thedelolos · 2 years
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zandpatchwork19 · 1 year
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Silly sketches of Wally as a Skullgirls character
Fight initiation + Burst. He’d probably be weary of Valentine lol.
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Bryan Dechart watched Star Trek to prepare for Connor's performance by observing Data and Evan Parke who played Luther also played Tenqem Adrev in Star Trek so that means Bryan may have watched Luther's actor in Star Trek before they even knew each other had gotten the roles
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I saw the Book of Life come up again in another post. Big problem that seems to keep coming up when talking about it is how it can supposedly erase someone from history, which can cause major plot-breaking ramifications.
But then - I had a REALIZATION
So let's say this book exists - erase a being's name, they have never existed. If they have never existed, then it'll cause a butterfly effect if they have affected something major in history
The real question is - would Heaven or Hell care? Would the Metatron care? In the end, it doesn't matter what happens to humans. The Second Coming will happen no matter what, which will most likely lead to another apocalypse, wiping out humanity
So if you are in a sense, getting rid of humanity... what's the best place to do it?
What if you had a being who's been there the entirety of human history? They have surely caused a domino effect thanks to their existence, so if you take them out of the equation, you might have a better chance at control of humanity. Especially considering this being started this chain with one specific act. One specific temptation, that originates with the first humans and an apple tree.
When Heaven ends life here on Earth, it'll be just as dead as if Hell ended it; so why not prune it at its source?
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komorebiboo · 2 years
// genshin omori spoilers⚠️⚠️
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"forgiving yourself"
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was it casual when i sat in your lap in public? was it casual when i said "recently my heart is crying because you're leaving"? was it casual when we decided how your last name would fit with mine? ("yuki tsunoda-gasly" / "no tsunoda, only gasly" / "yuki gasly?") was it casual when we sang adele's "someone like you" together at your going away party? was it casual when i knew it was you just by touching your ass? was it casual when i knew it was you by smell alone? was it casual when "will you miss me?" / "for 2-3 minutes maybe" / "i'll take that. even if it's just 2-3 minutes, i'll take that"? was it casual when that bus was completely empty and we still sat right next to each other, all the way in the back? was it casual when i picked you up multiple times so you could dunk a basketball? was it casual when i begged to come over to your house multiple time and then you finally let me and we cooked fried rice together? was it casual when we played christmas twister together and i said "your big eggplant is touching my ass"? was it casual when we were pressed up against each other on a scooter going two miles per hour? was it casual when-
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ACT 2 "You're... me?" "That's right, stardust!"
You know I've been drawing Loop as their Siffrin form so much that it's got me thinking. I've read and seen so many fics and artworks of Loop eventually getting back to looking like their old self, but I don't think I've seen any so far of Loop already being a mirror copy of Siffrin. So uh, yoink?
ISAT AU where the game plays out the same way (plot-wise at least) but Loop looks like Siffrin the whole time and while Siffrin is extremely perplexed that there's another him, he's still gotta accept their help because how else are they supposed to escape the loops? Good ol' Loop is here to help, helpful friendly Loop!
Siffrin is going through it still but Differently.
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tppart · 2 months
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Haven't done a portrait since last November but I think I still got it 😀 the challenge I gave myself this time was to use the 5 different brands of Derwent pencils I own, three of which I've never used before even after having them for years. Some were more fun to use than others but I think they gave me a good final result! Whaddya think!
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biruesque · 2 years
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some postcanon utenanthy stuff
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kairennart · 1 year
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The Swan Queen
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stevethehairington · 2 years
Steve sits in his car, parked outside of the Hawkins High theater room as he waits for his begrudgingly favorite group of gremlins to come spilling out of the building and pile into his backseat (and argue about the front seat too) so he can drive them home after their Dorks & Doofuses, or whatever it's called, club.
It, technically, ends at six, but it usually takes them a while to pack up all their shit (and who knew a nerd game could have more equipment than most sports?). Plus they love to linger after to try and weasel hints about future sessions out of their Nerd King or whatever he's called and start strategizing for next time. Steve always tells them not to dawdle, they've got curfews and he's got parents to keep happy, but they never listen.
He glances down at his watch right as the little hands ticks past the three. Any minute now. At least that's what he hopes, anyways.
ABBA's playing through the tape deck, and Steve absentmindedly taps along as the opening bars of Gimme Gimme Gimme fill the car. He hums the tune through the first verse and turns it up just as it starts to gear up for the chorus.
And then, as if on cue, right as that chorus hits, right as Agnetha and Anni-Frid start to ask for their man after midnight, the doors of the theater room go flying open.
