#I JUST changed my avatar pic
talkfastromance4 · 1 year
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I read it as ‘obscene’ and I think it’s more accurate
Ugh he’s so pretty it hurts
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
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Bye everyone!
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emometalhead · 1 year
Aftershock 2023 Lineup
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cynical-things · 9 months
i finally changed my avatar everyone say well done kato
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bawwsadface · 11 months
im still using desktop so this whole "clicking on someone's @ and it taking you to a mobile interface for their blog instead of to their actual page" thing is tripping me up
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devilevlls · 2 months
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Let’s skip class ৎ⋆˚。
Gender-Neutral MC༘ ⋆。˚ - Established relationship with Mammon.
All started in a very specific day. Lucifer wouldn't be in RAD since he had a matter to attend in the human world. It was the perfect opportunity for the couple to skip class.
📌TW: Make out section inside the changing room, slightly NSFW (nothing too spicy, just a little tease) Word count: 1,261
MC was sitting at their desk, a mischievous glint in their eye as they scribbled a note on a small piece of paper.
With a sly smile, they folded the note and stealthily approached Mammon's desk, slipping it into the clutter of papers before retreating to their seat. The demon’s blue eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the unexpected message waiting for him. What is a love letter? 
"What's this?" Mammon muttered to himself, unfolding the note and reading its contents. "Let’s skip class? :D - MC." His heart skipped a beat at the invitation, a mixture of excitement and apprehension swirling within him. 
The human caught his eye from across the room, a playful smirk dancing on their lips as they motioned for him to join them. Swallowing the nerves, Mammon made his way over to the human’s desk, his mind racing with worry about the consequences of skipping class.
"MC, are ya sure about this?" Mammon whispered, glancing nervously around the room to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "What if Lucifer finds out? He's gonna be furious and probably gonna hang me upside down for everyone in RAD to see!"
MC placed a reassuring hand on Mammon's arm, their gaze unwavering. "Don't worry, baby. Lucifer's not even here today, remember? It's the perfect opportunity for us to have a little fun. Don’t you want to check out the new shop that opened?"
Mammon's apprehension began to fade as he considered MC's words. "I guess you're right," he conceded, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice. “But we gotta make sure my other brothers won't tell on us.”
“We see that later, come on ~”
With a shared grin, MC and Mammon slipped out of the classroom, their hearts pounding with anticipation for the adventure that awaited them beyond the school walls.
Excitement pulsed through both of them as they approached the new fashion shop that had opened just that week. The storefront gleamed with promise, its expansive windows showcasing a tantalizing array of chic clothing and accessories.
With eager anticipation, MC darted from rack to rack as the two entered, fingers trailing over fabrics and colors as they selected a collection of stylish pieces. Meanwhile, Mammon prowled the aisles with a newfound enthusiasm, blue eyes alight with the prospect of indulging in some fashionable finds.
As they gathered their selections, the avatar of geed couldn't resist the idea of choosing matching items, all of his brothers would be so envy! With a mischievous grin, he gathered some interesting choices, his mind already racing with the possibilities. “I’m gonna make them so mad, ya bet it!” 
With their arms laden with clothing and accessories, the couple made their way to the changing rooms, eager to see how their chosen ensembles would look. With a shared glance and a shared sense of anticipation, they stepped into the same changing room together, the door closing behind them with a soft click.
“Let’s try these on, maybe post a pic in our devilgram?” MC suggests with a smile, slowly lifting their shirt off.
Mammon’s eyes widened, his cheeks started to burn with embarrassment. It didn’t matter how many times he saw his partner undress, it always made his heart flutter.
“Uh, yeah…” A shy smile graced his lips as he attempted to divert his thoughts elsewhere, anything to distract his body from its instinctive reactions.
Giggles danced between them as they slipped into the stylish garments, each piece transforming their appearance. As they twirled and posed in front of the mirror, capturing the moment with playful snapshots, the air buzzed with laughter and joy. Each photo preserved not just the outfits they wore, but the memories they were creating together. “You should try this one here.” He points to a very chic pair of shoes. As MC turned away to retrieve the item suggested, they felt a sudden warmth envelop them as Mammon's fingers slid around their waist, pulling gently but firmly. A soft gasp escaped MC's lips, their heart skipping a beat at the unexpected intimacy.
With a smile, MC leaned into the touch, savoring the sensation of Mammon's warm skin against their own. “Mammon…” They pretend to scold him, but quickly surrenders as his soft lips traces kissing along their sensitive neck, giving them shivers.
The avatar of greed loved that position, being able to grab them from behind, his clothed stirring erection pressing against the soft curve of their buttocks as he nibbles into their skin. Gosh… It was like magic. That was better than winning any bet.
The sensation was electrifying, sending shivers of pleasure racing down his spine. It was a moment of pure euphoria, a heady blend of desire and affection, the human gasping and pressing themselves into him, showing off how much they wanted to keep going. His human's boldness took Mammon by surprise as their hand reached behind them, boldly grasping his bulge and squeezing it gently.
“MC…” He hisses, pressing himself harder, rubbing his throbbing arousal into their soft hand.
As a low ring emanated from MC's phone, they glanced at the lock screen, their heart sinking at the sight of Lucifer's notification. The message was a terse warning, a reminder of his return and the expectation that everything would be in order upon his arrival. It carried a weight of authority, a threat that couldn't be ignored.
With a sense of urgency, MC's mind raced. “W-We should keep going, we can’t risk being late. This was already a fun escape.” Mammon's body tensed at MC's words, his desire warring with the rational part of his mind that knew they couldn't afford to linger any longer. Though every fiber of his being ached for release, he knew the consequences of indulging in their passion right there and then.
With a low hiss of frustration, he reluctantly loosened his grip on MC, the ache of unfulfilled desire gnawing at him.
"You're right," he murmured, his voice strained with restraint. "We can't risk being late." 
The demon gently turned his human around, capturing their lips in a stolen, heated kiss. As he hugged their hips and pulled them closer, their scents mingled, their warmth blending into one as they shared a fleeting, cherished moment before returning to the House of Lamentation.
As they arrived just in the nick of time, the sound of buzzing filled the air, signaling the arrival of Lucifer's portal. With quick thinking, they reopened the door, feigning nonchalance as if they had been waiting for the avatar of pride all along.
"Welcome home, dear brother," Mammon greeted, his voice strained with tension.
Lucifer's piercing gaze bore into them with suspicion as he entered the room, exuding an aura of authority. "How was your day?" he inquired, his tone measured and observant.
"Oh, just the usual, you know," MC replied with a gentle smile, attempting to maintain an air of normalcy despite the racing of their hearts.
"I see. You two should change," Lucifer remarked, already moving away from them. "I'll order something for us to eat tonight."
As Lucifer walked away, the weight of his suspicion lingered in the air, though for now, he seemed willing to overlook any discrepancies. With a shared glance of relief, the couple knew they had narrowly escaped scrutiny—for now. But they also realized the importance of keeping their absence a secret, relying on the other brothers to cover them up, lest they all face the consequences together. With that in mind, they silently vowed to maintain their secret at all costs.
