#How To Login Minecraft Servers
cattimeswithjellie · 4 months
Liveblogging Skizzleman Stream VOD, 6/7/24
Skizz Stream 06.07.24
06:05 Skizz opens the stream with a birthday you-yo for himself. He gives shout-outs to donos, they are coming thick and fast because this is a birthday stream.
10:50 Skizz attempts to login to Hermitcraft, gets the invalid session message that pops up whenever you’ve had the Minecraft window open more than 24 hours. Skizz does not seem to have ever seen this error before and attempts to get back into the game without restarting the launcher. It fails again, someone suggests that the Hermits have permabanned Skizz for his birthday. Skizz restarts the launcher.
14:20 Skizz successfully joins the server, appearing inside Level 1 of his pyramid. He jokes about the permaban and is immediately derailed by a $1000 dono. While he is stuttering over the donation, Joe Hills crashes into the pyramid and sings him Happy Birthday in Spanish. He’s followed immediately by Doc, who sings Happy Birthday in mixed English and German, and then by Scar, who sings Happy Birthday in English but makes up about half the words. Doc teases Skizz about not making his hours quota on the server and suggests that if Skizz does not file his reports, Impulse will be mad at him at the next Hermitcraft corporate meeting.
19:00 Doc encourages the birthday donos to continue rolling in and tells Scar to leave because he is ruining the hype vibes. (Scar is standing on top of the dark maze, almost invisible and not saying anything, so the vibe ruination is not immediately apparent.) Skizz insists that Scar is not ruining the vibes, whereupon Scar flies down off the maze with an enormous and unmuted burp. Skizz and Doc react to this with the delighted disgust of third graders at the lunch table. Doc brings up yesterday’s Twitter story of Scar getting his off-road wheelchair stuck in a field. Skizz has not seen this story, but Joe says they should get Scar a riding lawnmower.
20:20 Skizz shows off the shutter shades he got from Mission Possible. Doc is skeptical, but Joe is all about the green glasses, for obvious reasons. He calls Skizz a percussionist, but Skizz says he is only a drummer. Scar asks what the difference is, and Skizz explains that percussionists should be able to play marimba, xylophone, bells, and similar instruments while drummers don’t. Scar chimes in “So it’s all about banging stuff!” with the sort of glee that suggests he knows exactly what he is saying. Skizz happily affirms that it is, indeed, all about the banging and says that’s right up Scar’s alley. Joe, who is also streaming, giggles nervously and Doc mutters a “Jesus Christ” that may or may not be prayerful. Joe says that this is why he doesn’t want VODs of his streams.
22:00 Skizz shows off a bit of his dark/snow/drowning/lava maze and declares with certainty that nobody could survive it in its current state. Scar says he definitely could and jumps into the snow portion through the side wall. Doc says that Skizz should not be giving people test runs because you don’t get test runs in real life. Scar escapes out the top of the snow portion somehow (he is not onscreen) and greets Cleo, who has just arrived.
23:00 Cleo appears in her MCC Pride skin and gives Skizz a cake for his birthday. Skizz places it and eats several pieces while relating a story about the time Impulse’s son, who was very young at the time, made him a Minecraft cake for his birthday and presented it to him in-server. Skizz, not knowing how to eat a cake, left clicked on it and broke it to bits in front of the child instead of eating it. The assembled Hermits agree that this has probably scarred the kid for life. Doc, who is the parent of a young child, sounds like he is in real physical pain from the story.
24:15 Skizz asks what everyone is up to today. Doc tells him that strange things are happening on the server and questions him suspiciously about whether he stole one block of diamond ore from one of Doc’s machines. Skizz claims innocence, as do Scar and Joe, though Joe confesses he thought about replacing all the diamond ore with lapis ore and claiming that if you leave diamond ore exposed to the elements, it will rot. He asks if someone swapped them with lapis and Doc says no, just deepslate. Joe, clearly extremely disappointed, says “Oh. That’s not funny. Lapis is way funnier.” Doc agrees and says he knows it wasn’t Joe because Joe would’ve done something much more bizarre. Skizz compliments Joe about how he really has his moments and Cleo, with the incredibly longsuffering air of a survivor of most of Joe’s “moments,” agrees.
25:30 Doc mentions that a pig died because of the diamond theft, which really gets Cleo’s attention. She accuses Doc of using the passive voice to soften the fact that he killed her special pig. Doc and Joe and Cleo are all discussing this loudly but we cannot hear much of it because Skizz breaks away briefly to address chat. Donos are still rolling in at a fast pace and Skizz promises that he’s going to go back and catch all of them in just a couple of minutes. Doc, who is clearly stream sniping, thanks one of Skizz’s donors for a large gift sub while Cleo attacks him with a sword. Doc admits to killing her pig but claims he was in emotional distress because someone broke his redstone. Cleo reiterates that this pig was special because it was the one she sent to hell and it survived. Doc contends that the pig had no name and was just randomly sitting there, like many pigs he has killed over the years. Joe interrupts to say that if a pig went to hell he thinks it probably would’ve gotten a name because even the most minor characters in Dante’s Inferno seem to have names somehow. Cleo is ignoring him and spelling out exactly where the pig was (in a boat? At a dock?) but she is sitting low in the mix on Skizz’s audio and it’s hard to hear exactly what she’s saying. She is very emphatic about it though.
26:30 Skizz tries to pull together the threads of the narrative with limited success as Doc reiterates his claim of emotional distress leading to pig slaughter. Cleo asks Skizz to be her lawyer. Skizz is enthusiastic about the idea, as Scar suggests they need Bdubs for “short claims court.” Doc tries to explain that Cleo was dismissive of the emotional pain Doc felt when someone touched his redstone, and so he killed the pig so she would understand what it felt like to lose someone. (In the background, Cleo points out that the redstone wasn’t even broken, because the block that was replaced was being used as a building block and was not essential to machine function.)
27:10 Skizz asks Doc about his state of mind during the slaughter and Doc, suddenly realizing that he is talking to opposing counsel, decides it is time to clam up and demand a lawyer. Cleo mocks him for making a full and open confession in front of witnesses before demanding a lawyer, while Skizz makes a motion in limine to a nonexistent judge to have the defendant declared mentally unstable. Doc says he has watched many videos on YouTube and knows he is entitled to an attorney. (It’s hard to say if this is true since there is no indication of whether a criminal or civil proceeding is being contemplated, or indeed whether any of the hermits involved understand the difference.) Doc accuses Skizz of walking like a lawyer, and Joe offers the advice that if someone tells you they are the opposition’s lawyer that means they are not your lawyer and you should stop talking to them. Doc displays a very confused understanding of his Miranda rights and the other Hermits continue to mock him for claiming them after the confession and not before. Doc claims to be appalled that all of this criminal behavior is being discussed on Skizz’s birthday stream, then declares himself to be “The Teflon GOAT.”
