#Human Ressource Management
infinityshigh · 1 year
i sent an email to quit the academic league i was a part of and my former director just texted me saying he's sad i'm leaving :(
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valictini · 2 months
I don't think people truly realise how Qstudio's response to the revelations has been and still is extremely unprofessional. Ghosting people you exploited for a year because you're what, scared of leaks? Is unacceptable behaviour.
(Angry rant below)
Like, to be clear, it is obvious to me that they haven't recruited any Human Ressources yet because this shit wouldn't fly in a normal workplace.
You have a lot of exploited ex employees left on read, asking for a private DISCUSSION for 2 months now.
All the somewhat relevant announcements were made thru public streams, in a language they know not all their ex employees understand.
They relied on volunteer labor (the fans') to translate their official annoucement instead of, you know, doing it themselves (and not just in english but all the language they prided themselves to have included in the project)
And even then, the announcements are so vague and unhelpful that we might as well not have them.
Let's be real. They don't consider these ex employees as such. They consider them formerly privileged fans that are now ruining it for everyone. People they think are a pain in the ass and would rather not deal with for now. At least, that's the message their behaviour is sending.
This is an extreme caricature of bad management, except it's in real life.
Their only saving grace is that Quackity, his friends, and the project are beloved by fans. If it were any other company, i can guarantee you that there would be zero support because they objectively don't deserve it after this much shit.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
i am sending an ask to talk about solarpunk ^^
for my question: what do you think is a healthy relationship with between solarpunk and the natural. by this, i dont just mean the flora and the fauna, but the ways they, and anything else, are when humans arent involved. the dichotomy that arises when people typically discuss the natural is "this thing is (supposedly) natural and therefore must be preserved" and "we must change the world to be more exploitable useful". both of these are veiwpoints that i find wholly antithetical to solarpunk, but rule over so much discussion about the topic, so i think its definately worth some talking about
Alright, let's do the next question!
This really is a topic that cuts back to the very European idea of "culture vs nature", something that technically originated with the ancient Greeks, but really was brought up to the forefront during thr 18th century and then especially in the 19th century with the romanticism movement. With the general idea being that "culture" and "cultural landscape" is landscapes that is being created and touched by humans, while "nature" is untouched by humans.
This dichotomy ignores, however, that humans are animals and therefore a part of nature. And a lot of humans over the centuries have lived in a way that absolutely in alignment with the ecosystem around them.
One example that is often named in this regard is, how a lot of Northern American indigenous cultures managed to manage forest fires way better than white people do.
Hell, I would argue that for the most part even in Europe cultures did manage this quite good for the most part - especially in Eastern Europe - until the later third of the middle ages. (With the Roman culture being the notable exception.)
I think the general issue is, that a lot of modern people (especially white folks) always talk about the ecosystem from the perspective that "humans are not part of nature, but nature is there to serve humans". A lot of the white "nature preservation" movement wants to create an artificial "nature" that exists for them to enjoy, while the entire extractionist folks obviously think of nature as a ressource for them to enrich themselves. Both does not work.
Humans are a part of nature. Humans are animals. Given that right now we are the most intelligent species and admittedly also the one doing the most harm, we should act as custodians for nature, rather than profiteurs of it.
We absolutely can live in a way that we co-exist with the rest of our eco systems. We just need to actually put some effort into it.
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pussinbuss · 5 months
Abuse of women in the wrestling industry
In light of the situation with the Vince lawsuit I want to share a great article on issues in wrestling relating to misogyny, which touch upon allegations aswell as the neutral up to positive attitude some wrestlers and workers have around sexual assault and blatant disrespect of consent ( upholding r*pe culture, even by more modern wrestler ), aswell as misogyny and abuse of women : https://www.fanbyte.com/legacy/a-brief-history-of-creeps-in-professional-wrestling
I think it's important to remember what many men, with the help of other men or women, did in this business, to women and even children.
It's also extremely important to remember the women who were brave enough to talk about the abuse, and fight it. Women in this industry like in many entertainement business, from wrestling to fashion or even animation are used and abused by men on a, well, industrial level.
We have to be conscious we are watching a media built by those men, who have those ideas, and be critical of it.
It can be small like a wrestler wearing an Art Barr tshirt on TV
Or it may be big, watching the royal rumble, and hearing the name of it's creator, we have to remember the ring boys and Pat's misogynistic storylines and jokes he infused into the program.
Same can be said about Vince and the attitude and more modern era. How many women abused behind the scene, kept as eyecandy or not used for their wrestling abilities, simply because they are women.
When you are looking at a woman being humiliated in a fetish way on this show for a " storyline " ( you are looking at a women being abused, even if it's for a story ) it's because someone enjoy that power and dominance, and he feel so free about it he show it in front of you. If I say "women pro wrestling" to a woman my age in my country, they think misogynistic fetish fest !
Another point that bother me is the use an toss aspect given toward women in the business and sadly make it even more sad when women are helping men to shine, only for them to be awful men and make their legacy hidden. What would be Ric Flair without an Olivia Swithen Walker robe ?
To speak on use and abuse, I can only think of the so many female relegated to valet and manager ( as in classic celebrity manager ).
Behind Chris Benoit there was Nancy Toffoloni , who also helped tremendously Vickie Guerrero after the lose of her husband. She was horrendously killed by him.
Managing Snuka behind the scene was Nancy Argentino, who was killed by him.
How many wrestler's wife were and are holding together the household just to be beaten by their husband ? Too many
I also want to highlight the more insidious exploitation of women's ressources through unpaid labour, their body and money. ( and being educated to be kind, patient and caring help in it )
Take that awful interview of CM punk and Colt Cabana in 2005. Yes Punk is a good wrestler and speaker, did he exploit and abuse the shit out of some women for his benefice and treat her like scum ? Yes, and look at where he is now. He can wear as many "abortion is a human right " shirt as he want, because he sure did not see the humanity in the girl he used.
I'm sure this whole trial situation may bring strong emotions to people who were abused in such ways, and awarness by others of your situation is very important, even if it's simply a sibbling or close friends. The more people know it happen, and it happen often sadly, the more people will realise it's a common reality.
On a bit of positivity to end this I want to make clear the solution is not to give up wrestling, give up all entertainement and live in a cave. They actually want you to do that ! The solution is more women in charge in those industry, Shareholders, managers, creative team, places of power... Women and girl are around 50% of the world ? We got to take our sit at the table. As a viewer, we also have to "vote" with our time and money. Be vocal online about turning off the tv when an abusive wrestler you don't like is onscreen, make jokes about it even ! PR is power in our era.
Girlies, don't fall off the wagon, they want you to !
peace, Puss in Buss.
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pommunist · 2 months
Hello pommunist dot Tumblr dot com, I just wanted to say thank you for your posts! I may not agree with all of your perspectives but they are a very good source of differing views to keep my own bias in check. I always see you making sure that discussion stays overall respectful and that is very swag of you 👍 I come from an environment where it's very common for workers to be exploited in the ways that are relevant rn (as far as I know, all of my friends have been). I also, as a person, have a very hard time being angry or taking a strong stance against anything (the more I disagree with someone's actions, the harder I subconsciously try to empathize with them) so your expressions of outrage help me remember that things like this are not normal and should be fought against.
