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Inktober Day 6 - Garden
Prompt list by melosprout on Insta
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selene-writes · 1 month
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AHHHH Hey guys! There's lots of Logan craze on here thought I would try writing. Should this be a series? Its short and there's lot of places to go from here.
You had known Logan for fifteen years—technically, that had been your entire life, or at least as much of it as you could remember. Your earliest memory was of his face peering down at you with a mixture of concern and relief. You were in some sort of ruined laboratory, your body aching with a pain you couldn’t fully comprehend. You didn’t even know your own name at the time. Instead, you went by Artemis, a name you had chosen for yourself, though Logan often called you "bub."
Like Logan, you were a mutant, endowed with the gift of regeneration. This ability made it impossible to determine your exact age. In addition to your regenerative powers, you possessed the unique ability to manipulate atoms. This rare skill granted you control over all elements, a power that made you incredibly unique and powerful.
You had both decided to stick together, united in your quest to uncover the truth about who you were and why you had ended up there. It was evident that something significant had happened to both of you, something that had rendered you both invincible. Despite the mysteries that surrounded your origins, the bond between you and Logan only grew throughout time.
As time passed, the nature of your relationship evolved in ways neither of you had anticipated. Somehow, amidst the chaos and the search for answers, you had found yourselves tumbling into bed with each other. While the physical connection had become a part of your lives, nothing had fundamentally changed, and you never talked about it.
Even as you navigated your complicated relationship, your focus remained on the shared mission: to piece together the truth about your past and understand the full extent of your powers. 
Everything happened so quickly. You and Logan were in the middle of your usual routine—hitting various bars and grifting people for money. It was a familiar pattern, one that had become almost comforting in its predictability. But that night, things took an unexpected turn.
A teenager—no older than seventeen—had sneaked into the back of your car. Her name was Rogue, and despite your initial reluctance, you and Logan ended up arguing about what to do with her. Logan, ever the soft-hearted one despite his gruff exterior, eventually agreed to give her a ride, though it was clear he would have done so regardless of your persuasion.
The situation quickly spiraled out of control. Out of nowhere—a caveman-like brute—attacked you. Logan was momentarily knocked out in the chaos, leaving you and Rogue vulnerable. The man’s strength was overwhelming, and before you could react, he hurled you against a tree. The impact was brutal, and you felt a jarring “crack” as your head struck the trunk.
You crumpled to the ground, falling into the snow. As the world around you dimmed, the last thing you saw was the silhouettes of the figures moving closer, their shapes growing more defined against the stark whiteness of the snow.
You woke with a groan, sitting up abruptly as if propelled by instinct. Your body felt as good as new, fully healed from the earlier impact. Instinctively, you scanned your surroundings, your mind racing with concern for Logan and his whereabouts.
As your eyes adjusted to the dim light, you noticed a bald man sitting in a wheelchair across the room. Despite his lack of visible movement, his voice seemed to come from all around you, resonating in your mind as much as your ears.
“There is no need to panic,” he said, his lips remaining still, not in sync with his words.
You tensed, on high alert. “How are you doing that?” you demanded, your voice edged with suspicion.
The bald man responded aloud this time, “How do we do anything? We’re mutants.”
Your frustration boiled over. “Where am I? Where is Logan?”
The man’s calm demeanor didn’t waver. “He is safe… you both are.” He began to wheel closer; his movements deliberate and smooth. “As for where you are… You are at my academy, where we help those like you. You are with… the X-Men.”
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movidita · 10 months
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You were so sweet.
Constantly looking to please everyone else— specifically the older men who had shown up to your daddy’s barn just a few days ago, three in particular.
Two officers and an archer.
Putting on your sweetest smile, bringing fresh lemonade and platters of fruit out. Offering a hand wherever you could fit it.
God, how eager you were to please.
And it wasn’t like they didn’t know it. Taking full advantage of the fact they could bend you to their will and render you all flustered with just a few of their sweet words.
Your three favourite pieces of eye candy working out by the barn. Hammering pieces of wood, heavy lifting with those arms, those arms that had you weak at the knees and a shy crinkle in your forehead.
Currently preparing them lunch. Bacon sandwiches and three cold crisp beers you’d stolen from your father’s cabinet.
Making your way over to them, cowboy boots pattering against the earth. Sundress flowing in the breeze, your hair secured tightly with a pale pink bow and a basket of sandwiches on one arm whilst the other struggled to hold three bottles in one hand.
Shane’s eyes lit up when he saw you, catching the attention of the other two as he straightened up from his position, leaning on the truck.
“Heya, sunshine.”
You smiled politely at the three. “Hi, I brought lunch!”
Passing them all a beer and setting down the basket on top of the trucks hood.
Daryl grunted in thanks, the first to reach over and grab his food. However, Rick just looked down at you, a cocky smirk on his face. “Didn’t have to do all this.”
Your smile only grew, “Well, Daddy said you’d be getting hungry ‘bout now. Figured it’s the least I could do after all you’ve done for us.”
His arm made its way around your shoulders, “That’s very thoughtful of you. Thank you, sweetheart.”
“No worries.” Your small hand wrapped around his wrist that was drooped over your shoulder, “I do hope you like them, used the last of the bacon.”
“For us?” Shane replied, taking a bite out of the perfectly cut triangle.
You giggle, nervous under their gazes, “Like I said, it’s the least I could do.”
The men took in your appearance. All farmer’s daughter looking. Plump lips, glistening with whatever gloss you’d put on. Your yellow sundress that stopped just above your knees, straps loose around your chest, beads of sweat coating your cleavage under the intense heat. Cowboy boots and that dainty bow— you sure fit the part.
You stayed with them for a while. Now propped up on the hood of the truck, swinging your legs back and forth. Gawking at the men as they worked. Sipping on one of the three’s beers every so often. Silently praying the trees gave you enough cover and your father couldn’t see your antics.
The fact they were working shirtless had your arousal pooling in your panties. Squishing your thighs together as you did your best to maintain calm.
But, fuck, those arms.
Every second became increasingly harder. Sipping and sipping, trying to distract yourself from the three older men.
The sun was starting to set. A faint orange painting the farm.
You were a little more than tipsy now, giggling at yourself, head tipping forward.
Hoping down off the truck. Almost tripping over your own two feet.
“Careful there, don’t wanna land on that pretty face.” Shane smirked, helping you stay upright as you adjusted yourself.
“Been drinking our beer, sweetheart?” Rick questioned, approaching your side and smirking down at you. Fully aware you had been drinking, the entire time. The way they’d look back every few minutes, taking in your giggling form atop their truck.
You fake a frown, “Nope.”
Daryl threw the last piece of wood to the pile, “What would your daddy say if he saw you like this, huh?”
Your eyes widen, dreading the fact you’d have to sneak past him when you returned inside. “Righttt, Daddy.” Your words slurred with a dopey smirk on your face.
The men knew they couldn’t just send you back inside, giggly and stumbling. They’d be kicked out the second your father found out they had let you drink.
“Want some water?” Rick questioned, leading you away from the barn and towards the sea of tents adorning the farm land.
You hiccup, “Maybe.”
Shane scoffed from the other side of you. “Wasn’t aware you were such a big drinker.”
“‘M not.”
He let out a laugh at that, taking in the sight of your half-hearted pulling your feet along and holding onto Rick in order to stay upright.
They led you over to Daryl’s tent as it was the farthest away from the group. Sitting you down on a log and passing over a bottle of water. It was late now, majority in bed, including your father. You figured it would be easy to get inside unnoticed.
“Drink up, girl.”
You huff, “Want to take my boots off. . .”
Daryl rolled his eyes, entering his tent and zipping it up. Clearly not in the mood to deal with a mumbling mess.
“Take ‘em off then.”
Instead of removing them yourself, you stuck your feet out in front of Rick, gesturing for him to pull them off for you. In which he did, of course. Crouching to your level and carefully slipping your feet out. Revealing the white frilly socks you had on underneath.
He set the boots down beside you.
“And the socks.” You hiccup, “Can’t walk across the field in white socks!”
He smiled at you, “Course you can’t.” Rick removed your socks, tucking them into your shoes and standing to his full height.
His hands gripped yours, pulling you up and directing you towards your house. “You gotta be quiet, okay?”
You nodded, holding onto his arm as he led you. One of his arms around your waist and the other holding your cowboy boots.
You eventually reached the porch, Shane disappearing to his tent on the way there, Rick had said something about him being able to get you there just fine and he should just head to bed. Shane grumbled but complied with the man.
Now it was just you and Rick. He practically pushed you up the stairs as you did your best to spend as much time as you could with the officer.
Stopping in the hallways to giggle at framed pictures of you and your sisters. The man couldn’t hold back his smile, despite him wanting you to shut up, he couldn’t help but enjoy seeing you so smiley and relaxed in comparison to your usual desire to be perfect.
“Come on, sweetheart, quiet down.”
The two of you finally reached your bedroom after all your stumbles and slurred words.
When Rick opened your room, he wasn’t surprised to be met with such pink. Pink, flowery bedsheets. Tulips in every corner of your room. Your vanity was adorned by many trinkets and items he had never heard of. Heart-shaped pillows, and what stuck out the most— a pile of discarded clothes on the floor by the window. A plain white dress and a pair of pink lace panties.
He gulped, averting his eyes and leading you over to the bed. Trying to push away the thoughts of you, you wearing just those panties, you without the panties. He’s a sick man, he thought. You were much younger than him, you were his host's daughter. He couldn’t do that.
Rick carefully laid you down, pulling the blanket over your body. “On your side, okay? Don’t wanna choke on your own vomit, yeah?”
You were practically asleep the second your head hit the pillow, mumbling something incoherent as you drifted off.
He smiled down at you. Staring for a few seconds, just taking in the peaceful look on your face for the first time today.
(was originally going to be rick, shane and daryl but i didn’t really know how to write for three so it ended up being rick butttt i could do some other parts with the other two if anyone would like)
part two
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void-chara · 1 year
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My gift for the @technoblade-gift-exchange !! i was assigned to @simplepotatofarmer who asked for dsmp rivals duo. i hope you like it Loyal!
rambling about headcanons, designs, and my process and stuff under the readmore, because i wanna talk about it but dont want the post to be super long !!
i had originally planned to not have a background and then at the last second i decided to speedrun drawing one in a few hours so um. quality difference but its fine. also unrelated but im pretty sure everything about how i draw animals and anthros makes it very obvious i used to be in the warrior cats fandom lol. anyway onto the designs!!
the gold on techno is scars from the totem at the execution, which i think is a pretty common thing for techno designs. he isnt supposed to be a piglin, but rather similar species of anthropomorphic pig. also his mane and tail fluff are naturally brown but he dyes them pink ^_^ so cool !! um. i maaayyy have forgotten the crown until i was way too far into the piece to add it. haha. oops. pretend its missing because. uuh. hes in a casual outfit. "but he still has the cape" yeah its comfy. "but dream has a mask thats not casual" dream is dream he does Not relax fully ever. see entirely intentional i would never make a mistake.
dream is an original shapeshifter species i came up with because i couldnt decide what i wanted him to be. i havent decided on a name for the species yet but i plan to make almost every solid-color or nearly solid color mcyt into this species. theyre mostly involuntary/unconscious shapeshifters. so like they change slowly over weeks or months to adapt to their surroundings, with little conscious control. basically i wanted him to be like five different things so i shoved them together lol, rabbit ears but in a pattern that looks like an axolotl, a cool tail, TOE BEANS tho you cant see them. this was actually the first time ive ever had a dream design im happy with so thats really nice.
i um. i made full use of my time lol, i spent a bit over a week on the lineart, another week on the coloring, and maybe a week and a half on rendering. unless i suddenly became shit at math(which is possible) that adds up to roughly the amount of time i had to work on it. im really proud of myself actually since i usually take a while to do art, and i wasnt sure i would be able to make something id be happy with in this amount of time. but i did! woah!! this was my first time participating in a fandom gift exchange and it was so fun, and also helped motivate me to draw more instead of getting distracted like i usually do (classic adhd moment) lol. anyway super cool!!
