duffyduffles · 4 months
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I have SEVERAL very sexual and inappropriate things to say
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itneverendshere · 9 days
you said i have to trust more freely - r.c series (three)
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requested here; (one); (two)
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (the duff inspired) word count: 5.4k
You hadn’t planned for that kiss to happen the other day.
It was supposed to be all part of the game, of the plan.
You just wanted to learn things properly. Right? But you knew, you had wanted it, and worse, you had liked it.
God, what the hell were you doing?
He was Rafe Cameron. Cocky, rich, your nightmare with a reputation that should have sent you running in the opposite direction. And yet, here you were, feeling the ghost of his lips against yours, wondering what would’ve happened if he hadn’t pulled back. If you hadn’t let the spell break.
"Focus," you muttered to yourself, shaking your head like you could shake him off too. You had bigger things to worry about—like Nate.
Remember Nate? The whole point of this was to get him to notice you, to finally realize that you were more than just the girl he studied with. You weren’t supposed to be getting caught up with Rafe Cameron’s sudden vulnerability or, God forbid, catching feelings for him.
You groaned, running a hand through your hair as you turned down the street toward your apartment. But no matter how hard you tried to ignore it, the thought of Rafe stayed with you for hours, sneaking its way back in every time you thought you’d pushed it out for good.
What was it about him, anyway? He was hot, sure. But it wasn’t just that. It was the way he looked at you sometimes, like he was seeing something deeper. Like there was more to this than either of you were willing to admit. And maybe that was the problem. Maybe you were starting to want him to see more.
By the time you reached your door, you had spiraled enough to know you needed a distraction. So you did what any girl in your situation would do: you grabbed your phone and texted Harper back.
You: Movie night better include wine. Lots of wine.
Her reply came almost immediately.
Harper <3:  “Already taken care of, babe. See you soon.”
You smiled to yourself, feeling a little better. It was exactly what you needed. Maybe after a few glasses of wine and some cheesy rom-coms, you’d finally stop thinking about that stupid kiss.
As you closed the door behind you and flopped onto your bed, your phone buzzed again. Expecting it to be Harper, you lazily reached for it, but your heart nearly stopped when you saw Rafe’s name instead.
Rafe: got your notes ready for tomorrow? or should i just show up and charm my way through it?
You stared at the screen for a second, unsure whether to laugh or throw your phone across the room. Why did he always have to do this? Act like nothing had changed when everything felt different?
Not that you were any better.
Finally, you typed back.
You: “depends. can ur charm get you through an entire chapter on portuguese colonization?”
His reply came almost instantly. Like he’d been waiting for yours.
Rafe: “we both know my charm can get me through anything.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the stupid smile tugging at your lips.
You: “let’s not test that theory. see you tomorrow.”
You tossed your phone aside, willing yourself not to overthink the fact that just seeing his name pop up on your screen made your heart race.
You were going to get through this. Nate was your goal. This thing with Rafe was just a detour. A very distracting, very complicated detour that you’d handle... eventually.
But tonight? Tonight was for your girls, your movies, and drowning out the chaos in your head with as much wine as it took to stop thinking about blue eyes and stupid smirks.
Later that night, you found yourself sprawled out on Ava’s couch, surrounded by blankets and popcorn, watching some cheesy rom-com that Harper had picked out. The glow of the TV cast a soft light over the room, but your mind was still elsewhere. Even with your best friends beside you, laughing and making snide comments about the movie, your thoughts kept drifting back to him.
It wasn’t just the kiss—although that had definitely been messing with your head lately—it was everything. The way he’d been acting, the things he’d said, the stupid nickname that you couldn’t seem to shake. Harper and Ava had a point, but they didn’t know Rafe like you did. Not anymore, at least. You’d seen sides of him recently that no one else had, and while you weren’t exactly sure what to make of it, there was something there. Something more than just the cocky rich boy everyone saw.
You sighed, reaching for another handful of popcorn, but Harper, ever the perceptive one, caught the look on your face before you could hide it.
“You’ve been quiet,” she said, nudging your leg with her foot. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Yeah, you’ve barely roasted this movie,” Ava added, throwing a piece of popcorn at you. “That’s not like you.”
You didn't want to get into it, “Just tired, I guess. Long day.”
Harper wasn’t buying it, though. She turned the volume on the TV down and sat up, crossing her legs underneath her. “Okay, spill. This is about Rafe, isn’t it?”
You groaned, covering your face with a pillow. “Can we not talk about him ?”
“Nope,” Harper said, yanking the pillow away. “Not until you tell us what’s going on. I know a liar when I see one."
“Did something happen?”
You hesitated, glancing between the two of them. They were your best friends, and you knew they only wanted what was best for you. But the whole thing with Rafe felt complicated, like more than just a stupid crush. Still, you couldn’t keep it all bottled up forever.
“Fine,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “There was... a kiss.”
Harper’s jaw practically dropped. “A kiss? With Rafe?”
“When did this happen?” Ava demanded, practically bouncing in her seat. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”
“I was scared!” You bit your lip, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks again as you thought back to that moment in the library, “He knew I never kissed anyone and offered.”
“Wait, what? Your first kiss was with Rafe freaking Cameron?”
Ava gasped, covering her mouth in shock. “He offered? What the hell does that even mean? Did he just, like, present his lips to you like some weirdo?”
You groaned, wishing you could shrink into the couch and disappear.
“It wasn’t like that, okay? We were talking, and it came up. I told him I hadn’t kissed anyone, and then he was all, ‘I can fix that,’ or something. It just... happened a few days later.”
“So, what was it like? Was it good? Did he use tongue? I need details, girl.”
Harper elbowed her. “Ava! Let her breathe, she’s clearly still processing.”
You felt your cheeks heat up even more as you fidgeted with a loose string on your sweater. “I don’t know. I mean, yeah, it was good, okay? Really good. But it’s Rafe, and now everything’s weird, and I don’t know what to do.”
Harper’s expression softened,  “Okay, I’m trying to wrap my head around this. You’ve hated Rafe for, like, ever, right? And now, all of a sudden, you’re kissing him? What about Nate?”
“I know!” you groaned again, throwing your head back against the couch.
Ava looked like she was about to explode. “So... do you like him? Because it sounds like you’re starting to like him.”
“No! Maybe? I don’t know.” You buried your face in your hands. “I wasn’t supposed to like him. It wasn’t part of the plan. But then he had to go and be all... different. Like, he’s still Rafe, but sometimes he’s—I don’t know, sweet? Ugh, that sounds ridiculous.”
Harper sighed, shaking her head slowly. “Babe, if you’re getting all messed up over a guy like Rafe, this could be a problem.”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered. You didn’t want to like Rafe. He was the last person you should be catching feelings for. 
“Guys like him? They’ll pull you in, mess with your head, and leave you confused as hell.”
“I know,” you said, hating how true that sounded. “But it’s not just that. There’s something else. Like, when we’re alone, he’s— I don’t know. He lets his guard down, and I see a side of him that I don’t think anyone else does. He's weirdly honest."
Harper raised an eyebrow. “You sure you’re not catching feelings?”
You let out a frustrated sigh, flopping back against the couch. “I don’t even know anymore. I thought this was just a stupid kiss, but now it feels like everything’s different. And it’s so dumb because I should be focused on Nate!"
Ava and Harper exchanged a glance, both of them looking concerned. Harper was the first to speak.
“Okay, maybe this is a sign you need to figure out what you really want. Do you want to keep chasing Nate, or... do you want to see where things go with Rafe?”
You blinked, the question hitting you harder than you expected. What did you want? Nate had always been the plan—nice, safe, uncomplicated Nate. 
It wasn’t just the kiss. It was how you couldn’t stop thinking about him. His stupid grin, the way he’d tease you but also get serious for like, two seconds, just long enough to make you question everything.
You sighed, pushing your hair out of your face, “This was a terrible mistake.”
Harper crossed her arms, studying you. “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Call him.”
“What?!” You sat up, heart racing. “No way. I can’t just call him out of nowhere.”
“Yes, you can,” Ava chimed in, nodding like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Here’s the test—if he picks up right away, it means he’s been thinking about you too. If he doesn’t? Then maybe he’s just playing games.”
You stared at them like they’d just suggested jumping off a cliff. “Are you guys serious? There’s no way I’m doing that. You're not serious."
Harper smirked, grabbing your phone off the table and holding it out to you. “Do it. Right now. Trust me, if he cares, he’ll pick up.”
What kind of fucked up science was that? Rafe? Liking you? It was ridiculous. There was no way. Not when he'd been with so many girls, kissed even more, and never gave you a second glance. You were just...there.
Your stomach twisted in knots. “What if he doesn’t answer? What if he thinks I’m weird for calling at night? What if I just— explode from embarrassment?”
Ava waved her hand dismissively. “If he doesn’t answer, then you know where you stand. But if he does... well, that’s another story. And I highly doubt you’ll explode. Just call him and see.”
You took a deep breath, staring at your phone like it was about to bite you. It felt reckless, terrifying even. But you were curious too—what would happen if you actually did it? Would he care? Would he answer?
“Fine,” you muttered, grabbing the phone from Harper and quickly finding Rafe’s name in your contacts before you could change your mind.
Ava grinned, leaning in. “Ooh, this is gonna be good.”
“I thought you hated him—"
“Call him!”
You hit call, holding your breath as the phone rang once, twice—
And then, to your absolute horror, it stopped. He picked up.
“Hey,” Rafe’s voice came through, “Everything okay?”
Your heart jumped into your throat.
You glanced at Harper and Ava, who were both staring at you like this was the most exciting thing to ever happen. You cleared your throat, trying to sound normal, like you hadn’t just spent the last ten minutes freaking out about calling him.
“Uh, yeah, everything’s fine,” you said, cringing at how awkward you sounded. “I just... wanted to see if you were ready for tomorrow’s study session.”
Lame. So, so lame.
Rafe chuckled softly. “You called me at night to ask about studying? I didn’t know I was that irresistible.”
You rolled your eyes, but your heart was pounding. “Don’t flatter yourself, Cameron.”
He laughed again, and you could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “Too late. Anyway, I’m ready for tomorrow. Was studying really the reason you called?”
You glanced at Harper and Ava, who were both nodding furiously, encouraging you to say something—anything that wasn’t study-related.
“Well... maybe not just that,” you admitted, feeling your cheeks heat up again.
There was a pause on the other end, and when he spoke again, his tone was softer, more serious. “I’m glad you called.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You weren’t sure what to say, so you just muttered, “Yeah, me too.”
There was another moment of silence, like you were both trying to figure out what to say next.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Rafe said, his voice a little lower, almost... warmer? “Night.”
“Night,” you replied, and then the call ended.
