#Home repair
naomiknight-17 · 9 months
My Oven Exploded
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*Dramatization, no large explosion took place
The igniter on my oven blew, and it requires a $350 repair. Luckily, I have $200 in savings, but I'm scrambling to put together the rest so! I'm doing a little
Wherein you can leave a tip of any size through my Ko-Fi with a one or two-word prompt (eg. 'Sleepy kitty' or 'big cupcake' or 'butts!') And I will do a little thank you doodle like the above! Note: style may vary
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Seeing as a good chunk of us are textile artists, this is information we will benefit from.
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yourmomwaswrong · 1 year
This is not typically something I do, but I need help and at this point I'm out of options.
My partner, @slightlypsychic passed away fairly suddenly back in January. I've inherited his condo and it needs a lot of work. The most important and immediate work, however, is getting some electrical work done. Including replacing the electrical panel for the unit.
This link is to my gofundme, which has a breakdown in cost/quotes and a little bit more explanation of what needs done.
If anyone that sees this could help me out by getting the word and link out there I would be so appreciative.
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zoomar · 11 months
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Are you double-crossed by glues that "dry loose"?
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ahedderick · 6 months
Good morn - YIKES!
My first chore this morning was making complicated, delicious breakfast sandwiches for my son, husband, and myself. A laudable and nutritious goal, but I was hindered by discovering the veggie drawer had a layer of Slime™ in the bottom.
I pulled out all the unslimed packages (fortunately the tomatoes I needed for the sandwiches were unharmed!) and set the whole drawer aside to be cleaned later.
Later actually happened, unfortunately. The culprit turned out to be half a forgotten cucumber, which almost completely dissolved. As a farmer and parent, I have a pretty high tolerance for grossness. This was pretty bad, though. After rather a lot of wiping, rinsing, spraying, and re-wiping, the veggie drawer was once again fit to contain food. I pulled the (blameless, unsullied) fruit drawer out and cleaned underneath both of them.
Not the end of the world, certainly, but. Yeeeeegh. Not a great way to start the day.
Next project will be restoring water to my late father's house. The pump in the wellhouse had an Issue last week. My husband thinks he has the correct replacement part, and if all goes well he'll call me shortly and I can test the water inside the house while he scrutinizes the electrical switch in the wellhouse, a hundred yards away. If that doesn't fix it, we will need more expensive and complicated repairs to the pump itself. *sigh*
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nncastle · 2 days
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Horror show! Work on the solarium windows continues.
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gaystation4 · 3 months
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 22 days
Poverty can create a weird paralysis.
You need a thing, but you aren’t 100% sure exactly which thing. Do you need this part? That tool? Will that glue do the job? Will it fit? Will it be compatible? Will this work???
So you research. You examine everything. You think. And think. You figure out one of these might work.
If you have money it’s an easy choice most of the time. Make your best guess, buy it, and if it doesn’t work, oh well, get something else.
If you don’t have money it’s a hard choice. Make your best guess, and if it doesn’t work not only you have just wasted precious money, you can’t afford to get something else.
You have to get this right, absolutely right. You can’t experiment. Wrong isn’t a learning experience when it costs you the ability to make the right choice.
So you weigh options. Think. Debate. Try to decide. Worry. Research again. Delay while you try to feel certain enough….
Time ticks. The bigger the price ( literally) of being wrong, the longer this goes on.
Day. Weeks. Years.
So a repair job that might take half an hour ends up taking six months while you decide what exactly to buy. It’s only $30, someone says. Someone with $30 they can afford to spend on something unusable.
“Haven’t you fixed that yet??”
“No. I just need to buy a fitting. And some putty. ”
“How long could that take?”
“Well, it’s been two years now….”
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alphacentaurinebula · 1 month
I have a mouse. I hate this mouse. I have tried humane traps. Poison. An exterminator came and filled all the holes that could be filled in my old London flat. We keep no food out. Everything is in airtight containers. Even my fruit bowl has a colander cover to keep the mouse out.
Nothing works. The mouse escaped the humane trap. He won’t eat the poison. He comes to poo on my counters even tho there is nothing to eat.
I am at my wits end. Please someone tell me how to get rid of this mouse. I don’t wish him ill. If I could do it humanely I would. But it is so unsanitary and it is keeping me up at night and he HAS TO GO.
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Hoooo boy. Nothing quite like doing unplanned bathroom plumbing at 430 in the morning to make you want to murder someone with a hammer. I already had a pounding headache. Now I have a pounding headache, a backache, sore hands, a stiff neck, and a functioning toilet.
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naomiknight-17 · 10 days
$100+ at Rona, an hour of driving and some concerted teamwork later aaaaaand
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Let there be light
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teameagleworks · 1 year
My new book I pre-ordered came this week, and it's the cutest!
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I am not a renter, and Mr Eagle can fix literally anything, but I still absolutely bought it. I never want to stop learning, and I adore her compassionate approach to teaching on her social media.
I hope you get a chance to learn something new today too!
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if I could recommend two YouTubers channels to anyone they would be:
- Mercury Stardust (aka The Trans Handy Ma'am)
- Dad, how do I?
Mercury's more active on Instagram and TikTok but she's a handy ma'am who posts how-to's on home repair AND she has a renters-friendly book on home repairs
Dad, how do I? Posts a little of everything in terms of teaching people how to do things (most of it typical dad things, he has playlists for car repair, fishing, baking, cooking, and other misc things)
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nncastle · 3 days
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Today we started a long overdue project to stabilize the arched solarium windows. There was so much rot! Ugh. Slowly but surely we made progress, cutting away the rotted pieces and filling the holes. These windows were salvaged and they are extremely old. What’s more, the frames are embedded behind the cement mortar making getting new windows a very expensive job. In the future maybe we’ll replace them but for now we have to halt the water from getting in. They are in a scary condition, but looking better. Now to wait for the plastic wood to set. Tomorrow is day 2 - onwards.
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wikipediapictures · 1 year
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Spackling paste
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blackmageeljin · 3 months
the light of day has made seeing what the fuck is going on much easier.
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You can see how massive this bitch is, put my hand on the base of the branch where it was safe for scale. It was technically a 'branch, but it really was almost half of the tree. You can see there is some sort of rot or damage in its core. Dunno if it was struck by lightning a while ago and finally gave out (it looks very similar to a tree at our old house that was struck by lightning) or just was sick and rotting. You can see some dead parts that had fungus growing on them.
It did really fall miraculously like, around the house. Still took some damage. One gutter is down entirely and another banged up. Flashing at the edge of the roof was peeled like a fucking potato, and there's a few edge shingle damage. Worst is the can opener nonsense with the siding on the corner. But the windows and structure are all fine! For now- we gotta get it patched asap to prevent water damage. Unfortunately we will probably have to subsist on grains and eggs for a while to pay for shit but we'll manage. (This is the part where I shamelessly plug out ranch shop littlebrownbatrach on makerspace and Facebook. We are still getting it set up and off the ground but please reach out to me if you want jewelry or witchy things! I can also do Tarot readings!)
I have just been informed by the spouse that the man coming to deal with the tree is a delightful old man working in tree health and removal for 60 years whose last name is Beaver and I just appreciate he fulfilled his destiny.
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