them. Or being cradled, with her head against Sabrina's chest, allowing herself this single vulnerability when prying eyes are not there to witness.
No, you'd never think it. A young witch whose faith and love are completely devoted to the Dark Lord, can be pushed aside at a moments notice, whenever she catches Sabrina looking at her in any way fond. It's a fools errand, this feeling inside her chest. A curse better inflicted on mortals, because witchcraft has no place for it.
Prudence easily forgets these things, when Sabrina sighs in her sleep, and the arm wrapped around her tightens just so. That she has never cared, because no one cared for her. Not in a way that is felt deep within the catacombs of a heart that must be kept black. Emotions that should remain cold.  
She'll never tell anyone, not even her Sisters, how forward she looks to nights spent in this bed. With this girl. Who has done nothing but question, and scrutinize, their entire way of life. It's a secret she keeps well hidden.
One Sabrina tells herself she will never let on she knows. Her own power growing by the day. Thoughts easily plucked from the Sisters heads, even if she never quite means to. Knowing their wants and needs. Strengthening their bond with a practiced availability. Ever so gently getting them to free up their hearts to her. To accept the love she has growing for them, by allowing themselves to return it.
“Pru,” she whispers softly into the slumbering girl's ear. “Prudence,” she repeats when a groan is all she gets as a reply.
“What is it?” Prudence questions through a yawn.  
Sabrina kisses her soft and slow.
Prudence scoffs.
“You wicked, wicked girl.”
“I know,” Sabrina gives, leaning down again, taking satisfaction in the way that Prudence gives herself so easily after that.  
The Dark Lord's will is power through fear.
Sabrina vows to beat him by taking a different tact.
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necrokittytales · 6 years
Necrokitty Tales: Trouble in Inkwell Isle (Chapter 9)
Authors’ note: Remember, Necrida’s writing will be in italics and SPKC’s writing with be regular font.If you have no idea what this roleplaying thing is, you can start from the beginning here.
Harvey entered the door with a slight limp and was immediately immersed in the chaos of his family. He could see his mother in the kitchen and tried to slink past her so she did not pick up the condition he was in.
Unfortunately, he hadn't gone more than a few feet when her ears suddenly went rigid. She turned around quickly and spotted her son, scuffed up, a fresh cut on his ankle, his cheeks still slightly damp
with tears...and his clothes torn.
“HARVEY! WHAT HAPPENED?” His mother shrieked, running over to her son and immediately smothering him.
Harvey sniffled. “I'm okay, mom, really.”
“Your overall button's been torn clean off!”
One of his sisters came by, “Do you have a cut on your leg?”
“Torn. Clean. Off!” His mother exasperatedly repeated, pulling at the fabric. “Tell me what happened!”
“My friend and I were walking home from school and some bullies took her special notebook and threw it into Cagney's field. And when we went to go get it, Cagney attacked us.”
Mrs. Hare ground her incisors together. “Did he now? Who does that weed think he is?! I swear if I ever see him again, I'll give him a piece of my mind, alright!”
“Mom, it's okay.”
“Heather! Go get the weed killer from the garden!”
“You mean the gardening hoe!”
“Don't sass me, girl, and just give it to me.”
“Mom! Really! It's okay. Okay? I'm okay. Please don't try to attack him.” His mom could be a very passionate rabbit when the situation called for it and he was fairly certain she would passionately lose to Cagney very quickly if he allowed the situation to continue.
She huffed and placed the hoe in the kitchen. “He's lucky your father is not home. Your father knows people, you know.”
“Yeah, I know,” Harvey sighed. He thought about the situation. “Do you think we could have carrot cake tonight? I think carrot cake would really make me feel a lot better.” He asked hopefully. This day could still be turned around.
Mrs. Hare softened. “Oh course, my little dust bunny. Now go get washed up, okay?”
Harvey smiled, feeling better. “Thanks, mom.”
The bats reached their home. Isabella landed carefully and helped Mina get off her back.
