beesinspades · 11 months
i'm very :3 because the dark urge being fully customizable might be thanks to my very enthusiastic suggestion as a playtester.....I mean maybe other playtesters who came after me (my group was apparently the first to try the dark urge out, at least in gent, because the group before us didn't even know that origin existed) suggested it too, I don't know, but :3 even if I'm just one of the people who suggested it, I'm :3 because HELL YEAAAAH!!!!
I loved the dark urge so much (even though I couldn't finish my playthrough with them, since they were my second playthrough of the playtest) that i was like "this is too good, since they're not a companion origin story u guys need to make it possible to play them as any race not just the dragonborn variations"
AND THEY DIIIIID i'm so happy!!!!
#baldur's gate 3#bg3#bee talks#I legit screamed when they said it during the last panel from hell#finally i can talk about this#me playing with my customized dark urge character: HEHEHEHE THIS IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTEEED#also insane to see my name in the credits like wow#also idk maybe it was always planned for the dark urge to be fully customizable but#during my playtest they could only be a dragonborn#and all the promo art/etc is the dragonborn#so I assume it wasn't??#wish my memory wasn't so bad because i suggested it at least twice but i don't remember if i did it only in written form or aloud as well#in which case they didn't tell me 'oh yeah we were already gonna do that' because i would've remembered that at least#ANYWAY ANYWAY#I'M JUST EXCITED#also i might have something to do with the alchemy window#because there wasn't any and i was the idiot with no healer in my party whatsoever so i was relying on potions and so on day 2 or 3#I complained that alchemy wasn't intuitive enough and the dev looked at the other dev like 'oh yeah we could ask to add that'#'shouldn't be too hard'#and then two weeks later they asked us to focus some of our feedback on alchemy specifically#but tbh i doubt i was the first and only one who suggested an alchemy window because god crafting straight from the inventory was HELL#it was all trial and error digging in the inventory trying to find the components#and there was no alchemy pouch. and no 'automatic' recipes. pain and suffering#lastly: if we get an ace character / ace romance options in the next divinity game: you're welcome#anyway sorry what are these tags god i can't shut up can i#i'm just so happy i got to have a small tiny part in this amazing game!!!#it's wonderful seeing everyone enjoying it so much the devs are so passionate and worked so hard!!!#and I'm having a blast too playing it without all the bugs and unfinished cutscenes bahahaha#BG3 GOTY!!!!!
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fatalglitter · 20 days
Just looked at the fnf Kickstarter page to see what I should expect to see in the finished game and holy shit these people are insane. The game is going to be huge omg
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kcrossvine-art · 1 year
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G'morning all! Its nice to get back things,. Theres been some roadblocks with med shortages and life, and also with the material for these recipes. So far we've covered a lot of pastries, not because theyre mentioned more often in the series, but because being mentioned lends them more specificity in flavor than things like gravy, peas, or various meats. The latter can be prepped, seasoned, and served in so many different ways that it feels harder to make them 'faithfully' because a packet of instant potato mash is just as faithful as a pot of buttered potato mash. Baked goods tend towards 1, maybe 2, 'base' recipes that get altered and added to. 
 Today, we'll be making Beorn's Honey Cakes! A dish from one of my partners favorite characters- a delectable little treat befitting the… warm personality of the character.
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to Beorn's Honey Cakes?” YOU MIGHT ASKSimple stuff! Simple sweet stuff!
All-purpose flour
Baking powder
Ground nutmeg
Unsalted butter
Whole milk
2 eggs
Vanilla extract
The veins of honey cakes ancestry can be traced back to any moment where people began baking bread. Honey is a natural preservative, and sweeter still on its lonesome.
AND, “what does Beorn's Honey Cakes taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKLike your aching muscles repairing themselves
Tastes like a honey graham cracker
But the texture is softer, wetter- somewhat like banana bread
Oh, and this will make your house smell So So Good
If you can resist the temptation of eating them immediately, they taste even richer the day after baking
Would pair well with milk green tea
Would also pair well with fresh orange slices (or those chocolate 'orange slices' candy)
Genuinely don't forget to flip them upside down when they go to bake the second time, not sure what it is but i was curious and did a test where i flipped half of the batch upside down and kept the other half of the batch right-side up like they cooked in the muffin tin. The ones i flipped upside down universally had a more consistent texture and the honey was able to permeate further.
.where honey called for, used clover honey
From start to finish this recipe takes about an hour of work, give or take some negligible time for prep.
The batter is perhaps the babybird of all cake batters. The gloopy, protruding crumbs of butter, not unlike a squabs beady pupils visibly dark under its skin, break up the mass of sickly smooth and reassuringly sweet-smelling oak-colored liquid. You can feel the confusion of bees outside your home, wondering if this your attempt at making royal jelly.
Just like a babybird, it becomes more than the sum of its parts. Layer on that honey drizzle, layer it on thick, theres no risk of drowning subtle flavors. Its crisp edges will keep its form, springy and warm, inviting you as if you're not the one who crafted it (food you didn't cook always tastes better). The bees are sooooooooooooooo jealous of your opposable thumbs and muscular strength.
If you dont have eggs you could try substituting with apple mash. I can't vouch for it in this recipe but replacing eggs with mashed up apples for pancakes gives it adds a nice fruity flavor without changing the texture, and in theory should work here as well.
I give this recipe a solid 10/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) 
270 grams all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
1 stick unsalted butter
160 grams milk
2 eggs
110 grams your favorite honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
Muffin tray and parchment paper
Preheat oven to 350f
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg.
 Add the butter and rub it into the flour with your fingers until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. 
In a small bowl beat the eggs until just combined. Pour in milk and then vanilla extract while stirring.  Keep stirring vigorously while slowly pouring in honey.
Stir until the mixture is consistent in color.
Pour the liquids over the dry mixture and stir until just combined.
Pour the batter into a greased muffin tray, don't use any muffin paper/lining/cups.
Bake for 16 minutes, or until they reach their full height.
Carefully remove from the muffin pan and place the muffins upside down on a parchment lined tray.
Using a silicone pastry brush, generously cover the tops of the cakes with honey. Allow to sit for about 5 minutes to let the honey soak into the cakes.
Bake for an additional 8-10 minutes, or until the cakes are golden brown.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
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ellievickstar · 4 months
Pretty Lies
A/N: THIS THOUGHT STRUCK ME AS I THOUGHT OF THE MEME SO LIKE BEAR WITH ME FOR A MOMENT OKAY??? also i gave up valentine week, i want to write a lot does not mean i want to stick to a schedule.
Summary: Cassian has some questions about you and Azzy's relationship, and because you are both very private people you choose not to answer Cassian truthfully, but what will happen when he decides to test your answer out?
Request: Nope.
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Warnings: Fluff. I'm in my soft era okay??? shush. This is set before even Amarantha so somewhere between the first war and the curse.
Cassian glanced between you and Azriel, both of you had been speaking through the mating bond, thus it was mostly silent. Truth to be told, your bond was quite new and Cassian had not really heard you both interact with each other since you both confessed your love.
"Hey...I have a question," Cassian spoke up, raising his hand slightly. You cocked your head curiously, waving a hand to encourage him to continue.
"Do you guys use pet names?" Glancing at Azriel, he shrugged.
"No," You said simply.
Narrowing his eyes, Cassian internally scoffed. He did not buy it, not for one moment. Azriel may have been the most quiet among the three of them but he knew for a fact that Azriel was probably the most affectionate behind close doors. Azriel cared in a way that was quiet, a way that did not draw attention. The smallest details that hinted to the fact that the shadow singer cared more than he let on.
Cassian nodded to himself, he would reveal your lies and expose them for what they are, this was his true purpose in life.
His plan commenced during dinner.
Waiting for the proper moment to strike, he suddenly piped up when you and Rhys were deep in conversation, Azriel was listening to Amren closely as she complained about how boring her life was now.
"Hey, Y/N, what do bees make?" Cassian asked slyly. Hesitating for a second, you gazed at him before answering, "Honey?" It was then that Azriel suddenly said, "Yes, Sweetheart?" Mor exploded into laughter, Amren hummed her amusement and Rhys grinned like a wild cat.
Blushing a deep red, you turned your head to hide your face in Azriel's arm, his hand coming up to stroke your hair while your body shook from trying not to laugh, his lips curling up into a smirk.
"I KNEW IT," Cassian screamed, "YOU LIARS TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T USE PET NAMES, HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME," Wincing at how loud he was, Azriel shot Cassian a pointed glare in which Cassian quieted down, sulking slightly as he dramatically collapsed back in his chair, clutching his chest from 'heartbreak'.
