dustmint · 3 months
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deimos-the-wolf · 1 year
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Okay, Hyde, who gave you the right to hit me this hard with the queer angst?!?!?!?
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soyoursoulisgreen · 11 months
Jekyll anon heheh-
To answer your question, I actually only read the junior classic ^^'
Junior classics was one of my first hyperfixations! Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was my second favorite, right behind the first one I ever read (first purely from nostalgia haha) (It was The Little Princess if you are curious)
I really wanna watch the dj&mh musical though! Just haven't gotten around to it yet lol
Ooh, I never read the Junior Classics so I don't know the differences! Tell me there's still the iconic line "If he be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Seek!" it's literally the best line in the whole book (though I'd also be curious to see how they rewrite Jekyll's idiocy in his journal when he puts down the details about his transformation lol, he's idiot <3)
If you ever get the opportunity, I would 100% recommend the full novella as it's only about 90 pages :D When I got it, I couldn't set it down and ended up finishing it pretty much all in one sprint lol
The musical is good! Spoilers but they do unfortunately make Jekyll straight (booo) and young (boooo), but the songs are very fun and catchy, and Confrontation is unmatched ✨
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h7jfangirl · 8 months
Okay, so... I can't lie, watching Jekyll being a chaotic bastard it's the hottest thing I ever seen
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Of course Hyde it's the one controling the body here, but also their are the same person
Something that Jekyll forgot
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This whole scenario would be terrifying if Hyde wasn't part of Jekyll.
So, reading Hyde's words we can realise that he didn't feel all the action from last night, so of course, with now Jekyll getting his feelings of love back, Hyde gets the extreme of them; Lust towards Laynon... Or at least he acts like that, but only to piss off Jekyll in this page (I mean that Hyde is in love too). So of course he would want to get something private and deep with him
And then we have the other side. Jekyll is scare like if Hyde could actually STEAL Robert from him, which it's kinda sussy that Henry talks about Laynon like something of his, that he owns, at least to Hyde (I think my man still has some 🚩🚩🚩 to fix)
And also Jekyll being a hyprocite because he talks about Hyde as if they didn't came from the same mind and soul and talks about Hyde's flaws like if that was all he is. But Hyde belives that Laynon will like him too for who he is as his own without Henry, and also asking to Jekyll about his own flaws. Edward it's clearly using this to make Jekyll feel bad and think that Hyde it's better than him.
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He just casually talk to himself out loud while doing shit with people. Love it
Hyde, Hyde, the cop it's watching, Hyde, Hyde Oh my god he can't hear us my boy it's going to PRI--
Just kidding, I wonder how this is gonna turn now. Will Hyde be able to convince the cop to not arrest him? Would he run away and fix it later? Would he go to prision? Who knows!
Now, after what we saw in this new page... I have a question:
It's Hyde evil?
Hyde stole a umbrella to a lady that was just walking, kick some kid's ball when the little one was about to cach it, and just grab a cup
In the begining of the comic Hyde made some mess up things that werent actually meant with evil
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He gladly stab someone with a umbrella, but it was to save Creature from being burn alive
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Then he set the street on fire, it was a accident and he didn't even expect it to happend but he looks proud of it and even laughs
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Of course, the next day he realised he fuck up but dosen't like to admit it every much. He it's emotional, and has exciment when he see chaos, but at the same time he knows that theres limits
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Then, talking about Jekyll "betraying" him with the officer. Hyde put him killing a random dude like a example of how even with that Jekyll wouldn't be able to bring Hyde to the law
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And the most recent one was Hyde actually hurting a man in the face, actually enjoy it
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But the thing it's that the comic itself tells us that Hyde isn't exactily the evil inside Jekyll. The whole freaking chapter 10 it's a non stop show to gaslight and mocking at Hyde and all his idea of who he was
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So, Hyde it's not evil? He wants to be, and his actions brings chaos but not that harmful, except the time he burned the street but that was not intentional
But then if he is not the evil? Why he wants to be evil? Because Hyde it's in a constant searching for power, in this page he acts smug while bothering the people around him, and also thinks about taking Laynon too so he can feel powerful over Jekyll again. If Hyde dosen't feel powerful he would literally fall deep down to the darkness of his own mind, but if he can ruin someone else by doing that, then he will take it. Hyde himself said it in chapter 12 "I will take Jekyll down with me!" The right moment he is told about that chance to ruin Henry, even if it was forever
Hyde finds comfort of being the evil twin because that's the only way he knows to feel the senses of control while feeding his constant hunger for acction and passion on his life, and that actually worked it for two whole years, until Henry puts him a stop for just two weeks. If only Hyde waited, he could had his delusional life back but he didn't, and now him and Jekyll will going down together
Because they keep forgeting that they are in the same boat.
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A (not-so) comprehensive list of antagonists/villains who would do "The Necklace Thing." This does not count antagonists/villains we Do Not Like (Like Cal in Titanic or The Duke in Moulin Rouge) who have done The Necklace ThingTM. MCU Loki: would make a necklace out of ice probably too. Would definitely stand behind someone, rest his hands on their shoulders, and then skillfully clasp a necklace around their neck. Probably would rest his hands on their neck too. His touch is cold, but surprisingly gentle. There is no fear as he brushes his finger over the neck.
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Jareth: oh, come on. The man is a fae king. He's bringing up a crystal ball, transforming it into a necklace, and clasping it on while singing. Probably fixes the hair a bit. Glitter is everywhere. It might be a magic necklace that has a Faerie Price to pay. But honestly? Worth it.
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Erik, the Phantom of the Opera: Has canonically done "The Necklace ThingTM in Love Never Dies. Love Never Dies sucks though. But for anything, we count The Necklace Thing. Night time may sharpen and heighten each sensation, and the actual *shivers* from him doing The Necklace ThingTM with his organ playing fingers would be intense. That sounds like a euphemism for something else. It's not. Also, he probably learned to do this from seeing it in a scene in an opera. (I will have you know that searching for a Phantom gif brought up a lot of Hadley Fraser as Raoul and honestly. Mood.)