"Now you get your little trouble making tushie to the shower, and you better have your nails clipped when you get out of there!".
"Yes mama...". She noticed she was still angry so she limped her way to the bathroom.
Isabella sat in the kitchen table, still agitated. When she heard the door of the bathroom close she released her pain in the shape of silent tears. She hated Italy, she hated italians, she hated everything that reminded her of that country.
After a few minutes, Isabella calmed herself down and decided to check on her girl.
After the day she had, Mina thought she deserved a bath instead of a shower. While the bathtub was filling up she looked at the clipper, then her nails, then the clipper again. She decided too keep her claws since they have proven to be very useful when in trouble and hid the clipper behind the toilet seat with a smirk.
The little b-cat got inside the bathtub and layed as she relaxed. She started thinking of her notebook. All that research and discoveries lost forever! Her eyes started to fill with tears.
She looked at her big bruise in her leg. The pain was starting to go away but the purple mark was still very noticeable. For once, she was glad her mum couldn't see, or she would have definitely beat up an apology out of the flower.
Isabella walked in after knocking at the door. "How are we doing here?" She said cheerfully.
"Good" Mina replied wiping her eyes and hiding her bruised leg as a reflex. She was glad to hear the lighter tone in her mother's voice.
Isabella sat at the border of the bathtub. "So you were defending your new friend from a bully?" The bat said keeping her friendly tone.
"Yeah" Mina nodded "Spike and his stupid friend Todd! Yesterday he wanted to steal Harvey's money, and today he wanted my adventure journal! And now its lost forever!" She couldn't hold her tears anymore and cried.
Isabella's heart melted again. She tenderly rubbed her daughter's back to try to comfort her. "Oh! Don't cry 'dulceata'. I'll go tomorrow and take it back from Mr Flower" She smiled at her.
"You think he'll give it back?" The little girl wiped her tears and her eyes filled with hope.
"If not I'll have to show him what a BECH I can be!" Isabella lifted a closed fist in the air. Mina chuckled, she understood the play on words, they were the Bechstains and kids at other schools already  pointed out the similarity of pronunciation with the B-word insult. "Nobody steals from my 'înger' and lives to tell it.”
Mina admired her mother's determination, but after seeing what the flower could do she wasn't sure she could take him down. Still, she felt better knowing she might have her journal back. She hugged her mum spilling water everywhere.
"Oh! Mina!... " the mother complained but returned the hug with a smile. Suddenly, the woman remembered the smell that made her nose itch. She had smelled it before in some clubs she used to sing for with her band. "Dandelion!"
Mina cocked her head in surprise "What?".
"What?... nothing.... let me see those claws," The bat said nervously.
"Ok, fuck this!" Hilda muttered angry frustrated that no matter how many times she broomed there was still shards of glass coming out. She was tired and in pain. She wondered if Cagney might have busted a rib or something. She still couldn't believe what he did. Where did all that hate came from?
She looked at the now open ceiling and pulled the switch to see if the white sheet was still working.
It was a bad idea.
The second the sheet moved a new rain of sharp shards fell into room covering it again. Hilda sighed and decided to go have a raspberry tea.
She took a few sips of her tea and breathed deeply. Her entire chest was sore. She had pretty big bruises circling her upper body.
'You know, I changed my mind' Taurus spoke 'lets go to this Friday and KILL HIM'.
Hilda hold her head between her hands with a exasperated sigh. She wondered if she overreacted by telling him to leave his own surprise birthday, but... he almost killed her! THAT was overreacting. She just couldn't believe how things escalated so quickly.
This remind it her she had to fill the damn hole he made outside her home, there wasn't much she could do for the tree though.
And what about the dome? She will have to talk with Grimm and Djimmi again to make it as perfect as she wanted it. But who would pay for it? She spent most of her savings keeping this place from crumbling.
'Cagney broke it... shouldn't he be the one to pay for it?'  Sagittarius carefully said in Hilda's mind.
The woman rolled her eyes at the idea. She could almost hear the giant weed laughing at her face. Plus, he probably didn't even had that kind of money. How much can you make selling flowers?
