#Hudson is such a good dad
theorangestar · 1 year
I finished the quest “Mattison’s Independence” yesterday. I’m not crying you’re crying!!
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alicepao13 · 4 months
My mind has completely bypassed the prison episode (kinda like the schedule has) and is now focused on Hudson and Son and its potential for emotional whump.
Now, I know that the Hudson and Rex writers can't be inside my mind (and truly, good for them, it's a terrifying place) but I'd have written this for Charlie and his dad, using the very few plot points they've fed us: Charlie was his father's pride and was set to join the Navy as he had been expected to do, despite not feeling it and being more into mystery solving (the later is mentioned in the show). And then he decided to take a year off before college (again, as mentioned in the show) as a last act of defiance or soul searching before joining the Navy. Where he came in peace with not wanting to join the Navy and wanting to be a law enforcement officer, so when he came back he announced it to his folks and his father wasn't pleased, thus causing some friction between them, which they were both aware of but in typical Hudson men fashion never acknowledged.
Don't get me wrong, what Charlie said about being tired of trying to be the peacekeeper between his father and his younger brother Jack is valid and can be frustrating (I can sadly relate to that) but I don't think it's quite enough. And you can't have him appear in the episode while the supposed root of the tension is between his dad and Jack, like, there is nothing to be resolved there. You bring the character to resolve the tension between him and Charlie.
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
Happy Birthday in the afterlife to Robin Williams!
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burrowlvrr · 5 months
— ANXIOUS VICTORY, joe burrow.
PAIRING: Joe Burrow 𝔁 Black!Wife!Reader
GENRE: Husband & Dad Joe
SUMMARY: In which — Y/N has her mind set on attending Joe's game with their three year old twins, Hudson and Elijah, but Joe has his worries due to her blossoming pregnancy.
NOTE: Fair warning, this is kind of long because I enjoy reading long stories/imagines. Feedback is appreciated as well as your support. I apologize for any spelling errors or mistakes. Feel free to send me more ideas and suggestions, enjoy!
UNIVERSE: Tenderhearts & Touchdowns!
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The Burrow home was warm, dimly lit, and smelled of tomato sauce. Joe and Y/N's three year old twins, Hudson and Elijah, were sprawled out on their living room rug, scribbling away in their new Paw Patrol coloring books. Y/N was washing a few more dishes as she waited for the garlic bread in the oven, and Joe was setting the table as he usually did to help his wife. He had just placed the twins' booster seats on their plush dining chairs as the oven began to beep — indicating that it was time for him to rush to the kitchen, so he could get the bread out of the oven before Y/N. He entered the kitchen just in time, seeing his wife bent over sliding an oven mitt on her hand.
"No, ma'am." He spoke, placing his right hand on the small of her back. "I'll do it."
Y/N straightened her back, smiling at the blonde man as she slid the oven mitt off of her hand. "I'm perfectly capable of grabbing a pan of breadsticks, honey." She said, earning a small chuckle from her husband.
"I know, mama." He took the oven mitt from her, moving it onto his much larger hand. "I just wanna make sure you don't strain yourself too much." The volume of his voice descended as he bent over, and quickly opened the oven before removing the fresh breadsticks from it. Y/N couldn't help but blush from how considerate her husband was, how he always had been. He was the exact same level of protective when she was pregnant with Hudson and Elijah, only he was much more anxious because they were the first pregnancy.
"I'll fix all of our plates." He placed the pan on the counter, throwing the oven mitt to the side. "You go grab the monsters. The food'll be on the table when you get back." He finished, placing a quick kiss to her forehead before she turned and exited the kitchen.
Waddling into the dimly lit living room, she slowly crouched down to her children's level. "Hi, mama." Hudson chirped. "Hey, mommy!" Elijah cheesed, both of them looking up from their coloring books for the first time in over ten minutes.
"Hey, champs." She ran a hand over their unruly blonde curls, "Are you guys hungry? Daddy is getting your favorite ready."
Their little blue eyes immediately widened in excitement, lifting up from their stomachs to their feet. "Sketti?" He showed his bright teeth as he looked at his mother, Elijah put a hand on his head, looking up at the ceiling with a groan.
"Ugh! We always have sketti, guys!" Y/N giggled at Hudson's excitement and Elijah's annoyance before nodding her head. "Yeah. Sorry, buddy. Sketti is really good and easy for mommy to make." Elijah crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk, giving his mother a knowing look.
"We have to clean up our mess before we eat, though. Okay?" Y/N said, her boys seemingly standing at attention now.
They nodded their heads. "Yes, ma'am!" They chirped, plopping down to their knees. Hudson grabbed their coloring books and neatly stacked them on the table, while Elijah quickly threw their crayons into a large pencil box. He closed the lid before Hudson threw their coloring books on top, grabbing it and sliding it on the table next to their long couch. "All done!" Y/N smiled brightly at her boys, feeling her heart swell with joy knowing how well her and Joe had been raising their boys.
She took her time to rise to her feet, being mindful of her big belly. Once she stood up straight, her boys reached out for her hand and began leading her into the dining room. Joe's face lit up seeing his favorite people, the twins released their mother's hand before running to their father's side instead. "Hey, dudes!" Joe smiled, placing the final plate down on the table and engulfing his sons into a tight hug. "You guys ready to eat?"
Y/N smiled as the boys vigorously nodded their heads. Joe placed them in their booster seats one at a time, where they immediately picked up their small forks and shoveled noodles into their mouths. Joe pulled his wife's chair out as usual, rubbing her shoulder gently once she sat down. "Thank you." She said, placing her napkin on her thigh.
The dining room was consumed by the quiet. The only noise being the scraping of forks on the plates, and the exaggerated slurping sound from the twins eating their dinner. Dinner always went this way, the first few minutes are quiet, then once Y/N starts slowly becoming full she breaks the silence. She finished chewing her garlic bread, wiping her mouth with her napkin before placing it down on the table. Her eyes sparked with enthusiasm, "Guess what, honey? The boys and I were thinking of coming to your game this weekend!"
Joe with a mouthful of spaghetti noodles, glanced over at their lively toddlers, and couldn't help but feel a wave of concern. "You sure about that, babe? The game can get pretty chaotic, especially with the boys being so energetic, and, well, you being pregnant." He said, his tone laced with concern as he spoke.
His wife only smiled, her eyes reflecting her determination. "I know it might be a lot, but they love watching you play, and I want them to experience that excitement. Plus, the baby can hear the crowd cheering, right?" She suggested. She was right, if they went, it would be her and the twins' first game in a while due to her pregnancy's waves of sickness. She had been feeling great all week, and had been itching to see Joe in action on the field.
Joe sighed as he placed his fork down, torn between wanting his family there and worrying about their well-being. "I just don't want it to be too much for you." He looked at his wife, "The stadium can get pretty loud, and the boys are two big bundles of energy."
Look, Y/N was pregnant, almost a week past her five month mark. Her belly wasn't huge, but it most definitely wasn't little either. She had been sick for most of the pregnancy so far, and sometimes between the pain it was fairly easy for her to become aggravated. Joe was very understanding in those times, and was always sweet to her no matter her attitude. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I appreciate your concern, Joe, but we can handle it."
Hudson, completely oblivious to the conversation, was busy playing with his food. While Elijah was occasionally mimicking the cheers of a football crowd. As the dinner conversation continued, Joe could sense Y/N's irritation slowly rising even though she was doing pretty well at containing it. "I don't know, babe. Can I just think about it a bit more?" He asked genuinely, looking toward his wife with brooding eyes.
She forced a small smile as she huffed out her nose, "Yeah, sure." She replied, standing from her seat and gathering her plate and silverware. "I think I'm gonna take a bubble bath. Can you put the boys to bed?"
Joe nodded, eyeing his wife's body language as she walked into the kitchen to put her dishes away. She came back into the dining room, placing a kiss on Hudson and Elijah's tomato splattered cheeks before making her way up the stairs. She didn't look at Joe again, letting him know that she truly was irritated with him now and he would have to smooth things over before bed.
He looked toward his twins with a smile, "You full?"
Y/N took her time in the bathtub. She felt guilty about leaving dinner abruptly, but she knew Joe would come around, even if it took just a little bit of time. Although she didn't feel up for a conversation right now, she wished Joe would come upstairs already because she hated being upset with him. That was really the only downside of her pregnancy, she was always so emotional and found herself getting irritated with her husband much easier. She finally decided to step out of the bathtub, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body.
Joe figured Y/N wanted to be alone for a bit longer, so once he had the boys sound asleep in their race car shaped beds, he went back downstairs and cleaned up the mess left behind by dinner. Y/N had just slipped out of the bathroom, when Joe quietly shut the door to their shared bedroom. He almost winced as he watched his wife walk right past him, grabbing some clothes before going back into their bathroom.
He sat down at the foot of their bed, thinking about how he should approach his wife on the soft topic. Once he had an idea, he untucked their sheets, set his alarms and turned on their bedside lamp. Trading his sweater and jeans for a pair of sweatpants, he made his way over to the bathroom door. He hesitated for a moment, before lifting his hand to softly knock on the door. "Y/N, can I come in, please?"
He heard a faint response, slowly opening the door to find his wife standing at the sink, applying a lotion to her under eyes. He took a moment to examine her features, a look of frustration and hurt was on her face. "I didn't mean to upset you and I'm sorry if it came across in the wrong way." Joe began, his voice filled with remorse. "I just worry about you guys at the game."
Y/N turned to face Joe, seeing the look of guilt and worry on his face. "I know, I just feel like you don't want us there or something." She tried to hush the last part of her sentence, but Joe heard her loud and clear. He could tell by the way her bottom lip began to puff out, she was slowly getting closer to a breakdown. He instantly brought his hands to her cheeks, running his thumbs over her under eyes. "I thought we were supposed to share these moments as a f—family." She stuttered, and her vision blurred from the tears that began to burn her eyes. Her pregnancy was effecting her emotions more than ever right now, and that alone was irritating her more than Joe.
"That's the last thing that I want." Joe said, "I'm just really worried, that's all." Y/N nodded her head, feeling a wave of defeat wash over her body. She nodded her head slowly, as she reached up to remove Joe's hands from her face. "Okay, honey."
Joe felt so guilty, hesitated before he decided to speak up again. He reached Y/N's hand before she could grab the door knob, "Hold up, you gotta let me finish." He said, causing his wife to look up at him with tired eyes. "Maybe it's just my nerves talking. I want you and the boys there more than anything. You just gotta promise me you'll take it easy, okay? Don't go all wifey-bear if I get sacked and scream so loud you lose your voice." Her eyes instantly lit up, she stood up straight to adjust her slouching shoulders.
"You know I can't promise that, Joey." She joked, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "I won't do too much screaming, I don't wanna scare my boys just yet." Joe could see how her mood had already changed, a warm smile of his own forming on his face.
"I'll bring them some ear protection, and I'll even keep your parents on speed dial if I need anything." She reassured his worries, a wave of relief washing over his features as he swept a few stray curls from her forehead. He rested his hand on her cheek, looking into her eyes lovingly. "Okay, mama." He whispered, licking his lips as his eyes grazed over her whole face.
Y/N noticed the way he wet his bottom lip, "Just gonna keep starin' at me, or are you gonna kiss me?" She teased, looking up at her much taller husband. Joe didn't think twice before placing a soft kiss to his wife's lips, pulling away much quicker than she wanted him to. He peeled back with a smirk, leaning over her shoulder to open to bathroom door. "Let's get some sleep."
He helped her into their large bed, throwing the blankets over her, she instantly pulled them up to her chin. Joe made his way to his respective side of the bed, sliding in the sheets beside his wife, who mindlessly scooted closer to him and laid her head on his chest. "I'm sorry for blowing that whole thing out of proportion." She apologized, tracing shapes onto her husband's chest.
Joe shook his head, rubbing circles on her shoulder. "You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N. Just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you can't make your own decisions. I failed to recognize that. I'm sorry, baby." Joe apologized right back, causing his wife to look up at him with a remorseful expression on her face.
"It's alright, Joey. I get that you were just worried." She responded, moving her ring clad hand to his cheek, rubbing the stubble that he knew she loved so much. "I promise you, Hudson and Elijah are gonna have so much fun, it'll all be so worth it." Joe smiled warmly, thinking of the smile that will never leave their faces once they're at the game. It's not like it would be their first game, it'll just be their first one since their mom found out she was pregnant with their younger sibling.
"I know." Joe replied, watching as his wife's eyes clearly began to get heavier to hold open. He grabbed her hand from his cheek, moving it to his lips before kissing her palm. "Goodnight, mama. I love you."
"Goodnight, Joey. I love you more."
The stadium buzzed with anticipation as the Bengals star quarterback prepared for the upcoming game. A subtle layer of worry masked his usual game-day focus, even after the conversations he'd had with his wife a few nights before. His five month pregnant wife, Y/N, and their wildly energetic three year old boys, Hudson and Elijah, were attending the game tonight.
Joe paced nervously around the locker room, glancing at his phone for any updates. The last time Y/N had texted him was the let him know they were getting snacks first, seeing as she didn't want to be up and around much during the game. He couldn't shake the concern about any potential challenges of having his family amidst the excitement of a football game.
"Everything okay, Joe?" Tee Higgins inquired, noticing the furrowed brow. He chewed a piece of bubblegum harshly, cocking his head to the side to look at his quarterback.
"Yeah, just a bit worried. Y/N's pregnant and the boys can be quite the handful. I want them to enjoy the game, but it's chaotic out there." Joe admitted.
His teammate, understanding the delicate balance between family and the intensity of the game, offered a reassuring nod. "They'll be fine. Your family is strong, just like you, man."
Just then, their coach gathered all their attention and Joe quickly thanked Tee for his understanding before grabbing his helmet.
As game time approached, Joe couldn't help but steal glances at the stands. When he spotted Y/N, her baby bump noticeable, with Hudson and Elijah, wide-eyed with excitement, a mix of anxiety and joy flooded their emotions. They both wore some ear protection that looked like it could weigh their head down if they leaned to one side, he smiled seeing his wife's hand raise in the air to give him an excited wave.
Y/N watched the whole game on the edge of her seat, occasionally standing up despite her best efforts to stay seated — trying her best to follow Joe's safety requests. Hudson's smile never fell, he was screaming louder than anyone in their section for his father. Elijah clapped in excitement, looking over at his mother and pointing to his father every three or so minutes. They had been to a few games before, but they were a little older and had a better understanding of the sport. They were already talking about playing it once they started school next year.
Y/N clapped her hands loudly as halftime finally approached, she knew Joe would be over there soon. Not even ten minutes later, her blue eyed husband was standing in front of them on the sidelines. "Hey, you guys okay?" he greeted, a touch of concern in his eyes.
"We're doing great, honey. And so are you." Y/N smiled, reaching her hand down to touch Joe's. Joe smiled widely, relieved to know that his family was enjoying themselves. Hudson and Elijah, both bouncing with enthusiasm, chimed in, "Daddy, did you see us? We waved at you!"
Joe's worry melted into a grin. "I saw, guys!" He reached up high to touch both of his son's heads. "That's awesome. Just make sure you're having fun, okay? And both of you be good for mama!"
Due to his coach's demands, Joe had to jog to the locker room after their interaction. Y/N, Hudson and Elijah waved him goodbye and took their seats until the second half.
As the game progressed, Joe felt a newfound motivation fueled by the presence of his family. Y/N, attuned to his emotions, whispered words of encouragement, both calming and inspiring. Meanwhile, Hudson and Elijah's cheers echoed through the stadium, each one a source of pride for his quarterback father. The Bengals came out on top, the game ending with a touchdown made by a pass from Joe. After the game, Y/N grabbed all of their belongings and both of her sons hands, being careful as they went up and down steps. They stood outside the locker room as she'd done since her and Joe began dating in college, both her and her boys bouncing with anticipation for the man to come out to them.
Once he emerged from the locker room, he swung his bag to his back, took Hudson onto his hip and hugged his wife with one arm around her neck. Y/N held Elijah on her hip as well. "You guys made this win even sweeter. Thanks for being here." he said, genuine gratitude in his eyes.
Y/N hugged him tightly, "We wouldn't miss it for the world. We're your biggest fans, no matter the chaos." She raised a hand to rank through his blonde hair, tears prickling in her eyes. They weren't tears of sadness or fear, just tears of pure happiness.
As they left the stadium, the Burrow family walked hand in hand, the worries of the game day transformed into a cherished memory. In that moment, Joe realized that having his wife and sons by his side added a layer of joy and support that went beyond the triumphs on the field. They were a team, weathering the excitement and challenges together, creating a bond that extended far beyond the football game.
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alexfromjersey · 10 months
𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 & 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓐𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮
jenna x g!poc
summary: jenna avoids talking to her family. jah plans a spontaneous outing
warnings: mature language, smut, tiny bit of violence
a/n: this is my all-time fav fanfic to write. I actually enjoy writing again, it’s been a long time since I’ve said that. also I can’t express enough how much I appreciate 230+ followers it’s small to some but this is huge to me thank you 🥺🫶🏾. enjoy the chapter - 5.5k words
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“Jenna…you’re pregnant?”
Those words coming out of her mother’s mouth made all the air in Jenna’s body disappear. Nervousness filled her and tears started to fill her eyes. At the sight, you instantly stood up from leaning against the car.
“What happened?” You mouthed in concern to her.
“Hello? Jenna?”
Jenna stepped away, “How did you find out?”
It was quiet on the other side for a moment, “So it’s true…you are pregnant.”
“Yeah, Mom I am. Listen I was going to call you and Dad and tell you guys but I had other things to handle first” Jenna explained.
“Handle? What things needed to be handled first? I get a call at one in the morning while on break at work from Hudson. My heart done fell out of my ass because I thought something bad happened to you-”
“Wait, wait Hudson called you and told you?” Jenna questioned.
“Yes. Told me that you got pregnant by some hoodlum. Who is this person anyway? You never mentioned you were seeing anyone” Natalie asked.
Jenna looked at you, you were glancing at her with concern and confusion. You saw that her face contorted into something that kinda scared you…and turned you on.
“Mom I have to go but I promise I will call you back and explain everything,” Jenna said.
Jenna didn’t wait for her mother to reply before she hung up the phone. Her walk back to you was full of annoyance and frustration.
“What happ-”
“I need to go somewhere” Jenna interrupted you and texted Big L to go home. As she passed you, she took the keys out of your hand.
“Uh…” That was all you were able to say as Jenna got into the driver's seat. Sensing the anger radiating from her, you just decided to follow her. You hopped in the car and Jenna pulled off immediately.
