mssainz · 2 days
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Summary: Lewis invited his ex to your wedding.
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You were given plenty of plates to taste. Lewis notices your apathy towards the cake tasting. “Did you not like it?” Lewis whispered into your ears, snapping your bubble. “No, I like them. I was just contemplating what to choose. Which one stood out for you?” Y/N replied.
“Anything is good for me. So you can choose what you want. I'll be okay with it,” Lewis replied.
Are you even interested in choosing one or are you just forced to join me here?
“Alright, strawberry cake for me,” You immediately replied. You lost your interest in even taking your time choosing what you really want. You felt like your husband-to-be doesn't even want to be involved with anything and just goes with the flow. He just agreed with everything you want and just let you choose not showing any interest in any details of your wedding. Knowing that he opt to invite his ex to your wedding makes you ruminate more if he just want to allow you to have your dream wedding or if he just want to get everything done just like that.
“Is there something wrong, love?” Lewis broke the silence while driving. “Nothing, why?” You responded.
“Nothing, it's just your quieter than usual. You usually talk non-stop about your day, even oversharing some stuff that I don't even need or want to kno..”
“I'm just tired,” You said, cutting Lewis off.
Oversharing stuff that you don't even need or want to know? Well, I'm sorry if I talk to much and I'm sorry that I choose to spend my remaining energy communicating with my fiancé how my day went.
YN is fuming mad in her mind but chooses not to say a word. She just doesn't want to start an argument when he just apologized.
He meant it when he said that he'll make it up to you. He brought you to your favorite restaurant, a place you cannot resist. You are enjoying your food and when his phone rang.
“I'm sorry, love. I think I need to go. I need to go to the headquarters right now. If you want, I can drive you home first before I go to the hq or...”
“No, it's okay. You can go. I'll finish my food,” You replied, not daring to look into his eyes.
“I'm sorry, love. Text or call me when you get home, okay?” Lewis said, before planting a kiss on your temple and leaving you behind.
“One bottle of red wine, please.” You finish every drop of the bottle before commuting home.
“I'll make it up to you, my ass,” You said as your removed your heels while entering your office. There you saw the newly printed out guest list without the name of his ex-girlfriend slash first love on it.
“What do I even have against her? She was your first love, a beautiful and mature woman, and you still can't forget her. And I'm just your fiancé, whom you apparently met when you broke up with her, whom apparently overshare even though you don't want to know about it” You said, tipsy walking towards your bed.
You lay down on your bed and stared at the ceiling for as long as your consciousness can hold.
Am I even doing the right thing? Is it still right to marry you? Won't I regret marrying you?
“Well, divorce is a thing,” You said before finally closing your eyes and slumbering.
The day came. You're in your white wedding gown, full glammed. You are fidgeting with your engagement ring.
You were asked to have your own personal vows prior to your wedding day. But until the very moment, you haven't written a single thing on the paper given to you.
You took a deep breath and wrote everything you wanted to say to Lewis before the ceremony started.
“Y/N, let's go no.. YN?” Your bridesmaid entered the room and found no bride in white dress.
The door of the venue opened, but it was not the bride who walked in the aisle. It was her bridesmaid rapidly walking towards Lewis with a note in her hand. It was not a vow but a farewell letter to him.
“I'm sorry, Lewis. You are free now. I'm letting you go, my love. Thank you for everything, for the wonderful years we have spent together. Thank you for the love that you made me feel. I love you Lewis. I'm sorry.”
“No, this can't be happening.” Lewis ran towards your room. He look at every place where he thought he can find you.
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kymerawrites · 2 days
"You're such a bloody drama queen," Simon grumbled under his breath, smoking a cigarette as he watched her pace back and forth. He didn't move an inch from his spot on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. It was always like this with her; they argue, they make up, they argue again. It was a vicious cycle they couldn't seem to break free from. He took a drag of his cigarette before blowing out a stream of smoke, eyes still locked on her
"Can't you just sit still for a bloody second?" Simon snapped, his irritation getting the better of him. "You're giving me a damn headache with all that walking around." He tapped his fingers impatiently on the armrest, his gaze following her every movement. He couldn't help but feel frustrated by her constant need for motion, like a caged animal.
"I could if you'd stop being such a controlling arsehole," she shot back, stopping in her tracks to glare at him. "Sorry if my pacing bothers you, but I have the right to move around in my own home." She crossed her arms, her defiant stance mirroring his.
"Your home?" Simon echoed, a mocking edge to his voice. He snorted, extinguishing his cigarette in the ash tray. "Last I checked, we share this apartment. And believe me, I didn't ask for a fidgety partner who can't sit still for two seconds."
“God for fuck sakes Simon, you make me pace this way. Can’t you see that?!” I said irritated
He rolled his eyes, clearly unperturbed by her retort. "Oh, and it's all my fault that you're pacing around like a maniac?" He leaned back on the couch, his gaze sharpening. "Maybe, just maybe, you should try taking some responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming everything on me. Ever thought of that?"
I huffed in annoyance, not backing down from his gaze. "And maybe you should stop making me so bloody irritated that I can't stand still! You're always bossing me around, like I'm some sort of property and not a person with my own thoughts and feelings."
He stood up abruptly, his tall frame towering over her. "You know damn well that's not true," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I don't treat you like a bloody object. I care about you, even if you can't see it. And if I come off as controlling sometimes, it's because I want to bloody protect you."
“Oh no, it’s you and your fucking lieutenant, commander whatever the fuck you are act in my space.” I scoffed
His eyes narrowed at her sarcastic remark. "Watch your bloody tongue," he warned, his tone more menacing than before. "You know damn well what I do for a living, and I don't appreciate your tone. But while we're on the subject, you could learn a thing or two about respecting your partner. Maybe if you weren't such a bloody pain in the arse all the time, I wouldn't have to step in and take charge."
That comment hit me, just a little to make me shift from mad to confused “so, if I’m such a pain to you, such a..liability why not leave me?”
He gritted his teeth, his frustration mounting. "Because goddamn it, I care about you," he snapped. "Despite all your attitude and stubbornness, I can't just walk away. Believe me, I've bloody tried. But deep down, I know I can't let you go. Even if you drive me mad with all your whining and dramatics."
I turned around not to face him “you can also just say you love me.”
He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "Bloody hell," he muttered under his breath. He walked closer to her, his movements slow and deliberate. "I do love you, alright? But love doesn't make this any easier. It complicates everything. Because even though I love you, you still piss me off like no one else can, and it drives me bloody insane."
He grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind I just smirked “and yet I think you love all the sass and drama I give you don’t you?”
He let out a scoff, his fingers digging into her waist. "Bloody hell, you know me too well," he muttered. "Yes, there's something infuriatingly addicting about your damn attitude and all the drama you bring into my life." He buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.
He chuckled softly against her skin, his breath warm and tickling. "Bloody hell, you drive me wild with it. Part of me wants to strangle you, and the other part..." He trailed off, his hand roaming higher up her body, tracing her curves.
