maddestmewmew · 2 years
"folkpunk is so #goblincore #trashcore its all grimy grody men with slimy guitars" cool. actually i think this genre mostly populated by poor, poc, and/or queer people shouldnt be associated with. grossness. actually.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
What if there was a dance to find the (insert whatever monster) king's mate so they can produce a heir(and many more kids)
And a regular human reader attends for free food not believing they'll be picked from but turns out the king had a eye on reader the whole time
Ahhh! I adore this idea! Anything that has to do with food immediately has my support and any reader I write would be first in line at the buffet :D
Shadow King (Zintius) x female reader
Word Count: 2.5K
W: sfw monster fluff, kidnapping, some sfw forced stripping
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You smoothed the pointy clay tips you’d glued to your ears to make you look like a pixie, before you slipped out of the bathroom and back into the ballroom. 
Around you Fairyfolk were gathered dressed to the nines, all covered in sequins and feathers to attract the eye of the Shadow King. No one paid any attention to you, as a human you were much too plain to compete with these otherworldly beauties. Sirens, fairies, lovely creatures you’d never even heard of before crowded the room, subtly elbowing each other in the ribs to be the first that the King laid eyes on as he descended the stairs. 
Your focus, however, was the buffet. As a human in Fairy, you were unpopular to say the least and would never be allowed in a place like this, but with a little bit of pheromone lifted off of a witch and some micah powder to make your skin glitter you’d made yourself up to pass as a pixie so you could pilfer the feast. I
t was a con you pulled often, though this was perhaps your most bold move yet. This was the King’s marriage ball. He was looking for a wife so only the richest, prettiest, and most affluent Fairyfolk in the land had gone to great expense to travel as far as the Realm of Shadow to seduce him. 
It didn’t matter that he was ten feet tall and mostly smoke and big teeth. He had power and that was beautiful. The realm of Light and the realm of Twilight feared him, declaring him their greatest enemy. He was known to be brutal and imperialistic, wanting to spread his darkness as far as the other two realms would allow. 
None of that concerned you, however. While their heads were all turned to watch the King descend the stairs, you were pulling a sack from underneath your stolen, stained ball gown and loading it full of croissants, cupcakes, and whatever else wasn’t too sticky to fit. It wasn’t the flashiest con, but you were just a human, you did what you could to get by and this one was easy. You got away every time and ate for a week if you rationed everything out. 
When you’d gotten all you could, you shoved the sack under your fluffy dress, one you’d stolen out of the trash pile of a seamstress’ shop, and blended back into the crowd. It would be suspicious if you bolted immediately, the guards were trained to watch for thieves who would do just that, so you had to stick around for at least another hour.
You’d slip out of the back, look a little drunk if anyone stopped you, find a quiet place and put on the stable boy outfit you also had hidden in your skirt and casually walk away looking like a servant carrying out the trash.  
In the meantime, your eyes drifted over the crowd, trying to figure out if you could pilfer any loose valuables while you were waiting…these rich people wouldn’t notice a few baubles missing. You didn’t even bother to look for the King, though you heard all the trumpets and fanfare announcing his arrival.
Your eye caught on a jewel encrusted fan sticking out of the back pocket of a handsome goblin. Like a cat, you honed in on your target, drifting closer and closer to the sparkling prize. 
“I throw a whole ball just for you and I can’t even catch your eye,” a rumbling voice boomed just as you raised your hand to snatch the fan. 
You whirled around, cheeks red, trying to look innocent, eyes widening as you took in the figure looming over you. The Shadow King looked down at you with six eyes glowing gold from the dark space that was his face. 
“Um…I…Um…what?” you stammered. 
A wide, white smile appeared on his face, no lips, only teeth. 
“Finally, you look at me,” he said. 
You instinctively took a step back, unsure what was happening. Was he confused? Was he teasing you? Surely this was some cruel joke because he’d caught you stealing, though you didn’t entirely understand it. 
“Come,” he said, holding out a large hand. Whirls of black smoke drifted up off of it. The whole room was looking at you with obvious hostility, so you shakily took his hand, unsure what else to do. Your heart was hammering in your chest. The one rule of conning was commit to the bit, you had to let this play out, but what was happening?
He led you to the center of the room and music began. Your mouth fell open as he put one hand on your hip and with the other he clasped your hand and you started to dance. You had no idea how to dance, so you simply stumbled over his feet. He chuckled, revealing his white teeth again and lifted you up a bit, depositing your feet on top of his. 
“Here, like this,” he said, before swinging you around the ballroom to the music. The guests blurred around you as he spun across the shiny marble floor. 
His six eyes, all with different colored irises blinked down at you with utter fascination. He remembered the first time he saw you at some silly party he’d been compelled to attend. You’d done quite a good job hiding you were human only, as he’d wandered onto the terrace to get some air, he’d looked down to see you undressing. He’d watched in fascination as you’d unloaded a sack full of food and a handful of valuables, before peeling off your dress, plucking the tips from your ears and hurriedly disguising yourself like a servant boy with some pants and a low cap. 
He’d snuck off, following you, curious about your life and where you were going. Humans were all but extinct in Fairy, the fact that you were alive at all was a bit remarkable. Hiding as a cloud of smoke in the shadows he watched you dangling your feet over the dock watching the boats on the river while you munched on your ill gotten gains.
It was impossible to keep his eyes off of your plump lips as you chewed and your pretty hands as you wiped crumbs from your cheeks. His heart had dropped when he’d watched you curl up in a barrel near where they dumped the trash, your head resting on your bag of pastries to sleep. 
After that he’d used his own disguises to move through the nobility. It would be obnoxious if the king came to every party, but transforming himself into an unassuming orc nobleman, he eagerly waited for your arrival at every flashy party in the capital. He found your disguise rather clever and the way you slipped in and out, making yourself unseen despite how beautiful you were, very impressive.
It stunned him how well you could read your marks. You followed the cadence of the room, striking just when someone was distracted with new love or jealousy. Too wrapped up in their own drama to even care that whatever they lost was missing. 
He never bothered you, afraid to disturb what seemed to be your main source of food and income. That is until he set this little trap to catch you. 
“How long I’ve waited to have you in my arms,” he purred at you. 
You blinked your eyes at him. 
“You have?” you gasped, “are…are you sure you’re not mistaking me for someone else?” 
He just shook his head, the song ending. You were aware the entire room was looking at you with a mix of disgust and envy. As the next song began and some partners filled the dance floor a plucky witch dared to shoot her shot at the King, sure she could easily pull his attention from you. You almost let out a relieved sigh when you saw her approaching. She was a perfect excuse to make your escape and pretty enough to probably succeed. 
Only when she reached you he waved her away. 
“I’m busy,” he growled before she could even open her mouth and your hope scurried away. 
“Let’s go somewhere more private, pet,” he said, scooping you up in his arms to the dismay of you and the entire room and the two of you disappeared in a puff of smoke. 
You immediately panicked when you realized where you were, struggling in his arms. They were impossibly strong for appearing to be made of nothing but black mist. He’d brought you to his bedroom. You could only assume it was his bedroom because it was the nicest one you’d ever been in. The walls were draped in glittering gold fabric and jewel encrusted weapons humming with power were mounted where they parted.
“Shhh, shhh,” he shushed you, snapping his fingers and the cold fireplace lit bathing the room in warm light. 
The sudden sparks startled you still. In the glitter of firelight the shadow king’s black skin almost seemed to have a bit of a sparkle to it. Looking down on you and smiling again with his eerie Cheshire cat smile, he plucked the clay points from your ears. 
“You don’t need to hide from me, little human,” he said, “you’re perfectly safe…but you must tell me…I’ve been dying to know your name.” 
“Maurine,” you lied and he frowned at you, his smile inverting. 
“It’s not wise to lie to  me, pet,” he growled, his six eyes narrowing and the colors in them flashing. 
“(Y/N),” you squeaked. 
His mouth flipped again, creepily and he brushed your hair. 
“There’s no reason to lie, anyway,” he assured you, depositing you into a chair in front of the fire before he crossed the room to a pitcher of water and a bowl, “whatever petty problems you may have you can rely on me to solve them.”  