After a deathly silent drive to NoHo, you quickly arrive in front of a luxury loft apartment building. Jenna turned off the car and quickly hopped out. You were right on her heels.
She walked into the lobby where she was greeted by a doorman.
“Good evening Ms. Ortega” The doorman greeted.
But Jenna ignored him, her focus was on getting the little bastard on the top floor. You and her walk into the elevator which was thankfully empty.
“You gon’ talk or what? I’m lost on this entire thing right now” You questioned.
“My mother knows” Jenna revealed.
Your eyes widen at the revelation, “oh shit.”
“Oh shit is right. The person who told her lives in this building” Jenna said and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Mhmm” You hummed.
The two of you stood in silence for a moment almost to the floor Hudson lived on. You took the ring off your pinky finger and stuffed your necklace into your shirt. You also pulled off your glasses and held them in your hand.
Jenna looked at you, “What are you doing?”
“I’m getting ready just in case I gotta beat a bitch ass” You shrugged nonchalantly.
Soon, the two of you arrived on Hudson’s floor. You followed behind Jenna until she stopped at the last door on the floor. She started to bang on the door nonstop.
A few moments later, the door swung open to reveal a groggy Hudson. Before the door fully opened, Jenna pushed her way inside.
“You had no right! No fucking right to tell my mother my business” Jenna seethed.
Now Hudson was fully awake, “I did you a favor!”
You casually walked inside the apartment and close the door. You leaned against the counter watching the scene unfold.
“No! You did yourself a favor! I told you to stay out of this. I told you multiple times and you still keep doing it. You were my best friend Hudson and I trusted you! But now I’m done with you Hudson.” Jenna snapped.
Hudson’s face contorts into an angry one, “Done with me! After everything I did for you, you just going to drop me like that! You know what, maybe I should tell the world and your little thug girlfriend everything about you and I mean everything. Show everyone the real Jenna Ortega” Hudson threatened lowly.
If it was possible Hudson would be liquified by the way Jenna was glaring into his soul.
“Or maybe I should just show her all the videos and headlines. Especially the most recent one that’s not even a year old yet.” Hudson challenged the smaller brunette.
Hudson was suddenly cut off by a pain in his left cheek and his head whipped to the right. You instantly get up and pull Jenna away from Hudson.
“Okay, time to go,” You said and continued to pull her away.
Hudson glared at Jenna as he rubbed his cheek. You and Jenna leave the boy’s apartment and make your way back to the elevator. Tears were now falling freely down Jenna’s face. Once inside you push the emergency stop button. The elevator stops and you turn towards Jenna.
Immediately Jenna started to sob and you rushed in to pull her close to you. Your arm wrapped around her and she grabbed a fist full of your shirt. You felt her whole body racked with sobs. You kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter.
It's been two days since Jenna last spoke with her mother. Technically Natalie was calling and texting her daughter but she was too afraid to answer. Instead, the actress coped in her hotel room avoiding everyone, crying, and eating up all the room service food.
You just came back from shooting hoops with Davis and a few other friends. You took your shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. You haven't heard from the actress in a while and you were getting worried. So you grabbed your keys and set off to her hotel.
The journey didn't take long and you made your way up to the floor you knew she stayed on. You then knocked three knocks on the door. A few moments later, an exhausted looking Jenna opened the door.
"Damn girl you look terrible" You spoke without a second thought.
Jenna glared at you, "I will slam this door in your face."
"I'm sorry. My intrusive thoughts won that round. What you doing being cooped up in this stuffy ass room?"
"Sulking in my depression" Jenna replied and left from the door. You stepped inside and closed the door behind you. The hotel room was a lot different from the last of you were in. This was like presidential suite, it had a kitchen, multiple rooms, a big ass dining table, and 85inch TVs.
"That Scream money got you in severe luxury. I might have to dabble into the acting business" You joked.
Jenna, however, ignored you, she instead went back into her room and buried herself under her covers.
"Nah get yo ass up," You said and ripped the comforter off Jenna's body. Underneath, she was only dressed in an oversized white button up shirt and real short shorts.
“No” Jenna moaned and tried to grab the comforter but you moved it out of the way.
“Nah get your pregnant emotional ass up” You stated.
“Real talk, I know the news hitting your fam is not the way you wanted it but they know now. It’s been two days, you can’t keep avoiding them, especially your Moms.” You continued.
“You didn’t hear how she sounded Jah. I never heard my mother sound so disappointed in my life. Not even when pictures of me smoking cigarettes came out” Jenna said.
“I get it. You do your best trying to be this perfect child for your parents. When you disappoint them, you’re afraid that they’ll look at you differently” You commented.
“Yeah,” Jenna nodded.
“But they also gotta understand that you are human. Regardless of how perfect you try to be, you are going to make mistakes in your life. If they can’t accept that then, no offense, they got parenting all wrong” You added.
“You gonna be the fun parent while I be the strict one?” Jenna questioned.
"Why can't we both be fun parents with understandable boundaries" You stated and lay back to next to her.
Jenna sighed and the two of you just lay there in a comfortable silence staring at the ceiling before Jenna spoke again. "This room is suffocating. I need to go somewhere or do something"
You sat up on your forearms, "You are just luck Hollywood. I need you to get up and get dressed. I wanna take you somewhere to get your mind off things."
"I mean there are other ways to take my mind off things" Jenna smirked.
For a second you considered what she was implying but then you had to remember your talk yesterday.
"You are a very horny woman Jenna Ortega. Now get up and get a move on you smell like a reheated supreme pizza" You smirk at her annoyed face and leave her room.
“Asshole” Jenna grumbled.
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It was an hour later, Jenna still had a little attitude with you, which you found amusing. She was finally ready to go. The two of you left your apartment and got in your car.
“Where are we going?” Jenna asked.
“You’ll see.” You smiled and started the journey to your destination. Jenna pouted and sat back in her seat. The car journey was mostly just filled with you bopping along to the music while Jenna stared at the scenery.
The disappointment in her mother’s voice still echoed throughout her head. She knew that she needed to talk to her family and explain everything but she wasn’t ready just yet.
Shortly after, you finally arrived at your destination, The Bronx Museum of the Arts. You always wanted to take someone here but you never found the right person until now.
“Welcome to the Bronx Museum of the Arts,” You smiled as you opened the door for her. The two of you walked into the building that was playing a jazzy instrumental softly.
Immediately, Jenna was amazed by the art she saw. From paintings to sculptures to graffiti art. You stood a little bit behind her as she looked over the art. You, too were interested in all the art, especially the graffiti.
Graffiti reminded you of your father. Before he left, he was a construction worker but had a talent for graffiti art. Often getting in trouble in his youth with his friends for tagging buildings, cars, and billboards. Your father tried to teach your older brother how to make graffiti art but he was never interested enough. But when you came along, he was ecstatic to finally share his talent with his one of his offspring.
“This is amazing” Jenna beamed after she finished reading the description of one of the statues.
“I’m glad you like it. I was kinda worried you wouldn’t like it” You said and scratched the back of your neck nervously.
Jenna smirked as she looked at you, “Nervous?”
You stopped scratching the back of your neck and shoved your hands in your jeans pockets.
“Nah I don’t get nervous,” You said and cleared your throat.
Jenna just nodded with a smile. As much as she wanted to hold your hand, she restrained herself and kept walking through the exhibit. You followed behind her and put a good enough distance between the two of you. Jenna took notice of it but didn't make a comment. The two of you just continued enjoying your time at the museum, learning more about the Bronx and Hip-Hop culture.
Two hours have passed and the museum was, unfortunately, closing. You and Jenna left the building, vowing to come back to finish.
Instead of leading her to the car, you make your way down the street.
It wasn’t long until you arrived at the second destination, Black Knight Lounge. It was recommended to you by one of your buddies you play hoop with. It was a low-key club that served banging food and played fire music. But what made you come here was the fact that it had an open mic night, which coincidentally was tonight.
“Party for 2,” You said to the hostess who nodded and grabbed two menus. The hostess led you to a booth to the right of the stage.
“Enjoy” The hostess smiled and placed the menus down before leaving.
“This seems familiar” Jenna joked.
You chuckled and thought back to the night your child was conceived, “Reminds me of the night we conceived our child. A night that I remember daily.”
Jenna hid her red face in the menu which you laughed at. She went back to looking over the menu while you stared at her, taking in her natural beauty. This was the most relaxed you had seen her in the past week. The girl was a busybody and often forgot that she was human and can get exhausted. Hopefully, since she’s pregnant now she’ll take her body's health into consideration more.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Black Knight Open Mic Night. For all my newcomers, open mic night is the chance to showcase your musical, poetic, or comedic talents in front of everyone. Do your best cause you never know who’s watching. Rules are: each person gets a limit of 3-4 minutes, you may perform an original or cover, and you must have the instrumental for your music or perform it yourself. The winner gets $500. Without further ado let’s get it started!” The DJ announced excitedly.
Everyone in the building clapped their hands while one person went up to the DJ booth and handed him a USB.
“Alright, we have our first performer for the night. Give it up Mr. ChiBX” The DJ yelled into the microphone.
“Twenty bucks, he chokes” You challenged the girl.
“He’s not going to choke. I believe in him” Jenna said optimistic.
You pulled out a $20 bill and smacked it on the table with a smirk. Jenna smiled and also pulled out a $20 bill and smacked it on top of yours. The two of you then turned towards the stage where the overweight middle-aged man was sweating bullets.
“I like to start off my set by telling a little joke. What do you call an angry carrot?” ChiBX asked.
No one in the room answered the man so the DJ took pity on him, “I don’t know man what do you call an angry carrot?”
“A steamed veggie” ChiBX wheezed.
You and Jenna covered your mouths as you laughed from secondhand embarrassment. Again, no one in the room laughed or chuckled. The DJ cringed before hitting a button that made a buzzing sound.
ChiBX frowned and without another word just left the stage.
“Poor guy” Jenna pouted.
You, on the other hand, grabbed the $40 from the table, “Aye I’m $40 richer.”
Jenna rolled her eyes in amusement while you did a quick little dance in your seat. The two of you continued playing the game after ordering your drinks and entrees, only adding money to the mix when one of you was super confident of winning.
While sipping your Sprite, you noticed Jenna kept glancing down at her phone.
“Call them” You blurt out.
Jenna looked up, “What?”
“Call your folks. Avoiding them more is only going to make things worse than they should be” You explained.
Jenna didn’t want to talk about it so she switched the subject, “When are you going to tell your mom?”
You sighed when she switched the subject but you didn’t want to push her to talk about anything she didn’t want to.
“She gets back from Jamaica tomorrow. Which brings me to asking you if you feel comfortable meeting her tomorrow? You can absolutely suggest another time too” You said.
Jenna contemplated meeting your mom right now, especially when she’s not on speaking terms with hers right now. But then she weighed the facts that, she’s going to be gone for a few months filming Beetlejuice in London. She didn’t want to wait until she was halfway from giving birth to tell your mother.
“Yeah I would love to meet her” Jenna smiled and nodded.
“Great” You smiled.
Moments later, your food has arrived. The two of you sat in silence and devoured your plates entirely. By the time you were both done, the place was packed now. More people got up to the mic and performed comedy pieces with only three performing rap songs.
You were now sitting beside Jenna with your arm around her and her leaning into your side. You guys wanted to stay for a little bit longer to watch whoever got on stage.
“Jahaziel?” Someone called your name from behind you.
The both of you looked to the side and saw an older gentleman dressed in a polo shirt and slacks. You recognized him as one of your father’s old friends.
“Mr. Greenhill, how you doing?” You greeted the man and shook his hand.
“I’m doing good young blood. I haven’t seen you since you were little. How’s Moms?” Mr. Greenhill gleamed.
“Yeah. She’s doing good. She comes back from Jamaica tomorrow” You answered.
“Word? I might stop by and visit her. I haven’t seen her since she and Emanuel moved to Highbridge” Mr. Greenhill said.
At the mention of your father’s name, your smile faltered a little. You hoped he didn’t ask you about how or where your father was.
“Excuse me, where are my manners. I’m Mr. Greenhill, I was a friend of her father's and I used to babysit this knucklehead” Mr. Greenhill introduced himself.
"This is Jenna...we're friends" You introduced her.
Friends. The title left a bitter taste in your mouth and an arrow in Jenna's heart.
"Nice to meet you Jenna" Mr. Greenhill smiled at her which she reciprocated. "Am I gonna see you on that stage?"
“Nah I don’t think so. I don’t have anything prepared” You declined.
“The lies you tell. You are always prepared when it comes to music. This one used to put on concerts for the whole block when she was little. Singing her heart out using songs no one expected her to sing. Like that time you sang Chain Reaction by Diana Ross” Mr. Greenhill reminisced.
You chuckled, “I remember. Dre and I were using buckets as drums.”
“Yes! Good times” Mr. Greenhill said.
You nodded in agreement.
"Alright, I don't want to interrupt your outing more than I already have. It was good seeing you young blood and again nice meeting you too Jenna." Mr. Greenhill said.
"Likewise" Jenna smiled. Mr. Greenhill left your table. You take a sip of your drink but you felt eyes burning into the side of your skull.
“What?” You questioned as you looked at Jenna.
“When were you going to tell me you made music?” Jenna raised an eyebrow.
"Oh see that's how I know you are a fake friend because I have music out," You said.
“How was I supposed to know that? You don’t even promote it” Jenna replied.
"Because I made it when I was 13. I put out four songs and three had music videos. We spent a hefty amount of money on them. Almost went homeless because of it" You shrugged and placed your drink down.
“What do you mean?” Jenna asked.
“I used to do little shows on the corner by my house with Davis and a few other friends. One day, a guy came up to me after I finished performing a song and basically sold me a dream. Told me that he was a record label agent and if I signed with him I’ll be this big child singer and I’ll be rich and yadayadayadaya. So I begged my Moms to let me sign with this man cause music is my dream, singing and dancing and performing is my love language. It took a while but my mom eventually let me sign with the man under the conditions that she will manage everything and I’ll still be in school. Everything was smooth, I made those four songs and did the music videos, my mom went from having two jobs to basically a part time job so she can manage my career. So I don’t know what made her look more deeply into these people but I’m glad she did because she found out that they were pocketing the money I made from those songs.” You explained.
Jenna gasped, “How much?”
“They pocketed almost 70k from us. We never noticed because they would show us falsified documents of where the money was going too. They would tell us all our money was going to these fake ass fees and shit. ” You said and sipped your soda.
“Wow. Do you want to make music again?” Jenna asked.
"Eh I don’t know maybe later in my career. I haven’t properly performed in almost ten years so I don’t know if I still got it in me" You shrugged.
"Doesn’t hurt to try again. This is a good opportunity to practice " Jenna said and motioned to the stage.
“Oh no thank you. I’m good" You stated.
“Aw come on Jah…like you said singing, dancing, and performing is your love language. Don’t give up on something you love. Don’t let those people prior take away your passion” Jenna said.
After a moment of contemplating, you let out a sigh, “Fine.”
You stood up from the booth and Jenna watched with excitement as you walked over to the DJ booth. You opened your phone to the notes section. You found a song you wrote a couple years ago. You skimmed through the lyrics until you felt like you had the lyrics down pack. You handed the DJ your phone with the beat on it.
“What you wanna be introduced as?” The DJ asked.
“Just Jah is fine” You answered and he nodded.
You walked up to the microphone on the small stage. You can feel everyone’s eyes on you which placed your nerves in. But when your eyes locked on brown ones, you felt every single nerve disappear. You took a deep breath in and gave a thumbs up to the DJ.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our first singing performance of the night, Just Jah!” The DJ announced.
That’s not…whatever.
The beat for your song started playing.
“It’s crazy how your heart just has a mind of its own, yeah, yeah” You started singing.
Jenna’s jaw dropped at the sound of your raspy R&B-suited voice.
“Like when a smile, that makes a choice on its own”
Jenna was completely enchanted by everything about you. From learning that you can sing to your beauty to your mindset. Everything about you made her realize something.
She was falling in love with you. Hard. Which made her even more petrified.
“My mind tries to deny it but girl I can’t fight what I know. I know. I want you baby ooh” You take your voice up a few octaves and stun every single person in the room except for one.
Mr. Greenhill was by the entrance of the building with a proud smile on his face.
You finished the rest of the song and everyone was giving you a standing ovation. You thanked everyone and went back to the booth.
“I need you to sing just for me every day from now on,” Jenna said.
You laugh as you sat down, “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Seriously, I need more music from you. I need it like yesterday” Jenna joked.
You continued to laugh at Jenna's eagerness for more music from you. It gave you the confidence boost you didn't know you needed to actually start making music again.
“Wow! What an amazing performance by Just Jah. Now I’m gonna take a quick 30-minute break and I’ll be right back with some more performances” The DJ said and switched on some music.
You recognized the song as Aaliyah's. All the couples in the room stood from their seats and went to the small dance floor. You grabbed Jenna's hand and pulled her up and towards the dance floor.
"May I have a dance with you darling?" You spoke in a British accent which made Jenna giggle.
"You shall" She replied.
You placed her arms around your neck and your hands on her waist. The two of you start swaying to the beat of the song.
"I know this was a spontaneous friend outing but did you enjoy yourself today?" You asked.
"Best friend outing I've ever been on" Jenna answered honestly.
“The best? You just boosted my ego to astronomical heights” You joked.
Jenna giggled before staring into your hazel eyes. The blue strobe lights in the room bounce off your skin beautifully.
“I want to kiss you so bad” You admitted to the shorter girl.
Before Jenna can stop herself and think, her answer spilled out her mouth instantly.
“Do it” Jenna muttered.
At the consent, you didn't hesitate to connect your lips with hers. The kiss was full of passion and love that it made the both of you slightly dizzy. You pull her closer and grip her waist as the kiss gets deeper. Jenna gripped the hair on the back of your neck. Before the kiss could escalate more in public, you pulled away but kept your forehead on hers.
“My place?” You suggested lowly.
“Absolutely” Jenna nodded quickly.
The both of you knew it was wrong, especially after the discussion you had two days ago. But you couldn't stop yourselves, you were both addicted to each other. An addiction that is going to generate consequences in the future.
By the time the two of you were back in your apartment, lips were interlocked and clothes were scattered everywhere. You barely made it up to the apartment with how much the two of you couldn't keep your hands to yourselves. But you made it safe and clothed until the door was shut.
Jenna sighed in pleasure as your lips enclosed her nipple. Your other hand makes itself useful by rolling the other bud in between your fingers. You gave attention to the other nipple before continuing your way down her body. Kissing every patch of her skin, worshipping her body.