Loyal if u decided to read all this for some reason then again i really hope u like it!! u are so cool and i really love ur rivals duo opinions and creations so i hope u like this! i know theres been shit happening lately, i hope ur doing ok!!
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3ofpents · 2 months
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Mothman Moth Wings // Fabric Design for @shapeshiftersvt and The Cryptid Collection
It's time to talk about my Mothman fabric design!
This was another fabric design where I didn't have a poster yet to pull design elements from, so I was working entirely from scratch. I actually designed two different Mothman fabrics and fully intended to illustrate both of them, but then our whole household got covid and my entire workflow shut down and my design schedule got thrown off. I may or may not have adapted the second design to a bonus drop that may or may not be coming soon. But this is the one that Eli and I both really wanted for The Cryptid Collection, Eli especially because they'd already designed their Mothman runway look to incorporate a cape made with this fabric.
When I was brainstorming designs, the big thing I was focused on was how to utilize the common visual shorthand for Mothman — a black humanoid figure with moth-like wings and big red eyes — without unintentionally encroaching on someone else's interpretation. It did not take me long to decide against depicting Mothman literally and to remember that the coolest looking moth wings almost always have a pair of false eyes on them.
I wanted a very sooty look, like I had in my head the story of the moths in London during the Industrial Revolution whose wings got darker in theory because the sudden extreme rise in the amount of smoke and coal in the environment darkened the bark of the trees that the moths hung out on. I didn't want it black because I still wanted the pattern to be visible so that you really got the effect of the moth wings.
I opted for more of a blood red with the eyes just to keep that kind of broody, vampiric vibe too. It is plenty bright and obvious amongst all the greys.
There might ... also ... be a bit of an easter egg ... for fans of a certain game ... thinking about ... how ... dreams ... and manipulating people's dreams ... to try and save them ... is a big part ... of Mothman's mythos ...
I actually had to go through like two rounds of unofficial proofing to get this final version of it. When I say "unofficial", I mean that I went through Spoonflower's digital proofing process, we ordered a couple of yards in different fabrics, and when we got them, we discovered we were victims of the reason you should really do a physical proof: The colors were way too dark. Which makes perfect sense! It looked fine on my laptop screen, but my laptop screen is a giant LED light. A yard of fabric isn't. So what I saw as pretty good detail on my screen, just ended up being mostly undefined black blob when it was printed. So I lightened the colors a bit.
Then, when orders started coming in for binders and sports bras, we realized that the eyes were set too close to the edge of the fabric to accommodate multiple sizes. So I moved the eyes in to the center of "wings". Which also proved to be better for the cape too, which got remade with the new print.
As frustrating as it was to, like, go a couple of weeks thinking the print's good and finished, and then hear from Eli that there's something wrong, fix it, then go another couple of weeks thinking it's good and finished, and then hear from Eli that there's something else wrong, and fix it ...
I'm really pleased with this design. I don't think it's exactly what I had in my head at first conception? But part of the reason it changed so much was just the medium it was designed for. It was a really practical education in how a piece can change from digital art to rendering in a different medium. Like, I knew that was a risk in theory, but it helps to see it happen and understand why. Now I have more knowledge about how to avoid it in future projects.
As I mentioned in the last post, if you'd like your own chest binder or sports bra in this fabric like the ones pictured above, you can find them here (along with the poster print) on the Shapeshifters website.
If you'd like to purchase the fabric for your own sewing projects, you can do so through our Spoonflower shop. There are three different sizes there — small, medium, and large. The large is a single pair of wings that takes up the entire yard; the medium is two sets of wings across the width of the yard; the small has three sets across the width of the yard. Though keep in mind that these were designed with Spoonflower's sport lycra in mind, which is wider than some of their other fabric options. For fabrics under 56" wide, one or more of the wings may get cut off, so you may want to take that into consideration when you're choosing which size you want.
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afterhoursdoll · 23 days
well, before i start figuring out what i want to write, yanno something im a BIG fan of as far as hypnosis goes but i almost never see explored in writing or art?
false agency!
like, sure! having your mind pushed down, down, aaaaaaall the way down, losing piece after piece of your adorable little self to the spirals you've been made to stare at for minutes, hours, days?-- how would you know how long it's been, at this point?-- it's cute, very cute! being rendered naught but a mindless hypnodoll, giggly and mumbling, fully at the whims and mercy of your hypnotist-- cute, cute, cute!
but hey! hear me out for a second. i'm pulling you in here with me.
let's say the hypnotist wanted something a little different. you went into it expecting your mind to be blanked, bent entirely out of shape and reformed in a way they find absolutely adorable. good doll, good drone, what have you. but! when all is said and done, when their work is complete and they start packing up their tools, you...don't feel all too different, all things considered! curious!
you part ways after that, with your hypnotist planting a little kiss on your cheek (so good! so sweet!) and telling you to keep in touch. you nod vigorously; of course you will! why wouldn't you? they treated you with such care, such devotion-- it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about it!
but, see, that's the thing! you can still think!
you can drive yourself home! you can remember to go to the grocery store, maybe buy a couple things to make for dinner, and once you're home you can cook them! all independently, too! and the next morning, maybe you have a job! you can still go to it! you can even interact with people and remain coherent(...?) throughout! are you truly entranced?
but oh, everything feels so light! so floaty! it's as though your head's full of bubbles! a euphoric haze has taken root deep, deep in your psyche, blanketing your still-coherent thoughts with such a comforting cloud! so comforting, so sweet, in fact, that you don't even notice the times in which you slip.
you've become so spacey, now! you hardly notice how your hazy mind struggles to focus, how you occasionally trail off in the middle of sentences as though your brain had just erased whatever you were thinking about.
you're always happy, now! filled with boisterous glee, you take everything in stride, nothing seeming to phase you much at all! and if something does manage to get through to you, maybe even for a split second bringing clarity to your distant self...it doesn't take much at all for you to snap back into that whimsical state of yours and carry on like nothing had ever occurred.
you don't think about how it feels like you're living in a dream, with all the floatiness that entails. you don't notice how often you stare at your phone, either waiting for your hypnotist to text you or simply rereading the little affirmations they've sent, little words and images to reinforce your trance-- they're just so nice to look at! you don't think about how eager you are to follow their every command, bend to their every whim, regardless of what you're doing at the moment-- they're the most important thing in your life, after all. it's hard to get them off your mind!
and your eyes?
your eyes, sweet thing?
ohh, no matter how well you carry yourself, no matter how much agency you seem to display, no matter how in control of yourself you may feel...
the spirals, the colorful, spinning spirals that pulse and whorl atop your eyes-- they, more than anything, betray the kind of state you're truly in, dear doll.
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csmeanerr · 9 months
Mod Shit, I get it if you don’t post this one for reasons that are about to be obvious, but re the $900 Fooling. (I agree it’s superior to the 20K Grem and most Chams, but with a single colored winged dog with a halo, that’s not saying much. At least Lu is going to do extra art due to the high price, more than what a lot of CS owners would do…)
When it comes to high-cost CS, I often hear shit like, “support artists!” and “they gotta eat, too”, “get that coin!”. Or whatever excuse. Mother fuckers spend shittons on CS designs. You aren’t supporting shit. You’re buying into clout and manipulative FOMO tactics. OK, yeah, someone’s making rent or whatever, but admit it: if that $900 Fooling (or whatever) wasn’t a CS, you’d be cackling at the person who bought it.
CRICKETS when artists who don’t use manipulative FOMO tactics put out comms or adopts. Sometimes even relatively popular artists struggle. So much for supporting artists, right?
I want to use this opportunity to show you what $900 can get you in art if you’re so inclined to kick clout-chasing to the curb, but still want to shake dollars at artists. The artists I’ve selected are random faves of mine and I’m not affiliated with them. They’re chosen to give you an idea of what you could get for $900 instead of a fucking dog.
sariyaart on Carrd: $900 is almost certainly going to get you a painted full body. PAINTED. As in, fully-rendered, in a mostly-realistic style.
Aspeneyes on Weebly: $900 will get you a full illustration since these start around $400
Nebquerna on Carrd: $900 could get you two or three concept sheets or custom designs
BlindCoyote: $900 is about enough for a full illustration, and definitely enough for a shaded colored sketch
Godbirdart: $900 will get you a full illustration
I know we often compare prices of stuff other than art to demonstrate what a rip off CS is. I think it’s even more demonstrative to compare prices (and quality!) to what other artists do. The artists I’ve listed above are professional freelancers, by the way, either part time or full time.
I remember someone once joking that the 20K thing was all Caravan’s fault because no artist could be expected to produce work good enough to justify that amount of money. Aside from the fact that the artist shouldn’t fucking take that money, then, and show some integrity, I guarantee you any one of those artists above would produce something spectacular. Hell, at that price, they’d probably agree to some sort of commercial rights.
But yeah, $900 for a dog with wings and a halo is totally at the same level of these other artists.
post related
a note to add to this is that cs often artificially inflate value with traits and artificial scarcity while also actively undervaluing other artist’s. they’re even aware that the artificial scarcity is the highest reason people buy since it’s developed this toxic mindset that no one else can have the same idea.  if people can make the same thing then they won’t buy theirs, not because people might buy from the merit of their work but because they slapped on so many labels such as ‘official’ and ‘rare traits’
have the gall to cry about having to make so many adopts on a base while people who buy them draw entire fullbody drawings with backgrounds for 5 pieces of artificial currency
most cs are so deathly afraid of making things easy to get because it’s hyped up by the artificial scarcity. would cypherus grems be as tempting if people could just make one? would a cow girl oc perk your interest as much if it wasn’t followed by ‘biia-made mal’accilin’? these artists are genuinely skilled and talented and DO deserve a high degree of respect skill-wise to get where they are, but they grow themselves higher by pushing others down and that’s just not right
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033: Seabed
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CANON FIRE is made possible by the generous contributions of readers like you. Support more writing like this on Patreon. Thank you!
A yuri mystery novel, Seabed has no choices or alternative routes to explore. You simply read it from front to back, like a conventional novel. And despite that, it remains constantly engaging, with a structure that feels more interactive than many of its contemporaries that lean more heavily on the genre’s adventure game aspects. There’s a real literary quality to Seabed, not only in its prose, but how it asks you to piece together the story. 
Told non-linearly, it builds up the relationship between Sachiko and Takako, with various vignettes from childhood to their adult lives together. We get to see them work together, travel the world, and deepen their affections, before finally reaching the revelation that here, in the present, Takako has disappeared and Sachiko has been hallucinating her presence. 
