#How To Know If You Are A Reiki Healer
martian-astro · 5 months
D9/ Navamsa chart observations - Part 3
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Jupiter in 9th is a great placement, even better if it's the 7th lord or darakaraka in d1. Your spouse will be intelligent. there's also a chance that you may do your master's or PhD after marriage. Your spouse can also have a job related to spirituality (one of my mom's friends has this placement and his wife is a reiki healer and also teaches meditation and hypnosis)
Jupiter in 10th is another really good placement. You and your spouse could start a business together, or you may meet them in your workplace. This is one of the placements that indicate that you'll earn more after marriage or once you start working WITH them (okay, so this example is interesting, i dont know how many of you know this, but there's an Indian company, dabur, and one of my relatives got married to the daughter of the brother of the guy who currently owns the company and let me tell you something, they are RICH RICH RICH, and like they helped my relative set up his own company and whenever we visit them, they give us such expensive gifts, you won't even find them anywhere, like custom made stuff) so if other factors support this, then you can get married into a super rich household
Venus conjunct ketu in 4th is a super common placement but I've noticed that it gives different results depending on what the ascendant is. A common prediction would be, that you guys will not get along with your spouse's family, you're gonna think that they waste too much money when they already have less of it. This is especially true for mother in law (I know a girl with this placement whose mother in law spends a lot on shopping and then asks for money from her, and she has to give in because divorce is not an option) i would recommend you guys to marry someone who doesn't have a mother 🥲
I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE WITH MERCURY IN 8TH and it's so fascinating how it has the same exact effect on everyone. Okay, so this placement gives you 2 things, first, you'll gain a lot of money through joint accounts with your spouse, this could also be a marriage where you guys stay together just for money, a lot of celebrities have this placement. Second, your spouse is gonna hide things from you, like their salary (i know a woman with this placement and her husband was promoted and he told his wife that he was still doing the low pay job and he opened another account where he saved that extra money, while their family was having financial difficulties and stuff, it was a BIG deal)
Mercury in 11th is a nice placement, this could indicate a friends to lover type of story with your spouse. They could also be an extrovert, especially if mercury is in gemini. You guys will be focused on earning money but your whole focus won't be on money, like in 2nd or 8th house, it's gonna be more like "oh, this looks like a good idea, should we invest in this" kinda thing, i would say this is more like, both practical and romantic relationship
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Moon in 8th..... Not exactly the best placement. Almost all the people that i know with this placement have been cheated on by their spouse, and again your spouse could hide things from you, but this time it's more emotional. Also, i have noticed that a lot of people with this placement marry someone who's in the closet, so their partner isn't affectionate and loving towards them and they think it's their fault but it's not, but it still ends up hurting them. You, yourself, could hide your feelings as well, and your spouse can see that and that's why they hide THEIR emotions, it's like a cycle. (if you have this, i would recommend you guys to go to therapy, heal your trauma and only then get into a serious relationship and sometimes you push your feelings down and you think you're over it, but you're not)
Mars in 8th can give very different results, but it does give you a spouse who is very sexual (and believe me, it's not always a good thing). If Mars is strong then it gives extremely good results, the ability to defeat your enemies and win, i know a person with this placement and she's a woman and people around her have always tried to ruin her life and she still managed to get up and is now living a great life. But if Mars is weak or worse, debilitated, then it can give an aggressive spouse, i know a person but i dont think i should share her story with you all, but if Mars is weak then... Don't marry. BUT if 7th lord and darakaraka of d1 is SUPER STRONG in d9 then go ahead.
Venus in 2nd is like okay okay, not bad but not good. I feel like this placement works better when it's in the cart of a man rather than a woman. The spouse will be good but will be more focused on earning money, even if they're already rich. From what I've seen, men are okay with wives like that, but women aren't, they need emotional security so being with a man who is focused on money makes them sad and lonely, whereas, men with this placement are more than happy to get wives like that, In MY opinion.
Sun conjunct ketu in 11th is another placement that is common, I know a lot of people with this. So, you will gain wealth but it's going to come very slowly, the type to MAKE generational wealth but not able to enjoy it. Also, i have noticed that these people always end up marrying someone who is in a lower position than them, career wise and so they support their spouse and at the same time take most of the financial responsibility of the family.
Ketu in 8th is SUCH a strong indicator of having a kid before marriage, or atleast getting pregnant. All the celebrities who've had a kid before marriage have this placement, Angelina Jolie and Shakira are two that i currently remember but I've seen it in the charts of a lot more. And listen, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS, OKAY.
© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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just-a-ghost00 · 4 months
Who's coming towards you and what do they bring to the table?
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Group 1 - Spider lilly
Who are they? In Japanese culture, the spider lily is believed to bloom near graves. It is associated with the afterlife and the notions of death and rebirth. This flower holds a very scorpionic energy. It is also a symbol of eternal love. This specific white lily shown in the picture is also a symbol of purity and innocence. If we take that into account, the person coming towards you can be viewed as mysterious and deep, somewhat cold. But once you get to know them, you realize that they are rather outgoing and pure, kind and childlike. They marvel at the beauty of life and want nothing but to love and be loved.
Looking at the different cards you got, there’s a lot of emphasis on communication and voicing one’s opinions or truth without fear. This person could have a beautiful voice. They could be a singer or a spokesperson, an advocate or any other profession that involves speaking to a large audience. This person seems to be shy and rather harsh on themselves. They take pride in what they do and the values they stand for. When their actions are not in alignment with their ideals, they tend to criticize themselves a lot. They are represented by Bismuth and Turquoise, both blue crystals. The throat chakra holds an important significance to this person, as well as emotions, intuition and water. Blue could be their favorite color. This person could burn themselves out often by being present for others more than showing up for themselves. They could get throat sickness quite often, especially when they are repressing their truth or telling lies. They have a sharp tongue. They use their voice to shed light on what is contradictory or what needs to evolve. They help people shift their perspective. Teaching could also be their career path.
What do they bring to the table? - Queen of pentacles, 7 of wands, 4 of cups, The Moon, The Fool, Judgement, White Numen
This person brings in major shifts in your life. Renewal is the best way to describe it. They will literally put your world upside down in order to help you gain perspective on what is going on. They’ll show you that there’s nothing wrong in standing for what you believe in. They’ll also teach you how to be the bigger person and choose your battles wisely. They’ll help you introspect and listen to your intuition, take a new start in life and get retribution by accomplishing what you were meant to do in this life time. This person will help you find your true calling and your voice in this global cacophony that is the world we currently live in. With them, you will create a reality in your image. They will also help you value yourself more and set yourself free from any dependence or addiction. They’ll help you detach yourself from people’s judgmental views. Significant zodiac signs for this group are Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio. You can wear blue or connect to the energy of Bismuth and Turquoise to understand this person better on a spiritual level and manifest them into your life.
Group 2 - Lavender
Who are they? Lavender is known to have soothing properties. It is often used in aromatherapy to ease the mind and release tensions related to anxiety, stress. Lavender is a symbol of devotion, serenity and grace. With its purple petals, it could be associated with the spiritual realm. This person is very delicate and kind hearted. They consider people with a lot of care and kindness. They have a pure heart and make people feel safe. They remind me of Taurus and their Venusian sensual and loving energy. This person is down to earth and wise beyond their years. Their crown chakra is highly active. It wouldn’t surprise me if this person already connected with you through your dreams. They could very well be a therapist, a reiki practitioner, a healer that uses alternative medicines or unconventional practices like crystal healing or sound healing. This is further confirmed by two cards of the Threads of fate deck that are related to air and ether : share wisdom and The Sage. This person is a guide and mentor to others. They could be a teacher, some type of guru or an important public figure, a coach, a counselor. This person is very powerful and influent. They could have published a book or a study or shared their experience and what they learned over time online.