Wetting a rag he returned to scrub the micah from your cheeks that was giving you the pixie-like sheen. Pinching your cheeks with his shadowy fingers, he scrubbed until every bit of your disguise was off of you. From then on, Zintius wanted you to look like yourself. You’d never have to steal for a living again. He’d stuff you full of so many pastries you were plump and round. 
You gasped, surprised as his large hand slipped up your skirt and fished around, brushing your bare thigh. His smile got brighter as he retrieved the sack of food and the other bag of supplies you carried on you, pulling them from under it. 
Your eyes widened in horror as he tossed the bag with the food in it casually into the fireplace as if it weren’t your only source of sustenance for a week. You were almost afraid he was going to toss in your meager belongings, but he only rummaged around in them for the bottle of pheromone that apparently offended him. He was sure to toss that into the fireplace as well. 
When his eyes returned to you they were laser focused on the smelly dress you’d pulled from the garbage and you started to climb over the back of the chair to escape him. He was much too fast and much too big, yanking you back down. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room as he shredded the poor thing. 
“So lovely,” he gasped in his throat as he took in your body, bathed in golden light. It was so much more than when he’d imagined it. It had been impossible to see the appealing figure you’d been hiding under the ill fitting dress and boy’s clothes. 
Folding himself down to you as you squealed and shrank back into the chair, he breathed in your sweet scent, underneath the annoying pheromone you were wearing. He was much too impatient to wait to scrub you, reminding himself to tell the maids to take the bedding immediately in the morning when he got around to giving you a bath. The sooner he never had to smell that stuff again the better. 
Scooping you up, he hurried to the bed. 
“What are you doing?!” you snarled, beating your fists against his chest, which he conveniently made smoke when you struck him so your hands slipped right through. It was not a funny joke, but he found it very amusing, smiling down at you as he climbed across the spread with you in one arm. 
“I’m going to mate you,” he explained innocently. 
You gasped, scandalized. 
“Me!? But…but…mating is forever and I’m human! The goddess doesn’t make human mates. She hates humans!” 
He snorted. 
“The Goddess long ago betrayed me,” he snarled, “She cursed me to never have a Fairy mate, but I can and will have my own. You…I can feel it…perhaps the God of man blessed me just to spite her. I’ll never stop thanking him for his kindness, delivering a human angel to me. If he wants me to spend my life crusading against her creations, I will, if it means I can keep you.” 
You’d prayed to Adam, the God of man so many nights as you’d slept near the dock, wondering if his reach stretched all the way to Fairy. Only what you’d prayed for was that a stray portal would open up and you’d be taken back to Earth where you’d learned the rest of the humans lived, not this…but Gods were a fickle, spiteful bunch and sticking it to Freya by undermining her curse sounded like just the sort of thing Adam would do. 
The Shadow King practically purred at you, his smokey fingertips drifting over your bare skin as you cowered into the pillows. 
“I can be a good lover, pet,” he promised you, “I have the power to give you whatever you like. Do you want jewels? Castles? Servants to step all over?” 
You shook your head. 
“I-I don’t need all that,” you stammered, “I-I just…” 
You weren’t sure what you were trying to say. 
His eyes narrowed on you and you saw a sliver of tooth as he smirked at you. 
“Aren’t you just a little bit curious?” he asked, “don’t you want to know what it’s like not to scrabble in the dirt as you have your whole life? I’ve seen you sleeping in the cold trash, love, you never have to sleep on anything but the finest silk in front of a warm fireplace for the rest of your life. I watched the way your eyelashes fluttered as you woke, terrified of what had found you in the dark. You never have to be afraid to close your eyes again. All you have to do is give yourself to me.” 
The simple lure of a warm, safe bed was enough to break you and you nodded slowly. Pleased, his smile stretched to opposite ends of his face in a terrifying grin, his six eyes eating up your body now that you'd given him permission and glowing fiery gold. 
“You’ll never regret this (Y/N),” he assured you, as his fingers tore the frayed undergarments you were still wearing, “I promise you.”
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teruthecreator · 1 month
norm for the askgame ^^
Sexuality Headcanon:
bisexual but he’s too busy being like 39 and the sheriff of dialtown so absolutely no time to unpack dat goku
Gender Headcanon:
cis guy. tho any and all butch norms i accept with open and loving arms. sometimes a man can be so butch do you understand
A ship I have with said character:
(looks pointedly at my mingus ask) uhhhhhhhh ANYWAYS other than normingus i also rlly rlly like normgingi!!!!! probably my second favorite gingi ship (first being oliver and gingi) and definitely one i think about often. the like immediate blood bond they forge over the course of ch3 is insane like norm goes from wanting to kill gingi dead to DOING IT ALL FOR THEM WAHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHHHHHH. also dare i say he’s a little yandere for gingi??? i don’t mean that seriously me and my friends just like to call him yandere. he has a yandere face and everything it’s great. anyways idk if i’d call normgingi wholly romantic but it’s certainly something. norm already had a wife but maybe he now has a second one??? in the form of a trash goblin??? idk i dont think they have a label for what they are and it confuses norm but he’s decided just to roll with it for now
A BROTP I have with said character:
norm with the rest of the dateables cast is so fucking important to me. literal besties squad. like the dialtown tool friends epilogue series made me just become OBSESSED with all of them interacting casually. and like every aspect of it is funny and good. i have a hc that norm builds a house just behind the funfair (like in a semi secluded spot) and that house is the hangout center for the entire polycule. karen is over there painting the scenery, olivers hosting movie nights, randy just Comes Over whenever shes too scared to stay at the ticket booth, fucking BIGFOOT drops by sometimes to hang. it’s just kind of beautiful the life norm leads post ch3 like going from being a hermit and wanting to stay secluded to having this rich tapestry of friends?????? genuinely brings a tear to my eye i LOVE NORM AND HIS FRIENDS WAHHHH
A NOTP I have with said character:
i dont really like norm/callum To Be Quite Honest. just isn’t my thang. also don’t care about norm/mr. dickens seems like we are filling a Yaoi Quota with that one but also you could probably convince me of it if u were compelling enough
A random headcanon:
(stares openly at tryt) so i have some opinions about norm’s family… HJGNFHFJFBFJ in seriousness tho i have this whole backstory devised about norm’s wife and the child they have right before he gets shipped off to space and the life that his widowed wife and child lead after he’s gone. his wife’s name is betsy and his child’s name is sylvia-grace but she goes by sylvie and they lead a relatively normal life in arizona until sylvie’s old enough to move out and then she goes to california. betsy dies long before norm makes the jump to the present, but sylvie is still kicking! she has a wife and two adult children of her own by then. i don’t think norm would ever get to really Meet them but that’s for very specific reasons that i map out in my fic The Road Yet Traveled, so if this idea intrigues you feel free to read that or just send me an ask! i could talk about this little family forever
General Opinion over said character:
norm has very quickly climbed the ranks in terms of the dateables. like i adore karen and oliver and randy, but norm is just….ohhhhhhhh he’s norm allen!!!!! he has such an interesting outlook on life and again i think he kinda brushes up with mingus in terms of like . characters i think deeply about. i mean i literally wrote a 30k fic that is Mainly about norm’s reconciliation with the past in forging his future. he’s just a guy i think about often!!!! also i do a voice for him and i will randomly pull it out in vcs just to make everyone laugh, which automatically means he’s one of my favs :-)
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i turned his face into a penis one time. dont remember why i did that
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Tav Q&As
@eclecticqueennerd thank you!!!
2. Describe their tent setup! What’s on the outside? The inside?
Ooooooh, you know our girl’s got it POPPIN’ in there.
- The tent: Her rectangular tent is sapphire blue, her favorite color, and cream. She wanted something flashier, but was gently advised by her companions to avoid something that could draw attention.
- The exterior decorations:
- A large, hand-tufted rug is the centerpiece. Naturally, the rug is red; she rolled out the red carpet for herself, much to her chagrin. On a wooden side table, there’s a music box she found while looking for supplies.
- Sitting not-so-inconspicuously in the corner is a tall water pipe with two hoses attached to it. She insists that it’s decorative, but she and Karlach have crept off into the woods with it a time or two. They’re often carrying a small pouch of something… herbaceous smelling.
