mackershairlock · 1 year
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light yagami's mom lol
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latay7 · 2 months
hi do you have any headcanons for abel and abyss?
Why hello helllooooo ><
Thay you so much for your request and i hope i fullflled your wish how you wanted
General headcannons for Abyss and Abel ☆
ੈ✩‧₊˚genre : i think fluff with a few mentions of their background stories
ੈ✩‧₊˚Note : idk why is it taking me so long to do the requests 🥲
(Btw Devider by the amazing : @saradika )
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Abyss razor
For starters , we know how is our poor boy when comes to girls💀💔like , i love this man but....he is ...miserable.
So you can defently imagine the one sided tension between you too , but you were patient and gentle with him , it wasn't easier for him eaither.
At first , it took a while , but then he slowly warmed up to you because he saw how much of you were wiling to accept him for who he was. Which was something he questioned for a while.(my man will throw himself out the window if a female touched him )
I mean , not many people saw him as something other than a curse because of his eye , and being a part of the Magia Lupus , people feared him , stayed away from him.
But he was met with your kindness that no one has ever given him. He found himself thinking , Overthinking , why , why were you like this , to him ?? He was a monster , a curse...
But you saw beyond that , you saw the poor soul inside him that had to endure all that suffering , the little child that never got to feel love before , locked up in a dark room to cry himself to sleep , regretting being born , everyday.
If he was to describe it , it was how your hand slowly inches towards his so you don't jumpscare him , how you go easy with his overwhelmed self , your sickening sweet words thay he heard not with his ears , but his heart , the heart that was in you hands , and to sum it up. (i talk a lot...i know)
He loves words of affirmation and quality time , because it makes him feel the dedication and love you have for him , it makes him feel alive. And i think that he slowly leans towards physical touch since it was smth that we can say he NEVER had any of it in his life.
In return , he gives you acts of service and quality time as well (idk why but i think he's not that great with forming sentences , especially when girls) , he tries his best so you stay with him so he can live in your eternal love and warmth.
Abel and the Magia lupus know about you , athough he tries to keep you away from the latter , he sometimes tend to tell him about you when Abel notices his mood or behaviour being better than the previous days , and tbh , i feel like Abel would be a but delighted to see that change in Abyss (this is a wild take that i have no idea what basis is it taking.....headcanon w/o the head)
"Be careful of my heart won't you , see , you're taking it home with uou tonight , please , don't break it"
Abel Walker
You can fix him (wtf am i smoking)
Jokes aside , Abel , before his encounter with with Mash and you , had a very....specific....percpective of the world , but after you heard his story , you too were willing go change his looks towards the world and the people.
Approaching him was VERY difficult , let alone having a conversation with him , but you were consistant until Mash did what he did and Abel...opened up.
When you two got to talk , you tried to tell him more about what you think and see in this life but he seemed to dissmiss you , he didn't deny your ideas but he ignored you the first times.
He did that because you were kind and lovely , just like his mother , so he was intrigued , which led to unexpected outcome.
He starts showing up to you , out of te blue, for no reason 💀just to do whatever , you're studying at the library? He's there studying too, which is wierd because he as well denies the idea you're getting about him wanting go be friends.
But you're like "yeah sure buddy , whatever helps you sleep at night". He's curious , why do you think the way you think , he of course remembers his mother like that too , but he wanted to know more.
You show him , bit by bit , everything beautiful in life , and how forgivness is more powerful than revenge , and how helping others will benefit you more than focuisng on only yourself.
He didn't realise it and fell in love with you , and here , a new story began.
He's not that great with physical touch but he will always be there when you need him , freeing his schedule to be with you.
You're well acquainted with the Magia Lupus as well , (which he threatened : if anything happens to her on your watch , you're paying the price) so they to be as welcoming as ever with you.
He tells you about his mother and watchsd how you smile when he describes her and her kindness to you , and how you sympathise with him about her death.
You do everything you can to find the kind hearted soul in him , and despite him denying it , you're not gonna give up.
"It's you , despite everything , it's still you"
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That was crazy , ahhhhhhhh it took me soo long im sorrryyy
And i hope i did well because this was quite the risk that i took
Anyway , i noticed that i curse a lot so im sorry if that bothers anyone-
And hope u like my next works! I'll try to be quick
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spooderman04 · 2 years
Forewarning: this reeks of 2012 avengers fan fiction but just roll with it alright
Also it’s not a coherent thought but that’s besides the point
So you remember 5+1? Yep your right here’s another one
5 times Tony surprised the avengers with languages, and one time …
1. Tony can speak Russian.
2. Tony knows ASL
3. Tony speaks Dora
4. Tony knows Arabic (idk some kidnapping language
5. Tony speaks Italian (idek)
+1. I have no idea please repost and help me figure out
1. Tony walks into kitchen ethier early in morning or late at night. Nat is also there. Nat is venting in Russian. Include self doubt or background reference. Maybe both. Tony walks in purposely making his footsteps heavy so he doesn't get a knife to the skull, and responds in Russian. Nat is obviously surprised and they talk. Or not. They could just watch a movie and never speak of it again idk.
2. Clint tries to hide the fact he's deaf so they don't see him differently. Yes, Nat knows. She always knows. Clint had it taken out of his shield file a long time ago. He can lip-read and has basically invisible hearing aids. An emp takes out Clint's hearing aids during some small fight or something. Clint doesn't have a spare and has to last through briefing and life at the tower until they can give him a new pair in the morning. He just wants a bagel in silence and runs into the team in the kitchen cuz Tony never sleeps, Steve, Nat, and Bruce get up at the buttcrack of dawn, and Thor just likes poptarts. But anyways the team finds out, Clint's tired and can't lipread 6 people at once. And Tony kinda emerges from the shadows like finally I have some hearing aid designs I want you to try out… but in ASL. Nat also knows ASL. Cuz why the freak not. And Clint's kinda like, what? how did you know, and how do you know ASL?? (In ASL btw, just to confuse Steve) and Tony kinda shrugs it off and says he hacked shield remember (but Clint knows better. He knows he's just as observant as him and was probably just waiting for Clint to willingly tell the team (yes he's made 7 prototypes already)) and Clint kinda drops that one in favor of asking where he knew ASL from. Tony says the original Jarvis taught him some, and learned everything after hiring a deaf employee. Or maybe he learned it after he found out about Clint. Nat respects him for respecting Clint. She talks to Fury about changing her recommendation.
3 ok so basically after Afghanistan Tony learned as many languages as he could, especially the less common ones typically used but potential kidnappers. So he learns Dora (similar to the wakandan language) uhhh idk team goes to wakanda for some reason, maybe Bucky, Bucky's a good option. anywaysss. idk someone talks in wakandan, maybe like the guards or other people walking around, maybe okoye to techalla or shuri. He ends up in shuris lab cuz they're science nerds do you expect otherwise. And shuri kinda just says ethier smarter than he looks or another white boy for me to fix. If it's the latter Tony can respond with and a nerdy teenager in need of a father figure for me to adopt. Or something like that whie in wakandan and he gets a shocked look and a smile before shuri says “a competent white boy for me to fix”
4. Team gets kidnapped. Kidnappers speak some wierd language not even natasha knows, and clint dosnt even know how to ask “can i pet your dog” in said language, and the kidnappers think no one knows what theyre saying because everyone just looks confused as all get out, or drugged out of their minds ie. bruce and thor, and once they spill a location or the evil plan or somthing tony can use he responds in this random language no one knows, the kidnapperslook shocked, and a few seconds later a suit breaks in with shield on its tail rescuing them. Yeah i know not as funny but im tired okay
5. Yeah the rest idk what to do with
If u got ideas add em cuz I'm bored and don't know where to go😂
5. ??? I need help guys
If u got ideas add em cuz I'm bored and don't know where to go😂
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seraphsfire · 2 years
strange new worlds spoilersssss im sorryyyyyyy lol
man strange new worlds season finale is ??????? 
i didn’t know where they were trying to go with it. why are they redoing a tos episode? why was the message basically ‘welp that kid will also die but the important thing is that spock doesn’t die! like WHAT are you doing chris. The conclusion was inevitable but the way they framed pike viewing it was SO wierd.  
why didn’t they wrap up any of the loose ends from the season or give a teaser about what they were going to explore more instead of having an entire episode about pike just deciding his fate? it was super drawn out for what seemed like something he’d change his mind on quickly when confronted with the consequences. Even 20 mins would have given them plenty of time to explore that while still leaving a decent amount of time to talk about other stuff. 
also idk who that guy is but he’s not kirk. I’ve always had criticisms about tos kirk, but this guy doesn’t have any of the charm and almost like... sensuality??? that sh*tner had (even tho that old man makes me so annoyed lol) 
i think the point of willy was that he *didn’t* look like a typical leading man so casting a guy with CW Face (TM) is kind of contrary to the whole vibe.  they also didn’t try to make him look anything like kirk which. What? why does he have dark brown hair? if they were going to cast a guy that looked the exact opposite of sh*tner why didn’t they at least fix the hair color, they did with everybody else playing characters from tos? I’d argue that other than pike and spock his appearance is more important to get closer to the TOS cast than like chapel who aren��t main tos characters.
idk this guy was like a less charming and more bland version of pike kind of? There wasn’t any smirking, no sparkle in this guy’s eyes, idk if he was just badly directed or badly cast or isn’t a good actor or maybe all of the three. he had No Chemistry with spock at all. I’m not even talking (b)romance just like. Any kind of interest in each other?
im glad if other ppl liked it i just couldn’t really enjoy it and there were some parts i liked but overall i just didn’t like it and seeing spock Like That hurt me so bad. chris didn’t even give spock a hug at the end after All That :(
all in all tho even if it was imo the only stinker (for me personally) in the season that’s Still nine pretty cool episodes. 
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teddy06writes · 3 years
PLEEAASE 😭😭 I'm begging you for some hurt/comfort resolution for the last karlnapity x reader and sleepy bois brothers!! I just want them all to be happyyy. If the 3 lives was implemented, or if reader came back like ghostbur and the hurt is raw for the loved ones, the fallout and fixing, the love and regret i- (I loved the fic, your karlnapity are my favorite!! keep up the awesome work!! <3)
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader + sleepy boys x silbing!reader
trigger warnings: mention character death (it’s you, your the dead one) yelling, swearing,
requested by the anon above, another anon: “ngl after reading that angst fic I can picture y/n ( even tho I know y/n came back with knowing who the boys were ) coming back kinda like ghostbur knowing the boys voices but can't exactly place their names and who they are to them or something like that ?? idk my brain went think of more angst after that fic - also sorry this is just me rambling. love your work btw !!” 
as well as @tobiostfu @theprocrastinatingshipper @pastelvixenbeauty  and probably some more folks I might have missed
premise: this is a part two to the other angst thing from the other day, so I recommend you read that for context, this is a resolve (ish) to that 
(y/n/n)- your nickname
“blep”- talking
‘blep’ thinking
You had drifted the lands of the SMP, and L’Manburg for sometime trying to remember what had happened, and why everyone was always yelling.
You’d try to talk to Karl, after Alex and Nick had left, but he just ignored you.
Now you were perched on the top of the stage, looking out ‘why are the walls gone?’, and then looking down, confused, at the strange, cage like structure built at the center.
You heard a sigh, and turned to see Eret looking up at the cage as well, you hopped down off the stage and concentrated, “Eret?”
They jumped, looking around, “What the hell?”
