cardi-c · 5 months
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Rite Here Rite Now
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
So first of all, i REALLY, as in REALLY LOVE your new atsv series aka this is life to the point i just cannot wait for the new parts and for some reason i just kept going back for it. I REALLY DONT KNOW WHY LMFAO 😭😭 but ive been eyeing for the new journey you are opening to, with us, your friends here in tumblr :)
Second, I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GRATEFUL THAT I CAME ACROSS YOUR BLOG‼️‼️ tbh you captured my eyes and mind when i saw your post and your blog profile. Didnt know why, but my guts say that i should press to your profile and i am thankful because i explored your profile.
And third, and last. I hope your safe out there even though we do not know each other, i hope we become friends ‼️🤭 or mutuals or something HAHAHHA but again, i am really excited for me to come along with your newest journey :,)
Ps. ILY GIRL ‼️‼️ I HOPE WE BECOME FRIENDS‼️ also, i am your newest fan 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 OKAY GOODBYE AND HAVE A GOOD AM, PM ‼️‼️‼️
omg u are the cutest thing to walk the universe lollll. thank u so so much !!!! i genuinely appreciate the kindness so so so much. and i would love to become friends, u are too frickin' sweet!!! <3 <3 <3
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1d1195 · 2 months
SAMMMMMMMMM I CANTTTTTTTT !!!!! i read the protection blurb🥹🥹🥹 i’m literally about to cry they’re ADORABLEEEEE whew😮‍💨😮‍💨 i was cheesing sooooo hard the whole time I CANT BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY WROTE A BLURB YOURE AMAZINGGGG AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH
i saw your post apologizing for the next part of Most👀….yea i think ima stay away for a littleeee bit longer HAHAHAHA i hate lauren🙄 (idk her)
IM ACTUALLY GOING ON A TRIP !! in the first week of august im traveling to see my sister and some other family (only excited to see my sister tho lmao) and that’s gonna be fun hopefully. not quite sure how long i’m staying but whtvr (i take back what i said, i wanna binge-read Most on the plane and then stress out abt the posting from a different timezone)
i have a new song! (it’s actually old ((and a cover)) but who cares) “Dance Me to the End of Love” The Civil Wars has been on repeat omg. i actually have this whole montage in my head that plays when i hear it of a tv couple and one of them is dying and this is playing in the background while the scene goes from their happy flashbacks to the present AHHH HANDJEIE THATS SO SPECIFIC IDK BUT DO YOU GET IT ?
“You Are In Love” BY TAYLOR SWIFT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MACY AND ELLIOT CODED IM SCREAMINGGGGGG !!!! that’s always been one of my all time favorite taylor songs bc it’s just so lovey dovey so ofccc but i just heard it again after reading love & other words and holyyyyyy ugh i almost cried😭😭 i meannnn “one night, he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says, you’re my best friend, and you knew what it was, he is in love” AFHKJEAGFOUEHJFL AND THE WHOLE BRIDGE ??? ITS SO THEM anyway, im still completely in love with that story n i think of them a lot (im trying to persuade my sister to read it, she’s being difficult)
IT. HAS. BEEN. STORMING. FOREVER. i kid you not we spent WELL over a week where it was raining and gloomy and gray nonstop BUT IT WAS STILL HOT. its sunny again now though and i am living purely off of iced coffee LMAO
Of course! your inspo was such a good idea! I love to make Harry sound dramatic about safety and of course there's no better Harry than the one I wrote in Protection. 💕
That's awesome you're going on a trip and you get to see your sister! I'm sure that will be really happy and exciting. A no return date is so cool. I wish I could have that part of your life for sure 💕 My entire life is scheduled to the minute lol. I think by the time you are on the plane and in a different time zone you won't be stressing too much about Most hehehehe. I think most of the frustrating scenes and parts are all done (but we'll see what I come up with for the remaining parts)
What a beautiful song 😭 my favorite lyric is in the first verse "lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove" I TOTALLY see what you're saying about the TV montage. That's how I envision songs and see stories as well. Thank you for telling me about it! I have a couple songs I've also been listening to that are older. Go Solo - Tom Rosenthal, Where's My Love - SYML, and Acoustic - Billy Raffoul (the lyrics for this last one are a bit spicy but it sounds so innocent I didn't notice the lyrics when I first heard it on TV)
It's not a book for everyone! My sister didn't like it because she didn't like that she was engaged. Which I think makes me toxic because I didn't even CARE. I love Macy and Elliot. I think about them 20 times a day. Specifically the part where he calls her honey toward the end and consoles her. I'm a sucker for the comfort trope. But you're right, You Are In Love is about them.
It finally cooled down this past week (it's supposed to heat up again though). I'm doing well. This is the last week of summer school. Can't wait to be done with it. I read a trashy book this weekend and I'm hopeful I'll read another one this week. But I wrote Part 4, 5, and I'm working on 6 of Most so I've been doing literature things but I should be reading more. I need less screen time hahaha. I also watched Maxton Hall and I know it's probably a little young for me, but the enemies to lovers is my weakness.