“Finish that sentence si..” I whispered
He nipped at her earlobe, his voice low and gravelly. "And the other part wants to do things that I can't even say in public." He spun her around to face him, his gaze dark and intense. "You have no idea the effect you have on me, how you make me feel. It's maddening, it's intoxicating and it's all your damn fault."
He pushed her against the wall, his body pressing against hers. His hands gripped her wrists, pinning them above her head. "You know what else is maddening?" he growled, his face mere inches away from hers. "How bloody irresistible you are when you're all defiant and stubborn like this. It's like you're begging for me to put you in your place."
He dipped his head, his lips brushing against her neck, leaving a trail of warm, open-mouthed kisses. "And the worse part is, you know damn well you have me wrapped around your little finger. Even when you're infuriating me, I can't get you out of my head." He nipped at her skin, his teeth grazing her sensitive spots.
He dipped his head, his lips brushing against her neck, leaving a trail of warm, open-mouthed kisses. "And the worse part is, you know damn well you have me wrapped around your little finger. Even when you're infuriating me, I can't get you out of my head." He nipped at her skin, his teeth grazing her sensitive spots.
He shifted his body, pressing his thigh between her legs. "You push my buttons on purpose, just so you can get a reaction out of me. And bloody hell, you always get the reaction you want." He pinned her even tighter against the wall, trapping her in his embrace.
His lips found hers in a hard, possessive kiss. He dominated the kiss, his tongue delving into her mouth, claiming her in a way that was both rough and passionate. He pushed his body flush against hers, his hands roaming down to grip her thighs, lifting her up against the wall.
“You’re too good for me si..” I laughed as he lifted my legs on the wall forcing me to embrace them around his waist
He grunted with the effort, his muscles straining as he pressed her against the wall. "Bloody hell, you're a menace," he growled, his lips finding her neck again, sucking and nibbling on her sensitive skin. "Bloody menace with your damn legs wrapped around me like this. Drives me wild to have you like this, all vulnerable and pliable in my arms."
He ground his hips into hers, his arousal evident against her core. "And you're damn wrong about that. I'm not too good for you. I'm just bloody addicted to the way you make me feel, like you're a poison I can't get enough of."
I rolled my eyes “just kiss me already lovebird.” I smiled
He chuckled at her cheeky remark, his eyes dark and intense. "Bloody smartass," he murmured, before capturing her lips in another fierce kiss. He devoured her, his tongue delving into her mouth and dominating the kiss. The kiss was rough and passionate, full of pent-up desire and frustration.
And ofcourse they kissed and made up just for the cycle to continue
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notapradagurl7 · 2 days
Mad At Him.
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Black! Fem Reader x Joey Bada$$
♡( Requested by @naj-ay444 )♡
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Taglist: @henneseyhoe @megamindsecretlair @siqueth @harmshake @flydotty @avoidthings @satoruya @satoruya @caashmoneynae @sageispunkreads @hxneyclouds @playgurlxoxo @planetblaque @daprettycancer
Summary: You sat in your boyfriend’s car while taking selfies, you get on his phone to take pictures and noticed a DM message from his Twitter, it was a random woman.
‼️(warnings: mirror sex, choking, balcony sex, after care, dacryphila, degradation/praise, consensual for both parties, PWP. ) ‼️
Your back leaned against the soft ebony plush passenger seat with your eyes on your phone in your boyfriend’s car, your phone rested in your hand as you took a few selfies using a smiles, and funny faces. The car was parked in a private parking lot, Crickets chirped in the air, the trio found themselves beneath a sky tinted with shades of sunset orange, Joey leaned against the green street light pole with his deep brown eyes on the woman, who stepped toward him as she looked around frantically.
“Can I get a pound of weed?” the young woman whispered, looking around again.
You and Jo-Vaughn had a wonderful relationship, of course every relationship has its ups and downs.
You sat pretty on the passenger's seat, showcasing your true royalty as if you were the princess of passengers. Your attire was a light purple tie-dye dress, hugging your curves. your dark brown skin glistened, your black and blonde locs pulled up in a bun.
Joey sported a black hoodie with matching sweatpants, his hood rested atop his head. Adorning his neck was a herringbone gold chain, glistening under the light. Black timberlands boots and socks on his feet.
His freshly trimmed low fade and his top-row gold grill shimmered. A gold hoop earring gracefully dangling from his ear, catching the light. His dark brown skin glistened.
The two of you lived in the quiet hills in separate houses neighborhood, Joey sold weed on the side to make some extra cash, but that was just a small part of who he was.
Joey nodded at the random brown-skinned woman named Alicia, who was dressed in a hoodie and denim shorts, she pulled out a thick wad of cash. “Yes but don't tell anyone that you saw me.” he mentioned.
Alicia nodded, she quickly gave him the cash and he passed her the ziplock bag of rolled-up blunts, running away quickly.
As you wrap up, sending the pics to herself, you notices a Twitter notification popping up on his phone, not the usual type but a direct message.
A woman's message reads, "You look amazing 😫." Feeling a mix of hesitation and curiosity, you can't resist opening it and reading the other reply she sent that he responded to.
The random woman praised his looks, and he replied, "Ha, thank you love🖤." you doesn't understand why this irks you, but it does.
Without a second thought, she quickly swiped out the app, places his phone in the cup holder, and turns in her seat to gaze out the rolled-down window.
Jo-Vaughn sensed the tension in the air and he ran back toward the rolled-down window, resting his crossed arms, raising his brows. “Mama, you good?” he asked, his hand resting on your wrist.
You snatched your arm away from him, “Why the hell are you messaging another bitch on Twitter? She said you looked amazing.” you snapped, narrowed your gaze at him.
Their shouting echoed in the air, “Y/N, it's not like that.” he reassured, shaking his head. But you weren't convinced.
“Oh? You're wrong, it's the wordplay between you two and why are you even texting her back in the first place Joey!” You hollered, salty tears rolling down your cheeks. Your voice cracking a bit.
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have replied to her. It was a mistake,” Joey spoke softly, reaching out to gently cup your cheek.
The tears falling from your eyes triggered his dacryphila, your curled lips made him grunt slightly, arousing the man. Ignoring it, He chose to get in the car, driving back to his house.
As the car pulled into the driveway of his house, the tension between the two of you was palpable. Joey led you up to his bedroom, “Take me home now!” she demanded, and you sat at the edge of his bed.
He grabs you by your throat reassuring you aggressively, “Listen to me, Y/N. I love you, and I shouldn't done it. Please, let me make it up to you,” Joey whispered, his voice laced with sincerity and desperation.
You looked into his deep brown eyes, seeing the genuine regret and love in them. You let out a shaky breath, feeling a mix of anger and desire swirling inside you. “Fine, but you have a lot of making up to do,” you muttered, your voice softening slightly.
Joey nodded, his grip on your throat loosening as he leaned in to capture your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Quickly taking off every piece of clothing. The soft smack of your lips colliding.
The intensity of his kiss made you melt into him, the anger slowly dissipating as desire took over.