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They took a picture of them wearing funny shaped glasses, and that probably will be Mammon's profile picture for at least three months! (¬‿¬)
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Mother's Day
parining: Neteyam x reader aged up and are parents - a mother's day special
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synopsis: after the battle of Awa'atlu and with Quaritch now dead, the Sullys are back to living a peaceful life at the forest and Neteyam and reader have a child. Neteyam has a surprise for reader on Mother's Day.
warnings: none, mostly fluff. only a little tiny mention of reader doubting her skills as a new mother but those thoughts are later on squashed.
author's note: do na'vi babies use diapers or just loincloths that are regularly changed? I looked online and couldn't find any info on it. I mentioned about two weeks ago that this was supposed to come out on Sunday, so I know it’s late and Mother’s Day is long gone but oh well, life has been busy. Enjoy!
word count: 2.4k
glossary: prrnen- baby, ma'itan- my son, eyaye plant- warbonnet fern (the big glowing leaves of pandora that looks like a fan- in the right pic of the header), panopyras- the plant that looks like a glowing jellyfish (in the left pic of header). more info can be found on avatar's official pandorapedia and on avatar wiki.
You gently moved your baby back and forth in your arms as you tried to calm his crying.
"Mawey, mawey ma'itan," you cooed into his ear as you tried to figure out what was making your less than one-year-old son so cranky.
"What is wrong, huh? I just fed you an hour ago, and daddy just changed your nappies." Your baby began to grow more irritable by the minute, and you had to find a quick solution. The baby was supposed to be asleep; that way you could go out into the forest to gather some fruit and vegetables for dinner.
Your son had now begun sucking on his thumb while crying and moving his head close to your chest in search of milk.
"You're still hungry? Is that what it is?" You adjusted your top to let your son feed on you, instantly calming his crying and fussiness. "What an appetite." You simply shook your head and laughed.
"Happy Mother's Day!" You heard a loud commotion outside of Neteyam's and your shared Marui. You moved the opening of your tent and peered outside, and saw Jake and his kids, Neteyam included, all showering Neytiri with attention. They all gave her a big hug and handed her flowers, rare fruits, bracelets, and a matching headset. She thanked her family for the presents, and you merely smiled at the kind gesture. You closed the flap of your tent, basking in the warmth and tranquility of your child as his eyes were now closed, content with his feeding.
When you were previously an avatar before your permanent soul transfer, you had already learned of Mother's Day and its significance. Though now, as a Na'vi, you grew to the customs of the Omaticaya and have not paid much attention to it until now.
As a mother of a young baby, not even a toddler, you knew not to expect anything significant on the day yet. How would your child know to give you a gift or thank you for being his mother? Foolishness- he was too young for you to even think about that, and you let out a small chuckle at your own thoughts and sighed.
Jake always made it clear to Neytiri on Mother's Day how much he loved and appreciated her, and he always gave her something for mothering their children. Would Neteyam do the same to you as well?
Although Neteyam is a Na'vi, you slightly expected him to know that this day held significance for you as well, especially as the father of your child. Or maybe he didn't know?
But like the rest of the Sully kids, he learned about it from Jake and has not missed a single year to gift something to Neytiri on this special day. Or maybe he didn't think you were such a good mother after all. Perhaps you were just being silly, how could you expect someone to congratulate you on something you’re so new at? You’re Na’vi now, and perhaps you should just get used to it.
You simply sighed again at the thought and placed your child in your frontal wrap as you prepared to go out and gather the food for later.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Neteyam walked into your tent and gave you a questioning look.
"No, no. Nothing’s wrong." You shook your head and smiled.
“I heard you sighing as if something was wrong.” Neteyam interrogated.
“Oh, I’m fine, Nete. I was just glad that the baby finally fell asleep after crying for so long.” You petted your son’s head as you tried to sell your excuse to your mate.
“I see. Sorry for not coming into the tent sooner. I thought I heard a baby crying, but I was a bit busy at the moment.” Neteyam helped you up as you grabbed a basket for the food you were getting ready to pick.
“It’s fine-”
“No, no, I should have helped you out-”
“Neteyam.” You placed your hand on his, “It’s fine. The baby was just hungry again, you weren’t going to be much help in that situation.” You let out a small giggle.
He simply chuckled, “I guess not.”
“I’ll be back in time to make dinner.” You waved as you made your way out of the tent.
Huh, busy? Simply busy celebrating Mother’s Day and not with you. You rolled your eyes and huffed out. Y/n, get yourself together.
You shook your head in disbelief at your own antics.
I’m sure Neteyam appreciates you, he’s probably just waiting for the baby to get bigger to celebrate Mother’s Day. In fact, maybe he’ll tell your son when he gets older. Yes, that's it.
You smiled to yourself as you came up with a conclusion and decided to drop the topic, knowing that getting upset over something so trivial wouldn’t do you any good.
You contently continued your way into the forest.
Nete, I’m home. Dinner will be ready s-” you looked into your marui and saw no one inside. Maybe Neteyam was out hunting, or busy helping his siblings, probably bailing Lo’ak out of trouble or something. You laughed at the thought.
You placed your still-asleep son in his cot and got straight to cooking as you peeled the fruits and vegetables, and moved the veggies onto separate plates, chopped, and cooked them. With your quick and skilled hands, the food was ready in no time, and your mate was home in no time as well.
“Mmm, what is that delicious smell, huh?” Neteyam made his way towards you. “Is that the wonderful cooking of my cute wife?” He bent down and gave you a kiss. Your tail swished back and forth at the compliment, and you blushed.
“Oh, just sit down.” You jokingly rolled your eyes as you gave him a bowl of food. “Thank you, love,” he smiled at you, and you sent one back.
“So, where were you?” You pried as you ate your food.
“Eh, just helping one of the clan members hunt some meat. No luck today, though.” Neteyam continued eating.
Hmm, strange. He’s all neat and clean, not a drop of sweat. Unless he bathed at the river before coming over? Probably so.
You decided to stop overthinking and just enjoy your food before you soured your appetite.
The rest of the meal was quiet but comfortable.
“Alrighty, done. That was delicious, as always.” Neteyam handed you the bowls, and you set them aside.
“So, anything in plan to do lat-” you were cut off with the sound of crying waving through your ears. You rushed over to your son and picked him up.
“Here, let me help.” Neteyam made his way over to you and took the baby from your hands. “What is my little mighty warrior so upset about, huh?” Your mate gently rocked the child back and forth.
“Shh, shh. Daddy's right here.” He cooed, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the self-given name.
The baby wouldn’t stop crying, and so you took a peek at his bottom. “Oh,” you simply let out.
“What is it?” Neteyam gave you a questioning look.
“He needs to be cleaned.” You took the baby out of Neteyam’s arms and placed him on a mat.
“Look at that cutie!” Kiri beamed as she entered the tent and made her way straight to you and Neteyam’s son. “Aww, don’t you worry. He needs a cleaning, right? I’ll take care of it.” Kiri shooed your hands away and got to work.
