#Homeschooled kleptomaniac
fountainpenguin · 2 years
How many episodes did Darcy appear in the show?
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Hello, thank you for the question! I kept postponing an answer, thinking maybe I could watch some episodes, but I haven't had the time so I finally decided it was time to get this out of my Ask box ^^;
I'm really not sure how many episodes she's in, but my tentative guess is between 8 and 10.
I think my favorite Darcy scene is when she says she doesn't work at the pet store and Mikey responds "I thought you were 'not working' at the pizza place" and her answer is "Oh, I still don't work there... but just on Saturdays!" She's silly, I like her <3
I think my BIaB 'fic Goodness of Misfit actually has a Darcy POV chapter. That's Chapter 2, "Wolves Without Teeth" iirc. She's fun.
(I should definitely post the Beverly POV chapter, I've been sitting on it for ages in my FFN doc manager because I was struggling with the Bunsen POV chapter that I wanted to post first; I also kept delaying because I felt like I'd moved past the story and it felt awkward to update it out of nowhere, but... it would be one less thing for me to worry about if I just post it. I've been editing regularly to refresh the deletion countdown timer for literally 5 years at this point, lol.)
Anyway Darcy is good, I support her and Salmonella the turtle.
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blvckentropy · 12 days
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Jess Alaniz | 26 | Snob, Kleptomaniac, and Unflirty for @dreambot #Loversrockbcchallenge
To call her famous is truly an understatement. She stands out as the most infamous convict across all simulated worlds. Curiously, she was born and raised in Ciudad Enamorda, but by the time she was four, her parents unexpectedly placed her on a plane to Brindleton Bay to live with her grandmother, her mother’s mom. This sudden separation left her feeling abandoned, leading her to believe that her parents didn’t want her. Jess was left to grapple with her emotions and the trauma of that experience alone. At school, her tendency to keep to herself made her a target for bullying, as other kids found her odd. Then came that pivotal day when a prank went horribly wrong, causing her to lose control and hurt a couple of classmates, which ultimately led her grandmother to transfer her to a different school.
Since that time, Jess transformed into a certified menace. She was constantly getting into fights, neglecting her schoolwork, and arguing with teachers and principals. Before long, she found herself mingling with other outcasts. By the age of 13, she had been permanently banned from several schools, forcing her grandmother to take on the responsibility of homeschooling her. Beneath her tough exterior, Jess felt a pang of guilt for the trouble she caused her grandmother. In many respects, her grandmother was her only refuge, and Jess held a deep affection for her.
By the age of 16, she left home with her boyfriend and his group, creating a new band of outcasts that roamed from Oasis Springs to Copperdale and beyond. They had no money or proper shelter, relying on abandoned buildings and homeless encampments. She adopted the name "Jess," with only her family and law enforcement aware of her true identity. Throughout her twenties, she frequently found herself in jail for various misdemeanors. She has done it all and hasn't spoken to her grandmother since then.
Now 26, she still finds herself in occasional run-ins with the law. So, don’t be shocked if she greets officers by name. With a tight-knit group of friends, most people tend to steer clear of her, which is just how she prefers it. She’s embraced a lifestyle filled with music, art, and a hint of pyromania. Her romantic life, however, is nonexistent. After a string of disappointments, she takes pride in being a good time rather than a long-term commitment. And Riot is no exception; she’s a fierce woman looking to explore some daring adventures together. Whatever those adventures may be, she’s ready to discover them if Riot is willing to join her.
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barnbridges · 1 year
marion facts that i need to say or i'll choke on them:
she was born marie therese meeber to single mother april meeber and given up at birth. she's spent the first 10 years of her life at an orphanage in ohio before being picked up by paul and terry barnbridge and adopted as marion lynn barnbridge. she's estrange from both her adoptive parents and their biological children, twins thelma and lucille.
she's exactly 5'2. sometimes she wears heels to attempt to be taller, but usually it's way too obvious anyway.
her original birthday is august 20th 1960, but it was shifted to match that of her adoptive mother terry as april 27th. she doesn't celebrate either.
both at the orphanage and with paul barnbridge she's learned to speak french fairly well. she self-identifies as french-american.
she was homeschooled by terry for the better part of middle school due to perceived "gaps" in her education and the need for childcare for the two younger children. she went to a girl's only highschool.