28:30 Skizz reiterates his willingness to be a lawyer in the case, and Cleo reiterates the fact that they have hired Skizz and Doc cannot have him. Doc retaliates by saying he will hire Joe and then they can talk to a sock puppet in court. Joe accepts the job but insists on being paid in sand. Doc agrees. Skizz laughs evilly with Cleo and says they will have the Doc/Joe team for lunch. Joe responds by saying it’s too bad Skizz already filled up on CAKE. Cleo claims she has witnesses, and Doc claims that Ren cannot be compelled to testify due to spousal privilege. (Apparently Ren is now Doc’s husband.) Scar says he didn’t know Doc got married and says that’s nice. Skizz tells Cleo they need to confer and stop talking outside of court, then tells the others that there will be no more questions or interrogations until they meet in open court. Cleo tries to say something and Skizz shushes them, being a man of either extreme bravery or extraordinary foolishness. Cleo doesn’t stop talking and Skizz goes full Muppet-style trying to shut her up, which works in the sense that it makes her laugh. Skizz assures her that this is the kind of lawyer he intends on being, and Cleo laughs until she starts coughing and has to mute. Doc laments the fact that he is stuck with the public defender, with Joe immediately punning about Pupplet Defender. Doc tells Joe that if Joe were a lawyer he would absolutely be a public defender because Joe is weird and would love to do it. Joe does not know how to take that. Cleo suggests that it not a compliment, though Doc insists it is.
30:45 Skizz makes a movie reference to Liar, Liar and then tells everyone that he’s had fun but he really, really needs to talk to his chat and catch up on his donos. Scar says that Skizz hates collaboration and walks disconsolately out of the pyramid to begin slapping a salmon head sitting on a jukebox. Skizz joins him and they invite Doc to join in as well. (Technically this consists of Skizz screaming “GET OVER HERE AND SLAP IT!”) Doc demurs, citing lingering trauma from salmon-related food poisoning. Skizz says this is all he wants for his birthday, but Doc insists he cannot. Skizz says if Doc loves him, he will slap the fish. Doc approaches, but begins making gagging noises and backs away again. The salmon-slapping noises are quite loud. Cleo suggests that the best way to have a private meeting with no Doc eavesdropping is to make this noise. Doc says he would rather bathe in a tub of poisonous spiders than slap the fish. He flies away.
32:40 Skizz turns to Scar and tells him that all he wants for his birthday is a death message in chat saying that Scar killed Doc. Scar immediately flies away. Joe and Cleo express great appreciation for Skizz’s plan, with Cleo claiming that all she ever wanted was for Doc to die horribly. Doc logs out at the exact right time for it to be clear that he was stream sniping and has finally caught up to stream delay. Everyone is disappointed. Cleo starts to talk to Skizz about killing Doc, then realizes they shouldn’t talk to their lawyer about extrajudicial murder. Skizz assures her they have attorney client privilege, but Joe correctly realizes that his presence could destroy the presumption of privilege and heads out. He gives Skizz a number of Joe Hills specialty fireworks for his birthday, insists that they are flight duration 3, and then flies away using one with predictably painful results. Skizz attempts the same thing and Cleo cheers that he farts rainbows. Cleo leaves.
34:45 Skizz returns to the pyramid and begins to address chat, only to be interrupted by Scar singing “check your mail, check your mail, check your mail.” Skizz promises that he will, then spends several minutes catching up with donos. He receives the link for Rusty_Courage and Persefida’s GIGGS Phasmo collab animation and assures a viewer that nobody ever needs to apologize for not being able to sub or donate.
39:38 Skizz goes to check his mail, accidentally using another one of Joe’s fireworks to fly. He receives a Ruber Sea Pickle, presumably from Tango, which is specifically labeled as a gift so he will have to put it up on the wall in his base. Cleo falls from a high place but says they are fine. Scar, also clearly stream sniping, drops off a gift of item frames when Skizz can’t find any.
43:00 Skizz leaves the maibox and sleeps, waking to find Scar haunting his mailbox to indicate that he has additional mail. Skizz finds mail from Scar, a coupon for the sand and gravel store along with a jukebox and a disc that plays the advertisement Scar made for his Star Wars themed shop. Skizz is clearly charmed and impressed. He wants Scar to teach him how to do that.
45:15 Skizz stops by Bop ‘n Go to repair his elytra, then heads for the sand and gravel shop. He leaves while the Bop song is still playing, disappointing his chat. Although the Death Scar initially appears to be its normal self, closer inspection reveals that it has been turned into a giant emoji sphere (thanks to Jevin.) Skizz, not fully understanding the cache function of the Bobby mod, is very confused. He visits the gravel shop, admires it, kills the inevitable mobs that spawn in any Scar build, and buys some gravel. Scar tells him in chat that the price for gravel is 12 diamonds per shulker rather than the posted 20. Skizz uses his coupon to buy a box of gravel.
52:30 Skizz leaves the gravel shop for the sand shop and catches up with donos again. A donor asks how he juggles streaming and a full time job. He suggests “A lot of cocaine,” then immediately insists multiple times that he is joking. He says it is very difficult and not necessarily very healthy, but suggests that as long as a streamer has a thick skin and an understanding that it’s very hard work, and that they listen to their body, they can get by. Another donor asks why he calls Tango ‘Top.’ Skizz says it’s from Rocket League, but that he also thinks very highly of Tango, so Top is an appropriate name.
55:00 Skizz actually enters the sand shop. Scar tells him via chat that shulkers of sand are 15 diamonds, and Skizz buys one. Chat complains that they cannot see in-game chat because of Twitch chat overlay. Skizz moves the chat box around on the screen to solicit chat opinions on the best place and size for it. Chat has a hard time achieving consensus. Skizz puts it back in the same place but slightly smaller.
58:30 Skizz addresses a viewer asking how to grow his drumming channel. He says you must be at peace with the fact that there is no magic formula. Collaborate as much as possible with other YouTubers in similar genres.
59:30 Return to the pyramid, inventory organization time. More dono shout-outs, and Skizz spends approximately 90 seconds walking aimlessly up and down his stairs.
1:02:30 Skizz fails to find ink in his chest monster. He sees that Tango has signed on and goes to visit the factory. Cleo raids into the stream. Not finding Tango, Skizz returns to the pyramid, gets chased by Tango, chases Tango, and engages in a sky battle that ends in an inglorious crash landing at the factory. Tango plays a custom music disc of Happy Birthday to the tune of the Hallelujah Chorus while slapping Skizz on the beat. Scar drops by and attempts to HotGuy Tango, but does not achieve Velocitay. Tango calls him a tryhard.
1:06:00 Scar and Skizz begin rummaging through Tango’s storage system. Tango only objects when Scar gets into the redstone guts of the factory and begins singing in a suspiciously innocent fashion. Tango shows off his piglin extermination system, complete with pressure-plate activated scream.
1:08:50 Scar remembers something he wanted to talk to Tango about, then remembers he either doesn’t want to talk in front of Skizz or in front of several thousand chatters. Skizz plays dejected and says he will leave. He flies away, then returns and successfully HotGuys Scar. Scar, who does not have a bed, is dumped off at Spawn. Skizz and Tango collect the bits and gloat over the kill. Skizz gathers up Scar’s elytra and rockets and goes to find Scar, only to realize he is not sure where Spawn is. Scar gets killed by a Vindicator at spawn.
1:11:10 Skizz finds Scar and returns the elytra while Scar claims that his failed Hotguy was more impressive because it was a blind shot over the rafters and into the factory. Tango arrives as well, wearing Scar’s hat. Scar calls him a Rancher. Tango agrees. Scar trolls Skizz over Mission Possible (Impossible) (Kimpossible), then shouts that he still needs to talk to Tango about record players while flying off. His departure angle is a bit low, causing him to slam nonfatally into the side of a hill. He corrects himself and flies away while Tango and Skizz laugh and make George of the Jungle jokes.
