duffyduffles · 1 month
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I have SEVERAL very sexual and inappropriate things to say
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julessworldd · 2 years
Slàinte Motherfuckers! Tatum/oc!reader x Duff Mckagan, Izzy stradlin
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Warnings: cussing, alcohol mentioned, drinking, just college kids being college dumbasses, angry Izzy, male receiving head. Punishment mentioned
Izzy and Duff were stressing over a mid term exam instead of going out. They didn’t have a gig and I wanted to have fun. Even if that meant drinking in lounge shorts and Duff’s misfits tee.
“We’re fucked!”, Duff sighed. “You’re fucked, my friend. I’ve been studying all month unlike you, going to parties with Tay”, Izzy smirked. “Think I could be a stripper?”, Duff asked. “You don’t got the ass for it and you would make your mother have a stroke”, I waltzed in. “Tatum, no! We have an important school shit tomorrow”, Izzy said seeing the bottle of tequila.
“I’m just coming to sit in my living room, Izzykins”, I rolled my eyes. “Fine, just be quiet”, Izzy sighed. I started playing angry birds, next to Duff. I was on a roll until my drunk ass slipped my finger off the screen. “GODDAMN IT!”, I groaned. “That’s it, I’m leaving!”, Izzy slammed his text book down and stormed out of the apartment. “Damn, he needs to get laid”, I rolled my eyes. “He’s stressed about this mid term, Tat. It determines if he gets into med school”, Duff patted my thigh. I nodded, “Sorry I’m just bored. I asked Katie to hang out but she’s working a double, Dessy is out of town. You guys are it”, I sighed, feeling guilty about Izzy’s storm out.
“Don’t feel bad, he’ll get over it. I’m gonna go shower if you need me”, Duff groaned getting up. “Old ass” I laughed. “Shut up” Duff had been in the shower for a good ten minutes, I was left unsupervised. I went into the kitchen.. made a shot for myself. Then it hit me, Sam served these shots that were on fire! I can try that here and see if I could make those. “Shit there’s only 6 shot glasses. Oh well!”, I picked the tray up. “Hey D! Check this out”, I walked into the living room, Izzy walked in. “What Tay?”, I heard duff patter through the hall.
I lit the the shots on fire before the pair could figure out I had done. “ Slàinte Motherfuckers!”, I grinned before realizing the tray was hot. Then it happened I dropped the tray and the curtains caught on fire as Duff stood behind me. Duff grabbed a bucket of water, tossing it on the growing flames. “Fuck! Those were the nice curtains too”, I groaned. Then Izzy started laughing like a manic, almost like Heath Ledger’s joker. Duff and I looked at each other, “What the fuck?” I whispered. “Tatum! Tatum what the actual fuck went through that head of yours .. Thinking that was a good fucking idea? Mhm!?”, Izzy turned to me. “Iz, it was an accident”, Duff walked towards me, slotting me behind him. “I can handle myself, Duff” “shh!” Then he slide down the wall, holding his face in his hands. “I’m so not getting into med school! Jesus H Christ, I’m so fucked”, Izzy laughed again.
“I’m gonna go smoke”, I sighed, passing Duff. “Holy crap on a cracker”, I lit my cigarette. 30 minutes had passed, no yelling and fighting had happened. Amused it was fine inside, fire escape hid that idea. The window opened, it was Izzy. “Hey care for company?” “After your psychological breakdown? Not really”, I snorted. “Sorry for freaking out” “Ah use to it. My mom’s a bipolar junkie”, I breathed out the nicotine. “You shouldn’t smoke, Tatum. Girl like you is way too pretty to do this nasty shit”, Izzy took the rest of my cigarette away. “So? We’re gonna die anyways”, I smirked. “Don’t speed it up, Bunny”, Izzy gave me a look. “Duff awake?” I asked. Izzy shrugged. “Fuck it! You trust me?”, I asked. “Yeah? What ya planning?” I bit my lip, getting on my knees.
“Just a little stress relief, Iz. Seems you needed it a lot sooner”, I reached for his belt. “Well, since you’re already on your knees”, Izzy smirked. Even getting head he was in control. I pulled his boxers down enough to grab the rest of him out. Adjusting my weight, I took Izzy in my mouth. “Fucckk”, Izzy groaned. I took more of him, what I could. He was the biggest I had ever been with. I stroked what I couldn’t fit in my mouth, “Jesus, Tatum!” “Quiet down! I really don’t want to hear Duff lecture me tonight”, I popped off. Izzy smirked, “Didn’t tell you to quit, Princess” suddenly he was back in my mouth and half away down my throat. “Good girl”
Izzy was humming, while making his coffee as Duff walked in. “Back to normal, Dr. Hyde?” “Morning, Duff. Yes, I’m actually ready for McKenzie’s bullshit test”, Izzy grinned. “Morning class”, I walked in, grabbing my Slytherin cup down. “Oh morning Tatum. Sleep good?”, Duff asked, completely clueless to my slight limp. “Like a baby”, I smirked, catching Izzy’s eyes. Izzy had a shit eating grin on his face as Duff walked out. “Think I should punish you for lying to your best friend. Not nice, Princess”, Izzy trapped me between the counter and his chest. “Not my fault his clueless” “Watch it, Tatum”, Izzy popped my ass. “Stop! I can barley sit right as it is”, I whined.
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety
Words: 4k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Hey, Viv, it's Tansy...I got your flowers and was calling to let you know I'm getting out of the hospital today, and I'm heading to the same place the guys are at, Nikki said it doesn't suck as bad as the other places they've tested out, um…" Tansy's sweet voice sounds over my answering machine. "...I'm really sorry for not calling earlier. I'm just now getting off methadone, so I've kicked smack successfully. I just wanted you to know I'm doing okay and getting some help, and Nikki called and told me you two were working things out." She adds. "Come visit me, soon, okay? We have a lot of shit to talk through, and I know we do, I just don't know where to start but I love you. I'll see you later." 
She hangs up and I smile a little bit, rubbing my lips together.
I haven't heard anything on her since Steven told me she was in the hospital back in New York after her overdose not long after Nikki's. I sent flowers when he told me she had to undergo emergency surgery to cut a part of her liver out that was turning necrotic. 
I hope we can get through things like me and Nikki are trying to do, I think Amber's going to try to bring Vince and Tommy in to talk about our relationships as a whole the session after this next one Nikki and I have...maybe Tansy and I can sit down a few times and hash things out, too. 
I head to get a bath, but it's not long before my peace is soon disturbed. 
This is the fifth time the phone has rung in the past two minutes, and I roll my eyes and pull myself out of the bathtub, grabbing my towel and stepping to the living room. 
I already see my message machine blinking from unheard voice-mails, and I pick the phone up and answer it. 
Before I can even say, "hello," Sharise starts in. 
"Vivian, what is going on, why didn't you say anything about it, why--"
"Sharise, slow down," I'm bombarded with a million questions, paranoia making my chest tighten. 
"Vivian, you're pregnant, apparently, that's what's going on." She clarifies, and I feel the color drain from my face. 
"Did Vince hear that from Nikki and tell you or--"
"--You're actually pregnant?!"
"You didn't hear it from Vince?" 
"No, Vivian, it's all over MTV!" She says next, not sounding angry at me, just shocked. 
Just as soon as she says it, there's a sharp beep from the phone, indicating someone's trying to call. 
"Gimme a second and I'll call you back." I assure her. 
"Fuck that, I'm coming over." She tells me before hanging up and I take the next call while turning the TV on to MTV. 
I just see a picture of Nikki and I on the screen as I hear, "again, congratulations to Nikki and Vivian Sixx on the news of their…"
"Hello?" I answer the call that has interrupted Sharise and I. 
"Why the fuck is Page Six running a story about you being knocked up with Duff fucking McKagan's kid?!" Doc yells and I nearly fall out, starting to panic.
"Because I am, but I have no idea how the hell anybody other than Nikki and Duff know about it, Doc, I haven't even told any of my friends or family yet, I swear." I promise and I hear him curse and throw stuff around on the other end for a good two minutes before calmly saying, "this isn't good, Viv." 
"No, shit, Sherlock." I reply. 
"I'm going to talk to Sixx, you just stay at home--don't do anything irrational, we'll take care of this." He states, hanging up. 
My phone is ringing again as soon as he hangs up. 
My phone starts ringing off the hook within three minutes and I have to step outside to the back yard with Whisky to get away from it.
I'm sitting on the edge of the pool when Sharise gets here, this look of disbelief on her face. 
"I had to drop Sky by my mom's, what the hell, Viv?" She asks me, sitting beside me. 
"I was gonna tell you and everybody once I got past the first trimester, Sharise, I promise." I say, honestly. 
"I'm not mad that you didn't, I'm just...I didn't realize you and Nikki were sleeping together again." 
"We're not." I state. "And Doc said that Page Six already knows it's Duff's and has it plastered everywhere so somebody said something to somebody." 
"Duff?! Holy shit, Vivian." She breathes out, her eyes wide. 
"This is bad." I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my face. "This is so, so bad, Sharise." 
"What're you gonna do?" She asks me. "I mean...when did you two even start…you know?" 
"September." I tell her. 
"Are you gonna admit it's Duff's or just play it off as Nikki's publicly and then privately it's gonna know Duff is really it's dad or does he even want anything to do with it?" 
"Yeah, he does, and Nikki's managing." I inform her, and she nods slowly. "It's nobody's business. It's not. So I shouldn't have to explain myself to anybody but I know everybody will want an explanation and we'll just admit it's Duff's and ignore the bullshit people are gonna throw at us...I just don't want to lose any friends over this…"
"If you lose friends over this, they're not your real friends, because everybody you're close with knows exactly what kind of marriage you and Nikki have been having the past year and you've both been struggling with different things and his affair with Vanity and so I think everybody should be pretty understanding of the situation." She tells me. 
"They should be. Doesn't mean they will." 
"Well, the ones who matter right now will." She reassures me. "And from what I've been gathering the last six months, that doesn't include Tommy and Vince right now because I already know they're probably gonna be on Nikki's side completely." 
"Yeah, so will all of the fans." I mumble. 
"Well, if you're gonna confirm it's Duff's, is he gonna come out and say that he actually did have an affair with Vanity or are you just gonna be the sacrificial lamb in all this?" 
"I have no idea, Sharise." I admit.
"I think he should." She states. "Because it's not gonna be fair for people to think you just went to another man and 'cheated' on Nikki out of nowhere." 
"It doesn't matter what Nikki says about the Vanity thing, he's just gonna be a God and I'm gonna be a whore." I argue, sighing out. 
"You really think that?" 
"I know that." I state, matter of fact. 
And, boy, was I right.
"Did you two talk about the relationship you have with your mother?" Amber asks Nikki. 
"I haven't had time to because we've been dealing with a lot of shit right now." He states. 
"Okay," she nods in understanding, because there's no way she hasn't heard what we're dealing with, now. "Do you want to talk about it now, then?" She asks. 
"Yeah, I can." He agrees. 
"Okay, go ahead." She leans back, letting him have the chance to talk to me.
He just stares at me, sighing out, looking as if he's struggling with talking to me about it. 
"Nikki, if you don't tell her, she can't understand." She adds and he rubs the back of his neck, looking at her to help him a little bit. 
"Start with dad," she suggests. 
"He left when I was little." He says to me. 
"And mom…" 
"...And mom started spiraling when he left." He explains. "She and whatever boyfriend she'd have at the time, would drop me off with Nona and Tom for months at a time, then when she'd come get me she'd be with a different man--sometimes married to them." He continues. "And, me being the smartass I am, when I get old enough to want to voice my opinion, I'd bump heads a lot with some of the dudes she brought around and things would get physical." He says next. "But, of course, she wouldn't feel like dealing with it because I was always ruining her partying anyway, so she'd send me off, again…things got really messy when I was, like, thirteen. Me and her got into it pretty bad and she started in on me and I told her I just wanted her to fuck off--I was just tired of it, so I hurt myself and called the cops and told them she attacked me, and she was arrested and I was sent back to Idaho to be with my grandparents." His voice shakes a little and I feel my heart hurt in my chest. 
I remember Nona telling me he and his mom had a lot of issues with each other, but I didn't think it was to that extent. 
"Have you talked to your dad at all?" I ask him, furrowing my brows a little and he rubs his chin, shaking his head a little. 
"I tried, like, ten years ago, and he told me he didn't have a son." He states. "Mom's always said I ran him off, but I was only two, so I know that's bullshit." He adds. 
"When I talked to you about all of this, it was very clear that you felt discarded, inadequate, and abandoned, because you have spent a good part of your childhood yearning for your mother's approval." Amber says. "Do you think that's true?" 
"Yeah." He nods. 
"Jumping through hoops at times to get it, but still being ditched with your grandparents while she went on and pretended she didn't have a little boy she needed to be responsible for."
He agrees, again, and she gives him a smile. 
"A woman is who her mother makes her to be and who her father says she is. A man is who his father makes him to be and who his mother says he is." She tells us. "And you didn't have a father around to make you, and all your mother told you was that you weren't appreciated, you weren't approved of, you weren't worthy of the love and attention you deserved." She states. "And you married a woman whose mother made her to strive for this unattainable level of perfection and have a complete come apart when it can't be reached, and a father who told her she wasn't worth the trouble it took to protect her." She tells us."I want to know--because it is so evident that you two carry so much resentment toward one another--what is one reason--out of many-- that it's there."  
"She's always looked down on me." Nikki says it. 
"Because I don't live like she does." 
"Explain what that means." 
"She believes in God, I don't. She's spent our relationship sober, I haven't. She's more modest and conservative, I'm not."
"I don't resent you for not believing in a God and not being modest and conservative--those are a few of the things I respect about you, Nikki." I argue. 
"--No, no, no cursing. Take a breath." Amber reassures him, calmly. 
"She hasn't let me do what I want to do. If I do what I want to do, she's on my throat over it or guilt tripping me or attacking me over it." He states. 
"Because all you've wanted to do the past three years is drugs, Nikki." I mumble. 
"Go back to guilt tripping." Amber tells him. "Does she put you on a guilt trip, or are you guilty after you do something you know she would not like for you to do and you beat yourself up for it?" She asks. 
"She just shuts down." 
"She shuts down?" 
She looks at me. 
"Why do you shut down when he does something you don't like?" 
"Because it's always drugs or something mean he does when he's on drugs, and I don't want to be around it, but most times I can't get away from it so I just go somewhere else, mentally." I admit. 
"And you see when she does that, and it makes you feel bad." Amber says to him. 
"That's not guilt tripping you, Nikki, that's her protecting herself because you won't." She points out. "Vivian, what's one of the reasons you carry resentment for him?"
"I'm not a priority." I tell her. 
"The amount of money I've spent on you since we got together, and you're not a priority?!" He asks me, pissed and shocked I have the audacity to say that. 
"Buying me a house and a new car and getting me nice things isn't showing me I'm a priority, Nikki, it's just you feeling bad for the shit you've done and buying me things to make yourself feel better for it. I'm grateful that you've made sure I've been taken care of in the sense that I've never gone hungry, I've never been out on the street, I've never had to go without utilities and hot water and things like that, and I've lived a spoiled life in terms of finances and the car I drive and the house we've lived in. You're a great provider--you just…we wouldn't be in this position if you didn't choose drugs over me." I say to him. 
"I haven't." He argues. 
"You blew off our wedding night to go to a party with Tommy." I remind him and Amber raises her brows. "Then you got in that accident on your way back home and hurt your shoulder and started smoking heroin to get through the pain so you could finish the album." I add and he rolls his jaw. "I love everything about you, except your drug abuse. And I've been so angry because there is no line with you. You just keep getting worse and worse and then turn around and convince yourself that I'm ungrateful and I don't approve of who you are because I'm perpetually bitter about the marriage I've been in--and it's all my fault in your eyes. Everything bad that's happened is all my fault." 
"I don't think that, I just put blame on you where it's due, you just refuse to see that you're a problem in all of this, too." He explains. 
"If you weren't on smack, we wouldn't have problems, Nikki." 
"Vivian." He says it as if saying, "you know that's bullshit." 
"The amount of times me or somebody would tell you to take your medication and you'd blow us off and just let yourself get more--"
"--You can't compare depression to drug addiction. Depression didn't turn me into a completely different person. You shot me, Nikki. You shot me. And that still didn't make you realize you needed to get sober." 
"You've physically assaulted me and other people, Vivian, in a frenzy, and still didn't see the issue with your mental state." 
"You've put your hands on me before, too, so don't make me sound like--"
"--I've grabbed you a few times and that's been when you were trying to beat me. So don't start that shit." He snaps. "The times I physically hurt you, I was doped up and wasn't thinking straight. The times you've physically hurt me and other people, you were sober, you just weren't taking your medicine. So you can keep saying that I chose drugs over you, but the amount of times you've chosen your pride and, 'I don't need to be on medicine,' over me is just as bad." He says. "If you weren't so damn angry all the time over tiny shit."
"No, no, it's not just her being angry over tiny things. It's you getting with a seventeen year old girl, and placing the responsibilities of a forty-one year old mother on her." She adds and he breathes out. "Your wife has been raising you the past seven years. She's your wife. She's not your mama. And you have been punishing her like she is. Her not wanting you to destroy yourself with drugs doesn't equate to the times your mother wouldn't let you dress the way you wanted to dress, or do the artistically productive things you wanted to do that she couldn't understand that you'd fight about. This woman was seventeen years old. You had no business being twenty-two and seeing a seventeen year old, let alone putting that much weight and expectation on her shoulders and getting angry and saying she didn't appreciate you because she didn't know how to handle it all while every year you'd push further and further." She goes on. "Years of anger and resentment and bitterness towards your mother, all turned loose on a girl who didn't cause any of it, just because she didn't want you running yourself into a grave." She adds, pointedly. "When me and you first started working together to get to the bottom of all of this, you told me that she went from worshipping the ground you walked on, to being an evil demon from hell--do you remember saying that?" 
He hesitantly replies, quietly, "yes." 
"Do you realize that you have done everything in your power to verbally, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually beat the hell out of the very girl who saw you as her God before she was even old enough to really know who God was?" She asks him. "All because the woman who made you feel like you weren't worth the trouble it took to stay around and raise you, was never there to answer for her actions so you started chopping at the next one in line."
