cigvrettedvet · 6 months
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maybe harley was expecting too much. of course shiv would bring her boyfriend along to celebrate. but harley hated seeing the two of them together. whenever they got too close or they'd kiss, it made harley feel sick to her stomach. harley wanted that to be her. and sometimes, it would be. but whenever he came around, it was as though harley didn't even exist anymore. it was like this for a while now and even though harley knew she should get tired of these games, she was wrapped around shiv's pretty little finger like an idiot and she couldn't give her up. and it didn't help that they were touring around the country in the same band, forced to be around each other all the time. even though they were all supposed to be having fun with right now since it was the after party to one of their shows, harley wasn't in the mood. so she had left the others, waiting outside with a bottle of beer to keep her company. as she continued to drink her sorrows away, she heard footsteps coming up from behind her but didn't bother to turn around. she just assumed it was one of the other members anyway. "i'll be fine," harley says without even bothering to look behind her. "just go back to the party." // @angclnumber
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sporefound · 6 months
@stcrforged || cont.
it's interesting to watch marisol lay her truth out so easily. amanita cannot help but be drawn in by the natural display of emotion & sentiment tethers them for a moment. she wonders, too, if marisol will see her parents again. logic states that they will both be dead within the week. she hopes her observation is wrong, as she had been many times before.
" i don't have anyone waiting, " she hums, seeming pleased with the prospect. she would need to check in with her circle, feed them whatever information she gathered about her situation if she gets the chance. there were many she cared for & respected among her allies… but none of them were quite home. no, she had erected her home on her own private & hers alone. it was peaceful on amanita's terms.
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" but i do have a home. one tucked away from all this dreadful sunlight, built in my image. " her nose wrinkles at the thought. truthfully, she would rather be there now. the tadpole in her brain would kill her eventually, this she knew... but she would rather die in her own bed than die spending her last days grasping for answers. she forces her gaze to soften, just a bit, " for what it's worth… i hope you see your village again. "
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puphyo · 1 year
hi! i really enjoy your little!hyo works and was wondering if you would write something for little!dubu. no pressure if you don't feel like it or don't have an idea for it but i really love shy little!dubu
yes of course!! i love shy little!dubu too :)) and thank you anonie!!!
if there was anything that dahyun loved most in the world, it’s the way that her unnies took care of her when she was small. although she didn’t regress very young like some of the other members, usually somewhere within the range of a toddler, but her unnies were always more than happy to have her around. she didn’t talk much when she was small, either, preferring to just follow her unnie of choice for the day, trailing behind them and holding onto their hand. sometimes her momo unnie would carry her around, telling dahyun all about whatever was on her mind, unsurprisingly usually something to do with food, but dahyun was fond of it none the less.
today was nothing different, though instead of momo carrying dahyun around, sana and momo shared the kitchen and dahyun “supervised.” momo and sana chattered amongst themselves, yet never taking their eyes off dahyun for too long, as the little was sat on the kitchen counter, near, but not too close to the stove. dahyun wasn’t sure, but she thought they were talking about how they could prepare food, she was too entertained with her hoodie she had taken from tzuyu, helping her feel smaller than normal due to the fact it fell past her hands.
she giggled to herself and kicked her feet in the air as she flapped one of her hands, watching the long sleeves cover her hand and giggled more to herself as she realized that both sides of the hoodie completely covered her hands. unknowingly to her, momo and sana had stopped their conversation, watching their little girl in her own world, giggling and flapping her hands, completely entertained.
“you’re so tiny, dubu!” sana moved closer to her, sana pressing her own forehead to dahyun’s, watching sana’s hands travel down to her own, then feeling sana’s larger hands hold onto hers through the hoodie. dahyun just giggled, turning her head to look at sana and then in what can only be compared to a cat, gently resting her head against sana’s. “our tiny dubu, huh?”
dahyun pulled away from sana, now looking up to her, nodding happily. she made a happy cheer as sana kissed her cheeks, rocking happily about receiving her unnie’s affection. “you’re really small today aren’t you?” asked momo, gently poking dubu’s nose who shyly nodded, though giggling when she could feel momo’s hands tangling with sana’s and her own.