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The how and why is left unclear. Whether it was a simple breakup or Takako going missing during a trip, it calls into question exactly what happened and when, and gives an uneasy tension to past interactions, with each flashback heavy with the idea that this might be when Takako disappears. Layering the mystery are the “Tips”, parallel stories accessed from the main menu, with everything from small character moments to disappearing rooms and unsettling hospital visits. You’re never given a sense of where these fit into the timeline, leaving them spinning in your mind as you try to find where it fits into the ongoing mystery. 
The final revelations ended up mixed for me, but the process of unraveling the story kept it satisfying regardless. The heart of the story is the various relationships between the different women, and the complex emotional stakes that define them. Gorgeous prose describes each scene, and when we arrive at the mansion, the main location the story finally centers on, there’s a tangible sense of place that made me feel as if I’d walked its grounds myself. 
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Even as I eased into a certain intimacy with the mansion and its characters, the structure of the story kept the boundaries of its world uncertain and intangible. The warmth of conversation at a Christmas party, or in a bath room filled with colorful fruit toys gave way to intimidating mountain landscapes and tunnel paths filled with dreamlike terror. Seabad often lulls you into comfort, followed by a violent reminder of the story’s stakes and why its characters can’t afford to settle into a peaceful routine. 
It's a bittersweet story, washed in melancholy, but it never falls into the trap of becoming a gay tragedy. We get to see an entire lifetime between Sachiko and Takako, with the non-linear structure continuing to deliver tender moments between them long after Takako's mysterious disappearance. We see what their lives look like after their separation, how they deal with it, and the new connections they form. 
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If there’s one indulgence, it’s the classic visual novel trope of lavish food descriptions and detours into the author’s pet subject matters. Thankfully these detours are as interesting as the main story itself, with architectural history lessons, travel blog stylings, and conversations on delicate pastries and the astounding size of American portions. None ever go on too long, and each one of them feels as if it has a purpose in the story. 
In contrast to the maturity of the prose, there’s an almost amateurish quality to the art. Portraits are all ever so slightly off, with the occasional odd anatomy and posing, and fabric has a tendency to be suctioned tightly between every character’s legs. Backgrounds have a sort of mixed media approach, with a scene receiving either fully rendered 3D artwork, complete with variations for atmosphere and time of day, filtered photographs, or some combination of either with illustrations layered on top. 
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You can tell where the artist’s strengths lie, with the 3D backgrounds rendered with such care I wouldn’t be surprised to learn they had a day job at an architectural firm or something similar during development. The portraits can sometimes come off a bit goofy, but the sincerity behind them comes across, and there are some beautiful, intimate scenes that aren’t any less effective for it. An intense care has been put into the presentation, and alongside Seabed’s effective use of color and soundtrack, there’s rarely a moment that fails to hit, regardless of the resources or skills the team had at their disposal. 
As I read Seabed, I kept getting lost in the pull of its gravity. Seabed flows between the personal, psychological and even supernatural boundaries of mystery. It has the warmth of a friendly, lighthearted hangout that provides a reprieve from a life of emotional turmoil. As the stakes build, characters consider what it is they need to let go of, and what they desperately want to hang on as the waves of time erode their memories. Seabed is a mystery not about the cold hard facts of reality, but what the emotional consequences of each event are for its characters. 
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When the story wrapped up, I found myself wishing for more time with the characters. I wanted to see their desires fulfilled, to get one more interaction between them, one more conversation I hoped would allow me to let go of them. Goodbyes often leave us carrying the words left unsaid, hoping that the few words we can get out can express those silent feelings. Seabed captures those feelings--those feelings of a lifetime spent with the one you care about, of goodbyes that never end, and yet are never long enough, and of the memories you’re left to cherish--or forget--when it’s all over. 
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maryellencarter · 26 days
oh my god. this is so bad. this is the worst piece of game design i have possibly ever encountered. it's so bad, you guys
so. pokemon scarlet/violet. The First Fully Open World Pokemon Game (tm). it tries so hard to pretend you can do things in any order, because it thinks that's what made breath of the wild popular. it does not seem to realize that botw actually did let you do things in any order, which is kind of an important part of that promise.
(botw also understands the difference between "gorgeous landscapes" and "an always-rendered ocean the size of the sun" *ahem*)
so. there are eight gyms, as in most pokemon games on console, and also five titan pokemon battles and five enemy team bases. none of these have level scaling. for instance, the bug gym will always be level 16 whether you tackle it at level 5 or level 30.
if you look up a guide online, it will tell you, okay, do the bug gym, then the rock titan, then the grass gym, and so forth. this path has you zigzagging east and west across the donut shaped map, working your way north on both sides consecutively.
if you try to play without a guide, asking the game itself what to do, there's what seems like a handy function to point you in the right direction. you can ask the nurse at any pokemon center "what should i do" and she'll tell you one of the eighteen options, one you haven't beaten yet.
until today i thought she told you the one that was lowest level out of the ones you hadn't beaten.
today, after beating the level 21 dark-type enemy base, i went to the pokemon center in the nearest town to heal up, and i asked the nurse what i should do next. and she told me to fight the gym in her town. thing is, i *know* because i'm also following a guide -- that gym is level 30 and there's a level 23 gym on the other side of the map.
so i teleported to the town with the level 23 gym and asked the nurse there, and *she* told me to fight the level 23 gym. then i teleported to a third pokemon center midway between the two, and that nurse told me to go after the level 27 enemy base. (none of them told me the numbers. those are from the exterior guides.)
so. this game. with no level scaling, a supposed open world where a linear path will kick your entire ass, and only one way to ask anybody for an indication of what to do next...
...takes its indicators of where you should go, not from your level or the level of what you've beaten...
...but just from whatever's closest. When that is almost never the right choice.
This is such a badly, badly made game
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thdrama2 · 3 months
haha I love it when someone makes an art offer on one of my adopts, only to go radio silent for a month. Then when they're asked about it, they ask for an extension 'cause shit came up that prevented them from drawing for a bit.
Only for me to now look at their profile almost an entire second month later where I see that they've made an entire page and a half of fully rendered personal art pieces since making their offer, while I'm waiting on 3 simple unshaded headshots. What the fuck, toyhouse users???
If you don't want the adopt anymore just fucking tell me so I can put them back up for sale. Or if the issue is that the characters I gave you to draw are too hard, tell me so I can give you easier ones! Why is something so simple seemingly impossible for some users on this site?
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prairiedeath · 11 months
Threads was brilliant, and fucking horrifying btw
This is going to be a spoiler review, so proceed with discretion
For those unaware, Threads was a BBC tv film from 1984 about cold war tensions rising to the level of nuclear war, from the perspective of british civilians. As far as I know, when it came out it wasn’t very popular, but with time critics now have nothing but praise for it. What’s so disturbing about it is how grounded it is in reality; it wasn’t just put together by a hollywood director looking to make money off of an apocalyptic action horror. It was made by people who know what they’re talking about, who fully intended to warn the world about the horrors that would come from nuclear war. There is no sensationalizing or romanticizing of war in the movie, there’s no heroic macho-male soldier protagonist or objectified love interest. There are subplots about the relationships and personal lives of the civilians, but they’re all rendered all but meaningless in the face of nuclear annihilation. It’s about as “unbiased” as it could have been considering where and when it was made. it’s just a deeply, unsettlingly realistic answer to the question, “what would nuclear war, the aftermath, and the events leading up to it look like from the prospective of everyday people?” The occasional words from a narrator and those eerie ass dead-silent text cards that pop up between scenes to let the audience know which event you’re at in the timeline make it feel more like a documentary than a horror film. There isn’t much of a soundtrack at all after a certain point. You’re left with mostly empty, windy ambience, occasionally interrupted by explosions, crying, screaming in pain or in anger and this deep, disturbing trilling sound, scenes of charred corpses, bloodied people who remain in shock, burning and ruined buildings, dead pets, people trying to pick up the pieces and find their loved ones. It’s gorier than I would ever expect from a TV movie of the time; and it’s realistic gore. There’s no way that whoever worked on the gore researched slasher films rather than actual explicit footage of war-zones, because that’s exactly what it looks like. It shows the ensuing chaos of public unrest in response to the inevitable government mishandling of the crisis, even the brutality that the remaining British authority would inflict on the angry, desperate surviving masses who demand food, water and medical care. It lists, and shows in scary detail at times, the epidemics that would result from the squalor of living conditions post-nuclear war: typhoid, cholera, dysentery. At times it flashes black and white, film photography-style images on the screen for a few seconds of the destruction and the bodies. It horrifically depicts the power grab and the executions that the british authority would carry out. It shows the mass animal death from nuclear radiation, the utter lack of safe food anywhere. It shows the horror of pregnancy and birth in a nuclear wasteland, and just how terrible the winters would be: mass hypothermia which leads to death, especially in children and the elderly. The ending is…. Devastating. The film really doesn’t get anything wrong in terms of the execution of it. I love the directing of it, how almost the entire way through it’s filmed as if it’s a documentary rather than a fiction film. While I ultimately think it’s good that it was on cable and thus more accessible to the public, It’s criminal to me that this was just a TV movie and that it wasn’t also in theaters. Going to have to jump on the bandwagon and give it 5/5 ⭐️
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seventhdecrees · 2 years
There was a concentrated brightness to his eyes as he watches her work. How steel and flame manages to be such a content home away from home when it comes to the Lord of Electro. Things like this were meshed well into legends, how such a rare sight of the Narukami Ogosho actively bringing divine weaponry their first breath to either her own hand or to her retinue. To Thoma, it looked like she was truly having a lot of fun. Whether it was solely in the realms of holding pride in this hobby, or to past thoughts remain a mystery. "I can almost hear this weapon sing as its being formed. It feels pretty happy."
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The deity was usually seen in such elegant light down to her attire and makeup. Being back at the smithery on the other hand brought back that eager spark behind her violet eyes with the clash of the hammer against the heated metal and soot caked up on her cheeks.
Good nostalgia folded her mind with each blow causing her to look lost in thoughts but those memories were cut short by finishing off the blade with a quick prayer for divine guidance, and that her efforts will please the deity. Even if she's no longer the deity, may Makoto bless this newly forged naginata like many weapons before it.
Now she needs to prepare the ‘Core’ or shingane. A piece of tamahagane, about the size of a brick, is heated in the forge until softened. then hammered until it becomes slightly elongated. At this point, the archon folds it in half crosswise and the entire procedure is repeated approximately ten times. The process of heating, hammering, and folding drives out impurities present in the steel. After these steps are completed, the core is heated and hammered into the shape of a long, thin metal wedge. It's then set aside while the jacket steel, or kawagane, is prepared.
For the jacket steel, the archon carefully selects tamahagane which is harder in carbon content. Again, a piece about the size of a brick is repeatedly heated, hammered, and folded over upon itself. The jacket steel undergoes this process many times more than the core , resulting in steel which is composed of nearly 30,000 "folds", or layers. These layers produce the subtle and beautiful grain — jihada that will become visible on the surface of the blade once it's polished. In the final stages, the jacket steel is hammered out until it measures slightly longer than the piece of core steel made previously. It's then re-heated and wrapped around the core.
Ei carefully heats and hammers the two pieces together until they form a solid metallurgical bond. Extreme care must be taken during this process to ensure that no gaps are left between the jacket and core steels, and that no dirt or debris is trapped there. To do so would result in air bubbles or voids which would seriously weaken the blade and render it worthless in battle. After the two pieces of steel are joined, the smith continues to heat and hammer the blade until it measures close to the desired length.