It's very hard for me to condemn any of the things that quackity or others involved with q studios have done. To be clear, I completely support the admins' rights to proper treatment and pay; it's just that I know that if I was in the place of those higher-ups/quackity, I would have made the same or very similar mistakes, so it feels very fallacious to hold them to higher standards than I would hold myself. Is this a strange or inappropriate position to hold? I just do not know how to flex my brain in the right way to look at qstudios as a 'corporate entity' rather than a 'collection of individuals.' That plus the fact that in my opinion, all these problems with the server's management are much easier to make than people (at least in my experience) want to think, and have a good chance of happening with any project just because communication is so inherently infallible and human nature is complicated.
Again, I do really appreciate your point of view and perspective. I just have a hard time truly understanding the more "zero-tolerance" approach to—well, to anything, but in this case to abuse of workers' rights. Would you be willing to explain more of your perspective? I really truly do want to understand better.
I hope you are having a good day/night, and that the tone of this does not come off as anything other than genuine. Lots of love! ❤️❤️
Hey anon !! First do not worry your message came off as nothing but genuine, no problem at all 🫶
Also I don’t think it’s strange or inappropriate for you to have the position you described in your ask ! I actually relate a lot to you saying you can have a hard time being angry at something because same, the more I analyse someone’s actions the more I tend to see their pov and empathise.
Also about holding yourself to a different standard if you were in their shoes, the question is : would you, in a similar scenario, have made decisions that would have put you in the same situation they are now ? Personally, I know that I don’t have the money, ressources or abilities to manage such a big project, so by realising it, I wouldn’t have gone through with it.
For the others things you brought up I’m gonna link you to a previous ask I answered, as well as to the very pertinent addition by @blockgamepirate to it, which I hope can bring some elements of answers to your questions.
And personally, there are many reasons I feel so strongly about the topic of workers rights. Them being that I just care about politics and have an interest in them, but also the current political climate of my own country and my personal background makes it that I kinda HAD to strongly make my mind on this topic. In this particular case it angers me even more because the admins were mostly young people, who had a great love and admiration for the project, and for the passion of young fans be taken advantage of is just heartbreaking.
I hope this was at least somewhat helpful, sending love back ♥️
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justforbooks · 2 months
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Laurent Cantet
French film director who won the Palme D’Or at the Cannes film festival with his improvisatory education drama The Class
The social-realist boom in 1990s French cinema produced compelling new voices such as Jacques Audiard, Bruno Dumont and Érick Zonca. The most humane and rigorous of that group was Laurent Cantet, who has died aged 63 after suffering from cancer.
Cantet, who often worked in an improvisatory mode with non-professional actors, won the Cannes film festival’s top prize, the Palme d’Or, for his education drama The Class (Entre les Murs, 2008). Sean Penn, president of that year’s Cannes jury, called the film “a miracle, a perfect movie, just so exciting to see. We walked into the jury room afterward and it was like we had swept up the floor and our work was done.”
A kind of Parisian Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, it was arrived at by cross-pollinating drama and documentary to create what Cantet called “documented fiction”. François Bégaudeau, author of the autobiographical novel Entre les Murs (Between the Walls, 2006), on which the film is based, plays a version of himself: an enthusiastic inner-city teacher who inspires his adolescent pupils but also crosses swords with them.
In one scene, François is taken to task over his use of anglicised names in his mathematical exercises: Bill has 12 apples, Bob has three, but what about, say, Rachid or Aïssata? This playful scene plants the seed for one of the film’s main themes – the use of language to gain leverage, and to reshape the world.
The movie’s sharp-eyed visual style lends these semantic wrangles a strong cinematic dimension. Shooting on location with three high-definition cameras, Cantet achieved an omniscient documentary effect. “This gave us a lot of freedom, allowing us to improvise, to capture the energy of the pupils rather than interrupt them when we wanted a different angle,” he explained. The students and staff in the film, who were all drawn from Françoise Dolto junior high in the 20th arrondisement of Paris, generated many of the scenes in collaboration with Bégaudeau and Cantet.
The movie’s overall tone is one of bruised idealism. “It shows the richness of multiculturalism rather than its weaknesses,” said Cantet. “The film is utopian about the possibilities this kind of setting offers, but pessimistic about the school system in general.”
The Class received an Oscar nomination and became Cantet’s most successful film. But the three features that preceded it were more impressive, withholding even the smallest spoonful of sugar to help their messages go down.
He made his debut in 1999 with Human Resources (Ressources Humaines), in which a business-school graduate starts a management job at the factory where his father is a welder. The newcomer clashes with the union at first, then has a change of heart when he learns of planned redundancies.
That film, which the critic Ginette Vincendeau called “generous, sensitive and innovative”, addresses with Loachian fastidiousness the challenge of reconciling principles and productivity. Both Human Resources and Cantet’s 2001 follow-up, Time Out (L’emploi du Temps), explore how work defines us even in our most interior moments.
Time Out concerns the middle-aged, middle-class Vincent (Aurélien Recoing), who conceals his unemployment from his wife and children, and instead lets his days drip by in service stations and motel lobbies. To retain his role as breadwinner, he cheats cash out of gullible investors he meets on the road.
The film was inspired by the case of Jean-Claude Romand, who lied about his non-existent job, and finally slaughtered his family. Cantet and his regular co-writer and editor Robin Campillo (who later became a director in his own right) stopped short of such horror. “We wanted him to have a disconcerting banality,” Cantet said. “He’s just someone who slips and trips down a certain pathway.”
Some audiences found a note of hope in the final scene, in which Vincent attends a job interview. Cantet was quick to scotch that reading. “The notion of work is so full of wealth and worthiness that the prospect of Vincent finding employment again is obviously a winner,” he said. “But not having a job can be of a certain wealth, too. For people like him, work can only be slavery, so to see the last scene as a happy ending is a denial.”
Heading South (Vers le Sud, 2005) applied Cantet’s usual scrutiny to a different milieu, albeit one still steeped in exploitation and commodification. Charlotte Rampling and Karen Young play sex tourists at a Haitian beach resort in the late 1970s who find themselves competing for the same 18-year-old gigolo (Ménothy Cesar). Neither woman is interested in the young man’s plight under the corrupt regime of President “Baby Doc” Duvalier, though eventually the country’s political strife eclipses their feud. The film has a starkly Fassbinderesque view of the intersection between sex, money and power.
Cantet was born in Melle, a town in western France, and raised in nearby Niort. His parents were both teachers. He attended university in Marseilles, then studied at the Paris film school IDHEC (L’Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques), where he met Campillo. Their first full-length collaboration, Les Sanguinaires (1997), was made for French television as part of a project looking ahead to the new millennium. (Human Resources was also made for TV, but earned an international cinema release.) Asked about the 13-year gap between graduating and directing Les Sanguinaires, he said: “I spent a long time trying to discover what I wanted to say in a film.”
