crocuspetals · 4 months
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violentine confession (feat louis)
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spacedlexi · 11 months
the differences in the framing of the reuniting with minnie scene between louis and violet.. the way the hug with louis is a close up shot but with violets hug clem takes up a third of the frame.....they knew what they were doing
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really including her in their moment. they said you WILL watch clems reaction to them hugging. girl why are you making a face about it 😏
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cassmouse · 15 days
That scene in the woods when Violet and Clementine are walking back to Ericson's and talking about like the treehouse and renaming the school and stuff after Clementine comes out of the cave has got to be one of my favourite parts of the game ever its incredible
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citrusflowerss · 1 year
i miss them
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redvelvetbunny · 4 months
i pray i can draw like u one day.
im here to say that you can!! honestly it took very long to get to a point like this, and without my perfectionism and constant self-loathing i wouldn’t have made it here 😭. but everybody starts at someplace, and with more practice and techniques and experience under your belt, you could find something you could finally be proud of, like i did. if you feel comfortable to msg me, again, if you want, i’ll be more than happy to share some techniques i used myself !! again, i just want to say, everybody’s art is unique and beautiful in its own way, whether you see it/believe it or not. 💕💕
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kittycrumb · 4 months
Whats ur favorite twdg character and why?
HALLO! thankyou for the ask.. a have a couple, clementine for obvious reasons, she’s the goat. her character is so strong and soo well written. seeing her grow up and develop makes any sane person enjoy her, she’s awesome. i don’t think i need to explain much further, i could go on and on but no one will disagree with me so no one needs to hear it. heh.
other than clem i really (really) like violet, i love her… so. much.. her being “mean” and cold is one of the reasons why i like her as much as i do, she has so much to her if you break down her character. people dull her down to this mean harsh person that was an after thought of a love interest and has no place acting the way she does, she acts the way she does because she’s realistic, her lines and emotions are so well thought out. she’s so sweet and cheesy i fear im going to implode, the way she acts around clementine is soo 😆😆 i love clemvi so much, i think it’s sooo perfect and cute and oh wow. the dialogue options you get in like every violentine scene are so cute.. it makes me SICK. i think i’m pretty normal about them.. people who dont like vi see her and never try to understand her. when they see she gets angry and frustrated at clementine when you choose to save louis instead they say how awful she is and that why couldn’t she just be an exact copy paste of louis and that louis is better and vi is bad and this and that. if i let someone steal you, lock you up and then expect you to kiss my ass when i come save you how ever many hours later, do you think you would be able to think rationally (in that time where you are filled with so much adrenaline and fear of your safety) or do you think you would act realistically, lose control of your emotions and lash out without thinking. whatever if you’re such a hero sure you can say that you’d think rationally BUT DO NOT CALL VIOLET A VILLAIN BECAUSE SHE GETS MAD you just cannot bare to see a girl let her emotions do the talking in an apocalypse can you. people are such haters. Anyway i love clementine and violet 😆 thanks for reading.. heheh..
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a brief retrospective on Louis and Violet as love interests, Clementine's bisexuality, and the fandom's continued insistence on fighting over this
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In December of 2019, I made a series of posts called "An Explanation of Why Louis and Violet are Both Excellent Love Interests" that explored my feelings on the topic after seeing a lot of fighting in the fandom over who's better; who is the "right" choice for Clementine?
The answer is simple: there isn't an objectively correct choice.
I compared Louis and Violet to the romantic options in other games, including Life is Strange, Persona 4, King's Quest 2015, and Catherine, as well as TWDG: A New Frontier. I wanted to show how much better TFS handled the romance versus those games, why we should be grateful for what we got since it could've been a lot worse, and how the fighting over who's "right" was a waste of time.
I suppose it's only fitting that I'd be driven to revisit this topic after seeing fans continue to argue amongst themselves over this years later in the trenches of a weakening fandom.
Just when I think I'm done writing pieces for TWDG, some random redditor writes an essay about how violentine only exists for "woke points" that grabs me by the throat and throws me down. Then another will insist that clouis is abusive since Louis voted against them in ep2 in their own essay and I'm dragged back here, kicking and screaming.
While I think my previous Excellent Love Interests posts about this are on the juvenile side, I do still agree with my main point: Louis and Violet are excellent characters who make for compelling love interests. The fact that we got them both, that we were given the choice, and that they're as well done as they are, is something I don't think we appreciate enough. Hell, I don't think we even appreciate that Clementine's a canonically bisexual protagonist as much as we should.
We're too busy trying to one up each other with, "Well, actually, clouis is superior because of this and this," and "no, you're wrong, violentine is actually better because of this and this," and sometimes a wild non-shipper will appear out of nowhere to slap down an, "actually, you both suck, singletine is better."
It's sad that this is what fandom inevitably defaults to, always. It stops being about the game we love, the thing that brought us here, and it becomes a pissing match.
Doesn't matter what fandom it is; we end up projecting too much of ourselves onto fictional characters, investing too much of our time into ship culture, hyper-fixating until it becomes part of us... and let's be real, sometimes it's in unhealthy ways.
So, when someone else attacks the things we're attached to, it becomes a personal attack... and when we feel threatened, we become defensive and retaliate... and sometimes, we take it too far and target others out of insecurity, to feel validated, even if it means going after someone who is just minding their own business.
Also, I think some people are just assholes who want to piss on everyone.
Because of this, I would like to discuss Louis and Violet as romanceable characters, why they're both important to TFS no matter who you choose, why Clementine being a bisexual protagonist matters, and the fandom's continued insistence on fighting over this.
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For many personal reasons, I've always been trepid about being open with my sexuality as a bi woman. I've done a lot of reflection this year on why that is; internalized misogyny, the biphobia that lingers in the queer community, insecurities, regrets, how I tend to be harsher on female characters over male characters, why it took me so long to not feel afraid of engaging with queer media, admitting I was wrong about so many things I've said in the past, how it's all affected my writing, etc.