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Norman Osborn: hot take. I've been thinking about this one a lot. (Too much.) But I fully believe that Norman Osborn, specifically from Earth 11714, would DEFINITELY do The Necklace ThingTM before some sort of work party/event to Emily Osborn. I mean, it's just in that Southern Gentleman Charm that he has. Oh! Just think about that Oscorp party where there's a baby grand piano and slinky silk dresses and he grabs her shoulder and says "Wait a minute, darling," dipping into that lower voice when he turns into Goblin, and takes a necklace from a black velvet box and just mmMMM it's so nice to think about. Is this purely self-indulgent to think of and is this list hinging on this one character? Yes, but it's a whole Necklace ThingTM post and a freak like me needs company so.... (also, I do think this works for the Raimi Osborn too, so feel free to picture Willem Dafoe. But this was mostly inspired by Turn Off the Dark.) I think I operate under the principle of "If he wears suspenders, he's probably going to do The Necklace ThingTM."
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Preminger: Yeah, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper. That guy. The man wears rings on most of his fingers. You think he *isn't?* about to do The Necklace ThingTM? He'd do it quickly and laugh while clasping it. Probably make it about himself. However, I think he does have the capability to be more romantic, than say Wenlock, who I don't actually think would do the thing. Wenlock would fall under the Cal and Duke list, honestly, if he were to clasp a necklace on someone. Preminger, however, and maybe this is my own bias talking (it is) would probably unironically do the necklace thing, and surprisingly well. It also probably makes him feel tall because whoever is obtaining the necklace would definitely be sitting in front of a vanity as opposed to say Norman Osborn who would clasp on a necklace while he and Emily are standing. (Somehow this turned back around to Norman...) anyway. Preminger for the Necklace List? I think so.
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Dr. Henry Jekyll: Mmm, so I realize that adding Jekyll to this list may seem antithetical to the whole point of this post being about antagonists/villains, but ah. Jekyll actually probably should be on the list. But I'm not about to delve into the "Dr. Jekyll is actually an antagonist" though one could make a very strong case in any of the adaptations that he is some sort of antagonist for somebody. So, take your pick of the adaptation, be it "book accurate" or Wildhorn Musical. (Take a guess which adaptation for which I'm about to find a gif.) I think he makes the list. However, I think he's rather shy about it. He'd take his fiancée aside right before a party, then quietly reveal the necklace, and motion to put it on. It's clandestine, and peaceful, and very much a "Take me as I Am" sort of moment. A brief moment of curling a finger around a lock of hair. The gentle furtive glances from the repressed Late Victorian Era. Oh, it's more scandalous to think of when you realize how tantalizing the touch of his bare fingers over a collarbone is in 1885. (I had to SCROLLLLLL To find a gif I thought would work... and it was worth it. I have 0.2 regrets. It was between this gif and one of Frederick March.)
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Captain Hook: No. Not from OUAT. (I'm not a fan of that show. I know sacrilegious.) I'm talking about the 2003 movie Captain Hook because oh, come on. Look at him. He's found a mermaid treasure trove, plundered it, then is clasping that necklace around a neck while reciting some shanty or poem. I fully believe there is textual evidence within the book that would back these claims. But most definitely 2003 James Hook is doing The Necklace ThingTM. He's probably more genteel than you'd give him credit for, ya know, being a pirate and all of that who won't hesitate to keelhaul. (Probably wouldn't keelhaul the person he's clasping a necklace on, but the night is young, I guess.) Though, I fully stand by the fact that this particular character is because of 2003 Captain Hook, I do also think that you could imagine OUAT Hook or even 1990s Hook's Hook. (how many hooks could Hook hook if Hook's hook could hook hooks.) Either would translate well, but more Captain Hook in the movie Hook, because I believe that Dustin Hoffman's Hook is a natural progression of Jason Isaac's Hook. (Or if you want a Hiddleston Hook, you can imagine the Fairy Princess's James doing this. But you know he's reciting Shakespeare because he took one {1} class at Eton.)
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Austria: (case for antagonist: Chibitalia segments. I'm bending the rules slightly, but I think I can make a case enough.) A nation? Oh, forgive me for going back to my most cringe of roots, but this is Tumblr and Hetalia had to be mentioned. The man is an aristocrat. But of course Roderich's sitting down Elizaveta and combing his musician's fingers through her hair before he clasps a necklace on. (Bonus points if Prussia is mocking him through a window.) He's pragmatic, and clandestine, almost like Henry Jekyll, but where Jekyll is restrained due to Victorian repression, Austria is just that sort of Young Master type to be high and mighty about clasping a necklace on someone. However, his musician's fingers are nimble, and he's tailing them over shoulders and collars.
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Edward Hyde: I think I'll end the list with Edward Hyde. In all honestly, I don't know how long he's around to be able to do The Necklace ThingTM, as he mostly prowls at night. But if Jekyll would, Hyde would. It's harried and messy, and he's grabbing (probably Lucy) and pulling laughing with That LookTM in his eyes. Is it a necklace that's already being worn? Or is it one he's stolen? But either way his hands are around a neck and he's leaning in close, his cheek nearly pressing against hers, whispering that he's always near. His fingers are cold on the shoulder... it's overwhelming and intoxicating. There are no repressions with Hyde. (Also, I'm not sure if TGS, Hyde would do the Necklace ThingTM. I have read I think all of the webcomic, but I've not made up my mind about the thing.) I believe MazM's Hyde would, and he's getting a separate mini mention. He's clasping a necklace on while the other is seated, because like Preminger, he's a short king. No matter the adaptation (not March and I don't know Tracey's well enough) there is the distinct element of danger. If one is afraid of Hook keelhauling, then one would be doubly afraid of the cane that Edward carries. Just don't be a hypocrite in his eyes. (You're getting a gif from the NBA I Love this Game commercial because there were far too many gifs of Hasselhoff. Also, if somebody has a clear gifset from the 1995/96, Pre-Broadway Tour, I'd love you forever and make you mac n cheese.)