she's applied to hampden at the urge and with the financial support of her adopted uncle robert, himself an alumn with an undergrad in english. her application was an essay on the merits of close family adoption and adoption trauma.
she absolutely picked up kleptomaniac tendencies from the scarcity of childhood, and then sort of... it runs in and out of her life. she's never fully "cured" of it, in spite of trying in college. . yes she's pickpocketed francis before. it's not as much about needing things or even wanting them, it is a means of asserting control over a situation and emotionally grounding herself. yes she definitively made bunny's kleptomaniac tendencies worse and he hers lmao.
she's met bunny shoplifting at the food king and then again in shoplifters anonymous. neither of them really went after being introduced, but she's lecturing him constantly from the pamphlets.
she knits and plays the keyboard. piano is not something she really mastered in any meaningful way, but she's Passable at it and mostly enjoys listening to it.
she genuinely loves children and working with them, in spite or because of her own childhood, depending on the day. she can be perceived as harsh or disciplinarian, but rarely beyond what would be academically appropriate.
the infamous rika thalheim's been her freshman year roommate at durbinstal, and her major was dumbassery pottery. by her junior year ('82-'83) she roommated with a dina hammlinger in roxburgh.
writes exclusively using inkjoys and markers. most commonly outside the classroom, she's using purple gel pens. was an early adopter of block letters, even as a certified baby boomer, because of the educational value.
spends her weekends working overtime at the center unless busy.
acquired a rescue rabbit named caesarion with bunny himself off a farmer's market in new haven during the summer after freshman year. he's died at 9 years old and she's been a bird-mother since, specifically to parrots. her daughter enjoys rodents though.
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simschallenges · 4 years
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(note: because the original post by suxela can’t be found, i’m posting an archived version of the rules.)
Into The Woods Legacy Challenge Rules
By: Suxela
Welcome to the Into The Woods Legacy Challenge, where your legacy will have plenty of interesting characters, as well as ups and downs.
Growing up loving Disney fairy tales, it was no surprise that when I heard about the Into The Woods musical, I absolutely had to see it. That movie remained my favorite until I watched the Beauty and the Beast live action movie. Now, inspired by the Disney Princess Legacy Challenge, I decided to make a brand new challenge based off of Into The Woods. If you don’t know what it’s about, let me sum it up. Into The Woods is about several different fairy tales being intertwined and each story is dependent upon the others. The baker and his wife need to gather supplies for a potion to break a curse so they can have a child. These ingredients include items from the other fairy tales, like Cinderella's slipper. Everyone gets their happily ever after but then the big twist happens, affecting every single character.
General Rules:
No money cheats
Must complete all goals before death of character or you lose the challenge
Must have or adopt an heir for each generation
If you have any extra packs installed, feel free to use them. I would definitely love to see the cats and dogs expansion used with some of the characters. And if you do this challenge as a youtuber, please post the videos so I can watch.
Starting Out: Begin with a starter home and 1000 simoleons. I encourage you to be creative with the characters but it is always good to have some sort of representation of who they are in their looks.
Generation 1: Cinderella
Despite the life she’s lived with her stepmother and stepsisters, she’s finally free from them but still bound to her old life through a wicked curse of cleaning and a dreadful wardrobe. But it’s not all that bad, because she kinda likes cleaning. Will she ever break the curse and find her happily ever after…? 
Start out as a YA and must clean everything in her household until marriage.
Traits: Music Lover, Loves Outdoors, Neat
Aspiration: Your choice
Career: Your Choice
Plant a tree in her backyard as a YA
Throw a fancy party and invite chosen prince before marrying him as a YA (feel free to rush relationship. That’s what she did in the movie)
Have at least 1 child (heir) named Red
 Divorce husband as an adult after catching him cheating
Achieve level 10 of the singing skill
Generation 2: Red (Red Riding Hood)
Red’s nothing like Cinderella so raising this child must have been exhausting. It’s hard to say who they got their traits from but not from Cindy, and the trouble Red gets into doesn’t help either. 
Traits:Glutton, Kleptomaniac, Loves Outdoors (Or dog lover if you have the Cats & Dogs EP)
Aspiration: The Curator
Career: Criminal
Reach level 10 of the fitness skill 
Decorate your house with 5 stolen items
Reach top of Criminal career
Complete aspiration
Have at least one child but doesn’t have to marry (can adopt)
(Again only if you have the EP) Have a dog that is like the wolf from the movie with the traits glutton, hunter, and trouble maker.
