#Hockey Player Barbie Doll
torresdesigns · 2 years
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New this week on eBay: 3/21/23
TorresDesigns on eBay
 : https://www.ebay.com/usr/torresdesigns
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haveamagicalday · 7 months
Battle of the Barbies! Round 4: Career (Sub Round 3)
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This is round 4 (sub round 3) of the bracket. All other polls in can be found here.
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lerry-hazel · 8 months
That Roman Dress
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I ended up liking precisely 2 characters from “Dr Who”.
One of them was doomed from the start, and the other seemed on the way to being written out from the moment she joined the main cast. Judging by the inevitable spoilers for s14, it’s probably not going to get much better.
Nevertheless, the purple dress from “The Fire of Pompeii” was gorgeous. For once, the Internet informs me a lot of people agree with me on this, but I still wanted to try my hand in making a replica an approximation for my collection.
The doll (which I bought solely because she was on huge sale and you can never have too many ball-jointed bodies lying around) turned out to be unexpectedly cute, and I’ve dressed way too many red-heads recently, so I’ve decided to leave her original appearance intact.
Also, yes, I know Pompeii was not in a desert, but where else was I supposed to get orange background without setting things on fire? :-P
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yabagofmilfs · 3 months
I see these photos, watch games and interviews of Sidney Crosby but I often wonder irl does he really look and sound like that? Like is his nice guy thing he seems to have, is he really that awesome? I'm sorry I'm having a moment.
sidney crosby the barbie doll we play with on tumblr. come is as good as you want him to be. sidney crosby the Real Boy is someone we don’t and will never know and that’s probably for the best. like, by all accounts he is “a better person than he is a player” but he’s also spent the majority of his life immersed in a very conservative and toxic sports culture, is a generational talent athlete who has always had the full weight of an organization behind him for support and in front of him for protection, and is also a very wealthy white man. so while i feel confident saying sidney crosby probably is a very good person—or at least does a lot of things calculated to try and appear so, which basically amounts to the same thing?—he’s also a three dimensional human (as far as we know) man who lives in the world. we know very little about his personal life, and while i personally find it more interesting to imagine there are (fun!) things about him that would tarnish his good boy image, i bet in reality there are some things we’re better off not knowing. for instance, anything i’ve learned about a hockey players political beliefs has been against my will.
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octuscle · 5 months
Cursed Ken, part 4: Baschy, the ice hockey center star
Sebastian strolled through the flea market. He didn't really have any particular reason. No particular destination. Just to have a look… The stall with the young Arab was a real eye-catcher. Not necessarily because of the goods. But because of the Arab. A giant, a muscleman. Tattooed, short-cropped hair. Masculinity oozed from every single one of his pores. All the more astonishing was his merchandise. Lots of junk. But in between a small army of dolls. In the style of Barbie's Ken. But somehow also different. Many far removed from what you would expect to find in Barbie's dream house. Surprisingly, hardly anyone seemed to be interested…
"So, stud? Which Ken do you like?" Shit, the guy's voice went through Sebastian's bones. The guy pushed up his T-shirt and scratched his hairy chest. Sebastian's cock licked Precum. With a dry throat, he said he was interested in the ice hockey player. "I see. They're real men. Sports with a lot of physical contact. Makes every guy horny." The Arab laughed boomingly. "Twenty-eight dollars for you. Because I like you!" Sebastian had no choice. He was far too excited to negotiate. He already had 30 dollars across the wallpaper table and took the doll. And he knew what he wanted to do with it. He wanted to give it to his son. His son from a relationship from ages ago. His ex-girlfriend didn't want his son to meet his father, the damn faggot. But Sebastian had secretly watched him from time to time. He knew that he played ice hockey in the juniors. He hoped he would be happy about the doll. But Sebastian had no idea how to present the gift.
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His son trained on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in the ice stadium Sebastian knew that much. There should be some opportunity… With the doll in his coat pocket, Sebastian strolled on through the flea market. After a few minutes, he had forgotten about the doll, his son and the hot Arab. Sebastian was hungry. Shit, he was actually always hungry. Anyone who consumed as much energy as Sebastian did had to eat a lot. And Sebastian consumed a lot of energy. An hour's run in the morning. At least an hour of gym in the evening. Training on the ice three times a week. The next time was Wednesday at 18:00. Before that, he trained the juniors as a temporary coach.