And out walks — nay, saunters — the prettiest boy that Steve has ever laid eyes on. Dressed in a tantalizing mix of leather and denim, he's got his head thrown back in a bright, beautiful laugh (loud enough to hear even over the music, and jesus, it sounds even better than the song), his long, wild curls fanning out around his face and shoulders, and the most gorgeous, easy smile pulling at his mouth and baring all of his teeth.
There's not a soul out there, ABBA sings, no one to hear my prayer.
But boy oh boy are they wrong. Steve didn't send out any prayers, but there sure as shit is a soul out there. Traipsing through the Hawkins High parking lot like he owns the place, throwing his arms and hands around in erratic, enthusiastic gestures, walking backwards towards a beat up old van in the back.
And Steve can't look away.
It's almost embarrassing how caught up he gets in staring at this boy, because he doesn't even register the kids trailing out behind him, or how they've finally made it to his car until the doors are wrenched open none too carefully and their raucous bickering bursts through the bubble.
Dustin slides into the front seat and slams the door behind him, and Steve's attention is momentarily stolen from the pretty boy as he slips into the familiar song and dance that is chastising Dustin for his lack of respect for Steve's things and volleying back at the snarky remarks he gets in return.
"Later dweebs!" Interrupts a smooth, lilting voice from outside and every pair of eyes in the car (including Steve's, especially Steve's) snap towards the source. The pretty boy stands in the open door of his van with a broad smirk and a hand stuck up in a sedentary wave.
The kids all chorus their goodbyes and wave back, and Steve — ingloriously, embarrassingly, mortifyingly — gives a wave of his own.
The pretty boy notices, because of course he does, and his grin sharpens. He adds an extra flutter of his fingertips as he meets Steve's eyes directly.
Steve flushes all the way up to his roots and immediately tears his gaze away, drops his hand to the wheel, and clears his throat. "Alright," he says, sounding a bit pinched. "Buckle up shitheads," he adds and hopes that none of the excruciatingly nosy children in his car noticed any of that.
He doesn't even know how to begin explaining any of that to the kids. He doesn't even know how to being explaining any of this to himself.
Steve waits for the sound of three distinct clicks, then shifts the car into drive and eases off of the break. As he heads towards the parking lot exit, Steve spares one last fleeting glance to the pretty boy getting smaller and smaller in his rear view mirror.
Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight, take me through the darkness to the break of the day.
The song — which Steve is absolutely going to have stuck in his head for days now, just like a certain boy that will absolutely be stuck in his head for days (and weeks, and months, and—) — fades to it's end, but this? This is only just the beginning.
This is the beginning of Steve Harrington's big huge crush on one Eddie Munson.
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anons-has-hlvrai-aus · 4 months
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Shawarma, anybody?
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mayhasopinions · 1 year
OKAY this is my first owl house post in months but i just thunked something amazing. in any other show, luz, the quirky main character, would have gotten with hunter, the typical bad boy archetype. amity would have remained a stereotypical mean girl and willow would be stuck being the nerdy, sweet chubby friend of the main character. but the owl house didn't do that.
instead, the quirky main character ended up with the 'mean girl' instead of the 'bad boy' with the i-can-fix-him mentality, and it turns out the 'bad boy' was never bad-turned redeemed but still with that edge. no. he became an utter soft boy, losing most of his edge that would usually appeal the main character to him, because he's happier. instead of dating her, he forms a close sibling relationship with the main character. the 'mean girl' turned out to be the sad girl who needed a hug and someone to lean on, and the main character became that person to her, helping her become the best version of herself and doing the same for her in return. and the chubby friend became strong, sporty and confident in herself but never lost her kindness (or her glasses!! she didn't need to take them off to be beautiful because she already was!!), and the supposed 'bad boy' of the show became embarassingly and obviously smitten with her, instead choosing her to be with rather than the main character.
this has all probably been said before but the thing i adore about the owl house is how it flips the typical character sterotypes, archetypes and dynamics we've become accustomed to in american media and completely flips them on it's head and subverts them. god, this show.
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lady-corrine · 3 months
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agustd3 · 10 months
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SIYEON ✦ OOTD Weekly Idol, ep. 640
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lumi-cherries · 3 months
do you have any rei boob hcs... i like to think she has stretch marks from them growing kind of quickly (projecting) i like to think she was flat chested at first but then they seemed to grow overnight LOL
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STRETCH MARKS.......................................... HOLY SHIT. ANON. YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOOD this will officially be my hc as well thank u
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