#How to clear hessonite
reddpenn · 8 months
Here is a potentially silly question: how do you feel about birthstones? Do you think they fit the months (by season or astrological sign)? Do you have other stones you'd rather see as birthstones?
Okay, so, birthstones make absolutely no sense.
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I mean, look at this mess. We’re doing beryl and corundum twice! I get that they get Special Different Names for their Special Different Colors, but it's just lazy. And why are we giving some months cheap, common gemstones like garnet and amethyst while the poor June birthdays have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for FREAKING ALEXANDRITE? That’s incredibly unfair! We should be picking birthstones that are all roughly the same price. And why do some months get multiple gemstones? I’ll tell you why: because nobody can agree on an official list and every attempt to standardize this thing has just added MORE birthstones to every month.
So obviously the answer is to standardize it again, by throwing out everything and starting over. Here are our goals:
Fair pricing. You should be paying roughly the same amount regardless of what month you were born in. We’re getting rid of those ridiculous outliers like diamond and alexandrite.
More customization potential! Nobody should be stuck with a stone they hate. We’re picking gemstones that come in multiple colors or varieties, so that everyone can choose a variant they like.
Wearability. Some birthstones are too fragile to be worn as jewelry. We need to replace them with stronger stuff.
No more duplicate gemstones. Every month gets a stone or family of stones with a unique chemical composition.
Now without further ado, I present to you:
The New And Improved List Of Birthstones With No Problems Or Flaws That Everyone Will Definitely Agree On And We Can Start Using Right Now Immediately
I've got no problem with garnet. It's a fine, classic birthstone, so January can keep it. But I would like to see a little more garnet diversity. January birthdays shouldn’t be confined to just red. The garnet family of minerals contains a rainbow of different colors, like orange hessonite, green uvarovite, pink rhodolite, yellow grandite, and many more. They’re all garnet, so we should be wearing them all!
The original birthstone of February was amethyst, which is… kinda boring. Super cheap and common and you only get one color? No, we can do better. February gets ALL the quartzes now. Keep wearing amethyst if you want, but also feel free to branch out into clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tiger eye… actually, take all the agates too. If it’s quartz, it’s yours!
March was originally aquamarine, but I’ll be giving all the beryls to May, so we need a different stone here. Let’s stick with that theme of pale pastels and go with spodumene. For an April birthday, bedeck yourself in green hiddenite, pink kunzite, or yellow triphane. Despite its subtle colors, your birthstone has some amazing fluorescence, with really cool pinks and oranges under a UV light.
Diamond is too pricy for this list, so we’re replacing it with something less expensive and way more interesting. April will now be represented by the feldspar family. We’re talking labradorite, moonstone, amazonite, aventurine, and sunstone. While you don’t have much variety in color, your stones are full of shimmery schiller which glitters and shifts as it catches the light.
May’s original birthstone was emerald, which is great and can stay, but we’re also adding its siblings! May is now represented by all beryls: Emerald, Aquamarine, Morganite, Bixbite, Heliodor, Goshenite, and whatever other varieties I’m forgetting to list. A bright and saturated rainbow of colors is represented here, so everyone born in May is sure to find something they like.
It’s time to address the alexandrite in the room, and obviously we’re getting rid of alexandrite. A stone worth $15,000 to $70,000 a carat does not belong on the same list as friggin amethyst. Instead we’ll look at the other traditional June birthstone, pearl. The problem with pearl is that it’s a clear outlier in this list. An organic gemstone, by some definitions not even a mineral. Should we replace it? NO. We are OWNING it. All organic gemstones now belong to June. Pearl is joined here by jet, amber, coral, ivory, ammolite, petrified wood… in fact, June can have every fossil ever.
July was originally represented by ruby, which is a fine stone and won’t be kicked off the birthstone list - we’re just shuffling it down to September. Replacing ruby for July is spinel. (See, it’s funny because historically spinel has often been mistakenly identified as ruby! That's a little gemology humor for you.) Available in any hue you could possibly desire, spinel offers some nice color options to a month that previously only featured red. Of course if you want to keep wearing red, red spinel mimics ruby so well that you’ll barely notice the difference.
Nope, we’re not changing this one. Peridot is the ideal gemstone and you ungrateful August whiners can die mad about it. HOW ABOUT YOU LEARN TO APPRECIATE PERFECTION
Sapphire is a wonderful, classic stone and it deserves its spot on this list. But the corundum family has been separated for far too long, and we’re finally going to reunite them. Joining sapphire in September is its sister ruby. Between the pinks and reds of ruby and the many, many colors of sapphire, these two stones give September a nice variety of colors.
Look, as gorgeous as opal is and as much as I love it, it is both way too pricy for our list and also TERRIBLE in jewelry. This stone is just too brittle to wear around from day to day and can be ruined just by getting it wet, which makes wearing your birthstone a huge hassle. We’ll kick opal out and hang on to October’s other traditional birthstone, tourmaline. Pink tourmaline may be classic, but this stone comes in plenty of other colors. Whether it’s brown dravite, watermelon elbaite, or the rare and beautiful blue indicolite, you can wear them all!
November can keep topaz, but we’re not confining it to the color yellow. This stone comes in a huge variety of colors, and now they can ALL represent November. No further notes; it’s a nice, classic stone.
I dunno, I’ve had to come up with 12 of these, I’m burnt out. Sure, zircon, whatever.
“BUT WAIT,” you say. “Now instead of having a single color assigned to each month, almost every month is represented by almost every color, making it impossible to tell anyone’s birthstones apart and removing what made them special and recognizable as symbols!”
Well CLEARLY you didn’t read the title of this list.
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andrewmoocow · 7 months
Steven Universe Snake Eyes chapter 10: Crossroads (originally posted on October 30, 2023)
AN: And now, the moment I've wanted to write for so long ever since I first started conceiving of this grand finale: the redemption of Black Rutile. Normally, trying to turn a proud psychopath who was not ashamed to say she regretted nothing good would be a very hard thing to do, but after all the emotional beatdowns she suffered throughout this story, Black Rutile might as well need one. But while many might say Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender had the best redemption arc, I'm actually taking a different route for Black Rutile's that is heavily based off of Megatron's portrayal in the twilight years of the original Transformers IDW comics. Anyone who read those comics should be very excited to see what I have in store for Black Rutile. Otherwise, prepare to feel a lot.
Synopsis: After Nosiop throws her out, Black Rutile starts rethinking her views.
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl, Volleyball, The Black Pearl Brigade
Grace Rolek as Connie
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Dalmatian Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Olivia Olson as Citrine
Avi Roque as Cinnabar
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Idina Menzel as Amazonite
Halsey as Tanzanite
Mia Barron as Apatite
Awkwafina as Kyanite
Allison Janney as Pyrite
Zehra Fazal as Zoisite
Lena Hall as Bloodstone
Jodie Whittaker as Xenotime
Gina Torres as Andesine
Barbara Dunkelman as Amber
Kristen Schaal as Howlite
Catherine Tate as Lepidolite
Cissy Jones as Princess Naja Jormagundr
Henry Rollins as Captain Boa
Neil Flynn as Aescul
Samantha Newark as The Lapidarist
"Okay, how long do we have until Squamata leaves Serpentes and devours the rest of the universe?" Pearl asked as she, Garnet, Hessonite, Citrine, Aquamarine, Cinnabar, Andesine, Captain Boa, and Aescul watched a holographic image of Squamata continuing his rampage against the Slytherophidians.
"I'm betting not long." Hessonite proclaimed. "He'll eventually get bored and move onto another planet. Worst case scenario; he'll consume Earth or Homeworld next just to spite us."
"We need to act quickly." Garnet proclaimed stoically. "If Squamata succeeds in destroying this universe, there's no telling what kind of destruction he'll wreak upon other universes as well."
"It truly pains me to see Nosiop fall this far," Boa said mournfully of his prince's status. "I wish I could've informed Cobralan of this earlier."
"It's okay, Boa, we all didn't know," Aescul responded comfortingly before he turned around to find Black Rutile standing behind him. "Oh hey, I forgot you were still here!"
"Oh, hello, Black Rutile." Pearl greeted the Rutile. "Don't mind us. We're busy thinking of a way to save the known universe and beyond here. Just run along and play while we work here."
"But I can help!" Black Rutile continued urging the group. "Nosiop told me everything there is to know about Squamata, so unless you all want to die, I suggest you listen to me if you want to live!"
"Black Rutile, dear." White Diamond said calmly as she suddenly appeared behind her former subordinate. "They're making it clear that they're not interested in your help right now. So please, go run along and play by yourself while we sort things out."
"What are you, my mom?" Black Rutile scoffed as she stormed off in a huff. "Fine, but don't come crying to me once heads start rolling!"
"Someone needs an attitude adjustment," Aescul murmured at Black Rutile while watching her walk away.
"I think it's because we refused to believe her about Squamata," Garnet replied. "Perhaps she has been telling the truth and wants to change, but we'll just have to wait and see."
"I'll go talk to her." Cinnabar offered herself up and began following Black Rutile. "I've been her apprentice for centuries; I know her more than anyone else in this room."
Elsewhere in the castle, Black Rutile gazed out a window as she watched Squamata and his heralds start draining Serpentes of its energy, causing the land around them to decay. Black Rutile sighed nostalgically as she reminisced on how the Diamonds would cause the planets they colonized to die after draining them of their resources. But those days were long gone, just like what the universe will soon be once Squamata gets bored with Serpentes and moves onto another planet.
"Hello, Black Rutile." Cinnabar said as she walked up to Black Rutile and stood next to her, the two Gems now staring out the same window. "I'd like to talk to you about everything happening recently."
"Oh yes, about me betraying you all and unleashing Squamata only to get stabbed in the back as well?" Black Rutile asked.
"Exactly." Cinnabar answered.
"I know you and everyone else must hate me now for wanting to use the Lapidarist to push the reset button on all Gemkind," Black Rutile said. "But there's no harm in talking one last time before you disown your old mentor, huh?"
Cinnabar only responded by pulling out her broadsword and attempting to strike Black Rutile down. "You betrayed us! You betrayed me!" she screamed angrily as Black Rutile halfheartedly blocked the strike with her bowie knife. "What happened to you?! What have the Crystal Gems done to you?!"
"Enough." Black Rutile quietly commanded her former apprentice to stand down, which she obeyed.
"Did Steven finally corrupt you into his slave?" Cinnabar kept yelling. "Tell me, did he?!"
"No, it's not Steven's fault," Black Rutile sorrowfully revealed. "And I'm sorry if that disappoints you."
"But we believed in you. We dedicated our gems to you." Cinnabar cried in betrayal. "And this is how you treat us?!"
"Not just to me. Black Rutile declared. "But to your own twisted ego and selfishness as well that you used to serve my cause."
"But our cause was what you thought was best for all Gems!" Cinnabar exclaimed. "At least, I thought it was."
"You got that right." Black Rutile agreed dourly.
"I came here to tell you that we're teaming up with the Crystal Gems to stop Squamata from destroying the universe." Cinnabar revealed to her old mentor.
"Wait, seriously?" Black Rutile scoffed dryly. "And here you are, getting on my case for betraying you."
"Steven can be selfish and narrow-minded, sure, but he still accepted us despite what we've done because we have nowhere else left to go." Cinnabar added.
"Well then, off you go!" Black Rutile snapped at Cinnabar. "Go ahead and abandon your lives, your identities, the very reason you were created, all for his twisted ideals and principles!" The two Gems were silent for a few pregnant moments before Cinnabar sat down next to Black Rutile.
"The moment you tell me that this was all a trick, that you're going to kill the royal family and use their armada to conquer the universe, then Steven really did lie to us." Cinnabar stated, hoping what she just said would be true. "He doesn't care that we're without identity; he'll force a new one onto us."
"Ah yes, identity. I've forgotten how toxic that can sometimes be." Black Rutile declared calmly. "Speaking of identity, you're still falling for all the lies about how Pink Diamond didn't mean any harm in starting the rebellion, right?"
"Not entirely." Cinnabar answered. "She didn't care that so many lives were lost in her crusade against the Diamonds, but she still cared deeply for life."
"Organic life, I know." Black Rutile sighed. "So, what do you plan on doing with me now?"
"If you refuse to admit your flaws, I have no choice but to leave you here." Cinnabar declared coldly.
"And you found Aquamarine and the others?" Black Rutile then asked.
"A test. And you failed." Cinnabar replied. "I've been watching you for our entire sentence to Revanche 666. You've just sat in your cell with your eyes closed, doing nothing but think and think and think. And do you want to know what I think? I think for the first time in your life, you feel like you have no identity. You've been many things. An eager Rutile with big dreams, a confidant to White Diamond, a rebel leader. And now what?"
"A selfish fool." Black Rutile responded before turning her knife into a sword and gazing into her reflection on the blade.
"But why? If you did change sides, you'd become a Crystal Gem in all but name." Cinnabar wondered. "No more, no less. Why rethink your entire life now?"
"I once told Steven that the Rutile Rebels came together to seek retribution by any means necessary. I wanted to make him hurt, to make him feel the same pain that he unknowingly brought upon us with his blissful naïveté and optimism." Black Rutile explained to Cinnabar. "And the thing is, at the end of the day, I'm feeling the same pain I brought Steven, only far worse than I thought. If the universe sees you as a monster, what does it matter? The universe is filled with monsters. But when you start thinking that you're the monster."
Black Rutile let out a heavy sigh before continuing. "I came to hate what I've turned myself into. A cunning, devious, opportunistic, sociopathic monster that even Steven believed was beyond redemption. I thought the only way to restore my old legacy and set everything back to what it was before Pink even came into existence, probably the easiest way, was to gain the Lapidarist's godlike powers so I could rejuvenate the entire Gem race."
"You're not a monster. Well, you're not the monster that you think you are now." Cinnabar assured Black Rutile. "As humans would often say, nobody's perfect. We're all like Off-Colors in a way. We can't fit in with society, and that causes us to feel like we're alone in the world. It's why we formed the Rutile Rebels; we felt alone in Era 3, and you were the only one who could give us a purpose. Maybe in a couple of hundred years, we'll remember this conversation and laugh about how ridiculous it was for you to consider changing your ways."
"Consider, you say?" Black Rutile said, gazing down at her hands, calloused from years on the battlefield and years of plotting her grand uprising. "Look at me, Cinnabar. I'm a hopeless, bigoted shell of my former self. Ignorant and proud of it, too." She gently moved one of her hands to her face. "Would you still follow a Gem like me? My spirit now flickers when it once flared, but these days, all I am is nothing but bark without a single bite."
"I don't particularly appreciate hearing you say this." Cinnabar said nervously.
"Why not?" Black Rutile asked.
"Because this isn't you!" Cinnabar answered while taking her master's hands in her own. "Whatever happened to the Black Rutile I looked up to who bravely fought in the Rebellion, dared to challenge the Crystal Gems' tyranny, and basically conquered the Earth by turning the humans against them! The Black Rutile we followed, that we loved. What happened to her?"
I don't know." Black Rutile responded grimly. "I think she's dead."
"Dead?" Cinnabar asked sympathetically. "Or just resting?" The two fell silent once again, neither of them knowing the right words to say next.
"Just recently, I finally saw fit to talk with the Lapidarist." Black Rutile said. "But instead of asking her to rejuvenate the entire Gem race, I asked her what my purpose was now that I've lost everything because of Steven."
"And what did she say?" Cinnabar asked.
"She said that my true destiny won't be realized until I am at peace with myself or something like that." Black Rutile revealed. "She then showed me a vision of a possible future where I fought with Steven to save the universe. As a Crystal Gem. As a hero. As his friend."