Generation 3: Jack/Jackie
This kid takes after their parent for sure. Stealing is a thrill for them but gets the kid into trouble quite a bit. Well, I hope they can make other friends besides Milky White.
Traits: Active, Childish, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Your Choice
Career: Criminal
Become best friends with Milky White (Add this sim into town as a female)
Sell all items stolen for profit
Mother dies before marrying
Marry as adult and have 1 girl first and 1 other child (must be by blood)
Dual Generation: Generation 4: Rapunzel and the Baker
*In a dual generation, you have to have both sims living in the same house and control both of them, doing their challenges at the same time. It’s more of a challenge and much more fun.*
Rapunzel’s mother loved her but forced her to clean everything for them once she was old enough and wouldn’t let her leave the house, save for school (unless you have the mod for homeschool/online school). She couldn’t even talk to her sibling! (not like she knew about them) It was fine for her though. She had all the things she wanted except a romantic relationship, but she didn’t think about that until she was a YA.
Traits: Creative, Neat, and Romantic (give her this trait as YA)
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: N/A until adulthood
Reach level 10 of the painting skill 
Doesn’t talk to her sibling until an adult
Gets married as an adult and meets sibling
Grows to hate her mother before her mom dies (you can cheat this)
It doesn’t matter what gender or name the baker has but for rule purposes, it is a boy. The baker doesn’t have a good relationship with his parents. In fact, he barely speaks to them, or his sister until he’s an adult. All he does for them is cook once he’s a teen. He loves it so he doesn’t mind but hopes his future S/O shares their love of cooking so they can both cook. After meeting his S/O, the couple finds out they can’t have a child. Will they ever lift the curse they find out has been put on them?
Traits: Family Oriented, Foodie, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary
Meets future husband/wife as teen and marries them as YA
Both have to be a part of the Culinary career
Meet Rapunzel as adult
Have mother drink the Sim’s Special to become “magically” fertile
Have 1 child but the mom must die after it’s born (cheat this if needed)
Reach level 10 cooking and gourmet cooking skill as well as completing the Master Chef aspiration
Generation 5: The Baker’s Child; Final Gen!
*Can have any name/gender, but for rule purposes, I will use a female. Also I’m aware we don’t get to see the child grow up in the movie but here you can play the life of the child.* 
She grew up without a mother, but is still able to live a good childhood, despite her slightly gloomy nature. She had great grades in high school, too. Other than her seemingly perfect life, she has a cool ancestry which is perfect to write about, so what does she do? She becomes a writer of course, telling their stories as her father once told her.
Traits: Gloomy, Creative, Your Choice
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Writer
Max out all skills that are available to toddlers/children.
Has to be at the top of her class in high school
Write 3 books inspired by some her ancestors as those tell the stories of their lives. Be sure to name it after them as well.
Reach level 10 of the writing skill and top of career
Complete aspiration as well
You can decide the rest of the aspects of her life such as her friends, romances and even if she has kids. You can even have her get a pet (squeals from pet loving nature). Definitely have fun with this character. 
Congratulations! You have won the Into The Woods Legacy challenge.
“Remember to tell the stories worth telling.” 
~ Suxela
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I am IMMENSELY interested in this new au. Got any other info to share?
Yes I do actually! So here is more information on all of them. Sorry this is long but I actually have a lot of ideas for this AU.
TW: Mention of eating disorders, mention of abuse, mention of drugs, suggested neglect, mention of mental disorders, mention of suicide attempt, mention of alcohol, mention of death, mention of cheating, mention of bullying. Please tell me if I missed any
For the twins
Roman is biromantic. They don't have a label for their gender but they go by they/them, fey/fem, and xe/xem.
Remus is pansexual. He is cis but very gnc.
Their older brother is actually dead thanks to their dad who is currently in jail.
Their mom was actually the one who put them in the therapy house since she feels bad for staying with their dad for as long as she did.
Roman struggles with anorexia and purging disorder.
Remus struggles with Pica eating disorder.
They both also struggle with depression, PTSD, and Imsomnia.
They have a very rocky relationship with one another. They are very protective of each other and they will do anything to make the other happy. However, at the same time they're relatively distant with each other and also fight a lot. Sometimes their fights even turn physical.
