#Hyrule Warriors Zelda POV though!
musical-chan · 5 months
Father of Time Chapter 42: Echoes
Zelda was not having a good summer. 
The War of Eras had been difficult. Those years had been hard on everyone with the constant fighting and the strange heroes from other times. While she had always been interested in old legends, having them shoved in her face suddenly was a big adjustment.  But it had all been going so well for a while. They pushed back Cia's advancements and got the Triforce back.  They returned the time-lost lands and heroes to their own eras. They had even defeated Ganondorf! 
Or so they thought. 
No, instead they had released him completely and he ran roughshod over the kingdom, causing defeat after defeat.  They had lost everything; the Triforce, the castle and even her parents. The invasion had been swift and brutal. 
But in the end, they had succeeded and claimed back the land they had lost. They had started to rebuild. Safety measures had been enacted to keep malevolent magic out of Castle Town and surrounding areas. Their infrastructure had been repaired and electricity restored to the city. Things were going well! So she decided to take the next step.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Volga gets some spotlight for a change (hdw au)
Comes after Volga confronting Cia (and Link on Skyloft, but it’s slightly less necessary to understand this)
Volga seeks out and fights the strongest. That is his objective.
He goes where the sorceress tells him, leads monsters into battles as she deems fit. He sees others only as adversaries, evaluating them solely on the threat they pose, the strength they wield.
Nothing else matters.
Only his orders, and strength.
The Hylian army is at their gates, working steadily through the valley, and despite the sorceress increasing Volga’s power, they’re still advancing, calling upon the Great Fairy to aid them. Volga himself is forced to retreat back to Cia’s side, and he stands silently beside her, waiting for her orders.
She’s watching the battle with a look in her eye that grows steadily more enraged, her knuckles whitening on her staff. It isn’t long before she orders him back out, commanding him to find the princess and crush her.
Volga nods, preparing to obey, when the sorceress stops him, a manic look in her eyes.
“This time you will destroy them,” she snarls, and thrusts her hand against his chest.
Power rushes through him, greater than what he had received before, and Volga roars as it fills his veins, turning into a dragon and leaping into the air.
This time he will be the strongest.
Volga glides across the valley, making a beeline towards the army’s leader, the princess’s sword flashing across the battlefield. He lands with a roar, and she quickly turns her attention to him, eyes widening as she leaps out of the way of his first attack.
Volga is merciless, using his weapons of both spear and claws, shooting fire and dive bombing with his dragon form. The princess is annoyingly stubborn though, avoiding nearly all of his attacks, parrying blows and dodging flames.
Some distant part of Volga is impressed.
He snarls as she avoids yet another thrust of his spear, and the princess looks at him, something odd flashing in her gaze.
“Volga! Come to your senses!” she suddenly shouts, parrying an attack. “I know you to fight with honor! What glory is there to be found in using dark magic to win all of your battles?”
“Don’t mock me!” Volga snarls, slamming a clawed hand towards her. How dare she?
“Open your eyes!” Zelda shouts as she dodges, still not giving up. “I believed you to be a proud dragon warrior, not a mercenary for darkness!“
Their weapons clash, and Zelda looks up at Volga without fear, her blue eyes bright.
“Think of your family, Volga. Look past the darkness clouding your vision.”
Volga falters just a hair, a snarl dying in his throat. There is certainly no darkness clouding him, merely the extra power the sorceress provided, but Zelda’s words of family carry a spark of something different. Something... important?
Volga shakes his head, frowning.
...What had she said again?
The spark fades, and Volga roars, hitting her backwards with a clawed hand. The princess is thrown to the ground with a cry, but before Volga can press his attack, there’s a flash of blue and green, and the Hero stands in his way, sword raised.
He has a stricken expression on his face, but Volga barely registers it, roaring again as he goes to face the both of them. The princess regains her footing as the hero slams his shield up to block Volga’s spear, and the three of them resume the fight.
Other monsters join the attack, and the hero’s attention is drawn to keeping them away from his princess, mostly leaving her and Volga to fight alone. Volga draws constantly on the sorceress’s power, and it’s soon obvious the princess begins to flag against his brutal attacks.
She fights on though, tenacious as ever. Soon enough Volga finds their weapons locked again, her eyes fixed on his face.
“Knight Volga, I thought you a protector, a dragon of honor,” she says, voice breathless but earnest. Blood drips across her eye but she doesn’t loosen her grip to wipe it away. “This isn’t who you are, drawing on dark power, fighting in wars for a cause you don’t believe in!”
That persistent spark of something comes back in Volga’s mind, flickering in his thoughts, buzzing in his memory. It makes him falter, just a little.
“Please,” Zelda repeats, still straining against his spear. “For Link’s sake.”
The name rings familiar, and Volga stumbles as a face flickers in his mind, blue eyes shining through the murk. Looking at him in trepidation as information spills from hylian lips, scales glittering in places they have no right to be.
What is this memory?
He can’t recall the events that led to it, or what came after, or even where he was when it occurred. In fact... all he can really recall is the sharp urge to fight the strongest, destroy the enemy, do as the sorceress commands.
Who is the boy with scales on his arms, and hair nearly the same color as his own?
“Volga,” the princess speaks again, less strained now, and Volga belatedly realizes he’s stopped fighting. “Fight past this darkness. I know you are more than what Cia is letting you be.”
The name is like a clap of thunder in his head, and suddenly the darkness he’d denied was choking him is all too evident, coursing through him alongside his fire, constricting his thoughts and twisting his actions. Its influence is overwhelming, and Volga clutches a hand over his chest, thoughts whirling as memories rush back.
Cia invading his home and forcing him under her service, ignoring his wishes to be left alone. Using her magic to make him fight, starting a war over lust for his son, putting him on the opposite side of his own kin.
Purposely obscuring the fact that he had a son.
Volga snarls, anger rising as flames drip from his lips. Cia used dark power, foisted upon him without his say, using him as nothing but another pawn in her game and his son—
“No... no!” Volga shouts, gripping at his head with both hands. “I won’t be ruled by darkness!”
He won’t remain Cia’s puppet for another second.
Volga lashes out at the darkness coating him, tearing at Cia’s influence in his chest. He can feel her power fight back the moment he pushes against it, darkness reaching up to claw at his mind, but Volga tears back with claws of his own, refusing to succumb to it again.
He pushes back with his own power, not that of the sorceress, fire clashing with darkness.
A roar builds in his throat as he gains a solid foothold, and he pushes it out, Cia’s dark power leaving him all in a rush.
And he is free.
Weakness follows the loss of power, but even as Volga drops to a knee, he feels more clearheaded, more alive, then he has in weeks.
And it’s overwhelmingly refreshing.
Volga curls his fingers into the dirt as he regains his bearings, clutching his spear as he raises himself up off the ground again. The princess stands a few feet away, watching him with a hopeful look on her face, and Volga huffs, looking away.
...right into the eyes of the hero.
His son.
Volga stares, the boy staring back with an uncertain look on his face. The hero’s gaze is interrupted by a monster slashing at him, and Volga shakes himself, then looks around the battlefield, taking in what he’s missed.
His gaze falls on the princess again, and something burns in his chest, a need to finish what he started. Volga raises his spear in challenge, pointing it at her and the hero.
“This time I will duel you properly. I will win this fight under my own power,” he declares.
He has other business, important business even (Cia will pay, he swears it), but his pride insists he finishes this fight. He wants to show the two of them how he really fights, no dark powers, no false strength.
To finish the fight he began in an honorable manner.
The princess hesitates at his request, exchanging a loaded look with her hero. But he nods, and she nods as well, pointing her sword back.
And they start the fight anew, dragon, princess, and hero.
The fight is invigorating, to say the least. Volga’s very scales seem to buzz with excitement as he battles the two, the old fire coming back to his blood. They’re an incredible team, truly powerful, and fighting them helps immensely with continuing to wake him up, forcing any remnant of Cia’s power from his bones.
They weave in and out in tandem, one of them striking, and then darting out as the other attacks. Despite the remaining weakness from the loss of darkness, Volga matches them blow for blow, his blood singing as he duels the two.
He hasn’t had a fight this challenging in years, and it reminds him of older days, of other duels.
A smile on a tanned face, ruby-red eyes, hair the color of new-fallen snow...
Volga promptly pushes that image aside. He needs to focus on the here and now, and his strength is fading, the hero and princess still pressing their attack.
As much as he hates to admit it, Cia’s actions have left him low on strength, and as enjoyable as this fight is... he’s fading. Rather fast.
And suddenly, he finds himself on his knees, a sword pointing at his neck.
Volga looks at Zelda, then over at his son, both of them breathing hard. An odd feeling of pride runs through him as he looks at the boy, and he almost smiles. Only one other person has ever been able to truly best him in battle, and it’s clear both of them learned from her.
Impa taught them well.
...It was no wonder Cia wanted one dead and the other her captive.
Anger courses through him at the reminder of the sorceress’s treachery, but his energy is spent. Too spent for him to reasonably mount a successful attack on her.
His vengeance will have to wait.
The princess opens her mouth to speak, but Volga beats her to it, closing his eyes as blood runs from a cut over one of them. “I accept my defeat with honor. I lose, but I do so without regrets.”
He exhaled and looks up at the two of them, and his son meets his eyes again, blood and dirt smeared on his face.
Volga gives him a singular nod, then despite his weariness, turns into his dragon form and takes off into the skies. He needs to rest, and recover from his wounds before figuring out what to do next.
And... process the ramifications of having a son.
Link and Zelda watch him go in silence, Volga’s wings bright as a comet as he glides away. They’re both breathing heavily from the battle, small injuries bleeding, burns stinging. Zelda is smiling though, and there’s a hesitant sort of hope in Link’s eyes as they watch the dragon grow smaller in the distance.
Zelda squeezes Link’s shoulder as Volga finally disappears from their sight, but they don’t have time to dwell on what just occurred.
Cia still needs to be taken care of. But then...
Link supposes they’ll figure it out.
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queenofmoons67 · 3 months
Sir Link, Royal Palace Mouser
Fandom: Linked Universe, Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors
Tags: Warriors-centric, Warriors' POV, Alternate Universe, Warriors is a (warrior) cat
Summary: In which Zelda introduces Sir Link, Royal Palace Mouser, to the newly arrived Chain.
Word Length: 1054
Link walked through Hyrule Castle, stride long and head held high to show off his newest armor. Zelda had commissioned it weeks ago, and it had just arrived at the royal armory that morning. She hadn’t seen him in it yet, though; Link had enlisted the help of a few squires with all the buckles, and then been pointed towards the throne room. Apparently, a group of travelers had arrived, and Zelda had granted them an immediate audience.
Link halted outside the throne room and gave an impatient sniff. The pair of guards at the door jumped.
“Sir Link!” one said, and pulled the door open with a bow.
Link nodded back, but his attention was taken by the scene inside. Zelda stood not on the dais, but in the hall before it, as she normally only did with friends and family. Weren’t these strangers?
Link jogged forward and called her name. “Zelda!” he cried. “Zelda!”
The queen turned to him, face lighting up. “Link!” she called back. “There are some people you simply have to meet.”
Link reached her side, and immediately pressed his body against hers, putting himself between her and the strangers. If they wanted to harm her, they’d have to go through him first.
“Oh, Link,” Zelda cooed. “Did you get your new armor? How does it fit?”
Hands slid under his armpits. Link startled and tried to get away, but he was too slow: Zelda had already lifted him into her arms, fitting his hind legs under one and supporting his front legs with the other.
Link laid his ears back and looked away, sulking. It was so embarrassing when Zelda manhandled him in front of people, but he supposed he could make an exception this once. And only because of the new armor.
Link huffed, but raised his chin so Zelda could see his full profile. Her fingers slipped under the buckles with practiced ease, making sure the armor wasn’t too tight, and then did the same with his scarf.
“Perfect!” Zelda announced, and pressed a kiss right between his ears.
Link sighed. The strangers, Zelda! They were right there! Staring… rather intently at Link, actually.
“Everyone,” Zelda said, cuddling Link close now that the inspection was done. “This is Link. Link, these are your predecessors!”
Link hacked. His what now?
Zelda’s arms fell away, but Link landed easily on his feet. His back arched, new armor bending with the movement, and the surprise-prompted hairball landed right on a pair of fancy shoes. Their owner immediately shrieked and leapt away, but Link simply sat, licked his paw, and drew it over his ear before looking up.
Seven pairs of eyes stared back. Mr. Fancy Shoes with the fancy pink hair streak was cursing in a manner unbecoming of a queen’s presence as he changed his shoes a few tail lengths away.
“So…” one of the strangers ventured, his handsome white cloak drawing Link’s eye. “Is this… the only Link in Hyrule?”
“The only one!” Zelda agreed cheerfully. “Isn’t he adorable?”
Well. Link wouldn’t say adorable, but he was Sir Link, Royal Palace Mouser, and his new armor and Hyrule-blue scarf did make him look quite fetching, if he did say so himself.
“Wild,” one of the other strangers started, his one-eye narrowed on Link. “You’re the oldest in the timeline. Have you ever heard of Hylia choosing… ah…”
A teenager with long, blonde-hair knelt in front of Link and held out his hand, fingers curled inward. Finally, someone with manners! Link sniffed the hand, then purred and moved closer, rubbing his head against the side.
The boy, “Wild,” smelled of the best parts of Hyrule: Forests thousands of years old, fish washed with river snow melt, and the open air. Link didn’t leave the castle often, due to his job keeping it mouse-free, but on windy days, he could smell all of Hyrule from the highest tower’s parapet.
Wild let Link scent him, then grinned up at the others. “A cat? There is one story, about a hero born smaller than most, sworn to protect Hyrule Castle itself. The Sheikah never gave it much attention. Guess they should have, huh?”
The last words were delivered with a scratch behind Link’s ears. He leaned into it for a second, but then backed away at the reminder of his sworn duty. Hyrule Castle didn’t just mean the stones: It meant Zelda.
Looking up, he met the queen’s eyes.
“The story is true,” she said, and clasped her hands over the front of her skirt. “Link used to be a wild cat. I found him the same day I found the Master Sword; they lived together, abandoned in a meadow, and I could only draw the sword when I also held Link. We wouldn’t just name any cat ‘Link,’ after all.”
Zelda grinned wryly, but her gaze was shrewd on the strangers. She judged them for judging her and Link alike, and he leant into her legs to show his support.
“Do you still wish to take him with you, now that you know the truth? Or will you leave him to his duty?”
Wait, what? Link looked up at her, but Zelda’s gaze hadn’t budged from the strangers.
“I apologize,” the one-eyed man said. His voice was firm, but quiet, even in the large, echoing hall. “But even if Link is not who we ourselves expected, Hylia knew who we would find. She means for him to join us.” His eye fell again on Link, softer than last time, and crinkled when he smiled. “He looks well-prepared for a journey. Four is a smith, and can care for his armor. The rest of us will care for him the best we can. I can promise you that.”
Zelda smiled. “And he will care for you in turn.” She knelt and placed two fingers under his scarf, checking its fit again. “Come back to me, Link,” she whispered.