They are represented by the hammerhead shark. They have a lot of determination and drive. They are also incredibly mature. They could very well be older than you. I’d say at least ten years older. Purple and blue could be their favorite colors. If they were a major arcana, I think this person would be the Hermit. So Cancer could also be relevant. They are also represented by Kyanite and Amethyst. Kyanite is advised to people who feel restless, who overthink or get caught in their mental space too often. This shows that this person is a deep thinker. They take things seriously and meticulously. Amethyst is often used in spiritual practices to deepen our connection to the spirit realm and gain clarity. To hone our psychic skills. This person feels very connected to their higher self. They know who they are, what they were meant to do and where they’re heading. They are focused on their mission and won’t lose their time with insignificant matters.
What do they bring to the table? - 7 of cups, 3 of wands, 9 of cups, Temperance, 4 of swords, The Lovers, 5 of swords Other significant zodiac signs are Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. This person will teach you how to identify your needs and choose a path that is in alignment with your higher self and your highest good. They’ll help you find balance and emotional satisfaction in the projects that you pursue, the actions you take. They’ll teach you how to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and being overwhelmed by life so that you can retreat and protect yourself. They’ll teach you how to pick your battles wisely and ignore petty attitudes from your peers. They’ll help you handle the pressure of being your true self and choosing yourself over others. They’ll teach you how to love yourself and how to love, how to be in love and receive love. I can say here that this relationship has romantic potential. Surprisingly this part of the reading is the shortest but I feel like there’s no need to overanalyze this because this person will be pretty clear with their intent : they’re here to help and support you, "and that is all you need to know" they want to add.
Group 3 - Sunflower
Who are they? I associate the Sunflower with the bold and brave Leo. I heard in my mind "only the brave" which is the name of a perfume from Diesel. So this could be this person’s perfume. With it’s bright colors and relation to the sun, it is safe to say this person has a bright personality. They are outgoing and friendly, like to be seen and admired. They take great care of their body and appearance. Hence the fragrance reference. This person is cheerful and ambitious. They don’t like lying down and contemplating. They would rather act first and think later. They could have anger issues and sometimes be jealous. The signs of Leo and Aries could be significant. Blue and green could be their favorite colors. This person is represented by the whale shark and the octopus. They are very clever and resilient. They have a strong moral compass and always lead their life according to their values and principles. They remind me of Changbin from Stray Kids. This person likes to make their own mind instead of following others. They’re a natural leader and a loner. With The Creator card and the Withdraw card from the Threads of fate deck, this tells me that this person is creative and works independently. They could be a fashion designer, a writer, a producer, a webdesigner, an architect, a freelance artist in any domain. This person could be known on social media. On the withdraw card is a sleeping fox. This tells me that this person likes their solitude. They need time alone to recharge and create. They don’t like showing people their tricks. They like to surprise and impress. The creator card shows a hand holding a wand. This for some reason reminds me of Harry Potter. Maybe your person is a potter head. In this case, they’re the typical Gryffindor : athletic, loyal, thinks with their heart (or something else a bit lower when the heart isn’t functioning). They have a strong sex drive and are pretty sensual. Their body matters a lot to them. They go to the gym often.
What do they bring to the table? - 2 of cups, ace of swords, page of wands, ace of pentacles, six of cups, The Tower, 7 of wands
To put it simply, they bring love, sex and a whole lot of fun. But this will be challenging for you, as you are not used to this type of energy. Significant zodiac signs are Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. They bring in new opportunities and a new start romantically speaking. They bring in new experiences and that includes sexuality. They will help you reconnect with the past and make amends with it. They will help you heal your inner child and release trauma regarding intimacy. They will challenge you and push your buttons to get the best out of you. That is their way of showing you love. This is the type of person that will wake you up one morning and get you out of bed to work out with them, and gently scream at you positive affirmations while you’re working on that "summer body" you always wanted. They’ll show you how to have fun with life and explore all the hidden parts of you that you were burying because you were afraid of rejection. They’ll cut through your walls and uncover your masks for you so that you can finally get the happy ending that you deserve. They’ll be your knight in shining armor except that instead of saving you they’ll get you to save yourself. If you ever try to push them away, they’ll only come back stronger and needier. You won’t get rid of them easily.
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crystallilytarot · 5 months
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Choose a dino! Your life purpose.
Pile 1
You probably had some bad experiences but you are able to overcome it. And after that you will be even stronger, and smarter in a way too. It can be that you will help someone who will have the same struggles as you. Sometimes you can feel hopeless and like you don't know what to do. But you will be able to choose or make decisions more easily, and also you will learn how to stand up for yourself and have boundaries. One of your life lesson is to find balance and harmony within yourself. Be in peace with yourself and with the world. You are probably very creative and you should practice your creativity more, express yourself freely. If you want to have a family, it will definitely happen. I think children and animals are drown to you. If you don't want children, than you will have some significant pets in your life too. You will have a happy and abundant family life. Whatever you wish for, a partner, children, pets, a garden...
Pile 2
There will be some new beginnings in your life, and even if you wanted it, it still can be hard at first. But you have all the ability to succeed. You should have more faith in yourself. You are smart. You are good at manifestation, some of you can have some psychic abilities too. Maybe you are a wanderer, an explorer, but it's not a bad thing, one day you will see clearly what your real purpose is. You will probably move a few times, travel a lot. If you want to go to a foreign country, it will definitely happen. Some of you can have a long distance relationship too. You should embrace your romantic nature and focus more on your inner child too. Have fun, be free, the world needs sensitive, joyful people too! You can have some unique ideas, unique lifestyle, and it's beautiful. Some of you can be some kind of healers too, not neccesseraly doctors, maybe reiki or just you have a healing presence and it will help someone when they really need it.
Pile 3
There will be some hard time in your life, and at that time you won't see that in the end of the day, it's better that it happened that way. Even if it's a betrayal, lie, loss of someone, everything will teach you something. And nothing last forever, hard times come to an end too. There's always a new day, a new beginning. You should accept changes. You will take time for soul searching, seeking answers, and you will have some inner wisdom. You are probably an old soul. You can overcome anything eventually, just have self-control, focus on what you want. You need to be open, be positive, don't give up hope. There's some divine timing and fate working in your life, but looking back you will see that actually you were lucky. You have a soulmate in this life, and that meeting will be something unexpected probably. Be confident, you will be a succesful person.
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kakiastro · 27 days
Neptune Pisces 29°
Pisces rules over Jellyfish
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I don’t see too many astrologers talking about this transit.
Neptune has been at the 29° and this signifies we are truly at end of an era!
Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 and will leave next year in 2025.
Neptune represents the collective subconscious, spirituality, creative downloads, isolation, the ocean, our mental health, hospitals
29°(Leo degree) is known “anaretic degree” this degree rules over ending of cycles. This leo shines light on what we are finishing up learning.
So what does this mean a a collective?
-oh hunny we are healing! We as a collective have been dealing with serious discussions regarding mental health. People have become more open about it now compared to past generations.
-addictions of all kinds has also been a huge topic these last 14 years! We’ve seen/heard or even know people are working to become sober, have been sober or struggling with it.
-hospital stays, the pandemic literally happened during this transit. Pisces rules over immune diseases and mucus. Isolation, we were quarantined and isolated from the people. Pisces rules over isolation.
-the ocean! Chile.. the orcas. Billionaires passing away in the ocean trying to see the titanic and there’s a new cruise ship that’s set to embark next year. There’s been recalls on fish, heavy rain falls.