"I'm sorry Cass, but you're not the most...subtle person," You tried. You were trying to not snicker and be kind about it but he gasped louder. "I can be subtle. I am soooo subtle," He rolled his eyes.
"So if I told you I found my mate would you be calm?" Rhys joked. However, Cass's eyes widened at Rhys, his eye balls seemingly almost popping out. "I'M THE LAST ONE LEFT WITHOUT A MATE????"
"Never lie to my face every again," Cass whined, chuckling you nodded, Azriel's wing tucking you closer to his side, ready to scoop you up once you were done talking to Cass so you could retire home for the night.
"I promise I will tell you every detail, even how Az-"
A/N: hope this was fun to read heheheh see y'all next time <3
Azriel taglist: @chessebookgirl (if you guys want to be tagged in any character fics please tell me and I will happily add you <3)
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cobragardens · 8 months
5 Good Omens Timefucks that Haunt Me
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Why is this here? Why is this line included? Is it just to add texture, to imply that larger world of corporate fascism of which Crowley and Aziraphale are subjects and victims and little worker bees? If so, why "They've started early" specifically? Why not "I wouldn't have expected that shrub to be the first to go" or "Aw, I liked that rock formation"?
Crawly doesn't make this comment in an offhand way: he sounds a bit taken aback and not thrilled that things have kicked off sooner than he anticipated. But it doesn't ultimately seem to make any difference to this scene, so why do we, the audience, need to know Hell started early?
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This one I'm not as confident will turn out to be significant, because iirc it appears in the book, which was a complete story when written, and because it serves a narrative purpose: it puts Agnes Nutter in charge of the situation, not her murderers. By backfooting Witchfinder Major Pulsifer, Agnes startles him enough she's able to walk past him without Pulsifer seizing her and discovering the extra 80 lbs of gunpowder and roofing nails in her skirts.
But. Agnes Nutter's sense of time is Nice and Accurate, and she notices the witchburning party are late and remarks on it to herself before she says anything to Pulsifer. So assuming a few minutes to position Agnes, tie her to the stake, and read the charges and conviction against her, Pulsifer and Agnes' neighbors are 12-15 minutes later than they should be. Why?
If the book answers this question, I don't recall; the show does not. And again, it seems to make no ultimate difference to this scene.
I'm not saying this was even purposely included in S1 as a timefuck. I am suggesting that as Gaiman seems to be fucking with time or timelines in this story, even if he and Pratchett didn't plan it like this when discussing the sequel, a retcon is hardly out of the question.
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As others have pointed out, Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 is 45-55 minutes long. If you're listening to it on 78s instead of LPs because you are a CRAZY PERSON, it's going to take you more like 1 hour 5 minutes, because one side of a 78 holds, at most, 5 minutes of music, so every 5 minutes you have to get up and flip or switch the record.
Shostakovich wrote his 5th symphony in response to criticism in the state newspaper (possibly penned by Stalin himself) that his previous work didn't suck the Communist Party's dick hard enough--the kind of criticism that put him in danger of being sent to prison or killed. At the time it was first performed in 1937, Symphony No. 5 was considered a massive triumph, walking the line perfectly between Shostakovich's artistic standards and the Communist Party's demands of him.
The choice is symbolically significant, but it's a symphony, so whoever's censoring it isn't censoring lyrics or information. Again, why? Why is a 45-55-minute symphony only 21 minutes long? What did the time thief do with the 24-34 minutes?
Here's the rug that covers the portal to Heaven in Episode 1:
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Here's the rug in Ep. 2:
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Aziraphale does not change this rug for the party. We know this bc we see it in Episode 5 when Mrs Sandwich enters the bookshop and the party is in full swing:
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Now here's Aziraphale moving the circular rug to expose the portal to Heaven:
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But here's Crowley, putting the rug back:
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Why are there two different rugs?
Every end credits track has the first line of "Everyday" embedded in it But after the line from "Everyday," at the end of Episode 4, the theme skips twice like a vinyl record, and then is stopped by whoever controls the turntable and restarted, with several seconds of music having been skipped over.
This is not the first time it has mattered to a character in Good Omens what we in the audience see and hear. I argue here that God asks Aziraphale what he did with the flaming sword She gave him in order to show us the audience who Aziraphale is. God also addresses us the audience directly in S1, not only narrating about characters omnisciently but speaking to us about Herself in first person.
Now we evidently have a second character who has gone meta and is changing what we the audience experience of this story, and--indications are good--the story itself.
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dreamlifebunny · 8 months
a better way to affirm (and make any method more effective!)
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every desire we could ever want has already been said "yes" to and everything is possible - this is the beautiful truth of the law of assumption. a very popular method for manifesting is affirming for your desires: with affirming, we tell ourselves "i have money, my sp loves me, i am safe, etc." attempting to conjure up the feeling that the affirmations are true. however, when we don't actually believe in the affirmations, repeating them over and over can feel vapid, yucky, and even make us feel like we are lying to ourselves, causing us to feel the opposite of the affirmations we were using.
when talking about imaginal acts and imagination, edward art has often said that it's not the details of the scene that matters, but what the scene implies about us that is important. it was after listening to his "though false" lecture that i realized, in order for affirmations to be effective, we must first believe they are possible for us at all and they must tell us something beautiful about ourselves.
yes, it is true that mindlessly repeating affirmations over and over again without feeling them can manifest just as effectively as feeling your affirmations and only repeating them once, but the reason why either of these methods work is because you believe that they will work. if repeating affirmations mindlessly 10k times gives you the same feeling that your manifestations are yours, then please keep doing that method! but if you struggle to believe that mindless affirming will actually bring about your desires and you find the repetition boring, this post is for you.
i would like to repeat: the law, in all of its beauty, reminds us that every single thing that we desire has already been said "yes" to. with this beautiful concept in mind, let us create affirmations that feel softer, easier, truer, and give us the peace of mind that we are seeking.
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this post is inspired by and at some points directly lifted from edward art's "though false" video. i take zero credit for the ideas that he originally shared, i just wanted to add on my own interpretations and share it with the community so that more people could be inspired!
this post was also inspired by @alilarew23's post "what if god said yes?" i can't believe when i first wrote this that i didn't realize how deeply it was inspired by her incredible post, and only now after reading it again did it dawn on me 😭 i wanted to make sure this post of hers was linked because it is SO good; please give it a read if you want to feel wonderfully validated, safe, and comforted in the knowledge that your desires are YOURS!
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decide what it is that you desire and let the daydreams begin - what do you naturally imagine happening? what do you hear? see/hear/feel/etc. the imaginal act that naturally comes up when you think about your desire (don't worry that you're not doing it right, it's simply a sweet daydream about what you desire)
next, ask yourself: if this desire manifested and really came true, what would that imply about me? what does the manifestation of this desire tell me about myself? get to the core of what the manifested desire says about you. for example, if you wanted wealth and you naturally visualized travelling the world with all the money you have and imagined that the scene was true, the core belief could be "i am free to do anything i want without barriers." if you wanted wealth and you naturally visualized seeing your bills paid off and imagined that the scene was true, the core belief could be "i am always safe and looked after financially."
we have now figured out what our desire says about us, and our next step is to ask god if what it says about us is true. since WE are god, we go within and ask, "God/Self/Subconscious, am I (insert the answer we found in step two)?" the example could be, "god, am i lovable? am i safe?" etc.
because we know that every desire we could ever want has already been said "yes" to no matter what, answer yourself as god: "yes!"
feel the feeling of relief - you now know that a) your desire will manifest, and also b) that you are everything that your desire implies about your wonderful self and that you now know that your affirmation of choice is true! how beautiful is that? repeat these steps however often you need peace.
as you can see, this takes you right to the feeling that you are trying to get achieve by manifesting your desires. we manifest to feel loved, happy, successful, wealthy, so why not feel those ways while we wait for our manifestation to show up? it gets us to the core of the belief and helps us figure out exactly what it is we are wanting to feel about ourselves. it makes the affirmation feel a lot more powerful and personal, and a lot more "guaranteed" knowing it is coming to you from yourself as god.
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lets say i have decided that i want to manifest a partner back, who ghosted me with no explanation and who chose someone else over me, and that it left me feeling worthless. the imaginal act that comes to my mind when i imagine him coming back and choosing me is my partner holding me tight, crying and apologizing for the pain he has caused, and telling me how much he missed me, loves me, and how badly he wants to rebuild trust and cherish me for the rest of our lives (💅)
if my desire came true, it would tell me that i am irreplaceable, lovable, obsess-worthy, worthy of affection and love, unforgettable, irresistible, etc. (how lovely that would be to feel!)