“No, Kiri, you don’t have to do that.” You felt bad and tried to stop her.
“Nonsense, I’ll take care of him. Go out with Neteyam and do something. Maybe go on one of those dates or whatever you romantics like to do.” She simply waved you away.
“Thank you,” Neteyam mouthed to her when you weren’t looking.
“Are you sure?” You let out as Neteyam dragged you out of the tent.
“Kiri will be fine.” He assured you.
“Well, where are we going?” You asked.
“Put this on.” He gave you a blindfold, and you simply looked at him confused about what he was doing.
“Just put it on, you trust me, right?”
“Good. Then put it on.”
You held the blindfold over your eyes, and Neteyam tied it. “How will I know where to step? What if I fall?” You asked, giving a questioning look behind the cloth.
“You wont.” Neteyam swooped you up in his arms and carried you bridal style. “You see?” He smirked.
“Well technically since I’m blindfolded right now…” Neteyam lowered his arms down, threatening to drop you. “Alright, ALRIGHT. I get it!” You let out as he swung you over his shoulders and made his way into the forest with you.
“Are we there yet?” You groaned at the long walk to wherever it was that Neteyam was taking you.
“C’mon, just wait a bit. We’re almost there.” Neteyam readjusted his hold on you.
“You said that like 5 minutes ago,” you rolled your eyes behind the cloth.
“You're starting to sound like Tuk with all of that complaining.” He chuckled
“Am not!”
“You see, you’re even arguing like her.” He teased as you swung your tail by his face in retaliation.
“Alright, I’m putting you down. We’re almost there, and you can walk from here.” Neteyam carefully lowered your legs to the ground. “I’ll hold your hand so you don’t fall.” He took your hand in a firm grasp and led the way.
“Alright, just a few more steps, c’mon.” Neteyam led you down a small hill and brought you to a stop at the bottom. “You can open your eyes now.”
You untied the cloth from your eyes and gasped at the view. A beautiful glowing stream flowed in front of you, and a small nearby waterfall fed it as a few hexapedes quenched their thirst on it. Lizards flew around you, and atokirinas gracefully danced in the air as some landed near the panopyras and on the lily pads in the water.
“Nete-“ you were speechless at the sight. This was the spot that made you fall in love with the forest, always so majestic and peaceful, breathtaking, and full of color and life.
“It’s beautiful, I love it! We haven't been here in ages; you know this is my favorite spot!” You gleamed as you faced Neteyam, and he smiled at your reaction.
"Well, what type of mate would I be if I didn't bring you anywhere nice on this special day?" He smirked, and your eyes widened in shock.
"You remembered?" Your jaw dropped open at his comment in realization that this indeed was for Mother's Day.
"Of course I did! How could I forget the beautiful mother of our child, huh?" Neteyam pecked your cheek with a kiss. "Happy Mother's Day, love. And thank you for being such a wonderful and good mother to our firstborn son. I couldn't have asked for anyone else."
A tear rolled down your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away and sniffled as you tried to control your emotions. "Thank you. I love you so much." You wrapped your arms around Neteyam as he embraced you in a warm hug.
"I love you." He responded as he held you in his arms and looked down at your eyes, "I've got something for you."
You simply tilted your head in confusion as he let go of you and walked behind a tree, bending down to pick something up.
He brought back an object wrapped in eyaye leaves and handed it to you.
"What is this?" You gave him a 'you shouldn't have' look.
"Just a little something for you. Open it up, sweetheart." His tail swished back and forth in nervousness as you unwrapped the gift, and your eyes lit up at the sight.
You held up two matching bracelets, both filled with your favorite colors, blue and purple. Those were the bioluminescent colors of the forest that made you fall in love with Pandora, and Neteyam knew just how special they were to you.
"Do you like it?" His ears flickered at his anxiousness.
"I love it! It's beautiful, and they're my favorite colors! Nete, you know me so well!" You ran up to Neteyam and jumped up as you gave him a hug, almost knocking him down in the process. You grabbed his face and gave him small pecks everywhere, his cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, and finally, his lips.
"Well, I'm glad you like it." He chuckled at your antics and put you down. You put one bracelet on your ankle and the other on your wrist. Both fitted perfectly, and you raised your eyebrows at Neteyam.
As if knowing what you were going to say, he blurted out, "I measured you while you were sleeping. You're not such a light sleeper after all." Neteyam smirked.
"Well, however it was that you got the size, it worked. They fit wonderfully and look absolutely beautiful. I love them so much, thank you, ma'teyam." You smiled at your thoughtful mate and the beautiful gifts, mentally scorning yourself for your doubts earlier.
"And these are for you as well." Neteyam handed you a beautiful bouquet of sun lilies, glowing blue with purple outlines surrounding the petals and stems.
"Babe... you really outdid yourself. You know that, right?" You shook your head as you gently grabbed the flowers from his hands and smelled them. "They look great and smell amazing. Thank you." You smiled up at Neteyam as he held his hand on your back, and the both of you sat at the edge of the river, legs now kicking in the water.
"I'm so grateful to have you as my mate, my beautiful wife, and the wonderful mother of our child and hopefully many more to come, if you allow it." Neteyam kissed your cheek, and you smiled at the thought.
"And I'm so grateful to have you in my life, I wouldn't trade you for anything else. You make me feel like the happiest woman on Pandora; of course I would be glad to mother all of our future children." You smiled up at the stars as you held the flowers in your hands as a child, already used to carrying your baby in that position, causing Neteyam to chuckle at the sight.
"I love you," you turned to look at him.
"And I love you." Neteyam held your face in his hand.
"Forever..." you leaned in.
"...and always." Neteyam sealed his love for you with a kiss.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
again, sorry this came out so late. this was supposed to come out on Mother's Day but unfortunately I wasn't able to complete it sooner. I hope it came out decent enough for you guys to enjoy it.
reblogs/comments etc. are much appreciated
let me know if you want to be included in a taglist.
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used:#ED345F and #FFB3CF
credit: divider from this post: here
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paraparasect · 4 months
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I was taking some reference pics of my Gabriel (glowbriel) avatar in secondlife and I kinda just had to get these gifs because thirst
(planned changes for him eventually: Glowy top surgery scars and some fixes for the misaligned textures in some spots)
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𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙛𝙛
Headcanon: Daily life of you dating them. Ft Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai and Ranpo
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A/n: accept this as a payback for being gone for to long. Miss you guys, how have you been?
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You need to deal with him fr to much.
Can see him ordering drinks during you dates, specifically asking the waiter to bring two straws only to see him drink it from both.
Are you even dating him if you both haven't already taken couple quizzes on the Internet.
This mf istg. LIKE you are about to kiss and he would bump his forehead with yours.
Either he is 10/10 romantic or will be the worst lover in history.
Aww but imagine, if you are in bad mood and insecure or stuff, or saying why you hate your self, he would overhear that and list you things he likes about you. Cute, BUT STOP HIM BEFORE IT GOES FOREVER.
Never leave him alone at home. This man would bring those glow in the dark stars and paste it all over your room. THE LIGHT SO BRIGHT IT BLINDS YOU EYES.