His naked back leaned against plush chocolate brown armchair, while his hands firmly held your hips. You bounced up and down on his thick dick, your hands gripping the armrests tightly. "Oh shit!" your moans filled the room as tears streamed down your face. Arousing him, he rested his chin on your shoulder, watching you contort in pleasure in front of the full-length mirror. The dim lighting reflecting off the glass only added to the intensity of the moment.
He carried you to the balcony, as you arched your back with your hands gripping the railing and he smacked your ass cheeks, you whimpered. Feeling every inch of him inside of you, his hand clutched around your neck as his plump lips brushed against your ear, "You deserve this don't you? My pretty lil' slut?" he purred seductively.
"Y-yes! Ah shit! Jo–" You screamed, cutting yourself by a loud moan. You threw your ass back on him, your ass clapped against his pelvis, her juices rolling down his dick after every merciless thrust. "That's my girrrl." he praised, His palm caressed her backside in soothing circles on the handprints he left on her asscheeks. The wind gently caressed her skin, her nipples became erect, responding to the gentle touch of his fingers.
Their tongues battled for control until he released his grip on your neck and kissed you again. Your eyes fluttered close, A deep moan escaped his lips as he whispered your name, and threw his head back.
Their hips continued to move together, their moans and groans filling the room, your body began to tremble in his clutch. You knew that you were close to the edge, and as Joey’s hands tightened on your hips, his thrusts becoming more urgent, you knew that he was too.
With one final thrust, they both reached their peak, their bodies trembled as she came undone on his dick. The couple breathed heavily as he filled you up to the brim with his warm cum, he pulled out of you, a satisfied smirk on his face. Thank you, you were on birth control.
He scooped you up in bridal style. "Let's take a bath together hm?" he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You smiled, feeling completely and utterly spent.
"Yeah," you breathed, your chest heaving up and down. He carried you into the bathroom, carefully seating you on the closed toilet lid. The faucet emits a slight squeak and the steam flows from the tub.
The both of you were seated in a spacious white marble bathtub, a few scattered rose petals added a romantic touch to the scene. His bare back rested against the rim as he filled the tub with fluffy foam, his hands holding your thighs as you sat on his lap. The room was filled with the sweet scent of vanilla. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your breasts pressed against his chest. His gaze lowered to your dark brown skin, covered in a layer of foam. He leaned in and placed a tender kiss on your jawline.
"I'm sorry, baby. It won't happen again, I promise." Jo-Vaughn reassuringly lovingly, his thumbs caressing your thighs in a soothing manner.
You melted into his embrace, feeling the tension in your body release. "I forgive you, next time don't do that shit ever again." you replied, her tone soft and firm. you couldn't stay mad at him for long.
Jo-Vaughn grabbed the light green washcloth as he gently washed you clean, you smiled back, feeling grateful for the love and care he showed you. You closed your eyes and let out a content sigh, enjoying the moment of intimacy and relaxation.
After they finished bathing, Jo-Vaughn dried you off with a soft towel and helped you into a silky robe. They sat on the bed, sipping on glasses of red wine and talking about their day.
The couple cuddled, you leaned in for a kiss, knowing that in his arms, you were home.
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coolprettyleo · 3 days
i need to forget - gabe perreault au ☆
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wc: 1.1k
tw: depression, mommy issues, daddy issues, mean summer.
gabe perreault x oc
summer walked through campus looking like like a train wreck.
the always put-together girl was now seen only pale and with under-eye bags.
she had been going through a lot and the feeling of helplessness was the number one feeling in her mind.
her parent's marriage was falling apart, and every day, she woke up to calls from her father ranting about her mother.
she wouldn't wish this feeling on her worst enemy.
her mother had always been lonely. with her father traveling for work she always found herself a 'companion' as she would call it, in other words, she was committing the act of adultery.
she had been doing it since summer's eighth-grade year, or that's when she finally got caught.
her father always forgave her, but it looked like her mother had finally burnt out her father to the stem.
summer felt completely helpless, and the stress of trying to keep her family together was on her shoulders, even if it was across the country.
she shook off the thought as she entered the library and spotted the boy she was least looking forward to see right now; gabe perreault.
the boy knew how to get on her nerves like a leech, and it always resulted in the two bickering for no end. usually, she liked to be back, but with everything going on, she was not looking forward to it; at all.
"your late," he said as a matter of factly
"sorry, I woke up late," she mumbled as she sat next to him.
gabe observed the girl, noticing the bag under her eyes and the burnt-out look she carried, far from the usual persona summer held.
"are you okay," he mumbled, as if he didn't want anyone to hear that he cared.
"don't act like you care, perreault. let's just get this done so we can both go on with our days," she said moodily.
"there she is" he said grinning as she rolled her eyes and began her part of the assignment.
the two teens had been working for about half an hour before they were pulled out of concentration from the buzzing coming from summer's phone.
she declined it before it kept buzzing,
"are you gonna answer that" he asked not being able to concentrate with the buzzing.
"nope" she said as it finally stopped buzzing, before it began to buzz again.
"i can't concentrate"
"it's not my fault you have the attention span of a bee," she sassed as he bit his tongue. gabe could see she wasn't well, and he wasn't an asshole. he wasn't going to annoy her today, but she seemed to be making that challenge quite hard for him.
"what, you're afraid your boyfriend will be mad you're studying with me" he smirked with a bit of a spark in his eyes.
he had seen her with a guy last weekend and they seemed awfully close.
"just shut up. please" she huffed as she shut off her phone.
gabe decided to drop it once again as they got to work.
"i'm going to head out. you just need to fill out the last slide of the portfolio and turn it in" she told him as she stood up.
"we still have another hour,"
"correction, you have another hour, I'm done," she said, crossing her arms and walking out.
leaving gabe to shake his head and watch her walk out.
"she was overly mean today" he mumbed to himself as he began to pack his own things. he'd be damn if he was going to stay in that library alone.
he turned the corner to hear a voice arguing on the phone; as he neared, he heard it was summer's voice, and although he didn't mean to eavesdrop, he still did.
"i don't see why you can't just stop seeing him," she said to whoever was on the phone
"It's lust, Mom," he heard her say with a voice that was raw with emotion.
she was arguing with her mom?
"please don't do this, please," he heard her beg before he watched her lower her phone from her ear. her mom must have hung up.
she let out a choked sob as she leaned back onto the wall. Summer could care less that she was in public; her mom was leaving her dad, claiming she finally learned was 'love' is.
gabe watched her for a moment, fighting with his thoughts on whether or not he should announce his presence.
"summer?" he said acting like he had just arrived.
the girl's head whipped up to see the last person she wanted to see her like this standing in front of her. She wiped her tears and rolled her eyes before trying to rush past him.
"you didn't see anything, perreault"
"are you alright," he said blocking her
"move" she told him
"please, gabe," she said beggingly.
"you don't have to tell me what's wrong, just let me take you to get some food or something, I doubt you've eaten today," he said seriously.
summer did not expect him to say that. she was honestly expecting him to start mocking her and call her a spoilt princess.
"if I go, you won't tell anyone you saw me having a mental breakdown outside the library?" she said sniffingly.
