#Hunter's is his golden guard staff
emkini · 2 years
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I am the son and the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar I am the son and heir Of nothing in particular
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sheerakk · 1 year
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Cementary visit gets disrupted by a wild witch
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causeimanartist · 25 days
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Got to meet Zeno (Hunter's VA) at Anime Magic
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rolling-harbinger · 2 years
I need a Belos vs Hunter 1v1.
Every time there was a fight scene with Belos and Hunter was there, something was always stopping him from actually getting to attack.
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The fight with Belos in Kings Tide, Hunter is dying and incapacitated.
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The fight with Belos in Thanks To Them, Hunter is being possessed by Belos.
Please, please show, just give me that Belos/Hunter 1v1. He truly wants to fight back now, this is the perfect time! Not to mention he may even have an advantage that the other kids didn’t have when fighting Belos. He knows Belos well, he knows his tricks, his moves, and how he attacks. We HAVE seen Hunter dodge his attacks before, wether it be with himself, or to protect others. He’s known Belos his whole life, he’s been training his whole life, he’s been in the emperors coven his whole life. He has experience with real fights and Belos. Just give him his artificial staff back, and I feel like it could be a fair fight. Please show.
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coffit0 · 4 months
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Son of ...man?
ID below the cut!
[Image description: a digital painting of Hunter from The Owl House in his Golden Guard armor, facing the viewer. He isn't wearing his mask, but Flapjack flies in front of his face, concealing his eyes but not his frown. He's clutching his staff, and the background shows a gray brick wall give way to a purple sea and cloudy gray sky. Most of the colors are muted. End ID.]
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outer-andromeda · 5 months
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Having TOH episodes as background noise in class has mostly made me want to draw characters from the show and honestly I ain't complaining 🤷
[Image description : digital art of Hunter from The Owl House, mainly in his timeskip design. the first drawing shows him in his flyer derby gear, riding Waffles's staff. He's waving a captured flag and grinning proudly.
Second, he's seen in profile. He's wearing working clothes, and smiling slightly.
Last are two sketches. The first shows him in his Golden Guard cape, looking nervous or uncertain, and the second shows him in his timeskip design again, smiling. End ID.]
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squids-and-waffles7 · 2 years
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what if belos makes another grimwalker?
[ ID: A digital comic featuring the main cast from The Owl House, all in their post Thanks to Them designs. In the first panel on the first page, from left to right, Gus, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Luz, and Camila are standing, facing off against an unseen Belos. Hunter is in the very back, with Gus and Luz more to the front, and everyone else is somewhere in the middle.  Luz is holding glyphs out, the top of her face obscured by the panel. She says, “End of the line, Belos. There’s nothing else you can do.” Clouds float by in the background. In the second panel, everyone is posed the same way, except it’s zoomed in on Hunter this time. He has a shocked/confused expression on his face. He whispers, “is that..?” Meanwhile, an (again) unseen Belos says, “ Oh Luz, you really are a fool. You didn’t think I would have anything else up my sleeve? Why do you think I sent Hunter on all those supply missions?”  The third panel is a close up shot of Hunter’s eyes, which are brown. He looks shocked and confused. The text around him says, “The Selkidomus scales.... Those Galdorstones...” Belos continues talking, as the dialouge in the bottom says, “I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet. Especially after he betrayed me.” End of Page One.
In the first panel on the second page, a masked golden guard can be seen stepping out of the dark, hand on his mask. A partially obscured Belos in his monster form lurks in the background, head obscured. His hands are on both side of the golden guard, almost like he’s presenting him. Belos continues to speak, as the text on the left reads, “What a shame, really.” The right side reads, “... But, Oh well. I can always do it again.”
The second panel on the second page is a closeup shot of the new golden guard’s eyes, which are the magenta/pink colour hunter used to have. This grimwalker looks ahead, eyebrows furrowed. He has a birthmark on his left cheek and a light scar across his nose, similar to Phillip’s in Elsewhere and Elsewhen. The text below it reads, with Belos still speaking, “... Do tell me though, Hunter.” With a crossed out/ glitched “Caleb” before the word Hunter.
In the last panel on the second page, the new golden guard can be seen from the waist up, wearing Hunter’s old golden guard uniform. He holds Hunter’s old staff, looking ahead determinedly. Belos’ hand rests on his right shoulder, with a looming Belos over his left shoulder in the background. Belos’ head is obscured except for his mouth, which appears to be an almost smile. He says in the text below the panel, “How does it feel to be replaced?” End ID.]