She polished the polearm to make it fully shine after it was cooled. Unconsciously, Ei rubs more debris on her forehead but she can wash it off later — the finished product was a deep crimson-red polearm with gold and black accents matching its soon-to-be owner. The habaki was made of shiny gold-like brass; the habaki is a small metal "collar" which fits snugly over the blade at the point where the tang (nakago) meets the blade.
She wrapped a tassel around the staff’s socket as a decoration to give off more of that passionate pyro flames that flare up in battle. The blade was sharp and angular with the steal shifting sliver to orangey gold like pyro energy. She wanted this polearm to fully reflect the user element and flair!
“ You may name your newly forged weapon. May you give it a proper story whether it be battle or training. ”
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samflir · 2 years
A Zoomer's Opinions on HFR: Revisited
Warning: this post describes shots from Avatar: The Way of Water that are not in the trailers and could therefore be considered spoilers.
I was mistaken when I said in the first post about high frame rate that Avatar 2 would not be in HFR, it simply seems that James Cameron sees potential in the technology when applied selectively, as it was in the film.
I saw Avatar 2 in IMAX 3D HFR at the Glasgow Science Centre recently and I can finally say with absolute confidence that I want 24fps gone forever. In the leadup to Avatar 2's release, I was quite worried that finding a HFR screening would be effectively impossible, as it had been for Gemini Man. I went in fully expecting GSC's older generation of digital IMAX projector to only be capable of 24fps. (fun fact: IMAX film projectors were modified for 48fps playback for one film, a capability that was never used since afaik)
After the IMAX ident ended and the 20th Century Fox logo started playing in silky-smooth 48fps, I was so excited that I said "THAT'S HIGH FRAME RATE!" to my dad sitting next to me lol. My heartrate jumped and I felt awe like I'd never once felt in a cinema before. It was a surreal moment.
I was amazed by the silky-smooth motion and distinct realism of the 48fps shots the entire time. Underwater shots of bioluminescent fish and plants looked particularly beautiful, with the high frame rate perfectly conveying how the ripples on the surface create ever-changing reflections. Action set pieces such as the destruction of an RDA maglev train, boats launching and gunfights looked incredible, and the high frame rate added to the frantic pace of fast action scenes.
I felt more immersed in the story and world than I ever have before. Combined with 3D, HFR on an IMAX screen looks almost exactly like looking directly at something happening in real life. A particularly memorable shot of an RDA worker drowning on a sinking ship benefits enormously from this treatment and made me feel like I was looking at something that really happened.
HFR is not perfect though. Predictably, some of the fully-CGI HFR shots look like those cutscenes in video games that are rendered in the game engine at full framerate. These are mostly shots completely removed from any sort of live-action capture, such as scenes of Na'vi characters and establishing shots of CGI creatures, environments and vehicles. This is because the only other place I've experienced narrative HFR is these sorts of cutscenes, and I'm sure that if I watched more HFR movies, I'd come to appreciate its more unique look. This still didn't take me out of the story any, it's just what I felt it looked like (and it's not the look James Cameron was going for, I assume).
Another problem is the reason I specified "the 48fps shots" earlier. Avatar 2 is in fact a mixed-framerate film, but it mixes them way too much. Some shots lasting less than a second are in 24fps surrounded by 48fps shots, and they look like a slideshow. Transitions down from 48 to 24 are not subtle, and remind me why I hate 24fps so much. Ideally 24fps should be dropped altogether, to stop drawing attention away from the story and towards technical aspects of the film. This would also allow time for the eye to adjust, and not have to deal with constant jumps up and down in visual smoothness.
Overall, I feel that my first experience of watching a film in HFR has met most of my expectations and exceeded some. It did improve immersion and my emotional investment in the story but it did also look like a videogame and make the 24fps transitions look awful. Future movies should definitely stick to one framerate, and that framerate should be higher, preferably a lot higher, than 24.
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the whaler- Home Is Where
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Emo music has had a remarkable arc throughout the past decade. Although commonly derided for juvenile (and often toxic) displays of emotion and simplistic instrumentation throughout its 3rd wave in particular (when bands like My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, and Jimmy Eat World were inescapable) emo has seen a creative renaissance from the early 10s (dubbed as emo's 4th wave) onward, unparalleled by most other genres of music that I'm aware of. This trajectory has been so dramatic that the majority of contemporary bands making sonically adventurous and emotionally complex guitar-based music throughout the last several years sound like emo (or country, or some combination of both). Emo began its 5th wave in 2017, which expands on 4th wave's aesthetic by taking the typical go for broke energy and filtering it through an everything but the kitchen sink sonic approach to push the boundaries of the genre as far as possible without losing its essence in the process. Enter Home Is Where, one of the brightest stars in this current realm of emo, and who recently released their 2nd LP, the whaler. On tw, Home Is Where have doubled down on the promise of their 2021 classic debut, I Became Birds, with an urgent, engaging, and multi-faceted record that exudes the immediacy of the best guitar-based music with the weight of a leftist political manifesto.
HIW are a 4 piece emo band from Palm Coast, Florida consisting of drummer Josiah Gardella, bassist Connor O'brien, guitarist Tilley Komorny, and vocalist Brendan MacDonald, who also contributes harmonica and singing saw. They started to pick up some serious blog momentum with their aforementioned debut thanks to its combination of emo, folk, punk, and screamo stylings and thought-provoking lyricism. The raw, unabashedly earnest yet confrontational nature of MacDonald's writing coupled with the band's omnivorous sonic approach that sort of splits the difference between Neutral Milk Hotel and The Hotelier didn't make it particularly surprising that they almost immediately became one of 5th's wave's standout acts, but it was hard to say how they'd follow-up an early classic. 2 years later HIW return with tw, which is a record that sounds wearier and weirder, less immediate and more incendiary than their debut, and is all the better for it. On tw, HIW have crafted the platonic sober 2nd LP that leans into their sources of depression and anxiety head-first while refusing to rest of the propulsive laurels of their past work. The throughline throughout all of their work remains a fully-realized emotional urgency that consistently articulates the stakes of being young, trans, and in a band while living in our dystopian late-stage capitalist hellscape with a singular, poetic point of view.
The 11 songs on tw find HIW tastefully expanding on the fully-formed sound they seemed to have already perfected on IBB without losing sight of what made them so thrilling in the first place. Full-throated yelps propel surging punk onslaughts, singing-saw and harmonica provide rich texture to their more subdued moments, and the music progresses with the sequencing of an air-tight dj mix. The record's first song, "skin meadow" opens to what sounds like a procession of de-tuned piano tape loops for a few seconds before a series of scorched riffs take us somewhere else entirely; the record's closing song, "floral organs" transitions into those same loops as the record winds down, in affect rendering tw as a closed loop that can be spun from start to finish indefinitely without ever breaking the spell. And the spell that they've cast here warrants multiple listens. The aforementioned "skin meadow" ignites as soon as those riffs hit, and within seconds we're rushed into an raucous punk rollercoaster that's only cooled by a singing-saw bridge that eventually builds into a triumphant movement resplete with horns and furious percussion, which eventually collapses to make room for a creaking string dirge leading into the next song, "lily pad pupils". Their music continues to defy easy categorization and predictability at every turn, but continues to thrill regardless of what they're attempting in any given moment. Even the 2 singles, "floral organs" and "yes! yes! a thousand times yes!", respectively (which are among the more straightforward offerings here) embellish their immediacy with expansive hooks, verses, and bridges that ensure that they're both far greater than just the sum of their parts.
The writing throughout tw is passionate and disillusioned in equal measure. The disgust with respect to the political and cultural climate of the United States is felt in every note, but so is the belief in the possibility of building towards a better future. MacDonald continues to write with an emphasis on surreal body horror ("Kites and intensities/Tangled in branches/I'm spilling my guts/To the gutless"), but she's gotten better at using this colorful imagery in service of sharp societal critiques. The song with a title that serves as the record's thesis ("everyday feels like 9/11") offers up sharp assessments of our unrelenting brutality "You're your own tapeworm/And God's in heaven/Where he's safe from us" followed immediately by the somber "9/12" that folds acoustic guitar, keys, horns, and sleigh bells into a mournful interlude that succinctly dissects our collective tendency to normalize tragedy instead of learning from it and improving ourselves and the world writ large in any meaningful way "And on/September 12th/2001/Everyone/Went back to work". The no punches pulled approach is a constant, but occasionally the surreal aesthetic is sidelined for a gutting observation.
Despite how bleak things appear, HIW remain resolute in their constructive defiance, even going so far as to end the record with, as MacDonald put it "the closest thing that they have to a love song" with career highlight (and one of the best songs you'll hear this year) "floral organs". On "floral organs", sleigh bells, harmonica, and anthemic guitar riffs congeal into a rollicking groove that features instantly iconic lines like "We braid our intestines together/Spitting teeth into each other's mouths/Until we make a smile" that are as endearing and subtly hopeful as they are visceral and disturbing. In addition to its unusually degree of immediacy, "floral organs" caps the record perfectly by articulating, in the band's own highly idiosyncratic way, what's at stake here and what's ultimately worth fighting for. The defiance against seemingly insurmountable odds amplifies the potency of every moment, rendering tw as an electrifying statement of survival with an appeal well beyond the consistently stellar musicianship on display. On tw, HIS remind us, in characteristically brilliant fashion, that the ship might be going down, but they're not drowning without a fight.
Essentials: “floral organs”, “skin meadow”, “everyday feels like 9/11”
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jkstompers · 4 years
passing notes | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
summary: a year of crushing and jungkook’s finally asked you out on a proper date. 
genre: classmates to lovers??!, established friendship, they go on a date <3, jk is so stressed out, !fancy restaurant warning!, jk is A GENTLEMAN!! but wbk, oc is a nerd but is BOLD AF!!
warnings: mature!! (18+!!), SMUT,...they make out, LOTS of built up tension is let out tonite!, fingering, praise kink, handjob, backseat action, semi-public sex?? very strong language, jk overuses the nickname ‘baby’
word count: 9k
author’s note: pt. 3 of seatmate!jk. WE’VE GOT SOME FILTH TODAY PPL!!!!!!! this is my first time releasing a piece of writing that has smut in it so pls!! let me know what u think!!! i’m open to criticism but i cry easily so… pls pls be nice (T▽T) LMAO!! i also completely made up the program for ocean scientists that oc talks about LMAO i just needed her to ramble for a bit hahahah
additional note: also pls imagine jungkook looking like this in class and then wearing this for their date. also if ur curious, this is what i imagined oc’s dress to look like :)
okay enjoy!! thank u ( ˘ ³˘)
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it was the end of the semester and of course, the only time jungkook would be running late to class was when he was finally going to ask you out on a date. so far, everything seems to be going against the idea. his alarm didn’t go off on time, the shower took way too long to warm up, and his car was low on gas. now he’s speed walking, almost running, to lecture to make sure that his seat next to you isn’t taken. 
he wants to make sure this goes perfectly. he spent the past two weeks stressing over the plans. asking for recommendations for nice restaurants in the city in almost every group chat he was in. his friend (the one with parents as ceo’s, eunwoo), helped him and got him a reservation at this one five star restaurant that jungkook’s never been to. eunwoo told him that it was the prettiest place he’s ever been to, said it would be perfect for a first date. 
jungkook specifically remembers you telling him that you’ve never gone on an actual dinner date. ice cream dates, movie theater dates, and amusement park dates were what you were used to. there was nothing wrong with that, it’s just that you’ve never experienced a candlelit dinner at a restaurant, that’s it. jungkook just wanted to be the first one to experience it with you. 
so when his morning starts off this shitty, he wonders if his plans are falling apart. he tries to keep a good, positive mindset, but he’s already so nervous and the universe seems to be telling him: don’t do it, she’ll reject you, you’re gonna look stupid in front of her. 
meanwhile, you’re early this lecture. it was the last class of the semester and you were hoping that you could get a nice conversation with jungkook in before it started. the two of you have gotten a lot closer since you last hung out. the chain of events starting with you apologizing for being so embarrassing, 
[12:44 pm] you: jungkook!!! oh my god i am so sorry for last night 😭
[12:45 pm] you: i don’t take alcohol very well 😖
[12:50 pm] jungkook: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
[12:50 pm] jungkook: no need to apologize! are u feeling sick? hungover? 
