#How to Calm Down the Doodler
llumimoon · 2 years
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Some silly little doodles about how ppl go about dealing with Dot when they’re upset :]
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risetherivermoon · 6 months
heres another bunch of random specific dndads headcanons, this time its teen addition! ft. Hermie, D00d and Hero
- After everything was done and solved Lincoln and Normal remade the yellow bracelets from early s1, now they're braided friendship bracelets
- Taylor has surprisingly never broken a bone
- Normal took gymnastics before getting into Mascot stuff,
- Scary makes Terry Jr. drive her to hot topic and makes him wait outside while she takes like four hours (terry is just happy shes kinda spending time with him)
- Lincoln has a photographic memory
- In elementary school Taylor tried to hide Cassandra's kitchen knives all around the house 'for survival and easy weapon access.' she still finds random knives around the house
- Hermie did ballet
- Whenever Scary is ACTUALLY mad at any of the other teens she will just call them by their full name instead of either a nickname or an insult, (ex. instead of Linc, Tay, Herm, or Norm; Normally, Taylor, Lincoln, and Herman)
- Scary/Terri's favorite food used to be baked potatoes, but Terry ruined it for her bc they had it in common
- D00d thought Hermie was just some weird guy that walked around and stalked the teens without saying anything, for like...a while, because of how much they all forgot about them
- Hermie was genderless and built like a barbie/ken doll (goofs are beyond gender)
- Lincoln was such a lonely kid when he was younger that he'd make sculptures and give them names and talk to them, notably he had a sculpture of a soccer ball he called Soccie (sock-e)
- Scary has a collection of monster energy cans, especially after everything had happened, she would drink energy drinks to not go to sleep in the paranoid fear she'd meet willy again
- Normal has an extra toe
- Taylor has a life times supply of pocky
- Lincoln makes way too much eye contact
- Hero worked at Swallows Ice Cream part time before switching to the pizza delivery job
- Hermie would have never admitted it out loud but he preferred Teen High's theatre program to Chapperal
- Normal has made and ordered so much Teeny the Teen merch that he cannot do anything without something having Teenys face on it
- D00d tried to make friends with Lark at one point, it was not successful not because Lark got mad at them, but his anti-social behavior (he has never made a friend before in his life) mixed with his fear of the doodler lead him to just kind of try to ignore them
- At one point Hermie had a big cartoonish hammer that they would smack Normal's head with whenever they thought it was funny (the hammer felt like getting hit with a balloon)
- Hero convinced Normal he was adopted like ten different times growing up, Sparrow would usually be the one to have to calm him down
- Scary cut up one of her Mom's dresses to wear for herself at one point and after everything was resolved Veronica randomly asked Scary if she'd seen the dress and Scary said the dog ate it (they don't have a dog)
- Lincoln admitted at one point that he'd never had a slurpee before so all the teens went and got them and he had such a bad brain freeze that he started crying
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calamity-unlocked · 2 years
Been thinking about a final scenario in which the Doodler gets split up and bonds with each of the Oak boys, except this time it's consensual and they form a connection to it. Either voice-in-my-head style or a full on Venom-type of situation.
Henry gets to talk with it about his grandmother Hildy, and what Oakvale was like before Barry turned it into the place Henry had grown up in. He shows it all the beautiful places the world has to offer that it has been denied to experience in peace so many times. Together they make a bridge to the past and to the future.
For Sparrow it takes some time getting used to, but he adjusts. They form a quiet, almost careful friendship. He makes paintings of how it wants to be seen - not as the gargantuan being of terror it used to be, but as what Sparrow had once depicted it as. A mascot, bringing cheer and joy despite, and maybe even because, its weirdness. From there, reconciliation grows - not just between the two of them.
Lark has it rough. It's a feedback loop of guilt and anger and shame and regret and all the other negative emotions they so intensely share. It's not that they don't like the other. It's just that they are so terribly the same. But slowly, oh-so-slowly, the exhaustion kicks in, and with it, the anger calms down. They can't fix the hurt they've caused. But with the world finally a better place, they're forced to move on. It's a long path to forgiving themselves. But they're on it together.
And Normal. Normal makes a friend. Normal gets to be passionate about everything, gets to explain every little thing he does and why he does it, and the Doodler drinks it all in. They cheer each other on during the day and talk about the heavy stuff at night. There's no fear holding them back. Finally there's unconditional love, unconditional excitement. Finally things are alright.
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abeinginsand · 1 year
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It never gets easier... (thoughts and scene description below)
Thinking about how the s1 dads definitely continued training their kids to fight after s1 and brought them along with them into combat too. Surely there were times where Sparrow and the others were tired of everything and just wanted to be done with it all. (Probably a feeling that still applies in the present too.) Sometimes Henry couldn't even calm Sparrow down because his voice would occasionally remind him of Beary/Barry... Young Sparrow: "Want to go home, want to go home, please can we-" Young Hero: "Can we go home now? Please, please, please, please-"
[Copy of Image Description] A digital sketch comic titled Inheritance. It shows a teen Sparrow and his father Henry in a partly destroyed and messy forest. Magic vines cover the ground and wrap around the tree the kid is resting against. Sparrow is having a panic attack and repeatedly asking if they can go home while holding his head and sitting against the tree trunk. Henry with a deep frown reaches for him. There seems to be blood puddles around them and abandoned weaponry too. Rock pillars are shown around them as well and floating pebbles. Its all due to magic and Sparrow's high emotional state. The bottom panel shows a similar scene but instead of pillars there are bushes and training equipment such as weaponry, a punching bag, and a rectangular target board. Hero is panicking and asking to go home while her father Sparrow reaches out to her. The tree has big claw marks, there are blood puddles around them, and the doodler sun in the background. Hero's section is in a light pink while young Sparrow's panel is a darker murky color.
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sobbingsir · 7 months
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Some wips for an mlp storyline I have planned! Keep in mind this will be an au so forgive me if when it’s done and I share it it may not be completely accurate but I’ll try my best!!
Some info on them so far, the First three are employees at pinkies party parlour she opened in the storyline, I’ve not decided if this au will have stuff like swearing in it or not but it definitely is mostly wholesome!!
The first pony is a henna artist (she/her) who got her cutie mark by doing henna on her aunt to calm her down from her pre wedding anxiety, it successfully calmed her. She often practices henna on herself as she loves the process and holds it dear to her as it reminds her of all the celebrations she’s had with her family in the past, during the storyline she often does henna for birthday parties, she’s an amputee as she was born without a left back leg but often she likes doodling on the empty spaces of it (she’s a chronic doodler), she enjoys fruits and vegetables, mainly boiled carrots!
Second is an electric violinist (she/her) who was very good at classical as she did grow up in a wealthy household of classical music prodigies however she hated the and feel sound of a classical violin, she much preferred the range of an electrical violin and how dramatic and the wide range it has, luckily her choice in wanting to go into less classical music did not strain her relationship with her family and if anything they enjoy bragging about how out of the box she was willing to be with music (note, I know that they aren’t exactly much different but her parents were very much used to boring, slow and traditional instruments such as piano and normal violin so hearing an electric violin incorporated into things like rock or pop stuff gets their hearts racing and gets them giddy to question her choice when most answers are the same as a non electric violin player would answer lmao), she works at the party parlour as the conductor and violinist!