You screwed your eyes shut ‘please see me please see me please-’
You opened your eyes to see Eret looking at you in shock, “Eret! I’m so glad to see you! Everyone’s been ignoring me lately, and acting like I’m not here, and I don’t get it.”
“(y/n)?” His voice was shaking.
“Yeah, Eret. It’s me!” You giggled, “What’s going on here? Did I miss the festival?”
You looked at her confused, “Yeah. W- whats-”
“(y/n/n)?” A teary voice behind you called.
You grinned turning around, running to hug him, “Karl! I missed you! Why did you keep ignoring me?”
He began to cry as you sailed through him, “(y/n/n).”
“Karl? Karl love why are you crying? Eret what’s going on?”
Karl all but fell to his knee’s burring his head in his hands, muffling his sobs, “(y/n/n)!”
You sat beside him, continually trying to wrap your arms around him, but instead they just past through, over, and over, and over and over again, “Wh- why can’t I- what’s- what- Eret whats?”
Tears similar to Karl’s began to roll down your cheeks, as you looked down at your hands, only now noticing how gray your skin looked, “What’s going on?”
“(y/n),” You could tell Eret was fighting to keep their voice from shaking, “Do you not remember?”
“Remember what? What’s going on?”
Karl sobbed louder, and Eret shook her head, “(y/n), I- theres a path, through the woods, behind- up behind the hill. I- I need you to go up there, as far as it goes, alright?”
You nodded, “Why?”
“Just go. I’m going to take Karl back home. Maybe- maybe don’t come back to his house for a while.”
Eret gently helped Karl up, and led him away, his sobs still echoing in your head.
‘what the hell is going on here?’
Slowly you drifted up towards the hill Eret had spoken of, ‘hey, pogtopia is this way! maybe I’ll go see Wil an’ Tommy an’ Techno! They’ll know what’s going on.’
You continued to drift up the path, humming quietly and wondering what Eret had sent you to look at, and why Karl had been crying.
You looked up and around at all the trees, trying to remember them. It was in bits and pieces, Tommy yelling about about freedom, Wilbur saying how proud Phil would be.
You remembered the forests burning, ‘who had done that?’, hiding in the woods after- after something- tnt, blow- after L’manburg had been blown up.
You stopped moving, looking down confused at the stone you had come across, it as large, flat and upright, and you looked at the words confused.
‘(Y/n) brave beyond words, hero of L’manburg’ there were various flowers scattered around, a sword stuck out of the ground, a flower chain wrapped around it’s hilt, there was a uniform jacket, one you vaguely recognized as your own and a bandana, also tied to the hilt of the sword.
Someone dropped something, a sword, “(y/n)?”
“Techno! I missed you! Everyone down in L’manburg is being wierd and when I finally got Karl to stop ignoring me he just started crying, and there’s this weird thing up on the stage and the walls are gone, and Eret told me to come up here, and why is my name on this headstone?”
“(y/n/n) I’m sorry,” Your brother fell to his knees, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too! They made me!”
“What are you talkin about Tech?”
“How are you back here? I’m sorry! This is my fault I did this to you!”
You were surprised to see your brother crying, “What’s wrong Techno?”
“You don’t remember?”
“(Y/n)?” Another voice asked.
You turned, looking at Wilbur, “Wilbur what’s going on? No one’s answering me again, and I’m scared that they can’t see me again! And I’m really confused and I made Karl cry and I don’t get it!”
“(y/n) your dead, you died, you- how are you?” Wilbur stuttered.
“Wha- wh- d- dead? What do you mean?” You watched as Wilbur carefully placed himself between you and a still crying Techno.
“You died, a few days ago. (y/n/n).”
You sank to the ground, fading away so that your brothers wouldn’t see.
~~ “So you don’t remember anything?” The man with the rams horns asked.
You shook your head, “Not everything. Just a lot of things. Wilby says I’m dead, which I guess makes sense now.”
You’d continue drifting around L’manburg, for a while, trying to figure out what had happened on your own, and ended up sitting dejectedly outside the white house, you could remember making it with Tubbo.
“Well I’m Shlatt.” He shuffled around in his desk, looking for something.
“Shlatt?” You paused, trying to remember him, pretending not to notice to see the fear that flashed in his eyes, “Your.. you were here before L’manburg right?”
“Yeah, uh, here.” He pulled out a book and quill, “Uh, write down what you remember, that might help.”
You looked at him quizzically, “I can’t touch things, uh- or manipulate objects in the normal world with out using huge amounts of energy.”
He frowned and quickly picked up the pen, “You dictate then.”
You hummed, “Well, things I remember....”
Alex woke with a start, sitting up from where he was hunched over his desk, blinking at the harsh afternoon light that was drifting through his office window.
He still hadn’t been back to the house since the fight after the execution, and had been forcing himself into work to mask the grief.
“So is there anything else? It doesn’t seem like you remember much.” Shlatt’s voice was muffled by the wall.
“Well it’s a bit foggy towards the end, and the beginning Ooo! I remember Alex and Nicky and Karl too! I could never forget them!”
Alex froze at the familiar giggle.
“Yeah, you never used to shut up about your boyfriends.” Shlatt chuckled.
Alex was running down the hall and slamming the door to the presidents office open before he could register he was moving, “Shlatt am I going insane or...”
He trailed off as your floating grayish form turned to him, “Alex! I couldn’t find you! And I didn’t know what was going on and everyone was ignoring me then I saw Wil and Techno and they told me I was dead. and then I found Shlatt! And he’s helping me write down what I remember! Have you met Shlatt? He’s nice!”
“Shlatt what the fuck is this?” He spoke through you as if you weren’t even there.
“Your partner. Apparently no one around has been helping them sort things out,” The president stood up and moved around his desk, “Ghosts tend to forget things of there past lives, and no one was helping them, so I am.”
“Did you tell them what happened? Why there fuckin- floating around instead of being here with us?” Alex spat.
Shlatt sighed, “Quackity listen this is a delicate thing. Right now it’s be better to help them remember than just tell them. So go find your stupid boyfriends and tell them the situation!”
“I cant Shlatt, we broke up. They don’t want to see me.”
“Is that what you were yelling about?” You asked quietly.
Alex looked at you, shocked, “You heard that?”
“Yeah. You and Nick made Karl cry. And then I couldn’t do anything about it,” you looked down at the floor, “w- is it my fault y- we’re broken up now?”
Alex remained silent so you continued, “I’m trying to remember what I did. And how I died. But if I did something stupid, or something to hurt you, I’m sorry.”
You were crying again, and Shlatt glared at Alex, which somehow surprised you, “This is why is trying to fucking handle this. Leave. Tell the others or not I don’t care, they’ll find out eventually.”
“Wh- Shlatt they- How-”
“I said get out,” Shlatt said firmly, “At least let me try to fix things I’ve fucked up.”
Alex shook his head before turning and heading out of the office, only ducking into his own long enough to grab something before stalking out of the building.
Shlatt turned back to you, already starting to pick the pen back up, “So what else do you remember about.. uh, your last few days. What do you remember right before the end?”
“Did they really break up because of me? If I did something I should go apologized.”
“Hey, hey, no, it ain’t your fault. I’ll go yell at them later. Tell me more about what you remember about the festival.”
~~ “Why the fuck are we here Shlatt?” Tommy half yelled.
Tommy, Technoblade, Wilbur, Alex, Nick and Karl were all gathered in front of Shlatt in the holy land.
“So, some of you may know, some of you may not, (Y/n) is back,” He looked over all the faces, Karl already looking like he was about to cry, and Nick frozen in shock, “For the past week or so they’ve been wandering and apparently none of you have been doing anything to help them.”
“Ghosts don’t remember much from there past lives, so good job on all of you that knew, you left your partner or sibling lost and confused,” He dropped the book you’d written together on the table, “I did my best, they remember everything that's written down here. I couldn’t tell them much about what they forgot, because it’s not my place.
“If you guys want, I can keep talking to them, and doing my best, but incase you haven’t noticed I’m also the fucking president. I can’t spend all my time helping educate a ghost. They disappeared yesterday, after saying something about Karl and how they saw you fools yelling, so, this is in your court now.”
Shlatt turned a walked away, heading back towards Manburg.
With shaking hands Tommy took the book, reading aloud,
“Things I remember: Home, fire, Phil finding me, Wilbur never having seen a child before, Techno swearing he’d protect me, fire, Tommy trying to spar with me before he could walk right, Techno teaching me to fight, finding the SMP lands, L’manburg, fighting for independence, fire,
“the forests burning, seeing Nick for the first time, Babysitting Fundy, winning independence, Eret leaving, fire, destruction, L’manburg thriving, the sun, Tubbo and his bees, more people coming to the country, meeting Karl, finding Alex, when we got our act together and finally all started dating.
“Wil threatening Nick and nick not being scared, Techno threatening all of them and making them terrified. Pogtopia, the cavern The festival, the dunk tank, Techno almost crying, my boys, fire.”
He looked up at his brothers, “You knew they were back?”
“I was in shock,” Techno was staring at his boots, clearing his throat uncomfortably, “Y’know I swore I’d protect ‘em, but- I- I killed ‘em.”
Nick grabbed the book from Tommy, “We have to find them.”
“Fundy can you turn the page for me please?”
The fox nodded, “Course (y/n).”
Most of the shock had worn off, and now he was mostly just happy to see you again, even going and finding an old photobook Wilbur had given him a while ago.
“Oh I remember this!” You pointed to a photo, it was taken a year after Phil had found you, “There was a big fire across the field, and while they were taking care of it I got scared and ran away, Techno found me in a tree.”
Fundy laughed, “3 year old you got in a tree by yourself?”
“Yeah, furball, I was in a tree when Philza found me too.” You chuckled.
“Hey Fundy, have you...” Niki burst in the door, tailing off as she saw you.
You waved “Hey Niki.”
“Uhh, Your brothers, and your partners are looking for you.”
You frowned, “Are they still my partners if I’m dead?”
Niki gave you a sad look, “Come on. Sapnap hasn’t seen you and he’s worried.”
“They all fought because of me, I’d rather stay here,” You looked out the door warily, “I don’t want to make things worse than they already are.”
“They need you (y/n), you brought them together.”
You drifted around Fundy and towards the door, “Making things worse isn’t something I want to do.”
You went through the door, past the group of people, making your form fade as much as possible so as not to be noticed, from there you wandered down to the docks, sitting on the edge to look over the channel.
“Phil sent a letter, said he’s devastated your gone, but overjoyed your still here.”
You looked up at Techno, “How’d you know I’d be down here?”  
“You always liked the water,” He chuckled, “Specially if there was a fire goin on somewhere else.”
“I don’t want to make things worse, if your here to take me back there.”
“I’m here to apologize. I know you don’t remember, but in case you do, I’m sorry, I had to do it.”
You laughed, “Your my big brother Tech, I doubt I’d be mad at you if I remembered.”
He smiled sadly, sitting down next to you, “Why do you think you’ll make things worse?”
You sighed, “Well when I first came back, I thought everyone was ignoring me. And when I found L’manburg again Karl and Nick and Alex were fighting about something I did, and then when Eret finally saw me Karl started crying, and then when I found you and Wilby you started crying and I just- I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”
Techno looked at you, “If anything it’s our fault. All of this.”
“Techno, can we talk to (y/n)?”
You froze at Nick’s voice, but your brother was already moving, and Your partners were taking his place.
“(y/n/n), we’re sorry-”
“Stop,” You cut Alex off, “Whatever’s happening stop. You can’t apologize to me for shit I did that I can’t remember.”