The trip to the flea market was a nice change of pace on Sunday afternoons. But now it was time for the gym. And then early to bed. He had to be fit again in the morning. Sebastian had left his gym bag at his buddy Kemal's stand. He was eagerly awaiting Sebastian. It started to drizzle, Kemal wanted to dismantle his stand and no more customers were coming. Sebastian helped his friend to stow away the goods. The prospect of lifting weights with Kemal and relieving pressure in the shower after training was worth postponing the workout a little longer.
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You have to hate your coach. And today Baschy, as his teammates call him because of his Swiss roots, hates his coach. Shit, if Baschy is at the end of his tether, it's been a tough training session. And after the youth training session, there was another training session on the schedule. Baschy tries to focus his anger on his stick and puck. And he sends the puck towards the goal. His colleague in goal has to take a real beating. And by the time the juniors, some of whom were barely up to his belly button, come onto the ice, his anger has been vented.
Baschy loves training with the kids. Even if it's a completely different thing to play ice hockey skillfully than to teach someone how to do it. And his kids adore him. When he's not at training, their motivation is at rock bottom. Especially with the one little guy who Baschy is convinced is born to be great. But even if nobody can say why, the two of them simply have a very special relationship.
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hyatoro · 1 year
I REQUEST SM SO ILL TAKE A BREAK IF YOU WANT but Franklin with a hockey player reader LIKE HE HATEEES ANY TEAM READERS NOT ON AND READERS LIKE “you hate them more than me Frankie”
Franklin Russell
Back in school he sold some of his crafts (amigurumi, headbands, etc) to other students to save up and buy you a hockey stick. 
Embroidered a pattern on your hockey bag to make it easier to find.
When you were younger he would try and help you by being your training buddy but has since fallen off since he dislikes getting sweaty in any capacity other than love making. 
Embroidered a hoodie for you for when you work out and just need one. He has your taste in mind when designing it, but the cuffs of your sleeves have his signature flowers. One time he saw you bring it up to your lips and kiss it. He puffed up and went really red. When he covered his face with his hand he suddenly thought of how it’s like you sharing a kiss and instantly had to cover his face with both instead. Cause dropping his hand would mean he didn’t want that and this man would never. 
He tells you this later when you get off the ice after practice and you do it again. He’s got that goofy grin and can’t say anything during the ride home. 
If you play pro and he’s seen media try and ship you with other players he gets heated. Isn’t about to spam comments in the forums cause that’s not his style but gets hella clingy and does a lot more PDA to show that you’re taken. Matching clothes gets bumped to a 10. It works. And soon they’re talking about you two. Even if they’re hating on him he doesn’t give a shit. It means that he’s living in their minds rent free. 
When you play against real teams he’s always there. Always. He’s decked out in a bunch of layers, but on top of it all is a jersey with your number. 
Loudest cheerer. Other partners of your teammates can’t even compete with him. Not that they’d want to. They’re actively encouraging him. 
Probably one of the few times you’d see him spout some vile words and insults. He’d been reprimanded multiple times. 
“Frankie, honey, baby, please.”
Then you get bumped into again. 
Then you carry him away with your arms hooked under his armpits, dragging him away as he throws a middle finger up. 
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fleurywiththesave · 3 months
May I ask when you got obsessed with Matthew? Like, what was the thing that made you go "oh...ok" about him?
(Just to make it fair, I'll tell you my Tkachuk origin story. I was going through all of @angry-geno-is-score s larsdunn fics, read them all and was like "I will read any pairing written by this author. ANY." Read their mattdrai stuff even though I knew nothing about the pairing or players or anything, I barely even knew what they *looked* like, Read a whole lot more mattdrai, became obsessed with the dynamic, snooped around on Tumblr and fell in love with Leon's bluntness and Matthew's theatrical behavior (specifically when he very deliberately took off his helmet and tossed it aside before a fight). All this just in time for the playoffs and cup final of a thousand narratives!!)
Love your fics! Just as an add on!