But Jenna was impatient, she wanted you at her golden area to take care of the ache between her thighs. But you weren’t ready just yet.
"Jah...please" Jenna whined.
The sound of her calling your name was enough to get you even harder than before. You decided to stop teasing her and settled between her legs. You looked up and saw her staring down at you with lust-filled eyes waiting for you. You kept eye contact with her as you slowly licked from her hole up to her clit.
Instantly, she threw her head back against the pillows and dragged out a moan. Then, you went to work. You started your pleasurable assault on her clit, going from kitty licks to sucking on it repeatedly.
“Oh my…fuck” Jenna moaned and arched her back while gripping the sheets in her hands. You hook your hands under her thighs and pull her closer. You moaned at the sweet taste of her which sent vibrations throughout her body.
Her moans went up an octave each time you did it. She felt the knot in her stomach appear and she knew she was going to cum soon. You removed one of your hands from her thigh. You ran a finger up and down her slit, gathering wetness before pushing your middle finger inside her hole.
Her knuckles turned white from her grip on the sheets. You started slowly pumping in and out before reattaching your lips to her clit. You added a second finger, your ring finger to the mix.
Jenna’s chest rose and fell rapidly as she panted from the insertion.
You sat up and hovered over the girl with one free arm. You leaned down towards her lips just brushing yours against hers. She tried to lean up and connect your lips but you backed away. She let out a whine which quickly turned into a gasp as you abruptly sped up your fingers.
“Fuck!” She gasped.
Your fingers were increasing in pace, they also were starting to cramp but you pushed through it. The only sounds being heard were the slapping of your palm against her vagina and the moans spewing from Jenna’s mouth. You slowed your pace and curled your fingers and instantly hit the spongy spot inside her walls. Jenna let out a scream as she now gripped your forearm.
You felt her walls pulsating around your fingers. A few more curls and Jenna’s back arched to the sky as her walls trapped your fingers and you felt hot liquid around them. Her jaw fell open as choked moans came out from her intense orgasm. After a moment, Jenna started to relax and you pulled your fingers out.
“You taste delicious” You smirked as you licked her cum off your fingers. She looked at you with half-lidded eyes and a smirk.
After you finished cleaning her off your fingers, you leaned down and captured her lips. She moaned as she tasted herself on your tongue. You took this time to position yourself over her entrance. You broke the kiss for a moment to grab a condom from your dresser, rolling it on your hardened shaft, and lining yourself up before capturing her lips again.
Slowly, you pushed yourself inside her. Jenna broke the kiss as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
You loved seeing her like this, so vulnerable. It was only for your eyes and you couldn’t get enough of it. You bottom out in her as she clenched around you at the feeling of you being deep in her.
“Shit” You hissed as a deep groan escaped your mouth.
Jenna’s eyes snapped to you as she watched your face twist in pleasure. She wanted that godly sent sound to escape your lips again.
“Pick me up” Jenna mumbled.
You obeyed her request and sat up on her your knees with her in your arms. You hooked your arms around the back of her knees and gripped her cheeks with your hands.
Instead of starting slow this time, your hips snapped into a quick pace. Nails dug into your shoulder blades making moon crescent-shaped indents. Your lips attached themselves to her collarbone, bruising up the area with love marks.
"F-F-Fuck Jah" Jenna cried out. Her hips bucked wildly as you hit the right spot inside her. Sweat cling to your forehead as you concentrated on bringing her into a blissful state. But there was something in the back of your head telling you this was wrong. But you ignored it and focused on the trembling woman in your arms.
I can definitely handle you…
A devilish smirk grew on your face. You were going to have fun with her tonight. You stopped your thrusts, much to her dismay. You laid her down back on the bed, her legs now resting on your shoulders. You interlock your fingers with hers and start going to town.
Jenna looked down at the sight of your stick, glistening from her arousal, disappearing inside of her. The knot in her stomach tightened and her walls fluttered around you, signaling how close she was. So naturally, your pace sped up to an inhuman one. Your headboard knocks against the wall.
“Yes, don’t stop!” Jenna sobbed.
A couple more thrusts and immediately Jenna saw stars. The knot in her stomach snapped and she arched into you once more, no sound escaping her lips as her second orgasm ripped through her harsher than the first one. She expected you to stop and let her catch her breath but you did the opposite. You kept thrusting into the girl, fucking her through her orgasm.
“W-W-Wait baby” She hissed as her eyes widen from you continuing. She removed her right hand from yours and pushed it against your pelvis, trying to get you to stop and let her catch her breath.
"Nah" You smirked.
Her legs fell from your shoulders, effectively giving you more access to go deeper. At the feeling of you being deeper, Jenna tried to scoot away from you.
"Nah, where you going?" You said. You flipped her onto her stomach. You pulled her ass towards you and you inserted yourself back into her before she could properly take a breath. A long dragged-out moan escaped her lips. Your hands gripped her hips, forcing the girl to move back onto you.
Jenna’s eyes slammed shut and she buried her face into the pillow. But a gasp was muffled by the pillow escaped her as you delivered a sharp hard thrust.
“Fuck!” Jenna screamed. You smirked as you delivered more sharp thrusts. Choked moans spilled from her mouth until she felt herself tremble. She was sent into another orgasm, her third one for the night.
“I can’t. I-I-I can’t baby” She sobbed as she tried running from you once more.
Your hand went around her throat and you pulled her up against you. You kissed her jawline as your other hand explored her body.
“Give me one more baby girl” Your voice dripped with lust. It was deeper and raspier which made Jenna swoon. You littered her neck with hickeys as she reached behind you and slid her fingers through your hair.
You started slow this last time, setting a smooth pace for both of you. Her heavenly pants went straight into your ear as she rested her head on your shoulder.
“You feel so good” You stated with a groan.
Her fourth and final orgasm was quickly approaching. You were almost there too, you wanted to cum together for the final one. Jenna knew you were close to exploding by the way your hands gripped her hips tighter. She purposely clenched around you which made you hiss and bury your face into her neck.
“Baby…look at…me” Jenna moaned.
You didn't want to look at her because you knew if you do, you'll be a goner. But Jenna wasn't having that, she tugged your hair and forced you to look at her. One look into her eyes had you gone, your hips stuttered as you felt yourself empty into the condom.
“Oh fuck” You groaned and gripped her hips tighter. You knew that was going to leave a bruise.
At the sight of you reaching your climax, Jenna cried out, incoherent words escaping her as she climaxed for the final time tonight. You held her close to you as she trembled in your arms. The two of you shared lazy kisses as you calmed down from tonight's activities. Both of you have tired smiles on your faces.
You pulled out her and she whined from the loss and overstimulation. You pulled the used condom off you, tied it up, and threw it into the trashcan beside your bed. The both of you laid back down on the bed. You lay on your back with your arm behind your head as Jenna cuddled up to your side. It wasn't long until Jenna's breath evened out, signaling that she was asleep and you were following her.
a/n: I also change my mind constantly on everything so the fans/public still don't know...yet cause I have a plan for that *insert evil smile*
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
The Way of the Househusband: Lookism and HTF hc
You, the working spouse. Them, trying to be the best malewife.
(Making up for my Eli crap).
Throws money at the problem
Look. They did not work their lil bussy off to build up an empire then to spend it all day looking after the household. You will be employing help around the house, that is non-negotiable.
Expect a half burnt, hand made lunch most days though. It's the thought that counts, you tell yourself as you swallow down a lump of charcoal.
+ Eugene
+ Goo Kim
This idiot. Tries his best until he gets bored. And he gets bored very easily.
Half mopped kitchen, half made bed. Everything he does is done well until he just. Nah. Cannot be bothered anymore.
Good job you have a routine cleaning service and whatever other help you need as he takes instead the title of trophy husband.
Greets you coming home like an overexcited puppy. Lord bless him with some other social groups and hobbies so he doesn't rely completely on you for all his interaction needs.
+ Samuel Seo
If our Sammy isn't in therapy already, then get him in. Starve if you have to, just get him on his journey.
There is no way this man would be happy just being a househusband with his inferiority complex, slight delusions of grandeur and ambition.
When he eventually comes to terms with it, will always have little side projects going on to keep his inferiority/superiority at bay.
Likely one of those bastards that power trips from heading up some sort of Househusband/housewife social group, PTA, or on the board of a charity (he's in it for the power, not the cause) in his spare time.
Natural born homemaker
Natural may be a stretch for some of these boys.
Whether by choice or as a victim of circumstance, they have had to pick up very quickly how to be completely self sufficient. So stepping into house husband role? Easy!
+ Jace Park, Warren Chae, Jibeom Kwak, Daniel Park, Hudson Ahn, Baek Seongjun
+ Eli Jang
Oh my god. There is nothing that he loves more than being a househusband.
Never in his wildest dreams thought he would end up in this position.
Creating a loving home for you and Yenna, being the caretaker and provider. By far the best and most favourite role he has undertaken.
Joins in on the gossip at the school gates, with the other parents fawning over him. Melting hearts when Yenna toddles out and gives her dad a smooch.
Makes the absolute bento lunch bar none. Wakes up at the crack of dawn, practically leaping out of bed to make something delicious, healthy and cute for you and Yenna.
+ Johan Seong
Clueless vibes but that is absolutely wrong.
With his mother and leaving home from a young age, he has absolutely had to be self-sufficient.
In addition to taking care of two dogs too, this guy knows how to run a household and how to run it with 100% efficiency.
Knows the best time to visit the market for the freshest meat and veg to cook dinner. Also will visit 10+ stores to make sure he gets the best deal for his money. It's a matter of pride.
+ Ji Yeonwoo
Never had to really lift a finger around the home, instead dedicating all his time to studying. Vibes that his father also thinks housework is woman's work.
But not this guy! Whatever you need, he will make sure he fulfils it to the best of his abilities.
Study scheduling skills carry over to running the household. Runs an extremely tight ship, and meticulously plans everything. You want a doctor appointment? Dentist? Plumber. He is ON it.
In between sessions of Kyokushin Karate training of course.
+ Han Wangguk
Um hello? Does this even need explaining? It just fits.
Forced into being the carer and head of the household from a young age after his home life completely went to shit. Looked after Gyeoul to the best of his ability until he couldn't. Tried to be the best big bro/father figure since his stint in juvie.
Absolutely perfect as a househusband. Nothing to fault.
Will spoil you too. Small gifts he has come across that reminds him of you - a snack you like from the store, booking movie tickets for a lil date night together, a book he thinks you'd be interested in.
Clueless idiot tries their best
It's a 50/50 chance whether you will have a home and a husband to return to at the end of a day. It's also a 50/50 chance whether your home made lunch will give you food poisoning.
Sure, it's gotten better the longer they've been at it, but you're still wary. Especially since they have also gotten better at hiding any messes they cause too.
You can never stay mad though, especially when they get so cute when they're frustrated at having failed you as a househusband. Which is complete nonsense, by the way.
+ Vin Jin, Jihan Kwak, Jay Hong
+ Vasco Tabasco
How can this category exist without our resident cinnamon roll?
Fortunately for him, Jace has added himself onto Vasco's speed dial. Unfortunately for Jace, he gets 20+ calls and frantic messages a day asking how to get things done.
Nonsense includes asking how to revert the clothes after accidentally dying them pink. Can he put out a frying pan oil fire with water. How burnt can something be before someone will likely get food poisoning.
It gets better over time. Lucky for you and lucky for Jace.
COMPLETE househusband Tatsu vibes. Everyone is terrified of Vasco, intimidated by his thuggish looks and tattoos. (Until they find out he is the biggest sweetheart and himbo ever.)
+ Ryuhei Kuroda
Relishes being a househusband! Like a silly little roleplay and doesn't get tired of it. After, all it took him so long to find someone that keeps the interest of Ryuhei and lil Ryuhei.
A shameless flirt with the ajummas and all the other housewives. Getting the best gossip, the best offers and deals, best tips.
Unfortunately, his attention span is short. Listens with good intentions, then starts daydreaming about when you get home and how he will ravish you.
In the end, he falls short in some aspects of being a househusband, but will make it up to you in the bedroom.
Bulldozes their way forward until they are Househusband Extraordinaire
You cannot fault them for their effort.
Initially a struggle at first for them to come to terms with being a househusband. Look at this list for crying out loud. Consisting of killers and fighters and crime bosses.
But if they commit, they're going to give it all. Their tenacity means they will absolutely get things done. Every time they fail, they will keep trying over and over again. Whether that's to make you happy or for their own pride, they will keep going until it is perfected.
+ Xiaolong, Zack Lee, Xiaolong, Sinu Han, Seong Taehoon, Kim Munseong
+ Gun Park
There is nothing Gun Park cannot do if he sets his mind to it. That includes whatever the hell is his life right now.
Which he doesn't mind, per se. It's just... unexpected.
And he never thought there would ever be anything in his life that matches the thrill of fighting to the death.
But getting the pick of fresh fruit and veg when he's first at the farmer's market? Beating some old ajumma (almost literally) to grab the best head of lettuce? Unveiling your dinner like he used to with his masterpiece?
Ok. It's not bad. He'll still sneak off to beat up minors when he has spare time though.
+ DG/James Lee
Drops the K-pop persona pretty damn quick, reverting back to James Lee.
Because can you imagine how little he would be able to get done if people saw DG around trying to run errands?
But honestly. Look at him. This man, like Gun, does not have a domestic bone in his body.
He's not a genius for nothing though.
Dishwasher? Washing machine? Tumble dryer? How to iron in the most efficient way? He will work it out, don't worry.
+ Jake Kim
Anything, anything to make you happy.
As the Big Deal no.1, worrying about the street running smoothly is only his problem in so far as the protecting, the fighting, the money.
Clothes used to just turn up washed and ironed. Would live on a diet of ramen or just eating at one of the restaurants.
Jake is not initially cut out for being a househusband... But he learns quickly.
Eagerly gets to any household chores and errands with gusto. Sometimes even recruiting the Big Deal boys to help out when things get a little too hectic and out of hand.
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jaxplaysthesims · 8 months
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Vivienne Chamberlain & Hudson Wolf
As the daughter of a successful comedian and a school administrator, Vivienne Chamberlain grew up in a household where joy, laughter, and education was prioritized above all else. Growing up watching her dad in the spotlight made her crave the same. She found herself dreaming about writing, producing, and starring in her own sitcom series, and she’s working towards it. That’s how she bumped into Hudson Wolf at the coffee shop she frequents after different acting gigs to work on writing what she hopes will be what helps her make it.
As the first and only son of successful immigrant parents, Hudson Wolf grew up in a household where education & success through traditional means was prioritized above all else. His parents pushed him to do well in school because doing well in school meant he’d find a good job and have a good life, but Hudson found himself craving a different life than the one his parents had laid out for him. To find an escape from the expectations of his parents, Hudson found himself using his free time writing songs and teaching himself to play guitar, but years of pleasing his parents have led him to spending his days working a job he doesn’t enjoy and nights strumming his guitar.
Will Hudson settle for living someone else’s dream? Or will Vivienne’s drive and ambition rub off on him and allow him to live the life he really dreams of living? Follow along for the story of these lovebirds with dreams of creating and sharing their art with the world.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
movie night pt.v
Summary: Sam doesn't distrust you quite as much and Tara scares you. Guess that means it's time for them to meet the family.
Word Count: 6.4k Warnings: Excessive swearing, suggestive themes, Scream levels of violence/mentions of violence Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (pt.i) (pt.ii) (pt.iii) (pt.iv) (pt.v) (pt.vi) (pt.vii) (pt.viii)
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“One more attack and I’m takin’ you to Mercy,” Aunt Sherry said as she finished cleaning the dried blood on your neck. “Conscious or not.”
“I understand,” you said quietly. You supposed after another 17 stitches, you couldn’t really argue with her.
“Your Ma never wanted this life for you,” she said, her hand resting on your shoulder.
You knew she meant well, but this conversation wasn’t helping. Clearly Ma never wanted this for you, she hadn’t even wanted it for herself and Pop. Trouble was always quick to follow your family, and you were more than adept at figuring out how to navigate it. This was a different obstacle, sure, but you were clever, you could make it work.
None of you had been taught how to keep others out of trouble, though.
“I’ll see you at Mass,” you said with a smile before hopping out of the ambulance for the second time in 24 hours.
Anika had already been rushed to the hospital. As far as you knew, they were confident she would pull through. Damn, she was one tough sonofabitch. You would need to make sure you sent flowers or chocolates or something. What would she even like? Maybe you should ask Mindy.
“Who knows where you live?” Sam asked once you shuffled your way to the group. All these Ghostface attacks were giving you major deja vu.
“No one,” you said when you stopped beside Tony. “Did you tell anyone?”
“Course not,” he scoffed, “I know the family rules.”
“Well he found out somehow,” Chad said.
“Well it wasn’t from us, smart guy,” Tony said defensively. “We don’t tell nobody where we live.”
“Only ones who know are Garret and the lot of you,” you said. “And I only called Tara.”
“And where is Garret?” Mindy asked as she held her now-bandaged arm.
“His dad’s house up in the Hamptons,” you said with a shrug. “Not gettin’ back till next weekend.”
“And you’re sure he’s up there?” Tara asked.
“Yes I’m sure, now quit with the interrogation,” you huffed. “Got enough of a headache as it is.”
Tara didn’t say anything but reached down and grabbed your hand, slotting her fingers between yours. You gave her hand a gentle squeeze. It was starting to become abundantly clear why she had kept her distance. Was this going to happen to anyone that got close to the Woodsboro gang? Because that was enough to have anyone on edge.
“So what now?” Tara asked.
“Chad and I are going to the hospital with Anika,” Mindy said softly, her eyes hazy.
“Quinn is already being escorted to the police station,” Sam said.
A phone rang.
Everyone’s eyes darted to Tony, who was already digging in his pocket for his phone. He pulled it out and showed you the screen, and you gulped. Oh god, this was so bad. You couldn’t do this again, you were barely holding it together as it was.
“Is it him?” Tara asked.
“Worse,” Tony said as he handed you the phone.
You watched it ring two more times before closing your eyes and answering it. The moment you held it up to your ear, you heard the static on the other end. It didn’t matter how tough you were, you weren’t prepared. Hell, nothing could have prepared you for it.
“Hey, Ma,” you said in the sweetest voice you could muster.
“If the two ‘a youse don’t get your sorry asses over here in the next 20 minutes, I’m chainin’ your ankles and throwin’ ya in the Hudson.”