- A flimsy mirror because even when she’s covered in goblin guts, girlie has to look like a snack.
- Inside of the tent:
- So many blankets. So. Many. Blankets. Astarion even says his blood runs warmer than Dulcinea’s with how cold she is all the time.
- There’s a small rack that holds her camp clothes, organized by color.
- Decorative pillows, which she hoards like a squirrel hoards nuts.
6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction?
You find her just beyond the Nautiloid crash site with intellect devourer guts at her feet. She’s sobbing uncontrollably. When you ask her why, she’s not upset about the circumstances she’s in. She’s upset that her shoes are ruined and there’s a stain on her dress.
When the two of you realize that you both have tadpoles, she acquiesces to a mutually beneficial agreement and agrees (reluctantly) to make herself useful in some way. You may have to teach her to do laundry, but she does figure it out. Eventually.
13. What is your Tav’s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors?
I’m not great at color analysis but I thiiiink I’d place her as a warm autumn. She favors dark, rich tones — navy blue, deep greens, brick reds.
27. Give us one of your Tav’s secrets!
While she was at Blackstaff on a nepo baby scholarship, she would sneak out all the damn time. The sneaking out was a known quantity. What people didn’t know, however, is what she got up to at those parties she went to.
Once, Dulcinea got wrapped up in a game of strip three dragon ante where the loser was not only naked, but had their clothes outright taken away. Her spellcasting was trash, but she managed to cast invisibility on herself just long enough to make it back to the dorm before daybreak.
27. What is the worst thing they’ve ever done/said to someone they love?
“Don’t wear that robe. You know the one I’m talking about.” This is regarding Gale’s incredibly ragged, but highly iconic purple robe. She arranges a weekend for them in the Upper City and instructs him to dress accordingly, which unfortunately excludes his threadbare robe. The wavemother robe on the other hand…
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beommiya · 10 months
( ✉️ : bummie ) let's call it a draw because this is not a game you'll win but i'm willing to settle for a draw 😌
( ✉️ : bummie ) i'm thinking sexy without being vulgar. are you feeling a full face lately or the clean girl aesthetic?
( ✉️ : bummie ) someone needs to tell her that her man is for everyone 😭 and i feel like she needs to dump him in the most devastating way possible.
( ✉️ : bummie ) no, no, i meant you have to stop kissing frogs! you have to find your prince! it's the worst because if he's at the club every weekend, that just tells you where his mind is . . . and no. just no. bummie, we need to get you in well lit environments with men! real men. not that scummy little goblin.
( ✉️ : bummie ) why does everyone i know enjoy the colder months and i'm just like . . . trash the whole thing.
( ✉️ : bummie ) if paris is your vibe, we'll do paris! i feel like french men could be a recipe for disaster, but we'll find a good one for you. okay, tell me your type. we have until next summer to create a perfect man checklist.
( ✉️ : bummie ) my love life is actually quite heavenly. i don't want to jinx it, so i'll leave it at that but everything is beautiful 🪽
( ✉️ : candy girl ) I'm okay with a draw 😌😌😌 the fact that I got you to this point it's actually a win for me hehe
( ✉️ : candy girl ) full face, full glam, wigs you know me, I got a new wig you need to see, it's to die for!
( ✉️ : candy girl ) I wanted to tell her but I didn't want to get involved in her life, but I can give you her @ and you could tell her if you want to, her man is for the streets
( ✉️ : candy girl ) you always see the big picture, I swear!
( ✉️ : candy girl ) let's enjoy the colder months let's build snowMEN!!!! and destroy them after
( ✉️ : candy girl ) tall, longer hair maybe even a bit curly, thick French accent when he's talking in English to me, classy, rich, big blue eyes, hold up I need to stop typing I'm slipping into a daydream already
( ✉️ : candy girl ) gosh Im so happy to heart that!! you deserve all the love and happiness in the world!
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tar-miriel · 2 years
january reading wrap-up
does four books merit a wrap-up? i think it does, and it's my house.
the book: lanny by max porter what to expect: an experimentally structured examination of small-town life and society in the south of britain, through the lens of a gently malevolent green man figure and a very precocious child. part contemporary, part sort of folk magical realism. very short, vibes over plot. thoughts: i thought the more purely contemporary sections worked better - the prose is very punchy, and the experimental structure enhances the effect. and the Vibes. the magical realism stuff sometimes felt like it was being complicated purely for complicated..ness sake, and i have limited patience for that. read if: you, too, once lived in a middle class small town in the south of england where you didn't particularly fit in, and you want to feel #seen. if you just get a kick out of weirdly formatted books.
the book: the twisted ones by t. kingfisher what to expect: a.. retelling of? companion novel to? weird cousin of? arthur machen's the white people, set in the american south. there's weird shit in the woods, but our protagonist is armed with a cast of quirky sidekicks and a very very good dog. medium paced folk horror. thoughts: i truly can't say this book is badly paced - it's incredibly readable and i was never bored, but in retrospect a lot of its 400 pages are only very gently eerie. when the horror hits it undeniably hits hard, but it also hits in the 'some things are simply unknowable let's get the fuck out' way, which isn't my favourite. especially given how much time we spend with ms protagonist just, you know. throwing out the trash. read if: you're just dipping your toes into the horror genre and need to work up to it. if you feel most stories could be improved by the presence of a Very Good Boy (dog-type). the book: the goblin emperor by katherine addison what to expect: the emperor of the elflands and all the sons he likes die unexpectedly, which means that his unloved exiled half-goblin youngest kid has to take the throne, with zero preparation. every day he gets emails. slow-paced political fantasy of manners, with very rich and vivid worlbuilding. thoughts: discerning readers may recall that i've already read this, and that i read it in december of 2022. it has enchanted me body and soul etc. it's not a perfect book but it's an excellent one, and it's so immersive and its heart is so lovely. you fight tooth and nail to connect with people and be kind and it doesn't always work, but my god, sometimes it does. read if: you've ever gotten emotional about that one richard siken bit - you know, the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it - you know it, tumblrina. that one. if you deeply morn the potential for both cuntery and fraught intimacy that was lost when english dropped the distinction between the formal and informal you.
the book: come tumbling down by seanan mcguire what to expect: this is book #5 in the wayward children series, which is about about a bunch of kids who went on portal fantasy adventures, were spat out by their said portals when their adventures were done, and struggle to adjust to living in the real world. the stories alternate between the kids' 'origin story' adventures, and the 'modern' storyline, where they all attend a boarding school for kids who had the same experience. fast-paced ya fantasy novellas. thoughts: that i keep reading this series is a cruel joke played on me by me, under no duress whatsoever. i keep hoping it'll live up to its potential, and bar one notable entry (#4, for the curious), it truly never does. way too enchanted by its own cleverness and quirkyness, and unbearably heavy-handed about its After School Special messaging, even allowing for the fact that this is YA. read if: listen. read the first book in the series - it's like 160 pages, and you'll knock it out in an afternoon. if you like it, good news - they're all like that! if you don't, simply stop right there. they're all like that. the characters will never stop talking like they're reading from a leaflet about The Importance Of Diversity In Fiction. they never will.
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sillysunshinesstuff · 4 years
Ok so something I don’t think people understand about Cas’ character is that he is a literal trash goblin. He is a goblin that eats trash and likes it. He is unrefined because everything he knows about being human comes from the stinky trolls that are the Winchesters and so he is a no thoughts no head no brain. He snorts cheese burgers, gets his kids cheesy gifts like a grumpy cat, goes by Agent beyonce (no disrespect to our queen but she is for the people, not the elite) wears cowboy hats to please his boyfriend and doesn’t change his outfit for 12 seasons. He called himself Steve for godsake. What refined elitist calls themselves fucking Steve? His car. My god that fucking car. Do you remember that car and how much he loved it? People often characterize him in fanfics as this hoity toity spoiled pampered rich kid because he’s an angel but this is fundamentally the opposite of his character. Cas has always been a rebel, even before Dean, and we gotta start acknowledging this collectively. I can’t read one more out of character fic. I just can’t do it. He said “Cas is back in town” with the biggest cheese grin and you’re going to tell me he isn’t a trash queer like the rest of us? No. Also, bees? Don’t tell me that’s not the most weirdo queer fixation you have ever heard of. That’s like they/thems with mushrooms or lesbians with rats. Goblin queer behavior 101. “You have a guinea pig? Where?” and you are going to sit here and tell me that he’s cultured and comes from the highest planes of decadence? Miss me with that bullshit. That’s why him and Dean are perfect for each other. People often think of relationships as two people who are opposite, but the very best ones are usually the ones who are very similar. Dean and Cas aren’t missing puzzle pieces that complete each other because of their opposing traits. They’re two pictures in an art exhibition that compliment each other so well, the artist simply has to hang them up on the same wall. Dean and him have the same cheesy advice which is “follow your heart and believe in love” okay you fucking disney dorks we get it. They share similar interests and pasts and expectations and responsibilities. They are two uncultured dorks in one pod who have dates at trashy diners, live in motel beds, marathon cowboy movies, and call home a backseat and each other’s arms. 