Reactions to the movies he made after The Class were mixed. An adaptation of Joyce Carol Oates’s 1950-set novel Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang (2012) met with muted acclaim. Return to Ithaca (2014), about a reunion of five friends in Havana, made few waves. It was Cantet’s second project in the city: he was one of seven directors who contributed to the portmanteau project 7 Days in Havana (2012). It was part-funded by Havana Club rum, which features prominently on screen.
His 2017 drama The Workshop (L’Atelier), about the relationship between a female teacher at a summer writing school and a male teenage student radicalised by the far right, revived the simmering tensions of Heading South, and represented a real return to form, though in fact the film had been gestating for more than 15 years. Cantet’s final picture, Arthur Rambo (2021), was inspired by the real-life case of Mehdi Meklat, and follows a young writer from the banlieues whose career is wrecked by offensive social media posts that predate his fame. He was working on a new film, The Apprentice, at the time of his death.
“My characters are never heroes,” Cantet said in 2008. “They always have weaknesses. That’s what motivates me to write them. They are people looking for their place in society: a place which is much harder to find when you don’t march in step with the rest of society. It’s something I can recognise in myself: keeping the world at arm’s length. Perhaps making films is a way of making up that distance.”
🔔 Laurent Cantet, film director, born 11 April 1961; died 25 April 2024
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yunalai · 1 year
alright, random hcs ask time, let's have a crack at things related to the jungle of ixtal.
carnivorous plants? sounds natural for some to be in there, but how big are we talking and what would they ressemble?
carrion flowers. tell me ixtal has some of these bad boys.
same with parasitic plants.
with all the dangerous flora around, is there still some plants that can be used for beneficial ends?
what degree of sentience has the ixtali flora shown?
do ixtali folks manage a certain control over natural ressources and a developed agriculture? or is utterly untameable and they do with what they're given?
onto fauna, we've obviously got big mean beasts. what's on the bottom of the food chain? herbivores that still have means of defences dangerous for humans?
how would ixtali regard hunting? is it a sport, for the privileged, has ties to religious practics and so on?
...frogs? need frogs.
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I've wanted to answer these for SO long, okay, here we go.
carnivorous plants? sounds natural for some to be in there, but how big are we talking and what would they resemble?
Carnivorous plants are not an uncommon sight in Ixaocan. The smaller ones are similar to the plants we have in our world, such as flytraps, with a verdant exterior and vivid colors on the interior. They secrete sap that more easily attracts insects.
However, there are much bigger ones. These are extremely rare to find, as during the day they remain closed and their exterior grants them camouflage that allows them to blend in with rocky environments. These baby eaters, as often called, do not only rely on snapping shut to acquire their meals.
The body springs forth soon as they detect movement in front of them and the 'mouth' snaps shut around rabbits, cubs, and other similarly-sized animals. They have hardened edges around the rims that dig into flesh and apply a paralyzing poison before they trap their prey into an agonizingly slow death.
Though they mostly prey on fawns, outsiders and even careless Ixtali have lost limbs to these plants.
carrion flowers. tell me ixtal has some of these bad boys.
Absolutely. Most of the carrion flower species in Ixtal are parasitic. They attach themselves to vines and tree trunks and bloom there, absorbing their nutrients and water while attracting pollinators to themselves, some of which are often harmful to their host.
They thrive in the darkest, most humid parts of the jungle, and their pungent scent carries in the distance. Most Ixtali do not venture into these almost swamp-like parts unless they are harvesting something precious, such as the sap from the trees to which these flowers attach themselves, as it is rich in antioxidants.
same with parasitic plants.
See above! Carrion flowers are just one of many parasitic variants in Ixtal. The vampire rose, as it is commonly known, is a more grotesque variation of these. Instead of attaching themselves to another plant to steal its resources, vampire rose seeds are small, sticky pellets that attach themselves to the wings and legs of kiskadees. As they grow, their thorns dig a small hole in the animal's body and their roots burrow into it, sucking up the blood from the critter. It is painful for the animal, but most do not die from this parasitic experience.
With medical help, a rose of a vibrant red rose can be plucked from these birds and the roots removed, freeing them. If it dies with the rose still attached, the rose will inevitably turn black before rotting in a period of 2-3 days.
with all the dangerous flora around, is there still some plants that can be used for beneficial ends?
Plenty of them! In fact, even the dangerous flora provides medicine for the Ixtali. They harvest poisonous plants to make anti-venom and other types are perfectly safe to make into tea if you remove their roots. Many succulent plants provide them with refreshing gel used for both skincare and burns — you will notice that especially in the city of Ixaocan, any families that focus on firebending will often live next door to gardeners, who will exchange this gel for other goods. Some have petals that, mixed with sugar, make a syrup that can cure fevers and stomachaches.
Other plants can be beneficial if brewed a certain way and deadly if you miss a step of the brewing process. Some might try to eat you if you pluck them! The Ixtali have thrived in the jungle for millennia and it is not often they get bested by its flora, though. Their knowledge is shared and documented and most children are born with an odd sense of what vines to avoid and which to climb.
what degree of sentience has the ixtali flora shown?
A scary amount. As evidenced by At The Edge Of The World, the Ixtali often do not need to move a muscle to defend their lands. Moss and vine do it just fine, either controlled by an unseen force or entirely sentient of their actions, they take over ship and crew, making them nothing more than garden ornaments.
It is the Ixtali's belief that, just like Ionia, the jungle is alive. And it can feel someone's intention, the dark desire in their heart. The whole jungle moves against those who threaten it. It is not a matter of which kinds of plants are more sentient than others. They all are, to a degree. And though some may be parasitic, some might do more harm than good, they all move with a goal in common when push comes to shove; protect Ixtal.
do ixtali folks manage a certain control over natural resources and developed agriculture? or is utterly untameable and they do with what they're given?
The Ixtali have a very rich agriculture of vegetables, wheat, fruit trees, berry bushes, and almost anything you can think of. The jungle provides for those that live in harmony with it, even if it is a dangerous place for even the most experienced scout.
If Ixtal did not want to be bent by the weaving of the Axiomata, it simply would not budge. One of the lessons Qiyana learned as a young child when she began to practice in the wild was that stubbornness and arrogance would not favor her outside the palace's walls, not when it came to bonding with the jungle, and that is part of why she shows such immense respect to Ixtal and the Green Lady herself.
onto fauna, we've obviously got big mean beasts. what's on the bottom of the food chain? herbivores that still have means of defense dangerous for humans?
Most plants and bugs would be considered bottom of the food chain, though make no mistake — that does not mean these things cannot kill you. Poison, venom, barbs, mouths full of deadly bacteria, hooves capable of crushing and breaking bone, horns that pierce skin easily. The Ixtali will tell you it tends to be safer to encounter a predator than a prey animal. While predators might not feel cornered right away, it is a guarantee that the prey will feel like the human in front of it is a threat and it will be a matter of life or death to them.
A great part of the Ixtali prefer to move above ground through tree branches for this reason, as it is easier to avoid snakes, birds, plants, bugs, and the occasional leopard, than it is to avoid a buck protecting its family.
how would ixtali regard hunting? is it a sport, for the privileged, has ties to religious practics and so on?