1:13:00 Skizz claims that he needs to go to work, Tango says that he shouldn’t really have to because it is his birthday you-yo. Tango says he went to the gym that morning, but admits it was just a preliminary meeting. He and and Skizz start talking about hockey, til Scar reappears and demands his arrows and ender chest. Scar asks Tango a technical question about custom heads as music players and Skizz flies back to the pyramid.
1:15:30. Back to work… except Skizz needs food and rockets. Skizz flies back to the shopping district while catching up on donos. He admires Joel’s new honey shop, then heads for the rocket shop and gets Hotguyed by Scar, who then logs out. Skizz collects Breadstick to return to the shopping district while lamenting the bad etiquette of not returning someone’s wingies to them after Hotguying them.
1:19:45 Skizz arrives back at the shopping district and collects his bits. Tango had been looking for them as well, but was misled by Skizz’s claim that he was “at the rocket shop” and had looked at Cuboom instead of the flight rocket shop. Skizz jokingly regrets being so polite about returning Scar’s elytra. He says Scar is “in barney” and vows revenge.
1:21:00 Tango makes fun of Skizz for still riding a horse, and Skizz decides it’s time to buy an elytra. They don’t know where they elytra shop is, but chat points the way. Tango steals the elytra from the barrel before Skizz can buy one, Skizz retaliates with vociferous movie quotation. Tango suggests that maybe there should be police on the server to keep order. Skizz buys an elytra and some golden carrots. He is running out of money. Tango mocks him for not selling more wood. Skizz says he has lowered the price of mangrove to 8, but people have stopped buying. Tango and Skizz both have a lot of permits unshopped. They realize they each have a wool permit they can use at the wool shop and Skizz rides home to get it.
1:27:15 Breadstick is returned safely to the corral. Skizz puts his new spare elytra in his shulker box and finds his permit for green wool. Tango has light blue. Neither of them understand the Wolves of Wool Street concept, but they assume they can put their permits on the wall of the shop and collect their profits. They return to the shopping district.
1:28:55 Skizz finds Wool Street and puts up his permit. He has already accumulated four blocks of diamonds in profit from the shop. Skizz and Tango open every trap door in the Terracotta shop facade. Skizz suggests that instead of just opening all the doors, they place many more trapdoors around the facade. They admire the cuteness of the Fresh Animations dogs.
1:33:00 Skizz lays out his plan for trapdoors, insisting that he wants to go juuuuust to the edge of not funny and stopping before that. Skizz cannot differentiate between spruce and dark oak, but Tango and the chat help. They go to the wood shop and decide to make a chat group, but both of them create and neither of them join. Tango eventually joins Skizz’s group after some frantic moon landing. Skizz experiences a serious and fundamental misunderstanding about the prices of logs in Doc’s shop, insisting briefly that a shulker of logs is three sand rather than three shulkers of sand. Tango is longsuffering.
1:37:00 Skizz resorts to using cherry wood from his own backstock, but is embarrassed when he can only make 33 trapdoors and they are all pink. Tango offers for a second time to go get wood. Skizz reluctantly agrees, then gets lost in the nether trying to follow Tango home. He shows off his own portal, then returns to the shopping district.
1:40:00 Decoration of the Terracotta Shop begins. Tango expresses sudden reservations and Skizz mocks him for having cold feet. They place a dozen trapdoors, mostly randomly.
1:41:05 A creeper blows up directly behind Skizz, narrowly missing taking out the entire Terracotta Shop. It makes a sizeable creeper hole just in front of the shop. Skizz says he’s starting to feel bad. Tango asks if he needs a hug. Skizz clarifies that he feels bad about what they’re doing. Tango says he feels bad, but not bad enough to stop. He is worried that it’s not funny enough. Skizz places a single froglight in the bottom of the creeper hole. He sees what Tango has done while he was in the hole (place another 15-20 trapdoors) declares that it is terrible and that he’s going to tell Bdubs what Tango did. Tango tears down what he made, while Skizz begins placing more trapdoors. The trapdoor situation is entirely random at this point.
1:43:15 Skizz exclaims that he knows what to do and flees the scene, cackling. He returns after a minute, and he and Tango try to figure out which trapdoors they actually placed. Chat reminds Tango (Skizz is not reading chat) that there are trapdoors on the floor. He begins picking them up while Skizz places down additional trapdoors. Tango slaps him right through the front door and out of the shop, then finishes picking up the doors. They leave the shop only minimally pranked.
1:46:00 Skizz and Tango leave through the wool shop. Skizz relays a question from chat about why Tango is not streaming today. Tango pauses for a moment, declares “Explosive diarrhea,” and immediately flies away. He is still in the group, however, and admits he actually should be working on a video but was distracted by birthday shenanigans. He leaves the group and Skizz returns once more to the pyramid. He catches up on donos again.
1:48:30 Back at the pyramid, time to work! Skizz notices the froglights that Joe used for climbing inside the pyramid earlier and thinks they are an obscure prank. He declares no pranking in the pyramid, and earns a cheevo by taking them down.
1:50:25 Time for the Bop Song… or for slapping a fish. Skizz slaps the fish, then looks at some fanart by JustHydra. He talks about an exciting dragon fight on the Skizzlecraft server. He reads a birthday poem from a fan and tears up a little. He decides it’s time for a Ted Lasso rewatch soon and catches up on donos.
1:58:14 Actually time for Bop Song. Skizz kills squid in the river to get dye, then uses his new sand and gravel to make black concrete. He talks about Cobra Kai and catches up on chat and donos.
2:06:30 Skizz begins placing black concrete around the lava portion of the maze.
2:09:20 Skizz forgets he is in freecam and has a brief out-of-body experience.
2:14:00 Catching up with chat. Skizz talks about how he is unqualified to talk about social anxiety issues at pride events, but suggests that chatter should go along with somebody who they are very comfortable with to provide support if the crowds get to be too much.
2:16:15 Another freecam jumpscare, right into the lava pit. Chat suggests a poll on how long before Skizz dies to his own maze again.
2:20:30 Skizz backs up into lava. He catches fire but does not die.
2:22:00 Poll suggests 77% of chat believes Skizz will die in his own lava.
2:23:00 Skizz fights a spider in the pyramid, then tries to figure out where it came from and mob-proof it.
2:29:30 Skizz decides to put black banners on the wall of the maze and leaves to go buy banners. He gets outside the pyramid before chat reminds him that he is the holder of the banner permit. He goes into his base and looks at the banner permit, then does a classic facepalm. He makes a loom but must sleep and kill more squid before he can make any banners.
2:36:00 Having decided that the best way to proceed is black banners with red downward-pointing arrows, Skizz pauses the game to look up how to make them. He “borrows” some poppies from Gem for dye and kills more squid.
2:40:10 Skizz attempts his first banner. He forgets how to do it. After some trial and error, he gets the colors he wants and begins working on patterns.
2:45:40 Skizz runs out of black ink, goes to kill more squid. He catches up with chat and advises a chatter to introduce a new person to gaming by first understanding what sort of person you are working with and what sort of learning process they vibe with.
2:49:00 First banner is completed. The banner copying function makes the second banner considerably faster.