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Ladybug: this is rena she’s extremely intelligent and pretty and I hand picked her to be a super hero and have been waiting to make her one sense day 1
Panthera: this is my trash goblin queenie I found her fallen in a dumpster one day and I love her more then life if anyone does anything to her I will kill them I don’t care how rich you are
Both of them: this is Carapace, he’s our adopted son. He’s just happy to be here
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storyweaverofgondor · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Electra and his components all being in a poly relationship and also I'd love to know your top 5 Starlight Express ships! (either platonic and romantic ships!)
I’m not against it. It’s like . . . I have this headcanon. It’s basically that Electra is like . . . He has all these trains contracted to work for and with him. Like 50 some odd coaches, engines and freight cars. It’s like this personal train yard found family, business situation going on. and from this number he’ll pick about five who’ll travel with him to different races. and of that large group there are a few who are romantic partners with him tho only a small number of those are sexual.
How i view Electra is someone who comes off very cold and robotic upon first meeting, very serious and not outwardly expressive. Someone whose love language is listening and taking other’s opinions into account when making a decision. Joining Electra is very attractive to many trains because he allows them the freedom to do and be whatever they want and is rich enough to ensure the upkeep of even the most out of date train.
I’m not sure if that answers your question but yes. I do think Electra is in a poly relationship just not with all the Components. Mainly Joule and . . . others.
My fave Stex ships are:
Gangrust ala @fandom-trash-goblin‘s wonderful stories and headcanons
AshleyxBuffy the lesbian train power couple
C.B and Rusty friendship. I like angst. I like DRAMA. I like dysfunctional sassy boys!
Number five . . . hmmm no.5? I’d say it’s a tie between Rustball, RustyxPearl and platonic Dustin /Rusty.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Past and Present, the Book Ends of Life
Part 3
Summary: Your first date.
Warning: sex
Sitting, at a high top he took a pull on his beer. This was his first honest date, in well ages. He hoped he wouldn’t screw things up.
“Can I join you?” A soft voice broke into his thoughts.
Startled, he smiled. “Hello, Y/N.” He slid, off his chair. He took a final pull from his beer.
You giggled lightly. “So you caught, my name?”
He smiled. “Of course, I did after noticing your smile.” He liked the pink hue your cheeks took. “Shall we?” He gestured towards the doors.
Inhaling deeply, the rich curry filled air filled his nose. A waiter soon escorted the two of you to a cozy corner.
“This is nice.” He remarked nervously.
“Yes, it is.” You aggreed, smiling you tucked hair behind your ear.
He looked over at the buffet and then skimmed the menu. The eggs and cheese were long gone. He didn’t think he could wait for a meal to be made. “I choose the buffet, how about you?”
You smiled. “Sounds good to me.” You said leaning in smiling. “I am starving.” You admit.
“Me too.”
You both share a giggle. When the waiter, comes over you both order a drink.
“So Renton huh?”
He shrugged. “Yeah one of the various things my friends call me.”
You smiled. “I like Mark.”
“Here you go.” He said softly, as he handed you a plate before getting behind you.
“Thank you, sir.”
“You’re welcome.” While behind you, he looked you up and down. Dresses certainly look good on you, this one laid gently on your curves.
Once your plates were sufficiently filled, you went and took you seats.
“So, I need to know.” You pierced a piece of chicken. “Why are you in hotel?” You popped the piece into your mouth and began to chew. “Are you just popping in a for a quick visit?”
“My friend Simon, found me in Amsterdam. He called in on an old favor.” He shrugged. “So I closed my club for some needed renovations. And here I am.”
Your eyes grew. “You own a club?”
He nodded. “Aye, a night club.”
“That is so exciting.” In your enthusiasm, you took several bites of your dinner. He found it incredibly endearing.
“It can be.” Now, he took a few bits. “Your turn, besides being a very intriguing barista, what do you do?”
Your fingers brushed up against each other, as you both grabbed your drinks.
“Is it that obvious?” You took a sip of your drink then. “That I do other things.” You giggle.
Your giggle, was something he was really beginning to grow fond of. He nodded. “Yeah actually.”
“I’m a teacher, but things are getting moved around at the moment, so I went to work at the coffee shop.”
“Nice.” He smirked. “I always talked too much in class. But I and still like my books.”
“I always talked too much too. So,” you looked away for the first time that night but then you looked back. “How long will you be here?”
“I’m not terribly sure to be honest.”
Quietly, but not in a bad way the two of you finished up your plates.
“Would you like to take a walk, Y/N?”
“Yes, I would.”
You walked side by side, your catching each other. A smile would be shared. There were things he wanted to say but were not sure. So he swallowed them down.
“‘Mark?” You turned to him then. Your eyes shone in the light in the street lamp. “I don’t know.” You pressed your lips together looked away for the second time, this evening.
His heart beat hard and fast. It was easy for him to imagine walking over to a high cliff. It was electric when he touched you. He drew your face up gently. “No regrets,” He imagined jumping off the cliff. “Let’s just see where all of this takes us.”
“Yes!” You kissed him them. It shook him. It had been ages since he kissed anyone.
“I’m sorry..I...I...”
You must have felt his surprise.
He met your lips then and he kissed you. Your lips were far softer then he would have ever expected. Your lips danced as they met. Your hand felt great as it rested on his cheek. Easily, he pulled you close wanting to feel more of you as you kissed.
A car zoomed past and whoop and cheers filled the quiet night air.
Giggling, the two of you parted your eyes meeting.
“I liked that.” He finally says as he finds his voice.
“I want more.”
“Me too.” He admitted as a knot of pleasure formed in his stomach. “We could have a drink at my room.”
“Yes.” You nodded.
He could barely breath as he reached into his pocket to take out his hotel key. It beeped. The red light shone. It beeped again. The red light was there almost instantly.
“Allow me.” You smoothly took it from him. Gently you blew across the security strip and then you inserted it.
It made the better sound and the green light illuminated.
“Well, there we go.” He opened the door, and soon tossed the key onto the table near the door.
Going in, you glanced. “You are rather neat.” You smiled up at him.
He shrugged. “It’s a hotel room.”
“Does that mean your flat back home is a disaster ?”
He smirked. “Maybe.” He chuckled. “Nah, I’ve never been one for huge messes.”
“Ok.” You smiled, he watched as you rocked on your heels. “Will you give me another?”
You smiling, closing the distance your hand caressed his cheek. He put his hand over his. “Oh, I can give you one of those.”
He kissed you then. As you did so your arms wrapped then tightened around each other. Pleasure plucked his heart as he heard you make a soft sound as he deepened the kiss. You tasted far better then any dessert.
For a moment, you broke the kiss glancing around. You smiled then at him, before fluttering off.
“Coming?” You met his eyes over your shoulder.
He watched as you stopped by the bed, slipped out your heels and then pulled off your dress. He shed his jacket. Tearing off his shirt, he went over to you. “You’re so lovely.” He let his hands glide over your body.
You flushed. “Thank you.”
As he kissed you, he smoothed his hands up your back. Carefully, reaching up he unhooked your bra. You let it fall to the floor by your feet. Sitting down, you pushed yourself further onto his bed. He kicked off his shoes and made quick work of his pants.
