#How Likeable Are You? | {Quiz}
siixkiing · 8 months
How likable are you?
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"I'm still working on the honesty thing, sadly comes with the territory when you're known to be a trickster type."
Tagged by: @thespiritofwillow
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starchamberzz · 4 months
BIG DISCLAIMERRR: I consume almost entirely x reader content. I cringe and rot from the inside when reading smut from any other POV . Also this is my first time so don't hate me please😔 I mostly lurk on this app but I was THAT horny that I felt the need to write a damn fic myself.
Basically: Nikolai torments a civilian regularly (not clickbait,gone FREAKY??)
Contains: FemdomReader,Biting,Pegging,Creampie :(
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Nikolai first runs into you (covered in blood at that) and immediately grins when when you jump back in disgust and scream at him. As soon as you scramble to your feet you glance at him,petrified,eyes wide as saucers before sprinting away.
Right there and then he wasn't interested in whatever he came to the town to do;he was interested in having fun with a new target.
The next few weeks were something else,a torturous mix of humour,shock,and concern for the man's mental health. He simply appeared wherever using that dammed ability of his and forced you into his nonsensical 'quizzes'. Nikolai would show up for one of the quizzes at your workplace and at your local supermarket!
There was something that you began to tell yourself after the first few times things began to happen.
The later it gets,the more questionable he is. A visit from him at 10am paints a picture of a hyper man,who takes his jester aesthetic too seriously. A visit from him at 12:30 am is completely different. He's much...slower and suspiciously nice.You'd think his eccentric personality wouldn't be dampened by the time.  Nikolai sits next to you-in total darkness,while whispering your name and giggling before wrapping his arm around you and trying to convince you to join him in doing something no sane person would,it's just,cute...and quite disturbing.When he's like that he's impressively more likeable,that's probably why he's more tolerable to you,but not enough to get rid of the lack of comfort you feel sometimes.
This evening however, was rather calming;helping to take your mind off of things for even just a few minutes.The frigid but soothing breeze of the night flowed through a window left cracked open....
Your heart stopped. The damn window was open.
You gasp,realising you've thrown away a peaceful night's sleep. A few seconds later you hear it. No matter how quiet it was you hear that dammed laugh. He was really beginning to get on your nerves,you felt like grabbing him and giving him a thorough shake that would miraculously make him normal. You guess that urge was just a part of the weird relationship you guys had with eachother.
"I know you're there." You half-shout,peering into a dark,gloomy corner of your dead silent room. You pause and stare for a moment until...
Nikolai shouts as he appears at your bedside and you let out a loud scream.You could've  swore you felt his presence in that corner,how odd. That wasn't important at the moment though.
You sighed as your head hung low. "What is it? A quiz? Did you kidnap someone again?"
"Absolutely not! It's a special request this time! A very fun special request at that!" His voice pierces through your ears,as you groan,he just had to appear right as you were about to sleep.
You raised a brow under a spell of heavy concern for your wellbeing and overwhelming confusion,a special request  from him sounded like something that could only go wrong.
"My special request is....drumroll please!" He paused and looked at you with one of his creepy smiles until you drummed your hands against your thighs. "My special request is....a night with you!"
"No." The two-letter word smoothly flowed from your mouth like second nature. No way were you going to let a criminal spend the night in your house,there was absolutely no way-
You took a second look at him, he looked more  'normal' then usual,but just being less insane wouldn't cut it-- he looked oddly cute,standing at your bedside with his face half obscured in darkness.
He hadn't done too much harm,if he hadn't killed you yet why would he do it now,right? You sigh and slowly nod. He giggles and then immediately invites himself into your bed. You instantly have a feeling that you made a bad choice.  You lie next to him,sweating anxiously and anticipating his next order.
15 minutes later and he hasn't asked a single question. That worried you. Was he seriously just going to sleep in your bed with you? It wasn't bad,just weird. It was silent,except from the occasional laugh from Nikolai and it the additional body heat was baking you under the covers.
He makes an effort to teasingly,agonisingly wrap his arms around a singular one of yours and then to wrap his plump thighs around one of your legs. Suddenly,his lips  shift towards your ear.
"When do I get a kiss?!" Just by that very statement that whole mood changes.You give him a look of shock and judgement before her tugs on your arm.  "I'm waiting! Or...I could set fire to your neighbours house and-"
Your loud groan cuts him off. Slowly,you turn around to face him,were you really about to kiss with the man that had been harassing you so much lately? Not only that but he was probably a murderer too!