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Those who didn't make the list, but deserve a little shout out:
Paxton, from the episode of Sliders called Heavy Metal (I don't make the rules. Pirates almost always get a Necklace ThingTM pass. (And you know, he *starts* as an antagonist in the episode. I am bending the rules for him and his swooshy hair.)
Lucius Malfoy. Aristocratic and old fashioned. I debated adding him to the main list, but I didn't know if it was too much tbh. You'd find this in fanfic for sure, but I'm not so sure if I can warrant him being on this main list.
Jel Omiata. He's not an antagonist and I had to take him off the list. I had a full write-up for him and everything. (Even if you believe he's the Bahari Bay Ripper, that's still head canon and definitely not enough to warrant him making an antagonist list. Sorry. I know.)
I think this is about all I can think of currently. If I think of more, I'll make a second post
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bitter-goodbyes · 4 months
hehe ok so abt j&h 1. what's your favorite version and 2. to which character do you relate the most?
Hi I love you!!! <3
1. Honestly, the original novella!!! I’ve never been deranged like this about any adaption of it lol (although I do quite enjoy the comic The Search For Henry Jekyll!!!)
2. Do I relate to the most? As much as I would love to jokingly say Jekyll/Hyde, honestly probably Utterson. I definitely get wanting to defend a dear friend until it’s literally impossible to and I, too, am just Some Guy™️
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elysiuminfra · 1 year
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hi anon i love you. thank you for thisi question (i just woke up) you have no idea how excited i am to talk about this. had to make a post since it didnt wanna publish ur ask :( in the ideal world AMPHIMAL (all capitals for silly) is a 14 episode 2D animated tv show (heavily inspired by gennedy tartakovsky's work - particularly with samurai jack and primal, as well as mike mignola's work on hellboy) (AND SERGIO PABLOS!!) (wait edit: AND the old animated batman movies) HOWEVER. i have had many many thoughts about its ACTUAL format as a webcomic. i think it works best in this format cause the internal dialogue is important and you'd lose that in a show (i have many many thoughts about how media format influences tone/overall storytelling) particularly i'd like to execute it as a webcomic set with unconventional format - im very inspired by indie comics such as quinn - a horror webcomic made by moby, tumblr linked here, an artist who's work ive followed for a while and who's work first piqued my interest in breaking "traditional" webcomic format. yugo limbo and mike mignola (there he is again!) are also huge inspirations. (and another webcomic im too embarrassed to say) im in love with the  idea of using the website itself as a backdrop for your visuals - it would be a mix of script, prose, intermingling with cinema-like stills as visuals - this is because traditional comics are difficult for me, i THINK in camera angles and shot layouts, not necessarily comic panels. i also plan on having annotations throughout the story, for secrets and descriptions of certain era-specific objects as fun optional facts - although when i actually put it all together on a website, this feature could be toggled. ideally it would be non-intrusive - think the note system from pentiment. the biggest inspirations i draw for AMPHIMAL though is Hellboy full stop in terms of palettes, visuals, and style. i plan on further solidifying and developing the "look" of amphimal as i do more research on victorian cultural and architecture motifs (they don't even know about the henry jekyll architecture associations) and also because i am the world's most unnecessarily detail-oriented person. my current work reflects moreso how i plan on amphimal looking when its published, with stark shadows, black shapes taking forefront, limited and striking palettes with heavy emphasis on color, shape, and object motifs. i am putting an unnecessary and frankly embarrassing amount of thought into literally every single detail (AND striving for semi-historical accuracy) (which is extremely difficult due to the lack of primary sources / bias in papers and the lack of accounts of certain aspects of victorian life, such as lgbt history and london’s underbelly of the era. particularly because many primary accounts are rife with racism, bigotry and inaccuracies - and they don’t paint a complete picture, so much of what i show WILL be speculation and not historically accurate) as for SCRIPT? behind the scenes its pretty rough - i have my charts and notes, but they're all pretty disorganized and i don't think i could share them without 1. spoiling a LOT of stuff (it doesnt differ from the original plot in any way, it just has far, far more depth into the characters - and some stuff i want to keep a secret!) 2. exposing just how deranged my note-taking skills are. amphimal currently exists only in pages and charts and key visuals i've made for myself that i MUST compile in a clean format for personal use (and sharing among those who can take peeks behind the scenes) as for key points oh boy. my favorite chapter and the one i'm most excited to write is utterson's search and first meeting with hyde. second favorite is utterson's scenes involving lanyon's death (he does die in amphimal, that i'm not changing - i thought about it at first but scrapped it) these moments show off utterson's character at key points OUTSIDE of jekyll (an absolute necessity!) - and he is, by far, my favorite protagonist out of all my projects. and i love him your honor ANYWAY ummm i dont really have much else to write other than thank u for sending this question!!! artistic format / experimentation is one of my favorite things to talk about. as for WHEN amphimal is gonna be a thing, it'll be in the future when i'm in a better living situation (and when the full amphimal theory bible is compiled - i'm obsessed with consistency between scenes and background motifs, so this will work as a reference for me once the project gets started however this will and is currently taking a LOT of research) ETA? later. possibly next year if i'm not too busy adjusting to the city im moving to. dont know yet but it'll happen. i'll make amphimal before i die promise because if i dont my spirit will never sleep peacefully
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
I got one response to my last post (@klqrambles thank you bestie 😘) so im doing this unconventionally
spoilers for dorian gray, jekyll and hyde, frankenstein, invisible man, and tale of two cities below the cut
Dorian/Basil: “Masterpiece” by Atlantic Starr Aside from the constant art references, this song also makes a lot of mentions towards “beauty” and the importance of the narrator’s lover to their soul. This is very similar to the key components of Dasil, or Dorian’s beauty being the reason Basil, time and time again, calls himself incomplete without Dorian. Also, the narrator refers to the symbolic “masterpiece” as being complete only with his lover. This is reminiscent of the quote, “He is all my art to me now.”