"I wasn't going to tell anyone anyways" he told her.
she observed him, looking for any hint of jokingness, but he looked wholeheartedly genuine. she could use some food, but with gabe?
she decided against the alarms that were going through her head and agreed to join him.
"sorry i've been mean to you, i've just been going through a lot and it's not your fault at all, i'm sorry" she mumbled as they started walking towards the closest ihop.
"it's fine, i kind of got you weren't up to play today" he chuckled
"you call what we do playing," she said with a raised eyebrow
"well, I'm playing most of the time, but then you go deep, and I actually get mad," he said, smiling, seeing as he was finally pulling a smile out of the girl.
"im sorry it's just really funny when i piss you off" she laughed
"why," he said throwing his arms up
"same reason you do" she smirked as he playfully rolled his eyes
the two walked into the closest IHOP, not knowing the relationship that was beginning to blossom.
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I've seen my name being thrown around, and I'd like to dot my is and cross my ts on this once and for all.
Gonna preface by saying this:
No one said that glossysoap, groguspicklejar or soapskneebrace told their anons "GO HARRASS THIS RACIST" - that's just, once again, y'all misinterpreting our words. All that was said was "You are a big blog that accidentally created a witch hunt amidst your followers and even though you didn't mean to, you need to realize you still have influence over them, so you need to make amends";
I also made a very big point of pointing out that when soapskneebrace posted those screnshots, they acted as if their blog was an "island" and that it was safe to make a comment like that because they believed it would stay 'contained' within their friend group or followers. And that they should've known better because this is the internet, they're 28, and they should know stuff **doesn't** stay isolated. All things can be accessed.
Another thing I'd like to point out is that soapskneebrace/Madi has admittedly a history of their followers/anons harassing people in their inbox. I don't care that the circumstances are different. They *know* their followers have done such a thing and as a creator (yes, this is not a normal social media, yes, none of us are 'influencers' with proper check marks that make giant moves on the platform, but we all STILL have an influence) they should've known better.
(Their own words below 👇)
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I'm sorry for the way I spoke:
Yes, the tone I used was aggressive, cheeky and on-the-offensive and the hashtag I used was in poor taste. I could've handled my **tone** better as well as the way I tried to make my point across. I realize that now once I've had time to cool off and I apologize for the way I spoke.
I recognize that I didn't help the issue by being as aggressive as I did and, in fact, just caused a bigger commotion. That wasn't fair, and the tone I used wasn't nice or helpful.
I'm not a trained psychologist or anything, and I reacted like any normal person should/would, in my opinion. Saw an injustice that was preventable and got upset about it. I promise to thrive to not let my emotions get the better of me, nor to let my tone ever be that aggressive again.
That's not to say that I don't stand for the things I said. I don't take back what I did. I consider myself an honest person... and if nothing else, it would be dishonest of me to go back on my word. I apologize for my tone but not the message.
About Bunny:
That being said, I'd like to point out that half of the blogs currently talking about this topic (specifically @ceilidho and @391780) giving their opinions and sharing it with their followers are doing so behind 'closed doors' (aka by blocking the two of us) and doing exactly the same thing soapskneebrace accidentally did: they are accidentally pinning their followers against us by providing a retelling of events and hoping their followers go read up more on their own, despite knowing they have a huge influence and that people on the internet are not gonna do that, and are just gonna take their word for it.
And frankly I don't think that's fair. I'm not even speaking for myself. I couldn't care less about the abuse coming my way or any boycotting to my future posts or current ones.
I just wish you both/all would stop putting me and bunny in the same category. You wanna get mad at someone? Get mad at me.
Bunny handled this with not just a lot more maturity than me, but also a lot more elegantly. Bunny strived to educate and to speak respectfully and in a way that was informative when she tackled all the creators involved.
If you go read her replies to the blogs in question, they were measured, understanding, respectful, kind and polite. She made sure they understood all she was seeking from them was some form of accountability, and never meant them any harm.
It's not fair that she's being 'lumped' together with me and getting any harrassment or torment over the fact *I* was aggressive, when she wasn't.
She has always, ALWAYS strived to make her blog a positive space, a safe space too. She has always strived to keep people informed and safe, and to tackle topics in her fics that she sees are lacking in the community.
Bunny has plenty of anons who reach out to her to discuss mental health, disability and other topics of the sort because she's trained for it, and now she's not free to open her inbox anymore because people are also spouting abuse at her.
I just want you all to stop going after her. She deserves your admiration, not your hatred.
Again, you need someone to yell at? To get mad at? I'm right here and I can fucking take it.
My inbox and the anon button are not gonna ever close, just so you all still have a place to go yell at me through while keeping your precious anonymity that emboldens you so.
Kind Regards,
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luke-hughes43 · 2 days
how we met | luke and stella
Luke and stella's oldest daughter has her first heartbreak and while he siblings attempt to comfort her, she asks Luke and Stella the story of how they met and fell in love.
(so victoria is the oldest and is 17, she has a younger brother aidan or aj and he is 16, and their are a set of twins isaiah and isabella and they are 14. and the kid she was dating his named john)
so stella is in their kitchen cutting veggies for dinner when she hears vic slamming the door to the house open with aj hot on her heels. she hears vic yell, "stay out my life you annoying brat!" before vic slams her bedroom door closed.
luke yells to stella, "stel, what was that? are you ok?"
"I'm good babe. can you come up here?" she yells back. luke is coming up the stairs a minute later. he asks, "what's up baby?"
"I think that vic and aj just into a fight. and we might have to divide and conquer. I'll take vic? I think that this is over a guy, bc we know that aj wants her to date bella's oldest. maybe you talk to aj about staying out of his sister's love life?"
"didn't you and trevor need to have this talk from quinn when we started dating?" Luke asks with a small smile. Stella rolls her eyes, "maybe. but this is different. where are the twins?"
"upstairs. I think zay was helping izzy with homework or something?"
"ok i'm gonna take vic into our room. talk to aj. please babe?" stella says wrapping her arms around luke's waist. he nods and kisses her head. he says, "consider it taken care of sweet girl." she smiles and they go their separate ways up to their kids.
stella knocks softly on vic's bedroom door. she says, "vic, honey, it's mom. can I come in?" she hears sniffles and a faint, "yea." from inside. stella opens the door and sees her daughter curled into a ball with tears streaming down her face and she can feel her heart breaking at the sight.
stella says softly, "vic, baby, what happened?"
"john is a fucking asshole. sorry for swearing." vic says through her tears. stella's heart drops, "what'd he do baby?"
"I overheard him telling his friends on the phone as I was leaving that he's just dating me because of you and dad. and the name. and it hurts mom." vic cries. she crawls over to stella and hugs her. Stella holds her daughter tight and rubs her back, "how about we go to my room? have some me and you time?" vic nods and the two ladies go across the hall to luke and stella's room.
stella gets on her side and then vic lays next to her. vic says quietly, "why are guys such assholes mom?"