[12:52 pm] you: omg no not really
[12:52 pm] you: ur a great drinking buddy, i owe u one 🥺
[12:53 pm] jungkook: it’s alright cutie
[12:54 pm] jungkook: just happy ur feeling okay :) 
[12:56 pm] you: let me make it up to u 😭 i’ll buy us lunch one of these days? 
[12:57 pm] jungkook: ah no can do cutie 
[12:57 pm] jungkook: have to buy u dinner first 
the thought of the conversation makes you smile. that one conversation starting the domino effect of the two of you talking almost everyday for the past two weeks. you couldn’t help but expect jungkook to at least be here, but if he didn’t wanna come, then he didn’t have to. 
you sat in your seat, patiently waiting for the one next to you to be filled by him. the hall was starting to fill now and class was about to start. you look around one last time to see that jungkook is still nowhere to be seen, and that a familiar brown-haired guy was beginning to walk up to you. 
“hello, ___! is this seat taken?” taehyung smiles brightly, you look down at the seat next to you. your bag saving the spot for jungkook. maybe he skipped this lecture, since it was practically for nothing anyway, you’ve already taken the final and there was no other material to learn, it was more so to wrap things up and see if anyone still needed to understand something. 
your brain comes to a conclusion. you remove your bag and say, “no, go ahead,” to taehyung with a small smile on your face, one that hides the disappointment riddling your mind. 
it’s about five minutes after the professor starts talking when jungkook finally walks in. he looks up to try and find you as he walks up the steps of the auditorium. his eyes land on you and taehyung, chatting amongst yourselves. he can’t help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy, that’s his seat. even though there were no assigned seats, the place next to you was always his, that’s just how it was, and seeing someone else sitting there, especially taehyung, makes jungkook’s green monster pop out. 
you feel a presence step behind you while you were talking to taehyung, and before you know it, jungkook is sitting in the seat next to taehyung. “oh! good morning, jungkook!” you’re smiling to him. he doesn’t grant you one of his regular vocal responses, rather he gives you a tight-lipped grin before he leans back into his chair and focuses on whatever the professor was saying. 
maybe he was jealous. witnessing you and taehyung having a wonderful conversation, one that makes you smile and laugh like he does. you didn’t even notice him when he came up the stairs, only greeting him when he sat down. no, he was definitely jealous. 
you’re stealing glances his way, pretending to be interested in whatever taehyung is talking about. he’s wearing the most boyfriend-est outfit in the world. a white long sleeve with grey sweatpants, his long hair tied up in a ponytail. you’re unconsciously biting your lip as you stare at him, he’s just so cool. he’s not even doing much other than looking straight forward. but this angle lets you see his sharp jawline and his side profile perfectly. 
you felt bad, one hundred percent. you should have told taehyung that the seat was taken, because now he was talking your ear off and you didn’t mind it, but you wanted someone else to be talking your ear off and it was the guy sitting next to him. 
when taehyung changes his focus to your professor talking about a summer he had in paris. you steal another glance at jungkook. you catch him staring at you, your eyes meet. he doesn’t keep the connection, cutting it off by moving his head and looking straight ahead. his jaw clenches, arms coming over and across his chest. he seems angry, you pick up on the energy now. an idea pops in your head to try and make him feel better. reaching into your bag to find one of your index cards, writing a message on it. 
feeling okay? 
you scoot your chair back a bit, pretending to stretch as you tap jungkook’s shoulder. he turns his head to you, eyebrows raised. you hand him the paper. he stares at first, eyes flickering between you and the paper. reluctantly, he takes it, unfolding his crossed arms to receive the note. you scoot back into your seat and lean into the table, lowering your chin onto the desk. 
jungkook tries to hide his smile as he reads your little note. how could he ever stay mad at you? it wasn’t your fault he was late. so he replies, his black ink has a stark contrast against your green highlighter. he can already feel his bad mood brightening. 
yeah, didn’t save me a seat? :( 
this time he folds the note, handing it to taehyung and telling him to pass it to you. “really? you’re passing notes? we’re in college, jeon.” taehyung snickers as he slides the paper towards you. 
you let a small laugh, reading the note. taehyung’s scolding continues as you write your response on the index card. you changed your green highlighter out with a blue pen. 
i came super early :( waited 20 mins for u </3 but i didn’t think u were coming so i let taehyung sit here 
you send it back and watch jungkook’s somewhat straight face contort into a smile. there it is, the smile that you know and love. 
jungkook on the other hand could cry. you came early. you waited for him. god, had he royally fucked this up. he makes his mind up now. 
i’m sorry :( let me make it up to u? can i take you out on a date tonight? 
check: ◯  yes ◯ no 
jungkook keeps the paper for a good minute, reading the note over and over again, thinking about how childish this way of asking is. but at the same time, jungkook knows that if he talks to you about it after class, he’ll gloss over the words and never ask you. letting the reservation and plans he made weeks ago render themselves useless. it was now or never. 
so he fully sends it, tapping your shoulder and giving it to you directly. you open the note and scan the words, sending him the sweetest look he’s ever received in his life. he thinks that would be a yes. he hopes. you write something onto the card and pass it back to him, your hand grazing his for a second. 
⚫ yes :) ♡ ◯ no 
the rest of the class passes pretty quickly. not that you were paying any attention. jungkook had emailed you a link to a game that the two of you could play, a weird version of snakes. jungkook kept cheating, you swore it, but in all honesty, you knew you couldn’t compete when it came to jungkook and his computer games. a clap from the professor breaks your attention from your screen, “alright, that was the last class of anatomy 101!” he then goes on a two minute long speech thanking the entire class for their great work this past year. he ends his ment with, “good luck and make good decisions! have a fun summer!” 
you take your time packing your things, a little too long for someone that just has a laptop to put into their bag. taehyung says goodbye to the both of you and leaves first, the seat in between you both empty. now it was just the two of you. a small blush creeps onto your cheeks. you were well past your high school crush phase, but jungkook makes you feel so shy again. 
you try to hide it by speaking first, “so, a date?” 
he sends you that award winning smile that makes you swoon. “yeah, did you change your mind?” 
you shake your head. “is it casual? fancy? want me to wear a dress again?” you tease, finally pushing your computer into your bag and standing. 
jungkook gulps. you looked so pretty that night in a dress. “fancy,” he answers, “you can wear a dress if you want, pantsuits are cool too— whatever you want.” he finishes packing as well, standing next to you as you both begin to walk down the stairs. 
“okay then,” you smile. “what time should i be ready?” 
“i’ll come and pick you up at seven, is that okay?” he replies, hand in his pockets. you both make your way out of the room and start to move towards the parking lot. 
“sounds good,” you nod, approaching your car. jungkook walks you to your door, his eyes focused on your sweet smile and your eyes. if jungkook didn’t know any better, he would have thought you were leaning closer towards him. a small laugh leaves your throat. “see you later, kookie.” 
he sends you a smile, the nickname tugging at his heartstrings. the realization hits him after you’ve already driven away and he’s sitting in the driver seat of his car. an embarrassing blush covers his face, he takes a deep breath and laughs to himself. finally. a year of crushing and he’s finally asked you on a proper date. 
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jungkook is quite frankly, freaking the fuck out. he isn’t sure what to wear and his hair isn’t working with him. the long strands seemingly out to make his life a living hell when he tries to style it. one strand always looks out of place, or the way that it parts doesn’t sit right. he’s pacing his bathroom, debating if he should just shower again and take all the stupid fucking product out of his hair. 
he gives in after ten minutes of deliberation. a quick shower removing all the wax and gel from his hair. the ends of his hair dripping when he goes to check his phone, the time reading: 6:45. he was gonna be late to pick you up. now he’s full on panicking. he has no other choice then to skip the hair product all together and just let his hair dry and part on it’s own. he slides on his all black fancy outfit he had planned out just in case the first one didn’t work out. he steps out of his apartment after grabbing his car keys, wallet, and the flowers he bought earlier in the day for you. 
a friend of his works in a flower shop. jungkook remembers you saying  that you like all flowers and that you couldn’t choose if you had to. so his friend asked what you were like, trying to figure out a way to style the bouquet without knowing your favorites. jungkook said the general things; you’re sweet like an apple, probably sweeter, like candy. you’re so pretty, it’s blessing that he’s able to lay his eyes upon you. you’re smart, too smart for him to flirt stupidly like he always does, ‘cause you outsmart him and flirt with him back in a wittier way. you’re— that was enough information, his friend told him he was babbling again. jungkook only had to wait ten minutes for his friend to finish fixing up a beautiful bouquet for you. 
the bouquet is placed on the passenger seat as he starts his car, texting you when he realizes it’s almost five minutes until 7. 
[6:54 pm] jungkook: fuck 
[6:54 pm] jungkook: i’m gonna be a little late
[6:55 pm] jungkook: i swear i’m not standing u up
[6:55 pm] jungkook: ok i’m putting my phone down to drive to u now, sorry cutie!! 
[6:57 pm] you: ah okay! 
[6:57 pm] you: i was getting a little worried haha
[6:58 pm] you: see u in a bit <3
jungkook drives safely, but efficiently to your apartment. the drive only taking about five minutes because the stop lights were gracing him with green lights his entire way to you. he parks right in front, grabbing the flowers and hopping out of the car. when he knocks on your door, he starts to feel his nerves work against him. the adrenaline from rushing here gave him enough energy to hype himself up, but now as he’s standing here at your door, waiting for you to answer, his throat starts to dry and his hands start to sweat. 
the metal door slides open, revealing you. in your silk dress, draping over your body in the most flattering way. the neckline deliciously hangs down to reveal your cleavage ever so slightly and the slit on the dress, displaying your thigh teasingly. jungkook is speechless at his first glance at you. his eyebrows raise and his mouth drops open, catching himself drooling once you step out from your apartment. 
“h— hi, you look— wow,” he stumbles over his words, taking a step back to admire you once again. “you’re fucking stunning.”  
you brush your hair back behind your ear, your hand covering the blush covering your cheeks. “thank you, you look very handsome, jungkook.” you reach out and play with his black tie. he looks down when you do, remembering that he was holding a bouquet of flowers for you. 
he holds them out, “these are for you.” like a kid giving his crush a dandelion he picked from the grass. 