"bunny (god), i know that everything that i want has already been said yes to. does this mean that i am irreplaceable, lovable, obsess-worthy, worthy of affection and love, unforgettable, and irresistible?" (i would probably just use one hehe but you get the point).
knowing that i am god and that my word is law, i tell myself the beautiful "yes!" that i know is true! i feel the reality that i am lovable, i trust that god (myself) knows the truth and is powerful.
i relax, knowing that the inherent nature of god is a resounding "yes," and that that means i am already lovable, irreplaceable, etc.!
i hope that this exercise can bring you peace, remind you of your incredible worth and of how truly lovable and wonderful you are, and ensure you of the guarantee of your desires manifesting. if you have made it to the end of this post, please consider watching the "though false" lecture and ali's post "what if god said yes?" for even more validation and love!
love and hugs, bunny 💕
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crispxxxx · 7 months
How skz(ot8) would react to s/o reader having a bad day
(tw.None(?) Tell me if i need to add any)
Lol I made this because i want to throw myself off a building rn and the good thing about being a writer is that you can wright what you need!
sorry for ranting, I'll most likely re-edit this tomorrow when i'm not a mess
He is the embodiment of the lyrics "the monsters gone, he's on the run and your daddy's here."
When he gets home and realizes that you've had a bad day he's instantly by your side giving you hug's and kisses, He won't force you to tell him anything unless he's scared that your not being safe.
If you wanted to talk about it he would sit there and listen for hours, But first he would ask if you wanted advice or you just wanted someone to talk to, because he will stfu and listen if you just want someone to talk to.
But if you didn't want to talk about it than he would give you two choices, Either he would cuddle you in silence or he would talk about something that happed in his day (something cute the boys did) Nothing Bad ofc so he wouldn't bring down your mood more
He's not very good with comforting with his words so he does it with his actions, When he see's you slumped on the couch with a tear stained face he made a bee-line to the bathroom and ran you a warm bath with bubbles.
When you both got in the bath he would brush/wash your hair before drying you off and helping you put on your favorite pjs and doing your skin care
than he would lay with you in bed and cuddling with you and ofc if you wanted to rant he would let you but if you didn't that's okay, He knows you well enough to know when he needs to push you to tell him what's wrong.
The moment he got home and noticed your upset expression he would cuddle you like his life depend on it.
He would sit there and let you rant for hours And would text one of the boys to bring over some of your favorite snacks.
Would 10/10 not leave your side the next day, He would tell Chan that there was a problems and he couldn't make it in until further notice
you would have to force him to go back to work but ofc not without him throwing a fit
He would sit there hugging you and crying with you, He believes that you two are soul mates so you must share the same feelings
when your sad he's sad, when your mad he's mad, when your happy he's happy.
Once both of you stopped crying he would ask if you wanted to talk about it,
If not he would just sit there and hold you until you either fell asleep or you wanted to do something else.
Once he saw you were upset he would head to the kitchen and grab a tub of ice cream sit there and hold you while you eat it,
all he want's is his baby to feel better, he wouldn't start talking unless you told him it was okay.
if you want to tell him what's wrong he's all ears but if not he wouldn't push you, He wouldn't let you go unless you had to go to the bathroom other wise he's clinging onto you like his life depends on it.
he would wordlessly pick you up and put you on the counter. letting you rant as he made your favorite dessert and food,
once he was done he would run you a bath and just take care of you, with gentle touch's, kisses and sweet words,
he want's nothing more for you to be happy and would do anything for you just so he could see your smile return to your face.
Very much like Leeknow, he would wordlessly run you a bath and take care of you, he would wash your hair, style it, brush your teeth, do your skincare, get you changed in a new set of clothes and feed you and than once's that done he would hold you tight and sing you to sleep,
you cannot tell me that this man will not sing to you,
he would do anything for you, that even means singing a lullaby to you.
He would be so sweet,
the first thing he would do is grab a bunch of blankets and pillows and make a fort in the living room,
grab your favorite snacks and drinks and turns on your favorite show, he would hold you tightly until you fell asleep and if you weren't tired and didn't want to talk about yourselves he would rant about his day to distract you.
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grogusmum · 4 months
Please Mister Please
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SUMMARY: You can't seem to escape that one song even after the apocalypse. Joel and Ellies friendship brings you some comfort, and maybe Joel is interested in more.
WORD COUNT: 1700ish
WARNINGS: None to speak of. Unless you need one for soft Joel. As always, if you see something I've missed, let me know in my DMs, and I'll add it.
A/N: Just a little something inspired by the Olivia Newton-John's song of the same name. (She was in her country music era) It's hardly edited, written on my phone, and Imma just yeetin' it out there. Oops. It's just the usual fluffy hurt comfort. But it IS my first go round with Joel. I hope you enjoy it! 💚
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The jukebox was found on a supply run at some honky tonk out Fort Collins way called Sundance something or other. You laughed at your first thought, which was it's wasn't one of those new ones with CDs, realizing "those new ones" were now 40 years old... but this one was truly an antique, with vinyl in it and everything.
A Wurlitzer in all its chrome, brightly colored bakelite, and satisfying push button glory.
You shake your head now, thinking you should have known the moment you heard. Everyone was so excited. Because, of course, they were! How fun is an old timey jukebox full of country-western ballads, anthems, and line dance classics?
It brought an energy into Jackson, the likes you hadn't seen before it. You'd gotten in early on, and watched its evolution from place where people were merely surviving to an industrious hive of busy bees, creating abundance but there wasn't much room for joy and then out of the clear blue sky - line dancing. At first they couldnt keep it plugged in all the time, it was turned on for a half an hour at the end of the day, until they had a good handle on the dam and the power plant was working consistently. You're sure it was the inspiration for Maria's attention to holidays and socials after seeing the excitement and morale lift from it. Suddenly, y'all were living, not just staying alive. So it seems silly, with so much real life and death shit to deal with, to get so hung up on one song, but it carried so much weight for you, you just couldn't shake it. If only it wasn't so sweet, if only it wasn't so catchy… Maybe people wouldn't have noticed it among all the other tracks. But it was sweet and it was catchy, and about making it after all the shit they'd been through...
So naturally, at five songs for a quarter, it ends up in the mix at some point. (It's the only reason the town has any coins. Paying it could have been bypassed, but dropping the 25¢ seemed to be part of the fun.) So when you least expected it, it would start to play, and so far, it continued to flip your stomach and make your eyes glass. And think about how he and you didn't actually make it.
Joel and Ellie have been in Jackson several months now. Ellie dove right in, school, taking care of the horses afterward, trying to socialize. She's a little guarded sure but mostly funny and eager. Joel started helping Tommy right away, but it seemed to you more to keep busy than to join the community. He's wary and taciturn. When they weren't in those organized work times, they stuck close. When Ellie ventured into social activities, Joel let her go, but he was ever watchful, with Ellie checking in often even just a look over her shoulder, just to see if he was still there. He always was. They reminded you of a bonded pair of strays.
You liked your place, Catnip's Apothecary. They'd come in twice so far, once when Joel brought Ellie in for a poison ivy rash and once when Ellie brought a very grumpy Joel for inflammation in his knees Ellie found all your jars of tinctures, teas, herbs, and powders fascinating. Asking what everything did, looking at drying plants hanging from rafters in wonder, pspspsing the cats.
“Are you a witch?”
“Ellie!” Joel admonished, but looking at you for a tell. Were you? You could see him wondering.
You only laughed. Sure you were, but what they were seeing here was hardly witchcraft, just herbalism, mostly. Joel and Ellie are both bright and observant - you're pretty sure they both noticed you didn't answer.
Tonight, Ellie is at the rec center, a movie theater for the evening, awaiting the start of none other than Star Wars.
Where did they find all these 70s flicks? Nevertheless, A New Hope's a great find. You can't resist going, even though you know it by heart, and you'll have to force yourself not to recite all the dialogue. Sitting smack dab in the middle, surrounded by all these kids and young adults, seeing it for the first time, you munch your popcorn and smile.
You don't see Joel, but it's not like you are actively looking for him… just curious, given their penchant to stay together and you figured he will know the movie too, maybe he's more of a Trekkie. When you catch Ellie's eye, she waves animatedly and moves to sit beside you.
“Sssoooo, you're like one of the only grown ups here.” there is a gremlin glint in Ellie’s eye.
“Yeah, I thought there'd be more nostalgia watchers-” you say a little sheepishly. “ But it's okay, I'll see it with a soon-to-be New Generation of Star Wars Fans. Bear Witness!”