Remus's hair is green with a strand of gray
Roman also used to have their hair dyed but their too lazy to do it again. It used to be red
Genderfluid. Uses she/her, he/him, zie/hir.
Has a port wine stain birthmark on his face.
Is a kleptomaniac and also has a history of vandalism.
Since his parents aren't exactly the wealthiest or most responsible, he has been "homeschooled" his whole life. So Remy basically taught him almost everything he knows.
He likes to mostly stay in the background and only speaks when he has to.
Very manipulative and cunning.
Doesn't like his step-mom, aka Remy's mom, because his dad cheated on his mom with her.
His relationship with his step-mom gets worse after she put both him and Remy into the therapy house.
Wants to be closer to Remy but doesn't know how to do so.
Doesn't trust any of the others in the beginning and is very hostile to them.
Suspected to have ADHD but refuses to get diagnosed.
Has a snake tattoo on his left arm.
Gay and Cisgender.
Struggles with Narcolepsy and Bigorexia.
Drinks way too much caffeine to try and self treat his Narcolepsy. His teeth are actually stained from how much caffeine he has drank.
Doesn't like Janus that much but still takes care of him.
Very passive aggressive and condescending.
Has an older sister however he doesn't see her often since she's in another country.
Very smart which makes him very opinionated.
Doesn't like being told what to do and is relatively stubborn.
Has long hair which is currently dyed gray.
Has Narcissistic personality disorder and anger issues.
Also struggles with Orthorexia
Has a long history of fighting and lying.
Very smart which sometimes makes him slack off since he doesn't think certain things are worth his time.
Knows multiple languages.
Got his NPD from his mom.
Was raised by his single mother. Doesn't know who his dad is.
Since his mom is often working, he and Emile were often home alone. When she found out about their behavioral problems, she put them in the therapy house.
Gender? Yes. Goes by all pronouns. Demiromantic
Was put in an adoption center when she was 6 after her parents got arrested for possessing drugs and fraud charges.
He was bullied at school after it was rumored that he was gay and an orphan.
Also got bullied a lot in the adoption center and the staff was very harsh.
Met Logan in middle school and was later adopted by Logan's mom.
Struggles with dependent personality disorder so they tend to be very clingy. Clings to Logan a lot.
Has a lot of fears, most of which are animals.
Really wants to dye his hair pink but Logan won't let him.
Cis and aroace.
Has Schizoid personality disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.
Has claustrophobia, emetophobia and hemophobia
A very picky eater and separates most of their food.
Was put in the therapy house by one of his siblings, apparently having been too high maintenance for them.
Hates his family especially his siblings but won't clarify why.
Flinches a lot which has led many of the others to think he was abused.
Dyed the tips of his hair purple.
Trans, MTF. Goes by she/her.
Has ADHD and Psychosis. Her psychosis is due to her sleep deprivation caused by ADHD.
Has a habit of refusing to take her meds. Often pretending to take them and then spitting them out.
She is often the first person awake and tends to wake up everyone else.
If not reminded, she will forget to do things like shower, eat, drink water, etc.
Very protective of all the others but is also very critical of them.
Both of her parents are alcoholics. They have even forced her to drink multiple times.
Was put in the therapy house after both of her parents decided that they didn't want to deal with her anymore.
Cis and gay
Owner of the therapy house.
Tries to take care of all the others as much as he can
Constantly comes close to having a heart attack thanks to the others
Has had to break up many fights.
Doesn't allow any sharp stuff in the house. Anything like knives are locked away, hidden in his room.
Also has the other's medications locked in his room after the twins once tried to OD on them.
Took down the mirror in the restroom for both safety and mental health reasons.
Tired and not paid enough™️
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(TW) Anxiety (3) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: April 14th, 2022
part one, part two, part four
Anxiety (ao3) - QueenKenzo
Summary: Dan has been homeschooled his whole life cause of his major anxiety so when he finally goes to school his sophomore year of high school, Phil is assigned to help him. Will they fall for each other? Teenage Au Phanfic
Anxiety Doesn't Know Logic (ao3) - rosiejiminie
Summary: At night, Dan's depression gets really bad. Phil hears him crying, and doesn't know what to do.
A Theft of Heart - howellesterfics
Summary: Dan has generalized anxiety disorder, Phil is a kleptomaniac. Neither are living the perfect life, sure, but perhaps they’re just missing something.