"Okay, I get it, I'm fucked up, I fucked her up, I've ruined our marriage, it's all my fault, and she's the innocent angel who was seduced by me and dragged to hell, I get." He stands up. 
"Nikki," Amber starts. 
"Nikki," I say as he steps to the door, "we can't fix this if you--"
"--Yeah, fix this." He flicks me off before slamming the door. 
I grind my teeth and stomp after him, ignoring Amber's warning against it. 
"You are such an asshole!" I bark at him, following him. 
"Wow, I've never heard that one before!" He laughs humorlessly. 
"Nikki, seriously, she got all over me for being mad at you for sleeping with two-hundred girls, you can take her pointing out that you hate me because I remind you--"
"--I don't hate you, Vivian, alright?" He stops, turning to face me. 
"Well, you're really acting like it." I cross my arms. 
"I don't. I'm just pissed that you refuse to accept that I'm not the only problem in this shit show and if you wanna work on us you need to realize that you'r--"
"--Baby," I breathe out, grabbing at his hand and he rubs his forehead, "I know it's my fault, too, but it's just…" I blink back tears, looking away from him. 
"...Just what?" He asks. 
"Embarrassing." I wipe my eyes, sniffling. "It's embarrassing having to sit there, pregnant with another dude's baby, and tell a stranger about how I've abused my husband and people around me." 
"You think it's not embarrassing for me to sort through shooting you and strangling you and still not walking away from drugs?" He asks. "Don't even get me started on having to tell you I've cheated that many fucking times and even had a mistress?" He adds…"I think I've embarrassed myself, and you, more than you've embarrassed yourself and me." 
"I'm pregnant. And it's gone public. And it's not yours. And it's gone public. I think I've won with which one of us has embarrassed the other the most." I mumble. 
"Well, I'm not embarrassed. Those people don't know shit." He tells me, furrowing his brows. 
"I am." I say, trying not to cry again. 
I'm taken back a little when he hugs me, tightly…"Why didn't you tell me about your mom?" I him, my face in his chest, tears rolling down my cheeks. 
"Because I didn't want to bother you with it." He says. 
"I wouldn't have been bothered by it, Nikki." I sniffle, looking up at him. 
He blinks a couple times and breathes out. 
"There's a basket on the closet shelf at home with several of my journals in it." He explains. "Filled with things I didn't want to bother you with." He adds. "I really think if you feel too embarrassed or ashamed, reading those will prove my point that I've been worse than you have." He admits. 
"I'm pregnant--"
"--I know you are." He grabs the sides of my face, looking me in the eyes. "Just read them if you want to, but I say a lot of shit in there I wrote when I was high, so there's your warning." He adds. 
"Are you sure you want me to read them?" I ask. 
***I wish he would've said, "no," because I screwed myself over while reading them.***
I turned into a senseless moron the second she got ahold of my hand, looked at me with watery, pretty eyes, and said, "baby." 
I would've let a train hit me if I knew it would've made her feel less embarrassed and ashamed. I didn't think reading my journals would've made her feel better--just help her gain an understanding that she's the smart one out of the two of us…
If this was one year ago, I'd have her face down on a mattress, making up for our argument. 
But obviously that isn't much of a solution...so I just pull away and smile with my teeth at her the best I can, feeling better when her thumbs graze over my dimples and she smiles, too. 
"I'm sorry I was rude in there." She tells me, next. 
"I'm sorry for being an asshole." I reply, honestly…
"Do you really think I look down on you because you don't believe the same things I do?" 
"Sometimes, I guess." I admit to her. 
"I don't." She tells me. "I never really have." She adds. "I just don't like when you make fun of it or mock it." 
"...Yeah, 'Wild Side' was kinda a dick move…" I tell her and she looks at me. 
"A catchy dick move." She says. "And I like the song, I just wish you wouldn't have made it simply to spite me for the most part." 
"I'll try not to use my powers for evil against you again." I assure her…"But you gotta quit using sex to try to get out of stuff, and I will, too." I say next. "This shit's so hard because we don't talk about stuff, and we never have, and it's just better to go ahead and embarrass ourselves and talk about it instead of trying to fix it with something we can obviously go get from other people--and have gone and gotten from other people."
"And we can't blow up on each other when we do try to talk and work things out." She adds. "So no screaming at each other." 
"And no hitting." I say. 
"Ever." She agrees.
I hold my pinkie out to her and she smiles softly, taking it with hers before I kiss her cheek and pull her to me again.
I didn't know, a week from then, I'd be screaming up a storm from learning about seven fucking miscarriages from '83 to '87 that she didn't tell me about.
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tuffduff · 4 years
Troublemaker (Axl Rose x Reader)
Pairing: Axl x Reader
Words: 1,535
Request: @gwlaxygirl​ “heyy, could you write one for axl where he and reader are in a relationship and they are at a bar so axl gets really drunk and get into a fight leaving the reader very worried and mad with him? your writing is absolutely amazing!!! *sorry for the bad english i’m brazilian :)”
A/N: Your english is great, hun!! Thanks for the request! I’m so trash at titles. I have to say “scarlet stained teeth” is one of my favorite lines I’ve ever written, but I’m just a slut for alliteration lol. Just a little Axl to brighten up your Sundays, lovelies! Happy Easter if you celebrate! xx
Taglist: @ubernoxa​ @the--blackdahlia​ @reigns420​ @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker​
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Whenever Guns N’ Roses weren’t on stage, they were at a bar, usually. Which meant, of course, you were at a bar. You didn’t really mind; it wasn’t as though Axl never took you out.
Your family and even some of your friends didn’t necessarily want you dating him at first. You tried to see it from their perspective, but it was always just too shallow—in their eyes he didn’t have any money, he was unpredictable, he was chasing after some impossible silly dream. But you knew better. Axl was grossly misunderstood by nearly every person who came across him, and only the truly lucky ones were able to actually see the real him. You counted your lucky stars every day.
No, he didn’t have a lot of money. He and his band were just getting started. But while most guys tried to wine and dine you with materialistic favors and trivial conversation, Axl genuinely listened. He would ask a question and listen, not try to skip to the part where he got to talk. But when he did talk, he confided. He let you and only you in, allowing you to see him for him. It was a place you wanted to stay.
He pursued you for weeks. Sometimes he would show up at your job with flowers he picked from God knows where.
“Please tell me you didn’t take these from some poor woman’s garden,” you had told him when he gave you fresh roses.
“No, of course not.” He had replied back to you smoothly, his eyes gleaming as he smiled at you. Not missing a beat, he added, “...they’re from the rose bush outside the police station down the road. You know, fuck the police.” You could only laugh while he grinned at you, absolutely smitten.
You firmly believed if you couldn’t grow with someone, they weren’t flexible enough to be with you for the long run. Not only did Axl encourage anything you set your sights on in life, he genuinely believed in you. And he loved you.
“Why don’t we get outta here?” You heard him slur in your ear now over the loud bar music. You giggled a little, raising an eyebrow.
“You mean you don’t want anymore?” You asked sarcastically, gently teasing. Axl never really got drunk that often, thankfully, but the sight of him so inebriated was mildly amusing.
“No, I just want you.” He told you, leaning his face into your hair and inhaling deeply, his hands landing on your hips possessively. Just as you were beginning to relax into his touch, he was suddenly ripped away from you. You turned in your seat quickly in alarm to see Axl struggling to keep his balance and the man who had pulled him away from you sticking his chest out and curling his hand into a fist.
“Did you just fucking put your hands on me?” Axl demanded, quickly facing the man with a growing look of anger.
“Yeah, sorry. I just hate seeing trailer park trash rednecks assaulting pretty ladies who don’t want nothing to do with you.” The man replied.
“Why don’t you fucking try it again and see what happens, fucker.” Axl spat. “This is my fucking girl.” You stood up quickly, heart pounding, desperately trying to pull Axl away. He wouldn’t budge.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to settle for him, you know.” The man appealed to you suddenly, so tall that he merely looked over Axl’s head. He was using a sickeningly sweet tone that made you scowl immediately. “Not when you can have a real man who would know how to treat ya, instead of one who can’t afford his own fucking beer.”
“I’m pretty happy, for your information, now can you please leave us alone?” You asked, trying stiff politeness despite the look of repulsion you sent him. You turned your head, desperately looking for Duff, who you waved over. He had been drinking too and stood a little bit too slowly for your liking.
“I don’t buy that, sweetheart.” The man continued, leaning around Axl to get closer to you. You leaned back and Axl shoved the man harshly.
“I’m only gonna tell you one more time, motherfucker, if you don’t stop bothering my girl, you’re gonna regret it.” Axl snarled, ignoring you desperately pulling on his arm. The man stepped forward again, smirking.
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it, big man?” He sneered. He made the mistake of sticking his face to close to Axl’s. Almost immediately, Axl threw a punch to the man’s jaw before he leaped on him completely, the both of them flying into a nearby table.
“Holy shit, Y/N.” You heard Duff say behind you, pulling you out of the way.
“Forget about me, break them apart!” You yelled at Duff, who was looking apprehensively at the fight in front of them.
“Axl’s got this.” He decided confidently, always a firm believer in justice and sticking it to the ones who tried to confront them. You threw you hands up pointedly when Axl broke a bear bottle over the man’s head.
“Duff!” You protested. “I don’t care if Axl wins, I don’t want him getting hurt! I don’t want him fighting at all!” You looked back to the wild flurry of limbs and furniture tipping. Axl slammed the man into the wall and sent another punch to his face. In return however, the man sent a punch so hard to Axl’s ribs he doubled over in pain. You shrieked, about to go over yourself, until you saw Duff immediately step forward and punch the man backwards before he pulled Axl away. Other bargoers stepped forward and dragged the opposing man out. Thankfully, you were regulars at this bar and Axl automatically had support.
Without hesitating, you ran to Axl’s side, your breathing unsteady as he struggled to find his own breath, still holding his ribs.
“I’ll get some ice,” Duff offered immediately. You supported Axl and gingerly helped him to a chair that you had to pick up off the ground. Glass crunched under your shoes.
“Okay, okay, just sit here. Look up, let me see...” you urged him shakily, gasping when Axl lifted his head and revealed a trail of blood from his nose down to his mouth. It appeared he had a busted lip too. “Axl!” You cried, feeling your eyes water.
He chuckled, revealing two rows of scarlet stained teeth, and reached out towards you. “Baby, don’t cry. I’m fine. That asshole didn’t do shit to me.”
“But you, you’re bleeding. Your ribs...” He spat out some blood.
“It’s just a bloody nose. I’ll be fine, didn’t break anything. Fucker got worse from me.” He patted his hands soothingly on your hips. “Really, sugar. Don’t start crying on me.” You let out a shaky laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. He scoffed gently when he saw a tiny tear leak from your eyes and immediately pulled you onto his lap. “I’m sorry for scaring you.”
“You didn’t scare me,” you replied quietly, leaning into his neck. “I was scared for you.”
“Do you have that little faith in me?” Axl laughed a little, doing his best to wipe the blood away from his mouth. “Think I was gonna get my ass kicked?”
“I love you, Axl! Of course I was worried about you!” You snapped against his lighthearted teasing, not realizing what you said until it slipped out. Instantly, you pulled back to look at his reaction. For the first time, it appeared you had stunned your usually self-assured lover into being speechless.
“Did you just say...?”
“I love you, you...punk.” You finished lamely, not having the heart to actually call him anything mean. “And the last thing I want to see is the man I love getting hurt.”
“I actually got you to say it.” He whispered in quiet wonder, a slow smile spreading on his lips. “Baby, I’ve loved you since I laid eyes on you and I only thought I was going to hear you say it back in my dreams.” You shook your head in exasperation.
“You are ridiculous.” You bemoaned, but locked your arms around his neck again. Duff had returned with ice and smiled at the sight of the two of you, shaking his head a little.
“Looks like you’ve got a love worth fighting for now, huh?” He joked to Axl, who snickered.
“As if he needs a reason to get into a fight,” you replied in disdain. Axl smiled and kissed your temple.
“I’d take a busted mouth for this girl every day for the rest of my life if I had to.”
“Well you don’t have to, so can you not let that happen again? Please?” You pleaded.
“No promises.” Axl replied, laughing a little at your expression. “I love you, Y/N.”
You were soon going to find out nothing in your relationship with Axl would be easy, and he was going to continue to get into more than a few fights and lots of trouble. But he was always going to love you and make you remember exactly why you had fallen in love with a troublemaker.
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slxyangel · 4 years
Handcuffs (Duff McKagan x Reader)
Summary: Hii! I was wondering if you could write something about Duff and his girlfriend have been fighting on tour. Everyone is annoyed with the fighting, so Axl handcuffs them so they can’t run away and avoid their problems. Thanks. This was requested by  @julessworldd​ and I finally had time to get round to writing it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Wordcount: 2.1k.
Warnings: Some swearing and that’s essentially it.
A/N: The name of the fic sucks super super bad, but I swear it’s funny; tell me your thoughts on it :) Also, get ready for a lot of Duff, bc all of my requests rn are about him. I might leap them with some other works I have in mind *wink, wink*.
Masterlist: https://slxyangel.tumblr.com/post/189625800403/masterlist
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The boat is drifting from side to side.
A lot of waves.
Like, a dangerously fucking lot of waves.
What the hell.
Wait, these are not waves.
This is you being carried around in God knows what to God knows where.
And now you are almost violently left (or, more accurately, thrown) in a bed. You open your eyes to see several arms, probably more than two, probably less than six, toying around your recently awakened figure. Seriously, what the fuck?
As you try your best to figure out what is going on, what was going on before you were tossed around under yet to clarify circumstances, and what apparently will still be going on for a while, you identify your captors by their features. Fibrous arms, tan skin, callous hands and a mop of dark curly hair? Pale, tattooed arms, twinky frame and red strands of straight hair? Obviously, it has to be them, it couldn’t be any other people on the planet.
And the milliseconds it takes for you to draw their names in your head are enough time for the skinny diabolic peanut to handcuff your right wrist. Then he backs off, along with his accomplice, just a few steps. Well, not that they have much more space to back off inside a tour bus.
Obviously, it has to be them. It has to be Axl and it has to be Slash. And it has to be the two of them together.
You turn your incandescent eyes from their main objective to the place where your no-longer-free-hand is tied to something else. And that something else turns out to be another hand. Another hand attached to Duff.
And this time you say it out loud.
Like, so damn out loud that your boyfriend, now turned into an annoying physical extension of your arm, wakes up from his most definitely no longer peaceful sleep. And when he does, since you are in a tour bus and the place is small and the space is used to the millimeter, he bumps his head against the cupboard strategically placed above him. His blow raises general laughter among his bandmates, who are all around to see the spectacle you two are surely about to give. And when you see Slash waving a tiny metallic key with a mischievous smile, your anger tells you that Mamma didn’t raise no disappointer.
You sit up and stretch your free arm towards the guitarist, but he doesn't give you enough time and immediately puts the key in his mouth, just enough to bite it with his front teeth and show you what he is doing. He can’t hide his smile, or he doesn’t want to. He finally closes his lips around the metallic thingy and it disappears from your view. He hasn’t swallowed it. He hasn’t swallowed it, right??? I mean, he might have, cause it’s Slash. But holy shit tell me he hasn’t.
- This last week with you has been a fucking nightmare -- Axl speaks with voice clear as a day, he is enjoying. Thoughts of the cruelest methods of revenge start pacing your head --, and for “you” I mean you two lovebirds. What are you? Fifteen years old? You can’t be running around yelling at each other, then go with the silent treatment and then come to the rest of us bitching about how the other has pissed your ass so much, this has to end. And since some of these cowards -- now he points at the members of the band who are not handcuffed to your wrist -- were brave enough to complain the same way I am doing right now but not enough to put an end to it, I took matters into my own hands. Well, yours, more exactly. And I’m not gonna take the cuffs off until you talk it out and solve your problems like the adults you clearly aren’t.
- Oh, now that’s surprising -- your answer comes off bitter -- I didn’t know the “adult” way to solve things involved handcuffs.
- Well, you can take them off now because I don’t need this shit to talk to my girlfriend -- Duff finally opens his mouth. He sits up in the bed, right beside you, not that he has many more options. His free hand is covering the spot of his head he just hit with the furniture --. Though now that I mention it, maybe she does.
- Excuse me??? So I am the one running from the problem here??
- See? I told you all she was bitchy.
- Yes he did -- Slash answers your question before Duff has time to, but his words sound weird.Good thing he mustn’t have swallowed the key.
- Slash, we’re trying to solve a problem here -- Steven adds, also looking at the panorama -- so shut the fuck up.
- Sorry mate, she asked.
- Well, sorry to break it up to you  but I’m not the one who’s ignoring her boyfriend here, in fact it’s pretty much the other way around -- your intervention is directed to the general public, since they seem to be so aware of the issue because of someone’s loose tongue. But that someone takes the hint.
- So now I am ignoring you???
- No, now you aren’t ignoring me because you have a fucking handcuff and you can’t run from me like you usually do.
- Oh my god, do I run from you??? -- Duff sounds genuinely shocked. This bastard knows how to play his part in front of the guys, but it won’t wash, not with you.
- No he doesn’t -- Steven adds, always being the advocate for love.
- Yes he does -- that’s Slash, always being the advocate for chaos.
Now he doesn’t even bother to defend himself, he did it on purpose, he is fucking enjoying. Lowkey, you find that funny, but he obviously hasn’t contributed to the plot for the sake of a solution, but for the sake of drama. I mean, the guy is only missing a bowl of popcorn and the 3D glasses. On the other end of the spectrum there’s Izzy, who hasn’t opened his mouth a single time and looks like and unbothered wine aunt. Like, literally, he has a glass of wine in his hand. And now returning to the point that keeps us here…
- I don’t run from you, babe.
- Ooohhh don’t use the babe card on me right now because we are arguing and I might as well stab you in the eye, Duff.
- Jeeeeeesus, I don’t run from you -- the bassist backs off before your eyes start going up in flames --, I don’t know, I have stuff to do. But you can always talk to me.
- No. I can’t because YOU NEVER HAVE TIME.
- OH so since you’re on tour you don’t have time to talk to your girlfriend but you do have time to fuck her??? -- There is a general snort. Well, at least no word from Slash, which is kinda disappointing.