2:52:00 Banners are placed in the maze, declared “not great, but not bad.” Skizz catches on fire again but does not die. Test run time is declared.
2:53:30 Skizz turns off the texture pack, strips naked and does a test run of the maze. He’s forgotten to turn off jump boost, invalidating the magma block jump. He drops to a half-heart at the berry bushes but survives to eat. It is time for the Skizzleman Fart Song.
2:59:20 Motion sickness warning as Skizz leaves his cubito bobbing in the top of a water stream while he sends a text message. He leaves the stream to go let his brother in the house.
3:00:50 Skizz returns to wrap up the stream. He was not able to finish the snow maze, so he skips to the lava drop to test that part. He successfully makes the jump and does not die in the lava. Chat experiences mixed feelings. Skizz realizes that he cannot get out of the hole at the bottom of the lava and will eventually have to starve to death, but that is a problem for Future (Hungry) Skizz. Skizz raids into Ginger_Crush and signs off.
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lookismaddict · 6 months
Kouji + Reader (Sister) Headcannons
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A/N: This is a familial relationship between you and Kouji. Don't be weird about it lol.
Kouji can be a mean brother who teases his sister a lot, but he tries not to overdo it
He's recognized as the genius kid of the family, and he would point that out to you as if that were obvious. But, he also tries not to do it often and he doesn't want you to feel insecure about it since he still cares about you.
Kouji is super protective over you, especially whenever you use his computer at home
One day, you were curious, wondering why he’s always so addicted to using his PC (computer in the day, computer at night) so you decide to snoop through his computer when you got home from school before him
While passing through his login on his computer, you look through his desktop on his computer and you find normal files relating to school, gaming applications, and… a spreadsheet document that’s titled “Money Log”, which you don’t find too suspicious. (He’s just a teen who wants to properly organize his money. How is that suspicious? 🤔)
Nothing seems to catch your eye, so you decided to look deeper by going through his history of accessed documents, files, and software installations
You noticed a software installation called “VPN” and a folder that says “Private” on there. But, his private folder was locked and it was under password authorization
While you were still trying to figure out his password, Kouji would catch you right when he came home from school and ask you what you were doing on his computer with a stern face, trying to hide his nervousness. However, when you cut him off and asked about how you so happened to find a “Private” folder on his PC, he immediately admitted that it was p*rn for you to shut up about it. (Is he really telling the truth though? You can't tell.)
Obviously, Kouji can also be secretive towards his sister, but also wary of what he does online and at home whenever you decide to crash and hang out in his room
The both of you would often play PC games together like horror games like "Welcome to the Game" (totally up his alley), Minecraft, Roblox, Valorant, etc. He usually does the game controls for you, while you sit there with him and watch him do all of the work. But, if you ask him if he can take control of the gameplay, he lets you but he teases you by saying, "You suck at this." which then leads to a never-ending banter between you two.
However, you don't just play PC games together, but also multi-player mobile games like Genshin Impact (he doesn't want to admit to you that this is his favorite game), Among Us (yes on mobile), and Stardew Valley.
Whenever you guys are bored together, you'd go on weird websites like Omegle or Chatroulette. Often times, he'd try and hack the other person on the other side of the screen ("just for fun" he says) and you had to scold him and try to convince him not to do it for the sake of the poor person on the other side. Most of the time, he just ignores you and just does it anyway. He justifies his own actions as some sort of necessary justice by pointing out, "See? These people are sick, just look at them! Nasty old geezers..."
You noticed how he's a Discord addict who's a part of a bunch of servers online with various aliases. He's a Discord mod for many servers, whether those servers serve as a purpose for gaming and hacking communities. But most of the servers he's on, he mostly hacks into them to troll people online through phishing links and sends random files in group chats that are actually malicious.
You have a strong feeling that he occupies his time doing something more than just trolling online users and playing video games. Since he's so good at hacking and online security, you have to admit that your brother is a technical genius. If that's the case, then you would assume that his hacking capabilities might exceed more than just surface web level. Even if that possibility might lean towards him exploring the Dark Web. (He's your brother. Of course, he would.)
Sometimes whenever he would take a break from using his computer all day doing God knows what, he would join you on the couch and watch a horror movie or a game show
While watching that movie/game show, he would criticize the show or movie by saying, “They are so dumb. I mean, why can’t they just run?” or “Why can’t they get such a simple question right? Are they stupid?” And your only answer for him is: “They just aren’t as smart as you, Kouji.” and your responses always boosts his ego, even if your replies were a bit sarcastic
While watching TV together, he would often eat candies or sweets and he would share them with you
In the living room whenever you two are free from homework or just so happened to be bored, you'd challenge him to play Super Smash Bros. on the Switch. And every single time, he'd mostly beat you in every single round by using his favorite character to fight: Ness (Of course he would use him. I call this canon.)
While playing Super Smash Bros, he would call you out for choosing weird characters to fight like Isabelle, the Villager from Animal Crossing, the Pirahna Plant, and even the Wii Fit Trainer (YES, THE FUCKING WII FIT TRAINER.), and he would call all of them weak. "What the hell? Out of all of the characters you chose, you decided to fight as them? No wonder you died so quickly." His insults didn't stop you from challenging him for rematches.
Whenever you ask him to help you on your homework, he would begrudgingly help you. (Basically, you’re the only person who he would help without blackmailing or without charging you with anything in return for his service.)
Kouji would eat the treats you bake, whether that be cookies, cakes, and other desserts. Especially, the strawberry cakes that you'd make and you would share it with him.
Whenever you mention a boy or a male friend, he would seem very nonchalant about it and dismiss the subject. But you wouldn’t know that he would do research on the poor boy, social engineer to hack into that boy’s accounts (financial accounts or not), and commit cyberattacks on him (viruses, DDoS attacks, phishing, etc.)
Whenever the both of you end up in an argument, you apologize a few days later by sneaking into his room and place sweets on his desk with a bottle/can of grape soda in front of his computer with a little note that usually says small messages like, "Truce? :)" or "I'll give you this peace offering if you let me off the hook." and he would usually accept the gifts and reluctantly eat them.
You would dye his hair purple for him, whenever he asks you to do it and recolor his hair once in a while.
As siblings, you'd do each other a solid at home with the typical "you owe me" exchange. This is your own little way of showing how much you care and look after each other.
You're aware that Kouji has a job, since you caught him one day with a check in his hand that had a bunch of 0's for its amount. You asked him, "Where'd you get that from?" and he would simply say, "My job."
You were a bit shocked to hear that he has a job so your conversation with him ended up being sarcastic and blunt. This is how it went:
"What job?"
"The job that I work for."
"No shit. I meant, where do you work at?"
"Some company."
"Some company? Bullshit. And they'd actually hire someone as young as you? You're barely 16."
"And? The other people that they've interviewed before me were all a bunch of idiots in the first place."
"Huh... I guess that makes sense."
Finally, you two left it at that and decided to never tell your parents about it. After all, what are siblings for anyways?
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I heard about that one au. With Grian who knows Minecraft mechanics but nobody else does-
Sounds interesting. Please give
(If you still wanna share it)
Boy am I glad you asked!!!!!