“And what if it sucks?”
The noise you make is somewhere between an indignant scoff and a gasp of purest offense. But you rally.
“Oh just you wait padawan-”
"What's a pada-"
As quickly as the lights go down the attention commanding drums of the 20th Century Fox fanfare begin.
“Oop here we go! Buckle up, buttercup!!”
You live vicariously through the new audience for the next two hours, and it is a pure joy.
The young people of Jackson laugh at the Laurel and Hardy comedy stylings of Threepio and Artoo, they eat up the “though she be little she is fierce” snarky spirit of Princess Leia, gasp at Alderaan's fate and Obi Wan's sacrifice, cheer at Hans return, hold their collective breath when Luke turns off his targeting device to use the force, and burst into applause when he makes the one in a million shot, womp rats in Beggars Canyon take heed.
“Aw man I really hope we can see Empire some day,” you say as the credits roll.
Ellie is elated, peppering you with questions about the sequel and then Return of the Jedi as you walk out of the rec center, and everyone begins to head home. You do you best answering, not wanting to spoil too much if she actually gets to watch it.
“I'm this way,” she says suddenly, as she peels off from the town center, “see ya!”
You head toward the Tipsy Bison, to join the adults, most of which took advantage of the kids being off at the movie to do a little drinking and dancing.
The spring has brought high spirits, and with it bright chatter and the stomp of line dancing in progress. Grabbing a spot to watch, you order yourself a drink. When the song ends, there's hoots and applause, and the next one is slow and sweet, and it only takes the first note for you to feel the drop in your belly.
Joel saw you come in, he had seen you from the street actually, when the community center emptied after the film, he had his eye out for Ellie and saw her come out with you, talking animatedly and laughing. He smiled. You were his age, or close enough, he guesses, not only from both the smile and worry lines but your points of reference when talking, only missing references that are local to growing up in Texas. It's comforting, you remember Before. You also have a light he can't get enough of. You didn't confirm nor deny it, but he is sure you've enchanted him witch or not. He's just been too, 'shy' isn't the right word... he just hasn't been able to make any sort of move.
Then he does his best to saunter over to your little table, drink in hand. He's pretty sure his sauntering days are over.
Now you sit alone, a moment ago smiling, tapping to the music. He had been taking in some liquid courage, in the form of whiskey, to ask you to dance. But the light in your eyes is replaced with a shine, not in the way he loves. He's seen this a couple times, he realizes. Times when your eyes go far away and a sadness descends on you.
He gets up and checks the jukebox, taking note of the song. He's pretty sure he's right. He can't bypass a song on a jukebox, nor can he tell a DJ to change it. But he's gonna talk to Walt the barkeeper, first chance he gets.
“Hey Catnip, can I sit?”
You look up wiping your wide eyes.
“Oh, sure, Joel, please,” your smile tries to reach your eyes, but it flickers and can't stay.
“So," Joel starts, he's not good at this. He's gotten better but, “You're Still the One, huh? For me, it's Vince Gill- When I Call Your Name ”
You just look at him, and he starts to think maybe he hasn't improved at all.
“I don't know that one, it was kind of a fluke that our song, his song was a country song. It's not my usual genre.”
“Well it wasn't my lady and my song, it was the song that I listened to after she left. Sarah was so little. I felt so lost in those early days. Now I can't even hear the open-”
“Opening chords,” you finish with a chuckle, “yeah, I can't- and now of course it all wrapped up in the Before Times, too. But here it is, in a jukebox of less than 200 songs, the one song that represents my husband walking out on me before the shit hit the fan.”
“I can't even picture anyone leaving you with nothing but a song.”
“Yeah, well, I can picture it quite clearly. I can't imagine someone leaving you with a little baby girl to raise.”
“We are in the same boat, darlin’ until it happened I would have been with you on that. We were very young, 22, she panicked.”
“Aren't we a pair?”
“Why don't this pair go for a walk then?”
Joel holds his breath, looking into your lovely face.
“I'd like that.”
Standing, Joel holds out a hand to guide you up and out of the bar, it settles comfortably on your lower back, the song long over. His hand tingles and theres a flutter in his chest at being allowed to touch you this way.
It smells like petrichor, though the skies are clear. Joel's hand leaves your back to your chagrin, but he gently holds out his elbow, and with a crooked smile you slip your hand in the crux of it.
“Such a gentleman.”
He smiles and brings you to the newly constructed, yet to be painted, gazebo.
You climb the handful of steps and look at the town from this new vantage point.
Behind you, Joel comes close, his hand casually on your hip, like you did this everyday. His mouth close to the shell of your ear and a quiet hum floats in, the controlled breath tickling, you smile knowing the very apt song choice,
“Are you making fun of me Joel Miller?”
He chuckles, then the words over take the hum -
“Please mister, please, don't play B-17
It was our song, it was his song but it's over
Please Mr. please, if you know what I mean
I don't ever wanna hear that song again…”
Joel turns you, arm around your waist, his other hand sliding into yours -
" I'd sound a bit better with my guitar, but when we couldnt dance, so-"
He starts a simple box step, as he sings quiet and low, just for you, while turning you around the gazebo.
You join in singing, whispering in his ear the chorus when it comes again. It feels cathartic. Then you step back - who is this man? Not the guy who came in with a little girl, a gut wound that should have killed him, poorly healed knuckles, and the wary eye of someone who is always waiting for the other shoe to come down on him like it's made of lead. But looking at him now, those brown eyes wide but the little crease between his eyes holding his concern. His jaw soft, making you take more note of his natural pout and the salt and pepper scruff, the little spot that just won't fill in, it looks like a heart… you wonder if it's as soft and smooth as it looks and if he'd let you touch it to find out.
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pandorasfavorite · 2 months
Filthy smut? I gotchu, here's a couple
(I'm good with prompts I just can't write lol)
Rhea and dom x reader but dom is like super submissive
One were the reader is a fellow wrestler and gets super nervous whenever dom is near because of his height and he notices and teases her abt it before, ya know
Maybe one were dom and the reader have been married for a bit and reader tells dom that she wants a baby and he goes to whatever means to uh, ✨make that happen ✨
If you don't like any of these that's totally understandable, love you tho ♡♡
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AN: It's not a lot but it's something...Is it bad that I want him to take advantage of me????
5'6 isn't short. And in your defense even if it was short at least you aren't dunking under walkways or having to look down at anyone. Now with that, you don't let tall people intimidate you, you could beat them up just as easily as you could if you were 6'6. Scientifically that makes no sense, but you'll rock with it. Despite your stubborn admission to not let them intimidate you, Dominik Mysterio was the exception. And God did he love using it to his advantage.
You didn't even see him that often but he always managed to show up at the worst moment he could. INTENTIONALLY, you'd like to add. He towered over you each time he talked or smiled that adorable smile he had. Today he stood in front of you with his hair dripping from water and his skin shiny with sweat from his previous match. His gear was a little ripped and his chest was showing through, his arms were always out just how you like it. Sometimes you thought you imagined him flexing his muscles when you were watching. Like right now while you were standing in front of him.
You watched it flex for another minute while Dominik was talking, his arms were a distraction from your heart beating 100 miles per hour. He made you so nervous and his sheer height was no help. Your eyes were so glued to him that Dominik thought he’d have to move away completely to get your attention. He waves his hand in front of your face now, “What you looking at there Mami?”. Dominik spoke so smoothly it glided off the tongue. You practically deflated, like became so embarrassed at being caught you put your hands over your face. “m, so sorry”, you said behind your hands though it was slightly muffled.
You felt Dominik lay a hand on your shoulder and your chest only constricted more. He was only making it harder for you to get a grip. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, I liked it”, he replied with a smirk that showed his pearly teeth. Not that you could see, or register what he said. You still hid behind your hand and shook your head, “ I’m so embarrassed”.
Dominik now smiled slightly and grabbed your wrists to move your hands out of your face. “Don’t be, I told you I liked it. I like you”., You part your fingers to peek at him, "You do?". He nods and grabs your wrists to pull your hands off of your face. You puff out an anxious breath when the thought comes racing into your mind. You thought about how you would have to get on your tippy toes just to kiss him. But Dominik could make it easier, he could swoop you into his arms and pin you against the wall. He'd run a hand through your hair and mess it up, but regardless his lips would be on yours. 'I want to kiss him' you thought.