UwU that gives him and you a reason to sleep together on the couch.
You both tried to set up yourself as avatars on games, trying to get your virtual self together only for Dazai's avatar to turn into a bread and commit arson.
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Can imagine you both raking up leaves and jumping into them.
he trying their best to be quiet while you are taking a nap.
This man gets into a heated argument with someone begins threatening them, only for you to pick him up and toss him over your shoulders walking away while he still shouts.
10/10 perfect dynamic couples
You both will visit a field of flowers as a dating spot and thinking you have time to take photos but then both of you end up laying in the field together and picking beautiful flowers for each other. Bonus when both of you make flower crowns for each other.
He kisses you before heading out to kill people, while you lie still in bed trina cope up completing your education degree he can never have. (Lets be real, they are 22, people are finishing college at that moment and not killing people for fun-)
You tried to connect to his Wi-Fi and jokingly put your own name in as the password.
WELL that actually worked and you are connected to his Wi-Fi. (STFU ITS NOT CRINGE ITS FLUFF)
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THIS MAN likes stealing your phone to change your phone's wallpaper into cursed pics from your Pinterest. 10/10 morning trauma
He helps you dry and brush your hair after a shower and visa versa.
Normalising playing on the swings at a small playground that nobody goes to anymore because that's what two sane persons do.
Hands down, both of you tried to cross your kitchen playing three-legged race.
Never let this man draw. You both will be drawing each other and man will breakdown just because he cant lift a pencil. HOW CAN YOU LIFT A MF GUN THEN??
Once you and him were stranded on a raft in the middle of a lake. DONT ASK WHY.
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You have to tie balloons around his hand so he doesn't get lost in the crowd.
JUST IMAGINE-, He has a french fry in his mouth and dares you to steal it from him. and when you try to do it, he puts the whole fry in his mouth and makes you kiss him. 10/10 RIZZNPO.
Thanks to his amazing direction skills, you both get lost in IKEA.
HUJFDISF He will touch your face and tell you its really soft while he gives nose kisses!>>>
Presuming you can knit, he forced you to make a very very very long scarf, only for him to make you sit beside him and share it. (No dazai, that cannot be your rope)
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Thanks for reading! I am thinking to change my writing theme. But either ways Do vote if you like ig? Byee lysm :D ๑ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY ๑PORT MAFIA ๑MASTERLIST ๑HEADCANONS
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
fandom: avatar the way of water
pairing: ao'nung x fem!na'vi!reader (water na'vi), neteyam x reader (platonic)
warnings: grammatical errors, timeskip ao'nung, aged up ao'nung?
lmk if you liked it pls <3
not my gif + not my pics! if you want link, let me know🩵
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"𝐈 am speechless, Ao'nung. You're for real. You've always been a complete idiot, but now I am shocked!" I yelled at him.
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Ao'nung looked as if he didn't care that I told him he was an idiot. “You shouldn't be friends with them, y/n. They're not like us!"
"And who are you to decide about that?"
"Your friend, y/n!"
"Ao'nung, you're a kid. I don't care that you're the son of a clan ruler, but to me, you're a child." I splashed in his face and walked away with that. He was still shouting after me, but I didn't care anymore.
I sat down on the beach, the water washed my feet. I felt so useless.
"Are you okay?" Neteyam, my new friend, sat next to me.
"Yes, I'll be fine."
"I heard your argument with Ao'nung," he touched my shoulder. "I appreciate you that you stood for us, but.."
"But what? He has no right to behave like this."
"Yes. But he's your friend. And he's the son of Tonowari."
"I. Don't. Care."
“I think he's jealous, y/n. That you found new friends."
I looked at Neteyam.
"Oh, Neteyam, he's idiot. But I still like him. Ugh." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.
╭┈─ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ I was just treating Ao'nung's wound. He fought with Lo'ak again. I didn't want to heal him, but I was the daughter of healers.
Ao'nung looked with his blue eyes at me. I looked away. I've always had a soft spot for them.
“I'm sorry, y/n. But it's too much for me"
"We all have our problems. That's no reason to treat others like that, Ao'nung."
"I'm engaged, y/n," he said OUT OF NOWHERE and my heart stopped beating for a second, but I didn't say anything.
"And I don't want to be. I don't want my parents to rule my life."
"They mean well."
"I know. But I don't want to."
"Ao'nung, I'm sure they picked a good girl for you."
Ao'nung sighed.
I disinfected his wound and looked at him. "Look, you still have a lot of time. A lot can happen until then. Don't worry about it yet and enjoy your youth while you can, okay?"
He touched my hand. "All right. I'll try. Thank you."
╭┈─ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ "You don't like him, you love him, don't you?" Neteyam came to me again. Lately, we have become even closer.
"What? No!" I screamed.
“y/n, you didn't even ask who I meant,” he smirked.
"Neteyam, that's bullshit. And he's engaged."
He stopped smiling. "Really? I am sorry."
"It's OK." I smiled weakly.
"Ao'nung is a fool if he doesn't see what a wonderful girl he has in front of him." Neteyam hugged me and I sighed.
Why did I just like him? Why couldn't I like Neteyam for example? Love sucks.
╭┈─ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Neteyam! I screamed in my mind. But no one answered me.
Tsireya looked at me. She was also crying. Everyone was crying. Especially Sully's.
Neteyam left for Eywa. My faithful friend left me.
After the ceremony, I went to our place as if dead, without a soul. Where we talked with Neteyam. I sat down and dipped my feet in the water.
"I'm sorry, y/n."
"Why are you following me?" I snapped at Ao'nung.
"Look, I'm sorry too, okay?"
"Why, why? He didn't deserve it," I fell to the ground and Ao'nung hugged me.
He stroked my back. "You have me,"
I immediately went away from him. I looked at him angrily. "I don't want you, I want Neteyam!"
".... You. You loved him?" he looked at me in shock.
I laughed. "I loved. As a friend! Because I love you, you stupid!" I screamed and wanted to leave.
"What... what did you just say?" he held my hand.
"Ah, Ao'nung. Let me go, okay? I need to be alone."
╭┈─ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ In the end, I left the clan. My family and I went away, to another family. I welcomed the new change. This place brought me a lot of pain. And most of all, I didn't want to be with Ao'nung. I didn't want to see him become the leader of a clan with another woman by his side.
The years passed. I don't know how many years it could have been. Seven? Eight? But one thing was certain, I was no longer a child. I have grown into a young woman. The healer. In this village, they adored me, appreciated my help, and wanted to engage me with the leader's son. The leader's son again. I did not want that. I wanted to be alone.
I liked to travel. My parents were always worried about me, but they always let me go.
I missed Neteyam. Very much.
"No way! I'm not going back there!" I shouted at my father.
"You have to. They need a healer!"
"Then let them find someone else."
Mom came to me. "Daughter. Be strong and go there. You're not like that. You like to help,"
I sat down desperately. "And what about this village? Doesn't it need a healer too?"
“We're healers too, y/n. Please go there.” Dad gave me a desperate look.