So the premise is that grian’s a watcher and kind of a god? Sorta? At least partially. And he’s been building on a private server of his (as one does) for a few millennia, and he starts to get a little bored, and decides to join a multiplayer server, because player interaction is good every once in a while. And it’s been forever since he’s seen kristen (the goddess of death) so he joins her server!
But when he joins, he notices that everything’s a little. Strange? He didn’t get a communicator on login (which always happens, so he’s very confused) and when he asks some players walking by they look at him weird and ask if he means a ‘phone’ (which he has no clue what that is). Plus, everything’s just kinda… odd. Off. The lighting’s too dim for a place with that many people (which, wow), there are barely any trees and no one’s punching any (even when some say they need wood for a project they just walk past), and no one’s using their inventories.
So grian checks out the details of the server, and hardcore is on. He’s confused at how this many people are still playing with hardcore on, especially with skipping nights by sleeping off, and with such poor lighting. And there’s a huge death count to something called ‘old age’, which he’s never heard of before, and the server-wide pain reception is set to max, and apparently no one had logged in and all of them were bred like passive mobs??? And the only reason he could join like normal was because he was a god and kristen had whitelisted him before the changes were made?????? At least it’s on peaceful mode???
As grian has a very minor meltdown on a bench a chunk away from the empty lot of land that is spawn (which was even more confusing because there’s always some sort of welcome at spawn) and this very polite man with a lovely mustache who introduces himself as mumbo (though grian can see that, since even though name tags are turned off too, he can still see it due to watcher/god) asks if he’s alright, then offers to house grian until he finds a job and can get his own place.
Grian, while at first a little confused at having to buy a house (why not just build one?), he does quickly come to learn that the land costs ‘money’ (why not just use diamonds as currency, like everyone on every server ever??), so the next day (mumbo insisted that he sleep for some reason) he announced that he was going mining a thousand blocks out or so, and left to find a relatively untouched piece of land (leaving a very confused mumbo jumbo in his wake).
He mines for most of the day, and due to the server being on peaceful mode, he is unbothered by monsters, and though he’d assumed that there wouldn’t be anything valuable left to mine due to all the players, all the recourses were practically untouched! Which is also worrying, but he won’t complain if it makes him wealthy! So he returns to mumbo’s home, already having forgotten that land costs ‘money’, and asks mumbo where and how he should build, as the city has a general cohesiveness that he doesn’t want to interfere with.
So mumbo reminds his new friend(?) about the cost of land, and the existence of money, and takes grian to a place that would buy his numerous diamonds, all of which are carbon copies of each other, to a place that would buy them for a fair price, and not ask how he got his hands on them, or how they’re all indistinguishable from one another.
Thus, mumbo whisks grian away to a pawn shop that is admittedly quite seedy, and run by a man named quackity. At first, the man seems to think he’s being targeted by a shabbily-made scam, but once mumbo convinces him to test the diamond’s validity, he becomes thrilled to buy each and every one, his grin somehow widening with every diamond confirmed real. He didn’t ask where the diamonds came from (in a literal sense, as grian brought them out of his inventory one-by-one), and mumbo didn’t ask how buying all these diamonds wasn’t making him bankrupt. A fair trade in many ways.
So grian then uses his new money to buy the largest adjacent plots of land available (which is quite a few, in the richest-people section of the city, where very few people live, which is on the edge of the city and pretty much the middle of nowhere), and he gives half of the rest of the money to mumbo as thanks for helping him out, then sets off to build his new home!
~visual signal that the rest of this is no longer part of the story~
At present, I have 10,761 word of bullet notes of plot points, so I have a full plan for what will probably end up being ~50k words at minimum to the most recent events I have planned, since I tend to drabble on, plus I’ll have to be less vague for… everything! Even what I’ve written here’ll be expanded on a lot when I write it for real, I’m just really excited to talk about it :D
Thank you so much for the ask!! I’ve been wanting an excuse to talk about it for a while, and I’ve only now realized that talking about the stuff I really want to would be spoiling it. But I have so much planned, and it includes so many things!!! I’ll want a beta reader to make sure my plan is coherent first, but even without one, I’ll get it done eventually.
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dirtcube · 1 year
Check that github page on how to see if your PC is infected with malware that has recently been uploaded to Curseforge, and what to do. As of this post it is unclear how far this malware has spread throughout the mods.
Longer version:
on 07/06/2023 it was found that several mods and plugins uploaded to curseforge contained incredibly dangerous malware. This was immediately reported publically by Lunapixelstudio (Responsible for mods such as 'When dungeons arise' and more)
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As of right now, they are further investigating the amount of mods affected and are handling the situation. It is recommended to NOT UPDATE YOUR MINECRAFT MODS THROUGH CURSEFORGE FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS.
What this virus does is the following:
It hides its code into its target .jar files so that it runs malicious code upon being loaded (stage 0)
It then tries to contact its domain page to download the files necessary for stage 2. (stage 1)
It then opens a port and launches a loop to connect to a server, creating/overwriting a client.jar file. (stage 2)
Stage 3 is the one where the all the malicious things happens. Stage 3 does the following:
Attempts to read clipboard contents
steal microsoft account credentials
scan all .jar files on systems that look like minecraft mods and attempts to infect them with stage 0.
steal cookies & login information
steal cryptocurrency wallets
steal discord credentials
steal microsoft & minecraft credentials
It also will attempt to escape virtual-machine environments when it notices that it is being ran inside one.
Please read the github link at the very top of this post for live updated information on the virus.
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bunybunn · 2 years
Seeing the discourse about both Philza's and Niki's decisions to not want to be in the next season as well as about Dream's and Tommy's decision to make season two being based on "characters forgets everything" really reminded me why Dream smp as it was needed to end.
First let's talk why the ccs would want to have season two be a basically new story. For quite a while content creators have been taking how they don't want to play on that server because of the fans and the way they started to treated it. Not only there was the expectation of basically every dream smp stream being just pure epic lore, this got worst after Quackity's very cinematic lore stream became a thing which for some forsaken reasons made people think that other lore streams should be overly planned too which is not something for every ccs and it was something they complained about but also it was the way it became museum. You couldn't touch anything because "memories" which is quite ironic if you think back to the lore there was created the destruction was such an important part of it. Of course the worst part was how people acted when it they complained about streamer try to change anything, it often was almost close to bullying specially if you look at the reaction afterwards. In general many content creators talked about it and how it made login on that server a chore.
The final nail to the coffin was obviously Techno's passing. Not only that meant that that there was no way to have c!Technoblade who was such an important character to the story to be there but it also made content creators to see dream smp as place full of memories of him that they didn't wanted to touch themselves. At that point things truly needed to end. Now what people wanted to do after the ending was up to them, they could be part of season two or they could just put the story to rest and move on both options are completely valid.
It's important to keep in mind how ccs been describing the idea of season two first, up front they tell you to not expect the hype of season one nor even expected much lore. It will be back to it original core which is just place where friends are having fun, play minecraft and maybe create some stories. To do that they need to get rid of the burden that first season lore had created. In this case it's important to remember that it's not that deep they just want to have a place to freely create again. On the other hand moving on is an valid option as well, not only if one decides to do because of the memory of Techno but also if they are no longer into minecraft at all. It a good thing that they can finally close that chapter and let themselves move on.
