crazylittlejester · 2 months
Time for some happy/fluffy headcannons since I can :3
Sky sees all the Zeldas as his daughters since he and Sun created the royal lineage. No matter how distant, they are his and Sun's children no matter what. (Some of the Zeldas who didn't have good relationships with their dads *cough* Flora *cough* nearly sob in joy because of this). Also, the Zeldas get their prophetic dreams from him too.
Legend's nose does that cute twitching that rabbits do. It makes him so flustered whenever anybody points it out.
Four, if he were to ever met any of the Gerudo, would be highly respected by them despite his height. He is short, yes, but he is very strong, intelligent and can make his own weapons. He'd probably have to fight off suitors if he ever went to Wild's Gerudo Town, tbh.
Everybody from Ordon is blessed by Ordona, and they have square pupils like goats do because of this. Despite being Hylian, and not being born in Ordon like the others, Twilight was also blessed and later in life developed these same pupils. He loves them despite how creepy everybody else thinks they are.
Time actually gained a little weight after marrying Malon because he felt safe enough to do so. He always made himself stay at top shape in case he had to go on another quest, so when he didn't immediately get thrown into one he got a little meat on his bones. He didnt look like a skeleton anymore. Malon was happy he did, since he was always thin even as a child.
Warriors knits and sews and Proxy has a small hat he made with an itty-bitty pompom on top.
Wind is scared of lighting storms due to a bad sailing trip after his adventure, and Sky tries to comfort him despite also being terrified of lighting himself.
Wild's mother was a piece of Farore's spirit traveling Hyrule as a mortal, and fell deeply in love with his father. Both Wild and his sister are considered forest spirits, and his sister actually became a korok after her mortal body died. The first korok he ever finds is his sister :)
Hyrule really likes the non hostile Zora whenever they visit them, and he learned how to swim from them.
None of the Links can hold their alcohol. One drink and they are all tipsy beyond belief. Except Wind, he can take two drinks before he also is drunk off his rocker.
YAY FLUFFY HEADCANONS (god knows i need more of these after the obnoxiously sad headcanons i have)
- This is so cute actually, I can totally see Sky and Flora becoming close
- Legend 100% does that, I also headcanon he hops when he gets really excited
- My favorite thing ever in fiction is when characters start to look physically happy and healthy as they recover from trauma, and I write a lot of this happening to Wars (because I gave him horrible food anxiety and write about how he’s been able to work over that and become a lot healthier and happier) and I can see this happening to Time too
- WARRIORS KNITS IS REAL. REAL AND TRUE. YOURE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY SO!! I can see him making sweaters for everyone
- Wind and Sky and Legend all being unnerved by storms 🤝
- I think it’d be hilarious if they couldn’t hold their alcohol and Wind could out drink them, but whenever I write these guys I always give them at least a couple instances where Twi gets a good few beers and Wars gets his wine. I don’t think Time would drink, not because he wants to be the responsible adult, but because he just doesn’t drink
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athensart · 6 months
A Fish And A Baby Walk Into A Bar (Chapter 6, B.I.A. AU)
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
the swinging of the pendulum of the clock echoed, the harsh silence ringing in undynes ears. she stared at the little before her "so-" she scratched her grills gently "what....do i do with you for....asgore knows how long??...." the babybones wiggled around softly, climbing onto the table. Undyne paused, she grabbed him and lifted him into her arms "well...papyrus jus' said to keep an eye on you..." she dressed him up in his shoes and his jacket "i think you can come with me to see al right?" she gave him a confused look, unsure what to..really do with the babybones.
"babies can have solid food right?" she thought for a moment "im pretty sure you can have solid food-" she nodded half assed as she slowly walked out her door- sans whimpered softly, reaching out for his bunny, making little tiny grabby hands as if his little life depended on it.
undyne paused and slowly clawed at it, the skeleton nuzzled it under his chin "damn kid, you're really attached to that thing aint ya?" she shrugged as she set off, her stomach growling with a feisty hunger "i wonder if you like burgers.." sans gave her a confused glance as the warrior made her way through snowdin, the townspeople gasping and awing at the sight, undyne passed it off, it didnt even phase her. she was a shining hope, a symbol of courage in the underground, she was revered, renowned, honored- respected! even.
she pushed the doors of grillby's bar open, the soft wind pushing past her, letting a tiny amount of snow as they closed behind her. The doggang paused as they stood, not expecting their captain to be at the bar at such early hours- or...at all- they saluted as undyne waved them off "not your shift-" she excused as she sat at the bar table.
sans stood on one of the stools, undyne grabbing a highchair, she chuckled as she watched the smaller monster grab fistfulls of sugar packets"what are you gonna do with those?" she could only laugh as he tried to stuff them into his socket- she pulled his little hand out "no no- dont want ya havin an accident- especially on my watch!" she grinned-
the flame elemental paused, he stared at the captain "hello- undyne?" he remarked, his flames crackling in both curiosity and delight "what can i do for you?" he asked softly, adjusting his glasses "its alright if i got the kid here?" she jabbed a thumb toward sans, who had eaten through the wrapping of the sugar packet- grillby nodded "cool- can i get just a plate of fries and a burger? just wanted to stop to get sans something to eat before i head to hotland-"
the firey bartender paused, taken aback "won't you dry out? hotland isnt really meant for....fish monsters-" the warrior shrugged it off "im only going to see alphys, bringin' sans along, cause im babysittin' kinda fun actually-"
"what about papyrus? where is he?" grillby asked, a little concerned "oh- he's on a date" she grinned "with who?" she clasped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing "he's on a date with mettaton-" she gave a few chuckles "that IS surprising- well i wish him luck" his flames sparking bright as he  wrote something down on his notebook "be right back" undyne nodded as she watched the fire elemental step into the kitchen.
sans watched the whole conversation, he made small noises, trying to grab undynes attention- the fish woman paused and turned to the little skeleton "hm? yeah kiddo?" sans gently placed a small sugar packet into the palm of her hand, she paused for a moment, taking his hand into hers- hers was vastly larger- she hadnt realized just how small he really was- shed have to ask alphys about his development later- health wise-
grillby returned a few moments later, setting down a plate of fries and a burger- undyne nodded as the bartender left- she gently cooled the burger and fries and gently slid it to sans, the smaller tried reaching for the bottle of ketchup; undyne noticed and reached for it "this? you wanna try this?" sans nodded happily with excitment in his eyelights.
undyne shrugged and gently splattered some on the plate, papyrus had told her during training how sans hated when things such as sauces touched his food, didnt matter what it was, broccoli, grilled cheese, spinach, whatever- no sauce could touch his food. she found it funny in a literal sense, seeing as how sans was pushing his fries into the ketchup but laughed it off.
"wanna take that with you? we gotta head to al's" undyne waved grillby over as he handed her a to go box.
undyne gently pushed the ketchup into a little sauce cup and the rest into the box "ready to go lil dude?" sans nodded as the captain lifted him onto her shoulders so he could finish and set off to hotland.
The room was lit with gorgeous candles, the blue of the dark of the room bouncing off the tile gave the dining hall such a beautiful and peaceful, ambiance. Mettaton smiled gently as he pulled out a chair for the tall skeleton "thank you metta!" he sat down and scooted his chair closer to the table "no problem darling!" he waved a hand "i wanted to- say thank you- for.. coming with me on this date" he brushed back his hair sheepishly as papyrus nodded happily "of course! who wouldnt grasp at the amazing opportunity to go out with the great and amazing papyrus!!" he smirked, causing mettaton to burst into a small laugh "very great!~ very amazing~" mettaton smiled "i- the reason i asked- i...we've been friends for awhile- and...i figured it would be nice-" paprus nodded "yes! it is nice!" mettaton felt his face grow hot as he tried to cool himself down. "i guess watching all that- anime with alphys has turned me into a bit of a hopeless romantic-" mettaton gave a slight nervous chuckle.
"i dont find you hopeless" papyrus stared dead ahead into mettaton, snaking his hand over the robots. "i find you quite pleasant actually!" mettaton felt his soul grow brighter and warmer "o-oh my-" he waved his hand gently as he tried to keep himself cool "a-anyway- why dont you tell me a bit more about you hmm? whats going on in your life?"
papyrus paused "ah well! where do i even begin?!"
Undyne panted softly as she unwrapped sans from his coat "can i set him somewhere al?" she hung his coat on the coat hanger beside the door "j-just set sans up he-here- i-i'm making popcorn!" undyne paused "Hell ya!" she gently sat sans down on the bed cube "stay right there kay? kiddo?" sans watched as the warrior fish left, coming straight back with a blushing dino in her arms, holding a bowl of warm buttery popcorn.
"what are we watchin tonight al?" undyne wrapped an arm around alphys "i-i found another tape of the a-adventures of m-mew mew! in space!" her eyes shone happily as she wagged her tail excitedly.
sans watched and pouted, he didnt wanna watch tv! he wanted his big brother!- he looked around- well obviously he wasnt up here- maybe he was down in the main lab hall? he toddled his way down the escalator.
he swivled his head around, still no pap. he gave a bigger pout, he held his bunny dawn close to him as he kept looking- eventually he came to the door with alphys' bathroom sign- he stared- and pushed the door open- an- elevator!? inside a bathroom!? he hopped softly as he tried pressing a button- his little fingers hitting a button! but- what button was- suddenly the door closed and the elevator started going down! oh- no-
alphys paused, she perked up "whats wrong al?" undyne turned to her, the dino glanced around "where- is- s-sans?"
'isnt he right-" undyne turned to look at the spot she placed him in "oh- no-"
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brotheryanny · 7 years
This is a translation of the Drama CD that came with the limited edition of SHOW MUST GO ON!! by Fourpe/UraShimaSakataSen
This took a long time because of the RPG terms, how long the audio track was and fastpacedspeakingwhydotheytalksofast but I’m finally done! Thank you for waiting! As usual, please message me any corrections you find!
U: The era of great adventures. It dates back 100 years.
Sa: At the sound of thunder, monsters appear, preying on those lost on their journeys from the continent
Shi: However, at the time there was a warrior going by the name of a hero. He slayed many monsters.
Sen: And so the hero said “I will defeat the Demon King who disturbs this land, and bring back the Demon King’s treasure, with heroes I have yet to find.”
U: 100 years later to this day, countless heroes roam the lands. This is the record of our great adventure. Hero, Urata.
Sa: Battle Master, Sakata.
Shi: Sorceror, Shima.
Sen: Fortune teller, Senra. The four of us join as a party, and go on this great adventure to find the Demon King’s treasure.
U: Even though this is our first go..
Sen: Welcome, to the Adventure Tavern! Number three coming through for the lovely lady!
Sa: Eeh.. The order is a Dragon’s Grilled Chicken and a Slime Soup, is that right! Shima!
U: Uhhh… Ummmm…
Sen: For the young gentleman, order number four coming through!
Sa: Oi, Urata! You’re a hero so stop wasting time! Get over here and help out in the kitchen!
Shi: (in English) HELP! HELP! COME ON!
Sen: What’s wrong Uratan?
U: Weren’t we going to go on an adventure to defeat the Demon King and get his treasure?!
Sa: Aah, that’s right..
Sen: Uuh.. Calling tavern orders.
Sa: Customer service.
Shi: Washing up.
Shi: How did we end up working here in the first place?
Sa: Well.. If I remember correctly, before our adventure as we were arranging equipment, we enthusiastically went ‘It’s time for our pre-adventure meal!’
Sen: We had bought too many items but didn’t realise so then we walked into this tavern
Shi: That’s right! We ate too much to find that we didn’t have enough money, and that’s why now I have to wash up dishes every day.
U: If you work here every day then you’ll be stranded here for eternity!
U: Did you forget about our adventure?! Were you guys just gonna happily work part time instead?!!
SSS: Ahaha ha hahah a
U: Well, I guess thanks to you guys saving up money we can get new equipment which would be nice.. Anyway, let’s finally get on with the adventure!
USSS: Our adventure has started once again.
Sen: We’ll get to the first first village if we go through this forest. It looks like things might jump out at us but since it’s a shortcut, let’s hang in there.
U: As expected of the fortune teller Senra, up till now your fortune-told paths should’ve been fine.
Shi: Well, if a demon comes out a dungeon I’m having none of that.
Sa: We’ve bought our new equipment though! Anything can come at us! A demon!
U: ..you spoke too soon.. (TN: i think that’s what he said?)
Sa: Everyone get back! Leave it to me, battle master! WAIT! OW OW OW OW! WHAT WHAT WHAT?!
U: Your ass already had a crack in it.
Shi: And furthermore that’s not a demon.
Sen: I’ve got it. There, off you go!
Shi: wwww The battle master got chewed up by a dog..
Sa: No no no, the fault lies in the idiot sorcerer Shima who didn’t even do anything!
Shi: I was so close up, I would’ve burnt your ass to ashes with my magic.
Sen: Oh, we’ve reached the forest exit.
U: So this is the first village..
USSS: The heroes have reached the first village.
Shi: Umm.. It doesn’t look like there’s anyone here..
Sa: I only checked one house, but there was no one inside.
Sen: How strange.. This village is the first place heroes visit..
U: And I thought we could be able to find the whereabouts of the Demon King.. Wait, you guys! Come look at this for a second!
Sa: Ooh! This hero has beautiful nails.
Shi: Even though they have the hold a sword to fight with.. Interesting interesting.
U: NOT MY FINGERS! Over there! This, this.
Sen: There’s a large body of water on the ground isn’t there.. It’s almost as if something has scratched holes into the ground..
Sa: Oh! Now that you mention it, I noticed a lot of slash marks on the walls of the houses..
U: Senra, would it be possible to tell us what’s happened here with your fortune telling?
Sen: You only have to ask.
(Ethereal music)
Sen: Let shooting stars illuminate this blood. Gander at all beings. Let me see your everything!
Sa: Amazing! This is a fortune teller’s astrology!
Sen: Ok! I get it now.
U: So? What did you find out about this village?
Sen: Uhh, today’s lucky item is a bomb~
Sa: (slap) We didn’t want today’s fortune!
Sen: Even if you ask me to tell fortunes, I’m still level 5..
U: fu fu fu So.. What’s wrong Shima?
Shi: Do you hear anything? Sounds like footsteps.
U: Footsteps? (rustling) That! That’s a skeleton warrior!
Sen: A demon in a bone frame with a sword.
Shi: Could it be that.. It’s the one that destroyed this village? And the big-
U: No, I don’t think so. That warrior.. Wait, where’s Sakata?
Shi: He ran towards the skeleton warrior! Since when?!
Sa: Don’t move any further! Boney guy! Just now I showed everyone my seriously uncool side, so now I’ll show you my battle master special move! (punch)
U: Sakata stop! That guy isn’t a demon!
Sa: EH?! (punch) ouch ouch..
U: Are you alright, Sakata?
Sa: Ah, it hurts.. I got my ass beaten again.. It got broken in half again..
Sen: You’re quite alright. It was already cracked in two.
U: This skeleton warrior isn’t a real demon. I think that’s what he’s saying.
Sa: You can understand demons? As expected of a hero!
Shi: It sure doesn’t look like a saintly warrior, does it?
Sen: So it’s true identity is?
U: It’s a resident of this village.
Sa: Eh? So.. Everyone’s dead?
U: Ah, no.. A demon’s probably just cast a curse. How do I put it.. The Demon King has taken control of this village.
Sen: I get it! So that’s why there’s no one here.