You dropped your phone onto the couch, staring at it like it had just turned into a bomb.
Harper squealed. “He picked up right away! And he was flirty! Oh my God, he likes you!”
Ava clapped her hands, bouncing on the couch. “I knew it! He’s totally into you. Nevermind what we said earlier. Rafe Cameron is into you. We were wrong. Scratch the whole 'he’s just messing with your head' thing. He’s definitely catching feelings.”
You scowled, “Where’s your backbone? Five minutes ago, you were all, ‘Rafe’s trouble, don’t fall for it,’ and now you’re practically shipping us?”
Harper shrugged, unapologetic. “Yeah, but that was before he picked up right away and sounded all soft. That’s different, babe.”
“Exactly!” Ava chimed in. “Nate who?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know. He���s... safe. And uncomplicated. Why am I even entertaining this idea of Rafe?”
Harper raised an eyebrow. “Because safe doesn’t make your heart race. And it sure as hell doesn’t make you stay up all night overthinking. If you were so into Nate, you wouldn’t be calling Rafe at night. Or letting him kiss you!”
You opened your mouth to argue, but nothing came out. They had a point, as annoying as it was. Nate might’ve been the goal, but Rafe was what had your head spinning. You groaned again, flopping back against the couch.
Sure, maybe he’d been acting a little off lately. Like, sometimes he’d actually ask you how your day was or show up when he knew you’d be around. You didn’t think much of it, though. That’s just how it was with guys like Rafe—he probably wanted something, or maybe he was just bored.
You huffed, feeling your cheeks heat up. “It’s just so stupid. He’s Rafe. He’s... ugh, he’s complicated, and I don’t even know if he’s serious, or if he’s just bored, or what. And now I’ve kissed him, and I can’t stop thinking about it, and—”
“And now you’re realizing that maybe Nate isn’t what you really want after all,” Harper finished.
You sighed, hugging a pillow to your chest. “What am I supposed to do now?”
He’d flirt, he’d flash that stupid grin, and then he’d move on like nothing ever happened. Why would you be different? 
“Easy. You figure out what you want. Not what Nate wants, not what Rafe wants. You. And until then, just... enjoy. No one said you had to decide everything right now.”
Harper nodded in agreement, giving your arm a reassuring squeeze.
“Yeah. Take it slow. And for tonight, let’s just not overthinking every little thing, okay?”
Yet, you thought about him all night. You’d seen the way he treated other girls. He’d throw them those lazy smiles, the ones that practically screamed I’ll forget your name by tomorrow, and it always seemed to work.
They all fell for it—why wouldn’t they? Rafe was good at getting what he wanted, and he never stuck around long enough for things to get messy. You? You were invisible up until recently. He only paid attention when he felt like pissing you off. Your friends had to be reading too much into things.
This was Rafe. The same Rafe who was impossible to figure out, who never took anything seriously—least of all you. There was no way he liked you. 
But the next day came way too fast, and you were paying for it. Hard.
You groaned as you dragged yourself into the library, sunglasses on like they were going to somehow shield you from the pounding headache.
Harper and Ava had insisted on one more glass of wine, which of course, turned into two. And now, you were here, praying Rafe wouldn’t notice that you felt like death.
As you slumped into the chair across from him, he immediately raised an eyebrow, “Rough night?”
You gave him a look, your head already throbbing too much for his sarcasm. “Don’t even start, Cameron.”
He leaned back in his chair, eyes twinkling with amusement as he took in your state. “Wow, I can smell the regret from here. You look like you partied with a bottle of tequila and lost.”
You groaned, rubbing your temples. “It was wine, thank you very much. And yeah, it was a little too much.”
He chuckled softly, flipping open his notebook. “A little? You look like you just survived a war zone. Was the study session that boring to look forward to?”
“Ha ha, so funny,” you muttered, wincing as you reached for your bag. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Barely.” He tilted his head, clearly enjoying every second of it. “I’m impressed you made it at all. Should I have brought a bucket? You know, just in case?”
You glared at him from behind your sunglasses. “I hate you so much right now.”
Rafe just grinned, unfazed. “Trust me, it’s mutual. But seriously, you need water or something? You’re about two seconds away from face-planting on that table.”
You bit your lip, knowing he was right but not wanting to give him the satisfaction. Still, your mouth felt like a desert, and the thought of anything cold and hydrating sounded like heaven.
“Maybe… a coffee?”
“Have you eaten?”
“Huh? No?”
“You’re not drinking coffee before you eat.”
You squinted at him, thoroughly annoyed. “Rafe, I’m hungover, not five years old.”
He just raised an eyebrow, clearly not swayed.
“Hungover means your brain’s working even worse than normal, so yeah, I’m pulling the adult card here. You need food before coffee.”
You rolled your eyes, regretting it instantly as your head throbbed harder. “Fine. I’ll get food after the coffee.”
He shook his head, already getting up. “Nope. I’m grabbing you a bagel or something.”
“Rafe, seriously—” you started, but he was already walking away, not even bothering to let you finish.
You slumped back in your chair, groaning under your breath. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. You hadn’t eaten anything since last night, and your stomach was twisting in a way that wasn’t just from the hangover. But it was so typical of him to boss you around, like he knew what was best for you. He seemed almost too serious about all this, like it wasn’t just about breakfast or caffeine. Was he actually… worried?              
He was being so over-the-top about something so simple. Maybe he noticed things you didn’t even realize were slipping—how little you’d been eating, how tired you always seemed. You didn’t want him to worry, to get so wrapped up in how you were doing. But the fact that he did… 
Rafe returned, dropping a bagel in front of you. “Eat. Then you can have your coffee.”
You blinked at the bagel, caught off guard. “You actually got me food?”
He gave you a look. “You really thought I wouldn’t? What kind of person do you think I am?”
“A pain in my ass?” you muttered, but there was no real bite to it. You unwrapped the bagel, taking a cautious bite, and, annoyingly, it actually helped. “Thanks, I guess.”
“You’re welcome. Now, once you finish that, we’ll get started on actual studying. You might wanna take those sunglasses off too. It’s not that bright in here.”
“Stop being so smug about it,” you grumbled, but you took another bite of the bagel, your headache easing just a little.
He leaned back in his chair, stretching out like he owned the place.
“Hey, if you’re gonna drink like that, you should at least have someone who can take care of you after.”
There was something about the way he said it that made your heart skip a beat. “Is this your way of saying you care?”
“Eat your bagel.”
You rolled your eyes, but there was no denying the flutter in your chest. Why was he always like this? One minute he was the biggest pain, and the next, he was sweet? You took another bite of the bagel, trying to ignore the way his comment made your stomach do a weird little flip.
Rafe just watched you, arms crossed, looking smug as ever. "I'm not saying anything," he teased, leaning forward slightly. "But you did call me last night."
You nearly choked on your bagel. "That was for studying!"
He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth pulling into a grin. "Oh, right. You totally call guys at night to talk about history."
You threw a balled-up napkin at him, feeling your cheeks heat up again. "Don't start with me, Cameron. You texted me first!"
"Fair enough," He caught the napkin effortlessly, still grinning, like teasing you was the highlight of his day. He was holding his hands up in surrender, but there was no hiding the amusement in his eyes. "Don’t know if it’s the kiss or maybe you’re just starting to realize I'm not all bad."
You scoffed, trying to brush off how much that actually hit home.
"Please. You're still an entitled jerk, Rafe. One kiss doesn’t change that."
But the truth was, maybe it did change something. You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since. And now, sitting here with him being all unexpectedly considerate, it was getting harder to pretend like there wasn’t something going on.
“So it hasn’t been keeping you up at night?”
“Why would it? It was just a kiss. Happens all the time, right?”
His smirk widen, “So I didn’t get your panties in a twist?”
You were going to throw a book at his face.
"You’re so full of yourself," you muttered, trying to act unbothered, but your pulse quickened.
Rafe leaned in a little closer, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face. “I’m just saying, it seemed like more than ‘just a kiss’ with the way you keep getting flustered. You sure it didn’t mean anything?”
You narrowed your eyes, determined not to give him the satisfaction.
“What do you want me to say, Rafe? That I’m totally falling for you? That I can’t stop thinking about the kiss? Because that’s not happening.”
He chuckled softly, leaning back again, but something shifted in his expression. He was still teasing, but there was an edge of curiosity now, almost like he was testing the waters.
“Good to know. Guess I’ll just keep doing my thing then.”
“Your thing? What, being an annoying, arrogant jerk?” you shot back, though there was less bite in your tone than usual.
Rafe’s lips twitched, “I’d hate to think I’m keeping you up at night.”
Ugh. Why was he like this? Why was this working on you?
You rolled your eyes, trying to stay focused on the whole reason you were here in the first place: studying, Nate, anything but this. But the way Rafe was looking at you right now, like he could see through all the walls you put up... yeah, it was messing with your head again.
"Can we just study now?" you grumbled, flipping open your textbook, praying the conversation would shift before your cheeks got any redder. "I didn’t drag myself here to talk about your ridiculous fantasies."
His grin softened into something more genuine, and he shook his head, finally relenting. “Alright, alright. I’ll be good. Let’s get started before your brain melts from that hangover.”
But as you pulled out your notes, you couldn’t help but notice the way his gaze lingered just a little too long. And worse, you knew your heart was doing the same—stupid fluttering and all.
There was something about this back-and-forth with him that was starting to feel... different. And maybe, just maybe, that scared you more than you were willing to admit.
As the two of you dove into the study session, you tried—really tried—to focus on the material in front of you. But every time he leaned in a little closer or cracked a joke that made you roll your eyes, your mind wandered back to that kiss. To the way he looked at you when no one else was around. To the fact that, as much as you hated to admit it, Rafe Cameron was making you feel something you hadn’t expected.
“Do you remember that bonfire when we were sixteen?” he asked all of a sudden.
You raised an eyebrow, confused for a moment. “Which one? There were like, a million bonfires.”
“The one where you dumped your drink in my face.”
Your hand froze halfway to your mouth. Oh. That bonfire. It felt like a lifetime ago, but the memory came rushing back, clear as day.
“I can’t believe you remember that.”
Rafe chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, it’s not exactly something you forget. One minute I was talking to you, and the next, I was soaking wet with a face full of—what was it? Lemonade?”
“Spiked lemonade,” you corrected, biting your lip to keep from laughing. “You deserved it.”
“Deserved it?” he echoed, leaning forward, clearly enjoying this trip down memory lane. “I asked if you wanted to hang out by the water. How’s that deserving a drink to the face?”
You rolled your eyes, feeling the old annoyance bubble up again. “You asked me to hang out after you and your friends had spent the whole night making fun of me."
He raised his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay, maybe we were a little rough back then. But I swear, I wasn’t trying to be a dick that night.”