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crimeronan · 1 year
hunter's fighting style being "just hit and kick them as fast as possible so they can't grab their staff" is especially funny BECAUSE LUZ USES THE EXACT SAME TACTIC ON HIM.
she IMMEDIATELY tries to murder him by rocketing him out of an airship & then when he survives and is like "lmfao, i have magic, dumbass. i wouldn't expect a human to get that-"
there's a moment where hunter actually laughs aloud in apparent rage and disbelief & i DO think he was pissed off and about to throw hands, but also. I THINK HE'S JUST. GENUINELY IMPRESSED??
he's like oh my god. fucking NOBODY except me has EVER tried that dumb shit before. oh NO. this girl is so FUN.... it sucks that i have to kill her with my bare hands. ah well!
when was the last time i mentioned that hunting palismen is perfect. or that luz and hunter are perfect. theyre literally jsut. they . i . theyre . GOD.
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thousand-winters · 5 months
Also extremely baffled at the fact people assume Darius was being ableist toward Hunter. The exact exchange is:
Darius: I knew your predecessor. He was my mentor, one of the strongest witches I've ever known. But you? Mmmm. Hunter: But... Belos says I don't need magic to serve the coven. Darius: And I say you don't deserve to wear that patch.
Hunter is the one who brings up his own lack of magic, not Darius. Take into account Darius' mentor was the previous Golden Guard, aka, another grimwalker, he wouldn't have had magic, most likely he also used an artificial staff to fight.
Darius wouldn't be talking about strength in magic but strength in character. He doesn't think Hunter worthy of his mentor's patch because he thinks at this point Hunter is a nepo baby who has it easy, not because he has no magic.
Where are you all getting this from?
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eternalera · 9 months
i just noticed this really cool thing in the s2 intro of the owl house.
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it shows lilith in this almost power like stance as if she's threatening someone it shows her as this basically enraged undefeatable foe and it shows her like shes a threat. she gives you the impression that she would never ask for mercy of any sort.
with hunter is shows him as the golden guard with his staff in hand and with his mask it demands power and respect it. it feels like your stereotypical warden who does a shit tone of bad stuff
then with kikimora she looks innocent and playful holding her cloth up to cover her mouth almost like a child would.
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then with lilith when it turns it shows that what we saw before was basically just a facade. her hands are switched and shes looking down as if she's begging for either forgiveness or mercy. its almost like she's doing the action that's switched between frames
then with hunter his staff is gone and he's taking off the mask. both of which belos gave him to reassemble his power and his importance. yet its not here showing us that whatever we thought of this impenetrable warden that we saw before isn't true. once again it seems like he's doing this motion just like lilith
then with kikimora we see her crazed which honestly is just her whole buildup in the show which is pretty cool but she also looks angry. once again this seems to be done in one motion showing us that yknow 'theres more to them than we think'. as we get more of kikomoras insane devotion throughout the show (up until the part where she helps king) and i think this is supposed to show us that.
then we get belos scooping them up in his hand as if showing that he has power over them and that theyre his. he has control over them into doing basically whatever he wants
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penny-anna · 6 months
i have other things to do but here we gooooo owl house fic recs:
Autism to Autism Communication by Polyhexian
"I understand sarcasm," Hunter said, sounding offended. He crossed his arms. "You didn't do the voice thing." Darius stared at him. "The what?" Hunter put his arms in the air and gave his hands a sarcastic little wave. "I GuEsS I'LL hAvE tO sToP cOmInG oVeR, tHeN," he said in the most over the top and comical parody of sarcasm that Darius had ever heard in his life.
everything by this author is great & this one is a joy and a delight!!
Extant Species by Polyhexian
She'd been called a monster more times than she could count, but she knew what a real monster looked like.
i'd happily rec a bunch of polyhexian's stuff but this lil vee & hunter fic was a highlight. especially enjoy the part where hunter's advising her on how best to go about murdering him. love that for them both!!
Owlet by Polyhexian
"Eda!" Hunter yelled as he shouldered open the door and Hooty cooed and rambled at him, "I need help with my potions homewooooooaaaat the HELL is that?!" Luz looked up from where she was sitting on the couch and reading what appeared to be a romance novel about werewolves. "What is what?" "That!" he yelled, pointing at the hulking behemoth curled up in the middle of the room in a massive pile of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. "Is that the owl beast?!"
& 1 more!! short n sweet n cute
With Clay and Star Scraps by SiryyGray
Hunter decided to do some research into Grimwalkers. First discovery: Grimwalkers were outlawed in every city under every rule as far back as the history books go. Second discovery: Grimwalkers have no natural means of death. Third discovery: there’s a caveat to that second one.
some absolutely brutal grimwalker content. SPOILERS: hunter can't outlive belos.