- Holy shit -- Duff has opened his eyes so much it looks like they are gonna jump from his skull and leave the place rolling -- don’t give these fuckers one more thing to pry about because. They. Clearly. Don’t. Need. It. -- He shots deadly glares to each of his bandmates.
- Well, you were the one telling them I am bitchy. For which, by the way, you also have time.
- Jesus Christ how the hell did I think this was a good idea????? -- Axl starts regretting having put handcuffs on both of you, and you don’t blame him.
- Then take off the cuffs -- you suggest, slyly.
- Slash won’t give me the key.
- I wouldn’t have worded it better than that -- the guitarist finally puts the key out of his mouth, but he doesn’t give it away. It must be tiring to try to intervene in someone else’s argument while trying not to choke on metal.
- Then this is what you get for being such a brat -- now Duff is the one calling him out. Good, at least there is one thing you two agree on --. Now, honey, I’m sorry. I never meant to ignore you, but I didn’t notice you were upset about it or anything until this past week. I know things shouldn’t have escalated the way they did,  I guess I was just overwhelmed by everything and I ended up projecting stuff into us two.
- Duff… -- that was so sweet. You actually never thought he would back off so easily, especially since you had been so picky with each other for some time now. -- It’s fair, I’m not mad at you. Actually that’s on me, because I am the one who hasn’t been clear about her feelings lately. I don’t know, I have been feeling a bit off, but I never got round to talk to you about it, because I see you have so much going on around, and so much to do, and so much pressure, but at the same time you are living your dream and you look happy and you deserve to enjoy it. I really didn’t want to be the one to pop the bubble worrying you with my stuff, and I just thought it would eventually vanish. But it didn’t, and I made you pay for something you are not to blame for.
- Babe -- he uses the word with feet of lead this time, just in case your reaction to it resembles the one you had before. But no, now he can definitely use the babe card -- please, I need you to know that you can always talk to me about anything. Always. No matter what. That’s what I’m here for. -- now his handcuffed hand holds yours, and his other hand travels to your cheek. The touch is so tender, so concerned that you can’t help but lean into it and close your eyes for a moment. You hadn’t realized until now how much you had missed that. -- But I need you to tell me, please. I can’t guess what’s going on out of the blue, so please, please, always tell me. I really don’t want us arguing like this again, especially if it has a solution, so let’s communicate from now on. Okay?
You nod against his hand. In the end, it turns out that you only needed to talk, to have a conversation instead of throwing things at each other to see who hits harder. In almost perfect synchronization with each other, you two lean in for a hug. Well, better said, a semi-hug, because let’s not forget that you are handcuffed and basically can’t move your arms. But who cares? You love him so much you feel your heart is gonna burst out at any moment and, now that you finally have him around you, you don’t understand how you were able to live without it for a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. Insane.
From your place between Duff’s hair and the scent of his neck, you hear Steven saying “Told ya. Pay me” and Slash responding with a huff, before he slaps what you presume is a banknote in what you presume is the drummer’s hand. So the fuckers have been betting on whether you would or wouldn’t fix things.
- So you fuckers have been betting on whether we would or wouldn’t fix things? -- Duff reads your mind and speaks your words as you two separate from each other. He shakes his head and smiles -- That’s really really ugly, and you really really never disappoint.
- Thanks dude! -- Steven smiles back and Slash doesn’t seem to have anything else to say now that he has a lighter wallet. He even gave the key to Axl -- I just believe in love.
Duff moves his hand up and exposes it along with yours so that Axl can unlock the cuffs. Instead, the vocalist hands him the key and says “You’ve earned it”. Your boyfriend takes the metallic piece and frees your wrist before he frees his. Then, he grabs the handcuffs and the key, he puts them in his back pocket and, winking at you, says:
- If any of you was expecting to have these back, they can go choke on a fork. They are mine, now. For the inconvenience and for the celebration.
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jaxl-road · 4 years
The League of Extraordinary Rockstars, ch.6
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Summary: LA is a hub for music and mutants, making it the perfect place for Motley Crue, Guns N’ Roses, and countless other mutant musicians to call home. But it’s not all easy, especially when it comes to finding a decent place to live. So what better solution than moving in together in the mansion of an immortal? Love, drama, and super powers. If nothing else, it’ll be interesting.
Chapter Warnings: Language, genderswap!Steven
AN: This is a collaboration between myself and @the–blackdahlia​! It combines elements from her fic “It’s So Easy (And Other Lies)” (specifically her genderswapped!Steven) and my super powered GnR series. It is completely AU and ignores timelines like Woah, but hopefully you’ll have as much fun reading it as we’re having writing it! Let us know what you think!
Stevie shut the door and was surprised to find Duff’s lips on hers within seconds of the latch clicking. She let him kiss her for a moment before she ducked to the side and sat on the edge of her bed.
“I meant actually talk,” She laughed.
“Oh, that wasn’t just an excuse?” Duff’s cheeks were red, “Oops.”
Shaking her head fondly, Stevie chuckled and patted the mattress beside her, “It’s okay.” She waited until he was sitting beside her to continue, wringing her hands nervously. She was well aware that there were a million ways this conversation could go wrong, including Duff storming out angrily and never speaking to her again.
“So, I wanted to talk because…” She fumbled to find the right words, “I really like you,” she finally blurted out.
“I… like you too?” Duff responded slowly, “Not that I don’t like hearing it, but didn’t we kind of have this conversation last night?”
“No, yeah, we did,” Stevie cursed herself. Why was she so bad at this? “I just wanted to start with that because… something happened earlier today.” Duff opened his mouth to respond, his face painted with concern, but Stevie cut him off, deciding to just rip the band-aid off, “I almost kissed Izzy. Or, we almost kissed each other. I wanted to kiss him, because I have a crush on him, and I thought it would go away after we got together but it’s not.”
For a moment, they stared at each other in silence, Duff’s face blank before quietly responding, “...Oh.”
"I'm sorry, and you'll probably hate me, but I was talking to Kelly earlier-"
"That's never a good idea."
"-and, he suggested maybe we could try inviting Izzy in…"
Duff blinked in surprise, “Invite him… huh,” he hummed in consideration, “Well, first of all, I definitely don’t hate you,” he smiled shyly, and Stevie couldn’t help but sigh in relief.
“Good,” She laced their fingers together, “because I don’t want to lose you. That’s the whole problem. I like both of you, and can’t bring myself to choose one of you over the other, y’know? But…” she frowned, looking up at him, “would you be okay with something like that? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do something if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“I just… I’ve never been in a relationship like that," Duff admitted.
“Me neither,” Stevie answered, “But, I mean, if Izzy is okay with it, then we can figure it out together, right?”
Duff let out a huff of laughter, “That’s true. And I mean, Izzy is pretty great…” he trailed off, tugging on the dark strand of hair by his neck absently.
Stevie blinked in surprise, “Wait, really?”
“Well, yeah, I… I mean he’s, y’know…”
Stevie felt her jaw drop as she watched a blush spread across Duff’s cheeks as he stuttered. “Oh my God," she exclaimed, "you have a crush on him too??”
“What? No!” But Duff was still blushing, “It’s not a- I mean it’s Izzy, and he’s so-... I haven’t thought about it before!” He shoved her shoulder lightly as she burst out laughing, “Oh shut up!”
"Izzy and Duff sitting in a tree," Stevie sang.
"Oh shut up, you like him too!" Duff started tickling her sides, making her laugh.
"Mercy! I give!" Stevie tried to pull away, but Duff pulled her back, tickling more. Soon they were both out of breath, collapsing to lay next to each other on the bed. After a few minutes, Stevie chuckled, “Man, I envisioned this conversation going a lot worse.”
“Honestly me too,” Duff admitted, “You said you wanted to talk and then you said you liked me and I kept waiting for you to say ‘but just as a friend’.”
They both laughed, “No, I like you just a bit more than that,” Stevie replied, leaning over to give him a quick kiss on the lips. Flopping back onto the bed, she hummed in thought, “So… how do we do this then?”
Duff hesitated before answering, “Do you mind if we wait a bit before talking to Izzy? Or at least sleep on it?” he asked, “I really am down to try this, but I’m still wrapping my head around being with you. And I wasn’t lying when I said I hadn’t really thought about Izzy, y’know, that way before.”
Stevie giggled softly as a faint flush spread across his face again, “You suuuure about that?” she teased, poking his cheek.
Lightly slapping her hand away, Duff pouted, “I don’t- it’s complicated!” He shoved a pillow over Stevie’s face when she started laughing again. “Look all I’m saying is, could we maybe take a day or two to think more about it before we figure out how to bring it up to him?”
In truth, Stevie was impatient. If she had her way, she’d have them knocking on Izzy’s door right now. She’d spent so long wanting both of them, and now it felt like they were so close. Like she had a solution to everything she wanted right at her fingertips. She didn’t want to wait.
But she understood where Duff was coming from, and hey, she’d managed this long, so what was a few more days? She still had one of her boys, and that was already more than she thought she’d get.
“Of course,” she nodded, “that’s totally fine.”
"Good. Now, are we gonna ‘talk’?" Duff wiggled his eyebrows.
"Oh my god, you're horrible," she laughed, lacing her fingers with his, "But the best kind of horrible."
Izzy sighed as he watched the sky outside his window slowly lighten as morning came. He had slept fitfully, and he knew he should grab some breakfast soon given that he had skipped dinner the night before, but he couldn’t seem to make himself get up and face the day. He was well aware that he was moping, but who could blame him? Rolling over to face the wall, he cursed himself for letting himself get his hopes up.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t known Duff was also crushing on the drummer, so how did he really think this would end? Between the two of them, Izzy didn’t stand a chance. Duff, who was so tall, and bright, and handsome. Who smiled and laughed nearly as much as Stevie, and literally made the sun shine for her.
"Why would she even like me?" Izzy mumbled to himself. As he laid there, his mind continued to dwell on the tall drink that had won her heart. That perfect smile, those long legs, the way he would belly laugh when he told those really lame jokes...
“Why do I have a type?” Izzy groaned. “Why does all this shit happen to me?” He pulled his pillow over his face. It wasn’t fair. Pining after one friend was bad enough, he wasn’t about to brood over two. Nope. Not doing it.
Suddenly, a loud BANG BANG BANG sounded against his door, startling him so bad he fell through his bed, grunting as he landed on his back and blinked up at the bottom of his bed frame.
“WAKE THE FUCK UP, STADLIN!” Axl’s voice boomed. How did he manage to be so loud without using his powers? “You’ve had three days off, you lazy fucks, time to get back to work!”
Izzy groaned, listening to Axl’s voice echo through the house as he continued his mission of rousing the members of Guns N’ Roses.
"Holy fuck!" Axl screeched as he backed out of Slash's room. Izzy raised an eyebrow as he walked through his door.
"What's wrong? See slash naked?" Izzy laughed.
"Who said he could have fucking snakes?" Axl snapped.
"That's called a penis, Bill." Izzy teased. Axl glared the guitarist down.
"Fuck you, Jeff," Axl huffed as he walked off. Heading downstairs, he made his way to Duff’s room, but frowned when he saw the door open and no one inside. He shrugged it off, figuring he would track the weather witch down later. Grinning, he placed himself in front of Stevie’s door.
“UP AND AT ‘EM, SUNSHINE!” He yelled, raising his foot to kick the door loudly.
However, he miscalculated the strength of the old door, and instead of simply banging loudly as he had intended, the kick sent the door bursting open. He stumbled forward in surprise, flailing to regain his balance. Cursing quietly, he braced himself to be chewed out by the drummer.
Looking up though, he found himself staring down not just his drummer, but his bassist too. Duff and Stevie had both shot up in bed at the sound of the door slamming open, their hair a tangled mess of blonde and a very notable lack of clothing on either of them.
For a few seconds, the three merely blinked at each other. The Axl broke into a slow, sly grin.
“Oh. My. God.”
Just like that, Duff and Stevie were broken from their stupor, both scrambling to pull the sheets over them, Stevie holding a pillow in front of her chest as she shrieked, “What the FUCK, Axl?” her eyes wide and face bright red.
Axl covered his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter, "I, uh, well, you see…"
"What's going oh-oh holy shit!" Slash stood there. "About fucking time!"
"Get out!" Stevie shrieked, but that just sent more people running to her room. Duff flopped onto his back, burying his face in his hands as their housemates crowded around their doorway.
Nikki and Tommy cheered when they peeked their heads in, “Yeah, dude, get it!” Vince wolf whistled, Baz yelled something about getting a camera, while Kelly and Mick stood in the hallway shaking their heads.
“Remind me why I agreed to this living situation?” Kelly sighed.
“Beats me. I always knew you were whacked in the head,” Mick mumbled. He then stepped forward, calling out, “Hey, like, half of you owe me fucking money now!” He was met with a chorus of groans as Axl, Baz, Nikki, and Tommy, reluctantly handed over crumpled dollar bills.
“You were betting on us??” Duff’s indignant voice cried out.
Kelly snorted. He saw a dark shape out of the corner of his eye and when he turned he found Izzy standing beside him, a carefully neutral look on his face.
"Hey Izzy," Stevie waved at him, but Duff saw her light dim when he didn't even acknowledge her.
"Hey grumpy gus," Baz laughed.
“Of course I’m grumpy, I got woken up by fucking Axl pounding on my door,” he grumbled, trying to cover for his sour mood.
“Hey, we all got woken up by Axl,” Slash countered.
“He literally kicked my door in!” Stevie chimed in.
“He woke me up nicely,” Sebastian smirked, resting his chin on the top of Axl’s head and winking as the rest of the group groaned and gagged.
“Yeah, well, in case you all forgot,” the red head huffed, “we’re supposed to be in a fucking band. I gave you all three days off, time to get the fuck back to work.”
"Can I at least put clothes on?" Stevie asked.
"Does she have to?" Tommy pouted. Duff glared at him.
"Guys, get out so Stevie can change," Kelly started pushing them out but stayed in the room. "Man, that was tough."
"Everyone means you too, Kelly," Stevie growled.
“Aw come on, it’s not like it’s anything I haven’t seen before.” His teasing smirk dropped when a loud roll of thunder sounded above them and he sighed dramatically, “Fine, fine.”
When the door finally closed behind him, Stevie moved the pillow from her chest to her face and groaned loudly into it. Duff pat her back sympathetically, “All things considered, I think that could have gone a lot worse.”
"Izzy looked pissed," Stevie sighed, "And Axl needs to learn to knock!" Duff noticed that Stevie's light was dim, like when she was sad. He pulled her close to him.
“Hey, maybe he really was just mad at Axl,” Duff wasn’t sure he himself believed that, but it certainly wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility, “Plus, he always looks at least a little pissed,” he teased.
"Tommy says he needs to get laid," Stevie giggled. There was a bang at the door.
"Hurry the fuck up or so help me…" Axl growled. Stevie sighed.
"Let's go," she told Duff. The both got dressed, Duff opting to just throw on his clothes from the day before which were laying on the ground. On their way out, Duff grabbed his bass from his room before they made their way over to the rest of the band.
On the other side of the house, between the living room and the kitchen, was a room that they were pretty sure was meant to be a dining room. But they had piled the household's various instruments, amps, and equipment into the room to turn it into a makeshift practice space. It was here that Duff and Stevie found Izzy, Axl, and Slash waiting for them.
"About time," Slash laughed, "Too busy working out that mattress?"
"Oh shut up," Stevie rolled her eyes and went to her drums. "I hope you're not out of tune, babies." She ran her fingers on the drums.
"Bet you want her to touch you like that," Slash elbowed Duff.
"Don't we have anything better to do, like fucking practicing our music?" Izzy snapped.
Stevie, Duff, and Slash all whipped their heads around to look at him, eyes wide at the rhythm guitarist’s outburst. Duff bit his lip, seeming conflicted, and Stevie looked like she wanted to cry, but before any of them could say anything, Axl darted over, throwing an arm around Izzy’s shoulders.
“Thank you! At least someone here is committed to the dream,” he ruffled Izzy’s hair, his hand slapped away almost immediately, and as Izzy stared down at his guitar, Axl sent a warning glance at the other three. “Well? Let’s get a fucking move on.”
Izzy risked a glance up at Stevie when Slash and Duff went to their places, and he felt his heart break. She looked so sad, and while she normally had a bright aura to her, today it was dim.
Fuck, what did he do?
The guilt ate at him, but he didn’t get too much chance to dwell on it. Axl was quick to start barking out orders, warming up his voice while the others checked their tuning, and anytime Izzy felt himself start to fall back into his dark thoughts, the red head would suddenly be there antagonizing him, poking his side and demanding that he replay the chorus of some song or accusing him of being off rhythm or clapping at him to play faster. The self deprecating thoughts couldn’t stand up to Axl’s snapping voice.
It wasn’t long before all of them finally were able to get lost in the music. They fine-tuned the songs they wanted to record next time they snagged some studio time, ran through some old favorites, and talked about a few melodies they hoped to expand on. Still, when they all agreed to call it a day, all it took was a glance at the two blondes for Izzy to feel his heart sink again. Placing his guitar on his stand, he didn’t even bother saying anything as he exited the room.
“Izzy-” Stevie’s voice called after him, but he ignored it, only walking faster. As he passed through the kitchen, he spared a moment to snag a bottle of whiskey off the counter before continuing up the stairs. As he ascended, he heard footsteps following after him.
He walked faster, taking the stairs two at a time.
“Izzy, hang on!”
As he slipped through the door into his room, he hoped that maybe he would be left alone. He just wanted to drink, and wallow, and maybe break something.
But there was no hesitation in the fist that banged on the door, “Let me in, Stradlin.” Axl’s voice wasn’t loud, but it was firm.
“Go the fuck away,” he growled back.
The knocking continued. Izzy’s door had been locked since the day he moved in. “I swear to God if you don’t open up this fucking door I’m going to kick it in, I’ve already done it once today, I’d fucking love to be two for two.”
Izzy pressed his fists against his eyes, his teeth grinding in frustration. Axl would do it, he knew he would. Glaring heatedly, he stormed over and threw the door open, “What, Axl? What the fuck do you want?”
“I want to make sure my best friend is okay,” Axl bit back.