"at your age, it's because they think with the wrong head. they mellow out eventually." stella says knowing all too well how Luke was at that age. they lay in silence for a bit, stella rubbing vic's back trying to make her feel better. after a while, there's a soft knock on the door, "stel it's me. I got aj, can we come in?"
stella looks at vic for confirmation and she nods. she says to luke, "yea. you guys can come in." luke comes in with aj and they climb into bed too. aj breaks the silence, "I'm sorry tori. I wasn't trying to invade your life like that and I'll stay out of it going forward. are we good?"
"yea we're good. I was never even mad at you, john was just dating me because of our family anyways. I had picked you up right after I found out so I kinda took it out on you and that's not fair to you. I'm sorry." vic explains to her brother. aj's face drops and he says, "can I kill him?"
luke and stella say at the same time, "absolutely not."
aj then says, "fine. and your better off without him. you don't need a guy like that in your life. you're victoria hughes, you're going to michigan on a free ride for softball as one of the top prospects in the country. he doesn't deserve you."
luke and stella smile at their son being nice to his sister. vic smiles, "thanks. it still just sucks."
stella says, "and it's gonna suck honey. not everyone's first love is who they marry. look at uncle jack, and uncle trevor. maybe uncle trev is a bad example but uncle jack was dating someone and got her pregnant but it turned out she was just with him for the money and status. but now he's with aunt sarah and sarah is perfect for him."
"what about you and dad?"
"your mom is the only woman I've ever loved."
"no way!" aj exclaims. isaiah and isabella come in and say, "we heard aj yell."
stella smiles, "come here. your sister just had her first breakup and so we're gonna cheer her up." zay and izzy climb onto the bed and the 6 of them are all laying together. vic asks, "so if you guys have only ever loved each other, how did you guys meet and start dating?"
"you guys wanna know?" luke asks smiling at stella. the kids all nod and stella is smiling at luke. stella starts by saying, "well, we knew who each other were before we officially met. because uncle jack and uncle trevor played together at the program. and so we knew that I was trevor's sister and your dad was jack's brother but we had never met. not until we were 15 and 16. it was at jack and trevor's draft that we officially met in person."
"and I thought your mom was the prettiest girl in the room. still do. but 15 year old me was so nervous to be around her." luke says.
"gross dad." aj fake vomits.
"anyways. that whole first year that we actually knew each other, we were just friends. we would text a lot and talk on the phone a decent amount too. and whenever we could, we'd always watch other's games. I knew pretty early on that I had a crush on your dad. I mean, he was so thoughtful, a great listener, and liked me for me. not because my older brother is trevor zegras, or I was a division 1 softball commit, he liked me for me. which was big for the both of us back then." stella explains.
vic asks, "what do you mean mom?"
"well, vic the same thing that happened between you and john, happened to me and your dad at least once or twice each." stella says looking at her oldest. luke chimes in, "and your mom doesn't just mean dating. she also means friends. I had a bunch of guys try to be my friend in high school because of quinn and jack and your mom dealt with the same thing because of trevor, so we understand what your dealing with tori. a lot."
"I didn't know that." vic says quietly. stella rubs her back, "we didn't want you know baby. we found our own ways to deal with it, that's why our circle seems so big but in reality is really small. and everybody is married to everybody. it's part of why I liked your father so much back in the day, because I knew that he knew what it was like to be compared to your older brother all the time and have people wanna be friends with you or date just to get close to them."
"that's really the only appeal I had when we were 16?" luke questions, feigning offense. stella giggles and shakes her head. vic asks, "so is dad still that way with you now mom? like the whole thoughtful, a great listener, and liking you for you thing?"
"everyday. and he as since the day we started dating, July 27, 2020. I remember it like it was yesterday."
"wait, isn't that your wedding anniversary?" izzy asks. luke and stella both nod with smiles. stella says softly, "yea."
"it's also the same day I proposed." luke comments. aj asks, "did you do that on purpose?"
"yes. when I was asking her to marry me and then when eventually got married that was planned. but when I first asked your mom out, it kinda just happened."
"how come you asked her to marry you on the same day you started dating?" zay asks quietly. the other 3 hughes's kids affirmed his question by asking similar ones. luke smiles at his beautiful wife, "because I wanted us to have a day that was just ours. a day that no one can take away from us. a day that I don't have to share her."
vic says, "that's so cute. did you know that he was doing that mom?"
"at the time no. but when we were planning the wedding and he suggested it, I knew why. despite how slow your father can be, he's quite the romantic." stella says giggling at luke who just pouts.
the kids giggle at stella poking fun at luke. vic quietly asks, "mom, do you think I'll find a love like you and dad have?"
"I certainly hope so baby. I hope all of you guys do." stella says softly at her oldest. vic asks stella again, "how do you know if you found that love?"
"you just kinda know. I knew with your father pretty quickly. the best advice I can offer is never settle. and find someone who looks at you like you are the stars and moon and whole world. and that is with you for you and nothing else."
"and what if I had that person all along and just didn't know until now?" vic whispers. stella softly sighs, smiling at luke. stella says to vic, "vic, honey, I would've gone through a 100 heartbreaks if it meant I still got to be with your father. if you think you found that person, regardless of what happened with john, go for it. talk to them, tell them how you feel."
"thanks mom." vic smiles.
stella also smiles, "anytime baby. now aj, stay out of vic's love life. even if she happens to date your best friend. it's her business got it?"
"yes mom." aj says mumbling to himself. stella says firmly, "good. and twins, never grow up and start dating please?"
"no promises mom." zay says smiling. vic crawls out from stella's arms and says, "I have to go call someone and then study. thanks for cheering me up guys."
"always tori." luke says giving his oldest daughter a smile. aj groans, "it's literally school vacation week. you're such a nerd."
"she gets that from your mother." luke says poking back at stella. the kids giggle as stella smacks him in the head and threatens, "I will make you sleep on the couch luke warren."
the kids hurry out of their parents room and luke gives stella is soft kiss with a smile. he mumbles against her lips, "we did good baby."
"we did. now come help me finish dinner." stella dragging the two of them out of bed. "coming sweet girl." luke says following behind her down to the kitchen.
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tfdtreasurer · 3 days
sorry for not asking about eridan but, why the feferi hate?
Don't worry anon I fully expected this question to be one of the first. Besides, Eridan and Feferi are foils to each other and thus any look at one is being done in the context of the other. Narratively, they're inseparable. My actual nuanced opinion on Feferi is that she's a bad person, a fascinating character, and yet one that I feel is so tragically misunderstood by everybody that it leads me to not liking how she's liked. If that makes any sense.
The short answer is she's one of the most casteist trolls out there. And not in the way Equius is, or Gamzee becomes, or Eridan claims to be. Her's is just a little too real and it kinda gives me icky vibes.