U: So the Demon King’s minion is.. a basilisk.
Sa: Ba.. Baji?
Sen: Hmm.. A basilisk, huh? I’ve heard that they’re snake demons.
U: It looks like that’s what cast this spell on this village.
Shi: If it’s a snake demon then.. From here I can see a cave where it might be.
Sa: That’s right. What should we do, Hero?
U: If we defeat the Demon King’s minion, then we’ll be one step closer to finding the location of him. Let’s check out the cave!
SSS: Yeah!
USSS: The heroes scout the cave!
(drip drip drip)
Sen: Hmmm.. Searching for this demon is kinda boring..
Sa: It was a good idea to check this cave but.. It’s pitch black in here.. I can’t see a thing!
Shi: This is where you can leave it to my magic..
U: As expected of our sorcerer!
Shi: (ethereal music) Come forth, my dazzling light. Fire spell! There! (zap)
Sa: Wahh!! Shima you’re amazing! You made the dark cave completely light up!
Shi: Right? This light will also light up our futures.
Sa: Wahhh!! I don’t really get it but Shima you’re so romantic!
U: To hell with that! Aren’t those just matchsticks?!!! A magician’s magic fire is WAY cooler!
Shi: Ha ha ha ha! It’s because I’m still level 5. I can’t make a flame any bigger than this!
U: Don’t be so proud of yourself!
Sen: Well, well.. Let’s leave it. Matches are just as useful as fire magic right now.
Sen: When we’re exploring with such a big light, it sure feels a lot safer inside a cave, doesn’t it?
U: But, there are so many partings in the path, it’s like a melon. (TN: The skin of a cantaloupe?) Don’t forget to keep an eye out.
Sa: It’s okay! All the way I’ve been dropping Spark Fruits on our path.
Sen: Your phrases are as bad as ever.. Is it the same fruit that bursts when you bite into it? Isn’t that kinda dangerous?
Sa: It was so cheap, not even 300 gold, even an idiot would go for them.
Sen: Is that shade of yellow edible?
Sa: Hey Shima! I know the fruit sounds delicious but your stomach doesn’t have to make such a big noise!
Shi: Eh? But it didn’t..
Sa: Eh? Then, Senra?
Sen: No no no, surely it was Urata?
(a louder growl!)
U: Be quiet! This sound isn’t coming from a stomach.. It’s the roar of a demon!
Shi: D-Doesn’t it sound like a really dangerous demon?
U: I’m not sure, but how can heroes turn their back away from this? Full attack!
(fighting sounds)
U: There! Do you see that? That’s a hero’s sword for you!
Shi: Amazing! In one blow, we levelled up!
Sa: O-Oi.. Look, you guys.. This demon looks like a wolf, but half its body is a humans’!
Shi: This is.. A Silver Fenrir, isn’t it? (rumbling) E-E-Eh? Footsteps again?
Sen: Uhh Uratan? Is it me or are a pack of Fenrir are coming our way..
U: P-Probably.. They must be very hungry.. And they’ve sniffed out smell of the fruits, which means they’ve found us!
(wind whistling)
Sa: HUH? Even though just now we went ‘hyuu’, could it be that we didn’t actually fall?!
Shi: Because of the sound, it feels like that could be true doesn’t it!
Sen: There’s no sign of magnetisation is there..
Sen: Pafu pafu!
Shi: Yeeeyy!
U: Ow.. Is everyone ok?
Sa: Yeah.. Somehow.. My ass is saved..
Shi: It doesn’t look like the Fenrir are coming for us any more.. Ow.. Hm? Where’s Senra?
Sen: Aaaa..
U: Ahh, I’m sorry! We landed on you!
Sa: We landed safetly, but at the expense of squishing Senra!
U: WE SELFISHLY KILLED SENRA! Oi, are you ok, Senra?
Sen: (in a foreign accent) O~kay
U: ..Excuse me?
Sen: (still in foreign accent) I’m O~ka~y. Totally fi~ne.
Sa: Ah. What’s this, isn’t it kinda bad?
Shi: Did he hit his head and turn into some weird guy?
Sa: (imitating accent) A~re you Oka~y? Senra?
Shi: Eh? Sakata? (also imitating accent) Ar~e you Okay?
U: (clearing throat) Senra? What’s up with you?
Sen: No need to worry. I’m just borrowing this guy’s body for a bit.
U: Could it be that this guy… Isn’t Senra?
Sen: Good job hero. My congratulations. (ding ding) I am the Lord of this cave. A Basilisk. (shing)
Sen: That’s right. In order to get my message across, I took over this man’s body!
Sa: Why Senra’s body?!
Sen: This man is a fortune teller, and..
Shi: And..?
Sen: He was the closest one.
Sa: Ah.. Is that so..
U: So? What do you want from us?
Sen: If you don’t all leave this cave quickly, you’ll all be killed! That’s all.
Shi: All be killed?!
Sa: Ah. How elaborate.
U: Ah! Did his consciousness come back?
Sen: (Without accent) Nn! I just saw something that probably isn’t important..
Sa: Not important?!
U: Basilisks certainly give off a mighty foe image..
Sa: ..So? What did you see Senra?
Sen: Ufufu.. It’s not good to be jealous.. What I saw just now.. IT WAS A TOTALLY UNIMPORTANT EROTIC DREAM!
USS: …
(all sigh)
Sen: So? What’s wrong guys?
U: Is it okay if I hit you several times?
Sen: (clang) ..Why?
Shi: Uwah!
Sa: What, what?!
U: This is bad.. This is just as it said!
Sen: We’ll all be killed, huh?
Shi: So you did hear us. Ah, AH! IT’S HERE!
U: This is.. The Basilisk!
Sen: I haven’t even read about such a big demon in books!
Sa: Oi, Oi! How are we supposed to defeat such a big enemy?!
Shi: For now, let’s evacuate the cave!
Sen: Got it! Wait, Uratan?!
Sa: What’s wrong?!! Let’s go!
U: Listen up, would it be okay to run away right now?
U: Aren’t we a Hero party? We can’t possibly run away from this!
Sa: How can you say that when we could all die?! It’s an RPG, so our lives are important!
U: If we run away now, if we stop fighting the Demon King’s minion, the Demon King will still be at large for all of eternity! Think of people of that village, the Demon King would destroy everything just like he did with them, and you want to run away! Would that be okay?!
Sen: Ufufu.. That’s right.. A Hero party would never run away.
Shi: Well, we wouldn’t gain anything from running..
Sa: It can’t be helped.. I’ll fight with you a little!
U: You guys!
Sa: But, how are we going to take down such a large enemy?
U: Heheh.. Listen closely.. When I levelled up just now, I gained a new ability.. Which is.. To boost everyone’s power for one minute! (ding) Activate ability! Everyone, attack the basilisk with all you have!
SSS: Yeah!
Sen: Fortune told! It’s weakness is.. A strong blow and heat!
Sa: A strong blow? In that case, I ‘ve got this! Damn big-ass snake! Guwaahhh!! Amazing.. It withstood it!
Shi: Fires from Hell.. I ask for your assistance.. Burn this foe to a crisp! Fire spell!
U: Did we get it?!
Sen: No, we missed by a little..
Sa: This guy.. I can’t believe it dodged!
Shi: As expected from a snake.. Tch.. A minute of power up is great but.. I’m at my limit..
U: This is bad.. We fought at full strength too much, now everyone’s completely drained! What do we do?!
Sen: Sorry, aside from telling fortunes, my skills are pretty useless..
U: Don’t say that.. Ah, that’s it! Our lucky item!
Sen: Hm? Today’s lucky item was.. a bomb? Ah! I get it!
Sa: Eh? What what?
Sen: The stuff you were dropping so we wouldn’t get lost.. They were Spark Fruits, weren’t they!
Shi: They’re so explosive only gods can eat them.. We can use them as bombs!
Sa: This guy’s weakness.. A strong blow and heat, wasn’t it?
U: If we dropped them so they would connect like dominoes being knocked down.. They’d explode in one go, it ought to finish him!
Sa: Uwah! It’s coming this way!
U: It’ll be make or break, but we have no choice! Shima!
Shi: Okay! Stay clear of it everyone!
Sa: I’ve thrown down all the Spark Fruits!
(growling and explosions)
U: It looks like we can defeat it!
Sen: Wait a second Sakata, take a look at the Spark Fruits.. You’ve placed them all the way to the entrance from here..
Sa: Yeah, so?
Sen: So basically.. Our escape route is also.. going to be completely blown up as well?
USS: Ah..
USSS: (coughing and vomiting(?))
Sa: Somehow we did it?
Shi: That’s.. The last time I want to see a cave…
Sen: (cough) That snake.. didn’t survive this explosion, right?
U: We.. (cough) We did (cough) it..
USSS: The heroes defeated the snake.
U: And thus, the first village returned to how it was.
Sen: Welcome, to the first village’s tavern! Number three coming right up for the lovely spirit lady!
Sa: Eeh.. The order is a Dragon’s Fried Chicken and a Slime Mixed Juice, is that right! Shima!
U: On my way now!
U: After defeating the Basilisk, we returned to the village..
Sen: From dusk to dawn, to celebrate our adventure, we had a great feast..
Shi: And so, when the feat ended, we realised..
Sa: When the bombs blew up, everything in our bags were turned to ash..
Sen: To the lovely witch, order number four coming through!
Sa: I’m very sorry! I wasn’t thinking straight!
U: The era of great adventures. We went on an adventure in order to defeat the Demon King and bring back his treasure. Hero, Urata.
Sa: Battle Master, Sakata.
Shi: Sorceror, Shima.
Sen: Fortune teller, Senra.
U: The record of our great adventure has a long way to go!
USSS: UraShimaSakataSen Drama CD! UraShimaSakataSen Quest! The end!
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a-snow-decahedron · 2 years
You should not have asked for cursed ideas because i have a bunch of them to share and curse people with
But the craziest of all of them, I need to say, is that, one day, for no reason at all, i said "what if sans and jevil were twins?"
And oh boy, (this is a damm rollercoaster im already warning u), i didn't stop there
I imagined half of this before chapter 2, and then i updated it after. Im going to say only the uptaded version
So, Sans (also Sans' name is "Boone" u need to know) and Jevil are twins, but Papyrus is gaster nephew. Also, gaster is actually "Aster" and his brother (papyrus' dad) is Wingdings, both of them are scientists, but WD is more important. Papyrus also has a twin whose name is ACTUALLY Sans. Papyrus family is made of humans, papyrus is a human, and he is from a universe called "unrelated" where monster and humans had a battle, but it end up in peace. One day WD invents a machine to travel between universes but he ends up dying in the experiments. Aster cries bc his brother is dead but improves the machine and travels to undertale world. Sadly, his body gets deformed, so monsters from ut cant tell he isnt one of them (this is before asriel is born). He comes back to his universe finally feeling he can be smth more than his brother shadow. Dont ask me how bc i didnt think that much but he becames he royal scientist using the name of his brother (wingdings gaster) while also working in having a new body in his own univers (oh yeah he also plans to make undyne the "great warrior" and injects determination on her eyes bc he belivee she is the only one who can survive bc she is already determined, she does, but the injected dt is now dormant inside of her body)
Evently he opens a portal to deltarune too, and learns about dark worlds. He is kind of going insane now and he meets with the titans (for reasons) who reveal that his world is a videogame and his existence doesnt matter. He makes some deals and he has powers now bam
He enters in contact with seven manlets (three being jevil, spamton and sans who is called boone) to make a new body later and also destroy his own universe (the gasters followers would be the versions of that world of the monsters we already know that have been destroyed) and idk makes holes in his nephews hands (like jesus himself) bc he didnt want to be alone with the holes then he jumps in the core and papyrus and sans try to escape his new followers by going through the machine and end up in the deltarune world, but they fall into a dark fountain somewhere and die, but like, not totally
They end up being selfaware amalgams that can shape shift lololol they meet BooneSans and Jevil who are kind of not fine at this point, and both trust in gaster, so papyrus and his twin tell them that gaster is actually not that trustful and will not give them freedom and they believe for some reason
Papyrus and twinSans decide they need to separate or else gaster is gonna take their undead corpse (did i mention they are kind of immortal now?), so the four of them make a plan
TwinSans gives BooneSans their soul (they can survive without it now), so he can swap places with them and go to the light world, but the game would crash if they stayed with the same names so they swapped names too
Sans (the skeleton one) makes a copy of the machine and they go to the light world pretending to be brothers bc papyrus shapeshift to a skeleton... Or so they thought. Sans didn't build it correctly and they end up in undertale world trapped :))
But like, the universes had a half reset bc the codes were too confused, so sans and papyrus notice they startes forgetting about their twins and the same goes to Jevil and Boone, so papyrus draws the "don't forget" thing and boone sings that one music yknow
Sans tries to talk to alphys (bc she is the scientist who replaced gaster she has to be good) so she can help him... But she isnt in the best conditions bc she just created flowey and the amalgamates- anyways they both fail but now gaster has alphys in his aim bc she is a WONDERFUL PIECE in his words or smth
Oh yeah also jevil fights wit spamton, they divorce, jevil is so sad that he doesn't notice gaster took papyrus twin and they die :( jevil eventually forgets about them, goes totally crazy, and then is locked up
Now we are in the same point of time in the games and papyrus is incapable of sleeping bc hes dead bam bam
But why would gaster want seven manlets? Well, i said it before, he wants to make a new body. After jumping in the core, hes shattered, and he gives a piece of him to each one of the manlets to eat. Eventually they will melt with only one body part left, he will take all of the body parts, make a new body, "enter" inside of it and ascends to [[HEAVEN]] (he will became god). He is obsessed with this bc the titans told him about us (the player) and he wants to be like us, he is putting the player in all of this adventures so WE can have fun
He is manipulating kris bc they are also under their brother, asriel, shadow so they can understand each other somehow idk
When you do a genocide route sans actually doesn't die bc you hit a ketchuo inside of him and he takes papyrus who also can't die and both go and, with the energy the player has provided, make the machine work and go to deltarune find their twins that they almost forgot about
Well, is an idea i like to make more and more nonsensical and illogical with time, bc it doesn't have any base on canon. I swear im not like this most of the times
Anyways, am i the ask from your dream?
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[Image description: A two panel comic showing a Tumblr Anonymous talking from their car to a fast food employee. In the first panel, the Tumblr Anon is speaking, their speech bubble extending to he top of the screen, implying that the text from the ask is what the character is saying. In the second panel the fast food employee holds a couple of plastic cups and is staring at the anon in shock. End of ID.]