"Then do it"
You snap your attention right back to Dominik and somehow he has only gotten closer and he's backing you up against the wall. "What?", you stutter out with a bright red face. He laughs and touches your hair while being cocky, "You said 'I want to kiss him', I heard you sweetheart". You looked like you just got stung by a bee because your face was screwed up in embarrassment again. You try to cover your face again, but there isn't enough room between you and Dominik to lift your arms up. Instead, you lay your forehead on his chest, "It was supposed to be in my head". You feel one of his hands on the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair. The air seems thick around you both, the desire was there, but you lacked initiative. Even though Dominik said he liked you, just maybe that wasn't enough. You lifted your head to meet his intense and serious eyes like he was plotting something. He cupped the side of your face, and for a split second, you were determined to be the person to make the first move. But when Dominik had a sweet small smile and glimmering eyes at the mere sight of your lips...the honor was all his.
So he pulled your face in, lips sliding together and noses just barely bumping against each other with the solidifying kiss. You both don't move, letting the one kiss linger between you both. But when you do pull back, you go right in for another. It was quicker, stronger, feverish; as if his lips were a cure to your madness. Every kiss has a distinct sound and the atmosphere only compelled you to tug at the loops of his pants to pull him that much closer. His other hand left your hair and slid down the side of your body, all the way down to the back of your thigh to lift up. He lifted up your leg and positioned it on his thigh, holding you there. When he pulled back his lips were a bit swollen and your hair a tousled mess. Dominik moves his hand off of your face only for you to grab it.
You slid his hand down the front of your body, always down to where you felt you needed him most.
His tattooed hand cups your covered pussy and your mouth parts with excitement. Only for Dominik to turn away and leave you pressed against the wall. Remember how you never let someone taller than you, take advantage? Well, you stomped towards Dominik, hot on his trail. You grab him by the back of his arm and you pull him around to face you. Normally you would be struck with silence because of his tall figure and devilishly handsome grin, but not now. You point at him and jam your finger into his chest, “Don’t start that with me”, you now cross your arms across your chest. He looks down at you and his hair barely covers his playful look, “Start what?”. Both you hands rear back to smack his chest, but Dominik didn’t budge let alone wince; “And don’t play dumb either!”.
Your quiet demeanor went back to the fiery one Dominik loved and remembered all so well. "There's my girl", he commented and ran a hand through his air. You look up at him with an angry look that to him looks like you are pouting. You sigh in annoyance, "What are you talking about now?". Dominik inhales deeply before he goes on a whole speech about you.
"My girl is shy when I'm around, not quiet. I know you get nervous because I'm so tall, but I also know how much it turns you on. I've seen the way your thighs rub together every time you look up at me. I like when you get mad-", he leans down just a bit to antagonize you and he grabs your wrist lightly, bringing it to touch his hard cock. "Feel that baby?", he rasps and rubs the inside of your wrist with his thumb.
You had dragged Dominik into your personal dressing room, pushing him to sit on the couch. He made moves to sit up completely but you sunk to your knees and pushed him back by the chest to relax. Your hands fumble with his belt and Dominik is already swallowing in anticipation. "You don't have to do this", he rasps out but his adam's apple is bobbing with every swallow of a breathy sigh. You yanked down his pants completely and pressed a firm kiss to his clothed cock, listening to the way Dominik sighed and embedded his fingers into your hair. Then finally you pulled his cock out and stuck your tongue out to graze the tip, his fingers tightened and he cussed. Another kitten licks and Dominik groans, "Fuck mami come on', you gonna tease me?".
With that you take him into your mouth, his cock sliding against your tongue and down your throat. You gag each time the tip of his cock goes too far back and each time Dominik tries to pull out of your mouth. Only for you to grab him by the base of his cock and shove him further into your mouth. "Baby, take a break", he pants and rubs his thumb against the temple of your forehead. You pull back, and a string of saliva connects your lips to his cock, "For me or for you?" you grin. His lips twitch up into a smile and his cock jumps at the sight of you. Flushed, swollen, and wet lips, crazy hair with your tanktop falling off of your shoulders. He doesn't say anything back, he is stuck in the trance of mesmerizing you. But that is quickly over when your hand wraps firmly around the middle of his cock.
You slide your hand up and down, spitting on his cock just to make it feel better. Dominik clearly appreciates the gesture because his hips flick up and his head tilts back against the cushion. "Mm that's it mami, don't fucking stop. My good little girl", he grunts and groans with every swipe of your hand.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hey hey it's welcome home!
May or may not be doing this cause its a description of one of my ocs, but uuuh- Wally, Poppy and Frank with a 'reader' who is basically Robbie Rotten from Lazytown, just an obligatory 'villain' who lives to cause trouble and come up with 'schemes' for the rest of the cast to deal with even though... Uh... They would also completely bail out on whatever they had planned if they got sick because they don't wanna spread it to anyone else shfjsjfhd
In the show, you're basically the villain character who has a knack for causing many of the plights/perils in each episode.
Like you could be out to sabotage Sally's plays, ruin Wally's pompadour, take a wrecking ball to Home, etc.
Your home has an underground lair with a bunch of high-tech inventions that help you carry out these "evil deeds".
Oh, and you absolutely have a villain song, too.
You can even "hijack" Wally's introductions and proclaim to the viewers that you're gonna take over the neighborhood by the end of the day.
In some episodes, you'd kidnap him and keep him hostage--only for the rest of the neighbors to come to the rescue.
It's a game that you seemingly always lose, but you find it fun!
Yet even as a villain, you have standards.
For instance, Wally was expecting you to show up and interrupt his painting session...but he sees you off in the distance going to the pharmacy with a mask on and wonders what you're up to.
It turns out you got the flu, so you wanted to forego whatever scheme you plotted until you felt better.
"You won't try...spreading your sickness to us?" He tilts his head, confused.
"....I'm a villain, Darling." You huff in a tired, stuffy voice (yes, you refer to everyone by their last name). "Not a monster."
As the main "villain" of the show, sometimes you'll pick on Poppy for being a "big scaredy chicken" and thwart her cooking attempts.
You might discreetly add something to her food that makes it taste yucky, or remotely crank the oven 100 degrees extra so her pie turns to charcoal.
Of all the cast, she's the most intimidated by you. The others usually come to her defense.
However, one day you visit her barn, and while she freaks out at first...she notices you look rather exhausted and sickly (not to mention keeping your distance), and her motherly side still manages to come out.
"O-Oh, are you okay, dearest? You don't look well.."
"...I caught a cold. Do you..have any tea?" You ask softly.
Of course, she can't say no and turn you away. So she makes you some hot tea, which you sincerely thank her for, and you two chat for some time before heading back home without incident.
Since then, your schemes against her became just casual teasing and stealing a few of her ingredients.
Maybe you're not so bad after all, she thinks.
You like targeting Frank solely because your antics make him furious.
He acts like you don't bother him..but when you make a giant butterfly-catching contraption and abduct all the butterflies from the park? He'll be seething red and demand you to release them.
Or if you release a swarm of bees/wasps/hornets when he's trying to have a nice picnic with his fellow neighbors? He'll be shouting at you as he runs the other way.
You just grin, finding delight in pissing him off at every opportunity.
However, one day you catch a cold and decide to put a pause on your evil schemes, opting to sleep in and leave your neighbors alone.
Yet that day so-happens to be the day that Frank plans to give you an earful about your behavior, as he marches over to your house to confront you.
But since it's locked behind a high-tech security gate, the system asks him for the entry password and he keeps getting it wrong.
In the end he storms back home, but that's where you call him and explain you were sick and didn't want him getting infected.
You do admit that seeing him shouting random words at your security system made you laugh the sickness out of you, so you felt much better now--and you thank him for that.
He just grumbles a "you're welcome" and hangs up.
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devdirt · 6 months
Hollow Knight vs. Vivziepop character design language
I know it's kind of a wildcard comparison but Vivziepop is a fan of Hollow Knight and its designs. I wanted to explore how shape language, color usage and storytelling in design are used in both properties.
NPC designs do a great job at telling you the character's personality or occupation without being overly detailed. One well placed trait does wonders, like Cornifer with his bundles of maps or Tuk and her hoarding, scrap salvaging hobbies. Paired with the world it tells two people doing their best to survive their dying realm, one by mapping out the twists and turns and the other by scraping up whatever she can find from abandoned civilization.
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Now when we look at visual storytelling in Hazbin there are some good details! Alastor's outfit design and trademark microphone give you old timey host vibes right away. Niffty (my angel) sports a poodle skirt, kerchief around her neck and apron, also telling you her occupation and time period she's likely from. Everyone in this show has a big toothy grin but hers plays well into her hyperactive and always happy personality.