A Timid Heart and Lovely Art (ao3) - eris_doesnt
Summary: Dan and this college boy Phil have been talking for 7 months, but Dan’s trust issues and past experiences make it difficult to commit to a relationship.
But It’s Better If You Do - gorgeousdan
Summary: When Louise invites Dan and Phil to a Halloween masquerade ball, Phil suggests they go alone. Dan doesn’t expect much to happen, until Phil kisses him. Now, Phil’s on a hunt to find the boy he kissed. The twist? He doesn’t know it was Dan.
Chicken - philsdrill
Summary: Dan is worried that his social anxiety is going to mess up his job interview, but that becomes the least of his problems when he gets his vibrator stuck up his butt the night before.
come and go like ocean waves (ao3) - realeyesrealize
Summary: Phil gets anxious. Dan is there to help him.
Going Up - washedoutgay
Summary: (TW) Dan gets stuck in an elevator in America but is lucky to have a sweet stranger help him calm down when he starts to panic.
isn't it lovely, all alone (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: He knows that there will be more days like this, when the anxiety gets so bad that he felt like he couldn’t breathe, but Phil felt like a steady anchor to an anxious heart. or sometimes it's hard to be away from the one.
Leave Me Alone (Don’t Leave Me Alone) (ao3) - starrywrite
Summary: When they’re alone, everything’s fine. When the camera’s on, everything’s fine. But the second they step out in public, it’s as if they aren’t even together and Phil doesn’t understand why Dan keeps on pushing him away.
Let Me Help You Be Okay - contentedlyconfused
Summary: Phil can handle the panic, it’s just a part of living with Dan. Or, the one where Dan has awful panic attacks and Phil has to keep him together.
Picture Perfect - dxnhowell
Summary: Phil Lester is a big time photographer and has just been offered the opportunity of a life time for his company. He needs a model, so he asks his pastel, fashion lover boyfriend, Dan. The only problem? Dan is extremely shy around strangers and has anxiety. Phil hopes to finally help Dan out of his shell.
Ship’s That Pass In The Night (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Dan and Phil are YouTubers. The catch? They’ve never met, and Phil doesn’t want them to.
They’re Going to Love You - crescendohowell
Summary: An au where Dan is not a youtuber while Phil is.  And when Dan tags along to lunch to a couple of Phil’s youtuber friends he gets a little very clingy
Things I Can('t) Fix (ao3) - spicydanhowell
Summary: Phil Lester is 25, and suffers from a mild anxiety disorder. He seeks help in the form of group therapy, where he meets Dan. Dan Howell is 21, and keeps to himself even if the secrets of his past are tearing him apart.
Unraveling - yuurisnice
Summary: Dan knew he was different from other children very early on. He never lost his ‘imaginary friends’, they only became a more integral part of his life. Living with his illness is never easy and with a secret as large as his, cracks are bound to appear. While he isn’t ashamed of his DID, he knows the consequences of telling the wrong people.
Warm - unexpectedhowell
Summary: Phil was warm.
You're Too Much - the-phan-nebula
Summary: Everything Dan knows about friendship is turned upside down when he moves to a new town and meets Phil Lester, a charming, funny, and friendly boy who seems like he owns the world. New friends can show you new things, and Phil shows him things he never thought he’d see, from bathroom anxiety attacks to his first drink and dance at a high school party. But as their friendship develops, Dan begins to feel things that quite honestly terrify him, and everything about Phil becomes overwhelming. Everything becomes too much.
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Group Therapy
ahhh okay so listen 
this is probably really bad and im so sorry but whatever fuck it
Eddie shuddered against the cold wind that pushed past him and made the fallen leaves swirl around him. He pulled his schoolbooks closer to his chest and continued on, his legs beginning to tremble more and more with each passing step. Eddie still remembered what his mother had told him that morning before school.
“Eddie-Bear, don’t you worry yourself. After school you’re going to go to a therapy group so that you’ll be a normal little boy.”
Eddie sighed, his hair blowing backwards in the wind as he made his way to the random building he had been told the group was being held in.
The brown building stood proudly but tiredly in front of him, the countless windows surrounding the building were glaring down at him.
Eddie took in a couple large breaths and swung open the door. He peered inside, the lobby was completely empty but there was a whiteboard sign with ‘Mrs. Jackson’s Therapy Group in room 301’ in large blue letters. Eddie glanced around frantically, his nerves getting the best of him.