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endorphinmachine · 3 years
uhhh i dont know much about the zelda series so what IS majoras mask? :)
majoras mask is the direct sequel to ocarina of time both by release date and order in the timeline (specifically, the child timeline where link both survives and is sent back in time as a child to thwart ganondorf's plan before it can even be set in motion). it's one of the couple of zelda games that aren't set in hyrule at all: it follows link through a land called termina, many of whose inhabitants look like characters from its predecessor ocarina of time. (this actually has a doylist explanation: the game's development took place over a single year, as opposed to ocarina of time which was in development for about 2½ years, so they had to reuse a lot of models to make time for other things.)
funnily enough the concept of being pressed for time is actually a major element of the game: link has 3 days to work with before the moon crashes into termina and kills everyone im not kidding about this even a little. he does have the ability to turn back time to the dawn of the first day using the ocarina zelda gave him which is incidentally her only appearance in a game titled legend of zelda. oopsie (sidenote the time system of the day starting at 6:00 am and the night starting at 6:00 pm should be more widespread because it simply makes cents luv x). anyway he can do different things in this 3 day cycle but most get erased whenever time turns back. majoras timeloop
i didnt even talk about the villain hang on. it's not ganon like it was in ocarina of time because his plan failed before anything could come of it. nah it's actually a skull kid you see in the lost woods in ocarina of time wearing an evil mask. and the final boss is the evil mask. its majoras mask
speaking of masks that's also a huge plot device. you use masks to do different things like dance (kamaro's mask) run fast (bunny hood) talk to skeletons (captain's hat) talk to ghosts (garo's mask) talk to frogs (don gero's mask) talk to rocks (mask of truth) look like a rock (stone mask). but there are also four (five but the giant's mask suuuucks so we don't talk about him) transformation masks made from the dying wishes of the forms they embody. the deku mask was created after link healed himself from the deku form the skull kid cursed him with (in reality this is the lost son of a side character), the goron mask was made from the last wishes of a fallen goron hero, and the zora mask was made by healing the sorrows of a dying zora warrior. so essentially link has to carry on their wills and save their people from the havoc skull kid wreaked. this involves going through dungeons using these masks, taking their forms, and defeating the evil within. i'd say it's typical zelda stakes stuff but it feels a little more emotional than that because you as link have to pretend you're these people that link isn't and save people has no real emotional attachment to, even though the forms he's inhabiting are important to the people he's helping. it makes me feel a little
so thats majoras mask. the bare essentials
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spinchip · 4 years
Can I ask the plot of the hometown glory au on how they beat Chen and his cult plot? Considering that Garmadon is still not in the clear it kind of makes the plot a bit up in the air on how they beat them
I havent rewatched season 4 yet so im going into this without a refresher lol. bear w me.
subject to change lol. also under the cut bc it got really long, what with having to incorporate the whole ‘you need the essence of a tru anacondrai to complete the spell’ except in this au we technically havent gotten ANY serpentine yet.
tournament of element invites. The main cast meets all of each other for the first time on the boat. the boat ride itself takes a few days. This whole au takes a lot longer that original, in canon. could be split into 2 ‘seasons’ witht he tournament the first half, and the serpentine search the second half.
while this is happening, the boat is being tailed by a mysterious mech... that seems to look like a samurai... (PIXAL, BABEY!!!!!!!!)
they get to chens island and have dinner. zane lets slip he knows more than he should, and then asks cole to "come find me later, please?" by the morning he's gone, chen and clouse announcing the boat back to the mainland is taking zane home because of an emergency, so of course no one will be able to leave until it comes back, so sorry :( (not really sorry, also they are lying lol. zanes already been power snatched and locked up)
i havent thought the middle through lol. Skylor and kai interactions! Cole loses his match and is taken to the noodle factory, where he meets pixal, also captured! they find zane and the samurai x mech together! the three of them free the other EMs! some stuff with chens big snake happen! lets get to some exciting stuff
throughout the Au we learn more and more about the prophecy of the green ninja and garmadon through Lloyds snooping and Clouse trying to manipulate lloyd onto their side (cant be the hero that kills your dad if youre actually evil!)
as we learn about garmadon, we also get a B plot with Wu and Misakp realizing that Lloyd has gone to the tournament, meaning that Chens plan could actually work, and lloyd could be hurt! but do they have the knowledge on chen and clouse to be able to fight him on their own? no, they need help...
Wu and Misako go after Garmadon, who is SUPPOSED to be in the underworld, but he's not! After fighting off samukai and some of the other skeletons at the expense of their travelers tea home, they go through garmadons room and find a map where he's been searching the underworld for a place where the ethereal divide is thin, and they search the spots not crossed off on the map, finding a spot to jump between the underworld and the realm of madness.
The tell garmadon, whos transformed into his 4 arm self (we get a little info about the golden weapons here, but in this 'season' of the AU, we don't get to that plot), whats going on and he propses a truce while they save lloyd, going back with them through the thin spot in that volcano Wu knows leads back to ninjago.
WHILE this b plot is happening, Chen's plan begins to come to fruition, and even with his evil staff broken he uses his daughter to complete the spell like in canon i think? I need to rewatch s4. they go back to the main land and leave the others there... except the spell is wearing off!! Turns out they need the essence of a true anacondrai warrior to make it permanent, but no ones seen actual serpentine in decades... Chen however, has spent a lot of time gathering maps and information, and has a pretty good guesses at where they were sealed away.
BUT so does lloyd. after being kicked out from darkleys and going to live with wu, he got angry and ran away from home, wandering around trying to be evil to prove he didnt deserve to be kicked out and starting at jamanakai villiage. after they obviously shoo him away and call wu, he flees into the glacier barrens before getting homesick and going home... but when the elemental masters are trying to beat Chen to the anacondrai tomb and they're doing research on the tombs themselves, Lloyd recognizes the Hypobrai tomb and leads them there. race against the team Chen put together while the rest of his evil guys stay behind.
Hypnobrai are still angry about being sealed away, but put aside their feelings to stop chen and stop this war, wanting to live peacefully without any more pain. together using the hypnobrai maps, they free the other snakes, including the sole survivor of the Anacondrai tribe, Pythor.
chens small infiltration squad comes too late... but they find one of pythors shed skins (or anacondrai bones lol), and use that. the fight at the corridor of elders comes to fruition, but no the elemental masters also have the other serpentine tribes to back them up, and they start to beat back chens army.
because I do what i want, Garmadon doesn't have to sacrifice himself to call back the 6 anacondrai generals. instead of "the person who banished them must take their place" its more "The person who banished them must be the one to free them" so garm like does that lol and Arcturus denounces chen and banishes him, dissapating the effects of their spell and then moving on with his generals to the departed realm!
the au ends with a big celebration, but at the very end Lloyd catches garmadon leaving, and asks him about what clouse said about the prophecy of the green ninja. Garmadon hugs lloyd and reveals that it's true, their destinys are to fight for good and evil. lloyd cries, but garm tells him that he will always love him no matter what, and that hes looking for a way to change destiny.
lloyd asks him to stay because hes afraid he'll be all alone (sure hes got wu and his mom, but they won’t tell him anything), but Garm points him in the direction of Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Pixal and reassures him he's got a great team on his side.
lloyd goes and joins them. garmadon is gone. 'season 1' end.
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getallemeralds · 3 years
explorers of arvus: heading back / 3.11.21
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zoom and enhonse
LAST TIME ON ARVUS taure passed out and we are now down a healer! also we met a disciple of halvkar, and surprisingly did not murder her. this is fine. we have instantly gotten distracted by our various carts. cats. our various cats
DID ANY OF US CATCH TAURE, SHE FELL OVER sieron tried to catch her and smacked charlie+thorne in the face (he rolled a nat1, f) BUT the catboy is to the rescue bc silje is the designated Not Incompetent of the group today
CONSULT THE CHILD hewwo yrel yrel: her mind is being consumed by the serpent of nightmares. :D charlie: HELLO?????//
so, dendar(?) the night serpent is imprisoned beneath arvus! she was formed from the nightmares of the first sentient being, and sometimes she eats people's nightmares. if she's exceptionally hungry, she'll force nightmares onto people for her to feed off their fear. yrel thinks taure will Probably wake up. there's a thing on arvus mentioned by the locals called a "sleeping sickness" where people will fall asleep for a few days, sometimes longer, but will wake up. its magical in cause, the people afflicted by it have horrific nightmares, and its just kinda. a thing. wowza
(i have gone back to spelling yrel's name as yrel bc i think it looks nice)
OH HEY SOMEONE POSTED A THEORY ON ONE OF MY STICKMOLUS ANIMATIONS man i should get back to stickmolus sometime. once dsmp releases its awful grip on me.
i keep getting distracted by seeing myself in the camera preview. i have a tooth gap! what the fuck its cute?? K I KNOW WE'RE SUPER BLURRY IN FRONT RN BUT PLEASE HELP ME STAY FOCUSED I SWEAR -leo
we're gonna build a sled! to put taure on. thorne: i have a good strength score. ....i say, out loud charlie: i am four feet tall. [cue argument between thorne & sieron about them both being horcs but sieron has a +0 bc strength is his dump stat] OH, OKAY, THORNE ROLLED A NAT20 TO CARRY TAURE. NICE
[discussion about what to tell everyone at camp vengenace] thorne: the last thing we need to do is a witch hunt charlie: --and we already hunted the witch! the witch has been hunted.
time to discuss strategy! we need to figure out how to head back to camp vengeance, eg if we want to follow the path we already took or if we wanna do some trailblazing. looks like we're gonna try and take the most direct path! which means we'll prolly risk tangoing with some undead but im willing to risk it TINY HUT STAIRCASE sorry i just remember it now and then
nyx: [meowing at his cats] thorne: uh... why is silje meowing? jorb: silje's food bowl is empty jorb: you look at silje's food bowl and there's a divot in the middle and the food is all on the sides emotionally, we must bully the catboy silje saw something interesting and started meowing
thorne: ill take first watch silje: ill also take first watch. charlie: [quietly] gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy (but, like, extended for 15 seconds)
silje: [takes watch] [rolls a nat1 and gets distracted by looking at his crush]
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THORNE HAS LOCATED A DOG the dog does not give a shit about the tiny hut. THE DOG HAS PEED ON THE TINY HUT goodbye dog
EVERYONE IS ROLLING AT LEAST 1 NAT1 thorne: wow! that sure is a dog. thorne has drawn the worst possible dog. thorne has erased the worst possible dog. we dont speak of the worst possible dog its the dog version of honse. DONSE
sieron is now on watch! MAN we are havin trouble rolling today. at least kali's here to make sure sieron doesnt stare at a rock for 50000 years sieron sees a mouse! bottom text
charlie is now on watch! kali is havin a big ol thonk. nothing meaningful has come of this
i am perceiving some deer. sieron is not perceiving some deer. silje is perceiving some deer, but better the deer are fucked up and undead! silje has gone from "we should hunt these deer for food" to "we should hunt these deer for sport"
charlie: i do not feel like being jumped by five thousand skeletons
charlie takes first watch with sieron! WHY ARE OUR ROLLS SO TERRIBLE taure is super cursed right now. that's not very pog charlie: this place sucks. thorne: to be fair, we havent-- charlie: YOU'RE ASLEEP, SHUT UP
oh hey coolname galvanic finally partied. nice.
thorne is at watch! solar: hey, is leomund's tiny hut an orb? there's a critter digging around! AH, THE CRITTER IS UNDEAD. this could be a problem
solar: hey michael, how much does the horrific sin against god dog i drew look like this creature michael: [dice roll noises] about 50%.
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michael: if anyone likes, they can make a nature check-- solar: ME MEMEMEMEME ME ME ME
its a bulette! aka a land shark. problem: they are not normally undead. this one is undead.
jorb: imagine if you could tame one of those and use it as a mount. leo: IT WOULD JUST DIG UNDERGROUND AND LEAVE YOU THERE
we are just calling it a weird dog
we're going to mail a letter to the heart of arvus. HEY, CHECK OUT THIS WEIRD DOG,
solar: hey guys, check out this sick art of a bulette i found
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silje kept a lookout for the weird dog but its just fucked off. goodbye, weird dog give it up for day 3!
man there's been like, three incinerations today in blaseball. what's up with that. I SWEAR IM MOSTLY PAYING ATTENTION its just been an eventful day in blaseball. also im wearing my garages bomber rn. jaylen is home wooOOOO the wind smells stinky. this is fine.
we're actively avoiding whatever combat michael keeps nudging at us bc we're carrying around an unconscious person and i SWEAR hes gonna throw something directly at us once he's done with our shenanigans
huh. this place used to be inhabited? we're in the woods rn but there's some like, stone ruins? like, VERY ruins. like, not really any structures standing, but enough evidence to show there Were things. WE FOUND A STATUE charlie: i want to smash my face against the lore.
used to be a circle of standing stones, but most of em fell over or got overgrown. inside of the circle has been cleared, although v roughly-- ground's torn up statue is of fjolnir! warrior holding up a spear and shield. AH, THERE ARE CORPSES, a human got REAL fucked up here. one of the corpses is straight up impaled on fjolnir's spear. n ... not pog.
i am trying so, so hard to pay attention. but i also kinda wanna take a nap.
charlie: [stares at statue] [rolls a 4] i wonder if he had a dick.
okay so something rolled in, tore up the overgrowth inside the circle, and murdered a couple dudes. and was also super tall and human-adjacent. hrm.
oh my god why are we rolling so shit today. time to stealth away and hope we dont get casually dismembered
k: jorb's hair is so long... leo: K, PLEASE,
time for a break! i am very tired but im gonan see if i can push through a little further. nyx is petting his cat why do orangatangs look like that
first watch is thorne and sieron! have they even, like, talked thorne unhabby ): thorne's worried we were tresspassing when checking out the statue, meanwhile im thinking about that one time when sieron got bit by a groundhog
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(oh my god this is from late 2018)
leomund's tiny hut, aka the anti-sea bear circle we are getting SO much mileage out of the tiny hut. SILJE HUMS A SONG WITH KALI cute........... FINALLY I HAVE ROLLED ABOVE A 14 wait no i rolled a 16 twice. anyway we are not dead
nearly at camp vengenace! boy howdy i hope camp vengeance didnt get burned down. AH FUCK TAURE IS UNCONSCIOUS SO WE CANT CAST FOR DETECT POISON kaepora nearly made us all shit ourselves but its okay he just saw some bison and thought it was cool Michael Is Consulting Several Tables
WHY DOES JORB'S CAMERA ZOOM LIKE THAT why am i hungry. i have so many questions
HEY, TALL GUY [smacks sieron]
camp vengeance looks better! like, nobody's Obviously Sick anymore, the medical tents arent overfilled, we did it! we saved the dayyyyyy time to report to ryder! taure's getting dropped off at the medical tent
man remember when charlie didnt wear pants
oh man, with taure unconscious charlie is now taking point with social interaction. wild. jk im making jorb do it bc im tired HAHA NAT 20 PERSUASION BC OF ME HELPIN SIERON man ryder is such a cock. he was totally ready to keep throwing troops at heaven's brazier to die until we managed to persuade him out of it. jorb: did we tell ryder about the vision? michael: you kinda just took a look at him and went STINKY BOY!
okay yeah anything that dies on arvus will just pop back up as undead. man, arvus sucks.
ryder: alright, dismissed. charlie: seeya, soldier boy! :D hahahahaha im gonna eat his knees.
charlie: ive decided he sucks. silje: we've already arrived to that, you're late!
LMAO WE WALKED IN ON INGRID AND HER CRUSH they fuckin. nice. you go, you funky lesbian
jorb: we've got the tiny hut, we could go anywhere leo: we could go to SPACE! nyx: we could not go to space. leo: WITH A TINY HUT STAIRCASE, WE CAN,
we are 320 miles away from the spaceship that exists on arvus. nice.
michael: justin sees you-- roll a strength saving throw. leo: i cant wait to die! [rolls a 3] I AM CRUSHED BY MY DOG michael: he rolled a nat20.