They wanted me to go to the clan where Neteyam died.
I sighed desperately, but what was I supposed to do?
"It's been many years, daughter. Things have changed."
╭┈─ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ Things have changed, but the water hasn't. It was still the same. Transparent and crystal as the eyes of the one I didn't want to see.
We were just children. I should forget about that. I bet he forgot about me.
I was walking along the beach where Neteyam and I were talking. It was quiet here.
The sun was slowly rising, and so were the people. I came here early in the morning because I didn't want to arrive in style. I wanted to come quietly.
I walked past the houses, to the house of Tonowari and Ronal. I haven't seen them for a long time. I was looking forward to them.
"Hey. They said you were looking for a healer," I said to the children who curiously clustered around me when I stopped.
A figure stood far away. I couldn't believe it. It was...?
The figure was approaching.
My Eywa.
He changed.
He was taller, and muscular, with broad shoulders, tattooed, and his face was tattooed too. His hair was not in a bun, but loose. He looked so good. Too good. He had a cloak around his shoulders. He wasn't a teenager anymore.
"Ao'nung," I said as I looked into his face. I had to tilt my head back.
He looked at me. Did I change too? I wondered. Probably yes. A little bit. My face was tattoed and my body probably changed too. But I wasn't changed as much as him.
He bared his teeth at me. “y/n.” And then he hugged me.
I hugged him back. It was a strong hug.
The children around us giggled happily.
"You've changed," I told him.
"You've changed too, you're not a child anymore"
I giggled. "No."
We looked at each other like crazy and examined each other.
"I should probably take you to see my mother," he said.
╭┈─ ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ A few days passed. I was in the forest gathering herbs when I felt Ao'nung's presence.
"Do you need help?" he asked.
"Oh no, but thank you"
He knelt and looked into my eyes. His presence made me nervous.
" I thank you. That you came."
"Oh, Ao'nung. You don't have to be so formal. After all, we were friends,"
"And we're not anymore?" he asked.
I sighed. "I don't know, Ao'nung. Many things have changed. You're engaged," I reminded him.
"I am not anymore."
I looked at him. "What?"
"I was, but... She loves someone else."
"Oh. That's kind of you to let her go like that,"
"It's nothing. I love someone else too."
We looked at each other. I smiled nervously and tucked a blue flower behind his ear. "It suits you," and I wanted to run away. I didn't know how to react.
But Ao'nung wouldn't let me go. "Please don't run anymore."
He held my jaw and kissed my eyes, cheeks, and chin. And then on the lips.
I put my arms around his shoulders and kissed him too. I don't know how long we were kissing, but it was beautiful. We didn't want to stop.
"Ao'nung. Why did it take us so long?" I sighed. "Why only now?"
He poked my nose. "Good things are worth waiting for. We may have changed, but we are still the same inside. I'm still the idiot you called me. And you're still the same girl. I love you.'
I happily poked him in the stomach. "I love you, my idiot."
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marshallpupfan · 6 months
I'm about to make yet another lengthy post... easily my longest yet. This time, it's not about the movies or any issues I have with PAW Patrol in its current state. No, it's instead about a problem I've been dealing with... except said problem is less a what and more of a who. I'm sure some of you already know about this, but for those of you that don't, let me tell you about a person who's been a thorn in my side for three years now.
Back in October of 2020, I encountered a user who seemed to be doing the whole Daily Marshall Pics as me. However, I soon discovered they weren't just doing the same thing... they were actually using the exact screenshot I posted, the exact same hashtag, and quite often, the exact same text. They did this for every daily I posted... or just any picture, really. As soon as I'd post something, they'd immediately take it and repost it onto their account. At the time, I didn't know what to do, or if I could do anything.
Cut to around December of the same year, and I decided to make a new winter-themed avatar and banner for my Twitter account. Less than a day later, that user seen I did that and... no joke... took both and applied them to his own account. Suddenly, with him posting the exact same content with the exact same avatar and banner, his account looked exactly like mine. Some people even admitted they thought he WAS me, and a few were starting to get seriously confused. At this point, I started referring to him as my copycat, since anything I'd do or post, he'd do or post it, too.
However, this time, I confronted the user and asked him why he took my new avatar and banner. He claimed he liked them so much, he had to use them. I asked him not to, telling him that I put a lot of work into making something unique for myself, and of course, he got mad... and then, in the same reply, asked me to make something for him. Just to be nice, I made him a banner... to which he offered no gratitude.
He wouldn't change the avatar, so I created myself a new one. Not even a day later, the exact moment he seen it, he took that avatar and applied it to his account, too. Yet again, I confronted him, demanding to know why he'd do that, as well as why he didn't even thank me for making that banner I made for him. He responded by claiming that I "made him cry"... and then quickly asked me to make him an avatar, too. I ignored his request.
Near the middle of December, a pal here on Tumblr messaged me about a concern he had. He made a text post about his plans to start his own daily pics, and that user on Twitter, now on Tumblr, copied and pasted his exact post onto his own account. If he copied all of my posts, he was surely going to do the same to my pal, too. We knew we had to put a stop to this, so we came up with a solution...
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On December 18, 2020, I posted my first Daily, with text indicating it was mine. We were both curious to see how that copycat would react once he seen it.
He... didn't take it well.
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This was actually his fifth message; he left four other ones, mere minutes apart from each other. When I didn't reply back after ten minutes (yes, ten minutes), he said this to me. Once I seen this, I blocked him, as anyone honestly would. He quickly followed me with some alternate account of his, but I found out it was him and blocked it, too. Afterwards, I figured this was going to be end of it; just another rude, childish person on Twitter, blocked and out of my life...
Nope. Ever since that day, he's been absolutely furious with me. Even to this day, he's refuses to let it go, and his copycat tendencies and attitude has only grown worse. Ah, but let's not get ahead of ourselves... no, there's more to the story. A lot more...
To say the least, when he left that message above and found out I blocked him, he started bad-mouthing me to many other people. Just about everyone took my side, and much to my surprise, Twitter banned him. At first, that seemed like the end of it again... but nope, he simply created another account not even a half-hour later... and he went back to using my avatar and banner again, because of course.
Less than a month later, another account started following me, this time themed around Chase. Suspiciously, I was one of the first it followed... and one of the first replies they left on my tweets?
"Can you remove your watermarks?"
Gee, I wonder who this might be? I ignored the message, and their third reply was... well, I'm sure you can guess it wasn't friendly.
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I blocked this account, too. Again, I hoped this would be the end of it, but of course, it wasn't. You see, the one thing I learned about this user is that he's incredibly lazy. He doesn't want to do things in Photoshop or go hunting for pictures, so he just wants to take everything from me... and the official PAW Patrol account (he constantly reposts their content, too). When I stopped him from doing that, he became hostile. When I refused to remove my watermark, it just made things worse.
I don't have a picture of this, but a few days later, he created yet another account. This time, he pretended to be the "second official PAW Patrol account", using the actual PAW Patrol account's avatar and banner at the time (themed after Moto Pups, if I recall correctly). Naturally, I'm the first one he went to, and he left a reply on my latest daily about how I'm going to get into "trouble" if I don't stop being mean. I tore into him for this, telling him that no one will take his side, Twitter will just ban his account again, and to leave me alone.