-spirituality! Astrology has become mainstream and somewhat normalized especially in the Pluto Sag generation. Even if you’re not into astrology, I’ve seen people become reiki healers, holistic healers. With Uranus being in Taurus, natural healing remedies are popular. Spiritual retreats or just vacationing near water destinations have been popular
-scams! With spirituality becoming mainstream, here comes the cons and frauds. Pisces rules over frauds. Not just in the spiritual community but in a religious communities. With Saturn in Pisces , so much corruption has been brought to light. “Are you in this to enlighten the masses or your pockets?” This is the question that Saturn is checking to see. With Neptune at 29°, this is what we are ending and clearing.
You know what else I’ve noticed? So many spiritual folks leaving and joining religion such as Christianity being the biggest one I’ve noticed. This is interesting because Pisces is connected to Christianity, it’s said Yeshua(Jesus) is connected to Pisces. I’ve also noticed the other side of this where religious people are becoming more spiritual. It’s been an interesting phenomenon to witness as an astrologer and connecting the dots!
-the afterlife! Pisces rules the spirit realm, so many people are embracing there spiritual gifts, even the non believers are starting to believe in something that’s bigger than themselves. Past lives! More people are becoming fascinated with reincarnation and who they might’ve been in past lives. Pisces rules over past lives
-the truth! Chile..what is the truth??? Everyone has their own version of it and reality is somewhere in lost in the sauce, where all just winging it hoping for the best. That’s Pisces energy! Timelines is a huge topic, what timeline are you on? Pisces doesn’t have time because it’s boundless. It’s the void and smoke and mirrors lol
-celebrity! Chile…. The topic of celebrity worship has become a huge topic of discussion and how unhealthy it is. Chapelle Roan is the recent celebrity that’s setting boundaries with fans, I believe she’s a Pisces too lol. Pisces rules over glamour and idols. Hollywood is a Sun 12h(Pisces house). Celebs are people who bleed, eat and shit like us. They just have nicer toilets than us 🤪. I don’t think it’ll ever go away because celebrity worship have been around forever but we are more self aware at how unhealthy it is!!! Also, think of the celebs who have talked about how tough the industry really is.
These are just some of the themes and topics I’ve seen the last 14 years , even more so in the last few lol.
Neptune enters Aries March 30 , 2025 and will stay until 2039! The energy flip is going to be crazy! Pisces is a heavy water sign, so that’s why the energy feels like the your trying to swim through a 100 foot wave lol. Baby that Aries energy is going to be coming in like a wild fire!!
Look up the song “ante up” by M.o.p. That’s the vibe lol. I’ll make another post on Neptune Aries at another date’
Now for you personally, the house Pisces rules in your chart is your own individual story with this transit. Think of it as your own book.
Neptune rules over fantasy, what was theme of your story, who was the side characters that helped you on your mission? What did you learn on your quest? Neptune is the start of your new book and new story.
I’m open for readings! Have a beautiful day y’all!!!
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esoteric-chaos · 7 months
Energy Healing 101
Welcome to my separate expanded post on Energy Healing. I decided to separate it from my post on Reiki (that I am actively rewriting) for those who are hesitant to get into Reiki (aka lack the funds because it can be quite expensive or not just cannot find a non-appropriative teacher) or would rather learn a different method. This post is for you.
I want to be transparent, as this post is mostly UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) and SPG (Shared Personal Gnosis). I don't actually know where I learned to energy heal, as I intuitively knew before I practiced Reiki.
What is Energy Healing?
If you can manipulate energy, you can heal with energy. Energy healing is a form of energy manipulation to heal things similarly to Reiki. Arguably, just as well. Reiki is just a specific practice and guided style of doing so. Energy healing has been seen throughout history in many different cultures and traditions.
How Can I Energy Heal?
First, you have to be adept at Energy Manipulation. It is like building muscle. It can sometimes take a lot of hard work and training to get to the point where you can heal with energy. It takes focus, visualization, physical energy, mental energy, and practice. You might not get it on the first try, but that's okay. Some may also get it on their first try. Try not to beat yourself up about it. We're all different.
I deeply suggest learning how to borrow energy from sources first before you engage in energy manipulation of this type. It can drain you severely both mentally and physically if you are not careful. Especially if you are a healer who takes on or feels others' pain during sessions. I recommend this for Reiki practitioners as well.
When you go to do this healing process, it's not a true healing as it will not remove ailments, but it eases its side effects and pain.
None of this is a replacement method for healthcare practices and psychological practices. If you are feeling unwell, it may be an underlying condition that could prove to be serious. Please take a look with your physician for treatment when needed.
Sometimes, depending on the practitioner, this process may sting or feel like you are buzzing with energy. From many practitioners I've talked to, the experience is different. Warn the person before you start. It could sting, feel cold/warm or like you are a small battery. Warn them to expect the unexpected. That it will feel better in the end.
Energy Healing Yourself
First, I like to ground and centre. It helps me get into the right headspace. To ground, I use the tree method of visualizing roots coming down from my core (mine is my heart space) and deep into the earth's soil. I then soak up the earth's energy through those roots to borrow (I always return it after the session and give some of mine as a thank you.) I drag the energy up through the roots, towards my core and let it centre my being. After I feel ground and centred, I visualize that energy seeping down my arms and into my hands.
Next, I assess the pained area of myself. Are my calves really tight? Neck? Shoulders? I'll hover or touch the pained area to see how they feel.
Start an assessment and hover your hands over different parts of your body. See what connects and feels icky. Some pained areas can lead to others within your body.
With your energy, latch onto that negative energy. With my method to make it not uncomfortable, I visualize light coming from my hands and cleansing the area. Like you would energetically cleanse a space. Visualize that light penetrating that negative area and slowly filling, replacing the space and "burning" (sounds scary, but it's not) away that negativity. Those I practice on tell me this feels cold, warm or tingles.
Continue this process until the areas feel clear of the negativity and are replaced with this shield-like glow on the area for temporary pain relief. Think of a temporary bubble ward.
After a final sweep, you are done if you cannot find anything. Get yourself and them a snack with some water. Remember to rest after. That is vital. You may feel drained, or you could even feel energized. Everyone is different.
Energy Healing Others
Ground and Centre, like above. Gets you in the correct headspace.
Access the person I'm healing. Hover your hands over the area of the body where the pain resides. Let your energy touch their body, not your hands. However if that is harder for you, you can touch them with their consent and comfort.
Start an assessment and follow the limbs, torso, neck, and such. In your mind, set your sights on or intend to find areas of pain that will register within you as either dark energy, colour you view as negative, or even temperature. It helps to see where the pain is if you have a visualized goal. When you find a dark, sticky, magnetizing, cold/hot area, anything that feels "wrong," pause there. See if it stretches from that location to other parts of the body. Our bodies are like spider webs. Everything connects. Sometimes, a painful spot will lead to another.
Continue with point 4 above in healing yourself. I see others using these methods, too, by grabbing the energy and dragging it out of the body. I do not use this method personally, as it feels less natural.
Continue this process until the areas feel clear of the negativity and are replaced with this shield-like glow on the area for temporary pain relief. Think of a temporary bubble ward.
If you cannot find anything after a final sweep, you are done. Get yourself and them a snack with some water. Remember to rest after. That is vital. You and they may feel drained. They could even feel energized. Everyone is different.
Channelling Different Energies for Healing
Here's where we get a bit interesting. If you do not connect directly with the earth's energy or it does not vibe with your energy style, try different energy sources. After you do a basic grounding exercise, you can use celestial energy to be present by visualizing a beam of light coming down from the heavens, through the top of your head, and into your centre.
You can also use different elements, depending on your healing method and what you are trying to heal. I find water soothing and healing for emotional deregulation or aches and pains. Try washing your hands with blessed water or spring water before you partake in healing and channel that energy into your hands. Visualize that energy forming around your hands, like a waterbender from Avatar, the Last Airbender, to perform healing.