“well then how about momo unnie takes you to the living room, someone as small as you shouldn’t be in here, yeah?” momo waited for dahyun to nod her approval or say something against it before actually picking her up, and when dahyun nodded and outstretched her arms, momo picked her up, dahyun found herself in her own little world again, enraptured with the warmth of her momo unnie holding her. dahyun wondered why she didn’t just let her unnies hold her more often.
when momo went to put dahyun on the couch, she didn’t let go of momo, partially because she was preoccupied with thinking about why she didn’t let her unnies hold her more often, though mostly because she felt small enough now she needed to have momo close. it seemed momo caught on fairly quickly, because instead of momo fighting dahyun to get down, momo sat down first, her back resting against the arm of the couch, then adjusting dahyun so she was sitting comfortably, cradled against momo’s chest.
the little giggled, babbling to herself the whole time, and momo just watched her with love in her eyes, only noticing someone entering the room when they crouched down against the side of the couch and reached out for dahyun, now able to see it was tzuyu. “whatcha tell momo unnie all about, princess?”
dahyun only could babble back, and hold the front of her hoodie up for tzuyu to see, in her own way trying to say that she had taken tzuyu’s hoodie, and wanted to show it to her. tzuyu just smiled, “showing unnie you took my hoodie, huh? you’re just the cutest little thing, dubu.”
dahyun could only smile. she loved her unnies lots, she decided, and tried to express it, only to receive coos in response.
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b1gwings · 10 months
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Requesting one Zommoros and/or Miyani (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zommoros) (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miyani) many pleases and thanks 🙏
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here's Miyani!! I hope u like it :D
if you VOTE GLENN HERE, you can request a sketch from me!!!
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cursesavior · 11 months
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✉ @gohjuo said: “Have I ever given you a reason to doubt me? Don’t answer that.”
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"Protecting your ego now?" Suguru rolls his eyes at the other - confident as always, wasn't he? Though, despite acting annoyed, he didn't have any real concerns about the others ability to handle the situation. Satoru was more than capable, he knew that - but he wasn't invincible, despite what many people, including Satoru himself, seemed to think. "I'm not doubting you, I'm just telling you not to be reckless, alright? Don't do anything too stupid."
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hopelied · 1 year
@inseparableduo ♔ starter call.
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"Um... Can I help you? You've been staring."
Makoto finally addresses the girl - she looks young, too young to be hanging out in a shady area like this, that's for sure. The only reason he was here was because he knew that nobody was going to talk if they saw him doing something suspicious, so it was a good place to meet with people when trying to gather essential materials to his plans that he couldn't get elsewhere, like chloroform - or, in some cases, find new allies. Troubled, down-on-their-luck people were often the easiest to manipulate, after all. He wasn't sure to think of this girl yet, though... Despite her young age, there was something about her that seemed a little... off, to say the least.
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journcys-archived · 2 years
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“You see, darling, if you want to get into to Pokemon Contests, they are a lot of hard work and require a lot of dedication and time—Do you have the drive to proceed? While I have to juggle my duties as Hoenn’s co-champion, I’m sure I could get my niece to teach you a few things. She’s getting up there herself, you know.”
Kireina, his Milotic, eyes Bella and her Pokémon briefly before huffing and sticking her nose up in the air as Wallace speaks. Seems like she’s forming her own opinions…
// @pluviacuratio
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fcrtheglcry · 2 years
a starter for @hollowichor muse: luce thorne
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✧˚ · . luce was proud of her little flower shop – it wasn’t huge, but it was well-maintained, and the flowers seemed to be happy under her care. it was quiet and contemplative and made her relatively enough money, and it wasn’t like she had a social life to prioritize, anyway. she was perfectly content to spend her time here – even if it did mean her head was a bit up in the clouds, to the point she didn’t even notice the door had opened with a chime of the bells to signal it. luce jumped when she finally saw them, quickly putting down the flower she had been transferring to a bigger pot.  ❝ I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE, ❞ she said with a quiet laugh, brushing her hands off on the thighs of her jeans to get rid of the dirt. ❝ DID YOU NEED HELP WITH SOMETHING? ❞
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cmxcgreggor · 2 years
closed for @margosage​ location: Valentine’s, late
Charlie believed that the best way to start someone on the job was to just start them-- throw them in the mix and do your best to guide them through it. Because in a place like Valentine’s it wasn’t unusual for shit to hit the fan, and it was his top priority to make sure all his employees knew how to handle the inevitable. Unfortunately for Sage, their newest addition, tonight was one of those nights. A group of four or five guys had come in, already miles away from sobriety, and were causing trouble from the get-go. They’d gone from being rowdy to destructive, resulting in smashed glasses and a toppled table. 