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BOSS ENCOUNTER: CHARLIE'S DOG (the small circle next to him is one of the medical tents.)
sieron, to ingrid: seems like youve been doing well charlie: i punch sieron. sieron: sieron: the camp, of course.
man we have no idea if the heart of arvus is actually related to the prophecy or not. theres a Lot of stuff lining up, but not enough, and its hard to say how much of it couldve been literal?
solar & michael: [discussing exposition] me: [cracking up bc penn sent me a funny dsmp joke]
prophecies are weird.
charlie is just s she is just sitting here SILJE PLAYED CARDS REALLY GOOD AT ME nyx rolled a nat20 and took all my money
oh cool we can talk to yrel telepathically! time to hoist yrel. THIS IS SO SCUFFED thorne mentioned yrel and now we're trying to explain to ingrid that we have a magic talking snake charlie: I WANT TO GO HOME. thorne: we cant go, we have a GOD-KING to kill! "i think theyre insane, theyre talking to a snake" "ingrid, druids exist" "oh. im gonna go back to getting railed by my 7 foot tall girlfriend"
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co27 · 5 years
literally the only well-written version of the “insufferable flirty pilot and dynamite gal who takes none of his shit” trope that ive ever seen. theyre SO good for each other and like... they get on each others nerves and have jealousy issues im ngl but they trust each other SO much and like. god. im not gonna wax too much poetic abt how much they love each other but. once they work through their communication issues theyre literally. so excellent. a LOT of fans have problems w how they handle their feelings for each other imho, either portraying sparx as too cynical/rude and forgetting that he has actual redeeming qualities that nova likes about him (lightening the mood in dire situations (like in hidden fortress/the skeleton king), spends down time playing video games with her, someone she knows she can rely on no matter what) or portraying nova as if she cant tell her feelings bc of some warrior/hero complex, when the fact of the matter is that she IS the one who confessed to sparx first. really one of my favorite god damn ships of all time and i REALLY wish there was more stuff that could explore their feelings for each other in a way that didnt feel so ooc T___T
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konako · 5 years
the birth of the ruby vs cruella storyline has begun! its just dripping in potential, and the way u can just relate so many things already to the skeleton of this vague plot is amazing. the history with anita is such a great way to tie things in! cruellas manipulation could go so many ways, so many angsty tropes! hurting the ones you love, forgetting the ones u love, morally ambiguous characters galore. also i didnt realize the ruby dorothy mulan ot3 was a thing i would be obsessed with my dude
So many good things can come out of it. Specially because it’s three (four if you count the villain) characters EXTREMELY underappreciated and left unexplored. 
-- Ruby and her wolf being a threat again. We all know how deep this goes. I don’t even need to get into that.
-- Mulan and her need to always be the soldier, the protector, the righteous -- now jealous of her friend, feeling lonely in the company of a couple, questioning her lack of a personal life. What is there to do, when there are no more battles to fight? And what is she, if not a warrior?
-- Dorothy and her new found partner put in danger (she’s the danger), their trust is put to the test -- yes, magic decided they are True Love, but what does that even mean? Does that mean Dorothy is responsible for Ruby’s happiness and Ruby for hers? Does that mean no room for doubt, fear, insecurities, disagreement? Does that mean yet another responsibility on her shoulders? Is she even ready for this? Is she healed enough to love how Ruby deserves??
-- Cruella and her revenge, using Ruby to fix a whole in her chest left by Anita, being the drunk fabulous villain she is, twisted and ready to hurt in more ways than one. 
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essu-rwby-desu · 6 years
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                                           Episode 1: Argus Limited  
                                      -SUPER LONG POST. SPOILERS-
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SMILES. When the girls smile, I smile. It’s such a good feeling.
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...Anyone else feel like having some soft serve right about now? A soft serving of White Rose-
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It’s funny because while watching this part in the theater, I think everyone unanimously said in a whisper: “what the fuck was that?” and then laughed. Cuz I know I did LOL.
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Keep crying Adam.
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Vale is still fucked up, confirmed.
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Honestly look at her. How can you not smile.
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...Is. Is it Yang’s birthday or something?
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You know, if I didn't know any better, I would’ve said Nora’s semblance is instant-posing and teleportation.
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Honestly though, poor Weiss. Breaking out just to. Go back in.
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Ugh. LOL. Im sorry, that IS my reaction still. 
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...Weiss is packing the most, but. She FLED Atlas. How much could she possibly have- DIDNT SHE RUN OFF WITH JUST ONE BRIEF CASE???
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Indeed Sisters.
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Take a moment and enjoy the facial expressions.
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More happy/excited Ruby. There’s never enough.
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Ooo Ilia with some new threads, very nice~ Also that piano version of Smile. My heart.
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Oh. Of course she didn’t. YOU CANT JUST SETUP A SHOT LIKE THAT. THAT’S THE UNIVERSAL “Tippy toe kiss off screen” SHOT.
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Sun’s turn to say goodby-
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NEPTUNE. WOOO. THE BRO-SEIDON. This is a meme in the making. Also where are Neptune’s legs.
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Sun is me, Neptune is my brain trying to tell me to do things.
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Neptune. Don’t. She doesn’t. (But look at her though, look how cute.)
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Welp, there he goes.
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The poor useless noodle. LOOK AT BLAKE. SHE WANTED TO STOP HIM BUT. LOL.
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Sun is such a good boi. Like. He just wanted to help Blake, help her to realize it’s okay to have her friends’ help. And now:
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She’s back with her team.
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See you in Volume 7/8, Team SSSN. Seriously. Scarlet. Sage. It’s over due time. 
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Blake. It’s okay. You really don’t have to do that. Yang is fine. 
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The team is just happy that they’re back together again. And I think everyone is too.
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I, too, would whoop my niece’s butt in video games. It’s not like shes almost 2 years old or anything.
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Yang is. Always. ARMED AND READY.
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Now you see him.
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...Now you don’t.
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...O-Oh. Did. Did he actually just die? Oh shit.
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I. I feel bad now.
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE RELIC ATTRACTS THE GRIMM??? The team had all the right to be angry.
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...How strong is Gambol Shroud and Blake? One swipe to be able to decouple a caboose? Also, throw back to the Black Trail-
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Speaking of the Black Trailer.
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Oof. Not the kind of memories you want to remember.
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Does Oscar’s/Ozpin’s fighting style make anyone think of Sora from Kingdom Hearts had he gone with a one handed fighting style?
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Well, at least there’s no Grimm this time.
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Blake and Ruby look really bad ass in this shot. Composition people.
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Im guessing based off the credits, this character’s name is Maria Calavera?
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There was a post I saw a few days ago speculating that Maria was once a warrior with Silver eyes, much like Ruby. IS SHE GOING TO TEACH AND EXPLAIN THE POWERS OF SILVER EYES TO RUBY? FINALLY? WILL RUBY BE THE NEXT AVATAR? 
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Who’s this hooded figure? Getting more Kingdom Hearts vibes again-
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“Who is this hooded figur- wait, that’s RoMAN’S- *GASPS* IS THAT NEO!?” PLEASE. BRING MY ICE CREAM ASS KICKER BACK.
But. Upon more observation, there’s 2 things to account for:
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The skeleton like left hand. Perhaps a Grimm left hand. Though it is missing the dark Grimmy aspect to it.
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The hand and the sword:
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Welp, there goes the Neo aspect.
BUT WAIT. What if it was Neo who had Roman’s hat, and it’s NEO’s perspective that we’re seeing. NEO OUT FOR REVENGE FOR ROMAN? WHETHER IT BE CINDER OR RUBY???
...Neo has Silver eyes too, right?
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Is that Zelda?
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Local boy beats up Farm boy.
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101 notes · View notes
comicteaparty · 5 years
May 9th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 9th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Lodestar by SasstastiKim.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Lodestar by SasstastiKim~! (http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
My favorite scene has to be... the coffee shop book place thingy. With taylor! Sarcasm max.
Letter Bee
Elliot being told to trust his new friends by his mother.
Author note: chapter one is getting "remodeled" so any suggestions are welcome
My favorite scene? Probably be this one: http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ ...It's so atmospheric, and that is a very good and creepy looking heart. I'm into the atmosphere. Under @SpazztastiKim's cute artwork lies something deceptively dark...
I looooooovethe backgrounds in that sequence
Yes, very dark. >:3c
yeah i got second that as my favorite scene. cause the atmosphere is to die for. and i love how contrasted it is from the previous scenes cause you go into it and immediately go "oh no a spooky dream"
Also, Kim -- if you are interested in critique, etc, I can throw you thoughts in private, but I didnt' like, make any notes or anything. It's your comic and I figured that you were doin' errything to have fun! (And get some good creepiness in there too)
You are welcome to!
Okay. I'll do that offline and another day, then. But I do think you've got a good story here, so please don't feel obliged to open yourself up to such feedback!
Thank you
Let us gush over how superb becky's optimism is
im busy gushing over the dialogue on this page http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2749604/ch3-pg10/
Honestly I just really like the magic effects, not gonna lie
like its so silly and yet reminds me of youth
I'm looking forward to more magic and ghost stuff
cause these are random convos i would have as a youth with ppl
Same here!
It's so dramatic, and... man,... I remember being like that when I was younger
I don't recall if it's stated in-comic, but how old is everyone?
Not stated yet. You can guess tho XD
elliot was a 30 year old man this entire time
Ahahaha. I was guessing 14~15
Im not allowed to guess because i kinda know XD
Either way, I'm guessing high school for all of them, but nobody's a senior XD
Except for ally
Shes like younger, like idk maybe hr high ish?
I actually dont know for sure her age
i wouldve guessed middle school personally. but its hard to tell cause i need to see more adults
Maybe? She throws me a little bit? XD She's probably 13ish?
Shes a precious cinnamonroll and needs protected at all costs
yeah id peg 13ish for ally personally too.
idk if she need the protecting. she is not the one who got tackled to the ground
I would not fight her
She will tackle you to the ground in l o v e
I do also really like how everyone's designs are unique
So it's really easy to distinguish who's who (and I'm pretty sure if it was a greyscale comic, it'd still be very easy... Which is really good)
Yeah kim
I'm getting the feeling that there are spoilers in that answer
OP... someone noticed
I can't help but feel like there are some alternate world or reincarnation shenanigans afoot
elliot was an elf in a past life and the birth he witnessed was from back then
ya know what scratch that
he was the elf prince
Okay so I'm not the only one that thought that though
just make everyone a prince
Pfft yes
What's with the lanterns though... hahaha
But I really do have to wonder what all is going on there. The wolf skeleton was warning him about a thing he... sealed away.
Was it sealed tho?
.... Maybe not
but, I mean, it's hella vague I feel like the wolf is protecting Elliot tho
I get that vibe too, wasnt nice atthe end tho >:T
No, but this probably has happened before
Ya think?
when you say this are you talking about the dream itself or like the sealed away creature thing?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2612346/ch2-pg18/ Well, the wolf says that Elliot's been dragged away before
so the thing that's hunting Elliot in his dream proooooooooooooooooooooooooobably has gone after him before
unless the "Birth" in question means it manifested in physical form
that theory did occur to me
cause of the dream themes
that this is basically monster in the dreams
rip everyone
I mean, I know kim loves horror movies SO
Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Warriors II
so the thing about the pointy ears that actually interests me the most is that elliot didnt seem to notice all that much or care. and like i know there was a bloody skeleton wolf scaring the crap outta him, but i feel like hed have at least been a little like "hey i am an elf boy now"
also the fact that the dream did not start off with pointy ears
they only showed up with wolf dude
It might be a sign of magic or something. Or maybe he and his ghost are just used to the pointed ears showing up
I didn't notice tyhat!
I did have to re-read that part when I looked at this earlier this week -- it was like "waaaaaaaaaaait a minute"
Hmm WHEN did the change happen again?
Hm indeed
It seems to be a slow transition to be honest
you know who we haven't mentioned yet- TOM my favorite character.
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2456424/ch2-pg11/ On this page, they start to look slightly pointed http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2505393/ch2-pg12/ AND THEN He starts to hear things and cough... And magic shows up in the next page
Here for the moment, the little one is being very fussy this evening. I think my favourite scene was in the night terror in chapter 2, where we just had the glowing eyes - and then Mandy's glowing hand. Creepy and atmospheric.
Scrolling back to read, I liked how Elliot was thankful not to be a hobbit when he woke.
Imagine if he woke up and HAD POINTY EARS
the rest of the cast would have been howling
Also, he's focusing on the important things: Not being a dream zombie
i will be surprised if that doesnt happen one day. that he wakes up with elf ears and has to explain to everyone that surprise, hes an elf now
QUESTION 2. Dreams seem to be central to the story at hand. How do you interpret Elliot’s latest dream? Was it a dream, or was it something more? Whose birth did Elliot supposedly witness, and what exactly is it hungering for? Who is the black wolf that delivers the warnings to Elliot, and why is Elliot the one tasked with helping to defeat whatever the wolf is warning him about? Additionally, if this is no simple dream, why doesn’t Elliot remember this supposed event? Last but not least, what do you make of Elliot’s appearance change within the dream, and what do you think the meaning of the lantern is?
I don't think it's a nightmare on elm street kind of thing, because Crystal Lake was dropped as a reference, so these sorts of things already exist in the characters' universe.
Chapter 4, Elliot joins an elf help group.
but see thats the genius of it. drop the refs, nobody thinks anything of it and is like "ah just a red herring"
and then boom
dream murderer
THE DREAM WAS A WARNING I don't know if the "Starve it" Though... well. Maybe it wants to eat his dreams. Dream eater. OH MY GOD ELLIOT'S BEING HUNTED BY A DROWZEE
That would be sneaky!
It can't be a simple dream either way. Mandy joined him. That can't be a normal thing for ghosts. Can it?
yeah starve it really interesting. cause what do you have to deprive the creature or whatever it is of to starve it? is elliot just not supposed to get eaten? is it dreams? is it ghosts?
although maybe its the lantern
no way that was just a dream
Maybe. The lantern did come out as danger started to come near
that was a vision
what is Mandy anyway
didn't he say that she was never alive to begin with? Or was he speaking generally
....What if Mandy was a victim of the thing?
or even worse
mandy is the thing
Mandi is an imaginary friend taken form because of El? Maybe? Like, Can El manifest things?
Without knowing it-
that could also be true
but im now sticking to the she is the thing one
cause it would explain why the wolf kicked her out
and said "no dream warnings for you"
I know she's not like... real but she HAS FEELINGS DREAM WOLF
OH, but aside from just El having that one nightmare, apparently it's a prevalent problem going on- so it's not just isolated.
ya know, i just want to point out if the dream wolf is going around warning ppl, the strategy is not very effective. fear is not the answer wolf.
Based on the comic description... We'll have to see more about that though
I dunno, if you scare someone enough, they'll stay away
maybe el gets royal treatment of being warned
maybe the wolf is protecting the place where "it" is
while everyone else just gets stalked with EYES
it's because he's acutally Frodo Baggins
and the thing after them is Melkor. Or Sauron.
obviously its voldemort
you mean, he who should not be named!
What about the Babadook
my bad
where elliot lives the dream wolf is just how the letters are delivered
Baba Yaga
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ so i wonder who all the creepy ppl are in the bg
Maybe it's like regular dreams, you don't really remember them unless you're woken up in the middle. So the wolf is waking everyone up with love bites.
like was the creature born cause ppl were like "yaay sacrifice"
Oh, great, the wolf is my cat
if that's what you call a LOVE bite...>>
the wolf is reading the wrong book of how to talk to humans
There were five witnesses to the birth maybe, Rebel. They were summoned to the place in dreams.
I'mma go out on a limb and say the people in the BG were part of the creation. THE COUNCIL OF CREATION A bunch of high elves that decided one day, "hey, let's just do this whole thing and nothing can go wrong" And Elliot was like, "NOPE" And died and went into another world where it was nearly unleashed upon them.