You push the moral implications to the side and close your eyes,prepared for a kiss. It doesn't take long though,in a few seconds his soft lips push against yours and you instinctively wrap your arms his waist. The feeling was more pleasant than expected,you wouldn't deny that.
After you two break apart, he jumps up from the bed and grins.
"Are you ready for another request..?" You barely get the chance to say that the change was too sudden before he interrupts you. "Of course you are!" He pats you on the head as you glare at him.
"I am requesting that we make love! Right now! Wouldn't it be fun?" He steps back,reaches into his coat and pulls out a phallic object with multiple straps dangling from it.It also has a rather suspicious button to the side of it."This is for you,my friend,what do you say?!"
You froze and just looked at him in complete shock for a moment. There wasn't at all enough build up to a moment like this! Although,at a second glance,he was kind of cute...before you remembered that he had been harassing you for weeks up until this moment.
You think for a while before nodding,perhaps if you agreed to this he'd stop being so...intense?
Nikolai hands you the strap on and you put it on as carefully as you can,making sure its secure. When you look up however,you find that Nikolai is somehow already undressed,you were only getting ready for a few seconds,how did he even-
You decide to put that thought away for the time being and focus on giving him all of your attention,he wasn't too bad after all,and he seemed ever so slightly anxious about doing it with you.
Before you could do any penetrating you decided he needed preparation first. You softly placed your hands on his legs and gave him a warm smile.
"Could you open up for me please?"
He does so,revealing his throbbing dick and tight entrance. You slip a finger in slowly and and gently move it back and forth inside of him as he quietly whimpered. It was so weird to see him quiet and obedient after everything. It left you wondering where his energy went because his smile definitely didn't leave,it was just  less..intense.
Before you  increased the speed of anything else you push another finger into his warm walls and he lets out a slight yelp at the sudden intrusion. He writhes against the bed as you spread him out even further.Hearing him moan your name aloud while giving you sultry stare only encouraged you to go on.
"I think we should get onto tonight main activity! What do you say?" His words were all spit out in quick succession,was he that eager?
After you sit up you grab his plump thighs and slowly push it in,beginning with the tip.The sudden moan that he let out quickly descended into a freakish laugh that may or may not have actually added to the atmosphere. Hearing it made your heart pang in a way that sent shivers throughout your whole body.
His hole stretched around you, each thrust filling him with a different sensation. He moaned softly, unable to resist the sheer pleasure of being trusted into so deeply. "Agh! Its all...so much..." Nikolai moaned loudy before he slumped heavily against you, a contented sigh escaping his lips.
"Faster, go faster!" At his command you sped up,thick cock quickly ramming against his most sensitive spots,leaving the only way to hold onto you properly being to wrap his legs around your waist.
As you continue to thrust into his tight,coiling walls you feel a sudden sharp pain on your left shoulder. You slow your pace subconsciously and look over only to find sharp teeth lodged into your shoulder. Blood slowly seeps and trickles down your arm,a scarlet stream begins to drip onto your bed slowly.
You collect yourself quickly before putting everything to a stop "What was that for?" You asked,slightly pained and heavily concerned. Everything had convinced you that the worst possible comment would spill from his mouth,but it was a blood stained grin,rouge dribbled down his teeth and down his chin. To him the situation was funny or somewhat arousing..or maybe both? That didn't matter though.
"You can't just do that and expect me to continue how you'd want." You flip him over and press him into the sheets of your already ruined bed.He let's out a few pathetic whimpers,trying playfully on move out of your grasp for a minute.
"Ahn!" He suddenly moaned as your cock began to thrust in and out of him. Every single pitiful whine,whimper and mewl was like heaven to your ears. Seeing the teasing man who tormented you for so long like this felt better than it should've. Here he was,arched against you,chanting your name into the mattress every time you pushed his head against it.
As you continued pounding into him,it was like he had lost all his sense of self. Merely giggling while drooling absentmindedly onto your sheets as he took your cock.The way it rubbed against his prostate so nicely and poked into the deepest parts of him made his mind go blank,not that it didn't have the same effect on you as well.
At last,the constant pleasure was too much for him and his orgasm grew closer,he just needed some extra stimulation. He slid his hand down and wrapped a hand around his cock. You noticed this and quickly removed it.
"If you want to cum so badly,you'll have to wait until I do,understand?" You pushed him against the bed again,leaving him to bite into a pillow.
