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for the love of god please help me
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swedenis-h · 6 months
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Phoenix Tatooine day trip Goes Wrong™️ (X)
This is a little idea where Luke needs something (don’t ask me what) that he can only get on tatooine, so dinluke adventure ensues. The plan is to get there and leave ASAP, but then nostalgia hits and he needs to hit every shop and place he used to as a kid. But you know, “college kids comes back to hometown” syndrome hits and he realizes he’s changed too much. Think of how the holiday season doesn’t feel the same anymore now that you’re an adult, same feeling. AND YES ITS ALSO DUNLUKE BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO KISS AND TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND ALSO KISS.
Heres some extras 🫡
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wosemi-sama · 3 months
hellooo ^^ i saw ur requests were open...
could you write a little silly thing with the obey me brothers and a child!mc who swears up and down that they'll marry him? typical funny "child doesnt understand the full meaning of marriage they just think its the ultimate form of love" trope.
ermmm sure ‼️‼️‼️ i gotchu anon. i think child mc is very silly™️
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Lucifer worked on his paperwork at his desk, as you talked his ear off with all about your day, sitting on one of the chairs of his secret study. As usual, he paid no mind to you minus the usual nod or hum, his attempt at making you feel acknowledged.
That was, until, you somehow brought up the subject of your future wedding. He looked up at you, his attention no longer directed at his papers.
"Excuse me..?" Lucifer's eyes widened as they always do when he's surprised. He was in complete shock.
"Yeah! Our wedding. So we can spend the whole day together!" You seemed to be delighted, already planning your father-child day in your head.
"Dear, if you wanted to spend the day together, you could just ask." He stopped writing and put his pen down.
"Really? But you're always so busy!" You frowned, Lucifer frowned with you at your response.
"Do I really seem busy?" You nodded, confused as you thought he already knew how little he's spent time with you lately.
Lucifer sighed. "I'll see if I can clear my schedule and I'll spend all tomorrow with you. How does that sound?"
You hummed in agreement, already ecstatic for tomorrow.
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To celebrate his recent win at the casino yesterday night (unbeknownst to you), he took you to eat at the fanciest restaurant in the Devildom he knew.
He told you to get dressed in your fanciest clothes and to meet him at HoL's front entrance, covering your eyes as the two of you drew nearer to the restaurant.
Later, you were both sat down at a table near the entrance, eating your meals.
"This is so good! I can't wait until our wedding!" You exclaimed with a mouth full of food.
Mammon's grip on his fork loosened. He dropped it on his plate. "Our huh. Our wha...? Repeat that?" Mammon was stunned.
"Our wedding!"
"Do... do ya know what a wedding is?" Mammon asked you, serious for once.
"Well... no, but-!" Mammon interrupted you. "Aha! Knew it! Don't go sayin' things like that, ya hear?"
You sighed. "Okay...."
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"W-what did you just say?!" He put down his controller and turned to you, forgetting all about the Devil Kart game he was playing with you.
"Yeah, when we get married-"
Levi cut you off. "Nooope! Not happening."
"What? Why not!!" You seemed genuinely curious, so he answered. "People get married when they love each other."
"Huh. But I love you!" You seemed very confident with your response.
Levi was stumped, unsure of how to explain it differently.
"Y-you know what, nevermind." He decided that you'd understand what marriage is and how it works when you're older. Probably. Hopefully.
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You sat there patiently, listening to the bedtime story Satan was reading to you. It was a story from the human world, one you've heard a dozen times, yet you don't get tired of stories as long as Satan's reading them to you.
Everything was going normally until Satan got to the end of the book, the part where the prince marries the princess. "Satan, I'm gonna marry you one day!" You sat up from your comfy spot on your bed.
"I'm sorry, you're going to what?" Satan was speechless, unsure of what to do or say. Does he keep reading? Does he explain to you what you just said?