“(y/n/n), we aren’t apologizing for that, that's not even your fault. We’re apologizing for fighting as soon as you were gone.” Nick said.
“Please come back with us. Don’t disappear,” Karl’s voice was barley a whisper, “We can help you remember.”
You bit your lip, sobbing, “I don’t want to make things hard on you guys. I didn’t even want to come back like this! Before I woke up again, it was just darkness, and it was horrible. but somehow staying there for eternity seems better than this.”
All three sets of arms passed through you, all of your boyfriends forgetting they couldn’t hold you, only making you cry harder.
“I want to be resurrected.”
It had been a week and a half since the day at the docks. You hadn’t gone back with them, though you had continued hanging around Manburg, talking mainly to Shlatt, and by now you just wanted to go back to the normal you remembered.
“Resurrected?” Dream looked at you curiously.
“Yeah. I want to go back. If I can’t stay dead the normal way and I’m stuck here then I want it to be normal. I want to hug my boyfriends, and ruffle my little brothers hair!”
The man behind the mask merely cocked his head, “So why did you come to me?”
“You’re essentially a god in these lands. I figured you might know someone or someway for me to be resurrected,” The mask shifted and you could almost here the plan formulating in his mind, “And if it ends up failing I don’t want it to hurt anyone else.”
The man sighed, “It would be a very complicated process. It’s been what, three weeks since you died, what ever was left of your body is going to be- less than in good condition.”
“What was left?” You questioned.
“Oh, (y/n), didn’t they tell you?”  Had the mask been gone you would have seen the gleam of wickedness in his eyes, “You went off with a bang.”
“You’re planning what?” Shlatt yelled, incredulous.
You’d told Shlatt about the plan for resurrections, seeing as he was one of the only one who really still talked to you, “I have to do it Shlatt! I can’t stay like this! I want things to be normal! I want-” Your voice grew small, “I want to take back what you took from me.”
Fear flashed in the horned mans eyes, “He told you.”
“Even you wouldn’t,” You said dejectedly, “I thought you were my friend.”
“I- I was your friend, At some points at least.”
He watched as you floated away, “I suppose we’ll see once I’m back.”
As soon as you were gone Shlatt was hurrying out of his office, “Quackity! Quackity, some shit is about to hit the fan! You better call the idiots in Pogtopia!”
It didn’t take long for him to assemble your brothers and partners, frantically telling them the situation, “Dream is up to something with this people! He obviously is doing some manipulation shit!”
“Why do you even care Shlatt?” Tommy asked, “Your the bitch who killed them, so why should you care if they come back?”
“Sorry that the one time I’m willing to look past shit you don’t trust me?” He groaned, pulling a bottle from his coat and taking a swig, “Sorry that I’m trying to help.”
“How would he even turn this against us?” Nick asked, “Resurrections isn’t something he can do, he’d put Bad in charge of that, and we all know that Bad wouldn’t corrupt someone.”
“It’s possible that they won’t remember anything, at all, and people who’ve forgotten are the easiest to manipulate.” Shlatt sighed.
“We have to help them.” Karl decided.
Darkness, darkness, darkness.
You had finally found your way back to that dark abyss, though now it was filled with strange chanting.
It felt like you were bein dragged across the length of the universe, losing everything of your being along the way.
‘stop! stop stop stop! I want- I want to remember’ you begged the darkness.
The hell you found yourself in seemed to stretch, continuing for infinity, the darkness, called you, begging you to stay, to give up the last of your essence to it.
The chanting grew louder as you tried to scream, the sound lodged in a throat that no longer existed.
All at once you became nothing, and then you felt the weight of a thousand suns crushing you back down into a body.
~~ Your eyes flicked open, to a blinding white world.
“It worked! There awake!” You heard Bad yell.
You started to smile as you heard Alex yell, “Get the fuck away from them Dream, you can’t manipulate anyone else!”
You sat up, starting to look around, but still, you saw nothing but light, “Alex? Wh- It- why can’t I see?”
“They remember!”  you heard Karl rejoice.
“Why can’t I see?” You asked again, raising your hands to your eyes.
“(y/n) what do you mean?” Nick asked.
“I can’t see.” You said desperately, reaching out you felt your boyfriends wrapping there arms around you.
“I think I know how to fix it!” Bad yelled triumphantly.
Everything went black again.
This time, your trip through hell was not as bad, though you seemed not to notice as your existence and identify was striped away again.
~~ Your eyes flicked open, the feeling returned to your body, and slowly you sat up, looking around at the odd group of people gathered around you, “Who are you?”
As soon as the world came out of your mouth a mousy haired man in a colorful sweater burst into tears, the man with the beanie next to him quickly pulling him into a hug.
“I- Who are you?”
“Do you not remember?”  
You shook your head, “Remember what?”
you turned to the pink haired man, “I know you don’t I? I swear- I- I know I know you. Why don’t I remember you?”
A demonic looking man quickly closed a book, “You guys should clear out. a third party might be better for this.”
~~ The man- Bad, had explained basics of things to you, who everyone who’d been in the room before, and the said that you would have to stay at his house in the Badlands for a few days.
The next day was better.
‘holy shit it worked!’ you thought, looking down at your arms, ‘I’m back’
Quietly you got out of the bed, rushing through the room and towards the stairs of Bad and Skeppy’s house, “Guys! Guys it worked! I’m alive again!”
You turned another corner to see you brothers, looking at you shocked, “(y/n)? You remember?”
You grinned, quickly pulling your brother into a hug, “It wasn’t your fault Techno! You didn’t mean to it’s okay!”
You turned again, “Karl! Nicky! Alex!”
The next thing you knew you were in a pile on the ground, your boyfriends all hugging you tightly.
They brought you home soon after, and from there you had good days and bad days.
There were days where you remembered it all, days where you found yourself lost and confused in an unknown house, and days where you could on recognize certain things around you.
Still, you were back with Nick and Karl and Alex, and you would make it through, together.
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waatched · 3 years
Please🙏, spare some Jordi Chin fics. Idk if you do x reader's but maybe the reader is a fellow fixer who has a contract on him, but then he catches them and they kinda just hang out or smth cuz he doesnt wanna kill them (they cute uwu). idk it's just an idea. I'm starved for WD fics homie. Bless you.🙏💕
YES!!! COMING RIGHT UP, I’m most definitely gonna fucking try!!
(Y/N) was a fixer, who was known pretty well in Chicago, for their good organised crimes, and escapes. They knew everything about everyone, nobody escaped. Even Aiden Pearce, also known as “The Vigilante” or “The Fox” tried to catch them, yet failed. They had the skills in escaping and hacking, which made them very good.
As (Y/N) was relaxing in their home, minding their buisness, they hear a ring on their phone. They let down what they are doing and get to the point, answering.
“Hello, (Y/N) here.”
The man on the other line replied seriously, on a direct tone.
“We need you now. I don’t care how or what, you need to get here in an instant. We have a contract that might interest you.”
“Alright, calm the fuck down, i’m on my way.”
With that said, (Y/N) hung up and got dressed as usual, but not appealing, since they didn’t want to get noticed by any camera or anything, and not only, but they didn’t want their name/face seen anywhere. They knew how to hide themselves, and quite well actually. They learned how to protect themselves ever since they were a child, learning how to fight, how to shoot, fighting, hacking... they had always been alone, no parents, no brothers or sisters.. but they promised to keep everyone safe, and punish the guilty.
As they arrived, they sat down at the table where their boss was, sighing as they crossed their legs.
“So.. what’s this contract about?”
The Boss handed over a paper, a very handsome man showing on it with the name of “Jordi Chin”. He had collaborated with the Vigilante in the past, but mostly he was almost as good at (Y/N). The only thing he missed were the hacking skills. As (Y/N) looks more thoroughly, understanding his style. (Y/N) let the paper on the table, sitting up, smirking.
“I’m gonna go handle it right now. He seems like an easy target. Is the money good?”
“Oh, it’s very good. 15.000$ sound good enough for you?”
“Mmm... make it 150.000$. Take it or leave it.”
“...fine. That’s because your the best fixer out here. Now go.”
As the boss said that, (Y/N) headed out, making a plan in their head to capture Jordi in a trap. Before heading to him, he needed to track him. He asked his boss on text to send him a photo of the contract, maybe that could have helped to find his number, and surprisingly: it did. They called from one of their burner phones, fixing their hair,
Jordi heard his phone, yet was too bothered as he was with his sniper in his hand, killing the last target he had. After a couple of minutes, he finally called back.
“Hello, who is this?” Jordi said in a more suspicious tone.
(Y/N) didn’t reply, hanging up on him as they got a lock on his location, grabbing their motorcycle, and racing to his location.
Jordi was wierded out, but decided to let it slip since he had a lot of unknown phone calls from Aiden. Yet this one felt... wierd. He kept that in mind and became more vigilant.
As (Y/N) arrived, they remained on behind a wall, observing Jordi’s elegant moves and his white suit swinging everytime he made a move. Jordi was humming something softly, as he put the pieces together, to make it seem like a gang shoot out. He had some black, smooth gloves on his hand, so his DNA wouldn’t get on the bodies.
(Y/N) slowly approached him, pointing a gun to the back of his head, frowning.
“Freeze or I shoot.”
“Ah, I was expecting something else, but this is just disappointing. I’m disappointed.”
Jordi said calm, raising his hands up as he turned around.
(Y/N) was shocked by his elegance and his smug expression, still keeping the gun at his head, shaking slightly.
“W-what are you doing?!” (Y/N)’s voice was shaking a little, almost breaking.
“Your voice is shaking, little one, are you sure you still wanna point the gun at me? Jordi smirked, tilting his head, trying to show a little bit of empathy, yet that came off as mockery.
“Shut it, my voice isn’t breaking, dickface.” (Y/N) got a little angry, their eye twitching a little. They couldn’t lie, Jordi was attractive. But they hated the fact that they liked the pet names Jordi was giving them. They slowly let the gun down, they just couldn’t shoot him. That was the first time (Y/N) felt a little bit of empathy.
Jordi gasped, smirking.
“What a good babe. Now, why don’t we talk this all out, huh?”
After that encounter, Jordi and (Y/N) sort of became accomplices. Sidekicks. (Y/N) had Jordi’s back, Jordi had (Y/N)’s back. They weren’t lovers... but maybe one day Jordi could notice (Y/N)’s love.
Not the best, not the worst. I tried, i’m sorry if this isn’t the best!!!
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lady-plantagenet · 3 years
if you’re still doing those: edward iv / elizabeth woodville for the ship bingo 🕊x
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I’m so sorry, this whole past week has been one massive mental breakdown and I have been finding it incredibly hard to do anything besides uni assignments and writing. Also, I have a lot to say about these two so I didn’t want to half-ass it.