Justin, what are your thoughts on the Wolf and the Five people on Chapter 2, Page 17?
They're looking at a heart.
Can I bring it home and call it Maniac?
good name for it
Anyways hey there, sorry I'm a bit late
Room's getting redesigned but to stray from going offtopic I wanted to drop in and hand out and see what we're all talknig about tonight
they are looking at a heart. Elliot was the mage who betrayed the council and realized his magic was for healing not the dark arts
Yep. We're talking about this week's comic -- Lodestar. As is the usual thing on the Thursday Bookclub~
Oh yea
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ But really, I wonder what "it" is. .... Maybe there was a ritual.
Is that white line it's eye
Also -- did Eliot's magical scratch appear when the lantern showed up I'm just noticing this Does magic have a price?
i assum eyes, the white line is its eye
that page did have the atmosphere of ritual
mostly cause of the heart
you dont hold beating hearts unless youre doing a ritual
idk i couldnt figure out when the scratch showed up. id have to look again super close
It's def. Skooky
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2547332/ch2-pg14/ It's this page, Rebel
I ruined the feel of this image
meme material
I mean- MAYBE the wolf thing, wants to be empathetci?
"The woods cried out: FEED ME pls can i haz yer dinner hoomin"
also likes hoomin heartz
The whole glowing eyes thing is pretty cool. Not sure how the effect is done, but nice.
It's not like I LIKE you or anything! B-BAKA!
kiss kiss fall in the lake!
Also likes hoomin necks They are like beef, but more gamey
Maybe the demon is actually that aunt, the one who made the tea.
Nom nom
... I mean, dreams can be representational
so you got a Mama Wolf protectin' her youngins
maybe- el is part dream wolf?
i'm dead
Yis. Summoned Elliot into town so the ghost Mandy could help.
"My other form is also a wolf."
elliot wasnt real all along
he was summon
Oh no
MAYBE- el is the creation woooooo
This isn't Final Fantasy 10, Rebel
unless we're getting meta, and we need El's father to be the wolf -- a summon from a dream becomes a dreaming summoned beast...
I mean like-
We haven't SEEN el's dad yet so
"Hey, you OK?" "Does this look "Okay" to you?!"
_okay I'm done
Back to the comic
yeah i was just about to say this is really gonna mess up the archives if it continues since i cant include images XD
Yeah lol
I feel like the joke has run it's course anyways
I'm crying
You can only hammer in a joke edit so many times before it stops being entertaining
onto the scratch. i get more the impression that the scratch was gonna happen anyway and the lantern showed up saying "hey stop scratching my boy"
image: [Elliot: don't make me Tidus- I wanna be Cloud]
you wanna be a Cloud?
giant SWORD
Oh that Cloud
QUESTION 3. Early on, we learn that Elliot is supposedly psychic or an empath. Do you think Elliot is telling the truth about mostly just seeing ghosts, or does he really have other psychic powers as the others accuse him of? Who exactly do you think Mandy is, and what do you make of her closeness with Elliot? In other words, how do you think the two met? Do you think Elliot was born with whatever powers he has, or does it somehow tie into the creature he was warned about in the dream? Overall, how do you think Elliot’s abilities will help or hinder him in his task? What about in general for his newfound life in the town?
Elliot would not be a good Cloud, honestly. He's got too much personality, and too little damage from experimentation
Well we've seen a demon and a ghost so...
I THINK Mandy is his sister from another life. Or his best friend. And she couldn't be reincarnated with him, so she stuck around.
was gonna go with his stillborn sister who never was
But she was stated as never having BEEN alive?
That she wasn't real?
She's real for sure
She could also be a magic spirit, so she was never alive in the sense that humans would comprehend
Real blue
Elliot is all digital. He's in the Cloud.
Elliot: I'm sorry Mandy but you're not real. Mandy: I'm...I'm floating right here and we're talking. Elliot: No, still not real.
Maybe- El got the magic powers? ? From his last enounter that almost took him? And maybe mandi is some form of like... side kick from that?
Cloud saves? @mathtans
I do think Elliot probably has other powers, but I don't think he actually knows about them. As to Mandy, I like Rebel's theory.(edited)
El goes on Dr. Phil, gets told "Perception is reality" Mandy laughs because... well
so basically mandy is his familiar?
>Dr Phil I haven't heard that in a long time
Seems like it
honestly, El would just sass his way out of dr. phil's show. they'd be like plz leave
thats when they send him to jerry springer
How did Mandy get her name? She must have existed at some point. Elliot doesn't seem like the type to just come up with that name, he's too introverted.
Maybe she has some sort of secret magic name
Maybe Mandi named herself?
or came with a name?
and "Mandy" is just short for like Almandiasoriginamyeriath
Bless you.
cough kabo that's... I'm dying XD
HEY I know what "Bless you" means in some places!
if we go with reincarnation being in this, maybe mandy isnt real cause she hasnt moved on in this life, has no memories of her past, and is basically just an empty shell floating around
That's an interesting theory
I've seen stories with spirits like this
I'm curious to see what Mandy is later in the story, though. Like, if she's not real, then what is she. I'm pretty sure if she got kicked out of the dream, she's got some substance to her.
well i guess it largely depends on what elliot's definition of real is
i could also argue elliot is just deluding himself as to whether shes real or not because its how he protects his sanity
cause elliot doesnt seem fond of the idea that he has powers
so if he pretends none of its real its fine
Yeah considering that he got REAL dark real fast when Becky kind of prodded him about the idea of it being... odd-
but thank god for Mandi she reeled that back in fast.
Elliot's been through some crap, hasn't he
I FEEL like it- He's been through something- :/ but what? WHO knows-
Elliot remembers the great elf war
maybe el is actually an elf from another world, and this is an isekai story and we have no idea
"Remembers" only in his dreams
reverse isekai?
i am ok with this
Y'all would be great at DnD
I'm going to get yelled at aren't I?
is not a DnD player(edited)
I'm also cool with it being a reincarnation story, or just that El gets to see all sorts of monstrous things because he's got some sort of magic shenanigans going on
poor unfortunate soooooul
im ok as long as elliot lives to tell the story cause the world would be a lesser place without his snark
I would cry
I would actually FLY TO KIM'S AND we'd have a long talk
-tosses the idea pretending I never planned it-
Maybe Mandy will start possessing people. Suddenly Becky gets real mellow. Suspicious.
Oh good just what we need
Ghosts doing ghost stuff
wait maybe mandy is just the manifestation of elliot's lantern hence why she was never alive and isnt real
WAIT, Is there a risk of people actually dying in this story ... ...Kim are you going to kill off Elliot
I feel like Becky would out.... do a ghost?
SHE IS JUST TOO MUICH spirit for them XD
Tom though is probably doomed for possession
Poor Tom
.... Oh god you're probably right Rebel
Becky is the one that would go " NO YOU DONT! " and unpossess herself with will power
Tom gets possessed and he seese EVERY HORRIBLE THING he's forced to do to feed the hunger
turns out the hunger is just really into chocolates
They break into a Godiva shop with Tom's body
Did someone say chocolates?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2771909/ch3-pg14/ I wonder what flavor everyone's getting then
The Wolf isn't super keen on the whole Chocolates thing though, because, y'know, theobromine poisoning...
so that's why the wolf says STARVE it
Tsundre wolf cannot consume ice cream
well at least a chocolate quest would be more pleasant than alternatives XD
Chocolate Ice Cream? :3
thats going too far in the sweets department questing O_O
Hey, at least Tom won't have to gorge himself on other things. But they do find out their local big box store was robbed of all its chocolate rabbits around easter...
Truly the worst that could happen to this town(edited)
but after Tom is freed hed never want to eat chocolate ever again
That's a tragedy.
RIP Chocolate rabbits.
i want to see more tom though. i appreciate his calm demeanor in the face of the girls rampant amounts of energy
Tom seems like the, solid rock founddation of the group type
I like that idea that Mandy is just the manifestation of some object. Maybe something Elliot carries with him. A watch? He was good at pegging tea time.
also cause tom is the useful one. cause becky is like "FARM FESTIVAL" and Ally is like "SWIMMING AND ICE CREAM" meanwhile tom is being a good boy and researching stuff for elliot
Tom is a good counterpoint. He understands all the characters too.
Like Hey let's do the job our club is suppose to do, shall we?
Elliot is a time lord
Oh yeah, the Farm Festival is sure to be a plot point. It's a metaphor for something.
mystery solved(edited)
I mean, if this were ouran host club, he's kyouya ... the only one that keeps the club on TASK
Elliot's consciousness is trapped in a pocketwatch. With Mandy.
ya know i could dig time lord elliot tho for reals. cause it explains why hes an elf or something. he just time travels and forgets he time travels. but why he knows how to save ppl from falling stuff
The farm festival will be... full of lore. About how they had the festival to appease a hungry beast.
oh boy
They farm
Hey, the heart could have been a Deer Heart
was it though?
Coulda been.
QUESTION 4. As the comic opens up, we meet a slew of characters and learn some notable things in regards to dream. What do you make of the fact another person is supposedly having intense dreams similar to Elliot’s? Does this have anything to do with the creature, or is it simply a red herring? If it does have something to do with it, what do you think Elliot will have to do about it to help the victim? In general, how do you think the dream club Elliot joined will help him in his overall task? Moving on from Elliot, which of Elliot’s friends are you looking forward to learning more about? In what ways do you think these friends might help Elliot deal with his problems and his quest?
How intense we talking? Like, Math Test insane?
WELL Becky has every intention of making sure el has a social life, some what-
Tom will probably ensure no one dies- or he'll die trying.
dark no
dont even suggest tom dies
What if
he does die tho
protect that child
no protect that child
Ally tho
or dont and be optimistic and assume him becoming a ghost will make him the most powerful being
Ghost Tom
Elliot's the replacement Chosen One. The current one in town is having trouble.
current one?
esplain Mathans
So, if we were to categorize these characters as horror characters...
like horror movie horror, or like scary movie parody horror?
Oh dear, this is gonna be fun >:3
.... Elliot's our Canary, though sometimes the canary lives Tom's dead. I'm sorry. Becky will be scarred for life, but probably will be the one carrying the plot and making sure everyone survives. Allison... She will not be in the horror parts. She'll be the character that calls the cops at the end.
rip Tom.
no all of you need to stop killing off tom
Just straight up kill off Tom
the next page of the comic is literally just a dagger flying through the window and stabbing tom in the heart
I'm pretty sure I saw the next page, can confirm
tom actually falls backwards out of his chair and LANDS on a dagger. effectively killing him off. Then the comic ends. Tom was the danger ALL ALONG(edited)
Dear god
That's cold
A twist to make m night shyamalan proud
Lol Justin if you believe that you obviously haven't read through this comic
no no the comic continues. the wolf comes back and is like "bro i told you to starve it not kill it. youre under arrest. this is a sting operation"
Elliot gets hauled off to DREAM JAIL
Mandi is denied visitation rights
Becky becomes his laywer
then elliot becomes a dream defense attorney and has to prove his own innocence
becky would be a scary lawyer
i could just see her taking the floor and talking for hours
and her client is found innocent just cause the jury wants to go home
She'd probably make a good case though-
@Kabocha Even if I did that's still pretty cold lol
Jury: She talked for 5 hours, but... she wasn't wrong innocent!
Wolf thing : damn it!
Ghost Tom: Language...
Elliot: @#$% the establishment! throws a chair
Everyone just has the surprised pikachu face, after that!
That face is glorious
at this point i think were just all drunk and have gone mad with power
lol probably
im really curious to see what happens at the farm festival tho. mostly just cause maybe nothing bad will happen and theyll just have fun. like go on a nice hay ride
that will not trigger unpleasant memories and not start a fire to the whole festival
hay rides are included tho
Maybe we'll find out that they have a sleep study at the contest
And then after it's been ALL good- and it's all fun and stuff-
why am I thinking contest
Oh god what's happennig here now
then it will go downhill
Yep. It'll be a hot mess. AND FREDDY RETUR--- wrong series
id really want to see elliot in a sleep study now tho
just imagine the scientists face afterwards
as theyre like wtf are these readings
oh boy
"This boy never enters REM sleep!?"
what is life
"How is he alive?!"
my question exactly ^^^ lol(edited)
elliot was the one to have never been alive to begin with. the whole mandy thing is him projecting
it would explain why some scenes have her split off of him?
oh that would be a twist.
Two souls one body?
i had considered that as a realistic possibility. or more that mandy is just an aspect of elliot's soul
-watches with entertained glee-
Oh maybe?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2704817/ch3-pg4/ off topic but i just noticed that computer has a pear on it and that makes me laugh
Like the NICE version of who El is, and all the snark remained in the actual body
El is just Snark
that's it
Shoutouts to Pear Products
Sorry, called to crib. Have we talked about the title yet? With "lode"star? Is that like a metaphor for Elliot's powers, or something else?
we have not talked about it.
(As to explaining about the chosen one thing, the person with night terrors in town wasn't responding properly, so that's how Elliot ended up in town too.)
We havent'
i assumed it was a play on a lodestone
I don't actually know about the title so much
What is a lodestone?
“A lodestone is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite. They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.”
elliot is the attracter of evil
el is an unlucky person
poor kid
Mandy being part of his soul is interesting. It reminds me, I liked in the first chapter how there were hints of her at times, and eventually it became clear.
Oh yeah, and I loved the Pear Computer, Rebel. Glad you remembered to mention it.
Yeah, I thought it was like lodestone, but being a star, maybe it's good somehow even though there's a burden involved.
i liked the small hints but at the same time i was confused and wondered if he was communicating telepathically with becky XD
I'm curious to see where this all goes. There's not enough information to really like, get super crazy with fandom yet
I did wonder where the thoughts were coming from.
Also, before the end, gotta mention the Becky and Ally ship. Those two can feed off each others' energy, it's sweet.
they can power the entire town with their energy
i will support the elliot/tom ship
Since the CTP is ending in a bit, thanks for the CTR, and thanks for the cool comic as well @SpazztastiKim, it was fun checking it out
There you go. Can't ship Tom with his sister, after all.
El == shippable with everyone honestly
El is shippable with the wolf?
I MEAN, as Friends?
El seems like he needs more FRIENDS
Anyway! Thank you Kim! I look forward to seeing where this comic goes~
and boy and his aggressive wolf friend
Wolf's name is probably Lodestar. Got it from a book.
Best with it, Kim!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to SasstastiKim, as well, for making Lodestar. If you liked the comic, make sure to support SasstastiKim’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/
SasstastiKim’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SpazztastiKim
SasstastiKim’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpazztastiKim
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kingjem · 6 years
What if Thor forgot who Bruce was
‘‘Will you help us? I’m out of options sister’‘ Thor begged, he was on his knees in front of the fiery, green and black Valhallan throne.
Hela had to admit that the offer was tempting, making her brother suffer, making him lose everything and all she had to do was hurt the Titan.
She smiled, examining her nails ‘’What’s in it for me, dear brother? I don’t just grant all powerful wishes to anyone. Especially not to an Odinson’’
‘‘You thrive off of memories and good thoughts, do you not?’’ He said, looking at her ‘‘I have a proposal for you’‘
‘‘I thrive off of mostly souls, dear brother but I must admit memories can sometimes be as powerful or even more so than souls’‘
She let the silence fall over the room, this could be very interesting indeed.