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yurideification · 5 days
so funny how a couple years ago i made a super secure 36 character password that i at first used basically everywhere but that due to how cumbersome it is to type i'm starting to use less and less in favor of my old as shit 8 and 11 character passwords that i genuinely made when i was like. 12. that are probably on a million different leaks by now. purely because they take less time to type. still use the 36 character password on discord and google along with 2fa because i really don't want to fucking lose those accounts, along with a couple other places? my university login, apparently spotify minecraft and mega? looking at the pins in my private discord server but whenever i need to reset my password or create a new account i just use one of the shorter ones
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hinditechspot1-blog · 22 days
Why do I need a server address to TLauncher?
You have probably encountered TLauncher, the well-known method for playing Minecraft at no cost if you are an avid fan of this game and been looking up ways on how to play without spending a penny. Minecraft will not be playable gratis utilizing this fashionable third-party launcher on the darker side, you will also need a server address to play multiplayer on TLauncher properly. In this blog post I will explain and answer your question why do I need a server address to Tlauncher and why server address is important for TLauncher Users and How to Create and Find Server Address in Minecraft Java tlauncher. Press on it to join the server, also here we will reveal TLauncher servers; Aternos;, how do multiplayer with friends via LAN and non-LAN.
READ OUR BLOG: https://unzipcraft.com/why-do-i-need-a-server-address-to-tlauncher/
What is TLauncher? And why do I need a server address to tlauncher
TLauncher – a cracked and premium version of Minecraft unofficial launcher for rent, it’s a way of playing in what is arguably one of the richest and most immersive worlds out there without having to fork over for the official game. That said, since TLauncher is not the official launcher available from Mojang itself there are different ways to go about connecting or joining servers and playing multiplayer. Here is the reason for why do i need a server address to tlauncher. 
Why Do I Need a Server for TLauncher and why do i need a server address to tlauncherAccess to Multiplayer World
Why do i need a server address to tlauncher:  TLauncher have External IP field to use in Multiplayer worlds, because of that you need a Server address. A server address is the difference between like a different Minecraft server where you can play with other people. Players discover their way to EVE Nova utilizing a special web address, which serves as the access point into what Adams explains is virtual room where players can build, explore and communicate with one other.Customized Gaming Experience
A server address also offers a personalised gaming experience. Various servers have their own mods, approach to gameplay and community regulations – that is why you can choose what experience will suit your playstyle the most.Stable Connection
The server address will provide consistent access to the connection. Servers offer reliable infrastructure and resources for accommodating multiple players at once (removing lag to a great extent) as oppose to playing on LAN (local area network) which allows smooth gaming.How to Create a Server in TLauncher?
This is a step-by-step instruction on how to create server in TLauncher:
1. Get a Hosting Service: Use Aternos to host your server for free.
Configure the Serve. As usual, prepare your server settings and mods.
Get the Unique Server Address offered by hosting service
2. TLauncher connect: In Tlauncher game login add server Ip! Connect – this means you can join to the already started mine (create with mod)TLauncher Servers IP
TLauncher server IPs are important for connecting to Multiplayer worlds so it perfectly answers your question of why do i need a server address to tlauncher. Browse server listings and community forums for popular TLauncher-compatible servers while reading them.
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ryjuegos · 2 months
free minecraft premium accounts Temporary
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Unlock the full potential of Minecraft without spending a lot of money! Learn how to get free Minecraft premium accounts temporarily. This guide will show you safe and effective ways to access premium features for free. It's perfect for both seasoned players and newcomers to Minecraft. With free Minecraft premium accounts, you can enjoy all the cool features. This includes exclusive skins, server access, and the ability to create your own custom worlds. Say goodbye to the limits of basic accounts and dive into the ultimate Minecraft adventure. Key Takeaways - Learn safe and reliable techniques to obtain free Minecraft premium accounts - Gain access to exclusive premium features without paying a single cent - Discover the power of temporary premium accounts to enhance your Minecraft gameplay - Explore innovative methods to bypass Mojang's account restrictions and enjoy the full Minecraft experience - Stay up-to-date with the latest tips and tricks to keep your Minecraft adventure going strong
Unlock Unlimited Minecraft Alts with Tokens
Are you tired of dealing with traditional email:password Minecraft alts? TheAltening offers a unique "Token" system, the top minecraft account generator available. This system makes creating fresh, unbanned accounts easy, solving common issues with other generators. Discover the Unique "Token" System for Generating Fresh Alts TheAltening's Token system is a game-changer for minecraft alts. It provides a simpler way to get Minecraft accounts. Each Token is a unique, verified account ready for use. Plus, you can choose any password you like, making it easier to manage. Understand Why Tokens are Superior to Traditional Email:Password Alts Tokens beat traditional minecraft account generators in many ways: - No more dead accounts or Mojang blocks: Tokens ensure the accounts are checked and active before being generated. - Flexibility with passwords: Set any password you desire, without being limited to the account's original login details. - Streamlined account management: Tokens provide a more straightforward format compared to juggling email:password combinations. Experience the power of the minecraft token system and unlock unlimited access to fresh, high-quality Minecraft alts. Take your gameplay to the next level and explore Minecraft like never before. Discount Percentage Product 5% - 36% Off OptiFine Cape Add-on 10% - 17% Off GTA V Money and Extras 6% - 18% Off Minecraft Special Accounts 25% - 37% Off Minecraft Codes 9% - 29% Off OG Minecraft Accounts with OptiFine Cape 6% - 7% Off Minecraft Gamepass Accounts 9% Off Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock Accounts with OptiFine Cape 9% - 10% Off Minecraft Minecon Accounts Explore the full potential of Minecraft with TheAltening's best minecraft alt generator. Discover a wide range of discounted accounts and in-game items.
How to Get Free Minecraft Premium Accounts
Unlock the full Minecraft experience without spending a dime! Discover a simple, effective method to generate fresh, unbanned Minecraft alts using the unique "Token" system from TheAltening. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey, this step-by-step guide will show you how to get your hands on free Minecraft premium accounts. Generating Unbanned Minecraft Alts The process of obtaining free Minecraft premium accounts is straightforward. By leveraging TheAltening's "Token" system, you can create as many fresh alts as you need, without worrying about banned or compromised accounts. Follow these simple steps to start generating your own free Minecraft alts today: - Visit TheAltening's website and sign up for an account. - Obtain your unique "Token" from the dashboard. - Use the Token to generate as many Minecraft alts as you require. - Enjoy playing Minecraft with your new, unbanned premium accounts! Unlike traditional email:password alts, the Token system from TheAltening is a secure and reliable way to generate Minecraft accounts. These alts are guaranteed to be fresh and unbanned, ensuring hassle-free gaming on any server. "TheAltening has been a game-changer for my Minecraft experience. I've been able to create an endless supply of premium accounts, and the process is so simple. Highly recommended!" With over 3.4 million registered users and $8.1 million in rewards paid out, TheAltening is the go-to platform for Minecraft players seeking free premium accounts. Don't settle for limited or banned alts – unlock the full Minecraft experience with TheAltening's innovative Token system today!