The soreness was driving her mad. She lifted her shirt to check on her bruises again. Her pale skin was covered with all kinds of purple and blue shades, with an occasional red line. Some of the smaller thorns got stuck deep on her skin. She tried to take them off only to hurt herself even more. After a few tries she gave up and looked at the time. She should get moving if she wanted to put up the stars in time... but she really didn't feel like it tonight.
Amber was very perceptive. Or at least, she liked to believe she was. Which was she was somewhat irritated to learn that she had just missed a huge brawl earlier that day. Brawls led to distractions. Distractions led to open pockets. And opened pockets led to a happy Amber.
She finished applying her gloves and stretched. She wondered who had been stupid enough to actually trespass in the carnation's field. Even she wasn't stupid enough to do that. Trying to get the sneak on something that just had to stick its hand in the ground and it could kill you? Yeah, no thanks.
It was bad enough she had encountered him at the observatory. What the heck had he been doing there anyway? If she had to have guessed, it might have been a date but there was no way that could have been the case.
She sighed at the missed opportunity and eyed her next target, the Clip Joint Calamity. There was going to be a brawl tonight. And liquor. Between the both of those, she could look forward to a very satisfying night indeed.
Harvey felt much better after a shower and a change of clothes. Dinner helped him perk up a bit. And the smell of dessert in the oven did make him feel pretty swell. But he was very worried for Mina. Her mom looked really really mad. He only hoped that he would get to see her tomorrow. And apologize for not being a really brave bunny.
He sat at the dinner table and squared his little furry fists together. Starting today, he was going to be a braver bunny. A bunny who knew how to kick with the best of them. So bullies like Spike and Todd wouldn't pick on kids like Harvey and Mina. He'd be the bravest and most courageous bunny the isle had ever seen.
There was a knock at the door and his mom called out, "Just a minute!"
Harvey stood up, chin up. Why not start being brave now. "Don't worry, mom. I got it," he declared, waltzing over to the front door.
"Thank you, Harvey. Can't imagine who it would be. The sun's just setting at this point. A little late for visitors," Mrs. Hare mused as Harvey reached the door.
Harvey pulled open the door with a, "Good evening can I-?" And stopped dead in his tracks. Staring down at him with a sharp scowl was Cagney Carnation.
"Hey, listen-."
Harvey managed a choked yelp and slammed the door shut. Mrs. Hare looked over irritated. "Harvey Hare, don't you go slamming doors around here! The frames can't take that much force these days!"
The little rabbit swallowed as there was a harder knock on the door. Mrs. Hare washed her paws. "I'll be right there."
"No," Harvey realized, "I got it, sorry! Just, uh, stay there mom. Is the cake burning?"
"I should hope not!" She gasped, turning her attention back to the stove.
Harvey cracked open the door and looked up worriedly at the carnation. "Y-you better leave or I'm gonna-gonna," he struggled.
Cagney realized the boy was probably going to need some encouragement.  "Get out here before I drag you out," he grumbled.
Harvey's eyes widened, not wanting a repeat of this afternoon. He quickly walked outside, leaving the door ajar in case he need a quick escape. Cagney loomed over him, something tucked under his arms.
Harvey pressed his paws. "I'm really, really, really sorry we went into your field."
"Okay, good to hear. Now-"
"Please don't feed me to the piranha plants."
"Oh for God's sake, I'm not gonna feed you to the piranha plants," he rolled his eyes.
"You promise?" Harvey asked.
"Just, shut up a second. And don't cry. I'm here to apologize." The words were like lead coming off his tongue but he managed to spit it out.
Harvey rubbed his ears, confused. "Huh, what did you say?" There was no way he could have heard that correctly.
"Harvey, who's at the door?" Mrs. Hare pushed open the door and her smile froze. She glared up at Cagney. "YOU! You stay right there!" She demanded, dashing back inside.
Cagney blinked and glanced at Harvey. "Uh, what?"