You can also wear crystals with the corresponding element. You can draw on that energy when needed.
Tips and Tricks
Who says you can't use a wand if you struggle with channelling energy into your hands? Especially if you're a practicing witch. I find selenite wands beautiful for healing and apple wood-based wands.
If you struggle with visualization, simply directing your thoughts and narrating what is happening like a story while using your other senses, like feeling, can significantly improve your energy practice. Any practice, that is.
Books by Barbara Ann Brennan are great resources, and I built off my practice with them regarding energy healing. They are less problematic than most books with chakras in them, but remember they have some elements in there regarding more western washed versions of such. I started with Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan. However, these books are not cheap, so trying to find them second-hand may be your best bet.
Another excellent book is Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It covers the Eastern-based practice of energy and puts it into a Western-based framework for understanding without watering down any significance. It also covers the energy channels, how they move with the body, and much more. If you enjoy seeing spirituality from a psychological perspective, this book is for you.
Would you like to see more of my posts? Check out the Masterpost.
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esoteriamaya · 2 years
Venus in the 8th: More Observations & Tips
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Venus 8th House - Their sensuality is potent & is very magnetic. Their allure is contagious, and they tend to have others wanting to worship then. They could understand the dark side of money and how to make it. I see something about sex work being a thing for a few people with this house placement, but most of all it could be that you are aware of how money works in society and dont look it at from a good or bad perspective. You know that money can be made in all ways and its truly what you do with it is what counts. Hidden secrets around relationships and lovers. You might be able to spot when your lovers are walking out on you, you just know. When it comes to everyone else relationships you can see through them, something you learned during your adolescent years. Youre able to pick up on the energies of people very easy, so it is no wonder you're able to pick up things from others relationships.
I notice if you're a woman with this placement others tend to 'hide their wives/husbands' from you. They think you'll steal them, your sex appeal is extremely high so no matter what people will think youre some 'slut'. Sugar daddies may come out of no where for you guys, the 'streets' chose you not the other way around.
For some of you, you could know some pretty successful people in high places. They gravitate to your aura because it is very dark and powerful, so this can be used as opportunity. You can see into their lives and they trust you with what you know. The more higher youre up on the ladder the more hidden knowledge you tend to come across.
Gifted in the occult, you can be healers in areas that have to do with the sexual organs. Can heal others with your hands (reiki) and could also make money off this if you choose.
Last thing I wasnt to say is that you guys can have a lot of jealous women around you. Girl, guy, non binary. Doesnt matter. Its because since youre personal power comes from your sensuality it can shine light on other peoples darkness.
'Like why is this person so pretty?' 'why does everyone gravitate to them and not me?' like... they cant seem to understand what it is about you. You dont have to be some ig model or extremely attractive to be 'sexy' with this placement you ARE it. You are the embodiment of sex appeal.
Tips I would have these placement holders is to hold on to their sex appeal as long as they can because as they mature in life they'll be individuals that will try to make you turn it down. Hold your head up high & never let them see you sweat because trust me they're waiting it on it. If you have any moment where you are vulnerable thats when the vultures come through and try to attack so privacy over your self & your feelings is necessary.
If you are an artist you can sell your art and can get a lot of vendors and sponsors who want to see your stuff. I say this because people some of you with this placement may be prone to insecurity around your artwork however your passion is noticed in your work. So it should be seen in the spotlight because it gives us a chance to feel the passion and hard work in what you've created.
Another thing I will say before I end this, is that love for yourself & the world at large creates more energy for you to live off of and makes your aura stand out from the rest. You guys are actually work really well with community and you should use your magnetism for the workspaces of helping groups that need your compassion and grace.
thank you for reading <3
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strid3rofthen0rth · 6 months
An emergency convocation of the crew was held at a centralized bar tonight to commiserate with and console our buddy who filed for divorce after 26 years on Monday. The details of which are absolutely wild, but I won't speak about that publicly, other than to say I'm surprised an old wealthy guy doesn't run away with a young, pretty Instagram reiki healer more often.
We got him to laugh, joked about how we're going to be the best group of wingmen in history to help get him laid once he's free from her. The crass shit dudes say, and believe, to bond and get through it all.
We all had a couple beers and a burger, slipped into the old college stories, and the temptation to run one hung in the air filled with laughter and camaraderie. On the precipice of a gleeful, beer soaked bacchanal. But we're old and responsible now, all driving home with work in the morning, so no party times tonight.
As we stepped out into a sputtering drizzle, the bestie flung his arm over my shoulder and said something to me that made me guffaw like an idiot.
"You know that feeling when you're clicking with a woman you've just met, when the flirting is perfect and you realize it's there, hanging in the air, 'Oh, it's on. This is gonna happen.'
"That was us in there just now. But with beer. We could've fucked, but we held back, and now we'll never know what could've been."
Ok, philosophical bro. Easy.
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mariah0913 · 1 year
Virgo the Healer
there is this thing about virgo/6th house placements and constantly being associated with 'stiffness', 'anxious obsession', 'cleanliness' etc. especially the way others notice our attention to detail, practical ways of living, our seriousness about the order of our living and work spaces. the thing is, pisces is our opposite sign. the axis is generally coined as the axis of the 'healers'. the ones who focus on healing ailments of either the physical or metaphysical kind. other topics come up such as shamans, gurus, and spiritualists. we enjoy exploring activities such as reiki, energy cleansing, and elemental work. a very basic way of explaining pisces is their ability to feel and experience others' energy as they interact or coexist with them. depending on how they deal with it or not, they eventually learn to somehow someway filter through, or transmute the energies that are hindering or destructive to their or humanity's evolution.
with virgo, we sense and build that same gift. our bodies are sensitive to energy receptivity in a more physical, materialized way. we are an earth sign, after all; a solid, moist, and dark material. (think like a seed planted under the ground) we understand that physical objects hold onto energy as well. that if there is some vessel, there is the possibility that energy can become stagnant, trapped, or pooled in that vessel. energy that has been expressed in many forms: grief, anger, happiness/laughter, yelling, crying/holding, smashing, hugging. before virgo is older and can create their own space, you will see the virgo who lives with others create something inclusive only to themselves. like an energy circle, an area of the house, a secret section for their possessions in the house. this often happens due to families being so different individually (energetic wise.) when someone walks into their room, their house, their general vicinity, virgo still feels those energetic shifts like pisces. however, their filtration, cleaning, and cycling of those energies are more outwardly focused than with pisces. their body, their objects, their stomach. we even realize that you may not have ill intentions, but if you do enter our space to vent any frustrations, anger, gossip, or anything heavy, we will cleanse when you leave. my mother and friends often tell me how they step into my room and it feels peaceful and healing. once I show them how I accomplish this, the treatment i give my space, they see that it is possible for anyone. virgo understands that if a vessel can harbor these energies, unpleasant or not, that so, too, can their material surroundings. she also knows through pisces how energy works metaphysically or else she would not have been able to come to the conclusion that the material contains energy. as with pisces, they could not realize that energy is everywhere without studying the material world and its properties. virgo and pisces can not be one without the other.
so virgo knows that objects can hold energy. also that the ordering of the room can promote ordering of the subconscious mind. structure is something we've built in this naturally chaotic universe, and virgo understands the importance of the structure of energy itself. virgo is not only about cleansing and purifying (think of Mother Mary) the energy of a space and vessels, but virgo also shares wisdom of the structuring of energy making up the material world. its an inner wisdom that is within us from birth, just like piscean's inner knowing of unconditional love and interconnectedness.
this is a different way of understanding virgo, who is a healer too. we should find balance between recognizing the unseen connections in spirituality and the material connections. this is so that we can understand how incredibly important both kinds of healers are in the world.