‘‘Very well. Set the terms of our agreement’‘
He stood up, taking a step closer to the throne ‘’Help us defeat Thanos. I know you are capable of it. Help us kill him. In return… I will give you my most powerful memories and…. you will become the queen of the remaining Asgardian refugees’’
Hela chuckled ‘’That’s tempting, brother. What memory will you present me with?’’ She didn’t know much about her brother. She knew he had been born a few years after her banishment and she was almost certain Thor had an array of delicious memories she could pick and relish on to her hearts desire. Memories were like movies, they contained a certain energy even the strongest souls could only hope to attain and someone like Thor? Someone who had lived as long as he did, was bound to have just what Hela wanted.
‘‘My memories of Bruce Banner and Jane Foster’‘
Hela had heard of Jane Foster. An incredibly intelligent Midgardian scientist that had won Thor’s heart when he was first banished; and Bruce Banner? That had to be the gigantic monster that had killed her beloved Fenris.
She chuckled. Not only would she get to make her brother suffer but that beast would know what Hela felt. That moment when you realize the thing that you care about the most… is gone.
‘‘Keep the memory of Jane Foster, brother. As far as I can tell, from Valhallan gossip, she’s what made you what you are today. I wouldn’t want to change that, I may hate you but the world still needs Thor.’‘
‘‘So you’ll help us?’‘
She smiled wickedly, her hand bursting into a light of bright green flames ‘’Indeed I will’’
‘‘Tony!’‘ Bruce screamed as Thanos pierced through his friends armor, watching as Iron Man crumpled to the ground. Dead.
The battle wasn’t getting better, people were dropping like flies left and right. The first casualty had been Steve, then Natasha, then the Maximoff girl and now Tony…
The Hulk still didn’t want to come out, not that Bruce blamed him but the battle was only going to get worse. 
Thanos hovered over the King of Wakanda, a sharp smile on his face ‘’The time has come, your Majes-’’
He was interrupted by a bright flash of green light that spread throughout the entire area.
They all turned to face the source of the light, a large circle of fiery green flames. A portal.
and out of it stepped someone Bruce could vaguely recognize. That’s when it hit him and Bruce immediately recognized the Goddess of Death that was flaunting a deadly smile.
Even Thanos looked scared, which was mildly comforting but also kind of terrifying. If she was here… where was Thor? The absence of his boyfriend had been alarming enough for Bruce but he had to be close by… right?
‘‘Tsk, tsk. What a mess you have made here, titan’‘ She said, stepping through the collection of corpses and abandoned weapons that littered the forest floor.
‘‘Hela… you said you wouldn’t interfere’‘
‘‘I also said, I would never in a thousand years help my little brother and yet here we are’‘
…Little brother…?
As if on cue, Thor stepped out from behind Hela. He looked tired, dazed and confused but it couldn’t have mattered less to Banner. He just wanted to run over to him and hug him as tightly as possible, tell him everything was going to be fine but he couldn’t… he didn’t even know if everything would be fine.
but something told him…. something told him Thor had made a deal with the devil.
‘‘I am more powerful than you can ever imagine’‘ Thanos sneered, his hand twisting inside the infinity gauntlet.
‘‘So am I,’‘ She laughed ‘‘and from what I hear, Titan… the man of Iron made you bleed and my little brother almost killed you. What makes you think I can’t pulverize you on the spot?’‘
‘‘You’re the queen of Valhalla. You’re not allowed to interfere’‘ Thanos said and from where Bruce was hiding from them, he could hear it… he could hear the fear in Thanos’ voice. He wasn’t going to show it… but he was terrified of the Goddess.
‘‘I can if it was a deal that brought me here’‘ She said. She waved her hand in a sharp motion, a crusty looking horn materialized in her hand.
She ran her finger along the white material of the horn smiling at Thanos, before blowing it into the air.
At first, nothing happened. 
Then, a stampede of skeletal warriors ran through Hela’s portal, all of them heading for Thanos 
‘‘What are you doing?!’‘ He screeched, trying to push of the skeletons that were clamoring all over him
‘‘I think it’s time you see Valhalla for yourself, my dear’‘ She said, grabbing Thor’s shoulder and stepping to the side, so the skeletons could carry a screaming titan back to her kingdom.
She snapped her fingers and Thor’s dazed look disappeared ‘’Very well, brother. My part of the deal is over… it’s your turn’’
Thor looked around the forest, almost as if he were looking for something, when he didnt’ find it, gave Hela a resigned sigh, ‘’Very well, do your worst sister’’
‘‘Oh, that’s the idea’‘ She said, putting both of her hands on top of Thor’s temples, a soft white light travelling from Thor’s head to her fingertips, after she was finished Thor crumpled to the ground.
Hela whipped her head to the tree Bruce had been hiding behind, a wicked smile decorated her face ‘’Enjoy beast, for there are no take backs’’
She walked back through the portal and Bruce waited until there was no sign of her to run to Thor.
‘‘Thor?’‘ He asked, kneeling besides him, putting two fingers to his neck he waited.
Thump, thump.
So he was still alive… but what did his sister do to him? He couldn’t tell but he was terrified of the answer.
Thor groaned as he began to stir.
Bruce helped him sit up, pushing back the hair that had been plastered to his forehead from sweat and blood.
His eyes were open but the dazed look was back and he was looking at Bruce with too much confusion for his liking.
and what Thor said next, was enough to make his heart nearly stop.
‘‘Who are you?’‘
‘‘W-what? Thor… it’s me Bruce…’‘ He said, the desperation only beginning to show.
Thor got to his feet, taking several steps back ‘’I don’t know anyone named Bruce…’’ He said slowly, almost as if he could tell the weight of what he was saying.
‘‘Yes! Okay, you do know me! We met when Loki attacked New York! We’ve been close ever since! I- I helped you defeat your sister! Thor you mean the world to me…. and you always said how I meant the world to you!’‘ He said, tears already threatening to fall. This couldn’t be happening, this couldn’t be happening…
‘‘You must be confused… I’ve never met you in my life’‘ 
and he said so genuinely, like he truly believed it… and Bruce finally understood what Hela meant. 
No take backs… this was forever.
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imaginationsublime · 5 years
Suppose to play it cool, playing it loud instead. Like me for me
Had like 5 different parties and plans to attend.
Couldnt get myself to do any of them
I thought more about it here are some reasons as to why I didnt pull through
1. Far as hell! Nothing was local
2. Drunk driving everywhere while trying to drive back and to those far plans
3. Various drugs and alcohol
4. Basic conversations about what I'm doing w my life rn. Or if I'm continuing doing what I did before
5. Family questions, love life
6. Sister didnt want me to go, she wanted to spend more time w me
7. I wanted something real, in friends, in love, in connections. I was going to places where I wouldn't find that with people who I didnt feel close to because they havent been keeping up w me, even in my darkest days
8. I asked myself, did I really want to spend the first day of the year w a hang over or getting over a wicked high?
9. Why cant new years start at 7pm. I enjoy rest. I feel like there isnt enough of it.
10. Man I would be so lame for canceling no one is gonna wanna hang out with me next year for sure. But next year isnt about what ppl think of me, it's for me... so why should I even be bothered.
11. The next day or whenever I encounter humans, they will ask how it was. I will say fine because I know they dont really want an answer. Those who keep up w my writing will truly know.
12. Do I want a tattoo, hair cut, or piercing next year
13. Imma get cute...my mons pubis is so extra, was I born normal? I feel like a girl, every part is in order, so why is mine extra bold. Haha that was unnecessary. The right person will see my soul and heart, everything is very much perishable.
14. Taylor swift lyrics are my guilty pleasure, I want your mid nights but I also wake up too early to do it.
15. I cant love another without bettering myself. I had me before, it should be enough. I suck at playing all those relationship games anyways. People always have to be with someone. Test trials. I shouldn't feel left out. I'm lovable but I cant fake when I know they arnt my person.
16. This list digressed and water is delicious
17. Despite my ambiguous voice I should sing more, it makes me happy and it heals me
18. My life will change for the better soon. I will get things I never thought I could and when that happens I hope I have my soul mates around. Help those in need
19. Fast forwarding to 28
28. I'm going to be 28 this new year. I have none of my shit together but I'm super hopeful to make something beautiful about all that chaos. I had chosen to be the villain. However, My heart tugs the other way. I'm tortured as to what side I'll choose. For this next year I'll have a lot of polishing to do. I recognize that I'm not perfect and need temper discipline. I need to put emotions in check and not let them affect me as harshly. Whether its extreme sadness or fuel me with a fire to disintegrate other souls, I need more laughter. Need peace of mind. Already know I'm a boss, time to apply it and be recognized more then what my current job offers.
Let's make beautiful moments happen
Happy new year
May we all find grace and love. Something not just the idea. Dont worry about brokenness, I got you and when needed I'll pick you up from the ground. Keep guard while you sleep. It's time to shine and I'm your warrior. Only got the best intentions with your heart. Just ask that you lay your weapons down with me. I need something real and honest as well.
Side note: snakes do have vertebrates. Several attached to ribs. so if u see a skeleton of them w one....its def real. If ur going to be around snakes, dodge em. Whatever makes you happy no matter how wierd, it's what makes you unique or part of a community. Let your "freak" out. I promise I wont shy away.
I will be dating girls rn so a lot of venom is coming my way. But hey, I'm not drinking that poison. In the words of the artist I cant remember...imma "boot up"!!!
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fabrowrites · 7 years
Skyward Chapter 4: Take a Breath of Myth and Mystery
Chapter 3
'We've waited for Cole long enough. I say we go on ourselves.'
Of course, Zane couldn't actually understand the dragon, but he had a feeling his interpretations were accurate. Again he studied the dragon's posture, trying to decipher the various tells of his body language.
"You believe we should move on?" He was rewarded with a fervent nod. The dragon's wings were twitching. Hmm, impatience? He added it to his ever-growing list.
The sky was lightening through the trees, streaks of pale orange coloring the deep blue. The soft twittering of birds merely accented the hushed spell cast over the forest.
So the bellow that shattered the stillness was jarring. Zane whipped around, heartbeat fluttering erratically. Movement caught his eye. He perceived a flash, and then the forest fell dark and silent once more. We must have been closer to the road than I thought, he absently noted. A tap on his shoulder sent his pulse spiking again.
"Jay?" The lightning dragon looked repentant, his wings drooping. "Sorry, you startled me, that's all."
He nodded, wings lifting again as he clawed away fallen needles.
"Are you sure?"
The dragon gave him a look, but it was enough to assure Zane. Jay tended to babble when he was doubtful or lying. But that led to another question. Why would Cole turn into a dragon? While he thought, he started towards the road.
The sight that greeted his eyes was one he'd seen before, right before the skeletons vanished to the Underworld. A wrecked vehicle, deep tread marks imprinted into the damp earth. Only this time, there were no tracks leading away from the crash site. He frowned.
"Jay, how did you transform?"
The dragon went to write, but he froze in his movements.
The pieces clicked together. Zane pursed his lips, feeling a headache coming on.
"And you didn't think to alert me or Cole of that fact?"
There was no use in dwelling on the past. Zane focused himself on what was ahead: namely, the temple. "What's done is done. We need to continue to the Fire Temple. Cole will know where to find us."
The temple was a black mass against the morning sky. Low growls echoed from the volcano. As Zane drew near, he picked up the sounds of scratching as well. He turned to Jay.
"I sense that another member of our party might be in your situation."
Jay nodded. He tilted his head back and screeched. His call sounded more like a bird's than anything else, and Zane didn't understand why Cole had been afraid of it. Then again, he didn't understand much about other humans in general.
Thus, why he'd taken to studying body language.
The scratching stopped. There was another call from inside -this one slightly deeper and more throatier- and Jay's ears perked.
That much was obvious, but Zane decided not to say anything. "How do we reach him?" he asked instead.
Jay and Kai exchanged several more remarks.
They needed a way in, not a way out. Zane frowned. How does one enter a volcano?
"Jay? Would you ask him if he is able to see any gaps that might lead into a tunnel?"
Evidently, Kai could hear him. The fire ninja's reply came before Jay could ask.
Zane studied the volcano. He had an idea, but he would need to make some adjustments before it would work.
"So you're saying that you've been training as a secret ninja warrior for the past few months, learning an ancient martial art that just so happens to have the side effect of turning you into a dragon?"
Well when you put it that way… Kai snorted, but nodded his head regardless. He perched beside the magma pools, surrounded by the kanji scratches littering the floor and walls. It had taken some thinking to get his sister to trust him, but after he thought to write out his words communication was much simpler.
Nya sighed. "Honestly, Kai."
"You never mean for things to happen!"
Nya said something else, but her words were drowned out by the cry from outside. Kai whipped his head around, automatically twisting it to triangulate the sounds. Was that… Jay?
"Kai? Are you in there?"
It was! Kai scrambled to his feet. He bolted towards the temple entrance, skidding to a stop just short of crashing into the rocks.
"Jay! I'm here!"
"Kai? Where are you going? What's that?"
Kai didn't have the time to stop and scratch out a reply. Jay was speaking again, and it took all his concentration to make out the words.
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm a dragon! And you're a dragon too! I finally have someone else who can actually understand me! Wait, how do I get in? I might be too big for the door!"
"Doesn't matter anyways, the door is blocked." Kai groaned, slouching against the wall.
"Is there any other way in?"
"Well, Sensei said there were other ways. That was right before he tumbled over the edge of a river of lava."
"What? Sensei fell into lava? Is he dead? Ohmygosh, he's dead!"
"He's not dead!" Kai said, before Jay could work himself up into even more of a frenzy. "He knew what he was doing. He was on a rock."
"A rock. That's not the most reassuring, Kai!"
"Well sorry!"
There was a pause, and Kai became aware of a second voice from outside.
"Jay? Would you ask him if he is able to see any gaps that might lead into a tunnel?"
Kai glanded around the cavern. Indeed, there were many cracks and dips in the volcano's walls. Some of them looked deep enough to lead outside.
"I can!"
Things feel silent then. Kai turned back to Nya, who watched him with a befuddled expression.
A look of understanding passed over her face. "They're dragons too?"
Scraping noises came from the walls, followed by the sounds of tapping claws and hissed groans. Then two creatures tumbled into the cavern. They were dusted with a fine red powder. The blue one shook the color off himself and Kai took the opertunity to study his teammates.
The blue one was bigger than him, but that wasn't saying much. Jay only stood a head or two higher than Nya, and Kai himself was nearly on eye level with her. The white one- Zane- was even smaller than Kai, about half a head shorter. Someone was conspicuously absent, however.
"Where's Cole?"
"He, uh, hewenttotheunderworld."
"What Jay means to say is that Cole was unaware that spinjitzuing led to transformation. He attacked skeleton warriors and vanished to the Underworld."
A sickening sense of dread settled in Kai's stomach. First Sensei Wu, and now Cole? "We have to go and rescue them!"
"And how exactly do you plan on doing that? Last I checked, we couldn't even fly-"
"I can, sorta."
Kai shrugged. "I can glide across the pools, at least." He took a step back, pushed off, and waited for the thermal updrafts to carry him across the chamber. "Once I'm actually in the air, it's like my body instinctively knows what to do."
"Woah, that's so cool! I wanna try."
Jay's takeoff was shaky, but as soon as he caught the updrafts it was like he was a whole new dragon. He was great all the way up until the landing when he crashed into the wall.
There was a tap at Kai's shoulder. He tuned out Jay's happy chatter and focused on his sister.