Intrusion by rayrock
'He drops something in. It moves and writhes, but it is clearly exhausted. “Eat,” is all he says, voice barely above a whisper. But it is a demand nonetheless, intimidating enough to send shivers down her spine. She hisses in protest once more. He tucks the notepad and pen into his cloak and pulls out a staff. It unfolds and glows a bright red. He does not say anything more. He is nearly always silent when she sees him.' Or: Vee and the Golden Guard’s relationship is complicated, but it is there
some more vee & hunter content for you
just a little bit left by prodigalDaughter
The first time Darius had seen the new Guard unmasked, the fury and betrayal had risen in him like floodwater, bubbling and steaming out of creeks and sewers. Creed had never told him he had a son. —— Hunter has discovered what he is, but he’s not the only one who has to grapple with assumptions made about his origins.
hey remember the other day when i was talking about 'what if darius thought hunter was the previous golden guard's son'! well here u go someone wrote that fic
Wild and Wandering Cries by PorcelanaRota
So his uncle goes flying into the wall directly above him and he is unable to dodge. And his uncle, who is now more palisman curse slime than he is flesh and blood, splatters on the wall, on the ground, on him. Hunter’s been in hundreds of life-or-death situations. He’s felt real and true and visceral fear that sank into his bones and marinated into terror more times than not. Still, nothing has ever left him so shocked and horrified and just flat-out scared that time has actually stopped.
belos splash zone? belos splash zone.
mistakes (the thrilling saga, in high definition) by quynnyah
"This," Amity says, "is not normal human behavior." (Or: Amity and Hunter volunteer to help Camila on a grocery trip. It goes about as well as expected.)
some banging amity & hunter in the human realm stuff for u
Notched by angelcloves
Belos removes the ear tag from his newest Grimwalker.
tiny wee fic giving a backstory for Hunter's notched ear. i rotate this concept in my brain all the time. absolutely twisted.
There is no open window, but the floors still creep by theprincessofdenial
On Tuesday, they eat Chinese. On Wednesday, Camila once again doesn’t have the time to cook, so pizza it is. On Thursday, she wants to make a proper dinner but there’s a hold up at the clinic, Luz knocks over a shelf, Willow has a wardrobe emergency, and then Amity’s cat goes missing. And Hunter beats Gus up so badly the boy ends up bleeding, so there’s also that.
hgnnnh i would rec this entire series if i could (it's 14 fics totally 200k total). its all so chewy i want to get my teeth into it and rrrrrrrrrr. ANYWAY this is my no 1 fav i've been back and re-read it about 7 times. love the Camila Noceda POV; the way it captures the chaos of all 6 kids in the house and makes it feel so real & vivid; the absolutely brutal Hunter characterisation. if ur a Hunter fan go read this right away.
Distance by theprincessofdenial
For the first minute, they all just stand there in silence and watch the airship slowly disappear beyond the horizon. Even though they’re supposed to react quickly, the cold still comes as a shock. It takes some time for the reality to settle in and for them to realize how useless everything they have brought is going to be when their marrow freezes. Hunter hears some of the Scouts inhaling sharply after they approach the ledge and look down. They turn around, unsure where to start, and they shuffle their feet in the snow (terrible decision, really, this way their boots are going to get wet even quicker). Hunter’s the first one to break the silence, and oh, he does it with style. He has been rehearsing that line for a week. “See you at the bottom, suckers!” he exclaims as he pulls out the staff and disappears in a flash of red light. (or: The Obligatory "Leave Everyone at the Top of the Mountain and See Who Makes It Back to the Bottom Alive" Fic. With a splash of Steve)
2nd rec from this series. exactly what it says on tin. *banging pots together* you like whump come get your whump i ADORE what this author does w Hunter. also Steve is there (whump for Steve!!)
A Potter's Field by theprincessofdenial
The view from the staircase is, well, not stunning, that’s definitely not the word. It’s just that “view” is supposed to be accompanied by “stunning,” and Luz can feel her brain coming to a screeching halt and refusing to process what they’re seeing. It's skeletons. Come on, they both knew it was going to be skeletons. The entire Isles know at this point. (Or: despite what the stories would have you believe, in the aftermath, there are things to deal with. Those things include ruined infrastructure, electing new leaders, and prosecuting those responsible for the old regime. And apparently, also Grimwalker mass graves.)
& third and final. unbelievably chewy post-canon fic. lets get into the reconstruction of the isles in full detail. goes hard as hell. will sit in my brain for a long time i think. cannot rec this enough.
and rats all for now!! i got a bunch more stuff in my 'marked for later' so watch this space
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pincushionx · 3 months
Thinking if a version of TOH where Hunter stays loyal to Belos until the day of unity. 
(AKA me making Hunter suffer more in the hands of brainwashing and making everyone hate him.)
[sorry for any grammar mistakes I’ll edit this later.]
That Hunting Palismen was a successful mission for him, he never answered Luz’s question and was able to escape the hand dragon with his staff and the palismen. Flapjack escapes however and flys off to Luz but the rest of the palismen are handed to Belos. Flapjack feels a tug towards Hunter but can’t bond with him due to a wish never being shared between the two. Hunter is praised for his success by Belos. Luz resents the Golden Guard even more now due to the fact that now all those palismen will now be given to the emperor. She definitely feels guilty for those palismen eventual deaths.
Flapjack stays with Luz but doesn’t bond to her. He allows her to use him in his staff form but they have no real connection and can’t communicate. He more or less just lingers around the owl house and will follow her if asked. It’s an odd situation but it’s not totally unheard of and unbonded witch and palismen working together.