“Just calm down-”
“-don’t you dare tell me to calm down, you don’t even call me to tell me about this bastard?”
You sighed. “No I don’t because you start actin’ like a wise guy!”
“Get your asses over here, Y/N.”
You exhaled through your nose and looked over at Tony. He mouthed a “sorry” before he shrugged. Lot of good he was. Sam and Tara were still looking at you with a mix of concern and… were they laughing?
“Can we bring two visitors?” You finally asked.
There was a bit of silence.
“Only if you follow the rules.”
“We will,” you said.
“Then yes.” A beat of silence. “And hurry.”
“Yes ma’am,” you said. “We’ll see you soon-”
-the call hung up and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Well, that went well. On the other hand, you had been on the receiving end of worse calls from your Ma. This honestly wasn’t all that bad, at least she didn’t curse your bloodline. Well, not that time.
“You threw me under the bus,” you mumbled as you handed the phone back to Tony.
“I ain’t puttin’ up with her rage,” he said even as he slid the phone back into his back pocket.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked.
“We’re goin’ somewhere safe,” you said. “Well. Safe for you.”
“She’s gonna kill ya,” Tony mumbled.
“Shut up, I know,” you mumbled back as you placed your hand on Tara’s lower back and started guiding her down the streets.
“Shouldn’t you make sure the police don’t need anything?” Tara asked, looking back at your crime-scene of an apartment building.
“Absolutely not,” you said, “they let this happen, they can do it on their own.”
You all bid goodbye to Chad and Mindy before everyone went silent as you and Tony led them through the streets of New York. It was late, the lights were blinding, and the grating sounds of sirens faded into the usual chaos. There was something comforting about it; you didn’t think you’d ever be able to live somewhere that was quiet. How Tara had managed to live in Woodsboro forever was beyond you.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t keeping an eye out for suspicious characters. Namely a certain motherfucker who had quickly moved to the top of your shit list. Oh if he just gave you the chance, you were going to make him pay. No way on God’s green earth were you going to let him get away with any of this bullshit.
“Where exactly are we going?” Sam asked when you took them into an unassuming bakery in the Bronx.
“Can’t tell you,” Tony said.
You made sure to wave at Chris when you walked by the counter and guided everyone through a back door. It was a bit suspicious, you wouldn’t lie. Come to think of it, you didn’t think your family had invited anyone over since… well, since Dicky had brought Carol over a few years ago, actually. Oh man, maybe you all needed to reconsider your rules.
“It’s not as sketchy as it seems,” you said when you turned to look at them. “But I need you both to close your eyes.”
“Excuse me?” Tara asked.
“I said it’s not as sketchy as it seems,” you huffed.
“I’m not letting you lead us into some back room,” Sam said with crossed arms.
“If you don’t close your eyes, I can’t take you in,” you said. “It’s family rules.”
“Really?” Tara asked.
“Yes,” you said with a nod. They both looked at you in silence. “I know how it sounds.”
“If we close our eyes will you quit floundering?” Tara asked. “You’re going to catch flies.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled. “Please just follow the rules, I’m tired of just standing here like a psycho.”
Sam and Tara shared a look, opposite of the one you shared with Tony. You both knew it was a bit sketchy, you knew. But when Ma and Pop made the rules, they made the rules. How were you supposed to argue? You weren’t, that’s how. Besides, if Ma and Pop found out you were breaking the rules they would have your heads.
“Fine,” Sam said with a sigh before closing her eyes. Tara quickly followed suit.
Both you and Tony shared a sigh before guiding the two girls through the back door. You each held on to them to make sure they didn’t trip over something as you took them down through a cellar and into one of the underground tunnels. Most people didn’t know about the tunnels under New York City, but your family had memorised them as if your lives depended on it.
Which, sometimes they did.
You took them through a dizzying amount of turns until you got to the door that led up to your house. If the family was smart, they would’ve locked it. And unfortunately for you, it was locked. Damn, you had hoped they would’ve lost their mind for a few seconds, you weren’t in the mood to dig around for the new location of the spare key.
The tip of your ear started to throb when you bent down to look for the key under the crate of bootleg whiskey.
“Found you,” you mumbled to yourself when your fingers brushed against the ridiculously oversized skeleton key.
“Can we open our eyes now?” Tara asked.
“No,” you said without hesitation. “We gotta get you inside first.”
“This is how people die in horror movies,” she continued while you shoved the skeleton key into the similarly oversized keyhole. “You know that, right?”
“Yes, Tara, I know that,” you bit back, finally pushing the door open. “Now come on.”
You held Tara’s hand tightly as you helped her up the stairs to your house. Well, it was your parents’ house, but that didn’t really matter. Only once you and Tony had brought both girls up to the living room did you finally pull them to a stop. The blood rushed in your ears. You hadn’t ever brought anyone home.
“Okay, you can open ‘em,” Tony said before you found your voice again.
Both girls opened their eyes slowly; you almost wanted to laugh at how wide they got when they looked around. Sure, maybe the brownstone was a bit extravagant. All the exploits of the past were on display; trophies, if you would. From the old paintings, to old newspaper clippings of heists, to the Tommy gun your great grandfather had owned before he passed down the mantle. You supposed it was a bit of a shock to the average person.
“Are you…” Sam trailed off before looking back at you. “Are you-”
“-yeah,” you said with a nod. “We’re Italian.”
“Y/N Vitale, you be nice to those girls.”
“Oh shit,” Tony said as the four of you turned around quickly.
Your eyes went wide - much like Sam’s and Tara’s - when you saw your Ma walking towards you with violence in her step. Oh, you were in trouble. You were in deep shit and no one was going to be able to save you. Maybe you should’ve just taken your chances with Ghostface; he scared you less than your mother.
“Hey Ma-”
-you were cut off by her harshly gripping your jaw and pulling you down until you were eye level with her. She twisted your head and looked at the injured ear you were sporting. Everyone flinched when your neck popped. What was one more injury in the long list of injuries you were starting to get?
She turned your head again until you could look her in the eyes. As much as you feared your Ma - respectfully, of course - you knew concern when you saw it. It never came off the way normal people did, but you knew it. It was in the crinkles around her eyes as they checked every inch of your skin.
“Are you ladies hurt?” Ma asked as she let go of your face. You rubbed your jaw as you straightened back up.
“No- um, no ma’am,” Sam stammered.
“We’re okay,” Tara followed.
“Good,” Ma said, turning to look at them and putting on her motherly smile that you certainly never got to see. “Then welcome home.”
“How come they get a welcome and I get a once-over?” You asked.
“Because they stayed safe and responsible and you didn’t,” Ma shot back. Tara snickered while Sam turned her head to hide a smile.
“As if that’s my fault,” you grumbled.
“And what did I say about tracking blood into my house?” Ma asked, raising her brows at you.
“I didn’t!” You argued. “But I’m sorry, they don’t let you grab clean clothes out of an active crime scene, Ma.”
“I’m talkin’ about your feet,” she said with a gesture down.
All five of you looked down at your feet, and you flinched when you saw the tracks you had left in the house. Adrenaline was one hell of a drug, you hadn’t even noticed you hadn’t grabbed shoes. But as you lifted one of your feet and checked the bottom, all the pain you had ignored came rushing to the surface.
Glass, dirt, and who knew what else was embedded in the skin. When you looked back, it seemed you had been leaving bloody footprints for who knew how long. Part of you figured you hadn’t tracked them through the Bronx, but you had most definitely tracked them through the tunnel. Damn. Pop was going to make you clean it all up.
“I put some spare clothes in the bathroom,” Ma said. “So get your raggedy ass upstairs and clean up before dinner.”
“Yes ma’am,” you muttered as your shoulders fell.
You ignored Tara’s barely-concealed laughter as you pushed past her to head upstairs to your bathroom. Well, you supposed technically it wasn’t your bathroom anymore, it was Ma’s, but she could suck your dick. The nerve of that woman, to call you raggedy. You were the perfect gentleman, it wasn’t your fault some psycho had decided to target you.
Just as Ma had said, she had left a folded set of clothes on the bathroom counter for you. It looked a little too formal if you were being honest, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. And you certainly couldn’t afford to be a chooser. Ma would have your head if she found out you had even thought about different clothes.
The stitches of your ever increasing wounds pulled tight, leaving a throbbing sensation around the jagged skin. Aunt Sherry had done a wonderful job, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. In the end, you grabbed a pair of hair scissors and just cut your shirt off. It was old, torn, and blood soaked; you could get a new one.
You couldn’t take your eyes off the shirt as you managed to wriggle out of your sweats. Not all of that blood had been yours. Some of it had been Mindy’s, and a lot of it had been Anika’s.  Your friends’ blood was soaked into your shirt. Each breath you took felt laboured as you wallowed in the thought that the very thing that kept your friends alive was staining your shirt.
With a shake of your head, you put the thoughts aside. This wasn’t new, you had seen blood before, you were fine. One step at a time. Finish getting out of your clothes, start the shower, wash your feet. And the rest of the dried blood that was becoming itchy. Oh, Ma was gonna kill you for dirtying up her shower.
The water was steaming by the time you finally stepped in. You let out a hiss when it hit your skin, creating more than just a throb in your wounds. It stung, bad. But surely it would clean you right up, right? Sanitisation, yeah, that’s what it would be. You get clean and fight infection; two birds, one stone.
By the time you were down to your feet, you were sitting on the edge of the tub while the water fell on your back. Your hair dripped into your eyes and you were constantly trying to push it back so you could see. The pair of tweezers in your hands was slick from water and you just needed to get a few more pieces of glass out so you could finish up.
You weren’t looking at the door when you heard it open.
“I told your sorry ass I’d be out in a minute, this is delicate work,” you called out.
A small hand appeared in front of your face and, without lifting your head, you looked up to see Tara standing in front of you. She, too, had been given a spare set of clothing that looked a little too big. Whose shirt was she wearing anyway? Her hand never moved until you sighed and placed the tweezers on her palm.
“You’re shit at this,” she said as she knelt down and started looking for the few remaining pieces of glass.
“Don’t have to be good, just have to be effici- ouch.” She swatted your hand away when you went to stop her from hurting you again. “You’re so rough,” you grumbled.
“Don’t have to be gentle,” she said as she looked up at you, “just have to be efficient.”
“You’re so mean,” you whispered even as you shifted your position to ease a certain… uncomfortable feeling.
Maybe you liked when she was mean. Maybe you liked it a little too much. Oh god, your family was going to see how whipped you were for a girl you hadn’t even properly been on a date with. Bringing Tara to the house maybe wasn’t such a smart idea on your part.
“Do you have gauze?” She asked, setting the tweezers down in the sink so more blood than necessary wouldn’t get on the floor.
“Underneath the sink,” you said with a gesture of your head. “Got a whole first aid kit.”
You watched her as she got up and checked under the sink. It only took a moment, it was a giant metal kit, no one could miss it. In fact, when she brought it out it was almost bigger than she was. You bit the inside of your cheek so you wouldn’t laugh at her. If your body wasn’t at her mercy, you wouldn’t have been so polite.
She quickly dug around and got to work finding everything she needed before getting started. Her hands moved expertly as she started cleaning and bandaging your feet. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve guessed she had been a nurse in a past life. Unfortunately you did know better, and the scar on her hand just reminded you of how she knew so much.
“I never said thank you,” she said after she finished wrapping your left foot.
“For what?” You asked as you leaned back to turn the water off; you weren’t going to need it anymore.
“For saving Mindy and Anika,” she continued.
She wasn’t looking up at you. Quite the contrary, it was almost like she was avoiding your eyes. Why would she thank you for such a thing? It wasn’t like you were going to leave them behind to die. You weren’t always the sharpest tool in the shed - Ma made sure to remind you of that every now and then - but you weren’t that selfish.
“You don’t gotta thank me for that,” you said softly.
“I just did,” she said as she finished wrapping your right foot. “You’re done.”
You placed your feet on the ground and stood up slowly, easing your feet back into holding your weight. It hurt, ached even, but at least they were clean. How you hadn’t noticed the injuries before Ma, you had no idea. But quite frankly, Tara did a phenomenal job of wrapping them securely. 
“Hurry up and get dressed,” Tara ordered, and you looked up just in time to catch the towel she had thrown in your direction. “Your mom is torturing Sam by giving her a lecture on street safety.”
“You should’ve listened to it too,” you said, but you quickly started drying off. “You hippies can’t handle these streets.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” you said through gritted teeth as you pulled your pants up. It hurt your feet to be moving on them so much. “Notice your bunch weren’t even here for a few months before getting attacked.”
“And you know so much about street safety?” Tara asked. “The one who got shot at a protest?”
You hesitated. “Yeah, I do.”
You were facing the mirror as you started buttoning up your shirt, and you could see Tara staring at you with furrowed brows. Maybe you should’ve just kept your big trap shut. It wasn’t exactly the greatest time to be getting into backstory now, was it? No, it most certainly wasn’t.
“You didn’t get shot at a protest,” she said slowly. “Did you?”
You turned around as you finished tucking your shirt into your pants. “Sorry, doll,” you said with a smile, “only girlfriends get to know that information.” With a wink, you gently pushed past her and exited the bathroom.
“Oh you dick,” you heard her say even as she followed after you.
You waited at the bottom of the stairs before placing your hand on her lower back and guiding her through the brownstone to the dining room. Everyone’s obscenely loud voices reverberated off the brick walls. Seemed the whole family was invited for dinner. A little unusual considering it was a Thursday night, but given the circumstances it could be forgiven.
A wide variety of “hello”s deafened you when you and Tara walked into the dining room. Everyone was dressed well - the same dress shirt and pants as you, which was typical - and they had pulled out a few extra seats for Sam and Tara. Gale was sitting beside your Pop; she gave you a smile and a small wave, which you returned.
“Oy, Street Rat,” Mitch called, “be a good pup and show your girl to her seat.”
“Shut up,” you shot back, but nonetheless led Tara to one of the two empty seats next to each other.
Out of pure mercy, you let her sit between you and Sam so she wasn’t having to deal with any of the other family members. The others heckled you when you helped push her seat in. You could feel your cheeks heating up while you grumbled and plopped down in your own seat, refusing to look up at any of them.
“Quiet,” Pop said, and the room immediately fell silent. “Who’s gonna say grace?”
“Can’t be me,” Joel said with a shrug. “He clearly don’t listen cause Y/N is still here.”
“You really wanna be a wise guy tonight?” You asked. “Cause I still got a lot of pent up anger.”
“Enough,” Ma said quietly, but you all listened. “I’ll say grace.”
"Yes, Ma," everyone said in unison.
"Bow your heads," she said, and everyone slowly did as instructed.
You cheated a little bit. While Ma was saying grace, blessing the food and yours and the Carpenters' lives, you looked at Tara out of the corner of your eye. If you looked a little harder you almost thought you could see a flush on her cheeks. For what, you had no idea, but you made the split decision to reach over and take her hand.
She linked her fingers with yours right before Ma finished.
"Amen," each person said before all normal talk resumed.
You helped Tara and Sam get their food, making sure everyone behaved. They did, they all knew the family rules, but the Carpenters didn't and you knew the lot of you could be… a little chaotic. Eight kids, two parents, sometimes the spouses and nieces and nephews. Lucky for the girls, it was only the immediate family.
"Oy, show me the ear," Dicky said right as you tried to start eating.
"So you can point and laugh?" You asked. "No way."
"I just wanna see," he said.
"I got it," Alfie said around a mouthful of food.
The look on Tara's and Sam's faces was comical when Alfie reached across the table, gripped your jaw, and turned your head. You did your best to smile at the two of them to let them know it was normal, but they didn't seem to believe you. If anything, it almost made Tara look a little frustrated. Maybe even angry.
"That's it?" Dicky asked when you snapped at Alfie and he let you go. "All that hubbub for that?"
"What do you mean?" You asked. "I got a notch outta my ear, I was gonna get that part pierced."
"All he's sayin' is you took on Ghostface twice, and that's what you walk away with?" Joel butted in. "Pass the salt, wouldya?"
"It's more than you ever walked away with," Martha defended you. "Don't listen to a word he says."
"The two 'a youse walk away with any cool scars?" Mitch asked, turning to look at Sam and Tara.
You could see them squirm in their seats.
"Watch it-"
"-fuck off-"
"-none of your business." Martha, you, and Mercy all said at the same time.
You felt Tara squeeze your hand once.
“Hey Street Rat, you down to make a run for me?” Dicky asked.
You didn’t bother swallowing before you answered. “I’m kinda in the middle of somethin’ this week.”
“I didn’t mean this second, jackass.”
You glared at him and swiped your tongue over your bottom teeth. “Sure,” you finally said with a shrug, “just give me a week and I’ll be back in action.”
"So," Sam started, wiping her mouth off on the napkin before looking around the table. “What do you all do for a living?”
“Accounting,” every single one of you said at the same time. Pop squeezed the bridge of his eyes as you all looked at each other sheepishly.
“All of you?” Sam asked.
“Mercy’s a doctor,” Tony chimed in.
“Accounting’s a family business,” Dicky said with a gentle nod.
“Right,” Sam said with her own nod and a polite smile. Something told you she didn’t exactly believe him.
Conversation continued as normal, with everyone talking over each other. Thankfully, they all started asking Sam and Tara normal questions, and you could visibly see them start to relax. You wondered when the last time was that they had a family dinner. Not including Chad and Mindy; they were family, but they weren’t family. There was a bit of a difference.
“Ladies,” Pop said once Ma had brought out the cannoli. Everyone froze, only their eyes moving between him and the Carpenters. “It’s been a pleasure to have you, but there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
The girls stiffened in their seats, and Tara squeezed your hand again. You tried to give Pop a look that said to calm down, but he wasn’t even looking at you. His eyes were trained on Sam and Tara, and you couldn’t blame him. Hell, you didn’t know when non-family had been over last. Hopefully he was going to behave.
“You might not understand the gravity of this statement, but Vitale blood has been spilled for you two,” he said as he leaned back in his chair, his hands folded in front of him on the table.
“Oh brother,” you whispered.
Tara looked at you and you shook your head lightly and rolled your eyes. This was going to be ridiculous.
“One of us,” everyone looked at you, “felt you were worth dyin’ for.” You sighed. “We don’t take that lightly.”
“We greatly appreciate it-”
“-we have a family rule,” he interrupted Sam. “If one of us voluntarily spills blood for someone, we all follow suit.” He leaned forward on the table and waited until both Sam and Tara were looking him in the eye. “We’ll put that Ghostface character at the bottom of the Hudson.”