"Well, it says the princess and the prince love each other." You pointed to the page picturing the princess and prince's wedding. Satan nodded and you continued. "When you get married, it's because you love each other, right?"
"Well, not familiarly. You get married to someone you're romantically attached to." Satan explained.
"Oh. Okay!" You had no idea what either of those words meant, but you laid back down anyway, ready for Satan to continue reading.
Satan looked at the clock on your nightstand. "It's getting past your bedtime, little one." He began to close the book. You put your hand on the page that was open to stop him. "Please, just five more minutes! The story's almost over, anyway!"
Satan sighed. "Alright, five more minutes."
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"Hmm? Our wedding?" Asmodeus was confused, to say the least.
Asmo brushed your hair, fixing it up in time before breakfast. You sat on the edge of his bed as he talked to you about all the new hair products he got you yesterday while shopping. Well, until you began talking about your future wedding together.
You nodded, he stopped brushing your hair, the brush still in his hands as he held it in the air. "Yeah, our wedding!"
"Why would we have a wedding, hon?" Asmodeus questioned you. He watched as you sputtered, trying to come up with an answer. He just giggled at you and smiled. "That's just not possible, dear." He continued to brush your hair.
"Huh? Why not?!" You seemed hell bent on marrying him, for familiar reasons of course, but nobody knew how to explain that to you.
"Hmm, I'm not sure how to explain it..." Asmodeus looked for an answer, hoping it would suddenly pop up in his brain.
Unfortunately, that light bulb in his head didn't light up, so Asmo stayed quiet and continued to brush your hair.
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Even though it was a Saturday, everyone (mostly Lucifer) was still on about how you had woken up late. Everyone except Beelzebub, of course. He had even saved you a plate at breakfast! How kind and caring!
As you sat down at the dining table, he handed you the plate of food. You thanked him. It wasn't often the glutton would save someone food, unless it was you.
"Thanks, dad! I'm gonna marry you!" You hugged him tight, exciting for him to save you food every morning once you got married.
Beelzebub was... confused, to say the least. He continued to munch on his food, not sure how to act next.
He swallowed before speaking. "That's not how that works..." He looked around the room, looking for an answer. "Maybe you'll get married one day, just not to me." He finally decided on his answer, looking at you now.
"Okayyy..." You didn't understand, but who were you to ever argue with him?
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Belphie crouched and peaked his head under the blanket roof of the pillow fort you carefully constructed with him. "I got you something." He was hiding something behind his back. He took it out from behind, and there was a soft cow plushie in his hands. He smiled upon seeing your excitement towards it.
He gently put the cow plushie in your hands. You held it tight as you lay against the pillows, on top of the blanket flooring."Thank you, Belphie!" He hummed. "Heck, I might even marry you!"
The Avatar of Sloth raised an eyebrow.
"What...?" He questioned you quietly. You nodded. He knew it was just a saying, but he was slightly concerned. Asmodeus said that a lot. Was he finally rubbing of on you?
He finally went inside the pillow fort and got cozy. He took a pink blanket and covered you with it. It was silent for a bit.
"Where'd you learn that from?" He finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Asmo!" You exclaimed, holding the cow plushie even tighter.
"Ah." He knew it. He took the yellow blanket next to him and covered his legs, as he didn't feel like tucking in his upper half. The blanket had white stars scattered on the fabric.
He felt his eyes fluttering. He was about to fall asleep, but he still had something he wanted to say to you.
The pillow fort was quiet. You grabbed the book that was in between you and Belphie to begin reading where you left off. Before you could, Belphegor broke the silence once again.
"Hey..." He began. You looked up at him from your book. "Don't go around saying stuff like that, okay?" You flashed him a smile and gave him a thumbs up. That was the last thing he saw before falling asleep.
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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♟️ unholy
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raptureshots · 1 month
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That fucking bird that I hate... (is deeply in love with him)
Alt verson. under cut heartemoji
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based uhh. heavy off the Atlas Voice of The People and Atlas He's Your Pal posters btwww !!!