Harvey swallowed, realizing that he was not about to get fed to carnivorous plants. "She's getting weed killer."
The carnation's eyes widened. "Woah, woah, wait, wait a minute there!"
Mrs. Hare busted open the door, brandishing her hoe. "I've got my weed killer, you dirty dandelion!" She snapped.
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The flower stared at her. "That's a hoe."
"Don't you sass me! Now why are you here bothering my son?" She demanded.
"I'm trying to apologize!" Cagney spat out.
She stopped brandishing the garden utensil. "Eh, what?"
"I'm apologizing, okay?"
"Really?" She asked.
Mrs. Hare had a funny expression on her face, as if she didn't quite understand. "I uh, oh. Huh. Okay then. Thank you."
Harvey noted the carnation looking irritated still. "Mom, the timer went off for the cake."
"It did? Huh. Okay, just, hold this just to be safe," she instructed, handing the hoe to Harvey. She shot Cagney a quizzical look. "Well, color me surprised. If you start acting nice like this, I might know a daisy or two looking for a date to the dance coming up."
He stuck out his tongue. "Hell, no."
She laughed and walked back inside, leaving a calmer Harvey. The rabbit still wasn't quite sure. "You're apologizing to me?"
"Yeah. Sorry for nearly killing your friend and banging you up a bit. I thought you were someone else."
Harvey scratched his head with the hoe. "Oh, Uh, well, thanks. I appreciate that. I'll stay out of your field." He brightened up and pointed at the carnation. "But uh, you should say sorry to Mina!" He pointed out, a burst of courage in his chest. The carnation fixed him with a disbelieving look and Harvey faltered. "Please? She was really upset."
The flower sighed. "Yeah, I was going to. Do you know where she lives?" Harvey hesitated and Cagney threw his hands out. "I'm not going to do anything bad. I'm just going to apologize, got it?"
The rabbit nodded slowly. "Okay, she lives by Chip. Near the observatory."
Cagney hissed quietly to himself. That was a bit too close to Hilda than he would have liked. But he had already come this far. And chances were, she was already out and about. "Alright, thanks kid, appreciate that."
Harvey nodded and was about to go back inside when he stopped. "You better be nice to her or I'm gonna hit you with this hoe," he blurted out. Cagney chuckled.
"Well, well, looks like the bunny has a backbone.  I'll keep that in mind. Don't let your mom blab to too many residents, please."
It was dark out and Cagney had some difficulty finding his way above ground but he soon came across the home of the bats. It wasn't much to look at, but to be fair, he slept on dirt under a tree three quarters of the year, so a house was a house.
He saw the observatory and his stomach clenched. The dome was broken. There needed to be a new one but the cost alone was for this piece of astronomy equipment was, well, astronomical. Even if he was on speaking terms with Hilda, he barely had anything to his name. Still, that's not why he was here. He was here to see the bats.
He knocked on the door and flexed his feet. It still felt weird to be walking around uprooted. He never quite got used to the feeling. It was a bit unsettling sometimes. He waited for someone to answer the door.
"I'll get it mama" Mina stood up from the table and opened the door. Her eyes widened and immediately closed it back.
" Mina! What are you doing?"
"Run! He's come to finish me off!" Mina hold the door.
Cagney swore under his breath something along the lines of "for fucks sake" before knocking it again.
"Oh c'mon Mina..." Isabella opened the door this time, ignoring her child begging her not to, and crossed her arms. She stood there serious, pointing her ears at Cagney and discretely delighting herself with the scent of carnation.
Hilda stared at her empty cup for a while now. She was feeling bad for not putting on any stars. After a few minutes she stood up, packed some stars muttering colorful insults for a plant and went out to cast a cloud.
She started to gain some altitude when she notice a familiar figure on the neighbors house. She immediately casted more clouds to hide herself.
"What the hell he's doing there?" She whispered to herself, and discreetly moved her clouds closer across the sky.