The long answer is... Well there's a reason a whole essay was in the works. If Eridan alludes to Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick of 1851, Feferi alludes to Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" of 1899 (which in a semi timely way, was published to the context of the Philippine–American War). In her first pesterlog with Kanaya, "burdens" is the word used to refer to her responsibilities. Not really enough on it's own, but then you keep reading Feferi pages. Eridan being the best that alternia breeds, seemingly exiled from living in the sea to serve her captives' needs. The captivity of animals that she's associated with bolstering that. How she espouses a desire to unite the races, but mentions having plans for the throne, implicitly retaining imperial power. Her weapon being named after the triple entente, an alliance of colonialist powers. How she remarks royalty is so civilized, alluding to the colonialist projects of that era being referred to the West's civilizing mission. The way she talks to Jade and is quick to use the r-word, like she'd have to make her speech a hundred times plain. Just the way that she often has other people doing things for her that seems to emulate the delegatory voice of the poem. Eridan being the orphaner for her. In the Make her Pay flash (which is the best flash don't @ me), she has Sollux fight for her as she seems to sit back. Even her creation of the dream bubbles is something she asks of the gods to do for her. And if you think I'm searching for patterns in the clouds here with my ancient-ass 1800s literature: just take a look at the regime of Beforus Feferi. How casteism wasn't abolished, it just became patronizing the lesser and pretending that considering them lesser but in need wasn't the inequality is was.
Eridan is interesting in combination with her because they're designed to contrast each other. Eridan is so deeply associated with hipster inauthenticity, pretention, over exaggerated theater, and explicitly mentions that villainy is practically a performance for her. She calls comin off as a diabolical sort "showwmanship." But pay attention to the way that each frame dropping their quirk. Eridan drops her to become more genuine for a moment. Feferi has to be asked to drop hers and gets mad that she's had to peasantify herself. And the tragic part is that although Eridan is in the position of the audience in that poem, in essence the soldier sent to brutally occupy the Philippines, Feferi also sees her as one of the ones needing to be civilized. Eridan is to her half devil and half child, fluttering and wild, needing to be restrained by a moirallegience she seems to have never wanted from her.
I don't mean to let Eridan totally off the hook. I see her character as being under a dramatic form of siege mentality, perceiving herself to be the target of everyone's hostility. As she's the orphaner, I feel vaguely inclined to give it to her a bit. Like yeah, I can't imagine that job title comes with the perk of making friends. But her siege mentality xenophobia primarily makes her think that everybody that isn't Feferi must hate her, to the point where she only trusts people when her relationship with them is adversarial. The subversion central to Eridan's character is that while she may be genuinely xenophobic, she isn't a supremacist, nor genocidal in intent. The weapons she claims to be amassing to conquer the surface aren't military, it's just whaling equipment she uses to prevent everyone dying. The Brand Whaling Gun and Bomb Lance. Some derivative of the Greener swivel harpoon gun (that I have yet to 100% identify but I do have the original picture used for the Photoshop). Broken killing lance heads (as can be seen in my pfp being held by captain Ahab).
So why do I hate Feferi? Because she does think herself superior to others, in a way that is supremacist. She's a paternalistic casteist of the highest order and it is gross.
But here's the twist: if people believed in the Feferi I just outlined, I'd love the character. Because I still do fundamentally believe in redemption and rehabilitation of people with really shitty beliefs. Feferi could've been a character who narratively served to demonstrate how her beliefs may appear good intentioned, but actually warns the audience of the trap of real life paternalistic racism that justifies colonialism with a friendly face. A narrative where she had character development and evolved alongside Eridan. Symbolically, the orphaner killing the idea of paternalism would've been goddamned beautiful. But instead, what I got, what we got, was the fandom never picking up on the nuances, the comic itself electing to skirt around the problematic elements, all leading up to this strange quirk of Homestuck where once you're aware of all this, you really can't look at cutesy Feferi fanart the same way ever again because it never gets addressed. And I think that's sad. But, until the people that like Feferi are in the same boat as me in wanting a redemption arc for her, I'm gonna stay her #1 hater.
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can u tell us more abt the pink butterflies route
Obviously, major spoiler warnings for FE3H below! It's a fictional route yes but it uses much canon lore and story concepts!
SO.... the Rosé Wings route obviously begins when Byleth decides to teach Bronwen's house. As a side note, if Byleth doesn't choose them, a new teacher character named Orinthia Lyne teaches the Pink Butterflies house. Although, no matter if Byleth selects them or not, a teaching assistant named Rúna works as a helper to whomever teaches that house.
This route follows the same general beats pre-skip, except Bronwen oft remarks that something seems off with the portrayal of things in historical texts. When Edelgard leaves and declares war, Bronwen confesses to Byleth that she thinks something is severely wrong and that the whole thing feels orchestrated.
Post-skip, so five years later in game, Bronwen and her class [including most characters recruited before the skip] take up Garreg Mach as their base so Bronwen can be closer to monitoring the war. This route is by far the longest, as it involves consulting with Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard personally to gain information, with Bronwen remaining a neutral party as they fight mysterious soldiers.
Once the truth is uncovered, Bronwen and Byleth then work together and unite Fódlan against Those Who Slither in the Dark [TWSITD from here on cause lazy], even persuading Edelgard and unveiling that it was that group who experimented on her, partly for this reason. Thus, together, all their armies unite in one massive final battle, completely eradicating TWSITD and saving Fódlan from their painful influence.
The final battle is a HUGE DEAL and even involves multiple "teams" being lead that the player transitions to across the fight. In theory, they are the houses, but they can be selected aside from the two leaders. The default teams are;
-Bronwen [locked unit], Gareth [locked unit], Deirdre, Islwyn, Askr, Freyja, Delwyn, Althea, Yuri [if Ashen Wolves DLC is installed], Rúna.
-Dimitri [locked unit], Dedue [locked unit], Felix, Ashe, Sylvain, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Hapi [if DLC is had], Portia [OC who also appears in this route dw abt it].
-Claude [locked unit], Hilda [locked unit], Balthus [if DLC is had], Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Lysithea, Marianne, Rosalind, Desdemona [both are OCs dw abt it]
-Edelgard [locked unit], Hubert [locked unit], Constance [if DLC is had], Ferdinand, Linhardt, Caspar, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra, Orinthia.
For the final strike/second phase, you can decide who is present in the unit and none of them are locked. After beating this fight, you then get a cutscene to end things off.
Unlike other routes, you choose who you s-support with after the final battle. Bronwen wishes you well in your proposal [which is funny if you pick her lmfao], and Fódlan is said to be at peace afterwards- cooperative and united into the future.
In short it's me being wishful and trying to let everyone be happy
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if dorian didn't show up, do you think louis would have shot minnie?
I do. I know some people think either he wouldn't have or he would've missed so that's why the writers had him shoot Dorian instead, but mmmmmm no, I don't personally think so. I like to think that if he had taken the shot, his shaky hands would've caused him to shoot her fatally.
Mostly because I'm already so normal about the fact that of the Ericson crew, Marlon and Louis are the only ones with a body count. Well, that we know of, but shown to us in the game, at least. Plus, we know it's Louis' first kill.
Like yeah, Clementine and AJ become part of the crew and they have bigger body counts, and if we're counting indirect kills caused by actions, then Tenn has a count... and I guess everyone has blood on their hands for blowing up the boat... but I'm talking about killed directly with a weapon like....... I lied, I'm not normal about that at all, Louis and Marlon are the ones who have killed someone in Louis' route. I'm also not normal about the fact that Louis kills Dorian and then even as he's clearly in shock, he tries to go with Clementine to get AJ, and then later on when they talk about it, he says it feels like bile but not quite and he's glad he has it in him to do it.... listen, listen, listen... I'm obsessed with that.