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athena-xox · 1 month
🎶 I hate it here 🎶
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🎶 So I will go to 🎶
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🎶 Secret gardens in my mind 🎶
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
“omg this fanfic changed my life and the author will never know it 🥺” LEAVE A COMMENT U PUSSY ⁉️😭🙏
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bobosbillionsknives · 6 months
He's kinda feminine rage vibes
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machiavellli · 3 months
‼️If you do anon hate, get out of my blog immediately.‼️
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svuguru · 13 days
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
every time i see someone say the blacks are less interesting just bc their story is more straightforward i put another dime in my sword jar omgggg i’m sorry u have no taste and don’t think the gender fuckery and politics of rhaenyra and jacaerys navigating a dynamic that a mother and son would never navigate because her body will NEVER be his property and he BELONGS to her in a way no other first born son has to deal with, and also apparently don’t like the MAGIC PLOT in the FANTASY SHOW
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the-knife-consumer · 3 months
Getting to that point in allergies where it's not even snot anymore it's just cold water. Make it stop
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mothhuuny · 1 year
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raptureshots · 2 months
FontRyan was the T4T blueprint .
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dropthecop · 5 months
why did my boromir post get notes i'm scared
#my roommate requested Boromir Tags Rant in the replies of that post so i suppose i will put that here#BASICALLY it all boils down (in my brain) to people hating this dude for like. getting mind controlled. like it was NOT HIS FAULT‼️#local man tries to take and use an object that specifically influences people to want to take and use it; mord at 5#like ?????#thats the whole POINT of the ring that's the whole reason FRODO had to carry it. he was one of the few people who was super resistant to th#thrall and influence of it#boromir is Just Some Guy (i mean he's like royalty sorta-kinda or whatever but he's just human he doesnt have any special Ring Resistance)#it's NATURAL that he would be tempted#like we SAW what it did to bilbo. we saw him being possessive of it and using it more than he should etc. but when it's bilbo then#apparently people suddenly gain thinking skills and realize that he was being influenced by an outside force#but when it's boromir suddenly its a moral failing???? america explain#plus also like. he was overcome for all of 2 minutes. and as soon as he realized what happened he CRIED bc he was so disgusted w his action#NOT TO MENTION SACRIFICING HIS LIFE FOR MERRY AND PIPPIN#NOT TO MENTION THAT EVEN WHILE INFLUENCED BY EVIL RING 5000 HE STILL ONLY EVER WANTED TO USE THE POWER FOR THE GOOD OF HIS PEOPLE#NOT TO MENTION [gestures at everything to do with faramir]#like. think for 4 seconds. use your brain. would an evil man cry after realizing he was influenced into doing something bad#would an selfish evil man sacrifice his life to save 2 funny hobbits#anyway i like him#also from like an out-of-universe perspective boromir trying to take the ring shows the power of the ring. it shows that it was able to#overcome even this Good Guy Character. you are not supposed to read/see that scene and take away from it ''boromir is bad''#you are supposed to take away from it ''wow the ring is SO POWERFUL that it could even influence such a good guy as boromir''#THATS MY OPINION ANYWAY#OH ALSO WE SAW FRODO GET INFLUENCED BY IT. ngl i forgot that happened for a minute. but EVEN FRODO caved for a bit#theres a reason why boromir's death is framed as a tragedy. it's not a bad guy getting what he deserved#it's a good man who will be missed and who died too soon#do you Really think aragorn would have kissed his forehead if he was evil. come on.#AND LIKE PIPPIN SWEARING FEALTY TO DENETHOR OVER IT??? that's a whole other can of worms but AUGH. pippin..........#Absolutely Agonizing.#can't be bothered to fix the grammar mistakes in this sowwy#my post
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bishonenspit · 6 months
every time people fundamentally misunderstand the patalliro characters i lose years off my life
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