Third is The mountain birthday goat (they/she), all the other employees only know that they were found by pinkie by the edge of the everfree forest on their birthday, left after pinkie pie threw her a party and started coming back to ponyville whenever they heard it was someone’s birthday also bringing along a surprising amount of good luck the the birthday pony, pinkie pie realised the mountain goat was often going back to the everfree forest so offered an assistant party planner role to them. They don’t speak however they do dance to happy birthday, they like sweets a lot and really hate having their wool being cut so they have a large thick layer of wool on them which has contributed to their outfit being sprinkles as their top layer of fur is while and looks like icing!
Thanks for reading I know this is long but I’m really ill and mlp has been holding me over lately lmao
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godsdefect · 1 year
9kay take my headconshjm. it's so hot outside. I'm eleting. I'm melting. I feel like an old man how the hell do I do things on this sight without looking like an idiot
- Trauma. The shit that he went through wasn't going to let him live the rest of his life peacefully, and a constant reminder of his trauma was the tremor he gained in his hands. Along with the tremor, little aches and pains would form in places like his back, legs, hands, just really anywhere and it would bug him to no end. His hand writing would change as well as his art style, but eventually he'd learn to navigate around it. The tremor would obviously worsen with anxiety attacks and nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, he would be embarrassed to admit he still has them pretty regularly, and he'd need about an hour to properly calm down after having one.
- He's a doodler. Usually his surroundings fall victim to being sloppily sketched into his case book or stranger's passing faces, but he takes a particular liking to drawing flowers. He likes the way the petals unfold, and this is totally not giving me an excuse to say that his favorite flower is starfighter lilies.
- Cole has a slight ick for needles. It won't freak him out too much if he has to hold a syringe or look at one, but for him to see one and knows it's going in him always makes his arms go stiff and look the other way. The pinch of it always makes him want to grit his teeth together. Syrettes especially freak him out.
- Malewife. He loves doing tasks around the house, especially doing dishes or doing laundry with his favorite outfits in them. He's found that he enjoys much simpler jobs or assignments outside of work hours due to how complex and stressful his job as a detective can be, along with cleaning and how it helps clear up his head after a long day.
- Favorite food. When people ask him if he has a favorite food he always writes off the question with a “I don't have one” because he doesn't like giving out personal info, he wants a thick emotional wall between most people in his life that he thinks keeps him safe. But I've deemed that this man has to have a simple but interesting choice of favorite food, and I've decided that to be waffles. Connected to his childhood, hard to mess up, and tasty with a few simple ingredients. He appreciates the recognizable flavor with such a humble breakfast meal, also likes them with nearly gross amounts of syrup and strawberries. No other fruit than strawberries or he can't look at them the same when they're on his plate.
- Love language is gift giving and physical touch, if coexisting in the same room doing your own thing can count as a love language, too, then count that in. Explanation on gift giving, he doesn't like directly giving the gift to his partner with the item in his hands, moreover just leaving it somwhere subtle until his partner finds it and gets surprised by something sweet. Even little things like a neat trinket he found he would bring home, maybe leave it on the nightstand of his partner's as a little way to say ‘this reminded me of you’. Explaining the physical touch thing, it has to be a certain degree of it. Touch that just confirms that someone's there, not too attention catching but just there. Also, the thing about just coexisting in the same room, it has to be somewhere he considers a safe space. His office, for example, is very very sacred to him, and when he lets someone in there to dawdle it's more of like a declaration of trust. The presence of the other would definitely soothe him and he'd stay silent, but it's still a huge milestone in the relationship he would have with someone, whether friend or romantic partner.
- How he sleeps. Usually Cole is so wound up tight that half the time if he has the whole day to sleep he'll only take a light nap before trying to do something productive around the house, although he could have the place bleached and scrubbed down twice and he would still clean it again if he had time. He generally loathes feeling lazy or unproductive to the point that he works himself into oblivion, driving to spouts of burnout/autistic burnout and general uninspiration. When things like that come around, his body moreover forces him to do things like sleep in, which is usually the only time he's ever brushed shoulders with REM sleep. Okay moving onto sleeping habits, he would definitely be a light sleeper and find himself drooling onto his pillow obnoxiously often. When he goes into deeper dozes you could throttle him and he wouldn't even feel it in his dreams. It's silly but it's a lighter side to how hellish it is for him to get some real rest.
- Cole's stance on religion. He used to be religious, but that was only when he was a kid. By the time he was a teen he just couldn't grasp that there was some big man in the sky looking down on them, it felt impossible to connect to Christianity in any kind of way. White noise was only ever heard when he asked God about something, and the first and last time he ever went to a priest about something like that he was told that he had done something wrong and that God was punishing him for it. This would obviously break Cole's heart as a young boy, but no matter how hard he tried he'd never be able to force God to acknowledge him. So he'd just give up. Religion after that would be kind of a sensitive topic for him, but he'd still say he was Christian in fear of being berated. His stance on firmly not being religious would further solidify when he was fighting in the war and as a last resort would pray to God to save his men only to see them get killed and think ‘no loving god would do this to his creation’.
- Cole gets really bad homesickness. Ever since he got home from the war leaving home would never be the same for him, especially now that he practically sees his home office as a refuge. Leaving home for work or anything like that wouldn't bother him the slightest, but being away from something he holds so near and dear to his heart for a few days would make him feel like he constantly needs to puke or that the air is unnecassarily suffocating.
- Cole is a silent crier. He will actually just sit on the edge of his bed and stare into nothing until he either wills the tears away or they just fall down his face. He’d probably just scrub them off with his sleeves and sniffle a bit before shaking himself out of it and distracting himself with work or liquor – maybe even a task around the house. He was raised thinking that the “boys don’t cry” stuff was real n all, which is really unfortunate, I feel like he would need to catch a break sooner or later or else he’ll have a breakdown at the slightest inconvenience.
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human-barbarien · 2 years
I've been thinking about what each of the season 2 daddies would be like if they got infected with the sauce. Idk if you have to be in love with the doodler in order to get sauced but I'm going to assume you don't and you can just be overwhelmed by it's existence.
Terry Jr.: His ark has a lot to do with found family and being kind to people even though you don't know their story, and after getting continuously rejected by scary I think finding his own "children" would be very important to him. So I think that his saucy behavior would be taking in a bunch of rabid little creatures, that everybody else would try to exterminate, and declaring them his "found family", maybe he gets bit by a snake, but like god damn Steve Irmin!! Calms the snake, grabs its head and gets its jaws off of his flesh without hurting the little guy. I imagine him coming out of the sewers, covered in slash and bite marks from the animals he's helped, With a little critter army willing to fight for their step dad.