Cagney found himself facing Mina's mother and had to resist the urge to let his thorns out. The woman was blind for fuck's sake, it's not like she could see how uncomfortable he was being there.
He swallowed and began carefully. "So, hi, listen, I'm here to...apologize," he managed. The word still felt like lead in his mouth. It was an awful word. He glanced at Mina who definitely was eyeing with some pretty righteous suspicion.
Isabella smiled enjoying how uncomfortable this was for him.
"Mina" she called her daughter who came out cautiously "Do you accept his apology?".
Mina was uncomfortable with the situation as well. "Eh... y-yeah? Thank you Mr Carnation".
Hilda was sorry she couldn't get any closer, but at least she managed to get a good view.
"Don't mention it. Seriously, DON'T mention it," he emphasized, "I'm really sorry about this all. But so help you if this gets around that I'm going around apologizing then I'm going to have bigger problems to deal with."
He hesitated. "And, uh, I think this is yours." He held out her notebook to her, "That's a pretty good drawing of Venus," he admitted.
"My adventure journal!" Mina opened her eyes widely holding the need to cry of happiness and took her precious notebook like she was holding a treasure. "Oh!" She hugged his leg "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Isabella was pleasantly surprised and smiled sincerely. "That is very nice of you, Mr Carnation. And here I was thinking we were up to a bad start" her smile turning more charming.
Cagney resisted the instinct for his thorns to pop out at the sudden contact and froze briefly before realizing that this was a hug and not an attack at his legs. He carefully brought a hand down, tempted to pry her off but just kind of patted her head. "Yeah, yeah, don't mention it. I'd kinda be upset too if I lost something like that."
He glanced at her mother. "So, uh, are you and I cool, Miss, uh...?"
"Isabella Bechstein" she stretched her arm to offer a handshake. "And... we will be ok after I talk to you for a minute. Mina, please go to your room. I need to talk to Mr Carnation".
Mina nodded "Good night, Mr Carnation!" and she hopped happily to her room. There was a sound of a door closing.
Hilda's eyes widened incredulously. Was... a kid hugging Cagney? Why would any kid hug Cagney?
'Because he is charming as hell!?' Gemini replied giggling.
"Oh! Shut up!" Hilda tried to control her emotions even though she agreed. That damn dandelion can be a real gentlemen if he wanted to... like that time at the---she shook her head to prevent any more thoughts to run wild in her head and focus on what was going on.
Hilda was watching even more carefully now.
'What is going on?' Sagitarius slowly spoke.
'Argh! Can't we get closer?' Gemini complained.
"Shhhh!" The woman was starting to lose her patience.
Cagney brushed his petals back and shook her hand. "Fair enough. Cagney is fine, by the way. Mr. Carnation was my dad," he explained.
"Wait, shhh" the woman stood in front of him quiet shaking her hears towards the door. After a few seconds the ears stopped abruptly and she turned towards the door.
"I said, to your room, Mina!".
"No way!" Mina's voice sounded from the stop of the stairs "How did you know!? I was super quiet!" This time she slammed the door from the other side.
Isabella smiled proud of herself.
"Sorry about that. What were we... ah! Yeah, I'll call you Cagney then" her tone was really enticing. "So... there is no easy way to say this... so I'll just go ahead" she lowered her voice and got close to him. "Are you a junky?" She asked, back to being angry.
'Maybe she's an old friend?' Sagittarius carefully asked.
"What? She just moved in! Plus I've been with Cagney since... forever! I think I would know if he had a bat friend..."
'I guess...'
'They do look awfully friendly though.... ' Taurus stepped in 'look! She's getting closer to him!'
Everybody stared in silence.
Cagney's eyes nearly fell out of his head. "WHAT?! Definitely not!  I do not-why are you-?" He stopped talking, realizing what exactly she was referring to. He whistled. "Okay, for being blind, you're pretty perceptive. So, listen."
He got a little bit closer to her, so as not to be overheard by a potential eavesdropper in the form a tiny bat. "I uh, accidentally hit myself with my own dandelions. How familiar are you with dandelions?" He was hoping further instruction wasn't going to be necessary but it probably was judging by her face. Still he waited to see if this was the case, already putting together an explanation in his head.