You slammed into him relentlessly while blocking every plead to let him cum. The way the strap-on rubbed against you felt too good,he would get his release soon anyway.  You felt the pleasure in every single vein and muscle of your body,eager to escape once you climaxed. With one final slam,you finally had your orgasm,all of your senses overriding any rational thoughts. As you rode out your orgasm,slowly grinding against Nikolai,you accidentally pressed the odd button on one of the straps. You thought nothing of it but to your surprise, a muffled moan can be heard from beneath you.
Nikolai squealed as a hot liquid gushed into him,the sensation was too much. He writhed beneath you as his leaking cock shot out rope after rope onto your bed.
After that,you finally lie back and collect yourself. The teasing jester notices your lack of energy and frees himself from your grasp before trapping you in a sweaty embrace. You close your eyes and accept the hug.
"I guess it did work...your finally being  kind to m-" You felt a familiar sharp pain again. That idiot had bitten your other shoulder. Right then and there,you learned that some people would never change...
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9, 13, and 20
9. What’s the favourite scene/moment from the book?
  Probably the part in the morning after Pony gets home from Windrixville, where the gang’s just relaxing and horsing around- it lends some much-needed lightness to a pretty heavy book. That or the train-hopping, although that one’s mostly because I’ve always wanted to ride on a freight train, ala “On the Road”. There’s one by my house and lemme just say it’s been tempting me pretty much my whole life. I guess I also like the drive in, when Two-Bit talks to Cherry and Marcia- it was just just fun to read, I like Two-Bit.
  I think the Johnny/Dally death scenes were obviously some of the most well-written and impactful, but I can’t outright say they’re my favorites because the whole time they were happening I wanted them to not be happening. Loved them though from a technical standpoint. You see so much of the characters and who they are- ugh it’s so well done.
13. Who do you think is the most well-written character?
  Maybe Ponyboy or Dally? Idk Ponyboy just feels very genuine, which I guess makes sense since Hinton says he’s probably the character who’s most like her. And then with Dally- I mean it’d be easy to soften his edges in hopes of writing someone more likeable, but she chose not to and I think that’s a huge part of why his character is so meaningful. I really like Pony’s line about how Dally’s “Too real” and how that scares him.
But really I do think all of the characters are solidly written- especially Randy who I think is kinda underrated? I mean I don’t think about him often, but I love the scene where he calls Pony “Grease” and then is like “Wait, I mean kid.” I do wish we got more Cherry- she was well-written too, but we see so little of her…
  Idk, I think they’re all well-written. Even characters without much to them on a surface level feel like real people, and it makes the world feel so lived-in and real. Like my boy Steve- there’s not a ton outright said about him, but he still feels like a real person with real depth. And don’t even get me started on the Shepards- the little details really flesh them out, even with hardly any screen time.
20. Which character do you relate to most?
  Steve or Soda I think. 
  Steve because even though we don’t canonically get much of him, we do get a few things, like how he’s cocky and observant and competitive and has a rocky relationship with his dad lol. And then in the movie he does a lotta stuff I’ve done and even looks kinda like me- kinda short, gap-toothed, dark haired, scowls a lot. I’ve currently got a pretty nasty bruise on my knee from front-flipping off a couch, and another one on my arm from rough-housing with a buddy. And irl I know I often come off as bad-tempered the way he does, although I don’t really mean to. This one’s more fanon than canon, but we’ve even both got Napoleon complexes lol- I mean the fact that I like him so much is absolutely just projecting, I’ll admit that, but idk I like him and think he’s pretty relatable. I get the whole “fighting ‘cause you’re angry” thing, as well as the beefing with fourteen year olds thing-which I’m kinda ashamed of- but I swear to god fourteen year olds know how to push my buttons in ways no one else does. (well. Except for…everyone. I guess. I just have a lot of specific experiences with smartass fourteen year olds that I’m still mad about to this day.)
(5’6 isn’t that short Malcom, shut the hell up. You’re just freakishly tall for a freshman.)
  Admittedly I didn’t think much about Steve until I took @boysborntodie’s “Which greaser are you” quiz and got him, which I was initially irritated at because I thought he wasn’t much of a character…but then the description in the results was so on the money that I got a little unsettled lol. Point is, Steve’s probably my “official most relatable character”.