"What's the matter?" Nya asked.
Kai had to hand it to her. He couldn't think of anyone else who could be so calm when surrounded by dragons, even if said dragons were your brother and his friends.
"Woah, that's your sister?" Jay had come back around the magma pools.
Kai snarled. "Jay!" He whacked him with his tail.
"Aren't dragons able to pass between realms?" Nya said, studiously ignoring the chaos around her.
"She's right," Zane said. "In the legends, dragons were not of one world and therefore could dwell in both of them."
It felt like the temperatures had plummeted. Kai knew the legends, of course. Dragons were hunted for their magical powers and the honor and riches beyond imagining that came with felling one.
Kai had grown up on these stories, often cheering on the valiant warrior who slew the beast. Not he felt sick. Were those dragons people once, too? Was his destiny like theirs, to die at the hands of an unrespectful hunter?
Nya brought him out of his daze. "Kai? Kai! Are you okay?"
He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe! He opened his mouth and coughed, each breath warming his throat. Then it was like his body was back to normal, the ache in his chest gone.
Nya gave him a look.
Honestly, he was! Kai turned to the other two dragons, ignoring their concern. "I think the smoke's affecting my lungs," he said.
Zane didn't press, but Kai thought that he didn't believe him. The white dragon exhaled.
"If speed is the key to entering the Underworld, then we will need to fly."
Chapter 5
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cinvhetinordo · 5 years
Hunting with Atin
[12:12] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) left the transport, heading towards the Alor'ad's ID marker, noting the ship he had been thrown out of above dathomir, her moved into the front, taking a seat in the co-pilots seat, monitoring the screens and dials as they headed for the surface, ensuring he didnt fall for the same trick as sit in the back bay
[12:14] Nicci Ordo smirked when he sat in the co pilot's seat.  She disengaged the landing gear and lifted the ship into the air, setting a course for Endor and making the jump to hyperspace.  "I thought you were working on getting a ship of your own?  What did you do while you were gone, gamble all your money away?"
[12:17] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) let out a laugh " I worked with clan Ka'ra for alittle, helping them defend their mining projects on Tython, boring stuff... I had, have a ship.. somewhere, I think I left it on dxun maybe, or tattooine, I can't quite remember..." as they approached their final destination he monitored their elevation and pitch, only ready to notify the alor'ad of anything out of the ordinary, failing to find it.
[12:21] Nicci Ordo started the landing cycle and put the ship down on a platform that was at the edge of the forest.  She raised an eyebrow when he did not seem to know where his ship was, reaching down for an empty narcoleth bottle and chucking it at his helmetted head.  "Vod.  Ships come with homing signals by default which you are given with each bill of sale.  It is wasteful to just misplace your ship like that." she grunted as she shut down the engines.
[12:25] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) nodded " It was the last thing on my mind when I left Ordo, I will be sure to retrieve it eventually." He'd stand from the co-pilots seat, moving over to the door way, checking his kit over, prepping his weapons " I'm not sure how you want to do this but I was going to leave anything that fires a blaster, I was going to take my axe and maybe craft a bow should I need one..." He
[12:25] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) he'd look to her, seeing her preference before he removed his blasters
[12:28] Nicci Ordo looked at him, having been armed to the teeth in you name it.  "What is your goal here?  Some kind of spiritual journey?" she laughed.  "What if we are surrounded by Ewok or even...Death Watch?  Or imperials?  Or Jedi?" she sighed.  "I suppose we can do that, and I can have the droid auto pilot bring the ship by if we run into that kind of trouble.  Though my very armor itself fires missiles..."
[12:31] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) laughed " If we come across anything lethal, we kill it with whatever we can." he'd place his blasters into a locker, "Things are too easily killed with a blaster, my of a hunt when we use our sharpened metal objects, no?"
[12:34] Nicci Ordo unloaded her repeater, and a few of her rifles and stowed them in the weapons locker of the ship.  She kept her grenades and one pistol just in case.  "This is your hunt.  Your rules.  Hell why don't we just leave our armor too like a couple of ge'verd," she chuckled.
[12:35] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned "So be it." He's say, begging to remove his armour too, stripping down to his flight suit, taking a tshirt from his backpack and wearing it
[12:36] Nicci Ordo sighed, pushing exhaust from her helmet.  She had been kidding.  Well there was nothing for it now.  She grunted and began to take off her armor as well.
[12:43] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grabbed a grappling hook from the locker he palced his kit on, locking the belt clip and checking the hook, maybe it would come in handy " Ready?"
[13:00] Nicci Ordo grabbed a set of spare clothes she found in one of the overhead bins on her ship.  Since she was wearing nothing but a flight suit under her armor plating, and the wilderness required something a bit more practical, she had to change.  She remained on board and stripped down to put on the new clothing. She grabbed some bug repellent and scrubbed the war paint off her face, then came out. "I feel naked but....elek..."
[13:03] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned as she came down "Don;t think I've ever seen you this unarmoured, practically naked.." He'd let his eyes rest on her alittle longer before looking out to the forrest " I was thinking we hack some boar wolf to death and set up camp and enjoy the spoils, keep the pelts..." He'd head to the edge of the ancient Imperial at-at station " we should probably head south, down wind and away from this station..."
[13:10] Nicci Ordo nodded, liking the idea of a new pelt or two.  It had been a while since she collected anym always seeming to hunt people these days rather than game.  She frowned when she remembered the hunt with Soron, and how he was now with the former ky'tsad skank.  She suddenly felt self conscious, and this entire situation was causing some unwanted deja vu.  She cleared her throat.  "Right.  Lead the way."
[13:12] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) nodded, taking his grappling hook and placing it on the side of the station platform, "I dont trust ancient elevators and I dont fancy getting stuck in the shaft. "Hope you don't mind heights... he'd say, throwing the line down, before climbing onto the rope and decending to the forrest floor
[13:13] Nicci Ordo rolled her eyes.  "Oh...yeah.  I use a jetpack and jump out of drop ships on the back of a basilisk war droid but...terrified." she grunted, following him down.
[13:20] Nicci Ordo narrowed her eyes, "I will show you old with my fist in your mouth if you don't watch it." she glared at him.  "I am a lot more than a skeleton!" she retorted back.  She closed her eyes and listened specifically for howling, as it was dark and the moon had risen, the boar wolves often howled in unison at it.
[13:24] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned, keeping his voice low, "Thought we established who's fist would prevail." He'd say lightly mocking her, assured in his mind she was a mighty warrior, he moved slowly and kept low, moving towards a swampish part of the Jungle floor, using the mud to wipe on his face and arms, to remove any of his natural shine, hearing the howls towards the south, sounded close too, he'd notion towards them with hand signals, keeping low, sometimes using his hands to crawl somewhat animalistly "Being on Tython allowed for alot of time to hunt." He'd say, less than a whisper now
[13:27] Nicci Ordo rolled her eyes, "I could kick your ass, I was drunk the other day," she said, now too in a whisper.  "Tython is for baby Jedi.  Nothing exactly to brag about.  Dxun would have suited you better for your skill." she replied.  She crouched down low next to him, reapplying her war paint, and becoming more alert.  The boar wolves were huge, and would be hard to miss through both sight and sound.
[13:29] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned " Was that a compliement?" He'd retort silently, now moving down to his belly, laying flat in the prone position as he heard what seemed to be a large creature 50 metres infront of them, moving from left to right through the tree line.
[13:35] Nicci Ordo smirked, "Perhaps, though it was intended as a reprimand." she replied.  She spotted the boar ahead of them now.  It appeared to be gorging itself on something, though she could not make out what exactly in the dark.  She smelled the thing before she saw it.  The moonlight glittered off her green eyes, she was not all the way into the mud as he was, but was behind a boulder beside him.  She drew one of her blades silently, but waited for his signal, as this was his hunt.
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[13:54] Nicci Ordo found herself momentarily distracted by his muscles.  Shaking herself, she did not have any fancy spears to throw so she leaped out from behind the rock with her sword held high above her head, attempting to land on the boar's back with her sword sinking into it's hide.
[13:54] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[13:55] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 17 [Strength:10]
[13:57] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) [WOLFBOAR: Enraged as the spear flew past it, running towards the origin point, he saw Atin, running towards him, attempting to piece flesh with his tusks, only enraged further as a blade rattled against its spine, running down its thuck hide, blood spirting and covering Nicci. Still charging towards Atin
[13:57] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[13:57] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 21 [Strength:10]
[13:59] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grimaced as his spear missed, only alerting the beast, as it came running towards him, he tried to move from its path, being caught in the gut by the tusk, fortunately only launching him away, as opposed to piercing his flesh. he drew his axe, aming a strike towards the animals face, as its reared and howled
[13:59] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 16 [Strength:10]
[13:59] Greg Moonlight (orywest) entered draw distance (630.12 m).
[13:59] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 21 [Strength:10]
[14:01] Nicci Ordo was still latched on to the beast's back.  She drew her other blade and attempted to stab it again, and if successful would use the blades to try and crawl her way forward towards its giant head, catching out of the corner of her eye that Atin had been launched by the large tusks.
[14:01] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 17 [Strength:10]
[14:01] Greg Moonlight (orywest) left draw distance.
[14:02] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 12 [Strength:10]
[14:05] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor): [Wolfboar: Enraged again by their actions now turned its attention to Nicci, the axe swing from Atin merely glancing off its tusks, the real danger came from Nicci, now attached by her blades, more blood spirting from him, covering her in warm blood. it attempted to throw her off by falling backwards, attempting to crush her
[14:05] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 19 [Strength:10]
[14:07] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 13 [Strength:10]
[14:08] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) cussed as he blade met bone and did sweet kriff all, he saw the Boars attention move to Nicci, his heart pounding, leaping forward with his axe, aiming again for its head.
[14:08] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 16 [Strength:10]
[14:09] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 18 [Strength:10]
[14:11] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Your Health Score has been decreased to 4/5.
[14:12] Nicci Ordo oofed as she was rolled off the boar when it fell backwards.  Her bones felt as if they were all about to break at once with the heavy weight, and she missed her armor pretty badly at about that moment.  However, both her blades were still stuck in the creature, and she attempted to use them to cut a hole inside the boar and sever it's spine completely.
[14:12] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 12 [Strength:10]
[14:12] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 15 [Strength:10]
[14:15] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) [WOLFBOAR: Reared as he felt the red headed creature wriggle the sharp blades inside of it, it howled out in pain, a loud, primative howl, as if trying to signal something. it began to wildly swing its head, aiming for the red headed woman again, the axe swing narrowly missing its neck... the howl resonated with the trees as several mynocks flew from the canopy above, a distant thudding of feet could be heard coming towards them...
[14:15] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 23 [Strength:10]
[14:15] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 16 [Strength:10]
[14:15] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Your Health Score has been decreased to 3/5.
[14:17] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) growled, throwing his axe outwards towards the wolfboards neck, trying to slice it and bleed the creature out
[14:17] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 22 [Strength:10]
[14:17] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 17 [Strength:10]
[14:21] Nicci Ordo flew off the boar's back when it hit her with it's snout, landing on her feet next to Atin.  She could feel her rib had been bruised already but shook it off.  She was covered in boar blood and grinned at him when the beast collapsed to the forest floor.  She heard a snarl in the distance, and a loud howl of anguish but it definitely was not from the same animal or any of it's species.  A massive Gorax came crashing through the underbrush, examined the wolf-boar, and then screamed loudly at the both of them.
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[14:24] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned at her as she landed, glad he had finally struck at the beast, giving the killing blow, the blood errupting from its carotid arteries, covering him too, he was about to say something witty when the Gorax came from the underbrush, he stood motionless for a moment, before running to retrieve his spear, grabbing it and aiming it towars the gorax, seeing in its eyes it was there to fight, he jabbed at it with the spear.
[14:24] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 26 [Strength:10]
[14:24] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 15 [Strength:10]
[14:25] Gorax Brute: Got New Name: Gorax Brute
[14:27] Gorax Brute got stuck in the eye and roared loudly at the stupid humans who dared strike it after killing its pet.  It immediately tried to stop Atin with it's foot, trying to crush him.
[14:27] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[14:28] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 27 [Strength:10]
[14:32] Nicci Ordo looked waaaay up to see this massive walking carpet thundering out of the forest, apparently being furious with both of them.  She just shook her head when Atin immediately threw his spear.  It had not attacked yet but she doubted it could be reasoned with anyway.  Seeing it stomp the kriff out of Atin right next to her, She immediately tried to swing both blades as hard as she possibly could, attempting to sever the tree stalk of a leg.
[14:30] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 23 [Strength:10]
[14:30] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 16 [Strength:10]
[14:33] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned as he struck at the beast, his grin didnt last long as it stomped at him, hitting him as he got kicked, his nose busting open, his own blood covering his face. This was now a fight for survival instead of a hunt, wishing he had some ordanance on his side, but could already see the glory of killing the Gorax with their weapons, he struck again with the spear, aiming at the stomache, trying to rip open its abdomen and spill its innards.
[14:33] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 26 [Strength:10]
[14:33] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 17 [Strength:10]
[14:35] Gorax Brute screamed when it's leg was severed.  Blood and muscle tissue dropped ALL OVER Atin, like a shower, and as it struggled to keep a balance it fell right onto Atin's spear which did indeed make it spill its innards.  Angry with both of them, but having seen Atin go for the killing blow on its beloved pet, he attempted to pick Atin up and smash him primitively against the ground like a club.
[14:35] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 20 [Strength:10]
[14:36] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 26 [Strength:10]
[14:39] Nicci Ordo saw the Gorax go for Atin again, with it's guts spilling everwhere.  They had it on the ropes already, even if it were still dangerous.  She was tired from the boar attack but attempted to leap with her sword again and stab her sword right into the center of the monster's torso just under the chest.
[14:39] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 28 [Strength:10]
[14:39] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 20 [Strength:10]
[14:40] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) 's spear became lodged in the beast, he saw a large hand come for him, diving backwards, he drew his axe, swinging upwards at the beasts extended arm.
[14:40] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Noah Raiden(faragila Arctor) rolled 23 [Strength:10]
[14:40] [SW: RPG] Meter 1.05: Rolled 18 [Strength:10]
[14:42] Gorax Brute's heart was impaled now that nicci had stuck her blade right through it.  It had a missing leg, guts spilling everywhere, and it's arm just fell right off after Atin's axe sliced through it like butter.  With a slight whimper, it sank to it's one knee, then fell flat on it's face, dead.
[14:43] Nicci Ordo rolled away just before she was crushed by the bloody mess, panting heavily as she was somewhat covered in it's smelly guts.  "Well that was one of my...messier...experiences.  Jorval is going to be thrilled to have so much bacon though..."
[14:45] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) took a step back, falling to one knee, his torso sore, catching his breath, taking his hands and wiping at his eyes, his face covered in blood and guts " That didn;t go as planned, but aye, alot of meat..." He'd say, sheathing his axe and retrieving his spear. once the spear was away he'd move towards the boar, grabbing a combat knife from his belt.
[14:48] Nicci Ordo looked at him covered in blood, he looked absolutely savage.  "It's a good look for you.  Improvement even." she chuckled, kicking at the Gorax body a bit as one of it's huge arms was still draped over her legs.  She stood up once she was free of it. and clutched her side where her rib felt like a bowling ball had hit it.  "Anything broken?" she asked him.