Grant: I feel like Grant would be a brutal, ravenous killing machine. At first glance it seems like a really shallow trope, BUT the adrenaline he feels when he kills people is the thing has fears most about himself. I think it makes sense for the thing he fears the most to take control of him, especially considering his anxiety. I think that would also be reflected by how he sees the doodler, he says the doodler is like a rabid dog that needs to be put down, I think he sees himself the same way. Also if he had a hunter archetype, it would also reflect the hunting story Daryl told him during the super boul. Basically I imagine him as the T-800 with catholic guilt.
Sparrow: I saw someone talk about how sparrow always tries to copy Henry's kindness but dosent know how to truly love so it's just shallow and ingenuine. I think this would result in a saucy sparrow going to great lengths to get people to love him the same way his dad did. I think he would do that by making a cult that worships him, similar to his grandpa.
Lark: same post I mentioned with sparrow ( I wish I could find it otherwise I would link it) compared lark and norms reaction to the doodler, and how lark saw a little kid who just wanted to be loved, just like him, and therefore needed to be killed. Assuming that a sauced lark wouldn't pursue killing the doodler, I think he would be on a mission of self discipline and punishment. I think he would find as many creative ways to punish himself physically and emotionally to cope with the fact that he summoned the doodler. Perhaps even forming a cult of people obsessed with punishing themselves and the people around them.
Lark and Sparrow: I like the idea of them both forming cults in their sauces states because of all the occult history in their family. I also think it would be tragic if henrys parenting, in attempt to get them far away from the occult, results in them both being prime subjects to start their own cults. And if that were to happen I think their cults should be rivel. It would be so tragic to see their undying love for each other turn into undying hate.
Nick: I literally have no idea lol. His character really made the rounds in season 1 with the time travel and the demon transformation. And I feel like everything we know from season 2 isn't enough for me to come up with something meaningful. Maybe if the other dad's get sauced the kids could find Nicky for help?
Thanks for reading!!! If you have any other ideas, especially for Nicky, please lmk!!! I'd love to know what y'all think. If you agree and wanna add on. Or even better if you disagree and think you have a better idea TELL ME!! I WANNA KNOW!! lol
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warmesthello · 1 year
DNDADS S2E30 Thoughts (spoilers warning)
The way that the intro was about Hermie and yet they still forgot about him...it is what it is for us Hermie-enjoyers I suppose. But also, I'm glad that Anthony is still adding some weight to the fact that they're forgetting him. He deserves to get a little pissed at the fact that they never remember his existence (though as a DM Anthony could also give Hermie some agency and have him interact with scenes without having to be acknowledged by the party, especially since he has just kinda become part of the group).
Somewhat of a Gothcleats slay with Link breaking the pick out of love, hoping that Scary could rejoin them and be on their side. The bathroom scene was also bonkers, I think I just have a soft spot for whenever Matt and Beth do scenes together because they can get so unhinged so quickly, especially playing as teens.
Beth is truly making Scary both terrible and sympathetic in such a teen girl way. Scary is attention-seeking and mean and I think she even knows she's wrong (at least a little bit) but it's all just because she wants to be acknowledged as her own person. Her scene with Willy was so chilling because it's the first real time we've seen him treat her like he treated Ron. I know most people recognized that Willy was manipulating her, but him yelling at her and telling her that he thought she was smarter and overall pulling the disappointed dad act just for Scary to turn around and double down her devotion and try to prove that she can be smarter and better...whew that was rough. I have even more thoughts about why Scary will look up to Willy but not Terry Jr. but I will save that for its own post.
I think Link is hilarious and blunt when it comes to his interactions with everyone but DAMN I wish someone would lay off of Normal for once. Like, Nicky just told him that not only is he not the "chosen one" but his family didn't even really want him and Link still comes in for the kill telling him to calm down about his family not wanting him...I'm sorry, what??? Normal has every right to be super fucking depressed and angry right now and yet he never embraces it. Every act he takes is to protect his friends and family (AND THE WORLD) and I would argue that despite his little ego break in Pride he still is the most selfless of the kids because he acts without caring how others treat him 90% of the time as long as they let him stay by their side and he STILL gets shit for having any moments of frustration or selfishness. At this point, I am waiting for him to have his rightful arc by himself (or with Hermie if he remembers to bring him along) where he gets to embrace the Doodler and show it the love it lacked (and maybe in turn get some sick ass powers or just be embraced back and be supported in his own goals for once).
Taylor bonding with Nicky was so sweet. I'm glad that they actually took a moment to show that Nicky cares about Taylor and Taylor, given the chance, would absolutely love to spend time with his super cool dad. The saddest part of S1 trial arc was seeing how alone Nicky felt and how much he kept from Glenn because he didn't feel like he could be vulnerable and it's nice to know that Nicky is trying to connect and be there for his son. EVEN THOUGH ANTHONY FUCKING CUT HIM IN HALF AFTER THAT.
I have so many more thoughts but I really have to stop it here or it'll never end
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stabbysideblog · 1 year
Father Second
“I don’t understand why you care what he thinks about you, he doesn’t even know enough not to shit his own pants.” Scam poured you another shot reaching for an additional glass that you take from his hands. He pouts, producing a box of juice and drinking that instead. 
“He’s my kid, we chose to be his dads. We are going to raise him and try to not fuck him up. Which you should understand all things considered.” You pick at your nails the bit of crusted blood flaking off onto the bar. 
“Oh this?” Scam lifted his stomach until it was resting on the table, a fleshy almost disconnected lump from the rest of him”Jeez you get pregnant once and all of a sudden there’s no fun allowed.” He leans back his stomach snapping back in place like a tape measure. “Besides I don’t even know if I care about the little shit yet. What if it doesn’t like scams and japers?” His eyebrows raise in an expression of mock concern.
You down the shot, the heat of it sliding from your throat to your veins, you squeeze the small glass before setting it down with a thud. “It’s not supposed to be conditional.”
“Except for me. Except for us.” You lean over the small bar grabbing a bottle of beer Terry had long-since forgotten behind it. “I can just leave and I won’t die-” You pause to flip the cap off, chucking it in the general direction of a trash can “Physically. He can’t for a really long time. So I can be as fucked up as I am and he can’t leave me. Until he can.” Your hand tightens on the bottle swirling the dark liquid inside. 
“So let me get this straight. You raise him and then if he thinks you did a bad job he leaves?”
You take a long drink from the bottle holding off your answer as long as possible. “Yes. And I want to avoid that so I have to hold all this.” You wave your hands at yourself, flecks of dirt coming off you with the motion. You were a mess still unkempt from the last mission that saw all of you crawling on the ground to take out an entire mine of doodlerized workers. “In.” You glance at Scam who has the expression of someone who thinks you're a complete idiot with extra mouths to seal in the smug expression. 
You finish the bottle and roll your eyes. “Whatever, I don't know why I thought you’d understand.” You turn to move off the seat when he’s next to you, hands on your shoulders, giving you another bottle, and resting on the bar in front of you. The effect is that you feel caged his mass restraining without force. You snatch the bottle from his hand. 