Eclipse lake happened but since theirs no failed missions that waver Belos any thoughts on his competence to do the mission, he’s allowed to go. He goes ahead without kikimora and the scouts, meets Amity and Eda at the fools blood where he becomes known but beats them to the empty lake. Once Amity arrives he does not having the same mental breakdown as before since their are no previous failures to trigger it but he is a bit on edge. Him and Amity exchange brief words with her being hostile due to how upset Luz was left after the palismen incident. He states that it was just part of the job and before he leaves he spots the necklace. They fight but he has the upper hand due to having his artificial staff. He demands for the blood and she gives it to him but is still able to break some on to her glove.
(I personally don’t know if Belos didn’t want to let him go to Eclipse lake because of the failures or if he didn’t want to risk his grimwalker being killed or harmed in it but for the sake of the story it’s due to thinking that Hunter was incompetent)
With the lack of Flapjack telling him to focus on other stuff, Hunter only drowns deeper into his loyalty to Belos. As a result he has no interest in appeasing the Coven heads since he realizes more that he’s technically above them. Therefore he grows no bond with Darius. And Darius only views him as Belos little dog.
Any sport in a storm does not happen. Instead Hunter spends his free time resting (only because the day of Unity is getting closer) and practicing his infiltrating and lying techniques due to the rumors of a rebellion. He goes to the library to further research. He sees a book on grimwalker when learning about these techniques but it’s only fairy tail stuff, surface level but it does say that they are made up of dead things, Hunter shrugs and continues going through the library. However grimwalkers are now in his subconscious
Hollow mind, Hunter confronts Darius, Eberwolf, and Raine like in canon and Luz interferes like canon but more out of aggression then curiosity. She doesn’t tackle him but steers his attention away giving the other three a chance to runaway. He traps her in a bubble kinda like how Lilith did and flapjack tries pecking him but he he just traps the bird in his wood form. As result he doesn’t step on the potion and recognizes the the set up as an attempt into the emperors mind. He confiscates the potion as evidence. He reports this to captains and scouts over crow phone in quick alert so they can come over and search the market. He argues with Luz for a bit before taking flapjack away much to Luz horror. I imagine in a sonewhat humiliating scene for Luz, that he transports her to Eda in the bubble in the night market in front of others to see. It has to be embarrassing for the Golden Guard to return you to your guardian who was once a wanted criminal in a bubble in front of many others to see. Resentment from Luz and her friends to the Golden guard only grows. King sees that the Golden Guard has a wooden Flapjack and is able to secretly grab the bird under his cloak, saving the palismen.
The night market is searched and the news of the attempt to infiltrate the emperors mind is let known to Belos. He proud of Hunter for not allowing such a thing to happen but also disappointed that the witches responsible were not caught. Hunter gets punished for this and is left with a scar through his eyebrow. He swears to catch them and bring them to justice to Belos. The rebellion has a new specific enemy. Belos tells him he better not fail.
Labyrinth Runners, Hunter is put with Adrian to infiltrate Hexside and stamp the students with sigils. He sets up an invisible forcefield around the school to prevent anyone from escaping. He helps with the illusion so a few student get the “fake” sigil before Gus sees and reveals the illusions. Gus sets up the large illusion that covers the school. Adrain paired with the golden guard reveal the illusion and are able to catch more students and sigil them. Gus eventually gets caught and Hunter who’s more interested and following orders then be petty has Gus be stamped before the whole, “making Gus see his memories” thing happens, it’s still happeneds but he gets stamped before hand. The fight breaks out and while the students can handle fighting scouts, when face against the Golden guard with his artificial staff and military order do they falter. Eventually everyone in Hexside gets sigils including Willow and Amity. It’s a failure for Hexside and a win for the emperors coven. Soon all the schools besides Hexside has their students be given sigils.
O titan, Where Art Thou, While not in the episode, The Golden is brought up in discussion when talking about the topic of day of unity, Belos and the draining spell. They all view him as in obstacle and the obedient brat of Belos.
Clouds on the Horizon, Luz gets the news that students have been given sigils including her friends and girlfriend. This only makes the plan to stop the drawing spell more dire as now children are involved too. They also get the news that a coven head the golden guard are to blame which only fuels the hatred. Luz meets up with her friends but the atmosphere is tense due to the fact that they have sigils now. They break amity out of her house. Luz has some help thanks to flapjack. They don’t face kikimora since Hunter is still in the emperors coven. She probably off dealing with some packages and goods since she’s been demoted. Hunter in the meantime is with the scouts capturing the finale of the wild witches and given them sigils. They all fight and leave Odalia and leave on the blimp with Alador. Luz is not taken to Belos.