There is nothing wrong with living off iced coffee 😉 Hope you have a good day! Do you have to pack a lot for an undetermined trip length? I think I would explode trying to pack for that 😭 how do you do it?
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(Writed this today, but actually watched the movie on the 23rd of august, but I went through the screencaps for recap)
- This is not a movie I would watch as a kid. I probably watched maybe in kindergarten or rented it cause I have nostalgia for some scenes but maybe I never watched it fully or maybe just got them from picture books or the Disney magic English vhs. But I actually remember the live action movies more. Specially the cruella cake scene. But haven’t watched them in sooooooooooooo long. Kindergarten really
- It’s a cute movie, not a fave tho. As far as animal movies go, I prefer lady and the tramp, aristocats, rescuers, lion king, bolt…
- The opening credits are really cute. It’s not just illustrations. Very playful
- I romanticize London and Paris a lot cause of movies like this 😭😭😭 the aesthetic is just so good
- Nothing looks better than sleeping beauty, but if I didn’t know anything about these movies production I don’t think I would consider this movie’s animation and art style a downgrade compared. As I said, nothing competes with sleeping beauty, but 101 Dalmatians isn’t and didn’t need to be that and instead the artists gave it just a unique art style. The backgrounds in this movie are gorgeous. I love how messy the art is
- I love the beginning of this movie a lot. Pongo is so funny. My fave scene is the ladies passing with their very similar dogs 😭😭😭😭 character design at its best and I love that these ladies make small appearances through out the movie. I don’t think dogs reflect their human’s appearance irl but it was such a fun point the movie made. I love it. Best part of the movie
- Anita and perdita are so classy. How did these too lazy asses got them to fall in love with them? 😭😭 no, but seriously, pongo and roger are charming, cute and clumsy type. And he writes music???? I’d fall too, who am I kidding
- Thinking of going to read my books to the park too, maybe I’ll get lucky
- their meeting goes from awkward to cute so fast 😭😭😭 I love this whole beginning
- Remember that post that included Anita in the "you can’t marry a man that you just met?" thing???? Why???? Did cinemasins really make people forget that offscreen development can and will happen??? Do they think perdita gave birth to puppies the day after too???? Tf
- But the wedding is so cute and simple. And the dogs on the outside, the roses, the glass church window illuminating, UGH GOALS GOALS GOALS both anita&roger and perdita&pongo. They are sooooo cute
- Oh to live in a squished London apartment with your musician husband and 2 dogs
- Cruella was never one of my fave villains but I see why she’s so popular. She does have killer 👀 fashion sense. That coat looks so fab I want it for winter
- Why hasn’t Anita cut this woman off her life? She’s showing too many red flags in just 2 minutes 🙄
- Roger has no business being this petty but I love him 😭
- The iconic cruella song. It’s for sure one of the most recognizable from Disney
- Feel so bad for perdita, being pregnant and now worried her kids might be taken away from her. One even almost dies 😭😭😭😭 this poor dog
- The waiting for the birth of the pups to be over scene is so tense and a rollercoaster omg I really feel the anxiety and excitement and sadness and relief
- The dead pup scene is so sad but so well done. It’s precious. Pongo looking sad and patient putting his paw on roger’s knee while roger tries to save the pup ugh precious
- Why did cruella just do a jump scare 😭😭😭😭 WOMAN WHY ARE U HERE
- Roger and pongo being fed up with this woman is so funny 😂 I guess dogs and owners really do look like each other. They have the same glare and black spots 😭😭
- Roger is THE man
- The doggies watching tv scene is also very cute. I love the distinct personalities already showing. Cuteness overload
- The tv shows and commercials in this movie are so good.
- I think from now on is when I start to lose interest. Idk, the beginning scenes are just my faves
- Hate the kidnapping scene. Poor nana. Poor pups. I hate this
- Wish they showed more of cruella’s room cause I honestly love everything I’m seeing. Orange, pink, black. Bed with those high posts for curtains hell yeah I’ve always wanted one of those
- The lady and the trump cameos 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- The dog and cat’s dynamic is pretty great
- These pups are easy to please. Give them a tv and they are satisfied. It would take more for me to keep me calm
- I do like how dogs and cat save the day. And the whole collaborative process. Really good solidarity
- That tv show looks so interesting tho. I guess I’d behave like the pups too after all. My dumbass would be just like the puppy that stays behind
- that poor cat better have all 9 lives cause he is risking too much for the canines 😭😭😭😭
- Ugh the whole run and chase part of the movie makes me so anxious. THEY ARE 101 PUPS AFTER ALL. Not only do I get nervous about the fact that they are always almost being discovered or indeed discovered but also cause they are so many and I’m scared someone gets left behind. It’s like idk how the movie ends 🙄🙄
- The color design tho. The blue room turning red for the fight 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- That one pup sliding in ice almost falling on the light….. MY HEART CANT HANDLE THIS
- I love how there’s so many different dog breeds in this movie
- Ok but they have to be batshit crazy to keep 101 Dalmatians 😭 good for them tho. I hope they are as dog people as they think they are cause that’s a lot…….. 😭
- Not a fave but cute. Makes me a bit anxious so it’s not something I’d watch for relaxation you know? 😭 the art style is gorgeous, the characters are amazing, another disney classic
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MHA but it's a wattpad werewolf fanfiction. P1.