"You're kidding. His friend?" Cinnabar gasped in shock. "But this is only a possible future, right?"
"Perhaps if I play my cards right, this could be my future right now." Black Rutile added with a slight smile. "Do you think there's any chance for me to make amends with everybody? Not just the Crystal Gems, but the Diamonds and all the other Rutile Rebels as well?"
"Destiny works in mysterious ways, I guess." Cinnabar realized what Black Rutile was planning to do and accepted it with a smile. "Go, change yourself for the better. You've already won me over."
"Thank you, Cinnabar, for listening to me." Black Rutile said and then suddenly hugged her old apprentice. "This is what is necessary to be forgiven, right?"
"Well, at least you're learning." Cinnabar laughed awkwardly. "Now, can you please let me go?"
"Wait, you're saying the ultimate fusion could be what now?" White Diamond gasped as she, Yellow, Blue, Spinel, and the Pearls stood before Princess Naja and the Lapidarist in the latter's secret chamber.
"Indeed, I believe it must be our only option." The Lapidarist stated. "Unless Steven has any other options."
"Well, there is the fusion with his human girlfriend, and I've also discovered he can fuse with his father," Blue replied. "But I think he might also be able to fuse with the pink boy and the fry boys, too."
"Ooh, ooh, can he fuse with me?!" Spinel asked while fluttering a pair of large eyelashes.
"Don't get too excited, Spinel." Yellow bluntly replied, much to the jester's dismay. "Anyone else he can fuse with?"
"Last I checked, he can fuse with Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, or even all three at once." Blue Pearl replied. "I wonder how he'd fuse with some of the other Crystal Gems?"
As the Diamonds continued conversing, Black Rutile crept into the Lapidarist's chambers, hoping that she would take them all by surprise with her revelation. Still, there was just one factor she didn't consider. "I can see you, Black Rutile."
"No, you can't!" Black Rutile yelled as she tried to hide from the Lapidarist, no matter how omniscient Rebeuger was. "Okay, I give up! I just want to talk!"
"What is it this time, Black Rutile?" Yellow said with a roll of her eyes. "Here to bluster about the injustice wrought upon you again till the heat death of the universe."
"No, that's not it." Black Rutile said firmly. "I came here to apologize for what I've done to you."
"Could you please repeat that? I think I might need my hearing checked." Yellow Pearl snarked in surprise. "Surely this is another one of her lies, right?"
"No, I am simply baring my soul to you all." Black Rutile declared as she got on her knees and begged for forgiveness. "I ask of you, grand Diamonds, to accept my apology for all the horrible, selfish things I did to our people in the name of my delusional crusade for justice against those who have wronged me! My experiences here have finally humbled me and taught me that my actions have consequences!"
"Are you serious this time, Black Rutile?" Volleyball asked the repentant Rutile. "Are you not just lying to us again?"
"Why is everyone assuming that I'm lying?!" Black Rutile complained. "I'm being serious this time. I've been convinced that to be at peace with myself, I must make amends with everyone! Don't believe me? Ask the Lapidarist!"
"It's true." The Lapidarist proclaimed. "I told Black Rutile that she had a grand destiny, but it won't be realized until she is at peace. To calm such a troubled mind, she must reconnect with everyone she's hurt."
"Well, this is interesting," Naja said with an eyebrow arched. "What do you think, Diamonds?"
"Come to think of it, we are at fault for Black Rutile's descent," White said mournfully. "After allowing her to rise to such power because I thought it was funny, I didn't expect such a joke would go so far."
"So, we'll give you a shot, Black Rutile." Yellow added. "But make no mistake, if you really are lying, then we'll make sure to have your head on a wall."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, my Diamonds!" Black Rutile cheered as she crawled over to White Diamond's feet and began kissing them. "You are so kind!"
"Zip it." White bluntly responded.
Next on Black Rutile's itinerary was trying to reconnect with her ex-minions, who she found were already preparing for the coming final battle against Squamata and his heralds. Naturally, Pyrite's keen business acumen had helped the former Rutile Rebels acquire some weapons generously donated to them from the various competitors and Slytherophidians willing to lend a hand. All she needed to do now was to talk to them. Hopefully, Cinnabar would help them hear her out.
"Hey, everybody." Black Rutile greeted her former subordinates, only to be greeted with knives surrounding her in all directions. "Well, not my idea of a warm welcome, isn't it?"
"You know what you did, Black Rutile!" Dalmatian Jasper snarled angrily.
"Trying to sell us all out for power and using the Lapidarist to rejuvenate us!" Tanzanite added, just as furious.
"Making everything we did completely pointless since a godlike being can just do all the heavy lifting for us!" Amazonite proclaimed dramatically. "What was even the point of the Rutile Rebels to begin with in that regard?!"
"Okay, everyone, calm down. No need to antagonize her." Cinnabar stated, much to Black Rutile's relief. "Black Rutile here came to apologize to you all."
"Apologize?!" Eyeball shouted in alarm. "Surely you jest! Black Rutile has never regretted anything in her life!"
"Until now, that is." Black Rutile declared, which was met with gasping in surprise. "Yes, I know, I actually regret something for once. Let me explain."
"Someone pinch me; I must be dreaming." Cat's Eye muttered to herself while scratching her hair.
"This has to be a bad comedy." Pyrite added curiously.
"Earlier, Cinnabar and I talked with each other about my recent emotions and how I've grown to hate myself for what my constant failures have turned me into." Black Rutile explained. "Cinnabar tells me that we are all like Off-Colors in a way; we can't fit in with society, which causes us to feel like we're alone in the world. And I've realized that fits me in more ways than one."
"So does that mean you are, how do you say, repenting now?" Holly Blue asked. "I'm not sure I like this."
"Well, I'm not sure if I like you guys betraying me for the Crystal Gems either." Black Rutile responded curtly. "Nobody's perfect."
"Are you sure we can still trust you, my Rutile?" Andesine asked hopefully.
"I swear on my life." Black Rutile replied proudly. "Unless anyone threatens my life. In which case, you're out of luck."
"Eh, I'm fine with it if you are." Apatite said with a shrug.
"Not going to lie, I was getting kind of lonely without you yelling at us." Zoisite added.
"But make no mistake, just because you're showing remorse for how you've treated us doesn't mean we're just going to totally forgive you." Xenotime declared with a blade to her old boss's gem. "You'll have to work to earn our forgiveness. Otherwise, you will be executed for one wrong move."
"Calm down, Xeno, no need to be such a terminator and all that." Howlite tried calming Xenotime down by lowering her arm. "So, what do you plan on doing now, Black Rutile?"
"I bet she's gonna talk to the Crystal Gems next!" Kyanite proposed.
"Why yes, that is exactly what I was going to do." Black Rutile replied. "I'm already on shaky ground with them as is. I do not want to know how they'll react when they find out I'm telling the truth."
"Well, I wish you the best of luck." Bloodstone said with hope for her old master.
"Famous last words, as they always say." Amber added wryly before Black Rutile turned away and left.
"I never figured Black Rutile for an atoner." Emerald shook her head in surprise.
"Me neither," Morganite added, just as alarmed as the former pilot.
"But maybe this could be a fresh start for her." Pyrope suggested. "For all of us."
"It better." Demantoid responded sourly.
"Any updates, guys?" Lapis asked Laz and Zuli as the Crystal Gems gathered one last time before the inevitable final battle with Squamata.
"Those Universal Lords are really holding the line, but I'm not sure for how long." Laz declared.
"Only a matter of time before we're forced to fight." Zuli added.
"The combined powers of the Universal Lords are extraordinary, but it won't be long until they're forced to retreat." Squaridot added. "By the way, I can see Black Rutile approaching behind you." At that moment, the Crystal Gems turned around and stared menacingly at Black Rutile, fearing that she had nothing good to say.
"You have a lot of nerve coming back to us." Jasper frowned at Black Rutile.
"You have a lot of nerve being alive." Black Rutile responded just as harshly. "I suppose you're all going to act super suspicious about what I have planned, but I'm here to prove you wrong by saying I'm sorry." The Crystal Gems were dead silent in shock in response to this. "Hello, anyone? Bueller, Bueller, Bueller?" Nobody answered. "Stop ignoring me."
"I should've known this was coming." Garnet said coolly. "Please tell us you're sure you're not lying to us this time."
"No, I'm being serious, for crying out loud!" Black Rutile yelled. "I'm trying to repent for my sins here, so please hear me out!"
"A likely story, Black Rutile!" Bismuth threatened Black Rutile with her hammer dangerously close to the Rutile's gem. "It's gonna take more than just 'I'm sorry' to compensate for what you've done to us!"
"Yeah!" Peridot and Squaridot added.
"No, I've discovered that I'm more like you than I realized!" Black Rutile cried in desperation. "I'm just as much of an Off-Color as all of you because I never quite fit into the society you created, so I decided to take matters into my own hands!"
"I still don't believe this," Amethyst replied. "As Bismuth said, it's gonna take way more than a simple apology to make us completely forget what you've done."
"But that's literally what you've done to every foe you've encountered, even Emerald!" Black Rutile complained while angrily stomping her foot. "You, Steven, you and your friend can vouch for me, right?!"
"Okay, I'll only accept that you've changed on one condition." Connie stated while crossing her arms.
"What's that?" Black Rutile asked.
"Say my name," Connie suggested. "Can you say it?"
"Of course I can!" Black Rutile chuckled before she immediately lost track. "You're, uh, Connie Steven's-Annoying-Human-Friend!"
"You don't even know my name." Connie groaned in disgust.
"I certainly do!" Black Rutile claimed. "It's Meeska-Mooska-Mickey Mouse-svetlana!"
"Sometimes, it feels like you're not even trying to bother." Connie grimaced. "It's Maheswaran, Connie Maheswaran. Can you say it?"
"Connie Maheswaran." Black Rutile repeated.
"Now say, "I'm sorry that I've tried to kill you and your friends and destroy the planet all the time, Connie Maheswaran." Connie asked Black Rutile.
"I'm sorry that I've tried to kill you and your friends and destroy the planet all the time, Connie Maheswaran." Black Rutile said reluctantly. "There, are you happy now for once in your pathetic, unbelievably short, organic life?"
"Hey, everybody, calm down!" Steven shouted as he got between Black Rutile and Connie. "How about I talk things out with Black Rutile, and maybe we can reach an understanding? White Topaz, you can join too."
"Sure!" White Topaz exclaimed brightly. "Be back soon, guys!"
"I got a bad feeling about this." Jasper frowned as she watched her girlfriend leave with Steven and Black Rutile.
Outside the castle, Steven, Black Rutile, and White Topaz all sat together at the front steps as they watched the sunset on a doomed Serpentes, where Squamata continued wreaking havoc while his heralds laughed maniacally. "So, what inspired this, Black Rutile?" Steven asked his archnemesis. "What made you now want to change your ways after all you've done to me?"
"You think maybe she's finally understanding where you come from?" White Topaz wondered before Black Rutile calmed her down.
"Don't get too excited, Topaz," Black Rutile said. "I'm not necessarily changing my ways; I'm just finally realizing how toxic my worldview has been to both myself and others, and I've been apologizing to everyone I hurt, hoping that we can all move on together. I finally accepted that I'm just as flawed as any other living creature, human, Gem, or otherwise alike."
"Yeah, I can see where you're coming from." Steven replied. "My dad once told me that if every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs. In this case, you need to stop thinking of yourself as a porkchop by building this entire cult on the image of how perfect you think you are and blend in with all the other hot dogs in the universe, like me."
"I have no idea what your human food has to do with this, but you are indeed correct." Black Rutile said. "I said to Cinnabar that the only way I thought I could restore my reputation was to simply just erase everyone's memories of my actions through using the Lapidarist to rejuvenate all Gemkind, but after being abandoned by my minions and Nosiop's betrayal, I've realized that my glory days are long gone, so all that's left for me is just to accept the here and now and hopefully put my life back together." She then dropped to her knees with tears in her eyes. "Please, Steven, I know I'm asking for a little much, but would you please accept me as your friend?"
Steven was quiet for a moment as if trying to process Black Rutile's response, so the best he could do was give her a pat on the back that Black Rutile quickly turned into a hug.
"Whoo, group hug!" White Topaz cheered as she wrapped her arms around Steven and Black Rutile and picked them up in a big bear hug. However, their embrace would soon receive an unexpected visitor.
"Oh, what a touching scene." Nosiop hissed evilly as he towered over the three Gems. "Too bad I'll have to end it all once I assassinate Steven."
"Not on our watch!" Black Rutile exclaimed fiercely. "If you want to kill Steven, you'll have to go through me first, you scaly devil!" She then reached for White Topaz's hand. "Topaz, fuse with me!"
"Whoa, already?" White Topaz replied before she realized what Black Rutile had planned. "Wait, you don't mean-"
"No time!" Black Rutile yelled before the two did an impromptu tango dance, causing them to fuse into Lepidolite.
"HAHAHAHA, HEEEEERE'S LEPPY!" Lepidolite cackled as she embraced her grand return and pulled out her clawed gloves to use against Nosiop.
"A fusion, you say?" Nosiop chuckled. "This should be easy." Using the powers blessed upon him by Squamata, Nosiop made quick work of Lepidolite in their grand battle, but Lepidolite thought quickly and used her might to keep the evil prince at bay while making sure Steven was unharmed.
"Wait, let me help!" Steven yelled at Lepidolite.
"No, get out of here at once!" Lepidolite commanded. "This could be my last battle, and I intend to make it count!" With one last battle cry, Lepidolite charged at Nosiop and prepared to land the finishing blow, but Nosiop quickly dodged the attack and stabbed Lepidolite in the face, causing her form to destabilize.
"BLACK RUTILE, NO!" Steven cried in shock.
"This is goodbye to you all." Lepidolite monologued to herself in her final moments of consciousness. "To my Rutile Rebels, to my fellow Gems. And yes, even you, Steven Universe."
In a brilliant explosion of black and white smoke, a mighty fusion was eliminated, and her components were reduced to their gems lying at Steven's feet. Once known as menaces to the entire Gem race, they made the ultimate sacrifice to defend the boy they called their greatest foe. They were Black Rutile and White Topaz, partners in crime turned Crystal Gems at heart.
"In their last moments, people show you who they really are," Nosiop said with a smirk before slithering away in disgust. However, he felt a strange presence behind him as he turned around to discover that Steven was turning pink with rage at the prince's lack of empathy. "What?!"
"Okay, Inner Steven, don't fail me now," Steven muttered as he charged at Nosiop and threw a punch of pure serene fury. To Nosiop's surprise, Steven's current state meant that he was outmatched in every way imaginable. "I'm going to break you and throw you to the wind!"
"I need to get out of here!" Nosiop cried like a coward before flying away, knowing how outmatched he was. As Steven de-transformed and let out a sigh of relief, he heard Black Rutile and White Topaz's gems shimmering behind him, signifying they were about to gain new forms once they were reformed.
Once the pair's physical bodies were restored, White Topaz discovered that her white diamond symbol was replaced with a Crystal Gem star. Similarly, Black Rutile found that she had a star as well, where her white diamond symbol once was.
"You're back!" Steven laughed in delight as he raced up to hug them both. "And look, you're Crystal Gems now too!"
"Took me long enough to get one of these." White Topaz chuckled with pride while Black Rutile frantically tried to pull her star off.
"Get it off me, get it off me, get it off me!" Black Rutile yelled in terror before Steven put a comforting hand on her arm, telling her that things would be okay once she got used to things. "Uh, is there a way I can move this somewhere else?"