Kings tide, the plan is being done. News of most of the isles being stamped including children and all wild witches make it to them and things become tense. The golden Guard walks besides Belos. Darius stares at him for a moment, looking at the person who wears the golden guard uniform but is nothing like the man who did before. Kikimora not there so that whole bit with her doesn’t happen. Belos quickly gets rid of the collector. That whole sequence with Luz never happens. Belos doesn’t get his sigil and will remain stable. Eda gets found out and the golden guard along side the coven members stop the plan. Hunter makes a snarky comment. Belos in there and simply watches, Hunter returns to his side. Belos pats Hunter on top of the head, agitating the rebellion adults more. He really is a dog. The eclipse happeneds and the spell begins.
The draing spell takes effect. Hunter collapses to his knees and looks up to Belos in utter betrayal and confusion. The rumors that the day of unity was actually a doomsday was…true? He questions Belos and Belos simply smiles at him. He bends down and pulls down Hunter mask and flicks his cowlick. He tells Hunter that he’s been a very good grimwalker and was the best he ever had. That it’s a shame he can’t take him to the human realm due to his witchy assets. He grabs Hunter face in an almost affectionate way and tells him that he wished Caleb was more like him and it’s sad that he has to die. He slips Hunters mask back on and leaves to go to the portal and Hunter is left there on his knees shaking and in shock. The kids go up the podium stand not for Luz this time but for the adults, they see them crumbled.
They also see the Golden guard. They are met with him shaking on the ground. They note on how small he looks. They stare at him for a moment. He’s the only one of the emperor coven members conscious. He looks up them “I…I did-didn’t know this would happens.” They would say something but they don’t have the time. They all weak due to the sigils and are running out of time. They go to Eda before going down to where the portal is. Hunter in moment of strength grabs his staff, gets up and teleports away into the portal room.
Just as the he other see Belos about to leave, amity grabs him with her abominations hand and pulls him away, in this rush, Belos second form appears. They fight the beast like in canon and where he thinks he gets the upper hand, Golden guard appears and blasts Belos. They are shocked by the appearance of the golden guard. Hunter may be loyal to Belos but not enough to warrant the death of everyone in the isles. In rush of the moment to keep Belos away from the portal, he teleports every one down to the ground to the golden guard pit and to the collector. He stops fighting and just stares at the out in horror and so does everyone else. The collector shadow appears.
Belos tries escaping but the others get their attention back and continue to fight. Luz and flapjack are mainly the ones fighting with the other supporting due to them being effected by the drawing spell. King is letting the collector free. In the moment if the chaos Hunter turns over and blasts Belos with the upmost power he could muster that’s practically vaporizing and splatters Belos all over the place. He hit with the ‘splash zone’ everyone just stares at him in shock.
The golden guard has killed Belos. The collector now free boos at this saying he wanted to do that. Though does congratulate him on being the first grimwalker to win against Belos in the grimwalker cycle game. All the other Grimwalkers lost except him. This reveals the Golden guard to be a grimwalker. He asks the other what game to play and the owl house game comes up but first he must stop the draining spell, the collector laughs and teleports them up and moves the eclipse. Then the game starts and in the rush of the moment once they realize what’s going to happen they escape to the portal.
Instead of Hunter going through, King is able to escape with them. Flapjack gets left behind, too distracted by Hunter. The Golden Guard simply stays in too much shock to move, the portal closes and the collector laments that fact that he just lost his playing partner, he looks at Hunter and decides that a grimwalker will do. That he never has the chance to play with a grimwalker before because Belos breaks them before he gets the chance so this should be fun. He asks Hunter how to play the owl house game.
Hunter knows nothing of the owl house
Possible ending. (That I Like)
Belos posses Hunter soon after he recovers inside him a bit to get to the collector. At the same time the others come in a lot sooner after thanks to King being a titan. Probably only a month or less. The whole issue gets resolved a lot sooner but now they have to fight a possessed Hunter once they reach the collector. The fight I imagine is harsher then in canon due to them not knowing g Hunter besides all the bad stuff he did and splattering Belos. In the end Belos is forcefully ripped out of Hunter by the collector, and is killed by Luz officially. Flapjack gets to live due to Hunter not drowning in this version. They simply stare at Hunter awhile as he gets up, they never seen his face before when he wasn’t possessed and now they are met with an exhausted scarred teenager, a teenager they all hated because what he did and stood for and all they can feel now was a sense of pity. Luz offers her hand, he accepts.
Eventually everyone is free from being puppets. The rebellion crew come around and they see the Golden guard. A scarred, traumatized teenager. Darius offers kindness for once, Hunter shakily accepts it.
Second possible ending
Hunter gets possessed during the final fight and Belos is rid of sooner by the collector. The ending is mainly focused on the collector now that Belos is gone. Also the fact that Hunter gets possession trauma sooner than season 3
Alternative endings.
1. King is left behind in canon and Hunter remains with him to be with the collector and they develop a bond together since they a both playmates for the collector.