What if they hate him? What if they judge him? What if they’re dirty and covered in germs? His mother would surely not approve and pull him out. Eddie began to hyperventilate, the walls seemly closing in on him.
He didn’t even notice someone enter from behind him or that someone placing their hand on his shoulder. He didn’t notice them until they turned him around to face them.
Eddie couldn’t focus on features. All he could see through his watering eyes was bright red hair and some blue jean overalls over a red shirt.
The person was saying something to him but Eddie couldn’t understand, all he could bring himself to do is shake his head and breathe in and out harshly.
Eddie suddenly found himself plummeting back into reality as he felt a stinging sensation on his left cheek. Whoever had been trying to talk to him had slapped him and was now holding his shoulders with a worried look on their face.
Eddie sputtered out fragments of sentences as he attempted to explain himself.
“Are you alright?” the person- a girl- had asked. Eddie took in a sharp intake of air and nodded slowly.
“Sorry.” Eddie mumbled sheepishly, using his right hand to flatten his hair and his left tightly secured around his books.
“It’s okay. Are you going to the therapy group?” she asked, pointing towards the sign. Oh, that’s right. Eddie nodded, trying to stay as silent as he could so he didn’t end up saying something stupid.
“Cool. I’m going too, we can find it together. I’m Bev, by the way.” the girl said, extending her hand.
Eddie stared at it, “There are about 5,000 germs on your hands at any given time. That’s not even considering those who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom or after touching something with even more germs.” Eddie said, absentmindedly just spouting off facts his mother had drilled into his head.
The second he said those words, he flinched and laughed awkwardly. Great, he had just made himself look like an idiot in front of this random girl that he was going to therapy with. What if she had anger issues and was going to hurt him? Eddie was smaller than most kids and being sheltered didn’t help his nonexistent knowledge about defense.
Bev laughed, “Calm down, it’s okay.” she said, moving her outstretched hand back and waving it dismissively.
“I’m Eddie.” Eddie said, his head moving down as if he were trying to make himself smaller. “Well then, Eddie, lets go to this bullshit therapy session.” Bev bowed and walked past him into a hallway, Eddie scrambling after her, his backpack bouncing with each step.
The two approached the room labeled ‘301’ and Bev opened the door, stepping aside so Eddie could enter. When Eddie stepped inside, the first thing he noticed was a set of chairs formed in a circle with three people occupying three seats.
The first seat had Eddie’s therapist, Mrs. Jackson, sitting in it. A clipboard sitting in her lap and her legs crossed. She smiled as soon as she saw Eddie, waving a little at him.
Right next to her was a boy with curly hair and perfectly ironed clothes. Nothing seemed out of place with him, his shoelaces were even and his button up shirt didn’t have a single button out of place. Even his curly hair was styled a specific way and it hardly moved as the boy bounced his leg three times, paused for three seconds, and repeated the action.
The last seat was taken by a boy, also with curly hair, not as short as the other boy, with a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of black jeans. He was lazily spread out on the plastic seat across from Mrs. Jackson. He didn’t look like he wanted to be there and the way his shoes were off, thrown behind him, already made Eddie not like him very much.
“Come have a seat, guys. Wherever you want.” Mrs. Jackson spoke, gestured to the seats around her. Eddie dropped his backpack and books on the floor on the other side of Mrs. Jackson. He pulled out a container from his backpack and pulled out some disinfecting wipes, wiping down the seat and carefully folding it, placing it into the trash bin that leaned against the wall.
“Great, we got two clean freaks.” the boy in the Hawaiian shirt said loudly, adding a dramatic sigh after it.
“Richie, don’t forget what we talked about. Be nice.” Mrs. Jackson reprimanded.
Eddie ignored them both and watched as Bev plopped herself into a random chair in between Richie and Eddie.
“This is Stan and that’s Richie.” Mrs. Jackson introduced to Eddie and Bev, then she turned around to face the two boys and said, “This is Eddie and Beverly.”
Eddie waved awkwardly before shooting his hand down and yelling at himself internally.
“Now, we’re only waiting on Bill, Mike, and Ben.” Mrs. Jackson listed off, looking at her clipboard and taking down a little note.
Mike arrived next, he looked seemingly normal, like there was nothing wrong with him. Though Eddie supposed that they all looked normal, it was on the inside that counted.