“I’m fine,” Izzy ground out in response, “Is that all?” He moved to close the door, but Axl threw his arm against it, forcing it back open.
“Come on, don’t fucking lie to me.” For a moment Axl looked like he was going to snap out something else, but then he paused. Sighing gently, his face softened, “Look... I’m sorry. About Stevie,” Izzy practically flinched at the name, but Axl continued, “I just… I’m here for you, okay? You don’t have to deal with it by yourself. I get it, man. I understand-”
“How the fuck could you possibly understand how I feel?” Izzy suddenly snapped, throwing his arms out as the words spilled out of him like a broken dam, “You have no idea what it’s like! You have Baz! You have the person you love, and you’re together and happy and… fuck!” He slammed his hand against the wall in frustration.
Axl had taken a step back during the outburst, staring up at Izzy with wide eyes. There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other. Then Axl’s eyes narrowed.
“You think I don’t know what it’s like?” His voice was a low hiss, not loud or high pitched, but Izzy could still feel the power in it- could feel an ominous vibration in his sternum as the words hit him.
The singer took a step forward, and this time it was Izzy who backed away as he continued, “You honestly think I don’t know what it feels like? To love someone who doesn’t love you back- who will never love you back? You think I don’t understand feeling like the person you love more than anything is so close but still out of reach? That I've never had to watch them love someone else while I pieced myself back together by myself? Are you really that fucking blind?!” His final words were emphasized with a harsh shove, sending Izzy stumbling back a few steps.
Izzy blinked, speechless, trying to wrap his head around what was happening. Axl’s eyes looked glassy and wet even as he snarled quietly, “Fuck you, Jeff.”
Pivoting on his heel, Axl stomped out, slamming the door shut behind him. Izzy listened to the faint sounds of footsteps retreating downstairs before he sat heavily on his bed. For a few minutes he could only stare blankly at the floor.
Then he grabbed the whiskey bottle and took a long, long drink.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 26: Distractions
Tag list: @queen-crue @gingerspicetalks
Chapter Summary: Duff and Steven don’t take it too well when Axl says Delilah and Mags can’t come to rehearsals and shows anymore
“What the hell do you mean she’s a distraction,” the room went silent as Duff yelled at Axl.
Who the hell did he think he was? Just because him and his girlfriend broke up doesn’t mean he can make his and Delilah’s relationship suffer. Axl was idiotic.
“She is a FUCKING DISTRACTION. Whenever the two of you are in the same room, all you do is care about her, listen to her, pay attention to her! We need to focus on the band right now. We suck ass. We keep playing and no one has contacted us for a recording contract. WE ARE PEAKING,” Axl’s voice cut through the room like a machete. He couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of Duff’s mouth. Was he seriously putting some chick before the band?
“I pay attention to her because she, unlike you egotistical dick, is my girlfriend. It is my job as her BOYFRIEND to make sure she is okay. She has been going through so much shit lately that I’m worried that she’s just going to crack like an egg one day. She is one of the kindest selfless loving people I have ever met and she shouldn’t have to deal with the shit thrown her way. Your dumbass bitch of a ex girlfriend pushed her big ass nose where it didn’t belong, and I think we all remember what happened last week. I pay attention to her because when I’m nervous or I can’t think straight she’s there. She sits there and listens to whatever I need to say, no matter what that shit is. She was going through hell, but she will still be there for me. Lastly, I FUCKING LOVE HER! I FUCKING LOVE DEL. I know that’s not a concept you understand because you can’t keep a relationship longer than a week.”
Once Duff stopped yelling, the room was filled with an eerie silence. He wasn’t thinking as he yelled at Axl. He wasn’t thinking when he said he loved her. He couldn’t pin point the moment when he knew he did love her, but there was no denying it now. He wouldn’t tell Del, he told himself he couldn’t tell her that he loved her. Why? Because he couldn’t understand why someone like her would love someone like him. She deserved the world and he could barely buy her lunch.
“Why don’t we take a break,” Slash’s voice echoed through the apartment.
“A break sounds like a great idea!” Steven agreed before standing up and clapping his hands together.
“Hey Axl, wanna join me for a smoke,” Izzy offered the singer a cigarette before the two of them walked outside.
“What the fuck is his problem?” Duff groaned laying down on the couch.
“He means well..”
“Really? Does he? He has a really messed up way of showing it,” Steven immediately interrupted Slash before he could continue to make excuses for Axl’s ridiculous behavior.
“Steven you’re just mad because Axl doesn’t want Mags hanging out with us anymore because she causes trouble,” The words rolled off of Slash’s tongue easily before he took another smoke.
“So does Axl!” Duff snapped back. Slash was always so quick to defend the red head. It was clear he was trying to stay on Axl’s good side.
“Axl actually does shit for the band, he’s our front man!”
“Watch your mouth Slash, my sister is the reason we got that interview!” Steven shot back at Slash without missing a beat. It was chaos, pure chaos.
“What the hell are you all yelling about!” Stef came storming into the apartment. The yelling could be heard from the streets and echoed through the staircases. To say she sprinted here once she heard the yelling was an understatement.
“Axl is being a dick!” Steven yelled back.
“So suck it up buttercup,” Stef walked over towards Steven and gave him a gentle kiss on the nose.
“Him being a dick isn’t anything new. He’s probably just stressed. You know he has a lot of weight on his shoulders, baby. He is the frontman, like it or not he is a huge part of the band. I’m not saying he has a pass for being a dick, but yelling and screaming at him isn’t going to change anything. It will only make shit worse. You guys have been in more bands than shirts you own, don’t let this band slip through your fingers because of a silly fight. You guys are different. What you guys do to that crowd when you perform is different. Do you know how many people ask me on the damn streets about when your guys’ next show will be?” Stef paused looking around the room letting the silence fill the air. In a matter of seconds her eyes locked with Izzy’s and he sent her a small nod to keep going. Izzy and Axl must have heard her while they were out on the balcony.
“Too many to damn count! You guys are something else. Stevie, not a soul can stand still when you bang on your drums. Duff, you control every damn heart beat with your bass. Slash and Izzy, you guys leave the audience speechless. And Axl Fucking Rose, your voice is recognized for miles. There is no one else like you guys. Your sound is unique. You guys are on the verge of greatness. Now get your heads out of your damn asses and work as Guns N’ Roses,” Stef’s voice never faltered as she spoke. The were great guys, but each of them were stubborn and stupid as hell.
“Steven, I know your sister has done a lot for the band, but she is trouble. Now isn’t the time for making enemies,” Izzy’s voice was calm and cool as he spoke. It was the truth, everyone in the room knew it. The probablem was that no one wanted to admit that Axl was right.
“I can’t tell her that she can’t come. She’s my little sister,” Steven let a sigh escape him as he spoke. He loved her, he loved her more than he loved himself. There was no hiding that she had a bad streak going.
“I can take care of that. I’ll watch her. I’ll make sure she is okay. I’ll keep her from practices and out of this apartment while you guys work,” Stef held Steven’s hand as she spoke, giving him a gentle squeeze when she was done talking. It sounded stupid, but she would do anything for him. He was the best damn drummer she knew, and the word needed to hear him play.
“Duff,” Duff swallowed hard as Izzy made him feel like they were the only two in the room.
“Delilah is not aloud at the next couple of rehearsals, BUT she is aloud in the apartment. Now you listen to me because I am only going to say it once. If you get her high, she’s not allowed to come again. You will be making us food instead of her. She is going through so much shit she doesn’t need to deal with yours too. She has far too much trust in you,” the only auditable noise in the room for the next couple minutes was Stef mumbling holy shit.
“We are a band. If we want to be taken seriously then we have to take ourselves seriously. When band members scream and fight with one another, there is no more band. I agree with Stef. I think we got a shot. We just gotta put on a show that no one can ignore. We gotta throw on a show so fucking good that record companies are going to come crawling to us. Got it?”
Once Izzy finished speaking, Stef took that as her cue to leave. She honestly just came by to say hi, not give a motivational speech. She wanted to believe what she told them, and she hoped that saying the words out loud would make her believe them. It didn’t.
She loved Steven, she really did.
She wished she could scream it across the entire state of California, but they weren’t ready.
She wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready for the storm that would follow.
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winmance · 6 years
Sam looks at his watch for what seems to be the hundredth time today. He still has twelve minutes to go before finally going home, but every minute feels like a lifetime.
He tries to focus on what his teacher is saying, and while he’s usually good at it, all he can think about today is that Dean and Jude are probably already waiting for him in front of the building.
He’s the first one out of the classroom, ignoring the dirty look his teacher gave him, or how his friends laugh at his impatience. It’s Father’s Day today, and while Jude and he gave Dean most of his presents this morning, he still has one he wants to give him.
He’s so caught in his thoughts that he doesn’t see the guy in front of him until they both end up with their asses on the floor.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he says, getting up as fast as he can before helping the guy.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, no problem, I’m just-” The guy frowns, looking at Sam intensely for a few moments without letting go of his hand. “Sam?”
“Yeah?” This time, it’s Sam’s turn to frown. He has no idea how this guy knows his name, but he’s almost sure he never seen him before. “Do I know you?”
“In another lifetime, yeah,” the guy laughs. “Uh, we were in the same school for a few months when we were 16. I’m Brandon.”
As soon as he hears the name, something in his mind clicks and a wide smile appears on his face. It’s been five years since he’s last seen Brandon and he’s changed a lot to say the least.
“Dude, I didn’t recognize you!” Sam says, looking at his old friend again. “It’s been so long.”
“Yeah, since you disappeared suddenly you mean.”
A wave of guilt rolls through Sam. He was so caught in the excitement of seeing Brandon again that he’d forgotten the way things had ended.
“About that, I’m sorry, I just- “
“Had a baby on the way,” Brandon cuts him off.
“Yeah, I did,” Sam laughs. “But still, I’m sorry for… everything.”
“I missed you, you know. After you left, I kept thinking about our last conversation and I…I felt really guilty.”
“I should be the one feeling guilty. You were my best friend.”
They both smiled then, forgiving each other for everything that happened. He’d always wondered what had happened to Brandon after he’d left, but he couldn’t reach out, and even if he could have, he wasn’t sure Brandon would’ve wanted to talk to him.
“So, you’re studying here?” Brandon asks
“Yeah, I’m in my second year here. You?”
“Just transferred in. Can you believe it? We’re at Stanford dude!” Brandon licked his lips awkwardly before rubbing his hair, “So, uh, did you… you know, keep it?”
“Keep what?”
“The baby?”
“Oh!” Sam laughs, following quickly by Brandon. It’s been years since the last time they called Jude “it”, and he almost forgot. “Yes, I totally kept it. He’s four, actually.”
“Four? Damn!” Brandon smiles before pointing to Sam’s hand. “And I see that you’re an honest man now.”
“Yeah,” he laughs. “I got married a few years ago now. And yeah, Jude is… He’s growing up really fast. Way too fast, in my opinion.” They share another laugh and Sam gives a quick look at his phone when he feels it buzzing. There’s a picture of Dean and Jude on the hood of the impala, and a text saying, “Waiting for Daddy!” under it. “Hey, I need to go, but maybe we could see each other again?”
“Totally! I want to meet your son, and it’s been a long time since the last time I saw Dean.”
Sam’s smile disappears right away, and he can feel his heart sink. No one here knows that Dean is his brother, and he has no idea how Brandon would know about them.
“I- listen-”
“Sam, it’s cool. I’ve known about it since the first time I saw you together.”
“You did?” Sam frowns, even through he’s relieved that Brandon isn’t going to make a big deal out of it.
“Yeah. Listen, we’ll talk about it later, alright? I should be in class right now.”
“Yes, sure!”
They exchange numbers before telling each other goodbye, and Sam can’t help but look at Brandon as he walks away. He can’t believe that they’re together again, after all this time. He runs to the parking lot where Dean and Jude are waiting for him, a basket of food in their hands.
“What is that?” He asks, swinging Jude into his arms before kissing Dean. “Missed you so much,” he whispers against his brother’s lips.
“It’s our picnic, love. And I missed you, too.”
They hike up to the park, Jude holding Sam’s hand while Sam hold Dean’s. It’s a beautiful day, and they find a shady place under a tree, where they can hide from the sun and eat in peace. Sam tells Dean about Brandon, and how he knew about the two of them, but Dean doesn’t look even a little surprised.
“He was smarter than you think, Sammy. Not that you were very discreet about it either.”  “You didn’t see it.” Sam points out, biting his brother’s sandwich just to piss him off.
“Yeah, because I’m not smarter than you. But still.” Dean leans forward until he can drop a kiss on Sam’s lips.
They watch Jude play in front of them for a while, talking about their days. Dean is still working at the garage, but the guy that owns it will be retiring soon and he’s already promised the place to Dean. Sam works in a coffee shop three day a week. It’s not a lot, but he makes it a point of honor to bring some money home. Every month, their dad sends them money too. He even promised Sam he was getting it legally.  They had felt bad for accepting it at first, but quickly changed their minds after their dad yelled at them for being stubborn and stupid.
He still comes to see them from time to time, and he makes sure to always be there for Christmas and for at least Jude’s birthday. It was such a huge change to his personality that they thought he was possessed for a time, which earned them another argument after they splashed holy water in his face.
“Can you believe he’s four already?” Sam asks, watching as Jude picked a flower.
“No. He’s still my baby, you know? Hell, I still see you like you were at his age most of the time. Always talking nonsense, asking the same questions again and again until I answered it perfectly. You were a pain in the ass. At least Jude is adorable.”
“You’re such a jerk!” Sam laughs, shoving Dean off. “You think you were better at his age?”
“Yeah I was! Mom was already pregnant with you, so I was preparing myself to be a big brother. I remember how I kept watching women feeding their babies, wondering how it was even possible to do it, and they all thought I had some weird obsessions with boobs.”
“You do have an obsession with boobs,” Sam laughs, and Dean can’t do anything but agree.
“But only with yours, babe. And I would say that it was really useful, because when mom had you, I knew exactly how she was supposed to hold you. Well, I think she pretended not to know just to make me happy, but still.”
“So, you think Jude should start watching women feeding their children, too?”
“Why would he-” Dean frowns for a moment, his brain trying to puzzle through Sam’s words. Sam can barely contain his anxiety while waiting for Dean to catch up. He thought it was a good news, but given the lack of reaction from Dean, he’s not sure anymore. “Shit,” Dean finally says.
“You’re not happy?” Sam asks, feeling insecure all over again.
“Not happy? This is the best fucking news ever!” Dean yells before throwing himself at Sam’s neck, pulling him as close as he can. “Fuck, I can’t believe it!”
He pushes Sam away, and Sam can almost see all the questions forming in Dean’s mind. “But with college, I mean, it’s not ideal, I-”
“It’s ok, I promise. I think I can deal with it, and if I can’t, there’s program for that. I just… I don’t want our kids to have such a gap between them, and I thought four years was perfect?”  “Damn right it is,” Dean laughs before kissing Sam, his hands finding their way toward his belly. “I love you, Sammy.”
“Yeah, I know,” Sam laughs. “Can we tell Dad right now? It will be his father’s gift too.”
“I swear the dude is turning into such a doting grand father with Jude, I can’t imagine him with two.” “Shit, I can’t believe it!” John says as he hears the news. “I’m happy for you guys. I’ll come see you as soon as possible. Tell Jude I love him too. Bye boys!”
He smiles as he ends the call, looking at the pictures of his family he has on his wall. Mary is there, of course, and then there’s Sam, Dean, and little Jude. They all look so happy, so safe, and he wishes he could crawl into the pictures and never leave them.
“Another grandchild, John?” the man smiles. “My my, our Boy King isn’t wasting any time. Does that make them all princes of Hell?”
John clenches his jaw before throwing holy water in the demon’s face, making it twists and scream in pain.
“Where’s Yellow Eyes?” he asks again. It’s always the same questions, always the same answers, but one day, one day he will get some decent information out of them.
 “Yellow Eyes? Oh, he’s keeping a firm eye on your boys, don’t worry.”
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Tags : @mereka18 @not-nico @golly-god @ayou95
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nautiscarader · 6 years
Kim Possible season 3 recap
And here is part 3 of my KP marathon notes. Obligatory thanks to @fereality-indy for encouraging me to watch this awesome show. 
So, what will happen this this time? Will Kim Possible save another kitten from a tree? Will Ron discover something better than nachos? Will Doctor Drakken release the Krakken? Will Shego puncture her ego? Will Lord Monkeyfist buy Club Banana just because he is bonkers? Will Duff Killigan finally score?
So, let’s see what’s the first big problem KP has to deal with!
Kim being alone on a Friday evening. Okay.
Also, amusingly, everyone is doing something on a Friday evening, including the villians. 
Motorhead turns out to be Drakken’s cousin. okay.
And people know the address of Draken’s lair bc of mailing list
See, it’s the little touches like those that make this show a very accurate portrayal of superheroes and villians. 
KP gets jealous of Ron’s friend in wheelchair because they spend too much time together playing video games, so she has to find a way to “fit in”.
Okay, so they can approach it in a sensible and subtle, or so-cringe-worthy-and-painful-the-skip-button-presses-itself way.
So, which did they choose?
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painful it is
Few stupid scenes later, Draken STEALs THE WHEELCHAIR FROM A DISABLED KID
shego: what’s next, stealing lolipop from a baby?
and there is a brilliant running joke about it
is it ableist to say that a joke about disabled person is “running”? Well, this is tumblr you gotta be carfeul
Anyway, turns out that Drakken and Jake the Dog make an actual competent combo, even though they end up in prison. And momma Lipski is still clueless about her son’s profession
Next ep: KIM CHANGED HER HAIR! and she looks cute
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Ron is a pickle, but that’s normal
Draken and shego steal moodulators (get it?) from random scientist #464
Shego: if you are so smart why do you always steal instead of inventing things yourself
Draken: it’s called outsourcing, shego
God d amit, that is a smart show. 
And of course moodultaors accidentally fall on KP and SHego, so they act random throughout the day. And boy it is weird when it’s set to loveskick
Shego: steals lolipop from a baby for Drakken because she luvs him
KP turns into  a proper stalker mode for her Ronnie
And Monique is completely fine with it. 
and then kim KISSED him!!!