Link nuzzled her arm. An entire war had raged around him, people trying to control him and, through him, the triforce of courage. They had thought it would be easy, with his feline, non-Hylian form. But Link had fought Cia, and he had fought Ganon, and he had succeeded.
He could survive a journey with strangers, for Hyrule and Zelda.
For home.
[End Fic]
I would LOVE to continue this AU, but I'm also hesitant to do a full fic. If you have any ideas / certain scenes you want to see, let me know!
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meanlesbean · 10 months
Chapter commentary
are people interested in seeing my chapter commentary for Cadence of a Legacy? idk. I'm posting it anyway. voila.
Chapter 1 notes are longer than the others because I included more detail about the planning of the fic. Anyway, here there be: musings on family and brotherhood and how it shows up in linked universe fanworks, Hyrule as an arsonist, Wild's economy, and more info about card games than anyone else probably cares about. minor totk spoilers about one sidequest but nothing plot related (if you need, skip the bullet that starts "pre-totk release".) Here we go:
Chapter 1 - The Woods Between
I am not joking about having a phone note that says “making peace with your inner child when your inner child has physically manifested and wants to cause problems on purpose”. I would include a screenshot of said note, but then you would all see how long I have been toying with this idea and that’s too embarrassing
IMO, there is an astounding lack of fic focusing on the relationship between Time and Twilight even though they are the only ones who interact in game canon. And I’ve read every good Time-centric fic probably a dozen times. So unfortunately that meant I had to go write my own. Unfortunately the plot that I came up with doesn’t work with Time (or Mask) as the POV character, so it evolved into a Twilight-centric fic as well. 
The bones of this chapter were mostly written in a notebook last year at my terrible job when I had a desk in the corner and nothing to do 85% of the time. Large parts of the set up of the chapter remain the same from this draft, with even a select few of the lines staying the same word for word. But the handwritten version, which covered all of Chapter 1 and parts of Chapter 2, was only about 7 pages front and back (rip to the 11k monster it became)
Literally I never would have posted this fic if I hadn’t read the the FMA fic series demon alchemist and realized that the reason I hated my draft so much was because the narrative voice was too impersonal
So I started working on this fic again last fall with a lot more attention paid to establishing a clear voice, and I finally started making solid progress, to the point where I made it a goal to share it on AO3, which I have not done in a long long time
Hyrule’s missing fingers are a reference to the demon alchemist series btw. I do imagine he lost them from an enemy’s throwing ax or mace. Twilight complaining about the number of enemies with throwing weapons is also me complaining about how hard Zelda II is. fucking Dairas. 
Other fic inspiration includes: Call Them Brothers, for getting me thinking about situations in which Warriors doesn’t know that Time is the kid he fought with in the war, and more generally, Sinnatious’ LU and LOZ fics for inspiration on Time’s voice. 
I cannot tell you how much time I spent rewriting and reworking the first half of the chapter. Honestly writing that first part was just like. Agonizing. Nothing was working for so long. Every time I tried fixing a problem, I created two more. I was very close to cutting out the scene of Twilight scouting and the camp shenanigans and skipping to Twilight meeting Mask, but then it felt like everything went way too quick. I was very relieved when people liked the wrestling scenes because that whole section had me tearing my hair out. The things that kept me going were spite and also how desperate I’ve been to get back into writing. Literally that one defunctland tweet. 
In contrast, the second half of the chapter (everything from the Epona grooming scene on) came so easy. All of the latter stuff was written and edited within like 2 weeks. My favorite scene from this chapter actually ended up being that part with Twilight and Time taking care of Epona. 
More specific notes:
My take on Twilight’s aversion/distrust of magic is that he has a really strong sense for it, but he doesn’t have much of a knowledge base of how magic works. So this results in Twilight frequently getting a lot of information that he can’t make sense of, and it really fucking freaks him out. 
I know fandom likes to characterize Wild as the group arsonist, but I think Hyrule would be just as big if not a bigger arsonist, which was why I had him be the one to suggest using fire. If you want to uncover all the hidden items/heart pieces in the OG Zelda without a guide or walkthrough, you have to burn so many trees. Like, if you are ever stuck in that game and don’t know where to go next, 70% of the time your solution is either bombs or fire. 
I played ten thousand rounds of “should their titles (ie. rancher, captain, etc) be lowercase or capitalized?” while writing this. I know people usually have them call each other their fandom names, but tbh that always throws me off just a little, even though I 100% get why people do it because good lord it would be easier.
I feel like a lot of LU works (speaking generally about the fandom output as a whole, not about any particular fic) leans heavily into the emotional support and comradery aspect of the chain as family, and does not include nearly enough of like. annoying each other on purpose and play violence and rubbing each others’ faces in the dirt. which is a big reason for why I kept the wrestling scene.
Maybe it’s because me and my family members were little demons but like. I have brothers and mostly boy cousins, and a solid 60% of our time as kids/teens was spent playing some variation of King of the Rock. I appreciate the found family softness, and there will definitely be a lot of that in this fic, but my experience with siblinghood includes a lot of chasing each other around with wiffle ball bats and trying to strangle each other. The Links are brothers! and sometimes that means that you will try to ruin your brother’s whole day just because you are mildly bored. 
Warriors and the teens are playing Rummy. I imagine that the group plays a lot of card games, and since I grew up playing tons of cards, I have put way too much thought into all of this. Other popular games among the group (depending on how many people they have) probably include Texas (Ordon?) hold em, whist, knockout, BS, gin rummy, and hearts. Hearts can get contentious with them though because you can engage in coordinated sabotage. Four and Legend are not allowed to be partners in Whist because they’re the only ones who can count all the cards in play. There is a near-unanimous group ban on Spoons because it got too violent.  
Legend having heterochromia is inspired by an Oracles manga panel redraw someone posted on here years ago that I cannot for the life of me find again
I have this headcanon that Wild, in comparison to the rest of the gang, is absurdly rich but does not really realize it because he just does not have a ton of shit to actually spend money on. This is based on the ridiculous amount of rupees/gems I have on my 100% botw file and also my own musings on the state of Hyrule’s economy post-calamity. Mostly I think that post-calamity Hyrule does not have super discrete classes like most other Hyrules do, and that a luxury economy does not really exist. 
Pre-totk release I actually thought: okay, Wild has a lot of money, but his luxury purchases are limited to like fancy armor, which is directly related to doing his job as the hero. It’s not like most other eras where you can go build wealth by buying up a ton of land. And then totk came around and let you go buy a sizable swatch of land. I still think my original idea mostly holds true, if only because the monster-free areas of Hyrule where someone could safely make a land claim still seem to be pretty limited (even the totk house has monster camps right across the road from it). 
Mask is not dressed in the green tunic for two main reasons, one of which I’ll keep to myself because it felt way too spoilery when I wrote it down. Most importantly, it shows that time has passed since Majora’s Mask. In fact, in chapter 3 we'll learn that it's been just about a year since then. The Kokiri tunic is no more because he grew out of it :( 
I didn’t find this reference until after publishing, but I imagine he’s dressed more or less like this. Except he has his green cap and a leather belt, baldric, and boots.
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uni-writes-things · 1 year
I've decided to start this with the first fic I've ever posted. It's not the best but...meh. The first chapter of the fic is under the cut, but if you're interested in the rest, the ao3 link is there.
Time's POV
“Not another portal! We just got here!” Wind groaned.
I couldn’t help but agree, Lon Lon Ranch was the only break we have in between fighting monsters. “Alright everyone, pairs.” I ordered.
Legend and Sky hopped through, and then shortly after Wind and Warriors followed. Soon everyone was through. “You okay there Old Man?” Twilight asked.
“Yes. Is Four conscious?” I glanced at a pale Four.
“Mmmph.” Four moaned to confirm he was still awake.
“How are you feeling?” Hyrule immediately raced to his side.
“Guys...” Wind whispered.
“I’m a little nauseous and I have a headache.” Four sighed.
“Guys!” Wind urged louder this time.
Nobody seemed to notice him though. “Just rest smithy okay?” Hyrule nodded.
Phew, Four was good. I had always offered to carry him when he was unconscious but it was tiring. “GUYS!” Wind yelled alerting everyone.
“What?” Warriors stared.
“Who’s Hyrule is this?” Wind huffed annoyed at the chain.
Choruses of ‘not mine’s’ from each of the chain were heard. “So, it’s none of ours?” Twilight asked confused.
“Seems to be the case pup.” I shrugged.
“Wait does that mean there’s another Link out there?” Sky blinked.
“We can only assume. Should we try and find a place to stay?” Warriors asked me.
The land was vast and untamed, it was beautiful. I nodded, it was really our best chance at finding a Link. The chain started walking again. “This Hyrule is so huge and beautiful. It reminds me of my Hyrule.” Twilight sighed happily.
I realized it had been weeks since we had been to Twilight’s Hyrule. “If this Hyrule means walking even though my feet hurt like shit I’m gonna quit.” Legend complained.
“Can’t take hikes Vet? Don’t tell me your turning into the Old Man.” Warriors teased.
“NO!” Legend spluttered with an offended look on his face.
Honestly, those two could spend days bickering. “Guys, there are these...ruins here.” Hyrule brought everyone’s attention to the utterly destroyed ruins.
Everyone, including me seemed to be at unease with this sight. “Well fuck.” Legend commented.
“Language.” I reprimanded him... as usual.
“Let’s move on.” Warriors grabbed Wind and started dragging him away.
“Wars, what are you doing?!” Wind wailed as he tried to escape.
“Getting out of here. These ruins aren’t exactly a place to stay.” Warriors deadpanned.
For hours, all of us walked. “My feet feel numb.” “Shit did we go in circles?” “Damn this place is massive.”
“We better set out camp. Who’s cooking tonight?” I asked.
“I think it was my turn. And I found...” Hyrule trailed off.
“NO WAY!” Wind shrieked as he tackled Hyrule.
“Yeah the last time you cooked traveler, you practically killed everybody.” Four laughed.
“I’m not that awful at cooking! Sky’s way worse than me.” Hyrule accused.
“I don’t poison everybody!” Sky shot back.
“Yours was basically alive!” Hyrule snorted.
“I can cook some of my Grandma’s soup?” Wind suggested tentatively.
“It’s okay sailor you’ve cooked enough.” Twilight gagged.
“You just don’t like the broth! Everybody else said it was decent.” Wind accused.
These boys were going to give me a headache. “Your cooking sucks! Everything is dry and burnt to a crisp!” Wind cried.
“What?! Nothing is burnt.” Twilight growled.
“Even I can agree with Wind.” Legend snickered.
“Oh like your any better.” Twilight snarled.
“Fuck off rancher.” Legend hissed.
“Language.” Sky grunted pausing his bickering with Hyrule for a few seconds.
Soon the only ones who were calm and collected were me and Four. Albeit Four was beside himself with laughter at the insults that were shot, his eyes a royal blue. “BOYS!” I yelled.
Everybody paused and looked at me expectantly.
“We all know our opinions on this group’s culinary skills, however we still have a Link to find and a place of civilization to also find. Not only that but we all need food and rest. It will not be achieved by arguing like this.” I sighed exasperated.
“Sorry Time.” Wind apologized.
A few other apologies were sent my way as well. “I can make something, the rest of you can make yourselves comfortable.” I mumbled.
“Okay.” Warriors nodded.
The tension decreased almost instantaneously. “Did I tell you how I got to the Forsaken Fortress?” Wind asked nonchalantly.
“You told us that Aryll was kidnapped and that you went to go save her.” Twilight recalled.
That was true. I felt so bad, Wind had lost his sister and then was dragged into a Hylia forsaken quest.
“Well, back on Outset Grandma was so sad that Aryll was gone. I felt like I had to do something, so I searched the island for a way to go and find her. That’s when I met Tetra and her gang. Eventually I said my goodbye’s to everybody on Outset and then left with her. We had made it fairly close and then realized patrol boats were guarding the Forsaken Fortress. So at the last moment she revealed to me her ridiculous and sinister plan. She promptly stuck me in a barrel and launched me off of a catapult! When I got back to her I gave her the most terrifying glare.” Wind explained.
“She launched you off a catapult without warning?” Sky looked rather alarmed.
“Yeah. I did make it to the Fortress though I was a little shook. Nothing I can’t handle!” Wind put on his brave face.
“Jeez.” Four muttered.
“That reminds me of something Sun did.” Sky recalled wistfully.
“Pray tell.” Legend snarked.
“It all started when we were training for the Wing Ceremony. It was to prove that we could move on to being seniors. It involves racing on a loftwing. So Sun shoved me off Skyloft waiting for me to call Crimson. She thinks Crimson will appear. I try 3 times and yet no loftwing comes to catch me. Sun noticed and she got on her blue loftwing and rescued me. She was honestly sorry.” Sky told them.
“Wait what happened? Why didn’t Crimson come?” Hyrule asked.
“It turns out that Groose happened to be a bully back then. He loved Sun and saw me as competition. So he sabotaged me and trapped my bird somewhere in Skyloft so I wouldn’t be able to join the ceremony.” Sky sighed.
I stirred the soup I was making carefully. ‘So Hylia’s incarnation was just as clumsy as her.’ I thought bitterly. I never held any respect nor honour for Hylia. “Well, we should come up with a plan for tomorrow.” The Captain proposed.
“We’ve been wandering aimlessly for hours so doing that again won’t do anything.” Twilight grunted.
“Does anybody have a way to fly? They could scout what’s up ahead.” Legend suggested.
“Not without Crimson.” Sky grimaced.
“Nope.” Wind shrugged.
“Not in a millennia.” Four chuckled.
“No.” I answered.
“I don’t fly.” Warriors snickered.
“Okay, Pretty Boy but your ego does doesn’t it.” Legend mocked.
“No flying for me.” Twilight shook his head.
“I don’t have the magic to fly.” Hyrule groaned.
“Do you know how to fly Legend?” Wind asked.
“No otherwise I would have been fucking airborne already.” Legend scoffed.
“So no to that plan. Can I climb a tree? Please?” Hyrule begged.
“Only if you promise to come to us right after.” I agreed albeit a bit reluctantly.
“Yes sir!” Hyrule saluted and then started his climb.
He was out of sight when I noticed my soup was ready. “Dinner’s ready.” I informed the chain.
I handed out the soup to everyone including myself and sat down. I’ll admit my soup was not that good. But it wasn’t bad either so I counted that as a victory. “HYRULE?” Four yelled after a few moments.
“YES?” Hyrule called from above.
“COME HERE!” Four demanded.
A few seconds and Hyrule was back down with a bowl of soup. “So, did ya see anything?” Wind asked excitedly.
“This Hyrule is massive! And we’re on what looks like a plateau, with huge cliffs. The only one who could go down the cliffs is Sky with his sailcloth. There’s no civilization and the castle...the castle is in ruins.” Hyrule reported.
“The castle is in ruins?” I was very concerned.
“Yeah. Also get this, there were four weird mechanical looking creatures. One was a lizard on what looks to be Death Mountain. There was an elephant on a very shiny mountain. A bird on a tall cliff, and a beast with a long neck in a canyon.” Hyrule shrugged.