As a werewolf wattpad author myself, I am taking the library to mock this strange culture phenomenon.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and abusive fathers, nothing super graphic. Slut shaming. Possible hints at beasality (???). And no spell checking. Read at your own risk.
----I don't know how to center text lmao---------
A/N: omg guyz!!!!! im so excited to share this story idea ahhhhh but I'm also super nervous please b nice :)))))))) also to all the haters I'm sorry you're peanut butter jealous of me >:}
Hello, my name is Izuku Midorya! I am a 4'1 greenette with wide beautiful jade orbs and a slim body. Sadly, I'm very ugly :( because I wear glasses and enjoy comics and other geeky things that other people don't.
Today is my first day at ForestWood High school and I'm super nervous. Everyone at my last highschool hated me because I was super ugly and shy.
"Izuku, sweetie, get up you're gonna be late to school!" My mom whispered yelled through my door.
I gasp, my jade eyes blinking open in panic. I had another nightmare about my abusive acholic dad beating me :(
"C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-Ccoming mom." I stuttered.
I slip out of the soft comforters of my bed and quickly made my way to the mirror. My messy, green hair and beautiful jade orbs staring blinking at me. I frown. My ugly freckles are ugly against my super smooth and milky skin. God, I hated how I looked.
"Honey?" My mom whispered yelled again.
My abusive acholic dad used to beat her whenever he spoke higher than a whisper so now her voice is permanently damaged and she can't speak higher than a whisper ever again. Damn him!!!!!!
"Sorry! I'll be down quickly!" I gasped.
I totally forgot it was my first day at ForestWood High school - i hope the other kids don't bully me for my super ugly glasses and totally weird hobbies like reading comics or listening to Panic At The Disco!
I quickly pull on my vans, my best pair of jeans, and the cutest long sleeve shirt I have. It has to be long sleeved cuz my abusive acholic dad left burn scars all over my arms.
I look at myself through the mirror and nod happily - I am still super ugly tho.
"Hmmmm, it feels like I'm missing something....Oh!" I pulled on my glasses, almost forgetting them. Wow I'm such a klutz!
Laughing to myself, I climb down the stairs and find my mommy in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Hi sweetie! I hope you aren't too stressed out about moving in the middle of sophomore year. It's just that we needed a new start after your abusive acholic father was arrested for a DUI." She whisper yells.
I nod. "No I understand mother."
She smiles. "Okay sweetie, so long you are happy. Do you want me to drive you?"
"No thanks" it's so lame to have your mom drive you too school, I think to myself.
My mom lays down a plate full of eggs, bacon, cheese, pancakes, sausage, and beans. I smile and take a piece of toast "thanks for breakfast mom" i say as i run outside.
"You're welcome honey!" She whisper yells back.
Everyone is staring at me as I walk into the door of WoodForest High School. They all stare wide eyed before turning around to gossip to each other.
I nervously look down, clinching the schedule my student console gave me. Already the weirdo :( it must be the Naruto shirt I'm wearing.
Since I was looking down nervously, I didn't see the slut in front of me. I let out a gasp, body falling backwards as my papers are all scattered to the floor.
"Omg I am sooooooooooooo sorry!" I cried out, head snapping upwards.
Across from me sat the slutties person I've ever seen!!! With a skin tight, thigh high dress, super long heels, and a face full of makeup, he looked like a low-end prostitute.
"Omg! You better be sorry! My father just got me these heels! Ugh! Stupid human!!!!!" He said, beautiful blonde hair shining and gray eyes twinkling with anger.
"I-I-Im-" I stuttered.
"Just fucking shut up you stupid fucking whore omfg this is why i wanted Alpha Todorki to fucking kill all the humans and shit but nooooo that was genocide and bad. Ughhuuuy stupid ass fucking bitch." He yells down at me, standing up from the floor.
Around me the whole student body stares, most laughing or throwing in their own insults. Tears fill my jade orbs as I sniffle.
The slut huffs, spinning on his heels as he marches down the hallway. Everyone watches his ass as he goes because damn.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" A kind and gentle voice calls out. I turn to see a beautiful brownette standing before me and I blush - she's so cute and nice!
"You must be the new guy! Hi! I'm Ochako~ and the person who just rudely left you sitting on the floor is Momoma - he's sorta the Queen Bee around here. And a mythic bitch" (A/N: if you got that reference plsssssssss be my friend 😭)
Ochako helps me pick up the single piece of paper I dropped when I ran into Momoma.
"Wait, how do you know I'm knew?" I ask confused.
Ochako laughs, sounding suspiciously nervous. Weird...
"Uh....its a small town and every one sorta knows every one hahahaha! OH! It looks like you have Mr. Aizawa first period, so do I! He's sorta of a hardass but is also super kind!"
I nod, "okay!" We walk down the hallway together.
"Hey, do you think you can tell me more about this school?" I ask, not wanting to repeat the same thing I rid with MoBitch.