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And then poor Ron has no idea what to do with dating KP so suddenly, and the whole scene where he debates what to do is absolute gold with a punchline that defies expectations. 
Draken and Shego go on a date and boy it is weird. SHE CATWALKS TO HIM
I can already see Disney censors thinking when it’s going to be too much for The Mouse
and kim’s dad threatens to send ron to a black hole when he takes her on a date
Also the random professor wants to sell his no-longer-existent moodulaTors on auction and he thinks about blaming it on the mail. You know, i’ve seen some approaches how to handle a world where superheroes/villians/geniuses live in our society (like in BNHA, for example), but KP so far makes it the best approach, because it makes them so relatable. 
And boy the finale is satisfying because everything completely backfires
Shego and KP got stuck in an anGry mode, and chase their boys. Ron tries to hide in the same place as drakken
Drakken: Dibs!
Ron: Double dibs!
Drakken: all right, you won with your superior dib-calling (ACTUAL QUOTE)
And the day is saved thanks to the power of friendship and not that Kp and ron are definitely in love with each other
KP, Ron, Drakken and Shego somehow manage to get into Tv, where they visit parodies of famous shows
Honestly, meh. I remember a similar episode of Teen Titans, that one was funny as heck.
and then we find out who’s the real villian of the middleton high: THE SCARY LIBRARIAN!
And turns out Ron accidentally put a book Kim rented in his backpack, causing her to get into trouble doing library duties. 
So he goes on a mission to revisit all of the bad guys they fought to see where he might have left it
Okay: calling it now, it’s still in his backpack
Shego: Where’s Possible?
Ron: She’s not my girlfriend!
Shego: Never said she was. 
And Ron accidentally saves the world on that book hunt
Lord Monkey:Ron Stoppable!
Ron: You’re the only one, who remembers my name, I respect that
Okay, so Wade can make stuff invisible. Like, how?
And there we go: the book it was in his backpack all the time. 
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Oh, and Ron takes a book from Lord Monkeymonkey contaning a spirit of a monkey demon.
And he returns to the library, saving Kim from being bored to death by retunring the book. 
Oh, it was another half-episode. Weird. 
And the next one is about giant bugs. Interesting how Kim tells Ron not to be afraid of bugs, and next moment she’s all squirmish while Ron befriends a giant roach and calls him Roachie. 
KP: Ron, did you start working on the project? it was supposed to be autobiographical
ron: No, I’m waiting for it to write itself.
Oh, and Drakken tried to take over the world with shampoo. Honestly, it’s funny as heck
he tries smarty mart to sell it
he even makes loreal-style ad, but it doesn’t sell
so he tries product placement in a hip hop song, and the artists is like “Aw, hell no”
And then 
and then
turns out that Shego and Drakken are having karaoke night every friday.
God dammit, i don’t know why but that is beyond funny
and turns out that Drakken can sing. 
and shego points out that he could sing about the shampoo
so he goes to an american idol
And I think I realise what really makes it funny: Kp is barely in this episode, helping ron with homework. No evil-doing is actually done, we only get to see, for the most part what goes behind the scenes of an evil plan that is so insanely and unnecessary convoluted it is beyond belief. 
people hypnotised by the shampoo so far: one (1) random henchman
one (1) old TV producer in a sauna 
one (1) Simon Cowell
And...holy shit, his song is actually good. 
And instead of KP, who is busy fighting the mean lean green machine, Ron sings about Rufus. The song is titled “Naked Mole Rap”. And it is FREAKING PHENOMENAL.
Oh, add one (1) Shego to the list. 
Okay, so far that is the most crazy episode. Like, seriously, the quality was through the roof.
So, the Team Impossible, which we have learned about in the movie, is angry at KP for saving the world for free, whereas they actually charge people for it. 
And they try to cut Kim from all of her world-traveling assets and knock her out of competition.
And they hack Wade
aaand TI is defeated the same way they would have been defeated had they answered the call. 
Pretty funny, and it does go into the details of how on Earth superheroes work in this world. 
And we have another episode about the secret ninja high school Ron was sent to 
And Yori travels to US for Ron 
And Kim is super jelaus
Wade: Kim, you are jelly
Kim: So not
Monique: You are jelly 
Kim: So not
Kim: *is jelly*
So she pretty much stalks Ron all the way to the school, and nearly fails the mission of trying to save the levitating magical jedi principal. Seriously, he’s OP as fuck.
And he’s escaping from a huge monkey. turns out it’s crazy dna lady who turned herself  into monkey for Lord Britishmonkey. 
Next episode is bascially one huge satire on the movie industry, down to the title (”and The mole rat will be CGI”). KIm and Ron accidentally crash a movie set, after Senior Senior Junior crashes it first since he accidentally applied for a role of a henchman in said movie. 
It was supposed to be set in Britian, but the movie set was in New Zealand, since “it was cheaper”
And I was like 
Is that a “Lord of The rings” joke? Someone tell me if I’m right.
Oh, and we have another long episode WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE IS ANOTHER MOVIE?
And it looks like it’s a three-part episode again, I wonder if the formula’s gonna work again. 
The beginning feels like a short promo scene for people who might not know what KP is about, and I’m not gonna lie, this sums it up perfectly. Action, drama, explosions, more drama, goofy ron, naked mole rat kicking ass and more drama. By the way, what;s the title? 
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I guess the intro is an homage to the James Bond ones, with lots of colourful, surreal visuals floating in the background to the soothing, slow music. Love it, too bad it’s short, but again, it had to fit an episode’s running time.
 wait so the Nakasumi president CAN speak English? Even the movie calls him wacky for whispering all the time as if he couldn’t. 
Okay, now the movie just fucks with us. 
mr and mrs possible almost switch their cloaks with important documents, but she switches them back just at the last moment
mr posible ALMOST deletes his work file worth three billion dollars but undos it at the last moment.
it’s like the plot TRIES to start itself
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And I bet the key is under the doormat
So the dating drama IS going to be the theme of the movie, huh. 
Wade: Drakken has been spotted in the Bermuda triangle
Bermuda triangle: *turns out to be a hotel*
And Ron just happened to have his suit under the scuba diving gear.
Shego proves to be once again, way more competent than Drakken.
and we have obligatory fight between two kickass ladies in dresses and high heels. This IS a James Bond movie. 
So, the prom drama continues, and it is sadly kinda goes into the cringe territory, with some new dude falling in love with Kim and Kim falling for him, Ron feeling sad, they both being conflicted, yep, seen it. 
But for once Drakken helps the cause and moves the plot forward, stealing some super project from dr Possible.
he deletes the file like he did in the opening, but GASP drakken has some mind reading machine
I do wonder if the coat switcheroo is going to be part of the plot. 
Holy shit
Drakken’s plan is so crazy that it actually makes sense. Take over the buneo nachos and put kiddy meals in it with robot toys that take over the world. And neither kim nor Shego could have forseen it. 
And more prom drama. Ugh. 
I always like when Possible family work together to stop the evil-doers.
So Drakken’s plan was brilliant, minus the part when the entire army of robots shuts down when the signal goes off-line. Kinda a major fuck-up. 
And they kindapped Kim’s boyfriend to lure her.  
I genuinely didn’t see that coming. 
Drakken learns Ron’s name, yeah! And it’s shot like Drakken’s yelling a curse to the skies, love it. 
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Also, HOLY SHIT, Kim kicks Shego into the tower so hard it looks like she was about to kill her. Like, that was genuinely chilling moment, especially with an ominous, lightning-filled close-up onto her later.
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Spoiler: she didn’t die. 
Okay, colour me confused: I didn’t think that Kim and Ron were going to kiss and start dating now, I thought this movie was going to be one huge prequel to a movie by the end of S4. Or more precisely, it feels weird NOW, knowing that there is a whole season ahead of me. Cos that felt like a pretty good end of a series, something akin to the Last Airbender one, so I’m slightly concerned how it’s going to be played into season 4, cos this can go haywire pretty easily. 
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Uh, not going to lie, I’ve got mixed feelings about the movie. On one hand, it gave us a proper evil plan from Drakken, one that attacks Kim psychologically, showing that for once, he DID his homework and actually studied Kim’s behaviour. On the other, the prom/dating drama is kinda painful to watch, but fortunately gets resolved in the end. Maybe it’s just me, but I had the same expression as Rufus when he and Ron said that guys don’t talk about feelings. It felt kinda clumsy and not subtle at all, and what’s worse, the show itself did way better job of portraying romance in previous episodes, most notably the moodulator one. But as I said, those last few scenes with Ron and Kim fighting together does make up for it. 
also, Rufus once again is the unspoken hero. He did so freaking much, including, but not limited to: saving ron from the tentacle monster, freeing kim and ron, defeating the synth boyfriend, pushing Kim and Ron together... He really is a badass.    
So, not a bad one, though I preferred the first movie. Also, on the whole Season 3 was significantly shorter than second. Wonder what’s gonna happen in the next season.  
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julessworldd · 4 years
Little Rose
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Chapter 4
warnings: cussing, physical fighting(mention of it), its guns so alochol, drugs, sex, fighting. 
A/N: To the mutals, who helped with being groupies. I do degrade you in this, drag your character through the mud. I didn’t make it to make fun of you or anything striclty for the plot. I love you wondeful babies! @reigns420​ as Michelle @marteolus24​ as Evelyn, @slashscowboyboots​ as Karen(I forgot to ask my bad) Hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for the late upate <3
Groupies never bother me too bad, unless I needed one of the boys and they were balls deep in a groupie, who had been with Van Halen to Motley Crue. They were a part of the rock n’ roll scene along with booze, drugs, traveling the world.  I never saw the hype in them, to me they were just cheap easy girls, who had issues that needed male validation to cope with life’s fucked up ways.  The boys’ groupies have never liked me or wanted to believe that I was Axl’s sister and the band’s assistant. I’ve had one call me a whore for kissing Axl’s cheek before a show one night. Greffen wasn’t too happy to hear, Guns N’ Roses’ assistant sent a girl to the E.R with a concussion, two broken ribs, a busted nose and chin. 
“Hey Princess”, Duff pulled into his chest from behind. 
“Hi Handsome, how was sound check?”, I turned around and had my arms around his neck. “Good, I missed you though”, Duff ran his hand over my rib cage. “I missed you too, Dork”, I kissed his chest, feeling his warmth and sweat. “Come on”, He grabbed my hand. Duff was dragging me like a child to his dressing room. “Duff, slow down”, I giggled. Duff suddenly stopped in his tracks.  “Duff, what’s wrong?”, I asked.  “Oh hey, Duff”, I heard a female voice. “Uh hi”, Duff swallowed. I looked passed him and sure enough it was a groupie.  “Wanna go into a storage closet and have some fun?”, She walked up to Duff and ran her hand down his chest. My blood was boiling and I saw red.  “Uh what is she doing here?”, Michelle snarled her nose.  “Yeah, Duff what am I doing here with you?”, I asked. Duff stayed silent and still. Michelle smirked and pulled Duff by his hair, “I think I hear Izzy hollering for me, see ya around Duff”, I turned around and walked down the hall.  Normally, I would have pounced a groupie for being that rude to me, but Duff hasn’t come out and said he’s off the market. “Hey Janie, I thought you were with Duff?”, Axl asked.  “Oh yeah, he was tired and fell asleep”, I lied. Axl nodded, “I’m gonna call Erin, anything you want me to tell or ask her?”  “No, just tell her I love her and peanut”, I smiled. Axl walked down the hall to his room. “What now?”, Izzy asked, leaning on a wall, lighting a cigarette. “Nothing”, I rolled my eyes.
“There’s something, your eyes are darker”, Izzy said. “Just a groupie is all. Why the hell can’t they figure out when guys are taken? Mhm? Hell that probably doesn't occur to them”, I said.  “Who was it?”, Izzy asked. “Michelle, I think. Her and Duff definitely had something more than wham bam, thank you ma'am. He didn’t do anything to get her to quit, let her rub up on him and his chest. While I was standing right behind, he didn’t tell her to quit because he has a girlfriend.”, I said sinking to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. “I’m sorry kid. Duff probably froze, like a deer in headlights”, Izzy said, sitting next to me. “He didn’t say or do anything when I told him I thought I heard you hollering for me. Wonder what he’s doing with that-”, I clenched my fist, anger boiling within me more. “Go find him, kid. Kick his ass but not too bad we got a show”, Izzy moved hair away from my face. “I’m like Axl, I have blind anger. I'll kill him if I don’t get pulled off of him. Remember that girl I sent to the hospital last year. It took Axl, Duff, a security guard to get me off of her. I tried fighting the security dude too.”, I breathed out. Izzy knew how Axl and I are wired, I can actually bite back unlike Axl who just barks half of the time. “True, just go talk to him, set ground rules. I love Duff, but you’re the little sister I never wanted but will kill for you”, Izzy held my hand, smiling at me. “Thanks Izzy, love you”, I kissed his cheek, before getting up again.
I bounced down the hall, like Popcorn does. “Hey Janie, guess what?”, Axl grabbed my hand, making me stop. “Yeah Ax?”, I turned to him, he had a smile the size of Texas.  “I’m having a daughter”, He almost had tears in his eyes. A Niece, a princess like I knew at the airport. “That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you two. We were right”, I laughed, trying to not to cry. “I know, can’t believe I’m gonna have a daughter. What if she doesn't like me?”, Axl had pulled me into a hug. “You’re gonna be an amazing dad, Axl. I promise you that, you’re not gonna be like him. You’ve pretty much raised and protected me for years and I’ve turned out good. Oh I love you too”, I squeezed him tightly. “Thanks kid, love you too”, Axl smiled. 
I knocked on Duff’s door, he opened it. He had tears streaming down his face, his face was blotchy and pink. “Hey, what’s the matter?”, I asked. “I’m sorry, Janie”, He said. “For what?”, I asked softly. “For not telling Michelle that I’m with you. You probably thought I cheated, I didn’t. I love you and never want to lose you. I told her and that I wanted her to let the others know what Duff McKagan is happily with Axl’s little sister”, Duff pulled into his bare chest. I saw lipstick marks on his pecs, collarbone.  “Duff, it’s okay. I’m sorry leaving you, I was just taking myself away before I pounced on her. I love you. Did she try kissing you?”, I rubbed his chest where salmon color lipstick stained.  “Yeah, I pushed her away. Probably too hard for a girl, but it just happened that way”, Duff said. “I believe you, Duffy. She would have a busted face from me so your pushing was okay. I think she got the point after you freaked out on here”, I laughed. Truthfully, I’m not sure what Michelle would have got from me. Duff wasn’t  gonna be wrapped in a red ribbon with a bow on his head, at her doorstep that’s for sure.  “Oh I gotta tell you something”, I smiled up at him. “What’s that, Princess?”, Duff asked. “Axl is a father to a baby girl, we’re right”, I giggled. “Holy shit, that’s amazing”, Duff kissed my forehead. “I know! I’ve already bought a sleeper when we were in Manchester. It has a pink elephant with a purple bow”, I gushed. Duff was just staring at me with adoration and a smile on his face. “I just hope she doesn't have her dad’s red hair”, Duff smirked.  “I have red hair, what’s wrong with red?”, I whined, my heart felt like it was stabbed. “Nothing, just aggravating Axl is all. I love your red hair, love running my fingers through, I like it when I wake up and it’s in my face.”, Duff grinned, kissing me. “Fuck you, bottle blonde”, I stabbed back. “Mines dirty blonde naturally, baby”, Duff smirked. 
We finally finished the European leg and were back in the U.S, the American leg was always easy and fun.  “Baby? Wake up”, I heard Duff whisper into my ear. “Mhm”, I groaned. “Oh I woke you, my bad. Go back to bed”, Duff said. “No what do you want?”, I asked, yawning. He didn’t say anything, I felt his tent on my thigh. “Really Duff it’s 4am?”, I groaned. “I’m sorry, he has a mind of his own. Not my fault you’re so damn gorgeous”, He whined. “If I give you head, will you leave me alone so I can sleep?”, I asked, rolling over to face him. Duff nodded, but he raised his hand a little. “What is it, Duffy?”, I sighed. “Actually, I wanted to give you head?”, He blushed a little. “Oh”, I laughed. “Same thing, will you let me sleep?”, I asked. He nodded his head furiously,  “Better make worth your while, bub. Waking me up, when I was sleeping so-”, I said, but he attacked my core. “Mhm fuck Duff”, I whined. “You said to make it worth my while”, Duff said as he entered two fingers in me. I pushed his head back, “Don’t talk”, he continued eating me out. Soon enough, Duff triggered my high and I whined and pulled his hair. Duff came up and rubbed his head, “I’m not a girl who you’re curb stomping, damn.”  “I’m sorry Duff, I’ll make it up to you”, I kissed him. “Really?”, Duff smirked. “You gotta let me sleep for a good while, okay?”, I said fluffing my pillow more. “Fine”, he whined. “Go to sleep, Duff. It’s almost five am”, I said. “But, I still have a problem”, Duff pointed to his crotch.  “Alright fine you broke me. If any injuries occur don’t sue me”, I sighed, crawling to him.  “Sue you? Baby, you don’t get paid enough”, Duff smirked. “You’re burying yourself deeper, boy”, I gave him a go to hell look. After giving Duff a sloppy/sleepy head he finally let me sleep. 
“If you touch me besides a cuddling position. Think of me as  the Berlin Wall, you’ll know what barbed wire feels like between your legs”, I looked at him.  He nodded and he was out like a light. 
Izzy was known for being quiet and a part of the shadows,which was cool the majority of the time. Only if we weren’t on tour and Duff and him had an interview and he needed to be ready in five minutes. “Hey Slash, have you seen Izzy?”, I asked the curly guitarist, who was strumming his guitar. “Uhh, I think he went off with a groupie. She was blonde, sorta small, kinda like you”, Slash grinned. “He doesn't have time to rail a chick right now. Fuck, you guys really stress me the fuck out at times.”, I pinched my nose. “Sorry, Janie. I think he took her to his room”, Slash gave a tiny smile. “Thank you, Slash. See ya around”, I gave him a hug. “See ya kid, be safe”, Slash said. “I’m older than you,'' I said, opening his door. “And I’m taller”, Slash laughed. “I hope your string pops”, I smirked. Duff was standing outside our room, “Hey Gorgeous” “Not now! Are you ready? If you’re not, I’m gonna kill you with your bass”, I said. “Yeah, waiting on you and Iz”, Duff said. “Apparently, he’s balls deep into a blonde chick. Like I know exactly who he’s fucking Slash”, I rolled my eyes. Duff was gonna say something when we heard a huge pornographic female moan along with Izzy’s name. “He’s finished now”, Duff smirked.  We leaned against the wall next to his door, “See ya around Iz”, the door opened and revealed the groupie or random chick. She blushed seeing Duff. I gotta keep him a shorter leash. 