“How big were they?” Legend raised an eyebrow.
“Enormous!” Hyrule replied.
“And they were mechanical?” Warriors tilted his head.
“Well, they weren’t alive that’s for sure.” Hyrule affirmed.
“This is odd. So do we search this plateau assuming there’s civilization?” Twilight wondered.
“That’s probably our best bet if we hope to find this Link.” I guessed.
“Who’s taking first watch?” Four asked.
“I can.” Twilight offered.
“I’ll take second.” Warriors claimed.
“Anyone want to take third watch?” I asked.
Four threw his hands up to stretch probably. “Smithy can take it.” Legend snickered.
“I-uh didn’t-”
“Good idea, Four is on third watch.” I interrupted Four.
The Smithy sat back and glared at me. “I can tell you guys another story!” Wind bounced.
“I think we’ve had enough sea shanties. Am I right?” Legend interrupted.
“Leeeeeegeeeend.” Wind moaned.
“How bout everybody tells the scariest thing they’ve fought?” Twilight recommended.
I internally thanked Twilight for the save. “Redeads are really creepy but if I had to say the scariest, it would have to be the Cubus Sisters. They wear masks and they were on this...this...” Wind suddenly went from excited to dreaded.
I did not like that haunted expression on his face. “It’s okay sailor you don’t have to finish.” Warriors comforted.
Although Warriors seemed worried too. “Yeah, I can tell you mine. I fought the moon.” I deadpanned.
It was true. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Legend snorted.
“Is he serious?” Hyrule asked puzzled.
“I-I don’t know. I can’t tell!” Twilight whined.
I was enjoying this, watching the befuddled chain. “I fought this thing called a Blizzeta.” Twilight shuddered.
“Enough scary talk! I’m tired.” Four demanded.
“Alright well it is time to sleep. Twilight you’re first watch.” I reminded him.
Everybody yawned and crept to their bedrolls. I noticed Wind was crying as quietly as humanely possible. Maybe the Cubus Sisters thing really scared him? Hopefully Twilight or somebody would help Wind sleep, because I was already being pulled into sleep.
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Writer ask game! 1, 9, 11, 49
ALSO, I saw your tags on Silver’s CPR fic and… are you in healthcare or were just dragged into a very bad situation and had to do compressions because most people don’t recognize you have to break someone’s rib cage to do proper CPR
Not healthcare! I don't work now, and doubt I could do CPR properly any more because my joint stability in my arms was trashed by genetics, but 10-ish years ago I had a summer job as a lifeguard. And got really, really unlucky with what shift I was on. Not sure what happened - and don't want to know - as it happened in a pool a colleague was watching, but after I cleared both pools we swapped so he could answer questions from the call operator.
(Am very thankful I've never had to use the training we did for babies because that's terrifying just on the dolls.)
Now your number questions!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
All questions tricky, but after scrolling through my (Zelda, because I have too much) fic I'd probably pick Leviathan Legends? Its not the best, and I still need to finish anything else for the series, and is more representative of what my writing at least tries to me. I was a bit surprised by all the physical pain there, but then I'm 9 days into whumptober which has all been Zelda, and there's only 36 fics. So that's a quarter before I've even considered it ^^;
9. How do you find new fic to read?
First is subscription emails from ao3 or things people are reblogging/posting on tumblr to be found on my dash. Depending on if I'm actively looking (email) or it just happens (tumblr). After that, I tend to start looking from character tags (for LU, X-centric tags too). I have favourites whose tabs stay open on my phone, then sometimes I hop from those to another for the day's flavour. Then if there's a lot I haven't read I narrow it to completed fic and/or keywords/keytags like 'fluff' or 'angst with a happy ending'.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
Oh I'm definitely bias. I will play with whomever fits, but I'll tend towards whatever character I'm dangling from the toes. For Zelda stuff my tags currently go - Hyrule (24), Legend (12), Time (9), Sky (8), Warriors (8), non-LU Link (5), Wild (4), Twilight (3), Four (3), Great Fairies (2). Which really tells me I need to write some Wind fic. But then I'm mostly writing cruel things atm, so... I'd rather not angst the kid??? But I'll have a thing. Because he's a good boy and should have something! I... do have one idea for Wind PoV at least, but its for an incredibly au au I've been building. As for why I pick thing... Across fandoms I've tended to notice I drift towards characters with a lot of their details missing. Side characters with interesting tidbits never explored, ones whose lack of presence overshadows the narrative but are long dead... In other fandoms I also really love filling in blanks from canon? Missing scenes and stuff like that (less so Zelda, there's not /missing/ scenes in the same way as you get with film and books, even with LU), events you know happened but not how. Its a similar sort of thing. Hyrule's games give me a very neat framework with a lot of space to play in. Meanwhile Legend just has a very distinctive voice that's fun to dabble in sometimes. The others... Tend to get dragged into fics with one of them as convenient or needed, though Time, Sky, and Wars all have fics where they are the central character having emotions and doing things. As I had ideas. And I have some chaos for Four that's been slowly burning in my brain a long while. Pairing wise... Depends what works for what I'm writing. Even in fandoms where I ship I multiship. LU wise its Legend & Hyrule at the top, but that's as much an artefact of who I like writing most as anything. More you write people the more they show up together.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Theoretically I got my laptop out to today's whumptober prompt, but those get written on the day itself or not at all, and I haven't actually started yet. I have... A lot of WIPs, all of which get poked from time to time. But! Multiple times now has my brain be drawn to the fic summarised as "Princess Aurora's attempts to reconstruct the Legends of the Four Sword with only half-remembered folk stories of her youth and a scattering of pages found in the remains of the burnt-out royal library", so have a bit of that! This is from pretty late, but I tend to write the end of anything before the start.
But then, the Hero of Lightning pulled the ring from his hand. With the motion power cracked through the skies, lightning summoned to its hero's command. Preparing for more sorrow the Hero of Fire called out one last time; the Hero of Lightning's smirk became a softer smile as he looked upon his soul-brother, twisting the lightning to himself - and, more importantly, to the Hero of Darkness. For long had the Hero of Lightning been gathering magic into the ring, limiting the flow within himself in exchange for it passing undetected by the enemy's hands. And now he released it, not at the Demon Lord's back, but rather at the fifth hero, the Hero of Darkness. Realising what had occurred, the Demon Lord turned, throwing much of his power behind a single attack as he lunged at the Hero of Lightning. The smirk vanished into a scream as darkness tore through his chest, a single shot with every intent to kill. And yet, when he fell, there was yet a smile on the Hero of Lightning's bloodied lips; the Demon Lord was too late, and the deed already done.
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ashla-respect · 5 months
Linked Together by Blood
Chapter 5
***DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN The Legend of Zelda or Linked Universe or any of the songs I end up using; Nintendo OWNS The Legend of Zelda AND jojo56830 OWNS The Linked Universe AU AND the original artist OWNS the songs***
**I ONLY OWN Tyra any other OC’s AND the story plot**
*Mature rating for swearing and violence*
I hope you enjoy and if you don't like then don't Read nor comment I will not tolerate any hate I only wrote this for those who would possibly enjoy it.
Thank You! And enjoy!!
Chapter 5: Welcome to Lon Lon Ranch!
(A/N: Twilight and Tyra FINALLY meet Malon. Malon learns about their pasts. Time and Malon watch Tyra sing. Tyra gets some visitors-maybe? This chapter mostly follows/ plays out just like the Malon side story by JoJo.)
**DISCLAIMER: The song used within this chapter is not mine nor is it meant to connect the movie/artist to this story. And there will be a couple of reminders to make it clear. Sorry if that annoys you but it’s what I did so no one thinks it’s a crossover.**
Tyra’s POV:
Since I had been walking behind pa I quickly and secretly took off my wolf pelt and put it in one of my bags before quickly using my powers to hide my Twili markings. (A/N: Tyra can use her powers to change her appearance as an effective way to go under cover and sneak around).
After I do this I hear from Legend and Warriors respectively “It’s not Zelda, pay up.”
“Ah. Cheater, you somehow knew.” I roll my eyes before moving to stand next to pa as he quietly expresses his delight at finally meeting Malon. ‘I feel the same way pa. I thought I’d never meet grandma Malon while I’m still alive.’
“Everyone this is my wife Malon.” Grandma Malon reveals what I already knew. I knew grandpa Time wrote about us in his letters to Malon. “Welcome to Lon Lon Ranch.”
Time and Malon lead us inside the house. As soon as we’re all inside the other’s start reminiscing about how home always feels like home even though they’re all different. ‘I agree, but that’s only because I’m here with Time, Malon, and pa. For me, home is where the ones I love are.’
“You were right dear, they definitely are their own persons.” Grandma Malon snaps me out of my thoughts before they could linger on the rest of my family back home. Soon Malon starts making her way over to the rest of us to properly meet us. She starts with Sky and Hyrule, before moving over to Warriors, pa, and I. “Well, you look like a respectful knight in shining armor.”
“I like her.” Typical egotistical Warriors.
“That’s the last thing you needed t’ hear.” Pa and I both said at the same time. As soon as we say that grandma Malon turns her attention to the both of us. When our eyes meet I could see stars in her eyes. She started with pa first. ‘Poor pa.’ I thought laughing. Malon grabs pa’s face with both hands effectively squishing his face. I quickly glance over to Time and see him just barely holding back his laughter while watching the interaction between pa and grandma Malon.
“Now that’s more like it! *excited laugh* A strong boy like you couldn’t grow like this in no castle-town! *giggle* Spirit of a Hero, blood of a knight, but this one’s got the build of a farmer!” I hold back my laughter. Malon has no idea yet how right she is.
“Uh, heh, yes actually.” When pa says that grandma Malon’s eyes shined brighter, which I did not think possible.
Narrators POV:
“Ya need t’ tell me later how long you’ve been a farmer, alright?” When Twilight looked Malon in the eyes he knew she was serious, and that it was not really a question, but also not a command. “Of course, I’d love to.” With that Malon moved on to Tyra.
“My husband told me a bit about you. My dear, you’re beautiful. I can tell you got good genes in ya! Your parents must be so proud of you! And by the looks of it you’ve got strong spirit and strength from whoever your father is, as well as the build of a farmer!” Tyra blushed when Malon said she was beautiful. Both Tyra and Twilight get embarrassed when praised and complimented.
When Time turned his attention away from his protégé and turned towards the kitten he had to do a double take. ‘Where is Tyra’s wolf pelt and what happened to her markings?’ For a moment Time was confused until Tyra looked at him and winked.
‘Oh. I understand now.’ Tyra was hiding her markings and removed her wolf pelt to help Time surprise Malon. If she didn’t hide her markings and remove her wolf pelt, then Malon would easily find out that Twilight and Tyra are their descendants before Time could reveal it to her. “I’m also a farmer.”
Once Tyra said this Malon’s eyes shined even brighter which didn’t seem possible to Time, Twilight, and Tyra until Malon proved them wrong. Malon repeated the same thing she said to Twilight with Tyra. And Tyra happily agreed to share that with Malon. After that Malon meet everyone else. “Where’s your father?”
“Delivering in town. You know him, he’ll take his time. So I’m glad we have this many guests.”
*One hour later*
Time finds Tyra alone in the barn brushing Rosamond, Twilight stepped out for a moment, he walks over to Tyra. Once he’s close enough Rosamond gently head butts Time, before he gently pets her nose. “Hello Time, everything alright?” Tyra asks breaking the silence.
“Everything’s fine, just wanted to thank you for hiding your markings and putting away your wolf pelt so Malon doesn’t figure it out before I reveal it to her.” Time whispered to his descendant.
“Of course. I knew when I first joined that Malon hadn’t met the other’s yet, I planned to do this all along. Now shoo before Malon finds ya and gets suspicious.” Tyra quickly whispers back.
“Alright, just don’t you and Twilight forget to take breaks. We don’t need you two collapsing from exhaustion.”
“Yes sir!” Time rolls his eye at that but laughs anyway. As Time leaves Twilight returns. “What did you and Time talk about?”
“Nothing too important. He wants us t’ make sure we take some breaks so we’re not ‘collapsing from exhaustion’ as he put it.” Twilight laughs a little at the impression of Time his daughter did. “That impression was better than the captains’. Good job kitten.”
“Thanks. You know, I think I should start trying t’ get used to calling you by your Hero title. For when we’re in towns and villages. Otherwise we’ll be getting weird looks, ya know?” Twilight thought about this for a moment. Tyra does have a point most people won’t understand it and give them weird looks. ‘All Malon seems to know is that one of the other Links -not including Time, Wind, or Four- is Tyra’s father. But she doesn’t know who and probably won’t know who.’
“That’s a good idea. Any reason why your markings are gone?”
“I felt really conscious about them when meetin’ Malon and hid them with my powers.” Twilight gives her a look that says he only believes half of what she said. “I can’t say anything other than you’ll know later. But there is a reason.”
“ Sigh. Who else noticed?” Twilight asked because he knows he’s not the only one who would have noticed that Tyra’s markings are gone. “Only Time, Wild, and Four. The other’s have not noticed.”
Twilight thought on this, of course Time knows because Tyra likely told Time the reason why unless it was his idea to possibly prank the others. A few nights ago when Tyra had that nightmare about his death, when Wild went back to sleep Tyra, Twilight, and Time were the only ones still up.
Tyra told them how she can use her powers to change her appearance and showed them how it works. Tyra can basically change almost everything about her. She can change her hair color, hair length, her face, her voice, her body shape, the size of her chest - which she did not show only told because, ew that’s inappropriate - but she can’t change what’s between her legs.
She told them that one time she disguised herself as a man, and somehow got into a fight with another man. And since the man thought she was a guy he went to kick her where it would hurt a guy. Well it didn’t work because she can’t change her gender and she can only look like a guy and so he blew her cover by doing that. (A/N: She repaid him by kicking him where it hurts before knocking him unconscious)
‘Does Time want to prank the others?’ Twilight’s not hurt he’s potentially not in on the prank, what are you talking about. Twilight can only keep secrets when pulling pranks and Tyra’s the same way. “It’s not a prank p- Twilight.” Tyra assures Twilight.
“Then what is it? Tyra you’re bad at keeping secrets…” The words ‘just like me’ went unsaid but Tyra knew what he meant to say.
“I know. Sigh. Twilight, it’s not mine t’ tell, but I promise you will know later.”
“Alright, I trust you.” Twilight knows he won’t get an answer out of his stubborn daughter and even more stubborn ancestor, so he lets it go. “What’d you tell Four and Wild when they asked about yer markings?” Looking over to Tyra he sees a huge wolfish grin spread across her face. “What’d you do?”
Tyra stops what she’s doing and walks over to whisper in Twilight’s ear. “I pranked ‘em. I managed t’ convince them that I didn’t know my markings disappeared.” After she tells him they both start laughing like madmen. “I also said that I don’t know how they could disappear.” She quietly added after they both stopped laughing.
Twilight just shakes his head with a smile on his face. A few minutes later Twilight and Tyra finish brushing their horses and take them back outside the barn and over to the fenced area where the other horses were grazing. All around the outside of the long oval fence was what looked to be a small race track for horseback riding.