Ochako nods, "sure! Well this school isn't like most because we have two packs right next to each other -" ochako's eyes widen as she looks my way. I am confused. "-I mean! Not packs. No. That's weird. Wolf like. I meant...families. Two different families and we don't like each other and we don't have many outsiders hahahha"
I blink before nodding, "that makes sense. Who are these families?" I asked like a good main protagonist.
Ochako continues with the NPC dialog. "Well first you have the Todorokis - Alpha, i mean, leader Todoroki is a real hard ass. His son is unmated, I mean, is currently not in a relationship. He's weird but nice. Then there are the bakugos. Alpha...leader Bakugo is real nice! I love her cooking but her son is super mean and is a bad boy so stay away from him. He's also single."
I nod as we come up to a science classroom, "thank you."
"Well, here we are! First period of the day! Ready for hell on earth?" She asks me with a wink.
I take her arm in mine, "only if you're ready to talk along side with me."
She laughs, "of course we're best friends after all."
"I've known you for five minutes."
We step into the classroom, arm in arm. I feel ready to face any weirdos or bad boys.
A/N: omggggg that was so much fun 2 write and i feel like it was really good. Please comment and like :))))) it makes me happy and I'm very sad :(((((( love you alll!!!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxozoozz
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rotblut · 3 years
Hi Luni! I've been watching kdramas for a long time and sometimes i think about what made me watch kdramas. The reason I watch Kdramas is that they are the ones that handle emotions well, that touch on individual and social problems, that character development is well organized and that friendship and family relationships are sincerely reflected. I also love that there are deep characters in the dramas who have insights and thoughts about life.  I really like the way some writers tell about life and people. I can't find these things in western dramas mostly.
And... I really love your artistic works. 😍😍 Because I'm also curious about your reasons for watching kdrama. Sorry I wrote too long...😅😅
<3 you have such a beautiful soul omg how adorable don’t say sorry for writing a lot of words!
I started watching kdramas in 2012 because youtube recd me a low quality version of the full movie always https://mydramalist.com/1814-always and i was so emo because of it and never felt such emotins for love before that i watched most of the other things with the main leads from that (disappointing can’t reach the level that was and is always). master's sun and the heirs were the ones that made me start making edits on here (in the dark past i was into sig..............i saw the light thank you) with a friend of mine and we were really into kim woobin and kim jiwon (and I still want them to be romantic leads in a drama like deep down in my heart that wish took root and won’t go away till they finally do it and they probably never will) anyway made all the people on here mad as fuck because of them and us... ngl good times I was really into the whole vibes that they gave me and no american show could reach that crazy level of madness for me. jiwon and woobin were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy to me. kdrama-edits was my first sideblog together with her and the edits are terrible all whitewashed because that was the trend in the past....................had a period where i focused on animes/mangas/games/kpop because the kdramas were disappointing me terribly and i was not happy with the faves that i had in the past and what they chose to do.......... anyway 2016 was boring and afte that year till 2019 i only watched some kdramas and did not edit any of them but in 2019 i was done with gaming on here i still game tho just not edit it anymore so i came back wtih this blog and started making edits of kdramas again. 
anyway it’s mostly about chemistry for me with kdramas and the actors in it like that’s what’s keeping me to kdramas. the chemistry. stories too but like the chemsitry is what makes me go wild. and pretty actors but mostly the chemistry is the key factor. story too. but mostly what’s important to me (and i cannot stress this enough) is the chemistry between characters and actors. 
western (american/european) media is sooooooooooooo fucking boring with what they think romance is because it means nothing to me the way they cannot make me feel anything at all is amazing on itself. hate the shows they produce and they put sex in there but it’s so unsexy to me and a turn off like the way they do so much with sex but it’s just not feeling right and earned and it feels cheap and terrible. since a decade their romance stories cannot make me feel anything at all. they don’t even do romance shows or cast actors with chesmitry together like it’s only superhero/comedy/driving/disney/funny/starwars-remakes like watching the sky is more exciting than that. and the way they put in the same 5 famour actors in everything.............and their pretentous award shows. and the shows they produce (doesn’t matter the channel or network or net/flix or hu/lu or whatever) like plssssssssssss i don’t need them being pretentous for doing the bare minimum and re-using the same plot over and over again. also the way the male characters aren’t allowed to show weakness or emotions and when they do it gets treated as a joke is also really not it for me. and the women in them are also not written in a way that i enjoy them. anne/withane was great but they cut that one like they always do. that’s also a thing with the fucking people here they make seasons and seasons till the show sucks or they cancel good shows for low ratings like ok...... i wouldn’t willingly watch a western show again like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you would have to pay me a loooooooooooooot for me to watch a western show. and since no one does that i am good. 