He climbed up and over you, he kissed you again. You had made him incredibly aroused but he would let you take the lead.
Your breath was hot as he dragged his lips and kissed your throat, your shoulders. You smelled so sweetly, he was growing intoxicated by it.
As he felt you pull him to you, he couldn’t suppress the sound that came from him, when his hard on still clothed in his boxers felt your warm core. As you rubbed gently against him, he groaned eager and wanting more.
“Please Mark..” your voice was tight.
Moving back, he watched as you wiggled free of your panties. He freed himself finally then. As he came back then over you.
Shaking, and with a tight moan that pulled hard on him, he entered you. Your eyes met and the two of you moved. Moving, to your own beat sounds came and mingled becoming one. Your hands wherever they touched him felt so good. Passions took over, lips and tongues meeting. It had been coolish in the room, but warmth built between the two of you.
Out of breath and feeling incredibly good he came to lay beside you. He smiled as your soft body curled up beside him. He wrapped around an around you.
You were breathless, and pressed a kiss on his chest. “I’m so glad I gave you that piece of coffee cake.” Your eyes met and you giggled.
He giggled with you. “I am glad you did too.”
You inhaled. “I...I...”
He felt a small shift in your mood. He looked down at you. “What’s the matter?” He gently ran his hand up and down your arm.
“I am worried. You think I’m easy. I don’t know, when I saw you, I just had to get to know you.” You gushed.
He turned, he brushed some hair from your face. “I never thought that.” He drew your face up, “I told you I was thinking about you. I wanted to get to know you too.” He pressed then a soft kiss against your lips.
@mac-n-cheesie @king-trash-goblin @pooshnulooshnu @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @rentskenobi @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching
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tangent101 · 4 years
Being blind to obvious dog whistles
What with the new Harry Potter game being released in the next year (probably) and Rowling’s continued descent into transphobia, I recently decided that I need to get rid of my old Harry Potter books. And I’m torn. I mean, I know a lot of children still love her works and would be tempted to donate them to a homeless shelter for children there to enjoy... but I’ve been realizing just how racist her works truly are.
First, let’s consider House Elves. We have a servant race that loves being slaves. In fact, the one House Elf that gets his freedom, Dobby, is a deviant because he wants a (very minor) salary. Another House Elf who loses her position drinks herself to sleep each night. When offered minimal pay for their work, the elves take great offense. 
Now let’s consider the arguments against ending slavery in the United States. It was claimed by some slave owners that slaves loved being slaves. People continue to preach that lie, claiming that black people were better off as slaves than they are as freemen in the United States.
Yes. House Elves are in fact magical black people in the Rowling Universe. She make them funny looking with large ears and big noses and odd speech patterns and if you’re not catching on then you’re not looking. 
Next, we have goblins. These greedy and treacherous demihumans run the Wizarding World’s banking industry and can’t be trusted. In fact, Harry and his friends are betrayed by a goblin! Of course, the fact they were planning on betraying that goblin and not keeping their word about a potent artifact that the goblins claimed was theirs is immaterial. The goblin still betrayed Harry! And is bad! And they are blatant proxies for Jewish people, much as fascists once parodied Jews as being small, untrustworthy, treacherous, rich, and in control of the banking world. The antisemitism is blatant when you sit back and take a look at how they are portrayed. 
Centaurs of course are indigenous peoples, armed with “primitive” weapons, and seem benign enough but if you’re not careful all at once they become quite dangerous except for the rare noble exception. 
There’s even the Purity of the Wizarding Families. This is a big factor in the series with racial purity being considered a huge deal... and we learn in the end that Harry Potter himself is of a prestigious family line going all the way back to the three brothers who crafted or acquired the Deadly Hallows... and is in fact related to Tom Riddle. (And we needn’t forget Rita Skeeter who is depicted as an illegal Animagus using her other form to spy on people, and is also described as having “large masculine hands” which was the start of Rowling’s descent into transphobic character depictions, or how starting in the very first chapter and shown in multiple areas, Rowling is fatphobic and uses a person’s weight to suggest they are bad or unreasonable people.)
The longer we’ve had to listen to Rowling, the more it’s become clear that she is a disturbed lady whose work reflects her own twisted views of the world. There are other stories of wizarding schools and other fantasy-based coming-of-age tales out there that honestly are better written and more interesting. While people may be in love with the honestly idiotic game of Quiddich (and The Owl House had a delightful raspberry concerning that type of game where capturing one piece ends the game in your favor) and like some of the characters? It’s time to throw this piece of trash in recycling and move on to better things.
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kateknowsdramas · 4 years
Hey Hun, I'd love to know your thoughts on The King: eternal monarch, you're opinion when it comes to kdramas is the one I trust the most.
Hi sweetie!
Well, hmm..let me start with linking to this post first. I don’t want to wallow in being to negative because I have tended to do that with this show and I said I wouldn’t keep trashing it so I’ll try to be objective and brief (for me, at least).
Personally, The King is a huge disappointment for me. I had high hopes for the drama especially with a KES script and the cast. I love a show that gives me a fantasy premise because I love something different. This had all the makings of a fun and great drama - cast, Netflix $$, and a great premise. Unfortunately, it isn’t working.
The biggest letdown is the script and character development. The first four episodes should have been condensed to two. There’s about 10 minutes of actual story momentum each episode so there’s pretty much an hour and a half of filler and aesthetic scenes. We’re on Episode 10 and the story is still being laid out.
The worst for me is that there was no build up of the romance between the main characters. We go from Tae Eul being curious yet highly annoyed with this rich, needy guy following her around to her being in love with him. Why? The episode before she was complaining about him. But going to the parallel world and seeing that he is a King made her ga-ga for him? There’s just no build up as to why she made that turn around. There’s no journey toward each other, their relationship is chalked up to fate.
I actually like Lee Min Ho’s king. He’s not a jerk and you see that he cares about people. That’s a nice aspect to his character. 
The secondary characters are carrying this show and that’s a problem. Imagine if the most interesting part of Goblin was Sunny and Reaper - and that was about it. It wouldn’t have worked. The OTP needs to be THE OTP and in this show, it’s not. I could care less about them because they just don’t have the build up to tell me why they love each other instead of “FATE”.
It’s also very obvious that KES is ripping off Goblin with the visuals and story beats and assuming that our love for that show will make us fall in love with this one. The biggest failure in this regard was the scene in Episode 10 where KES completely duplicates the “goodbye” scene from Goblin including KGE collapsing in tears. That scene in Goblin remains one of the most heart-wrenching scenes ever in a drama. In The King it rings hollow because it’s such a blatant emotional play and there was no work done to make us care about these two and their journey to each other and, thus, why we should be devastated that they’re apart.
So, this is longer than I wanted but that’s why I’m not a fan. I’m going to continue to watch because Woo Do Hwan and Kim Kyung Nam are slaying their roles. The cast, bless them, is doing their best to work with a flawed script and I feel bad this is Lee Min Ho’s return drama because it should have been better.
Sorry this is so long. I hope I was thoughtful and objective and it didn’t feel that I was trashing the show just because.
Thank you for trusting me enough to ask! <3
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askkrenko · 5 years
Let’s Talk about Secret Lair
Now that we’ve had a week to stew and they’re coming out tomorrow, I’d like to take the time to give my full thoughts on each Secret Lair line and give them something resembling a grade of my own. I gave them initial thoughts on reveal, but now I’d like to speak a bit more structured.  This might get a bit long, so... After the Break!
THE BOX: I don’t have the box. I can’t judge the box. If the box is good quality, it could be worth like $10 of the price. If the box is bad quality, it’s trash. For my discussion here I’m going to be ignoring the box. The box looks sturdy enough, and pretty alright, so keep in mind that they each come with a special box.
Bitterblossom Dreams:
Value: Bitterblossom alone costs more than Bitterblossom Dreams. Certainly it’ll drop after this comes out, but Bitterblossom Dreams’ raw value is undeniable. It’s a cheap Bitterblossom, plus tokens. Style: Extended Art cards are always cool, especially on well-known permanents. it’s clearly Bitterblossom, but still has the text there for those who need it. The four tokens are each extended art as well, have different but matching art, and create a lovely panorama. My only complaint is that, for gameplay purposes, I think the panorama should’ve put the Bitterblossom itself either on the far right or the far left so that the cards would line up properly on the battlefield. As is, during gameplay the Bitterblossom will be to the saide and the tokens all together, creating an odd effect. Still, this is a relatively minor complaint. Usability: Bitterblossom is super usable. Very popular card in Legacy and Commander that sometimes sees real Modern play. 