[14:51] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned, looking down at his blood soaked self " Good look huh? I'll remember that." he took the knife, tempted to skin the wolfboar, opting to wait until they had got cleaned up.. he removed his shirt, his chest over his ribs already starting to bruise from the wolfboards tusks " Only some bruising, hurts like hell, you?" he'd ask, looking over
[14:55] Nicci Ordo moved her arm, showing her own black and blue spots on her side that were growing bigger.  "Same.  Nothing broken I am pretty sure though," she replied, looking him over more after the shirt came off.  She cleared her throat...which hurt.  "It was a good hunt.  Last time I was here I did not get the thrill of a good hunt only...fighting Soron until it was a stalemate," she chuckled.
[14:57] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) began to prepare the wolfboar for transpirt, taking his rope and bounding its appendages, he looked to her noticing the bruising " A good hunt indeed, why fight Soron, he's Skirata, right?"
[14:58] Nicci Ordo winced when he asked.  "A few Mandalorians seem to have started a rumor that the reason I have been single so long is my largely undefeated status.  They think if they can beat me in a fight, they get the honor of courting me.  Soron challenged me to a duel after happening upon me in the forest..." she replied, helping him with the rope, as it was quite a large animal and binding it up was going to go easier with two.
[15:01] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) raised a brow "Guess that means I won the honour." He'd jest, tieing the front two feet together, unsure as to what to do with the Gorax " how many times have you been defeated?"
[15:05] Nicci Ordo turned red, "I said it was a rumor!" she snapped, obviously taking everything serious because....it was her.  "Not counting Mand'alor the Reclaimer....three times in my entire life.  One by the last Mand'alor, who I later killed.  Once by Arden Kryze ((Who put it in his bloody profile under accomplishments!)), and once by Jorval Ordo.  Soron was a stalemate.  I kicked his ass in the ring later."
[15:08] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned simply " No smoke without fire.." He;d say unaware of her past "So maybe Mand'alor is on the cards for me then." He'd joke as he took a step back from the wolfboar, it now ready to be transported "Gorax edible?" He'd ask, unsure on its sentience, or if it was something people ate.
[15:13] Nicci Ordo scowled, "You cannot even remember where you put your ship, let alone claim that mask." she retorted back to him, not quite understanding the smoke without fire remark.  She looked as if she might puke when he asked if Gorax were edible.  "Knock yourself out there.  I am not touching that thing.  It smells.  I don't eat anything sentient or semi sentient." she replied.  She ordered her droid to bring a cargo carrier.  It did, and arrived with the floating platform, loading the boar onto it with levitation arrays.
[15:15] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) laughed " So I'll locate my ship then we'll see." He'd joke, no intention of leading the Mandalorians. " I think I'll pass on the Gorax, just a shame to leave it to rot, the Wolfboar will make for good trimmings back in the bar." as the ship approached, he'd grab excess rope from the boards legs, moving to the ships rear and attaching it to a winch, activating it to the wolfboar was brought onboard "I miss my armour." He'd say allowed, following their brisk duel with death
[15:16] The Lieutenant (jollyroger123) left draw distance.
[15:17] The Lieutenant (jollyroger123) entered draw distance (629.81 m).
[15:18] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) laughed " So I'll locate my ship then we'll see." He'd joke, no intention of leading the Mandalorians. " I think I'll pass on the Gorax, just a shame to leave it to rot, the Wolfboar will make for good trimmings back in the bar, miss my armour." He'd say allowed, following their brisk duel with death.
[15:20] Nicci Ordo chuckled. "I am sure some Ewok scavengers will find it and eat it. They eat everything...sentient or no! And yeah...I miss mine also.  That is the first time I have hunted without it since being a ge'verd.  I will admit there was a certain thrill in it, though it is easier to hose down armor, but there is a refresher on the ship, unless you wanted to trek to the forest until we found a pond or a lake...."
[15:23] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) shook his head, " We've done this naturally so far, may aswell find a lake.." he'd begin to move through the forrest, using his senses to guide him " I started hunting without armour on Tython, reminded me of being ge'verd and everything I learnt, you taught me to rely on me and nothing else, so I like to practice it in your honour.
[15:26] Nicci Ordo felt rather sticky and they were going to attract insect swarms by the millions to their bloody skin.  She did not even remember seeing a pond or lake anywhere but she hadn't trekked the whole moon.  "Yeah but, our armor is supposed to be as a second skin to us.  We are to never or rarely be without it, as the resol'nare instructs." she replied.
[15:28] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) continued to walk, using the moonlight to guide him, ooking for a glimmering reflections, after hearing what he though was water, he moved deeper into the forrest, keeping within sight so they didnt lose one another " I agree, but we can become over reliant on new technology, the Resol'nare is ancient, and sometimes we need to remember its context in the modern era
[15:31] Nicci Ordo scoffed in disagreement.  "Our armor technology is ancient as well.  The strength and design may evolve with the times but the purpose remains the same always.  To not adhere to the resol'nare is to insult our culture, to become dar'manda.  I taught you better than that." she replied.  The bugs did indeed swarm her and she was not at all a happy camper about it.  She could fight 100 foe or be put in a rancor's mouth but she HATED bugs.
[15:34] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) nodded, hearing water more clearly now, he walked up a brow of a hill and saw a lake, he grinned " I don't disagree with the Resol'nare, I respect it, I just also like to remain strong and be assured I can be reliant when well else falls away." He began to remove his weapons and kit, now completely naked, he got into the water, cool, and calm in the moonlight
[15:39] Nicci Ordo blinked when he suddenly stripped away all his clothing and got actual naked.  She had kind of just been planning to jump in clothes and all since they needed washed anyway but, upon reflection it seemed more practical to wash them separately.  She avoided looking at him and pulled off her own bloody clothes, tossing them in the pond first, though being careful with the kyr'tsad skulls she had carried around for decades.  She also put her weapons on the shore, intending to clean those later and more carefully.  She felt awkward now, but the bugs had stopped biting her.  She sank below the water to get the blood off her face, washing away the warpaint with it.
[15:42] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) turned to look at her, unashamed of the nudity " I suppose its only fair, when you dropped me on Dathomir I was naked, now I get to see you naked..." He'd say lightly, begining to use the water to clean his face and hair "Bantha got your tongue?"
[15:44] Slave's Shower T: One moment please, registering your product...
[15:47] Nicci Ordo's cheeks turned slightly pink.  "No!  Just focused on...getting all this blood off so these insects stop eating me alive...obviously," she replied quickly.  She scowled when he mentioned Dathomir.  "That was for a trial.  It was to teach you to make something out of nothing to protect yourself, to prove your worthiness of the armor you now wear.  I did not..."get" to see...you naked..." she replied, turning more red.
[15:49] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) grinned as she seemed to blush at his inquiry, enjoying poking at the tough exterior of the Alor'ad, moving closer to her " So have I proven my worthiness in your eyes, beyonf the Resol'nare?" he'd ask, sitting back against the bank of the water, continuing to wash himself
[15:52] Nicci Ordo seemed flustered.  "Of course you did, or you would never have passed your trial and become a Mandalorian.  I would have dumped you at the nearest space port and moved on, obviously."  She saw him moving closer in her peripheral and felt the waves of the water rippling toward her at the movement.  She concentrated even more on avoiding looking at him and soaked her hair in the water, watching as tendrils of blood poured from it and disappointed in the cool waves.
[15:53] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) chuckled at her behaviour " something off?" He'd ask, trying to meet her eye, never seen you like this." He found it great fun to toy with her like this, only ever knowing her as the hard ass Alor'ad of Ordo
[15:55] Nicci Ordo growled a little.  "I am fine.  It's just my rib hurts like hell is all," she lied.  Well it wasn't a lie.  It did hurt like hell, along with every other muscle in her body, but that was not why she was being the way she was.  She met his eyes for a split second then darted them away and pretended to be hyperfocused on getting clean.
[15:56] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) moved closed, placing a hand on her bruised ribs "I'll have to see if its broken..." He moved even closer now, inches apart, placing his other hand on her leg, should she not spaz out
[15:59] Nicci Ordo turned really red now, and her skin grew hot all over.  "T-that's okay you do not have to..." she said, though she didn't move or try to physically stop him.  "You do not have any instruments anyway..."
[16:01] Atin Ordo (faragila.arctor) felt along her ribs gently, moving round to face her, avoiding a corny line about instruments  he moved inbetween her legs, his hands running down her body and resting on her back noticing her skin tone change to red "I think you;ll live..."
[16:04] Nicci Ordo lost her balance on her knees a bit when he moved between her legs, and steadied herself on him, and at this close proximity she was forced to look at him.  "What...what are you doing...?" she asked, her skin feeling as if small fires were being lit wherever his hands caressed her.
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tumblunni · 6 years
seriously ive like Always wanted to do tabletop games as a hobby, but i was never socially confident enough and also Warhammer In Particular Requires Money
But i just Took A Risk And Dived Into The Store and then the cashier was really helpful AND also it turns out the series has changed a lot since i was a kid! Now there's multiple scenarios including a fantasy one, instead of just the grungey edgelord sci fi! Sure its grungey edgelord fantasy too but fantasy is better cos fantasy can have GHOSTS!!! man i wanna learn more about the rules cos yo can you mix and match stuff? Could i have ghosts AND zombies AND vampires??? Do i really have to restrict my monster wuv...?
Oh and also NO BIGOTRY ANYMORE which is always a plus! There was only one female faction in the space thing back then, and they were creepy bondage sexy ladies who stab themselves and use their orgasm power to fuel their magic or something. Like it just said "magic fueled by suffering" but uhh..when theyre all skimpily dressed and doing O-faces it uhh..DOESNT SEEM LIKE THIS IS PUNISHMENT TO THEM. I cant believe people reccommeded that to me as a 12 year old just cos it was the only "girl one".like i mean i know the definition of the gane is gonna be violent and Dark but like you should still categorize some stuff as maybe Even Darker And Perhaps Not Sell To Smol Childe. Having green blood on your axe is a bit tamer than goddamn fifty shades in space! So yeah glad that's not the only option now and i can have a wonderfully ghoulish lady ghost who's like a bedsheet spoop but a wedding veil and then there's a skeleton underneath it. Mmmyeah thats quality monster! TRULY WHAT ALL WOMEN ASPIRE TO BE
Oh and yeah the ghosts just look SO GOOD! they have a great design aesthetic of floaty smokeyness but also skeletal zombieness. And the smoke colours are very Aesthetic to make up for the fact you cant actually have translucent plastic. And they all have super dynamic poses swinging all.sorts of cool.weapons on chains and sticks just so they had an excuse to spice up an otherwise ordinary figure. And then MAN when there's the ones that are dynamically posed AND also have a really unusual design?? God my heart just explodes. I looooove these spoops~
And man i hope i can work up the courage to go back and ask the cashier more questions next time! I wanna know the specifics of the rules and how creative im allowed to get with them. How different can i paint them? How am i allowed to mod my figures? Can you mix and match figures from each faction? Do you just have to rp as the plain army description for each faction or can you make up your own division of the ghost dudes who are Not Tormented and Not Ruled With An Iron Fist and instead have a Nice Boss Who Takes Them Out For Milkshakes? Also can i put little top hats on them?
And maaaaan seriously i already have so many ideas for alternate plotlines for these guys!! Its SUCH A WASTE! the short summary mentions that you become a ghost if you're "not good enough for [warhammer equivelant of heaven] and evil enough for [warhammer equivelant of hell]". But then ALL OF THEM ARE JUST EVIL ANYWAY. "Not evil enough" but still every single unit description is "he was an executioner/hunter/serial killer/world's worst criminal ever/he has so style he has no grace t t this stabman stabs u in th face." Like seriously where are my actual morally gray dudes who did bad stuff for good reasons or good stuff for sinful reasons or straddled the line between redemption and temptation or like MAN THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF PURGATORY PERSON! Like why not bring up all the completely good people who might get unfairly sentenced here if this world's angel faction has as many corrupt priests as the real world? Ghosts of unwed mothers, unbaptised children, lgbt and other minorities the church is bigoted against, people falsely accused of crimes by corrupt pastors, peope whose mental illness is blamed as 'demon possession', teenage brides who didnt accept their 'holy' arranged mariage to a man twice their age, poor people who just didnt donate enough to the church caddy, etc. Or even just plain normal people? Like if you don't believe that humans are inherantly good you might damn Ol George Farmerson for "not doing anything with his life". Norse mythology had a "bad place" like that, everyone went to Helheim even if they werent evil, just for not "dying a warrior's death". And a lot of the worst child abusing christians twist the scripture to claim that all children are born sinful and have to work off this goddamn debt they gained through no fault of their own.
So yeah i was thinking of having a Nighthaunt faction division where i replace all their weapons with stuff like gardening tools and etc. Farmer of doom! Librarian of death! Single mother of pain! Kindly grandpa neighbour of ultimate power! Just all the lost souls of people who weren't super evil dudes. Maybe even theme it like theyre all from the same village? Maybe the entire place was damned for the sins of one man. Just generally criticize the hell out of the way all these dumbass gods organize their damn afterlife.
And then i could have a warden/general character who's Actually Nice and Actually Tries To Help These Ghosts Work Off Their Sentence. Kindly support worker type person. Treats it like voluntary work and extracurricular classes for people recovering from illness. Does all this paperwork and arranges little art classes and weekly walks around the park for all the grandmas. "Let's do the five-point recovery star to help plan our goals for the future!" Support ghost is here to help u accept ur new damned existance, and help progress up the employment ladder of hell~!
And then i was also thinking SHAMELESS CHARON CROSSOVER! i mean itd be so cool to have a ghost dude who's been damned for being a corrupt tax collector or something. And if he was all hunched over and grumply with some claw hands. And if he was this physically weak type due to his crimes not really being of the fighty sort. And if he was a grandpa. And small. I AM ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED IN SAYING CHARON WOULD FIT PERFECTLY INTO THIS WORLD!! Also it woukd actually be cool if i could mix and match units and i just had one single holy creature in this army of doom. Like a lil pixie type thing like rotom! An innocent barely-sentient angel glowybab, who's inexplicably latched onto this motley crew of spoops and seems to see a spark of goodness in them. Like the whole "youre a punished ghost cos you suck but you did One Good Thing so here's a small chance to escape your fate" myth thats common to a lot of cultures. And the dude usually ruins his one chance by being greedy again, blablabla. That would really fit Charon! So like i dunno maybe this rotom-equivelant lil celestial fairy could be the soul of a baby or a cat or something that he saved when he was alive? Like i dunno his final heist went catatrophically wrong and he accidentally knocked over a lantern and set the place on fire. And he could have been able to escape if he'd just been as selfish as usual, but he heard a kid crying from inside the burning building and he ran back inside to try and save them. And uhh.. He still failed. They both died. And now he's stuck on afterlife death row but this lil angel still comes to visit and cheers him on. And a bunch of other redeemable and/or falsely accused non evil ghosts all ended up becoming his buddies too and now they're all fighting together to find a better future~! (Charon: I'VE NEVER HAD SO MANY FRIENDS! :'D ...what is their resale value)
SO YEAH IN SUMMARY I LOVV GHOST AND ADDING GHOST MAKES ALL UR GAMES MUCH MORE BETTER now plz let me be nice to ghost, srsly it sucks that their whole deal is "theyre all being tortured constantly and not even their boss gives a shit about them". I dont wanna play as a ghost torturer!! I BOUGHT THIS GHOSTE BECOS I LOVV THIS GHOSTE
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