“You were always a dick,” you muttered, but there was no real heat behind your words. Sixteen-year-old you had despised him and his cocky attitude. 
He smirked, “You were so pissed off. Your face was all red, and you were shaking with anger, like you couldn’t believe I’d even dared to speak to you.”
“You had it coming.”
“I probably did,” he agreed, a softer look crossing his face. “But I remember thinking, even back then, you were different. You didn’t take shit from anyone.”
You blinked, taken aback by the sincerity in his voice. “Wait, are you actually complimenting me right now? What is happening?”
Rafe just grinned, leaning back again, but his eyes stayed locked on yours. “I’m just saying, you’ve always had more fight in you.”
Your stomach did that weird little flip again, and you quickly looked away, focusing on the crumbs left on the table. “Well, maybe if you hadn’t been such an ass, I wouldn’t have had to.”
“I think that’s why I liked messing with you so much.” His voice was quieter now, more thoughtful. “You always pushed back.”
You bit your lip, not sure how to respond to that. The Rafe you remembered from back then was all arrogance and teasing, but this... this was different. It was like he was admitting that he’d seen you in a way no one else had back then. 
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching cut your conversation short. You glanced up, thinking it might just be another student passing by, but your heart nearly stopped when you saw Nate walking toward you and Rafe.
Rafe’s smirk faded instantly when he spotted him approaching.
“Hey,” Nate greeted with a casual smile, though his eyes flicked quickly between you and Rafe, “Didn’t know you guys studied here too.”
You cleared your throat, trying to sound normal even though your brain was racing. “Yeah, uh, just catching up on some work.”
Nate’s smile wavered slightly as his gaze lingered on Rafe, then back to you. “Mind if I join? I was just gonna find a spot to get some work done, but...” His voice trailed off, leaving the question hanging in the air.
For a second, you were torn. Nate was here, right in front of you—the guy you’d been chasing for months, the one who was supposed to be the plan. But Rafe was sitting across from you.
He leaned back further in his chair, crossing his arms with that signature smirk creeping back onto his face. “Yeah, sure, the more, the merrier.”
You shot him a look, silently pleading with him not to make this worse, but he just raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the situation.
Nate pulled out a chair, setting his bag down, “What’re you working on?” he asked, glancing between you and Rafe.
Before you could answer, Rafe spoke up, again, “Just a little review. Nothing too complicated, right?” His eyes flicked to you, daring you to answer.
You swallowed hard, feeling both their gazes on you. “Yeah, just going over some notes. We’re almost done, actually.”
Nate’s eyes lingered on Rafe for a beat longer than necessary, like he was sizing him up. “Right. Cool. I guess I’ll just... grab a spot over there.” 
“You do that.”
“Rafe.” you grumbled under your breath, kicking him under the table.
"You wanna grab lunch after? I was gonna head to that new sandwich place, and figured you might want to come."
For a split second, you hesitated. Lunch with Nate was the safe, easy option—exactly what you’d been trying to hold onto. But the way Rafe was watching you now... Nate’s invitation wasn’t just about lunch. It was a claim, a reminder that he was the one you were supposed to be into.
"I, um—” you started, but the words were stuck in your throat.
You’d just spent the last half hour trying to convince yourself that Rafe didn’t matter. That this whole thing with him wasn’t a big deal. But now, with Nate standing right here, it felt like your brain was short-circuiting.
Rafe stood up suddenly, his chair scraping against the floor. "Well, looks like you’ve got plans," he said, his voice flat. He glanced at you, before grabbing his notebook. "Catch you later, I guess."
Before you could say anything, he walked away, his footsteps heavy as he left the library. You stared after him, your heart doing this weird thing where it felt like it was both racing and sinking at the same time.
Nate raised an eyebrow, watching Rafe go. "That guy’s... intense," he said, his tone light, but you could tell he was fishing for something.
You forced a smile, "Yeah, that’s Rafe for you."
But even as you said it, your mind wasn’t on Nate. It was still stuck on Rafe—on the way he’d looked at you before he left, like maybe he’d been hoping you wouldn’t just go along with Nate’s plan. Like maybe he’d wanted you to choose something different.
"So, lunch?" Nate asked again, his smile back in place, but it didn’t feel the same. Not anymore.
You swallowed hard, nodding automatically. “Sure, lunch sounds good.”
But as you followed him out of the library, you couldn’t ignore the feeling that you’d just walked away from something important. 
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ayeyolooo · 9 months
The duff
You walked through the hallway with your two bestfriends. They were so pretty that everyone only paid attention to them."Hey mikasa! Sasha!" Everyone said as they passed by. You just kept walking. It hadn't got you because you really could care less. You know what you looked like at home.
"Okay guys I'm going to chemistry I'll speak to you later." You pecked the both of them on the cheek as they did the same to you. "Okay see you later y/n!" Sasha said waving. You just smiled and waved back. You walked into your class. Armin connie and eren all sat at one table. The three of them were your neighbors,they were so rude and obnoxious. Even through you grew up with them they all found ways to piss you the fuck off.
"Ohhh there's y/nnnn." Armin said looking at you. "Ayo l/n come here." Eren called out. You just ignored him and made your way to your desk. You placed your bookbag on the seat next to you since no one was sitting there.
"Okay you guys,please continue your labs,please put your goggles on." The teacher sat down at his desk. You placed your goggles on before you leaned forward to see your project better. You dropped the little tabs into each of the liquids that sat on your desk. You seen the reactions and you recorded them. As you were writing Connie made his way over to your table.
"Oh y/nnnnnnnn." He whispered. "Get the fuck out of my face ugly bitch." You mean mugged him. "Oh come onnn don't act like that." His green brownish eyes looked at you as his tatted hand went to your tickle spot and he stated tickling you.
You moved your body to stop him. you slapped him in the face. "Move bitch." You said in a laugh. "Mr.springer please have a seat." Your teacher said. "My bad." He said. He smiled and licked his lips before he went to go and sit back down.
Class was over with. The bell rang as everyone began to pack up. You stood up and you placed your folders and journals in your bookbag. "Mr.springer,mr.alert and mr.Yeager." The teacher called out their names.
"Yes?" Armin asked. "If you all get another f in my class you will have to repeat the course." The teacher said. "So me and mr. Longhorn has decided to suspend you three from the football team until you all pull your grades up. And you mr.alert im very surprised that you aren't passing your work." The teacher turned around and walked back to his seat.
You made a face like '😬' before you made your way out the door. The boys began to talk behind you as you walked to your locker. You opened it and placed all of your books in it that you didn't need.
"If it isn't the duff of her friend group." Eren said wrapping his arms around you. You shrugged it off. "The fuck Is a duff??" You turned around and looked at all three of them.
"You don't know what a duff is??" Armin's eyes widened. "If I did I wouldn't have asked dickhead."
"The duff stands for the designated ugly fat friend." Connie said. Your heart dropped. "I'm sorry what?" You placed your hand up to your ear.
"It stands for the designated ugly fat friend.." Eren replied. "That's why y'all's asses are failing chemistry and I hope yall gotta retake that shit too." You said walking to your class. "Wait y/n." All three of them said.
"It doesn't mean like your ugly or anything it stands for like I'm the less hot friend in the friend group that's all." You just looked at them. "I'm telling ms springer mr.Alert and Carla that y'all are failing chemistry and they gone beat y'all's asses." You folded your arms. They stood on the side of you.
"Aight now y/n you pushing it." You just mean mugged them. "Y'all leave me the fuck alone." You sped up. But armin gently grabbed your shoulder. "Okay how about you help us with chemistry and we'll help you look less like a duff?" Armin asked. You just looked at him.
"Unt unt get somebody else to do it." You said
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
more cockwarming w slash 😈
A/n: There's not actually that much cockwarming in this but I needed to write something today so I did, hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: Smut, cockwarming, voyeurism, squirting, fingering (f receiving), if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Slash could be clingy. very clingy.
It was your first time touring with him and they were just driving around in a van. Driving through cities was hell, driving through states was worse. It was long and flat and long and flat and it was getting late.
You'd been sitting beside Slash in the very back of the van but when it got dark you'd take your seatbelts off and do your best to lay down with each other.
You unbuckled your seatbelt but when you looked over to Slash he was pulling his pants down, his already hard cock hitting his stomach.
"What are you doing?" You whispered, leaning closer to him.
"Come on, it's been so long." He said with a smile as he stroked himself. "Everyone's sleeping, just sit on it."
You rolled your eyes, Axl was driving and very much not asleep. Although, everyone else was asleep...
You reluctantly took your pants and underwear off and moved onto his lap, sinking down on his dick and biting your lip to silence your moans. Slash shifted a bit under you, getting more comfortable and closing his eyes.
Despite the situation you managed to fall asleep fairly easily, only waking occasionally throughout the night from the bumpy road to find Slash wrapping himself around you in as many ways as possible. Even then you'd fall asleep quickly after, the thought of Slash stuffed deep inside of you.
"Oh, fuck." You heard Slash mumble.
You'd just woken up and everything was foggy. You heard some low chuckles and felt a cool breeze over you.
Looking down you saw the blanket Slash had over you had fallen and both you and Slash were completely exposed, Duff and Izzy who were in the seats just in front of you were looking back and gawking at the sight.
Slash had a fucking wet dream inside of you and on top of the blanket falling off he'd come out of you, leaving his cum to drip out all while you slept peacefully.
"Do we all get a turn?" Duff teased.
"Come on, Slash, gotta get even." Izzy chimed.
You felt Slash's hand on your thigh, moving up to cup your cunt. You glared back at him over your shoulder. "You look pretty when you cum." He said with a smile.
"Come on, everyone's horny." Steven called from the front.
You chewed your cheek. On the one hand, getting off in front of your boyfriends band was weird. On the other hand, seeing all of them getting off to you getting off made you feel special.
You guided Slash's fingers to your clit and he happily started rubbing the nub in soft circles. You were, of course, no exception to being needy and overly sensitive, feeling a hot ball knotting up in your gut before Slash's fingers even pushed into you.
His fingers moved fast and skillfully, hitting every spot that had your breath hitching. Your mind wasn't even fully on how good you felt, you couldn't get enough of the faces Izzy, Duff and Steven were making, all the soft grunts that were coming from them.
"Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh- fuck!" You moaned, gripping Slash's wrist tightly and grinding down on his fingers as you squirted on the back of the car seats.
You saw the wide eyes the boys had as they watched you, their jaws slacked.
Axl quickly turned off the road, the van bouncing as it went off the concrete. "Get the fuck out." He ordered. You stared up at him with a pout and furrowed brows. "You wanna cum on my seats, we get our turns with you. Out. Now." He said as he got out, the rest of them hurrying out as well in anticipation.