“these are gorgeous, jungkook! thank you.” you look up to him with your signature sweet eyes, the ones that never fail to make him melt. “just give me one sec, i’ll put these down and then we can go?” you ask, holding onto the bouquet and waiting for him to respond. a quick nod is all you need to open your door and place them in the fridge. you come out a few seconds later, locking your door and standing by jungkook again. 
“that was fast,” he comments. he holds his arm out for you to hold, which you gratefully take. 
“i just put them in the fridge, my grandma showed me the trick, it helps them live a little longer,” you explain. the two of you walking out to his parked car. he never lets your hand touch the handle, always opening the door for you. 
“when they die, i’ll just buy you new ones.” closing the door for you and making his way to the drivers seat. 
you scrunch your nose. when he comes back and joins you in the car, you voice your worry. “it’s kind of a waste, don’t you think?” 
he shakes his head, “if it’s for you, nothing’s a waste.” 
jungkook was a professional with his words. always rendering you speechless. 
with that he starts the car and begins driving into the busier part of seoul. he makes his way into the restaurants parking garage, the building looks to be about five stories. the architecture itself looks expensive, you wonder where jungkook is taking you tonight. he parks the car, turning off the engine, and moving to open the door for you. he takes your hand and you hold onto your dress, fixing it once you get out of the car. god, you’re so pretty. he was so nervous. 
“ready, my lady?” he smiles, his arm out for you to hold. 
it makes you laugh, a snort almost. “i’ve never seen you so proper, mr. jeon.” 
“only for you,” he winks. your heels click against the concrete floor as he leads the two of you into the building. the high ceilings and multiple chandeliers are what greet you first, the brightness of the place giving the sun something to rival. jungkook brings you over to the waiting area, telling you to wait for a minute as he checks you guys in. 
this was crazy to say the least. the last time you went on a date, it was to the movie theaters. you’ve never been in a place like this; a doorman greeting every guest as they walk in, checking in to eat, multi-story, etc. the more you look around, the cooler it is. “let’s go?” jungkook’s voice makes you turn your head. you stand, taking his hand. 
the two of you follow a man wearing a black and white suit, with a long tail jacket. he brings you to the elevators, holding the doors open for you both. you step in and he presses the fifth button, which was the top floor. you squeeze jungkook’s hand. he repeats the action, looking to you and silently asking if you were okay with the look in his eyes and the raise of his eyebrows. you nod, a smile on your face. 
with that the elevator doors open, the metal doors sliding apart to reveal a private terrace. only a couple tables on the entire floor. a few people sitting down and enjoying their dinners. beautiful greenery surrounding the perimeter, the night sky only making it prettier. your mouth is left agape, you’re stuck in the elevator, speechless. jungkook gently tugs you forward, following the suit man to the table. 
jungkook pulls your chair out for you. you could cry at the chivalry. you sit and he pushes the chair in, jungkook follows soon, sitting in the chair across from you. the man hands the two of you the menu and moves away from the table, standing back near to the elevator, waiting until you are both ready to order. 
“this is fucking crazy,” you whisper-shout. the terrace was lit by these bright fairy lights that were hidden in the plants and were above the tables as well. it looked like little fairies and fire flies were in the air, roaming around. 
“i know right!” jungkook looked as surprised as you were. “i asked my friends for some help and holy shit!” 
“they know you’re on a date with me right now?” you ask, raising your eyebrows. 
to this he furrows his eyebrows, “of course they do, i talk about you all the time—”but he stops himself from exposing himself any further. you can’t help but giggle. “i mean, i asked them to help me make this special, and here we are.” 
you swoon. he’s so sweet for planning all of this out and wanting to make you feel special. the two of you look through the menu, jungkook warns you not to look at the prices, telling you to get whatever you want because the price doesn’t matter. but of course, your eyes stray to the numbers, the meals costing a pretty penny for a simple spaghetti plate, the cheapest thing on there. you were craving pasta anyway, you didn’t mind. the two of you order and wait for the food to arrive. 
the city of seoul was just below you, not too high but high enough to turn people into smaller figures of themselves. the night lights look gorgeous from up here. the warm summer night only complimenting the gorgeous atmosphere. 
“the view is so pretty,” you gaze out into the city. the pretty colors from all the lights of the different stores and restaurants complementing each other so beautifully. 
jungkook was in awe, he knows that the city below you is gorgeous, but he can’t seem to get his eyes off of you. your chin resting in the palm of your hand as your eyes search through the streets. “yeah…” he agrees, “very beautiful.” he smiles, only looking at you. 
the food comes and you both dig in. the two of you enjoy some conversation with each other as you eat. the topic of growing up comes up, both of you explaining the occupations you wanted, and you said something that sparked curiosity in jungkook. “your childhood dream was to live in california?” he smiles, chewing on his steak. most of the time kids dream about going to the moon or finding atlantis, but you wanted to go to america? 
you nod, “sounds funny right? when i was a teen, i watched a lot of 90210.” 
“is that all though? you only wanted to go because of a tv show?” he asks. there’s something you’re hiding, and jungkook can see it in the way that you hide your smile. 
at first, you hesitate, but you open your mouth to speak, “well— there is— no, it’s embarrassing.” you shake your head, changing your mind and reverting your eyes down. staring at the plate of pasta in front of you. guys you talked to didn’t wanna hear about it, they thought what you were into was boring, embarrassing almost. a part of you feared that jungkook would feel the same. 
you feel his hand on your chin, tilting your head up. “i wanna hear about it.” his face telling you the truth, the sincerity in his eyes as he patiently waits for you to explain. 
“there’s this science program in california, they explore new ideas for researching the ocean, like trying to see what lurks in the deep blue, helping fix the rising oceans, everything-- oh my god, and they like go on field trips to different countries to see the coastlines and historical sites—” you cut yourself off when you realize that you’re talking at the speed of light. “i’m rambling.” you were terrified to see his reaction. 
but when your eyes finally meet jungkook’s, they’re full of light. and his smile is so big. “dude, that’s so dope!” he grins, “i didn’t know you were so into the ocean!” 
it was the bare minimum, being nice, but that was hard to find when it came to the majority of the male species. obviously, jungkook is above average, he only proves that the more time you spend with him. 
“oh, i love it! my parents would bring me to the beach and i would cry every time we would have to leave, aquariums too, and the fish section in the pet stores.” you gush, leaning into the table to tell jungkook more. he leans into his hand, resting his cheek against his fist as he listens to you spill your knowledge and love. 
he notes that the next date should be at the beach or an aquarium. it was a great time for him to learn this, especially since it was summer. the weather in favor of the cold ocean waves. jungkook swears he can listen to you talk until the end of time. your sweet voice can be the narration to his life, he’d never get sick of it. 
the food on both of your plates had been cleared, the conversation sizzling into a comfortable silence before the man came back to give you the bill. jungkook doesn’t let you see it, instead just sticking his card in the black folder thing, and giving it back to the fancy suit man. it wasn’t long before he came back, handing jungkook back his card and giving the both of you a lollipop with gold flakes encased inside. 
you gasp at the piece of candy, now that was ridiculous. you weren’t one to reject a lollipop though, gratefully taking the candy and popping it into your mouth. jungkook does the same. it tastes of blueberry. at this point he stands up, moving in front of you and holding his hand out to you. “let’s look around? i heard they have a cool museum on the second floor.” 
you take his hand, “i love museums!” the two of you make your way to the elevator, the man (he never told you his name) kept the door open for you both. he presses the second floor button when jungkook asks him for the museum. the elevator landing on the second floor, the doors slide open to show a completely empty art hall. this place shocking you every chance it gets. you didn’t think it could get better, but it did. 
when the two of you exit the elevator, the man leaves you to it, taking the elevator down and leaving you alone. your eyes scan the place, huge paintings on the walls, small paintings in collages, some sculptures on the floor, it felt like a pop-up museum. you both make your way down the enormous hallway, both sides of the room’s wall displaying works of art. you stop at one specific painting, the familiar work has you spewing random facts. “these are the lovers! i had to analyze this once,” you speak. the art displaying a couple kissing, both of their heads covered by a white sheet. “the real one is in australia, i think.” you laugh, tapping the lollipop against your lips. 
jungkook listens intently, but he doesn’t pay attention to the painting on the wall. everytime he does, his eyes always revert to you. the art doesn’t stand a chance against you in his book. you, yourself, were a piece of art, one that was rare in this world, one of a kind. 
he can’t seem to resist. taking your hand and raising it over your head, the way that they do in ballroom dancing. if a twirl was what he wanted, then so he got it. “beautiful,” he compliments, pulling you in close for a hug. the two of you swaying in the middle of the hall of this stupidly expensive restaurant. 
you look up to him, making full eye contact as the two of you lean on one foot to the other. probably looking like a lovesick couple, getting lost in the moment. which, you were. your eyes flicker from his eyes down to his lips, he seems to do the same thing. his hand moves to caress your face, the swaying ceased. now the two of you are centimeters apart, noses brushing against each other. if jungkook doesn’t kiss you now, he thinks he’ll combust. so when he feels you pushing forward, he does the same, meeting you in the middle. your lips connect. the kiss almost identical to the painting in front of you. 
jungkook swears he felt himself levitating. your lips are sweet, the blueberry flavor of the lollipop lingering on them. he’s had his fair share of kisses in his life. makeouts, pecks, cheek kisses, all types of kisses. but something about this one tells him that he’s in for it. he’ll never be able to get enough now that he’s gotten a taste. 
neither of you want to take it too far; swallowing each other's faces in a distinguished, five star restaurant’s museum didn’t seem very proper. so the two of you make your way out of the building, thanking everyone at the front desk, especially the man that helped you out today, and walking into the parking garage where jungkook’s car was. 
when you get to his car, he moves to open the passenger door for you but you stop him with a hand on his arm. you reach to open the back door handle and his eyes almost bulge out. everyone knows what happens in the backseat, and jungkook did not prepare himself for something like this. 
you look up at him with the most innocent eyes, but there’s something devious hidden in your smile when you ask, “do you wanna talk for a bit longer? in the backseat? it’s more comfortable than sitting in the front.” 
jungkook never took you for someone this bold. it’s either you didn’t know the meaning of the backseat (which was totally fine) or you knew very well, and had plans to devour jungkook (which was also totally fine).
he chickens out, his hands starting to sweat. “do you want to just go for a little walk or something?” it’s not like jungkook didn’t want anything to happen, it’s that he did. if he starts, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever recover from it. he walks a tightrope around you when it comes to his self control. one wrong move, and he’s terrified that he’ll fuck everything up. 
“oh, it’s just my feet kinda hurt from these heels.” you pout, lifting you foot up to show him the almost stiletto heel. 
his eyes widen. why didn’t he think of that? “oh— oh shit, i didn’t even— yeah, let’s sit.” he tugs on the door, letting you slide into the back seat. he follows, leaving a good amount of space between you both to make sure that there was nothing too suspicious going on. you hope your bold moves hide your nervousness, despite your confidence, jungkook’s unsure looks make you want to curl up into a ball. did he not want this? 
the air was different now. in the restaurant the two of you had been so carefree, slow dancing in the museum, and landing a sweet kiss on each other’s lips. but now, an uncomfortable silence tears at the two of you. your hesitance makes you speak, trying to see if a conversation would ease the tension in the air. “i had a lot of fun tonight, kookie, thank you.” 
it seems to comfort jungkook, he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in. with a small smile on his face he replies, “me too, i was really nervous you wouldn’t like the food.” 