“Tone it down a smidge,” you whispered and gestured down with your hand.
Pop opened his mouth and closed it once. “We’ll, uh, protect you with our lives.” You gestured again. “Welcome… to the family?”
“Better,” you whispered with a scrunch of your nose that was followed by a gentle smile.
“We really do appreciate it,” Tara said.
“It’s nice to know we have, um,” Sam inhaled deeply and looked around, “Italians on our side.”
“Atta girl,” Mercy said.
“You catch on quick,” Martha agreed.
Dinner finished soon after, and everyone went about collecting the dishes and cleaning. Martha, in all her pregnant glory, kept Sam and Tara at the table, talking their ears off. At one point, you took the still-full coffee cups from in front of them and heard her talking about… something. You weren’t entirely sure, you just knew the word “family” was being thrown around a lot.
Tara looked at you and mouthed “help me.” You just smiled, shook your head, and mouthed “no” in return. The glare she gave you… it was no question she and Sam were related, they both had killer eyes. Tara’s were particularly beautiful at that moment though, did she know that? They almost reminded you of a warm hazelnut-
“-You’d best keep movin’,” Martha said. She was watching you with a ridiculous smirk. “She’s got a look that could kill.”
“Would you like some tiramisu?” You asked. Tara’s eyes softened, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Yes please,” she said.
“I’ll go get it.”
“You’re whipped!” Dicky called from the kitchen before you could even stand up straight.
“Give it a few days, Dick,” Joel said as he leaned on the doorframe. “Tara’ll have ‘em on a leash.”
“Shut up,” you shot back as you pushed past them to get into the kitchen. “It’s called bein’ polite.” You carefully plated the tiramisu. “Somethin’ you clearly know nothin’ about.”
“Seems our little Street Rat’s turnin’ into a Guard Dog,” Mitch chimed in, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Your family really came out of the woodworks, they did.
“Next time Ghostface calls, I’m givin’ him your address,” you said as you walked back into the dining room and placed the plate down in front of Tara. And Sam, you had made her a plate too.
Maybe you were whipped.
“Do it,” Dicky said. “Matter ‘a fact, give him my phone number too, he and I need to have a talk.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t tolerate that shit on my turf.”
“That’s enough,” Pop said, and everyone quickly shut up. “Go home, the lot of ya.” He looked down at Sam and Tara. “We’ve got beds made up for the both of you.”
“Thank you,” they both said with polite smiles.
“Gale stayin’ tonight too?” You asked.
And just like that, she came in at the mention of her name. Speak of the devil.
“Yes I am,” she said with a smile. “I have something I want to show you three tomorrow when it’s day time.”
“What did you find?” Tara asked quickly.
“We’ll have more time tomorrow,” Gale answered. You watched as Tara slumped back in her seat in defeat.
Everyone finished cleaning up their stuff and started leaving the brownstone. You could see the gears turning in Tara’s head when they all left through the front door, but you shook your head at her. It wasn’t something she needed to know at the moment. It was late, dark, and everyone just needed to get some sleep. If she really wanted to know more later, you would tell her.
“She gonna have you in a muzzle next time I see you?” Joel asked as he blocked the doorway.
“Keep movin’,” Tony said as he pushed Joel out. “Call me if ya need somethin’,” he said to you with a smile.
“You got it,” you answered. “Now get out, I’m exhausted.”
Mercy gave you a kiss on the cheek and Martha gave Sam and Tara hugs, but then everyone was gone. You were left with the Carpenters, Gale, and your parents. It was… disturbingly quiet, if you were being honest. You almost missed the chaos of having everyone over. Well, you would see them all at Mass, it would be fine.
“All of you get upstairs and get to bed,” Ma said with a gentle nod of her head. “It’s late and I know you all must be tired.”
“Come on, Sam,” Gale said with a gesture, “I’ll show you to your room.”
“Good night,” Sam said with a polite smile and wave. A chorus of “good nights” followed her as she similarly followed Gale upstairs.
“Tara sweetie, you can sleep in Y/N’s bed,” Ma said before looking at you. “I made you a pallet on your floor.”
“Thanks, Ma,” you said, leaning in to leave a kiss on her cheek. “Good night, you two.” You leaned over to give Pop a kiss on the cheek as well.
“Good night,” Tara said with her own small wave.
You placed your hand on Tara’s lower back as you gently pushed her in front of you up the stairs. Unfortunately for you, your room was right beside the two guest rooms that everyone else was staying in. Not that you necessarily had anything planned, but even if you did, you wouldn’t dare risk Sam or Gale hearing you.
Sometimes life was rather cruel.
“She left you some pyjamas on the bed,” you said once you showed Tara into your room. “Bathroom is down the hall, we’ve got spare toothbrushes in the top left drawer.”
“Thanks,” Tara said softly.
You watched as she grabbed the pyjamas and promptly exited the room, leaving you alone for the first time since your shower. And now that you were alone, you could feel all the wear and tear of the past two days weighing heavy on you. Anika was still in the hospital. Was she even alive? Surely she was, someone would have let you know, right? Or they at least would have let Sam or Tara know.
And what about Quinn? She would be safe at the police station, you knew that much. They didn’t care for anyone else in the city, but they did care for their own. There was no way in hell they would let anything happen to a Detective’s daughter, especially when that daughter was Quinn. No, Quinn was safe.
Chad and Mindy were safe at the hospital with Anika. There was no doubt about it. Your family had people up there, and Pop had already said he told them to stay close and keep their eyes out. They would die before they let anything happen to those three, so they were actually safer than any of you.
When Tara came back into the room, looking mighty adorable in the oversized t-shirt and sleep pants, you gave her a smile and made your own way to the bathroom. You needed to get out of those clothes pronto before you lost your goddamn mind. The clothes were comfortable, but you were starting to feel constricted.
You left your toothbrush hanging out of the side of your mouth as you unbuttoned the shirt. Each inch lower revealed still-forming bruises and the few bouts of stitches. With a grimace, you finally let the shirt fall to the floor. You didn’t mind scars, really you didn’t, but you hadn’t wanted to get them this way.
Maybe that’s how Tara feels too, you thought with a frown as you finished brushing your teeth and cleaning up. You hadn’t entirely planned for it, but you had known it was a possibility. But Tara? She hadn’t had any idea. And it had all been done by her girlfriend’s hand. What kind of havoc did that wreak on a person’s mind?
You were still thinking about Tara and Amber when you walked back into your room. Tara was already on the bed, her back to you. The door closed with a soft *click* and you turned the light off before plodding over to the pallet. There was an art to pallet making, and your family had perfected it. But as you laid down on the floor and tried to pull the blanket up to your chin, your injuries started to throb and sting.
It wasn’t going to be the floor that kept you awake all night.
There was no way you could lay on your right side, you had that cut on your hip and your right ear was missing a piece. But you couldn’t lay on your left side either because you had that cut on your bicep. Maybe if you tried to lay on your front- nope, not that either. If you had to sleep sitting up, so help you god, you were going to snap-
-something shuffled on your bed, and you quickly stilled yourself. Shit, you hadn’t meant to wake Tara. You were practically holding your breath as the shuffling continued, but then you heard the creak of the bed and someone walking across the room. It was dark, but you didn’t have to use anything more than common sense to know it was Tara who was lifting your blanket and crawling into the pallet with you.
“Not a word,” she said softly as she carefully wrapped an arm around your waist and rested her head on your shoulder.
It hurt. You would rather die than tell her that. Instead, you just pulled her closer and tried not to shift when her fingers rubbed the skin on your hip. It was obsessive, incessant, and it was almost becoming uncomfortable. But you weren’t going to tell her to stop, not when something was clearly on her mind.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into all of this,” Tara said softly.
“I’ve been dragged into worse situations,” you said flippantly. “And never by a pretty girl.”
“Don’t get yourself killed,” she said, almost as if she hadn’t heard what you had just said.
“I don’t plan on it, sweetheart,” you chuckled.
Her hand left your hip and you felt her grab your chin and turn your head. You couldn’t really see her, not properly at least, but you knew she was looking at you. Studying you for something; you wouldn’t pretend to know what. It strained your neck, but you kept your mouth shut.
You felt her pull your face down until her lips were on yours. Soft but firm. It wasn’t a kiss that was going to lead anywhere, she wasn’t trying to move any further. But judging by the way her bottom lip quivered, you knew it was important. You held her tighter to you until she pulled back and let go of your jaw, resting her head back on your shoulder.
“That didn’t mean anything,” Tara said softly.
“I know,” you said with a nod of your head that no one could see.
You both knew she was lying; you still fell asleep easily.
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bagopucks · 1 year
A. Matthews - Father’s Day
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning(s): mention’s of sex
Bear with me. This is a recovery fic lol. I have so much medicine in my system it’s amusing 😭
“Ohh you’ll never guess what I did today!”
Auston and I could barely contain our smiles in the front seat of his car, glancing at each other while Hudson kicked his feet and giggled in the back. It was no special occasion, but for a single mother one special day in June was like a national holiday after finding a man. Especially a few weeks after he finally proposed. Auston and I had spent our day naked in bed, passionate and loving, laughing and joyous. We needed it, quite honestly. And it felt good to know Auston felt appreciated and happy on such a day. After all the hard work he put in, and the amount of time he spent with Hudson when the summer began, I didn’t take no for an answer when he said he didn’t want to celebrate Father’s Day.
“What did you do today, Hudsy?” Auston asked curiously.
“I can’t tell you! It ruins the surprise!” Hudson’s complaint made us both snicker.
With school out, and myself still working, Auston was usually on Hudson duty from day to day. When he brought up the idea of Hudson attending a summer day camp three days a week, we discussed it for a while before bringing it up to the kid. He seemed completely on board with a little encouragement, and we definitely couldn’t have made a better decision. His days were only four hours long, so we still had an abundance of time with him, and it also gave Auston a break when he needed it, and time for us to spend alone on my days off.
“So there’s a surprise?” I asked, glancing toward the road as Auston drove us back to my place. I had a hunch as to what kind of surprise it was, but I kept it to myself.
“Yes! I have the biggest surprise!”
“It wouldn’t happen to be in the bag, would it?” Auston asked, peeking in the rear view mirror at the brown paper bag Hudson held.
“Don’t look, dude!”
Auston was still patiently waiting for ‘dude’ to turn to ‘dad.’ He and Hudson had a few conversations discussing the fact that he would be Hudson’s dad, but Hudson had yet to actually call him anything but Auston.
“Well when can we see it?” Auston laughed.
“When I’m ready.”
And sure enough, Hudson took his sweet old time. Once we got home, he bounced off to his bedroom while I got started on dinner. Auston joined me to help, but he was more or less a distraction. After I had placed the lasagna in the oven, I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his shoulders and smile.
“Happy Father’s Day.” I whispered between chaste kisses. Auston pressed my back gently against the countertop. I giggled.
“That still sounds weird.” Auston spoke quietly in return.
“Don’t tell Hudson it sounds weird when he decides to start calling you dad.” I advised playfully. Auston pressed another kiss to my lips.
“You know I won’t.” He smirked, his hands traveling to my hips. “You wouldn’t happen to know when that’s coming, would you?”
“That kid is unpredictable. Just be patient, Aus. He loves you. Baby steps.”
“Right.” Auston sighed quietly.
“Right, what?” I was swift to pick up on his mood change.
“Right, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Auston flashed me a feigned smile and pressed a kiss to my head.
“Auston.” I was quick to scold, watching as his eyes fell to the floor in consideration.
“I don’t know, it’s just-“ I pulled away to open the fridge. “I see all my friends with kids and.. they get called dad all the time and.. I don’t know.”
“Makes you a little jealous?”
“Sad, actually.”
I turned back to him, raising a brow.
“I do everything they do. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Auston.” I smiled, in both understanding and reassurance. Every parent questioned their methods, he was no exception. “You’re not doing anything wrong. Look at it from his perspective. Hudson never knew his first dad. He’s never had a guy to call dad. Or a father figure. And now he has a man in his life who takes care of him and his mom. His first proper example of a father. He’s still understanding that this is what a father is.” I reached out to cup his cheek. “You are his dad, I have no doubt about it. Just give it time.” I flashed him a quick smile.
“Baby steps.” Auston repeated my previous words.
“Baby steps.” I affirmed, leaning in once again to kiss him. Auston managed a smile against my lips. When I pulled back, I spotted a little figure in the doorway, startling me.
“Go ahead.” Hudson waved us on, carrying the little paper bag to the table and climbing up into his seat. Auston and I both smiled as we watched him, turning to keep our eyes on the boy as he got situated.
“Do we get to see this surprise now?” Auston asked, suspicious and excited.
“In a few minutes.”
“Damn.” Auston muttered, and I was swift to backhand his arm.
“You know better.” I scolded softly.
“Auston you shouldn’t curse.” Hudson piped up, and I had to stifle a laugh as Auston looked wide eyed at my child.
“Hudson,” I scolded. Despite the situation being amusing, I still had the motherly role to play. “You shouldn’t tell Auston what to do.”
“But you say it’s bad.” Hudson defended himself.
“For grownups it’s a little different.” I tried to reason, but sometimes a simple, ‘because I said so’ was easier to say.
“I guess so.” Hudson shrugged, lifting his eyes to peek at Auston. “Okay.” He breathed out a sigh, placing his hands dramatically on the table. “It’s surprise time.”
“Finally?” Auston smirked, quickly leaving the kitchen to join Hudson at the table.
“Is it for both of us?” I questioned.
“No… sorry mom. It’s just for Auston.”
I glanced at Auston to see the cheeky smirk on his lips, and I rolled my eyes.
“Today at day camp. The girl asked the kids if they celebrated Father’s Day. And a lot of them raised their hands.” Hudson peeked down at the table. “I didn’t.. and later she asked me why. And I told her ‘cause I didn’t have a dad before. And she said that’s okay. That sometimes it’s okay to celebrate your pap or great grandpap.. or nobody at all, and I told her that there was this one guy.”
I folded my arms across my chest and watched as Hudson drew shapes into the wooden table with his finger.
“I told her that he takes care of me when I’m sick. And that he tells me he loves me before he drops me off.. that he sings for me sometimes even if he sucks at singing.. and that he’s marrying my mom.” I considered grabbing my phone to film, but I wanted to live in this moment while it happened.
“Yeah?” Auston prompted him on. “He sounds pretty cool.” I immediately rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, he is pretty cool.” Hudson nodded in response, barely registering the joke Auston had made. “The girl said, that sounds an awful lot like a dad to me.. and then she helped me make this thingy.” Hudson finally opened the brown bag, rummaging through it until he snatched up the item inside.
“It’s not a lot.. but I wanted to celebrate Father’s Day with you.” Hudson’s cheeks turned red as he set his hands on the table and presented a little threaded bracelet. “It says dad.” He explained, and I could only assume there were beads on the one side I couldn’t see. I clasped a hand over my mouth, watching as Auston’s lips turned upward into a huge smile.
“Hudson.” Auston reached out to take the bracelet. “This is awesome, Buddy!” I could barely contain my smile at the sight of tears in Auston’s eyes. I would have loved to butt in, but it wasn’t my moment to share.
“I’m really, really happy you stayed.” Hudson watched Auston slip the bracelet on. “And I’m happy you’re marrying my momma.”
“Well ya know what, bud?” Auston leaned forward to ruffled Hudson’s hair. “I’m happy I’m gonna have the coolest and best kid in the whole universe.”
“I’ll be- technically your step kid though.. right?” My brow shot up in surprise.
“Nope.” Auston shook his head. “You’re just my kid. My son. No steps, no anything. You’re my son.”
“And you’re my dad?”
“Hell yeah, I’m your dad.”
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strangesthirdeye · 7 months
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A detective and a part time dad (SH x wife! Reader ft baby)
Summary: only a detective whose part time job is to look after his son. Warning: it's Sherlock. He's detective. Sweet, fluff, baby, love, warm, William can be 5 or 6 months years old. (The Sixth Thatcher references ahead) As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"you just need to make his milk and heat his milk if it's cold. And make sure his diapers are always clean" You told Sherlock as you put your wallet in your handbag.
"what if he cries? How to stop him crying?" Sherlock adjusted baby William's support in his arms. Sometimes he took out William's hand that was put in his mouth.
William babbling in protest after his wet hand was removed from his mouth. Sherlock then wiped William's hands and mouth with a napkin.
"Just sway him when you pick him up until he fell asleep or give him that soft cookie or when all that is useless maybe you should give him attention" You cooed at William with a sweet smile while stroking William's cheek with your finger.
"Didn't he always get attention?" Sherlock replied while stroking William's small foots.
"perhaps he needs your attention more." You said then walked to the door of the flat and put on your black jacket. "I won't be gone for long, I just want to settle some files in St's Bart. So you, young man. Be good to daddy, okay?" you muttered to William as you played with his little hand.
William let out a small babbling and then showed a wide toothless smile. Sherlock then sighed a little. Right, this is the first time he took care of baby William. So far only you know how to handle William with what he wants but now it's Sherlock's job.
You noticed Sherlock's concerned face and looked softly at him then you put your hand on Sherlock's cheek. "don't worry, I'm sure Will can cooperate with you. You boys go have fun while I do work, ok?" You stroke Sherlock's cheek and kiss Sherlock's lips passionately.
Sherlock returned the kiss and nodded slightly. You smiled gently and walked out of the flat. The flat door is slammed, signifying that you had left and there was only Sherlock and William left. Mrs Hudson went out to London to visit a friend far away so there are only two people living in the flat for now.
Sherlock then looked at his son who was also looking at Sherlock's face with his mouth and his shirt wet with saliva. Sherlock looked narrowly at his clone.
"Wonder what's going on in your head" Sherlock wiped William's lips.
William wailed happily and patted Sherlock's chest as his feet kicked in the air in Sherlock's arms.
"Ok Will, now.. what should we do?" Sherlock looked around for a moment trying to think of what activity they should be doing. William let out a small cooes trying to get Sherlock's attention. Sherlock then looked at his son's chubby face with calculating on his face.
"fancy a game of Cluedo?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Already told John the victim could be a suspect but he didn't believe it and said that's not how this game works." Sherlock mumbled to himself as he flipped through the cards in his hand.
William who was sitting on the strap on John's chair (like Rosie's chair in The Six Thatcher) let out a loud wail as if agreeing with his father and waved his hands in the air.
"see, you agree with me"
William babbling while bubbling his lips with saliva creating a bubble. Sherlock wiped William's lips with a napkin.
"well, the rules are wrong"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"no you can't put my magnifying glass in your mouth" Sherlock snatched his magnifying glass from William's grasp and put it on the dining table so William couldn't reach it.