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But there are also really poor moments of character storytelling. Everything about Beelzebub has already been said. She doesn't read as gluttony, she doesn't read as a bee, and she doesn't read as an animal tamer. When I look at her I see every other wolf character Viv has ever done. If Jayjay is party wolf and Loona is goth wolf then Beelzebub is lava lamp wolf.
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The sins are mostly misses for me. They don't read as their sins or their circus related occupations. Asmodeus has fire powers but doesn't read as fire spinner. Mammon doesn't give off greed at ALL but the jester look works (which is also wrong because he's a CLOWN apparently, not a jester.) And don't get me started on this one.
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This is not Lucifer.
Nothing about this reads angel, devil or even pride. This design goes all in on the ringmaster design, which is great for the circus theme! But the apple on the hat is the closest we get to this being Lucifer. I didn't even notice the snake on his hat because it looks like a worm for the apple, and they both cover the crown.
Add a second apple on the cane. Okay, so we know for sure this is supposed to be Lucifer but...why? It's another Beelzebub moment where you're left wondering why the design went in this direction. "Apple" shouldn't be the only giveaway here for the most important man in the world these stories are being told in.
Now let's see the celestial leader of Hollow Knight.
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That is a god.
Removing all story context, this is incredibly quick to read. Large wings, all white, glowing yellow eyes and a crown. It looks celestial and it doesn't even need color, which is the point!
Now lets view them both within their stories. Is there visual storytelling when compared to other characters and the world around then?
Hollownest is a dark world where every character is dully colored. The Radiance and her power stick out with a glow, juxtaposing themselves with the dark as the light.
Lucifer does not look any different than most of the Hazbin cast. He has all the red, the same sharp toothed grin, the same body type as 90% of the cast of both Hazbin and Helluva Boss. If you lined him up with everyone else somebody like Asmodeus would be chosen as the obvious leader of Hell with his stature and power in the design alone.
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Simplicity can tell an entire story while overextending your designs can muddy it.
Hollow Knight relies on few details and minimal storytelling yet it weaves a tale of an usurped kingdom and a god fighting for revenge. You are void, the world is dull, and god is bright and beautiful and terrifying to your way of life.
Vivziepop wants to weave a complex tale but utterly fails to do so with her designs. I purposely did not bring up Cherri Bomb, Sir Pentious or Stolas' designs since they have elements that were taken from other people and properties. I wanted to focus on what she made with her own hands, and when I narrow it down I do not see the story being told or even what side some characters are supposed to be on. Adam and the exterminators look the same as any demon. The leaders of Hell mostly sink into the ocean of overdone details. When everybody is trying so hard to stand out nobody stands out.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Hi can I request Yandere tfp bumblebee with a mute darling?
Sorry this is so short and not my best work, I didn't have many ideas for this :(
This is the concept I'm pulling from for Bumblebee
Yandere! TFP! Bumblebee with Mute! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Human/Cybertronian, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Delusional behavior, Dubious companionship.
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Overall the obsession doesn't change much from the original Bee concept.
However... you being mute is a factor that adds to it.
This is because Bee is also mute in the show due to physical trauma.
This singular trait may actually make you closer.
Think about it... when Bee meets you he has no idea what you're doing with your hands.
He's never seen sign language done by any other humans so he's confused on why you won't talk.
Someone most likely has to explain to Bee what's up.
The fact you also are unable to speak intrigues the younger Autobot.
Bee would definitely try to learn sign language to understand you better.
Maybe Raf even helps you understand Bumblebee's beeps with time.
The two of you would bond over your lack of speech.
Hanging around each other is often silent except for the clicking of Bee's fingers as he mimics your signs.
You two could have secret conversations no one else knows.
Raf most likely still teases his friend for being so attached to you.
Now he has someone just like him to hang around.
You two being mute may just encourage Bee to think you're meant for each other in a way.
Bee would still be just as overprotective and clingy with you as always.
In fact, maybe even more now that you're the only ones who understand each other.
Bee is curious on why you're mute but won't pressure you to tell him.
He's fine not knowing... he just likes that you're similar.
Bee likes to be the one to translate to Raf what you're signing.
He may even lie about it at times.
You understanding one another gives him more of an excuse to keep you around him.
He feels like you need him, when in reality you technically don't.
He's caring and doesn't mean to do anything wrong.
Again, that does not make it right.
Even Raf grows concerned when Bee won't leave you alone.
Bee just doesn't want to!
He may even be a little worried to let you go home as he doesn't want to lose you.
You may have family at home... but wouldn't you consider him closer due to what you share?
Bee gets protective of you because you're so similar.
You're human and fragile, too.
He feels the best thing to do would be keeping you here at the base, with him!
... why does everyone disagree with him?
He's keeping you safe-
You trust him, don't you?
You'll understand he's just looking out for you....
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What do you think about how the bots would think about seeing pictures or videos of when the kids were smaller. Like a video of Jack in middle school with a lisp from his retainer or pictures of Miko having an awful haircut her parents got for her to make her look more “presentable” as well as her fighting tooth and nail for them not to watch an old video of her piano recitals. Raph’s glasses being a little too big at first because he had insisted on getting glasses from the adult section like his dad and grandpa and they weren’t the right size for his head yet and the multiple little tools he made growing up to try and hold them up until his head grew.
Little things that as they got older they found embarrassing but just are general parts of growing up.
Pfft. This idea is rather humorous. I added my own little twist to it too.
Embarrassing Pictures
The whole situation began when June brought a camera into base to take pictures of the children. It was nothing new, Miko took pictures all the time, so the team didn't question it. However after June started making a fuss over the pictures, trying to convince the children to smile and whatnot, the team became vaguely interested. Once asked, June revealed that she intended to add the photos to her photo album, electing a groan from Jack. And when asked to explain what that was, she told the team all about how she liked to take photos to save and look at again in the future.
Suddenly very interested in seeing photos of the children, the team gathered around June and asked to see her photo albums. June was perfectly happy to oblige and returned to base a day or so later with not only her photo albums, but also ones she had managed to haggle off Rafael's parents and Miko's host family (Why they had the albums was a mystery, but some liked to theorize it was because Miko didn't want her parents to have them to show off). The children were mortified as June put the albums under a magnifier and projected the pictures onto big screen for the bots to see.
Jack's baby pictures came up first. And in the beginning they were pretty tame. It was a few photos of when Jack was an infant and aside from the odd bath photo and a picture of him dressed up as his favorite superhero, everything seemed fine. It was mostly just images of him being a cute kid, which the team found to be both fascinating and adorable. They hadn't realized humans could get any smaller, so seeing a tiny version of Jack doing adorable things not too dissimilar from what sparklings did on Cybertron brought smiles to their faces. Of course then Jack's middle school photos came out and suddenly the teenager couldn't look anyone in the eyes or optics as pictures of him with his braces and then retainer were shown to the team.
Ratchet: *pointing at the picture of Jack with his retainer* Is that some form of human torture?
Arcee: *suddenly very worried* Jack, are you already at home?
Jack: NO! WAIT! I mean-! Look, I had to wear a retainer for a while to fix my teeth, that's it.
Miko: *laughing* You really do look like you are being tortured in that pic!
Jack: Shut up!
Bumblebee: You had to have a cover over your teeth to fix them? Why not just remove them and put them back in the right way?
Rafael: *softly* Bee... no. Humans don't work like that.
Thankfully for Jack, he wasn't the only one who got a taste of humiliation since soon after Miko's own photos came on screen. Just like with Jack, it was mostly cute baby photos (which the team collectively cooed at and more than one may or may not have saved a mental screenshot for later). However by the time her photos from between the ages of eight and twelve were brought up, she started wishing for the sweet release of death.
The worst haircut she had ever gotten was the beginning of the torture. In the photo she was frowning and trying to fight back as she was held in front of the camera, a shoulder length bob cut and bangs taking the place of her usual wild hairstyle. This earned her a bit of mockery from Jack who was still feeling rather bitter about her prodding at his pictures earlier. However it didn't end there, her parents had also recorded several of her recitals which began playing as June hooked them up to the projector. She tried to stop it, but could only watch in horror as the team witnessed her horrendous singing combined with her rather remarkable skill with the piano. The team weren't all that concerned, finding it mostly cute, but Miko wanted to die right then and there.
Bulkhead: You play that instrument well Miko. Why haven't you played that one around base?
Optimus: Is it? I find you talent with that instrument rather pleasing.
Ratchet: *under his breath* She screams like a Turbo-fox.
Optimus: *kicking Ratchet lightly* Your voice is lovely too.