Some Comments:
I don’t know if I told you this but this used to be my OTP, like years ago when I first got into this era and did not think/know much about Clarence and the others. But now it’s no longer the case and that’s not necessarily because it got replaced by gisabel per se but because I’ve always found it extremely hard to reconcile myself with the infidelity aspect. Even when I was more childish I felt a bit dissapointed in the fact that he didn’t appoint her (or Anthony) regent, like obviously now I understand why it was to an extent untenable politically, but back then my younger mind just saw it as ‘he trusted his brother more’, which kind of threw a wrench. So much for the ‘it’s complicated’ square. The problem with long marriages is that the delicious aspect tends to wane, and that can’t be helped in a 20 year long marriage! But obviously the 1464-1470 years taken into isolation... well... it was the epitome of delicious, sexual and romantic. You might find me pointing this out wierd given that I didn’t make the same remarks on Catherine of Valois and Owen Tudor who were also a pretty long marriage, it’s just that... in my mind they kind of stagnate age-wise even as they advance past their twenties because the whole narrative (historical and fictional) around them focuses on the first years of their union and the tribulations, whereas Edward and Elizabeth have a presence way past that as they were after all monarchs and never at one point left to live a quiet life and were no longer chronicled - so in that way they age before our eyes. And with that age you see the infidelity issue get worse, together with Edward’s greater promotion of Gloucester, his drinking, eating etc issues and it starts painting a sad image into my mind of like idk a love that at one point stopped being what it once was and could never again be - like the embers burning out? This turns the what could have been a obbsessive unhealthiness borne from passion into another caused by disillusionment? I don’t put too much stock into this, personally I feel the change in Edward was caused by other external factors and not Elizabeth herself eg Warwick and Clarence’s betrayals and deaths, the massive burden of fixing the previous administration’s mess etc. Nevertheless, Elizabeth on her own did not seem to be enough to drag him out of it and prevent some of his unhealthy habits. I do realise it’s a bit too much to ask for though.
Nevertheless, I do see them as soulmates, she seemed like one of the only people who could keep up with him in will and wit (though Jane Shore seemed quite a competitor in this regard) I’m not the type of person who thinks Edward was dominated by his lust, and I think based on that venetian letter (you know the Ziglio one XD) and the fact that it said that Edward loved her for a long time before marrying her, it was clearly a decision from the heart not the *ahem* codpiece. Also a part of the soulmate/star-crossed trope is the whole ‘they defied all odds, they withstood opposition’, and Liz and Big Ed are famously that. I would totally read fic for this but surprisingly there aren’t many! I honestly don’t know how come?? Like yes they do appear in a lot of histfics and the like, but apart from TWQ they are never the central focus, and even there we don’t get enough of them (which really irritates me). Some write me some!! I am intrigued by the pairing but extremely picky when it comes to how they are written because I have particular headcanons which I am fairly wedded to but do not expect they will be abided by. More in the pragraph below.
The Ship:
I absolutely can not stand portrayals of Elizabeth Woodville as a golddigger, much less some Marilyn Monroe type of bimbo. We know the type of beauty she had... a chronicler called her an excellent but solemn (or sthing like that) beauty where York in his letters to her for the marriage of Sir Hugh complemented her deep sorrowful look or such. She was a pious, economical woman who took her queenship extremely seriously and led a cultivated court, patronised literature and may have also written a poem herself (you know the one about Venus we spoke about). She was years older than Edward and on top of that a widow with two children of her own. I want to see that dynamic! I want to especially see how she drew Edward away from Warwick’s influences in order to put him on the path he was angling for: the statute of livery 1463 and the new sumptuary laws (that most famously restricted the length of piked shoes to 3 inches hhh) are very indicative of a king who (even before meeting her) wanted to install a strong centralised monarchy with a monopoly on violence and its laws. Not because of some rapaciousness on her part but because her and her family believed in him, experienced the exequies of war and wanted to put a stop to it. I want her to love Edward for putting an end to people like Warwick who caused all her family’s (and the gentry class as a whole) misfortunes and struggles, and in a way feel like she provided him with not only a circle of people who would help him realise this but also with a sort of family to soften the personal blow that he felt when part of his birth family betrayed him. I love the father-in-law becomes surrogate father trope (as I think you can tell) and I like to see Earl Rivers as that for him, hell you can take it even further and make Jacquetta as some sort of mother-figure for him as opposed to Cecily who apparently scorned the marriage and at that time seemed to side more heavily with George. I like to think under her influence she empowered him to act more ruthlessly in pursuit of his goal, but at the same time I think that while certain things were good in the long-term eg Clarence’s execution, (maybe Desmond’s??) they may have had a toll on the relationship later on. I headcanon Elizabeth as tragically hardened by the loss of her brother and father at Edgecoat and I think that may also have thrown a bit of a wrench into their love, given how she was faced with the violent consequences of being queen and afterwards with how Warwick and co. went free and she lost her chance of vengeance. I don’t think they were ever out of love though, especially judging by how she continued to be pregnant up to 3 years short of his death and the absolute trust he put in her. But I headcanon his attachment to Jane Shore as him seeking the light-hearted wit and lively banter that Elizabeth slowly started losing as the years went on and she became less vivacious and a tad more calculating and icy. I headcanon them as having a rift when it came to dealing with problems: she would keep on with her ministrations whereas he would just want to engage in escapisms. But the thing with the infidelity is that one should keep in mind that during that period relations would have to stop once the woman started showing, so Edward having affairs should not be read into too much tbh, perhaps it was more a type of addiction on his part like drinking and eating was - like all part of an excessive Epicureanism which he adopted to relieve himself of his stresses and sorrows (and boy were there many!), so not something that necessarily indicated he grew tired of her or whatever. Maybe she understood that and that’s why she didn’t make a fuss? But then again, the fact that there wasn’t complete faithfulness remains a personal impediment for me with this ship :// that’s just me personally.
Also the discussion we had about Mélusine and the alchemical elements and Edward IV’s own interest in such (which was used as ammunition for George when he accused Edward of engaging in dark arts to corrupt his subjects XD... yes I know très ironique)... made me headcanon him and Elizabeth bonding over this, and perhaps seeing their union as somewhat quite mystical. It would be something so interesting to explore and I think it’s a real shame that people nowadays recoil everytime they hear the word ‘Woodville’ and ‘Mélusine’ put together which is a shame because when handled delicately it could turn into something beautiful and it was certainly not a PG invention!
Also... those two have some bitchin’ fannart!
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So yes, this was quite the stream of consciousness... but I do have a lot of thoughts for this couple! They were my OTP for the longest time after all.
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So we are starting off with these two!!!
They were basically my excuse to make some errink content
On the left: WAX ART
Oki let's start off with the ink of these two it's gonna be dot points from here on out
Has a SOUL , it's not tangible and is consistently melting , if it finishes melting, wax will die , it's also a human SOUL and I will get to why he has one in his backstory
Wax doesn't have any emotions due to the fact that they melted out of him long ago
He is consistently hot and a touch of his bones would burn you, but he feels cold
Uses a pencil named stabby , stabby is a her , stabby stabs people
Wax was originally a girl...I made stabby a girl instead
The dripping colours on his clothes are his emotions
He uses stabby to well stab and draw, he also uses the erasers on his belt to fix some drawing mistakes
The sash holds pencils as drawing with them helps him to feel (idk)
His eyes are green hearts because his SOUL is the same
Covers himself up because he doesn't want anyone to know he is melting
Backstory: wax was a normal ink sans made to protect the universe he was created in , sadly he wasn't very good at it and was cast aside for another ink to be made, he became lost and lost his purpose..
untill he found a human with red eyes and a rather glitched out shirt with purple and yellow stripes they offered him a SOUL and pleased to be able to have a probable new start somewhere in the multiverse accepted the SOUL and all was well
Untill that is after a few years later the SOUL started to deteriorate and melt which caused his own body to melt as well he was scared ...that is untill his emotions melted out of his body in different dripping colours staining his carpet (he got a house now) and his clothes now emotionless and without purpose once more
he fled to the doodle sphere that was once his now replaced with another him except this ink had a black shirt with light pink stripes at the ends , his sash being a bright yellow (and had square shaped vials with heart shaped stones as the tops) along with his scarf of which was decorated with blue stars at the bottom, the eyes were pink hearts and blue stars, the paint splatter on his cheek was constantly changing colours, the pants were denim decorated with different patches, the shoes were normal except when they moved the soles glowed and they wielded a marker
The strange new ink looked at wax with confusion and asked who he was, after explaining his story and what had happened the other felt pity for him and proceeded to help him or at least he tried to, before something came up and they said they had to leave , wax asked if he could come too and the other agreed
While trying to protect the au from two error sans wax met heartstrings who didn't want to fight and was being controlled by the other error wax saved him by cutting the strings with stabby and in return heartstrings helped with his SOUL wrapping pink strings around it keeping it together , wax was well he couldn't feel but he still was greatfull and expressed the gratitude be it not very clearly
And on da right we got: HEART STRINGS
Soo we gotts an error and we are using the dot points again
His SOUL along with his body is covered with red cracks and is split into pieces while being tied in his pink strings
Doesn't have much emotion, still got more than wax tho
He can't speak, can speak thru strings
His new clothes were made by wax (with the other inks help)
His strings can keep things together and fix things
I kinda don't know much about him
Backstory: he was chilling out in his antivoid (lying on a beanbag and watching tv) one day sending his puppets out to destroy Aus for him when something wierd happened the place started to rumble and some neon red strings came from nowhere covering the roof of his antivoid the red strings meeting with his own pink ones and tying themselves around them then his eyes were met with two >-shaped, red eyes so he was new huh?? Wonder why
After a while they became mates but since the newer was stronger (if only slightly) he became leader and went out to destroy Aus, sometimes asking heartstrings to help him with the annoying creator who was protecting the Aus
This day was one such day as the newer wanted to do it quickly so he didn't miss his favourite show , "magic markings" and he came with but the newer saw that he was a bit hesitant so he used his strings to control heartstrings SOUL and they headed out
When they were in the middle of destroying two ink sans came through a light pink portal one of them covered in light and neon colours with a highlighter on his back and the....other..he was well interesting he wore light colours as well but in darker shades and had a pencil on his back and erasers around his belt and his hands looked like they were melting, he looked as broken as much as he did and he instantly felt warm in his cheekbones, but instantly was sent to fight with the melting one which he didn't want to do they realised this and unseathed his pencil he was scared that he was gonna die so he closed his eyes instinctively waited for the pain from the sharp looking object
....It never came instead the melting one had severed the strings , now that he was closer he was able to see his damaged SOUL and felt pity so he used his strings to hold the melting, cracking green gear together and then immediately got tackle-hugged from him which made his face heat up even more ...he held in his breath then wrapping his pink strings around the one hugging him telepathically asked
"sooo uhh what's your name?, Mine's heartstrings, uhhh heart for short"
The melting skelly who had burried his skull in his sheet from the hug looked up at him with his green heart-shaped eyes making him look adorable and said in a very soft but high tone
"nice to meet you, names wax art or just wax" he felt his cheekbones heat up once more
There!! Done two of em ugghhh there are sooo many left welp better get started
Have a good day/night and stay safe!!
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Could I get the V3 cast as Ryoma’s tennis partner? Idk why I thought that was funny it just sounds funny
I have no idea why it took so long ^^;;
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V3 cast becoming Ryoma’s tennis partner
Kirumi Tojo
His motive was the fact that Kirumi was someone closest to be considered a friend. But he felt guilty since she allways seemed busy.
As soon as he requested her assistance she was more than happy to help him. But it was more as a friend than a maid business.
Whenever they whould go training together she whould carry all the equipment (even though it isn't much) and allways try her best while playing.
And even though she wasn't too experienced with tennis she played well. It kinda made him impressed but he often gave her tips after they finish the game. It made Kirumi feel slightly embarrassed but she tried to improve.
Against each other? It was obvious that Ryoma whould win every time even if he goes easy on her. But together? They were unstoppable.
After time passed he was surprised that she still wanted to play with him. More than that she found time for him. Since a LOT of people ask her for help on daily basis.
Gonta Gokuhara
At first Ryoma was hesitant to ask him. But he did it after all and Gonta thought it was great idea!