The Ixtali would never hunt for sport. If someone in a village or even the city-state was suspected of doing such a thing, they would certainly be banished. They hunt for food and, though much rarer, sometimes smaller religious rituals to celebrate The Green Lady. It is not a requirement to say a prayer every time one takes the life of an animal, but Qiyana always does.
...frogs? need frogs.
There are frogs a-plenty! Small ones, big ones that swallow rabbits whole, the weird ones that have a pattern of eyes on the back to spook predators, and most commonly, water gliders! This species of frog is a telltale sign of whether an area is safe from predators or not. They explode if put in too much stress and their acidic blood blinds and burns anyone unlucky enough to get sprayed by it. So, predators tend to avoid areas with water gliders about.
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They came from the Walled City
Some kind of fanfic where a human comes across Momo in the woods. Humans in flesh and companions meet again for the first time in centuries.
(This is the human POV of my short fanfic "The soft ones live"  ← click to read! If you want to read Momo’s POV.)
A few days ago, an low, thunderous rumble was heard for miles. Something huge made the ground tremble. When we looked out in the distance, we witnessed a sight we never thought we'd see; the ancient Walled City 99 was opening up...
Centuries ago, during one of the darkest eras of humanity, some people hid inside those perfectly sealed walled cities, hoping they could escape from all the problems humans had to deal with back in those times.
The humans that couldn't afford this luxury, like my ancestors, were left outside to rot... But little do these Walled City people know, the humanity left outside managed to survive, even if barely. And that brings us to me.
Today, one could only wonder how these Walled City people were now. A whole city of people cut off from the world for so many centuries... Did they all turn into darkness-dwelling savages resorting to cannibalism to survive? Or did all their ressources and fine technology allow them to become more advanced than us, outside humans?
For these questions, people were hesitant to go greet who, or what, would come out of the freshly opened Walled City 99...
Me, I wanted to take a peek.
I was still traveling through the woods on my way to the walled city, when I spotted an orange cat ahead of me, calmly staring at me.
I smiled and put a knee to the ground to go "pspspsps".
To my delight, the cat casually approached me, without any noticeable fear, and after a sniff, even nuzzled my hand. Wow, this one was pretty friendly for a wild cat!...
But eventually, the cat ran off to the woods. The cat stopped to glance my way and meow, then ran away for good.
What a cute cat. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this cat wanted me to follow...
So naturally, I did. Or at least, I tried.
After just a few minutes of walking through the woods, a sound caught my attention.
Some kind of repeated mechanical whirr. Someone using machinery, maybe?...
Staying hidden behind a tree, I tried to peek at the source of the sound...
At first, I saw a human-like silhouette stepping into a clearing, apparently searching for something. This person sure was wearing some funny clothes.... a long coat with a tropical pattern of leaves and flamingos... an old conical bamboo hat... and... Some kind of armor?... Or...? What was that, covering the rest of their body?...
This person turned their head my way, and I finally saw their face... If I should even call it a face.
It was a screen. A rainbow-colored screen with just two white circles and a white line to supposedly resemble a simplistic 'face'. It even sort of blinked, by making the two circles turn into a straight line across the screen for a split second.
I knew what this was. I've seen old photos of it before. It was one of those robots designed to serve the people inside the Walled Cities. What were they called again?...
That was not a human, and yet... The way it moved so naturally, awkwardly without being clunky, it almost fooled me into thinking it was someone! It looked so expressive, by its movements alone...
"Hhhuh..." I whispered to myself, staring at the machine.
At the sound I made, the machine suddenly froze, the screen suddenly flickering to display a sad frowning face, and then... It slowly turned to look my way.
Uh oh.
I tried to stay still, not knowing what else to do, but the monitor of the robot finally focused on my face, and its expression turned into wide eyes and a square for a mouth.
It slowly tilted its head, letting out a weird buzzing sound.
"Shit!..." Was it sounding an alarm or something? It was freaking me out! I started stepping backward slowly, ready to turn and run at any sudden movement!...
But then, the robot raised its hands to show me its palms, shaking its head, as it let out a robotic blabber. It sounded like the muffled deep voice of someone talking over a phone of very low quality. When it 'talked', its mouth was moving as a thick white bar across the screen. It was quite cartoony.
Once again, the way it moved, and now sounded, made me feel like this robot was a person... It just seemed to express genuine surprise and worry.
But this had to be in my head.
I was gonna run away, fearing that the robot might call for backup or something... until the robot raised two fingers on both of his hands, showing them to me insistently, as he gave a small nod and continued blabbering robot gibberish.
Two fingers like that. It meant something, didn't it? A long time ago... I couldn't remember what it meant exactly, but I knew it was something... positive. Something friendly.
So I stopped, suddenly curious, and watched the robot. Maybe it was trying to tell me something, for some reason.
The robot stayed still, staring back, then started speaking in bleeps and bloops again... it then put a finger to its chest, and traced the letters 'M-O-M-O'...
I blinked. "...Momo?..." Could that be its name?...
The robot straightened itself, head perking up a bit as it let out a high-pitched sound and blinked a few times. It paused, then spoke again, only this time its bloops struggled a bit until it pronounced something I could understand... "...MmO-mO...."
This... Didn't feel like something this robot would be programmed to do...
And then, the face on the screen changed into a cheerful yet gentle smile, as 'Momo' awkwardly put its hands together...
That didn't feel like a machine waiting for orders, it felt more like a child wanting to learn things...
So I took a cautious step forward, and asked "Hello?... Are there humans with you?..."
Momo's expression turned into a sad frown as it shrugged and blooped some more. It then awkwardly tapped the tips of its index fingers together a few times, then finally pointed up to bleep some more, and tilted to the side to mimic something with its hands... Looked like writing with a pencil.
Right... The robot did trace a word with its fingers earlier... Maybe this kind of robot worked with text rather than speech, for some reason.
I hesitated, and traced the letters 'H-E-L-L-O' in the air.
The robot tilted its head and blinked a few times, then suddenly perked up, excitedly waving to me.
It did understand! I cracked a smile, and waved back. "Hello..."
Momo's expression once again turned into that gentle smile as it let out a soft high-pitched tone. Its bloops then worked out a friendly "hEll-O...."
I stared at Momo, a little bit speechless. Maybe I was crazy, but I could swear this machine was just too expressive to be... a machine.
What would be the point of programming a helper robot that can't understand human speech, but can learn human speech through complex interactions like this?? And if this robot is only just now learning human speech... Wouldn't it imply this is its first time meeting a human?...
Something strange was going on... But one thing was for sure; this robot was... extremely endearing.
Suddenly, Momo started blabbering again, blooping and bleeping about things I didn't understand, yet always so expressive with its hands and body, like a real human guy trying to explain something very important to me.
Momo paused, staring at me with a blink, as if evaluating my silence, then put a hand behind its head, looking somewhat embarrassed... The robot then continued its blabber, gesturing for me to follow as it took a few steps back in the direction of the Walled City... And finished with its hands put together, I assume begging me to follow...