He deleted the account less than a day later.
Things remained quiet for some time... or so I thought. From what others told me, he kept trying to get everyone to turn on me, usually by sending private messages to many users in the hopes of getting them to see me as some sort of bully. His plan failed, as nothing ever came out of it. Maybe it has to do with the fact I like trying to be positive and encouraging, and many of my followers have seen that over the years... whereas he's screamed at people for simply putting stickers on their Nintendo Switch. No, seriously... he has.
He kept trying, of course... often asking other users to tell me how "sorry" he was, despite the fact he kept leaving me nasty remarks the very same day. In fact, at one point, the Nick Jr. Twitter account made a post about asking their followers to post pics of their pets, I did so, Nick Jr. replied to me, and he found out and replied to them by saying "DON'T TALK TO HIM HE'S A BULLY HE'S MEAN TO ME!!!!" Needless to say, they ignored him, too.
This continued for a while, and over the following months, new accounts would pop up every now and then, usually based on certain PAW Patrol characters. They were all ran by him, and of course, I was always the first person he came to... and he'd always ask me to create a new avatar and banner for that account, and then he'd get mad when I either said no or ignored him. After so many accounts, I got tired of constantly blocking him, so when he popped up with yet another Marshall-themed account, I decided to just mute it and let him do or say whatever he wanted.
...He didn't take kindly to that, either. A few months later, he exploded into a fit of rage, claiming that I was being a bully by ignoring him. Let me repeat that; by ignoring him, I was being a bully. Oh, for Pete's sake...
A few folks took his side, but once I explained to them what was going on, most of them understood and apologized (trust me, I harbor no ill will against these folks). Once I made another tweet about the situation, I blocked that user yet again, noticing that he was continuing to badmouth me. I think he ended up deleting his account, telling everyone that's what I apparently wanted (I never once said any such thing, but whatever). I crossed my fingers and prayed that this would finally be the end of it all... but of course, it wasn't.
After a while, he came back with yet another account, only this time, he got a little less lazy. He finally decided to learn how to use a photo editing program... and how did he use his new-found skills? Why, to copy me again, of course!
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Indeed, his dailies started to look exactly like mine. And yes, once he discovered the name of the font style I was using, he started using that, too. And it's not just a coincidence that he used the same pic...
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As I soon realized, if he knew the exact episode I got my daily from, he'd use the same one. He did this at any opportunity he could, even when I posted a daily based on the first theatrical film.
At this point, some of you probably asking... why? Why's he doing this? Why go to such lengths to copy me? The answer is... I really don't know. He just really wants to be me, I guess.
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Anyway, around the beginning of 2022, I created a new template for my Daily Marshall Pics. I'm still using that template now. Of course, when he found out, he got upset and started screaming at me again to make one for him (using another newly-created alternate account to get around me blocking him... which I promptly blocked).
What followed over the next year was the situation getting worse and worse. If I did anything of note, he'd create new accounts to voice his displeasure. If he got banned, he'd create a new account and head straight for me. There was a point where I blocked him, he created a new account, I blocked him, he created a new account... and we did this for eight accounts within a single day. I'm dead serious. Of course, his copycat tendencies just got worse, as his new-found skills in editing started leading him to do stuff like this...
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Yup, he started covering my watermark with his own to make it seem like he was the one who made the picture. Oh, and it didn't just stop at pictures... nope, he did it with videos, too.
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Actually, Twitter banned him for this one... and yes, he created a new account immediately afterwards again, and continued doing and posting the exact same things like it never happened. And I'm the first person he tried following, of course. But hey, at least his dailies don't look like mine anymore, right?
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And no, it didn't even stop there. He tried to copy my banner, too.
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Yes, his avatar shares similarities with mine, too. Funnily enough, a few users came to my defense and tried to get him to change his Daily template to something different so it would no longer look like mine. Surprisingly, he did change it, and I even gave my approval. I was cool with his new template...
...but I guess it didn't get him the attention he wanted, because he went right back to using something that looks exactly like mine again. He's still using it now, much to my annoyance.
The sad thing is, even if I change my template to something else, he'll just inevitably copy it. If I change my avatar and/or banner, he'll copy them, too. If I do anything, he'll copy it. If my followers come to my defense, report him, and he gets banned... he'll just create another account and continue doing the exact same thing anyway.
Oh, and he once made the claim that he's only doing this because he "doesn't know how to". Yes, he said that. He apparently doesn't know how, yet he sure knows how to cover my watermark with his own... and create a template that looks like mine. Yup, he's a dirty liar, too.
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(Back in 2020, I did try to answer a few of his questions, including what editor I use. Once I told him it costs money, he went silent.)
As a reminder, this has been going on for three years.
I've tried ignoring the user, and it does no good. I've confronted him, and it does no good. I've asked him to stop, and it does no good. I've defended myself, and he acts like he's the victim. I ask him to let his anger go and stop, and he tells me I'm the one who needs to let it go and stop. Others have defended me, and he just whines and claims I'm a bully. And all of this is because I blocked him for leaving a rude reply when he lost his patience after ten minutes.
(By the way, someone confronted him about the whole ten minutes thing. He said it didn't matter, that I should've responded right away. I guess I'm supposed to stop everything I'm doing to reply to him...?)
To tell you all the truth, I've tried to be patient. I've tried to be nice... but after three years, I'm sick of it. This person is psychotic. Even when I block him, he keeps a tight eye on everything I do. He's become so obsessed with me, to the point that he's basically a stalker now. He wants to be me, yet he doesn't possess my skills, and that jealousy has turned to sheer bitterness. And whenever someone takes my side, he becomes aggressive, often creating even more alternate accounts to show he's not happy.
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And yet, he thinks he's the victim. He's said before he wants me to stop talking about him, yet he continues taking or copying things from me. And again, when I ask him to stop, he refuses. At this point, I suppose he's only doing this now because he feels justified in doing so. I guess he thinks I need to pay for... what, not replying back after ten minutes? For wanting to be credited for my work when I make unique content and post them on my account? For trying to stop him from lazily reposting the things I post for his own gain?
When I started these MarshallPupFan accounts, I thought I was going to post some pics of a cute, cartoon puppy, make people laugh and smile with some videos, and have a fun time. I never expected I'd run into someone so... crazy. Honestly, I don't even care that he's posting daily pics of Marshall. I've seen others do the same, and I've even liked, replied and followed some of them. I enjoy inspiring others to be creative and share their love for their favorite characters... but why use my exact template? Why try to look exactly like me? Why not try to develop an identity for himself, so his account offers something unique? Instead, he constantly wants to bounce off of me, pretend to be me... and when I or anyone else intervenes, he becomes aggressive.
It's pathetic... and it'll probably go on for another year.