2. King is left behind and the golden guard is sent off with the other. This much more messed up version of Thanks to Them. Now they have to navigate an extremely strain a hostile relationship with Hunter and the others. Hunter face gets revealed forcefully, showing that he just a tired and scarred teen who is also powerless they find out later when his staff is no longer working. Things are pretty intense. Camila of course being the bridge between them since she just see Hunter as a clearly abused teenager who’s also done wrong. (I really like this idea, I wish we saw more of the hexsquad being hostile with a Hunter they barely know.) (this gives me a dog left behind vibes)
3. No possession , Belos dies and stays dead.
Other alternative versions
1. Hunter doesn’t teleport to the portal room which results in the collector being let out a different way, many probably die due to it taking longer
2. Belos takes Hunter with him to the Human realm
3.. The rebellion decide to deal with the golden guard ahead of time so he gets kidnapped, (insert found family thing, or really intense whump) (fun idea to explore)
4. Hollow mind does happen somehow which leads to the events being similar in canon and Hunter bonding with flapjack later. (Closer to canon story )
5. Darius, Raine and Eberwolf decide to fight the Golden Guard instead of running away, (not a pretty sight )
6. The Golden guard gets defeated during labyrinth Runners, it’s revealed that he’s a powerless witch and is also a beat up teenager. (Angsty wowie) this pretty much Hunter being captured by a bunch of teenagers (many who he forcefully gave sigils to)and teacher. (This idea seems the most fun to explore to me)
7. Flapjack dies in hunting palismen cause he gets given to Belos , so no flapjack :(
8. Hunter going more rogue, being more like an Azula then Zuko. Like more murder n stuff. (Pretty OOC but another idea I want to explore)
Yeah, just a some fun idea I wanted to write, I think of scenarios with Hunter not meeting the hexsquad like in canon a lot so I wanted to write down what I think would happen plus some extra ideas.
Also I love seeing my boy get hurt. Why do we do this to our faves lol. I don’t have the motivation to write an actual fanfic of this so here just the gist of it. I might write oneshots based on it though. We’ll see.
I also wrote this earlier but the original draft got deleted :’)
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hikaaa-bi · 10 months
whenever someone says they dislike huntlow, the usual comeback from toxic huntlow fans is that “you're a misogynist and you don't want to see the woman in a relationship being stronger”. so i want to address this issue today. is huntlow bad only because willow is stronger than hunter and isn't a damsel in distress?
in my opinion, absolutely not. that's not the case. i myself am a fan of subverted tropes and relationships where the woman isn't just a passive damsel with no personality. i like seeing independent women and i like seeing men being vulnerable for once.
to demonstrate my point on why huntlow doesn't pull off this trope well, let me compare it to a ship with a similar dynamic: sokka and suki from avatar the last airbender.
let's go through each of the reasons why sukka works as a ship where huntlow fails.
1. Does it make sense for the characters?
the first question here is: do the roles of the strong independent woman and weaker man suit these characters?
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sokka was introduced as.. just a guy. he was a regular teenager who wasn't trained in combat. he could fight well enough if he wanted to and being the only man in a village full of mostly children and elders, he was the best warrior in his village (if we are even to believe his claims in s1, that is).
suki, on the other hand, was a trained warrior. she had spent her whole life training in combat and fighting to continue kyoshi's legacy. in her very first appearance, suki is confirmed to be a skilled warrior who is much stronger than sokka.
this setup makes perfect sense. it wouldn't come as a surprise later on that suki is stronger or a better fighter than sokka, and would have to rescue him or help him out in a moment of crisis.
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now let's come to huntlow. in s2, hunter is introduced as the emperor's right-hand man who is young but powerful. while most of his intimidation factor came from his artificial staff, it was clear that he was not an amateur and had decent combat skills.
this assumption is only solidified when we see him go head to head with amity, only losing because 1. he was using a new staff 2. he was sleep deprived and 3. he was in an extremely erratic emotional state.
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willow, on the other hand, was the sokka in this relationship. she was a regular teenager who grew up in a normal family and went to a regular magic high school.
she was certainly incredibly skilled in plant magic but she was not a trained child soldier like hunter. she had a lot of potential to be a good fighter but she had only recieved the education that every other student had recieved. not to mention, most of her stronger magic came from her emotional outbursts.
so.. does the whole girlboss-malewife dynamic work with huntlow? no. it really doesn't. even if willow trained and grew as a witch, there's no reason why she should be stronger and more skilled in combat than hunter, who had to pass seemingly impossible trials in order to qualify as the golden guard. especially since after the first half of s2, hunter was not only weaker than willow but just weak in general.
i get it, he doesn't have natural magic like the others. but he was still shown to be a very competent fighter. he was also shown to be cunning and strategic, being able to find a way out of any situation if he wanted to. but after joining the hexsquad, he is dumbed down to willow's shy and pathetic boyfriend, who doesn't really do much on his own.
2. are they in character when in a relationship?
when writing a relationship, this is really important. if you write a relationship where one or both characters have to act wildly out of character to make sense for the relationship to happen, those characters are not compatible. it's like when your friend acts uncomfortably different around their crush or partner.
let's start with sokka and suki.