Bill and Ben arrived together after him, chatting about random topics that Eddie didn’t exactly care for.
Once everyone was sitting and staring at Mrs. Jackson expectedly, they begun the discussion.
At first, it was small things such as “what’s your favorite TV show and why?”, just so they could get used to each other. While everyone was talking, Eddie glanced at the weird Richie boy. Richie was staring off, completely uninterested in the conversation. Mrs. Jackson must have noticed as well because seconds later, she changed the topic.
“Alright. Now that we all know each other a bit better, how about we get down to business. Why don’t you all tell everyone why you’re here and you hope to accomplish while you’re here?”
Bill was the first to speak after a minute or so of uncomfortable silence. He talked, with his stutter of course, about his brother, Georgie, who had gone missing a couple months prior. He talked about his parents ignoring him since his brother’s disappearance. He talked about his depression and how sometimes he’ll hear a clown’s voice and how sometimes he’ll see things that aren’t really there.
Next was Mike. Mike talked about his insomnia and how he has nightmares about the time he killed a sheep, except now he was killing people. He talked about how history was his passion and how much it helped him. He talked about the farm he lives at and how he’s homeschooled so he doesn’t get much social interaction with other kids but he craves it more than anything.
Bev talked about her cigarette addiction and how she does weed every now and then. She talked about her bipolar disorder and her mild depression. She talked about how she skips class a lot and hangs out on the roof, to which she nodded at Richie and Richie returned the gesture.
Ben told them about his self image issues and how he cares more about other people than he does about himself. He talked about how he had a love of poetry and also enjoyed history. He talked about how much he loved reading and how much it helps bring him to reality.
Stan had a small frown on his face as he talked. He talked about his extreme Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and how he had to do things in blocks of three. He had to enter a room three times. He had to move in steps of three before waiting three seconds and continuing to walk. The biggest thing to Stan was how he would have panic attacks if things weren’t set in groups of three. He could handle it most of the time, but it still freaked him out. He talked about how he was Jewish and he talked about how much he enjoyed bird watching.
Finally, it was left to Eddie and Richie. Eddie didn’t particularly like talking about himself so he hoped that Richie would speak up but, at the same time, he didn’t want to be last because then they might spend more time on him. So, Eddie did what Eddie always does and just started talking.
“Um, well, I’m Eddie- though I suppose you all already knew that. I’m a huge germaphobe and I have asthma. I, uh, I have a bit of social anxiety. And, umm, I don’t know. My mom is kinda overprotective and I have to take a lot of different pills to stay healthy. And, uh, well... I’m gay?” Eddie sputtered out, mentally face palming at everything he said.
“That sounded like a question, Eds. Are you or are you not gay?” Richie asked, now hanging upside down while still on his chair.
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie said automatically, “And yes. I am very gay.”
Richie nodded, seemingly satisfied.
“What about you, Richie? What’s wrong with you?” Stan asked, his leg bouncing.
“Nothing. I’m not like you freaks.” Richie responded with a shrug.
“No one here is a freak, Richie, not even you. If this is going to work, you need to actually talk about your problems.” Mrs. Jackson said, writing down some notes.
“Fine. These dickwads said I have borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, and I have anger issues. Also, I’m a kleptomaniac, though, I guess that doesn’t count as a mental illness, huh?” Richie said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out Eddie’s inhaler. Eddie gasped, stood up, and instantly grabbed it from the taller boy’s hand.
“How’d you even get this? It was in my backpack! Oh, man, mom’s gonna kill me.” Eddie spoke, not really expecting any answers as he wiped down his inhaler.
“Correction, it was in the side pocket and I snatched it as you walked by. Jesus, it’s like you morons are asking to be pickpocketed.” Richie explained and then, as if an afterthought, added, “Your mother seems like a real charm, she does. I bet she’s just as charming in the bedroom.”
“Beep beep, asshole.” Stan piped in. Eddie guessed they already knew each other from either school or the time they spent in here before Bev and Eddie arrived.
“I’m just joking. Didn’t realize jokes weren’t allowed in front of the clean freaks, my bad.” Richie spat, looking annoyed.
“Ri-Richie, may-may-maybe it isn’t a-a-a good i-i-idea to m-m-make fun of s-s-someone.” Bill stuttered, his voice strong even through every shake.