"Not that I know of," Steven replied just as he heard the Diamonds and the Crystal Gems step outside. "Hey guys, check it out! Black Rutile and White Topaz are Crystal Gems!"
"Babe!" Jasper yelled in delight before tackling White Topaz to the ground and kissing her. "I knew you'd get one someday!"
"Yeah, me too, honey!" White Topaz laughed.
"Okay, this is definitely going to need some getting used to." Pearl muttered. "Steven, as much as we'd like you to explain what happened, that will have to wait because White has something to say." She then turned to the Diamond and gave her a nod.
"Thank you, Pearl, for that marvelous introduction." White Diamond declared before turning to Steven. "Steven, we must fuse with you to stand a chance against Squamata." Steven then gasped in response. As much as he was happy to see that Black Rutile was starting on the path of forgiveness, there were still some things he needed to forgive as well.
Yep, White Diamond just went there! But with Black Rutile finally starting to redeem herself, fate could have other plans in store, and I don't think I have enough time to get everything I want in these final chapters as well. Go ahead, talk about how rushed Black Rutile's story here is and how she got off a little too easy, I'm on a tight schedule here! But now that I finally finished this really long-ass chapter, it's time we prepare for the coming conclusion of Snake Eyes and the end of Steven and Black Rutile's story. Happy Halloween everybody, and take care.
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manifestingsage · 2 years
After so much time cooped up in our personal spaces, many of us are getting bitten by the travel bug and planning getaways near and far. Of course, everyone has their must-have travel items, but did you know that crystals make excellent travel companions? Whether you’re a crystal master or new to gemstone healing, traveling with your stones is a powerful way to stay protected, positive, and open to new experiences. That’s why I wrote this blog: Crystals for Traveling – 5 Wanderlust Gems, to connect you with some of the best traveling gems on the planet. Before setting off on your trip, be mindful of what you may expect on your holiday and how the location change will impact your mood, health, and intentions. Why are you going on this journey? Is it for pleasure? Are you reconnecting with friends and loved ones? Is it business-related? Whatever your reasons for travel, there are potent stones that can cleanse, restore, and empower not only your energy but the energies around you. If you’re new to working with gemstones, check out the Crystal Healing page on my website for more information, plus my top 13 gemstones. Top 5 Stones for Traveling 1. Crazy Lace Agate This gem encourages you to stay present in the moment – feeling safe, secure, and well. Its swirling pattern brings a circular flow of energy that stimulates the mind and body. Our nomadic ancestors in ancient times made healing and protective amulets from crazy lace agate. They found that it prevented accidents during travel and helped strengthen the body, orient the mind, and bring peaceful calm. Today, we work with this gem for these same benefits. Crazy lace agate is also a happy stone. It helps you find joy and laughter during difficult times. 2. Iolite Iolite, also known as cordierite, helps you find your way through the voyage of life with direction and clarity. The Vikings used it to help them “see” their voyages in their Third Eye Chakra before they left the shore. Iolite guides you in understanding what your heart truly wants and helps you see what lies ahead so that you can take the best course of action. This gem also provides guidance for sacred and divine peace. 3. Black Kyanite Black kyanite is a powerful clearing, protective, grounding, and energizing gem that activates the Earth Star Chakra. It’s the only stone that can clear negative energies from other stones, and it never needs to be cleared or cleansed itself. Black kyanite also increases interdimensional awareness and helps you connect with spirit guides and access past life memories to see clearly where your soul needs healing and retrieval. 4. Dream Amethyst This stone is all about healing, clearing, and detoxifying. Dream amethyst is a mixture of amethyst and white quartz that deepens meditation and connects you to the higher realms, including your angels and spirit guides. It clears the aura and creates a protective bubble around you, wrapping you up in a shield to ward off psychic attacks and any negative energies. Change becomes more manageable when you work with dream amethyst – it lessens resistance to change, helping you grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Bonus: Dream amethyst helps you get restful sleep – something not always easy to do when traveling. 5. Hessonite Garnet Hessonite garnet is known as the traveler’s stone – it brings good relationships to travelers. It’s also a traditional wealth stone heralded for bringing prosperity and abundance. Hessonite garnet is a stone of synchronicity that aligns you with the energetic frequencies of success and reveals new sources for financial opportunities. It resonates with the Sacral Chakra and activates the lower ...
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gemlab · 3 years
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How To Clean Hessonite Stone Jewelry Items
if you want to know how To Clean Hessonite Stone Jewelry Items then read this infographic carefully you will get to know  take care of the stone on a regular basis to preserve stone from draining its enriched properties. https://wa.me/919216116688
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acrazypyrope · 2 years
💝I had to put the hessonite into her own dark room, which she openly called a torture device. How does a gem simply refer to something as a torture device and still not see how it’s wrong? Anyways I took away her screens and cape as well because a cape is similar to a blanket. We’ll see what she thinks after 20 minutes of being in a cold room with no light at all.💝
(to be clear yes she took hess’s screen and cape so there no distractions @demantoid4bx )
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sexveil46 · 2 years
How To Use 7 Chakra Bracelet
The ancients described the 7 chakras as the wheels of the natural energy cycle flowing through your body. They would begin at the base of your spinal column and course through up to the top of your head. Lots of think that the energy streaming is the life force that connects your physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. When one of the wheels spins to quick, too slow, or ends up being obstructed, it will develop an imbalance to your mind, body, and spirit. As a result, your health is most likely to suffer. To prevent this, obtain a Chakra healing bracelet that has actually become both a fashion icon along with assisting in restoring your balance. What does a Chakra bracelet do? Does it work? The answer to that remains both yes and no. The ancients thought the healing powers of stone crystals would discreetly take in all the negative energy obstructing the wearer's chakras and, as a result stabilizing their circulation of energy. Hence, triggering a chakra in addition to opening it up. For centuries, the bracelets have actually become part of the Indian custom used by both female and male counterparts. To others, the bracelets were merely a blend of culture and style used to promote awareness on keeping the seven energies in balance. For that reason, the chakra bracelet would just work if its wearer is a follower as positive energy originates from the mind. Gemstones connected with various Chakras Garnet, Red Jasper, Black or Red Onyx, Pyrite and Hematite are associated with the First Chakra The Sunstone, Amber, Moonstone, Carnelian, and Chalcedony work best with the second Chakra Get the Tiger's Eye, Hessonite, Zincite and Citrine for marvels with the Third Chakra The Jade, Rose Quartz and Unakite appropriate for the 4th Chakra A lot of blue stones such as Blue Agate, Sodalite, Turquoise are outstanding with the 5th Chakra Jewels such as Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, and Labradorite are good with the 6th Chakra Last but not least, Diamonds, Clear Quartz, and Amethyst stones are thought to assist you reach a balance with the 7th. We'll enter into information about the 7 Chakra's later What hand do you wear a Chakra Bracelet on? Now that you are well informed of the various stones and crystals. Chakra beads are made out of; it's time to figure out which hand to slip it into. The ancients clearly demarcated the different sides of the body and thought them to perform different functions. The left side was dubbed the feminine side, which was also called the getting celebration. Essentially, its function is to receive energy from the outdoors and bring it inside to cause internal shifts within you. Therefore, it is thought that Crystal bracelets need to inhabit your left hand. The following are some recognized crystals and their function as far as the 7 Chakras are concerned: The Black Tourmaline and Lava Rock are excellent for warding off negative energy The Rose Quartz crystal bracelets use more love towards oneself The Amethyst is deemed to reduce stress coming from various emotions For a self-confidence increase, put on the Red Tigers Eye bracelet The Sunstone Bracelet is good for giving desires and satisfying desires and needs The Prehnite bracelet provides you a much better sense of intuition On the other hand - actually, the best side was believed to be the providing side. Its function was to manage the energy within you and distribute it into the outside world. Therefore, here are some of the differences you will likely experience if you use similar crystals however on your right-hand man. The Lava Rock or black onyx bracelet need to secure your household from unfavorable energy The Rose Quartz bracelet endured your right-hand man will trigger you to be more caring towards your neighbors. real chakra stones bracelet will cause a calming environment Last but not least, the Sunstone bracelet will disseminate healing and true blessings to any of your loved ones. How does it feel like to wear one? To put it into viewpoint, you won't feel an abrupt surge of energy vibrating throughout your body. You might experience a mix of mental calmness, serenity, and clearness needs to you meditate to unravel and set the healing process in movement. Can you use more than one bracelet on both hands? There is actually no guideline that works discourages you from buying a whole jewelry store with the 7 chakra bracelets. You can place on as many as you want on whichever side you desire. This doesn't mean that the energy will be quadrupled ten-folds with more chakra healing bracelets. You should work on mastering each level at a time by integrating different stones and feeling its results. Pay attention to the energy surrounding you with each Bracelet prior to moving onto the next. Map them out and after that work on getting combinations that work best for you. What are some of the advantages of wearing a Chakra Bracelet? Long prior to science and modern medicine entered play, Chakra's healing powers were the most prevalent. They might handle cases of dependency, psychological health issues, pains, stopping working hearts in addition to other internal struggles. The Chakra bracelet deals with favorable energy. Most of life's problems are brought on by unfavorable energy and ideas, which is the greatest mind battle to conquer. real chakra bracelet are thought to create a Utopia that enhances joy and helps individuals end up being more positive in life. The belief that the 7 Chakra bracelet links to the 7 chakras assists in adding the life force in your body. You will turn into one with your body and mind and thus rise above mortal perception of your environments.
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flyingsliceofpiart · 3 years
Ames' Transfer
In the Prime kindergarten, a few of the Amethysts are wrestling, others sitting in their emergence holes.
“Attention!” came a curt call.
Their moss agate stood at the end of the wall of their clearing, arms crossed behind her back.
The amethysts jumped to their feet, some dropping down from their holes, and lined up along the canyon wall, forming the diamond salute.
They all lowered their arms to their sides. Moss Agate walked down their lineup, stopping in front of Ames, pulling an envelope out from behind her back.
“Amethyst Facet 6 cut S?”
Ames’ arms shot up into the diamond salute again, “Yes Ma’am!”
“Congratulations, you are no longer my charge.” Said Moss.
“You have gotten a one-way ticket out of this canyon, orders from high up, you now work for a hessonite a few settlements away, they want a redistribution of soldiers, don’t know why they are only taking one.” “Your instructions are in the envelope, there is a cargo transport that you are scheduled to depart on, landing pad 2- top of the hour, read once en route.” Moss continued, jabbing the rigid envelope into Ames' chest.
Ames’ eyes widened and she took the parcel, “oh, uh- yes ma’am!”
“You are dismissed, get over to the launch pad.”
Ames slipped the small envelope under the shoulder strap of her uniform and began jogging away toward the launch pad.
. . .
When Ames arrived, she saw a single Nephrite overseeing the loading of some cargo, directing where it was being stored in the ship. It was a bit odd, usually a flight crew was made up of 2 or 3.
“You must be the amethyst being re-assigned, right? I’ve been filled in on your transfer – go ahead and climb aboard, I’ll be starting the engines once I check off and sign the fuel reports.” Said the Nephrite.
Ames climbed into the crew cabin and sat down on a jump seat. A few minutes later, the Nephrite entered, closing the hatch behind her and walked over to the control panel. Outside the ship, Ames could hear the engines begin spinning up. The Nephrite spoke over the communicator, receiving clearance for departure. Shortly, Ames could feel the ship shift beneath her as they left the ground. Over the intercom, she could hear that their flight-path would take them out over the ocean at low altitude.
“You should probably open up that packet” Said Nephrite, still looking out the front window.
Ames sat up upon being addressed, “Huh? Oh -that’s right!”
Pulling the envelope out from under her shoulder-strap, Ames snapped the rigid sealed envelope, pulling the two halves apart revealed a parchment instruction packet, which she slid out of the remaining half of the envelope. Turning the note over, Ames saw an iridescent clam embossed into the note. Ames unfolded the page and began reading.
Amethyst 6xS,
Your Agate was informed about a transfer to a Hessonite, that was a cover story to justify your departure.
Your will be acting independently as a guard to a new oysterbed that has been initiated on this colony, charged with the well-being of the caretaker and any pearls that form First – and the protection of the facility second.
Due to recent disturbances within the colony, extra precautions have been taken to keep the location of this oysterbed a secret. Even these instructions do not contain the location of your new assignment, in the case they were intercepted.
Your escorting pilot knows the specifics of your insertion point, they are on loan from a separate fleet and will be transferred back following your deployment.
The facility is already in place and the caretaker of the oysterbed will meet you when you arrive.
Ames looked up toward the pilot, who was looking over the navigation sensors.
“There’s 8 minutes to the drop site- to avoid suspicion you will be dropped at speed, so the flightpath doesn’t deviate from expection. One in the ocean, head West until you find a structure, should be less than a click”
Ames looked around and saw a row of visors by the exit hatch and reached for a pair.
“Don’t bother – your form should be fine dropping into the water at speed, but the visor will probably shatter in you face from the impact.” Explained the Nephrite, looking over her shoulder.
Settling back down into her seat, Ames tucked the note under her shoulder strap, deeper this time in anticipation of the plunge.
. . .
“One minute to dropzone – get by the door, opens in 30, when I signal, jump and keep your feet together when you hit the water.” Nephrite called, looking between the navigation console and Ames.
With a hiss, the cabin door opened, wind rushing around the frame. Ames held onto the frame of the door as she took one step out onto the stairs built onto the door, her hair blown back by the roaring wind. Ames looked out to see the sun getting low on the horizon, getting her bearings, then turned to see Nephrite holding up her hand, raise it a little, then wave it down.
Ames took another step and fell away from the ship, crossing her arms over her chest, holding her heels together, her hair fluttering up behind her fall, helping to stabilize the fall slightly. Ames watched the ship continued over the water for a moment before squeezing her eyes shut and scrunching her nose just before hitting the surface.
Her body shot down through the water, leaving a stream of bubbles. She slowed down but kept drifting to the bottom. The fall had disoriented her a bit, but by looking at the low angle light streaking through the surface she was able to determine which direction she needed to go, then started walking off across the ocean floor.
After a few minutes of hiking, Ames crested a rocky ridge, maneuvering around bladed of kelp and stones – she saw a notably gem-built structure – a moderately sized shelter section with a glass sided walkway which led out towards parallel rows of large oysters. Standing amongst the clams, Ames could see a green gem who appeared to be writing on a pad. Satisfied she had found her destination, she began down the ridge toward the structure, and the green gem beside it.
As Ames approached the structure, the green gem looked up from her work amongst the oysters and noticed her. The gem stood up straighter and started waving at Ames, then walked over to the end of the glass walkway, by a door, and waited while Ames finished approaching. Once they were together, the gem activated the door, letting them into a compartment that sealed off behind them and began draining the water. The noise of the draining was enough that Ames kept quiet, as did the green gem beside her, who about came up to Ames’ chest in height. Once the water was gone, a blast of warm air came from above and to the side of the gems, then the second door opened to the glass walkway. The green gem took a few steps forward into the glassy hall then turned.
“Welcome to the Pink Diamond colony oysterbed! I’m Green Opal – the caretaker of this new facility!”
Ames began following Opal down the hall, “I’m Amethyst, 6xS, I have been reassigned here-“
“Yes! I was expecting you! Well, I didn’t know it would be you- but was expecting someone, was told a quartz was being sent.” Opal replied, walking slightly sideways, smiling and looking at Ames while leading her down the hall.
The door to the shelter opened up and they walked out of the glass hall.