Of course, I was a little nervous about what this robot could possibly want from me, but... I really wanted to know more. Momo was truly fascinating. It felt like a person, to the point that I felt wrong about thinking of it as an 'it'.
That robot felt like a living being of its own making, somehow... Neither designed for humans, neither NOT designed for humans...
I took a step towards him. He made a happy bleep and nodded to express his eagerness, and began leading me to the Walled City.
I had no idea what to expect next.
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askvectorprime · 2 years
How did the people beyond the Jurassic Park theme park managed to imprison the Decepticon known as Tyrannocon Rex and gain the services of the Autobot JP93? That seems to be far above what we know of their ressources from our universe.
Dear Genetic Genius, 
At some point during the Beast Wars, it seems as though a mosquito alighted on Megatron’s body and, while feeding, absorbed both tyrannosaur DNA and samples of Megatron’s own CNA. In 1988, InGen scientists recovered amber samples and reconstructed a genetically engineered tyrannosaur clone—one that, unbeknownst to the staff of Jurassic Park, contained Megatron’s own DNA.
Part tyrannosaur, part frog, part Cybertronian, the strange hybrid lifeform survived a stressful incubation period, outliving her siblings, and eventually "Rexy" found a new position as Jurassic Park’s star attraction. But there was more to Rexy than met the eye—she possessed a Cybertronian endoskeleton, and retained her genetic ancestor's ability to transform. The park staff eventually discovered this during an x-ray, and privately taxonomised the resulting hybrid species as tyrannocon rex. Unwilling to retire such a lucrative asset by moving her to a more-secure enclosure—or perhaps unable to do so—they began conducting tests in secret during the park's closing hours.
When the Optimus Prime of this reality discovered evidence of Cybertronian activity on the remote island where InGen had established their theme park, he dispatched a covert operative—going by the codename “JP93”—to keep an eye out for any Decepticons who might’ve infiltrated the theme park. JP93 befriended a computer programmer at the park, Dennis Nedry, but was unaware that the true threat lay not in the cars or trucks used to get around the island, nor in the many gene-splicing supercomputers, but in the genetically-engineered dinosaurs he sought to protect. This shortsightedness would prove his undoing, for unbeknownst to him, Nedry had immediately reported JP93’s existence to InGen, and had been working to throw him off the scent—knowing that, if ever a day did come when tyrannocon rex broke containment, having a Cybertronian patsy on the island could be in their interests.
That grim possibility came true one rainy night in 1993, when Rexy escaped and rampaged through the park. Hoping to delay her long enough to evacuate, the park’s upper management sent JP93 as a distraction, but the Autobot was practically a fossil compared to her hybrid protoformer design. Being equal parts carnivore and cybervore, she devoured JP93, and had the park staff for dessert.
Rexy later resurfaced to help several humans escape a pack of vicious velociraptors. Her ferocity in that battle leads me to wonder if, perhaps, she was tapping into a deeper genetic memory.
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dontwarnthetadpoles · 2 years
Unpopular opinion of the day: Buffy and her relationships
Warning :  There are some anti buffy (the criticism is for the writers who made her act this way but i can't deny that it defined who she is too), anti Bangel and anti Spuffy thoughts. So read only if you’re mature enough to deal with negative opinions about your favourites. Like usual, it’s not science, so all opinions are subjective and thus all respectful  criticism is welcomed.   
Among the things i don't get about the fandom:
The adoration, idealization and idolization of Buffy Summers as a human being.  
I don’t know how else to define it. It seems pretty clear that the show makes a point in separating Buffy the Slayer from Buffy the teen and later Buffy the young adult woman, and yet fans are still determined on merging the two to make her someone extraordinaire all the time.
That’s at best a  wish, in reality an illusion: the show has many examples that prove that when it comes to her private life she shows an attitude and a personality that are the opposite of the way she behaves when she’s the slayer. 
As a slayer, she's one of the best superheroine ever written on tv (and even in cinema history) : she has impressive fighting skills, even without her power she is mentally strong and « exhibits extraordinary courage and clearheadedness in battle » according to the Council of Watchers, she is ressourceful according to Spike who killed two slayers but never managed to win a fight against her, she’s also a true leader who make all the plans, and inspire enough trust even in a an army of non trained people to make them follow her to their possible death. More importantly she wins and saves the world multiple times.
However in her personal life, the writers made her someone who reacts poorly or makes really messy decisions, like losing herself so much in her romantic relationships that she abandons completely the people who support her the most (family, watcher, friends, teachers),  picking the worst boyfriends ever despite all the red flags, being codependent in romance (except with Riley) while cutting herself emotionally of her family and friends (maybe it’s why she distanced herself from Riley, they became so domestic that he was basically family, so not as special as a secret and forbidden boyfriend) etc.
The most representative example of this trend to make her more than she really is,  is when fans say the scoobies were wrong to blame Buffy for running away to LA at the end of season 2 while it’s impossible from a human point of view to support her here. Let’s just recap the facts :
She disappeared for a complete summer without giving any news, not even a letter (when she was away, the one she left to her mother before leaving Sunnydale doesn't count for obvious reasons) to say "i'm alive and ok, don't look for me i need time alone, i don’t know for how long", to the people who risked their lives for her. How many times did the show said in those earlier seasons that it's the support system, family and friends, that saved her life so far? And they did it while they had no powers.
It's also like no one remember that the scoobies didn't know that she killed Angel and not Angelus, Buffy didn't share the info before her return to school. Not even with Willow. So in their mind, she just decided to disappear at the same time her serial killer ex boyfriend, who almost killed them all, vanished.  
The Scoobies suffered physically and psychologically the consequences of Angel/Angelus time in their lives, a connection they built with the vampire only because of Buffy's relationship with him :
Willow who « won » a coma for saving Buffy's boyfriend soul - she was still rooting for Buffy and wanted her to be reunited with the one she loved despite the fact Angelus attacked her at school in Innocence and left threats at her home in Passion - but she's to blame for not handling well her disappearance and return? For feeling rejected and left behind by the only girl friend she ever had, as if her feelings didn’t matter, no more apparently than the fact she needed more than a day to adjust to her return?
Giles was savagely tortured for hours after experiencing the loss of Jenny in a real macabre way, and yet was still looking everywhere for her '(taking a flight to every part of the country where she could be),
Xander had his arm broken, was beaten and witnessed the murder of Kendra while he couldn't save anyone,
and finally her mother, who raised her for 17 years was left for months not knowing if she was dead or alive (try that with your family and come back here to tell us how if your return and the family reunion went well)! No matter how complicated their last discussion was, it was just pure torture to inflict on anyone close, let alone a parent.   
Stopping Angelus from lauching an apocalypse was cleaning her own mess: she didn't have any business in dating a vampire in the first place. It’s true that the adults failed her miserably: Jenny and Giles should have at least tried to stop her from starting a relationship with him instead of watching from the side.
But let’s also be honest she would have never listened to them. Not only she was determined to do things her way and to ignore their authority as she did with every adult (when she knocked Giles in Prophecy, broke her mother's rules in Bad Eggs),  but she fell in love with Angel while knowing he was a monster. He described to her how he tortured Drusilla and her family(!). thus soulless or not, knowing his past should have been enough to force her to be cautious and protect herself and her family/friends by keeping him out of her life.