“Grant G-man buddy calm down I hear you. You’re scared that you’ll spread whatever is wrong with you to your child because you’re a fucked up asshole who likes hurting people. And then he will realize that you did that and leave you forever and ever” His words slam into you, they weren’t wrong but hearing someone else say them made your stomach turn. Not to mention how calmly he said it, like the morning paper or a fact of life. Your hands itched, you needed to do something to be out of this. 
“Step away from me.” Scam cocked his head 12 degrees too far leaning closer to you. His many eyes looking into yours unblinking. 
“Was I right?” 
Your blood boiled turning to electricity. His typically cavalier expression flips to one of fear and he puts his hands up. You shove him away and get up only swaying slightly when you’re on your feet. Your emotions burn white hot and you consider yelling at the entity. Instead you mutter “Do me a favor and fuck off.” and leave. You didn’t bother to look back as you head to the range. 
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kit-just-kit · 2 years
❤- What does your muse look forwards on their soulmate?
❣- What calms your muse down?
⌚- Does your muse worry about time?
✎- Can your muse draw? How well/How Bad?
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Headcannon meme
❤ -  *Understanding, appreciation, respect, a great yet quirky sense of humour, patience, nice eyes, a great butt, called Eric (lol)*
❣ -  *A cup of tea always does the trick. But n the rare instances it doesn’t, given her a large vodka*
⌚ -  *Oh hell yes it does- that’s why she’s always perfectly punctual as she was brought up to regard lateness as an insult. Also, the progression of time generally causes Kit a lot of concern, especially when time it is progressing all over he face in wrinkles. She hasn’t gone down the filler/collagen/face lift route yet but..............*
✎ -  *While she is a doodler she possesses absolutely no talent for drawing at all - this bother’s her as art in any form or shape is one of her great interests and she’d love to have some sort of talent at it*
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twinksintrees · 2 years
time for my Henry Oak character playlist breakdown everyone
It’s so long and I’m not sorry. fair warning it gets very sad at certain points and I did make myself cry while writing it. enjoy <3
Woodland: it's a song about being in nature and all that. “We are all creatures of the sunlight” is a very Henry concept. It also has a very whimsical vibe that suits my boy well I think.
Curses: well I mean. The oak’s are cursed by the doodler, the song slaps, the crane wives have a very henry vibe to me, it just felt right to put this one on henry’s playlist. “There’s a fire in my brain and I'm burning up” could very easily be about Henry's anger, constantly coming to the surface no matter what he does to calm himself. “When this house don't feel like home” can be about Oakvale and how Henry never felt truly at home or at peace there. “Won't you stay with me my darling/when the war starts in my heart” could be about lark, and the rogue card. Henry wants Lark to stay with him, to love him, but Lark can't do that. That starts a war in Henry's heart, does he ignore his son's request for space, or does he accept when Lark sets down a boundary with him, using the very technique Henry taught him against him?? (he listens and gives lark the space he needs, no matter how much it hurts to see his son hate him.) “the devils after both of us” is sung from henry's perspective, and is about the doodler curse affecting both him and his sons.
Someone new: henry’s polyam and has a lot of love to go around. That's it. also hozier slaps.
Flowers in your hair: “when we were younger/we thought everyone was on our side” can be about a young, naive henry not realizing how hateful and harsh the human realm can be. The title is just sweet. I think Mercedes often puts flowers in her hair for fun/to feel cute and I think Henry really likes it. Idk this ones just nice and i think i found it on another henry playlist.
Hello my old heart: I hadn't thought too deeply about why I put this one on here but reading through the lyrics again I think it's Henry talking to his younger self when he returns to oakvale. “Every day i add another stone/to the walls i built around you/to keep you safe” can be both henry talking to his younger self, Hen, and being like ‘hey we make it out of here it's okay’ but it can also be henry protecting his sons and doing everything he can to make sure they never feel controlled and stifled the way he was as a kid.
This is me trying: the title alone. Henry tries so hard. And yet. And yet. “My words shoot to kill when I'm mad/i have a lot of regrets about that” is the most henry lyric ever written. Henry just tries so hard and yet his kid still hates him, Sparrow grew up to be far too similar to Barry and if Henry knew that information it would break him.
Father: This one is only on here because I saw it on a ton of other dndads playlists and I was like “oh okay I can kinda see it working for Henry '' so I put it on. I don't have a lot of personal connection to this song or a lot hc’s for why it fits for henry. That being said, the lyrics ``and I believe that yeah dad maybe no one is perfect/but I believe that you were pushing your luck” can be applied very well to Henry talking about barry.
Heirloom: of all the dads who need to hear they’re more than their fathers son, I think Henry needs to hear it the most.
Grow as we go: this is one of the best love songs ever written and i think it's very oakson from henry's pov. He's willing to stick with and help darryl as he changes and shifts and figures himself out. It's all very sweet and just akdhfjhlkjsdf adorable. I love them.
seven: baby henry was far more wild and crazy, similar to Lark and Sparrow. this whole song is a nostalgia fest for the kid life he had in Oakvale that he’ll never get back.
I have made mistakes: this is going to be a long one, prepare yourself. The phrase “i have made mistakes” is so sad when applied to henry because he blames himself so heavily for things that were out of his control, or reacting ‘poorly’ when he was trying the best he could. “The promises i've made, i continue to break them” is specifically about the gauntlets of ogre power, when henry promised to give them to the boys and then he took them away again. “All the doubts I've faced/I continue to face them” is Henry's general anxiety surrounding his parenting. “But nothing is a waste if you learn from it” is Mercedes's wisdom keeping him calm, i think she's a very calming and reassuring voice in his head and presence in his life that keeps him grounded when he starts to spiral. “We have lived in fear and our fear has betrayed us/but we will overcome the apathy that has made us” is about growing up under Barry and his whole obsession with being perfect and how that fucked henri up. I also think it works as henry talking to ron, and them bonding over being stronger than their dads think they are and especially with the next line “we are not alone in the dark with our demons” i just think its this really powerful message of connection and care between these two very traumatized dads who are just trying their best and trying to not let the actions of their fathers completely ruin their lives. “How can i face you now/when we both know how badly i have let you down?” is henry talking about lark.
Dirty paws: my friend showed me this song and I really loved it. I imagine this song is a story Henry would tell to Lark and Sparrow as a bedtime story or a lullaby even.
Slow and steady: this song is about Henry's inner anxiety. “I move slow and steady/but I feel like a waterfall” Henry tries to be calm and collected and he meditates and tries to keep control, but sometimes his emotions get too much, his anger and insecurities take over no matter what he does. “Two wolves running in the wind” is Lark and Sparrow.
Growing up: the whole concept of living your life and going through it with love and freedom in your heart is a very Henry concept. “There lies my loyalty/with my friends to the end” is Henry talking about the dads, his loyalty lies in them to the very end. “I used to close my eyes/to what stirred under my bed/now theyre open wide/to the monsters in my head” is all about how Henry views his parenting and lark and sparrow. He used to look away and deny how chaotic they truly were, down playing it all with ‘oh they're just free spirts’ etc. etc. but over the course of the adventure and with the help of the other dads he learns he does actually have to start reining them in and that scares him. “Instead of claws they whisper lies/sinking fear in quiet steps/so i will fight in the light/till my final breath” is henry’s fear of being like his father if he expresses his anger towards his sons, his anxiety and inner voice feed him lies and play on all his trauma surrounding his father. But the second part of those lyrics is the other dads supporting and helping Henry, assuring him he's not his dad, it's good to place boundaries and say no, it doesn't make you a bad parent or just like your father. With the help of the other dads he can begin to fight the inner voice in his head.