“Shower’s by the door, helps with the salt – lower level is mostly work oriented, there are some more private quarters on the second level, lift’s in the far corner, also have a deactivated warp pad for emergencies.” Opal said, tossing her gloves on a shelf then shook her head and combed her fingers through her hair.
Ames looked around and made note of the layout, the lower level was relatively open with some areas enclosed behind doors. She could see back to the warp pad and levitation lift on the far side, a communications station across from them through an open door. There were enough windows to see about outside the shelter, with enough doors to close off the computer and communication station. Overall, not a particularly secured structure, though there was not much of value, most of the importance of the location were those giant clams, the structure just living quarters, equipment, and storage. The external vulnerability was likely why Ames’ arrival was so secretive, with minimal defensive capabilities, secrecy was the primary form of security.
“Let’s head over to the computer,” said Opal, “We’ll get you up to speed on how the facility is run.”
‘It seems like it’ll be a nice change of pace from the boisterous kindergarden’ thought Ames, proceeding to follow Opal to the console.
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daylighteclipsed · 4 years
There’s another part of Save the Light I wanna talk about. Mainly this:
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We never get a clear explanation of what happens here, but after the Crystal Gems, Connie, and Greg are defeated by Hessonite, and pretty brutally—Amethyst and Peridot are poofed in one hit, Garnet’s right behind them, and the blast sends Connie and Greg and the poofed gems flying off this platform and plummeting to what would be their deaths if not for cartoon logic—Pearl is left struggling against Hessonite, and Steven grabs the Prism and shouts to get Hessonite’s attention. “HEY, HESSONITE! Is this what you want?!” There’s a blinding flash, Steven and the Prism connect, and the connection is never really explained.
We know Steven’s powers allow him to connect with others, but he’s very angry here. I’d argue in his fury smashing the Prism so Hessonite can never have it might’ve even crossed his mind for a second, which is pretty intense because Steven’s buddied up with the Prism since Attack the Light. He always treats it as a who instead of a what, a friend, except for here. Here he’s holding it up like the dangerous weapon it can be, which he absolutely has the power to command, another thought which may have crossed his mind even though he knows the Prism doesn’t want to be a weapon anymore.
But let’s put this into perspective: Steven doesn’t know if his friends are alive, if they’re going to survive that fall. The gems are poofed, Connie and Greg are human, and the Prism, Hessonite’s obsession with it, is the reason they could be dead. Steven’s been pretty powerless to prevent any of this, the destruction, the pain Hessonite has caused, and there’s an incredible source of power right at his fingertips. It’d be easy to turn it on her, or destroy it all together.
I’m probably looking too deeply. Probably Steven only wanted to get Hessonite’s attention away from Pearl, only had love in his heart for the Prism when he went to grab it, but this is the lowest point in the story. To me it seems like the Prism initiates a connection and Steven’s powers allow him to reciprocate, but whether or not Steven means to is up in the air based on how you interpret this scene. I think the Prism is trying to protect Steven by blinding Hessonite. But there may be a degree of self-preservation too, in stopping the fight, since Steven’s hands arguably aren’t maybe the safest right then. Arguably.
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Steven and the Prism don’t fuse per se, but a link forms between their consciences. Steven has access to the Prism’s memories. He learns more about the Gem Rebellion, how Hessonite first got the Prism and how she lost it. He also sees in real-time through the Prism’s eyes, including through the Prism’s light fragments, the Light Stevens. He sees his friends alive in the Pyramid. Two of the LS guide Steven’s separated friends back to each other and back to him, and that must be Steven’s influence because the LS never guide you before that. Steven subconsciously helps his friends using the Prism’s knowledge or the Prism is influenced by Steven’s memories and feelings to help his friends. Or both, simultaneously.
While in this state Sapphire cannot see Steven. And Steven kinda struggles to get out of the Prism’s mindscape. It takes Connie’s voice calling to him to anchor him back to his body. He wakes up/snaps out of it shouting her name, weak and lightheaded. And his head is pretty “wonky” as he puts it for the remainder of the game. The connection to the Prism takes a lot of Steven’s energy, to the point of near-blackouts. It’s painful, and it’s not something he can control.
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Before leaving the Pyramid he has a vision of Hessonite at the Forge, planning to upgrade the Prism’s power. The Crystal Gems are the only ones who know the location of Bismuth’s Forge, and it’s not long before Steven puts two and two together and realizes it’s his fault. If he can see Hessonite through the Prism’s eyes, then Hessonite can use the Prism to see through Steven’s eyes. She can comb through his head, see his memories. And I wish this was utilized more or raised the stakes more cause there’s so much potential with this, of the hero and villain being able to spy on each other and the whole nature of this nameless, presumably unique connection between Steven and the Prism, this weapon of mass destruction that doesn’t want to destroy. I just think it’s really cool.
It’s a link through their light energy, binding them together even when they are physically apart, and there’s nothing at the end of the game to suggest it breaks. It seems to carry over into the next one as Steven is the only person who can understand and translate Prism language in Unleash the Light.
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1nkera · 4 years
Whumptober 2020
Rating: M Characters: Pearl & Hessonite Summary: Pearl is a terror on the battlefield, as countless gems can attest. One day, she finally meets her match.
The fight isn’t supposed to last this long. It’s supposed to be a diversion for the infiltration team - a quick in and out and gone before Homeworld’s forces realize they’re there.
Until one of their scouts reports that their infiltration team had been completely obliterated. Another reports their escape route is blocked. After careful and meticulous planning, both of these scream of a spy in their ranks. Rose, Pearl, and Garnet will need to weed them out later, but for now…
Read More: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26789557
The fight isn’t supposed to last this long. It’s supposed to be a diversion for the infiltration team - a quick in and out and gone before Homeworld’s forces realize they're there.
Until one of their scouts reports that their infiltration team has been completely obliterated. Another reports their escape route is blocked. After careful and meticulous planning, both of these scream of a spy in their ranks. Rose, Pearl, and Garnet will need to weed them out later, but for now…
With all of Homeworld’s attention suddenly on them, their forces steadily diminish. Those who are lucky enough not to be shattered recall to their gems to regenerate. This leaves the Crystal Gems with a third of their original numbers still in the fight.
Frantic cross-gem fusions begin to shift the tide in their favor, until new light constructs take back Homeworld’s lead in the fight, led by Hessonite. It’s odd that a leader, especially a Homeworld one, would risk herself in the front lines of battle amongst thousands of disposable quartzes.
But even stranger is the prism grasped in her palm that lights up with each new construct that manifests.
That could be the answer.
Pearl is light on her feet through the trees, skirting over fallen branches and twirling through the underbrush, sticking to the shadows along the edge of the fight. She’ll have to go to the source if they want to win this battle. If they want to survive.
And Hessonite is loud and flashy with her fighting style, sticking out like a sore thumb.
“Just give up already! You’re only delaying the inevitable,” Hessonite boasts, dissipating with a swing of her sword a Crystal Gem agate that gets too close. “It’s over for you rebels!”
Pearl circles around to her blind spot, cuts around a tree, and sidesteps a flurry of attacks between two quartzes. She weaves in and out, still unseen by the Homeworld gem.
“Enough playing around,” Hessonite orders the prism in her palm as Pearl closes in. “Just finish it.”
That’s when Pearl pulls a spear out of her gem and thrusts the tip at the prism, knocking it clear out of her hand where it tumbles to the mud below. “Not so fast!”
“What - !”
Taking advantage of her surprise, Pearl rears back for another strike, this time going straight for the center of mass.
Only for it to be parried by a saber.
“A pearl?!” Hessonite roars, taking another slash. Pearl jumps back and skids out of her reach. “How dare you raise a weapon to a superior.”
Pearl circles, carefully watching for an opening. “I answer to no one.”
“You… Wait.” The leader scoffs, looks her enemy up and down with disgust. “I’ve heard of you. The Renegade.” She chuckles deep in her chest. “I see the stories are tragically over-exaggerated.��
“Be that as it may, I’m still going to stop you.”
“You and what army?” Hessonite comically gestures around. “Your forces are weakened, you’re horribly outnumbered, and your precious leader Rose Quartz is nowhere to be seen!”
It’s true they were separated in the ambush and that every fiber of Pearl’s being aches to abandon everything and search the battlefield for her, but she reminds herself that Rose's - and the rebellion's - likelihood of survival depends on whether Hessonite goes down here and now.
Pearl points her spear with a scowl. “I don’t need anything more than this spear to take care of you. Your armies will follow suit!”
“I see you’ve deduced the prism’s power, but your weak bravado won’t be enough to save you.”
In the blink of an eye, Hessonite is gone from her vision.
Pearl’s mouth gapes open. “Wha-”
Unbearable pain blossoms in her arm holding the spear - or at least, where her arm used to be. Now it’s on the muddied ground, and it takes Pearl a few seconds to process before a scream tears from her throat and she drops to her knees.
The urge to revert into her gem beckons like a siren - please, take the pain away, she’ll do anything - but she’s so close to ending all this, to seeing her friends - Rose - live just one more day. It’s enough for her to swallow back the need to poof but not enough to keep her from dry heaving at the sight of blue pooling beneath her.
“See, this is the difference between us.” Hessonite is at her side, calm even with the battle still raging around them. She tuts. “A mere pearl wouldn’t be able to defeat a real gem. You’re way out of your depth, little one, and it must’ve been painful trying to be something you’re not. But no matter; now you’re on your knees where you belong.”
Hessonite grabs a fistful of Pearl’s hair, and the smaller gem is helpless in her agony, forced to watch Hessonite draw her sword back for a final strike aimed at the center of her forehead.
“Time to put you out of your misery.”
Pearl squeezes her eyes tight. Rose… I’m sorry…
Blades clash, and Pearl’s feet are swept off the ground, her form huddled close to a warm chest. Pink floods her blurry vision through the cracks in her heavy eyelids. The figure embracing her deftly darts this way and that in a flurry of blows, until finally Hessonite lets out a scream of wild frustration just before the telltale sound of a form dissipating.
Just before the darkness takes her, Pearl finds comfort in a familiar voice.
“I’ve got you.”
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popatochisssp · 5 years
listen i Adore your gem headcanons (gemcanons, if u will) & i love hearing about them & they make me wanna go off about my own crossovers so if you have any more ideas!!! please do tell us!!!! also i hope you're doing well!!!!!
Okay so…….
Regarding the Sea Glass gemsona concept, specifically, part of my headcanon for them is that like Pearls, their appearance is customizable…but unlike Pearls and many other types of gem, since they’re essentially just created as ornaments/toys to suit their master’s preferences, they have a very wide range of physicality–body types, faces, voices…
Kinda…kinda sounds like a reader-insert, doesn’t it…?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sans (Undertale): You’ve been in service to this particular Sapphire for decades, at least. He doesn’t have a Pearl, or even any other Sea Glass– it’s just you. You entertain him, lend your ear when he needs to talk something out, stand by his side as proper and perfect as you can, through everything… and it still somehow feels like he barely knows you exist. He definitely takes you for granted and that hurts a lot more than you’d like it to. …Except one day, he looks at you, seeing you, and you don’t know how to describe the look on his face except ‘dawning abject horror.’ He latches onto you, grabbing you by the arm and refusing to let go for days and all he’ll say is, “it won’t happen, i won’t let it, i need you,” and even as it scares you a little…it finally feels like you matter to him.
Papyrus (Undertale): You are not a very good Sea Glass. Your hue is dull and your attempts at entertaining your masters are all falling flat and your anxiety is mounting because that’s masters, plural, you’ve cycled through too many that haven’t wanted you. Now you’re being evaluated and if you don’t pass muster like you know you won’t… Your saving grace comes in the form of a visiting Hessonite, on a tour of the facilities. He takes one look at you and your obviously stressed face and loudly notes that he’s never seen a Sea Glass before, out on the front lines, glory for the Empire and all that, show him that one! Your probably-soon-to-be-shatterers protest that you’re likely defective, not a good example, but, “NONSENSE, LOOK HOW THEY CATCH THE LIGHT, THAT’S LOVELY, WHAT AN INCREDIBLE GEM!” and far be it from technicians to argue with a garnet. You leave with him, decidedly unshattered, and even though you warn him that you’re not a very good Sea Glass, he assures you that he’s not a very good Hessonite—so you’ll surely do well together!
Sky (Underswap Sans): You’re part of an aristocrat’s entourage, and not the favorite by far. You mostly lurk on the outskirts of your group of Sea Glass, an unnoticed extra in the background. …Which is probably why it’s so surprising that when a group of rowdy quartz soldiers passing by manage to dissipate your body, you actually reform again—unshattered and not even cracked. One of the soldiers is there to greet you, a brightly grinning Chalcedony who apologizes for his squad’s roughhousing and that you got caught up in the scuffle. He caught you, though, before you could hit the ground, so no harm done, right? No, you suppose not…except… where’s your master? And all the others? How long were you out? The Chalcedony’s grin falls a little when he has to be the bearer of bad news: they left without you, didn’t even stick around to see that your gem was alright. …Ouch. But it’s okay! You can stay with him! He’ll look out for you and protect you, unless of course you’d like to go somewhere else? In which case, he’ll take you! You have nowhere else to go and no real desire to try your luck out in the universe all on your own, so… you think you’ll stay with the Chalcedony. His smile is awfully cute…
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): You’re walking behind your Zircon as they talk with other Zircons about things you’ve never needed to understand. With your head politely down, you hear more than see them approaching a lit workstation and chiding someone for still being there, saying that no one ever got anything done honing their gem from both ends, it’s important to relax sometimes. The stranger protests, claiming he relaxes plenty and he’ll head back to his quarters soon. Your Zircon doesn’t seem to accept that as an answer, insisting—maybe he ought to get a Sea Glass? Your Zircon has a few, they’re great, really, he should get one already, but still the stranger resists. “sea glass are a fad,” he drawls, like he might be rolling his eyes and it makes you curious enough to look up. “i don’t need to get o—…” He’s looking at you. He’s looking right at you, into your eyes, and when he moves his jaw again, it’s to say, “wow…” You’re too flustered to pay much attention to how it happens, but before you know it, you’re changing hands, Zircon to Zircon, because this one wants you and your old one already has four. You should probably feel insulted, somewhere in this, but at the same time…that ‘wow’ makes you think that this master is probably the right one.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): The moment he heard about Sea Glass, he wanted one. Like a Pearl, but none of that snooty attitude? Something that just about anyone, even a common Ruby could get ahold of? Yes, he wants one. Immediately. He attentively customizes every detail, having you made to his exact specifications—if he can only get one, he may as well go all out, right? He’s on pins and needles waiting to meet you, visiting every day even when your gem is nowhere near to being properly finished. Eventually, the day comes that you’re ready and you take your form…and you are absolutely nothing like he thought you would be. He never could’ve fully imagined you, not the way you are standing right in front of him here and now, made for him but so clearly and wholly your own gem and that… He loves it, you’re perfect. He’s never had anything of his own before, and for his first thing ever to be someone like you is utterly mindblowing. He wants to learn everything about you, no matter how long it takes.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): You’re a gift, a rarely colored Sea Glass given to a wildly successful Bixbite commander as a reward for another in a long line of victories daringly wrested by his fearsome fleet. Your reception is polite and you look forward to your service to such an impressive gem…so it’s disappointing, to say the least, when you’re summarily shunted off to a large harem of Sea Glass just like you, who tell you that your Bixbite has no interest in any of you and never even visits. You while away more time than you care to admit there, while your fellow Sea Glass sing and dance and make art for each other instead of your absent master, but eventually, it gets to you. You don’t want to stay here with all these gems so similar in temperament to you yet so different in all the wrong ways. They bore you, you crave variety—novelty! No one stops you when you sneak out of the harem the first time, or the second, or the third. Other gems barely pay you a passing glance as you start to steal away to other parts of the ship as they catch your fancy, chatting with soldiers and servants alike and doing whatever you choose to do. …Which is, of course, exactly how your Bixbite notices you, catching a glimpse of a stray Sea Glass roaming his halls. You’ve caught his eye now, a strange gem who wandered off seeking excitement when all the others of your type stayed put. He wants to know what makes you different and a gem of his ranking is very accustomed to getting what he wants.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): He wanted a Pearl. It’s a very stressful job, herding quartzes and otherwise running the day-to-day operations of a base, and an Agate only has so many hands. A Pearl assistant would lighten his load, open doors for him, sort files, carry his things… So, he put in for one and you can imagine how slighted he felt when his superiors would only sign off on a Sea Glass. You show up and it’s clear that your master resents you, at least a little. There are plenty of snide comments to you about what he would be having a Pearl assist him with and how you can remain in his quarters for the day since obviously he won’t require you, and those…hurt. But you are nonetheless determined to do your job and with every moment of downtime your Agate has, you try to show him your worth. It takes a long time…a very long time…but eventually, he starts to come around. You may not be what he wanted, but it’s possible that you’re exactly what he needed: with you around, he finally starts to actually relax in his downtime and that makes a world of difference for a stressed out workaholic like him. He…owes you one hell of an apology…
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He’s in the middle of his least favorite part of any day—the part where he has to do his job. At least he’s not the only Topaz there sent to round up a suspected traitor to the Empire and escort them to holding until trial, so it could be worse…but not by much. The traitor puts up a fight because of course they do, nothing can just be easy, and somewhere in the scuffle he bumps into you, the traitor’s poor Sea Glass. He tries to shield you from as much of the action as possible, no point putting you at risk too, right? Except that when it’s all over, traitor bubbled and the other Topazes heading out the door he has to wonder… “what happens to them?” His fellow Topazes don’t seem all that concerned about your fate: one says to leave you for someone else to deal with, another says to shatter you now and get it over with, and right there, in a moment of thoughtless impulse, he blurts out that he’ll just take you. Which is just great because what the hell is he supposed to do with a Sea Glass? He’s never had a…anything before, he’s only a Topaz, and a poor example of one at that! But…there you are, apparently his now, looking at him hopefully and…he doesn’t know how to say no to that. Guess you two will just have to…figure this out together?