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dasenergi · 1 year
Do we call this the Friday Fifteen???
Are you named after anyone?
My father's name is Scott and his brother's name (my uncle) is David.
Do you have any kids?
Two! They are 21 and 24.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No. IMO: Being straightforward is more kind. There is less ambiguity, less confusion. Good communication is key in all aspects of life.
When was the last time you cried?
I think that was on Tuesday or Wednesday, watching the season 2 finale of "For All Mankind" on Apple TV+
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Are they smiling? Do they look kind?
Eye color?
What sports do you / have you played?
I played one season of Little League baseball because my parents were into baseball and we all want to make our parents happy. I was horrible at it. But I did manage one homerun because the other team kept making so many errors and I kept running.
Any special talent?
People. I can make you feel good. My hugs in particular. People crave them. They crave my touch. I am a reiki energy worker and healer. I transmute negative energy into positive.
Where were you born?
Born and raised in California
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings
Do you have any pets?
At the moment just two fish and a snake.
How tall are you?
5' 11" just one inch short from six feet.
What are your hobbies?
Tumblr is a hobby, curating these spiritual memes. Also, watching classic movies. Reading. Swimming. Acting. Directing. Writing. Performance Art.
Favorite subject in school.
I took four years of Drama in high school. I was always cast as the lead in school plays (Like Danny Zucko in "Grease" and Ebeneezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol") and I also wrote/directed my own plays. I also enjoyed English and took creative writing classes at college while still in high school. (I even took a Creative Writing correspondence course before the internet was a thing. I mentored with a writer of children's books and a presidential speech writer.)
Dream job?
I think I've already accomplished all of my dream jobs. I'm a published author of six books. I'm an award winning director and actor. For over 20 years I've been working in the software industry. For eleven years I was a librarian. I've been the Creative Director of a theater. I'm a Performance Artist in the queer Los Angeles Performance Art scene. I guess all that's left is retiring and either being a hermit or a shaman.
*insert "why not both" meme here*
HEY YOU!! I like reading these. Will you do it too? Feel welcome to tag me so I don't miss it. I really do enjoy getting to know you better.
(With thanks to @notapennymore15)
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dreamnreminisce · 1 year
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PAC: What’s Blocking You from Loving Yourself? 💕 *⚠️: There’s a trigger warning in this reading so be aware of this if you are ready to read this.*
Choose a Number: 1, 2, or 3
Choose a pile and see what is blocking you from loving yourself fully. Take what resonates; leave what doesn’t… 😊
1 - You may have a scarcity mindset - can be about finances, but also your inner worth and value. You may be comparing yourself to others who might have it all together, and Spirit want you to be yourself fully. Don’t let your eyes deceive you. If you feel that your finances are not working out, take a re-route and find a solution that will help you in the long run. Also, be aware of how you are handling your money - watch out for excess spending and other people who may be around you for only monetary gain and not for love. Pay attention to a few days or weeks - something significant will happen. 💰
2 - I have 2 messages here! One - you may still be holding on to any kind of abuse or trauma from your past (particularly sexual abuse). Two - You have to be careful with being around partners who only want you for sex. They could be abusive and narcissistic and you have to take care of yourself. Know that you will be able to overcome this if you are willing to take that step. Try to find connections, whether if it is sexual or romantic, that are mutually compatible and beneficial for your overall health. ❤️‍🔥
3 - Spirit wants you to be patient and wait until the time is right. You have this anxiety and fear that love will never come towards you. You could have this jealous energy of seeing people who might have someone. You keep doing this will make your manifestation coming in slowly or delayed. Spirit wants to not focus on your love life right now and just relax. Go out and have some fun like going on a vacation or taking care of yourself in general. Everything will happen at the right place at the right time. ⏳
Deck: Mama Magical Oracle by @magicalflowerstarot (IG) - www.magicalflowerstarot.com
Let me know which pile you chose and if it resonates.
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talkingwithghosts555 · 7 months
The Witch Trials-Conversation with Paul Walker
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K: I read a book.
P: Didn’t know you could read.
K: To write I should know how to read.
P: I know you’ve been reading. I know what book and I know it’s opened the flood gates.
K: It was very interesting but at the same time, I got my lion on.
P: I know.
K: History makes me shake my head…a lot.
P: You’re not the only one.
I was reading The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe.
K: The witch trials…
P: Why do you want to talk to me about the witch trials? Call in a witch.
K: I would like to just have a friendly chat about the witch trials…or witchcraft in general.
P: You know about this stuff.
K: Not really.
P: Okay. So, let’s talk.
K: First of all, it happened.
P: Of course it happened. It’s documented isn’t it?
K: Was it as theatrical as what I saw while reading the book?
P: I gotta look in. (he’s peeking in then shakes his head) Pretty much.
K: You were never interested in this stuff?
P: No. Never. It happened, it was weird. Done.
K: Okay. I get that but it sort of touched a nerve with me.
P: Because you’ve been in that spot, Kim. Just not in Massachusetts in the 1600’s.
K: I know. I just didn’t think it would trigger something raw.
P: Because it wants to breathe again. That’s all. So, let it breathe.
K: Trying.
P: You’re not trying. You’re doin’ it.
K: What were they really about?
P: What part?
K: The trials?
P: To put rumors to rest that would put a black stain on a society that was God fearing.
K: These women were a stain?
P: Absolutely they were. 100%. You think that a colony would want the craft of Satan in their midst and not think of that as a stain?
K: But these women were pious in ways that I could never even fathom…for me.
P: (laughs) Admitting a lot about yourself.
K: So?
P: You don’t have to be pious to be a spiritual person. That’s a religion thing. We’ve talked about that.
K: I get that. I’m just having an open conversation with you…aren’t we past frivolity.
P: Never. We will never be past that because we make each other laugh.
K: We do.
P: But the deep discussions don’t hurt either.
K: No.
P: We get to know each other better on those levels. By the way, why are people scared of those?
K: Scared of what?
P: Deep discussions?
K: Triggers?
P: Disagreements?
K: Worried they’ll lay their heart on the line and be denied?
P: Good one, Kim.
K: So the witch trials were about stain removal?
P: Pretty much.
K: I read…
P: You read a lot. Forget about what you were reading. Think about what you’ve heard about the Shaman or the Wise Woman in native culture…the healers…all that stuff. They were isolated because they were different and they kept themselves that way because no one else could understand them. They usually had no real family, only themselves. And because they kept themselves isolated…they were an easy target.
K: Then these women were easy targets because of their…solitary lives that no one could see into?
P: That’s a big part of it. And because no one could see into their lives or see something to gossip about, they became a mystery and in those times, mysteries were usually the devil’s work. If a person kept to themselves then they had something to hide and hidden things weren’t godly.
K: That’s a big assumption, Paul.
P: Have you seen the trials?
K: Yes.
P: It was all assumption. It was all drama and rumor and soap opera shit. It wasn’t fair.
He’s getting annoyed.
K: You’re watching.
P: You put me in that place, Kim. If I’m going to answer questions, I have to look in.
K: Were they witches?
P: Yes. A lot of them would be considered a witch but at the same time, if you were to use that language today…it wouldn’t really fit. What about a healer or a reiki practitioner or…I don’t know…an herbalist? Is that witchcraft?
K: No. It’s very accepted now. People are looking at more natural ways to heal the body.
P: Yeah but if you were caught doing Reiki on someone in 1682…You’re fucking screwed. They’ll lynch you up quick.
K: Burned at the stake?
P: More European. I guess the colonist thought they were more civilized and had a lot more manners.
K: Get out of here.