Ready now: I don't really know why I have this one on here, it's just calm and soothing and very Henry-like to me.
Cats and dogs: “my roots have grown but i don't know where they are” is henry's confusion over his past and where he belongs. Also it's partly on here because of the title, there are several songs on here with animal/nature themed titles that gave very henry vibes to me.
Allies or enemies: ah. The big one. “Are we allies or enemies/this will be the death of me” is henry talking about Lark and the rogue card. Are he and Lark enemies now? Will his son really hate him forever? The never ending questioning and pain and sorrow of the situation will forever haunt henry until the day he dies. “Remember when i could tell you not to smile when you were mad/and you would always crack/and we’d both be laughing in the end/now you're not so quick to forget” henry is thinking back to before, when Lark was little and they would fight and squabble but it was never to serious, henry would crack a joke and Lark would laugh at his dad and things were good, if chaotic. Now Lark doesn't forget, his anger isn't so easily dissuaded. Lark’s anger at his father burns hot and intense behind his eyes, never relenting, there is nothing henry can do to help his son. It breaks his heart. “All is fair in love and war but I can't fight with you anymore” is Henry giving up. He can't bring himself to fight his son. “What happens now? Do we have another go?/do we bow out and take our separate roads?/i’ll admit i've had my doubts/but i want to let in not out” is henry asking himself what to do after they return home. Does he keep trying with Lark now that they're out of the realms? He knows his son wants nothing to do with him, but he can't help but want in, he wants to be there, to take care of his beautiful boy. And then the chorus repeats, over and over again, with no answer. Just like Lark and Henry.
Mess is mine: this is another one on here for the title alone, the mess that is the rogue card and Lark hating Henry is something Henry will forever blame himself for, that mess will always be his.
Kiss me: just a really sweet, nice love song for henry and mercedes.
Small hands: I've cried to this song so many times, okay. The amount of LOVE and CARE in this song. drives me insane. The whole opening bit makes me think of Henry, but especially “i can't fix what was done to you/but i’ll shield you from the rain” because like. Henry can't fix what was done to his friends, the dads, and he can't fix or solve all of their own problems and traumas, but at the very least he can be there for them. He can be a safe, comforting presence in their lives. “And if the fire in your chest comes out/well i’ll hold you all the same” is henry talking to Lark, it doesn't matter to him if Lark is angry, he’ll still show up for his kid no matter what. He’ll hold his son all the same. And then at the very end “and if you need to take this out on me/then you know i won't complain” is SO henry and lark core. Henry will let lark take all of his anger out on him, and after a certain point he won't say anything back. He's already tried, and lark will continue holding onto this hatred and rage until there's nothing left.
The anthem of mr dark: “i never have the time to do the nothing that i want to do/im always rushing around being what other people need me to be” is all about henry being a people pleaser, stemming from his childhood where Barry was a piece of shit who never let his son do his own thing and projected this image of perfection everywhere he went. “I'm starting to see that isn't me/and my freedom isn't free” is directly about Barry and henry's childhood in Oakvale, henry blames himself for not being perfect, but that was never his fault, and it takes him a long time into adulthood to figure that out. “I’ll learn to let go/and learn to say no” is something henry needs to do and actively works on. He needs to give himself forgiveness and space to breath.
Talk to me: this is just on here bc henry’s always the one wanting to talk about feelings and is playing the constant emotional support. He wants to be approachable and make people feel safe, he wants to be let in and he wants to feel trusted (i am so projecting here but idc). This song, like ready now, also has a very soothing sound that really works for henry imo.
Happy accidents: oakson song. “You love me but you dont know it yet” is henry knowing that Darryl’s queer and loves him but isnt fully ready to admit that, so he keeps quiet about it, lets Darryl take it at his own pace. And then the rest is just a cute love song thing for them. They deserve nice things, and if canon won't give them that, I will.
Dear wormwood: ah. This one is about his dad, so it's sad. You've been warned. “When i was a child/i didn't hear a single word you said/the things i was afraid of/they were all confined beneath my bed” i think when henry was a child, when he was Hen, he kept things from Barry, he hid who he truly was, he tried to copy this ‘perfect’ persona when Barry was around. Any part of himself that didn't fit that image was swept under the bed, so to speak. “But the years have been long/and you have taught me well to hide away” when Henry comes back to Oakvale, the urge to present as perfect as possible comes back, being himself around his father is hard, but he can't pretend any longer. Now, we’re jumping out of order of the timeline a little bit, but “there before the threshold/i saw a brighter world beyond myself” is very literal in this case, with henry fixing the mirror and seeing another realm. A brighter place for him to be, away from his father. “And in my hour of weakness/you were there to see my courage fail” is Barry blaming Henry for being angry, for expressing his emotions, calling that his hour of weakness, telling him he was failing for showing that. Henry doesn’t know what he’ll do when he’s around his father again, until the anger and hurt takes over and he snaps. “Planning without acting/steadily becoming what i hate” i don't have a real analysis for how these lyrics fit henry but they make me Feel Things in my soul and sometimes that's enough. “I have always known you/you have always been there in my mind” even after falling through the portal, even after the amnesia, Henry can't get Barry out of his head. He's always there, the voice behind all his insecurities, telling him he's not good enough, etc. etc. “but now I understand you/and I will not be a part of your designs” Henry sees his fathers past in the dungeon in oakvale. He sees hildy come through the portal, he watches his father grow up on speedrun and he understands his father better. But he will never be a part of his design, he will never be so cruel and twisted and horrible as his father was, not only to him but to all of Oakvale as well. “I know who i am now” is pretty straightforward, and yet so impactful. After Oakvale, Henry knows who he is, he knows his past, he has a better connection to himself and to his family. “I know who you are now/and I name you my enemy” Henry takes a stand against his father. His father has gone too far, hurt to many people, and has hurt Henry's own children. And Henry will not sit back and let this go on any further, he names his father his enemy, and will do whatever it takes to defeat him. “I know who i am now/i know who i want to be '' Henry will be his own person, he will not copy his fathers mistakes, he will be better. His sons, his two beautiful boys, will only know love and support from him no matter what. God, I'm emotional over this song. Christ okay. “I want to be more than/this devil inside of me” is henry about the doodler, this family curse that has affected him and his sons since they were all born.
Somewhere only we know: oakson song. see my breakdown of it on Darryl’s playlist post for a full explanation.
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The Aftermath
As the kids watched the evil doodler scary finally die, Scary heard the words it said on repeat in her mind. “They never loved you-!“ she couldn’t remember the rest really, just… seeing how her friends couldn’t tell which one was actually her, and how they were so close to killing her instead of the thing.