Slate (Horrortale Sans): You’re a Sea Glass who rebelled against your fate. You didn’t want to serve, you didn’t want to be owned, you didn’t want to be a second class citizen in the rigid war-machine of Homeworld’s Empire, and so before you’d even been given to your first master, you ran. …That’s what the broken Sapphire foresees one day, anyway, having no idea if it was something that already happened or a vision that would never come true. He still tells the story to his brother—the Hessonite born from the same Kindergarten as him, from the same planetary vein, mere eras apart and now cracked just like him—and he can only end it with, “…i hope it was real. i wanna meet ‘em…” Luck is on his side for once and not a day later, you arrive, alone and frazzled and worried you’ve somehow been followed, as if anyone cared enough about the comings and goings of a Sea Glass to sound an alarm on you. You’re welcomed into the fold of the lost and the broken and even with nothing physically wrong with you, you joke that you’re the most defective of all for running away the very second you formed the legs to do it. You regret nothing: you found your home right here…especially with the Sapphire, whose touch is warm and reassuring even when he stares off into space for hours or talks about things that never were. He always comes back eventually and the way he smiles at you is…worth defying fate for. A hundred times over.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): You have not had the easiest life. Being born into the world a Sea Glass should’ve precluded you from experiencing violence…but things don’t always work out the way they ‘should.’ Your master was not a kind gem, to say the least, and decades of verbal and emotional vitriol have left you timid, trying to obey orders and do exactly as you’re told as quickly as possible to avoid the inevitable punishment. …You somehow never expected it to get physical, though. Your mistake—all it takes is one thoughtless strike at your gem and you’re cracked, not shattered yet but still malformed from what you were supposed to be, permanently damaged. And your master, terrible as they were, had no use for damaged goods. You’re discarded just as thoughtlessly as you were cracked, running from a society that would shatter you completely without a ‘real’ gem to vouch for you and praying your crack doesn’t worsen. That’s when you find the Hessonite, cracked, like you are, but still whole, and managing it. He invites you with him, to somewhere you’ll be safe. You have no choice but to trust him…but you think that even if you did have the choice, you would make the same one: his crooked smile is too earnest to doubt and you know that if it came down to it, he’d defend you or shatter completely trying.
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andrewmoocow · 1 year
Little Homeworld Life chapter 23: Eye of the Beholder (originally posted on May 29, 2023)
AN: Took me a long while, but Squaridot has her own episode at long last! Unfortunately, it'll be one of the last two fun slice of life episodes we'll get, the second being the one after this, before we move onto the finale of Little Homeworld and inevitably, the start of this universe's 12-chapter grand finale "Steven Universe Snake Eyes". Yeah, if Ronaldo's outburst last episode was any indication, combined with the final scene of the last episode of Black Pearl Brigade, we shall finally meet the Snake People, or Sneople, face to face. However, what I have planned has yet to come. In the meantime, have some Peridot-brand shenanigans in probably a much shorter chapter than usual.
Synopsis: Squaridot learns about meep morps from Peridot.
Shelby Rabara as Squaridot, Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Gal Gadot as Desert Glass
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, The Black Pearl Brigade, Yellow Pearl
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Superfan Rose, Hippie Rose, Shy Rose, Carnelian, Skinny Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Hayley Kiyoko as Morganite
Christine Baranski as Hessonite
Featuring Nolan North as Ross Roberts
"Howdy folks, my name is Ross Roberts, and welcome to this week's installment of The Wonders of Creativity." A painter in a ridiculously huge afro said in an incredibly soothing voice to his viewers at home. Viewers like Squaridot, for example, who was watching the program very intently. "For this episode, we're going to paint a nice little picture of a cozy cabin in the woods. That's right." The host began his demonstration by showing off each of his paints as he stuck his brush in them. "Now then, we're just going to start with a little Virtuous Viridian for the grass. Can't have a forest without grass."
"Fascinating." Squaridot muttered in wonder as Ross Roberts continued painting his forest scene and giving instructions overly relaxingly.
"I do declare; we're making some good progress so far." Ross stated after he finished painting the grass, some happy little trees, and the beginnings of a bright sun in the sky." He then dabbed his brush in some blue, which he dubbed Blue Angels. "Now then, let's add some Blue Angels into the mix to form a clear summer sky." Unfortunately, Ross lost his grip and accidentally spilled his entire pallet onto his canvas, much to Squaridot's shock and dismay. "Whoo, that did not go the way I wanted it to!" he exclaimed at his own clumsiness before turning to his viewer with a shrug. "But that's okay. Oftentimes in art, you make mistakes, but they can also be opportunities to learn. I may not have gotten the painting I wanted, but I can still make something new out of it."
"Like what?" Squaridot asked Ross, even though he could not answer, before he pulled out a paintball gun from off-screen and fired it at his canvas, stunning Squaridot as the canvas was utterly pelted with paintballs. "WOW!"
"There now, that ain't so bad." Ross declared serenely. "Now then, I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today, folks. So from all of us here, I'd like to wish you a happy painting; God bless us, everyone, and remember, hugs, not drugs." The program then ended, leaving Squaridot amazed at how Ross Roberts was so calm the entire episode.
"That was so interesting!" Squaridot gasped to herself. "I never realized how you can do literally anything with art! I must tell somebody about this." Luckily, she knew exactly who to tell about her experience.
"Not bad, you guys." Lapis complimented her sculpting students' work elsewhere in Little Homeworld. "Hey, if you want, you can submit your work to a meep morp show we're putting on later today."
"Excellent." Black Rutile declared while creating a sculpture of herself from clay. "I've been constantly pondering building a statue to myself in honor of how amazing I am, and I must display it for all to see."
"Boy, you're as conceited as ever." Peridot stuck her tongue out at Black Rutile before seeing Squaridot rush up to her. "Oh, Squaridot, good day to you."
"Peridot, I come to tell you something that I really want to do!" Squaridot exclaimed eagerly. "I want to do some art!"
"Oh, took you long enough!" Peridot laughed heartily at her squarer counterpart. "Though Lapis and I prefer to call them meep morps, we're okay if you insist on calling it art."
"Good to see a fellow artist among us," Lapis added. "What made you want to pursue it, Square?"
"I was just binging episodes upon episodes of Ross Roberts' The Wonders of Creativity," Squaridot answered. "I've just been suckered into how soothing the host's voice was."
"Yeah, that is definitely a big draw of the program," Peridot stated with a hand on Squaridot's shoulder. "But on a related subject, let's talk about all the different kinds of meep morps you can do! For example, Lapis teaches sculpting, but there's also painting, drawing, literature, photography, and music. Or you can do what we do and throw random things together to make something new."
"Hey, that reminds me," Squaridot replied. "what made you two pursue art, and why do you call it meep morps?"
"Well, I chose to call them meep morps because I thought it would be funny," Lapis revealed. "I mean, just those words together kept making me laugh, and it just stuck."
"As for how we got into artwork, that's quite a tale," Peridot added. "You see, it all started when we were making ourselves home at the barn."
"Well, Lapis, how are you doing remaking this old barn?" Peridot asked Lapis while the two were busy remodeling the barn to fit their needs. Earlier that day, Lapis had tossed a truck into the wall above the big doors as a way of venting her frustrations with Jasper, and that gave Peridot the idea to spruce up the place instead of leaving it to be devoured by the numerous termites lurking there.
"Coming along nicely," Lapis replied while lifting up the silo with a pair of water arms and positioning it at the side of the barn. "You're good to go now!"
"Excellent!" Peridot declared before she welded the silo into the wall with her tools. "That should do the trick; the barn's exterior has officially been overhauled. Now what to do about the inside?"
"Not sure if we really need a fridge or heating or something," Lapis observed the current status of their pet project. "What do you think?"
"I don't know; maybe some art could do," Peridot suggested before pulling out her tablet and looking up art pieces online. "Unfortunately, a lot of these seem ridiculously expensive. I mean, this old Japanese painting of an orange fire ninja fighting a blue ice ninja is worth $1,081,992! Do you know how much that's worth in Minerals?!"
"Beats me; I was never really up to date on the Gem economy." Lapis shrugged while Peridot crunched the Gem equivalent of such a price.
"About 89,1006 minerals!" Peridot yelled in response and shoved her tablet in Lapis's face. "We don't have that kind of money!"
"So, are you suggesting we make some ourselves?" Lapis suggested. "What ideas do you have?"
"I'm glad you asked." Peridot proclaimed as she looked around the farm. "There's just so much we can do with all this old junk lying around. Plus, it could be a good, and less dangerous, way of coping with stress."
"Yeah, I like the sound of that meep morp." Lapis agreed before she started laughing. "Oh my stars, why did I think that?!" she chuckled. "It's just such a funny word!"
"That did sound pretty funny!" Peridot added while rolling on the grass in amusement. "Why don't we start calling out art pieces meep morps?!"
"Yeah, great idea!" Lapis continued laughing before she realized what she and Peridot just did. "Wait, what?"
Back in the present and later in the day, Squaridot had begun work on her own meep morp to enter into the art show with help from Peridot, Lapis, Laz, and Zuli. For her first attempt, she had constructed a perfect replica of her old Attack Pod from back when she was a servant of Hessonite. "Well, what do you think? Not bad for my first attempt, huh?"
"Yeah, not half bad," Peridot responded while knocking on the replica Attack Pod. "It looks almost like the real thing!"
"That's because it is!" Squaridot proclaimed. "Well, partially the real thing. Do you know that whole Ship of Theseus thing? Well, I basically took what I could find of the original Attack Pod and replaced everything that was broken! In a way, I basically rebuilt it."
"Yeah, but how much of the original is still left, I wonder?" Zuli asked quizzically.
"Let's not get too deep into this." Laz stopped Zuli's philosophizing in its tracks before she knocked on the statue. "You sure this isn't going to turn on at any moment and go on a rampage?"
"Oh nonsense, I took very special precautions to ensure such a thing won't happen!" Squaridot exclaimed nervously before the machine suddenly activated. "Oh no."
"TARGET CONFIRMED; INITIATE ASSAULT." The Attack Pod droned as it fired away at its surroundings, causing nearby Gems to panic while Squaridot awkwardly shuffled away.
"No, wait, come back!" Peridot yelled as she chased after the Attack Pod.
"Wait here, Squaridot, we'll handle this," Lapis said as she flew up and followed Peridot to stop the Pod.
"So, very special precaution, eh?" Laz smirked at a very nervous Squaridot.
"I'm so sorry for all of this." Squaridot meekly apologized.
"Don't worry, squirt," Zuli cheered Squaridot up. "Hopefully, we can find some other form of art that won't start destroying everything in sight!"
Once Peridot and Lapis stopped the rampaging Attack Pod, they returned to training Squaridot in the ways of meep morps. This time, they sat her in front of an easel with a set of paints. "Okay, so what do you want me to do now?" Squaridot asked.
"Anything, ah doy!" Lapis advised Squaridot. "That's the beauty of painting; you can basically do whatever you want. Then again, the same goes for all kinds of art."
"Anything I want, huh? Then anything you shall get!" Squaridot declared as she got to work on her painting. When she finished, however, Peridot and the Lapides quickly noticed how familiar the smiling woman she painted was. "How do you like it?"
"Hate to break it to you, but that's already been done." Laz gave her critiques.
"But on the plus side, I love how you perfectly recreated it." Zuli added politely.
"Wait, you mean to tell me someone already painted this?!" Squaridot complained before she threw her finished painting away and started anew. "I must find something else to paint, something way more original!"
"Don't get so discouraged; you'll find your footing." Peridot calmed Squaridot's nerves before discovering that the other Peridot had now completed a painting of a human man with two pairs of his arms and legs superimposed on him and spread apart. "See, you're getting good at it!"
"Actually, I'm pretty sure I've seen that one before too," Lapis added while resisting the urge to laugh at the nude man Squaridot just created. "Try another!"
"Will do!" Squaridot declared before painting what looked like a massive tidal wave looming over three boats in a storm. "No!" she complained before throwing it away and painting what looked like a beautiful starry night. "No!"
"What are they doing?" Jasper muttered as she and White Topaz watched Squaridot paint the day away.
"Looks like Squaridot is painting." White Topaz observed. "Should we go help her? She's looking really distressed."
"Naw, this is something she has to do herself." Jasper coldly replied before walking away from her girlfriend. "Come on, Paz, let's check up on the rest of the entrants."
For what felt like hours, Squaridot accidentally recreated famous paintings only to throw them out and start again. Feeling increasingly discouraged, she eventually gave up and threw her pallet on the canvas.
"Hey, this looks good!" Lapis pointed out.
"No, this is exactly what Ross Roberts did!" Squaridot complained before throwing that canvas away as well. "What else can we do?"
Another kind of meep-morping that Squaridot attempted was sculpting, and she had Lapis and Peridot serve as her models. She hoped beyond belief that things would go right this time, that the Attack Pod wouldn't show up again, or she'd end up ripping off some other famous artwork.
"Good, good," Squaridot muttered to herself while looking over at Lapis posing with Peridot on her lap. "Not bad so far. Ooh, this is looking fantastic!"
"Maybe this won't fail this time," Laz said hopefully as Squaridot finished her sculpture and presented it to her models.
"How does it look?" Squaridot asked eagerly while presenting her finished product to the two Gems.