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sokka is goofy, cynical and quick-witted, with or without suki. his relationship with suki doesn't drastically change his character, but it does improve it. suki helps sokka change his misogynistic worldviews and respect women, but apart from that necessary improvement, sokka is still the same. he is not out of character when he is with suki.
as for suki herself, we don't see a lot of her away from sokka but it's still safe to assume that she is being herself around sokka. she is not forced into a new role in order to be in a relationship with sokka. the times we do see her on her own, she is pretty much the same rational, independent and nonchalant person that she is around sokka.
and yet, both of them have incredible chemistry and very clearly care for each other. it's not one-sided and it doesn't feel unnatural.
but huntlow?
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hunter is introduced as a sarcastic and bratty but deeply traumatized teenager. he is quick to start a banter with whoever he is with, he tends to talk too much, and he generally has a nonchalant attitude to cover up with trauma.
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but with willow? hunter is not just shy or awkward around her, he is a completely different person. i can understand that being attracted to a person can make you act strangely sometimes. but with hunter, that awkwardness never fades away. he is always blushing around her, he is often portrayed as pathetic and helpless, and constantly needing willow's support and guidance.
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as for willow, she is introduced as this insecure and good-natured teenager. after her confrontation with amity, willow is pushed to the back for a while. all we know about her at that time is that she's the supportive mom friend of the group. she builds her confidence after a while but she is still shown as a kind person who doesn't use force on someone else, unless necessary.
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but with hunter? willow is suddenly not just confident but also dominant and forceful. she basically snatches him from the sky and drags him to the ground, just to invite him to her flyer derby team. hunter is practically terrified at this point, but it's played off as a fun cute-meet. later, when hunter wants to leave the team for understandable reasons, instead of respecting his wishes, willow once again forces him to join her again.
i wouldn't call willow toxic or abusive, because she isn't. but i would say that she didn't respect hunter's boundaries in the slightest. she doesn't treat anyone else the way she treats hunter. she's not exactly mean to him but she also does not seem to respect him as an individual. again, she is written wildly out of character just so that she could fulfil the role of the “powerful girlboss” in the relationship. and it doesn't help that a dominant and forceful figure is the last thing hunter needs, considering how he was controlled and abused by his uncle his whole life.
3. Equality
it is my opinion that in a relationship, both individuals should play an important role. and they should balance each other out, instead of clashing with each other. it doesn't necessarily have to be an “opposites attract” situation, they just need to have qualities that brings a balance to the relationship.
in sokka's and suki's relationship, we've already established that suki is the brawn. she's the trained warrior and her agility, skill and speed are her strengths. sokka, on the other hand, is the brains. suki is still a rational and smart person but sokka is the strategist, the “idea guy”.
here, there's a balance. neither sokka nor suki are weak or incompetent, they're just skilled in different areas.
but when it comes to huntlow, willow is the brawn while hunter.. does close to nothing. after meeting willow, he's basically useless. the most impactful thing he does is stand up against belos in “Thanks to Them” and rescue willow from a short fall in the next episode. otherwise, he is mostly pushed to the back despite, again, having a personality and his own strengths prior to meeting willow. the problem here isn't that hunter shouldn't be weak or vulnerable, but rather that he is forced into the damsel role when it goes against his original character.
4. Screentime, interaction and development
one thing that huntlow and sukka had in common is neither ship had too much screentime together. suki wasn't officially part of the gaang until s3 and before that, she just gets two interactions with sokka. but these interactions were used to their fullest potential.
when they first meet each other, sokka and suki do not get along well. sokka was convinced that women aren't good warriors and his pride is hurt by the fact that suki is stronger than him, while suki is understandably put off by sokka's misogynistic and condescending attitude. after he tries to teach her how to fight and is consequently defeated by her, sokka rethinks his worldview. he goes back to suki and asks her to teach him how to fight, apologizing and admitting his mistake. suki agrees to teach him and through this, they bond. it is revealed at the end of the episode that both sokka and suki may or may not have a thing for each other. afterwards, sokka has to leave and suki has to stay behind.
their next meeting is a lot more brief but even here, we see a clear demonstration of their dynamic. sokka is overjoyed to see suki but he still hasn't moved on from yue, so when suki confesses to him and tries to initiate a kiss, sokka rejects her. suki apologizes to him later for what happened, and sokka kisses her as a confirmation that he has now moved on and likes her back. we see a clear respect of boundaries and personal choices from both sides.