“Scary? Are… are you ok?” Link asked, seeing her just stare at the remains of the doodler thing with wide eyes. She looks over towards him, her eyes starting to fill with tears as she took in her friends that she doesn’t even know if they’ll be able to see her as her and not as someone way too mean.
She looks over at terry jr and, with a small hiccup, she says “Terry…? I’m… I’m sorry…” she falls to the ground, her hands reaching up towards her face until she saw what was on her hands. There was still goop stuck to her from her climbing out of the pod she was in. Link dropped in front of her, his hands out like he wanted to hug her, but didn’t know if he was allowed to. She leaned forward, her face pressing against his chest. She could tell her two other boys came and huddled around her, before they too hugged her and surrounded her in safety.
She could vaguely hear Terry Jr talking to them, but her sobs are starting to come and she can’t focus on anything other than the crippling loneliness that she’s trying to smother with her best friends.
After a short time she couldn’t hear Terry Jr anymore, and was basically huddled in links lap as the two others went to grab the car.
“Link…?” She rasped out.
“Yeah Scary?” He asked, as patient as always with her. Sometimes it felt a bit patronizing for him to be always willing to wait for her to get out her feelings, but this time it’s comforting.
“I… I’m scared… it came out of nowhere and just… it grabbed me without normal even noticing, and-!” She peetered out quickly with her words, unable to even put into words how scary it was for her to be left and not even realized that she was gone.
She clutched onto his shirt tightly, and huddled closer to her friend.
Link hums softly “That must have been terrifying… are you… are you gonna be ok tonight alone? You could come over to my place tonight and we could keep each other safe?” He offers.
She nods with clenched eyes, trying to stem any falling tears. She’s mostly calmed down now, but she doesn’t know if she can handle being alone for the night.
A few minutes later the two other boys come in and offer to drive everyone home. Link lifts her in his arms easily, knowing that she might not react well to being let go of. Link tells the others the plan of having a sleepover and normal and Taylor accept eagerly. They don’t want to have to leave her alone like this. They end up at links place since his place has the biggest bed other than Taylor’s, though no one wants to sleepover there again just yet. Seeing two of your friends being pulled through a portal was hard on all of them.
When they get there, everyone’s exhausted, and decide to just play a movie while they get ready for bed. Someone puts on WALL-E and soon everyone’s in bed with link closest to the wall, scary in the little spoon position with him, normal pulling her into his chest, and Taylor being the big spoon with normal. They had settled on that after Taylor and normal wanted to keep scary away from any open windows and doors and link wanted to keep her in his embrace. They all fell asleep quickly, all of them feeling… not safe, but not as exposed anymore.
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kirsteinsjoy · 3 years
aot men doing your henna/mendhi
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characters ~ armin, eren, jean, levi, bertholdt, marco
pairing ~ gn!reader x aot men
a/n: i never see anime content catered to south asian individuals so i just thought this would be a cute idea :p
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armin would be so intricate
he's so good with nimble work
i mean look at those beautiful hands
he would always draw a small heart with his initial tucked somewhere in the design, unnoticeable at first
loves to draw petals, defo one of his favs
armin is so focused when he does it, determined to please you
he's is definitely trusted to do a sleeve with his skills
a small blush appears on his nose while focusing
he is just so amazing at everything he does!
eren would be a doodler
he loves you to the moon and back and would do anything for you, but when the question arose of him trying to do your henna he nearly combusted in that moment
not exactly out of happiness though, more fearful ig
would spend ages getting a grip with the cone for him to flail his arms and whine that he can't do it
"babe how the fuck do y'all hold this"
alot of huffs heard from him
don't think he doesn't enjoy this though, he absolutely loves indulging in what you want
gives up after 20 tries and doodles his name and random swirls on your hand
he took the time to actually attempt to make it look nice though, well done!
a sigh of relief left his mouth when you were actually pleased with what he did
jean would be so determined
as soon as you requested it, he was already bustling about, searching for the cones
he lowkey took this opportunity just as an excuse to hold your hands for a long period of time
it took him a few tries while practising actually about 50 but he tried his best, how cute <3
his hands would be shaking from the nervousness but your free hand stroking his hair would calm him down in an instant
it would be a simple design because he was afraid he'd mess up
but he did so wonderfully for his first try
"i hope you like it"
he ends up drawing a smiley face on the upper side of your face while you take pictures
levi would be secretly enjoying it
he acts as if it's the easiest task in the world but on the inside, he's panicking
'what if i mess it up' he thinks
his strong hands came to use with getting a good hold of the cone though
is very into drawing detailed flowers
maybe hides a heart or two without you realising
'stop moving, it'll smear onto my shirt"
enjoys doing acts of services like this for you, but will never admit it
like armin, is amazing at it
"you do it on me now"
he would like it if you guys matched 😆
bertholdt would be intrigued
he was fascinated when you first brought up the idea
as soon as he got started practising, he found that he quite enjoyed it
enjoys using a cotton bud to smear the petals for a more realistic appearance
holds your hand ever so delicately and carefully, not wanting to mess up
he adored the way you smiled up in encouragement when you checked up on how he was doing
you had to stop him from going all the way up your arm
"can i do this more often on you?"
so cute lol
marco would be so happy
he was surprised you would even let him do something so fiddly and attentive
he spent ages looking for designs he think would fit you and finally landed on mixing them all together
making his own "marco-design"
would accidently get it on his face
but its okay because it looks like he has more freckles and that's adorable
would lay your hand on his knee
adds smiley faces within the designs
"what do you think so far?" "is there anything else you want me to add?"
he enjoyed this moment very much and would love to experience something like this again
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tags ~ @k-kyanma
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Sam and Bucky
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa
bucky has a hard time with doors in general, sometime he forgets his own strength and pulls them off the hinges, other times his metal arm causes any type of automatic door to malfunction (sometimes resulting in bucky walking around with a doorframe stuck to his arm all day). bucky always feels awful about it and hates how it draws attention to him so sam tries to do his research so they can avoid automatic doors.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them
bucky traces things to calm down, sometimes on his arm, sometimes on a table, sometimes on sam’s back. one day when bucky is really distressed sam pays attention and sees that he’s writing S + B, he doesnt mention it.
Who starts the pillow fights
Bucky is terrified of hurting Sam, and as part of his therapy he’s supposed to understand and accept that he’s in control now. Sam knows this, and will coax him into pillow fights as a way of showing him he can control his own strength.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile
sam tends to stay up watching bucky, because alot of the times he’ll wake up with nightmares and sam likes to be there for him when that happens. bucky is used to being ordered to sleep at certain times, so he goes rigid and falls asleep instantly, but he's usually woken by nightmares several times throughout the night.