"Hey, not bad!" Lapis complimented Squaridot's sculpture, relieved that nothing will go wrong for once. "I really like how you captured Peridot's energy here."
"Oh, finally!" Squaridot sighed in relief when she realized something. "But I think it could be better."
"Oh lord, it's good enough!" Laz snapped at Squaridot's negative self-talk. "You did good enough!"
"Hey Laz, calm down!" Zuli tried to settle Laz's anger. "Though really, it's not like you're going to accidentally drop it on the ground and ruin it."
"Well, I am far more careful than that," Squaridot said while gently putting the sculpture down, only to step on it accidentally. "Great." She muttered disdainfully before walking away. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to deal with artist's block now."
"Squaridot, wait!" Peridot yelled and chased after the other Peridot. "You can't just give up that easily!"
"I'm not giving up; I just need new ideas!" Squaridot clarified and took a deep breath. "Would you like to know what I was doing after you saved me from the ship?"
"I don't know. What?" Peridot asked.
"I joined Black Rutile," Squaridot answered, much to Peridot's surprise. "No, it's not what you think! I was only with her for a few months before Hessonite found me! Let me explain. Initiate super wavy flashback effect!"
Almost immediately after being saved by the Crystal Gems from Hessonite's warship and being brought up to speed on Era 3, Squaridot was scooped up by Morganite during the early stages of the Rutile Rebels' formation to hopefully indoctrinate another victim of the Crystal Gems' oppression into their cause.
During their time together, Morganite helped Squaridot develop and master her ferrokinetic abilities, and they built many of Black Rutile's war machines and technology together, such as surveillance drones, dropships, and weapons of mass destruction. However, Squaridot felt that Black Rutile wasn't really fighting for the good of all Gems; she was just an angry bigot who refused to let go of her past.
"How has your training been progressing, 4E3M-7ZY?" Morganite asked Squaridot one evening while the Peridot was in the middle of meditation. "I hope you've been keeping up on your education."
"I'm doing well, Morganite," Squaridot answered. "Black Rutile's nuclear fusion device is almost done; we must make some final touches. Once it's done, we can finally use it to force the Decapodians into servitude."
"Excellent work, Peridot," Morganite said with a smile and a pat on Squaridot's head. "I knew we could put your genius to good use." Suddenly, security alarms began going off, signifying that an intruder may have entered the facility. "What's going on?"
"Morganite, we have a break-in!" a Ruby soldier declared from the other side of the room. "That Hessonite just laid siege to our base and is taking down every Gem in sight!"
"Her again?!" Morganite growled before she turned to Squaridot. "You stay here; I'll deal with her!"
"That won't be necessary, Morganite," Hessonite said as she suddenly appeared behind the renegade designer and prepared to strike. Still, Morganite thought fast and made Hessonite's sword collide with her Rejuvenator. "Stop what you're doing right now, and come quietly!"
"Never; she has come too far to give up now!" Morganite retorted before turning back to Squaridot. "What are you waiting for, Peridot? Leave now!"
"Wait, Peridot?!" Hessonite exclaimed. "Which Peridot?"
"Peridot Facet-4E3M Cut-7ZY." Squaridot reintroduced herself to Hessonite. "Fancy seeing you again, Hessonite. How have you been doing?"
"Ever since I helped Steven stop Demantoid and Pyrope, a lot of vigilante work fighting rebel Gems," Hessonite stated before knocking the Rejuvenator out of Morganite's hand. "Morganite was but one of the Gems I've been tracking down."
"Don't think about taking her away from me!" Morganite said while backflipping away. "This Peridot is but one of the innocent Gems that I saved from being brainwashed by the Crystal Gems, and I won't let you capture another!"
"I was not brainwashed!" Squaridot exclaimed. "They simply offered me a new life, and I simply turned it down for now."
"Well, what do you say, Peridot," Hessonite replied. "still willing to accept a second chance?"
"Don't listen to her; it's a trap!" Morganite begged Squaridot. "Just go away so Hessonite and I can talk one-to-one." She then pointed at Hessonite. "Just you and me and my GUARDS!" At Morganite's command, an army of Jasper and Amethyst guards burst into Morganite's chamber to assist their boss against the intruder. "Seize the traitor to the old ways!"
"One Morganite and nineteen Quartzes against little old me sounds like pretty bad odds," Hessonite observed just as Squaridot walked up beside her, wielding a pipe.
"Yeah, for them." Squaridot declared as the two charged into battle against the guards. "And by the way, call me Squaridot."
"If you say so," Hessonite replied.
"So, after defeating the guards and escaping, Hessonite decided to take me in as one of her sidekicks." Squaridot finished explaining her flashback to Peridot. "As you can observe, I didn't stick around long enough to absorb Black Rutile's manifesto, which leads us to today."
"Now, what does that have to do with our current situation?" Peridot asked. "And why didn't I hear about this before now, and yet this is being treated like this has always happened?"
"What I'm trying to say is that just like how Hessonite gave me a new approach, I need a new approach again right now," Squaridot said before a familiar voice began echoing through her mind.
"Oftentimes in art, you make mistakes, but they can also be opportunities to learn. I may not have gotten the painting I wanted, but I can still make something new out of it." Squaridot imagined a floating Ross Roberts head appearing on her shoulder, repeating the lesson he learned from his painting mistake before slowly fading away. "Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes, mistakes…."
"Wait a second, that's it!" Squaridot proclaimed excitedly. "I made so many mistakes today, but what if I can do something with all those mistakes?!"
"That's a stellar idea!" Peridot replied. "Where did you get that idea?"
"Just some voices in my head reminding me of what I heard earlier," Squaridot answered. "Been happening a lot lately."
"That's what we call using your head, Squaridot." A wrinkly green face with a male voice in Squaridot's head agreed.
"You have a good idea there." Another green face with a female voice added.
"WESLEY." A strange robotic voice declared.
Later that day, the art show had finally begun with Gems from all over Little Homeworld coming over to display the meep morps they spent that day creating, ranging from paintings to statues, photographs, and more; everybody had a method of art that they wanted to show off.
"And here we have this magnanimous statue dedicated to me." Black Rutile explained the bronze statue of herself holding one hand out while the other was holding the hand of Aquamarine as the two stood on top of Steven's dead body. "I consider this a monument to the idea of perseverance and how in the face of seemingly impossible odds, truth, justice, and a better tomorrow will always find a way."
"Oh, that's nothing; witness my statue!" Desert Glass proclaimed while making her sand sculpture of herself animate itself through her movements. "Try and beat that."
"Guys, this doesn't need to be a competition." Chest Rose said while she, Navy Rose, and Shoulder Rose demonstrated their meep morp, which was made up of various objects, all stuck together to make a collage. "I gathered up all the materials."
"So that's what happened to the trash bags!" Amethyst exclaimed, pointing out some of the items used for the Roses' piece.
"As for our piece, we'd like to show off pictures of all our previous adventures," Nacre said before she and the Black Pearl Brigade presented photos of their bounty-hunting adventures, ranging from their showdown with Mr. Manco on Sergione-29, meeting Sylvia Spectre, vacationing on Kyukanza, and many more.
"We truly had some glorious adventures." Braids declared.
"Some you may not have even heard of before, like this one," Cap added before presenting a picture of an adventure to the planet Yorha. "Sculder felt really at home here, but he had to choose between living among his fellow machines or sticking with us."
"But eventually, after we convinced the Yorhans to get off their shiny metal asses and help stop Andesine, they realized that Sculder's real home was on the Servant," Pony stated while the Pearls' robot companion Sculder gave a thumbs up.
"I simply painted this picture of a number 2 pencil for my artwork." Teal Zircon said before pulling a tarp off her painting of a pencil and holding a pencil in her hands to compare. "I don't know why I painted this, but it helped me remember that the most important thing in life is to use a number 2 pencil." She then angrily growled, "Number 2!"
"That is certainly a unique idea for art." Garnet raised an eyebrow. "Pearls, what did you do?"
"Our piece was far more refined than all of this!" Yellow Pearl boasted as she, Blue Pearl, and Volleyball presented a tribute to the struggles Pearls faced in the old days. "We dub this piece Little Rebellions. Carnelian and her Jasper friend helped us with this one."
"Thanks for giving us credit!" Skinny Jasper exclaimed as she and Carnelian clapped.
"Woo, go, Pearls!" Carnelian whooped.
"And finally, let's see what Squaridot did." White Topaz stated while turning to Squaridot, who replied by pulling off a tarp revealing an amalgamation of all her attempts at art thus far. Her paintings now decorated the arms and legs of the subdued Attack Pod, and at the top was her destroyed sculpture of Peridot & Lapis. "Ooh, this looks neat! What do you call this one?"
"I call my piece "Mistakes," after an epiphany I had from my continued attempts at meep morps." Squaridot explained. "I got it from an episode of The Wonders of Creativity with Ross Roberts, and he made a mistake just like me when making meep morps, but he could take it in stride because he says they can also be opportunities to learn. I may not have gotten the painting I wanted, but I can still make something new out of it."
"That is really profound." IQ gasped in awe as everybody started clapping.
"Not bad little Peridot, not bad at all." Tails agreed with IQ.
"Please, Holly, and could do better than that." Cat's Eye confidently stated.
"Don't get too cocky, Cat." Holly Blue advised.
"We're so proud of you." Peridot and the three Lapises said in unison.
As Squaridot began taking a bow for her efforts, she noticed Morganite standing among the applauding Gems, who then gave her an approving nod. The two may have parted ways, but Squaridot still saw that Morganite held some respect for her.
But hidden in the crowd, Black Rutile used the applause to further her devious plots. A quick trip with the Warp Pad allowed her to steal some Gem shards left over from the Diamonds' dismantling of the Cluster and the various Cluster experiments. In particular, Black Rutile got her hands on the fragments of a Phoenix Lapis Lazuli, an Emerald, two Citrines, and a Demantoid, which she knew would be perfect for adding to her forces and satisfying the needs of one of her subordinates.
I told you this would be shorter than usual. I mean, it's probably a given since the final two chapters of the series will probably be far longer. But on another subject, next chapter will be the last fun one before we get into the more serious stuff because we'll be heading to the Olympics! Well, not really the Olympics, those are far later in real life, these are basically the Olympics at home. I'm getting ahead of myself, see you next week.
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love-takes-work · 5 years
Steven Universe Comic Fusion Frenzy (2019) - Outline & Review
Steven Universe: Fusion Frenzy is a mega issue with five separate stories that each focus on a different Fusion from the show. It's available digitally from ComiXology in the States and from Boom Studios and your local comic shop.
There are four covers for this one: two are by artist Nathalie Fourdraine and they connect together to make a single picture, while a third rarer variant is by Abigail L. Dela Cruz, and then there's a Wondercon exclusive by Alexandra Lillie.
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The five stories feature Stevonnie, Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Opal, and Sugilite. And though, as per usual with comics, these cannot be taken as "show canon," they all show us experiences and perspectives we've really wanted to see with these Fusions! Except for Garnet--who speaks so rarely about her experience despite her everyday presence--we don't get to spend much time with any of these others, and it's so much fun to get a peek at these comic authors' and artists' ideas of what it would be like.
This is a review of each story, with an illustrated plot description and a list of notable items.
STEVONNIE: "When the Light Breaks," written by Anthony Oliveira and illustrated by Ver.
Garnet tells a story about the "dangerous side of fusion"--meaning that when you stand for who you are and what you believe in, you become a target, and you must be prepared to deal with that ugly side of it.
Stevonnie, after training, unfuses into Steven and Connie to attend a parade. It appears to be a celebration of love, with many rainbows and confetti. The Gems discuss how they really haven't been too active in these celebrations (though Garnet MAAAY have thrown rocket punches during one in the past because "love is a riot"). Garnet's narration continues to tell us that Homeworld was always against the diversity that Earth celebrates.
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Steven and Connie are very excited, but then an attack begins. A monster appears--it’s an attacker that was used by Homeworld to separate Fusions, but it's also corrupted--and it looks like a Gem destabilizer. Garnet's narration encourages those who are attacked for how they love or identify to "learn together, grow together, laugh together, and endure together."
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The monster is able to unfuse Garnet, but Steven and Connie quickly fuse into Stevonnie and protect them. They are able to attack the monster and get its Gem. A rainbow appears after the battle clouds clear.
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1. The narration talk bubbles are so cute--not only color-coded, but identified by the symbols for who's talking. Garnet's are decorated with both her Gemstones at the bottom right corner, while Stevonnie's has a star.
2. "Never forget how much bravery it takes to love each other"--what an incredible quote.
3. Uncle Andy is chilling in Greg's van during the parade. He looks kinda uncomfortable.
4. So many Beach City regulars are visible doing their thing during the parade!
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5. Steven sticks his head into Lion's portal and comes out of Lars's head just to share some confetti with them. It's one of those things that's just too convoluted to explain if you don't already know what you're looking at.
6. Interesting that the destabilizer effect seems to just separate the Fusions instead of poofing them the way the modern destabilizer does in “The Return.”
GARNET: "The Gauntlet," written by Jy Yang and illustrated by Doki Rosi.
Steven and Connie are achy after fusion training and complaining about why it's so hard. Garnet--who's baked them cookies--is happy to give her perspective.
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The art style melts into a more colorful, whimsical depiction of Garnet's days as a new Fusion, when she was pink and blue and innocent. She loved her early days learning about being a Crystal Gem with Rose and Pearl, but she wasn't given all the time she needed to learn about herself. There was a war going on.
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Rose urges Garnet to run and hide, but she feels so weird running away and leaving her friends to fight the battle. Ruby had always been a soldier, after all, and Sapphire's ability lets Garnet predict where her help (and her failure to help) all led to different futures. When she realizes the soldiers are Blue Diamond's, looking for HER, she knows she has to fight.
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Garnet unfuses, and when she comes together again, she has her more modern look, with a more consistent color and her visor in place. She confronts the soldiers and identifies herself as a Crystal Gem, standing up for who she is. Back in the present, telling the story, Garnet admits she didn't exactly "kick butt" at first, but she emphasizes that what's important is doing the right thing when it matters.
1. Garnet in an apron, baking cookies (which she did in the episode "Warp Tour") is super cute. Her smiley style in this artist's depiction is really interesting!
2. The art style of the flashback is not exactly the same as the show's version of the same thing, but it is absolutely successful at being reminiscent of it. It's so soulful and expressive!
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3. In one of Garnet's visions of a battle, we see Pearl fighting a Hessonite. Wow, cool.
4. This comic seems to imply that unfusing and re-fusing can create a new permanent form, and that Garnet got her more recognizable look (including the visor) during this time, but as of this writing we still haven't been told in the show canon when Garnet started wearing her visor and when she stopped looking like cotton candy.
SMOKY QUARTZ: "The Art of Friendship," written by Steve Foxe and illustrated by Xiao Tong Kong.
Steven and Amethyst are fighting a pretty stubborn corrupted Gem, and they decide to fuse since Smoky Quartz's yo-yo is perfect for this battle. They have to think fast to stop an innocent bystander from getting injured in the battle, and it turns out to be Amethyst's old pal Vidalia.
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Vidalia is immediately enchanted, thinking Smoky is basically just a weird shapeshift of Amethyst's since that's what she's used to, and she invites Smoky to be her model for a painting the way Amethyst used to in the old days. Smoky quickly becomes uncomfortable with Vidalia's reminiscing, because she's treating them like they're just Amethyst, the Gem who has a history with her. Steven doesn't have that history, and neither does Smoky.
