#Hope you have a fabulous day
ant1quarian · 10 months
"Before you tell me to be a good person, I want to know what you mean by that."
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hypnotic-kink · 6 months
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pushing500 · 5 months
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The solar flare meant Mechi was doing boring stuff like mining, so every time the cooldown for The Monolith or Ms Clarabelle (our sightstealer) was up, he sprinted to do that instead. I don't think he likes manual labour lmao
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Some wild people came onto the map, which Mechi was not thrilled about because one of them was a taukai xenotype (cancer people, I think), and he thought they were hella ugly. A bit rude, but Mechi hates everybody anyway, so it's understandable.
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The grass is quite literally greener on this side of the fence, boomalope (the boomalope is now named Butter, and he is a very good boomalope)
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More silver is always nice, and foggy rain isn't so bad.
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We did not offer help to either of The Accurates.
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lilbitofmac · 2 years
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Stephen’s got his hands full this Halloween 🤭✨
A big ol’ Happy Birthday gift for @harpywritesfic!!! She and @darkkitty1208 both wrote vampire Stephen fanfics on AO3 to celebrate, and so, y’know, I had to 1-up them by bringing in werewolf!Tony. =w=
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trans-axolotl · 7 months
we were mutuals on my old blog but grew seperate over time, i wanted to say that its because of your work w/ intersex issues that i ended up getting diagnosed with an incredibly rare genetic disorder that is considered intersex. i'm the 39th person ever recorded to have it, and only the 9th woman to be diagnosed. it means a lot to me, since your advocacy helped with my journey. thank you.
wow, thank you so much for sharing. i'm so glad that my blog could help in whatever small ways--i started talking about intersex stuff on tumblr because i couldn't find any resources and didn't have any answers and it just always means so much to me when i hear that other people have been able to find connections or answers or community. i'm so so happy that you were able to get a diagnosis.
thank you for this message, it really means a lot 💜💜💜
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Family celebrations look for today!! Ft. Jeans that fit my butt!!! (its been a while and a half.)
My links
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your hcs have intrigued me immensely and i would also like to know about funkobra if its not too much trouble :]
'if it's not too much trouble' babygirl i am literally in love with you shut up
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ghoul is Never Ever Ever Ever Allowed to drive Python [kobra's bike]. well, he's not allowed to drive the Am either, but kobra enforces the rule so much harder than party. its fine though, ghoul likes riding with his arms around kobra's waist anyway :) [< oneshot idea hello.]
kobra's such a simp, like when ghoul puts even the teeniest tiniest effort into how he looks [even just like. cleaning the grease and sand and blood off his face] kobra's like. oh. hi. hello. who is this beautiful person i see. and incredibly embarrasses himself blushing. god forbid ghoul puts on eyeshadow, kobra'd DIE
one time they tried to bake together. the oven blew up.
they like watching the stars on the roof above the diner
ghoul has nightmares a lot, and kobra often wakes up in the middle of the night to find him crying, so kobra has to comfort him. usually the best way to fix it is to just hug him really really bone crushingly tight until he falls back asleep.
that's also why they never sleep in the dark, there's always a few candles on, or the blinds open so the stars light up the room
ghoul's really religious, but kobra and the witch are tight, which makes for some... interesting dynamics. ghoul's all 'kobra you have to respect her!!!' "if you're praying tell that bitch to stop resurrecting party on witchfucker wednesday"
kobra has a tattoo gun, and he's always adding ones for ghoul. the most recent ones, he got all their joy symbols done down his collarbone. kobra kisses those.
they make dumb bets all the time, like 'if this coin flip lands heads then i get all your rations for a week' "if you dont clear this jump you have to sleep outside tonight" and then jet has to come in and be like. no no. you don't get to starve eachother just because you lost a bet. you dont have to commit to the bit that hard.
kobra teaches ghoul to read, but he still likes kobra reading to him best
ghoul will only ever use petnames in spanish [i read in a fic somewhere that he was half spanish and i love that so much and now its canon to me] like, he'll never say babe or sweetheart or anything, only hermoso and los querido and mi corazon
ghoul loves bright colours and stuff, so he has a bunch of necklaces and beaded bracelets and stuff that kobra made him which he wears everywhere, even if they're under his shirt or whatever and you can't seen them. his favourite one's red and yellow.
kobra def gets really avoidant when he's anxious, and he just closes himself off from everyone, getting into a 'what if they all secretly hate me' mindset. ghoul always has to remind him no :( i dont hate you :(
they find an abandonded tin of nitrous and try to make ice cream one time, it actually works out better than they expected. buuuut then the girl gets sad because IT'S SO GOOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO MORE
one time ghoul //accidentally// left his bomb wip in their room. he slept in the diner booths for a week after that.
when ghoul started dressing more fem, kobra was GONE. like party has had to leave the room several times because the staring was getting embarrassing. kobra kid simp agenda!!!! im so serious!!!