Safe to say Miko didn't walk away from her photos being shown around mentally sound. But with Rafael's own photos up next, she opted to try and draw attention away from herself by mocking her younger friend as his baby pictures were displayed.
Rafael honestly didn't have all that many embarrassing photos up until an image of him duct taping his grandfather's glasses onto his face came on screen. Young Rafael was waling as he tried to rip the tape off in the photo, causing the team to chuckle in amusement much to Rafael's horror. After that more and more photos of him trying and failing to wear adult glasses came on screen, each more dooming than the last as Jack and Miko laughed. One image showed him with glasses almost three times the size of his face tied to his head with string as he tried to walk around looking normal only to run into a wall.
Jack: *laughing* You ran into a wall?
Rafael: I was eight!
Miko: You look like a bobblehead!
Rafael: ...
Bumblebee: Why did you not just get normal sized glasses?
Rafael: I wanted to be like the grown ups...
Optimus: That is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I believe I have some pictures of Bumblebee doing something similar...
Bumblebee: Optimus no! Please no!
It was too late. Before anyone could do anything about it, Optimus helped June put her albums away and highjacked the projector and uploaded images directly from his personal databanks. Bumblebee died a little inside as Optimus unapologetically showed pictures of him being a feral monstrosity and tearing up furniture and consoles around high command. He could only heat up in embarrassment as Optimus then proceeded to show pictures of him doing numerous other things ranging from eating rations like an animal, shooting Prowl with a blaster by accident, to picking out his first earth alt mode and the subsequent car wash that came with it.
Rafael: Why a Volkswagon Beetle? That's such an old model.
Bumblebee: I liked it alright!
Arcee: He thought it was cute.
Bumblebee: NO! I DID NOT!
Ratchet: He did. And he even thought it was the height of motor transportation on your backwater world for nearly a month.
Bumblebee: RATCHET!
As if contented, Optimus finally stopped sharing his pictures after Bumblebee started steaming from the stress of having his past exposed. But Ratchet being the slightly malicious medic that he is took the chance to throw Optimus under the bus in turn. He hooked up to the projector next and began sharing pictures of Optimus back when he was Orion Pax, much to the Prime's silent humiliation. Pictures of him eating wild animals innocently, him screaming at a stray cyber-cat on all fours, him getting drunk as pit the one time he allowed Ratchet to take him to a bar, and all sorts of photos of him gnawing on things came up one after another. It was a different time, but Optimus should have known better than to assume Ratchet wouldn't have collected such incriminating photos of him.
Bulkhead: Prime... are you eating a datapad in that picture?
Optimus: ...
Arcee: Why were you crouched on top of the bookcase with a electro-dove in your mouth in that one?
Optimus: ...
Bumblebee: *squinting at a photo* W-Where you trying to size up a statue?
Optimus: I wasn't always a Prime.
Ratchet: Who could have guessed.
Optimus: You weren't always and honorable medic either Ratchet.
Once again taking his place by the projector, Optimus plugged back in and began airing out all of Ratchet's past escapades for all to see, the children practically forgotten in the midst of the silent battle going on. The Prime quickly began cycling through dozens of photos of Ratchet high as a kite doing stupid scrap like pole dancing, screaming at mecha, and throwing things. And before the medic could process that, Optimus pulled out even more of him competing in street races, competing in drinking contests, and even a video of him swearing up a storm at everyone and everything while drunk. Ratchet could do nothing but silently offline internally as he watched his dark history get replayed.
Bulkhead: So... a party ambulance?
Ratchet: Shut up.
Arcee: I should be asking you what's humming doc.
Ratchet: I was young and dumb. Weren't we all at one point?
Bumblebee: Young and dumb usually points toward breaking someone's window or accidentally trespassing, not getting stoned, drunk, and then doing incriminating things.
Ratchet: ...
It only got worse from there as Ratchet pulled up the pictures he had acquired from Bulkhead and Arcee's files on their own little misadventures as younglings. The children were completely forgotten as the team became focused on airing each other's dirty laundry for all to see. And the children had no problem with that as they watched the dark past's of their favorite Autobots gets shown around like contraband reading material.
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wonryllis · 4 months
、ㅤ🪷 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MY LOVES (MOOTiEs) ᵎᵎ ✶ 𝐒𝐅𝐖 so srry for the tag.
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@jaesvelvet ( cha ) my soft corner, love her so much and miss her so damn much all the time talking to her is healing
@seungstarss ( sei ) my first ever fan turned bestie :( miss you babes,, i literally survived half my time of tumblr becuz of her
@maiverie ( mai ) the humour goddess, fics are top tier plots filled with crack you never gonna find another like her, my second bestie <3
@luvhyun3 ( kana ) my love who is almost never on here anymore but i still love her, we're in long distance atm pls understand.
@hoes4hoseok ( piper ) her brain, brains so hard, the creativity is off the charts and so underrated like people are blind if you don't know her.
@ctrlemis ( art ) bestie who's perhaps as crazy as me if not more, we had a super talking stage but our situationship is kinda off rn :( miss you
@jangwonie ( fae ) she's my baby don't touch her. a pretty little sweetie angel, so caring, mwah :3
@nyukyujs ( kya ) the sweetest purest person ever like the most beautiful angel inside out! taught me so much about spreading love and positivity
@heecyon ( bee ) she's my wife, i love her a lot but we haven't been talking for a long while now, if you see this beebee i miss you a lot let's catch up wyf.
@koishua ( vienna ) didn't talk a lot but i love loved her works, it was everything, sad she left but it's a part of life.
@boyfhee ( caelin ) the reincarnate of shakespeare? hello? and so sweet and humble too a literal babe. period.
@www-jungwon ( elena ) another one i haven't gotten dirt on yet,, soon though. she's my high achiever mate who writes cute masterpieces
@okwonyo ( jiah/bambi ) always sending suspicious anon asks +_+ and making it so obvious omg she's an amateur baby
@eeunoia ( psyche ) the prettiest sunghoon girlie of all time, the most talented, and lastly my idol that's i'll never roast or dig up dirt on ☆‿⁠☆
@leaderwon ( luna ) another baby of mine that i absolutely need to protect. she be so me can't let her end up like me damn.
@tyunni ( may ) we not that close but i love her account and i love her works and i love her vibes so bingo! riki to my won.
@jjunae ( kae ) hold on for a little im busy finding pick up lines for this gorgeous right here,, let my rizz not fail
@stariekis ( uri ) an angel who showed up one day and took me to her hometown where i found out i was the lost angel from their village. oh.
@lheebra ( dani ) my dear little love who will always have VIP passes to my blog. a sweetpie with limitless talents!
@isoobie ( ri ) she's a student of how to do it like yeonie school and lemme tell you, she's an ace already aimming for the top spot, beware.
@fakeuwus ( nic ) uwu uwu uwuuuu uwuu uwu uwuwu uwu uwu uwuwuu (she's my uwu who understands my uwu language, my uwu soulmate)
@lilyuwon ( yev ) one of the first persons i talked to on this blog, and im so glad we still do, love interacting with her and absolute lovely being!
@ms-no1kpopstan ( mickie ) cutiepie who's such a sweetpea, haven't been talking for long but she's really nice and supportive, adore her :3
@theyluvvaubery ( ? ) haven't been able to interact or talk much but she's a sweetie!!
@sainns ( anna ) my fellow sunghoon hoe keeper, we are protecting him from the locals who always ask for him. we gatekeep and share!
@stwrjvke ( ash ) she boops as much as she loves and guess what she booped me infinite so.. i bewitched her at my annual royal ball.
hmu if you wanna be mutuals/frnds im always up for it!
୨ৎ . . 𝓂o𝐨𝐭 𝓰a𝗺𝗲s ᵎᵎ
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moots in prompt generator with bias and i rate them.
moots as tropes assigned with any idol.
moots as kpop idols they'd be.
moots as songs, webtoons and who'd be travel buddy + sibling vibes
moots as favorite drinks.
moots as kpop songs.
moots on the level of delulu-ness.
moots in winx club.
moots as tropes they suit. (2)
moots as kpop idols i see them as. (2)
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staytinyville · 3 months
Hello! I love your writing so much! I was wondering if I could request a little story of a rather large plussize woman to be found desirable and wanted by Jongho from Ateez? I have been struggling with my desirability and how that isn't connected to my selfworth. I would love for the oc to have light brown hair with green eyes and glasses if possible. Thank you so much. 💖
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↣ A/N: MISS/MR PERSON. IF PLUS SIZE READERS ARE NOT MY FAVORITE TO READ. And it’s like a very oddish thing because I myself am not at all plus size. I’m positive it’s just my all around size kink and extreme empathetic ability that cries every time someone puts themselves down. BUT IF I DO NOT LOVE READING THOSE.