It’s not like he was the only man in the world that she could date. The all male population of the school was showing her interest. She wasn’t Willow, she was one of the most pretty girl of the town to the point where even college guys asked her out during season 2, and she knew it.
How some fans can still take the moral ground to defend  Buffy's toxic and abusive relationships with vampires.
I mean it's ok to enjoy toxic relationships in fiction, everyone has different taste (personally i have seen enough examples of domestic violence in real life, i want to escape from that when i watch tv shows and get a taste of happy people who love each other, instead of beating each other physically or psychologically). It's all fantasy.
For all that, don't try to pretend that Spike or Angel have become nice guys because they "fell in love" with Buffy, or acted like good guys during the time they dated her. A vampire is defined by his impulses and instincts: they're demons who are thinking all the time about killing, raping, stealing, destroying and if they exceptionally find a girl for which they're willing to stop 5 minutes their evil/criminal life, it doesn't mean they are helping the side of the good guys, it means they are helping Buffy to get in her pants, which makes a big difference.
Angel didn't care about helping anybody and was still drinking human blood until he met Buffy as proved by his flashbacks on Btvs and Ats. Spike never stopped his petty trafics even during seasons 5/6 and killed and sired new vampires during season 7 though under the influence of The First, but it was easy to pick him for this task precisely because his soul meant nothing.
Without Buffy in the picture, they wouldn’t think one second about saving Willow, Xander or Giles' lives in the case of Spike, and wouldn't hang around long enough to realize that the Scoobies are in danger in Angel's case.
Moreover, if their "attraction/feelings" don't change the fact that they are rapists, murderers, thieves by nature, it doesn't either erase their past crimes for which they will never pay (not even Angel, there's too much crimes for redemption, the only thing possible is erasing their memory). That's why the moral ground: the all debate about being soulless or not can not be pertinent to decided if Buffy was right or wrong to let go of them in Chosen (which i think she did).
You can say you don't care because they are still pretty, charismatic, and badass/cool but you can't say it's ooc for them to try to kill, rape, steal again. Violence is a part of their core self: even when they are convinced to be in love, there's rape and beating in the mix. I really don't know how it's possible to dismiss the violence that permeates Spike and Angel's personalities, while it constitutes 99% of their arc and plot.
Whedon wanted them to be a representation of what abusive men/boyfriends are, and it’s clearly what he wrote, and it’s also clearly the message i get when i watch the show.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Cyril and Rhea headcanons? We need more lizard fam love
How Cyril met Rhea
Because @croissantcoffin made a point about that fandom being ass with takes regarding those two, like "rhea bad for only saving one almyran child" but the Gonerils are A-OK and Hilda is a fave even if her family is "capturing" more than one Almyran Child - I always wondered how this exchange could have happened and...
Here the HC goes :
Of course seeing children being reduced to things as opposed to beings - by a family who descends from one of the Elites - makes Rhea very angry, and while she condemns this behaviour, apparently no one else does in the Alliance.
While she wants to intervene herself in those human's affairs, doing so once - during the War of the Eagle and the Lion - already made Adrestia turn against her, if she directly tells those humans how to behave, won't they also turn against her (and Cichol, and the sleeping Cethleann who just returned)?
She managed to avoid the Kingdom's wrath for sheltering Catherine - who was accused of regicide - can she safely risk angering the Gonerils, thus the entire Alliance, especially after that thing in Ordelia where they have already been weakened by the Empire? Would she be pushing the boudaries of this fragile peace and starting a conflict?? The Alliance doesn't seem to be followers of the Church's teachings, would they have no qualms in attacking Garreg Mach for what they perceive as a slight (hello golden shower)?
(tfw Rhea thinks way too much)
While she wants to help, she doesn't know how and the ramifications of any help she could provide, but knows that it can't continue like that.
And so, instead of snatching the children and bringing them to Garreg Mach, she decides to ask them if they want to come with her. Both because the Gonerils would have to use a real excuse to justify keeping those children here, with them, instead of letting them go to the Monastery and because those children are already used to be treated like things and tools, she will treat them as persons and ask them to decide for themselves, without forcing her choice on them.
Cyril is wise for his age, and even back then knew that even if he returned to Almyra, his life wouldn't be that much better than here - something his fellow "captured friends" think - maybe because he had been part of the "army" who sent them on the border for much longer than them, and managed to survive until this day.
So Cyril accepts that woman's choice, because it can't be worse, and also, and more important, because for once, someone is asking him what he wants to do.
The Gonerils are not happy - and they make Rhea aware of it, but she bullshits her way with some "Garreg Mach is a better place to take care of orphans and offer education than the border" and while Goneril Sr doesn't buy her bullshit (since it's own BS excuse) he doesn't want to waste more time and ressources on an Almyran boy.
Seteth was of course annoyed when Rhea returned with a child, even if, after hearing what she witnessed in the Goneril estate, thought it was the best solution. Still, this child has a scar, can't she treat it?
Rhea tries to heal the scar, but it doesn't go and she knows what "weapon" made it - Cyril confirms it, saying he tried to dust and clean a golden weapon, but a member of House Goneril was really upset that he tried to touch something so "holy" and during the ruckus the "weapon" fell on him, hopefully he only ended up with this small scar.
It would be the only time (bar that time in Tru Piss when she hears Seteth'n'Flayn died) Cyril would see her look so upset - like on the verge of tears - Rhea hugs him and tells him "She never wanted to hurt you" before adding that here he will always be safe, he was too shocked at someone feeling sad for him for the first time since he was 5 that he didn't correct her, the member of House Goneril who scolded him was a man - and for some reason (he is not a child he had to grow up real fast after all!) Cyril finally lets go all of his pentup frustration and sadness and feelings of helplessness and cries.
(the reason why Catherine always calls him crybaby - which embarasses Cyril more than everything else, even that time when he tried to eat a Zanado Fruit).
Cyril thought some time about the "She" Rhea mentionned, was she thinking of the Goddess? But she said the Goddess acts as a guide to people, and it is ultimately up to them to decided whether they want to follow her choices and lead or not. So Uncle Goneril was the one who scolded him, not the Goddess?
(he asked a priest about the Goddess being a guide and how people can choose to not follow her words, but the priest told him to go away, he had a conference about the hypostatic union of Saint Seiros, he couldn't answer this child's questions).
and then other non serious stuff
In Garreg Mach, whenever Rhea could, she would eat dinner with Cyril
- at first he insisted bringing it to her, but obviously didn't mind not eating himself (he already ate for the breakfast and the lunch, what do you mean he can also eat for dinner??), and Rhea refused to eat alone, so he was "forced" to eat half of her meal, until he understood the message and finally brought his own dinner too - and she would ask him how was his day, if he made new friends, etc etc.
Cyril was taught how to "look" at the stars by Rhea herself, and knows how to read her star chart. (borrowed from @lumeha!)
When the nights start to be cold, Cyril refuses to stop stargazing because what is even the cold.