I recently created a new avatar for myself. I put a lot of work into making it something truly unique...but I don't know if I want to put it out there, since the moment I do, he'll inevitably copy it. I also updated the visuals for my Episode Updates pics... and as soon as I reveal it, it's only a matter of time before he copies it, too. And of course, if I or anyone else confronts him, he'll whine and get mad... and continue doing what he's always done anyway.
Truth be told, there are so many other examples of his terrible behavior I could post here... such as when he began hounding me on Youtube and screaming at me whenever he seen a comment I left on other PAW Patrol-themed accounts (to the point the owner of the channel had to intervene and tell him to stop... to which he replied "stop what?"). I have so many more stories to tell, but this post is turning out long enough, and I think I've stressed the point quite well.
It sucks that people like him have to exist, and it's so sad that he refuses to let go of a three year grudge, now going onto four. All I know is that it's getting to the point where I'm tired of it. I'm tired of seeing him use my Daily template, tired of him acting like an absolute crybaby when I defend myself, tired of... well, the whole thing. At this point, maybe I need to start fighting back more, because ignoring him sure isn't getting the job done.
If he's going to insist on using my template, then maybe I shouldn't take it so lightly anymore... 🤔
Oh, one last thing. You want to see something funny? He has no problem taking stuff from me, but when someone does that to him... that's just wrong! Maybe someone needs to give him a dose of his own medicine more often... perhaps then he'd show more respect to others.
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nikosamaki · 2 years
What’s your opinion about their DOWN part: Warnings: NSFW, BODY PARTS, NO MINORS
As expected from The Avatar of Pride, he has a large size –but not that much you think like it would tear you up!!-; its length is 22cm (How fascinating!) with a diameter of 5 cm (Mannnnnnn… It’s a BRILLIANT size for a man; don’t you dare to say it is NOT 😂🔪). Due to having a nice size, he’s extremely proud of himself –his cock, of course.
However, you never tell him that you really like his size –you probably know if you tell him, there is NO way back and you’ll have LONG nights for years😊. Every time you do THAT, you both reach to a very delightful result (I meant the orgasm).
Not having the size like Lucifer, but his size is very suitable for his body (It’s not small that cannot give you the BEST feeling, it’s just medium). Its length is about 19 with a diameter of 4 (Ahhhhh… What a GORGEOUS thoughts you have☺).
Even though he’s size –the cock- is smaller than Luci and Beel, he love it! –DUDE… He’s a MODEL with that size!!! So why not being proud?.
Also he knows that you’re OBSESSED with it; every night you confirm it with your sweet MOANS… What a bad liar you are😉.
As same size as Mam has! –most of the time, they have arguments about who has the longest cock :/ … *Writer sighs*-, but there’s a HUGE difference between Levi’s cock and the others… He has TWO!!! -Saints! It gives DOUBLE pleasure!! DAMN… You can NOT leave that man (Please ATTENTION that it’s my idea and NOT real… I guess you’ve seen the pics of him that has 2 instead of 1).
In spite of having 2 unlike others, he’s a bit SHY (Oww… Cute😄) –but when he’s around you and has a lot DESIRE, FUCK being shy, he’s a WILD & HUNGRY BEAST which wants to taste ALL of your BODY!!!!
Well, he has the same diameter like Luci but the difference is his length which is 20 -2 cm smaller than Luci that makes him angry and jealous… *Again writer sighs* (I don’t get them😐). All in all, he’s satisfied with his size that’s NOT smaller than now –he’s got a point about his brothers’s cock🤣… (This is the end of being MEAN😂).
It’s not the only thing that he’s satisfied with, the most important thing is he can make you feel AWESOME -the greatest climax you can ever feel- and he goes REALLY CRAZY due to your sweet voice.
Like Luci, you don’t tell him how CRAZY you are about his cock; once you said, you’re tied up and welcome to your HEAVEN.
Among the brothers, he and Belphie have the smallest one –NOT as small as pinky finger🤣🤣- its length is somehow about 17 with a diameter of 3.4 –but still he’s as LUSTFUL as ever… Having a smaller cock doesn’t change the FACT that he’s the avatar of LUST😉 (I’m pretty sure that you get me). As I mentioned about his size, he dies to see Luci’s COCK whenever he has the CHANCE (He’s NOT the ONLY ONE HERE😂… I can feel it and I’m counted with the “AGREE” group) –as he said: “He’s my SEXIEST brother, so why not ENJOY as MUCH as I can of the moments I see?” (Has a GOOD point).
But baby, Don’t forget those sweet nights that he makes you to become a BAD BITCH  -whereas he has the smallest size, he knows MORE than of his brother about *** and how to make you HORNY (Still waters run deep!!!).
Son of a BISCUIT!!! He has the BIGGEST size!!! –even than Luci!-, its length is 24 with a diameters of 6!! (The HELL, if Luci doesn’t tear you up, well, HE WILL! How on the THREE WORLDS? Is it POSSIBLE ??😶). To be honest, he doesn’t care about his size or feeling proud!!!! – unlike his brothers-, but if you say you like it… That’s a different story 😊.
He’s the avatar of GLUTTONY, so he has a HUGE desire when it comes to you –I meant your body- and he doesn’t have any switch off button which makes you both to reach infinitive pleasures till got tired.
As I said about Asmo, applies to him –they’ve the same size- and his opinion about it, is just like Beel’s behavior :/ (In one of my stories, I said that this twins have a problem with things like that😑).
Furthermore, he enjoys seeing you under him while you’re moaning and begging for MORE (He definitely inherited this moral from Satan).
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autumnslance · 1 year
Tumblr Cosmetic Customization Tutorial
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You there! New Tumblr User with a default icon and header, no description, no custom URL, and not wanting to be mistaken for a bot--you just want to maybe figure out this weird hellsite and follow some people without being blocked, right?
Maybe you've been around for a little while, or are returning from that other hellsite, and don't know what the heck folks mean by enabling the custom URL and why are so many blogs opening on the dash instead of in a new tab?!
Let's sort this mess out below the cut with a screencap-laden tutorial, starting on mobile app (since Most new blogs start there these days, and many people use mobile more, or exclusively) and then moving to web browser for some other features that aren't available in the app (as of 1/27/23 anyway).
This is just going to be about cosmetic customization and accessing the correct blog URL and archive; Tumblr's many other settings and features for how you want to see your Dashboard and how much Privacy control you decide on are for your exploration (or another day and another tutorial, this one's long enough).
The tutorial blog itself literally took me well under 5 minutes to set up, and Tumblr guided me to customizing immediately. Taking the screenshots added a few seconds to the time; it's taken longer to write the first part of this post out. If you didn't customize the blog right away, don't fret! You can always tap the little art palette and cogwheel icons at the top of your blog to sort it out.
Now go below the link to see written instructions with image examples, including a few more with my cat:
TO BEGIN: In the mobile app, I make a new blog. For me, it's a sideblog under my main and existing sides, but otherwise this is all the same info. The following process also isn't actually all that different in web browser.
Now, you can change your URL later on if you want; a lot of folks do over time. Just be aware: changing your URL breaks any and all previous links to your blog, including any posts others have reblogged under "Read More" cuts, with the same result as if the blog was deactivated; the URL no longer exists, so Tumblr doesn't count it as "there" anymore.