  And then with Soda, I’ve got a similar experience of being good-looking but not feeling very secure in my brains…which is conceited to say I know, but enough people talk about my looks that I’m aware of the fact that it’s just objectively true that folks like my face. Unfortunately it means I kinda rely too much on it, and often end up worrying that there isn’t much more to me then that. Like I’ve had multiple girls who’ve dated me because I’m good-looking but then don’t really like who I am, you know? It gets to me sometimes. Not often, but sometimes. I could see myself ending up in a relationship with someone like Sandy, although unlike Soda I don’t think I’d still wanna marry her afterwards- I love Soda, but I can’t say I relate to that part so much. (‘Course this is all hypothetical, so really who knows what I’d do?) And I’ve definitely got a worse temper than Soda does, I admire his lack of one honestly lol 
  I do feel like I ought to relate more to Darry, to be honest though. I mean, I’m the oldest son with two younger siblings, and a decent amount of responsibility- but I just don’t relate to him much. But then again, I’m in vastly different circumstances- Me and my sister are more like Soda and Ponyboy than Darry and Soda. Mostly because we both get to be kids still. 
Anyhow, thanks for asking! I know I’ve written a lot- I just have a lotta thoughts and like to hear my own voice I guess lol. And lemme know what thoughts y’all have about these questions, I’d love to hear it!!
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Which greek god favours you?
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Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
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Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt, The Moon)
if you're a guy and you're reading this, you're one of the good ones. if you're a girl or nb reading this, you're probably into women. either way, you're graceful, respected, and fiercely protective. you probably are great with kids and with animals, and the beauty of a full moon on a cloudless night gets you feeling some kinda way. remember that you'll never need anyone else to complete you - you're whole as you are.
OK, Hermes was not who I was expecting for The Advocate. Like, at all. And he's very much the big brother with big brother energy but, I'll admit it, he can be a little shit sometimes. As a treat. Wouldn't say he's that worried over sparing people's feelings though, but tbh he doesn't have many close people and the few left wouldn't take it well. The rest is fairly accurate, however.
As for Inge, I don't have much to say. It fits her, and frankly I was expecting this result. Not sure if she's great with kids though. Or maybe in a Gandalf way, with stories and fireworks x)
Tagged by @under-the-blood-moonlight & @voidtekarc! Thank you both and sorry it took me this long to get to it.
Again, not tagging anyone since Tumblr doesn't notify people when I do it, but this is my official invitation for you to do it and say I did tag you personally!
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marikafoxtail · 1 year
Which Greek God Would Favor You?
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Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
Quiz >>Here<<
Thx for tag -  @littlestcreampuff  🧡
Tagging: @lothaire-xiv @ptizasych @kilmiel @djassassino @tsuz1ma and anyone else!
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withheartsaligned · 1 year
which greek god favors you?
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Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
quiz HERE tagged by: @allyennah
tagging: @eleventhcircle @e-dragoons @oneiroy @itsblorbotime @pettyeti and anyone else who might want to do it!
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gatheredfates · 1 year
Which greek god favours you ✧˖°.
Tagged by: @starforger, @82-99, @heart-of-corundum & @allyennah (thanks so much!)
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ares (god of war)
ARES HAHAAAAAAAA. you're a powerhouse of emotion and ambition, both of which are traits to be admired - what you do with them, however, will make all the difference. your personality isn't for everyone, and you might find it hard to get along with those around you. that being said, the connections you do form are lasting, and those who get to know you will realize just how much love you have in that huge, volatile friggin' heart of yours. remember that sometimes, it's just not worth the energy - do your best to learn to let things slide.
I FIND THIS ANSWER SO INTERESTING because I thought I picked most of the nice options?? For Ashe?? Though, in its defence, she is a character who I tried to make broadly likeable but she does have personality traits that could grate on those more shrewd. She also doesn't hold grudges like the quiz implies? But she does have a BIG heart and a LOT of ambition. I agree with bits and disagree with others.
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dionysus (god of wine, theatre)
YESSSS i love this guy and I also probably love you. you've got enough stories for ten lifetimes, and you're happy to spend an entire night telling them as long as you're in the presense of good company (and perhaps a drink or two). you can be a lot, but you're a good soul; you've seen the good and bad of the world, and accept both as they come with compassion and ease. remember that sometimes, there's simply no shying away from a hard decision. learning when to be indifferent and when to take things seriously will be a critical skill for you to master.
I have no notes, Sarrai got read for filth DFKJGHSDF.
Tagging: @riftdancing, @dawnstriding, @lightwrought, @gaygentofchaos (yes i'm nabbing you all, deal with it), @piyopikamika, @thebrassbat, @archaiclumina & you! I'm super behind on this, so I think most people have already done it! If you'd like to be tagged in any dash games I participate in, I highly recommend you like my permanent interaction call here! The quiz can be found here!