(I ship Lord Henry/Basil, but I really can’t find a good song for them :/)
Jekyll/Utterson: “Lover” by Taylor Swift. okay, number one, I’m a Swiftie. Henriel is also my OTP of all time sooooo… Aside from that, “Lover” is a song that really focuses on a couple who is comfortable with the presence of one another; they could be seen as a combination of friends and lovers. Which, really, is the essence of fluffy Henriel. Additionally, it’s clear even in canon that Utterson and Jekyll are most comfortable and happy around each other. A specific citation of this is “The Incident at the Window.” Jekyll, although in the worst mindset of his life, is able to perk up and even smile a bit upon seeing Utterson. Utterson, too, is quite pleased to see his “friend,” and even offers so much as to have Jekyll join him and Enfield on their walk— something that is mentioned to be one of his most cherished activities. All in all, the two encompass the spirit of “Lover.” That is to say, a couple that respects and cherishes each other’s company enough to consider each other friends.
(again. I ship Hyde/Enfield, but I don’t have a good song. Maybe just smashing on a piano.)
Victor/Clerval: “The Search is Over” by Survivor. Yeah, this is a cute and fluffy friends-to-lovers song. Cry. Clervalstein’s “best friends pining” dynamic is adorable.
and finally, the rarest pair
Griffin/Charles (The Invisible Man and Tale of Two Cities, respectively): “Islands in the Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. Broooo I was so worried to announce that I shipped this. It’s a RARE ass pair, it’s cross-media, and one of them is married. Flood my asks all you want tbh, I love them. Onto the explanation. “Islands in the Stream” portrays a soft side of the male narrator, something Chiffin is all about imo. (Yes, Griffin does have a soft side, look at how he acts around cats.) Also, the love story is pretty intense, which I think is in this couple’s nature.
ok enjoy pls don’t hate me
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gerrysherry · 2 years
Rite of passage chapter 1
A dangerous game part 1
Edward just wanted to have a good time. The girl was in the way. He pushed her and stepped over her; end of story. But this pansy flopdoodle named Richard Enfield saw it differently.
“Apologize to the girl at once,” Richard had said. Edward decided he would dub him Dick.
He stared at the cherub-faced girl with her angelic curled hair and staring in her blue eyes growled “I’m sorry.” At the sight of his face, the girl started crying.
With Dismay, Dick went to consult the girl’s family along with the  night apothecary who was summoned in place of a proper doctor. With disgust Hyde realized that the man was (like himself) Scottish. 
The girl meanwhile was being comforted by her family. This girl might be poor and walking around Soho at night for some ungodly reason but she had a loving family.
All Edward had was Henry. All Edward had was himself. Henry liked to pretend he was a separate entity and invented elaborate origins for him to hide (hah) the fact that he came fully formed from Jekyll, like Dionysus from Zeus’s thigh.
“Perhaps a small payment would smooth things over” Dick half-growled, half-whispered to Hyde.
“How much do ye want?” Hyde hissed.
“100 pounds should do it,” Dick said, faking geniality.
“Highway robbery, dear sir” Edward Hyde spat.
“Well in that case I will make sure all nearby establishments know how cruel and miserly of a man you are. If you are a man at all.”
Hyde hissed out a breath but realizing he was cornered led them to where he kept his checkbook. Unfortunately this was perilously close to Jekyll’s house. He quickly unlocked the cabinet so that Dick or the girl’s family wouldn’t catch a glimpse of his laboratory. He slammed the door shut with his cane.
The cabinet was a strange liminal place where he was neither Henry Jekyll nor Edward Hyde but himself, his true self. He couldn’t enjoy this being, he had a job to do. He searched for loose change, the king of shady transactions, but found only his checkbook. His checkbook  as Henry Jekyll Hyde later realized. He filled out a check for 100 pounds and only realized he’d absentmindedly signed it “Henry Jekyll” when he handed it to Dick.
The gig was up. Dick suspected the check was a fake. Did Jekyll know him from somewhere? Dick’s features did look vaguely familiar…Hyde was surprised that Dick didn’t call him a forger, more surprised when Dick invited him to breakfast.
This Hyde quickly realized, was no flirtation for Dick had also invited the doctor and the girl’s father. Dick’s plan was to not let Hyde out of his sight until the bank opened so he could not escape if  the check was forged. Tenfold better than simple accusation, the air headed heir could certainly scheme.
The breakfast was better than Hyde feared, the servants asked no questions, no one stared him in the face and talk veered trivial. Dick had started a game of tales where each would tell a story from their life. Edward briefly wished one could tell a fiction tale instead for as Jekyll he was an avid reader of fact and fiction alike. As himself not as much, the drug made it harder to focus on the written page. Though like laws, tradition and even rules of nature that didn’t stop Hyde from trying.
When asked by Dick,  “What do you do for a living, Mr. Hyde?” 
He replied “I’m a laboratory assistant, I procure wares, negotiate with shopkeepers and do my own experiments. Tests with poison mostly.”  He had done some tests with belladonna, marveling at his own immunity to certain poisons but not others. Cyanide seemed to be an exception and one he loathed to even consider as a way of escaping the coppers once and for all.
“Once, I dissolved my master’s cuff links in aqua regia. He was blooming mad even if he hated them himself. He also didn’t appreciate my attempts at gold miniature either.” Hyde crossed his arms with contentment, tale finished. Dick already knew he spoke of Jekyll, no harm done.
“You’re lucky he didn’t fire you” Dick said. No one else quipped, fear or respect? Surely the former.