It was the sounds of glass shattering that brought Charlie out from the back. He shot an are-you-seeing-this? look at Sage before he was intervening, giving one of the guys a solid shove towards the exit. “Fun’s over,” he scolded. “Sage! You mind gettin’ the door for our guests?”
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gvngsigns · 3 months
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"look, i'll ask you this one more time: move your fucking car or─" no threat follows. calling the cops wasn't an option while he was part of the organisation currently carrying out a bank heist three blocks away. "you're blocking my car and i'm in a hurry." / @stayliquid
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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sifonie · 5 months
❝ what did you think was going to happen? that i'd bow down and let you take it? ❞
"It's a real shame you aren't."
Music Meister sighs, tugging at their glove and flexing their fingers. "I wanted to be nice, you know! You're making things much, much harder for yourself. I wanted to stay quiet, be piano... but now you're just forcing a crescendo!" Their hands ball into fists, brows furrowing. They hadn't wanted to have such a small audience tonight, but they might just have to make do.
"I'll give you one last chance to give it up. I don't like sharing, but it doesn't seem like you're the type to share, either. That's a real shame, too...I thought spreading the wealth would've been the kind thing to do! Now be nice, or I'll just have to make you dance like the puppet you are."
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whiskeypores · 6 months
@baffinbays ♡'d
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the town they lived in in virginia was small by definition, so seeing someone around she doesn't see every day definitely stands out. fancying herself a somewhat accomplished thief, she prides herself on keeping tabs on the people around her. so she places herself as casually as she can next to the stranger, offering a nonchalant smile. ❛ no offense, but y'look kinda lost. can i help you? ❜
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hopelied · 1 year
@poisondapples ♔ starter.
At first, Makoto wondered if he'd somehow ended up at the wrong room. Hope's Peak was an easy place to get lost in, after all, and the sounds coming from what he thought was the music room were, well... Not exactly what he expected when looking for the one known as the Ultimate Musician. Tsumiki did say that her classmate's musical style was... Interesting... but wow. Still, despite his initial shock, if this truly was the music of Ibuki Mioda, then he would gladly accept it as the anthem of despair!
After he got her on his side, of course. The first and most difficult step.
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He pushed open the door gently, and sure enough, there she was, in all her wild glory. Their eyes meet, and he feigns a look of surprise, lifting his hands in front of him as if in surrender. "Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't meant to interrupt you!" He sputters in his best apologetic voice. "It's just that... I heard your music, and..."
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"It's so cool! Like, REALLY cool! Even if you're just practicing, I can already see why you were chosen as the Ultimate Musician!" He may not look like the type to be into rock music, but she should know that looks can be deceiving, right? He'll just act like an enthusiastic junior for now and hope his excitement would get him on her good side. Especially since, at least according to Tsumiki, it seemed her classmates weren't nearly as thrilled by it...
"You must be really popular with your class, huh?"
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journcys-archived · 2 years
@lacampeona sent: ❛  seems like we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together.  ❜ @ Wallace, champions meeting champions hell yeah
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Green eyes flickered around the scenery of Paldea, an amused hum leaving him before his gaze moved back to Geeta, a smile upon his features as a hand was brought to his chest and his nose in the air. “Mm, I suppose you’re right. I don’t mind—maybe you’ll show us the sights, no?” By ‘we’, he meant himself—and his beloved Milotic, Kireina, who decided to plop her chin right on top of his head, staring over at the other champion with her glistening red hues.
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There was a pause before Wallace reached up to pat Kireina’s cheek, in which she had promptly moved her head away from her trainer’s, elongating her neck to get closer to Geeta, head tilting slightly before she pulled back with a huff. This made Wallace laugh.
“I apologize for her behaviour. She’s a bit spoiled, you see.” A bit was an understatement. The Milotic only liked a handful of other Pokémon and people—and she seemed to be a little more cranky when not near a very familiar Metagross. Ah well, it is what it is.
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“Steven couldn’t make it here with me to your region. So I hope it’s not an issue to have only one of two of Hoenn’s champions in your wake, darling.”
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danielcalmdown · 7 months
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i'm just filling up a kim without glasses lore gap with random shit, don't mind me
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