Once Twilight’s Epona and Rosamond were settled Tyra and Twilight decided to chop some wood since it looked like the firewood supply was starting to get low (and needed to get done). Almost thirty minutes into chopping wood from across the ranch Tyra and Twilight see Legend walking over to Wind and Warriors holding the captain’s bag of rupees.
“I’ve got a bag of rupees here for anyone willing to handle the cuccos.”
“Those were my rupees, not to be used to KILL someone.” Twilight chuckles a bit at what was happening, while Tyra shook her head in disappointment. “I’ll do it! I love these tiny birds.” Sky shows up out of nowhere and picks up a cucco. Legend throws the bag of rupees on the ground before stomping off. “What? You afraid?”
Tyra’s had enough of this and picks up a very calm cucco and walks up to Legend stopping him in his tracks. “Legend, if you want cuccos t’ like you, you have t’ treat ‘em kindly.” Before Legend could open his mouth to say anything Tyra shoves the cucco not his arms. As soon as the cucco is in Legend’s hand the cucco starts attacking him before he even did anything. Behind Legend, Warriors, Wind, and Sky are bent over laughing at Legend, and behind Tyra, Twilightwas chuckling at the whole situation.
Not far from Twilight, over by the door to the barn Time and Malon were exiting the barn with Time’s Epona who was just freshly brushed. Time and Malon have been watching the whole time. Malon was surprised at how quickly that calm cucco turned aggressive as soon as Legend started holding it.
Tyra lets out an exasperated laugh before grabbing the cucco from Legend’s hands to put it down. As soon as Tyra grabs the cucco it’s calm again. Everyone except Tyra and Twilight were shocked by what they just witnessed. “HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!” Legend, Sky, Wind, and Warriors all yelled at the same time. Tyra stands back up and looks at them calmly and unhelpfully says,
“I’m nice to animals.” Then she walks back over to Twilight ignoring anymore questions from the four of them. When Tyra rejoins Twilight where they were chopping firewood she sees the exasperated fond look in his face.
Both Time and Malon were surprised at how quickly the cucco calmed down when Tyra grabbed it from Legend’s hands. Malon turns to Time to get an answer on what just happened. Time sees the look Malon’s giving him, and he knows what she wants to know.
“First time I’ve ever seen Tyra calm a cucco. But, she is very nice to animals and loves animals.” That wasn’t the answer Malon wanted but that was the only answer Time had. Malon lets it go knowing Time didn’t have an answer and they bring Epona over to where Twilight and Tyra’s horses are. After they pass Twilight turns to his daughter. “What was your goal?”
“I actually wanted t’ help ‘im stop being scared of a small bird.” That made a lot of sense, if Legend stopped being scared of cuccos then maybe they won’t attack him.
“You know that now they’ll call both of us animal whisperers.”
“Well, that’s not far from the truth.” Tyra whispers to Twilight so only he hears. Chuckling he shakes his head. “You’re not wrong. Just be careful.”
“I will, promise.”
*Time skip (Dinner)*
Time just left the kitchen to go clean up when Malon and the other’s start talking. Malon tells them that Time has told her every bit of information including his darkest moments in his journey and that she knows more than them - well except Tyra. Because Tyra knows everything Malon knows and more. But Tyra ain’t saying anything. “Try us.”
“Well, for one thing I know how old he is. His age on the inside.”
‘In my timeline his age on the inside was still aging while he waited for pa to start his journey. And it’s still aging since his spirit has been around since I was born.’ Tyra thought to herself.
“Really? Tell us.”
“No way! He’d be upset. I can handle his silence… But… not that sort of silence.”
“Well, we guess 60.”
“60? Ha! Oh my, no not 60.”
‘None of you will be around him when his age on the inside is 60- well except maybe pa when he’s a baby, maybe.’ Even in her thoughts Tyra will not put any focus on Time’s mental age. Tyra promised Time that she would NEVER reveal it to anyone, not even Twilight.
(A/N: If JoJo is not going to mention Time’s mental age then I’m not assigning him one AT ALL! Haha. Sorry not sorry. This was funny. I had to do this, please forgive me or don’t I don’t care.)
*Time skip (Nighttime- after dinner)*
Tyra, Twilight, and the other’s are settling in for the night when Time comes in. “We’ve never had this many guests at once it’s a bit cozy. But I’ve seen you all put up with worse.” The other’s quickly reassure Time that they’re fine and how hospitable he and Malon have been the whole day. Twilight’s sitting on the floor with his back against the wall with Tyra’s head in his lap, as he’s running his fingers through her hair getting rid of any knots she missed when she brushed her hair.
Time turns his attention to the two with a carefree smile on his face that neither miss. “Now then, there’s a conversation the three of us have been putting off for sometime now.” Tyra nods already knowing where Time’s going with this.
“Uh… y- yeah.” Tyra and Twilight get up and follow Time into the hallway out of earshot of the other’s. Time turns to Twilight and Tyra before mentioning how Time and Twilight are not only related by spirit but by blood and quickly says, “And now we know that Tyra also shares blood with us. Do either of you have any doubt?”
Corroded armor covered in vines and a skeletal face with one red eye quickly flashes through Twilight’s mind. A golden Poe in Hylian form wearing a white tunic with a black undertunic, looking at her with one loving blue eye and a joyful smile quickly flashes through Tyra’s mind. “No. Without a doubt.” Tyra and Twilight say together.
While Tyra says it with determination along with joyful pride, Twilight says it with serious determination. Seeing this Time and Tyra both decide to tease Twilight. “So intense! Calm down.”
“Pa, hears a question and gives serious answer.”
“I am calm. Stop making fun of me.”
“Sorry pa, we couldn’t help it. You walked into that one.”
“She’s right. I just wanted to hear ya reconfirm. I should tell you both, Malon knows. She doesn’t know which one of you boys is the descendant and Tyra’s father. I’ve had her guessing all day. I don’t think she figured it out. Tyra hid her markings as to not ruin the surprise.”
“What you knew?!”
“Of course I did. I told ya I know everything that’s to happen on this journey and this was one of them. Although I didn’t know exactly when we would first arrive at Lon Lon Ranch.” For a moment Twilight forgot his daughter was from the future of his timeline and that for her this journey is history.
Twilight lets out a heavy groan when he remembers that and Time and Tyra chuckle at his reaction. Walking into the kitchen Tyra sees Malon anxiously waiting sitting at the table. Time walks in first followed by Twilight and Tyra.
As Tyra closes the door to the kitchen behind her Malon turns around and smiles. “I knew it. Aww. Come here let me get a good look at both of you. Ya’ll’re lucky you don’t have his nose.” Twilight lightly chuckled as Tyra giggles.
Teasingly -kind of- Time says, “It’s a shame really.” At that Tyra chuckles.
“You both look as different as the other’s- not including each other, you both look a lot alike. How big is this family tree?”
‘Not as big as you think. Pa’s your grandson and I’m your great granddaughter. But I can’t tell you that.’ Thought Tyra. Tyra started twirling her hair but quickly stops knowing if Time or Twilight saw her they would know she’s hiding something.
“Well, we can’t say for certain. But it must be many generations because any heroic deeds have obscured into ancient legends.” Before continuing Time moves in between Twilight and Tyra putting his hands on their heads and ruffling their hair. Twilight freezes for a moment as no one’s done that since he was a kid and did not expect that from Time.
Tyra only giggles as that was an almost everyday occurrence -before her father died- by either Time’s spirit or Twilight. “It’d take centuries to water down that red hair.” When Time moves over to Malon holding her in a loving way Twilight and Tyra give soft smiles. ‘I feel so bad about not telling the truth but maybe it’s a good thing? Because then grandpa Time won’t know before his death that his daughter never knows the full story of her father.’
During her childhood Time’s spirit told her some of his regrets after his death. Time told her that Malon was so broken by his death she could barely talk about him to their daughter/ Twilight’s mother. ‘Looking back it seemed that grandpa Time didn’t know that his daughter never really knew his story before he died. I wish I could scream the truth for all to hear but I can’t. The full truth will bring both joy and pain to everyone involved.’
“And you three are risking your lives out there!” Tyra winced when Malon yelled snapping her out of her thoughts. A small argument ensues between Time and Malon. ‘I ‘member grandpa Time telling me about the time he came home missing his right eye still bleeding. Grandma Malon was so mad at him but also really worried sick over his wellbeing. Afterwards, he couldn’t leave the ranch until after his eye was properly healed.’
Time then moves back behind Twilight and Tyra grabbing them by their shoulders (Time’s right hand grabbing Twilight’s right shoulder and his left hand grabbing Tyra’s left shoulder), then pulls them in close to him. “Darling you should see them on the battlefield. I’m so proud!” Twilight feels embarrassed and happy hearing Time say that.
“That’s what I’m afraid of! If they and the boys have your same spirit, I’m already worried sick!” As Malon mumbles something about armor and gear Time looks to them for some help. Tyra quickly jumps to helping Time calm Malon. “Rest assured, we’ve held our own well enough, promise.” Twilight nods.
“Yes, have a seat.” Malon makes sure to tell Time that they will finish their conversation later, before sitting down to listen to Twilight and Tyra.
“So tell me about yourselves dears.” Malon starts the new conversation. Twilight decides to go first. “Well, I don’t ‘member too much of my early childhood, I lost both my parents when I was young. Then I ‘member getting lost in within Faron Woods. I ‘member I was 8 when I first got to Faron Woods and my birthday was in a few days.”
“How did you survive alone in the Woods where monsters may have been lurking?” Malon asked worriedly.
“Uh, there was this friendly wolf that found me in Faron Woods, he protected me, made sure I ate and guided me through Faron Woods until we found Ordon Village. Once we reached Ordon Village the wolf left and went back to Faron Woods.” Twilight sighs happily.
“As I was about to enter the village my adoptive father Rusl was exiting the village to patrol Faron Woods for any danger. Found me and he and his wife Uli took me in and raised me.” Twilight finished. Malon and Time are shocked that a wolf helped Twilight through Faron Woods to Ordon Village where he would be safe.
“And you spent your birthday with this wolf?” Time asked. Twilight nervously chuckles scratching the back of his neck. “Yes. It was nice, there was no cake but, I ate fish and meat that I cooked on the fire I lit- I already knew how a I ‘member camping with my mother before she died and taught me how to light a fire.” Twilight paused before continuing.
“The wolf howled in celebration of my birthday and other small animals came and played with me. Overall, it was a great day and I’m so thankful to that wolf.” Answered Twilight. Tyra smiled and rubbed his arm, he turned and smiled before ruffling her hair, and turning back to Time and Malon.
“Did ya ever see the wolf again and thank him?” Asked Malon.
“Yes, I saw him for a couple of years until I was 13; after that I didn’t see him until I was 18. I think he knew I was grateful to him for being there whenever I needed.” Malon and Time smile thinking about how Twilight had always been an animal lover and that they’re grateful to that wolf for protecting and caring for Twilight. Twilight then turns the conversation away from himself to Tyra before he talks about his journey. Tyra sees what he’s doing and goes along with it.
“So I was born in Ordon Village, I can’t reveal who my mother is as it could change history- but I had a great childhood. And the wolf pa talked about comes back and was there for my whole childhood.” Tyra starts off. Malon and Time are shocked at how the wolf was still there. Twilight on the other hand understood and knew what Tyra meant by that.
‘How?! Why? Isn’t he supposed to be in the afterlife- wait -he knew about what was to come in Tyra’s future and was worried about her!’ Twilight thought. The only other reason Shade/Time would stay would be for Tyra, to help her. Twilight mentally smacked himself for not realizing this sooner. “Time you’ve told Malon about pa’s shapeshifting?” Tyra quickly asks. Both Time and Malon nod, as Time doesn’t know much about it he only told Malon Twilight can shape shift into a wolf.
“Well, due t’ all the times pa shapeshifted his Hylian DNA and his wolf DNA combined as the lines blurred and when I was born, I had the ability t’ freely shapeshift and have the same markings as him. I’m basically an Hylian/wolf hybrid. When I was a baby I got really sick- deathly sick -everyone was starting t’ lose hope- but not pa.” Tyra pauses taking a deep breath.
“Pa went t’ the spirit spring of Ordona who protects Ordon Village and pleaded and prayed for me t’ be saved. Unfortunately, Ordona couldn’t help but she pleaded and prayed to the Goddess Hylia on pa’s behalf. Hylia was so moved by the love pa had for me that she agreed. Hylia healed me and gifted me some of her powers. No I do not have a triforce on my hand. I used my powers t’ hide my markings.” Tyra reveals her markings.
“I should also add that because I’m a Hylian/wolf hybrid, my wolf form can sometimes be dangerous for myself and those around me. I need t’ be careful with my anger. When I become enraged or angry the wolf inside me tries t’ break out and wreak havoc.” Tyra finishes. Malon takes a moment to think on what she’s been told. Her descendant’s daughter was born a hybrid, has to keep her emotions in check, and almost died before being saved and gifted powers by Hylia.
Out of all the oddities she’s been told by her husband, what Tyra just told her is on par with Termina’s moon. Which she didn’t think possible. When Malon glances at Time it’s clear he’s of the same mind as her.
“While I wish that never happened, I’m glad Hylia saved and gifted ya powers Tyra. You are a blessing from the Goddesses, truly. Now can I see your wolf forms? Tyra and Twilight nod happily. They both stand and move away from the table so both Time and Malon can see them transform. Twilight grabs his shadow crystal transforming first, before sitting on his hind legs waiting for Tyra.
When Tyra sees Twilight’s done transforming, she closes her eyes and focuses on her wolf form. Soon she’s surrounded by the same dark cloud that surrounded Twilight. Once the dark cloud clears Tyra’s sitting on her hind legs next to Twilight. ‘Oh. My. Goddesses! They are so cute! Twilight’s a dark blue-grayish wolf, with his beautiful cobalt blue eyes! And Tyra! Oh, Tyra’s a gorgeous white and light gray wolf, with her blueish- silver eyes!!’ Malon mentally squealed.
(A/N: Twilight’s eyes are a dark cobalt blue that is as deep as the ocean, while Tyra’s eyes are a light blueish-silver- mostly blue- that are as beautiful and shifting as a partly cloudy-few clouds in the sky-day)
“Aww, you two are beautiful and adorable! Come over ‘ere so I can pet y’all.” Twilight and Tyra happily go over to Malon. Time and Malon pushed their chairs back from the table so both Twilight and Tyra could move in front of them. Malon scratches them behind their ears with a big smile on her face. Soon Twilight and Tyra start licking Malon’s hands and arms.
“Haha! Stop! Hah! That- that tickles! Hahahaha..” Malon Laughs uncontrollably. Time sees this and chuckles. Soon they stop licking Malon and move over to Time silently asking for pets from him as well. If Malon wasn’t the one watching and it was the other seven Link’s, Time would not give in to petting them so easily. (A/N: Time around the other Links: won’t give pets until trapped underneath Wolfie (or Wolfie’s daughter). Time around only Malon: will give pets immediately)
Time should have seen it coming, should have- he didn’t -if they did it to Malon they would do it to him. Tyra and Twilight started licking Time’s hands and arms. If asked Twilight and Tyra’s answer would be ‘No one, not even Time can escape the love!’