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but-first--tea · 1 year
which greek god would favor you?
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Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
LMAO.... well, duh. This one came as a surprise to absolutely no one whatsoever. 
Tagged by @miqojak​
Thank you!
Quiz here if you would like to do the thing!
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thekimspoblog · 1 year
How many characters who are moms can you name in the BrBaBCS universe?
Harder quiz: Of those characters, how many are likeable?
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brawlqueen · 11 months
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you are a likeable person 70 % / you are a somewhat difficult person 55.71 % stolen from the wonderful tsun : @dnangelic
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" . . . . "
[ interesting , mizuki . ]
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" i dunno why the other one is red on ' aggression ' . "
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[ you really can't think of why that is ? ]
" nope , not at all ! shit i said that out loud . "
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" it must mean how like , y'know , confidence, aiba ! never back down and yadda yadda ! but aw , pretty nice score on a quiz you shouldn't take seriously , anyway . '
[ mm-hmm , keep dodging the question . . . . ]
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cjbolan · 2 years
Finished the first 40 pages of Emily Windsnap and the Pirate Prince...
1) Mystic Millie and Mary P. are officially cougars. Seriously they’re both getting horny over a teenager half their age. Flirting with him, dancing with him, getting jealous over him, even letting him give them mojitos. Glad to see Emily shares my disgust. Mary P. doing this is even worse because she’s married! Poor Jake not knowing his wife is chasing underage pirate booty XD.
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2) Mary P. seems like a more balanced character. On one hand, she has more likeable qualities:
 her happiness at seeing her daughter and said daughter’s boyfriend together, even encouraging them to dance,
showering Emily with much needed comfort and cheering-up after the events of Book 7,
stopping Mystic Millie from turning a bad situation into a worse one.
she’s a bit less impulsive and more cautious than before.
On the other hand, she’s slowly slipping back to her old bad habits:
her extreme naivete towards strange men offering her intoxicated substances. AGAIN. Did she learn nothing from Mr. Beeston? Even worse this time it’s with someone half her age.
her snapping at Emily for interrupting a conversation. Even worse this time she snaps at Emily in public. UUGGGGGGHHHHH. Honestly does even count as an old habit? I’ve ranted before about how out of character this is for her.  Granted a few moments later they're back to getting along, solving a quiz together. I guess Mary eventually made it up to her. This is a huge difference from the first 3 Emily books: where we ALWAYS saw Mary try smoothing things over with Emily after any mother-daughter conflicts. But since Book 4 we don’t see that anymore, now have to guess if she already did. Not sure how I feel about that.
And still not over Mary thirsting for a teenager half her age. It’s so absurd I laughed, and I think that’s intentional.
We’ll see by the end if I still like Mary P. or not. Honestly I go back and forth between loving and hating her.
Will keep y’all posted as I keep reading!
3) Like Freaky Friday, Emily and Mary P. kinda switch roles. For the first time Emily is acting like a mother to Mary P. From comforting Mary when she’s sad, to changing her travel plans to keep Mary company, even cockblocking Mary from cute boys who offer her drinks. And Mary responds to that last situation like any teenage daughter would , a la the whole “I can speak for myself” BS.
4) THANK GOD Emily is finally thinking about officially breaking up!!!! With Aaron wanting to stay at Forgotten Island, I think she got the hint. For the first time Aaron is the unreasonable one, wanting a long distance relationship with him at Forgotten Island and her at Brightport. I’ve been in long distance relationships, and I’m not sure these two have the maturity to make a long distance relationship work. For the first time Emily seems more mature and realistic than Aaron. This could be interesting.
5) This book does a good job showing how incredibly sheltered Aaron is. He spent most of his life alone in a castle,and it shows. From his terrible dancing, to his 0 knowledge of modern music, to his chatting with the ship’s captain instead of, you know, other kids his age. No wonder he said he doesn’t belong anywhere. He even has a Kate&Leopold moment where during a quiz, he impresses everyone with his knowledge of the castle he grew up in. Honestly Aaron reminds me a lot of Duke Leopold from that movie.
Will keep y’all posted as I keep reading!
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rynloveshats · 1 year
Which Greek god would favour you - my wol (renaming in process)
Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
Quiz here
Tagged by @cynthffxiv
Tagging anyone who wants to do this
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Which Greek God Would Favour You - Athell Eurie
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Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
You're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. You have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. You've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. Remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. If you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
Tagged by: @ffxivtribehydrae Thank you!