:D it is literally. eleven thirty so i need to Stop but !!!! the sillies ! !!!
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inkykeiji · 1 year
hi clari!! its cupcake! ohh the prompt idea is soooo much fun!!! could you do something with bmb Dabi and number 22?? i could totally see them being on a walk or something and I think it could be really cute!!
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prompt: footbridge series: break my bones warnings: use of the word daddy/referenced daddy kink, toxic relationship, reader is female and quite bratty words: 1.1k
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It’s one of those slow, lazy summer days, where time drips by in syrupy drops, thick and viscous and sugary-sweet. 
The sun wanders between fluffy clouds, seeming to sway with the wind, the slight but constant breeze gliding between the willows and the blossoms and the blades of overgrown grass, and everything is languid, everything is lax, everything is nice. 
Which means you are bored. 
Of course. As always. 
“Don’t you dare get on that tree trunk,” Dabi warns from his spot on the ground, hands laced behind his head, eyes staying shut as he speaks. 
“What? How did you—”
“Because I know you, and I can hear your footsteps,” a singular eyelid lifts to fix you with a pointed look, holding your stare for a moment before slipping shut again, Dabi’s head snuggling back into his palms. “I can hear you tiptoeing toward the river. I knew that fallen trunk was going to be trouble the moment we got here.” 
“You’re way too damn perceptive,” you grumble, and he can hear the pout rapidly forming in your voice. 
“Wouldn’t be any good at my job if I wasn’t,” he quips.  
“Why can’t I get on the trunk? I want to cross the river.”
“The river is shallow, take your shoes off and walk across like a normal person.”
“The river is nearly up to my waist.”
A lid lifts again, this time with a raised eyebrow, and he smirks, a sloppy quirk up of a corner of his lips. “So? Your dress is nearly short enough to not get wet anyway. Just hike it up a little more while you walk across and you’ll be fine.” 
“But that isn’t the fun way,” you whine, pout in full force—brows furrowed, forehead crinkled, nose scrunched—with your arms crossed over your chest, and Dabi’s surprised you don’t stomp a foot.
“I don’t care what the fun way is, if you fall and break a bone it’s my fucking head on the chopping block. You are not walking across that damn tree trunk.” 
“Oh yeah? Watch me.” 
Really, he should’ve known, should’ve expected this to happen. His word barely holds any weight at all when it comes to you, and his threats of I’ll tell Daddy! are most often met with blasé Go ahead’s and/or flippant I don’t care’s, despite how serious or severe the transgressions might be, and the punishments that follow.
“If it bothers you so much then just come with me,” you say, as if it’s that simple, that obvious, already starting to pull yourself onto the trunk, using the scraggly roots as steps.
“You really are such a fucking brat,” he’s growling as he kicks his boots off at the edge of the riverbank with more force than strictly necessary. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you’re waving his complaint off with a delicate flick of your wrist, too concentrated on keeping your balance as you teeter on the rotting trunk slapped across the river—a crude imitation of a footbridge—rickety on the balls of your feet.
Dabi doesn’t even bother rolling up his jeans—Tomura really is going to have his fucking balls if you get so much as a goddamn scratch, he’s sure of it—as he trudges into the flowing water, crystal liquid quickly lapping at the charcoal denim, which eagerly sops it up.
“Unbelievable, fucking unbelievable,” he’s muttering to himself as he walks along with you, arms outstretched as a precautionary measure, willing and waiting and ready to catch you if you come tumbling down.
“Shh,” you hiss at him, though there’s a smile on your face. “You’re breaking my concentration.” 
“I’d really like to break something else right now.”
“Cheesy, Dabi,” you glance at him through the corner of your eye, smile spreading. “Very cheesy, but I appreciate it.” 
The wood is slippery; one wrong step and you’ll be twisting an ankle and toppling into the water, the rubber of your shoes having already skidded across the wood twice, each gifting Dabi with a mini heart attack, followed by a string of curses. 
“Why don’t you ever fucking listen to me?” 
The question is sighed out from tattooed lips with his eyes kept steadily on your feet, aiming for exasperated nonchalance, despite the fact that it’s been gnawing at his stomach, his brain, his heart for weeks now. 
“I dunno,” you shrug, and the action nearly causes you to lose your footing, Dabi grasping onto your hand to stable you, automatic and instant, years of training put to good use. 
That’s not good enough, Dabi wants to spit at you, molars grinding the words to a choking dust. 
“I guess it’s because...I like your attention?” you peek at him through your lashes, almost as if you’re scared the answer is going to get you into trouble, features on the verge of a wince. 
And suddenly, everything stops. Rushing water turns to blood in his ears, and spikes of adrenaline surge through his veins, numbing like Novocain, muscles locking, bones freezing.
“You do?” 
It comes out more biting than he means for it to, laced with a caustic skepticism. 