They stopped when they finally got Time laughing- almost ten minutes straight of them licking Time. (A/N: Malon started laughing immediately when they started licking her) Once they all calmed down, Twilight and Tyra transformed back and sit down to continue talking.
Tyra talks about her teen to early young adult years. She even reveals Twilight’s death when she was 18 and her outburst within the Queen’s throne room. “That was the worst day of my life so far. My wolf side completely took over and I went red with pure rage and heartache at everything and everyone who angered me. I’m not proud of it but I’m not sorry for speaking my mind to that good for nothing Queen!” Tyra finishes.
After hearing everything many emotions were swirling around inside Malon. She was devastated learning about Twilight’s eventual death; angry at the Queen, heartbroken learning Tyra lost control of her wolf, and absolute pure rage at the Gerudo soldier’s who killed Twilight.
Malon can’t think of anything to say so she gets up and walks around the table and pulls Tyra into a tight and comforting hug. Tyra doesn’t say anything and hugs back with the same intensity, quietly sobbing in Malon’s arms. Seeing this Time and Twilight join the hug as well. They all stand there hugging for almost ten minutes before sitting back down. Once they were all seated Tyra’s story was done- well as done as she wanted.
Tyra left out anything regarding Time’s spirit/ golden poe- aside from his wolf form and not giving a LOT of details- or about Time’s story after he dies.
With that all the attention turns back to Twilight. Luckily while Tyra was talking he figured out the best way to talk about his journey to save Hyrule. He leaves out anytime he got brutally injured during his journey. Skimmed over his first transformation, by not mentioning the pain or being chained to the floor of his cell. Mentions that he fought giant monsters pretty much every time he competed a temple/dungeon.
“How long did it take t’ complete one?” Malon asked concerned. Twilight thought for a moment before answering.
“Took me around ten days to complete a temple/dungeon. I believe there was about 2-3 weeks of travel in between each one.” Twilight answered. That only made Malon worry more, she knows he handled himself well during his journey but fighting giant monsters is not easy- from what she’s been told. Tyra noticed right away how much information her father is leaving out.
‘He’s not mentioning Midna by name and is barely mentioning her at all. He’s not talking about any of the almost- fatal scars he has. Barely mentioning the Hero’s Shade as his mentor who taught him how to properly wield a sword. Not mentioning the hidden skills he learned at all. And most of all he’s not mentioning creating and fighting his own Dark Link.’ Tyra thought.
Tyra understands why her father is not mentioning any of those things to Time and Malon. The one thing Tyra focuses on that Twilight’s leaving out is his version of Dark Link, as she knows that at some point it will be revealed to the other’s- maybe not Malon though.
‘Sorry pa, Time and the other’s will eventually learn about that I’m sorry.’ Tyra knows that day was not one of Twilight’s proudest days, even though he came out of that as a better person thanks to Shade. Not long after they finish talking about Twilight’s journey they start talking about how to introduce Tyra’s wolf form to the other’s. “Aside from my husband, Wild, and Four, the other boys only know Twilight’s wolf form as ‘wolfie’ who’s a friendly wolf that’s helped you all during battles with monsters and comforted you all when you have nightmares. Did I get that right?” Malon asks.
“Yes, pa has had some bad reactions to his wolf form before this journey started. So he’s scared about how they would react when finding out.” Tyra explains to Malon. Malon then says that she doesn’t think the other’s would react negatively and that she understands why he’s hiding it.
“Are you going t’ hide yours as well darling?” Malon asks Tyra. Tyra doesn’t think long before answering. “Yes, I’ll hide mine as well. If they learn I have one they will start questionin’ if pa has one as well. I don’t want pa t’ be forced by them t’ reveal it ‘fore he’s ready. I’ll reveal mine when pa reveals his.” Malon and Time are impressed by what Tyra said confidently and also proud of her for doing what’s right.
“Well then, we’ll have to find a way to introduce your wolf form as ‘Wolfie’s’ daughter.” Started Time, bringing them back to the problem at hand.
Twilight nodded. “Knowin’ Warriors, he’ll jump t’ saying Tyra’s wolf form is ‘Wolfie’s’ lover.” Malon was surprised to hear this at first, but when she thought about it she wasn’t surprised anymore. Earlier in the day while everyone was working on the ranch she was walking past Warriors and Wind. Warriors was teasing Wind about a girl Wind helped in the last town they were in before coming to the ranch.
“Stop talking about it Wars! She lost her cat, I found it for her and returned it to her. Nothing more!” Wind yelled at the captain. Warriors rolled his eyes. “Oh come on sailor it was so obvious! She fell in love when you found her car. So when’s the wedding?”
Wind let out a loud aggravated groan. “I’m done talking about this. Time! Warriors won’t stop teasing me and get back to working!” Wind yells for Time.
“Captain!” Time scolds. Warriors’ face goes pale with fear and rushes off to get to work.
*End of Flashback*
‘Warriors wouldn’t leave poor Wind alone until my Link got involved. Whenever he gives ‘is disappointed glare ya know ya messed up somethin’. Scary. But I love him.’
“True, unless as soon as Tyra shows up y’all immediately point out she’s ’Wolfie’s’ daughter.” Malon adds.
“Hmm, not sure Warriors will believe that.” Tyra says. All of them go silent thinking. What would be the best way to make sure the other’s know Tyra’s wolf form is Wolfie’s daughter. Soon Time speaks up. “Alright then, while you both are in your wolf forms, you’ll show father and daughter behavior.”
Malon, Twilight, and Tyra think on this for a moment. It’s a good idea, animals have certain tells that reveals if they are ‘lovers’ or ‘parent and baby’. The other’s may have to be told about the certain tells animals have. “That might work. While we’re transformed I could try an’ leave camp an’ pa could stop me. As he won’t want me t’ leave without ‘im there t’ protect me. That’s something I’ve seen lots of wild animals do with their young.”
“True, wild animals trust their mate(s) enough t’ be on their own. Parents always protect and care for their young.” Twilight adds. At that they all nod. Now that they’ve talked about that, Time’s finally found the courage to ask the questions that’s been on his mind for days now.
“Few more questions Tyra.” Time starts. Tyra nods giving Time the go ahead to ask his questions. “You said you know everything that’s to happen on this journey and after right?” Before Tyra can even answer Malon jumps in.
“Wait that’s true? What happens? Do any of the boys die?” Malon frantically asks so many questions and Time realizes his mistake. Time, Twilight, and Tyra calm her down and tell her that Tyra can’t reveal too much since it could change history. “Well, what I can tell ya is that everyone survives an’ defeat the shadow as that will not change at all.” At that Malon calms down and breathes a sigh of relief.
“Sorry ‘bout that dear, ask your questions.” Time kisses Malon’s forehead.
“It’s alright darling. Tyra how old was Twilight when you were born? Was he ready to be a father?” Tyra sat there for a moment thinking before she answered.
“Pa is currently 22. When this journey ends he will be 23. I will still be 21 as I joined the same day I turned 21.” Tyra starts off, confusing them with where she’s going with this. She takes a deep breath before continuing. “Four years after this journey ends, pa will marry my ma. Not long after they get married, ma will become pregnant with me. At this time pa will be 27, I’m not sure if when he first found out he was ready t’ be a father.”
Learning this Twilight blushes the same color as a red rupee. Revealing this should be fine as long as Ilia’s name is not mentioned at all. “But, when I was born an’ pa held me for the first time he was ready t’ be a father in that moment.”
“How old was Twilight when he died in the war when ya were 18?” Malon asked wanting to know and not wanting to know. Tyra took a shuddering breath. “Pa was 45 when he died. If he were still alive back home he would be 49 now.” Twilight didn’t know how to respond to that, but gave comforting support to his daughter.
Time also didn’t know what to say so he held Malon comforting her. Time couldn’t process what he learned. His descendant- his pup, becomes a father at 27 then dies in a war at 45. Time feels numb, not sad, not mad, just numb. Tyra feels bad for saying that, and wishes Twilight wasn’t in the room when she said it. Twilight hearing this might change history. They all take a while to calm down before Malon claps her hands together.
“Alright. Well, I believe we’ve all talked about every pressing matter. It’s time t’ get some rest.” They all stand up, hug and say goodnight with Twilight and Tyra leaving first. Once the door closes Malon turns to Time.
“They are so lovable. I feel a deeper connection t’ them than just ancestor an’ descendants. I feel as though they’re our son and granddaughter Link! Oh, I never want t’ let them go. I want them t’ stay here with us forever! And I wish father was here t’ meet them.” Time agrees with what Malon said- not really including the mention of Talon. He doesn’t want to say goodbye to them when this journey ends, but knows he has to. ‘Saying goodbye will be hard, but has to be done.’ Time thinks solemnly.
“Eh, Talon doesn’t believe half the stuff I tell him.”
Tyra’s POV:
As pa and I exit the kitchen I stop walking and pa notices turning back to me. “Everything alright kitten?” He asks worriedly. I sigh before answering.
“Yes, I’m fine pa. Just… need some fresh air is all. I won’t be long, promise.” Pa smiles softly nodding. (A/N: Twilight can see how emotionally exhausted his daughter is as he feels the same too, though not as much as Tyra is). “Alright, I trust ya. Just don’t leave the ranch.” He says nodding. Nodding I say, “I won’t, promise. Love ya, pa.” Before he can answer I exit the house heading over to where Rosamond was grazing earlier today.
I find the gate is unlocked, open it and walk to the center. Once I reach the center I take a deep breath.
Time’s POV:
As Malon and I are talking with me standing in front of her with my back to the kitchen door, I see out the window Tyra outside heading towards the small race track. “What is it?” Malon asks seeing me distracted. I move away from her and over to the window.
“Tyra’s outside.” Malon joins me at the window looking out.
“What’s she doing out there?”
“Not sure, but I’m going to find out.” I move away from the window heading for the door when Malon speaks up.
“Wait Link, I’m coming too!” Seeing the look on her face I know I can’t argue with her. I nod before exiting the house with my wife. Quietly we head over to where Tyra is. We hide close enough by her so we have a good view and hear what’s being said.
Tyra’s POV:
As I exhale I smell grandpa Time and Grandma Malon hiding near by. That’s fine they can watch and listen. ‘So far today has been the most exhausting day since I joined the other’s on this journey.’ I let out a heavy sigh.
“Tyra, when are ya gone learn t’ not shove down your feelings an’ pretend that everything’s alright.” I scold myself. After saying that out loud a golden light briefly flashes in my eyes before vanishing and revealing two golden wolf poes. My eyes widen as I immediately recognize the wolves. ‘Hello pa, grandpa Time. I’ve missed you.’
Narrators POV:
Time’s about to go and jump out to save Tyra from the poes before Tyra does something that stops him. “Hello, have you both been following me all this time?” Tyra says as she gets down on both knees and hugs them.
Both wolves did their best to return the hug. “First time in four years I’ve seen you both. What took so long?” Tyra whispered angrily at them. They both look ack at her with the best apologetic looks wolves can give. ‘So they tried but couldn’t until now?’ Tyra thought. Sighing Tyra forgave them by hugging them again whispering, “ I forgive you.”
Hearing that both wolves lick her face, surprisingly getting her face wet with wolf poe saliva. Chuckling she cleans her face. Tyra then stands and starts singing one of the lullabies her father sang to her after a nightmare.
(*DISCLAIMER: The song being used is NOT meant to connect this story and the song as a crossover. The song is ONLY being used as a lullaby and as a connection between Tyra and those she knows and cares about. Tyra has NO connection to Elsa from Frozen, All is found has no secret meaning within this story!*)
Where the North wind meets the sea
As she starts singing both wolves sit down and start howling along with her.
There’s a river full of memory
Singing always helps Tyra calm down.
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
Tyra and the wolves are singing and howling -respectively- under the crescent moon leaving Time and Malon awestruck.
For in this river all is found
As Tyra was singing and the wolves were howling, all the surrounding fairies started dancing around her and the wolves.
In her waters deep and true
There was also a soft golden glow around Tyra.
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
“Link, she almost looks like a Goddess.” Malon whispers.
But not too far or you’ll be drowned
Time quietly hums nodding in agreement.
Yes, she will sing to those who’ll hear
And in her song all magic flows
‘The kitten looks absolutely ethereal when singing.’
But can you brave what you most fear?
Their full attention was on Tyra, no longer noticing the fairies nor the wolves.
Can you face what the river knows?
Where the North wind meets the sea
Time and Malon are so captivated by Tyra’s ethereal singing that the only thought running through their minds was that they were watching either an angel or a Goddess in Hylian form singing their blessing upon the world.
There’s a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found
Unfortunately, the song soon ends, and when Tyra opens her eyes she notices the two golden wolf poes are gone. As Tyra turns to head back inside that’s when Time and Malon come out and walk over to her. They compliment Tyra on her singing, saying it was beautiful and ethereal.
Soon the three of them head back inside. When Tyra enters the room she sees that Twilight and Sky are both still awake. “You alright kitten? Sky was worried.”
“Yes, I’m alright.”
“So what was that conversation about?” Sky asks as they get comfortable, with Tyra cuddling up with Twilight.
Tyra and Twilight both answer saying, “Nothing, really.” With that all three fall asleep.
(A/N: I warned you, this is a long chapter! Hahaheh… sorry)
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
Ok so, I started to replay Hyrule Warriors: Definive Edition for 3DS and it's undoubtedly my first introduction to fighting/beat-em-up games and the best ways to do that. It has a lot of neat lore for a Zelda fan like me, varying combat styles to try out and master and it's really satisfying to plow through enemies & get a lot of KOs when you want to blow off some steam.
Especially the main storyline and the main other POV (aka Linkle's Adventures) are engaging af to replay and have a lot of points and small details I like from a gaming standpoint. Putting the rest under Read More bc it’s a semi long essay ft. my rambling.
One of the things I thought on the main route and Linkle's side adventure storyline is that Linkle can be seen as an equally courageous hero as Link. Even though both may have had a gut feeling on being the Chosen Hero by the Goddesses but not 100 % certain of that, they went there to help people anyway just because they could & knew it was the right thing to do.
Linkle had the inherited compass as "proof" and the fancy clothes and Link probably a gut feeling of Triforce of Courage, latter is a clear proof and both count as some evidence. The Compass is tangible and sth you can show to ppl who are naysayers like Linkle did.
You can see from Linkle's route that even though her main goal is to get to Hyrule Castle and help people there, she's always willing to help the people and Cuccos when/if she gets lost during the journey and doesn't think it's "less important" than the end goal she has. That's really noble of her and her empathy & energy to show that she cares for others' plight and was a farm girl at heart makes her really endearing and likable at the core.