Well, I've been a hockey fan for close to a decade and a hockey rpf fan for almost as long, but I only became a Matthew fan about a year ago. I mostly drifted away from all things hockey for a couple years, just because of various life stuff, and was starting to dip my toe back in on all of it. I don't remember which fic it was that got me interested in mattdrai, but I also didn't even really know what either of them looked like when I first checked out the pairing! I think that what really got me hooked on Matthew was that he's just so much fun to watch. He's got a ton of personality, he's a great player, he loves the game and always makes things interesting, and he has beautiful eyes and absurdly charming teeth. Like, someone so single-mindedly obsessed with hockey and only hockey shouldn't be as engaging a person as he is, but he is! So I guess it was a combination of various authors' fictional barbie dolls of him and the real person/hockey player, which was also really nice when I was trying to get back in the swing of things with both of my sides of being a hockey fan. And then mattdrai ended up being what pushed me into writing my own fic for the first time ever, and to dusting off a tumblr url I saved like eight years ago to really lean into having to a fandom blog.
That was fun to think about, thank you for the question!! And thanks for reading my writing, I'm really glad you like it 💙
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
Both my parents had some not gender-traditional hobbies - my father really enjoyed cooking and loathed pretty much every traditionally masculine hobby and interest out there, and my mother didn't just build her own house, but put together most of the garden infrastructure by her own hand.
Altogether, my parents were somewhat proud of giving me and my sister a gender-neutral upbringing. Of course it was the 90s and nobody called it that, nor did they make a big deal out of it, it was just that both me and my sister were given both dolls and toy cars to play with. Had I been cis, I don't think I would have been raised any different, or treated differently than my sister was.
While me and my sister did have those bizarre chaos anarchy barbie societies that girls' barbie doll games actually are, I don't think either of us ever really played with baby dolls. I never saw the attraction to them, we never played house with someone being The Mommy like kids in daycare would. I think we were both under the age of 10 when we first said, individually and unprompted, that we don't want our own kids, ever.
Our mother would always just smile and say that's what they all say, but you'll change your mind one day. As children do, I figured that must be the way it is - nobody wants kids the same way they'll want to move to France and be an artist or a hockey player when they grow up. You just grow up and reach a certain age, get bored with your life and go "fine, I guess I'll have a few kids" just to have something to do and keep yourself occupied.
It's only now as an adult - coming to the age my parents were when they started actively trying to have children - I've become aware there really are people who not only want children, but have always known they wanted children. Kids whose baby dolls didn't just sit discarded on the shelf as the silent witnesses of the gruesome scenes of insane barbie cannibal cults, but were actually played with, held and babied by kids who can't wait to be a mommy for real one day.
All things considered, I'm pretty sure that despite of going out of their way to have a family on purpose, neither of my parents ever really wanted children.
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3416 · 8 months
just actually sobbed my eyes out over your “1634 is meant to be” post like they are my favourite platonic / hockey / best friend soulmates ever like they just fit together and they were meant be be in each other lives oh god i’m gonna cry again.
it's the fact that i think THEY believe that too based on all their little routines and habits tbh.... like we can all sit around and mash random hockey guys together like barbie dolls bc it's fun or whatever but auston and mitch .... they've tied themselves together.. their hockey play and their routines as players...... "so proud to be a part of this journey with you" like ????? matching number necklaces??????? auston saying he's never had chemistry like that with anyone and also that his achievements wouldn't be possible without mitch?????? like. on top of all the stuff i already named w the gloves and the warmups and handshakes and hanging out on the road liekfjds i just.
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drewsbuzzcut · 9 months
Nick got Layla Barbie dolls (specifically hockey player Barbie) and she lovessss it so much. Layla spends the rest of the night cuddled up with Dallas and Nick with her dolls
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haveamagicalday · 8 months
Battle of the Barbies! Round 4: Career (Sub Round 2)
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This is round 4 (sub round 2) of the bracket. All other polls in can be found here.
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sunflowerrex · 1 year
Eli N Vanto has officially become my new Barbie doll.
What Eli N Vanto edition should I do next 🤠
(Ps this is honestly super good practice for me bc I’m new to drawing people and kinda new to digital art so like I’m probably gonna do them all)
(Pss feel free to message me any ideas you have that aren’t in this poll!!! These were the current ones in my noggin)
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dollsinvogue · 2 years
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Barbie Tim Hortons hockey player doll » Tim Horton’s coffee cup » Tim Horton
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Peter Shaw is like barbie. He's my personal little doll to dress up.