Ryoma explained everything to Gonta that he needed to know and Gonta was extremely excited to play with Ryoma!
Though Gonta is strong he didn't use his full force while playing and they had quite fun game. So they decided to make a habit of it and play together often.
Miu Iruma
Of course as soon as he asked her she said something about him begging for it. But when he kept straight face it intimidated her and she agreed. She wanted to either way.
Before they played any games Miu wanted to play with machine a bit and train. Even though gorgeous genius like her doesn't need practice she wanted to see her machine in action.
Ryoma was okay with that to be honest and he watched her practice. She wasn't doing the best but it wasn't half bad either.
So he decided to be less rough while playing against her.
Either way after their very first match Miu was very exhausted. He thanked her for the match and tried to leave.
But Miu stopped him and asked when will it be next time since she wanted to prepare herself. He was surprised that she wanted to continue but he negotiated this matter with her.
After few months they got used to each other's company and they were actually very good as a duo. But separately Miu felt a bit hopeless even though she did start to play good. She just felt wierd whenever Ryoma wasn't beside her.
Actually Keebo was the one to ask if he could play tennis with Ryoma since he wanted to lern. Luckily for Keebo Ryoma just started looking for a partner to play with.
Keebo had average speed so he could keep up with Ryoma... But the problem was with his aim.
At first he was quite often apologizing for his lack of skill even though he was the one to ask him.
But Ryoma had none of that it was obvious Keebo was a beginner. So he tried to guide him and they practiced a bit with machines.
Keebo got better and they played well both together and against each other.
Kaede Akamatsu
When he asked her about it she got very excited and accepted his offer. Kaede was happy that Ryoma decided not to give up on tennis and if she could help him with this fact staying the same she wanted to do it.
So she trained during her free time before their first games (it didn't go so well...) and he saw her while she was doing so.
She was bit embarrassed when he walked up to her and asked what she was doing. Not lying Kaede ansvered with "training". What he did next was stand beside her and tell her what she was doing wrong. After fixing her posture she tried again and it worked!
So becouse of whole incident they trained bit earlier than they thought they whould.
Kaito Momota
Ryoma took Kaito's words to consideration. Since he was so stubborn to play with him Ryoma decided to go for it. After all if he won't practice he can get a bit rusty.
Kaito was shocked when Ryoma asked him for his assistance. But he accepted his request.
At the beginning Kaito was getting exhausted quickly because Ryoma didn't go easy on him.
Ryoma thought that Kaito will give up but it was far from what happened.
After they played together Kaito whould ask him if he wanted to join him Maki and Shuichi to train. At first he refused but after Kaito asked again and again Ryoma decided to just go for it.
It was akward but they got used to it. Kaito allways knew what to say to warm up the atmosphere!
Angie Yonaga
After they played together (I'm referring to manga) Ryoma was still impressed by her skills and asked if she wanted to be his partner. She was happy to accept his offer for her own reasons.
They had their own schedule and each game was more intense than previous one.
While they were playing however Angie mainly talked about her God. After all she wanted him to believe in it. This fact didn't change their games.
In the end they both grew closer and just enjoyed their time spent together.
Shuichi Saihara
When Ryoma asked him he didn't knew how to react but he agreed to be his partner either way.
At the beginning Shuichi was too nervous to focus but after Ryoma told him to don't worry he actually did feel better somehow.
He played a bit better but still didn't play best since he often ran out of breath.
Tenko Chabashira
At first she instantly refused but what did he expect? I mean it is Tenko we are talking about she whouldn't willingly spend time with a male expecially alone.
So she kept an eye on him and saw him training by himself. It seemed fun... Looking at the fact that he was smiling it was obvious he still loved to play tennis.
He of course knew she was there and told her that if she wanted to join there was a racket she could take.
At first she ignored his comment and watched him train for a bit but she finally decided to join.
She hated to admit it but she actually had a good time. He asked if she was up for 1v1 match and being determined to win she accepted his challenge and told him not to go easy on her.
She lost it quickly but was impressed by how fast he was. But she still couldn't give up and asked for rematch.
That's how they ended up playing together very often. Even though she rathers playing against him she liked to play with him too.
Rantaro Amami
He was actually glad to hear that Ryoma wasn't giving up on tennis. And turns out that Rantaro actually used to play it too.
At first he was a bit rusty but after playing for a bit Rantaro he warmed up.
They had very fun games no matter if they played against each other or 2v2's.
Their bond grew pretty strong and thanks to that they were doing even better.
Kokichi Ouma
Ryoma himself whouldn't expect to ask him for help of all people... But he did. And Kokichi agreed to be his partner if he did something in return.
At first he wanted to back off but he thought that he had no choice.
Kokichi thought that it whould be quite boring to play against him since it's obvious he's going to win. Even though Ryoma was going easy on him Kokichi complained about his loss streak.
At first Ryoma thought that Kokichi whould just give up. Maybe it was better option... But Kokichi didn't gave up and started bugging Ryoma asking how can he improve. It surprised Ryoma quite a lot but he gave him few tips.
Of course Kokichi didn't magically play like a God but he did improve a little.
Himiko Yumeno
At first she didn't wanted to since she whould have to move around. But who cares it might be fun after all Ryoma whouldn't force her to stay.
She was playing quite badly since she couldn't move around as fast as he could but she was having fun either way.
So they continued playing together and against each other. He allways went easy on her.
Himiko didn't thought that she whould enjoy time spent with him so much!
Maki Harukawa
She didn't knew either why he asked her this favor or why she agreed.
Since she was assassin she was very fast and strong so her body was ready for this.
At first she needed to get used to racket but as soon as she did their games got very intense whenever they were against one another.
And together they were just destroying opponents without any mercy. Just kidding they went a bit easy on them so their spirit whouldn't break after such match.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Korekiyo found the fact that Ryoma asked him to play with him interesting since they never actually spent much time.
But he agreed either way. Of course he was playing with his mask on but who is Ryoma to judge.
At first it was pretty akward but when Korekiyo asked if he wanted to play again sometime the next time it went more friendly.
They both were impressed by other one's skill but Ryoma is an ultimate after all.
They ended up playing together often mostly cuz of the atmosphere whenever they played.
Tsumigi Shirogane
He himself wasn't sure why he asked her but Tsumigi somehow got excited by this idea so...
Before they started training he gave her some good tips and went easy on her since she obviously was a beginner.
But after all she wasn't half-bad! She had a lot of room to improve but still it went quite well!
They took often breaks and he'd say what she was doing wrong. It felt more like he was training her than them being partners but it still was fun.
She ended up apologizing for how bad she was and assumed he'd rather look for someone else but they continued either way!
~Mod Chiaki
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years
GoT Season 8, Episode 2: Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Thoughts
Like i am not even sure this episode's name is that or "The rightful queen" but I am going with the title I liked more.
I was fully intending of making a big ass Recap like I usually do but today I had a lot of work and I feel like everyone has already talked about the episode since it was leaked so I am just gonna talk about some scenes that I think will be relevant and my take on some shipping stuff.
Again I warn that I don't root for D Targy at all (but I do think she is an amazing character) and she annoys the heck out of me most often than not so... if she is your fave pls don't read this cuz it's not for you.
On Jaime Lannister
I feel this was a great episode for him as a character, while I do wish he would have said something about the wildfire on King's Landing or the Loot Attack I ultimately think that what he did say was the best thing in his PoV because he thinks D is the North's queen now that Jon bent the knee so ofc he wasn't gonna antagonize her that much when he was at clear disadvantage.
His chat with Tyrion was also very good, tho I feel in the books this will be more on a bitter note given Jamie's confession about Tysha, but yeah they are close once again and I appreciate that.
Every scene he had with Brienne had me swooning.Brienne defending him in the Great Hall. All those stares. The clear tension between them and the fact that Brienne doesn't know what to do when they are on the same side and he is not insulting her, so they still fight and pant around each other and I love it (honestly this kind of fighting is a lot like the Jonsa one because they have to get rid of that UST but they can't fuck or even kiss yet so they bicker and pant around each other). I noticed how he stared at Tormund and immediately knew he was intrested in Brienne. And ofc him knighting Brienne was the best of the episode for me (hence my preference of the title aluding to this scene).
On Sansa Stark
Curious that we don't get Sansa or Jon's PoV this episode, just them through other people's eyes.
The Great Hall scene: while I would have loved Sansa defending Jaime like in some fics, I think it does make sense that she feels resentment towards him and his family, but she still was willing to trust him once Brienne spoke on his behalf which says a lot for their relationship and how much Sansa has come to trust and value Brienne and her opinions. She was completely a queen in that scene, she even left the place frist not giving a fuck whatsoever about D.
Tête-à-tête with the gecko queen: Sophie Turner is an amazing actress. Ok so I loved she was telling Lord Royce she wanted to leave the Gates open as long as possible, such a compassionate queen, but also the moment D steps in I lived for Lord Royce clearly showing more respect and deference towards Sansa than towards D (I mean that the whole North respects Sansa as their leader is the very reason why Jorah asked D to talk to her). We see Sansa be closed off towards D in the beginnig even when D is trying hard to be sympathetic to sansa and bond over them being good leaders to their people (bihhh Sansa laughed and so did I cuz just how deluded is D to think she is on Sansa's level of good leadeeship), and D asks the question we have since ep 1 "does that (Jon's love for D) bother you?" And I am absolutely sure that the answer to that is yes, but Sansa was never going to show herself that much to someone she doesn't trust nor even likes (this girl out played LF ffs!!!) so she went for a non-commital answer (is not a yes or a no, she is justifying her distrust for D and appears not to be jealous but a concerned sister) D is appeased by this answer and tries to show Sansa that her and Jon's relationship is real (lmaoo) by stating just how much she sacrified her goals just for his love (like nice that she doesn't pretend to care for the people she wants to be queen of anymore, the Jonsa fandom said this since last season) and straight up says she is the one being manipulated by Jon, and Sansa's face is a poem, cuz you can see exactly the moment when she figures out that Jon is manipulating D!! We even get a smile of relief and promptly she catches herself and changes her behaviour implying she should apologize (but she never actually does) and even lauguing at how short Jon is (Sansa bites her lip tho 👀👀 and D's smile is so fake idk who she thinks she is fooling) but Sansa again brings up the North and D is visibly upset at that.
Scenes with Theon: I am just going to straight up say I do ship Theonsa and I have read fics of them, but I do not think it will be canon or that it makes narrative or political sense cuz it doesn't. Their reunion was heartwarming and beautiful (tho D jealous stare bothered me, like fuck off I wanna see my babies) Sansa was clearly happy at seeing Theon more like himself and having him want to fight for their family. Their scene with the soup was cute but I did not see it as shippy at all, there is definitely affection and care but I don't think it was shot as romance or a couple's montague, it was simply showing us all the different ways the characters we know spend this night. As much as it hurts me because I love Theon, I think it is possible he will die protecting Bran (I really don't want this, but it's a big possibility, cuz I know some big characters must die in order to destroy us as much as possible, and this scenes with Sansa might just serve that purpose) so I'll just drown in theonsa fics if that happens. Also, it kinda make me go 👀👀 the fact that they made the theonsa scenes so alike the jonsa s6 ones but without all that flirty stuff on the soup scene and that it was enough for the GA and some Aegonys to ship it while we know Theon like Jon also grew up with Sansa in WF. Idk it was kinda amusing to me.