Tagging: @ffxivaltstars @eorzean-wayfinder @locke-rinannis @eggplant-xaela @thorneyes @nekun-uul AND YOU
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feral-nightingale · 1 year
Which Greek God Favours You (Nightingale)
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Hermes (God of Travelers, Thieves)
you're kind of a little shit, but you're just too damn likeable for anybody to do anything about it. you have big youngest-sibling vibes, and at your core are kind, benevolent, and fun. you've got a thing for transient places - airports, train stations, hostels - and you have no problem lying for the sake of what you think is the greater good - just how big that "greater good" is can vary a bit. remember that sometimes, however, there's just nothing to be done other than be openly, unabashedly honest about how you feel. if you spend too much time dancing around hard conversations in order to spare people's feelings, it'll only bring strife to yourself and others.
I think this fits Nightingale pretty well. It speaks to their chronic wanderlust. Its funny that they mention dancing around hard conversations, because Nightingale has been doing that their entire adult life lol.
I tag @lothaire-xiv @airistinya @eris-vito​
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (2013)
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You can’t make a film like Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor on purpose. It’s an avalanche of badly written, finger-wagging drama so misguided it could only come from complete unawareness.
Told in flashback, a marriage counselor (Candace Coke) tells a woman whose marriage is on the rocks a story about her "sister”, Judith (Jurnee Smollet-Bel). Married to her childhood sweetheart, Brice (Lance Gross) they had a seemingly ideal relationship until Judith met Harley (Robbie Jones), a potential investor in the matchmaking agency she worked for.
This film is an old lady telling you about the boogeyman that is adultery. It alternates between being so ill-informed and hammy that it’s hilarious, and being so oblivious to what its saying it becomes offensive. To give you an idea, when Harley looks at the compatibility quiz Judith gives her clients, he notices that it contains no questions about sex. Why? Because Judith doesn’t believe in premarital relations! I think you may be in the wrong line of work, woman! Of course, this is all to show us just how far she will fall later - going from someone that's pure and innocent to... well, I don't want to give too much away.
When the plot really kicks in, we're supposed to be shocked by the (non-existent) turmoil inside Judith as she is lured to Harley’s bedroom over and over. While holding back laughs, you may be too distracted to recognize how awful the performances are - and I'm not just talking about Kim Kardashian. These poor actors. Their material is so weak. Faithful husband Brice might as well be a cardboard cutout. He's a wet towel with a spine made of overcooked spaghetti. BORING. Nobody else is the least bit likeable so you don’t care what they have to say. Judith has no volition of her own and is so clueless it becomes impossible to sympathize with her. Harley is made into a villain in ways you didn’t even know were possible. The man’s got no subtlety to him, whatsoever. You’d think a (presumably) intelligent woman like Judith - who has gone to school to learn about human behavior - would see right through him but she’s just so hungry for that man meat she gets lured away like so many rats behind the pied piper.
The film can’t even get the “temptation” aspect right. When you see Lance Gross with his shirt off… he’s ripped! You’d expect him to be kind of shlubby, but no! He is given flaws but not wanting to pick a fight with a stranger, choosing a cheap buffet as a date spot and only being able to perform vanilla sex moves are not really big enough to split a relationship. No. His real crime is that he is the dumbest husband you’ve seen in a long time.
I enjoyed - and by this I mean I laughed at - Temptation quite a bit. You won't necessarily have the same reaction unless you detach yourself from reality during your viewing. If a friend of mine went through what Judith does in this film, I’d call the police. There are some awfully rape-y moments here… but you’re not supposed to think about that. This story exists in its own dimension and its characters are not real people. They’re symbols, collections of tropes one might find in trashy stories about adultery all smooshed together under the supervision of Tyler Perry. He may be a good businessman but as a writer and director, he's hopeless. Temptation has all the subtlety of a PSA at the end of a children’s cartoon, particularly during its conclusion. You could write a whole chapter about its insane implications and will have trouble believing what you just saw.
I won’t be surprised if you tell me you hated Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor but I liked it. Not for the reasons I was supposed to; in fact, I like it because it goes overboard in so many ways. If you’re into bad films, I think it’s worth checking out, though probably only the one time. (On DVD, May 12, 2018)
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e-m-p-error · 11 months
Headcanons Masterlist - Valentino - Quizes
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