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finally, after suki is captured by azula, sokka frees her and they are reunited again until the end. at this point, they're basically a couple. there's no more awkward blushing or stuttering; they're just a pair of teenagers who are in love with each other. they have a bit of playful banter and they're very casual and comfortable around each other.
suki was originally supposed to be a one-time character so it's incredible that they pulled off on the best ships in atla with her and sokka. their chemistry was undeniable from the beginning, and the writers knew how to expand on it.
now let's come to huntlow. hunter and willow meet each other for the first time in the s2b episode ‘Any Sport in a Storm’. willow is looking for candidates to join her flyer derby team and she sees hunter flying on his palisman. completely unprovoked, the willow who normally never attacked or forced something on people for no reason, decides that the best way to scout this random guy she doesn't know is by encasing him in vines and dragging him to the ground, destroying the concrete in the process. this may have been portrayed as something of a slapstick comedy, but that kind of humor never stuck with me.
after willow explains herself to hunter, he agrees to join her team, thinking it would be an easy way to recruit students into the emperor's coven. fast forward, they get a few members to their group.
hunter notices that all of these members are visibly slacking off and gets discouraged. he turns to leave and willow stops him in his tracks. when she tells him to give them a chance, hunter ‘opens up’ to her a little, by telling her that he had to earn chances, especially as a “half a witch”. this comes out of nowhere because we never see hunter being referred to as half a witch by anyone prior to this. there were certainly characters who disliked him, like lilith and kikimora, but they called him names like “golden brat”. in fact, it's not even clear if anyone other than hunter and belos knows that he has no magic. the whole half a witch line was added so that hunter and willow would have something in common.
willow, instead of reasoning with hunter or respecting his choice to leave, drags him to the ground once again and seemingly teleports him back to the flyer derby team. while this may not have been done with malicious intent, it was still another instance of willow invading hunter's boundaries and forcing him to do something.
hunter is convinced that the team is, in fact, competent. he plays the game with them and has fun doing it. after getting the team captured to join the emperor's coven and saving them from darius, the episode ends with darius turning out to be the good guy and hunter getting a penstagram (or whatever they call it, i forgot).
after this, the huntlow scenes are very scarce. we barely see them interact, especially not alone with each other. in the next episode, we see willow standing up for hunter and hunter blushing and recognizing that the fake willow isn't willow. while this would be sweet for an already established couple, since hunter and willow barely had a bond at this point, it just comes off as hunter being observant. which is somewhat in character for him.
afterwards, there's just a sprinkle of this ship, most of it consisting of hunter being shy and nervous around willow. and willow treating him like she treats everyone else. there's no sign of willow liking hunter back until literally the episode before the finale. where, instead of focusing on hunter's recent trauma with being possessed by his abusive parent and losing his best friend, the show decides to focus on willow's issues instead. of course willow deserves her own arc, but she already got it back in s1. there was no reason to give her ANOTHER issue to work on, just so that hunter can comfort her and give her a reason to like him back.
overall, it was really forced and these two characters never had the kind of natural chemistry that sokka and suki did. their interactions were either awkward or surface-level wholesome. we get exactly two (2) episodes where they interact properly and even that isn't done well. it just feels like these characters were pushed into a ship dynamic that they didn't naturally fit into.
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Brother's Keeper AU Story Post 6
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Kids these days
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: A black and white ink comic. Panel 1: Two children play a hand-clapping game in the foreground, chanting, "Metanoy's eye! Metanoy's nose! Metanoy doesn't know--" Behind them Hunter notices as he's passing by in his Golden Guard uniform. Panel 2: Hunter bears down on the kids, furious. "You rotten brats!" he shouts. "Show the emperor's brother some respect!" The kids flee, screaming, "AHHHH!" Panel 3: Hunter stands with his back to us in a nearly totally black panel, his hood down, artificial staff drooping at his side. Panel 4: A wide bird's eye view looking down at the exit of a dark and moody alley. Hunter sits on some steps, his head in his hands. The walls around him are plastered with propaganda posters of Caleb/Metanoy. /END ID]
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captainmera · 11 months
Please don’t feel pressured to do this, I’m trying not to be rude or inconsiderate like previous askers. I just thought I should at least attempt to ask, because I LOVE TGB and your art.
Could you please draw the scene with Hunter showing off for Willow on his staff? Maybe even include the glowing card in his pocket?
I loved that scene and I thought it was so sweet that Willow’s reaction caused Hunter to charge up the card unintentionally. I also love how mischievous Hunter can still be, despite no longer being the Golden Guard.
You're not rude!
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Thanks for this ask, I've been meaning to draw this scene for a long time but kept forgetting. (I liked this scene a lot)
I'll be posting the full page later! :)
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belleski · 2 years
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I started this last week and i was gonna say something about i kinda miss the season 2A golden guard vibe, but then the new trailer came out and now this just makes me feel bad :((((( [image description] A digital illustration of Hunter from the owl house in his Golden Gaurd uniform. He's raised one arm to lift his mask slightly, showing half of his smiling face, and in the other hand he holds his artificial staff, which casts the rest of the drawing in a harsh pink-ish light. Above Hunter, the background is dark blue with streaks of red and gold, and the golden gaurd symbol, which is largely covered up by his head. Extending from Hunter's raised right arm is a geometric pattern that resmbles the sun. [End ID]
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