On Jon Snow
Ok so this made a lot of sense to me, Jon avoiding D post parentage reveal is what seals pol!Jon to me, if he really loved her he would have gone statight to her in the night and confess this thing he found out while crying and looking for her support and being all hopless longingly staring at her but nope he doesn't even want to look at her (he is probably thinking how he fucked his aunt and shudders). I was also like 👀👀 when he pushed past D to follow Sansa, did they talk?? Did they fight again??? I am thirsty, but it was also a good thing Jon didn't interact with Sansa cuz it would give the game away too soon, as a matter of fact Jon doesn't seek her out like last episode as far as the audience knows and I think that is because he doesn't know what to do he is having an existencial crisis in the middle of the Apocalipsis, and Sam is like have you told her yet??? He knows shit could hit the fan at any minute. I loved his reunion with Tormund and Edd because I love Jon's smile and he has been just miserable since last ep, so yeah I need my boy to be happy.
Now onto the reveal, I think Jon genuinely thought he might as well just say it, D clearly seeked him out for some loving sexy times and Jon was not on board with that, he just couldn't keep it up with her cuz he doesn't love her, never has and now she is his aunt, he just can't do that knowing they are super related, also now D can't leave them (I mean she kind of can fuck off in Drogon and maybe Rhaegal will follow, but her armies can't leave, and they have the obsidian so...) . The fact he called her D@ny is so layered, for starters she told him straight up not to call her that cuz it reminds her of Viserys, so it connects them as family and upsets D at the same time. D straight up thinks that Bran and Sam would make shit up to usurp her (bihhh no one but u and Cersei gives a fuck about the ugly ass chair) and then when she sees Jon is saying the truth she is furious (so much for the aegony marriage fix up that her stans dreamed off, also can we fucking kiss boatie goodbye?? Cuz that sure as hell ain't happening) and Jon is baffled, he knows she wants the IT more than anything and shit but really??? They are about to die, and he has left more than clear to any one that would listen that he doesn't care about titles. Not only that but Jon and her are family now,and family is important to Jon, and she reacts like this???
On Gendrya
I was a bit wierded out cuz we have seen Maise since she was a kid (lmaoo i am like a year older than her) but more power to her for the scene, also I really love Gendrya and their interactions have been so flirty and charged with chemistry. I am worried about Gendry's survival, but I think he might live.
On everything else:
I loved Gilly and Dadvos's scene, it was so good and I wish they would give Gilly more lines.
Missandei and Greyworm making plans for after the war makes me worried one of them will die, also now that D will feel betrayed by Jon, I fear she will think GW and Missandei wanting to leave is also treason. I AM WORRIED. Also to ppl doesn't trust Missandei cuz she is with d and nobody in the north trusts Targs not even children.
Tyrion talking about destroying Cersei made him seem more Book!Tyrion than ever and I just shudderd. D literally never wants to take responsability for any desicion when she refused to fight for the north if Cersei didn't joined them. Also she would really have named Jorah hand??? She is dumb as a brick. His scene with Jaime, Brienne and co. Was cute.
Podrick was looking fine and his voice was really good. Also that Jenny of Oldstone song with all it's jonsa vibes 👀👀.
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titconao3 · 4 years
Fanfic Meme
Tagged by @beguilewritesstuff , under cut because it’s long and rambly and probably of interest to, uh.
Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone because, again, why not.
Well, i have no gut instinct; this is starting well ;-)
Slow burn or love at first sight TBH i don’t understand love at first sight, i need help to believe in twu wuv ;-)
Fake dating or secret dating both have potential for angst then happy resolution, i guess! Picking secret dating because i’m not fond of some of the tropes that can go with fake dating, but i’ve definitely read some great ones. Secret dating because of Circumstances (DADT was a big one in SGA; all that ANGST) can be cool too.
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers *insert both? yes both gif*
Oh no there’s only one bed or long distance correspondence i hate it when “only one bed” turns into “we can’t hold it in and we are SO horny oh dear” Accidental cuddles, sure! Awkwardness, yes! (COLD FEET) but when it’s about making it all about teh smut, well. i’m bored by smut, so... As for correspondence, er. Why not? i guess?
Hurt/comfort or amnesia always, always h/c. Amnesia can definitely be the hurt if need be :D
Fantasy AU or modern AU preferably no AU
Mutual pining or domestic bliss i’m easy. Sometimes.
Smut or fluff fluff is good, as long as it’s not taken to mean ‘and then they got married and had children isn’t that LOVELY’ smut... rarely works for me. i often find it boring, and sometimes hilarious when it’s just, uh, let’s go with weird mechanics or strange word choices. A lot of the time it feels (to me) pointless and like it doesn’t particularly bring anything (unless one is into these things, which i’m not) to the story. & yes, i’ve written sexy times and probably will again and yes, a few times in the past i did it because i felt it was Expected (shame on me).
Canon-compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it i am not much into missing scenes (i often don’t see the point) but i don’t like fics that say “look this sucks / the show sucks / i’m much better than the show writers etc and shall write the BETTER version,” which i’ve seen some people describe as fix-its. However, if by fix-it you mean, i’ll take the canon and find ways to make it make sense / solve the issues, plot-holes, character wierdness etc i’m all for it. As a rule, i’m more into a Watsonian, in-universe explanation than Doylesque meta. i’ve seen it turn too often into “the original material is BAD and i’ll tell you about the many ways in which i would do better / am so woke / etc.” Basically, if all i feel is dislike of the original material (which has sometimes been the case in my fannish experience), then why stay? is trashing something to people who do enjoy it (even while they can be aware of faults) an actual pleasure? So if fix-it means, X isn’t dead because *tadam* or Z’s strange behaviour was because *jazz hands* then, yes. If it’s writing a parallel AU out of spite, then it’s absolutely not for me. (AU not out of spite are cool, just rarely my thing) Of course, some fandoms allow more leeway with AUs, parallel realities etc which can be canon (or because canon is an AU of itself *coughcough* comics); but not all. It’s just not really my jam.
Alternate universe or future fic i generally don’t like AU, i like the universe of the show / book i’m into and i usually prefer to stick to it.
One-shot or multichapter a very long finished fic ;-)
Kid fic or road trip fic i don’t like kids ;-)
Reincarnation or character death Preferably neither.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage i’ll read it if there are other tags that sound interesting or if it’s by an author whose work i’ve enjoyed before; otherwise... XXX marriage isn’t drawing me in.
High school romance or middle-aged romance High school stuff in an America-based canon, i hope ;-) but, uh. Not a great stage in life as far as i remember, and really the people you know in high school will remain your steadfast friends forever almost only in fiction, so uh... idk, i really can’t relate.
Time travel or isolated together Uuum... time travel can skirt too close to AU for my taste, i’d say; but in some fandoms it makes sense. Isolated works in all fandoms ;-)
Neighbours or roommates Both are great scenarios to get to know each other! (but i hated my roommate experience and was very lucky it was only for a few months, egads, not for me).
Sci-fi AU or magic AU still no AU ;-)
Body swap or genderbend not into those, although if i HAVE to maybe body swap? but really, the ANGST
Angst or crack as long as it ends in a not-depressing way, angst.
Apocalyptic or mundane Provided i don’t get a depressing ending, i’m in.
Tag yourself if you’d like to do it!
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etheiryan · 6 years
Say My Name
“Cayde!” His voice was hoarse from repeating the same words over and over in the thick smoke. “Andal! Where are you idiots?”
They’d been separated during the attack. The scorch cannons were...unexpected. As a result, here Tevis was, a lone nightstalker human trying to find his idiot friends who were probably still in the Lost Sector.
...which was burning, judging by the smoke steadily billowing out of the top of the building. Hell, it might even collapse soon.
There was still no sign of the other two hunters.
Tevis groaned to himself, reloading his scout rifle, “Guess I have to go back in, here goes fucking nothin’.”
Crouching low and with his helmet back over his face, Tevis was, for the most part, out of the smoke. Not out of danger yet, though. “Artemis, try the comms again,” he whispered as the void embraced him with its usual whispers and he shadestepped into another room.
“Contacting Andal and Cayde...nothing but static. I’ll keep at.”
Tevis sighed, tuning out the incessant voices of the void, “Any suggestions?”
“Uh...shoot some cabal.”
“...That’s as good of an objective as any, I suppose.” Tevis cracked his knuckles, “Let’s light this popsicle stand.”
“Get tethered motherfuckers!” Tevis cackled as he released his shadowshot, creating a mini-void in the middle of the room. The hive mindlessly wandering stumbled as the void snatched them up, overwhelming them with the combined voices of everyone who had ever whispered into it.
It was a simple task to blow their heads ceiling high after that.
“..evis? Tevis, come in.”
“It’s Andal!” Artemis exclaimed in surprise, “Guess the cabal had some sort of jammer or something.”
“Andal! Thank the Traveler, I was starting to think you’d died to some lowly hive shit for a second.” Despite his joking words, Tevis felt his body, tensed since they had lost contact, weaken in relief.
“Ha, it’ll take more than a simple Lost Sector to take me out,” Andal’s words were breathless, “But Cayde’s my bigger worry now.”
“Why?” Tevis straightened, seriousess returning to his voice, “What happened?”
“His thick skull hit a corner, one of the wizards got to him.” Andal reported, “They’re all dead, of course-”
Tevis got the impression that the whole room was sparking with arc blade slashes.
“-but our newest addition isn’t waking up.” He finished.
Tevis let his hood and helmet transmat away, his hand coming up to mess with his ginger waves, “Uuuhhh alright. I’ll be right there. Artemis, set a waypoint at their signal.”
“How bad is it?”
Andal looked up as Tevis entered the room, reloading his scout rifle. “He’s woken up, once. Passed out again almost immediately.”
“Can’t Sundance heal him?”
“She has. He had a dent in the back of his head that got fixed, but…”
Sundance materialized over Cayde, “Physically, he’s all good. His mind...it’s a mess. It’s like his memories are all overlapping and mixing and just being really weird.”
Andal frowned and reached out to slap the exo, “Oi, wake up.”
Cayde shot straight up.
“Holy fuck!” Tevis swore, startled by Cayde’s sudden movement.
“Hey, Cayde. Buddy. Do you remember anything? How’s your head?”
Cayde blinked. Once. Twice. “...I….you…”
“Who am I? Say my name.”
“A…” his glowing eyes narrowed.
“C’mon bud. Just my name,” Andal encouraged.
“I...I don’t know…”
Took some liberties on this one, especially on wierd hive magic. Also late, but the next few ones should be on time for once. Also...is it borrowing headcanons from @nutshaxx if I helped develop them? Idk. Void hcs are mine tho. First destcember that doesnt involve an oc lmao.
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Head Storm.
If i don't take minute to write these things down they just weigh so heavy. where do i begin.
i'm frustrated.
sometimes its like a repeating nightmare. Its me and brian and we are on a 13 hour flight to Germany. this double decker plane is huge and filled with strangers and i cant see their faces. i know our destination is a long way away. im tired. and there we are in the middle row. u next to me and me on the isle. We're sharing your blue ipod with music i never really listen to and this is the moment im stuck in.
for a minute my body goes into drive. at first you think the dream would play out as i remember, but this isnt a memory its a dream and now that im more aware- more awake within the dream; im always asking myself.
why am i here? wheres juan? wheres julian? (thats right this is a dream/ im sleeping)
and i realize im meant to doo something. and i go and look at brian and its not the same. i can barely see his face and i no longer remeber the sound of his voice. its as if im stuck in my seat.
the dream is almost paused- as i struggle to put these pieces of the real memory back together. its like im waiting. im waiting for brian to speak first. im just sitting here. on this plane.
i went to russia in 2005. the trip was from philly airport to germany than germany to russia.
it was for a youth peace team mission. we met up with kids our age over there and talked about religion and life. it wasnt just us two- we had a team of our friends and it was amazing.