Rhea once hugged him and wrapped him in her own coat, so they could watch the stars together but he wouldn't be cold anymore, right? Cyril points out how it reminds him of his time in the Almyran "army", when it was real cold he would sneak in the wyvern's stables and stay close to them, and one of them always used its wing to bring him closer, almost as if it wanted to shield him from the cold using the wing as a blanket.
Rhea doesn't say a thing but hugs him more tightly, because she remembered a time when she pestered the sister turned into Failnaught to read her a book, and how she would always agree to do so, partially transforming to keep her close with her wings while she would use her arms to turn the pages of the book.
After a while Rhea opens up and mentions she had siblings who passed away, and looking at the stars makes her think of them. Cyril doesn't know what to say, but thinks how when he looks at the stars now, he thinks of Rhea, his new life here and his new family.
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salut~ today we return to the tried and tested vocab list to learn some french business words and phrases! i hope you find it useful <3
- le personnel | the staff
- la succursale | the branch
- comité de direction | top management (or “codir” for short)
- le service marketing | the marketing department
- les services de vente | the sales department
- la comptabilité | accounting (or “compta” in short)
- le service de contentieux | the legal department
- le service de ressources humaines | human resources department
- stagiaires | interns
- un employeur | an employer
- les employés | the employees
- un apprenti | an apprentice
- PDG (président-directeur général) | CEO
- le bulletin de salaire | the pay slip
- le salaire | the salary
- le registre du personnel | the payroll
- un licenciement | a layoff
- une avance | an advance payment
- un règlement par virement bancaire | a payment via bank transfer
- le voyage d‘affaires | the business trip
- le client | the client
- l’acheteur | the buyer
- le vendeur | the seller
- l’associé | partner
- le bénéfice | profit
- les biens | the assets
- la réunion | the meeting
- le chiffre d’affaire | sales/ turnover
- le concurrent | competitor
- créer une entreprise | to set up a business
- faire faillite | to go bankrupt
- les frais | fees
- l’impôt | tax
- la formation | training
- la marque déposée | registered trademark
bien, c’est tout! quite a long one today haha, so please feel free to correct any errors I’ve made :) thank you for reading, and as always i hope we meet again very very soon <3 good luck in your studies, stay safe and au revoir!!
source: yuqo.com
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ressources for a (possible) autism diagnosis, ways you can support autistic people (even after april ends) + my personal symptoms!
as april is autism acceptance/ awareness month here are some ways you can make us feel autistic people more accepted :D
notes: this post is directed towards ALLISTICS. you can still read if you're autistic/neurodivergent but i feel like all im going to write isn't going to be new to you so x) yea /lh
also i alr stated it but the symptoms i will list are only MINE. just because you relate to them doesn't mean you're autistic OK ? ok. also please don't use the resources as a proper diagnosis, I AM NOT A PSYCHIATRIST OK? I AM JUST POSTING THIS TO HELP PEOPLE AND ALLISTICS 👹
this being said, ladders, gentlebeans and gender anarchists (me) luvs, ✨️how can allistics help autistic people!✨️
(in case you're confused you just have to tap on the text when it's underlined, the name of the website is the text written)
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1- helpful resources for looking for a future diagnosis
before using the following i highly recommend to list why you think you might be autistic so that you only note what you truly have and don't tend to- "oh i have this symptom too" while you don't /lh
dsm5 criteria (this one's a bit boring tbh my adhd made it hard to read through the whole thing lmao) but it's still good to have an overall look on autism symptoms
same thing as above but as a checklist
CW EYE CONTACT embrace autism's "reading the mind through the eyes" a test in which there are a few faces shown but you only see the eyes and you have to guess the emotion depicted there are around 40 questions and you can't actually click on your answers lol you have to note them and the good answers will be in a table at the end of the test
embrace autism's tests and how the results work (pretty self explanatory c: /lh)
everything you need to know about embrace autism (as far as i'm aware this site is nothing like autism speaks but please let me know if i'm wrong)
2- ways you can support autistic people!
ASK US FOR CONSENT this is not only for autistic people but since being touched is a trigger for most of autistic people ASK US IF YOU CAN TOUCH US AND BE S P E C I F I C (like "can i touch you *speficic body part*?)
don't expect autistic people to be all the same, we all manage our symptoms differently (that's literally why it's called a SPECTRUM everybody experiences differently)
listen to us when we say something you say/do is ableist and/or makes us uncomfortable. i know this is basic common sense but keep in mind that we are humans too.
this is basic common sense but keep in mind that we are humans too.
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT question an autistic person's diagnosis. this is mostly basic common sense but don't go like "but you don't look autistic omg i could never tell you're autistic" first of all that's ableist and second of all MASKING. THAT'S ALL THAT'S THE REASON WHY YOU CANT TELL AUTISTIC PEOPLE ARE AUTISTIC. sorry i sound mad but 💀
be comprehensive. pleaasee understand that some things/situations may be hard for us. like not understanding social cues for example
ask us about our hyperfixations/specific interests!!
3- my personal experience with autism and how i try to manage my symptoms"
keep in mind that this is MY experience, everybody experiences autism differently as it is A SPECTRUM also i alr said it but don't use this post as a tool for diagnosis ok? o
ever since i was a kid i always had a lot of friends and i always talked to adults as if it was a normal thing, my parents always were like "don't do this this can be dangerous" but i kept soing this bc to me they were nice
AWFUL TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS ( it probably has to see w my adhd) but i always arrive an hour too early or 30 minutes late, there is no in between
not liking ppl my age therefore only befriending older/younger ppl
having a "higher than average" intelligence (it led me to a burnout 💀/lh)
not understanding undertones esp irl ones, and having trouble telling the difference between platonic and romanic feelings
having a hard time identifying my identity (esp gender one) (xenogenders here i come /pos)
either feeling everyone's emotions or nothing at all, also having no empathy because i never know how i have to feel for example right after they vent to me
liking "more adult" stuff such as psychology and murders, yet liking very childhish stuff
pattern recognition, like always guessing how movies end/ who the killer is
finding deep interests in subjects that are not common to my age
low to no empathy, not knowing how to react when ppl vent to me/talk to me abt sensitive subjects
always seeing things as a spectrum, instead of a "yes or no" perspective i always see things as "yes,no, maybe" like nothing is binary
not knowing when things are inappropriate, always saying my mind
staring at things/people i find pretty because they're visually stimulating
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so many more tbh but i think that's alr a lot x)
ty for reading ily! im sorry this took weeks bc of procrastination 😭
ily have a nice day! - kanahari/ @kana-has-no-rizz 🩶
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Should we bring back the dinosaurs?
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I spoke about gene editing yesterday and about species going extinct the day before. So let us lighten the mood a bit and bring both topics together: Let's talk about dinosaurs and wooly mammoths!
We are actually getting surprisingly good with that gene tech thingie, even though you hear not so much about it most of the time. But yeah, no, we are actually getting pretty good at it and at understanding what certain genes are doing.
And at least with the wooly mammoth we have found some DNA frozen in the ice. While we do not have a complete genum for them, we have a bit of it. And we are actually technically speaking able to re-engineer quite a bit from elephant DNA.