Ice Hockey Player? Been there
Popstar? You bet he's in a boyband
Fireman? Heck yeah
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caixxa · 1 year
Writing tag game
Thank you so much dear @arsi-lehkonen for tagging me! I'll try answer this without being too affected by your answers because they were fucking brilliant and we feel and think so much alike about writing, it's unbelievable.
what is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
I'm bad at absolute superlatives so I'll name 3.
Cristiano Ronaldo as a catholic priest in a rural Welsh village after WWII, with James as an angel and so many side characters and cameos. I learned so much with this AU!
Creating a porn industry AU where I could play with my favorite characters as if they were naked barbie dolls.
The idea that I can and should write Finnish players in Finnish.
(All these became actual fics: 1, 2, 3)
what is your favorite part of being a writer? which parts could you take or leave?
My favorite part is the pure magic of creation. This thing exists only in my head until I flesh it out with words, and the words that I choose and the order I put them in is the only way to bring it to reality and share it with other people, and the extra sugar and spice on it are their reactions.
I could do without having to write in English, but to reach whole audience that I think would enjoy my work, I have to. It's not my native language, and I don't use it in my daily life, and it creates such an extra effort to be able to really express myself the way I want to, and a layer of uncertainty about the result. If I want to diminish the uncertainty, I'll have to go the extra mile of bringing in a native beta, and that's an extra delay in the process of getting the work posted (and it can be nerve racking too, I've asked my betas to be gentle with me but it's still terrifying to show anybody my imperfections).
I'd love to be able to write casually and fast but solidly and well, and when I'm not, I'll rather step away from writing until I figure out if I want to do it again.
what is your greatest motivation to write/create?
My greatest motivation to write in general is monthly salary. My greatest motivation to write fan fiction has been passionate fan love for the subject matter of my fic. Writing is my way of dwelling around in the world of hockey fandom and screaming about how wonderful and sexy in all aspects the characters are.
"Fan fiction is a love letter to the fandom" is a great way to put it, and it also explains why I don't write that much anymore. When do we write love letters? When we're freshly fallen in love, the feeling is new and all-encompassing and makes you vibrate out of your skin. It's obsessive, a little similarly as when some people find religion, think new born christians who can't stop talking about how everything would be better for everyone if they accepted jesus in their hearts.
With time, this new obsessive kind of love dials down to a more mature love, it's still a grounding, lovely fiber in the tapestry of your life and emotional setup; the flames have settled to keep you warm, not consume and scorch everything in and around you. The urgent need to constantly pour your love into love letters has faded down at that point.
I think I'm at that point.
what is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? link it if you’d like and can!
It varies so much! I'll have to say three again.
Right now I thought I'll go with the crowd and mention my porn AU camera ready because it was such a huge work to write to completion, it's 89 K in 43 chapters.
But the dearest to my heart is my second ever hockey rpf story and truly a love letter to my favorite Finnish hockey boys and Finnish summer, and my first bilingual work Jussi at Jussi's / Jussi Jussilla.
As a story, however, I'll have to say Father Cristiano's Redemption for the richness of the world building, ensemble cast and plot.
what is your favorite out-of-the-box quote?
Each and every kiss feels like a lingering mark on his skin, burning like droplets of hot wax from the candles he used to carry as an altar boy in the church, his second home.
(Father Cristiano’s Redemption)
which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
I don't know if there's anything controversial in being a shitty human being but if there is, maybe Sepe pursuing and banging older married family men with no qualms / those older married family men cheating on their spouses with him in the King and Prince of Carolina series is a tie in low morals. I don't endorse hurting people this way in real life.
if you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
"I have how many children?"
If you feel like doing this, consider yourself tagged, I'd love to read everybody's answers! @behoright @thosedaysthatwill @violasmirabiles @isconnormcdavidok you came to mind, and! Edit, @la-cruz-del-sur .
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stardustsea · 2 years
dude. what if you got glen powell in a movie about hockey. what's the plot? idk. no plot just vibes i'm bored at work so i'm just mashing two of your interests together like they're barbie dolls and then dropping by your inbox to torture you about it. <3
SCREAM the way I literally cannot imagine this man in ice skates
I'd like to see him fall on his ass on the ice now <3
That being said, I'd love to get a hockey movie with him in it as a WAG in some capacity and if he's forced to wear a suit sometimes like the players then all the better
Also @drysdaales this is in your wheelhouse too so thoughts?
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