It was the first time i had left the country- it was the first time i had flown without my mom. first time i felt homesick. the first time i saw how big the world really is. how there is so much to see and so much going on. it was an experience.
i never knew Demisexual was a thing. (The term 'demisexual' comes from the concept being described as being "halfway between" sexual and asexual. ... The gray-A spectrum usually includes individuals who very rarely experience sexual attraction; they experience it only under specific circumstances.)
i didnt even know what sexual was- i was young naive and anything i did know about sex and beauty most likely came from the wrong place. i managed to get all the way to freshman year of highschool without really relationships that included sexual and non sexual.
freshman year was horrible. i was the new girl becuase i didnt attend the same middle school as the other kids and my prior school was MUCH smaller than the highschool i went to. but i was excited for the change. i asked for the change.
its easy to say "well idk?" when u have lack of experience. Idk why i was single so long. idk why i never wanted a bf. idk why i have never kissed anyone idk? idk? idk? (...now i know) my first thoughts were always like omg maybe noone wanted to kiss me? maybe im the weird one. less desired. not wanted. i was the problem. i imagined my body was less than perfect and i guess my attitude and demenor wasnt the dating type (lies) i just felt weird and alone.
sometimes people cant make a sexual connection unless they have an emotional connection with someone as well. it isnt prude it isnt wierd its just how it works (literally) the better and more i get to know you i can finally start feeling any real connection at all especially sexually.
this new demisexual wasnt even a thing until i was half way through my twenties...THAT and pansexual (not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.) people would ask "well whats ur type?!" idk id say?? i didnt even realize internally i found both sexs appealing. not even just sexs just ANYone. hearts not parts we say now.
i was basiclly lost ,frustrated and didnt understand a damn thing about myself.
brian and i were friends. we went to the same church- we lived in the same town. our families knew each other. it was a very safe space for me. i didnt think brian liked me. ( i didnt think ANYONE liked me; that way anyway) i had guy friends i had girl friends i just felt like we were all at the same level. most my girl friends had kissed people, most had bfs; same with the guys. i just didnt... it wasnt that i didnt like brian- i just had no idea what any of this stuff was. how to even begin "liking someone" i wasnt stupid - i was scared? i felt scared. worried that becase i hadnt had the experiences - that i wasnt good at ANY of it. i got to know brian because he was around. youth group trips and church events ; school- we were always hanging around each other.
i was never a physical person. honestly self pleasure was the only pleasure i knew and i thought id be going to hell for masturbating so theres that complex. a secret i held tight forever.
i didnt know the more i talked and was around brian i would fall inlove with him. people SAYYY that- but in my world it was a must. it was inevitable. as long as he was open with me and vulnerable- i began to want him.
he was my first kiss. and he let me kiss him. it might of seemed innocent ( i mean it was really) but it was big for me. the only person in the world i had let in. and he was ready to reak havoc on my new world. kisses lead to make outs- making out lead to sex- and that was that. id say i was his or he was mine but i guess we were each others. i wasnt ready to do this with anyone else. i didnt think i even could. it took so long for brian to become this person for me. i was..postive; id make this love last a life time. but that wasnt the case it was a rocky 3 years but at the end of it i personally learned alot.
i still didnt know all that i said above. on my rocky one relationship road... i was frustrated. i didnt know these things existed and while life seemed easy for brian- it was not for me. i struggled and argued with myself resulting in very poor communication with brian leading to only end in sight. if i wasnt making an emotional connection with my person then it had to be the opposite; i wasnt interested at all. almost the opposite- i felt nothing.
i let the hurt find its way in- i let it block any form of fix. the emotions were turned off. and the result was sexless.
i went on a rampage and found a random lover. Peter was ..peter. i didnt know him prior to meeting him- i barely knew much about him at all. all i knew was i was numb and needed to feel again. ( now if only i had known who i was i would of tried to build and talk through these emotions, break some walls down. reopen the lines. reconnect and succeed. but i didnt know that. all i knew was i was hurting and i nolonger had my person- i wanted to feel again.) i wouldnt even say i was attracted to peter. i really wasnt "looking" at all. i wasnt looking with my eyes or my heart.
i was already pretty good at hurting myself just plain jane. but this was a whole different world. what if i could just have sex and not care. just do it and live. just feel something. and i did it. i found peter and yeah we had sex. i was postive i didnt want a relationship ( i was heading down the wrong road in the wrong direction WITH no directions) it was a mess. a mess that didnt last long (thankfully)
i look back at it now and would like to have lunch with peter. although im sure im a spek of nothing in his life stream; he was a pretty big rock in mine. mainly to say sorry. sorry for using him. more sorry that i had no intentions at all. i was a shell of person and im sorry he never got the chance to meet the true me. cuz im not that person at all. and i think he was geniune and we could of learned alot from each other.
i am 30 years old now and still to this day brian and peter are the only people ive slept with except my current husband.
ive trusted 2 (brian and juan) of those souls with my heart. my whole heart. ive been with them to the extent i lost myself. my body has craved them and known them. and they will forever have a piece of me. they took with them what insecurities i had and threw them out the window. i was engulfed and loved and it didnt stop. i had alot of sex with brian as i currently have alot of sex with juan (my husband)
if i had known who i was then i would of talked to more people. resulting in more meaningful connections. resulting in more stories and experiences to tell about. girls guys gays all different kinds of souls i would of touched and danced with. but i didnt know what i know now.
time has given me the learning ive neeeded and now i know alot.
as my nightmare continues its me and brian sitting on a 13 hour plane. i want to ask him how he is, and what hes doing. what other souls hes experienced and what life is like for him now. we would laugh and joke and unerstand that life goes on and although we are not lovers any longer we wouldnt be who we are without having known each other. on this plane its noone but us. reality doesnt hit because its just a distraction and we just want to catch up.
its like a clock is ticking and were anxious. as if he too knows this is a dream, a mear astroprojection into a memory. and noone talks. we both stay silent. its almost like i cant breathe.. its almost like im drowning.
i havent spoken to brian in atleast 10 years possibly. not a single word. across the universe is a soul i once loved wholefully and now were strangers. i think a piece of me hurts still today. like a lost limb. how can i go through life and succeed at only making connections that count when my first connection is fried and dead.
how do i begin to process the things i now understand when one small piece of me is gravitating through space.
i was told not to long ago that you are infact alive. simply living- trying to stay to urself.
as this new person i am. as i am learning and growing. you were a big part of who i was- i wish u could see who ive become. my soul acknowledges your absence and i am aware of it.
i hope love and light find you on ur dark days. and that you follow that light to become whoever you are meant to be.
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thedappleddragon · 4 years
Day 111 (Wednesday July 1)
I woke up paralyzed with fear from my nightmare. It started off with me solving a puzzle as an adventurer, more specifically Fitzroy and I had to find the magic crab. I’ve never even listened to that dnd podcast but I love the bit lots of people have animated where the dude says “so my magic is a crab/ I love my sweet crab.” I knew that I was a hero who kept getting reinstated to solve the puzzle that involved bongo budah heads. I watched a memory from a past life, watching 3 adventurers walk into a chamber and be killed in a flash of light. Then the dream turned to me and a few friends at Disney riding a fnaf themed roller coaster. I was terrified, and had my eyes closed and fingers in my ears the whole ride, but I could still hear everything. I was hyperventilating when I got off, clutching my stuffed bear and just starting to talk to a cast member about why I was so afraid. Then my friends and I were in a haunted house that wasn’t fnaf themed but did have a couple of the animatronics in there. I didn’t want to be there, and kept telling myself that none of it was real and as long as i didn’t focus on anything, nothing could hurt me. I stayed in a little area near a staircase and a hallway. I knew chica was in the hallway, and the stairs had gobin hands instead of a railing. Something big kept going up and down the stairs, so I mustered my courage and tried going up the stairs. But then a wierd dog that looked exactly like this showed up.
Tumblr media
I scared myself just looking up this image. it tried to hurt me and I had to grab it by the mouth like in the image. I held it back, but then it turned green and deepfried (like deepfried memes) and started stretching around my hands to get me. I finally woke up out of fear and had to calm myself the FUCK down by scrolling through tumblr and TikTok and listening to my calm playlist.
Eventually I got up and noticed that the last of the pile of clothes in front of my door was gone, so I guess my dad took care of it. I had a pbj. I kind of just chilled for a while. I remembered it was artfight and was excited to start drawing, but noticed it technically hadn’t started yet, but it was July 1st so I started drawing anyway. I started to drat the thing I posted earlier today before the website crashed and still had a reference. I was in the middle of drawing when my computer said it was low on battery, so I plugged it in, but it died soon after that anyway. I think the charging cord is messed up. I texted my brother about it, but he’s visiting in a few days so he can fix it then. I can survive for a while without it, it’ll just be a little inconvenient having to use artfight on my phone. I got hungry and made myself some pasta, and then my mom took me driving to pick up food and groceries. It was kind of stressful because I went out near 5oclock traffic and I did a bunch of hard turns even my parents don’t like doing and I’m not used to checking my mirrors yet and ugh. But I made it back home alive and finished my pasta and continued working on artfight, trying my damn best to submit my attack, but by then the website crashed. I folded some laundry and got unnecessarily mad at it. I hung out in my room until I passed out and took a nap, getting rudely awakened by my mom’s loud-ass tv and news I didn’t want to be hearing. I kind of just fucked around for the next few hours, eating and trying to do artfight and watching YouTube until I decided I wanted to go to bed. But now it’s 3am because I have no self control and should probably delete TikTok off my phone :/ plus I just can’t sleep. I thought sleeping underneath a bunch of blankets with a fan on high would help me sleep better, but for the past 2ish nights it’s made thing soared somehow so I guess I’ll just lay on top of a few. Idk. Goodnight hopefully.
0 notes
crazykendal · 7 years
Bored, Single, and Dead
1. What was on your mind mostly today? MOVING ON from some people and why my right arm feels fucking wierd
2. If someone looked on your bed, what would they find? oh shit idkk
3. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? im going to Tahoe
4. Are you nice to everyone? no
5. Is it possible to be single and happy? for me, no
6. Is it easy for people to make you cry? no but once someone made me cry when I heard them SING for the first time YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
7. Did you sleep alone last night? I had a sleepover with my sister
8. Do you play with dead bugs? ew no wtf
9. Honestly, are you dating two people? im not even dating one person wth
10. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? yeah, im going to be dead ass lonely or dead
11. Have you ever slept in the same bed with someone other than family?   nooo
12. Do you want to see somebody right now? yeaahhhh
13. What if you had a baby with the person you like? that's not physically possibly
14. Are you happy? not right now nope
15. Have you ever tripped in public? trippin is my game
16. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you? I sometimes think everone secretly hates me
17. Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? nope
18. Are you stubborn? veRY
19. Do you tend to hold a grudge? yeah, and it can get baddd
20. What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?   oh, well.. they're a scammer
21. Has anyone called you perfect before? nope
22. Where is the biggest scar on your body? my left ankle. I shaved a huge chunk of my skin off and it was baddddd haha
23. Have you ever been told you were amazing? no
24. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
immediate no
25. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? well guess what YES and its killlling me
26. Do you trust all your friends? no I cant trust any of them 27. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? haha well yeah
28. What pissed you off today? my sister scratches up my arms and it looks like ive tried to cut myself or something
29. What was the last thing you cried about? this one person
30. Who was the last girl you talked to? ^^ same person as ^^
31. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? no
32. Who sits next to you in English? SCHOOLS OUT BITCHES
33. Ever talked to someone who was drunk? no
34. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? yes everything is about them and its driving me crazy
35. How late did you stay up last night and why? I stayed up til 12:30 reenacting Stranger Things scenes with gummy bears with my sister.