“He depends upon me too much,” Hyde replied vaguely, then shot back, “What do you do D- Mr. Enfield?”
“Oh many things” Dick said and in quick succession regaled of his oversight of his father’s business, his charitable works (a bit more haphazard and small scale than his, well Jekyll’s, enterprises but impressive enough). Dick noted also, in a roundabout way that infuriated Hyde to no end, his conquest of women. Maybe not so much a flopdoodle after all, at least not literally. Enfield, Enfield, where had he heard the name before? Maybe he’d remember better sober.
The doctor talked of his move from Edinburg and his windfall with better pay, his elevated health after his departure of “Auld Reekie”, and the derision he encountered from his strong Scottish accent. Hyde did not wince in sympathy, for that was a sign of weakness and he wasn’t about to show solidarity for some sawbones just because of their shared profession and hometown. Henry was pretending to not have a single doctorate and avoided any reference to his birthplace so he couldn’t exactly sympathize aloud. Although through the drug-filled haze that was Hyde’s existence he did feel sadness that the kingdom was so divided with judgment even towards those of the same commonwealth. His research was going to fix that but alas….it created Hyde instead.
The father told of his factory job which must have been even duller than it sounded. He now considered sending his daughter and her siblings to school. Hyde suggested one of Jekyll’s schools; It taught basic literacy and arithmetic and was within the man’s means. see I can do charity work in this shape and name also, Henry. I’m not condemned to evil, I chose it freely. Noticing he was arguing with himself again he ceased.
The time came that the clock struck 6 and the four of them made their way to Coutt’s. He was uncomfortable in such a respectable place and yet giddy how uncomfortable everyone else was. The teller stared at Hyde with contempt but cashed the check anyway. The look of gratitude on the father’s face was good enough but the look of absolute bewilderment on Dick’s was the icing on the cake. The Sawbones showed a very caledonian stoicism, more was the pity.
There was laughing all the way to the bank and there was its rare variant of laughing all the way from the bank. It was dawn by the time he made it back to his house, this time alone. He was still haunted by Dick’s features and why they looked like someone he knew…
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starlene · 2 years
In episode #156 of the podcast Reply All, the hosts receive a mysterious phone call from an anonymous person who claims they’ve come up with a cure for baldness. I’ve always loved that episode, because to me, that call sounds exactly like Jekyll trying to convince the board of governors of his new miracle cure.
Hence, this.
Postgraduate student Henry Jekyll approaches the board of governors of St. Jude’s Hospital to secure funding for his new experiment: a cure for baldness.
Henry Jekyll entered the boardroom of St. Jude’s Hospital, nerves nearly getting the better of his self-assurance. He was greeted with an air of complete indifference. The governors were seated around a table, quietly chatting about whatever it is that governors of a respectable London hospital chat about, without as much as giving Jekyll a look to acknowledge his presence. A secretary was sitting on the side, lazily scribbling something on the pages of his notebook.
Jekyll gave Sir Danvers Carew a look. Sir Danvers nodded, and with just a low a-hem from him, the room fell silent.
“My friends,” Sir Danvers began. “As governors of St. Jude’s Hospital, we are well aware of the controversial nature of Mr. Jekyll’s research. But our high regard for his work on his PhD and his reputation as a hard-working student demand that he be given a proper hearing.”
It was now or never! Jekyll took a deep breath and recited his carefully rehearsed opening line:
“Distinguished governors! I have requested your time and attention today because I’m pretty sure I might have figured out the cure to balding.”
“Jekyll, you’re all talk and no result,” General Glossop immediately retorted. “This is a hospital! We deal in saving lives, not in wig making.”
Jekyll shot back an irritated look.
“It’s not, like, just related to hair. It actually has a lot of ramifications for, like, health.”
Moving his eyes from one governor to the next, Jekyll tried to catch some sign of interest or encouragement in their eyes. It was to no avail – his gaze was only met with haughty, indifferent looks.
“There is some science behind it, like, some biochemistry. I did take some science classes in college.”
Everyone in the room was staring at Jekyll with an unreadable expression now. Sir Danvers muttered something unintelligible under his breath. Someone coughed.
“Well, what is this mysterious serum?”
Jekyll fell silent for a little while, searching for the right words. He had prepared a full speech in his mind beforehand, but this wasn’t going according to script.
“I cannot say. I mean, it’s sort of, like, there’s a limited supply of this thing. By nature of what it is, it’s limited by, like, resources.”
“So you’re not willing to tell us what’s in it?”
Jekyll shook his head. Lady Beaconsfield rolled her eyes.
“Can you at the very least tell us this: why do you think this mystery substance cures baldness?”
“I’ve sorta been testing it… on myself.”
Finally, there was an observable reaction: Jekyll’s response elicited a series of horrified gasps and disapproving remarks from the board.
“You’re the laughing stock of your faculty and polite society! A mad scientist!”
“Order, please,” Sir Danvers commanded. The racket died down, and with an exaggerated air of serenity and self-control, Sir Archibald Proops took it upon himself to continue the interrogation.
“How do you apply it?”
“Indeed, do tell us,” Lord Savage interjected in a mocking tone. “How did you discover this finite resource and be like, You know what? I’m going to rub this on my head!”
“No, you don’t rub anything on your head,” Jekyll almost yelled, “there’s no rubbing of any substances anywhere! It's a food, actually.”
“It’s a food?“
Jekyll nodded.
“But you won’t tell us what it is?”
Jekyll shook his head.
“And it makes your hair grow back?”
“It doesn’t do just that, it’s, like… it makes you feel… uhh.”
Jekyll buried his face into his hands. Whatever he had imagined while practicing the meeting in front of his mirror that morning, it wasn’t this nonsensical, hostile cross-examination. Why was it so hard? Why couldn’t he make them understand?