Overall: Do you want a Bitterblossom? Bitterblossom Dreams is the most cost effective way to get it, and it’s super cool. Pretty straightforward. This is a good product, and yet...
Something feels off about the whole thing to me. Magic’s always been about selling cards and often including cool alt art versions for sale, but somehow the idea of a $30 product that’s just ONE playable card, even with the four tokens, feels very... off to me. I can’t complain about it because it’s a great deal, it just feels... so weird. Eldraine Wonderland:
Value: It’s five basic snow lands.  Yeah, these are like $8 each in foil for the Modern versions, but they’re still five basic lands in foil. Modern Horizons just gave us FULL ART foil snow lands. And regular full-art snow lands are 50 cents each now. The value here is terrible. Style: It’s... a foil land. Sure, the art is nice, but not ‘different’ or ‘special.’ It’s just nice art. In a normal frame. I award this no points.
Usability: Very low. I like the Snow-Covered Swamp... but a playset of Snow-Covered Swamps is not 1, nor is it 4. It’s 20-30, depending on format. And this set is all five. I don’t need Snow-Covered Islands, Mountains, or Forests. I need Swamps and Plains, and only if I can get two dozen of each. A set of one of each foil snow land does nothing for me. Even if I was willing to spend the price of $6 per foil snow land (which, to be fair, I might be- I’ve been amassing foil Zendikar and BFZ forests for one of my decks at about that price), I don’t want to have to buy all five at once and then go through the effort of trading/selling the ones I’m not using. Overall: This is bad and feels bad. Basic lands should not be $6 a pop for foils, even if they’re snow-lands, and buying them in separate sets of five instead of, say, getting to buy each in sets of five on their own, just means if I do want enough for a deck, it’s a pain in the butt. I award this product no points. Restless in Peace:
Value: Non-foil versions of these cards are at about the $20 range combined, and these ones are alt-art but... not foil. So the value here isn’t great.
Style: The art here is good, and I certainly think it’s better than the previous arts for Golgari Thug and Bloodghast. The style isn’t TOO far out there for modern magic, but it’s still abnormal, especially with Bloodghast.  Once again, the panorama has a non-permanent in the middle, which means it can’t be assembled on the battlefield.
Usability: It’s Modern Dredge. Do you play Modern Dredge? Are you interested in Modern Dredge? Consider buying four of these. Otherwise, you might want a suite for a commander deck, but they’re pretty narrow cards. That’s good, though: they all have a shared home. This is a niche product with a clear, obvious usability that basically guarantees that if you want any of them, you want all of them. Overall: ...Why aren’t these foil? Okay, I get it, not everybody wants foil, especially for a tournament deck because foils can bend, but they’re asking premium prices for printings with new art that’s... good, but not really out there. Feels like a waste of time. At the very least they could’ve been foil. That Bloodghast would look great in foil. Seeing Visions:
Value: Serum Visions is a $2.50 card and foil versions can be gotten for under $4 thanks to the admittedly-icky-looking FNM promo.  The value in Seeing Visions is godawful.
Style: I love these cards. They’re so weird and cool and freaky and abstract and unique. Sure, the frame is normal, but the arts are all stuff we basically never get on Magic cards anymore. Usability: It’s a playset of Serum Visions. You can find a use for it easily. Some people don’t like to have different arts of their cards in their deck because it gives the opponent ‘information’ but screw that. This is perfect. Just put them into a blue deck and you’re good to go. Overall: This is cool and beautiful and really neat and interesting and $30 just seems so high for them, but if you’re already running a playset of Serum Visions in Modern, they’re just soooo cooool that maybe they’re worth it as a pure pimp factor. Unlike with Bitterblossom Dreams and Restless in Peace, this wouldn’t be your way to get the cards to begin with. It’s not a ‘hey, if you want Serum Visions maybe get this version.’ It’s pure pimping. ...And I like that.
Value: These cards in normal printing total about $20. I’m not impressed. If these were foil, well, Sharpshooter’s only foil printing is over $40, but no, they’re not. So there’s no real value in here. Style: This is a nice, unique, cartoony style the likes of which we haven’t seen outside of Un-sets since Phil Foglio in the earlier days of Magic. I’m not positive that I LIKE this art, but I do like that it’s unique and I appreciate that a lot. I also love the flavor text setting them up as a team. Usability: I’m not actually sure what I’m supposed to do with these goblins. At $30 for the five they’re clearly for the more engaged player, but two of them aren’t modern legal, and the ones that are don’t really see play in Legacy goblins. I want to put all five of these in a deck, but the only deck I can think to do so is in a Commander deck using either Krenko at the helm. This set would be a lot better if, like Restless in Peace, they had made sure all the cards were part of a single deck that was decent in at least one format.  Hell, if a Krenko had been printed in this set, at least it would’ve been clear what to do with them. Overall: I want to like this set, but I have no idea who it’s for and what should be done with it. It’s a panorama that clearly all wants to be used together, but only in a goblin tribal commander deck or a kitchen table deck, the art is interesting but I’m not sure it’s actually GOOD (it makes me think of cheap mobile games), Goblin Lackey’s the only card that really needed a reprint, and they’re not even foil. I’m disappointed. 
Kaleidoscope Killers: 
Value: Non-Foil Sliver Overlord is currently $33. This set costs $40. This has value. The other two aren’t slouches.
Style: I really, really like the style on these, but style is subjective so what really matters is that the art is very non-standard and the sort of thing you don’t see much on regular magic cards these days. And all three of them are there to be Commanders, so if you use them they’ll be front and center the whole time. Usability: Let’s face it, you only want one of the three. Look, they’re all great, but five color decks are expensive mana bases so unless you’re rich or one of those weirdos who reassembles their decks on the fly, you’re only building one, and they’re all tribal lords so they don’t go into the same deck at all. This is the sort of thing where you buy it for the one you want and then try to trade the other two... And they’re all really cool and worthwhile cards so you’ll probably have an easier time with this than with Eldraine Dreams, but it’s still inconvenient that you have to buy them as a unit. If the value weren’t so good here, I’d be complaining more, but I’m seriously tempted to buy this just for the Reaper King (normally a $70 foil) and trading the other two. Because seriously. SO GOOD value. And I don’t even have a Reaper King deck... yet. Overall: So tempted. They look really cool (especially the Ur-Dragon), it’s a great value, and of all the cards to have in alt-art foil, Commanders are the coolest because of how they’re front and center of your deck. Very niche- the purpose of these is to have one of these specific cards as your commander- but very good.
Value: Even in foil, most of these cards aren’t worth much. The value in this as far as actual cards go is less than the $40. If you’re talking about raw financial incentive to get these cards, this set is not worth your time. That said...
Style: OMG KITTIES! They’re so cute and fluffy and snuggable and like nothing that normally gets printed on Magic cards. They’re unique art, with unique tokens, and cute flavor text, and they’re just so cuuuuute! This style is really something SPECIAL on a Magic card.
Usability: This... is for an Arahbo deck. Hell, Arahbo’s even here. But there’s nothing else to be done with these cards. At all.  Here’s the thing, though, Feline Ferocity is currently bouncing around $90. If you don’t have that deck, you’re probably going to have a hard time using these cards... but if you DO have that deck, you’re only getting two new cards that are pretty cheap to get in the normal version.. Also, there’s two cats that each make two cat tokens, and each has a matching cat token, but only one matching cat token. This set should have two of each of the cat tokens. Overall: This is a supplemental product to a supplemental product. Yes, you can buy it without owning Feline Ferocity, and two of the cards will be new to it, but you know what’d be totally awesome? If instead of selling this OMG Kitties as a set of five cards and two tokens, they sold it alongside a reprint of the Arahbo deck so that people who hadn’t gotten it the first time could get it now with this upgrade? Maybe even offer it in both “Upgrade pack” version of just the new cards AND a version where you got the whole deck, plus these cards as a bundle.  And another of each token.