Join the Discord Server for Free Alts
Want to get unlimited Minecraft premium accounts for free? Check out the Discord server community. Here, you can join a "Token" system to easily make fresh, unbanned Minecraft alts. There are many Discord servers for free Minecraft alts. The "Mika Paradise | VC • Egirls • S…" server has almost 1 million members. And the "hell gen・holder | #1 generator・…" server has over 6,900 members. You'll find lots of resources and support in these communities. Discord Server Member Count "Mika Paradise | VC • Egirls • S…" 999,868 "hell gen・holder | #1 generator・…" 6,985 "ICE GEN・Gateway ・ gg/freegener…" 4,592 "Free Nitro And Mcfa #COMEBACK" 779 "ULTIMATO G3n" 67 "Freebie Accounts" 477 "Lightning Services" 44 "NMA GEN | NEW 💙" 420 "𝐌𝐑 ♛ 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 𝟏.5𝐊" 1,588 "Free Alt Generator" 190 "Your-Free-alts" 230 Join these discord servers to meet other Minecraft fans, learn the "Token" system, and get free premium accounts. The server owners and members will help you with guidance and support. This will make your Minecraft gaming experience better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-u4uTLyUVQ Whether you're an expert or new to Minecraft, the Discord server community has a lot to offer. Connect with other players, learn how to get free premium accounts, and improve your Minecraft experience.
Enjoy Hassle-Free Minecraft Gaming
Goodbye to dead accounts and Mojang blocks. The "Token" system gives you free Minecraft premium accounts. Now, you can play without interruptions. These accounts are fresh and fully functional, letting you have fun in Minecraft. No more worries about your accounts becoming unusable or hitting roadblocks. The Token system makes Minecraft easy and fun. You can explore, build, and connect with others without hassle. Unlock the Full Minecraft Potential With these premium accounts, you can fully enjoy Minecraft. Whether you love building, adventuring, or roleplaying, these accounts let you do it all. You'll have the freedom and flexibility to follow your Minecraft dreams. Embrace the endless possibilities of Minecraft. Create your dream world and enjoy seamless gaming. Say goodbye to dead accounts and Mojang blocks. Welcome to endless exploration and creativity in Minecraft. "These free Minecraft premium accounts have been a game-changer for me. I can now focus on my gameplay without worrying about account issues or restrictions. It's been a truly hassle-free experience!" Feature Benefit Fresh, Fully Functional Accounts No more dead accounts or Mojang blocks, allowing you to enjoy uninterrupted Minecraft gaming. Hassle-Free Experience Forget the frustrations of account management and focus on your Minecraft adventures. Unlock Full Minecraft Potential Explore, build, and connect with fellow players without any limitations.
fresh minecraft premium accounts Temporarily
Are you tired of looking for fresh, unbanned Minecraft premium accounts? We've found a special "Token" system for you. It gives you access to many temporary Minecraft premium accounts. This makes your gaming better without costing you anything. The Token system changes the game. It lets you create temporary minecraft premium accounts whenever you want. These accounts don't get banned by Mojang, so you can play Minecraft without trouble. Our minecraft premium accounts generator gives you full access to premium features. You get things like server access and more customization options. Just make a Token, and you'll get a new, temporary account ready to use. Feature Traditional Alts Token System Availability Limited and often reused Unlimited and constantly refreshed Banning Risk High, susceptible to Mojang bans Low, accounts are generated with care Convenience Requires managing multiple email:password combinations Streamlined access through Tokens Make your Minecraft experience better with our fresh minecraft premium accounts and temporary minecraft premium accounts generator. Many players have already found the Token system powerful. Now it's your turn to enjoy Minecraft like never before.
The Altening: Best Minecraft Account Generator
If you love Minecraft and want fresh, reliable premium accounts, TheAltening is your top choice. It's known for its top-notch features and benefits. These make it the best option for players looking for an amazing gaming experience. Features and Advantages of Using TheAltening TheAltening's "Token" system is a big deal. It lets you create new accounts easily without needing different email addresses. This means you can jump into games without any trouble, whenever you want. It also has a huge database of over 160,000 accounts every month. This meets the varied needs of Minecraft fans. Whether you want a the altening minecraft or the best minecraft account generator, TheAltening has lots of features of the altening for you. Service Accounts per Month Key Features Starter Pack 25 Unlimited access, premium database, priority support Basic Pack 80,000 Unlimited access, premium database, priority support, cape checker Premium Account 160,000 Unlimited access, premium database, priority support, cape checker, account history TheAltening is highly rated, with a 71% 5-star score and great reviews. People love its reliability, quick account creation, and top-notch support. It's the top choice for Minecraft fans. "TheAltening has been a game-changer for my Minecraft experience. The ease of generating fresh accounts and the impressive database have truly elevated my gameplay." For both casual and serious Minecraft players, TheAltening is the ideal solution. It helps you unlock the full potential of your the altening minecraft experience. Check out this leading Minecraft account generator today.
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Need a VPN? Get One for Added Security
When you start playing Minecraft, think about using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN adds an extra layer of security and privacy. It keeps your online actions safe and private when you're using minecraft vpn, vpn for minecraft, and secure minecraft gaming accounts. Using a VPN helps protect you from DDoS attacks. These attacks can slow down or block your game. A good VPN can help you avoid these issues, giving you a smooth gaming experience. VPNs are also great for avoiding IP bans on your Minecraft account. If your network is seen as suspicious, a VPN can hide your IP address. This lets you keep playing without any trouble. When picking a VPN, go for a premium one with strong encryption and reliable servers. This keeps your online activities private and safe. It protects your gaming data and personal info. VPNs are key in defending self-hosted Minecraft servers against mass DDoS attacks. By using a VPN, you can protect your server from these attacks. This saves you time and money in the long run. Also, a VPN can stop internet service provider (ISP) from slowing down your internet. Heavy users often face this issue. A VPN hides your online actions, making sure your Minecraft gaming stays smooth and without lag. In summary, getting a reliable VPN can make your minecraft vpn, vpn for minecraft, and secure minecraft gaming much better. With fast speeds, strong encryption, and servers all over the world, a premium VPN like ExpressVPN is a great choice. It gives you the security and privacy you need to fully enjoy Minecraft.
Minecraft Alts for Windows Users Only
If you're a Windows user looking to get free Minecraft premium accounts, you're in luck! The Altening, an account generator, works only on Windows. Mac or Linux users can't use the "Token" system for making unlimited Minecraft alts. Windows users make up a big part of the Minecraft Java Edition player base. This is because Windows is the top desktop operating system worldwide. It's the go-to choice for many Minecraft fans. Windows users often need to run multiple Minecraft instances. This could be for testing or to play with different usernames. The ability to change the launcher_profiles.json file is a big plus for Windows users. It lets them switch between offline and online modes easily. The Altening doesn't work for non-Windows users right now. But, there are other ways to make Minecraft alts. Options like MultiMC, TLauncher, and GDLauncher support more operating systems. These launchers let you manage multiple game instances and customize your Minecraft experience. Operating System Minecraft Java Edition User Share Windows 80% macOS 15% Linux 5% While the Altening is great for Windows users, always follow the Minecraft EULA and Mojang Studios' terms. Breaking these rules can lead to account suspensions or other penalties.