P: It’s true. They were kings and queens of a new world. With that…there were new standards. The dark ages…they didn’t think they followed them but ultimately…they did.
K: Totally. What about overacting resulting in another’s death…
P: Fuckin’ popularity contest and saving one’s own ass.
K: You know, if I brought in one of these people, they probably wouldn’t see it that way.
P: Now they would.
K: You think?
P: Sure.
K: So, this overacting…in court.
P: It was considered evidence. If someone was passionate about another’s wrongdoing, it was said to have happened because how…if someone felt so passionate or hurt by another that it
would bring them to their knees or have them faint…it was guilt. The louder the shouts and cries, the more guilt the other person had.
K: But now?
P: You don’t have to wail and moan to be listened to. If anything, that shit right there will make you look like the idiot and the one that’s calm and collected and sure of themselves is the one that holds the cards.
K: Huh. How things have changed.
P: They didn’t have the movies so they created them. (smiles and winks)
K: But these were people’s lives Paul!
P: I know. I’m not happy about it either but it happened.
K: Did we learn from that?
P: How so?
K: Did we learn from the fact that people were hung based on rumor?
P: Yes, we learned from that.
K: Did it have to happen?
P: Nothing ever needs to happen, Kim. It just does. It’s the choices of people that make things happen or snowball or whatever. You have to think that these people were using God as a means of control and power but also as a set standard of how people should act and really behave. It was…religious extremist and you think of that in all these countries that the six o’clock news plasters on the screen but it’s not just about the…who are they?
K: Islam or something. I don’t follow that.(the news) In general, the Islamic people are very peaceful people that use their beliefs to spread peace and love…the teachings of Muhammad. I know a few and we have amazing conversations.
P: But there are extremists in everything…it’s just how things are right now. This witch trial situation was the same thing and used Christianity against witchcraft. It wasn’t about which God was the true God and whoever didn’t follow the true God needed to act that out in violence and war. It was human against human. If you were praising God in the best way possible, great. If you weren’t, you were automatically condemned as a devil worshiper.
K: So many extremes.
P: Yeah. History has plenty of them.
K: Were the witch hunters out for anything and not just to see a hanging?
P: They got off on that so bad, Kim. It was…euphoric because that’s how deep their beliefs were. That’s how protective they were of their culture…of their religion and their God.
K: Then it was just about the witches and getting rid of the stains.
P: They were just the outcome of that. A lot of it was about fear. A lot of it was about not…no one wanted to understand or know each other. They didn’t want to have the heavy conversations that clear up misunderstandings. They just wanted this simple reverent life that was tied up in a neat little package.
K: People used these women for their abilities…mostly to help the sick. So why did they turn them in?
P: Because if they were caught using the offerings of a witch, they could end up being hung too. So it was sort of like…attracting flies with honey and then killing them when there was no use for them anymore to save their own ass.
K: This is getting me so…irritated.
P: I gotta share the images, Kim. If I’m seeing them, so are you.
K: Did the trials continue into the 1700s?
P: Yes. I don’t think people wised up until late 1700s to 1800s but it was still happening. It happens today, Kim.
K: What?
P: People who are not understood are killed all the time. People who do things out of the norm are bullied. They are held responsible for other people’s fears. You don’t think that’s the same thing as what happened in Salem? It just has a different face.
K: Whoa.
P: Yeah.
K: Bullying tactics to give the bully what they wanted and if they didn’t get it…trouble.
P: With a capital T.
K: Did the accusers realize that they were wrong? Did they go to bed peacefully?
P: Yeah. Sure. I mean…they didn’t get caught with their own sins laid out. Someone else got theirs and they were safe…for the moment. People had to tread lightly. If they didn’t, they were watched. They were talked about. There was a lot that was assumed.
K: What about that guy….Giles Cory that was pressed to death?
P: That guy was a strong guy. He was strong in his beliefs…in his truth and he wasn’t going to be crushed under the weight of other people’s lies.
K: Did he really get crushed?
P: Yeah. He suffocated first.
K: Really?
P: Does that give you some relief?
K: A little. That he would pass out before…I don’t know…the rack would be worse.
P: Then it was okay that he was crushed by religious supremacists?
K: I’m not saying it’s okay. I’m saying at least he passed out.
P: Just like it’s okay that I bumped my head before the fire?
K: Well?
P: (relents) I see your point.
K: Good. So, in summary, the accusers really carried on in dramatic ways because they were protecting themselves because anyone could be next.
P: Yeah.
K: But to point fingers, they had to have something to go by?
P: What, like dancing naked by a full moon?
K: Something. I mean, there was real witchcraft going on.
P: That stuff didn’t really happen in Salem. That was more in Europe.
K: Huh. Interesting. What about these witch’s teats?
P: Skin tags.
K: What?
P: They were looking for skin tags. I guess moles too, but the skin tags were…you would die if you had a skin tag.
K: Wow.
P: And even if they didn’t…if they really wanted to get some woman, they’d look at the clitoris.
K: What???
P: For real. Not one size fits all, Kim.
K: Holy shit.
P: Yeah. And because it was…there and women didn’t really know their bodies as well as they do today…they…really didn’t know the difference.
K: Oh my God, Paul Walker!
P: You asked. I’m just answering.
K: That is unbelievable.
P: What’s still unbelievable is that women have that cut off in some countries today. (present)
K: Dear God.
P: You asked.
K: I did not ask that. You offered that willingly.
P: True. You look a little pale.
K: I’m just…I shake my head.
P: You need a coffee.
K: I think I do.
P: Look, makin’ babies…in some countries…the guy enjoys it. The woman is not supposed to.
K: But doing that is pretty extreme.
P: It is. For me…let’s both enjoy ourselves.
Huge laughter from me.
K: Witchcraft…religion? Practice?
P: Wicca is the religion. The craft is the practice. Sometimes they didn’t always go hand in hand.
Sometimes it was separate. A woman who called herself a witch didn’t always do the spells or the…I don’t know…the ritual. They made herbs into potions or they prayed or meditated or lit a candle. Sound familiar, witch?
K: Yes. And I don’t mind the title.
P: No because it’s in you. You were talking to Nathaniel about her this morning.
K: Eavesdropper.
P: Gives me something to do.
K: You were saying that an herbalist or a Reiki practitioner…that’s sort of witchy.
P: Yeah.
K: Crystal gridder…
P: Yeah, but they wouldn’t necessarily be calling themselves a witch or selling themselves as that. It’s still got a bad rep.
K: For some.
P: You got your shadow worshippers…the dark magic and you got your white witches. Whatever you call it…it’s got a lot to do with intention. You know how much power intention has?
K: Yes. Actually, I do.
P: I know. It’s a blanket statement.
K: Then continue.
P: People don’t get that. They don’t realize that intention is that ripple. It’s the gas in the car. You put bad or good gas but either way, the car’s gonna drive. Difference is…the car probably won’t perform as well on the bad. It’s really too bad that people still don’t get it. They don’t. If they did, the world would look a lot different.
K: I get that. Let’s talk touch test.
P: Like if someone’s having a seizure and the witch touches them and it stops, it’s a witch?
K: Something like that?
P: Purely circumstantial.
K: Purely convenient.
P: That too.
K: Because actors…
P: I know, right.
K: Total drama queens.
P: (smiles) At least you said queens.
K: You’re a total diva.
P: That (pointing) is so not even remotely true and if I was, this would have ended a long time ago with my broken heart and your clean hands.
K: This is true. Can’t stand it. (drama)
P: Yeah.
K: Prayers. I mean, these women prayed. They spoke to and of God and if it’s God’s will and it’s in God’s hands. They prayed over the sick as they administered herbs or tinctures. They were very pious women.