“Jeffery Dean! Get your ass ready now, before I cut your head off”, I yelled standing outside his door.  “I’m dressed, Janet! Anything else you wanna bitch at me for?”, Izzy yelled. “No”, I said sad and my lip started quivering. Izzy and Axl are the two people I hate to be yelled at from, Izzy could be brutal especially if he was coming down from smack. 
I stayed in the green room as the boys were being interviewed by Kurt Loader.  Izzy hasn’t yelled at me like that since my ex, Ashton, cheated on me twice. I know Izzy wasn’t exactly yelling towards me, but he was being loud and it reminded me of being back in Lafayette. 
“God, Janie he done it twice for fuck sakes. When are you gonna see he’s a piece of shit and you deserve better!”, Izzy yelled. 
“Izzy, leave her the fuck alone. She’s upset”, Pamela rubbed my back. 
“She’s fine, Pam. Leave her alone, she needs to be bitched at. Axl’s out fucking whoever, so it’s my job to-”, Izzy stopped in mid sentence as I smacked his face. The room was silent, Pamela’s mouth hung open, Izzy held his jaw and cheek.  “Fuck you, Jeff!”, I slammed the door and ran down the stairs to my car.  “Janie?”, I looked up to see Duff standing with a case of Budwiser.  “You okay? Did you and Axl fight again?”, he asked calmly.  “No, Izzy and I did. Ashton cheated on me again and Izzy lost his shit over it. Pamela told him to lay off, but he didn’t. He made me so fucking mad that I uh smacked him across his face. I just ran down here. Are you here to hang out with Izzy?”I said while trying to hold my tears. 
“I was, but screw him. Wanna drive around for a while and finish the case?” Duff asked in a soft voice. Duff and I were kinda close but Axl told us no funny shit. “Sure. Your car or mine?”, I asked. “Come on”, Duff held his hand out for me. I was hesitant to take it. What  if Izzy or Pamela were looking down. “Come on, I won’t bite”, Duff grinned. I took his hand and he led the way to his car.  We drank the whole case and made out in the backseat.  “Ashton was an ass to you, I hated seeing the way he treated you”, Duff admitted. “Why? He was just a dude, who I was too blind to see he’s shit. Izzy is right”, I sighed. “I mean yeah Izzy had a point. I care because I hate seeing girls being treated like shit. I would kill  a guy from treating my sisters like he did you. You’re an amazing woman, Janie. You’re sweet, protective, loving, got the prettiest smile ever. Any guy would be lucky to have and would be a fool to lose you.”, Duff said. “Thanks Duff. You’re not so bad yourself. Too bad Ax told us no funny shit”, I said. “You always listen to your brother? You’re 22, Janie”, Duff asked. I climbed into his lap and kissed him. 
That was the first time we fucked and led to where we are now. Ironically, I pissed Izzy off and Duff is being his sweetheart self, mending the pieces back between us.  The door opened, I looked over. It was Izzy. “Here to yell at me more cause you didn’t get enough smack this morning?”, I sassed. “Janie, I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep last night, Karen wouldn’t get off of me”, Izzy defended himself. “I don’t care. Where’s Duff?”, I asked. I wasn’t ready to accept his apology and hug him again. “Outside the door”, Izzy mumbled. I passed him and went to find Duff. Duff was getting ready to lit a cigarette, a stick was perched between his teeth as he rummaged to find a lighter. I brought my lighter to him. “Thanks, gorgeous”, Duff smiled as he blew out smoke. I forced myself into his arms and laid my head on his chest. “What’s wrong, baby?”, Duff wrapped an arm around my back.  “I just need to be held for a bit”, I mumbled. “I can do that, Janie”, Duff whispered, bringing me closer to him. 
It was getting close to showtime, each boy was in their dressing room doing whatever pre show ritual, finishing a quick nap. “What happened between you and Iz?”, Axl asked, combing his hair. “Just him coming down, you know how he is if you tell him what to do. Plus he was with a groupie.”, I said. “Who was it?”, Axl asked. “What the fuck does it matter? You’re married and have a kid on the way”, I scoffed.  “You’re right. I’m sorry he yelled at you. I can kick his ass for you”, Axl pulled me into a hug. “I love you, but Izzy would put up a good fight. He’s scrappy”, I giggled. “Hey there’s that laugh”, Axl grinned, ruffling my hair. “Have a good show, Ax. I’m gonna go find Duff. Love you”, I said, kissing his cheek. “Thanks, kid. Love you too”, Axl rubbed my shoulder. Duff’s door was cracked, weird. Maybe he got hot or a roadie forgot to shut it back. I opened the door, a girl was in his room but no sign of him. “Uh who are you?”She asked. “His girlfriend, who the hell are you and why are you in here?”, I asked, feeling my blood pressure rising.  “Evelyn, I always come see him when he’s in town.”, Evelyn flipped her black hair back.  “Listen here you green-eyed sex kitten, Duff isn’t single anymore. So you get your horny ass up and tell all the other whores that Duff McKagan isn’t available for you to have fun. I’m sure you can find one of the guys to fuck in a storage closet”, I said. “I’m not leaving until I hear Duff say he’s with you”, Evelyn rolled her eyes. “Not a chance, sweetness. You’re leaving now without a scratch or you’re leaving in an ambulance. Your choice, Evie”, I smirked. “I’m not leaving until I hear Duf-”, She was cut off. “Evelyn, I would get up and leave if I was you and had some sense”, Duff said. “You’re not seriously with this rude bitch? Duff what about what we had?”, She whined. “I am, I appreciate you if I would stop being rude to my girl, I asked you to leave”, Duff said, standing behind me. Evelyn huffed and walked out. “I’m sorry that they don’t listen and are rude to you. I just forgot to tell them”, Duff said, bringing my hand to his chest. “That’s not gonna work if you don’t tell the press you’re not single anymore”, I pouted. “I did today, Kurt asked if Izzy and I were single or not? It was a fan question”, Duff said. “Really?”, I blushed. “Sure did. Said how much I love you and how you make me feel safe, like I’m home”, Duff said.
I smiled, “That’s how I feel about you. You’ve always made me feel safe” 
“I’m glad I have, you’re so damn pretty”, Duff smiled. “5 minutes”, a roadie said. “Good luck”, I kissed his cheek. “Thanks. You gonna watch?”, Duff asked. “Of course, silly”, I said as we left his room. Steven was drumming his sticks on the wall and Slash’s top hat. Izzy stood staring at the floor. “Iz?”, I asked.  He looked up at me, I pulled him to my arms, “Can’t stay mad at you, no matter how much I try to. I’m sorry screaming at you this morning”, I whispered. “It's okay kid, you’re just doing your job. We kinda give you a hard time, sorry about overreacting to you”, Izzy rubbed my back. “Good luck”, I kissed his cheek. “Thanks”, Izzy smiled. “Hey you two made up”, Axl said. “We did”, I smiled. They had to go on. 
I’m glad we can fuss at each other and at the end of day we got each other's back. Crazy, dysfunctional family, but it was the closest thing to a family I had.
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Preview: Gateway Drug | Part Ninety
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
This is the fifth time the phone has rung in the past two minutes, and I roll my eyes and pull myself out of the bathtub, grabbing my towel and stepping to the living room. 
I already see my message machine blinking from unheard voice-mails, and I pick the phone up and answer it. 
Before I can even say, "hello," Sharise starts in. 
"Vivian, what is going on, why didn't you say anything about it, why--"
"Sharise, slow down," I'm bombarded with a million questions, paranoia making my chest tighten. 
"Vivian, you're pregnant, apparently, that's what's going on." She clarifies, and I feel the color drain from my face. 
"Did Vince hear that from Nikki and tell you or--"
"--You're actually pregnant?!"
"You didn't hear it from Vince?" 
"No, Vivian, it's all over MTV!" She says next, not sounding angry at me, just shocked. 
Just as soon as she says it, there's a sharp beep from the phone, indicating someone's trying to call. 
"Gimme a second and I'll call you back." I assure her. 
"Fuck that, I'm coming over." She tells me before hanging up and I take the next call while turning the TV on to MTV. 
I just see a picture of Nikki and I on the screen as I hear, "again, congratulations to Nikki and Vivian Sixx on the news of their…"
"Hello?" I answer the call that has interrupted Sharise and I. 
"Why the fuck is Page Six running a story about you being knocked up with Duff fucking McKagan's kid?!" Doc yells and I nearly fall out, starting to panic.
"Because I am, but I have no idea how the hell anybody other than Nikki and Duff know about it, Doc, I haven't even told any of my friends or family yet, I swear." I promise and I hear him curse and throw stuff around on the other end for a good two minutes before calmly saying, "this isn't good, Viv." 
"No, shit, Sherlock." I reply. 
"I'm going to talk to Sixx, you just stay at home--don't do anything irrational, we'll take care of this." He states, hanging up. 
My phone is ringing again as soon as he hangs up. 
My phone starts ringing off the hook within three minutes and I have to step outside to the back yard with Whisky to get away from it.
I'm sitting on the edge of the pool when Sharise gets here, this look of disbelief on her face. 
"I had to drop Sky by my mom's, what the hell, Viv?" She asks me, sitting beside me. 
"I was gonna tell you and everybody once I got past the first trimester, Sharise, I promise." I say, honestly. 
"I'm not mad that you didn't, I'm just...I didn't realize you and Nikki were sleeping together again." 
"We're not." I state. "And Doc said that Page Six already knows it's Duff's and has it plastered everywhere so somebody said something to somebody." 
"Duff?! Holy shit, Vivian." She breathes out, her eyes wide. 
"This is bad." I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing my face. "This is so, so bad, Sharise." 
"What're you gonna do?" She asks me. "I mean...when did you two even start…you know?" 
"September." I tell her. 
"Are you gonna admit it's Duff's or just play it off as Nikki's publicly and then privately it's gonna know Duff is really it's dad or does he even want anything to do with it?" 
"Yeah, he does, and Nikki's managing." I inform her, and she nods slowly. "It's nobody's business. It's not. So I shouldn't have to explain myself to anybody but I know everybody will want an explanation and we'll just admit it's Duff's and ignore the bullshit people are gonna throw at us...I just don't want to lose any friends over this…"
"If you lose friends over this, they're not your real friends, because everybody you're close with knows exactly what kind of marriage you and Nikki have been having the past year and you've both been struggling with different things and his affair with Vanity and so I think everybody should be pretty understanding of the situation." She tells me. 
"They should be. Doesn't mean they will." 
"Well, the ones who matter right now will." She reassures me. "And from what I've been gathering the last six months, that doesn't include Tommy and Vince right now because I already know they're probably gonna be on Nikki's side completely." 
"Yeah, so will all of the fans." I mumble. 
"Well, if you're gonna confirm it's Duff's, is he gonna come out and say that he actually did have an affair with Vanity or are you just gonna be the sacrificial lamb in all this?" 
"I have no idea, Sharise." I admit.
"I think he should." She states. "Because it's not gonna be fair for people to think you just went to another man and 'cheated' on Nikki out of nowhere." 
"It doesn't matter what Nikki says about the Vanity thing, he's just gonna be a God and I'm gonna be a whore." I argue, sighing out. 
"You really think that?" 
"I know that." I state, matter of fact. 
And, boy, was I right.
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sodalitefully · 4 years
This is the result of me being a slut for demon AUs, and also for Slash’s ridiculously pretty face.  I wasn’t planning to write this 'cause uh it’s definitely got similarities to some of my other ideas and also because I’m not really satisfied with the characterization, but it wouldn’t leave me alone so here it is:
Summary: Slash is a pretty lil incubus who escapes from Hell. He gets roughed up a little on the way out, and Duff finds him lost and hurt on the street in LA. He helps Slash, takes him home, cleans him up, and hears him out. Duff lets Slash stay the night, and he can already tell that he’s going to let Slash stay as long as he wants. Slash latches on to Duff immediately, he’s convinced that Duff is the kindest, most beautiful being that could possibly exist and he absolutely adores him. Duff is crushing hard on Slash, but he can’t fathom why Slash likes him so much, he’s not pretty or exceptional while Slash is stunningly, inhumanly gorgeous. But Duff is compassionate as hell, and he does his best to ease Slash into life in the mortal plane.
Duff finds Slash on his way home from work on a Friday night, Slash looks completely lost and he’s bleeding a little and he’s not completely dressed.  Everyone else is avoiding him in case he’s tripping or crazy or something, but Duff goes up to him cause he seems to be dressed like a rocker (no shirt or shoes, just tight leather pants and some jewelry) so like, solidarity from one wasted rocker to another.  
Duff goes up to him, notices that he’s like, insanely hot but decides not to say anything about it, and asks if he’s lost or something.  Slash shies away and eyes him suspiciously, he’s not used to people freely offering help.  But then something comes running at them from down the street, at first Duff thinks it’s a dog but as it gets closer it’s obviously not a dog, not any kind of animal he recognizes, so he kicks it as hard as he can into a wall and it vanishes on impact in a puff of sour smelling smoke.  That’s fucking weird so Duff looks around to see if anyone else saw that, but the people around them don’t seem to notice anything unusual.  Instead, Duff spots a pack of four more creatures coming towards them.  Slash sees them too, and he changes his mind about trusting Duff – he looks up at him and tugs on his arm, “Please help me!”  
So Duff basically scoops Slash up (he’s way too skinny) and sprints for his car around the block.  He throws Slash in the passenger seat and guns it.  “What the fuck are those things?!” (classic action movie line).  Slash explains that they’re hellhounds, vermin of the underworld, they followed him here.  There’s a lot to unpack there, but Duff starts with the most important question: “Are they going to keep coming after us?”  “Well, they can’t pass between planes on their own, so either we lose them or we get rid of them.”  “How do we get – Oh shit!” The hellhounds are suddenly right in front of the car, half a block away.  “Just hit them! They’ll re-spawn in Hell and they won’t be able to get back!” So Duff braces himself and drives straight through the pack, they disintegrate just like the first one did.
“Holy fucking shit.  Was that all of them?”  Slash affirms, and Duff pulls off the road next to a sketchy little park that’s mostly empty at this time in the evening.  He and Slash get out of the car, and Duff is on the verge of panic, nearly yelling as he questions Slash about what the fuck just happened.  He stops dead when he realizes that Slash looks scared (all big eyes and quivering pout and hugging himself defensively and damn if it doesn’t yank Duff’s heartstrings more than any sad puppy ever has), and immediately backtracks, apologizing and asking more gently for Slash to explain what happened.  
So Slash does, he introduces himself and explains that the hounds won’t come back, they followed him here when he escaped from Hell.  Slash is a demon and they spend a few minutes establishing this fact (he probably proves it by demonstrating that he can shapeshift).  Duff asks if there’s a chance that more will come after him, Slash says he doubts it, he’s a little embarrassed as he admits he’s just an incubus, there’s a million others like him, no one will come looking now that he’s gone.  Duff has a hard time imaging that anyone else like Slash exists in the world.  He asks why Slash escaped and Slash explains that Hell is the worst, he just gets kicked around by more powerful demons (who treat low-level incubi like funny little pets because they’re not very powerful and they look mostly like humans instead of like terrifying demons) and sent off to seduce humans (he’s sick of it: shifting into their ideal, tempting them with whatever sick fantasies they have and then basically drugging them with his demonic power of irresistibility; it’s all-around terrible sex really, they act like they’re in a trance and he doesn’t get any say in what they do).  It occurs to Duff eventually that Slash is basically telling him he had a demon pimp.  
“So... you’re not going to try to steal my soul or something?”  “I don’t make deals, just tempt people.  And I don’t want to do that anymore, I don’t… I don’t really like hurting people.” He whispers the last bit like it’s some terrible secret.  “It’s so violent in Hell, I just want to be left alone…"
“What are you going to do now that you’re on Earth?” Duff asks.  He knows where he’s going with this, and he knows it’s a bad idea – inviting a demon into his own home?? It’s a recipe for disaster, but Slash seems so sincere and Duff rationalizes that he should be fine as long as he doesn’t ask for or agree to any sex.  Easier said than done, because Slash is the most stunning being that Duff has ever encountered in his life and just being around him scrambles his mind a little.  
But Slash looks so lost and uncertain when he admits that he doesn’t know much about the mortal plane and he has nowhere to go, and he lights up with a combination of relief and genuine shock and awe when Duff offers to take him home with him.  
So they get back in the car and drive home, where Duff runs Slash a bath, helps clean up the blood and soot (sure, Slash could probably handle it himself but Duff is firmly in mother hen mode), gives him some comfortable clothes to wear (seeing Slash wearing his softest t-shirt and a pair of tiny shorts is almost too much for Duff) and something warm to eat (as an immortal demon, Slash has never eaten real food before and frankly it’s life-changing – this tastes so much better than dick. He might cry. Duff now understands why he’s so thin).  
When it’s time to go to bed, Slash is uncertain.  He’s been in people’s beds before, though he’s never actually slept in one.  In Hell he had a little place to sleep but nothing like the homes that humans have.  Duff offers Slash the options of the bed and the couch.  Slash cautiously clarifies that Duff doesn’t want to have sex with him? “Oh no, I couldn’t.”  Slash looks confused and a little uncomfortable.  “I mean, of course I think you’re attractive, shit you’re the most beautiful – Uh, but you said earlier that you didn’t want to do that anymore, I would never ask you to.  I didn’t offer to help because I wanted something in return.”  
Slash stares at him.  “Duff, you must have the kindest soul in this realm.”  Duff tries to deflect (of course he doesn’t have the kindest soul that’s ridiculous, all he did was offer a little help, anyone could have), but Slash just looks at him affectionately.  “And the prettiest face.  I might be done with seduction, but with you, I wouldn’t mind.”  Duff can’t even comprehend that Slash of all people could find him beautiful with his scars and his terrible dye job and all the other things he’s secretly insecure about. Instead he focuses on the last thing Slash said, “I wouldn’t mind” isn’t exactly an enthusiastic come on so Duff will stand by his vow not to fuck Slash.  