When TFS released and I made this blog, I had already accepted my bisexuality but was in no way public about it, not online or in my personal life. But playing the first two episode of TFS, being presented with both Louis and Violet as potential romantic partners struck something inside of me.
Yes, I picked Louis; we all know I'm a major clouis shipper at this point, and if you're new here, then now you know, too.
But it's the fact that Violet's also an option, that with just a few different button presses, Clementine could've fallen for her just as she did with Louis; that there's evidence in game that she shows interested in both of them no matter your choices; that no one in-game judges Clementine for who she chooses to be with... that meant something to me in a way that it hadn't before.
TFS wasn't the first game I played with a bi protagonist; in Excellent Love Interests, I compared Louis and Violet to Life is Strange's Chloe and Warren. I have a lot of mixed feelings about the first LiS game overall, but I've been quite open about my dislike of Chloe and indifference to Warren.
Chloe, to me, is everything I dislike in a love interest, predominately in wlw. 2023 was the year of "CJ dives into sapphic literature and it's a 50/50 chance of striking gold or gettin' hella eaten by disappointment, shaka brah." Meaning I've read a lot of wlw novels, and all the ones I hated featured a Chloe clone, sometimes done even worse.
And Warren? I'll be real honest with you- I couldn't even remember what his name was when I started writing this. I had to go back and check. That tells you what I think of him, no?
So, LiS didn't strike me the same way. Sure, I knew Max was a bi protagonist and that's great, but the choices weren't appealing to me. This was when I was a teenager still somewhat in denial of my sexuality, which most definitely contributed to me being uncomfortable when faced with a wlw relationship portrayed in-game, especially when I found myself wishing Kate was an option for Max... but y'know, "shhhhhhh if I don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist."
When the first episode of TFS released, I was older, I was no longer in a not-so-great relationship, and had better accepted who I am. The first episode does a great job of introducing you to Louis and Violet, and giving you the opportunity to spend more time with the one you're interested in.
I actually really liked them both when ep1 dropped, but I've always had a preference for a character who is kind, deflects with humor, and tends to be picked on by the rest of the cast... so it was inevitable that I'd stick with Louis. Though I won't discredit Violet in ep1, or the rest of the game, just because I didn't choose her in the end.
That's one of the best things about Louis and Violet as options; they're opposites, yet alike in many ways. They have their appeals and charms. They're flawed. It never feels like a "love triangle" situation where they're fighting over Clementine. Louis and Violet are friends who have known each other from before the walkers came. It's refreshing to have two characters who are interested in the same person but don't go for each other's throats over it. When they do argue over her, it's more to do with AJ shooting Marlon and whether it's safe for the group to let them stay.
I can't fault anyone who struggled to pick between them. When someone talks about who they picked and why, it's all about the player's preferences.
It's your choice to make, and no matter what, you're not wrong for it.
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This season concludes Clementine's story, regardless of what some comics will say. It's the last fight. It's her happy ending. She and AJ finally found a home, a family.
I've played these games since S1 came out in 2012, over ten years ago. Clementine holds a special place in my heart. Not only did this important character have a great final season [despite Telltale shutting down and TFS nearly being left incomplete, remember] but she's also revealed to be canonically bisexual.
They didn't release the whole season and then as an afterthought be like, "oh yeah btw she's bi, she has oneline of flirty dialogue with this character so see? we did good rep."
Yeah, I'm side eyeing you, ANF.
They didn't try to hide it. They presented it to the player unapologetically and made a conscious decision to exclude anything biphobic from other characters... which meant a lot to me.
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Biphobia is real and it's not that I don't want it explored well in media, but there's something appealing and safe about a game with a bisexual main character who isn't questioned about it negatively; "You're bi? Doesn't that mean you cheat on all your partners?"
To give a compliment to Life is Strange: True Colors, I had a similar feeling in that game, too. Alex is openly bi, she can date either Steph or Ryan and no one questions the "legitimacy" of her bisexuality.
Because that's always a thing on top of everything else, y'know? "You're a bad bi unless you're with the 'gayer option.'" "Bisexuality isn't real, you're just confused." "I don't date girls who've been tainted by a man." "Oh, you're into girls? How about a threesome?"
Violet never turns her nose up at Clementine for admitting she had a crush on Gabe. Louis isn't ever gross about Clementine and Violet getting close. It speaks volumes for their characters and how accepting they, and everyone else at Ericson, are of Clementine no matter who she chooses, if anyone.
That acceptance, even if it's just in a game, means more than words can express to queer players who don't feel that acceptance in their daily lives.
Which means it hurts all the more when it comes to the fandom's own display of biphobia; "You're bi but ship clouis? Why ship something hetero when violentine is right there?" "Well, MY Clementine's straight because she picked Louis! Stop forcing the gay onto MY Clementine!"
Clementine's important to all of us. Why do you think so many people are pissed about the comics to the point of spewing disgusting bile toward Tillie Walden? I've said my piece on that plenty times before, so allow me to say it on this; the representation of bisexuality in Clementine is beautifully woven through TFS in ways that are subtle yet impactful, and I thank TFS for giving that to us.
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One argument I've come across recently against Clementine's bisexuality, and violentine in general: "blegh they only included violentine/made Clem bi for lgbt points." y'know... as if that's a bad thing.
It bothers me because A. saying "I'm not homophobic *but*-" and then making a homophobic argument against violentine while insisting that Clementine's bisexuality came out of nowhere and was forced is icky, and B. I know I've said similar things about violentine in the past. I know I used to argue that violentine's underdeveloped, yet the devs pushed it to the forefront over clouis to pat themselves on the back for doing representation, etc.
I don't believe that anymore; remember when I brought up people making arguments out of insecurity? Yeah, that and being lowkey bitter that violentine got more dev attention than clouis sometimes even though like... that doesn't matter? It literally doesn't matter. That's what I meant when I said you get so invested that certain things feel like a personal attack when they're not.