She might not be the Hero Chosen by Goddesses, but she's saved and helped people as much as Link and it makes her super valid and important to the storyline as a whole.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, next one is on how Zelda didn't think through her Sheik plan at first -
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passionfruitco · 3 years
Watched Tangled the other day and got super inspired by the dancing scene in the town and the song “Kingdom Dance”, so here’s my LU version…
also I recommend that you listen to “Kingdom Dance” while reading (you can find it on Spotify or YouTube)
Legend POV
The sound of laughter and music rippled through the steamy air. Legend grumbled inwardly as he came to the top of a lush green hill, running a hand through his sweaty pink-streaked hair as he overlooked the valley below him. A large town sat perched on a rocky overhang, precariously swaying over the quiet river beneath it. The town was anything but quiet. It appeared to Legend that the town was having a festival of sorts. Banners and lanterns were strung up all around the buildings, and the town square was packed with vendors and carnival games. A figure waltzed over to stand beside him.
“What do you say, Vet, should we show them how to really party?” Warriors asked, leaning on Legend’s head with his elbow.
Legend shoved him off, scoffing and saying, “that’s up for the Old Man to decide.” The older hero joined them as second later, Twilight and Sky trailing closely behind him. He came to a halt when the town came into view, crossing his arms in front of his armoured chest.
“What’s this I heard about a party?” Time asked. Four appeared next to Legend.
“Warriors wants to go and meet some pretty ladies at the town festival.” He wiggled his brows suggestively. Warriors went red in the face.
“That’s not what I said, you little prick!” He moved to grab the giggling smithy but his hands closed on thin air. Legend and Sky snickered. Time’s eye twitched.
Twilight sighed, saying, “The only reason we’re going into town is to restock our supplies. No screwing around. Understand Wild? Wild?” Three screeches of pure excitement cut through the grassland’s tranquility. To Twilight’s horror (though not surprise), Wild was racing down the gigantic hill on his Hunter’s Shield, Hyrule next to him on another shield, and Wind balancing on top of them with a foot on each shoulder. They watched as the trio hurtled towards a conveniently ramp-shaped boulder, catapulted into the sky, and miraculously landed at the base of the hill with Wind in the elder two’s arms.
Twilight stood, mouth ajar, staring dumbly at the rock the reckless heroes had just launched off of. Time put a firm hand on Twilight’s arm, grimacing, and drug him down the hill. Four and Sky exchanged a quick glance before hurrying down after them.
“Well that was exciting,“ Warriors said innocently, “wanna slide down with me, Leg? I’ll hold your skirt down so you don’t flash anyone.”
Legend made a rude gesture before stomping down the hill and calling over his shoulder, “Hurry up Captain, by the time I get down there all the pretty one’s will have been taken.” Warriors cursed and ran after him.
“-and I don’t want to see that sorta behavior outta you little twerps again!” Twilight growled at the three young heroes, who all appeared to have their heads bowed inwhat should be ‘shame and guilt’, but Legend could hear the stifled snickers from where he was leaning on the town gate. The chain was currently gathered just outside the town entrance, waiting for Twilight to finish chewing the troublemakers out.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a festival,” Sky murmured from next to Legend.
Four nodded. “I can’t even remember the last time I’ve gone to one.” Legend felt that. They’ve been traveling non-stop for almost seven months now, searching for the origin of the infected monsters. Legend had his suspicions of who was behind it all (besides Hylia), but kept quiet. He didn’t want to plant seeds of fear in the group. Sky began chattering about the festivals Skyloft would hold, features turning wistful when he mentioned his Zelda. Legend felt a pang of remorse rip through him. It’s been years, but the familiar sting has become an old friend. Clearing his throat, Legend turned away from the Skyloftian as the group began  filing into the town.
Immediately, Legend’s senses were overwhelmed with the hectic atmosphere of the festival. Children were running to and fro, weaving in and out of wagons and colorful vendors which were selling things that varied from smoked apple bunts to bobble heads modeled off the king. Fizzling firecrackers whizzed over their heads. Live fiddles serenaded the town square while elders sat around the fountain playing knights chess. He noticed Wild fidgeting nervously with the hem of his shirt, flinching at each passing figure that got too close. Legend inched closer and rested his hand on Wild’s shoulder, to which the boy responded with a grateful smile. Legend also couldn’t help but notice the stares and whispers they were attracting. It’s not every day strapping young warriors just stroll into town, and just as Legend suspected, Warriors was thriving in all the attention.
Time turned to face the group, a stern expression written across his features. “Alright, stay together, don’t trust anyone, don’t get killed,” Legend didn't miss the little smile that crept into his face, “and have fun.” Legend snorted. Fun wasn’t an issue for this group, but he’d make no guarantees on the whole death thing. Immediately, Wild and Wind made a beeline to the food stands on the outskirts of the square. Warriors “accidentally” fumbled into a pretty brunette girl, who blushed up to the tips of her ears when he told her “he must take her for a stroll” to make atonement for his blunder. Hyrule, Four, and Sky went giggling after them, ducking In and out of carts and alleyways to avoid being spotted.
Twilight shouldered his bag and turned to Time and Legend, saying, “It’s ma’ turn to restock supplies. I’ll meet y’all back here with the rest in a bit.”
Time nodded. “Thanks, Pup.”  Legend watched as Twilight was swallowed by the crowd, disappearing from sight.
Legend swung around to face the Old Fart, hands on hips. “So, whaddya wanna do?”
Time made The Face.tm. Ugh. Legend hated that face. It either meant he was about to tell a terrible joke, or that you were moments away from being six feet underground with the Biggorn Sword in your back. Stupid Gremlin Dad.
Instead, Time surprised the Veteran by turning on his heel and saying, “let’s go for a walk.” Not like he had much of a choice. As Time led him through the festival’s center, a familiar laugh reached his ears, causing him to swivel his head around. There, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the stones was Wild. Well, from what he could see, it was Wild. Grinning children were hovering over him like bees to honey, obscuring his head from view. Upon inspecting the scene closer, Legend gasped and Time laughed. Wild’s hair had been twisted into elaborate knots and braids, beads and wildflowers scattered through the maze of locks.
“Look at how talented they are!” Wild grinned at the kids. The kids blushed, but as the two other heroes made their way over, awe replaced embarrassment.
One small girl waddled up to Time and said, “What ‘appened to your eye, mister?” The other children gasped and pulled the girl away from him. Time only chuckled and knelt down so he was eye-to-eye with the girl.
“An adventure happened.” The girl’s mouth made a perfect “o”. Seemingly getting over their shyness, the kids began swarming Time, tugging on his sleeves and pleading for stories. Time’s smile never faltered as he sat next to Wild on the ground while the children ran their nimble fingers through his golden hair.
Legend rolled his eyes as the Old Man began telling a fairy tail about a little boy and the moon. The Veteran picked his way over to Time and Wild’s side, easing down slowly (his joints were done, though he’d never admit it or Hyrule would have an aneurism). A boy who at first glance could’ve passed as a scarecrow shuffled over to them. Two more girls hid behind his back, peeking out from behind his tattered shirt.
“Oh Legend, this is Tandu, the cutie in the blue dress is Pavel, and then there’s Kali.” The scarecrow boy-Tandu- gave a little wave before moving around Legend and Wild, Pavel and Kali trailing close behind. Legend sucked in sharp breath when he felt the first little tug on his hair. The last time someone had played with his hair like this was back on the isla-.
“Breathe.” Time said from his left. Any other time Legend would’ve snapped at the Old Man to keep his resonance frequency breathing knowledge to himself, but he decided breathing was a more pressing matter.
Inhaling slowly through his nose and out his mouth, Legend’s heart-rate returned to normal enough so that he could tell Wild he looked like Flora. Wild sucker-punched him.
A few stories later, Time and Legend’s hair was done. Looking into the Sheikah Slate’s camera, Legend observed how the side of his head with the pink had been braided into one long strand, leaving a few stray pieces here and there. Small white buttercups were tucked in the creases. He blinked. It looked nice. He looked nice.
“Th-Thank you.” Legend said to the kids. Tandu only shot him a lop-sided grin as Pavel and Kali hugged him tight before running off into the mass of people.
Wild playfully shoved him, saying, “Well, Warriors is gonna have some competition-”. The Champion's voice trailed off as he and the Veteran turned to the eldest hero. Time had at some point when they weren’t looking changed from his armour into his simple, white linen tunic, sword and shield still slung across his back. But what really caught their attention was the hair. The Old Man’s hair had grown slightly longer since the first time they had met, making it easy to twist into one big braid, save for his bangs, which cascaded down to the small of his back. He was humming the song Twilight would sing when they’d be patrolling together-Epona’s song. Finally noticing the stares he was receiving, he stopped.
“Ready to go?”
Legend just couldn’t quite manage to reply with one of his usual snarky remarks. The last time he saw the Old Man this relaxed was back at the ranch. His usual frown, signature tense, creased brow and all, had smoothed out. Legend tore his eyes from the man in front of him. Wild, the raging bisexual he was, didn’t hold back. “Wow Pops, you look hella hot!”
Legend choked.
Time laughed, saying, “I guess Warriors has even more competition now.” He winked at them.
Wild screeched with laughter at this and almost fell over when he saw Legend’s beet-red face.
The Veteran spluttered, “You can’t just say that, Old Man, you have a wife!” Wild and Time walked off, giggling, Legend trailing angrily after them.
Reaching the busiest part of the town, Wild got distracted by a stand that sold ‘rock cakes’. Legend rolled his eyes, about to make a snarky comment at the Champion’s dispense, but a flash of fiery redness and laughter made him turn his head so fast he got whiplash. That color. That voice. Are you okay? His throat felt dry. No, stop. She’s gone. They’re all gone. And it’s my fault, Legend thought. He sat down hard where he was. Hey, wake up. Link answer me. Link? Link!
“Link.” Legend’s head shot up, blood pounding in his ears. Time’s face was inches from his, rough palms on his shoulders, eyes boring into his own. “Are you okay?” Are you okay? Unbelievable. Hylia really was a tease. Legend laughed crazily. People passing by shot him scared looks, but Time only pressed his lips into a thin line and waited. Finished laughing, Legend hung his head, a chilly smile resting on his face. He’s been off today, more than usual. Time definitely noticed earlier. But it’s getting harder to hide it. How her memory now haunts him even during the daytime, when before it was only in his dreams. Long nights of fitful turning and sleepless sleeps had been joined by the voices of a whole civilization. Link, help us! they cried. Show me how! he would yell, but the voices would only emit screams of terror before being taken by whatever dark being ended their peaceful days. Legend figured this was a suitable enough punishment for not saving them. For not saving her. He should’ve died instead of them. They were his duty to protect. He could have helped, he-.
Time POV
“Hey, look at me. Calm down.” Time’s heart seemed to skip a beat when the younger hero’s gaze met his eye. Big, glassy blue orbs stared back, a million regrets never spoken laughing in his face. It was a look his Wife told him he donned way too much for his own good. Without her, he’d probably be just like the Veteran. Malon would cross her arms and give him that heated glare, saying ‘Fairy Boy, you can’t just bottle this stuff up and walk around like you’re okay. That’s stupid. I’m here for you. You never have to feel these things by yourself ever again.’ But Legend doesn’t have that. Time inwardly sighed. He was never good with figuring out his emotions, much less other’s.
Music behind Time caught his attention. It sounded familiar. Listening closer, he realized it was one of the songs Clocktown played at the festival after he defeated Majora. As much as he hoped it was a coincidence, he highly doubted it. Maybe that’s why this world seemed eerily familiar.
Legend POV
Legend noticed the commotion too. Townspeople had begun to gather around the square and the musicians. The sound of the flutes and rattles calmed him down enough for him to reflect on what just happened. He freaked. In front of freaking Time. That was embarrassing. The Old Man had seen it all, even telling him to chill out. Maybe he could blackmail the older hero into not saying anything about his little…episode. Legend knows for a fact he hasn’t been sleeping, because every time he wakes up from one of his nightmares, the guy is wide awake, either conversing with whoever’s on watch or on watch himself.
But as he was standing up to propose his threat, Time strode away-right into the center of the empty square.
“What the hell is he doing?” An abrupt voice said from Legend’s right. Startled, Legend turned and whipped a knife out from his belt, ready to bury it in the idiot who thought it was a good idea to sneak upon him. Warriors and Twilight stood there, both staring at their leader. Wild, Sky, Wind, Four, and Hyrule trailed behind them, trying to see over each other’s shoulders. Warriors only spared the Veteran a glance as he pushed the knife away from his stomach.
Sheathing the weapon, Legend sneered, “How am I supposed to know? I’m not a fucking mind reader.”
Right at that moment, the music picked up, and Time began to move. His feet twirled around on the flagged stone, his body moving along with the fiddles. With a start, Legend realized that Time was dancing. Dancing. The gracefulness is what was really shocking. A muscular body built for fighting, capable of producing such beautiful movements was a rare sight. Apparently Legend wasn’t the only one in the group who thought the same. The other heroes’ eyes were wide, fixated on the eldest with surprise.
“Look at the Old Man go!” Wind whispered excitedly, Four nodding in agreement.
“That looks like fun!” Wild and Hyrule exclaimed at the same time. Twilight was smiling softly, but his eyes were somber. Sky and Warriors mouth’s were still hanging open. Legend hoped Warriors would swallow a bug.
The peasants gathered around the hero laughed and started clapping to the beat. Legend watched as Time flicked his golden braid over his shoulder and made his way to the front of the crowd. He retreated back to the center with three kids in his wake. Legend remembered them from the little braiding party at the fountain- Tandu, Pavel and Kali. He watched as they took hands with Time and began to mimic the dance Time was doing, all while rotating around in a circle. Laughter bubbled from Time and the kids as he and Tandu spun the girls around. Legend tried to fight the smile that was growing on his face, but when Wild and Hyrule grabbed Sky and Four and drug them out to join in the dance, he let a giggle escape his lips.
More and more people followed the heroes, and soon the square was filled with circles within circles of dancers. And somehow, the dance was uniform. It was carefree, of course, but it looked like something out of a play, like everyone knew the part they had to play. Wind and Warriors soon joined, Twilight walking after them.
“You gonna come?” He asked. Legend only snorted and crossed his arms. Twilight shrugged and jogged off to the dancers.
Legend was perfectly fine with watching, thank you very much. His dancing days were far behind him. Hyrule certainly didn’t seem to think so, though. He broke away from the fun and started towards Legend. Legend gave him his fuck off look, but the Traveler ignored it. Grabbing the Veteran’s hand, Hyrule pulled him into the center ring, Legend half-heartedly protesting the whole time.
The steps came easy, and Legend soon found himself lost in the infectious mood of the crowd. He felt the sweat gather on his brow as he clapped and twirled along with the rest of the townspeople, but he didn’t care. When the dance called for pairs, he spotted little Kali and pretended to offer his hand as he bowed deeply, which she took shyly. She began giggling, though, as Legend spun her around, her little pink dress billowing out beneath her. They laughed as she took a turn spinning him around. Then the partners had to switch, the dancer fulfilling the female part moving on to the next dancer in the circle. As Legend waved bye to Kali, two calloused hands took his own, directing his attention to his new partner.