You looked back at Slash who had his arms wrapped tightly around you. "At least we can fuck whenever we want?" He said, trying to find the bright side.
You wanted to be mad, but Duff moved the seats up so you and Slash could get out. He reached out for your hand to help you out, his cock already freed from the confines of his jeans.
As you got out Slash kissed your ass and followed close behind, still clinging to you and refusing to let anyone touch you without him.
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Round 8 of The Hottest 80s Band Tournament
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Guns N’Roses 
Defeated opponents: ZZ Top, Pantera, A-Ha, The Go Go’s, Fleetwood Mac, Mötley Crüe, Hanoi Rocks
Formed in: 1985
Genres: Hard rock 
Lineup: Axl Rose- vocals 
Slash- lead guitar
Izzy Stradlin- rhythmic guitar
Duff McKagan- bass
Steven Adler- drums 
Albums from the 80s: 
Appetite for destruction (1987)
G N’ R Lies (1988)
Propaganda: “The sluttiest a man can do is be in the Guns’N Roses’s original lineup” 
“Watch this video and tell me slash doesn't have pretty boy babygirl swag”
“Whoo! Time for more Guns N’ Roses propaganda (and by that I mean an excuse to gush about Steven Adler, one of my favorite drummers/people ever)
First off, look at him. This is, and so cannot stress this enough, one of the cutest people I’ve ever seen. Ever. Look at him! (And also, he’s a drummer so he’s fun-size - he is 5’7 at most and at least some of you reading could pick him up)
And he’s one of the greatest and most fun drummers to ever live. I’ve heard maybe 3 other drummers who are as fun to listen to and who have as good of a feel for matching the actual emotion of a song (harder to explain with drumming, but even though they’re both love songs, wouldn’t do the same solos for Patience and Sweet Child o Mine - it’s the same deal here). The demo for Back Off Bitch runs laps around the full version and half of that is because of him.
Izzy Stradlin himself has said that he gave early Guns N’ Roses their feel and that things got weird and “nothing worked” without him (I swear to god that’s a direct quote). You know how hard it is to get a guitarist or singer to recognize and actually admit that? And he’s never made a bad song or sounded boring, and that’s really rare for 80s-era hard rock drummers. Even Tommy Lee’s had his weird songs and I can’t say the same here.
And some bonus propaganda before I write another five paragraphs”
Defeated opponents: Green Day, Earth, Wind & Fire, The Psychedelic Furs, R.E.M., Duran Duran, INXS, Depeche Mode
Formed in: 1970
Genres: rock, glam-rock, hard rock, pop-rock, pop, disco
Lineup: Freddie Mercury- vocals 
Brian May- guitar 
John Deacon- bass 
Roger Taylor- drums 
Albums from the 80s: 
The Game (1980)
Hot Space (1982)
Flash Gordon (1982)
The Works (1984)
A Kind Of Magic (1986)
The Miracle (1989)
Propaganda: “HAVE YOU SEEEEN THEMMMM???? these men never lost their looks as they aged. smoking hot 20 somethings to smoking hot 40 somethings. in their own words, "we was glam" and "we were all stunning". all four had impeccable style choices 99% of the time, from leather jackets and wraps to monochrome to undone blazers and ties to brightly coloured /everything/. Deacon changed his hair style every few years and even in just tshirts and booty shorts, never missed. Roger had a sleazy mullet and sunglasses for what felt like forever, hot Persian dad, did not miss. Brian forgot how to fully button shirts. bell bottoms. same hair for 50 years. no misses. even after Freddie got sick and started wearing makeup and had to grow a beard to cover up, MAN NEVER FUCKIN MISSED. he was beautiful to the day he died. and thats not even touching on the leather daddy look from the early 80s.king shit. we love wrinkles and laugh lines in this gd house. if they don't sweep I’m blowing this whole website up we was glam”
“a few years back i was obsessed with these guys and i would find it hard to not have a crush on all of them. in the 80s especially Brian was GORGEOUS.. BEAUTIFUL”
Visual propaganda for Guns N’Roses:
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Additional propaganda here and here
Visual propaganda for Queen:
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psych0-str1ngs · 9 months
Cockwarming- Duff Mckagan x reader
Authors Note: FINALLY have a duff request that makes me so happy like OMG. If you end up seeing this anon, sorry it took me so long but I hope you enjoy!!
Warning: Cockwarming, cussing, breeding kink, p in v, pregnancy mentions (UNPROTECTED)
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You were sitting at your desk, zoned in on the article, half-finished laying on the wooden surface. You hadn't even heard Duff walk into your little home office, until he came up behind where you were sitting and stood there for a second.
"Babbyyy," He cooed.
"oh my you scared me," You gasped, turning around in your chair.
"I need your help," He looked down at you, expectantly.
"With what?" You looked up at him with an eyebrow raised.
He looked down at the large tent in his pants, and then back to you. You looked down, discovering the exact problem he had. You rolled your eyes playfully.
"I'm still working," You dismissed him.
"Just sit on my cock," He said, turning your chair back around.
"What like, cock warming?" You blushed.
"Yeah I guess," He said shrugging. "Sit on my dick while you do your work, and then let me fuck you after"
"You sure know what you want," You got up and slid your panties down, now just wearing your skirt, and sweater. Duff sat down on the chair, pulling out his large member and holding it at the base. You turned and sat on his length slowly, exhaling deeply. Duff's hands immediately went to your hips. He turned you back to the desk, his hands kneading at your hips. Your breathing had slowed, but your heart rate had not. Sex was obviously was a norm between you and Duff.
Cock warming was a whole different story though, as much as you didn't want to admit it, cock warming was hot. Duff making you sit on his dick while you do completely and totally innocent activities, it turned you on. What didn't turn you on was the fact that when you did things like this, if you even so much as moved a hair, Duff would make you get off, and get on your knees.
Duff's hands started to roam, his rough fingers gripped your breasts, breathing into your heavily. He slid your sweater off, and unclasped your bra, letting your boobs fall out, his long fingers started to twisted your nipples as his lips pressed against your shoulder.
"Let's go to the bedroom," You caved, starting to stand up.
"No," He pulled you back town into his lips, you let out a little moan. "You have work to do, so finish it"
"But," You protested.
"No, no butts," His dominant voice spoke out. "You need to finish it"
You sighed and continued to work, just about 5 or 6 minutes later you were done. You immediately got off of Duff's length, and turned around to where you were sitting back on his lap, just below his length. You smashed your lips into his, your hands rested on his neck. Your lips moved in sync, Duff's hands held your ass, grabbing it tightly. He stood up, not breaking the kiss, you slowly made your way towards the bedroom.
Duff walked through the door frame, throwing you on the bed. He threw his shirt off and sat in between your legs, he looked down at you. Your eyes found his, you giggled a bit at how serious he looked. He leaned down to press on singular kiss to your nose. Even when he was feeling animalistic, he was still extremely sweet, if you weren't in the mood, he'd go fix it himself, if it hurt he slowed down. Total teddy bear.
"Ready?" He asked, looking into your eyes.
"Yes babe," You whispered.
Duff grabbed his length, sliding it into your entrance, you both groaned. After sitting on him for so long, you were both extremely sensitive. He began to pound into you, his hands gripped your hips tightly, sliding you back and forth on his length. You moaned.
"Fuck baby," He groaned lowly. "turn around and get on your knees.
You turned around, your ass lifted in the air. Your face pressed into your arm, that was rested on the mattress. Duff slid into you again with a bruising grip on your waist. He pounded into you, one of his hands twisted into your hair, tugging it harshly. You moaned into the pillows.
"Look at you taking my cock so well," He growled. "'m gonna fill you up sweetheart, 'm gonna make you a momma."
You moaned into the white sheets again. Your hands gripped them tightly. Duff had always loved the idea of you being the mother of his children. The idea of you with a big round stomach, and engorged breasts, it had WILDLY turned him on, he made it quite clear. You were surprised you weren't pregnant by now, considering how many times you had done it without a condom.
"Duff baby," You whimpered out.
"Yes princess," He panted out.
"Need it," You said, your legs shaking.
"Need what?" He slowed down, but his thrusts remained sharp and deep. "To cum?"
"Yes, please god, please let me cum," You moaned out.
"Fuck no," He gave your ass a hard slap. "You cum when I say you cum, do you understand?"
"Y-yes," You sighed, clenching around him.
Duff gave another slap to your ass, pounding back into you with a hard thrust. He groaned, whispering dirty little nothings into your ear.
"Doing so good, 'm almost there," He groaned into your ear.
With a few more thrusts, Duff legs started to shake, and hips started to falter. The coil in your stomach was burning red hot, you felt as though you were about to burst open.
"Cum with me baby, fuck," He cursed, shooting his hot seed inside of you.
You clenched around him tightly, releasing on his length. You both lay there, panting heavily. You fell on your side, before getting on your back. You giggled as Duff leaned his head on your bare chest, collecting his breath.
"Are you okay?" He asked, genuinely.
"Of course my love," You smiled at him.
"Mkay good," He shifted off of you, grabbing a pair of your underwear, and two of his shirts, as well as shorts for him.
He threw the clothes at you, you slid to the end of the bed, standing up. Immediately your legs buckled under you and fell back onto the bed. Duff laughed. He grabbed the underwear from your hands, sliding it up your legs and slipping them onto your hips, then he slid the shirt over your arms before laying next you, already clothed. You leaned your head on his shoulder and linked your fingers together.
"Duff," You said quietly.
"Hm?" He hummed, looking down at your face.
"Do you really want me to carry your children?" You asked, leaning your head up to look at him.
"Of course I do, I love you so much," He smiled lightly, his hand caressing your cheek lovingly.
"I love you too," You smiled.
THE END, if you see this anon, please enjoy~~~
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vinyldreamsfuckup · 3 months
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Warnings: drinking, smoking, fluff, banter
You were always known to be quite fiery. Most of the guys would call you stubborn and feisty but also incredibly hot, kind, and endearing. you found yourself at a t-shirt shop making a custom t-shirt for your boyfriend all because of something he said, and it all kind of clicked. Maybe you were quite stubborn and you definitely followed through on your pranks.
So here’s how it started, you were out on the road with Guns N’ Roses. You and Axl had become quite close considering you were dating Slash. And you two LOVED pulling pranks on him. Lived for it actually. This one might just be the funniest one yet. It wasn’t one where someone could get hurt or something like a simple jump scare. This took time and effort. Slash and you had quite the dynamic, always teasing and poking fun at each other. So when Slash said you were “getting old” and would “have gray hair soon” you took it a step further. You and Axl had been making fun of Slash ALL WEEK. Practically convincing the poor 24 year old he had gray hair. Calling him Grandpa, telling him he’d need hair dye and a cane soon. You realized you might have taken it too far when you’d seen him checking his hair for gray hair.