Some of the developers of TFS are queer people. They probably wanted a bi protagonist with a wlw option because that representation is important to them and they had the opportunity to express it, not because they were trying to get "points" with anyone. Go listen to the commentaries for TFS; they talk about violentine with nothing but positivity, and they didn't do that to shade Louis or clouis shippers. And if you do think they did it shade fans, then maybe stop and consider why; do you actually believe that or are you annoyed that your fave wasn't the center of attention?
On the flip side, I also want to say that gloating and insisting that violentine is the better/right choice because of these things is also unpleasant and untrue. It sucks when it feels like things are biased against you and it sucks even more when that bias is weaponized by other fans to beat you down.
But honestly? If you need this much validation on your opinions about fictional characters, maybe you should stop to think about why that is and what it says about you, yeah?
Truly, this whole clouis versus violentine thing is irritating at best, vile at worse. Thankfully it doesn't happen as much on tumblr given the state of the fandom, and everyone's at least agreed that no matter their feelings toward each other, clemricca is worse. So, that's something, I guess.
I think the best way I can put this is you don't get to dictate what other people think and feel. Being passionate is great until it becomes an excuse to be an asshole. Not everyone is going to agree with you and you need to put your big kid pants on and accept that.
I'm under no impression that the fighting will ever stop, even when this fandom is dried up with only bones and memories haunting its desert... but at the very least, I can point some of it out and ask that we do better than this.
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The focus gets lost in the fighting, and that focus is Louis and Violet themselves. Y'know, the two this retrospective's about.
Remember when I talked about Persona 4 in Excellent Love Interests and how much it sucks when the person you want to romance isn't actually an option--?
Hmm? What's that? Ah, yes, right- @pi-creates insists I add that TFS and Persona 4 actually are the same because Aasim wasn't an option and they're still bitter about that... but this isn't about Aasim, that's a topic for another day. Sorry Pi, but thanks for the screenshots used in this retrospective👍
Anyway, TFS gave us two excellent choices, and it would've been worse off had it only given us one of them, or none at all.
Louis wears charisma as a mask and uses humor as a shield to deflect. Violet, for as quiet and standoffish as she first appears, has a heart she's both eager and reluctant to share.
Louis is warm curtains of sunlight seeping through the murmuring woods of green leaves and little song birds. A heart carved into the rustic wood of an out-of-tune piano. Music echoing in the early morning hallways.
Violet is the glow of a full moon that illuminates still waters so the stars can dance in its reflection. Paint smeared over finger tips to offer a piece of herself meant to be worn. Constellations of stars named in secret.
They're both lonely people, often misunderstood by the others at Ericson, and sometimes by each other. They want to be known. They want to be seen.
But fear is a powerful wall to overcome.
And that's the beauty of choice. You get the impression of knowing them in the beginning, but it rarely breaks surface tension; Louis is nice and funny but undependable, Violet's rude and reserved and a little awkward. Neither are outspoken about any issues around Ericson, content to keep their heads down.
Clementine has to make the effort to know them, and the game establishes this by asking you an unassuming question: do you want to go hunting with Louis or fishing with Violet?
Clementine either makes an effort to understand Violet's feelings toward Brody and why she's so mean to her, and try to help her through it... or she doesn't listen to what Violet's saying, is dismissive, and ends up making things worse.
When Clementine goes hunting with Louis, she has to make the decision to spend time with him or ignore him in favor of hunting, and should she choose him, he opens up to her just a bit.
Then comes the confrontation with Marlon at the end of the episode where Clementine has to make the choice of who to appeal to. The gravity of this choice is often glossed over, I think.
Marlon has a gun pointed at her head, and she pleas for Louis or Violet to step in and save her. Both are hesitant because of course they are! They've known Marlon longer, he has a gun, and he's using manipulation to scare them into submission; he uses his friendship against Louis, and Minerva against Violet.
But when Clementine gets through to them? They stand between her and Marlon in rather in-character ways; Louis eases in with his hands up, attempting to deescalate the situation while Violet pulls out a weapon and demands he back off.
They risked getting shot. They risked death. They knew what was happening was wrong. They didn't want Clementine to die, they didn't fully believe Marlon's bullshit but were too scared to step forward until Clementine asked them, too. In that moment she basically told them, "I trust you. Instinct tells me you are the one who can stop this. My life is in your hands."
This choice changes them, and this moment ripples through the rest of the season. It makes perfect sense that Louis would be upset over Marlon's death and feel unsafe with Clementine and AJ there whereas Violet sees the death as justified and Clementine and AJ shouldn't be kicked out over it. It's an overwhelming situation for everyone.
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I've talked about ep2 and the vote until my lungs nearly collapsed and I saw the gates of Hell over the horizon... but that's fine, I can talk a little more about it and maybe this time the flames with cleanse me of my sins or something.
This is where the fighting really began, and I shouldn't have to say it again, but I will anyway: There isn't an objectively correct answer here, there's only personal preference.
Louis and Violet take very clear, opposite stances on this situation. I think they're both a little wrong and a little right; they shouldn't ignore that AJ killed Marlon, but kicking them out isn't the best solution either.
As a clouis shipper, I happen to like the way these events play out with Louis' vote. But not everyone feels that way. For some, Louis' vote is a deal breaker, making Violet the more appealing option given she voted for Clementine and AJ to stay.
Do you want a girl that's been by Clementine's side from the beginning and was vocal about keeping her and AJ here?
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Great, Violet's the choice for you. Enjoy the lovely moonlight and constellation mini-game.
Do you want the extra angst of a boy who made a vote he comes to regret and then does everything he can to apologize and make it up to Clementine?
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Wonderful, here's Louis. He'll play you a song he wrote and then name it after Clementine, it's very cute.
While on the topic of ep2, I also want to discuss the episode's final choice of saving either Louis or Violet and the consequences.
You know how in other games, say like massive RPG's with "good" and "evil" choices you can make that end up defining your character? You know how sometimes people question why developers even bothered putting those evil routes in since a majority of people will choose to be good? This isn't a new topic of discussion, but it's relevant to my point- they do it because the option to be evil makes the choice to be good more impactful. If you do choose to be evil, you did it knowing you could've been good and yet you decided chaos was the way to go, and now everyone and everything around your character suffers.