hugs you beautiful cutiepie with a nice filling <3 
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
I constantly struggle to accurately express how thankful I am for your tags because I am always struck beyond words 🙈 But the words have to come out somehow and they’ll still never be enough to fully express my gratitude 🤧 thank you always for your wall text of sweet words! I am always happy to know that you have RTd some of my works because that means i get to read every single tag and they make my day💖 I can never say thank you enough ✨❤️
Lemme- lemme- ashdjnh- lemme add a keep reading here real quick real nice hhngnfgh
Okay, okay, I’ve calmed down and I’ll try to not remember it u to not freak out again HNGFDJKNHDFGFOKAY, SOAS LDKJGA KLDJADL
First of all, I’m sorry it took me a couple days to reply to you, I’m SO sorry ;w; You took the time and troubles to come say something so beautiful into this peasant’s inbox and here I am being the ungrateful little shit not replying OTL
But yeh, it’s been a busy time for me, so I’m sorry for not replying earlier, and thank you immensely for waiting and also thanks because I think you’ll understand… ;w;
Don’t worry about struggling with expressing gratitude!! I understand sooooooooooooo well the pain of not knowing how to say thanks enough ahaha ;w; So don’t worry about that. I also lack the words to express how insanely beautiful your art is, so if I can’t put into words that, it’s only fair you don’t know how to say thanks either
U so popular and known and stuff and your art is brilliant, and you could be content just reading my tags silently and never say thanks, but just taking the time to even check my reblog, that’s fantastic enough; but to also take the time to write to me, and such a beautiful ask, it says all the thank you you think you can’t express!! I treasure and appreciate SO MUCH your time and your words, like WOWEE, OMG, YOU COULD JUST LET ME CRY AT YOUR FEET BUT YOU TOOK THE TIME TO SAYS UCH BEAUTIFUL THINGS KALSJDLAKDGJADGK AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that is SO MUCHH to me and it says everything!!! Thank you, thank you!!!
Thanks a lot to you for taking the time to read my wall text of comments. A lot of times, the tags go to the void, so thanks a lot for giving my comments some sense because, what are words without a reader, right? So thanks a lot to you too :’) Thanks as well for being patient with me. I remember the art I reblogged more recently from you, I said in the tags to please give me some hours (or days) to add the tags, and you actually DID come back to check them!!! Omg you have no idea how many reblogs I’ve added with the “please give me x time, but are you reading this?” and I havne’t been answered… ;A;
But you did. You saw my tags and I SURELY took much longer than I said I would to add the tags, but you still went back to check them. Honestly, that’s so, so very kind of you. Thank you so much for having read my tags, and thank you for understanding, and thank you even more for coming back to check them out later. It really…means a loT TO ME KLASJDDAKLGJADKL AAAHHH ;w;
There’s NO WAY I can put into words how absolutely HAPPY that makes me!!! Omg, thank you so much, I- I- I think I knew you read the tags here and there but I didn’t know you read them every time, and even less did I think that they made you happy!!!! ;A; Omg, knowing this really makes me SO HAPPY, and asdndkjfnsf, aaahhhh, now it’s me who can’t say thank you enough!!! ;w;
Thank you so, so, so much, Kirakanjo senpai!! I’m absolutely hyped about this all, knowing you read my tags and that you hold them in such a positive view
Thank you for everything, Kirakanjo sama. Seriously. Thank you, more than I can say. I’m so happy about everything you told me (happy about just you being in my inbox!), you have no idea
BUT ANYWAYS, not gona bore you with more of my talking! Haha
Just- thank you lots seriously for not letting my tags go to the void, and thank you for that immense sweetness you radiate. Keep being you :3
Thanks a lot for dropping by, and I hope you’re having a MOST SPLENDID and phenomenal day!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
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saintkimora · 7 years
ok! so just for the sake of recordkeeping i wanted to write about how my first date with dani went on monday night! it was super super fun and there was even a little twist
so! on monday after my botany final i was gonna go to the gym since i was trying to get in as much working out as possible since the gym will be closed from like friday to after new years. but i was snapchatting dani by this point and i asked how he was doing and he said he was bored and lonely so i was like lets hang out
so we decided to meet at this mall thats between our houses that way neither of us had to drive the whole way bc its kinda far. so i got there after like a 30 min drive and it took a while to find his car but i finally did! so i got out of my car and went into his and saw him and........whew
he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute OMG like he was just adorable not just his looks but also his mannerisms and how he was talking and stuff like.......omg 
i dont even remember what we talked about first, but he was so cute and we eventually kissed and he was such a good kisser too! and he was wearing a gray hoodie and he had the cutest belly and he had nice titties too!! and thick thighs!! and his hair is very touchable and his voice is soooooooo cute omg he has Gay Voice 
we talked about stuff and i gave him lots of leaning-over cheek kisses just while we were talking and he was loving it and it was so cute. and like when i complemented him he would get sooooooooooooo flustered and he would giggle or cover his face with his hands it was the cutest thing 
then we decided to get food so we were driving around for a while bc we are both indecisive and didnt know what to get. so while we were driving he was showing me all these songs he liked and telling me about his favorite music and it was so cute. and he likes cupcakke!! then we decided to get taco bell and the drive through line was soooo long but i didnt mind bc we were just gonna be sitting in the car regardless
so we got food (he paid even though i wanted to pay for my part) and went back to the mall parking lot and we were eating. then things got personal real fast and he opened up to me about a LOT but it wasnt quite oversharing bc it was kinda relevant. im not gonna say what these things are bc thats his business but it was just like so much.....like this year has been REALLY bad for him rip but at least now i can try to make the last few weeks of it as nice as possible for him! i also appreciated how easy it was for him to show vulnerability bc that is def a quality i am looking for in a man