36. Do you know how to properly use grammar in a sentence?   kinda? 37. Are your parents very protective of you? yeah
38. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? I fukin wish
39. How many drugs are in your system?   can a Capri Sun count
40. The person who hurt you the most calls and needs you, do you go? bitch no
41. Is it easy to pretend everything’s okay for you? yeah, I do it every day
42. Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to on the phone? uh that was my dad, so sure
43. Do you think you are a good person? oh god no, if hell existed i’d be going there
44. What do you want right this second? I WANT A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE
45. Do you think it makes him weak if a guy cries? no
46. Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? yeah
47. Could you last in a relationship for over a year?   yes
48. Who were you with on your birthday? i don't really remember or care 49. Have you ever crawled through a window? I feel like I have but don't remember
50. First person to talk to you in 2014? how the fuck am I supposed to remember that, it was 3 years ago
51. Do you miss your past? Not really but I dont regret meeting some sweet ass people
52. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it? a telemarketer, I have like no friends so no one ever checks up on me, by the time someone does I might be dead.
53. Do you have anything interesting planned for the next week? VIDCON I get to meet Sara Rubin, Ashly Perez, Allison Raskin, Gaby Dunn, Stephanie Frosch, and Bria and Crissy and maybe Simply Nailogical haha
54. Who was the last person to text you?
55. What were you doing 4 hours ago? i dont remember
56. Is there a certain song that you can’t stop listening to atm? Secrets by The Weeknd
57. Tell me 3 things that your friends don’t know about you. well well well I cant say
58. What is something that people often give to you as a gift? honestly nothing
59. Do you tend to hold on to a lot of stuff you don’t need, just because it has sentimental value? yeah then a month later I can get rid of it
60. What is something that reminds you of your ex?
well guess what i havent even dated at all so nop
61. Has the last person you kissed ever cried in your arms? my cat Bub has not cried in my arms
62. Which would you prefer to receive as a gift - flowers or chocolate? chocolate
63. When did you last take a shower/bath? Do you wash your hair every time? I took a shower like 2 hours ago, yeah I was my hair every time.
64. Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? yep
65. Do any of your followers on Tumblr have your phone number? yeahh
66. Will you be going out tonight, or staying in? staying in listening to Alone by halsey because it’s relatable.
67. How many times have you been in love? ONCE and maybe I still am but I need to fix it BECAUSE SOMEONE ISNT GOING TO MY HIGH SCHOOL NEXT YEAR and im going to be so fcked and messed up so pray for me
68. If you were heartbroken, who would help you pick up the pieces? ususally myself of this one friend I have she’s cool and she bacically proved I was bi. No it’s not you olivia sorry dude
69. Apparently, it’s very common to crave chocolate around the ‘time of the month’; do you ever get that craving? no
70. How would you feel about dating someone who had a reputation for being a player in the past? Do you think that players will ALWAYS be players, or is it possible that they can change? I’d give them a chance but idk Ive nvr fcking dated at all so whaat
71. Did you sleep well last night? sure
72. Is your bedroom big enough for you? sure
72. Are you looking forward to seeing someone soon? imexited to see Sara Rubin on Friday because she actually screwed up my love life and I dont even want to get started with that because it’s actually funny but will make me cry.
73. Ever had a one-night stand? nope
74. Is anyone flirting with you? I wish
75. Have you ever felt pressure to do anything you didn’t want to, like smoking, drinking, or losing your virginity, before you were ready for it? If so, how did you deal with that? all the time, like when the teacher tells us to do homework like wth hahahahahahaahaha idk
76. Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person? Why/why not? no im really stupid and can have absolutely no common sense its actually really funny
77. Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with? Ashley Nicolette Frangipane
78. Is there anyone you’d HATE to be stuck in a lift with? oh my god yeah like the chick who plays Enid in the walking dead, and like my whole school.
79. When did you last talk to the person you love/like? What did you talk about? pff what lemme look... a hour and a half ago ahahahahahah
80. Have you ever seen your father cry? no
81. How would your parents react if you got pregnant? well i dont know because I dont really want kids
82. Do you/did you keep to your school’s uniform/dress code? sure
83. If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? Bub is a mean cat to my other cats and I wouldnt believe it
84. What was the highlight of your summer? cant rememeber
85. The last time you threw up, was it because you were hungover? idk
86. Have you ever seen the film ‘Wake Wood’? What did you think of it? never heard of it
87. Are you confused about anything atm? Is there anything bothering you? Or, is everything good? some people and their lies
88. If you say ‘I’ve had enough’ or ‘I’m done’, do you always mean it? no haha
89. Who was the last person that invited you to their house? honeslty scammer because I have no other friends
90. Have your parents ever told you about any alternative names they considered for you, or the name they would have chosen, if you’d turned out to be a boy? ASHLEY
91. Are you friends with any of your exes? n/a
92. Have you ever had to make an emergency phone call?
93. If you’re in a relationship, how is it going? If you’re single, are you looking for someone? *cries*
94. What language do you like the sound of? english ;)
95. Think about the last guy, outside of family, that you had a conversation with. Do you find him sexy? ew no wtf
96. What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct? idk
97. What’s the most attractive physical feature of the person you love/like? HA I’d rather not write an essay right now
98. Do you consider yourself to be a strong person? Why/why not? .kindaaa?
99. Tell me about a special moment you’ve had with the person you love/like. just convos
100. What are you doing tomorrow? Im going to tahoe
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12-20-19 (Friday)
I just realized I didn't have breasts in that dream with Sara where I showed her my broken rib. Also that broken rib dream still wierding me out a lot. Like... It was longer and thinner than a rib should be and it was broken in at least two places and it fucking hurt.
A lot of people say they don't feel physical pain in dreams and... Idk. I do and always have. Once I had a dream (this was high school) where I was Hugh Hefner (Dear god why) and one of the girls he hires to be his gf was like... Rolling me up to a hill and she accidentally let go and I just tumbled down the hill and broke my leg, which was so painful it woke me up. I was in agony all day. I think my brain processed it as if it really happened and it just took a while for it to catch up. My knee was actually swollen the next day. I hadn't had any injuries and I don't have any other explanation. That's only happened one other time in my life, though I don't remember the specific subject matter of the dream, just that my leg had been injured. And it hurt all day for no other discernable reason. Everyone accused me of faking at the shelter. And I hated my life for that time because I was literally in actual pain and they wouldn't believe me. And I knew going to the doctor was a bad idea, though Sara later convinced me to. And yeah, Dr. Stratton wouldn't believe me. Because why would he? He thinks he knows everything. He thinks that medical degree makes him better than anyone else, just like every other other doctor ever. I gave up on seeking medical advice when Sara kept assuring me it'd be better if I got it checked out and I got yelled at by the doctor for coming in for it. I... Trust Sara but she doesn't get what that does to me. It's better to suffer in silence than to try and get help because you're just going to get condescended at and sent home with no help because they assume you're looking for drugs. Even though they've pushed drugs at you before and you've declined them, saying you don't want them.
There is no way to get appropriate medical care when your doctor thinks they are better than you. When we let people play god, they will. And that's what happens with doctors. They get stressed and they take it out on their patients. psychiatrists are the worst about it because they can always slap a really horrible diagnosis on you and basically ruin your life all while saying "They're crazy and must have hallucinated it." They get angry when you know your disorder and how best to go about it. And when you're forced to see one even though no medicine ever has helped or will help you (and yes, I'm sure. Do not argue with me), they get pissed when you decline to take those medications. They ask why your resistant to treatment. And I have to tell them that I'm not but I will only consent to the treatment I know won't fuck me up even worse and they scoff and assume you're an idiot and prescribe the medicine anyway and when the nurse tries to hand you your meds, you ask what each individual pill is, she won't tell you. You get the head nurse called in and she tells you. And finally after three hours you can take your blood pressure, anti-seizure, and stomach meds. Also everything you have wrong with you does not have to do with your weight. Your weight is fine.
It's the doctor's strict adherence to long disproved studies that have been proven to have been paid off that's the problem. My weight is not an issue. My weight doesn't bother me but I constantly get slammed with inappropriate advice about how to lose weight. And no matter what I say, I get told I'm choosing to be unhealthy. Even though I could dead lift Doctor Stratton and he couldn't lift me at all. I am muscular. And strong. But god forbid I have any fat over the muscle (which is healthy and normal btw and being too thin will kill you wayyy faster than any adverse health problems being fat will cause you) and I get lectured about my "sedentary" lifestyle. Like bitch, no. I walk my ass off, fuck you.
I'm not allowed to have appropriate healthcare. I will NEVER recieve ACTUAL healthcare. Just a bunch of fatshaming nonsense and medicine that will hurt me more than help.
I will never take doctors or the healthcare field seriously because of that. I can take therapy seriously but with a grain of salt because even you push me sometimes. You don't suggest ot anymore, but you bring it up, thinking you're slick but I just get mad. I don't care what is similar to EMDR. I will NEVER do EMDR. I don't want to hear anything about it and I want you to stop bringing it up at all. And that includes starting to bring it up then shutting up and saying shit like "You told me not to say it." When I ask wtf is your problem. You can easily just say "For a moment, I had a lapse of memory and was about to bring up EMDR but remembered that you don't want me to do that. I apologize. I will do better." That's literally all I want from people. I try so hard to be good to others. And yeah, I fuck up a lot. Bit I work on fixing problems. I'm always the one who gets put on the back burner. By everyone. I know I'm strong and resilient but I have weaknesses too. And people have put me on the back burner or even taken me tf out of the kitchen entirely when I needed help the most. And there have been times I've almost done ot simply because of that. I have nearly ended my own life because everyone assumes I'm strong enough. If they could see what was going on in my brain, they'd know.
But everyone assumes I'll be fine. Or maybe they don't really care. Maybe I'm just a convenience to them. They don't have to reach out first because I'll do that for them. If I let every conversation drop, I'd have no friends. Maybe Eren. That's pretty much it. If I just never reached out, nobody would reach out to me first.
Nobody cares enough to stop and consider how I'm doing. And if they do, it's passive aggressive.
I am worthless unless I serve other people. No one gives a fuck about me. But if I kill myself, everyone would be coming out of the woodwork to say "Oh, I wish they'd said something to me." I did. They ignored it for six weeks until I finally sent them a meme because I gave up. That's when they responded. And I give up now. I give up on trying to get people to care. I am a tool for people to use and toss aside.
I can't do this anymore. I can't be people's plaything. I can't be a toy people pull out when they wanna feel superior. And yes, that is the truth.
People with a college education think I'm stupid just because of that. And the reality is I'm probably smarter than them. I am quicker and sharper than most people. That's just reality.
Amie McKibban thinks I'm stupid. But she's just condescending constantly amd tries to start drama because she's bored. She refuses to change her own life. And she will be miserable until she does.
I'm not stupid. But it's hard to keep yourself from just giving up and saying I'm stupid when everyone around you thinks so because you don't have a college degree. I can't afford that and the only reason I went to community college in the first place was because it kept me from being kicked out of my parents house because they didn't believe I was putting in applications. I was putting in numerous each day. I am so done with everything. Fuck everyone.
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