Time grinned down at him, a playful fire in his eyes Legend only ever saw when at the ranch. Legend gave him an unimpressed look as they moved around on the stones, lightly jostled by other pairs. And then he remembered what had taken place just moments before. Ah, that’s awkward. Legend turned his head, instead focusing his attention on Twilight as he lifted up a laughing Warriors across the circle.
“Legend.” Time said, “forget the past. It’s behind you for a reason.” Who the fuck does he think he is? Legend’s gaze shot back to Time, cold as ice.
“How can you say that? You don’t know what I’ve been through, what I’ve done.” He snarled as he hefted Time up, which would have been funny if the conversation hadn’t gone so south so fast.
Time landed with the grace of a cat, saying, “but I do.”
Legend gave him a disbelieving look while dipping the elder hero low. He was tempted to just let go and drop the Old Fart flat on his back.
Time POV
“We may not have had the same experience, but we both have to deal with the consequences of being Hylia’s pawns. We live with the guilt of hundreds of dead people that we should have saved. Hundreds of peoples’ lives we screwed up. And we don’t even get to die in the end, even though they were the innocent ones.”
Legend was quiet as the dance got quicker and quicker. Time went on rapidly, “but we still have to keep going. There are people and futures counting on us. People back home who love us and are waiting for us. People here-“ Time gestured to the other heroes, voice growing hard”- who love us. And if we wallow in self-pity and hatred, then who’s gonna look out for them?” Time finished as Legend gave him one last twirl.
As the song came to a close, Time and Legend let go of one another, hesitantly standing next to each other, catching their breath, as the townspeople around them cheered and laughed. Looking over at the pink haired hero, Time saw that he was staring at his winged boots, and he wondered if he overdid it. Shit. He knew he was no good at this type of stuff. Opening his mouth to apologize, he blinked in surprise as a hand covered it before he could utter a single syllable.
Legend glared up at the golden haired hero, obviously struggling to say something. Finally he managed to speak. “Er- thanks, Time. I… I needed that.”
Time definitely wasn’t expecting that. A punch, perhaps, maybe even a profanity or two, but not a ‘thanks’. Recovering quickly from his shock, he nodded and flashed his teeth at the veteran. Legend returned it, but it soon was replaced with a finger jabbed at Time.
Legend POV
“Not. A. Word.” He said, voice threatening. Time mimed zipping his lips closed, his grin stretching wider.
“Time, Leg!” Wild called, weaving through the crowd with the rest of the chain right behind him. As soon as they got close, they bombarded Time with questions along the lines of ‘what the hell man?!’, ‘where did you learn that?!’, and ‘damn you, that was sexy!’ Time laughed and just shrugged, which caused an angry outburst within the Links.
Legend stood back and watched as Time got grilled by the other heroes, the Old Man’s words repeating themselves over and over again in his head. Marin would want him to move on. You’re going to do great things, Link. He would keep going, for her, and for all the other islanders. And now he had other people who loved him. He had people depending on him, even looking up to him. No, he was gonna live for them. Fuck you Hylia. She won’t get rid of him so easily. Just for good measure, he flipped off the sky so she knew he wasn’t finished with her, which earned him some concerned glances from the villagers..
“Ready to go, Legend?” Twilight called. Legend jogged over, bringing up the rear of the group as they headed back to the gate. As soon as he was within earshot, Hyrule began rambling about how good Legend was at dancing, which upon hearing made Warriors feel obliged to share his unwanted, false opinion, making Wind, who was on his shoulders, start yelling at Warriors for being jealous. Sky and Four were hanging onto each other, complaining about not getting a break, while Twilight and Time walked side by side in the lead, enjoying the familiar chaos. Yeah, he was gonna be okay.
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Sleepy Cuddles
F/O: Sheik (Hyrule Warriors) | Word Count: 704 | Warnings/Tags: First Person POV
A/N: Since it’s his birthday, you all get a cute Sheik fic :3 Hope you enjoy!
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The fact that I hear him come into the room is a sign by itself. He's usually silent and while he doesn't like sneaking up on me, he'll usually do something else to get my attention such as playing his harp or humming something. But I can hear the sound of his footsteps heavy against the floor and he shuts the door with an audible click.
I look up at him, my heart breaking at the sight of dark circles under his eyes. "Aw, baby… Did you not sleep well last night?" I ask softly.
Sheik shakes his head and I open my arms up in invitation. He gives a little head turn that signals confusion but comes over and crawls up into my lap either way.
I wrap my arms around him and lean back into the couch, gently pushing the back of his head until he rests his head on my shoulder.
"What are you--" He starts but I shush him softly.
"Rest if you can." I say. "If you fall asleep, great, but any rest is better than none."
Sheik makes a confused sound, even as he's nuzzling into my neck. "You'd do the same for me, wouldn't you?" I ask and he mhms. "Then let me do this for you. You don't have to be in guard mode all the time."
I trail one of my hands over his back, rubbing it gently. His body slowly relaxes against me and it feels like a victory. He even yawns softly, making my heart melt. He really is too cute.
From this angle, I get a better view of how pretty and silky his blond hair is and I wonder why I've never asked to play with it before. His hair's nearly as long as mine.
"Can I unbraid your hair?" I ask softly.
"Why?" Sheik asks and my heart skips a beat at how he sounds, all relaxed and his voice low.
"I just realized I've never played with your hair like you've done mine. Maybe it could help you fall asleep?" I say.
"Go ahead." I grin at the permission and find the ribbon holding his hair tied up, undoing it and setting it aside.
I gently hook my fingers into one part of the braid and drag them down, repeating this until his hair is completely loose. His hair feels so incredibly soft against my fingers and I start idly running my fingers through it.
I definitely have to do this again. It would be a shame to know how silky his hair is and never touch it again.
"Mmm." Sheik breathes out near my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "That feels good…" He huffs a soft laugh there and I nearly melt. "Though, I think I prefer messing with yours."
I laugh softly and lean down to kiss his temple. "Silly boy." I say and he chuckles. "Still, is this good enough that you'd want me to do it again?"
"Yeah." He says and I grin at the victory. He yawns again and tightens his arms around me, nuzzling more insistently at my neck. "Can I play with yours when I wake up?"
"Aww, of course, you can, love." I say, my heart melting at how precious he is. I really am glad that he feels comfortable to be this vulnerable and emotional around me. I think I'm the only one besides Zelda or Impa that sees this side of him.
"Good." He says with a little yawn. His body becomes a little heavier and I smile at the way he's surrendering himself to rest. Hopefully this will make him feel better when he gets up.
Though, his warmth against me is making me a little sleepy. I guess a nap couldn't hurt… I wave my hand idly to set an alarm to wake us both up in a few hours. We don't need to sleep the whole day away, after all.
But a nap sounds perfect right now. Especially one where I get to cuddle with him.
"Goodnight." I whisper to Sheik, sinking back into the couch and coming to rest with my nose brushing the top of his head. Sleep finds me soon after.
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cantolopejeevas · 7 years
This is a thing that I lowkey started a suuuuuuuper long time ago, and just now got the motivation to finish? I guess I’m in an angsty mood today, haha. This is technical part of Daniyal’s backstory, which I’m retconning a bit from its more... Comedic roots. Anyway, it’s not really told from his POV, though. So I guess this is more like a LoZ fanfic? With just a cameo from Daniyal? I have no idea. Anyway, here it is, haha~
The Hero of Time was meant to be silent. Brave. The paragon of a tried and true warrior, ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. Willing to go against countless enemies, even when the odds were stacked against him. Destined to defeat evil whenever Hyrule needed. His soul was thought to be incorruptible, always to remain pure throughout time. It was also thought that he didn’t remember his lives before. That he was a clean slate through each rebirth.
But that was wrong. He remembered. Every fight, every trial, every ache and pain- scars on the soul that acted up every now and again. He remembered every single time he rid the world of evil. And he was so, so tired.
All his adventures blended together. Sometimes he would try something new, take a different approach. But it didn’t matter, in the end. It just mattered that he’d won the ultimate battle, and had sealed evil away once more. That’s what Hyrule cared about.
The sacred realm blinded him. He squinted, trying to see through the haze. Princess Zelda stood before him, that much he knew.
“Link,” she said, a smile on her face. “You’ve done it. You’ve saved Hyrule. Now we shall know peace.”
Again. He kept his face impassive. But Zelda could still see through him.
“Is something wrong?” she asked, stepping toward him.
The light grew dimmer. He shook his head no.
Zelda frowned, looking around. “What’s going on?”
Link drew the Master Sword and took a stance. He was brave. A hero. He had to be ready to fight For Hyrule. For Zelda. But he just wanted to rest. Wouldn’t they want that too?
Gold faded to gray. A storm began to brew.
Finally, Zelda’s eyes rested on him, fear shining within. “Link?”
He opened his mouth. His throat ached and burned. “I’m… Tired…”
She gasped and put her hand over her mouth. “I don’t understand...”
It came to him in a flash of brilliance. “The Ocarina,” he mumbled, holding his sword up at her.
Her hand twitched, and she took a step back, favoring one side. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Perhaps we should go home and rest. It’s been a long journey.”
“Give me the Ocarina,” he insisted. The sword shook in his hands. He didn’t want to do it. But if he needed to, he would.
Tears burned his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. His very soul ached. And she didn’t understand. Couldn’t. Because when it all was said and done, she would rule her kingdom peacefully until her dying breath. Then her soul would rest. And one of her descendants would take up her mantle. While he would be stuck dreading the day he died, and the day he would be reborn once more.
Zelda worried her lip with her teeth. Then, ever so slowly, she pulled it out. It was just like he remembered. Oh-so blue and shining.
“This,” she began, before pausing and letting out a soft sigh. “I shouldn’t be doing this. But I can see you’re hurting.” She brought the ocarina to her lips and began to play a melody. One he knew well.
The Song of Healing. It brought back memories of Termina.
Painful memories.
Blood splattered through the air. A familiar sight. But not like this. Link let his sword arm fall to his side, and barely winced when he heard the heavy thud behind him. He felt a small piece of himself break off. Like whatever good left in his soul was escaping.
He didn't need it. Not anymore.
Stepping over Zelda, he picked up the Ocarina. Her breathing shuddered, and her hand reached out, going limp during her last attempt to stop him. Then she was engulfed in pure white light, almost blinding him.
Before him appeared the Triforce of Wisdom. Tempting. Begging him to take it. Calling to his Triforce of Courage.
Without an ounce of hesitance, he reached out. It trembled in his grip, as if trying to get away, but he held firmly. This was his right. After rescuing it so many times, he deserved the power it had. He deserved more.
As it shot into him, a tree bloomed before his eyes. Branches and branches stretching out, each leaf holding one of his past selves. His whole body ached just looking at it. He wanted it to be gone. To disappear forever so he could finally rest and live the life that was owed to him. And the best way to cut down a tree was at its trunk.
He brought the ocarina to his lips, closed his eyes, and played. Time swirled around him, creating an unnatural vortex as it bent to his will. Power surged through him. And a craving.
One last Triforce to find. Power. He needed more power.
Opening his eyes, he saw Hyrule fade in before him. The green grass, the blue sky that gave in to red just over Hyrule Castle Town. It felt like home. Joy swelled up inside him.
“Link! Thank the Goddesses you're here!”
A haggard man ran up to him, with a cucco tucked under his arm. He only seemed vaguely familiar. Link had the feeling he’d only seen him in passing before.
“S-Someone attacked the village,” the man said, practically shaking as he pointed to the base of Death Mountain. “People are hurt, m-monsters are trying to get in… You have to help us!”
How dare he. Link was done with this, couldn’t he see that? He snarled and raised his sword to strike the man down where he stood.
But something in the man stopped him. A Triforce? No. It felt too personal to him. Too important to strike down quite yet. Even as the man stared at him with wide, pathetic eyes. Link knew he needed to be kept alive.
For now.
So he nodded. Ganondorf and the Triforce of Power could wait a little bit. At the moment, he had to test his abilities. See if he could overpower the Evil King and take over his throne. What could the Triforces of Wisdom and Courage do for him? Burn a village to ashes? Free him from the burdensome title of hero?
Well, he’d find out soon enough.
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ashla-respect · 5 months
Linked Together by Blood
Chapter 4
***DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN The Legend of Zelda or Linked Universe or any of the songs I end up using; Nintendo OWNS The Legend of Zelda AND jojo56830 OWNS The Linked Universe AU AND the original artist OWNS the songs***
**I ONLY OWN Tyra any other OC’s AND the story plot**
*Mature rating for swearing and violence*
I hope you enjoy and if you don't like then don't Read nor comment I will not tolerate any hate I only wrote this for those who would possibly enjoy it.
Thank You! And enjoy!!
Chapter 4: Malon?
(A/N: The chain explores the village, do some training. Warriors gets stuck in his thoughts and has Time, Twilight, and Tyra help him. Is it time for the chain and Tyra to finally meet Time’s wife Malon?)
Narrators POV:
The next morning after Tyra’s nightmare, the chain spent the day exploring the village, seeing as they were too tired to do so yesterday after stocking up on supplies. Warriors, Hyrule, Wind, and Four went to check out the blacksmith and see what was there. Wild and Legend went looking around the market.
Sky woke up late, and met up with wild and Legend for a bit, before heading off to go pray at a goddess statue by the village’s small church for Hylia.
Time, Twilight, and Tyra, after walking around for a bit decided to head into the forest to do some training (A/N: They didn’t stray too far from the village). They chose a nice quiet area with not too many trees around. Time wanted them to have some privacy but still be able to spot any danger that came lurking.
Warriors’ POV:
Tyra seemed a bit off this morning, she was more quiet than usual. ‘She has the classic “Link trait” -as the nine of us like to call it- of going silent when you’re trying to convince yourself that you’re okay whether mentally or physically doesn’t matter.’
But she did seem to cheer up whenever someone came over to give her a hug.
‘Ha! Leg had to be forced by traveler to go up and hug her. Though he didn’t put up much of a fight as I thought he would.’ Maybe he wanted to give her a hug but was nervous/ shy about it. Though when Time and Twilight saw Vet give Tyra a hug (which was proper) all they did was smile.
‘Tyra, ranch hand, and the old man didn’t join in on teasing Legend with the rest of us. I wonder why?’ Wind, Hyrule, Four, Wild, Legend, Sky, and I all finished what we were doing by midday. Time had told us (minus Sky- Sky was told by Wild) that he, Twi, and Tyra were going into the forest to do some training.
So we decided to join them. when we arrived to where they were training we were shocked still at what we saw.
*Ten minutes Prior*
Narrators POV:
Time, Twilight, and Tyra all finished their warmups of going through the motions of their fighting. When Time thought of an idea that would spice up their training.
“Kitten, you’re ambidextrous like Twilight right?” Time asked. Tyra turned to Time with a smile on her face.
“Yes, pa trained me t’ be ambidextrous since I was young. I’d say starting at 4 he started training me that. Why?” She questioned. Time and Twilight were once again shocked by her answer to the question and just by her in general.
‘I guess Twi/ I truly knew that she would need this skill.’ Time and Twilight both thought at the same time. Time quickly recovered from his shock asking the question he really wanted to ask Tyra.