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Vidalia invites Smoky out for a day of partying "like they used to," and Smoky reluctantly accepts. No matter how many times Smoky reminds Vidalia that those memories belong to her history with Amethyst and Smoky is NOT just a different version of Amethyst, Vidalia keeps using the wrong name, ignoring the commentary, and making assumptions. Finally, in the pizza shop, Smoky unfuses out of frustration that Vidalia doesn't want to hang out with THEM and won't listen. Vidalia finally gets the message and pledges to do better.
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Finally, Vidalia has Smoky model for her and this time she treats them like they're really someone she hasn't met before. She listens to Smoky's stories of beating Jasper, hanging out with Sardonyx, and showing Greg yo-yo tricks. They've finally bonded over who Smoky actually is, and Smoky likes Vidalia's portrait of them.
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1. Smoky's puns. Aiiii. "'Eye' bet you weren't ready for me!" *groan*
2. Fusion is a very specific thing that isn't exactly "like" anything in human life, but the parallels in this comic to misgendering are really interesting. Not only does Smoky exist as "sort of" a version of the person Vidalia knew BUT NOT REALLY--Vidalia also has to dispense with some outdated beliefs and perspectives so she can really know who this person is. It's great.
3. This art style looks really, really cool on Smoky! They're not quite as roly-poly-looking as in the cartoon, but they're consistently bigger than most people and the third arm looks great.
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4. When Amethyst and Steven briefly unfuse to show Vidalia that Smoky is a Fusion of two people she knows, the effect is just like it was when Amethyst and Steven unfused for the first time in the Kindergarten during the episode "Earthlings"--Amethyst was glowing and diffuse, but Steven isn't. I love that that detail was mirrored here.
5. Steven is happy to fuse with Amethyst and model for Vidalia, but he's worried he'll have to visit Onion's room again. Yeah, that was traumatic. Heh, great callback.
6. Smoky tells some familiar stories to Vidalia at the end (beating Jasper, interacting with Sardonyx and her room), but then another one that's unfamiliar is added: Greg freaking out at first but enjoying Smoky's yo-yo tricks. Interesting! I'd like to see Greg meet Smoky, though he hasn't gotten to yet in the show. (Smoky also says "our yo-yo tricks," which is interesting since it's not exactly singular speaking, but that's not out of the ordinary for certain Fusions.)
OPAL: "Winging It," written by Nicole Andelfinger and illustrated by Mollie Rose.
Pearl and Amethyst are after a flying Centipeetle, and they're having their typical trouble working together to catch it--not to mention Amethyst's saltiness over having to miss Taco Tuesday. Amethyst's noise attracts the attention of bats who are a nuisance that gets in their way of trapping the Centipeetle.
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They're not fast enough to catch the Centipeetle by themselves, but then they realize their Fusion, Opal, would be able to move faster and might have the skills to capture it. Pearl and Amethyst fuse.
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Opal's superior height, dexterity, and grace make it simple to catch the flying Centipeetle. She does it almost effortlessly, without saying a word.
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But then Opal gets curious and opens her hands a little to look at the Centipeetle she caught, and it screeches, disturbing the hordes of bats. They quickly poof the Gem, unfuse, and go on their way--with Amethyst enjoying the idea of getting her tacos after all.
1. Amethyst's griping about tacos is adorable. It's so her.
2. Really nice to see Opal. She looks pretty cool in this style.
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3. I think it's funny that Opal doesn't speak in the comic. Some people joke that Opal is so rarely on the show because they can't get the guest voice actor back, but I think it's cool that this comic took a cue from what they actually do in the show and have her make a brief, action-packed, silent appearance.
SUGILITE: "An Overdue Conversation," written by Sarah Gailey and illustrated by Maurizia Rubino.
A really big corrupted Gem needs to be taken down, and though Steven believes Sugilite is the obvious solution, Pearl has AGGRESSIVE objections to bringing Sugilite back.
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Pearl's argument is that Sugilite is uncontrollable and leaves Garnet and Amethyst in bad shape when they unfuse. She doesn't want to even consider using Sugilite for the mission, and suggests Sardonyx instead, but everyone else wants Sugilite. Amethyst points out that Pearl doesn't have much business talking about her nature since she's never been Sugilite.
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Steven invites Amethyst and Garnet to tell them about what that feels like for them. Amethyst loves the chance to not be held back by anything, and Garnet finds it a relief to be impulsive instead of thoughtful sometimes, though she has reservations about ignoring her calm side. When Garnet says fusion isn't supposed to feel like that, Amethyst takes ownership of why their Fusion goes wrong, and Garnet assures her it's just as much her responsibility. They decide to try to respect the different parts of themselves and try being Sugilite on the mission.
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Sugilite ends up fighting the large corrupted Gem, and enjoys herself immensely. They capture the Gem, but then Pearl is fully ready to have to fight Sugilite to get her to unfuse or not unleash her anger at another target. But instead, Sugilite is happy that they saw her do a good job and peacefully unfuses.
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Amethyst and Garnet learned to listen to each other better, and they had a much more satisfying fusion experience--with a promise of next time!
1. Most of Pearl's irritation over including Sugilite is, of course, referring to the events of "Coach Steven." Interestingly, Pearl makes no reference to the last time they saw Sugilite, who was the choice Garnet resorted to when Pearl did something horrible in "Cry for Help.”
2. Steven having issues with getting tangled in his sweater and suggesting cocoa was really adorable.
3. Pearl is really being a jerk in this one. I realize she's traumatized by the last time she fought Sugilite and that she has a low opinion of her, and it’s true she has had to clean up their mess before, but Steven's right there listening to her talk crap about someone he loves. She at least could've expressed her reservations without actually telling Steven to get ready for a fight against their own teammate. But that's Pearl for ya.
4. Sugilite being satisfied that Steven saw her kick butt is very her. She was all about showing off for Steven during "Coach Steven," and seemed very disappointed and angry when she found out no one had seen her wrecking the Communication Hub.
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My favorite was the Smoky Quartz comic, which is probably pretty weird for this Garnet nerd, but Garnet’s was my second favorite, and I honestly really did love all of them! The message in the Stevonnie comic was powerful, and I love how even though fusion is a science fiction concept, it allows so many parallels with facilitating lessons about self-love, love that requires bravery, being different, identity acceptance and allyship, teamwork, and various types of intimate relationships (not just romantic love). 
I thoroughly enjoyed this collection--not just because I love seeing these Fusions, but because the writing said something worth hearing. ALL THE STARS!!!
[SU Book and Comic Reviews]
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pearlplusau · 5 years
Chapter 4, The bright light Part 1
In the midst of the red, dark battlefield, multiple gems lay poofed or shards scattered as far as an eye could see. The war had yet concluded.
With the crystal gems gaining the upper hand, the leader of the rebellion, “Rose Quartz”, in the heat of battle, her shield rose, her sword gripped, her comrades fighting as one. As Pearl fends off an elite soldier all on her own in a distance, her spear shining as she fought with grace and elegance within the cacophony of battle. While Garnet charges and finishes the jaspers, Coral stood alongside Rose, with her lance fencing off surprised attacks from the sides, and whacks a topaz on her head. “Poof!” as yellow smoke dissipated and her gem on the ground.
Rose thought to herself with glee, “We’re almost there! We’ll finally be able to stay here after all this is over!” Victory seems to be closer and closer, but none of them will be leaving without consequences.
On Homeworld,
A red ruby ship approaches the landing site, as it descends, a tattered up Amethyst guard faceplants off the ship, “Ughhhhh!” She moaned, her long, puffy white hair in horrendous state and she was wearing a uniform that signifies her diamond in serving, Pink Diamond.
This Amethyst guard had never been to Homeworld before, but her orders were clear, “ONE OF YOU UPPER CRUST! Find the Diamonds! State the situation and request back up!” In a rush, her elite sisters decided to send 8XWJ, a soldier that’s not in the fighting shape anymore, and threw her into a small ruby ship and launched it manually from the control panel on Earth.
The amethyst regains her strength, and proceeds her mission.
She knew the urgency of this message, but she couldn’t stop from gawking as the scenes in Homeworld get more and more alien than what’s she’s used on Earth. Instead of forests and hills and rocks, it’s buildings, skyscrapers, and fellow new gems!
She’s never seen other types of gems other than herself and jaspers, so seeing so many gems who are clearly in higher positions intimidates her.
“You there!” A blue gem approaches her with the sound of heels “clonk, clonk, clonk” getting louder and angrier.
She begins to panic! She raced through her mind and forgot what to do. What was she supposed to do when greeting a higher level gem? Oh right! The diamond arm thing! She shaped her arms as the big gem stood right in front of her.
“State your purpose!” The blue gem ordered, but 8XWJ has no clue who or forgot what she has to say as she begins to get very nervous and sweats. “I…ahh…uhh…” 8XWJ stammered and fiddled her fingers, the blue gem narrowed her eyes, “Newcomer huh?” She smirked and continued, “How am I not surprised?” Her tone was filled with disgust and prejudice.
“I am Holy Blue Agate! I have been urgently assigned to receive a message from an Amethyst guard from Earth by a fellow Hessonite, now tell me…”
She reached to the back of her head, where her gem placement is, and conjured an electric whip full of static! She flings towards the purple gem, grips her hip, and sends a wave of electricity as 8XWJ screeched in pain and got yanked towards Holy.
“What…is…THE MESSAGE?!” she screams as she grabbed her by the uniform, and shook her as violent as she was allowed.
“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!” 8XWJ shouted and plead, the whip dissipates and she fell on her knees, which was painful as her gem is located on the left.
She explained the situation on Earth as the soldiers were close to losing the battles, and she was told to inform the diamonds personally by another commander, but was cut short when she heard Holly laughing.
“You? Informing the Diamonds? Ha!” She mocked and continued, “Don’t even try, you won’t even make it to The Great Ballroom without another few centuries in this confusing labyrinth! I’ll deliver the message to the diamonds myself.” With that, she turned and walked back where she came.
The amethyst plead, “Wait! Wait a sec!” With her raspy voice, she requests permission to follow the Agate. The blue gem scoffed and said, “What makes you think I’ll let you?” She looked at AXWJ as if she’s gone corrupted, “An Amethyst guard with an Agate! What will the others say?”
Looks like AXWJ was stuck finding her way back to the ship, she turned and sighed, “Guess I’ll just find another way back then…” she considered tracing her steps when the agate changed her mind, “Fine, you can tatter along, but just so we’re clear, I will be the one speaking to the diamonds! Don’t make a pip while I’m talking!”
Before they proceed to the diamonds, AXWJ made another diamond symbol and request to speak freely, “What was the whip all about? It hurts so MUCH!”
Holy smirked, “That, was just a little fun I needed, and also the tip of the iceberg, step out of line or waste my time again, you’ll be wishing you were never made.” 8XWJ gulped and nodded.
In Blue Diamond’s chamber (pool),
A blue themed chamber, with pillars connected to each other and tubes beneath the pathway up to the pool, where the three massive diamonds are present. The water resembles the color of lime, with the beautiful White Diamond in front of the waterfall, and Blue and Yellow on her left and right. They stayed still and quiet, as they were finally done with their work and tried to relax for a bit, but Yellow had something in mind she wished to share.
It wasn’t long until relaxation was over, Yellow decided to drag work into everything once more, “An idea occurred to me the other day, as you both know, Pink’s colony is still a work in progress after all those centuries given, as not much resources are useful towards our expanding Empire anymore, so I propose…an Alternative.”
White opens her eyes as a sign of interest, and turned to her fellow sister, mouthed “Go on”. Blue however, was not pleased as their time together has been restricting since pink’s absence, she just wished they could all have some quality time together, but sometimes opportunities like this are extremely rare, so she understood why Yellow decided to bring up work into their bonding time.
Blue sighed, “What is it you have in mind Yellow?” As she was interested as well, but would still rather have a nice quiet pool time, so maybe it’ll be over soon.
“Pearl?” Yellow summoned her little servant and continued, “Bring me the blueprints marked EX-293.”
The yellow pearl shaped her arms and bowed, “Right away my Diamond!” and scurries off to the exit.
“A few days ago I was experimenting with the “Fallen” soldiers from battles, I pieced them together and see if it would reform as a fusion, and sure enough, it did, with very little resources, I produced hundreds of little monsters crawling around, in very little time might I add, so I propose…”
She paused as her pearl had retrieved the data she needed, it was a palm-sized green sphere, the poor pearl had to use all her strength to push the sphere into the water. As it finally drifted in the midst of the diamond, a hologram projected above the pool and showed the data of what she experimented.
“From what you see here are the results of the experiment aforementioned, the duration of each fusion depends on its size and quality, each of these has the capability of mass destruction to anyone in their path, so…” The image flickered to a blank state, but with a slight touch on the screen, millions of shards grouped into a massive form, its gem size was bigger than White Diamond herself!
“I call it, the Cluster.” She presumes as the image regained its form. “When it emerges, it will tear apart the Earth, forming as a massive Geo weapon, and with it, conquering the galaxy would be so much easier and effective with it on our side!” Yellow Diamond pictured the cluster on a rampage on their enemy territory, declaring victory and taking over the galaxies.
“But…it will tear apart the Earth?” Blue Diamond was concerned on that particular segment, “Was Pink in on this Yellow?” She hoped to receive comfort with Pinks agreement with the plan.
“This…is the alternative for when she… Fails, Blue.” Yellow was expecting comments from the leader, but she was quiet and tranquil, as if she knew their faith in their youngest diamond would be diminished somehow.
“You…”Blue was in disbelief! Pink losing her first colony just because she couldn’t handle the little “issues” she stated a few decades ago. She had to do something! She wanted to scream, she wanted to shout, she wanted to let her anger loose and end the conversation! But she knows nothing will change Yellow’s mind once she establishes a plan for it, but she still wants to try, for her dear Pink.
The faint lime colored water retreated into the “drain”, as Blue stood up, she spoke, “I…object this proposal, Yellow…”
Back to Holly,
The two gems were almost there, they just need to gain access into The Great Ballroom which was guarded by two topazes and an aquamarine.
“State your facets, cut and purpose.” The small floating gem requested while adjusting her wand/hairband.
“Holly Blue Agate, facet 2D cut-22, and this is…” Holly gestured to Amethyst, who was trying not to stare at the giant golden doorway shimmering, reflecting rays of light into her eyes, which cut her back to reality and stammered.
“Amethyst, facet 5 cut 8XWJ! I was sent here by the orders from the military force, Jasper 3LJ, to deliver important information to the Diamonds!” She stated with her best.
“How lovely! An Amethyst delivering vital information to the Diamonds? Ha! Don’t make me laugh!” She definitely looked like she was somehow offended and shamed. “Unfortunately, the Diamonds are not in the Great Ballroom, if you wish to see them right away, they are currently in My Diamonds pool chamber, please await here for their arrival, they would be free to hear your “vital” information in another few decades or so.”
“Wait what!?” Amethyst 8XWJ slipped a bit but remained calm, “I mean...the war is in progress as we speak! The commander request back up from the diamonds immediately! Can’t you just let us cut or something?”
“Oh, sure you can! I mean, where would we be with all this waiting and order? Just go to the diamond’s chamber pool and see if they’re willing to take the time for you.” The tiny floating gem replies with much sarcasm, but Amethyst took no notice.
“Great! Let’s go Holly!” The amethyst said but abruptly stopped, and gulped…
“Oh let’s go indeed! And it looks like you know exactly what will happen next!” Holly spoke with such cheer and enthusiasm it was scary…
To be continued…
(A/N: Sooo, as you finished reading you will realize I will be heading towards story interpretation of what might have happened from different perspectives. By reading these, you will see how scenes MIGHT lead to the title, the bright light.