I don't think it only applies to binary "good" versus "evil" choices, either.
TWDG is great with its "You can only save one of them" choices, even if they usually fumble with the consequences in later episodes.
When I'm faced with this choice to save either Louis or Violet, I don't save Louis just because I like him more. Sure, initially that's why I saved him on my first run... but then the rest of the season came out and I learned the consequences of the choices I did and didn't make.
Knowing that he'll get his tongue cut out if I don't save him makes me all the more anxious to choose him. And I know violentine shippers are gutted knowing that if they don't save her, she'll feel so betrayed that she turns on Clementine and in the end is blinded in the boat explosion, so they're just as eager to save her.
But all of us have to live with the consequences of what happens to the one we didn't save, too. We made the decision to save the one we love at the cost of hurting the other we didn't love enough. You can't save them both. You're forced to hurt one of them in order to protect the other.
And it doesn't even stop there. TFS isn't done twisting the knife.
Mere moments before you have to make the choice to save one of them, Lilly's standing over Clementine with her finger on the trigger... only to then be tackled by the person you didn't choose to spend time with.
They just saved Clementine's life only to be dragged away by their neck, and the game asks you what that's worth: They got captured saving you, so do you save them in return or do you remain loyal to the one you chose before?
And when you know the consequences of both routes, when you know Louis will have his tongue cut out and Violet will have her eyes burned?
Louis and Violet are good people at their cores who only wanted to be understood and loved, and no matter what, you have to abandon one of them for the other... and they are left physically and mentally traumatized because of it.
But wait, there's more. The one you didn't save will always survive to the end and act as a constant reminder of what you chose... but the one you saved? If you don't trust AJ, then you'll be forced to watch them get torn apart and eaten alive by a herd of walkers. The only way to save them is to trust AJ so that he shoots Tenn.
A child has to die in order for you to save the one you love again, a choice you indirectly made.
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The ending shows you the one you didn't save, and it shows you Tenn's grave... and it presents a quiet question: was it worth it?
Would you make those choices again?
That's the power Louis and Violet bring to TFS.
That's why the choice matters.
We justify trusting AJ because we'd rather see Louis and Violet live over Tenn, knowing we're taking away the best friend AJ's ever had and allowing Minerva to get her way. We save Louis knowing that it breaks something inside of Violet and results in her permanently losing most of her eyesight. We save Violet knowing that we'll find Louis bloody and sobbing in the cell after having his tongue cut out of his mouth.
And we argue about it amongst ourselves even though it's all fucked. There isn't a true happy ending here, not for everyone.
Louis and Violet stand on their own as great characters, but you only get the true depth depending on how you play. They're excellent love interests because they care for Clementine. Through their relationship with her, they grow as people and find the acceptance and love they're starved for.
It's not perfect, but it honestly doesn't need to be. There was care woven into these characters. Both routes have a wide appeal. That means something to so many people.
I know we as fans often will say we wanted more, we wanted this and that, we wish this was different. It's not a dating sim where the main objective is to woo them. It's not a massive RPG with hundreds of hours to explore every nook and cranny of their characters. This is a Telltale game. It's a narrative with Clementine and AJ at the forefront, and it's up to you whether you want Louis or Violet to share that spotlight.
It's a story about Clementine finding a home, about molding what kind of survivor AJ comes. It's about Clementine meeting two broken people with glass shards at their feet, about her glass mixing with theirs. It's a game about choice; which glass pieces do you pick up, and which do you step on?
We should take more time to appreciate Louis and Violet. We should share our appreciation for the development team for giving us a bisexual lead with two great love interests, especially since we almost didn't get TFS in its entirety; we can hate Skybound as much as we want for the Clementine comics, but without them, this team wouldn't have been able to finish the game they were clearly passionate about.
We should have more self-awareness and try to understand why we like and dislike things without targeting others.
In conclusion?
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I think they're both neat 👍
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johnnys-breastmilk · 1 year
violentine | edward cullen x reader
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a/n — the pics don’t really match, cant find anything red for eddy boy😪 meant to get this out last week for v-day (vampire day, valentines day, you name it) but work and school and work and school and work and school and work and school and work and you get my point
summary — Edward visits on Valentine's day. . . right as it starts.
warnings — straddling, m@sturbation (Edward), solo sex, one watches (the reader)
words — 2k
Click, the sound emanated from your window. Click. There it was again. You assumed that it was rain—harsh pellets hitting your window as the seasons changed from the cold and bitter winter to the warmth and love of the soon-to-arrive spring.
Click. Again, there it was, like an incessant beg from the clock on the wall, reminding you to spend the time you had with a passion that should never die. Expected but unfamiliar was the sound. On the fourth, most obnoxious click, you stammered to the window in total darkness. Edward stood out from the shadows, a large bouquet of some breed of flower in his one hand as he readied his aim with another pebble.
He dropped it when he saw you slide the window open. "I was about to invite myself in," he called up to you.
"Edward it's—" You paused, glancing over at the clock that hung on the wall over your bed. Both hands pointed up, but one was dipped by the other by only a fraction, caught in its arms. "Twelve-o-one."
In a flash, he was up through the window and standing in your room. "That's a minute too late. Happy Valentines day."
You could see what was in his hands better—a clump of white petals stemming into individual flowers—roses was their name. White roses, it must have been a joke since he sucked all the red pigment from their folios.
You could also see his attire, clean and layered with an expensive watch to match and the usual mess of hair that looked like he had just woken up, even though he never needed a wink of sleep to look as gorgeous as he was. All of it was a sharp contrast from your relaxed attire; pajama bottoms and a loose-fitting tee. You felt painfully under-dressed in the moment, and unprepared, as you too had a gift. The only difference was that your gift was still as naked as you, lacking any wrapping paper or disguise to keep an aura of mystery, much like Edward's presence so early into the new day.