so yeah we spent a few hours together talking and stuff, hes really pleasant to talk to and hes so cute like i just wanted to squeeze him!! at one point i felt like i was talking too much so i was like sorry am i talking too much but he was like no i like hearing your voice....like hes so cute!! i want to just hug him all day and protect him and make him happy
at one point i was talking about work and out of nowhere he just leaned over and grabbed my face and kissed me for a bit and then afterwards he was like “sorry, i couldnt help it” like OMGGGGGGGG this is a MAN
he was very into me he was giving me lots of complements which i liked very much, he even liked my fanny pack!! and we are looking for pretty much the same thing relationship-wise so i think this is gonna be good! he cant be out past 11 though bc his parents give him a curfew (even though hes my age) bc they arent supportive and dont want him out doing gay things so they force him to come home by 11 like that is so sad and very annoying on their part
now for the twist. it turns out that hes friends with caleb LMAO he went on one date with him but didnt like him too much and now calebs been pestering him about going out the past few days, he tried to call him and dani was like ew no. so i exposed caleb to him and we bonded over how much we dislike him lmao
so then it was time for me to leave. so i got out of the car and you know how when you open car doors the lights turn on? so the lights turned on and i saw him in full lighting again (since it was night time so it was dark) and he looked sooooooooooooooooooooooo good omfg like i really got lucky with this one!!! i cant believe a few weeks ago i was all like “oh ill never find a guy as hot as joel” bc i literally just found one even hotter not even a month later LMAO
so yeah! and then we’ve been texting pretty much constantly ever since. hes really sweet and really into me and im so excited to pursue a relationship with him!! we get along very well and i cant wait to spend more time with him!! we’re going on a date to the city tomorrow so im gonna get to spend a whole day with him!!
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saintkimora · 7 years
well here is how the past 4 days have been w joel
we started talking on scruff like 5 days ago. it was actually really nice conversation. like i usually suck at talking to people on those apps but w him it came naturally so that was a good first sign
so our first cuddle date was on friday night. i drove to his apartment and i actually drove on the parkway! it was scary but i had to do it bc using the regular streets would have taken like an extra 12 minutes. i was not expecting much bc he said on scruff that he isnt looking for a relationship bc hes been going from relationship to relationship for a while and he felt suppressed so he wanted some time to just hoe around (ok caleb) so i went into it just expecting a decent one night thing. i got there around midnight
 so i finally got there and he was soooooooooo cute in person omg!!! he already looked cute in his profile pic but he was even cuter irl. so i got there and his 3 roommates were all in like the living room area so i had to meet them. it was hard and i was getting more nervous as the convo went on. but the first thing one of them asked me was if i knew who that poppy was and i was like yeah i do lol and they all went wild asfajkdfbheakdfkha they were so surprised that i knew who she was! and then one of them showed me her pet toad lmao 
so then we went into his room. we cuddled and talked and stuff and it was soooooo nice omg. he was sooooooooooooo cute and sweet and affectionate and funny and his voice is kinda dorky. and his hair is SOOOOOOOOO SO nice omg i was touching it like all night. and his ass is so nice omg i finally got a man with some ass!!! his ass is so fat and hairy and jiggly omg! and he had a really cute soft belly too and he has nice titties. and his eyelashes are so cute and he had nice eyebrows and a nice beard and soft lips. AND he likes me hairy and he told me i didnt even need to trim my pubes! now this is a MAN 
so we talked on his bed for most of the night. we talked about drag race (he has bad opinions on it though he hates all the messy iconic queens! like he doesnt like nina or trinity smh) and overwatch and ff and kh and also some more personal stuff. and he has anxiety too! which is good bc now i dont have to worry as much about my anxiety being a burden like i had to do with c*leb. he also told me about some of his past relationships which i will get to later bc i was not happy about this
 at one point we sat on his couch bc he wanted to show me all the playbills for the shows hes been to/been a part of. i do not care for theatre stuff but i still enjoyed it bc he seemed really excited to show off all his playbills lol. he also gave me his mcat book since he doesnt need it since hes already taken it and gotten an acceptable score lol
so we cuddled some more (hes a REALLY good cuddler btw omg) and we did some touching and kissing and oral obv and then we fell asleep. and this was like one of my fave parts omg i looooooooved falling asleep with him and waking up with him. it was such a cute first date! he did leave like 3 hickeys on me though :/
so then i had to leave and go back home to go to my cousins baptism party. it was boring but it wasnt as bad as it couldve been bc joel kept texting me all day telling me he missed me and stuff which was cute 
then he invited me over again that night. so towards the end of the party he was like “btw my friends and i just started watching rent live so take your time bc youll prob get here during the middle of it” and i was like ok that is not happening bc i was not about to sit there and hang out w him and his friends that i dont know at all bc i am not repeating my third date with caleb. so i really took my time and watched the newest drag race. then i got there around midnight again
so we went into his room and he was playing kh 2.8 but we turned it off and we played mariokart on the switch instead! 10th grade me WISHES he was current me omg it was super fun even though he beat me almost every time lol. then we went in bed and did the usual. but this is where a problem started. so we were kissing and touching and stuff and i accidentally moaned calebs name AJKSFADSJFAEJKF i felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad 