“S-sorry, did-di-didn’t m-m-mean to offend the s-schi-schizophrenic.” Richie mocked.
“Richie, that’s enough. Go take a walk around the building and come back when you’re capable of playing nice.” Mrs. Jackson ordered.
Richie rolled his eyes, threw his legs off the chair, and walked out of the room. Eddie watched as Richie stomped off, taking a puff of his inhaler, and followed the cute boy.
Eddie found Richie outside, shivering against the harsh winds. He looked angry, which Eddie didn’t understand since Richie was the one who started it.
Eddie sat down on the ground next to Richie and slowly wrapped his arm around him, allowing him time to tell him to leave him alone. Richie said nothing, just glancing at Eddie’s figure and staring back straight ahead.
“Are you... okay?” Eddie asked, tentatively, not wanting to anger the boy further.
“Thought you were the germaphobe.” Richie said, ignoring the question. “I mean, yeah, but, I mean, you’re cold so... I mean, I can move if you want me to-?” Eddie rambled, stopping when he felt Richie lean into his embrace.
“Please, don’t.”  
Eddie nodded and rested his head on top of Richie’s, who had his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck.
They stayed like that for a while, until the others had come looking for them. Even then, they didn’t move. Eddie just shrugged and held onto Richie tighter in response to their questioning stares.
This happened pretty much every session. Richie would say something that was mean or offensive, Mrs. Jackson would send him out, and Eddie would follow and hold him in his arms outside.
So to say it wasn’t surprising to the losers club, as they called themselves, when Richie and Eddie started dating, would be an understatement.
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kittycatwayne · 7 years
some little but important things to know about helena  
she don’t like dogs.
Helena is very attached to Alfred
Her favorite adoptive brother / robin is Tim Drake.
She’s kleptomaniac
she do voluntary work since she was a child
she was homeschooled so she doesn't have many friends outside the “hero world” but since she does voluntary works, she ended up making a couple of friends who are as close to her as the other JL kids.
she loves Harley Quinn & Pamela Ivy
she has an personal enemy just like her father & joker, who had tried to kill her a few times now.
she doesen't sleep much
she tends to be very obsessive. Especially with cases she can't finish or things she can't understand right away.
( i'll do more detailed headcanons about this topics with time)
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fountainpenguin · 6 years
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
I don’t have a cool preview image for it, but the second chapter of Goodness of Misfit went up today. As per tradition, it is named after an “Of Monsters and Men” song. In this case, it’s “Wolves Without Teeth”.
It’s Darcy’s chapter. Note to self: Never, ever write from Darcy’s POV again.
While not the most thrilling chapter, it’s probably more exciting than not getting a fanfic update today, which is what you were scheduled to get. I for one think it’s important to hear what the other Muckledunk kids have to say when they find out a Beast is due to move into their town in a matter of months.
Next time Goodness of Misfit updates, it’ll be with Beverly and Amanda going on a hike, and I’m pretty excited about that. Mostly because Beverly’s chapter is already done, and Amanda’s is getting close.
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
Is it all right if I ask for some three-way relationship charts? I'd like Trixie, Paulina and Sophie; Tootie, Sam and Darcy; Vicky, Valerie and Amanda; and Chloe, Jazz and Beverly. Butch Hartman has similar types of girls in each of his shows. There's the pretty and popular one loved by the lead male (Trixophina); the geeky one with a crush on the lead male (Tootamarcy); the violent one who claims to hate the lead male (Amalericky); and the smart one who works hard (Jazzerloe).
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
Sunny: *Creates a lovely compilation of beautiful screenshots that she liked in the new BIaB episodes*
Some hypothetical person: “So Riddle, what screenshots did you take while YOU were watching? You probably got some nice ones too, right?”
Me: “Uh........”
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“Y-yeah, I sure did.”
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
Every Darcy episode so far:
Mikey: I’m going to do the right thing
Darcy: Have you considered alternatives, such as not doing that?
Mikey: Oh crud conundrum
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fountainpenguin · 7 years
I’m currently catching up on the “Bunsen” episodes I missed while out of town this last week and I have to say, Mikey seems super chill about Darcy trying to steal his parents’ job and I find this unreasonably funny.
I also like the way he assumes that security systems are supposed to involve swinging balls on chains that slam into intruders. Mikey, what did your parents teach you?
Also Darcy named her pet turtle Salmonella.
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