“I thought it would be more interesting to see if while sparring you can fend off against both me and Twilight. What do you say?” Tyra thinks about this, she’s not sure how Time wants her to fend off him and Twilight.
So she asks, “Do ya mean by sword and shield?” Time nods.
“You should be able to quickly change which hand is holding your sword and which hand is holding your shield.” Tyra thinks a bit more on this. Then she remembers the years leading up to and after her father’s death; how she secretly trained herself how to fight wielding two swords.
When she first started she struggled so much in figuring out the best way to move along with both swords while swinging the swords effectively. Over time she developed the best way to fight with two swords.
The technique basically combined a sword dance with her style of fighting. Which consisted of flips, twirls, jump strikes, and splits. “I ‘ave a better idea.” Tyra starts. Time and Twilight look at her curiously.
“Prey tell.” Says Time. Who’s not sure where she’s going with this.
“Round when I was 14 maybe 15, I started secretly teachin myself how to fight with two swords.” Time and Twilight’s eyebrows jump into their hairlines. As Twilight’s eyes and Time’s one eye go wide in surprise. ‘That’s not what I expected.’ They both thought.
Tyra sheepishly smiled as she scratched the back of her neck. “Heh, I wasn’t any good when I started. But, over time I figured out how to wield two swords in a fight. When pa would take me on some of his missions ‘round Hyrule taking out monsters.”
“They were terrorizin’ people. An’ when pa would get injured I would pick up his dropped sword. An’ along with my sword I would take out the remaining monsters with little to no injuries saving pa!” Tyra explained.
After learning that they had to test out Tyra’s abilities wielding two swords. Time handed her his smaller sword keeping his Goron sword. Then the three of them got in position for the sparring match. Tyra was in the middle with Twilight in front of her and Time behind her.
Soon the match started with Twilight making the first strike. Tyra easily blocked his attack with one sword while twisting her body. Her right side which was holding her Ordon sword which had blocked the attack was closer to her father. They stood there in a temporary stalemate before Twilight backed up from her.
Then she heard Time move to make his attack. Just as he’s about make contact with her, she quickly turns around and holds up both swords crossed in a X above her head to stop Time’s attack.
Time tries to use his strength to knock her down on to her back. But she shifts her feet to be more steady underneath her and put all her body weight into staying up right and all her strength into pushing Time back. Tyra succeeds in pushing Time away from her, then in a spinning kick that hits him square in the abdomen, she knocks him down to the ground.
The three of them continue this song and dance with neither Time nor Twilight managing a hit on her even once, for ten long minutes. When the rest of the chain arrived they are surprised to see the three of them sparring together.
(A/N: They expected to see only Tyra and Twilight sparring with Time watching and coaching from the sidelines.)
Time and Twilight have both worked up a sweat over the last ten minutes. While Tyra has not even broken a sweat the entire time. The scene that shocked the others is Tyra in the middle of Time and Twilight having blocked an attack from both of them on either side of her.
Time attacked from her right and Twilight attacked from her left. Tyra was holding both of them back and steady, while Time and Twilight were struggling to knock her down and get even one hit on her. They stayed like that for a few more moments before Tyra disarms both of them in a twirl moving both her body and swords.
Tyra then places the flat sides of each sword lightly against Time and Twilight’s unprotected necks; right under their chins. The entire area was silent as no one knew what to say. Time and Twilight are frozen staring owlishly at Tyra with their mouths gaping. A long moment passes before Wars, Legend, Sky, Four, Wind, Hyrule, and Wild start applauding and congratulating Tyra. Which wakes up Time and Twilight from their shocked silence.
All this praise causes Tyra to turn sheepish with a blush spreading down her neck with a shy smile on her face. Time and Twilight both clap her on the back with proud smiles on their faces. At that turns around bringing both into a tight hug, hiding her face between their chests.
Time and Twilight worry something is wrong until they hear Tyra let out an embarrassed laugh. “That was amazing!” Wind yelled. Four and Legend both grunt and nod in agreement.
“Holy Hylia, I never knew that was possible.” Said Sky. Wild had pulled out his slate and started recording the scene when they saw the standstill. “I caught it on the slate, so we can view it later. Tyra, you have to teach me that!” Exclaimed Wild with a fire in his eyes.
Hyrule was mumbling to himself saying, “Wha… how? Huh? I…” Warriors was quiet for a while remembering that he read something in his Hyrule royal archive about something regarding Tyra’s technique of fighting. “… Huh. I guess the royal family was wrong.” Mumbles Warriors.
Warriors mumbled that so quietly Twilight and Tyra almost missed it. After that display of strength by Tyra the others were scared of sparring with her. Time, Twilight, and Tyra were too tired to keep sparring so they sat on the side. “What? You’re tired? You don’t look it.” Said Wild. The other’s didn’t believe that Tyra was tired.
“Believe it. It takes a lot of energy to perform that technique. Spent years building up my energy to use the technique.” Tyra explained. She may not look it but she’s about ready to collapse from exhaustion. Time and Twilight noticed this in the way she was carrying herself. Her eyes would drop a tad bit every now and then. Tyra was swaying very slightly on her feet, you wouldn’t catch it if you weren’t paying very close attention. Seeing how the other’s still didn’t believe Tyra, Time stepped in to shut them down.
“Alright, that’s enough. You seven have some sparring to catch up on.” The other’s noticed the disapproving look Time was giving them. “Yes, sir.” They all said. Two of them started sparring. When one lost another would replace them, they kept at it until they were tired.
When everyone was done they headed back to the inn for dinner. After dinner Warriors went up to Time, Twilight, and Tyra. “I can’t keep quiet any longer. I need to talk to you three privately.” Warriors said in his captain tone. The three Hylian’s nodded and Time lead them to the room he shares with Twilight, Tyra, and Wild. “Okay, prey tell why you can’t keep quiet any longer?” Questioned Time.
The three of them had noticed anytime Wars wasn’t preoccupied he was getting quiet and thinking about something the others weren’t privy to. Warriors very rarely went silent, he mostly goes silent when thinking about the War of Era’s. Or about something he’s learned about that wasn’t always true.
Twilight and Tyra couldn’t figure out what Warriors meant earlier in the forest. Warriors heaves a heavy sigh. “Where to start?” Warriors mumbles, loud enough for the three of them to hear him.
Warriors takes a deep breath to steal himself. The he looks to Time with a serious look on his face causing Time to straighten his back and give Wars the same look.
“Sprite, do you remember during the War of Era’s how you, me, and Artemis went looking through the royal archives?” Warriors finally asks after a moment.
That question surprises Time as he was not expecting that. Time calmed down some but was still serious when he answers the captain. “Yes, I do. Why are you bringing that up?” Questioned Time. Warriors motioned for all of them to take a seat.
Twilight and Tyra sit next to each other on one bed, while Time and Warriors sat on the bed across from them. Once they were all seated Warriors took a moment to find the best way to say what he wanted to tell them. The three of them let him gather his thoughts and waited patiently.
“Around midnight almost one, you fell asleep exhausted from all the reading remember?” Time nods when Warriors looked over to him.
“Well, Artemis and I stayed up a while longer. Then I stumbled across this book. Out of all the books in the archive- even the book talking about the Royal Family- it was the fanciest looking book.”
“And the book was all about the Hero of Twilight’s daughter’s life. When I first found it and read it I didn’t think much of it and put it from my mind after reading the whole thing. But looking back it seems like the book wasn’t finished.” Warriors started.
“What do you mean?” Time asked. Was there something wrong with the book? They knew Wars was far from done talking. “… There were blank pages towards the end of the book. It was like whoever wrote it never finished writing it, but it still somehow ended up in the Royal archive. Most of the book was blank pages. None of the pages mentioned how old she was when she died. Goddesses, her death wasn’t even mentioned!”
At that Time, Twilight, and Tyra looked at Warriors wide eyed. ‘How is this possible?!’ The three of them thought. There’s a tense silence for a few minutes before Warriors continues talking. “Artemis came over after I finished reading. I asked her why most of the pages were blank. At first she was confused as to why a book in the Royal archive had blank pages. So she used her magic to inspect the book and she discovered the reason why.”
Wars took a deep breath putting his head in his hands, while Time rubs soothing circles on his back. “… She discovered the reason was because there was a magic spell cast on the book. To keep the rest of the story hidden until the time was right. Back then I didn’t understand what that meant, but I do now. Once this journey’s over Tyra’s story will be completed in the book. Though that’s not what I really wanted to talk about.”
Wars took a deep breath. “I knew I had to tell you all this before saying what I really wanted. There was a section of the book that talked about Tyra’s dual sword wielding. But it said that she never perfected it. Now, that may be a side effect or done intentionally by the spell. I’m not sure.”
Wars sighed. “But also in that book it portrayed Tyra as some weak helpless Hylian who had a rough childhood. I only just remembered about the book when I saw the three of you sparring earlier.” Wars finished. Tyra thought long and hard about this.
“Hmm… Maybe the spell was put on the book ‘cause if ya read it during the War of Era’s then ya’ll would know what was t’ happen in the future an’ cause history t’ change. Which would cause many problems.” Tyra explained.
That made sense because not long before her 21st year Dusk had only started writing the Royal archive book on the Hero of Twilight. Royal archive books are only written after someone worthy of having their own story in the Royal archive dies.
“Ya only get get a book written ‘bout ya I the Royal archive after yer death. Not long ‘fore my birthday, Dusk ONLY just started writing pa’s book. The books are mostly for Royals, and great Hero’s.”
Tyra sighs happily. “When I was 5 pa took me to the Royal archive and showed me the book containing the story of the Hero of Time.” This surprised the three Links. Tyra laughed when she saw their faces.
“Pa said it took ‘im a few years to find the book. But when he did he noticed it had been hidden by someone who knew the Hero of Time. An’ anytime they saw the book they would likely break down, so they decided t’ hide it. They left a note with it saying why they hid the book.”
Tyra took a short moment before continuing. “The letter was never signed so we don’t know who hid the book. ‘Cause the book was hidden the Hero of Time’s story was never told or mentioned in the history of the kingdom. But when pa found it Dusk made sure that EVERYONE in the kingdom learned about the story.” Tyra finished.
Twilight and Warriors didn’t know what to say after learning that. At first Time was angry, then he was curious, then finally settled on grateful. ‘Well it took a while but it seems that I will be remembered eventually. Thanks pup.’ Thought Time.
A few moments passed before Tyra shyly admitted that she’s read Time’s story over a hundred times. That got Warriors laughing. Twilight didn’t know what to say so he stayed quiet.
Time was shocked at first before he got up with the biggest smile on his face they’ve ever seen, went over to Tyra and pulled her into a hug quietly thanking her. Tyra didn’t say anything but she did hug Time back tightly.
The next day they were leaving the village heading north. Just as the sun was about to start it’s descent a portal opened up in front of them. Being Tyra’s first time seeing the portal Twilight and Time told her so much about when she was growing up she was nervous.
But she was ready to pass through the disturbing black and purple portal. When they came out the other side of the portal they saw they were in another forest.
It was night so they found a small cave to camp in for the night. The next morning they ate a wonderful breakfast Wild cooked up, before heading out. Because it was so dark last night none of the ten Hylian’s could determine if any of them recognized it as their Hyrule. Not long after they started walking Time recognized the woods as the lost woods by Kokiri Forest. A bit later they get attacked by one of Time’s Moblins. After they all get healed by the fairies within the forest Time suggests they take a detour.
A few days back Tyra noticed Time writing a letter- her guess to Malon- during one of his watch shifts when she woke from a nightmare. It was not the one about Twilight- the nightmare was one of her more tame nightmares. It was a nightmare about the day Twilight turned into a wolf for the first time, but instead of Twilight it was Tyra in his place.
‘I know he already likely sent a letter t’ grandma Malon about pa and I. But t’ be meeting ‘er so soon… I’m not sure I’m ready yet, but can’t stop it now.’ Mused Tyra. They walked in silence for a while before Twilight spoke up.
“Alright, ya said ‘detour’ but where exactly is this? You’ve been awfully cheerful.” Time chuckled with a bright smile.
“Have I? Well, you could say this place is feeling a lot like home. Speaking of —-” Time says before being cut off by another voice.
“Yer back!!!” Exclaims Malon before running up to kiss Time.
(A/N: Quick warning it’s longer than the previous chapters. When writing the chapters I always hand write them first. Chapter five was 16 pages long! Oh, it almost killed me lol!)
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Hello! New to this tumblr, but I found your Downfall Timeline Fairy AU on AO3, and let me just say, it has become my new obsession. I’m a big fan of Fairy!Hyrule, and these fics you wrote just made me love him even more. Would it be possible to set up a possible wait time for the next part of the story? Because I can’t wait - I have so many questions and ideas of what will happen next. Will Hyrule’s fairy side be revealed to the Chain? What will Warriors think of that? Will the princesses provide insight for fixing the land and the Fairy Fountains? Maybe Legend can help with that, since I think there was an implication that he was an ancestor of Hyrule’s mother, who also used to be a Great Fairy. Does Legend end up marrying a Great Fairy and becoming a male one himself? Will the land ever actually get better, and become like the other Hyrule’s? I don’t mean to be rude, or put pressure on you, or anything like that, so you can take as long as you want. Thank you!
Hi hello lovely to meet you!
The next part of the story... I'm not entirely sure? I've got a fic in another fandom with a deadline this month which is causing me bother, so I'm not allowed to write any /new/ Zelda stuff until after that's done. ^^; I intend to then work on the fairy series, and maybe throw in some oneshots between so I don't burn out, at least up to the end of my definite plans, but I may need to do a non-series oneshot or three first to get my head back into it. Especially as the next bit is a chapterfic, which /always/ give me trouble, so I want the whole thing done before I start uploading it. Or at least be a couple of chapters ahead. The first chapter is /nearly/ finished, just needs a start, but I want at least half of it done before I upload anything. The end is the easiest bit to write, of course. xD
As for the other bits... I guess I can put some little hints towards spoilers under the cut
Can't have a fairy au without it getting revealed to everyone sooner or later! That's actually on the agenda in the chapter-fic! Which is Hyrule and Legend swapping the PoV stick, though /after/ that Warriors and time get to have some time. There's an earlier version where Warriors learnt it first half-finished in my drafts, though its been scrapped as it no longer fits with other things the series did. May finish it off sometime and throw it up not connected to the rest.
Legend and Hyrule's mother were acquainted, though its on Hyrule's /father/'s side they're blood related - his mother has been about since Time's era, but only been human enough to have kids for the last hundred years or so. The link in the hair thing is a wee bit more complicated. Try think about what actually causes Legend's hair to swap between blond and pink in LU, and a little on ALTTP. I do have some vague plans for it to come up if the heroes wander by the ranch any time soon, though the blood relation by his father's line likely never will just because the information has been lost.
I don't really have a whole ending in mind, but I have a few odds and ends. I will say though that Hyrule's hometime /is/ in a better state than it was when he ended his adventure (they just hit an especially awful part), and the improvement is continuing. Just. Starting from the more settled areas.
I'd love to drop the Princesses in on this one but we'll see. I'm currently fighting Time, Hyrule, and Warriors to try make them all talk again ^^;
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