P: They also revered the earth. They also revered the feminine. They knew the two.
K: The masculine/feminine thing.
P: Yeah. They were extremely intelligent people. And the husbands…the men that were married to these women…knew how beautiful their hearts were and they allowed it because they saw that their wives loved and wanted to share that as healing for the suffering.
K: Mother Theresa administered to the sick and she was criticized a lot, but she was never called a witch.
P: Because the word is totally taken out of the dark ages.
K: What do you think about the Wiccan religion? Now that you can see what it’s really about?
P: It’s cool. It’s actually something…that makes a person take full responsibility for actions.
K: But there is the shadow aspect.
P: There is but it doesn’t last long. Look at you. If you have that awareness…let’s call it light in the hippie term.
K: Okay.
P: And you realize that you’ve been voodooed.
K: Voodooed?
P: Yeah.
K: Okay.
P: It’s taken care of because it doesn’t scare you. If the dark scares people…because they don’t really know what it is…it’s just this scary projected fear or image of horror…they will allow that spell or that voodoo or whatever to stick because they don’t realize that when aware…that’s all shaken off.
K: Like I said, easily taken care of.
P: Totally.
K: I feel better about it. Not the actual events but…scratch that. I don’t feel better about it.
P: What if people started to forgive their histories?
K: What if…
P: Could it be possible that humanity would start being cool with each other if they could only forgive what history tells?
K: Why do people hang onto a history, that if learned from, could actually be benefitted from?
P: (shakes head) You tell me, Kim, ‘cuz I don’t know.
K: If anything, the witch trials were something to…an example of something that will never happen again.
P: You know what the families of those, that were hung, deserve?
K: What?
P: An apology. Every ‘witch’ that was tortured, shamed or killed by someone that…thought of them as something scary or evil…they deserve an apology.
K: Witches or those perceived to be witches of that time are not the only group that warrant an apology.
P: No. They aren’t. But that’s who we’re talking about.
K: How can we give that to them?
P: Just do it. Light a candle. Say a prayer. Do a meditation. Do a Reiki session. Go for a walk, pet a cat, play fetch with a dog, sit by a tree, watch the clouds, go for a drive; anything that will allow you to connect with a past that deserves an honest apology. Even if it didn’t have anything to do with you…to God…it means a lot. To those that died because of someone else’s lies…it means a lot. To the families that still live with that or think about that great great great grandma…it means a lot. This is the mindset that we have to be in now. We need to start forgiving our pasts to make that future we all want…
K: And need.
P: And need.
K: I was really a witch?
P: Still are, Kim.
K: Awesome!!!
P: (laughs) I didn’t tell you what kind.
K: I choose to believe I was half decent.
P: Still are.
K: Okay. You finished?
P: I’m finished. I’ll talk to you soon.
K: I’ll call you.
P: You better.
K: I’m goin’.
P: Bye.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
How do you heal and move forward from people who betrayed you or lamenting the past? I know it does not help at all to give them my energy, but the intrusive thoughts won’t go away. I want to move on from these people but my mind keeps replaying the hurt. It’s so draining, I just want to reclaim myself.
Hey Sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. I have been there! The person would even show up in my dreams so there was no escaping for me. But release is possible with time and intention.
So firstly, set the intention. Use prayer to the universe or whoever you believe in (a higher power) to assist you with letting this situation go.
Try a journalling practise where you release all your thoughts, unleash them, write everything get it out of your mind and soul. What you're feeling, why is hurts so much. Getting it out on paper is a great technique for release.
I have also used rituals in the past to release someones energy from mine. Your inner child is most likely hurt by this situation also, so try and dialogue with the little version of you. I know this may sound strange but its incredibly healing and connecting with your inner child is something you can do alone through journaling and usually just acknowledging the pain and hurt your inner child is feeling can release a lot of the emotions.
Another options are to use a healer. Cord cutting meditations, Reiki to unblock any unbalanced energy within the body.
But most importantly being kind to yourself and focusing on the emotions that arise and not the story. Once you can identify the emotion, you can start focusing on healing that. Maybe shame is coming up for you, rejection, violation. Whatever it is. Bringing light to the emotion, focusing on healing it.
I hope this helps. DMs are open if you need more guidance/ support xoxo
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I am going to post some Lyre audio later not very edited, my YouTube is going to have more of my weekly projects such as healing and meditative soundscapes. and my Tumblr is for fun and offerings.
I like that idea and the feeling it gives me so far...I may look familiar i am @demigoddisaster 's headmate. My name is Prince. Me, him and @henasse are all part of the body @sigmashub
I, Prince. Am a healer, I took on the role of Caretaker and to an extent I still am, however it is now more of a shared trait.
I dedicated my life to healing and aiding others through means of Magick, music, and relaxation, healing energy and a place where you can feel relaxed. Or swept away from the physical plane to not a fantasy but an astral location. I will take you places with my music you haven't seen it felt before or maybe better yet, places that you have. Familiar, safe places.
My YouTube is a baby but I have three years video editing and this isn't my first time trying to make a Channle haha.
In any case
I'll post some audios here but YouTube is where I do my heavy audio and some times visual videos. Meant mainly for meditation, journeys, spiritual awakening and food, spiritual self care. You get the idea, it's my Meadow! Feel free to join :) this weeks goal is to get a 10 min lyre video up that's edited the way I want. Let's see if I can meet that goal!
You can always support me on my Ko-Fi (also in baby stages!!! I'm working out my commission prices currently thinking of doing 2$ 3 spreads for a few months (lmk what you think please! I can use all the opinions, ideas, criticisms, ect!!!) /Gen /pos
/please use tone tags so I don't cry too much (⁠ ⁠・///﹏⁠///・;)/
And let me know if you have ideas about what you'd like to see from a mystic like me!
Hellene (Hellenic Witch/practitioner) 6yrs almost 6 and a half!!
General spiritualism 3-4 yrs (Buddhism, Hinduism, unfortunately fell into new age)
Yoga 4yrs
Tarot 7yrs
Divination: 16yrs
(Channel and found out how to use scrying at age 5)
Light worker/Energy Healer (so like Reiki): 4 1/2 yrs I have performed spiritual "surgeries" to remove heavy hexes and curses before. (By the way dm me if you need that and we can chat about it more)
That's all I can think of currently...do tell me your thoughts. :)
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candlelightcrackle · 4 days
Witchy Questions pt. 2
Q12: Sun sign?
Q13: Moon sign?
Q14: Do you have a familiar?
I don't.
Q15: Thoughts on the afterlife?
To me, life continues and is not defined by the mortal realm. To many here, this is the primary worldview they base their understanding of. To me, it is flipped in the sense that I view my spirit eternal and mortal lives akin to dreams.
Q16: Have you had any paranormal experiences?
I guess you could say that. To me the extrasensory stuff may bleed into the mundane at times. As if I'm watching two realities overlapping temporarily and briefly. "Peaks from behind the veil."
Q17: Are you out of the broom closet? How do your friends/family feel about it?
Not explicitly, my brother knows I'm more liberal with my beliefs than Christianity or its sects and cults. He knows I do tarot and have pagan altars. But the rest of my family doesn't know for other reasons. Also my acquaintances aren't explicitly included in this knowledge though couple of them joke about me being a witch.
Q18: What is something that inspires you?
Connection. To other people and the spirit. Seasonal changes. The ability to create.
Q19: Do you have an altar?
Yes, I have a couple of altars for different functions and other sacred spots.
Q20: What is a spell you have done?
One of the first ones I did was self-love spell. It was a jar spell and made me happy every time I shook it.
Q21: Do you have an animal? What is it?
No, currently I don't have any pets.
Q22: Favorite pagan holiday you celebrate?