So all of it leads to now, you two had come up with a truce. He wears a specially made t-shirt and you’d both stop with the old jokes. Even though they didn’t even make sense because you were only 22 and he was 24, but it was beside the point. So here you were, standing in the dumb t-shirt shop in Ohio just hoping you finished soon so you wouldn’t make everyone late. You were making him a “World’s Sexiest Grandpa” t-shirt with the dot above the ‘i’ being his iconic top hat. And when they held up the first for you to inspect it, you knew it was perfect.
You stepped onto the tour bus holding the shirt behind your back. Axl looked over at you with a huge smile. Slash was sitting on the couch drinking and bantering with Axl and Duff. When he saw Axl’s wide grin he turned to look at you.
“Hi baby, whatcha got there?” Slash asked raising an eyebrow.
“Oh nothing,” You bit back a smile and kept your hold on the t-shirt. Axl chuckled.
“You’re being really suspicious,” Slash said with a small laugh and he stood up. He set his cup down on the small table that was bolted to the floor, “What is it?”
“Okay, I have a present for you,” You said with a smile. Slash’s eyebrows furrowed and Axl laughed even harder.
"A present?" Slash raised an eyebrow. You nodded and giggled slightly, "Well what is this present?"
You gently pulled the shirt from behind your back and showed him the shirt. Axl and Duff started laughing loudly and Slash's jaw dropped.
"Oh my god. It's even better than I thought it would be," Axl laughed out. Duff was wiping tears from his eyes as he tried to breathe through the laughter.
"No fucking way," Slash laughed and stood up. He walked over to you and grabbed the shirt from your hands.
"Is that his fucking top hat?" Axl asked through his laughter. You nodded proudly as Slash immediately took off his shirt and pulled on the new one.
Duff's laughter bubbled out of him, filling the whole tour bus with the sound, "Oh my god! It's even better with it on."
"Wait! Wait! Oh my god!" You chuckled and ran to the back of the bus. Slash giggled and lit a cigarette. He leaned on the small dining table and crossed his arms.
"Yeah yeah. Laugh it up. I think this whole "grandpa" thing is growing on me," Slash chuckled out. Axl and Duff could barely breathe as they watched him. The shirt was a size too small and was tightly pressed against his chest. You walked back down the small hallway of the bus holding a Polaroid camera.
"No. No, I will not be taking pictures in this," Slash chuckled out as he straightened.
"Oh come on. Don't be a grumpy grandpa," You chuckled out. He rolled his eyes.
"Fine, one picture," Slash said seriously. You laughed.
"You'll be taking more than one," You said jokingly. You brought the camera up to your eye and prepared to take the picture, "Smile."
Slash rolled his eyes and posed for the picture. He put his hand on his hip and smiled goofily. You chuckled and took the picture. Axl and Duff laughed and went to grab the picture as it rolled out of the Polaroid.
It turned into a full of photoshoot with Slash goofily taking pictures in the shirt that was much too small for him. You were so in love with him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you close to his chest.
"Are you happy now?" Slash asked. You nodded.
"I am," You responded, Slash set his head on your shoulder.
"So no more grandpa or grandma talk?" Slash asked as he raised an eyebrow. You couldn't help but smile.
"No more grandpa or grandma talk. Even if you are the world's sexiest," You said with a teasing tone. He let out a breathy laugh.
"God I love you," Slash said with a smile.
"I love you too," You responded and bit back a smile.
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The Duff drabble is soooo hot, I want to see more of this story! Curtis is going to take you to his place and make sure you never leave!
The DUFF 2
Warnings: groping, insecurity, dubcon, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
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How did you get here? It’s far from how you saw the night ending. You still don’t understand how you’ve come this far. His sultry whispers, his lewd words, it makes you want to run and stay all the same.
The flashing lights replaced with the yellow sheen of a single lamp. The hard splintered benches in the club give way to a couch you sink into, buried beneath his weight. His hands explore every inch of you, pushing your skirt to your waist, pinching and feeling the padding around your thighs, creeping ever closer to his prize.
You let out a wispy breath and push your head back. His lips tickle your throat, his teeth nip your skin, a growl that rumbles through you. You push on his shoulder, uncertain but he’s more than set on his path. He wants you and that’s nothing you’ve ever felt before. Genuine, raw desire. The kind that consumes. The utter and deep need to consume.
Your arms slip behind his neck as he raises his lips to yours, a hand crushed between your chests, squeezing and kneading, slipping beneath the cup of your bra to tease your nipple, flicking his thumb around as a ripple flows through you.
You moan and bend your leg around him, the cushion dipping lower beneath you. You’re trapped but it doesn’t feel as dire as it should. You never said yes, you never said let’s go, he just kept tugging at you, kept saying those things that made your stomach flutter.
He shifts, lifting himself slightly on his knees, pressing his hand to the front of your panties as your thigh quivers. You tilt your pelvis though your body seems to react on its own. You can’t help but let it. You think too much.
He rubs you through the fabric. The friction is hot but delightful. It enthralls you and chases away your doubts. 
You giggle as you think of what he said. You can tell Mindy, Stephanie, and Isla about this misadventure. You could finally be one of them. You’re more than just their hanger-on.
He hooks his finger around your panties and eases it to the side, the fabric catching in the crease of your leg. You squeak and clutch the back of his shirt. Your hands slip beneath and your fingertips gliding over his firm muscle. Oh god.
You whimper and dig your nails into his warm skin, “Curtis…” you breath his name, “wait.”
“Baby,” he purrs as he pecks your cheek, “it’s okay, baby. You’re so sweet. So sexy, aren’t you? Hmm, I’ll be nice. Won’t you let me be nice to you?”
“I don’t know…if…” you sigh as he nibbles on your ear. 
His fingers tickle along your lips lightly, waiting for permission. You don’t know that it really matters. Each time you hesitate, he overrides you with his determination. He makes you feel like you want it. Or maybe it’s that he makes you feel wanted.
Your hand crawls up his back, your other on his side. He’s so handsome and he’s hotter than any guy who’s even looked at you. And he’s sweet, in that quiet sort of way. This isn’t a bad idea, is it?”
He rubs you, slowly coiling your wits around his fingers, flicking and swirling as your twitch. You drone as he circles your entrance, as if taunting you, as if saying, this it. This is his.
He prods around, poking a single finger into you. It’s not so bad. You clench around his intrusion. Deeper and deeper. He slides back and in again. He repeats the motion as you whine and whimper.
He adds another finger and you squeal. Oh gosh. You feel so full. He curls both and rocks his hand, resting the heel of his hand against your clit. A pressure wells inside of you, building with his steady motion.
You moan as he buries his face in your neck, his hot breath dampening your skin. He shifts again and slowly drags his hand away from you. A cold emptiness fills you as he tugs at his jeans. 
You should stop him. You’ve had your fun. It’s too late, his pants are at his knees and he’s holding himself over you. He presses his forehead to yours as he drags his tip along your folds, wetting himself as he snarls.
“I want you so bad, baby,” he growls, “tell me I can have you.”
“I.. I…” you sputter as he continues to tease you, running his cock up and down your cunt.
“Please, baby, don’t make me beg, say it.”
“I know you can do it. Hmm, you can take me, can’t you?”
You bite your lip and shiver out a breath. You’re dizzy but you don’t think it’s the alcohol. You only had the one cocktail. You mewl as you grasp his side and nod.
“Yes…” you murmur and the word flickers on your tongue, “yes, I… you can have me…”
He leans into you. Just his tip at first. Tilting as he eases in then out, in then out. He doesn’t hurry, keeping a calm tempo as he groans each time he slides out.
He dips in a little further, back out again, then further once more. It’s a sensation like any other. The stretch is both painful and wonderful. You close your eyes and breath out through your nose as you whine between your teeth.
“That’s it, baby,” he coos, “I know you can do it,” he pets your head as his lips tickle your temple, “such a good girl for me.”
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duffslut · 23 days
Girl in the crowd
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Slash x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 902
Warnings: Fluff (kinda?)
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- Is she here again? - Slash asked his bandmates, they were just finishing getting ready for the show.
- She probably is. - Duff replied, putting on his bass. - She hasn't missed a show since the tour started.
- I say she's probably just a crazy fan. - Axl said. - I don't know why you're so interested in her.
Slash shrugged, but inside he was a little anxious to know if the girl would be at the show tonight.
The band came on stage and there you were, so close on the crowd you could almost touch them. You screamed along with your friend as they started playing the first song, as you jumped and sang along you felt like you were constantly being watched by someone, but you couldn't identify who it was.
The friend who had helped you get tickets for the tour was also a friend of Izzy, the rhythm guitarist and was also at the concert with you.
- Izzy told me that someone in the band was kind of into you. - Your friend shouted loudly in your ear, trying to speak over the music.
- WHAT?! - You shouted back, but you had understood perfectly.
- IZZY SAID THAT.. - She was about to repeat the sentence but you touched her arm.
- WHO? - You asked, stopping jumping and brushing away the hair that had stuck to your face with sweat. - WHICH ONE OF THEM SAID THAT?
- Izzy said it was the hairy one. - Your friend said. - Slash. - She said remembering the name.
You turned to the stage and looked at him, and to your surprise, he was already looking at you, a shy smile appeared on his lips and then he walked around the stage playing the guitar. You stood frozen in place, Slash was into you!?
You enjoyed the rest of the show trying not to feel so intimidated by Slash's constant gaze on you, and after the band finished the last song, one of the security guards came to talk to you.
- Y/n, Slash is waiting for you backstage. - He said, touching your back and showing you the way.
You only had time to look at your friend with a shocked and slightly scared look, before walking down the hallway alone, You tried to control your walk but you felt your legs go weak, Slash was waiting for you backstage. What did that even mean? What could he possibly want to say to you? Was it he who had personally told the security guard your name and asked him to look for you? Millions of questions ran through your head, but before you could find the answer to them, you were already in front of the door where the security guard had guided you.
You were about to knock when the door opened and a shirtless Slash holding a glass of whiskey greeted you.
- Hey you. - His eyes roamed up and down your body. - Thanks for coming. - He spoke a little slurred because of the cigarette hanging from his lips.
You were about to greet him when he pulled you inside, holding you by the waist and then closing the door behind you. You remained standing, trying to adjust your hair by tucking it behind your ear as Slash sat down and poured another glass of whiskey.
- I - I'm a big fan of yours. - You finally said something, but regretted it because you thought it sounded stupid.
He looked at you and smiled.
- I bet you are, sit with me baby don't be shy - You walked over to the old leather couch and sat down next to him, adjusting your denim mini skirt so it didn't look so short.