Now that's out of the way, once I make a blog it immediately takes me to the Customization screen:
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I can--and should!--give my blog a name and a description. Doesn't have to be long or fancy, and can always be changed later with no risk to your links.
I can tap the "Background" and "Accent" buttons to change the default colors, too. Let's go for something easy on the eyes by tapping on the colored circles to find some default options, or the wheel to grab a random custom one. I'm going to go to purple and find a nice shade there.
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Next I will tap on the little default icon to choose an avatar photo. I can choose not to show it on my blog, and if I do, whether I want it to be square or circle.
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I can also tap to choose a header image if I like. I'm just grabbing some images from my phone. I did have to redo the avatar as it didn't want to stay after selecting a header pic for some reason.
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And then I made a quick post and pinned it, to let folks know that I am human and what the purpose of this blog is (lurking for now? A main blog for following while sideblogs get the content? In this case, a tutorial).
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OK, so my cat for an icon, my copy of the fanzine I worked on as a header, a quick title and description, and a short post. Even if I post nothing else to this blog (and if it were a main blog; sideblogs can't follow others, nor send asks or replies), people will be fairly certain I am not a bot, hooray! And if I want to change anything, I can tap on the icons at the top of the blog and get back to these customization screens.
...BUT WHAT IF I, or buddies, try to open my blog in a browser and it opens a dash panel? What if I (or others) want to access my Archive? Unfortunately, I cannot find the correct option in the mobile app at this point, so onto a web browser we go (on my phone or my tablet, or my computer).
I am using a generic default web browser where I don't have many extensions/plugins/addons enabled (though apparently I did set dark mode). When I tap/hover over my icon, it still shows my color option and everything I selected in app setup.
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Here is where I am going to direct you to the side bar and the "Edit Appearance" button so I can point out some Very Important Things, even if you don't customize anything else ever.
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When I open my blog's appearance tab, right away it's going to tell me some interesting things I have circled and pointed at on the below screenshot:
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In RED I have circled my blog's URL: www.tumblr.com/lynmarstesting. This is why a blog opens in a dash panel instead of going to an actual blog. This is the new Default URL, I cannot access an Archive or other blog features like this.
The ORANGE arrow points to the feature we want, right below the "Blog name" and URL: "Custom Theme". When I swipe this feature to active, it tells me my URL is updated.
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When I go to my blog, the URL in my browser shows the proper https://lynmarstesting.tumblr.com link.
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And the blog looks...well, bare bones and empty, but a proper weblog page. And I (and anyone else) have access to my Archive! When, y'know, I have enough posts to make that a thing on this blog.
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Now, if I or anyone else opens the blog by clicking my username or icon, it'll open a dash panel...but also show my actual @ and my proper URL link, so they can go to the blog itself that way if they want. Everyone wins!
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there's no need from this point to keep messing around in a browser, we've done everything to 1) make ourselves look human and 2) make our blog properly linkable/accessible.
Once again, the little art palette icon at the top is our clicky-buddy, boxed below in orange:
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This opens an "Edit Theme" sidebar panel where one can customize the blog. Each theme has different options, and Tumblr's default theme is honestly really modular; change colors, fonts, have multiple columns, add some pages (I've a whole other tutorial on that), etc.
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There's also an "Advanced" pane, where you can mess with some other settings (the little ? icon on each line tells you what it does) and, if you're knowledgeable--or just bold--this is where you can add some Custom CSS.
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Say the Default Tumblr Official isn't doing it, though; at the top of the Edit Theme pane it tells you your current theme, and there's a handy "Browse Themes" link.
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This opens a drop down with multiple sorting options. I don't want to spend money on a premium blog theme at the moment, and the others are a mix, so let's check out the Free Themes options.
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There's a lot of options here! Some new ones, some are sponsored, lots of variety. Even the "Accessible" theme I mainly use is there, in its barren glory, compared to what you can see I've made of it on browser (see that previous tutorial I linked above):
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Again: Different Themes have Different Levels of Customization.
Some will let you change every color, the fonts, the frames, and so on. Some let you add links everywhere. Some barely let you touch anything. You can tap "Use" at the top to preview, and the "Advanced" pane will let you preview random pretend posts if you don't have many/any of your own to see how they'd look. If you don't like how something's turning out, just click back on "Free Themes" and look for another one.
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When people follow links to your blog--like a Read More cut--they will see the post on your blog's theme and in your blog's colors. Even on mobile app, especially if you override the default mobile theme, your color choices will have an impact! Aesthetic is all well and good, but frames, fonts, colors, and so on, should be legible and readable to most people, especially if you mean to share a lot of text posts.
Another thing to note: Your theme will NOT appear on mobile app. It defaults to a basic setup in the app, keeping maybe only your colors. Any custom links won't show, and cosmetic site options and access are limited in a lot of ways. The site is usable on a mobile web browser, and will have those features there. I get around the app's inability to show my theme's links by adding them all to my informative Pinned Posts on each blog, but that's me.
And there you have it! How to cosmetically customize a Tumblr, in mobile app and browser, to seem like a real person and access the correct URL and features of your blog. Whether you're new or been here awhile, hopefully this helps answer some really basic questions about how and why to do some of these things.
Have a final full-sized silly Chel pic to say goodbye.
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simonzmama · 24 days
hey pretty,
just wanted to say we’re long lost bffs because my favorite movie is also avatar and also have an obsession with hello kitty. hope you have a great day! 🩷
hi sweet lovely angel!!! 🤭
i am now following you cuz WHAAAA??? i think we might be like… soulmates…? like what’s your addy? your name? send me a pic of yo face?? ima buy a plane ticket??
who is your fav avatar character baby?? i’m so curioussss i jus wanna know youuuu!!
have an absolutely beautiful day/evening my love, i will never forget this life changing moment. i swear there’s sum more goin on between us…
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I did it i changed my avatar. Im sorry. My previous profile pic is on the left in case you're confused. Im sorry.
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I have not abandoned good omens, it's still there. Terror has just consumed me and i feel like it has to project onto this blog as well. It's a part of me after all😔
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
Pam! PAM! You changed your profile picture! I’m shook! It’s been the same since I followed you. My whole dash feels off now.
(I love it I just had to mention it)
Hi my dear!! <3
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And yes, yes I did! Lol -- it kind of feels like I got this completely new haircut and everyone is like -- whoa, that's a thing you did.
It is true, I've never changed it since I've been on Tumblr. However, pre-tumblr (like LJ) it was always Rogue. So, i'm kind of going backwards, lol. And maybe this is a funny thing to say - because I kind of ended up disassociating that previous avatar from Quinn -- but I've been toying with going back to Rogue for a while. She is so much more me.
I saw in your tags that she's your favorite, too!! *high-five* I was fearful of a mass exodus or something!
Also - things that are never changing - my url handle and my dancing Klaine as my blog pic. And -- I still won't be shutting up about Kurt or Blaine. I'm just expanding.
Hope you are well dear - I've missed seeing you on my dash!!
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