“The thing is,” Jekyll took a deep breath and continued, “it goes beyond hair. I used to feel, like, really tired and sort of depressed throughout the day. Just, like, I just wanna lie in bed and not do anything. But this has almost, like, removed this shroud of depression…”
“Is it swordfish,” the Bishop of Basingstoke interrupted. “The mystery potion? Is it swordfish?”
“It’s the blood of salamanders,” Lady Beaconsfield offered.
Suddenly, everyone was shouting over each other again.
“What’s all the mystery? Much ado about nothing, if you ask me.”
“I do feel like we're being conned somehow. This feels like a con.”
“Is it fucking moon rocks? What is it?!”
“Forever asking us to endorse empty promises!”
Even Sir Danvers, who quietly prided himself in his calm and composed manner no matter the situation, was nearing the end of his rope now. He spoke up.
“You’re being very coy about this. Stop beating around the bush! Also, I still don't know exactly what your question is. Why are you in so much pain about this, and what do you want from us?”
Jekyll let out an audible groan. Why were they being so damn obtuse?
“I’m concerned because if it comes out, then… almost by nature, it has to be limited. Then only, like, wealthier people will afford it. Which is why I’m asking for your help. I need funds so that it can become cheaper.”
Jekyll’s gaze met a wall of unreadable expressions again. His voice cracking from frustration, he launched out on his last desperate attempt.
“I just think everyone deserves to have hair, not just millionaires and billionaires.”
The governors were trying to catch each other’s eyes now, as if to make sure that everyone was on the same page. After a brief moment, it was Sir Archibald that encapsulated all of their thoughts into two concise words.
“Who cares?”
After a devastating silence that Jekyll felt stretched beyond both time and space, the secretary spoke up:
“So, distinguished colleagues. Your verdict, please.”
“Sir Danvers?”
“By six votes to none – with one abstention – this proposition is rejected. Thank you for your time, Mr. Jekyll.”
Rushing out of the boardroom at a furious pace, Jekyll almost crashed into Utterson. His friend had been waiting for him in the corridor, eavesdropping on every word.
Giving a look at Jekyll’s receding hairline and running a hand through his own head of thick curls, he spoke up, his nonchalant comment destroying what little was left of Jekyll’s composure.
“Well, that went pretty much as well as can be expected, don’t you think?”
Note: 90% of the dialogue in this fic is made up of quotes from either episode #156 The Cure for Everything of Reply All, or the script of Jekyll & Hyde the musical.
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marmeow · 2 years
in an eternal state of craving new jekyll and hyde media/content
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reanimationstation · 4 years
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finally drew Jekyll properly, its been so long, he deserves this
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shioritsumi · 4 years
I just finally got up to date on The Search for Henry Jekyll
it took me like 2-3 days but I did it. 
in like two days
I caught up and aaaaaaaaaaaa
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henryjekyllsgender · 2 years
if ur up for it, maybe some headcanons for a reader that is dating both TGS Jekyll and Hyde??? It’s not like cheating and there’s no competing/jealousy, it’s just Jekyll/Hyde is into reader and vice versa
OFC I CAN!!! Here are some hcs for my favourite boys
Henry Jekyll X Reader X Edward Hyde
Person: Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde
Fandom: The Glass Scientists
Pronouns for Y/N: Any
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Authors Notes: Take this cute stuff <3 also ty for requests I love getting requests ❤
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Hyde is always asking for Henry to drink the potion to spent time with you, he just wants to spent time with you instead of watching Henry have it all
When Hyde is allowed time with you, he always insists on taking you to blackfog (he makes you wear a Cape that covers your face incase anything bad were to happen)
They both care deeply about you and make sure your feeling alright
The lodgers always made bets on which one of them would shag you first or if you'd all shag together. It happens separately ofc
Henry is always asking about your wellbeing, in and out of control, because he always worries something would happen to you that could end up in them losing you
When they first introduced you to Lanyon, he hated but over time be got used to you and began to like you. He's just glad someone cares about Henry and makes him happy the way he wished he could've
Henry barely ever sleeps so sometimes you have to force Henry to not drink the potion so he can actually sleep. Half the time, he's just cuddling you and talking to Hyde.
They often brag about you to other people and it annoys most the lodgers but Jasper and Rachel think it's cute
Hyde kept comparing you three to Lucy until he got humbled and called the 'House husband'. Let's just say, Henry is Lucy in the relationship.
Although Henry seems tough, all he needs is comfort and cuddles sometimes. He gets EXTREMELY stressed sometimes and will search for you
Hyde and Henry dont argue a lot but when they do, its arguing over who can spend time with you
Hyde is small spoon. He can't fight the fact that he loves being spooned. It makes him feel comforted.
Henry is big spoon. He loves stealing your warmth
Henry and Hyde have banned you from Henry's office since he accidentally burned your finger the tiniest bit. Your only allowed to sit on the other side of the room
At least they love you ❤
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kindaeccentric · 3 years
When I was writing my university bachelor's degree thesis (that I'm still to defend) about Penny Dreadful as a modern adaptation of Frankenstein I noticed how the original novel's homoeroticism is realized by the series in an interesting way.
In the way he is presented, it seems to me that Victor secretly desires men, but thinks that only through creating a perfect one by himself he's allowed to touch other man's skin. His endeavour to pierce the veil between life and death is an excuse, since Victor from the series grew up lonely after the death of his mother and he searches for companionship, for someone who would love him unconditionally, like his mother used to. He believes he can find such love only in a person he creates himself, brings from the dead, and who would see him as his only friend, calm and obedient. Yet his first instinct is to make a man, not a woman, and a handsome man at that.