Anyway, so if Louis shot Minerva, I think he would've accidentally killed her and can you imagine? He's already enough of a mess after killing the woman who pinned him down and tried to cut his finger off [or succeeded] but he knew Minerva, they were friends before the twins were taken. Even Violet couldn't kill her even though that would've been the smarter thing to do, and we know thanks to meta knowledge that killing her would've saved lives, but Violet couldn't, and I don't think Louis would intentionally either.
Speaking of Violet, if Louis killed Minerva, I hate to think about what that would've done to Vi. I think she might've actually left at that point, like what was planned before it got changed to her being burned. I don't think she would've attacked Louis over it, though, like yeah she attacked Clementine in the cell but Louis? I don't know, but I don't think so just because it's Louis and he'd be a mess about it anyway.
Though if he did kill her, it would be a neat parallel to draw... y'know, because Louis forgave AJ for killing Marlon even though he was pissed and heartbroken, and Violet was annoyed with him the entire time... but could she ever forgive Louis for killing Minerva? Y'know? We already have a similar parallel with AJ shooting Tenn, but still.
If Clementine killed Minerva in that moment, though, then I could see Violet attacking her since in her eyes, Clem proved her right.
So yeah, I get why they added the Dorian kill to his route. It adds another compelling element to Louis as a character, but we also need Minerva alive for episode 4; Louis can't kill her, he can't miss, and he's not going to stay with her because we need Violet to stay on the boat and him to be on shore for all routes.
#asks#twdg louis#twdg minerva#twdg clementine#twdg violet#twdg marlon#twdg tenn#honestly whenever i see someone say louis is the boring option i'm just like '.......that's your opinion but also how can you say that??'#then again i'm sure other people look at me saying violentine just isn't for me and they say the same thing so y'know... i can't talk haha#also time is such a weird thing because i look at the entire cell scene in louis' route and like... i'm not even mad about violet anymore#like yeah i still don't believe she was brainwashed like i'm sorry y'all only believe that because kent said something about it#not because there's all this evidence toward it in game like vi being pissed at clementine makes sense she doesn't need to be brainwashed#for it to work like her being vulnerable and easily manipulated into submission makes perfect sense especially with minerva there#it's like everyone was pissed that she attacked clementine and people needed a way to excuse it so it's not violet's fault when like...#that's literally what makes it interesting like calm down it's okay if violet is pissed and scared and behaves accordingly#also my controversial opinion of the day that i'll hide here in the tags so maybe people won't find it sksksk but#I personally find the concept of vinerva and the doomed tragedy of it more compelling than anything violentine did#like i'll defend violentine and i do believe it's an important and good ship it's just not my personal favorite#anyway but then the whole thing with lilly and minerva is so good and louis screaming FUCK YOU at minerva?? amazing love it so good#i love when the soft character who never chooses violence is so pissed off that all that anger they have boils to the surface and it's raw#like... he's SO mad he's SO furious he's SOOO UPSET like he wasn't even like this when marlon died or anything like he hit his limit#and then shooting dorian through the mouth while an accident is just well done i love it and i love his reaction of mortification#and apologizing and YET he still tries to go with clementine he's trembling and can barely string together a sentence but he wants to go#he wants to help her he wants to save aj THAT is the gut reaction he has after everything that just went down#'louis isn't loyal or good for clem because of the vote' babe tell me you don't understand any nuance of louis' character without telling m#it's fine IT'S FINE you don't have to agree and i just have to remind myself that it's fine not everyone likes louis we're okay#this drives me crazy in the best way like y'know what? i love the cells scene in louis' route all of it even the stuff i used to rant about#even the stuff that used to piss me off now i'm just like 'no wait past cj was dumb she wasn't looking at it this way aaaaaaaa' sksksks#that was my tag ted talk about the cell scene thank you
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ever since i was a small child the adults around me have treated any boundaries i set as me being a selfish bitch and i think that definitely did something to me
#vent#like when i first developed my lovely ocd (i was 11ish) everyone was very pissed at me because since i needed things in life#to be a specific way and i had no choice but to live with people and when they did things that directly interfered with how i needed#things to be i'd get upset and every once in a while ppl will keep complaining like oh we have to do everything you want you're so#selfish and rude and we're just expected to do what you want and why should we well fuck y'all if you want to stop working with me#on this then i'm literally going to make your life hell because i expect the BARE MINIMUM respect to not directly mess with my boundaries#which have lessened over time like literally i've been getting better i know it's been a long time coming but i am not nearly as distressed#by some things anymore but to these fuckers they just thing i'm being controlling and rude and i make their lives miserable because i#need them to not touch my stuff and i need to be driven places and i can only eat certain foods that i make myself and i cannot#help with some chores without freaking out and to them that just means that i'm a parasite that is being controlling and bitchy when they#decide that actually they shouldn't help me when i can't do something or that no they shouldn't respect my boundaries or whatever#like idk i know i'm not a super nice person but i'm not trying to ruin everyone's life just to stay sane and like. i didn't ask to be born#i didn't ask to be born into this family i didn't ask to be fucked in the head i didn't ask for any of this but my mother? she decided to#have kids and it's not my fault she wasn't prepared for them all to be fucked up and it's not my fault that she doesn't believe in mental#illnesses and she just thinks that being depressed or having adhd means you're just lazy or having ocd means you're just being controlling#and that you can stop anytime or that having autism (which there is a chance that a couple of us do) means that you're just acting#out for no reason and don't want to behave like i know she thinks i'm a selfish bitch (she was very vocal abt that today) but i think it's#also pretty selfish to help fuck up your own kids and expect them to turn out all right and when they don't you just get mad at them for no#being perfect. like she just wants us to be normal i know she does that's why she doesn't like mental illnesses/disorders and shit that's#why she's transphobic i get it she wants us to be normal but guess fucking what we aren't and her attitude doesn't help like i know she has#done a lot for me but even when she's helping she likes to threaten to take it all away she used to threatened to stop driving me to#school when i just got in college at 15 or so and threatened to send me away bc she thought i was faking my ocd and it fucked me up y'know?#like i don't like that her helping me is conditional on whether she likes me at the moment because a lot of the times she doesn't like me i#when i was very mentally ill or depressed/suicidal/dying from a fucking eating disorder like i know she's helped me i know she's done a#lot for me that she says she went farther out of her way for than she should've and i know i'm fucking difficult but still i don't like#being called a fucking selfish bitch for asking for the people i can't fucking get away from to respect what i need so i don't break down#like sorry if that's too much for you but i;m also not a fucking pushover and have never been and i know that pisses her off but whatever#and like i know i'm not totally in the right i know i'm not nice and i can be a bitch and i'm unhelpful and nasty sometimes but i'd rather#be blamed for being unpleasant than only caring about myself because i want to feel safe and yeah i can admit that often i do only#care about myself but that's because i genuinely hate some of these ppl sometimes and why should i care? they suck idk vent over
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butchsophiewalten · 9 months
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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moe-broey · 5 months
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Sharena: Beautiful, radiant, stunning, shining SO brightly
Moe: Looks like it's in physical pain but it's happy. I promise 👍
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all-that-jazz-93 · 1 year
Holy shit dude, Peggy haters on this webbed site have the weirdest fucking takes
I mean honestly, talk about willfully ignoring canon to form your own (wrong) opinions about a character...