Most of you might be thinking, “I'm here for Pink Pearl and HER au! Just because you include her as a small character in this story doesn’t make her your main focus!”
And to that I say, 
Yeah you’re right.
But prior to this story, the other story not really focusing on Pink Pearl, “Coral” is Part 2 of Bismuth, which is similar to this chapter, writing mainly the story of how it might have went, cuz honestly, im pretty curious how everything happened from the rebellion to the corruption even to the cluster.
So if theres any questions or confusion, feel free to ask them so you can get the clear picture. I won't reveal my next chapters tho, that would be a surprise for yall.
So this tells me you read the whole thing, which is pretty impressive, Part 2 of this chapter will be coming up in a week or two.
Happy reading and till next time!)
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turbomun · 5 years
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behold: the better Centi
once upon a time i was writing a fanfic about Centipeedle called Song Seekers (read it here if you’re into that sort of thing). I never finished it, but recently I’ve been thinking about how it would work in an AU where Centi got an actual fucking character arc instead of being relegated to the background all the time.
my second design of her (based on old concept sketches) is cuter than the final canon design so i hereby decree that in my AU she looks like this.
full backstory & info below:
Centi’s actual name is Nephrite, but she doesn’t go by her gem name for reasons that will soon become clear. In this AU, she began a gradual pattern of recovery after Steven’s attempt to heal her, where she would revert often but was slowly getting back to her original state — at least physically. Mentally, the corruption had lasting effects of hypersensitivity, difficulty understanding social cues, lack of coordination, and other stuff that yeah was basically autism come fight me I’m using autistic license. She also couldn’t draw her weapon or use her powers without seriously reverting. Anyway she got Steven to healing-spit her two crewmates after it became apparent that she really was getting better. They are also Nephrites, and Steven nicknamed them Neph and Frita. Centi is NOT loyal to the Diamonds; quite the contrary, she’s fucking pissed at the Diamonds for abandoning all the gems on Earth after corrupting them.
With Centi doing better, the Crystal Gems started a mission to investigate possible cures for healing corruption, and they invited her to come with them. She was fairly sure that she wouldn’t be of much use to them due to her lingering corruption and lack of fighting skills, but agreed anyway. The Gems hypothesized that there might be a song to reverse corruption, the same way as how a song induced corruption. However, they’d all barely gotten started before a commander gem and some Ruby foot soldiers started hounding them.
The commander gem turned out to be Centi’s old boss, Hessonite, who was following an intermittent signal from a tracker embedded in Centi’s suit (which only worked when her body was as close to whole as it could get, and didn’t emit anything when she was reverted). Centi eventually goes to talk to her while the Crystal Gems lay low and find out that Hessonite’s interested in how the hell Centi is suddenly uncorrupted (no I am not letting the fucking Diamonds off the hook in my AU). Hessonite wants to take Centi back and study her. Centi thinks maybe this could be a good opportunity to go undercover and find the corruption cure, and agrees on the condition that Hessonite heal Neph and Phrita. Hessonite’s like “oh you Nephrites, always so obsessed with your crew, how adorable” and agrees.
Hessonite takes the Centi Gang to a Homeworld base on Mars, with the CGs following close behind in the Rubies’ pod (this would be before Room for Ruby). The base is used by the Diamonds to study corruption. Hessonite explains that they have a special instrument (sort of ocarina-like in appearance) for playing a song that physically stabilizes corrupted gems, but mentally, they’re never 100% what they were before. She uses Neph and Phrita to demonstrate; at this point, Hessonite doesn’t realize that Centi is still corrupted, and Centi is doing her best to pretend not to be so as to keep up the charade of being “””””useful””””” to the Diamonds. The whole time, she’s secretly pissed as hell that Homeworld only bothered to come back for her because they could use her.
Once Neph and Phrita are stabilized, the CGs attempt to break in and steal the stabilizer instrument, but Centi accidentally reverts in front of Hessonite and tips her off that something’s wrong here. She catches the CGs and Centi attempts to hold her back, despite being in pretty bad fighting shape. Luckily, Steven gets ahold of the stabilizer, plays the song, and manages to stop Centi from reverting and enable her to draw her weapon. Suddenly she’s able to fight, and she does, while saying how she’s not the same Nephrite who was obedient to Homeworld, she’s not Nephrite at all, she’s Centi and she’s accepted the gem she’s become.
The CGs eventually overpower Hessonite and the Mars Base gems and escape, but in the struggle, two things happen: Centi gets poofed, and the stabilizer gets smashed in the chaos. Centi reforms in a new CG outfit. The CGs lament that they can’t heal any more corrupted gems right now, but at least they knew that healing is possible and that there’s hope for everyone in the bubble room.
By the time of the movie, Centi is living in Little Homeworld. Besides Steven, she’s friends with Amethyst and Peridot, but is reluctant to get to know other once-corrupted gems because she wasn’t healed the “proper” way and is self-conscious about her mental differences. She has a small ship of her own and uses it to give “local” (not long enough to need a Warp Pad) rides to various Little Homeworld residents.
I think that’s about it. Centi Deserved Better 2k19 Initiative
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c-atm · 5 years
Bittersweet Meetings pt8
“Hey, you ok there Steven...looking kind of spacey and red. Not getting ill on me now, are ya?”
Steven shot her a sly grin.'“What? You know I only get sick once a year...Any other time I'm as sturdy as diamond. “
Lapis hummed before leaning over the table and closer to Steven. “So what’s with the red face then?”  
“Nothing up, just red cause I’m red.”
She squinted her eyes as an impish smirk came. “Don’t tell me It’s because of my comment. What did I shake your heart?”
“Oh please.” inside Steven relaxed a bit at the teasing tone. ' Just my imagination after all.'
“So why are you blushing then.”
Steven shook his head and smirked coyly, leaning closer a bit. “ Just thinking, how nice you look in the light is all.”
Steven watched with an arched eyebrow as Lapis avoid to look his way directly as she sat back to her seat, a shy grin on her face. “You shouldn’t say things like that, if ya don’t mean it.”
“Who say I don’t mean it?”
He saw her cheeks glowed a bit. “..Charmer.”
“Just speaking facts”
Lapis looked up at Steven from her upper peripheral. “Oh-Oh really?“
Steven nodded. “It’s public opinion that the four of the Student Council are attractive..to put it lightly.” 
Lapis she rolled her eyes; her face a bit red with embarrassment as she leaned back into her chair. “You’re a punk.”
Steven laughed at the statement making her pout even more. “Was my answer wrong?”
“Oh just...Forget it.”
Steven kissed his teeth lightly. “Don’t be mad at me, Lappy. Didn’t you say I was adorable?“
Steven folded his hands and blinked his eyes to give the ‘action’ of flashing his eyelashes which got a little smile from his friend.
“Oh stop it.”
Steven stuck his bottom lip out forward and tilted his head to the side giving her a puppy dog pout. “Not until you forgive me.”  
Lapis moaned in both annoyance and amusement before nodding with her hands up. "Fine, I forgive you, just stop with all the faces...It's a strange combo of horrifying and hilarious." 
Steven was about to respond when Kiki placed large there two drinks and 18 inch pizza between the two. Triple cheese, pepperoni, hot dog slices, tomato, chicken, red peppers, lemon and plops of durian throughout. Lapis looked a bit intimidated at the pizza,  while Steven was nearly salivating at its smell and appearance.
"There you go, two large drinks and a Converse custom."
The two shot the waitress a grateful smile, before Steven spoke. "Thank you Kiki, you can put this on my tab."
Kiki gave slight smile that didn't reach the mischievous glint in her eyes." No problem...So...Not to be Jenny, but I'm a bit surprised to see you two here."
Lapis didn't say anything as she took a bite of the pizza finding quite good, if a bit overloaded. Steven on the other hand arched an eyebrow mid bite.
"Just saying, thought you'd still be celebrating Connie's birthday, with everyone else."
Steven sighed and his eyes were a bit downcast. "Yeah, we did, but-"
"It was boring. So we decided to leave and do our own thing.."
Kiki and Steven looked at lapis who was looking out the window. She gave them a side look but didn't say anything else.
Kiki arched an eyebrow and gave Steven a bemused  smile. "Really?"
"It's-It's not what you th-"
"We're on a date."
Steven breath got caught in his throat at the claim. He turned his eyes to Kiki; who was looking quite surprised herself, before looking at Lapis, who was unbothered by Kiki. She kept looking at him from the side...making those feelings stir up again. This time more foreign than familiar. It made him a bit uncertain that they were on the same page.
Kiki looked back and forth between the two and even the pizza, before shaking her head with a smile. "Well I am gonna leave you two it. Enjoy yourselves." That's when Kiki turned an gave Steven a strain smile hidden from Lapis. "And the pizza." 
Steven chuckle tensely as Kiki gave them both one last smile and headed back to the counter. Taking a bite out of his pizza, he looked to Lapis,  who was on her third slice and still facing the window deep in thought. The two ate in relatively comfortable silence as thoughts ran through Steven head.
'The heck was all that about? Why would she say it like that to Kiki, like we're on a actual date. I mean, yeah we said it was, but it was in jest, right? We're just hanging out as friends. Also so what with the cold statement and defensive tone about Connie's party?She seemed to be having fun when I arrived..'
A small smile appeared as his thoughts shifted. 'Though on the subject of the party...Wonder if Connie got to my present yet?  She did look like she was enjoying herself...and she was really wearing that outfit..'
"So sexy."
Steven shook his head with Lapis was staring at him with slightly amused, slightly judging. By the look of her blue eyes he could tell she had an idea of what or who he was thinking about. 
"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
Steven was caught off guard at Lapis words. He waved her off with a grin.
"Naw, It's alright. We did said it was a friendly date, right?"
Lapis rubbed her arm a little before speaking "Yeah. A date as friends."
Steven nodded as he took another slice. Just as he was about to bite Lapis spoke.
"So...Is this something you'd usually do with Connie?"
Steven froze, his teeth gently touching his slice as he looked at waiting Lapis. He cleared his throat "What do you mean?"
"Do you and Connie usually go on hangout like these...Or are they real dates."
Steven sat quietly, eating his slice. With a lick of his lip he looked towards Lapis. "We have our outings."
Lapis didn't say anything but found her slice much more compelling than Steven. 
"Is this pizza a result of one of your outings?"
"Is it that oblivious?"
Lapis scoffed. "I guess so."
Steven took a close look at the swimmer; she was so withdrawn now, a complete one-eighty than earlier. though he couldn't help the smirk on his face as he observed her. It gave him a reminiscent feeling.
"What's on your mind? Thinking about the birthday girl?"
Steven gave her a gaze and allowed himself a smirk at her cool demeanor. 
"Actually, the way you look reminds me of the day we met."
Lapis faced him and gave a relaxed smirk.
"Sheesh, you still remember that day."
"Of course, It's a very important day for me. I met you, my beach summer fun buddy, right?"
Lapis dipped her head low. "Bringing out the old nickname, you're either feeling guilty or you want something."
"Well, I would like you to enjoy this time with me, But other than that.. it just your demeanor and lone disposition that brought it to the forefront. Except  you had water dripping of you and hair clinging to ya."
Lapis threw a piece of pepperoni at her cohort who caught it in his mouth, a smug smile on his lips.. Steven watched as she peeked her head up to look at him.  "Oh shut up."
"Just like the day I met you."
"I was such a bitch to you and the others.."
Steven eyes sadden and his smiled dropped a bit. "You weren't the most forthcoming person.. but you weren't a bitch. Rough around the edges, yeah but not a bitch."
"I caused arguments with everyone...Hell even me and Ms. Perfect got into it a couple of times."
"Ms. Perfect huh?" Steven remembered...Lapis of the past did cause a bit of disturbance within the group. Despite her appearance  as a lone wolf, she was really just shy and socially awkward. Which led to her being abrasive, dismissive, and even confrontational at times with the others. The Diamond crusted bond she now had with those them, wasn't easy to forge, but she seemed to really clash with Jasper and Connie. 'Ms. Perfect was her nickname for the latter at that.
 Her and Jasper just didn't get along at first. Clash of personalities that usually erupted fiery rage that on more than one occasion nearly became physical, but usually eased off quickly only to start again.
When Lapis and Connie went at, as rare as it was, those were some cold, emotionless tear-down of each other characters. Aiming at insecurities, faults, mistakes, nothing was off limits, and it all spewed from Connie patience for Lapis attitude running thin. Then one day it just stopped. Whatever happened to change the relationship between those three, it did for the better. He did remember seeing a group of kids from school avoid those three like the plague all through 6th and 8th grade. 
"What happened that day between you three.. How you squashed the beef?"
Lapis shrugged her shoulders and turn skyward. "They helped me out when I needed it. That's all I am gonna say. That's between us." 
"Does it have something to do with Hessonite and her group being wary of you three in middle school.
Lapis gave a dark chuckle towards her friend  "Maybe."
Steven could only shook his head. "You know..You never argued with me like you did with the others. Why is that?"
lapis shrugged. "Cutie walks up to you with no alternative intentions, but to be your friend. Kind of hard to say no after a few days of pestering."
"I'm a pest now, huh. Well at least I'm cute."
lapis rolled her eyes "objectively."
"Pssh.. You think I'm cute, you know it.."
She flashed him a faux smile. "Adorable."
"So are you, especially when you smile lappy."
Her groan cause Steven to feel off.
"You have to stop saying things like that to me...Might give me false hope."
She spoke low and it was for herself. .but Steven picked up the mutter clearly. He was about to speak when Lapis beat him to it.
"Have you ever considered seriously dating one of us?"
It felt like a bomb went off in Stevens chest. ‘This is gonna end up badly.’
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I think it's kind of ironic that pearls, as a gem class, are the most unique, but the most restrained and confined
Homeworld values two things:
And purpose
Most gems serve a purpose, but have it eased enough that they still have free time. High class gems rest between missions. Quartzes have breaks between work missions. And furthermore, quartzes can be repurposed for anything. An amethyst guarding a door is a totally different job from an amethyst clearing out a mineral mine. Yet they are put under the most uniformity. Defects are not allowed, off colors are not allowed, if an amethyst is too short, too overcooked, too disfigured, had it not been for the rescourse crisis they would have trashed her and repurposed her gem as a power source (as was done with lapis, implied to be 'gem harvesting'). The amethyst at the door and the amethyst in the mine are expected to both be completely perfect and look indistinguishable.
Pearls are the only gems that don't follow uniformity laws. They are costume made, they don't grow mass produced in kindergartens because a pearl is an earned trophey, not a working purpose gem. A pearl made for a hessonite will look much different than a pearl made for an emerald, or a sapphire, or a ruby. They won't waste rescources premaking all those pearls designed for each possible gem that could possibly get a pearl. That's why each pearl is made individually, and that's what makes pearls the most unique gems, each single pearl is wholey unique and individual, nothing like any other pearl.
But as a contrast, they suffer under the most strict purpose laws. A pearl doesn't get breaks, they don't have group missions. Each pearl must do what her master tells her to do, at any time. They are slaves, wholey and undeniably.
Most gems are forced to look alike and be the same, most amethysts even share a similar personality, yet get breaks of freedom and don't have too strict of a purpose, a gem at the door, at the mine, in the courtyard.
Pearls are the only gems allowed individuality and uniquness, no two pearls are alike, and they are made specially, not mass produced, even blue and yellow pearl are completely different personalitywise, yet have the least amount of freedom or say about their autonomy, under the word and mercy of one gem.
Idk i just like the difference in how harshly the rules apply. Its kind of ironic.
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