- I've noticed you at our last few shows. - He said and you were taken by a hot and pleasant sensation, you had never seen him so close, he was even more beautiful than you imagined. Slash offered you the glass of whiskey and you accepted it.
- You did? - You asked, finally having the courage to look him in the eyes, taking a sip of the drink.
- Yeah... - He said, and you tried to stay focused when his hand touched your bare thigh and then caressed it, his cold rings touching your skin making the rest of your body shiver. - You always seemed so sexy and so unreachable at the same time. - He said as he moved his hand up until it went under your skirt.
- Unreachable? - You said, already halfway through the glass and starting to have a little more attitude.
- Yeah, you know, your friend told Izzy your secret, and I made him tell me. - Slash said and you took his cigarette from his hand, putting it to your lips, he smiled, his face was too close to yours.
- What secret? - If it weren't for the drink, you would have been scared, but at that moment, you were aroused.
- You still a babygirl. - Slash whispered. - I can make you a woman.
You froze for a few seconds, Slash knew you were still a virgin at eighteen, you felt your head spin and immediately tried to get up.
- Stay. - He said, holding your arms and kissing you, you couldn't resist, his lips were so warm and his tongue knew exactly what to do with yours. - You want this, don't you? - He asked, holding your body on the couch.
You looked at him, his bright eyes upon you, his lips wet and his slim body absurdly attractive.
- Yes. - You murmured.
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he-goes-down · 8 months
For @duffys-girl CAUSE YOU SAID AND I QUOTE “Duff breeding fic when”
Break On Through (To The Other Side)
Pairing: Duff Mckagan x reader
- sorry if I’m not getting to the other ones quick enough this was just small enough to write rn -
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Warnings: smut, breeding, unprotected p in v.
Second Person POV:
“Oh honey…”
Duff low melodic voice rang through your ears. His blonde locks falling to your shoulders as he rested his forehead on your collarbone. He cursed as he entered you, no protection, this was your first times with no protection. Duff had dreamed for awhile about filling you with his cum and sweetly you having his babies and starting a family. He groaned as your nails began to claw at his back, he loved it when you did that, especially your whines as you took his full length. “God baby, you feel so fucking good.” You felt yourself push back deeper into the fluffy white duvet as Duffs dick went deeper into your soaking and tight pussy. “Duff…” you moaned. “Yes baby, yes, what’s wrong?” His head shot up in concern. “Do you want me to stop?” He said a bit frantic with worry. “I want you to cum in me…” you said slowly, your face burning a reddish colour and the rest of your body hot at the new feeling of Duff in your pussy. He stuttered a low shocked moan, your words made his heart race and head fill with the most sinful and lust filled fog. He eased back into you letting his dick go deeper. Finally his tip touched the back of your pussy, but he pushed more into you, letting himself bottom out and leaving no room between you two. “Such a good girl, taking all of me.” He praised as his kissed your neck sloppily. You moaned in your mouth, bitting your lip, just wanting him to fuck you. Like he could read your mind, he pulled out, not fully and thrusted into your sweet spot. You both moaned at the rough feeling. Sighing as his torso raised and he looked down at you, his hands now placed firmly on your hips. Your hands no longer getting to reach his back so now holding onto his shoulders. He thrusted back into you again, your moans getting louder as he fucked harder. “Fuck…” he huffed. Going faster and faster as you pleaded for him to do so. Your sweet areas now closer together, caressing each other erotically as his dick grazed on in your sensitive pussy. His dick twitched in you, you felt it more intensely and intimately than before.
“Take my cum.” He spoke. Gritting his teeth as his thrusts got sloppier but rougher. “Such a good, good girl.” He praised continuing his words with how much he wants to breed you and let his cum fill you. You moaned a whimper, clenching around him, burning with the rising orgasm in the pits of your stomach. “Fuck… Duff…” you whined, your sweet release inching closer and closer as ur nerves tingled and you body shook under Duffs tight grasp. “God… I’m gonna…” he groaned, not finishing his sentence as he shot his hot cum into your pussy, you clenched and came with him, your juices mixing together. He panted against you as he slumped down, his dick still in you, wanting to make sure that all his cum spilled into you. He kissed your cheek lovingly before pulling out, watching as your combined sweetness dripped onto the bedding.
Hard again at this new scene. No rest for his sinful fantasies. Asking you for another around. Going the whole entire night, not a single spot in your pussy that wasn’t covered in him.
“Such a good cumslut for me…”
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duffyduffles · 4 months
The fact I hit 100 likes because of my thirsting over Duff posts makes me giggle
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1-womanparty · 1 year
Of Course She's Hot
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Duff Mckagan x reader
Summery: Axl's sister was here and he was very serious about the boys not flirting with her. Duff was 100% sure that it would be easy enough, until she's finally introduced to them.
Warnings: Swearing, Axl in general (i kid i kid) lmk if I missed any.
I slightly rolled my eyes as Axl went on and on, hardly paying any attention to what he was saying. I know it’s something about his.. Cousin? Slash punched my shoulder a bit, looking at me intently. I glared at him, mouthing what. He gestured to Axl, and I looked over seeing Axl glaring at me. Christ, what did he say? “I want you to fucking listen. Do not flirt with my fucking sister!” He snapped. I raised my hands in defense, “I won't! Promise! Is she uh.. Here or something?”. Izzy groaned covering his face and Slash sighed. 
“Yes.. she's fucking here. If you were listening you would’ve fuckin heard that.” Axl said, crossing his arms. “Okay cool, I won't flirt with her okay!” I said with a soft sigh. “And don’t bring up anything about an ex boyfriend okay” He said getting closer to me. “Axl I fuckin won’t okay. I’m sure we won’t even talk much” I rolled my eyes. I don’t understand why he was being so protective of his sister. I’m sure she wasn’t all that cool anyway. 
  Axl opened his mouth to probably berate me more when suddenly the doorbell rang. “That’s probably her.. Remember no flirting and no ex boyfriend” He said, looking at all of us as he ran off to get the door. “My fucking god Duff, he was about to kill you!” Slash said with a small chuckle. I sat on the couch with a sigh, “Well it’s not my fault, he wouldn’t shut up. And I doubt his sisters all that anyway..”. Izzy shrugged leaning against the armrest of the couch “I don’t know, but he seems pretty protective over her, so just humor him. I don’t wanna spend the weekend at the hospital just cause you spaced out” He said with a small smile. 
Axl came around the corner with a smaller figure next to him.  “Alright and these are my bandmates..” He said, gesturing to us. I looked at the girl next to him. She was.. Oh god, she was hot. The rest of the guys either did small waves or nodded to her as I looked at her. She had basically perfect fucking hair, a few piercings and tattoos and christ those eyes. She waved at us, smiling softly. Of course she has a cute smile too, I’m fucked. I quickly looked up at Axl and he was glaring right at me. “Lets get your stuff upstairs first” He said not taking his eyes off me as they walked off. 
“You couldn’t have made that any less obvious” Izzy said with a small chuckle. I shook my head, looking at my hands. “God this is going to be impossible.” I grumbled, falling back onto the couch with a long sigh.
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gremlintheslut · 10 months
Advent calendar
December 1st
Summary: duff mess around with yns things and it ends amazingly
Warning: unprotected sex, p in v, cream pie, doctor x patient role play. Glove kink
Duff has been looking for extra toothpaste as his had run out. He came across the latex gloves yn uses when she dyes her hair. He begins playing around with them. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and  just as he was about to finish drawing a face onto one of the gloves he blew it was snatched from his hand.
"Duff put those away, your wasting them" yn said mildly annoyed before bending over still facing him to pick up all the gloves and pieces of cardboard from the box of gloves off of the floor. Duff puts one gloved hand on her shoulder and the other on her butt before gently pushing her to make her stand up. His hands then move to yns hips pulling her towards him before he moves them to her thighs to help her climb onto his lap. Yn happily goes along with it smiling as she climbs on top of him.
Her arms wrap around his neck. His hands move up from her thighs to her waist slowly as he speaks."That's no way to treat your trusted doctor now, is it?" Duff asks removing one hand from her hip as the other continues to travel to her waist before stopping. He slips a latex covered hand under the neckline of her shirt placing his hand above her boobs feeling her heart beat. "What?" Yn giggles her hand moving to play with lovely blond hair.
"Miss your heart is beating very fast are you feeling alright?" He continues his game looking at her with fake concern. Yn scoffs slight removing her hand from his hair giving duff a look that says "are you serious?". Then she smiles a little before putting on a fake look of concern herself. "Actually doctor my face feels hot and I'm feeling very tingly in certain places" she plays along as well as she can biting her lip as she finishes speaking.
"Your face does look quite red. Where do you feel tingly miss?" Duff asks his voice laced with concern.Yn grabs his hand and places it under her skirt between her thighs. "There doctor. God it feels so wet too, please cure me" yn whines hips bucking against his hand. "That must we very uncomfortable I'll fix you as soon as I can but I have no tools present so I'll have to use what's already available" he says rubbing her clothed clit. "Please hurry, my chest feels like it's gonna explode" yn begs removing one arm from around his neck to place her hand on her heart.
"I'm going to examine you. Take off your panties and lay down on your back" he says kicking away all the cardboard, gloves and markers.Yn does just as she was asked keeping her legs spread holding her skirt back. He follows her to the floor kneeling in-between her legs. "I'm going to start the examination now are you sure you don't want to wait until I have my tool with me?" He says fitting asking for consent right into his play. "I'm sure please find out what's wrong and fix me" yn gives her consent and he moves his hands to her pussy.
His left middle and index fingers spread her open. His right index finger swipes from bottom to top. Yn moans as his finger grazes her clit bucking her hips forwards wanting more friction. He puts his thumb against her clit and rubs slow circles onto it. Yn moans and bucks her hips more loving the pleasure. "I think I know a suitable treatment plan miss" duff says removing his hands from in-between her legs. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down to his thighs.
His wet fingers grab hold of the base as he shuffles forward. He lines himself self up with her entrance. "Treatment would be a lot more comfortable and quicker at the hospital if you wan to wait" he says yet again blending consent into his game. "Please fix me Dr Mckagan" yn begs thrusting her hips forwards causing his tip to enter her halfway before exiting her. "Anything for such a good patient" he says pushing into her slowly.
They both let out a breathy moan together as he hits the base. His thumbs returns to her clit before he begins thrusting. He starts slow before spreading up a setting a good pace. Yn starts pushing herself back onto him at the pace that he set. "Thank you doctor" yn moans a slight smile on her face. "It's my pleasure" duff chuckles. "It's mine too" yn says giggling a little in between moans. He grazes her sweet spot every time he thrusts in and it's driving her crazy.