Honestly I can create small little snips of how each of the boys gravitate towards bigger people in their own different ways. I can see all of them loving on you with their own affections and love language.
↣ Characters/Pairing: Jongho x Plus Size!Reader
↣ Genre: fluff, angst,
↣ AU/Trope info: idol!au,
↣ Word Count:
↣ Warnings: self conscious about weight, a bit of anxiety,
↣ A/N: I will be honest I was going for tears falling kind of imagine but I felt I didn't portray that enough/well. I also feel that since I didn't add much dialogue it sucked too.
Special Thanks to @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners as always.
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Jongho would be one of the boys who would gravitate towards a bigger person because I think he would like someone who is healthy in regards to themselves. He appreciates confidence a lot and while he does enjoy when his S/O is happy to be themselves he also knows that things can be hard sometimes.
Maybe at the start of a relationship you can find yourself having trouble with your self worth and image but once you get to know Jongho you open up and understand that he isn't someone who will look at your physical appearance.
Jongho just gives off so much respect that it leaves you like bawling your eyes out at home because of how great he is. He won't pressure you into doing something you don't want but he for sure will support you and motivate you when he knows that your goal is what you really want in life.
Jongho is just so great that at one point or another, you will in fact be changing your mind about yourself because his respect juice is just over the top and his affections will just have you second guessing any self loathing you might have because that man loves with his entire chest/thighs.
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The day had been extremely pretty and the weather finally let up to allow Spring to move in. With the snow all melted and flowing down the rivers, the flowers were starting to grow and bring about the buzzing of bees.
You were glad to feel that the wind was just cool enough to get rid of the humidity that came with the water. And because of that you were more than happy to wear a flowy sundress that gave your legs room to breath while your arms were covered up by sleeves. It was enough to keep you both warm and cool.
Jongho had the day off and asked that you both leave the house rather than be cooped up all day. He wanted to breathe the fresh air for a moment due to being stuck in the studio/company all week. And with the day being so nice, he wanted to take advantage of it.
You were left a bit skeptical about going out because of how you spent so much time inside during the winter months to avoid getting sick. You weren't really feeling confident in yourself but you knew that being stuck inside for longer would only make things worse.
Plus you couldn't tell him no with the way he held your hand and rubbed his thumb along your skin. And you for sure couldn't voice your thoughts as he told you that he had a picnic planned and to dress all nice and pretty.
When you felt the wind on your skin to check the temperature before going out your first thought was to wear the sundress you bought one day while out shopping with Jongho. You could remember the way his eyes grew wide and lips twitch as a smile wanted to overtake his face when you showed him it.
You also couldn't take the giggle that came out his lips when you wore it for the first time.
And so around midday, you sat on a blanket alongside Jongho under a tree that overlooked the river. He had laid down, his arms behind his head as he rested. You had your legs stretched out in front of you, humming to yourself as you read over a book while soft music played in the earbuds you both shared.
Jongho shuffled closer to you, making you giggle as you scooted over, allowing him to wrap an arm around your waist and nuzzle his head into your side.
You heard groups of people starting to make their way into your cozy spot as the day progressed and people wanted to do the same thing as you and your boyfriend.
You heard giggling to your side, glancing up and seeing people snickering. You swallowed thickly when you caught them speaking quietly to each other and kept glancing your way.
You suddenly felt uncomfortable, rolling your shoulders and wiggling as you tried to cover up more with your shin length dress. You pulled your legs as close to you as possible, trying to make yourself seem smaller.
You flinched at the sweat that had begun to form on your legs that were attached to the blanket, trying to use your dress to wipe it away. You didn't notice the anxiety creeping in your body. Not until Jongho moved from you.
Your movements caused Jongho's arms to slip from your waist, making him wake up and frown at your movements. He leaned up to watch your facial expressions. It was subtle but he could see the frown on your lips, the pinch in your eyebrows as you fret over yourself and the things around you.
"My love." He called softly, playing with the fabric of your dress that you had bunched up in your fingers.
He was slow in moving to touch you, not wanting to startle you and make your anxiety even worse. You moved your hands closer to yourself, causing him to follow the path and finally link your fingers together atop your thigh.
Your lips twitch at the, leg beginning to bounce up and down. Jongho finally sat up, moving to sit behind you. He wrapped both of his arms around you, laying his cheek against the back of your head as his thumb rubbed along your hands that he held.
He felt your skin calming down, no longer twitching as you relaxed in his hold. When he felt you go slack, he scooted closer, pressing his chest against your back. His chin rested on your shoulder, breath hitting your ear making you haunch your shoulder from the tickle.
"Are you okay?" He asked you quietly, lazily rubbing his cheek on your skin.
"I'm okay." You whispered, looking down at your book.
Jongho sat up quickly, causing you to turn around to look at him. You felt his fingers squeeze your hand pulling it closer to your stomach. He hugged you tighter to him, making tears well up in your eyes.
"What happened?" He asked quietly.
You knew he already knew. He saw it every time you would fret over your clothing. He knew what kind of anxiety attack you might be having by just watching you. It was how he showed his love.
Jongho didn't need to tell you anything. He always showed his affections in his expressions and actions more than anything. It was the way he held himself. The way he held you that made you realize how much he actually loved you.
It was riveting to watch how much he put into his performances and passion in what he loved doing. And all that passion translated into his feelings for those he loved. If you knew Jongho well enough you would know that with just one look you were going to be safe with him.
He was silent, an observer and only talked when it called for it. He gave his opinions when he felt that others were wrong but he wouldn't try to change their mind if they were stubborn people.
With you he didn't try to change your mind. He only tried to ease it. It wasn't an easy thing to overcome your insecurities about your body image. Especially in this time and age with technology.
But he didn't have to say anything. He just had to hold you and make you feel how much he loved you and your everything. Maybe there were times where you needed to hear him voice that you were beautiful but when he held you like he was now, allowing his entire being to seep into your skin and take your anxiety away you felt like you were on cloud nine.
"I love you." He called out, making you look up at him.
You smiled through your tears, sniffling as he reached up to wipe them away.
"I love you too."
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
I might be dumb, but I don't get why Sishui killed himself. I really don't think there was need for such drama. He left Itachi completely alone, he left a cryptic letter to the Uchiha that only made them distrust Itachi and he allowed Danzo to get away with stealing his eye. In the novel he was supposed to be poisoned (I guess they had to add some reason for such a extreme decision), but still, he could have tried to get medical attention, right? It just feels so silly. Sorry, Itachi, I failed. I don't know what else I can do so I will kill myself now to traumatize you so you get extra powers (anime only) and leave you alone in this mess.
Sorry for the rant. Nice blog, by the way!
I didn't think I'd live to see Shisui slander in my ask box one day.
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But it is an interesting question and I've seen this discussed before as well.
Speaking of the novel, Shisui was going to die anyway whether he did or did not seek any medical help.
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This is an excerpt from their last conversation. Shisui makes it abundantly clear that he's not going to live. So the little time he had left he used it to relay his final message to Itachi.
Now, in manga things are left vague, and like you said, the change in the novel could have been made to give his death more justification as well as more context. However, even without it, even if we remove the whole poison thing for a moment, Shisui's death still makes perfect sense.
We know Danzo took his eye, and things were already bad enough. If Shisui, instead of dying, went to the Uchiha district, the clan members would want to know what happened to his one eye. Shisui's MS was quite famous because one man in the Five Kage Summit arc and then Killer Bee mention him. It wouldn't be hard to zero in to Danzo or any Konoha leader, because you can't keep things like this hidden for long. In those circumstances, Itachi wouldn't come under suspicion for sure.
If Uchiha found out Shisui's MS had been taken by an enemy - a Konoha leader, no less - it would add fuel to the fire. Shisui was trying to stop the coup, not be the catalyst to an already delicate situation. Things would escalate quickly, resulting in everything he and Itachi were trying to stop.
If he died instead, Itachi would still have some time in his hand, and he could find a way. I think Shisui hoped Itachi would find a way, even if he didn't truly believe it himself.
But it all backfired, obviously. Itachi was left alone afterwards, and everything was too much. Danzo wanted them all dead. It wasn't Shisui's letter, but lack of support from his family, and especially Fugaku giving up on him eventually that things came to the point they did. Maybe if he still stayed in touch with his parents they could have been saved, because it was Danzo preying on a solitary child.
No worries about the rant and thank you. :)
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