Isabella had a good idea what dandelions did, but admitting it might not be so good for her reputation if she was planning on staying here a while.
"I know enough to prevent my kid to get close to it... what does it do exactly?" She played dumb.
Hilda was getting livid. Now Cagney was getting close!
"You ever blow on a dandelion and can't help but feel a little bit dizzy afterwards? Yeah, multiply that by a 100 and that's what I can do." He groaned.  "It's a self defense thing. They're not fast, but if someone runs into one, it creates a sense of motion sickness, dysphoria and a lot of confusion."
"I was trying to make some up when Mina's book landed nearby and scared the shit out of me...and I took one right in the kisser." He hung his head low at that. "It's really embarrassing..."
"Got to admit, it probably didn't help the fact that I have got pretty much no sleep last night after my friend's home got broken into while I was over. And your kid really looked like the cat who who did it."
He held out his hands. "I started putting two and two together when she didn't sound the same and she had wings...but then her rabbit friend started throwing stuff and then everything kind of went to shit."
Isabella listened attentively and cocked her head. "Y... you... make those..."
She was a bit confused, but it sure it was good to now that this fella can manufacture them. "And that's terrible, about your friend's house" her voice turning sweet again. "Does she live far from here? It’s not like I have a treasure in there" she pointed at her house "but I wouldn't want my little 'înger' getting hurt."
Hilda's cloud was getting grayer.
Cagney hesitated. "Yeah, she runs the observatory. Well ran it. I'm not sure she's going to be able to open anything more than some exhibits and minor stargazing for a bit. A couple things got a bit wrecked last night. " Like a friendship and possible relationship he wanted to add but kept that to himself.
He realized she called the little bat something else. "Wait, I thought her name was Mina?"
Isabella laughed "Her name is Mina, înger means angel in romanian. I'm romanian. And no. I'm not related to Dracula" she smiled. "It’s really too bad about the observatory... I'll try to pass by tomorrow see if I can help somehow." She open her mouth hesitantly and finally decided to speak. "Say... eh... this is going to be too forward but, if it's not too much trouble, perhaps you could show me around whenever you have free time? I would like to meet new people but it's kinda hard when you can't... well, see them". She hated to admit she had limitations.
Unless she had ability to blow glass with her wings, there probably wasn't much she'd be able to do about the observatory.
Huh. Romanian. Explained the accent. Cagney thought about asking why the heck they'd come to a place like this if they were from some other place like that but decided against it. People had their reasons and as long as it didn't lead to too many weird people showing up, he was fine to leave well enough alone. He was, however, caught off guard by her request.
"I am probably the worst person to ask, but considering you haven't come at me with a gardening hoe, I wouldn't mind showing you around," he agreed. At the very least, he could weed out the individuals that would try to mess with a blind woman. "I've got a free day tomorrow if you've got time? Not sure how settled in you are yet."
"Splendid!" She joined her hands cheerly. "I can make some time in the morning."
The sky was almost covered with dark clouds and sounds of menacing thunders were getting louder.
Cagney nodded, a slightly genuine smile on his face. "Mornings are good for me. I'll come pick you around 9?" He paused, "We may have to take a few breaks just cause I'm not the best at walking long distance without putting my feet in some soil. Will that be alright?"
He didn't know why he would check with her on that. It's not like he wasn't going to do it but there was something a bit attractive about her that made him extend the question. Maybe it was her looks. Or the fact that she was stubborn. Or the fact that he's pretty sure she swore him out earlier and that was always kind of fun.
The woman showed a delightfully charming smile at the flower. She was starting to find him interesting. "There is no problem in stopping now and then, " she said with her enticing voice "I'm not much of a walker either" she spread her wings in a innocently seductive pose to show she was more of a flyer. A huge thunder filled the sky.