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tenpixelsusie · 1 year
"Rick is the better scientist!" "actually, Reagan is the better scientist because-!!" shut up shut up shut up we all know the best fictional scientist is ALPHYS from UNDERTALE
#jeremy hater moment#hate hate HATE looking up reagan on anything and seeing her compared to rick like leave my girl alone !!!#STOP BASHING HER!!!#istg anytime i see rick and reagan in the same post i'll think ''god help me''. this is making me hate r&m fans so bad#where was i. oh yeah#in comparison to both of these characters i personally think alphys comes out on top both in a better written and better story arc stance#like don't get me wrong!! i love reagan!! but alphys will always be first in my heart#alphys is an amazing example of the ''good person who's done bad things and has to live with themselves'' character archetype-#what with the amalgamates and locking them away and hiring mettaton to stage stuff for the human just so alphys could be apart of it all-#and her arc about forgiving herself and finally giving the families closure and bringing their relatives back home and confessing-#what she had done and just. overall- everything about her story and her time interacting with frisk and undyne and everyone-#it's amazing how toby fox created this- this AMAZING little dino gal and wrote her with so much love and. just. AH!!!#alphys is. an amazing character. and i wouldn't have had her story go any other way.#(also if any of the details here are inaccurate please be nice 😭 i haven't replayed undertale in fuck knows how long)#like i said i think she comes out on top for any fictional (mad?) scientist in any media tbh. she's so sillay ♡#(sorry to reagan. even if i love her character and overall just. her in general i'm giving alphys this one. she's the og 💥‼)#one last thing: outside of everything i've mentioned alphys is just SUCH a charming character overall !#alphys appreciation club 4eva *peace sign*#(also i think reagan and alphys should meet and become friends right... neow!!)#(should i tag rick and reagan??? i'll tag em for organizational purposes)#reagan ridley#rick sanchez#tw rick and morty#<- for blacklist#inside job netflix#im not tagging r&m LOL#alphys undertale#undertale#dr alphys#this is ok to reblog by the way
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edelorion · 1 month
#edel vents#disclaimer: really personal issues in the tags. also wishes of death upon others. this is PROBABLY too much information tbh...#so if you're not up for it scroll down fast!!!! the deluge is coming!!!#today was... eventful. bad. also very bad. grandma's birthday celebration was today#and while she... definitely has Old People Issues (racist) shes also very lonely since the death of my grandfather so i can't really not go#i'm the only one who really visits her regularly to begin with#aside from the... very serious racism issue... she's “alright”. i guess. but that's besides the point. there's family there#and among those... my parents. which i don't like to talk to#discovered they threw more of my old stuff away. typical. wanted to strangle them. as usual.#had to “talk” with my mother (read: spend approximately ten seconds reciting exactly why i *don't* talk to her anymore)#so that whole ordeal completely soured my mood.#went home tired. can't really do anything right now.#at least the food was good i guess. but i also really want to cry... which i can't. which sucks.#...i really like to think i've improved as a person. i used to be really hateful of everything and everyone#worst of all myself. still kinda do but i'm... getting better..?#i like to think i've grown past most of it but every time i see my parents i feel this gripping at my heart. as if i haven't really changed#as if instead i'm still the hateful person i “always was” deep down... bc there's this visceral joy that i feel whenever i'm mad at them.#when i looked at my mother and told her how much i despise her i felt a shiver of happiness. righteousness.#to be clear: i do NOT care for her. at all. she's the worst person on this earth#and the only person whom my philosophy of “nobody deserves to die” does NOT apply to. i'm not scared of hating her.#she genuinely deserves this. but...every time i see my parents - and thus her... i feel as if i'm slipping back into that mindset of hatred#i don't want that. not anymore. it consumed me whole. i was a horrible person back then and i've caused so much grief for so many#i can't let go of this hatred. i can't forgive them. they don't deserve my forgiveness anyway. but i'm tired of hating.#i'm tired of letting that hatred define me. i'm tired of letting that hatred direct me. i'm tired of letting it bring me to ruin.#i'm tired of being who i was. i'm no longer “that”. i'm edel now and i'm happy for people now. if i don't like something i just walk out.#i can just leave. “if it sucks hit the bricks” right?.. but i didn't. i had to say it. i had to tell them. her. and i liked it.#and... i'm scared of that. because it tells me i haven't improved.#i'm not sure what i'm expecting out of posting this i guess. maybe help. maybe i wanna be told that this is normal or something.#maybe i just want to get my thoughts in order. i don't know. i'm gonna stop writing now.#sorry for making you read all this. thanks for doing it anyway. tags were cut off on this one btw so it may look like a mess. but. yeah.
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lamiaviridis · 5 months
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💚     ⸺     ​ @liecrafted 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬. ┆𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 - always accepting !
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you have no idea what i'd do to keep you safe.
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The plan of action in pursuing this particular He Who Remains Variant was simple: Amora would pose as a distraction, Loki surveyed the establishment for any of this particular Variant's henchmen and dispose of them and Mobius waited for him to cue an ambush of said Variant with an appropriate amount of Minutemen. Posing as an exotic dancer to gain the attention of a mob-affiliated millionaire was mere child's play for The Enchantress. And all was going swimmingly well, until the Variant called a few more of his men over to gawk at Amora.
Shifting a bit on his lap, she forced a smile and held out a hand in greeting, fighting back a gag when the opposing man bestowed a kiss upon the back of it. These men were armed with weaponry, though bullets barely phased Asgardian deities such as she and Loki, whom she couldn't help but take note of his ever-building envy as more men crowded around her. The multitude of hands on her bothered her more than she'd ever admit; she was used to men flaunting after her prowess and her beauty for eons, though not being touched by two at once. She merely played the part and waited until the Variant had his guard down so she could enchant him with a kiss Loki hopefully wouldn't see.
Though, that moment never came due to the onslaught of bodies hitting the brothel floors as the group of men, the Variant included, slumped over and Loki was the only one left standing, hurrying over to her and grabbing her arm. With a tug, she was off the Variant's lap and walking alongside Loki towards the exit of the establishment. She barely had time to process all of what had happened, though she yanked her arm from his grasp and demanded to know the absurdity of his actions. He claimed they were getting "too insistent" and could tell she'd been afraid. This, for some reason, angered her.
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❛  Afraid ? The Enchantress holds no fear, especially not towards Midgardian fools such as these. I had the situation under control, and I was more than nearing my opportunity to strike my target. I am no weakling, Loki. I am more than capable of saving myself.  ❜
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