I can imagine both Rory Kinnear and Alex Price are not everybody's cup of tea (I do find them attractive, they are quite charismatic), but the way the original Creature and Proteus are shown makes them attractive. Proteus we see through Victor's eyes, when he is tending to his body before its even reanimated, when he sketches him (a sure sign of affection) and when he teaches him how to eat in a way that becomes seductive, because of how the camera lingers on his lips and then, in a closeup, on his fingers running down his long throat, immediately bringing to mind erotic imagery. Some may argue that Victor tries to emulate the relationship between his mother and himself taking the parental role and projecting onto Proteus the role of his childhood self, and as much as it is partially true, their relationship bears these marks of hidden desire on Victor's part from the start. The image at the end of the first episode when Proteus is born shows Victor trembling, teary-eyed, looking at the body, a torn and stitched back together, but human body, of a naked man. He's afraid, but not necessarily of the man, but of finally getting what he wanted, it's a fear resulting from excitement. Then the man is touching his face tenderly and Victor, still trembling, cannot stop himself from a little smile. Their faces are softly illuminated by the orange light of the gas lamp, creating an intimate atmosphere of a warm bedroom. Victor practically gasps hearing his own name smoken by Proteus. I doubt all of it was intentional in the way I read it, but it doesn't change the fact that the final scene can be easily interpreted this way.
Then the original Creature, with the violence surrounding his return, presents him as highly masculine, smart, powerful, a direct opposite to the delicate, clueless Proteus Victor could easily form into whatever he wanted. The Creature throughout the entire series is perceived as ugly by some and easily tolerated by others, making his ugliness purely subjective, since, despite his small deformities he remains strangely alluring with his gothic qualities (black long hair, black lips, white skin, yellow eyes, proportional features) of a dark brooding gentleman. With blood on his face he becomes vampire-like (vampires always a symbol of hidden desires and 'depraved' sexuality, the Creature and Victor becoming a mirror image of Vanessa and vampire Mina, both Creature's and Mina's monstrosity an indirect result of Victor's and Vanessa's desire towards having a same-sex companion). The Creature touches Victor's face, a callback to Proteus doing it, but the Creature is not gentle, he smears blood all over Victor's face (blood in vampire narratives was always a symbol for other bodily fluids, that's why it seems so sexy, it also gained another meaning in the 80s, due to the HIV epidemic, which no filmmaker can shake off if they tried, I could discuss it more with The Lost Boys, but no time for that right now).
The dynamic between Victor and the Creature is a reversal of Victor's budding relationship with Proteus, experience winning over innocence. Victor is under another man's rule, and it terrifies him, because it would force him into a position of having to admit his attraction, whereas as the one in control he could have still easily deny it. The Creature, with all his attributes, symbolizes carnal love, he's all 'body', where Proteus was virginal, pious love (to an extent). In one of the scenes where we see Proteus he looks up into the skylight at Victor's apartment and appears angelic, as if in a halo of white light.
It's revealed Victor never had a woman, and the series wants the viewer to believe it's because of his awkwardness and passion for science that consumed him, but his dedication to creating himself male companions instead of searching for a living female one is exactly what makes him seem more queer coded.
It's clear that the lack of paternal figure results in Victor quickly becoming close with older men he encounters (Sir Malcolm, Van Helsing), but it also puts him into a position where he's constantly surrounded by men, with whom he feels more at ease, and is intimidated by women. The rivalry between him and Ethan is that of siblings, until the moment when Ethan teaches him how to shoot a gun. It might be a stretch (it is a bit of a stretch, I admit), but a gun often, especially in horror, alongside a knife, represents manhood and masculine power. Victor allows Ethan to touch him and encourages him to show off with the gun, which is a scene all too familiar from many other movies where the role of Victor is reserved for a woman and the interaction is flirtatious (can't pull examples out of thin air, but if you saw over 1400 movies like me you know I'm not lying). All this adds to the general image of Victor.
The Creature and Victor, when they are on a walk, have a very revealing conversation in which the Creature points out how quick Victor was to grow attached to his more perfect man, and Victor doesn't deny it, he admits that he did in fact feel affection towards Proteus, although the meaning of it as the scorned past partner expressing jealousy over the love he didn't get while someone else did is largely subtext. When the Creature says that he's lonely, Victor answers 'I cannot love you' (paraphrase, because I can't find the exact quote right now) and the Creature, disillusioned, mocks him, 'I do not want what you cannot give' suggesting that Victor, by making himself a meek obedient man, is selfish, cruel, manipulating, and a coward, therefore could not have loved Proteus truly. Then again, Victor cannot bring himself to love his original Creature, because he's not the ideal man he envisioned and by then the Creature being too aware of his flaws of character. The Creature/Caliban/John Clare knows that Victor is 'monstrous', not just because he's someone who desecrates dead bodies, plays God and abandons his creation, but because of his queer desire. It's important that in the case of Penny Dreadful 'monstrosity' signifies many different things, literal (being a vampire werewolf, witch, and so on), metaphorical (bad deeds, like letting your son die a horrible death, cheating, killing etc.) and wholy subjective, merely condemned by ignorant society (Sembene's blackness, Brona's sex work, Lily's want to be equal or greater than men, Vanessa's want for sexual freedom, the Creature's ugliness, Angelique being transgender and other cases), so it's NOT that much of a stretch this time.
We also have the whole problem with Lily. Victor is so attached to Lily (who takes up both Elizabeth's and creature's bride parts in the novel) because he believes that only by possessing a good woman he'll be redeemed for his 'sinful' desires, but he's foolish to think that. This belief reduces a woman to a semi-maternal, semi-virginal angelic ideal with no sexual urges or agency, like virgin Mary. Lily is a true replacement for Victor's mother, and his imagined redemption. As long as she's similar to Proteus, in that she's not sexual, and pure like an angel. Yet Lily is not a woman in that sense. She is another of Victor's creatures, so she partially also takes over the role of the original Creature from the novel, a male. She's not an ideal of a Victorian obedient wife, she has power, or tries to have it, but power in the context of patriarchal society is masculine by nature. The moment she drops her pretenses of a weak delicate wife-like girl Victor does not want her like this. He doesn't want a woman that is sexually liberated, because he doesn't like women in this way, and yet, by being similar to the first Creature (from Victor's perspective, from hers John Clare is similar to Victor-a man, I could delve into Brona's sexuality, but later, this thing is already way longer than I intended) she's 'the man' he wanted.