I don't follow any public holidays. I have attempted celebrating Yule. But mostly I follow the seasons and involve the natural elements in my home life across the seasonal changes.
Q23: Do you meditate?
I have challenges in meditating, but I do take music based breaks, like listening to yt meditation music or the enn of King Belial at times to bring myself back into myself and allowing myself to disconnect from the daily life.
Q24: Have you gone to a psychic, tarot reading, reiki master or healer?
I have gone to both paid and free psychics and tarot readers and offer tarot/oracle myself.
Q25: What witchy books have influenced you?
I am terrible at reading but some of the books I have purchased for that purpose are Psychic Witch, Mastering Magic by Mat Auryn. Draconian Ritual Book by Asenath Mason. The Horned God of the Witches by Mankey. Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove. Miller's Consorting with Spirits.
Q26: Favorite Websites?
I have very little patience for websites :D so I don't usually browse the web very much outside of social media's like the discord, or some select subreddits. I tend to look for a wider scope of information than any one select website for information when I look something up to get a consensus of the topic/theme and make up my own mind based on the information procured.
Q27: Favorite Witch Movie?
I don't have one.
Q28: Favorite mythological animal?
I like the experience I had of an astral plant that was like half plant half animal. Plant and stationary but with sentience and interactive behavior.
Q29: Favorite season?
I love winter, but also I tend to like the transitioning times from one of the four seasons most. The journey from Winter to Spring, or Summer to Fall.
Q30: Favorite herb?
Jasmine, perhaps. I like Jasmine tea a lot.
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innerwisdomlight82 · 12 days
Spot a Bad Reiki Healer: Key Red Flags | Inner Wisdom Light
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Reiki healing is a powerful and gentle way to balance energy and promote well-being. However, not all practitioners provide the same level of care or authenticity. If you are considering Reiki sessions, it’s important to recognize the signs of a bad Reiki healer to ensure you get the best experience. Be mindful of these key warning signs to look out for:
1. Lack of Certification or Training
Reiki healers should be properly trained and certified at different levels (Level 1, 2, and Master).
If a practitioner cannot provide proof of their qualifications or training, it may be a cause for concern.
2. Unclear or Negative Energy
A good Reiki healer should make you feel calm, comfortable and at peace.
If you sense any negative or unclear energy during the session, or feel uneasy in their presence, trust your intuition.
3. Pushing Multiple Sessions Without Assessment
While many Reiki healers recommend a series of sessions, a genuine healer will tailor the number of sessions to your needs.
If a healer insists on booking many sessions upfront without evaluating your condition, it could be a sign they are more focused on profit than healing.
4. No Clear Explanation of the Process
A reputable Reiki healer should explain what Reiki is, how it works, and what you can expect during and after the session.
If they are vague, evasive, or refuse to answer your questions, this could be a red flag.
5. No Progress or Negative Effects
While healing takes time, you should feel some positive effects or at least more balanced energy after a few sessions.
If you feel no change or experience negative physical, emotional, or energetic responses consistently, it may indicate the healer is not effective.
6. Overcharging for Services
While prices can vary, an authentic Reiki healer offers fair and transparent pricing.
Overly high fees with no clear justification might suggest they’re more interested in your money than your healing.
7. Lack of Respect for Boundaries
A good Reiki healer respects your physical and emotional boundaries.
If you ever feel uncomfortable with their touch (if applicable) or with any other aspect of the session, it’s essential to speak up or stop the session.
8. Claims of Magical or Instant Healing
Reiki is a gentle, natural process and, while it can be powerful, it does not offer instant miracles. Be wary of anyone who promises instant or exaggerated results.
9. Unprofessional Behavior
Like any other professional service, Reiki practitioners should maintain a respectful and professional demeanor.
Tardiness, unclean environments, or dismissiveness can indicate a lack of care.
Conclusion: If you encounter any of these signs, it’s best to reconsider continuing sessions with that healer. Reiki should feel empowering and supportive, and your well-being should be the priority.
How Inner Wisdom Light can Help?
If you have any concerns or want to know more about finding the right Reiki healer, feel free to visit Inner Wisdom Light. Our expert Reiki practitioners are here to provide authentic, personalized healing experiences.
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krskrash · 2 months
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This is a disgrace of a woman and mother. Convincing people she can heal everything from depression to terminal illness, with colloidal silver. Im glad she's dead. Only wish it happened sooner. The rest of the people in her cult, should have the Life sued off their backs. They should have everything taken from them, for convincing people of the ability to heal everything from a headache, to terminal illnesses, by following this "New Age Lifestyle". And then on top of it, she abandons her children. Just so she can do drugs and drink herself to death. And not one of these special people, are able to question this whole "mother" quality. And the cherry on top, is all of them "trauma bonding" over their childhood traumas and then they traumatize small children living with them -like toddler/preschool aged children-, by locking them in closets, when they misbehave or are stressed out due to their environment. That was the best form of "Mothering" and "Parenting" these losers could collectively think of, in order to SOOTHE a child: lock them in a closet. That, is Mother God & her Imbeciles; who convinced people she could cure their illnesses, with colloidal silver. How many innocent people followed this lifestyle and did not make it. How many people did they rob right out in the open. And then made it difficult or impossible for them to continue seeking further medical attention from a real doctor, because they drained their savings. People do not understand what desperation does to a person, in a terminal state.
Shame on all of these people, for eternity. I hope the rest of their lives, is filled with excruciating mental pain and suffering, that they cannot even begin to comprehend. I view these people no differently than, Casey Anthony. Just out here freely, walking around, as if they're innocent. When in fact, they are not. They're guilty of egregious things.
Fuck Reiki. Fuck New Age Medicine. Fuck New Age Lifestyles. Fuck New Age Spirituality. If I ever hear anyone talking about these New Age things like they're a cure in some type of way, or real... Im always and forever going to assume that there is a very present and very loud drug addiction/drinking problem/severe if not permanent cognitive damage; fuelling that type of language.
Because, FUCK YOU, for convincing people of that.
I can't believe this cult is still active. I do not feel sorry for this narcissistic abusive alcoholic lousy excuse of a mother. Who is not god. is not Marilyn Monroe incarnated. Is not the walking embodiment of Cleopatra. People are 51/50'd, for LESS. Her family didn't do anything for her, aside from trying to call her -a mentally unstable drug addict and alcoholic, and trying to interact with her on livestreams: "Amy? Amy are you there?" ...Because that's gonna do something. The only person I see as trying to do something in this situation, was one of her "imbecile disciples" actual mother, calling the FBI about what was happening. Everyone else is just another enabler. 51/50. Why didn't anyone do that, if they were truly concerned. I guess that, was seen as worse than death. The thought of her being angry with them, over placing her in an involuntary psychiatric hold, was scarier than just watching her die. And it's not just watching her die. It's: Watching her die, while she's continuing to deceive people in the most heinous way possible -misleading people with claims about healing them. The fact that these so-called healers prey on people at their most vulnerable moments is beyond reprehensible. And the family members... of the Love Has Won Cult members, knowing about it and just watching it all happen, live and in actions...even more disgusting. Hope the "check-ins" on the livestream were worth it! Seriously, what is calling someone who is This deranged, going to do. They're never going to say, "Okay I fucked up". or "Yes I need help". It's all going to be another thing to validate their egregious actions and the "3D beings" bringing them down. Amy Carlson from the Love Has Won "Mother God" Cult, was a drug addict. A FRAUD. An alcoholic. An anorexic. An a abusive mother. And a disgusting waste of flesh. She was a stain on the earth and it is good that she is gone. It is the ultimate form of karma, that she died from her own bullshit and when she did request to go to a hospital, her followers were like "bich y'crazy!" and refused to take her to one.
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