"They smell good," you thanked, taking them from him and setting them down on a nearby surface in your room. You made a mental note of getting a vase later for them while rushing to dig out Edward's surprise.
"If only you knew how yours makes me feel," he confessed.
"I think I have some idea," you teased, retrieving the object and returning to where he was. Edward retracted his arms from both sleeves of his jacket; yours were occupied with keeping his gift hidden behind your back as if it would actually keep him from seeing it. His panoramic senses had a way of ruining surprises, but you hoped that he wouldn't cheat the system this time. "Hey, I got you something. It's, uh, modern—something from my time that—"
"Stop trying to sell me on it. You bought it—I'll love it, no matter what." He went to reach around you, already tired of the charade, but you beat him to it and handed him a small plastic package that contained a jockstrap. Edward took it and his face fell before turning up and wrinkling into a smile. “You want to see me in this? I don't—no—I can't."
After a bit of convincing, you stood at one end of the room while Edward changed in the corner, keeping your eyes covered and closed per his request. The room was silent aside from the shuffling of fabric against itself and skin. A stone-chipped god such as himself made no creak in the floor, leaving you to be unsure of when he actually got the thing on. So much shuffling and movement. Maybe this was a necessity, because he must have had layers and layers and suspenders and knee-high socks on for it to take that long to change.
"Take your hands away but keep your eyes closed," his alluring voice commanded; soft but clear from beyond the distance between you and him.
The breeze around you shifted, and there was almost a palpable feeling of understanding to open your eyes. So you did, and the sight before you crossed purposes. An old face trapped in immaturity—a chiseled body made for a different time, now contoured by something non-contemporary. Perfect, if only by gradation.
Edward played dumb, "How did my clothes end up all the way over there?"
"How did you end up all the way over here?" You angled back at him, playing dumber.
"I think yours would look good with them," he spoke, never tearing away from your gaze—not even to blink.
"Me too."
The words were an invitation. He scaled down your neck with light kisses, undoing the wrapper of loose clothing and lingering smog from the end of yesterday, clouding your mind only with the feel of him. Such a violent creature treating his quarry so tender and soft. He reached the thin layer shaping your outline—your skin—in a matter of seconds, your slothful clothes now mingled with his formals. One piece in particular stood out to you, his boxers. He had done it, and you looked down to see the various straps hugging him nicely.
"Too small?" They looked like the aftermath of attempting to strangle a swan. Something so elegant as him weighed down by the brutality of sexual thirst.
"Maybe, if a little in the front," Edward gave a half-effort smile and a small laugh to go with the comment. Unlike Edward, the venomously teasing words left a lot to be desired.
"I'm serious!" You shoved him away, watching him take a few steps back and stretch the elastic conforming to his sculpted thighs and cadaverous backside, filling out like binary crescent moons. You couldn't fathom that, even stumbling, he made it look intentionally graceful. You flopped onto your bed, the cushion acting as quicksand as your sluggishness returned from being abruptly woken up. Though, you trudged on, determined to stay awake. If a man such as Edward had forgone sleep for decades and still looked the way that he did, then you could do it for one night.
His hands reached down to the crotch, which was the only piece of fabric actually covering something, and he readjusted it, "I'm just not used to it, is all."
"But I could definitely get used to that view," you joked, watching him spin around like a puppy-dog chasing its tail as he tried to fix one of the straps in the back. "Now, all I need is that baseball jersey to go with it. When I see that, you can suck me dry."
Edward found himself wading on his knees over lumps of mattress, "Speaking of. . . I hope you're not tired."
With a knee on either side of you—which to his unbecomingly hairy thighs and thin straps hooking around to his backside and to the thin belt encircling his lean hips—you answered him in defense, saying damn near anything to get to the furtive confines made of cloth and elastic, "I couldn't be. You're my nightmare—my adrenaline."
"Then you should start fighting me," he leaned down to whisper. But the tiredness bordering his bold contingence in your mind kept you down, and Edward physically preventing you from getting up didn't make it much easier. He sat, straddling your torso with enough care to make the pressure applied known, but not daunting, "If you can, that is."
"Why would I? You never take the opportunity to do anything fun," you whined.
He kept his face close to yours, looking it over as he remarked: "Risking your pretty face sounds fun?"
You refused to let up on the feeling. A relationship was more than words and vague actions of romance like showing up at your house at midnight. You simply wanted a little more. "I just wish we could have some more contact during a time like this."
"No one wants to go to space when they first see it; they just stare, mesmerized by stars and light in the sky. Let me have that—let me give you that," he begged.
"Sometimes it feels like you're all talk," you spat with a passion. Edward was easy to love for his profound outlook on things thanks to his time spent in various places, but it became easy to hate when that was all he offered at certain moments. But, to your surprise, he caved.
"Then you do it. Tell me everything you would do if you had dictative will over me."
In what seemed like a rebuttal, he pulled himself out of the jockstrap from the side. You could see a light gathering of hair around the pubic bone, easily identifiable by the thin area due to the absence of excess fat.
You paused, taking a moment to think. Even then, you struggled to string together something to say, "I'd. . . taste you? Fuck, Ed, I don't know how to phrase it."
"No that's good, keep going," he seemed to like the effort, at least. He went from a half-chubbed cock to something harder with the ability to bob in the air on its own for a few seconds.
You decided on what you would do, answering him with certainty, "I would—I would kiss you. All over—everywhere."
"Everywhere?" He asked, tugging thoroughly at himself. He ensured that his hand met the base and worked its way up to the tip in a screwing motion, twisting around his shaft for a heightened sense of pleasure.
"Every imperfect fold and bit of skin that sparkles, Ed." He liked that idea, too. Edwards face twisted from it's set of gorgeous placement to a strong expression of pleasure.
"What else?" He huffed out, feigning a loss of breath. Maybe, he was simply putting on a show.
"What do you want to hear?" You watched his thin core falsely heave in a breath and exude it, cold wind emanating from him as he let out a moan. It was a show, but it was a damn good one. His own ideas got to his head before you could say anything to make them enticing.