There is also Henry. Henry Jekyll takes the role of his namesake in the novel, Henry Clerval, Victor's closest friend, and a character most often cited to have homoerotic tension with Victor. It's true that some of the eroticism might be accidental, stemming from the prevalence of homosocial interactions in 'Frankenstein' which in turn is a result of misogynistic nature of 19th century Genevian society and in-novel universe reflecting it, but like I mentioned before, it still feeds into the queer reading of the text and translates beautifully into Jekyll and Victor being both extremely misogynistic towards Lily and their mutual homoerotic tension. In the scenes where Henry purposes his plan to Victor he practically seductively purrs it into his ear, Lily becomes merely a female buffer that allows for that interaction, a female presence which is an excuse for male closeness (here I have a couple of examples actually: Dead Ringers, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Scream (in a roundabout way, through murder) and a couple others, but that deserves its own article). I won't even mention more references to the novel, because that's a lot already.
Penny Dreadful, although I believe largely unintentionally, expands on what is already there through the changes it introduces in relation to the novel's plot. I have nothing else smart to say, I just think it's worth considering.
*I use the word 'queer', because that's the umbrella term we use in academic writing for years now and even our lgbt+ group at university is called 'queer', so don't come at me with stupid takes
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oh my god i wrote a fic!!!!! this hasn’t happened for like,, nine months!!! but @corvidayyy‘s henriel week inspired me so i blacked out and wrote this for today’s prompt (letters of correspondence) :) i hope y’all like it, it’s.... pretty depressing not gonna lie. anyways, here you go (i’ll post it on ao3 tomorrow)!
Dearest Gabriel,
Why am I writing this? I know I shall never send it. But I’ve been told it’s been good to tell people how you feel, even if it’s only on a piece of parchment that will never see the light of day. So, here I go…
Gabriel John Utterson, I have loved you for as long as I’ve known how to love. I can remember when I first fell in love with you. We were children. We were climbing that tree in your backyard, and you had climbed up ahead of me; I was struggling, and you offered me your hand. I looked up that day as I took your hand and saw the sunlight framing your head, giving you a halo of dark brown curls turned golden in the late afternoon heat, and I knew that this was it. I would never care for anyone else the way I cared for you. 
I have loved you ever since. I loved you when you braided my hair that I stubbornly refused to cut so that it wouldn’t fall in my face. I loved you when you held me during my parent’s funeral. I loved you those late college nights as we lay in our beds and talked about everything and nothing all at once. I loved you as you encouraged my experiments when no one else would. I love you still, every time I see you. 
I know it is wrong. I know that a man of my age should be settled down by now; married to a kind woman and given up on dreams of science experiments and childhood best friends. I know that it is not right for man to love another man the way I love you. To want to hold him, touch him, kiss him, lay with him, share a life with him. 
But I can not help it. Not when you’re there, smiling at me like I’m the only thing that matters, eyes sparkling with the brilliance of a hundred suns. You’re simply too easy to fall in love with, my dear Utterson. 
I could never tell you the truth. It would ruin everything. I care too much for you to do that. 
So I’ll stay quiet, as I have for many years already. I won’t let you know how much I yearn to touch you, how every time your hand brushes mine it’s enough to make me weep. Won’t tell you the real reason I’ve never married. I’ll stick to dinner parties and strolls through the park, never letting myself ask for something more. 
I suppose it’s for the best. 
Yes, definitely for the best. 
But I will never stop loving you with all that I am.
Yours always and forever,
Henry Jekyll
My darling Henry,
Oh my dearest love, why didn’t you tell me the truth? Didn’t you know I loved you too? Didn’t you know I adored you more than life itself? 
Maybe if you’d told me, I could have stopped you. Stopped this. 
But no, here I am, finding a confession years too late, shoved into a desk drawer in your lab. 
Do you have any idea how long it’s taken me to come back here? Everything reminds me of you. I feel your presence in the air, hear your laughter drifting in through the windows. All a painful of reminder of what I can never have again. 
God, Henry, why wouldn’t you tell me? Tell me what you’d done, tell about him, tell me you loved me?! 
We could have made it work, you know. We could have really done it. But now we’ll never even get the chance. I’ll never know what it’s like to really feel your hand in mine, to feel your lips against mine, to hold you- really hold you. The feeling of your hair between my fingers has long-since faded. What did it feel like, Henry? Now I’ll never remember. 
I didn’t believe it when Poole told me, you know. I thought it was some kind of cruel joke, a nightmare, perhaps. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. Because how could you do that to me? How could you leave me like that? 
It wasn’t until I came in here and I saw your body on the floor that I really believed it. I cried for you, Henry, you know that, right? I sobbed and wept until it felt like I had nothing left within me. Still feels that way. Because what do I have left if not you? 
I have nothing. Nothing but fading memories and painful what-ifs.
They took your body away from me. Why did they do that? Now I’ll never see you again. What if I forget the shape of your face, the golden-brown of your always-messy hair, the way you had a few freckles splattered across your cheeks? I can already feel myself forgetting the sparkle of your eyes, the sound of your voice, the way your hands were always searching for something to do. 
As much as it hurts, I’m glad I found your letter. It helps to know you felt the same. Hurts, yes, but helps too. 
Because it means that maybe I wasn’t imagining those moments we shared. The way your hand would linger on mine when passing me a shared bottle of wine. That look in your eyes when alcohol had stripped you of your inhibitions. The way we held each other throughout the hardships of our youth. It was all real, and there was really something there. 
That thought alone is all that’s saved me. It was all real. 
It was all real, and now it’s gone. 
Your Gabriel
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