Act Now Before This Method Gets Patched
The chance to get free Minecraft premium accounts through the "Token" system won't last. Act now to get your own unbanned alts before this method is fixed or gets harder to use. Minecraft fans, it's time to act. The "Token" system has changed the game, letting players generate fresh, unbanned Minecraft alts easily. But, it won't stay open forever. Mojang will likely patch it soon. Don't miss out. Take action for free Minecraft accounts today. Enjoy playing without the trouble of dead or blocked accounts. The act now minecraft alts chance is here, but it won't last long. "Don't wait until it's too late – seize the day and secure your Minecraft alts before this game-changing method gets patched." The clock is ticking, and the chance is closing. Before the minecraft alts method gets patched, use the "Token" system. Unlock your Minecraft's full potential. Your Minecraft future is in your hands – act now and get your free premium accounts.
Unlock the Full Minecraft Experience
Getting free Minecraft premium accounts lets you enjoy the game's full version without paying extra. You can explore more and have fun with all the premium features. This means you can play in new ways and see things you couldn't before. With a premium account, you can make your character unique and build amazing structures. You can also play with friends online without any problems. This lets you be more creative and work together on big projects. Don't just play Minecraft in a basic way. Open up the game's full potential with a premium account. This gives you more fun and endless possibilities. Start your Minecraft adventure in the best way possible. Read the full article
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Minecraft server hosting with VPN
Minecraft Server Hosting with VPN: Ensuring Security and Performance
For avid Minecraft players, setting up their own server can enhance their gaming experience significantly. However, alongside the excitement of creating and managing a server comes the responsibility of ensuring its security and performance. One effective way to achieve this is by utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in conjunction with your hosting solution.
A VPN adds an extra layer of security to your Minecraft server hosting by encrypting the data transmitted between the server and the players' devices. This encryption helps protect sensitive information such as login credentials and personal data from potential threats like hackers or DDoS attacks. By masking the server's IP address and routing traffic through secure tunnels, a VPN helps to maintain anonymity and prevent unauthorized access.
Moreover, utilizing a VPN can also improve the performance of your Minecraft server. By connecting to a VPN server located closer to your players' geographical region, you can reduce latency and lag, providing a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. Additionally, VPNs often offer features like dedicated IP addresses and optimized server connections, further enhancing performance and stability.
When selecting a VPN for your Minecraft server hosting, it's essential to choose a provider that offers robust security features, high-speed connections, and reliable customer support. Look for VPN services with a proven track record in the gaming community and positive reviews from users.
In conclusion, integrating a VPN with your Minecraft server hosting not only enhances security but also improves performance and stability. By encrypting data transmissions and optimizing server connections, a VPN ensures a safer and smoother gaming experience for both you and your players. So, whether you're hosting a small private server for friends or a large public community, consider implementing a VPN to elevate your Minecraft experience to the next level.
Setting up Minecraft server with VPN
Title: How to Set Up a Minecraft Server with VPN for Enhanced Security and Privacy
Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers endless opportunities for creativity and exploration. Whether you're hosting a private server for friends or creating a bustling online community, safeguarding your server's security and privacy is paramount. One effective way to achieve this is by setting up your Minecraft server with a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
A VPN encrypts your internet connection, shielding your server's data from prying eyes and potential cyber threats. By routing your server's traffic through a secure VPN server, you can enjoy enhanced privacy and protection against DDoS attacks and other malicious activities.
Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up your Minecraft server with a VPN:
Choose a Reliable VPN Provider: Opt for a reputable VPN service that offers robust security features and high-speed connections. Look for providers with servers located near your geographic region to minimize latency.
Install the VPN Software: Download and install the VPN software on the computer or server that will host your Minecraft server. Follow the provider's instructions for setup and configuration.
Configure the VPN Connection: Once the VPN software is installed, configure the connection settings according to your preferences. You may need to enter your VPN credentials and select a server location.
Set Up Your Minecraft Server: Install and configure your Minecraft server software as you normally would. Ensure that your server is accessible over the local network.
Connect to the VPN: Activate the VPN connection on your server to encrypt its internet traffic. Verify that your server's IP address reflects the location of the VPN server.
Share Server Access with Players: Provide your players with the VPN connection details to access your Minecraft server securely. Remind them to connect to the VPN before joining the game for added privacy and security.
By setting up your Minecraft server with a VPN, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your server and players' data are shielded from potential threats. Invest in a reliable VPN solution today to create a safer and more secure gaming environment for you and your fellow players.
Enhancing Minecraft server security with VPN
Minecraft servers are popular platforms for gamers to connect, play, and create together. However, these servers can be vulnerable to security threats such as DDoS attacks and data breaches. One way to enhance the security of a Minecraft server is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
A VPN works by creating a secure connection between the user's device and the internet. By encrypting the data that is transmitted, a VPN helps protect the server from potential hackers who may attempt to intercept sensitive information. Additionally, a VPN can also help prevent DDoS attacks by masking the server's IP address and keeping it hidden from potential attackers.
When using a VPN for a Minecraft server, it is essential to choose a reputable provider that offers strong encryption protocols and high-speed connections. By connecting to a VPN server located in a different geographic region, server administrators can also bypass geographic restrictions and access content that may be restricted in their area.
Furthermore, using a VPN can also help maintain the anonymity of both the server administrators and players, adding an extra layer of security and privacy to the gaming experience. Overall, implementing a VPN for a Minecraft server is a practical and effective way to enhance security, protect against cyber threats, and ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming environment for all users.
Optimizing Minecraft server performance with VPN
When it comes to running a Minecraft server, ensuring optimal performance is crucial for providing players with a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. One effective way to optimize Minecraft server performance is by utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
A VPN can help improve server performance by reducing latency and lag, which are common issues that can negatively impact gameplay. By using a VPN, you can create a secure and stable connection between the server and the players, resulting in faster data transfer speeds and improved overall performance.
Additionally, a VPN can help protect the server from DDoS attacks, which can overwhelm the server with excessive traffic and cause it to crash. By routing the server's traffic through a VPN server, you can effectively shield it from potential attacks and ensure uninterrupted gameplay for your players.
Furthermore, using a VPN can also allow you to bypass geo-restrictions and connect players from different regions, expanding your server's reach and creating a more diverse and engaging gaming community.
In conclusion, optimizing Minecraft server performance with a VPN can lead to a more reliable and enjoyable gaming experience for players. By reducing latency, protecting against DDoS attacks, and increasing connectivity options, a VPN is a valuable tool for server administrators looking to enhance performance and provide a top-notch gaming environment.
Running a secure Minecraft server with VPN
If you're running a Minecraft server and want to enhance its security, using a VPN can be a smart move. A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, creates a secure and encrypted connection between your server and the internet. By doing so, it helps protect your server from potential security threats and safeguards the data being transmitted.
One of the key benefits of using a VPN for your Minecraft server is the added layer of protection it offers. When players connect to your server, their IP addresses are masked by the VPN server's IP address. This makes it harder for malicious actors to launch DDoS attacks or track down the real IP addresses of the players.
Moreover, a VPN can prevent unauthorized access to your server by encrypting the data exchanged between the server and the players. This encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as login credentials and chat messages, remains private and secure.
Additionally, using a VPN allows you to bypass geographical restrictions that some players may face when trying to connect to your server. This can help create a more inclusive and global community of players who can enjoy the game without any limitations.
In conclusion, running a secure Minecraft server with a VPN is a proactive approach to safeguarding your server and ensuring a safe gaming environment for your players. Whether you're looking to prevent DDoS attacks, encrypt data transmissions, or bypass geographical restrictions, a VPN can be a valuable tool in enhancing the security of your Minecraft server.
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