Duff helps Slash make a little nest of blankets on the couch and then they both go to bed.  In the morning, Duff wakes up first, so he tries to very quietly put together breakfast without waking Slash in the tiny apartment.  They spend the rest of the weekend trying to acclimate Slash to living with mortals – it’s quite a learning curve.  Slash needs lots of help with things, but Duff doesn’t mind at all, and by the time Monday comes around, he feels confident that Slash can mind himself in the apartment for a while when Duff is at work.  Slash is very impressed that Duff has a job and earns money, but he’s also a little nervous to be alone – he wakes up early to send Duff off with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Duff is entirely distracted through his whole shift.  
When Duff gets home, Slash announces that he missed him, then starts excitedly telling Duff about his day: It was so quiet, he’s never experienced that before! There were animals on the TV for a while before it changed to people talking about things! He looked out the window for two hours and at one point he saw a man drop his sandwich across the street and it reminded him of Hell!
Over the course of that week, Slash has no trouble keeping himself entertained when Duff is out.  He systematically attacks Duff’s music collection, takes up guitar, starts writing down notes about humanity in a little notebook (Duff finds it open one day, and reads a couple hilariously endearing entries).  He also discovers porn, and is immediately obsessed with it.  So many ways to have sex, and he gets to choose what to watch or look at whenever he wants!  Duff soon learns that Slash has very diverse and somewhat unusual tastes in erotica.
But when Duff comes home, all of Slash’s attention is on him.  He loves to tell Duff about his day, and is completely engrossed in whatever Duff has to say in return.  He continues to candidly compliment Duff, usually something along the lines of being extremely kind and intelligent and beautiful, and Duff continues to deflect cover up his insecurity.  Slash is completely open about his adoration of Duff, but Duff can’t even begin to accept it, so he just pretends it doesn’t exist.  Meanwhile Duff is at least a bit in love with Slash but still convinced that he’s not ever going to do anything about it.
Eventually, Duff’s friends are wondering why they haven’t seem him for almost a week.  Duff brings Slash along to the bar and introduces him to Axl, Izzy, and Steven.  The guys all give Duff a look when they meet Slash – How did one of us ever manage to land someone like that?  Slash gets along well with Duff’s friends; he’s still working on the whole acting-like-a-human thing and they can tell when his behavior is a little off, but they trust Duff’s judgement so they try to be welcoming.  
Duff, however, is not having a good time.  Sure, it’s nice to see Slash doing so well, but all of the insecurities he’s been repressing over the past week are resurfacing all at once.  Just standing next to Slash in public is stressing him out, he can’t stop imagining that everyone around them is judging him, thinking that Slash is way out of his league.  He’s certain he wouldn’t mind so much if he wasn’t so helplessly gone for Slash – now he’s also worried that Slash will realize that there’s plenty of people in the world who are way better than Duff.
Duff excuses himself to the restroom, and a minute later Axl follows and corners him by the sinks.  “Where the everliving fuck did you find this kid? And why the fuck are you just sitting there like a stiff corpse when he’s all over you??”  Axl has always been a confidant for him, so Duff starts to explain how he’s been feeling over the past week, leaving out the bit about demons and hellhounds.  “Duff, you dumb fuck, it’s obvious to anyone with two working brain cells that Slash thinks you’re God.  Enough of this you-don’t-deserve-it bullshit, just make your move!"
They return to the table, where the rest have paid off their tabs and gotten ready to move on to the next bar of the night. “Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Duff says, ostensibly to the group but mostly to Slash.  Then, with his heart pounding and palms sweating, he leans in to give Slash a completely casual peck on the cheek.  
Slash lights up like the sun and immediately latches on to Duff’s arm and leans his head on his shoulder.  He doesn’t let go for even a second as they hit the next bar, and the one after that, and then finally head home and curl up together on the couch.
(holy shit that was way longer than I thought it would be. tagging @fan-with-issues. have a good night folks.)
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amplesalty · 5 years
Day 7 - Village of the Damned (1960)
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Now you’re thinking “I hope that’s shepherd’s pie in my knickers.”
Some time ago in...*reads notes* 2013? Blimey, time flies. But yes, in my 2013 post on Children of the Corn, I made a vauge allusion to this movie by way of the parody in The Simpsons episode ‘Wild Barts Can’t Be Broken’ in which the kids of Springfield start revealing all the dirty little secrets of the adults. Now it’s time to fulfil the promise of that day by finally watching this movie.
I’ll be up front and say that I really, really liked it. Being of the time it was made and it being set it this small, English village lends it this quaintness that juxtaposes well once shit starts going down.
Actually, this sort of links back to Children of the Corn again because the opening here has the apparent look of a total loss of all adult life. Not quite that bad though, as we come to learn. As dramatic as that sounds though, there’s almost a sort of charm to it?
I think it’s the local army force that is trying to investigate, just the way they’re experimenting, it’s almost amusing in it’s way. Like when they get a canary on a pole to try and establish where the borderline is. That seems really weird to be that this phenomenon just arbitrarily stops at a certain point and you can paint a line on the ground like ‘Anyone beyond this point get’s KO’d’. It’s amusing up to the point when they start flying planes overhead to get a bird’s eye view of the village. I think that idea was doomed from the start.
People do start coming round eventually so it’s only a little, temporary blackout. It’s kinda like that show, FlashForward, only without the futuresight. Does anyone remember that show? You know what these get instead? Pregnant.
Yeah, every woman capable of rearing a child suddenly finds themselves pregnant. For some of our lead characters, this is a wonderful moment but for near enough everyone else we see, not so much. It’s neat to see something you think would be joyous twisted to be this quite dark moment. You’ve got teenage girls facing the prospect of being shamed into oblivion no matter how much they protest their innocence. This was probably still a time when you would be banished from your family for getting up the duff at such an age. Then you’ve got one woman whose husband comes home from a year of working away to find his missus is with child, of course that’s going to look dodgy. Who do you think you are, love, the Virgin Mary?
There just seems to be this general unease and suspicion around the village, really gives the movie an atmosphere. And rightly so too, it is really, really odd that 30 women from the same village would become pregnant at the exact same time. The odds on that must be phenomenal.
Not just the conception is weird, their development is alarming as well. The fetuses developing quicker than normal and, when they’re born, they’re soon capable of unheard of at such a young age. It’s like a hive mind where if one child learns something, they all know it.
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Which leads to a demonstration when one of the children is given an Oriental puzzle box to open. I knew it, this is just that Cenobite cult again, isn’t it? Always looking for a way to resurrect pinhead. It was bad enough when that doctor kept that one girl around to solve the puzzle box, never mind making thirty of them. One of the ‘normal’ kids wants his turn with the puzzle box and...
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HOLY SHIT! I can’t even begin to tell you how creepy these kids are. Maybe it’s the demon eyes, the editing that leaves them completely still during the eye effect, the way they all dress the same, their weird hair or the fact they’re all of a bunch of Aryan race motherfuckers. We learn later on that more of these childbirths are happening elsewhere around the world and it’s heavily implied that the Eskimo people were having none of this and just killed them all.
There’s just something really chilling about how well spoken but utterly cold and emotionless they are. They seem to quickly understand how powerful they are and that nothing can be done to stop them and it’s almost like they’re rubbing that in people’s faces. There’s this intense foreboding to them, like this inevitable force that you’re powerless to stop. Those Spanish kids in ‘Who Can Kill a Child?’ had to play it cute and bring out the puppy dog eyes to try and stop the protagonist from escaping. These kids here will just make you turn the gun on yourself if you get in their way.
It makes me reflect on Vampires a little bit actually. Even though you’ve got this super vampire on the urge of creating day walkers, it just felt like there was weight or stakes (no pun intended) to the thing. Here, you see how much this tiny village is shaken by their arrival, just imagine what things will be like when they talk about spreading out and that there are pockets of them in existence elsewhere in the world.
As well as a sequel, this also had a remake in the mid 90’s, directed by one John Carpenter. Potential 2020 foreshadowing ahoy!
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balfuset · 7 years
Mass Effect Andromeda - A Review. Kind of..
So, after a five day weekend of no-lifing Mass Effect Andromeda - and seeing a few friends expressing concerns about it - I feel I am properly equipped to give my verdict without the initial squee factor of fanboyism, so, here goes.
Andromeda is shaping up to be my favourite of the Mass Effect games. Now, that might sound like fanboyism, but hear me out those of you who are going to tell me that ME2 was the best of the series and cannot be topped!
Now, as some may or may not know, MEA was put together by the guys and gals over at Bioware Montreal, previously a 'backup' studio of sorts to the main Bioware studio in Edmonton. Bioware Montreal was also responsible for the Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3 - which aside from Citadel was actually my favourite addition to that game.
Mass Effect Andromeda is Montreal's first 'full' game, though that doesn't mean that they passed the thing off to the B team, it certainly doesn't feel like it!
Andromeda's opening is almost as strong of that of Mass Effect 2, and that's no mean feat considering we had a whole game to get to know Shepard and co, and seeing Shepard die and the Normandy get destroyed at the beginning of ME2 really hit home for a lot of people, myself included.
Despite Andromeda having a whole new cast of characters they manage to get you invested in them from the beginning, and so the events of the first couple of hours of the game hit, and they hit hard.
The writing, in my opinion, is fantastic. It's less riddled with a lot of the cringeworthy, cheesetastic lines we're used to from previous Bioware titles, I remember several groaners throughout the Mass Effect series and haven't really encountered many in my 20+ hours in MEA so far.
Bioware have taken a lot of the things from the trilogy and Dragon Age Inquisition and improved upon them. I think the galaxy exploration part of the game is the smoothest and least soul-crushing version yet. No stupid planet scanning mini-game, no fuel or probe limitations, and no dreary planetary maps.
I have yet to meet a duff character, especially amidst my crew or squadmates. Mass Effect had Ashley and Kaiden, 2 had Miranda, Jacob and the Cerberus peeps in general, 3 had Vega and Javik. I actually like all of my squadmates, even Liam and Cora, who I can see as the two that most people might find the most bland and uninteresting. Sure they have some 'defining' character traits - which I won't spoil - but they at least have character, which is more than I can say for some.
So far, the main plot is tight, and the missions are... intense. Without spoiling too much, I had Collector ship flashbacks during the 'end of Act 1' mission and the decision to be made was TOUGH, at least for me.
Generally speaking the plot is a lot better paced than the previous games of the series too, and, in fact, of Bioware games and even RPGs in general. The original Mass Effet trilogy, Dragon Age 1 and Inquisition and Skyrim all suffer from one blinding problem - there's meant to be this huge sense of urgency of 'holy shit everything's fucked if I don't do this RIGHT NOW!' until you realise that everything is on hold while you pick flowers, scan planets and do whatever other shit you want, which takes you out of the moment.
Andromeda doesn't have that problem, and in many ways I think that's for two reasons - one, the main story arc feels like a slow burn (this is a good thing, by the way) and it feels like you can take time to prepare yourself and ensure the Initiative and your outposts are settled before you move on. Two - the stuff you're otherwise doing is interesting, contextual, and rewarding. Side quests on the various planets are just as narratively important in their own way - being the Pathfinder, helping the Initiative make the best of a bad situation and try and turn Heleus into a home. Are there MMO-style fetch quests? Sure, but they fit into the context of the situations on the planets in which they take place, and they tend to happen AFTER you've done the interesting quests that let you set up your outpost or presence on a world in the first place - where it becomes your colonists needing your help with the stuff they don't have the resources or training to do themselves - whether it be because of outside threats or otherwise.
They make sense, and exploring the worlds between the quest markers is interesting.
Plus, the way quests can go 'On Hold' while you wait for more information or for a squad mate to do some investigation themselves breaks things up in a nice way. Loyalty missions especially benefit from this as it gives you a sense of the passage of time that other games have lacked. Loyalty missions in Mass Effect 2 were a very 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' sort of experience that hit you out of left field and then were done. This is not the case here and it works well, giving you a constant variety of things to do, and things to anticipate coming back to later.
Now, I can't avoid addressing the elephant in the room. The animation quality. This is what has been talked about A LOT in the run up to release, and... yeah, it's not 100% perfect. But at the same time I've seen worse. Some lip syncing issues, those dead, soulless eyes... after playing Horizon Zero Dawn it stands out. A lot.
Does it detract from the experience? No moreso than some of the weird animation glitches in something like Skyrim, Witcher 3 or Assassin's Creed do! Also, it's only really the human characters that have the major issues - maybe Asari too - the aliens are generally pretty well done, in my opinion.
Gameplay is perhaps one of the game's strongest points. Combat is amazing fun with the mobility provided by the jump jets and the variety of weapons and powers. The profile system is genius - as well as having an in-game explanation - and lets you switch things up basically on the fly. I tend to go between a Tech-heavy and Biotic-heavy style depending on the enemies I'm fighting and the general combat situation - and I can adapt if needs be. The Nomad is a great means of exploration and unlike Inquisition's horse, you still get party banter while driving it, so there's no reason not to. Gameplay and story tie together in a way that works really well. Power in Inquisition was a neat idea to show the influence of the group but I think it felt kind of arbitrary. Viability and AVP (Andromeda Viability Points, not Alien vs Predator ;) ) somehow feel connected because they're integrated into the story. It's introduced to you as a useful abstraction of lives, resources and the like in-game by the characters you meet.
This is a very long post, but I think it needs to be. Andromeda is a big game, as is expected with Bioware and Mass Effect as a whole, and I have a lot of good things to say about it.
I would just like to sign off by mentioning one thing, and that is Liam Kosta's loyalty quest. This is the only one I've done so far but holy shit was it amazing. It is not hyperbole for me to say that it gave me all the great feelings of the 'let's have everyone together' part of the Citadel DLC for ME3, where you're chasing after clone!Shepard with your ENTIRE squad in tow.
That's no small feat.
I don't want to ruin it for anyone else but it had be giggling and grinning like a madman throughout. It was fantastic.
Long story short? Andromeda has problems, but they are not deal breakers for me, and the good things it has MORE than outweigh the bad. I do not regret my purchase, and actually look forward to this trumping ME2 as my favourite in the series if it can manage it. It's already above ME3, and I loved that game - which I consider to be 99% of an amazing game with a sucky last 20 minutes.
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jaxl-road · 4 years
Scar Tissue chapter 1
Slash falls hard and fast for Guns N' Roses' new bassist. But Duff has some baggage in the way that they'll have to get past first...
Pairings: Slash/Duff, side Axl/Izzy
Warnings: Implied/discussed past abuse (non-explicit)
AN: Decided to post this properly here! You can also read on AO3   
Slash knew he was fucked the moment Duff walked in for his audition.
It started when Steven set the audition up earlier in the week. The band had been looking for a bassist for awhile, various people filtering in and out of the spot but never fitting quite right. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the rest of the band, their drummer had been eyeing a particular bassist. Steven had seen the guy filling in for various bands on the strip, but he always ran off as soon as the show was over. One night, he finally managed to catch the bassist before he could disappear, quickly explaining the situation and convincing him to stop by and jam with Guns N Roses.
Axl had been twitchy ever since the drummer told them about the meeting, “We don’t even know this fucker. You should have talked to us first,” he ground out, arms crossed and pacing tensely.
Luckily, Izzy kept him from completely losing his shit. He wrapped his arms around the singer’s waist to still him, “Hey, worst-case scenario we don’t invite him back. We’re not committed to anything. And we do need a bassist. Steven saw an opportunity and took it.”
Slash and Steven looked at each other and exchanged fake gagging noises. Since they were both currently single, they often bonded over teasing Axl and Izzy about their relationship, the couple usually just rolling their eyes or flipping them off. Before Axl could start huffing at them, there was a knock at the door. They were meeting in a small studio they had snagged so they could practice somewhere other than the Hell House where the four musicians were currently living together.
“Sweet, he’s here!” Steven jogged over and opened the door, quickly standing aside to let the bassist walk in.
And yeah. Slash was fucked.
“Guys, this is Duff!”
Slash gave himself points for not being too blatantly obvious about it, but come on, no one should have legs that long and lean. The bassist was over six feet tall, seemingly towering over the rest of the band. He was skinny, too, his ripped up black clothing hanging off his frame, tattered jeans hanging low on his hips even with a studded belt holding them up. Shifting his hold on the bass case he carried, he flicked his long bleached hair out of his face, revealing a darker strand underneath the blonde waves.
“Hey, nice to meet you guys,” he raised a hand in greeting, bracelets and rings and black painted nails giving a quick wave while Slash struggled not to stare at the way dark eyeliner emphasized his bright hazel eyes.
Holy shit, he was fucking smitten.
Axl eyed Duff suspiciously as he placed his bass as well as a heavy looking backpack down to the side, “You play punk bands?” he asked, looking the bassist up and down, taking in his heavy punk aesthetic.
Duff shrugged, “I play anything, really. I started out doing mostly punk bands, but lately I’ve been hanging with more rock and metal dudes.”
The singer hummed noncommittally, “Well, let’s see what you can do then.” They spent some time talking Duff through a few of their songs before getting themselves set up to play. Slash had his fingers crossed that the music would help get his mind out of the gutter. But of course, he had no such luck.
Duff was good. It was more than just his playing, although the ease with which he picked up the songs was more than a little impressive, and he had no problem working with Steven to keep the beats. Duff’s presence just fit with the rest of them in a way no other bass player had managed. He matched their energy, and could move and dance to the songs without missing a beat, unlike Slash who managed to fumble twice after seeing Duff roll his hips against his bass. He had to duck his head to avoid Izzy’s knowing look.
By the time they made it through the selected songs, it was obvious Duff was different from the other bass players they’d worked with. Even Axl had loosened up enough to grin and compliment him on his playing.
“It shouldn’t take long to get you caught up on what we’ve got so far,” Izzy commented, lighting up a cigarette, “But I think it’s a good match. If you’re cool with it we can make it official,” he shrugged.
Grinning, Duff nodded, “Hell yeah, I’m down. Hopping between bands was getting kind of old.”