William then screamed in protest trying to slap his father's hand with his chubby hand. His feet kicked in the air several times quickly.
"you cannot put that in your mouth, understand?" Sherlock kneeled in front of his son in front of the baby seat.
William then stopped screaming in protest and looked at his father's face with a red face. And immediately his face scrunched up in sadness and started crying loudly.
Sherlock panicked and didn't know what to do and then he got up and lifted William from his seat. His hands held William's small body tightly and swayed left and right trying to calm William down. But it doesn't work. William kept raging and sobbing as he pressed his face to Sherlock's chest. This is tiring. Sherlock was stumped. He doesn't know how to calm his own son let alone persuade him to stop crying.
Soft cookies were given but William still wanted to put something hard in his mouth. What did you say before? William started teething? Is that what you call? Perhaps his gums are already itchy and uncomfortable, that's why he always puts hard things in his mouth to relieve his itchy gums.
Sherlock sighed tiredly. William was still struggling in his arms but his face pushed into Sherlock's chest making Sherlock's shirt wet with his tears and saliva.
Sherlock then gave up and put William back in his seat and walked towards the corner of the living room where there was a toy box and reached one of William's toys. Sherlock then kneeled in front of William and held out a toy magnifying glass towards William with a soft face.
"You can put this in your mouth. At least it's a little soft and won't hurt your gums" Sherlock said softly and put the magnifying glass toy in William's hand.
William, whose face was red and had streaks of tears on his face, looked at the toy in his hand for a long time. Sherlock smiled genuinely at William. Not a few seconds later, William threw his toy magnifying glass at Sherlock's face precisely making Sherlock startled and dumbfounded.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After a few hours later, Sherlock and William slept together on the couch. William who was lying face down on Sherlock's chest snored slowly while Sherlock had his arms around William's small body protecting him from falling. The father and son were sleeping so soundly that they didn't even hear the flat door being opened by you who had just returned from work.
You expect this flat to be noisy with William crying or Sherlock mumbling to himself but no. This flat is quite quiet. Weird. You took off your jacket and hung it on the hook next to the door then slowly you went up the stairs to flat 221B. As soon as you arrived in front of the door of the flat, you slowly opened the door and were stunned to see your husband and son sleeping soundly on the couch. You refrained from making a sound. This scene is too sweet and it will give you a cavity but what the heck, it's too cute.
You slowly took out your phone and opened the camera and pointed your phone at your two boys and snapped the picture to make memories. This is so cute. You chuckled softly and walked without footsteps to your bedroom to change your clothes and bring a blanket to join the two of them.
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argumentativeaxolotl · 11 months
Random Human AU Cars headcanons that probably don’t make any sense before I go to bed bc I can.
Lightning McQueen:
- Has accidentally called Doc “dad” before
- Has accidentally called Strip “dad” as well
- Bro can literally not stop moving- like he will not sit still and he tries so hard
- He has the shortest attention span ever if it doesn’t have to do with his friends or racing
- He actually really enjoys American Football and plays a modified version with Mater sometimes
- He was an orphan growing up
- Bro would 100% go apeshit feral if he lost a game of Uno
- Loves carnivals
- Dog person
- Forgets he’s rich sometimes and he can make his own decisions about money
- His love language is hugs and gifts
- He bought the Hot Wheels of his car and continues to buy every variation
Chick Hicks:
- Bit other kids as a child
- Filled water guns with lemonade and shot at people’s eyes
- Daddy issues(actually this is canon isn’t it?)
- Cat person
- Frighteningly good at card games like Casino “house always wins” levels of good. Like bro will somehow know what your cards are without even looking at them
- He put rocks in snowballs
- Alcoholic
- Loves anything horror, gorey, and True Crime
- He’s notoriously bad at getting people gifts, like seriously bro is not allowed to buy anything for anyone for Christmas or their birthdays that’s how bad it is(someone usually gets it for him)
- He probably has a huge gambling problem
- His love language is giving gifts
- He gives gifts as a form of apology because he’s shit at words
- Literally the best mustache in all of cars- like he keeps that thing at top condition 101% of the time
- He never actually finished school because his dad forced him into racing as soon as he could
- Probably had rabies at one point and somehow survived
- If you somehow manage to become a good friend of his, he’ll actually be super chill w/ you
- Rich as FUCK
Strip Weathers:
- Legally adopted Cal after his parents passed away(or sumn idk)
- Has several scars on his arm from the crash during the tie-breaker race
- He, Tex, Lynda, and Cal were practically inseparable after the crash
- He and Tex are literally the bestest of buds like they are homies to the MAX
- He doesn’t hold any ill-will against Chick even if he should and is allowed to
- The “Boy Scout” of racing(think Superman or Captain America)
- He listens to “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X while working with his horses. Cal cringes every time.
- He never swears unless he’s serious about something or is extremely upset or concerned
- He almost fainted when he met Doc for the first time, almost immediately asking for an autograph
- He has a ranch full of horses and enjoys horse racing as well as car racing
- Received an apology gift of both cologne and a miniature trophy from Chick
- He let Chick sign his cast after the crash
- He’s tried to teach Lightning and Bobby how to ride horses with Cal’s help. It did not go well
- He wanted to be a doctor for a little while before switching career paths
- Racing is literally in his blood(he comes from a very VERY long line of racers)
- Weirdly good at writing. Like for no reason.
- He heavily fanboyed over Doc when he was younger
Doc Hudson:
- He loves Lightning as his son
- He thinks of Sally as a surrogate daughter
- Unironically says “back in my day” whenever he’s telling a story
- He owns a shotgun and it’s hidden away in his house, far away from Lightning(who keeps trying to find it with no luck)
- He knows the most shit out of everyone and all their backstories. Bro hears the gossip and goes “nice”
- He loves watching fruit dissection videos on YouTube for some reason
- Bro is great at knitting. Like seriously. Give him ten seconds and you’ll have a whole ass sweater with a theme and everything
- He is an alcoholic(especially after his crash)
- Never got married or had children… until Lightning and Sally lmaooo
- He nearly started crying tears of joy when Lightning called him dad the first time
- He has several large burns and scars on his legs and lower back from the crash(like shit is really bad dude)
- His favorite movie is the original ghost busters
- He is a cat person
- He is a neat freak at heart yet gave up trying to clean out his garage because of all the bad memories
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Handsome Stranger
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Young!Tony Stark x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | You weren't sure when Tony brought up this idea the first time, but after a few more talks about it, you finally gave in, and that's how you found yourself in the middle of a busy bar, ready to be picked up by your husband. However, to everyone else around you, you look just like a couple of strangers having their first meeting.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established relationship, a few mentions of Y/N.
REQUEST | @ccbsrmsf1 Maybe Tony and Sunshine are at a party, and they pretend that they don't know each other and seduce each other at this party and flirt a lot, resulting in very hot sex afterward
SMUT | Dirty talk, light degradation, daddy kink, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, lactation kink, drinking of breastmilk (sexual), fingering, begging, spanking, hair pulling, nipple piercings, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampie, aftercare
A/N | Carol, dear, dear, DEAR Carol, I cannot even begin to thank you enough for the idea of this fic! Your brain is made of pure gold, and I was very excited and horny while writing this! Thank you for the idea, the proofreading, and the perfect GIF to match; eu te amo 3000! 🩷
EVENTS Masterlist | @fandom-free-bingo | Roleplaying
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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Tony is sitting on the couch, giving Paxton a milk bottle since you're working late tonight. Hudson and Orion play in their playroom at Howard and Maria's house. At the same time, Maria prepares dinner, and Howard watches TV, making the atmosphere in the Stark household very peaceful and relaxing.
"Dad, remember when you and Mom helped me ask Sunshine to the spring dance all these years ago?" Tony suddenly asks his Dad, his brow quirked as he looks at Howard, nodding in response.
"Well, I was hoping to surprise her with a night out together, just the two of us, and I was hoping you could give me some ideas as to what to do on said date night," he says with a sigh. He's thought of countless ideas, none good enough because he wants this night to be remarkable. The two of you don't get too much time with just you and him, so he's planning on making it a night you will remember for a long time.
"How about getting a drink at a bar or a party? I know that may sound boring, but there are countless ways of making the night more interesting," Howard says, and Tony nods as the gears in his brain start turning, trying to think of the perfect idea.
"I think I have a plan; now I just need to know what she thinks of it," Tony says with his lips curled into a smile. Not long after, Paxton is done with his bottle, and it's time to burp the little guy. That all goes smoothly, and as soon as he's getting a clean diaper, Tony can hear the door open, and your voice carries throughout the house with your announcement of your arrival.
"I'm home! Now, where are my two Munchkins?" you say as you walk into the hallway. You don't have to wait long for Hudson and Orion to run over and capture you in a much-needed hug.
"Welcome home, Mommy!" they say in unison, enveloping you with warmth and signature smells. You love your twins to pieces, and coming home to them is something you will never take for granted.
"Have you two been good to everyone today?" you ask your twins, and they nod furiously.
"Alright, you two can play some more while I find your Dad and Paxton," you tell them. With one big kiss on the cheek for each of them, they run off again, and you are surprised by Tony walking into the hallway with Paxton on his hip and a big smile on his face as he sees you.
"Hi Little One! Aren't you the absolute cutest in your Winnie The Pooh outfit? Oh my goodness, I could eat you right up!" you tell him as you take him from Tony and blow raspberries on Paxton's cheek that have him squealing and swinging his arms and legs in delight. Coming home to your bundle of joy is excellent and one of the many reasons you're looking forward to coming home each night after work.
"What about me?" Tony asks in a fake sad voice and a slight pout that you happily kiss away.
"I was cuddling my son first, but if you need my attention first, I guess I can make an exception," you tease him, and Tony perks up at your words.
"I always need your attention, Sunshine. Haven't you noticed that by now?" he says with a wink. He pulls you against his chest for a much-needed hug, and Paxton is more than happy to be included as well.
"I love you, My Love," and with one last kiss and a pat on your butt, he lets you go to the kitchen, your stomach practically rumbling as you greet Maria, who is just finishing dinner as you walk in. A large pot of your favorite soup is simmering away on the stove and filling the house with a delicious scent, and you can't wait to dive in.
"How was work today?" Maria asks as she envelops you in a hug. You let yourself melt into her touch, and her familiar scent makes you think of your own Mom. Ever since Tony introduced you to them, they have welcomed you like their daughter, and over the years, the bond you have has only grown stronger.
"It was good, but the last showing turned out to be longer than I had planned, so I'm delighted you could all wait for me to come home; I'm starving!" you tell her, and she nods before sending you off to the living room, where you let yourself plop on the couch next to Howard, Paxton now sitting on your lap.
"He's growing up so fast," Howard remarks as he looks at his youngest grandson, and you couldn't agree more. He's growing the fastest out of all your children, and his chubby features make him look adorable.
"Tell me about it! He's almost twice the height and weight the twins were at his age! It's unbelievable!" you tell Howard. However, before he can answer you, Maria lets you know it's dinner time, so you quickly rush to the dining room, finding your usual spot next to Tony and across from the twins.
"It smells amazing, Maria. Thank you all so much for waiting for me," you tell her before diving in. The soup is paired with different types of bread and has your mouth watering at the smell, so it is all gone before you can even think about it too much. Maria's cooking is impeccable and something you will never get enough of, so you're glad Tony has learned a thing or two from her.
"C'mon Sunshine, let's go take a shower together before anyone notices we're gone," Tony suddenly whispers in your ear when everyone is busy. You allow Tony to pull you away and up the stairs, leading the way to his bathroom.
"I missed you today, and I need my dessert now," he growls in your ear before shutting and locking his bedroom door, having learned his lesson years ago. His lips descend on yours in an instant, his tongue effortlessly finding its way into your mouth as you let him take the lead.
Soft moans escape your lips and are swallowed instantly by Tony, making them almost inaudible. That doesn't take away from the fact that this man affects you in a way you can't get enough of. Clothes are strewn across the floor as you enter the shower, turning it on to let the warmth slowly build.
"I missed you so much, Sunshine, I've been aching to sink into your perfect, tight pussy all fucking day," Tony whispers in your ear, and it has goosebumps erupting over your neck. His hands are placed on your hips, where they dig into the flesh as he pulls you close to him, his erection digging into your lower back.
"Please," is all you manage to breathe out before Tony steps into the shower, pulling you with him before going down on his knees and hooking your leg over his shoulder, eyeing your pussy with a hunger that has you trembling in anticipation.
"Perfect," he groans before diving forward, and you have to steady yourself against the walls of the shower as he dips his tongue into your entrance before licking a stripe to your clit, making you moan loud as your head falls back.
The man is a master with his tongue, and he can coax orgasms out of you faster than you can even think about what's happening. As he suddenly sets a leisurely pace with his tongue on your clit, you allow yourself to melt into his touch, and the pleasure is building slowly but perfectly.
"Hmm, s'good," you murmur as you look down at him, his big, dark brown eyes looking up at you as he wraps his lips around your clit, suckling softly before dipping two of his fingers inside your heat, making you moan loudly again.
"Fuck!" is all you can bring out as he sets a rapid pace with his fingers, the pads gliding over your sweet spot constantly and with the right amount of pleasure to build your orgasm quickly. Just as you feel the tension is about to snap, he adds one more finger, stretching you out for what's to come later.
"M close! Please, let me cum," you say to Tony, and he listens, giving you exactly what you want as his fingers set a brutal pace and his lips suck hard on your clit, the pleasure almost blinding as white spots start to appear around the edges of your vision. A string of broken moans follows a scream of his name as he carefully works you through it, ensuring you're not crashing when coming down.
"That's it, you're such a good girl for Daddy right now," Tony tells you between the kisses he places on your belly, through the valley of your breasts, and ending on your neck and jaw.
"Now, I want you to bend over and present your perfect pussy for me, because I'm going to fuck you so nice and hard you won't be able to think straight for the rest of the day," he tells you, and you let out a moan at the thought of Tony completely fucking you dumb.
"Yes, Daddy," you whisper before turning around and spreading your legs, giving Tony a perfect look at your sopping cunt, which he has opened up beautifully for himself to slide into. Grabbing the base of his cock, he lines up with your entrance before thrusting in with a smooth motion, making you scream right as he hits your G-spot.
"D-Daddy! That's it, fuck me hard," you tell him, and he doesn't need to be told twice. His fingers dig hard into the flesh of your hips, and he pulls you to him at a fast pace that has you moaning loudly, every thought in your head completely melting away as it's replaced by nothing but pleasure.
"S this what you wanted, huh? To be used like a human fleshlight? You do, huh, letting Daddy use this tight pussy whenever he wants for his pleasure? You're fucking perfect for me," he says through gritted teeth as you clench hard around him, and he lands a smack on your butt, shooting you forward with force as the pleasurable pain ripples through your body.
"M-more," you bring out, and he happily listens as he lands another one on the other side, too, making you clench on his cock once again. Then he grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you back against his chest while his pace stays unaltered, still pounding into you from behind.
"Is this hard enough for you, huh? 'S my beautiful slut already going fuckdumb?" he asks, and you nod.
"Y-Yes Daddy, just f-for you," you bring out between broken moans, and Tony's mouth curls into a mischievous smile as his fingers dip from your waist down to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles as the pleasure inside you builds fast, your eyes rolling back into your head.
"You close, Sunshine? Are you gonna cum for Daddy again?" he asks, and you nod, unable to even bring out any words anymore. He has truly fucked you dumb, just like he promised he would.
"C-cumming!" you managed to croak out right before the tension inside you snapped again; the pressure of Tony's fingers on your clit combined with the pounding against your G-spot have you seeing stars and trembling hard. If it weren't for Tony holding you up, you surely would have fallen over as he fucks you through both your orgasms.
You didn't notice Tony spilling his load inside you earlier as you were too wrapped up in your pleasure, and even though there's a slight disappointment rippling through you, it is quickly making a place for nothing but pure happiness as he pulls you close.
"You did so well for me, Sunshine; you're perfect for me," he whispers in your hair as his hands glide over your back, the contact you always crave after an intense session like this. Even though you both like soft, slow sex in the mornings, you tend to prefer the rough, kinky sex for the evenings as a way to destress, and Tony could feel this is exactly what you needed without you needing to say a word.
"M a good girl?" you ask with apparent tiredness.
"The best," Tony whispers as he carefully washes your hair. The smile that appears on your face has his insides heating up immensely.
"I love yoooouuuuu," you say, the last word being dragged out as you sway from side to side, the moment's pleasure still clear in your mind.
"I love you too, Sunshine, more than you'll ever know," he tells you as he washes the soapy bubbles out of your hair. After the conditioner has had plenty of time to soften it, he washes it out, making it very soft and exactly the way you like it.
"Alright, let's get you dried off and into bed because we have a big day tomorrow," he tells you, and you turn around, though it's not as graceful as you'd hoped, with your legs still feeling like jelly.
"Tomorrow? What's tomorrow?" you ask, and Tony's mouth curls at the corners at the sight before him.
"We're going to Bruce and Nat's party, remember? They're celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary in the Luxury Hotel," he tells you, and you nod in understanding.
"I forgot, 'm sorry," you tell him with a giggle, but he doesn't mind.
"S okay, Sunshine. You've got enough to think about, but tonight, you can just sleep and forget everything for a few hours. Tomorrow's a new day," he tells you, and you nod as you allow your husband to dry you off from head to toe. After that, he puts you in a pair of panties and one of his old shirts, which is about three sizes too big on you, before leading you to the bed.
You let yourself fall onto the bed with a groan, the plush mattress catching you as you let out a yawn. As you crawl under the covers, Tony pulls on a pair of boxer briefs before getting under the covers with you. He is more than happy to call it an early night with you.
"Sleep well, Sunshine; I love you," he says, pulling you against his chest.
"Sleep well, Daddy, love you too," you say sleepily, and not long after, you're falling into a dreamless sleep, which is much-needed after the long days you've been making at work lately. Now, all you have to do is sleep in your husband's arms and not worry about anything for a few hours.
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You're getting ready for Bruce and Natasha's anniversary party after another day of work, but today was going a lot better after the way Tony fucked you last night. The tension you were holding onto has completely melted away, and you almost felt like you were walking on clouds the entire day.
After searching for the perfect dress, you have found a beautiful red dress with a plunging neckline that you can't wait to show Tony. You wanted to keep it a secret until now, and you're standing in front of the mirror after slipping it on, admiring how your tattoos are highlighted beautifully, and the slit on your right leg is exactly high enough to show the names of your husband and kids.