"Are you close?" He asks breaking the unspoken game rule. "Very" yn whines her hips losing rhythm. "Hold on a little for me baby" he says pinning her hips down and speeding up. Tears gloss over yns eyes as she tries her best to hold off for her sweet doctor. "I'm almost there baby just a little longer" duff says noticing her extra shiny eyes. Yn bites her lip want to please duff as her tears finally fall and travel down to her ears.
"Cum baby doll" duff grunts releasing himself inside of her. Yns back archa off the bathroom floor as she lets out a silent scream. Duff places his arms on either side of her head to keep from crushing her. They both lay gasping for air on the floor.
Thanks for reading love ya💋-gremlin
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
No Nut November - Axl
A/n: The writing is going to get better in the other's I promise I just wrote this when I didn't have Wi-Fi and therefore autocorrect wasn't correcting automatically.
Warnings: Smut, no nut November, angst (it goes into self worth and stuff so if that's not something you're comfortable with then don't push yourself to read this :3), I think that's it but if I missed anything please let me know :3
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There was no doubt in Axl’s mind as he left the studio that night that he was going to win this bet and get the 100 bucks. It was just a month of not nutting and he was one of the only ones who didn’t have a partner to go home to, Izzy being the only exception. He was damn sure he was gonna be the winner.
Of course, Axl being Axl he was also a cocky mother fucker and went to strip clubs almost every night, watching as the crowd grew and grew as the days passed. When Duff came in after the first week and said he was out Axl saw just how easy this would be. He was shocked Steven wasn’t the first one out, but it didn’t matter when he’d be the winner whether he was or not, right?
Half way through week two and he was at this new club that had just opened up. It was on a tamer street, a few divebars around but nothing much more than a few stores that closed earlier that day. The club wasn’t advertised as a strip club, nor was it said to be anything sexual, still everyone seemed to get the memo that there was more to it than just sad drunks and a greedy bartender. That was all obviously still there, but so were nearly naked pole dancers!
He walked and saw the dimly lit room filled with people all coming to check out the new joint. There were fancy bars on either side of the room, tables spread speradically about with stages around, some bigger than others to fit multiple at once. No one working there was wearing more than the bare minimum, most were even wearing less.
To the young singers eyes this was heaven. He had a pocket full of cash and a view of wonderful things, all while Led Zepplin’s Dazed and Confused played over the speakers.
Axl walked around, trying to either get a seat or find someone to talk to. He happened to find both when he caught Nikki Sixx’s eye. The poor bassist was drinking the night away while some dick talked his ear off about something or other so when he saw Axl he called him over and, rather rudely, shoved the other guy off his chair.
The man must have been out of his mind wasted because he just kept complaining as he walked off, not seeming the slightest bit mad at Nikki. I mean, all around were hot people, how could he be that upset?
“What’re you doing here?” Nikki asked, happy to have someone else to talk to.
“Wanted to check out the new place, what’d you think I was doing?” He answered confidently as Nikki bought him a drink, a thanks for saving his ears.
“Yeah, but,” he started, glancing around the club, “I thought you guys had some kind of bet going on?” Axl took his drink and thanked the bartender.
“You heard about that?” He took a sip.
“Whole scene’s heard about it at this point.” The raven haired man said as he took a sip of his own drink, a jack and coke. Axl shrugged and set his drink down. “You lose or something?” His attention shot to Nikki at that.
“What? No way, so far only one out is Duff.” Nikki laughed at the gingers immediate defence.
They kept talking into the night until the bassist eventually got bored and went to find someone to take home for the night, leaving Axl to his own mind.
He watched the club, taking occasional sips from his drink. Amidst all the partying he saw many things, a girl yelling at a man, a break-up or divorce as Axl assumed, Nikki heading out with three girls on his arms, one already sucking his neck.
By far his favourite sight that night was this one waitress, she was gorgeous and wearing the skimpiest little bikini, or was it lingerie? Axl couldn’t get a good enough look at it, not from this distance.
He watched as you walked from table to table handing out drinks, chips and chicken, the holy trinity of a strip club. Every time you finished handing things to a table you turned around and waited for them to slip you your tip into the strap of your bottoms. One guy slipped in a ten and smacked your ass so you turned back and demanded a twenty, to which he happily obliged.
Axl loved the spirit you had, he hated seeing some other guy touching you when he so desperately wanted that instead. Seeing that you didn’t take too kindly to it made it all the better for him.
When he saw you coming closer to him, or rather the bar behind him, he took his chance and slid up beside you while you waited for your next tray of beverages and snacks.
“What’s a sweet thing like you doing working here?” He asked with that shit eating grin of his plastered on his face. You turned to him with the most disgusted face you could muster.
“Working.” You looked him up and down, seeing the expensive clothes he’d adorned himself in. “I see you don’t know the meaning.” You muttered. Axl looked taken aback by that comment.
“Don’t know the meaning?” He repeated in an offended tone. “I’m the lead singer of Guns N’ Roses, I could buy you and this club.” He declared. You side-eyed him, still unamused by his presence. He liked that look you gave him, it was a challenge, and he loved challenges. “When do you get off?”
“After your bedtime, sweetheart.” You bit, shooting the bartender a glare as if asking ‘what’s taking so long?!’.
“Oh, come on...” Axl groaned, scanning around the room. “How much for a dance?” He asked, looking back at you. The bartender came over and started making the drinks.
“I’m not doing dances tonight.” You stated.
“No?” Axl thought for a moment, seeing the drinks were almost done and he was running out of time. “How about your number then?” You snorted.
“I only give my number to paying customers.”
“I am a paying customer.” He gave his drink a swirl and took a sip.
“Different customers.” You picked up the tray and started walking away, Axl followed.
“But you aren’t doing dances tonight.” You didn’t reply. “Does that mean I have to come back?” He refused to let up on this.
You managed to slip in with the crowd and he lost you. He could find you and went back to his seat, keeping an eye out in case he could catch you again.
Hours passed, he was about to go home when he just barely got you about to leave to a room in the back. You were talking to one of the security guys there and he rushed over to you.
He reached for your arm when he got to you to get your attention. Of course you turned around at the contact, rolling your eyes when you saw it was him. He pulled out two 100 dollar bills and held them out to you. This caught your attention.
Your jaw dropped and you stared at the cash with wide eyes. “This, for one night with you.” He said with a smile. You looked between him and the money in his hand, chewing your cheek as you thought it through in your head.
“Rockstar, huh?” You mumbled, Axl nodded. “Make it four.” You stated, folding your arms over your chest and holding your chin up high as if you’d won. Then he pulled out two more hundred dollar bills.
“Choice is yours, sweetheart.” You were still hesitant but the money was good, and how bad could it really be?
Axl, on the other hand, was more than happy to be walking out of there with you under his arm. Best four hundred dollars spent in his life.
You got your jacket and bag and left with him.
“My place or yours?” He asked as you both walked down the street.
“Hotel.” You replied as you glanced down the street either way before leading him across.
“My place is nicer than a hotel.” Now that you were out of the crowded club you could really hear his voice, it was deep and already had your mind running. This was just one night, but you’d rather enjoy yourself at least a little, it was better than some of the other guys that had been hitting on you since the place opened.
“I’m not staying at your place, I’ve read too much psych horror.” You told him. There was a hotel not far from the club, since it was so close the two had a deal and all you had to do was show the receptionist a card to get a free love suite.
“I’m not into all that stuff.” Axl said, looking at you, his voice suddenly much more serious now. There was something about that look in his eyes that made you feel safe, but you just couldn’t quite place it.
You nodded and kept walking through the hotel to your room.
You went straight to the bed clothed in black sheets, red velvet comforter and fluffy pillows with a red canopy overhead and heart shaped rug underneath. There was a small kitchen in one corner and a smaller room that was the bathroom not far from it.
The only lights in the room were colourful LED’s and there was a grand window at the other end of the room leading to a balcony. And the best part? Speakers. What more could you want when hooking up with some guy who claimed to be in a band. Of course you’d heard of Guns N’ Roses, but you’ve never seen a picture of them, for all you knew this was just a dick. Still, four hundred dollars is four hundred dollars.
Beside the bed was a small table with a drawer. Inside was a bottle of lube, fluffy handcuffs, a silk blindfold, and a box of condoms. You ignored the kinky shit and grabbed the condom and lube, tossing them on the bed as you took off your jacket.
“We don’t need a condom.” Axl stated.
“Fuck you, you’re putting on a condom.” You barked.
“I-I don’t plan on cumming.” Axl said with a chuckled. Your brows were knitted together as you stared at him. He bit his lip and tossed the box back to you. You were quick to grab it and throw it at him without breaking eye contact, the box hit him in the head.
Not wanting to fight on this Axl just opened the box and took one out before starting to take his clothes off.
He got the condom on and turned back to find you starfished on the bed, looking more ready for sleep than sex. He smiled softly at you and got on the bed beside you. He brushed some hair out of your face, you opened your eyes and looked up at him.
“Tired already?” He asked. You nodded and rolled over, onto your stomach.
“Yeah, can we get this over with fast so I can go to bed?” You mumbled, drawing a chuckle out of Axl.
“Don’t you wanna look at me when we’re doing it?” He asked as he ran his hand along your back and undid your top.
“Not particularly.” Axl hated to admit it, but that kind of hurt. He was determined to get through this night so he could get your number, but also because he wanted to spend this night with you.
He got behind you and poured some lube onto his fingers before spreading it through your folds. You gasped softly at the cold feeling, it turned into a moan when Axl slipped a finger into you.
Slowly, he started pumping in and out of you, stretching you out as he went. You shifted around a bit but always kept your back to him.
Soon he leaned over to whisper in your ear. “If you feel uncomfortable you can tell me to stop.” He assured and planted a soft kiss to your shoulder.
He lined himself up with you and pushed into your cunt. His head fell back at the feeling of your gummy walls tightening around him, he couldn’t believe this.
He waited a moment for you to adjust to him before he started moving. You held yourself up on your hands but you were mostly sitting in his lap, his hands on your hips as he thrust up into you.
Noises left you, soft moans and sighs. Axl’s arms snaked around your waist until he had his right hand on your left hip and his left hand on your left shoulder, he had you pressed up against his chest. His mouth was right by your ear, you could hear every little sound that left him. His deep grunts and groans falling into your head.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty.” He whispered. “I knew it as soon as I saw you walking around that place... You don’t belong there.” His words had you blushing. Not that he could see... Not that you’d tell him, either... 
“I belong here, right? In your arms? On your cock?” You asked, not convinced of this warm persona he had on. He was still a rockstar, you told yourself.
“No.” Again with that serious tone. He brought the hand that was on your shoulder to your chin, turning your head to look at him. “You’re better than that place, and you know it.” His hips stopped for a moment, he wanted those words to really stick with you. “I’m not asking you to love me, I’m just asking you to let me take care of you so you can get out of here.”