"What if we got a house one day? What would I come home to?"
"Me, your undoubtedly happy partner, waiting inside a small house. White pickets on the lawn, cloudy days with the blinds shut—we can't have anyone knowing you're a vampire," you laugh at how ridiculous it sounds, "The two of us would likely be crowned 'the weirdos in Forks,' and there would be long-running rumors about how no one goes in and comes out alive. The neighbors see us every now and then, but we're reclusive, spending every night and day making love, Ed. We'll give ourselves up to instincts and love."
"And when we are making love?" The motion of his hand picked up speed, but not to the degree of his running feats, rather, only a bit faster than what you could average when you were pent up. Though, you weren't nearly as big as him. You used it as a reference for your last point.
"I'll wear one of your shirts—that button-down right over there, coated in your scent, but you can still smell the red ocean inside me. We'll kiss, like I said, a lot. And I think for my first time with you, I'd want to swallow your. . . venom. Make you feel like you're human again."
That's when he came, spewing his own, cold release over your chest and a bit spraying on to your sheets, staining it with him. You noticed that the color was a bit darker than the regular human dickspit, but it was an extension of him in his most raw form. Edward sped over to fish out his shirt from the piles of clothes on the floor. He came over, carefully dabbing up his mess and tossing the shirt to you when he was finished. He remarked to himself, "Wash it, or not. I'd prefer it if you didn't, but I won't judge cleanliness."
You started drifting in and out of the realm of sleep, disappearing to a place Edward couldn't wander to. He hastily asked one last question, "Did you mean everything you said?"
"Every time you ask."
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thecrusadercomrade · 3 months
Gonna throw this at you: but let's say the Delta did win against the Ericson kids, i.e everyone was captured during the 402 raid. How do you think life would go for the surviving kids past that point? Would they try and escape/rebel? Who would stay? I also sorta wonder how romanced routes would go, too. Would a Violentine route end with Violet opting to stay because of Minerva, or realize Minnie isn't in her right mind and would chose to escape? Would a Clouis route end with Clem protecting Louis from being maimed just to be hurt herself?
I know this is more like... a What-If or a fic all by itself than it is an ask but I have terminal brainrot syndrome and love making it everyone else's problem.
I think the group would still try to escape and get back to the school, but if they've been brought back to the main Delta settlement, I feel like it'd go pretty poorly. A few of them might survive in the end, including Clementine and AJ, but it'll be in a much more broken state than in canon. They might not even know the way back to the school, so they'll just become another lost, wandering group just trying to scrape by. A very grim ending to the season that's all about Clementine and AJ trying to find a new home.
I can't see a romanced Violet siding with Minerva and the Delta, but a non-romanced Violet just might. Perhaps she'd even become the "new" Minnie in a sense, killing another of the group after an escape attempt to prove her loyalty.
And for a romanced Louis, Clementine would definitely put herself on the line to stop him from being maimed in the same way. I don't think Lilly would hurt her to the same extent since she sees Clementine's potential as a soldier, but it still wouldn't be anything good. Louis would end up feeling very guilty for his role in getting her hurt.
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weenieman25 · 10 days
personally i prefer clem with louis, but im currently playing the violentine route and oh my god why are they so cute vi just asked clem to dance with her and i’m sobbing they’re so awkward and in love god this is too much
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spacedlexi · 3 months
Do you like Vi and Clem as best friends as well? Or just as lovers? (Also, I love your art)
im assuming youre asking if im fine with either friendship or romance route, which i am!! at the very base of their relationship they are best friends regardless, its just whether or not they kiss about it (and i just think they do 😏)
either way s4 is about building a home and a family. you get to choose what that looks like :) so while i definitely go to bat for romanced vi, i can understand some people not being interested in that element and choosing to be friends instead. either way theyre partners. and vi still makes clem a gay little button about it 😭💕
(and thank you!!)
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cassmouse · 15 days
WHY on earth is there doomed yuri EVERYWHERE. First Checkmatch and now Violentine why can my favourite girls never be happy
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mashedmangos · 15 days
What TWDG ships do you like? Which are you respectfully not fond of?
Ships I like:
I love Clouis and violentine! And I think Gabe and Clem are teenage crushes and they're definitely too hated
Kenny x Katjaa is one of my favourites, they make me happy and idk why
Mark x Lee is cute I wish we had longer with them
Kenlee is also cuties but it's one that I can see being more platonic
Hear me out on this one okay, Katjaa x Kenny x Lee (my guilty pleasure ship)
Carlee is one of my favourites and I was routing for them
Doug x Lee isn't one of my favourites but they were goofy and I like them
Doug x Carley could've been cute but there really wasn't enough time
Nick x luke are my FAVOURITES I love them so much
Javi x Jesus and Javi x Kate, they both are such cuties
Ships I don't like (but idm if you ship):
Lilly x Carley, I really don't see it at all (plus they had some MAJOR beef LMAO)
Duck x Clem, I view them more like siblings
James x Clem, It's just not my cup of tea (and I hc James as aroace)
Mitch x Clem, once again not my cup of tea
Javi x Eleanor
Marlon x Brody and Louis x Marlon, I just can't see them
That's all I can think of 😮
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adoredmarigold · 3 months
Questions!! Yay!!!!!! I've got a lot to ask about, I'm sorry
1. What are your favorite ships other than david and lingard (tbh in some way that ship reminds me of kirk x bones, not sure if youre into star trek tho xd)