he was like “what was that?” and i was like “what?” and he was like “what did you say?” and i was like “nothing” and he was like “it sounded like you said caleb” so then i apologized like a million times lol he said it was ok as long as it didnt happen again. but still i felt sooooo bad about it. i apologized again later on in the night and he said its ok and not to dwell on it lol. idek why i said it bc joel is more attractive than caleb both in terms of looks and personality. i had the same problem when i was with caleb too smh whenever i was w caleb i had to fight the urge to say freddies name. so yeah that was the one mistake ive made so far
so then i tried to make it up to him by sucking his dick. then i also ate his ass and fingered him. now THAT made me horny omg eating his ass was so much fun and his hole was so pretty and fingering him was super fun too! he was nice and tight and he was REALLY enjoying it which made me like it even more! so then i basically fingered him while sucking his dick/jerking him off until he came and it was honestly a religious experience omg he looked SO hot
then we fell asleep again lol but this time i had to wake up earlier bc i had work. work was good bc i got 3 credit cards and my manager sarah was happy about it. but i got SOOOO angry towards the end like we closed at 7 and a whole crowd of people came in at 6:55 and the line was so long even after we closed and when i finally got my last customer she ended up being the most difficult one of the day i hated herrrrrr omg she had like a million returns all w dif receipts and it was even more annoying bc we have to put away the returns along w the go backs after closing so she just gave me even more work to do
then on sunday joel said we shouldnt hang out that night bc we needed to pace ourselves. i was fine w that bc obv i missed him but logically speaking going slow is prob the best thing to do so we dont burn out too quickly. he did text me a lot that night though lol he was not afraid to tell me how much he missed me lol it was cute. then on monday afternoon i saw my therapist and told her all about my new thing w joel and i talked about the doubts i had about it and we had a v good session!
then came last night/today. so this time i got there around like 9pm. i was happy bc it was so easy driving on the parkway this time i was like wow this is actually kinda fun but then i had so much trouble finding parking smh like i can never just have one completely good drive! so i got there and said hi to 2 of his roommates who were in the living room/kitchen area. we went into his room and we watched finding dory and it was so cute! i prob wouldnt have enjoyed it by myself but it was fun watching it while cuddling w him. then there was like a centipede type thing on his ceiling and i was about to die omg he sprayed it w lysol and it fell but he couldnt find it so he thought it would die soon but then later on in the movie it touched his foot and i had to get away while he killed it for good. then later that night when we were in bed there was another bug on his wall smh but this one was easy for him to kill
after the movie he pulled up these youtube videos from this dance show his schools theatre honor society did and made me watch all the songs w him in them. it was honestly really boring im not gonna lie akjfhadshfkfskdjabhd but it was nice seeing him dance and stuff i guess. there was one point where there was a guy in the performance and he was like “oh he had such a nice ass, when i first saw him i was like whoa” like...once again ok caleb like that is not really information i needed to hear. or when this other guy was in the performance and he was like “oh he was my roommate that year, he was one hot piece of ass” like again i really do not need to hear this
then we went in his bed and it was nice! i ate his ass again and this time he ate my ass as well and i ended up cumming this time and i started like laughing uncontrollably after i came idk why lol but it was fun. we fell asleep and this time we could sleep in so it was nice. we kept waking up and kissing and cuddling and stuff. we ended up getting up for real at like 2pm. then he wanted to watch friends so we did that and then he played overwatch while i watched and cuddled him and touched his belly. then we were just laying in bed again and then i had to go back home for dinner. he offered me cereal or oatmeal when he had a bagel for breakfast but im not comfortable eating in front of him yet and i also hate imposing on people so i lied and said i wasnt hungry even though i was starving ashjfadkfhdskjn
so now for the bad parts. so like joel has not shown any signs of being anything but completely 100% interested in me and he has shown no signs of stopping soon yet i cant stop feeling like he just likes me now bc this is new and then he’ll get bored and leave when he gets to know me better. bc thats basically what caleb did and like i have no proof that joel will do it too but i cant get over the feeling unfortunately :/ like honestly out of our 3 dates so far i was kinda tempted to just cancel and then never talk to him again for 2 of them just to end things now so it doesnt get messy later. but my therapist said im not psychic so i shouldnt try to predict the future without any evidence so i am trying to just push the feeling to the back of my mind
now for my next issue: our relationship status. so joel said when we first talked on scruff that he didnt want a relationship but his actions have said otherwise. like he said he wants to take things slow bc he wants to make this work and he keeps saying he wants me to be his and stuff like that and he seems v interested in me beyond just as a friend w benefits. so idk what exactly he wants bc even if he changes his mind and wants to be bfs w me idk if i want to bc i dont want to make him feel “suppressed” again like he said about his past relationship history. so yeah as of now im not taking it too seriously and am just trying to enjoy myself without really thinking of how our situation is going to develop