“oh it was good! i’ll eat anything really, it’s just—“
“you didn’t like the place? was it too much—“
“no, jungkook, oh my god— i loved it, it was just really expensive, i still feel really bad about you paying for all of it,” you look to him seriously. “let me give you at least my half?” 
he shakes his head, “i asked you out on this date, it means i pay, don’t worry about the price.” 
you roll your eyes playfully, “big spender huh?”
a pretty laugh escapes his lips. “hard worker too.” 
to this you smile, you stare at his impossibly-perfect face, noticing a stray eyelash on his cheek. you see a chance to strike and you take it immediately. you lean forward to swipe it off. jungkook almost leans into your touch. he’s so terrified that he’ll embarrass himself right now, so he’s been holding back tremendously. but the way you pick the eyelash off and place it on your thumb with a smile on your face, it eases most of the tension in his chest. 
“make a wish!” you hold your thumb up to his lips. his eyes cross to look at the piece of hair on your finger, but nevertheless he obliged. shutting his eyes tight, making a wish, and blowing the eyelash off of your thumb. 
you let out a small cheer before you ask him, “what’d you wish for?” 
“if i told you then my wish wouldn’t come true, right?” he boops your nose. suddenly, jungkook doesn’t feel so nervous. his nerves calming at the feeling of your soft hands against his face. you make him so nervous, but at the same time you make him so comfortable and make him want to be himself. it seems as though the two of you were staring at each other for a while. jungkook was thinking about how much he likes you, the same ideas run through your mind. the thoughts make you wish for something more. 
“can i kiss you again, kookie?” 
he stares at you, weighing his options. if he kisses you now, then he has to strategically only give you a few kisses, he absolutely cannot make out with you, or else, jungkook will succumb to his desires.
but he takes a little too long to respond. the both of you overthinking the fuck out of the situation. it makes you draw back. “it’s okay if you don’t want—“ 
“no, no, please, kiss me,” he brings you back, moving closer to you. licking his lips in anticipation as you slowly push forward, closing the gap between you both. the kiss is so sweet, like the one in the museum. jungkook can still taste the blueberry lingering on your lips. he doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of kissing you. 
you pull away first. your eyes scanning his face to see any expression of regret. there’s none. his hand moves to the side of your face, caressing your face and bringing you to him once again to meet your lips. he can’t get enough. “tell me what you wished for, please,” you speak against his lips. 
he smiles into the kiss. he wasn’t going to tell you, but since you were asking so nicely, he gives you a kiss on the cheek when he answers, “i wished for a second date.” 
“oh, didn’t you know?” you kiss both of his cheeks before speaking again, “i grant wishes,” with wink.
“fuck, you’re so cute,” he thinks out loud, it makes you blush. pink cheeks out for show and jungkook thinks you look even cuter. he dives in for one more kiss, telling himself this will be the last one, but when you make sweet noises against his lips, it has him wanting more. hands moving down to your waist, pulling you in and letting you climb onto his lap. he pulls away first, trying to get a hold of himself. “i uh— actually, didn’t plan for this to happen,“ he mumbles against your skin, tripping over his words. 
you look down, arms wrapped around his neck. “hm? what did you plan?” 
“we were supposed to kiss on the next date i take you on and i didn’t think— we’re just ahead of schedule, that’s all.” jungkook tries to explain that he didn’t want to rush it, god no. he wanted to take his time, make sure that you didn’t feel pressured to do anything. but now, it seems like you’re taking the wheel and jungkook doesn’t mind it one bit.
“oh so you had like a real plan? like times and everything?” the thought of it makes you laugh, and the way that jungkook flushes makes you want to pinch his cheeks. 
he pouts when you giggle, “don’t laugh, i just really, really wanted to do it right, you’re just so amazing and i didn’t wanna fuck it up.”
you smile at his concern. the fact that you have the uni heartthrob planning dates in his head down to the details and wanting to be sure he does it right makes your head spin. you hope jungkook doesn’t notice the way that your heart is beating three times the normal rate when you go to kiss him again. the only sounds in the car are labored breaths and your lips smacking together. it doesn’t take long before you’re grinding into him. his growing bulge rubbing against your soaking core. a groan leaving him when you grind particularly harder, his hands moving to your ass to grip it. you melt in his arms, small whimpers leaving your throat as jungkook drinks them up
you pull away from his lips, giving his cheeks attention then leaving a trail of kisses as you make your way to his ear. one final kiss is planted below his earlobe before you whisper, “am i ruining your plans, kookie?” 
jungkook tries his best to conceal his groan, tries his best to ignore his incredibly hard dick in his jeans, but you’re so pretty and you’re on top of him, kissing him. it feels like a dream to jungkook. it is quite literally a dream come true. 
he was already playing with fire, your body a flame in the cold, he moves closer and closer until he burns. “fuck plans,” he breathes. a hand comes back to caress your face once again. filthy thoughts flooding his brain. he wonders what being in between your legs is like, what you sound like when you cum. he wants to make you cry and beg for his cock. but he holds himself back, knowing that you’ll have time to try everything out, if you wanted of course. he leans the both of you forward, his large hands splayed on your back to secure you on his lap. your lips find each other once more. “can i touch you?” he asks so sweetly, a hidden poison weaving through that you can slightly hear through the deep rumble of his voice. 
you’ve never wanted anything more. “please,” you nod. your lips chasing his when he pulls further away. 
jungkook smiles at the action. “lay on my lap, baby.” he instructs, tapping your thigh. the nickname rolling off his tongue, his voice seemingly dropping an entire octave. you raise your leg and move it over to sit on his lap, sideways. your back against the car door and his right hand rubbing your thighs ever so gently. 
“like this?” you ask, looking to him for reassurance. he looks to you with eyes that you’ve never seen, lusted and dark. 
“mhm, perfect,” he nods. “good girl.” the praise goes straight to your belly, your panties flooding from how much you want him. his hands move slowly down your inner thighs as he goes in to kiss you again. 
you’re absentmindedly spreading your legs, making room for him. he smirks against your lips when he realizes. he knows what you want, so his fingers move to your panties, lightly putting pressure over your clothed bud. you whimper at the feeling, biting his lip in the process. he moans in response, putting a little more pressure against your bundle of nerves. 
“jungkook,” you whine, pulling away from his lips, “please.” 
“please what, baby?” he kisses your cheek, “tell me what you want.”  
“please touch me, please.” you beg, making eye contact with him. jungkook’s dick twitches at the sound of your begging. he wanted to string you along a little longer, but you’re being so good. 
“since you asked so nicely, baby,” he obliges. bunching your dress up around your waist and noticing the pretty black lace underwear you were wearing, “for me?” he asks. you nod, your teeth taking in your bottom lip. he groans at the thought, you getting ready and picking out these cute, risque panties out just for him. it’s just too bad they’re gonna be on the floor on his car. he’s gonna need to ask for a rain check on admiring you and your cute underwear later.  
you lift your hips to help him, underwear coming off to reveal your soaking pussy. “oh, fuck,” jungkook murmurs at the sight of it. “you’re so wet baby.” he almost starts drooling, he can’t wait to taste you, but he’s still hesitant, only wanting to do what you want to. next time, he can eat you out. right now, he’ll admire the delicious sight and make you cum on his fingers. 
your eyes travel to the window directly in front of you, suddenly feeling insecure. thighs closing, thinking about how someone could look in and see. “what about the windows—“ 
“they’re tinted, no one can see from the outside in, i promise.” he reassures, giving you another sweet kiss on the cheek before asking, “do you still want to do this? we can stop now.” he’s so lovely, his concern and change in demeanor only making you want it more, knowing that he wouldn’t want to push you to do something you were uncomfortable with. sweet was sexy on jungkook. you never thought there would be a day that jeon jungkook fingers you in a parking lot of a five star restaurant, but here you are. and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
so you shake your head, taking his hand, and placing it back in between your legs. “please.” 
“anything for you.” he whispers in your ear before running his middle finger up your slit, collecting your wetness, and spreading it around your clit. he continues making tight circles on your clit, the sensation drives you crazy. you lean your head back against the window, moaning out. it was almost humiliating how reactive you were, you hadn’t indulged in this kind of intimacy in a while, almost a year to be specific. 
it wasn’t helping that jungkook was a fucking pro. the right amount of pressure and the placement of his digits against you has you dripping onto his nice, dress pants. you hoped nobody else was in the parking garage, else they would hear your cries of jungkook’s name. “more, kookie, more— fuck.” 
“more baby?” he questions, the sound of your moans going straight to his already hard dick. he thinks he could cum just to the sound of your voice. he’s one hundred percent fucked when it comes to you. he dips his middle finger into your hole, you gasp in reaction. “like that? hmm? ” 
jungkook knew was he was doing, he had you spread wide in the backseat of his car, already on the verge on an orgasm. he had a few years of experience on his belt, a ‘retired fuck boy’ he was, but he’s never wanted to please somebody more than he does right now with you. you just looked so pretty like this, so eager and begging for more. 
he adds his ring finger now, his thumb against your clit. “oh, god—“ you mutter, the feeling of his fingers and his thumb on your clit is too good. his fingers fucking you better than anyone else’s dick ever has. you found yourself bucking your hips against his fingers. “kookie, kiss me, please,” you look up to him with the eyes he can never fucking deny. so he kisses you, drinking up your moans as you fuck yourself up onto his fingers. 
“i didn’t know you were such a dirty girl,” he murmurs against your lips. your walls clenching around him, “letting me touch you like this in the backseat of my car?” his usual sweet demeanor now contorting into this cocky guy with an ego. it makes you even wetter. the squelch of your pussy every time his fingers push in is loud, the sound is music to jungkook’s ears. 
“only— only for you, jungkook,” you whimper.  you feel a familiar knot in your stomach tighten. he looked so hot like this. eager to please. his bottom lip caught in his teeth and a strand of his long hair dangling in front of his eyes. 
“good girl, all mine,” he kisses your neck. it may seem just like something you say during sex, but jungkook wanted it to be true. wanted you and only you. all to himself. he makes his way to a sweet spot, the feeling makes you tilt your head, giving him more access to kiss and suck along the sensitive skin. the discomfort of your back against the hard door was the last of your worries. your orgasm creeping closer and closer, juices leaking all overs his fingers. “so wet baby,” he growls, “i know i could just slide in, fuck you so good.” 
“p-please, i want it.” the thought of jungkook fucking you senseless, oh, you’d go crazy. begging wasn’t something you did when it came to sex, most of the time it was quiet, moans and breaths were the only things that you’d hear, no dirty words or praises. it was a good change, you never thought that you’d be so into being talked through it. 
he smiles at your eagerness, “patience baby, gotta take you on another date, yeah?” kissing your pursed lips. always so sweet and lovely. 
you feel his fingers push a little deeper, curling to find that sweet spot inside of you. your reaction does something to him, makes him hit the exact same spot, over and over again, in a slow, torturous beat just so he can draw those delicious gasps and moans out of you. jungkook feels close. he’s never felt like this before, so wound up. he ignores it, pushing it to the back of his head to focus on helping you reach your climax. 
lucky for jungkook, he didn’t have to wait very long. his fingers were longer and a thicker than yours, his efforts making you get there faster than you ever could. the consistent deep strokes of his fingers make the warning signals go off in your head. you speak a verbal warning before, “fuck, i’m gonna cum,” your voice pitches a little higher than usual. 