You stared into his eyes, they glimmered in the moonlight spilling in through the window. You got off of his lap and turned to face him and sank back down on him. His lips parted in a silent ‘oh’ at the feeling of being inside of you once more.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding yourself close to him. Axl’s arms wrapped around your waist, his hands planted firmly on your back. “You’re really beautiful, you know that?” He said, blue eyes sparkling up at you, the smirk he had not long ago traded in for a smile, the corners of his lips curved downward as if this was a new feeling for him.
“You need to stop saying stuff like that.” You muttered with a soft chuckled. You didn’t want him to stop, not in a million year did you want him to stop.
“Why should I when it makes you so flustered?” He rolled his hips, drawing a soft moan from you. “You’re so cute when you’re shy,” you shut your eyes and bit your lip to muffle any sounds that tried to leave you, “when you’re blushing,” again he rolled his hips, “when you try to hide how good I make you feel.” He kissed your lips. You hesitated a moment before reciprocating.
It wasn’t the heated moment full of passion Axl had planned for. No, this was better than that.
He didn’t move any faster than what he was doing, he didn’t go harder either. He was enjoying the warmth that came from you, how you melted into him even after the kiss broke and you were leaning your forehead on his so every soft sound you made fell onto his lips.
“Hah~ fuck, I-I’m gonna cum.” Your voice was airy as you spoke. Axl smiled and brought a hand to your clit, rubbing circles against it with his thumb.
“Fuck- Such a good girl, go on and cum for me, let yourself feel good.” Axl praised. He couldn’t ignore the knot building in his own gut as he continued to rut up into you, all he had to do was ignore it. He couldn’t lose before Steven, he just wouldn’t let himself.
You started bouncing on his cock, doing just as he said and letting yourself feel good. You came on him, shoving your face into the crook of his neck as you did. Your cunt fluttered around Axl and he couldn’t stop himself from cumming into the condom.
You held each other for a long while. You were letting yourself come down from your high while Axl was mentally beating himself up for letting this happen.
After cleaning up a bit you fell asleep together, your head resting on Axl’s chest while he had his arms around you.
The next morning Axl woke up alone. He looked around the hotel suite, hoping to God you were still there, somewhere. All that was left was a note with your name and number on it.
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midnight-coll · 4 months
My name is ebony dark'ness lucifer raven way. Like gerard way, but we're not related or anything. Im glad we aren't, because he's sooo hot. I have long ebony black hair, like my name, with red streaks and I'm wearing knee high boots with a black mini skirt and sexy fishnet tights with a cut black top with cut off sleeves and my hair is in my eyes because im emo. That prep chuck or whatevr is staring at me. I put my middle finger up at him.
Im walking through a random foggy street somewhere in the midwest. There r murders here and its sooo Gothic, im a vampire but my teeth ate straight and white and nobody would ever know but ima actually a good vampire because the ones who suck SUCK. Its like if edward cullen didn't suck. Anyway i look over at the gotjic murders sadly and watch as the the sexy fbi agents ask the mother of the murder about... Vampires. When they turn around, they look at me and oh my god that's not an fib agent its DEAN WINCHESTER?
Dean walks over sadly and introduces himself as bill ward with his partner, geezer butler. I laugh sadly and tell him "too bad i know who you really are... Dean and Sam winchester" they look at me.in shock. "Im a friend of the sexy bobby singer too i know you" they both gasp mournfully. "Well if you know Bobby why don't we.meet up later and uh go out later." I smile and accept. Omg im going out with dean winchester!!¡!
Gothically time skips
When i go to my gothically shutty hotel i call bonby "oh my god dean is taking me out later" and bonby replied "i cant believe you didn't tell me you liked him earlier" "i didn't want to tell yoi bwcause you wouldnt believe me" bonby hung up the phone bc he had ither things to do.
Getting dressed i put on thigh high platform boots, a short black jean skirt, and a hoodie crop top with zipper in the middle and skull.hands on the front and the sleeves ripped down to my hands. I put on a chocker and black cross star earrings (a.n. if u dont know what.that is too bad, leave my story alone prepz xoxo) i put on black lipstick and black.eyeliner and pulled my bangs down to my eyes and shown the red streaks in my long raven hair.
Dean drives up in his shiny black 67 impala and when i get in i am happily shocked. Instead of the normal interior, he had painted the my chemical romance black parade album cover on the dash!! Maybe he is gothic after all, because when inlooked over to him he was wearing ripoed jeans, black nail polish, a chain necklace with black eyeliner on his green eyes and black boots. "Im surprised there is no Sam" i say gothicaly happy for it to be just him. He said and gloomily replied "Sam is busy being a nerd preo" i look at him confused. "Wym he is a nerd prep?? That's nor sam that's his weird gothelganger (a.n. get it?? Like doppelganger but goth?) Jared padeleski" "oh yeah, Sam is reading about werewolves and demons i forgot" i look concerned. "How could u forger about ur own brother??" He gothically says "i did a lot of cool weed before i picked you up, i brought some for you too" he stops and looks shyly under his combed forward banhs "if you would take some from me" i nod happily and.off we go.
"I hope you like good charlotte because that's.who we are seeing" i am so.happy, dean truly is emo now.
At the.concert we dance and laugh and make fun of that evil prep Hillary fucking duff. On our way back.he makes a stop ourside of the woods. "What r you doing???" I asked confused. He sighs and says "enoby, ibe known who you are for a while. Bobby told me all about you. I've lobed you for a while" i gasp "really!!!" "Really" he says gothifically. We get out and wander into the forest. He pins me against the wall. "Omg are we gonna do a sex" he laughs and smiles bwfore putting his thing in my thing and-
We stop and look up. It was.... Chuck? The weird guy? "Ur not supposed to be doing this dean! I have a headache" i look at him sadly, poor weird guy. Dean stops and says "chuck i know you wamt me but my heart belongs to enoby" chuck looks angry "no not you dean, her" i gasp. Dean looks angry "all this time i could have been with cas?" Chuck looks sad. "No the cw was too homophobic, you cant be balls deep in your angel. Not right now. You cant be balls deep in her either, she's mine" i stop. "Who even r u" i ask "i am god" i laugh at him. Dean looks at me and confirms. "Oh my god" i say deprezzedly. "No its chuck" says dean.
Suddenly Sam runs through the trees being chased by his gothelganger jared padaleski. Chuck gets angry and shoots the annoying guy. "Thank you" says same before he stops and says "chuck? stop trying to fucj my brother. When his gay love for cas reached through the veil of death and saved the day even though cas actually stayed dead.into superhell because of the evil cw it turned him gothic he's too goffic for you" chuck sighed and said "i know its not.him i want."
I stop and realize.that dean winchester and god are fighting over me. Same looks and says "wait, i hear someone else in the trees." As we all looked and waited and staired in comes... Bonby and.. Cas? But i thought cas was dead? Bonby speaks "here is the man who killed the cw sniper.. He has something to say" i look at him gothically "i am not your "cas" i am his gothelganger misha collins" i gasp. He says something about killing god and makes some metaphor about how he killed the cw sniper cw is god wharever i don't care but then.... Misha collins gave me a gun!! I wasn't.really listening to him, i was too busy thinking depressing thoughts and.i yell "im not killing dean u weirdo i lobe him!!!" Bonby looks at me and starts "you idjit" but then stops as one more person comes through the trees. It was jensen ankles!! "Jensen ankles??" Dean says "i don't want a gothelganger that.isn't goffic" Jensen replies "i will be soon, i need to reach through the veil of death for my own gay love" and he ... Shoots god??? "That's what i wanted you to do" mischa says before kissing jensen gothically depressedly i look and see dean looking jealous so i go and kiss him "im better than your gay angel anyway" and he agrees and then same and bonby are looking at each other depressedly and start clapping.
Prepz don't hate.on mah story okay??
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rockstarslutt · 3 months
What about some fluffy-smut where duff is your long time best friend and in a drunken state confesses his feelings for you at the club because he was jealous someone was flirting with you and it ends with some smut
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Yayyyy a Duff request!!! This idea is so cute!!! Thanks nonnie🩷
Warnings: kinda possessive sex, unprotected p in v, mention of alcohol.
I started wandering through the bar trying to find the toiled, but I felt a tap on my shoulder. I thought it was duff, but no. It was a stranger. It was a handsome man shout my age.
“Hey there, beautiful. Care to tell me your name?” He asked with a charming smile.
“Ahh… my name is y/n. You?” I asked him back.
“I’m jack. Nice to meet you” he took my hand in his and kissed it gently. I blushed a little.
“Can I offer you a drink?” He asked me with the same charming smile and voice.
I had to drive me and duff back home. I couldn’t drink. It was too dangerous. “No… unfortunately I have to drive back home”
Jack nodded and we walked to the nearest table. We sat down and started talking and flirting. Little did I know duff was watching too. He was hella drunk and the alcohol didn’t really help his nerves. At some point Jack wrote his phone number on a tissue, kissed my cheek and asked to be excused to leave urgently. I was kinda sad he left. He was a good company. Then I heard heavy footsteps come towards me. I looked up and it was Duff. With a drunk scowl on his face.
“Fuck’re you talkin’ to that fag, eh?” He asked me and sat down.
“We were just talking.” I said in a dry tone.
“Just talking? You know how that makes me feel? I feel like garbage y/n. We’re not just friends and you know it. You know damn well how much I love and want you and all you fuckin do is walk around acting like I’m not even here and shit!” He responded leaving me speechless. He liked me? What?
“I uhh… I didn’t know, duff…” I stuttered.
“Well you do now” he responded in a much softer tone.
Before I could think of anything he pulled my an and dragged me somewhere. I saw the bathroom sign. The one I couldn’t find. He pulled me in a stall and locked the door behind.
“Duff?! What are you do-..” I said but he cut me off, kissing me deeply m. His love and affection poured into it. I could taste the alcohol on his tongue.
“You’re mine. I love you. And I can’t wait anymore.” He spat out, panting.
Minutes later he was balls deep inside of my cunt, slamming his hips to my ass, his length massaging my insides. He was so big. He held with one hand my hips and with one he had his middle and ring finger inside my mouth to suck them to prevent my moans to fill the bathroom. He moved faster indicating he was close. I was close too. I clenched my walls to his cock, milking him clean.
“Ahhh… duff I’m close… faster” I said. He obeyed and moved faster. Then, his hot, white cum shot inside of me, making me instantly cum. My orgasm hit me like a train and my vision went white prim the pleasure.
Then he had to carry me back home because I couldn’t walk anymore.
Sorry if this is short. I RLLY HOPE I DID WELL
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