Cagney looked at her elegant figure and felt himself swallow a bit harder than he intended. "Ah ha, yeah, wings. Those are nice. Er, flying. Flying must be nice." What was with him and girls that could fly? It was beginning to become a pattern, he realized, catching a glimpse of her curves.
The sound of thunder in the sky brought him back to reality.  He didn't remember there being any storm in the forecast. Then again, he hadn't really consulted the forecast since it was connected to Hilda. And the last thing he wanted was to be caught in the rain trying to find his way back home in the dark. "Well, it was a surprisingly nice to meet you and your daughter. I'll see you tomorrow morning then?"
"Tomorrow morning it is" the bat said with a caramel voice. She was about to turn around "oh! I forgot to thank you for bringing back Mina's notebook" she got close to him but she realised, thanks to her echolocation, that she wouldn't reach  the flower's face. "Hm... would you mind lowering for me?"she smiled and tried to keep that sweet tone.
He raised an eyebrow at her but shrugged and leaned down, figuring she was going to tell him something she didn't want her daughter to overhear. "Sure, what'd you-?"
Isabella softly kissed Cagney's cheek. "Good night" she whispered.
A huge lightning illuminated the scene followed by a terrifying thunder. "Dumnezeule! You be okay walking home under the storm?" She asked, worried.
Cagney felt himself completely heat up at the unexpected kiss and his mind went blank. He stood there a bit slack jawed until her words registered. He quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts.
"I uh storm. Yeah, no I'll be fine. Don't worry. I'll go by underground worst case. You have a good night, Isabella." The carnation backed up only to trip over his own feet. He got back up quickly. "I'm okay!" He assured her before taking off back to his home as his entire plant body still tingled from the small gesture.
He hadn't been kissed by a non flower in uh forever? And her lips had been so soft against his face that he was surprised he kept it together. Maybe that was a Romanian thing. A guy could get in a lot of trouble living with women like that.
Hell, he should apologize more often if that was a possible result. It was handy that Isabella was available tomorrow. Cagney was fairly sure he had something planned for Friday.
He stopped dead in his tracks. "Hilda," he realized out loud. He had actually managed to work up the courage to ask her out. Sorta. He chickened out and didn't specify it was a date persay, but it was definitely different than their normal types of hangouts so she had to have known something was up. He even put a reminder note on the flower he brought for her. Which he was pretty sure she had probably smashed in her anger.
Their date was Friday. "There was no way in hell she'd go. She probably wouldn't even remember and if she did, there's no way she would go," he told himself with an irritated sigh. Would he go? He didn't know. Maybe? Just to prove himself right that she wouldn't show.
He kept walking. Well, just as well Hilda was nowhere around. The last thing he needed was for her to be lurking around, listening in and getting the wrong idea about things. He still wanted to never see her again...right?
Isabella chuckled at Cagney and heard him leaving. She stood there a few more minutes delighting herself with the carnation's aroma that was still in the air and enjoying the noisy rain. She loved the rain. It felt good to hear the thunders over her head filling the emptiness.
Finally it started to downpour. Hilda was holding her head trying to keep the constellations in control.
'Let me have him! Let me have him!'
'He doesn't love us anymore!' Gemini started crying.
'I-it's probably not what it looks like...' Sagittarius tried to comfort the others 'maybe they did know each other?'
Hilda went back to her observatory seeing red.
"Unbelievable! That... that damn weed piece of... cutted grass-I can't even think of a good insult!" She went directly to her room and let herself fall on the bed. "...ooh... I know! I'll go this Friday, alright, but... with a 'friend'. I'll give him a reason to not want to see me again!".
Gemini stopped crying abruptly  ´oh! Who we gonna pick?!' They said cheerfully.
'I don't think this is a good idea guys... and may I remind us, we did tried to poke his eyes out' Sagittarius tried to reason with them.
'After he snapped a Goddamn tree in front of us!' Taurus immediately replied getting agitated.
"Aaargh! quiet already!" Hilda silenced them and layed in bed thinking about how was she going to get anyone to go with her in such short notice.
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