I really like OMG Kitties overall as an option to upgrade an Arahbo deck, but I don’t have an Arahbo deck and literally the only thing to do with any of the cards in this set is to make one.
Final Thoughts: 
If the foils curl too easily, most of these are a waste of money. Assuming they don’t, Bitterblossom Dreams and Kaleidoscope Killers are great purchases, OMG Kitties!, Restless in peace, and Seeing Visions are very much niche products that are pretty cool if you’re that particular niche, and  Eldraine Wonderland and <explosion sounds> are both outright failures as unified products.
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
A High School Life - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Prepare for the show 
Virgil could say that he was... pretty nervous as he walked out of school, heading to his house. This... thing about singing in public in front of the whole school was a bit too much, specially for him, and having to hide it from his friends surely wasn't easy. Not because he didn't know how to lie, no he was a specialist on it, but because Janus and Remus always seemed to just... know stuff. Like they had eyes and ears everywhere. It was quite nerve wrecking and if they did find out, they would make questions Virgil wouldn't be able to answer because, well...
How do you tell your friends you don't wanna be friends anymore?
They were his only friends, the only people that hang out with him, the guys that had his back since day one, and now he would just push them away for, well, status? Well yes that was exactly what Virgil wanted to do, but they couldn't find out, it would be fucking terrifying if they did.
He had no idea what Remus and Janus would do to him if they found out.
So, he was an anxious ball of flesh. What was the big deal? Not like that was his way of living 24/7 or anything. He just had to take a deep breath and train his hardest to make sure he would get a part and win the tryouts. That way he would have an excuse to be away from them, make new friends, and be close to Patton.
Oh, Patton. Patton was a whole different deal, too. Not only Virgil really looked up to him, to what he wanted to be as a senior and the type of person he wished he could become, but he also nourished a little, tiny bit of crush on the guy.
Virgil got red just thinking about it. Who was he to have a crush on someone as cute and nice as Patton? No one really, he was a nobody, but that didn't stop him from fawning over the guy whenever he saw him in the halls. He had a smile that brightened up the room, his eyes were always glistening with happiness, and he was so... god damn beautiful! He was taller than Virgil, but not by much. He was fat and squishy and Virgil loved that, he wished he could hide on his belly and never go back to the world.
Ugh it was such a dream, to kiss those rosy freckled cheeks...
"Hey, kiddo!" he heard someone call out of nowhere, and jumped high in the air, turning to face whoever was calling him while stepping back a bunch.
Then, he went red when he saw who was talking to him.
"Hey, you are Virgil right?" Patton, no one else but Patton himself, asked him from inside the car, giving him a bright smile. The bright smile. Oh god.
"Y-yeah what about it?" he asked, quietly, cursing himself for being so rude. Fuck Janus was rubbing off on him and that wasn't good. "I-I mean yeah... yeah that's me..."
"Hi I'm Patton!" he said, excitedly, as if Virgil didn't totally know who he was. "I am the guy that is making all the stuff for the theater club! Oh that sounded so dumb but you got it!"
"Yes I... I did. I know" he said, slowly approaching the car so he could look at Patton better. "What about it?"
"Well, I just left school and I saw you wrote your name down, that's very cool!" he said, smiling widely. "I'm so happy you... quieter guys are trying out new things!"
'Quiet guys' was how nice people called the 'bad boys', but Virgil didn't feel offended at all. Well he couldn't, his crush was speaking to him!
"Um yeah... I... am" he said, unsure what to say, getting quiet again and looking down. Patton seemed to realize the awkwardness and chuckled.
"Cool! So have you decided on a song yet? I know the tryouts are two weeks from now but you know, I'm curious!"
"I guess... it has to be a Broadway song so I'm not sure yet but I think I have an idea" Virgil said, smiling softly at him. Patton smiled and nodded.
"That's what I love to hear! Listen, I wanna, you know, make sure school is a bit more integrated so if you ever want some tips and tricks, or maybe even practice a bit, you can call me up! Or like send an email" he said, and Virgil almost had a heart attack right there. "You know, so I can give you a hand!"
"I... yeah sure" Virgil nodded, and Patton smiled before looking down at his clock.
"Ish I gotta go! Duty calls! I hope you win Virgil!" he said, waving and driving off, making Virgil blink slowly and just stare into the distance as the car drove away.
Was... was he dreaming?
What the fuck?
 As his driver stopped the car in front of Janus' house, Remus gave them both a look and grinned widely.
"hey Gabe, I think I'm going to stick around for a while okay?" he asked, not seeing how Janus rolled his eyes at that. The driver tried to argue but Remus was already out, so he let out a sigh and drove off. Remus jumped next to Janus and smiled widely, following him into his big house. It wasn't as big as Remus', but it was a rich family's house. "So, what are we going to do today?"
"I don't know Remus I did not invite you to my house so I have no idea what you are doing here" Janus said, placing his backpack over the hook by the door and walking inside. Remus did the same with his own and followed the older boy into the kitchen, where he started to gather some food for the evening snack.
"Oh don't be like that Jan... I know you love my company and wouldn't change me for anything in the entire world!" he said, smiling widely, and Janus stared at him, raising an eyebrow.
"I would give you away for a penny, Remus" Janus said, carelessly, but Remus just laughed and sat down on the counter, smirking from ear to ear as he leaned against one hand. He watched Janus as he wondered around the kitchen, gathering ingredients and making them some ham sandwiches, licking his lips whenever he got to see Jan's pretty tush.
"You know you are like, the hottest guy I know?" Remus asked, after a while, sliding off the counter and walking to Janus, who just rolled his eyes and finished the sandwiches, turning around almost in comical fashion as he shoved the sandwich in Remus' mouth as he leaned down to kiss him.
"You better wash that mouth before you come even close to me, trash goblin" he said in an almost hiss, grabbing his food and walking away. Remus hummed happily, eating the sandwich, following Janus to his room where they both sat down on his large bed, TV turned on in a dumb show they enjoyed.
Well, Janus enjoyed. Remus just found it dumb but everything was dumb in his eyes unless there was gore or sex in it.
After they were done eating, Remus carelessly laid down on Janus' bed, closing his eyes and pulling his knees up, not even noticing he was stepping with his dirty boots all over Janus' clean bedsheets. He just realized it when his friend let out a horrified gasp.
"Remus Romulus Grimm! Get your feet off my bed in this instance!" Janus said, his voice almost in a squeal, but Remus just chuckled at it and opened his eyes, receiving in return a punch on the dick. He groaned and curled up on himself, before he reached for Janus and pulled him close, over himself, letting him yelp in the process. "REMUS!"
"Calm down you big snake" Remus laughed, wrapping his arms tightly around Janus and looking up at him as he huffed, face red all over the place, arms pressing down against the bed to pull away from the other boy. "You have a maid, it's not a big deal."
"I don't like dirty, filthy people like you making my things disgusting" Janus groaned back, and fuck if seeing him angry didn't make Remus feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Oh sure you don't" Remus said, sarcastically, before he turned them around, pushing Janus on the bed and straddling him, making him gasp and blush even more even if his eyebrows were still furrowed in a grumpy face. "You know, I love when you yell at me."
"And I love when you are so far away from me I can't feel your stench" Janus said, pushing his head up until their noses were touching, and that was it. Remus closed the gap and they met up in the middle, kissing hard and messy as they usually did, Janus' hands already pulling away Remus' jacket and shirt while his legs wrapped around the taller boy's waist, pulling him down hard against his own body.
Oh what a mess, they were.
 Very unlike his dirty brother, Roman had finally convinced Logan to stay the afternoon at his house. Roman made them some food, as usual, and took Logan to his study, where they could talk and practice whatever they wanted.
As they got inside, Logan placed his bag on a chair and walked with Roman towards the pillow fort in the room, both laying down on their favorite sets of pillows, looking up at the ceiling as they ate their little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
"So, have you decided on your song yet?" Roman asked, excitedly, and Logan had to close his eyes so he wouldn’t just be rude out of nowhere.
"No, Roman, we just signed up."