“Of course I do,” you snort out the words, as if it’s abundantly apparent, as if he should know this already, fully looking over at him. “It’s just, uh,” you pause, chewing on the thought, eyes darting back to the trunk. Dabi’s hand squeezes yours just shy of too hard, twice—a silent encouragement, a desperate plea to continue. “You’re fun. Or, well, you can be, depending on the day.”
He’s not like your Daddy; he gives you what you want, he can’t fucking say no. He isn’t like Tomura, immune to your tricks and your charms, your pouts and your puppy-dog eyes. He’s weak. 
A flash of inexplicable anger, sharp and scalding, slices through his chest, charring flesh as it goes. 
But he isn’t given a moment to mediate on it, ears pricking up as rubber skids over bark again, and then you’re plummeting from the trunk and into Dabi’s waiting arms, skillfully and expertly catching you as if it’s second nature to him, as if it’s no feat at all. 
“See?” you huff out the word with a slight breathlessness, a wobbly smile on your face, but your hands are trembling, clasped tightly behind his neck, fingers twisting in the tufts of ink at the nape of his neck. “Everything was fine.”
“Next time,” he begins, words shoved through clenched teeth. “I want you to fucking listen to me.” 
And although he’s glowering at you with stormy eyes and a face twisted with rage, his arms are flexing, cradling you so tightly to his chest that it’s beginning to hurt, so tightly that you’re sure his handprints will streak your skin with broken blood vessels flooding beneath your flesh. 
“Yeah,” you say softly, though there’s a glimmer of mischief in your eyes, a spark that you can’t quite seem to snuff out. “Deal.” 
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
hi, i just wanna say I hope you’re doing ok. I love your sleepover Fridays, they’re such a great community vibe. your blog has been such an awesome resource and space to interact in as I’ve learned more abt myself, punk, and polyamory -persie/teacupqueer
Oh my god thank you so much!
Sleepover weekend posts used to be a lot more common on here back in the day, along with ask games and blog rates and follow-forevers, etc.
I’m glad that I was able to salvage a piece of that from the Middle Ages of tumblr and preserve it here. And I even got asks for a blog rate on my main!
I’ve been trying to create more ask games both here and on my main too for people.
I’m glad that booping brought back a lot of tumblr interaction that was kind of going by the wayside.
I’m really glad that people like sleepover Fridays. I LOVE when I get asks responding to other asks. I LOVE fostering a sense of community. I cannot state in words how much the interaction I get on this blog means to me.
I’ve stated before I started this blog out of anger at people not understanding what polyamory is and wanting it to be a place for people to learn about polyamory. It’s grown into so much more.
Everyone who sends an ask makes me feel so much less alone in the world <3
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dreamdripdistance · 3 months
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hi dizz i am popping up out of the ether to say i still care you and think abt you and that i hope you are having the most amazing day ever :3 also kitty campfire for your enjoyment <3
THANK TYOUU AHGHGGHGHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF I ACTUALLY STARTED CRYING RN (OF HAPPINESS) YOURE SUCH A SWEETHEART WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??! thank you for the kitty campfire, thats Literallyy us
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imagoddamnonionmason · 2 months
*appears in a smoke cloud*
Pinterest reminded me of you today :D
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TToTT Witch, that's honestly so sweet that seeing this made you think of me <3 also, the shirt is awesome XD
that's me when I'm at work, serious Goose hours fr fr
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sevenyeargap · 1 year
fuck it life is too short not to tell my friends that i love them!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
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pushing500 · 4 months
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Thank you for the timely intervention, Man in Black XiaoLiang. I'm sure if Mechi didn't hate people so much, he would be very grateful.
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Oh yes that's right
We were doing a Void Provocation ritual
And now there's a zombie lion
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XiaoLiang did not enjoy his fight with the zombie lion. Unlike Mechi and Ratchet, he did not have the good sense to stand back, and the lion got him. He's fine, but the bruises must be too much for him. We won't have to worry about it for long, though.
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Goodbye, XiaoLiang. Mechi probably won't miss you 👋
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wheneclipsefalls · 3 months
Good morning, my loves😘
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wildskissed · 7 months
I WILL be doing replies this weekend...but it is Comic Con and so I'm making no promises at how fast I will be. I definitely WANT to write, but I also know that this weekend is going to be hectic. That all being said, I'll have time today, as Con doesn't start until Thursday. ^.^
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Okay I'm back with an edited Touya-nii (he's... leaning against a wall I promise)--
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SCREAMING SHOUTING CRYING IN THE BEST FUCKING WAY OH MY GOD HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh oh my gosh i love him so much!!! the hair has me in actual tears it's so gorgeous the whole piece is so gorgeous!! the belt!!!! this whole outfit!!!! he's absolutely stunning my friend, thank you so so much for sharing him with me + my blog! <333
this actually, genuinely made me cry (in a good way!); i'm just so so so flattered, thank you <33
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