Same goes with the dinosaurs. No, we probably aren't finding mosquitos with blood that still holds DNA. But we have some bird species that are descendents of certain dinosaurs. Consider the mighty chicken, that has kinda sorta descendet from the velociraptor. (Also, yeah, news flash, dinosaurs are closer related to birds, than they are to reptiles.)
Like, some guy playing around with CRISPR has managed to give a chicken teeth. So, yeah, we might actually be able to re-engineer some dinosaurs. No T-Rex, no brontosaurus and no triceratops. But some dinosaurs? Certainly a posibility. Not right now, but in twenty, thirty years? Probably not off the table.
But that brings us to Jeff Goldblum Ian Malcolm:
Should we do that? Should we bring back mammoths or dinosaurs?
Let me make one thing clear: No, they probably will not start reproducing uncontrolably and then turn against humans in a more drastic way than any other animal might do. Sure, they could become an invasive species........ but they probably won't, because the earth they have once inhabited was so different from today, that they could very certainly not survive. Especially not the mammoth.
So, yeah. No Jurassic Park and no T-Rex running through New York or whatever happend in Jurassic Park 3.
Nah. There are other reasons not to do it.
And those reasons are simple: What for? Why do we want to bring back dinosaurs or mammoths? Sure, it would be cool to see a living, breathing dinosaur (even if it was just a velociraptor) or a mammoth. But... what good would come from it? Why do not invest all those ressources that it would take to do that into something... more useful? Something that is actually bringing science forward. Because, guess what: No, Alan, even if we brought back the brontosaurus, the revived brontosaurus would not tell us, whether or not the species moved in herds 150 million years ago!
And, of course, there would be just the animal welfare aspect. Because whatever animal we would bring back from the dead would probably have a very, very shitty life. It would be kept in a zoo, not be allowed to do its animal things. Would be part of a lot of science. It would just suck for those animals.
With actual living animal species, we can have long discussions about the pros and cons of zoos. But we will never rewild the mammoth. We should not rewild the mammoth. Because it does not have any habitat left. Same for any dinosaur.
So, I am with Jeff Goldblum on this one. Maybe we just... should not do it.
(Even though bringing back species that we as humans drove to extinction in recent history would be an entirely different story.)
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La rareté de l’eau est un phénomène à la fois naturel et d’origine humaine. Bien qu’il y ait suffisamment d’eau douce sur la planète pour la population mondiale d’environ 7 milliards d’êtres humains, cette ressource est inégalement répartie dans le temps et dans l’espace et une grande partie est gaspillée, polluée et gérée de façon non durable. Il n’y a pas à proprement parler de pénurie d’eau à l’échelle planétaire, mais un certain nombre de lieux et de régions manquent d’eau du fait qu’au niveau mondial, son utilisation a augmenté plus de deux fois plus vite que la population au cours du siècle dernier. Sur les 6 milliards d’habitants que compte la population mondiale, un cinquième environ (1,2 milliard) vit dans des régions où l’eau fait physiquement défaut et un quart (1,6 milliard) est confronté à une pénurie d’eau de type économique due au manque d’infrastructures nécessaires pour extraire l’eau des fleuves et des nappes phréatiques (UN, 2005). Dans de nombreux pays, la pénurie d’eau est l’enjeu le plus préoccupant du développement socioéconomique et humain 12 juillet 2022
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Water scarcity is both a natural and man-made phenomenon. Although there is enough fresh water on the planet for the world's population of approximately 7 billion people, this resource is unevenly distributed over time and space and much of it is wasted, polluted and unsustainably managed. Strictly speaking, there is no water shortage on a planetary scale, but a number of places and regions are running out of water because globally, its use has increased more than twice as much faster than the population over the last century. Of the world's 6 billion people, around a fifth (1.2 billion) live in areas where there is a physical lack of water and a quarter (1.6 billion) face water scarcity of an economic type due to the lack of infrastructure needed to extract water from rivers and groundwater (UN, 2005). In many countries, water scarcity is the most serious socio-economic and human development issue
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jitsapss · 4 months
Streamlining af forretningsdriften med ERP-softwareløsninger i Danmark
I det dynamiske erhvervslandskab i Danmark henvender organisationer sig i stigende grad til innovative løsninger for at øge effektiviteten og forblive konkurrencedygtige. Et sådant kritisk værktøj, der vinder frem, er Enterprise Ressource Planning (ERP) software. Efterhånden som virksomheder stræber efter at administrere deres ressourcer mere effektivt, er ERP-software dukket op som en omfattende løsning, der imødekommer forskellige behov og bidrager væsentligt til virksomhedens succes.
Danmarks progressive erhvervsmiljø kræver robuste systemer, der problemfrit kan integrere forskellige processer på tværs af afdelinger. Et ERP-system fungerer som en centraliseret platform, der letter den effektive informationsstrøm, hvilket gør det muligt for organisationer at træffe informerede beslutninger. Kernen i denne digitale transformation er ERP-softwares evne til at forene forskellige funktioner såsom økonomi, human ressources og supply chain management.
Dansk erhvervsliv anerkender især ERP-løsningernes betydning for optimering af deres økonomisystem. I et landskab hvor finansiel nøjagtighed og gennemsigtighed er altafgørende, spiller ERP-software en afgørende rolle for at sikre streamlinede og fejlfrie økonomiske processer. Softwarens rapporteringsfunktioner i realtid giver organisationer mulighed for at træffe datadrevne økonomiske beslutninger med det samme.admind
En bemærkelsesværdig ERP-løsningsudbyder, der altid er klar på at hjælpe, er JIT. Da virksomheder over hele landet søger pålidelige og skræddersyede ERP-løsninger, skiller JIT sig ud med sit engagement i at levere pålidelige løsninger. Nøgleordet ”finansielt system” er i centrum i deres tilbud, hvilket afspejler virksomhedens dedikation til at løse de unikke økonomiske udfordringer, som danske virksomheder står over for.
JIT ERP-software rækker ud over grundlæggende regnskabsfunktioner. Den integreres problemfrit med andre forretningsprocesser og giver et holistisk overblik over en organisations økonomiske sundhed. Denne integrerede tilgang øger ikke kun effektiviteten, men minimerer også risikoen for fejl, der kan opstå fra usammenhængende finansielle systemer.Dansk økonomisystem
I Danmark, hvor regulatorisk overholdelse er strengt, sikrer JIT ERP-løsning, at virksomheder overholder lokale økonomiske regler. Softwaren er designet til at tilpasse sig skiftende regulatoriske landskaber, hvilket giver organisationen ro i sindet, når de navigerer i kompleksiteten i det danske finansielle system.
Afslutningsvis bliver ERP software løsning i Danmark mere og mere uundværlige for virksomheder i Danmark, og JIT står i spidsen for denne digitale transformation. Ved at adressere det danske finansielle systems forviklinger, giver JIT ERP-software virksomheder i stand til at steamline driften, trække informerede beslutninger og opnå bæredygtig vækst i nutidens konkurrenceprægede landskab.
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