Who mistakes salt for sugar
neither of them, they both grew up cooking. bucky helped him mom and sisters just like sam did. they know how to cook very different things, so they take turns making dinner.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning
bucky is always highly alert and is trained to be quiet, he never lets the microwave beep. sam, however, is pretty used to living in loud bustling environments so he makes alot of noise.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines
bucky has pick up lines from the ‘30s, which sam finds endearing but are sorely outdated. sam is smooth, and has no trouble flirting, but for some reason around bucky he gets all nervous and his tongue gets stuck in his throat.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order
they both keep the bookshelf in order, bucky really enjoys catching up on all the books he’s missed in the last century. he used to read to his sisters so sometimes he’ll read to sam. sam knows how special books are too him and makes sure to treat them with care. he picks up new books for bucky whenever he goes out.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies
bucky chases sam around the kitchen as sam tries to lick the spoon, but he gives up when sam turns around and kisses him, tasting like brownie batter.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion
sam and bucky are both used to formal dinners every Sunday, and they religiously keep this tradition even if it's just the two of them. setting up nice candles and a pretty tablecloth.
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen
sam is a huge doodler, he has adhd and pretty much can’t focus if he’s not scribbling on something. sometimes when they have formal briefings people will glare at sam if they see him doodling on the paper, so he does it on buckys hand under the table.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation
it astounds bucky how easy it is to travel nowadays, so sam makes it his mission for bucky to visit all corners of the earth. airport security is always hard for both of them, but the pictures of bucky looking like a tourist hanging on the fridge are the normalcy they both need.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines
Sarah tries to get bucky to do one with sam but the look on his face scares both of them enough that they drop that idea.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
AHHH that last mha headcanon was amazing tysm! You did great!!♡♡ Could I ask for another one with the same boys? (baku,tenya & izu!) With a crush who draws a lot? Like maybe they doodle while in class and while on break, 'cause they're bored? And the bois get curious because they're ALWAYS drawing while in the middle of class and they space out! Bonus points if the bois check their notebook and there's dumb doodles of them doing/saying something funny and some with little hearts around them. ^^"
thank you!! of course, anon! here you go, I hope you like it! a friendly reminder that my REQUESTS ARE OPEN! feel free to request lovelies! i’m ready to write for whatever you guys have in mind. i have a project coming up in 1-2 weeks and i think you guys will like it 👁️👁️! i’ll be posting the bonuses of model for me soon enough and a new series (not bakuhoe) will be posted as well! so stay tuned for more <3 as always, please leave a like, reblog, follow and/or comment if you enjoyed! support and feedback are ALWAYS welcomed! <3 
THEMES: humor, fluff. [HEADCANNONS]
TW: cursing
Frankly, school can be quite boring. Even though you're in the hero course and you learn extraordinary things, it doesn't exclude regular civilian subjects such as history, math and so.
When you lose focus in class, you like to redirect your attention to doodling. It's fun, relaxing and effortless- it's also quite time-consuming and you've spaced out of class many times.
When you space out, you lose the function to pay attention to your reality- and ever since the first day you started doodling in class, you never noticed a pair of curious eyes watching you.
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Iida Tenya is quite the gentleman. He's also known for being strict and keeping the chaotic class 1A in order- (well, try and fail many times, but he does his best.) During classes with Aizawa, the majority of the classroom is quiet- but he always hears intense scribbling from your seat.
Usually, he does his best to ignore it and focuses on the class but you're his crush- and the fact that he always hears intense scribbling every day is quite concerning. But one day, he can't take it anymore.
It's a hot and sweltering day, it doesn't help that class 1A just finished hero training and even though everyone hit the showers afterward- the classroom is boiling.
Iida's neck is drenched in sweat, Aizawa's flat and tired voice drones on and he hears furious scribbling behind him- it's all giving him a headache.
Slowly, he turns around and stares blankly at you. Your head is lowered, hand sketching in your notebook. Your movements are fluid and bold and your arm is propped lazily on the desk, leaning your head against it.
He feels his nerves calm at the sight. But then he remembers that he's class president- you're not paying attention in class and that is not okay. Iida opens his mouth and delivers a long speech. Tenya is strict- but he's not stupid- he lowers his voice so he won't embarrass you in front of the class.
After his long speech, he expects you to look sullen or simply understand where he's coming from- but instead, you're snickering with a smile.
''I'm sorry, Iida. I just space out of class all the time and I like to doodle,'' there's a playful pout on your lips, a pleading look gleaming in your eyes.
Oh god, how is he supposed to reprimand you when you look so cute and adorable?
His voice is stuck in his throat- there's a flushed expression on his face and it only gets worse when Aizawa's voice booms.
''Iida, if you're done with your important chat with L/N, turn around and pay attention. You're class president, I expect better from you.''
Iida nearly squeaks as he turns around and nods, apologizing several times. Aizawa simply sighs tiredly and resumes the lesson.
After that time, Iida spots you doodling all the time in class. It makes him concerned- do you even pay attention in class? Are your grades failing?
Eventually, he confronts you about and explains his concerns. His face is beet red when he's done, but you simply brush him off with a smile.
Assuring him that your grades and knowledge are in perfect order, you simply doodle a lot in class. After that confrontation, Iida is much more relaxed about the situation, and every time he sees you doodle, there's a soft smile on his lips.
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Midoriya is a very observant person. He has dozens of notebooks dedicated to quirks, Pro Heroes, and so on and while he doesn't write about his friends- he tends to notice several things.
For example, you. Since you began to attend U. A with Izuku, he's noticed that you spend most of your time sketching, doodling god knows what. You've never shown him your artwork.
Another thing he's realized is that when you start doodling- only Aizawa's loud voice or the school bell will snap you out of it. Izuku's tried everything- waving his hands in your face, throwing you paper balls- nothing. It's like you've been sucked out of reality..
Your manners leave him interested, curious to know more. He's sure you're not slacking off in class- he's been in several study sessions with Tsuyu, Iida, Ochaco, Todoroki, and you- you're always on track and usually have a good grasp of the subject.
You rarely share your notes- only with Tsuyu and Iida and occasionally Todoroki.
Midoriya doesn't mind, but it makes him burn with curiosity. So on the next studying session, he decides to come up with a plan.
''Y/N, what did you get on question 43?'' Ochaco asked. She leaned towards said girl and giggled.
Izuku frowned. What was so funny? The brunette's grin grew as she stared down at Y/N's notes, who was stammering and trying to hide their notes from the public view. 
When Ochaco and Y/N rose and said they needed to visit the restroom- Izuku struck. Tsuyu was chatting with Todoroki and Iida had his nose buried in his book- so they didn't notice when he grabbed your notebook.
He flicked through pages, greedily drinking in the sight of your doodles. They were all varied- some flowers, vines, others were small and cute animals- and others were more complex but in the end, doodles. Midoriya froze when he flipped through a page and saw a... peculiar sight. 
In the middle of the page, was a heart. You had doodled several headshots of Izuku, in which some of them he was saying corny or bad jokes, and in others, he was simply smiling. His cheeks burned when he saw the small hearts that you had doodled around him.
When he heard your voice and footsteps approaching the dorm- he quickly dropped your notebook in your spot and tried to act casual. Tsuyu raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing, while Todoroki asked him why his face was burning.