2. Ava or Tripp?
3. Favorite S2 characters? Do you have any S2 ships?
4. What do you think are the best possible and your favorite endings of S2, S3 and S4??
5. And of course, I wanted to ask, whats your opinion on Bonnie.
I feel like I've been asking you some questions before but I dont remember excstly what it waasszzzzzzddsdszs if I already asked some of these questions IM SO SORRY but I cant say no to asking twdg questions
hello :) 1. VIOLENTINE!!!! It's such a lovely ship I will defend it with my life, istg Violentine haters have yet to bring up a valid point as to why they don't like it. I have some crack ships like Eleanor x Kate or Eleanor x Ava, I don't have much to say about them I'm just gay and wanna ship my girls together lmao. hmmm, I've been seeing some Mark x Lee stuff to and that looks pretty cute. Ermmm this is making me realize I actually don't ship much in twdg lmao, I guess I also ship Clouis and Gabentine Clouis is sweet and has good moments but I just don't find them as compelling as Violentine (sorry Clouis shippers). As for Gabentine I guess I would say I ship it, but more so in a "first crush/puppy love" kinda of way, The relationship never becomes anything serious they're just kids with a crush on each other and honestly I don't need them to become anything more than that. aaaannnd I know nothing about Star Trek but you're gonna make me look into Kirk x Bones now, thanks. 2. Well if we're just talking about the characters in general then Ava, she's so underrated imo. BUT, if we're talking about whether I choose to "save" Tripp or Ava during the execution, I always choose to let Tripp live. I'd rather have Ava die here than get that stupid fucking death she gets in ep 5, Tripps death in ep 5 is a lot better cinematically and writing-wise. 3. Sarah :) She's been my fav season 2 character since the season first came out and I will never forgive the writers/fandom at the time for how they treated her, SHE DID NOTHING WRONG. As for ships I guess I don't really have any for season 2, I mean Alvin x Rebecca I suppose though I'm not particularly invested in either character. Never been a Nick x Luke fan, I get the appeal but it ain't for me. 4. I can't really say which ending for each season is the best cause it's all pretty subjective, but I will give you my favs :) I guess I don't really have a fav ending for season 2? I choose the alone ending each time just cause I can't deal with Jane and Kenny's bs, don't hate either character but Clem doesn't deserve to put up with their bullshit anymore, she's the main character it's fine let's just ignore the logistics of an 11-year-old going off alone with a newborn. I also like the Wellington ending alot though! Not only because it's the best location for Clem and AJ to end up at but it also gives a satisfying conclusion to Kenny's character imo. Kenny spent all of season 2 trying to keep Clem and in the end AJ by his side for ultimately selfish reasons and he became extremely violent and unhinged in the process. So to see Kenny finally be selfless and be willing to give them both up to ensure their health and safety really redeems him for me. Kenny loves Clem and AJ but I really don't think he's fit to take care of them, this is the best possible Kenny ending for me. 5. Bonnies cool. It's been awhile since I've played season 2 and 400 days so I am in a desperate refresh of her character, but from what I remember she was interesting. I def think the fandom goes WAY too hard on hating her, from what I remember she's not really any worse or better than any of the other adults in season 2, she's extremely flawed but hell who isn't in The Walking Dead. I get being frustrated with her but the lengths people go to shit all over her character is kinda insane to me. So overall I guess I don't have much of a strong opinion on Bonnie, she's an interesting character with alot of flaws but I don't think she's evil or cruel. I hope her and Mike where able to get away and join a community or something. Also, I distinctly remember her being my fav 400 Days character and having a crush on her when I was a kid lmao. wowie okay that's all I gotta say, and don't worry you're all good! If you (or anybody really) send me a question and I don't reply it's probably just cause I forgot to or I'm stumped on what to say. CRIES
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mcrcki · 1 year
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hello fellow investigators (i say as if i don't have all the answers and am only holding the magnifying class to look like i'm fitting in) anyways!! welcome to me rambling for no reason on a combo plot / starter call for hwevent15 !!! i will probably update this as the event progresses , or drop individual calls depending on the results but for now, this is just a blanket idea of where all my muses heads are at when the first murder gets reported!! so, please understand my super simple rules before reading on --  like for a plotting dm !! and then SPECIFY characters for the starters or like deadass i will not write it! the starter cap is four per writer !! i just wanna make sure i get to write with everyone!!  ** please note that i will most likely be taking this opportunity to drop a bunch of old threads (unless they are plot heavy / newer), so if you request a thread for a pairing of ours, i will likely delete the older one. this really only applies to those that are focused heavily on the violentines day mini event from earlier this year! but as always, thank you for taking the time to read through my ramblings, please enjoy me talking to myself for a while and i really really hope you all love this event as much as we all love it !!!!
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil : village ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - like always, dani is thriving in these situations. they are kinda loving the energy that is in the streets, i mean people are afraid of everyone, accusing anyone and there's just bodies being left??? she's gonna absolutely be taking advantage of that. i mean, a free meal is a free meal right? ➳ potential plots : unrelated murder lol, injuring people, throwing off the trail, giving people the wrong information, just all around menacing people
alcina dimitrescu
elliot alderson
elain archeron || a court of thorns and roses ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - will be stress baking her way through this tyvm, she basically still just got here and elain handles transitions very poorly. she's already been so stressed with the fact that her sister has been here for so long, some of the inner circle doesn't remember everything that happened, people don't remember her at all-- safe to say she is hiding in her bakery. she is a lover not a fighter, unless necessary but ya know rn, she doesn't want to be ➳ potential plots : free baked goods for people helping solve the mysteries, someone to help reassure her, people she can help, someone that might be able to help her use her seer abilities to help solve things, open for injuries :)
ellie williams || the last of us ( 1 / 5 )
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they/she pronouns - okay cool cool cool , so there aren't any infected around here but there are serial killers????? yeah that makes them feel so much better. though, tbh they'll probably be out thinking they can solve all these mysteries, will probably get involved really quickly even if they will just be providing dumb answers only. will be checking in on friends and family, cause like fuck are they losing anyone. no thank you !!! milliams family you better be keeping your phones on you. ➳ potential plots : general tomfoolery, pretending you're detectives together, helping someone know how to fight, someone to make light of all of this with, open for injuries :)
kaya dura || star wars - the clone wars ( 0 / 5 )
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they/she pronouns - kaya cannot catch a break, this is something that is only going to make it worse. i really don't know if this whole situation is going to make them want to fall further into the jedi training, or is worried that somehow its not enough. i mean, there's always some nightmare thing going on in this city, is their training now enough??? she just wants to keep her family safe. will be having a breakdown but will offer up help if asked ➳ potential plots : who wants to tell them the jedi are in fact-- not all powerful, people they can protect, general helpful opinions, just someone to take your mind off things with, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