"Are you ready to-" Tony manages to say as he walks into the bedroom where you're getting ready, but his jaw is practically on the floor as you look at him through the mirror. His gaze wanders down but gets stuck on the neckline of your dress, as your breasts are shown off beautifully without being distasteful.
"I can tell you like what you see," you say as you turn around, and Tony doesn't know where to look. From your hair to your make-up and from your breasts to your legs, he wants to look at everything at once.
"Wow," he whispers as he walks over to you, a large smile spreading across your red lips. He is clad in an all-white suit with a black bow tie and black shoes, making him look elegant.
"You're not looking too bad either, My Love," you tell him as you close the distance between them, grabbing his hands before pulling him into a soft, gentle kiss. You felt like a princess already, but his reaction officially made you feel like you were on cloud nine.
"I wanted to bring up an idea, by the way. That's why I walked in here, but I got blown away by your beauty," he tells you, and your cheeks are heating in response to his words.
"What do you think of a little... roleplay during the party? Nothing extreme or weird, but I was thinking of maybe acting like we don't know each other, then flirting as we get to know each other, and one thing leads to another," he tells you with a wink, and you agree after a few short moments.
"As long as it ends up with me being fucked into the mattress one way or another, I'm okay with that," you tell him, and now it's his turn to blush at your words. He has always loved your filthy mouth, and your words go directly to his cock as he can feel it twitching in his pants.
"I wouldn't want it any other way, Sunshine," he says in a deep, lust-filled voice that has you clenching your thighs as well. Even after all these years, you are like a pair of horny teenagers together, but you wouldn't want to have it any other way.
Once you arrive at Natasha's party, your best friend immediately whisks you away. You have been very busy with work, so this is the perfect opportunity to catch up, and you'll happily let her guide you to the nearest bar.
"You look amazing tonight; it's honestly a miracle you even made it out of the house looking like this," Natasha said with a huge smile, and you nodded in agreement.
"It wasn't easy. I had to drag myself out of there before he could make his moves, but I did it," you chuckle as you shake your head because you know it's true. You never would have left the house if it were up to him.
"Bruce was the same; if it wasn't for our party, we would have never left the bedroom. He got me a Hitachi wand for our anniversary, and I can tell you it is AH-MA-ZING! Most intense orgasms I've ever had," she tells you without a single ounce of shame, and you love her for it.
"Those are amazing! And if I may suggest something, it is nice to use on him, too," you say with a wink, and Nat gives you a mischievous look.
"I might try it out later tonight," she says before turning to the bartender and ordering your usual drinks, which haven't changed since you were roommates in college. While waiting for the drinks, your eyes glide through the room, only to land on your husband.
You know what's about to happen when a smile tugs on the corners of your mouth as he shoots you a wink with a champagne glass in his hand. As Tony slowly approaches you, you lean into Natasha, telling her to go with whatever's happening here, and she doesn't even question it for a second.
"You look beautiful tonight; one might even say you're the Belle of the ball," he says in a smooth, deep, sexy voice that has you clenching your thighs already. Your facade is already crumbling at just a few words, but you keep yourself together long enough to get through your thoughts.
"Well, if you think so, you might want to get me and my friend a drink," you respond, and he quirks his brow before agreeing. Nat looks at you with a raised brow as if she's questioning, 'What are you two up to now?' but she knows better than to ask.
"Here you go, Sun-" he says before swallowing the last word. This doesn't come as naturally to him as he had hoped, but he's also having fun and hoping you are.
"So, where are you two beautiful ladies from? I am sure it must be heaven because this is the first time I'm seeing two Angels here on earth," he says, putting on a slight New York accent as well, which he knows damn well has you going crazy within no time.
"Aren't you the cutest little thing? I'm from California, but my friend, Natasha, is from Russia," you tell Tony, and he grabs Natasha's hand to place a kiss on it.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Natasha," he says before moving on and grabbing yours. Bringing your hand to his lips as his eyes ghost over the tattoos he has seen countless times, worshipped more times than he can count, and fantasized about since the moment he first saw them.
"And it's a pleasure to meet you as well-" he says with a quirked brow, wanting to know your name.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," he says before letting your hand go again, and you can feel the arousal pooling in your panties. The way he is doing this has you so aroused it is taking everything in you not to crumble right here and now, but it's difficult. Very difficult.
"May I have this dance?" he asks as he extends his hand out to you. You nod before placing it in his, the warmth of his hand feeling familiar and secure. The slow song playing is the perfect moment to catch up for a moment.
"How're you enjoying it so far?" you whisper in Tony's ear.
"I'm thoroughly enjoying myself, Sunshine. However, from the looks of it, I'm not the only one enjoying the way you look tonight. I've seen many eyes staring in your direction already," he says, and you can't help but chuckle. So that is the reason he asked you to dance.
"Sometimes you're too possessive for your own good, but it's okay. At the end of the day, you're the one I'm getting into bed with, and not all of them," you tell him, and he nods in agreement.
"But I believe I promised to fuck you into the mattress tonight, so how about we call it an early night and get a head start on that?" Tony whispers in your ear before softly nibbling on your earlobe, and you hum in agreement.
"Let's go," you tell him before pulling him to the room's exit and the hotel's elevators. It's a good thing you decided to get a room here to sleep because this way, you can have the most filthy, uninterrupted sex you've had in a long time.
As soon as the hotel door closes shut, Tony pushes you against it, his mouth immediately crashing onto yours as he peels the dress off your body, letting the fabric fall to the floor to reveal your bare breasts. The silver barbells adorning them are driving Tony insane.
"So fucking hot, Sunshine," is all he says before leaning down and cupping one of them, his lips closing around the other as he starts to drink from it. They're nice and swollen since you haven't breastfed your son since the morning, but Tony requested that you don't pump this time since he wanted to drink your precious milk.
As soon as the liquid hits his tongue, he groans, and your hands find their way into his hair, pulling lightly as you rut your hips back and forth to get some relief.
"Bed, Tony," you say, and he stops for a moment, but only long enough to allow you to get comfortable on the bed. As soon as you're ready, he's back with his mouth around your nipple, sucking in his cheeks as the white liquid he desires so much coats his tongue again.
"S'good," you moan out as you feel Tony's hand playing with the barbell on your other nipple, the sensitivity only heightening with every passing moment. Eventually, his free hand moves to his pants as he palms his hard cock, needing to relieve himself of the pressure that's building inside him.
As he does this, he keeps making the same rocking movements, and without warning, he cums in his pants, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he keeps drinking your milk.
"Fuck! Did you just cum, Daddy? 'S so fucking hot when you cum when you drink my milk," you tell him, and he nods as he keeps working himself through his orgasm, his cock getting very sensitive from the stickiness of the fabric.
"Good boy," you whisper as you lace your fingers in his hair and pull hard as he keeps drinking, his hand still working over his cock as he's getting hard again despite the overstimulation.
"Taste so fucking good, Sunshine, makes me fucking cum like a teenager when I drink from you. But I'm sure you love that, don't you?" he asks, and you nod with a wide smile.
"How about I make you cum when I drink from you, huh? Would you like that?" "Yes, Daddy, please make me cum when you drink from me," you beg for him, and that's all he needs to hear before his hand moves to your clothed pussy, his fingers effortlessly finding your clit.
"That's it, ride Daddy's fingers if you want to cum," he orders before latching onto your other breasts, and the feeling alone has your body rutting up against his hand. The sensations you're feeling are positively addicting, and you keep chasing your high until you fall over the edge with a loud moan and trembling thighs.
When he's done, he tells you, "Good girl," making you blush at the praise. If there's one thing you always love, it's being praised.
"Now, get on your hands and knees, and spread these legs for me so I can see that beautiful pussy of yours," he tells you, and that's about all the warning he gives before ripping your panties off and throwing them somewhere to the side, making you gasp as the cool air hits your wet folds.
You're quickly doing as he asks, and he lets out a deep groan at the sight of your pink pussy and puckered hole. When you shake your ass a little to tease him, he's officially done for, and he gets undressed before sitting on his knees behind you.
"God, you're perfect for me like this, Sunshine. 'M gonna fuck a baby into you tonight; I fucking know it! Fill this pussy with my cum until it's dripping out, just breeding this cunt until you're round with my baby," Tony tells you as he lines up with your dripping entrance, sliding in carefully.
"Oh, fuck, yes! So tight around my cock, you like that, don't you? When my fucking monster cock is stretching out your delicious, hot, pink pussy?" Tony asks, and you nod.
"Yes, Daddy, I love it when you stretch me," you tell him as he bottoms out, a gasp leaving your lips from the force behind it.
"M not goin' easy tonight, Sunshine, will fucking ruin this cunt, because it's made to take it. 'S made for me to ruin as I use you as my fleshlight, pumping every drop of cum into it until it's dripping out and you're knocked up."
The combined moans, as well as skin slapping against skin, quickly fill the room, and Tony doesn't wait to set a ferocious pace, his balls constantly slapping against your clit as he fucks you into the mattress just like he promised.
"That's it, taking my monster cock like that! You're such a good girl for Daddy," he pants out as his orgasm creeps closer to yours since you're still sensitive from your earlier orgasm, and his balls keep slapping against your clit at the same brutal pace.
"You gonna cum for me? Yeah? Fuck, 'm close too, Sunshine, want you to fucking milk me as you cum. Want to fucking feel you squeeze every last drop of my cum-" is all he gets out when you clench, and every last bit of resolve Tony thought he had completely crumbles as he shoots his cum deep inside your pussy again, and you're milking him through both your orgasms.
"Fuck! I can't wait to see you pregnant again, Sunshine. Always so beautiful when you're carrying my child," he says when collapsing on the bed. Your body has given out, too, as you're flopped down.
"I can't wait either, Daddy," you rasp out. After Tony has cleaned up the most important parts, he carries you to the bath for a relaxing massage to soothe your sore muscles.
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About three months have passed when you find out you're indeed very pregnant, and you can't wait to tell Tony, your Munchkins, and the rest of the family. Even though you're secretly hoping to have another girl, you would still be equally happy if you added a little boy to your family, too.
"Tony? Can you come here for a moment?" you say with a wavering voice as you're seated on the edge of your bed. Tony has just put Paxton down for a nap while the twins are at school.
"What's up, Buttercup?" he asks as he walks into the bedroom, but he quickly runs over when he sees the tears on your cheeks, worry instantly flooding his body.
"Hey, what's going on?" he asks as he pulls you into his lap. You show him the positive pregnancy test. As soon as Tony looks at it, he knows what's going on; he's seen enough of them in his adult life to know what a positive one looks like.
"I can't believe it; we'll have another baby. Maybe it will be a Little Princess, just like you've been dreaming of, or a Little Prince to complete the family," Tony says as he holds you close, and you both let your tears flow freely.
"What do you think about the name Easton? It's suitable for both genders, and I love how it turns the kids' initials into 'HOPE," you tell him with a watery smile. He nods before capturing your lips with his.
"It's perfect," he whispers as he takes in this moment. You're pregnant for the third time with his baby, and he feels like the luckiest man on earth. That night, you tell Hudson and Orion about adding another brother or sister, and they couldn't be happier.
"Do you already know what it is going to be?" Hudson asks you, but you shake your head.
"No, but we have decided that their name is going to be Easton," you tell them, and you let both of them sit with their hands on your belly for a while, even though they can't feel the baby kicking for a long time.
"I can't wait to meet little Easton. I hope they're just as cute as Paxton," Orion says, and Tony nods.
"So do I, Babygirl, so do I."
"Can we FaceTime all our grandparents and tell them the good news? Can we? CAN WE?!" Orion asks excitedly, and you nod. You're too tired to do it yourself now, and their excitement is the perfect way to tell them.
Not even fifteen minutes later, both Howard and Maria, as well as Virginia and Jackson, are visible on your laptop screen, and you wave to everyone while your head is leaning on Tony's shoulder. Before anyone can even say hello, Hudson is already blurting out the good news, making you smile.
"We're getting a brother or sister!" he says, and all the grandparents cheer and share tears.
"Their name will be Easton," Orion says, and everyone melts at the beautiful name.
"We will all come to visit you soon, Buttercup because we cannot wait to see our little grandbaby grow in your belly," Virginia says, and everyone agrees. With that, you've officially told your family you're pregnant, and you can't wait to share it with the rest of the world, too. But that won't be for another few months.
Now, you can live in your little bubble as little Easton grows inside you, ready to be brought into the world. Until then, they will be protected by you and everyone around you, too, and that's all you could ever wish for.
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
I realised my passion for crossover has just created a multiverse of, I don't fucking know, detectives and supernatural stuff (no, it's NOT superwholock)
So we start by assuming, like some already did, that Q from the Daniel Craig's James Bond movies is the fourth Holmes's siblings. So you get four Holmes: Mycroft, Sherlock, Eurus and Q. But then Q in clearly in a romantic relationship with James Bond.
Now it's undeniable that James Bond has a twin brother, Benoit Blanc, who is the world's most famous detective, and he is married to Philip (Hugh Grant). You can clearly notice from Benoit's...everything (passion for mistery and fasion sense most of all) that he is related to Fred Jones from Scooby Doo, he and Philip are in fact Fred's parents.
To conclude this part of multiverse of hyperfixation, James Bond exists in the same world of a bunch of teenagers with 1970's van and a talking dog. I cannot stress how important it is for me that Sherlock Holmes DOES NOT solve the mustery of why Scooby Doo can talk.
But let's now expand in a different direction.
For some of you who might not be acquainted with the medical drama House MD, it's one of the gayest shows ever made on God's green earth. And, as all the fans know, the REAL finale is House and Wilson running away together after all Wilson's problems suddenly disappeared (I am phrasing it like that because I don't want to spoil it). Now, of course they can't live in America because House can't exactly recover from his own Reichenbach falls, so obviously they have go to London. Like, no questions asked.
And as many have already speculated they are probably the married couple Mrs Hudson's friend was renting an apartment to.
Sherlock-Watson and House-Wilson have a complicated dynamic going on, I just know they suspect of eachothers because there's something wrong with the other couple.
London comes, of course, with all it inhabitants, such as Crowley and Aziraphale (whose supernatural presence could explain Scooby Doo being able to talk???? Maybe he is an ex-infernal hound sent to Shaggy??? Was Shaggy another aborted attempt at an Antichrist?????). I really likes to believe they're House-Wilson and Sherlock-Watson neighbours. And every one of these three couples tries to pretend they're a very normal couple, and not, like, non-human or a Government's resource or technically dead.
But also, you must not forget, London comes with Hob Gadling, the immortal lover of Sandman, who might as well exist in this universe, because why the fuck not, he stole the "meet every x years" idea from Crowley, the goddamn poser. Hob Gadling and Crowley clocked eachothers in a minute and now the two couples have dinners together because "they're the only other supernatural couple in the neighbourhood, we should befriend them!" (said Aziraphale and Hob while Crowley and Morpheus sighed).
ALSO to House MD fans I want to remind you that Wilson got arrested in Louisiana when he met House and there's a popular headcanon going on that Benoit Blanc is from Louisiana so do you think??? Benoit Blanc one day happened to interact with the police department of a city in Louisiana and a policeman was like "hey last week you missed a guy from New Jersey who deadass smashed an ancient mirror in a bar because they were playing a song he didn't like on the jukebox". And Benoit was like (I can't write his dialogues I am so sorry) "Mmhh yeah muhst say thur arh sum jingles I simply cannut grow fund of but by Guhd to,,, smash an ancient mirruh that wuld be bee-YOnd mahself"
And these connections are all canonical in my mind. (There are crossover fanfics between Good Omens and Sandman, and between House and BBC Sherlock, and between Sherlock and the James Bond franchise, and between House and Good Omens- there's a fic I really like with these fandoms- and there's a drawing I also reblogged on Tumblr of Fred presenting Benoit Blanc as his dad).
So, basically, in my head, Sherlock is highly pissed off by Benoit Blanc being considered the best detective in the world though he respects him, Q is Fred Jones's uncle and probably added a lot of cool MI6 features to the mystery machine, Gregory House, notorious atheist, lives in the same universe of angels and demons and the Sandman and pisses off Sherlock Holmes costantly just because they don't like eachothers, Hob Gadling amd Crowley looked at eachothers once and they knew neither of them were humans, Aziraphale and Crowley always stumble in every other characters' shenanigans and once in a while throw a miracle their way and Hugh Grant/Philip makes cupcakes for everyone.
And if you really want me to be precise, Dead Poet Society lore counts for Wilson, but Neil didn't, well, if you saw the movie you know.
And I know they are technically not correlated, but I would love to find a way to connect Dirk Gently, Todd Brotzman and The Rowdy Three in all this.
There's a part 2 to this post here
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 4 months
yooo is there any chance I can request parent headcanons for the safehouse crew (cod: bocw)??? been replaying the bo2 campaign and the Adler is Graves' father theory has a grip on me esp recently now that that mf is coming back
I imagine that Adler is a pretty distant parent, what with work in the CIA taking up most of his time and probably isn't able to see his kid much to begin with after the divorce, no doubt his ex wife has full custody of any of the children they had during that marriage. he's the kind of dad to buy his teenage kid expensive gifts to make up for the times he couldn't be there, usually related to something they were mildly interested in when they were like 7. And that thing is probably one of the only things he knows about them because they ranted about it to him when they were really young and naive. Russ is not as good as vocalizing his affection, but he's observant, and would zero in on any information and likes that his kid has when they express it... It's just that the usually don't with the distance between them. I think he does genuinely care about his child and still wants to show that they appreciate them, but just doesn't know how to properly connect with them on an emotional level, and usually doesn't even have the time. I don't think he'd treat his kid much differently based on their gender, he's still an emotionally-supressed mostly absentee father that his child would kind of just grow to resent as they get older. Adler is the 'he tried' dad. (I hc that Graves his kid is also the most likely to have a wild rebellious teens phase, and he'd kind of just let it happen so long as they aren't getting into any legal trouble because at that point their relationship would be so strained and he's just kinda apathetic about it. I think he's the type that would come home late to catch his kid smoking, and the only thing he'd do is ask why they started and if they know the consequences of it, then promptly asks for one and never brings it up again.)