“Aw, I can’t believe we've convinced you to settle down! We’ve made an honest bassist out of you!” Steven laughed, throwing his arm around Duff’s shoulder, the bassist flinching just slightly, “Everyone here owes me a drink for bringing us all together,” the drummer declared.
The group chatted as they exited the building, Duff laughing and joking with them as if he’d always been there, while Slash very consciously didn’t stare at his ass.
As they loaded up Izzy’s piece-of-shit car, Steven turned to the bassist, "Where do you live, anyway? We can give you a ride if you want."
Slash both loved and hated the idea of having to press close to the other man in the cramped vehicle, but Duff shook his head, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one casually, "Nah, it’s fine. I'm couch surfing right now, and I’m not entirely sure what couch I’m on tonight,” he exhaled a stream of smoke with a wry grin.
There was a pause, as the rest of the band turned to look at him. Steven and Slash looked concerned, Izzy kept his face blank and neutral, and Axl had a look on his face that those close to him recognized to mean that his thoughts were being torn in two different directions.
Noticing the silence, Duff rolled his eyes, readjusting his backpack and bass on his shoulders as he took a few steps back, “Oh relax, it’s no big deal. Life’s just a bitch sometimes,” he chuckled, “I’ll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?” Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel and began making long strides down the street.
Spinning to look at the others, Steven held his hands out in dismay, “Guys!” he hissed as he gestured wildly to the retreating figure.
Axl narrowed his eyes, his body tensing, but before he could turn the conversation into a fight, Izzy sighed, placing a gentle hand on the red-head’s arm. “Just… give us a second,” he nodded at Slash and Steven before guiding Axl a few feet away so they could talk in private.
“I mean, to be fair, our place is already pretty packed,” Slash pointed out.
“Oh please, we’re so used to living in squalor we probably wouldn’t even notice another person added to the mix,” Steven glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, grinning slowly, “Well. You would notice him,” he said teasingly.
Slash gaped, “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?” he hoped if he sounded offended enough he could end this before it started.
But of course. No luck. Figured.
Steven laughed, “Oh please, you were practically drooling over him! I’ve only heard you make mistakes like you did today when you were piss drunk.”
“Maybe I’m drunk now,” Slash argued.
“Yes, you’re obviously wasted,” the drummer rolled his eyes, “Actually, maybe this was a bad idea. Will you be able to keep your hands to yourself if he’s around? We can’t have you scaring off our bassist the second we get him just cause you can’t keep it in your pants.”
“Oh shut up,” Slash mumbled, blushing. There was no point trying to deny it at this point, “I can be a perfect gentleman, thank you very much.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
At that moment, Izzy and Axl walked back over. “Alright, let’s go,” Izzy stated casually as he slid into the driver’s seat.
“What about Duff?” Steven questioned, a look of betrayal on his face.
But Izzy only raised an eyebrow at him, “He’s coming too. We just have to catch him first.”
Snapping their heads up, Slash and Steven realized that Duff was, in fact, gone. They hadn’t even noticed him disappear. Scrambling, the two quickly hopped into the backseat of the car, slamming the doors just as Izzy managed to get the pile of junk to finally start. Axl sat in the front seat with his arms crossed, and while he didn’t look happy, he didn’t look angry either, so still a win.
It only took three blocks before Izzy suddenly took a sharp, last second left turn, the occupants of the car tumbling to the side dramatically. They barely had time to right themselves before Izzy was slamming on the breaks, screeching to a halt and throwing his passengers forward in their seats.
Meanwhile, Duff nearly jumped out of his skin when a familiar car skidded to a stop beside him. He skittered back a few steps, eyes wide as he clutched his chest as if he could physically still his rapidly beating heart.
Rolling down the window, Izzy leaned out, “Hey. Hop in, you can crash with us.”
For a moment, the bassist just stared, blinking slowly, “...What?”
Steven rolled down his own window, leaning practically his entire upper body out, “Yeah! It’s not the most glamorous place, but we can squeeze in one more.”
“N-no, guys, seriously, I appreciate it, but it’s fine, really,” Duff another step back, trying to wave them off.
Slash shoved Steven over, leaning out the window beside him, “Dude, it’s totally cool. Besides, this way we have the whole band in one place.”
Duff shifted nervously, glancing away from them and looking thoroughly unconvinced. Finally, Axl sighed. Opening his door, he stood to look at Duff over the top of the car, “Look, you said you needed a couch to crash on, and we’re offering you ours. You don’t have to stay forever if you don’t want. I mean, we are pretty big assholes,” the singer smirked.
Despite his hesitation, Duff couldn’t help but laugh, “Fine, fine,” he finally gave in. “One night,” he insisted.
“Uh huh, sure,” Steven grinned as he and Slash shifted to make room for Duff and his things. The bassist’s knees were practically touching his chest as he folded himself into the backseat, his side pressed up against Slash, so close he could smell the smoke on his breath and see the little red marks where his lips were bitten raw. He shook his head quickly, letting his hair fall in front of his face to hide the blush he was sure was growing. Steven snickered knowingly, and Slash elbowed him roughly in the side as the car started moving again.
Their house wasn’t in the best part of town, to put it lightly, but that was part of the reason it was so cheap. It was small and dilapidated, the insulation was terrible, the paint was peeling, and the whole thing was falling apart inside and out. But it was home for the four boys, and if they had their way, hopefully it could be a home for Duff as well.
Walking in, they stepped over empty bottles and strewn clothing. Izzy grunted as he gestured vaguely at the house, and Steven laughed as he turned to Duff, “I think Izzy hit his quota of words for the day, but I’m pretty sure he’s saying make yourself at home,” he grinned as Izzy flipped him off.
Snaking an arm around the guitarist’s waist, Axl spoke next, “We’ve got three bedrooms. Izzy and I share a room, so Steven and Slash can flip a coin or something to figure out where you’ll be bunking,” he gestured at the two musicians as he and Izzy made their way to their own room.
Duff’s eyes widened a bit, turning to face his two potential roommates and throwing his hands up nervously, “No, no, it’s just for a night, remember? You guys don’t have to- I mean, I can just crash on the couch or something. Or, or I could…” His eyes darted around the room, as if searching for some corner where he could curl up out of the way.
It was weirdly endearing, and Slash smiled as he cut him off, “Hey, it’s no problem dude. And actually, my room is bigger than Steven’s anyway, so you can just share with me.”
“Are you sure? I-”
“Dude, seriously, it’s fine,” Slash insisted. Steven raised an eyebrow at him, but Slash cut him off before he could say anything potentially incriminating, “Really.”
The bassist didn’t look fully convinced, but he didn’t argue anymore. Slash pointed him in the direction of his room so he could finally put his stuff down, and as he walked away, Steven pulled him aside to whisper at him, “Look, I know I was joking earlier, but seriously, please don’t scare Duff off. He’s a cool dude and a good bass player.”
Slash actually felt offended this time, shoving at Steven’s chest, “I am not going to scare him off!”
“I’m just saying!” the drummer raised his hands defensively, “I love you dude, but you’re one of the horniest guys on the planet.”
“Jesus fuck, I’m capable of being chill about it, asshole,” he growled, “I don’t climb on every person I think is fucking hot or whatever you think I’m gonna do.”
“Okay, okay, you’re right, I’m sorry,” Steven had the good grace to look sincere in his apology, “I shouldn’t have worried.” Slash huffed, and Steven grinned teasingly, “Besides, we all know you’re too shy to actually make a move.”
“Hey!” Slash shoved him again, but he couldn’t help but chuckle, “How many times are you gonna insult me today?”
“Probably a couple more times,” Steven laughed.
At that moment, Duff walked out holding two bottles of vodka, one full and one half empty, “I figure since you’re letting me crash here the least I could do is share.”
“Hell yes!” Steven smiled widely, “Oh, you’re gonna fit right in.”
Duff laughed, and when he held out one of the bottles his shirt slipped down one shoulder, emphasizing his smooth, pale collar bones. Slash swallowed thickly. He meant what he told Steven; he could handle this.
He just might have to take a few more cold showers than usual.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
The Dare
A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 9: Goodbye
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Chapter 9 - Goodbye
It had been a week.
It had been a week since Mags had last seen Delilah.
A week since she held Delilah as she cried into her arms.
“Hey Mags, you okay,” She looked up to her brother and gave him a faint smile.
“Yeah, just tired,” Steven watched as his sister lied and went back to her gloomy state.
They were supposed to be celebrating this morning. They were playing a Saturday night prime time gig tonight. This could be their shot, and they were treating Mags and the other girls out to breakfast, their way of saying thanks for help over the years.
Delilah remained quiet in her seat at the dinner. Mark directed Beth, Mat, and her to one of the tables to stay out of sight. They had just came from Saturday service, and Mark didn’t want to deal with the trash that spent their time on the strip. Only takes a couple of times being called a Jesus freak to become done with anyone dressed in heavy leather.
Beth was rambling on about her latest ‘culinary creation’, as she put it when Delilah saw them walk in. She tilted her sunhat to stay hidden and went back to pretending to listen to Beth’s story.
Delilah heard Duff’s laugh and immediately turned her head to see their entire table laughing. Delilah’s heart warmed at their smiles and cheers.
She wanted to go and join them.
No. She needed to.
She missed them.
She missed Duff.
She missed Mags. The girl who saved her and asked nothing from her.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Delialah said earning a confused look from her friends.
“Then go sweets,” Mark released his grip from around her waist and gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
Delilah got up and headed towards the bathroom. On her way over towards the bathroom she passed by Mag’s table and tapped on Mag’s arm. She prayed that Mags noticed and followed her to the bathroom after waiting a minute or two.
“Holy shit I missed you,” Mags tackled Delilah the second the bathroom door closed.
Delilah tightened the hug and the two remained hugging for what felt like both second and hours at the same time.
“So, just a tip. If you’re trying to be invisible, don’t wear a big floppy hat. Izzy immediately noticed you,” Laughter immediatly filled the bathroom.
“God, I missed you Mags. It might seem stupid but I feel like I can be myself when I’m with you. Did that sound as crazy out loud as it did in my head?” Delilah asked sitting on one of the sinks.
“If that’s crazy then we might as well sign both of us up for insane asylum.”
After a few moments of silence Mags added, “They’re playing primetime tonight.”
“That’s awesome!” Delilah cheered.
“Yeah...you’re invited you know. We miss you, hell even Axl misses you,” Delilah shook her head at the thought of Axl missing her.
“That’s a lie, he was a complete dick to me,” Delilah immediately replied back. Mags smiled when Delilah said duck. She had rubbed off on her.
“He’s a dick to everyone. According to Izzy that’s how he shows affection,” Mags held Delilah’s hands a she spoke.
“Wait...what the fuck,” Mags lifted up Delilah’s hand to see a ring with a tiny gem on her finger. Mag’s mind froze and looked up to see a gloomy face.
“You’re getting married?” Mags didn’t mean for her tone to be sad. She didn’t mean to insult Delilah.
“Yup,” Delilah sighed looking at the ring.
“What the fuck, weren’t you single a week ago?”
“Yup,” Delilah replied never looking away from the ring on her finger.
“Why aren’t you happy?”
Delilah jumped off the sink and turned to look at herself in the mirror.
“I hate him. Growing up I had a huge crush on him. I was even crushing on him two weeks ago, when our parent set us up for marriage he....changed,” Delilah was great fun that she was able to cover most of the bruise with the foundation that Mags stole for her last week.
“Then run.”
The words came easily off Mag’s tongue. That’s all they were, words.
It’s one thing to say something, and another thing to to actually do it.
“Delilah I...” Mags was interrupted by an elderly woman who walked out of one of the stalls.
Mags and Delilah looked at each other in terror. Mags assumed that Delilah had checked the bathroom, low and behold she didn’t. Mags wondered how long that woman sat in the stall silently waiting before deciding to leave.
“You know honey I know jack shit about your current....situation, but I’m just going to say a couple things before leaving. If you interrupt me, we are going to have problems. Understand?” Both girls nodded their heads as the elderly woman spoke.
“Now this ain’t the 1800s. You are a strong independent woman. You do whatever you want,” the woman said starring at Delilah, scaring the living hell out of her.
“And you! Respect whatever God damn choice she makes. Her choice won’t be easy, and for the rest of her life she will be wondering what if no matter what choice she makes,” the woman now pointed at Mags.
“Do you regret it?” The words escaped Delilah’s mouth before she even thought them.
“There isn’t a moment of my life I regret the choice I made. If I hadn’t made that choice, then I wouldn’t be the woman I am today, but young lady I’m not you. Only you can make that choice for yourself. Just remember you can only chose once,” the woman said before leaving the bathroom.
Several moments of silence filled the room before Delilah spoke.
“I’m leaving, park your brother’s truck a block away from my house. At 8pm sharp I’ll sneak out with what I need and find you. Don’t be late,” Delilah gave Mags a quick hug. For the first time all week she felt giddy and excited.
“Delilah?,” Mags froze at Duff’s words and turned.
“Duff, hows it going?” Delilah watched as Duff removed the arm that was around some girl and turned his attention to her.
She looked the same as he remembered her. Long brown hair and wearing some type of floral dress. She seemed off though, he wondered if she was limping.
“Good, my bedroom windows don’t open anymore, so it’s kinda hard to get out. I heard you have a gig tonight! Congratulations!” Delilah cheered as she hid the ring behind her other hand.
“You should come tonight, I...we all miss you,” Duff quickly corrected himself.
“She’s coming. I’m picking her up at 8 so we should be there around 8:30 ish,” Mags piped in.
“That’s awesome! See you then!” Steven cheered.
“Why is she still talking to them? Now they’re laughing!” Beth rolled her eyes at Mark’s frustration. The three of them sat at their table watching Delilah talk to some other customers.
“Isn’t that the girl from the photo? The girl you guys met at the bar,” Mat chimed in. Mark pulled the picture out of his wallet and unfolded it.
“Why do you have that in your wallet?” Beth asked while taking a sip of her orange juice.
“It’s a cute picture of her, look at that smile,” Beth shot him a questioning look before Mat took the photo from him.
“Yeah that’s totally her, Delilah is just probably being nice and is catching up with her,” Mat said passing the picture back to Mark.
Beth didn’t need to see the picture to know it was the girl from the bar. She recognized the tall blonde who had his arm around another chick until Delilah showed up. He was the guy from the other photos Delilah had in the bag. He was trouble.
Before Beth could stop him, Mark stood up and walked over towards Delilah. Oh great, even more trouble.
“Jesus, this is going to be bad,” Beth said as she remained frozen in her seat earning a slow nod from Mat.
“Hey sweets, you should come back to the table,” Delilah tried to squirm away as Mark stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Just a minute, I’m talking to some friends,” Delilah’s words were harsh and caught Mark off guard.
She knew what he was doing. Maybe he recognized Mags from the picture?
Now was not a time for him to claim his territory.
Was she really going to fight him over this? Mark shook his head and tightened his grip. He was in no mood for Delilah’s stubbornness. It was rude of her to spend time away from Mags and Mat. They were helping them celebrate.
“Come on sweets, we should go back,” Delilah fought off tears as she said goodbye. She knew that his grip would leave behind bruises.
“Who the Hell was that,” Axl asked the moment they were out of earshot.
“You just met the reason why we haven’t seen or heard from Delilah,” Mags coldly stated before taking another bite out of her burger.
It was 7:30.
30 minutes until she would leave.
She tightened her grip on the small letters she held in her hands.
One for her family.
One for Beth.
Delilah stood outside of Beth’s house waiting for someone to answer.
“Oh hi Delilah, I’m sorry but Beth isn’t home,” Beth’s mother said with a solemn face.
“Oh, I know. She needed me to pick up a shirt for her. She spilled tomato sauce all over her blouse, but you didn’t hear that from me,” Delilah explained as Beth’s mother let her inside.
“How kind of you to offer to go grab her a shirt. Thanks for being such a good friend to Beth. You two are like two peas in a pod. Did Beth tell you what Charlie and Edmond said the other day,” Beth’s mother had Delilah trapped in a corner in their small entryway. All she could do is shake her head no and let Beth’s mother continue the story.
“Well apparently they read a book about two elderly woman who were good at painting,”
“Oh that’s sounds lovely,” Delilah interrupted her in order to hopefully speed up the story.
“Delilah, you’re soon to be a wife. You should know that interrupting is rude,” Beth’s mother scolded Delilah before she went back to the story.
“Anyway the story was about two women who met as little girls, and were never apart. They were with each other through thick and thin. Do you know what Charlie and Edmond said?”
“No, what did they say,” Delilah faked her interest in order to not get scolded. She had a sinking feeling of where this story was going.
“They said the two women reminded them of you and Beth. Through thick and thin you two have been with each other. I’m so thankful that God put the two of you in each other’s lives.
“Me too, forever thankful,” Delilah said fighting off tears. God, she hated how much she had cried over the past week. She couldn’t break down in front of Beth’s mother without raising any questions. She needed to keep up the facade she adopted last week when her and Mark went on their first ‘date’.
Delilah walked up the stairs with a pit in her stomach. Was she a horrible person? Was she abandoning Beth, her closest friend.
She stood in Beth’s room and looked at the photos that were hidden behind her door. She found Beth’s Sunset Strip costume that she made for herself.
Was all of this because a stupid dare?
“Hey mom!” Delilah jumped at the sound of Beth’s voice.
“Delilah’s upstairs looking for a replacement shirt,” Delilah quickly left the note on Beth’s pillow, but she ran into her when she left her room.
Delilah hugged a confused Beth, and whispered, “I’m sorry,” before leaving the house.
Delilah ran downstairs and out of Beth’s house as fast as she could. When she got home, she ran upstairs grabbed her bag, and left the note on her parents pillow.
The truck was easy to find. Mags helped Delilah throw her duffle into the tuck, and soon they were off.
Delilah had prepared herself for running off.
She prepared herself for packing.
She was ready to leave her parents.
She wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Beth, her best friend, who was currently screaming at the top of her lungs begging for Delilah to come back.
Beth watched as the truck escaped her sight. Her running wasn’t fast enough.
Beth knew why Delilah had to leave.
Mark had changed, and it wasn’t for the better.
Beth wasn’t mad that Delilah had left her. She was mad that Delilah didn’t take her with.
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