now for my next issue: his past relationships. he told me the one time he like REALLY fell in love w a guy was w this online long distance relationship. this relationship actually ended very badly for him. but the issue to me is how it began. joel said he met this online guy WHILE he (joel) already had a boyfriend and that he developed feelings for this online guy while he was still w his bf at the time. he said he felt bad about it which is nice i guess. but the way i see it is that if he did this once he can very well do it again and i dont want to be the current boyfriend when that happens. like i honestly cant relate at all bc im the type who doesnt even really check out other guys when im currently bfs w someone. not everyone is like this obv so i cant be mad at him if hes the type to still be attracted to other men. but like, to actually develop feelings for someone else (and not just have it be a physical attraction) while currently bfs w someone? that is just disgusting imo and when he told me this i told him like im ngl thats messed up. so yeah that makes me even more hesitant to be in a relationship w him since he might meet another guy when hes with me and fall in love with him instead. so yeah this is just another thing to note in the back of my mind
and now for something i have mixed feelings about. on sunday he texted me to let me know he deleted all his dating apps yesterday bc he wanted to to focus on pursuing me and he wanted to be preemptive about it bc he didnt want to have any “temptations.” honestly it was cute at first but then i went to delete mine and looked on scruff and it said he was online 10 hours ago but he said he deleted it yesterday! so i asked him about it and he was like “oh yeah i redownloaded them this morning just to check them one last time” like ????????? honestly it was just funny to me bc like why did he tell me deleted his dating apps like it was some big thing if he was just gonna redownload them the next day nnnnnnnnn and like he didnt tell me about the redownloading part so he just wanted me to believe he deleted them yesterday? like idgi what was the point of that lol i think he wanted to do something to look sweet but it just ended up backfiring lmao. also he said he deleted the apps but he didnt delete his profiles so idk what to make of that but honestly i really dont care ive known this guy for 5 days afhkjafkhdaskn it was just kinda funny to me
but this next part is worrisome. its what he said about resisting tempations. like it wouldve been fine if he just said like “i am pursuing you so theres no reason for me to still be on dating apps” but like saying he “didnt want any tempations” so its like...hes admitting that its possible for him to be tempted? like as i said im not tempted by other guys at all like if i am with a man it is just him and only him for me. so idk again it seemed like he was trying to gain points w me by saying that but it just made me even more suspicious. again im not making too much of a big deal over it bc its not that serious yet but its just something for me to keep in my mind bc my therapist said this is the stage where i should be doing research and making note of things that could be red flags and stuff. so *tiffany pollard voice* ive been doing a little research
like it doesnt seem THAT bad on its own but when you combine the temptations thing w his past relationship history stuff it does make it seem like its very possible for him to show so much interest in me now and get with me only to decide he likes another guy more. so yeah for these reasons i am not putting too much stock into whatever we have rn bc im not quite sure yet whether i want to pursue a relationship with him
and i have one more thing. as ive mentioned before joel is good at EVERYTHING. he is good at orgo, playing a bunch of instruments, choreography, makeup, studying, video games, staying on top of his career goals, cooking, and he has a higher gpa than me. i am trying not to be competitive but its honestly really fucking annoying that he is better than me at literally everything! like i wish i just had one thing i could beat him at. i dont want to let it get to me but regardless of how i want to feel the fact of the matter is that i dont like it when people are better than me at anything in general, so when someone is better than me at like everything it REALLY gets on my nerves
and another thing. like all 3 of our dates so far have just been us two alone in his room. i have yet to see how good we are together in like social situations. like w caleb we got along perfectly fine when we were alone just hanging out but the problems started w like going out and doing social things like that. so i need to see what his needs are socially and how compatible our lifestyles are before i can fully devote myself bc if he has the same needs as caleb i most likely wont be able to keep up which will put a strain on the relationship
so those are my issues with the situation so far. i said those first bc i wanted to end on a good note! so now i can move on to the good stuff
joel is honestly really really nice and he gives me soooo much attention and he seems very interested in me atm. he loves my appearance AND he loves my personality and for once it seems like we equally enjoy being with each other instead of me liking the other person way more than they like me. and we have so many common interests and like i dont feel nervous at all when im talking to him! and like he misses me soooo much its so cute! and his personality is just like my fave like it just makes me wanna squeeze him! and hes so funny and like its so cute like if i make a joke and he says like get out or leave or something and im like ok and start to get up hes like “no no dont!!!” and like latches onto me and it is soooooooooo cute. and i literally cannot keep my hands off his hair (and also his ass and tum tbh). and since he lives w his 3 roommates theres no parents to worry about! and he just makes me really happy like i cannot be sad around him and hes so bubbly and he always uses so many heart emojis and calls me nice things like babe and my love and sweetheart and yeah just like he is literally checking off every box rn. all the problems i listed before are somewhat significant but overall i really like him so far so i def want to keep seeing him. and he already lives v close to his school so its not like i need to worry about him leaving anytime soon! and hes really nice like i really liked caleb at first as well (since the problems only really started towards the end of our relationship) but i already like joel way more than i liked caleb! and its nice bc like everyone kept saying when caleb broke up w me that i would find someone way better than him but it was kinda hard to believe at the time but everyone was right! i like joel soooooo much so far and if any guy ive met so far has been boyfriend material its definitely him
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