Hudson, on the contrary, would be the perfect dad. Girl dad 100%, this man has a wife and two daughters (I think, might need to double check this one, but point still stands because I think he'd be good with girls). This man deserves a bo burnham 1985 edit. I think that he's really the type of guy who tries to squeeze in as much quality time with his family even with his work, and is the type to frequently show affection and pride for his children. Jason is completely soft for his wife and children, in contrast to how much of a no-nonsense hardass he is on the job. I am utterly convinced that this is the man who would always play along with his daughter's tea parties when he has tine and would never miss any of his son's games (he'd ask Jenny to record it for him if he's knows he's gonna be on a mission for a long time). I imagine that he really goes the extra mile to be the best role model for his kids, being both responsible and loving even with the limited presence he has because of his job. Hudson is the father figure some us needed in life ngl.
I don't think Mason would be an abusive dad contrary to what most people would take away from the one interaction we see with him and a very young David. I definitely think he'd have some major anger issues though, no doubt that trauma from The Numbers™️ and all the shit he's gone through as soldier and later CIA op would have an impact on him. He would never lay a hand on his own kid, but he's definitely shouted at them pretty frequently and has likely broken objects around them when he's angry. Much more so after his wife's death and being left as a single dad who barely has any idea what he's doing, and the only other person who can rein him in from it is Frank. I think he's more affectionate and less emotionally distant than Adler, but still just not as close as he should be to his child. He'd apologize for his outbursts and all but, being raised with traditional values from the 30s-40s, he isn't really the type to have those heartfelt talks about feelings because men are supposed to be strong and being emotional makes you weak and all that crap. Would be tougher with a son, and stricter with a daughter. Alex would become a lot more understanding and open over time when his kid grows older, and mellow out as an old man and just be proud of how they turned out despite how he was. The anger issues never really dissipates, but he learns to control it and be better for his kid for the remainder of his life. Mason is the dad you'd resent and have so much anxiety over in your teens and twenties but eventually make up with and get closure by your late thirties or so.
Woods would definitely be more of a fun uncle than a dad. More of the tough love type, but will always remind his kid that they're appreciated at the end of the day. But I also imagine he's a lot more reckless snd clumsy, specially as a first-time father. May not be perfect, has his own shortcomings in a lot of places, but he's really trying his best. I imagine that he probably tiptoed a lot when it came to raising David, trying not to yell at him too much and tried to be his anchor as much as he can after he was tricked into killing Alex (and then promptly going off on him when he shows face again after thirty years). Frank would be considerate and very vocal about his appreciation for his kid despite . Woods is the lovable old man that you'd have a lot of funny memories to look back on, and cussing you out is just his own way of saying he loves you.
I don't have as much thoughts on them but I think Park would be very overprotective, especially if she had a daughter. Would shelter her child and be very strict with them, making sure she knows how and where her kid is all the time, who her kid is with, and how safe they are. Would make her child wear a tracker watch and tell her all and any people they meet or see. Madam Shell's betrayal and her brother's death have definitely left a mark on her, and she would excessively worry about them at all times, to the point of it being suffocating and very invasive Lazar is the balance to this, more lenient and lets his kid have a right to privacy and freedom. Sure, he still worries a lot, but he has enough faith in his child to let then go off on their own when they're at an appropriate age. I also imagine that he gives the best best hugs. Sims would be somewhere in between, albeit more leaning on the stricter side.
i love this idea so I'm gonna do silly little headcannons for it
How the Safehouse Crew treat their kid
Russell Adler
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He's absolutely an absent dad
It's not that he does it on purpose, it's just what happens with his job
Russell tries so hard. So hard to be there, but a lot of the time he just can't because of work
If his kid does any sports, you can bet your ass that he's gonna be at any games he can
Now, that's not a lot, but still
Adler absolutely cheers the loudest anytime that his kid does anything
He'll also argue with the refs or umpires about dumb calls
Has been kicked out multiple times
Russell also buys his kid anything that they want
Christmas with him is like out of a damn movie
Presents are practically stacked to the roof and each one is more extravagant than the last
Is definitely the type of parent to dump a bunch of money on his kid for whatever they want
It's his way of making up for barely being around
Has missed his visitation days a lot
Every time he does, Adler sends money and presents as an apology
One time, his kid was staying over at his house because they got into an argument with their mom
He came home late and was met with the sight of his only child smoking cigarettes in the living room
"You know what those do to your lungs?"
The kid just stared for a second before nodding in shock
"Good. Don't be surprised when you get lung cancer. Lord knows I'm already getting close to that. Give me one."
The kid hands over the whole pack, and Adler takes one, lights it, and hands it back. "Don't tell your mother."
On the times that he actually has off and has the kid, he tries to make a whole day out of spending time together
Adler takes them to an amusement park or something, and its just plain awkward the whole time
But, by the end of the day, they're just a little closer
Mainly because they had a heart to heart on the car ride home
They even hugged!
And then nothing changed
Boo >:(
Jason Hudson
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Girl dad 100%
He's the dad that everyone needs
So supportive, no matter what
Jason does, in fact, have two girls. And, if I remember right, he loves them more than anything
This man absolutely has been caught playing princesses and knights with his daughters by his wife
His favorite thing is to sit at the tiny tables and have a tea party
Loves his kids so much
If he had a son, Hudson would teach him how to throw a football
Definitely would push him to join a sport
If he does, Hudson goes to every game
Just like Adler, he cheers the loudest
If his girls get boyfriends, you can bet your ass that he's going to let them know that he has multiple guns and absolutely knows how to use it
Jason has to be told by his wife to leave them alone
He only does because he loves his wife so so much and he'd kill for her
Lots of physical affection
Hugs and all that good stuff
His kids definitely won't be touch starved
Is absolutely who they go to first whenever something happens and they need help/support
If he ever catches his kid doing something that they shouldn't, like smoking, he has to try really hard not to yell at them. He pretty much has to walk away to cool off before he can approach the conversation in a way that he wants to
Hudson and his kid are going to have a long talk that ends in a hug and a promise not to do it again
Overall his kids are well behaved and he's a good dad
Alex Mason
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My poor boy
I love him so much, anger issues and all
Any time that he screams and breaks things in front of his kid, he calls Woods to come and pick them up so he can take care of things
He always feels horrible after he yells. Alex never wanted to hurt anyone. Quite the opposite, actually. He just doesn't know how to control his anger
Throughout the kids developmental years, he tries his best not to yell or get angry, but a lot of the time he can't stop himself in time
In comes one Frank Woods, who ends up coming over and taking the kid out for ice cream or to the park or just for a drive
He ends up being that cool uncle that the kid goes to when something happens
When he gets discharged (Honorably) from the military, Mason ends up going to therapy
And anger management classes
Only reason he does is because his kid ends up yelling back when he gets angry
And he realizes that he fucked up :(
So that helps him mellow out for his kids later years
Definitely apologizes to his kid for how they were raised
Alex won't over explain or get all mushy, but it'll come up as a simple "I'm sorry for how you were raised," and leave it at that
Will express his feelings through gifts or spending quality time with his kid
If he gets grandkids, Alex will take that as the time to make up for his kids shitty childhood
Best granddad for real
When he's older, he won't mind as much when it comes to telling his kid that he's proud of them
Lots of praise
Frank Woods
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Definitely the type of dad to pretend that his kid is in trouble and then it turns out to be a prank
He would absolutely do it just like he did in the scene of the gif
Frank wouldn't yell at his kid, more just yell in general
He'll scream over football games, tv shows, dropping something, anything
He does not care
His kid would be used to loud noises by double digits
Woods would absolutely not know that his kid was sneaking out until Alex caught them
He doesn't particularly care, but he's a little disappointed that they didn't ask him if they could go
Instead of yelling, he would sit them down and have a serious discussion
Lots of "You could have just asked," and, "How many times have you done it?"
Basically he'd get his kid to quit because he knows it's a bad habit
I can't remember if he's a smoker or not, but if he is he would go through the process of quitting with said kid
Helen Park
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She's kind of a shitty mom, ngl
Park can be good at it when she wants to, but she's got her own shit that he's going through
She can't handle a kid
In the early years, she's a little neglectful and absent
Then she does a full 180 and goes full over-protective mom mode
Trackers, constant phone calls, reassuring messages
The whole nine yards
She'll try her best to stop if her kid says something, but her anxiety is way too high to stop fully
Definitely the kind of mom to apologize through gifts
One fond memory that her kid would have of their younger years is her sneaking into their room and climbing into bed with them
She just sat there and held them, silently telling them how much she loved them
Helen thought their kid was asleep, not awake and hearing everything she was saying
Park definitely let her kid sneak into her bed when they had nightmares or got sick
She secretly loves it and is sad when they stop doing it
Okay that's all I got-
I didn't mean for this to take so long to make
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gerblinbones · 9 months
Deadbeat dads of Adventure Time!
As a deadbeat dad Martin is...Let's admit that if he hadn't went through unchecked brain damage and the fact he had been gone for so long, long enough to have burnt a bridge he knows he can't fix, he would've been a pretty good dad who'd probably make pancakes and waffles for the kids while the oven is smoking out.
We seen how well he makes soup [With possibly a very limited flavor palette] during episode 7 at FaC. He can make some pretty good meals, albeit with the possibility of setting something on fire if he's rushing things.
So comparing Martin with some other father figures [not Simon or Mr. Pig though, they're pretty good] If he hadn't went through what he went through or could've showed up on time before his mind started to fade and his entire life became a mess he just moves forward in and, He'd be a decent dad.
Hudson is...Something
He genuinely does care but human emotions aren't his thing, and by this AU's standards. He gives the same vibe of a dad who'd help you out on homework all the while insulting your work.
He would let you buy a dress but insult your choice in fashion [either meaning to or not] and even compares you to others believing it'll motivate you. You won't tell when he is and isn't being manipulative or genuine because they both fall on such simlar forms to him that in all honesty, if Hudson understood human emotions, he would've had some better effort. Like seriously, he has the benefit of doubt for running basically the underworld itself and being a immortal being who only knows the outer layer of what feelings are, but he's still a jerk. And unless we get deeper understanding of him. All we know is, he's a...Something, dad.
Martin, while he did still suffer brain damage and couldn’t fully repair his relationship with his children (he didn’t even know Fionna existed), still makes more of an effort to fix things than he did in the show. He didn’t have as drastic of a personality change, so he probably would still sit his kids down for a slightly more charred than normal meal. :)
And you’re RIGHT on the money with Hunson, my gosh. He’s really, really, REALLY bad at understanding human emotion and empathy isn’t something he’s fantastic at either. He’s pretty much the exact same as the show but put in a different scenario. It’s harder to emotionally connect and bond with two kids than one for him, and though he loves them, he very much subconsciously gravitates to expressing that to Marshall more. He’s critical of them both, only because he wants to see them do their best, and that usually just translates into him being awful without him really even meaning to be. Marcy gets the short end of the stick for that. She’s usually the one that receives casual criticism for pretty much exactly what you mentioned.
He’s much more attentive to Marshall’s successes and positive experiences, because yknow, boy’s got more of the demon genes, whereas Marceline would have to mention hers more than once for it to go noticed. Unintentional favoritism at its finest, and if he understood human emotion better it would still be an issue, but a much smaller one.
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scarletslippers · 11 months
Why I'm Okay with Nancy/Tristan Having a "Soulmate" Connection and What That Means for Nace
Okay, this is going to be less of a theory explanation than a deep dive into the most prevalent (?) theory I've read/the theory I subscribe to, and why I think it's going to play out in an amazing and satisfying way for our beloved star-crossed lovers.
First, the theory: Tristan is the Sin Eater, destined to reincarnate throughout time and consume the sins of Horseshoe Bay. After what we've seen in 4x10 (the *spark*, "We've walked this path many times before.", "It was like he knew you."), it seems Nancy is some kind of light-energy-Sin Eater-counterpart. An Angel of Truth, perhaps? It seems she is also destined to reincarnate throughout eternity in order to reveal the truths of Horseshoe Bay.
Why I love this theory: Nancy is passionate about finding out the truth and has a dedication to honesty. It's ingrained in her from a young age, and plays a huge role in why she solves mysteries and how she navigates her relationships. She solved the biggest mystery of all (her own heritage) by "always seeking out the truth, even when it hurts.” Just like Kate taught her. And every single one of her relationships is colored by it—Nick pulling away because she wouldn’t be honest with him. Uncovering that Ace was lying and working for McGinnis. Pushing Bess to reveal her real identity. The list goes on.
We’ve also known Nancy to lie when it’s incredibly important for her—Recanting her testimony and destroying her credibility to save Ace’s life, lying by omission to Ace about the curse to keep him safe.
(also Carson calls Nancy their “better angel” and wow do I love a show that makes things work from 2 seasons ago).
How I think it will play out for Nace: Right now, Nancy seems pretty heavily into this so-called “romantic” connection with Tristan, and Ace seems rather forgotten doesn’t he? She talks about him as an “ex” and that Tristan is an “open and honest” communicator, and a “mature” relationship, implying that those things aren’t/weren’t true about Ace, which we all know is obviously not true.
But we learned that Nancy was the last sinner. Personally, I think (and hope) that Nancy’s confessed sin was about (momentarily) giving up HB in order to have a future with Ace. However, regardless of what the sin is, it’s HIGHLY likely that it is Ace and curse related, and if it’s Ace and curse related that means Nancy’s, and Ace’s (...and the crew’s, and the dads’, and…everyone’s) memories are altered. And you know what? If your memories are altered in some way that makes you forget you are cursed or forget that you love someone, this mystical Sin Eater/Angel of Truth soul spark connection thing is gonna feel pretty darn romantic to you.
So what happens when the truth is revealed? We have two truths to uncover here: Nancy’s sin, and the truth about what she is/her past lives.
Number 1: Revealing Nancy’s sin will help her see her relationships more clearly and remember her relationship with Ace. Remember, “our memories make us who we are and that is worth fighting for.”, and we have seen Nancy fight tooth and nail for Ace this season, every fight/break-up they had about their relationship and the curse being colored by their desperation to be together. When that comes rushing back, it’s going to be a big shift. Nancy tells Ace “That's all you're really left with... just messy, stupid memories that stick around, and... good or bad, you get to make more of them.” Nancy has memories with Ace and she’s going to fight for them. She’s going to fight to make more memories with him.
Number 2: We already see Nancy feel pretty strongly about freeing Tristan from his fate as the Sin Eater, and wanting to stop him from having to be reincarnated forever. When she finds out she’s the same, she’s going to fight to end it for herself too. So much of Nancy’s life has been fated/determined—being a Hudson, learning her life was a lie, being taken in by the Drews (Yes, they choose to raise her but did they really have the option to say no? Come on, it’s Carson and Kate), and now this? And so much of Nancy’s life has been about clinging to normalcy. She just wanted to go to Columbia to get away, to be normal. To have a regular family and regular friends. She didn’t ask to be pulled into a murder case and to hunt down supernatural killers. She didn’t ask to be haunted by Lucy Sable. She didn’t ask to be some supernatural reincarnated truth entity.
Nace is endgame. We know this. And right now the ‘star-crossed lovers’ of it all has taken on a new twist. Once cursed to not be together, we now learn that one of them is reincarnated and the other is not. Unable to even spend eternity together.
(Yes, I have Thoughts and Theories on how Nancy putting Ace’s name in the jar at the Lover’s Vigil may have created some connection here, perhaps forging an eternal/after death bond that wasn’t there before. And I also have Thoughts and Theories about that ‘mystical wedding vibe’ of the curse break attempt in 4x03 and how in a wedding ‘two shall become one’ and maybe now their souls are bonded which could influence everything, but that’s A Whole ‘Nother Post.)
So Nancy is going to choose Ace. Break out of whatever Truth/Sin eternal connection this is and choose Ace. Remember that Carson said “maybe we get more than one [soulmate]”, and he also told Nancy “You control your fate. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Maybe Tristan is Nancy’s supernatural soulmate, but Ace is Nancy’s person and she’s going to choose him.
The Naceplications:
Here’s why that’s an incredible thing for Nace, and is going to be an important thing for their character arcs, both individually, and as a couple.
Ace needs to be chosen. Ace struggles with insecurities of feeling lost, without purpose, and being unworthy. So much of Ace's life has been about proving himself—proving to his father he’s not a child and can make adult decisions, proving to McGinnis he’s not a screw up after he got caught hacking that database, proving his worth to Grant even as a brother by helping him, proving to Nancy he’s worth her time and attention by trying to always help her (and only in 4x06 does he realize maybe that’s flawed).
But what he doesn’t realize is he’s always been enough just how he is. Nancy loves him just how he is. She opens up to him about tanking her grades, tells him he’s brilliant when he starts making connections with Charity (actually Hannah) in 3x09, tells him “You never were [lacking].”, or even when she tells him in 4x08 “You really showed up for me, I noticed.” by knowing Kate’s anniversary, giving Nancy the necklace while in his body, supporting her breaking and entering. Those weren’t about doing stuff for her but just being there for her. Him. His presence.
So for Ace to learn she’s some immortal-truth-light-being-thing that’s been reincarnated and has this counterpart connection to the Sin Eater, he's going to think he has no chance against that, right? Of course she’ll choose Tristan. Except Nancy can’t lose him. Nancy is willing to and has risked it all to save him, to be with him, multiple times. He doesn’t think he’s good enough, and yet she chooses him.
Nancy needs to be chosen, too. She feels abandoned by everyone in her life (losing her mom, losing her perceptions of her family/her parents, even losing Lucy to an extent), and she feels that so much is out of her control. Nancy worries that she’s only the worst parts of everyone who came before her, and in light of everything—being a source of light and good, reincarnated throughout time—how much of her life was her choice? Does she solve supernatural mysteries because it’s a connection deep in her bones? In her soul?
She’s prickly and complicated and messy and has walls ten miles high, and she needs someone who will choose her through it all. Ace is that person.
There’s a recurring theme of choice for the two of them across the show. Think about Ace knowing there is a choice beyond something that’s bonded to your soul after his connection with Charity. Think about Ace remaining in Horseshoe Bay and telling Laura “I believe I have a purpose here.” Think about Nancy making the unthinkable choice, but saying “Blind spots, Temperance. I choose this.” Think about Nancy and Ace reading emails that say “I want to be with you. I don’t care what anyone else says.”
Think about Nancy, an Angel of Truth, tied eternally to a Sin Eater, choosing a mortal life. Choosing to be with the man she loves.
Think about her turning away from eternal reincarnation and saying “I face the mystery of this journey with courage because it is with you.” “In this world that tries to silence me the most dangerous words I can speak are that I love you.”
Think about how “it’s always been about love” and Nancy is choosing who she loves, not who she’s connected to through fate.
Love is an action, and love is a choice. Love is putting someone else’s needs first and choosing that person over and over. And really, someone that chooses you is far more romantic than a predestined soulmate anyway.
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