“gonna cum all over my fingers, baby?” he gives you one last sloppy kiss before you’re moaning out and coming onto his fingers, eyes screwed shut as your walls convulse rapidly as his fingers fuck you through your orgasm. “fuck, you’re so hot, ___.” 
you feel a smile break on your face. “you’re not so bad yourself,” you wink, still trying to catch your breath. a laugh slips from his mouth, small smirk on his mouth to match. he slips his fingers out, your body twitching at the over stimulation. 
 “i’m sorry, baby,” he apologizes. inspecting his fingers, your pale almost-white cum coating the digits. he brings them to his mouth, sucking on your sweet sap. you’ve never seen anything hotter in your life. “sweet, just like you,” he smirks. you shrink in his stare, hiding your blush. like you totally didn’t just cum on his fingers. 
you’re distracted by the feeling of something hard resting under your thigh, it’s then that you realize, “what about—“ you start but jungkook cuts you off quick. 
“no, no, it’s okay, it’ll go away soon.” he shakes his head, but you furrow your eyebrows. 
you pull on his black tie, making him lean forward and make eye contact with you “can i?” you ask, so sweetly. 
he stares at you with the most sexed eyes you’ve ever witnessed. “you’re driving me crazy.” 
“you’re always so sweet to me, jungkook,” you kiss his cheek. readjusting yourself in his lap, straddling him once more. “took me on this amazing dinner, always treating me like a princess.” your lips travel down from his cheeks to his jawline, then to his neck. he shudders at the feeling of your lips against his sensitive skin. your hands move from around his neck to travel further down, to the latch of his belt. his breath hitches. “let me return the favor, kookie.”
“i—“ he laughs, the embarrassment evident in the pink tint on his face. “i won’t last very long.” 
you didn’t mind, just assuring him with a sweet kiss on the cheek before you start removing his belt. jungkook leans his head back on the headrest, his neck exposed for you to kiss and suck. you unbutton and unzip, pulling his pants and his boxers down at the same time. his size makes your eyes bulge. he was huge. your mouth waters at the sight. 
“you’re so big, kook.” you egg him on, fueling his ego because he just looked so hot. your hand moves to hold him at the base, he lets out a shaky breath when your soft skin meets his. jungkook’s head is in the clouds, he could cum right now if he let go, but he’s holds himself back, not wanting to look like a fool in front of you. your hand moves up his dick, your thumb collecting the precum dripping from his hole, your thumb running over his slit as he groans. 
his hips buck up, “shit, baby.” he just sounds so good. you could just lick him up. you collect some saliva in your mouth, letting it drip from your mouth onto his dick to lube your hand. he groans at the sight, “you’re so filthy, baby, holy shit.” 
you smirk at the admission, the spit making it so easy for your hand to glide against his cock. the feeling makes him throw his head back again. his chest rising and falling.  the picture of him with his eyes screwed shut in pleasure and his mouth agape makes your lower belly light up once more, you clench around nothing. leaning in as you pump his cock to whisper in his ear, “wanna fuck me so bad? have me crying on your cock? you want that, don’t you, kookie?” 
jungkook twitches at your words. that’s exactly what he wants. was he that easy to read? was that what you wanted too? the thought of it makes him want to explode, “oh— god, ffuck— fuck,” he sputters. his hand coming up to hover above his head, your hand still pumping as the spurts of his cum shoot out. you smile at the action, knowing he didn’t wanna fuck up your dress. instead just making a mess of him and his hand. he takes deep breaths before speaking, “there’s a little box of tissues in the center console, could you hand it to me, baby?” 
you lean back, opening the console and reaching for the small box that sits in the center. before you give it to him, your eyes flicker to the sticky mess all over jungkook’s hand and groin. a sudden urge to lick takes you over, holding jungkook’s hand and bringing it up to your mouth. you lick the dripping cum from the palm of his hand as he watches, maintaining eye contact the entire time. 
jungkook shivers, a smile creeping on his face, “you— you’re evil.” the remark makes you laugh. 
“sorry, just wanted to help clean up.” you smile, swallowing the cum you collected on your tongue. 
“yeah, yeah, you’re not the sweet girl i thought you were,” jungkook quirks a brow. 
you roll your eyes playfully, “you don’t like it?” 
“nope, i love it, you’re perfect.” jungkook wipes off the remaining mess from his lap and his hand. you help him clean up tissues and he picks up your panties that were discarded on the floor. the two of you fix yourselves before stepping out of the back seat, jungkook opens the passenger door for you before he goes to a trashcan and throws away the soiled tissues. 
he joins you back in the car, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. you were rambling about how happy you were that no one was around and how there were no security cameras in the parking garage. jungkook blabbers too, telling you about how embarrassed he is that he barely lasted a few minutes. before the two of you knew it, his car parked in front of your apartment complex. 
he stands outside of your front door, leaning against the doorframe. all dreamy and not like he just made you cum in the backseat of his car. “text me before you sleep?” he smiles. 
you nod, “of course,” reflecting the same smile. you wave before closing your door. the date being more than you ever expected. there was no way jungkook was real. he had to be a figment of your imagination, he was the absolute dream guy. 
you lay in bed, staring at the stars on your ceiling. a blush creeping up to your cheeks once more when you think about the events that took place tonight. 
[11:02 pm] you: thank you for tonight, jungkook 
[11:02 pm] you: it was magical <3 
[11:03 pm] jungkook: no problem cutie, i had an amazing time with you
[11:04 pm] jungkook: feeling okay? 
[11:06 pm] you: i’m great!!! more than okay
[11:07 pm] jungkook: 😂
[11:07 pm] jungkook: i’m glad cutie
[11:08 pm] you: lunch on me next time? now that you’ve taken me for dinner :) 
[11:08 pm] jungkook: sure, i’m down :) 
[11:09 pm] you: i’m rlly tired kookie 
[11:10 pm] you: gonna head to sleep now 
[11:10 pm] jungkook: alright cutie 
[11:11 pm] jungkook: sweet dreams! 
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。゚(゚^O^゚)゚。 tag list: @giadalin @ggukkieland
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Hiiiiii! I’m the anon that asked about a Rebound pt2. I love that piece so much and wondered if you’d ever consider writing a follow up? X
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Part 1
Pairing | Marcus Pike x Fem!Reader
Warnings | None
Word Count | 1.2k
Masterlist | Main, Various Pedro Characters
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your eyes flicked up from the cutting board for just a few moments as you sighed at the show playing in the background as you prepared dinner; one of the main characters was being useless as usual. It had been a long, busy, week and you were more than ready to finish your wine and sit on the couch and watch cheesy movies. Before going back to chopping your vegetables, you grabbed said wine and topped off your glass before taking a long drink from it.
But before you could go back to finishing your salad, a soft, almost timid knock came at the door. For a moment, so surprised and taken aback, you didn’t move to answer it; it almost seemed like the person was unsure they had the right apartment. Deciding to ignore it as you hadn’t been expecting anyone, especially not on a Friday night, you were more than annoyed when the knock came again, this time more confident and sure. Wiping your hands on the clean rag, you huffed before going to answer the door.
Opening it without bothering to see who was there first, caused your mouth to drop as a surprised expression crossed your features. Standing right outside your door was none other than Marcus Pike - the same man that you had left over six months ago.
“H-hi,” he said quietly as a deep red flush colored his cheeks; he half hoped you wouldn’t have been home. You remained silent, frozen with nerves and surprise as you stared at him, “I...ummm...I didn’t really expect you to answer or even be home.”
“I didn’t check to see who it was,” you admitted quietly, “I just answered...I was making dinner. I...what are you doing here, Marcus?”
“I...had to see you,” his words were barely more than a mere whisper as he suddenly found his feet more interesting than anything else as you just stood there, “I don’t blame you if you just tell me to leave right now. I’m not entirely sure I deserve any of your time.”
“You came to see me?” you were shocked; after the little ultimatum you had given him when you’d left him at the cabin, you honestly hadn’t expected to see him again, “I-I don’t understand.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the night you left,” had you really heard that correctly? Marcus was thinking about you - just as he had never left your mind? He stopped him, clearing his throat before meeting your eyes, “what you told me made me realize then that I hadn’t been over her. Not fully anyway. But ever since you left...she hasn’t even crossed my mind. It’s always been you. It’s you.”
“Oh. Oh,” you swallowed thickly, trying to wrap your mind around what he had said, “you’ve been thinking about me?”
“Yeah,” he exhaled nervously, “I realize when I say it like that, it makes me sound like...a creep. I’m sorry...it’s been months and I probably shouldn’t have said anything. I-I should go.”
“Marcus,” you reached for his arm just as he turned on his heel to walk away, catching him completely off guard, “please don’t go. N-not yet.”
His soft eyes searched yours as you found yourself rendered speechless. Before you could think too much about what you were going to say or do, you pulled him towards you before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips, testing the waters to see what the two of you would do. Marcus was left in stunned silence as you took a step back, sure you had overstepped any remaining boundaries.
As if he could read your mind, in an effort to keep you from closing yourself off to him, he put his hands on either side of your face before leaning in and kissing you deeply. It all felt so effortless and easy, like it was always meant to be this way. When you pulled back, reluctantly so, you found him looking at you with a huge grin on his face.
“Is it bad to say I don’t regret doing that at all?” he asked softly before brushing a lock of hair out of your face, “because I’m kind of glad that I finally managed to work up the courage to come over.”
“Me too,” you agreed, “I was just making dinner - do you want to come in? I think we have some things to talk about.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You were right, you know,” Marcus said as he drained the rest of his wine, setting his glass down with a light clink as you set down your fork, “when you left that night. I didn’t realize it in the moment, but as soon as you pointed it out, I knew you were right - at that time I wasn’t completely over Thersea. But when you left and I was faced with the reality of not having you...it made sense.”
“What suddenly clicked?” you asked tentatively, not wanting to get your hopes too high. You really and truly cared about Marcus - you loved him - but weren’t willing to start anything again if there was a possibility that it would end in further heartbreak for you.
“I had only been hanging onto her because I felt like I needed her,” he confessed as you only offered a short nod, “because until then she was the only one that ever accepted me the way I am. But I realized after time, after she broke up with me. I think when she came into my life, it stirred something in me, almost made me think I needed her. But over time, I realized I don't - she liked me because I was there, not because she was in love with me."
"I could have told you that," you teased lightly, nudging his foot under the table with yours, "you're a good man, Marcus and you can do a lot better than just settling for someone like her. You deserve better."
"I'm not really concerned about better," he insisted, "I'm more concerned with whether or not you would possibly give me a second chance. I know I don't deserve it, but I figured I have to shoot my shot."
"I won't lie like it didn't hurt when I realized what was going on back then...but I've never been able to get completely over you," you were determined to lay it all out on the table, "because I loved you then and I love you now. And the fact that you waited so long before coming back tells me that it wasn't just nothing to you."
"No," he promised, "never. I just needed to fully realize that for myself."
"Well, Marcus Pike," you grinned at him from across the table, "I'm willing to give this another shot if you are."
"Yes," he was more than ready, "I am. Should we start from the beginning?"
"I think we should," you agreed before stating your full name, "it's nice to meet you."
"I'm Marcus Pike," he held out his hand, which you eagerly shook, "its a pleasure to meet you."
"I think this could be the beginning of something beautiful, Agent Pike," you poured some more wine for the two of you, "and I intend on fully finding that out this time."
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