He had refused to answer and remained somewhat silent during the rest of the session, his cheeks red. His heart was soaring with happiness- those doodles only meant one thing- you had feelings for him.
Once the studying session was over, Izuku would pull you aside and confess his feelings. His veins were pumping with confidence- you liked him back!
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Ever since you befriended Katsuki, he's noticed that you're a very attentive friend.
That is when you're not in class. You submerge yourself into your notebook with a pencil and nothing else- and pour all your attention into it.
Bakugou thinks it's rather annoying, he's tried to get your attention several times, only to fail miserably.
Today is no exception. Bakugou's ready to pop- dunceface and shitty head have been bothering him all day, stupid Deku gave a speech that made him roll his eyes and he was tired and just wanted to go to bed.
Unfortunately, he found himself stuck in class, listening to Aizawa talk like a damn zombie- trying to grab your attention, but you were too immersed in your doodles.
Irritated, he pressed his sweat hand on your neck and ignited a small spark- not enough to hurt you, but enough to startle you. The effect was immediate. You yelped and snapped your neck upwards, clutching the back of your neck. Everyone stared at you, bewildered. Katsuki grinned, satisfied that he finally got your attention but when you realized it was him- you narrowed your eyes and scowled.
''Bakugou? L/N? What's going on?'' Aizawa asked sharply.
Your scowl deepened. ''Everything is okay, Aizawa-sensei. I apologize.'' Your eyes stayed on Bakugou as you spoke.
Aizawa hummed in response and continued with the lesson. Bakugou bit down on his lip, swallowing a snicker.
After class, you smacked Bakugou on the head, to which he responded with a growl and the two of you engaged in a match of playful fighting, and between snickers and lunges your notebook fell out of your open backpack, loose sheets slipping out. 
Immediately, you jumped back and began to gather them, but Bakugou kneeled down and helped you as well. He froze as he held a loose sheet- there were several sketches of him with different expressions- in some, he was smirking, frowning or screaming- but that wasn't what made him freeze. It was the several little hearts that you had doodled around him.
You nearly shrieked when you saw which paper he was holding and snatched it out of his hands. In a blink of an eye, you had picked everything up and ran away.
Katsuki was puzzled. He stood there for a minute or two, gears shifting in his brain as he processed the situation. Once it finally kicked in, he raced after you and found you sitting in a corner, head buried between your knees.
''Um,'' he cleared his throat awkwardly. ''Hey.'' his voice was gruff and tense.
You groaned and shook your head. ''Go away, Bakugou. I know you don't like me, so just spare me from the harsh rejection.''
''What?'' he furrowed his eyebrows and kneeled to your height. ''What the fuck are you talking about? That's not true.''
Slowly, you raised your head and peered at him, narrowing your eyes with suspicion. ''It's not?''
Bakugou scoffed. ''Of course not. I like you too, dumbass,'' he grumbled the last sentence, feeling his ears and cheeks warm up.
''Oh.'' was all you said. The blonde snickered and pulled you upwards onto your feet.
''C'mon dumbass, I'll walk you home. Gotta keep you safe.''
(bonus extra!)
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Shoto is clever and can improvise quickly- but he can be quite dense or oblivious at times. He probably wouldn't notice your doodling habits and if he did, he would brush it off. You're just doodling in class, nothing too fancy.
He doesn't understand how far your doodling goes until he asks you to lend him your math notes after class, and you happily oblige.
Shoto spends the rest of the afternoon studying and writing down whatever he missed- all thanks to your notes that were thankfully complete.
Once he was sure he'd done enough studying, Todororki began to flip through your notes idly, appreciating your writing. The more he read, the more he realized that there were doodles...everywhere.
He thought it was quite impressive that you managed to doodle so much in class and your artistic skills were quite impressive. There was a variety of sketches- plants, animals, silly faces but the ones he saw the most, were the ones of him.
Shoto felt a strange flutter whenever he saw one of your doodles that were him. You captured him perfectly and he cracked a grin whenever he saw one in which he was saying a corny or silly joke. It was refreshing.
It made his heart warm, seeing that his crush seemed to be as fond of him as he was of them. I don’t think he’d truly understand why you would draw him several times and instead, would ask you for an explanation. 
The next day, he made sure to thank you for lending him your notes- and for making such beautiful and impressive doodles. 
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berrysweetboutique · 4 years
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𝓢𝓸𝓯𝓽 𝓞𝓒 𝓐𝓼𝓴𝓼  ♥  𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓛𝓪𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓸𝓷
@dragonplumbobs @alicesimblr @magical-happenings @rebelangelsims
How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
Lacey is a doodler! The book itself is white, it’s covered in little rainbows and hearts of every imaginable color and even a few colors she tried to create herself xD she documented her entire childhood all the way up to 18, but did less after moving out. 
Here’s a fun one!
“Dearest friend,
Tonight my seemingly uninteresting existence was disrupted by a handsome stranger in a letterman's jacket. I think he was more terrified than I was to discover someone living here. The way he stumbled over his words filled my heart with an unexplainable happiness. How is it possible to love someone you’ve only just met? Mother would call it reckless, but something tells me it was no mistake. Somehow he and I were meant to find each other. He says he will come back again tomorrow. Sweetness above I hope he does... I have more to say but I should probably end here if I plan to get any sleep before my lessons.
Until then,
Lacey ♥”
🌳 What is your OC’s favorite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favorite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
Lacey is an artist through and through and feels most at home behind an easel. Long day? Time to paint. Feeling good? Time to paint. Having a hard time? I think you get the idea!  She enjoys reading, but has a difficult time pinpointing a favorite. Her favorite is usually her current read.
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Oh yes! The girl is a hugger! And most people are too infected by her bubbly personality to realize they’ve just had their space invaded by a complete stranger XD She gives good hugs too. The kind you can melt into ♥
🍄 What are your OCs favorite snacks? Their favorite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favorite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
The girl loves potato chips! Doesn’t really matter the brand she’ll snag up whatever's available and start munchin. Lacey loves pancakes. It’s one of those distant memories she has of her father, so when she eats them, it’s a way for her to feel close to him. She’s fairly skilled in the kitchen when it comes to your basic family style meals, but not much of a baker.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
She learned from an early age to handle things of that nature by herself. When she was really young, she would go to her mother, but as she got older, her mother seemed to believe she was too old to be having such experiences, so Lacey learned to comfort herself through painting. Thankfully it wasn’t a common occurrence though.
🌸 What are some of their favorite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
Her teddy bear Roz. Her easel. Her garden. Things that evoke a sense of calm energy really mean a lot to her. Roz was a gift from her father and probably the first item she ever owned that wasn’t white. So he was symbolic in a lot of ways.
💫 What is your favorite fact about this character and why?
I guess I love the fact she is super flawed and impulsive hahah! She makes dumb decisions and her narrow view life really set her up to fail... a lot. I love her for that. Out of everyone she seems the most real to me. She tries so hard, but sometimes it’s not enough and I know for a fact we’ve all felt that way at least once in our life.
🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!
10000/10 She is beyond baby lmao and without a doubt loves every second of the attention.
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