"Awn come on! I always know what songs I'm going to sing! Even for opportunities that aren't here yet!" he said, turning to face Logan. "I think I am going to sing something from Disney! Or maybe, maybe Hairspray! What about, what about Hamilton?! Oh there are so many to choose from!"
"Yes, there are, and that is why I have not chosen my song yet" Logan said, tilting his head. "But I do believe that... due to my lack of actual want to be in this tryout, I will be singing one of my favorite songs, 'Waving through a window'. It is sentimental and interesting, and I resonate with it."
"Oh Logan!" Roman whispered, his eyes glistening and making the older boy blush. "That is beautiful! You are going to do great with that song! You are so amazing!"
"Um... thank you" he said, awkwardly, looking away and then finishing his sandwich. "Anyway, should we begin practicing? You know I do not like to just lay around and do nothing."
"Oh yeah! Wait I will get all my broadway CDs and taped shows and we can listen and watch to all of them to make sure I pick the perfect song!" Roman said, grinning and jumping up to collect his CDs and DVDs.
Logan couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. This was going to be a long, long day.
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tierneyhastings · 4 years
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( ZOE KRAVITZ, 27, DEMIGIRL ) I just bumped into [ TIERNEY HASTINGS ] the other day while walking down [ WEST ] Kingsboro, where [ SHE/HER ] live. I hear they can be [ RESOURCEFUL ] and [ WITHDRAWN ], but when I think of them I immediately think about [ TELEVISION STATIC, ANARCHIST GRAFFITI, THE RAIN OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW AT 3AM ] (ella, 26, she/her, est )
hi hey hello it’s ur resident trash goblin, and this is my new bean tierney!
even from a young age, tierney struggled to connect with other people. she always kept her distance, almost as if expecting to be hurt before she even knew what hurt really was. however there was always one person who could slip right below her shell, one person she allowed herself to get close to. her sister, alivia. they were the same age, adopted by their parents in the same short window, and were inseparable as children. no one else could get under her shell and her skin like her sister.
from a young age, it was clear that tierney was a talented piano player. she became a prodigy, a feel-good story for the rich white people. a pretty little girl to put on a show at their weddings and in their restaurants and at their fancy events. put her in pretty dresses and put her on a stage, like a wind up monkey. at first, she loved it. music was everything, right? she was saving her pennies for julliard, and really thought she had a chance. maybe she did, who knows? she was also wicked smart, and quickly developed an interest in psychology and science. she made a deal with her parents that as long as it didn’t interfere with her music, she could take night classes at the university.
{ tw: murder } one night while walking home from campus, she decided to stop at her favourite taco truck for a late-night snack. while waiting, she heard some commotion coming from the alley behind the truck. she followed the noise, arriving just in time to see a man on his knees, begging for his life. two men stood over him, one holding what looked like the gun. it took everything she had not to scream when the gun went off and the man slumped forward, but even her silence wouldn’t save her. they had turned to exit through the way she had come and spotted her in the shadows. she managed to escape, as she was much smaller and faster, but they had seen her.
{ tw: stalking, death of an animal }  it took them less than a week to find her. a young woman walking alone at night wearing a backpack only a few blocks from campus?  it was almost too easy. they followed her at first, trying to figure out if she had gone to the police or not. she hadn’t, she was too afraid, but they didn’t know that. then the threats started. calls, letters, the same people lurking at every gig, no matter where she played. even cars following her every time she left the house. when they killed the stray dog she would sneak food to, she couldn’t take it anymore, and she went to the police. they didn’t take her seriously, of course, because otherwise, why wouldn’t she have come in sooner? no matter that she was only seventeen and had witnessed a murder. she didn’t tell anyone, so therefore she must be lying. 
{ tw: attempted murder }  of course, this obviously didn’t go over well with her new friends, and they cornered her one day, only a few blocks from her home. she was coming home from a friend’s, it was mid-afternoon and sunny, and less than a 10 minute walk. besides, she could use her keys as a weapon if she needed to. of course, keys don’t help much when they have a knife. she suffered extensive injuries, including six stab wounds, multiple broken bones, and a shattered left hand. she spent months in and out of the hospital, multiple surgeries and therapies and too many damn needles. she was lucky to keep mobility in her hand, they told her, but she’d never be able to continue her music career. not on the piano, at least. 
after that, she retreated from the world even further, throwing everything she had into her school work. instead of the now-lost dream of attending julliard, tierney took off to university in paris, france. she left everything behind but her sister. she did a double major in psychology and computer sciences, but none of that mattered as much as the creative writing elective she took in her first year. for a class project, she had to write the first few chapters of a novel, but she didn’t stop there. three became twelve became twenty. suddenly, she had a full novel. a psychological thriller, and a good one. knowing she couldn’t use her real name or address, so she rented a p.o. box under the name trevelyan stark and sent it off to a couple of publishers. 
shortly thereafter, she received an email from an editor at pen & paper press, located in a neighbourhood she’d never heard of in new york city. so she wrote back and a few months later, he convinced her to meet in person. when she arrived at the meeting, she expected the worst. this was a scam or he would force her to publish her identity. she couldn’t have prepared herself for how well the meeting went. he agreed to publish her novels under a pseudonym and do everything he could to protect her true identity. so, the deal was made, and her first novel was published. as soon as the process was finished though, she took off back to paris. the book was a big hit, and soon there was pressure for a second. 
she agreed to return to kingsboro during the writing phase of the second book, in order to have frequent meetings with her editor, but as soon as it was done, she was gone again. the third book followed the same pattern, a few months in kingboro and then ghosting. running. the city made her nervous, at least paris had an ocean between her and the past. her books continued to gain in popularity, and now it’s time for her fourth and final book. she’s returned to kingsboro now, knowing that this time, there may be no reason for her to come back. 
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auckie · 5 years
i know you are a goblin fanatic so i need your opinion!!! how can i make goblins who don't fit an antisemitic stereotype/narrative??
So, I’m glad you’re worried about them being antisemetic, bc they definitely are! As a Jew it’s never bothered me unless they’re played off as a stupid inherently evil race used for trash mobs— which they usually are! I’ve written a LOT about why I like them and why that bothers me but, I also realize it’s a bit nonsensical to someone who just wants to engage in fantasy and hasn’t thought much about the lowly goblin. They serve a purpose in tabletop games and fiction: easy badguy, lot of em. So! If you use them in that capacity just alter some aspects right? Like in the campaign I’m trying to work out for my dnd group, I’ve stolen tidbits of lore from other works of fiction and from language groups and interesting but obscure facets of culture (so that it’s not incredibly obvious and makes the race coded that way) and mix them all together. I like how warhammer green skins come from spores and crawl out of the ground, I’ve been trying to use bits and pieces of patois and Aberdeen Doric for their language and accent, I still have them doing the whole living in caves and not really utilizing a lot of mechanical tech beyond the ability to forge metals like iron and bronze, etc.
they’re naturally curious and attracted to things like strong smelling or noise producing or shiny objects, and so they SEEM like a bit of a klepto greedy race but they’re really not. They live fairly communally, but only races who coexist alongside them would know that. They don’t breed like rabbits at all— but after a battle where a lot of their blood has been spilled (which is rich in spores!), about a month or so later anywhere from half to twice as many goblins will mysteriously reappear and wreak havoc on their surroundings. Enemies have learned to burn their remains and wait for any newlings to emerge instead of leaving the scene of the battle for this reason, but a lot don’t know it and see goblins are masses of pests for this reason.
Just work on their dynamics, like they don’t have to be soft cuddly little green fucks but yknow even if they are bad greedy little guys, well ask yourself! Are they mean to each other? Do they pillage? Do they have Yiddish or jersey accents like wow gobs lol? I personally like their big noses and ears and claws, and being green— but you could also modify how they look. Give them bat or dog noses or make them have maroon colored flesh or whatever fits the narrative you’re going for.
Honestly tho? There’s a lot of...kinda just, straight up racist depictions of goblins I still love (wow lmao) so. Maybe I shouldn’t! But I don’t feel bad about it seeing as I’m Jewish. It’s good you’re concerned about it tho like hell yeah thanks! Hope my answer helps
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