leia organa || star wars ( 1 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - ngl leia is staying so fucking close to her detail right now, she has been through enough in the past year, and she is more worried than ever about losing her memories again since she isn't sure if she'll forget being president a second time. she also is staying well away from any fighting, she simply cannot afford to trigger bastilla-- but if her family gets hurt, i can't make any promises. in the meantime, she is going to be doing everything she can to stop this, pulling military help, getting whatever she can to assist, etc. she's not going down in a pr nightmare this time ➳ potential plots : someone to instigate said pr nightmare, people she can assist in keeping safe, political conversations about what resources they can pull to help, people to test her patience, open for injuries :)
vex de rolo
marlene mckinnon || harry potter - marauders era ( 5 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - fresh secret service agent alert!! this time around things are gonna be so different for marlene. she's like so used to dicking around and getting drunk during these kinds of disasters, but now she as a Real Job during this and will be sticking very close to her charge, sorry jacen lol. but honestly, is gonna be very much focused on Not Fucking Up their first disaster as an agent so wish them luck pls and thank you ➳ potential plots : she likes to think she's really good at solving things like this so will def be offering advice, people she can protect?, someone who needs a little extra like encouragement to relax, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
narcissa malfoy
ginny weasley
jacen solo ( meme sent )
oliver mckinnon
maddie mckinnon
morrigan || a court of thorns and roses ( 0 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - uh yeah @ the human world what the fuck is this??? y'all just chilling, having serial killers running around like it's no big deal?? no thank you!!!! she is just trying to get herself fucking sorted in the city. but she will be there, keeping people safe because if nothing else, mor is that kind of person. if she sees people taking advantage of the fear to make it worse, she's jumping in. mainly focused on keeping her family safe, but, she'll help where she can ➳ potential plots : offering to protect people, helping ease any fear, helping with theories, open for injuries :)
omega archeron || star wars - the bad batch ( 1 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - didn't we just do this shit???? omega's over it. will absolutely not be getting involved, will not be trying to help, will truly be ignoring it and going about their life. they cannot keep getting involved in all of this mess, they will just be making sure to keep locations on on their phone, making sure their family and friends answer texts, and otherwise? pls do not think she's here to help until someone actually needs help and then she's actually just a liar and will be very involved ➳ potential plots : people to ignore this with, lowkey debating throwing a whole party so people to come to that, someone who needs help, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
jill roberts
pj halliwell || charmed '98 ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - mentally !? not doing well! so this is just the icing on the fucking cake right now, god. like, okay they're doing better but this is making it worse, almost immediately. especially because there has never been a disaster that she'd been able to fucking ignore, so, next gen charmed one is on her way. she will be doing whatever they can to help, assisting police and victims, offering up her help of scrying and other witchy things, just anything and everything. it'll give them a task. they love tasks. ➳ potential plots : someone who needs help, police she can assist?, someone to vent to, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
josie saltzman
wyatt halliwell
gnudy niknud
rosemary winters || resident evil : village ( 3 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - breaking news : local girl cannot catch a break. seriously, rose just wants to be normal!!! it's summer!!!!! her classes are over!!!! she has a crush she's trying to see through!!! she was working on controlling their moldiness!!!! and now this?? nah, they are just going to be sticking close to the school, not getting involved, hanging out with her friends as much as she can just to make sure they're all safe. will be ignoring this for as long as they possibly can ➳ potential plots : who wants to have a sleepover and pretend nothing is going on!!!, other xmen characters bc she's vibing at xaviers school like this whole time, people to drag them into some kind of mess, open for injuries :)
charles xavier
eddie munson
mouse honrada ( moon made one )
ahkmanrah (meme post)
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter - founders era ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - starting a tally for how many of my girls are simply Over It™ and staying the fuck out of all of this. rowena will be doing what she can from the sidelines, mainly making sure her family stays very safe, assisting with the police if need be, but really, she is not getting involved unless someone gets her involved. sure, could she probably solve all of these clues very easily? yeah. is she really wanting to even think about it? no not at all. ➳ potential plots : someone to drag her into it, someone who needs help, other people who just want life to be normal, open for injuries :)
helga hufflepuff (mario made one)
sella palpatine || star wars ( 5 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - ok so like.. maybe having a detail isn't so bad. she will be right at steve's side like the whole time, she is not letting herself go down again like stars, she has dealt with enough in the past few months she doesn't need to go through more. honestly, this might also pull her out of her petty moment and like, go and make up with her family just because she needs to know they're all safe. and if something happened to them while she was being petty, she won't forgive herself. ➳ potential plots : others who are scared about this whole thing, survival buddy, open for injuries :)
hope mikaelson
naomi pierce
sabina palpatine ( meme sent )
samara palpatine ( dead -- ill make up for it post event )
sion val palpatine
sophie hatter || howl's moving castle ( 0 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - throw another tally on the list of people who are over it!! making howl ward their apartment and is laying low. people are welcome to come stay with them, she will be stress cleaning the entire time, but will definitely be staying out of it so long as her family is safe. she's keeping morgan out of school, the shop is going to be closed until these people are caught, just absolutely keeping everyone they hold dear at their side. ➳ potential plots : people to join in the most stressed out sleepover ever, someone that needs help, someone to drag them out of their house, open for injuries :)
tatum riley || scream '96 ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - is in the hospital and will likely be there for the duration of this event with the physical therapy she has to go through and all the healing etc. lowkey pissed about it, knowing that her family is out there, dealing with a fucking ghostface resurgence (bc she is so utterly convinced she was just the start of it, that now that there are all these secret killings going on, how could she not be convinced that it's billy and stu???) will be panic calling everyone trying to make sure all of their locations are on, doing whatever she can from a damn hospital bed ➳ potential plots : people coming to visit, phone threads, someone to come give her the rundown of what's going on, hospital staff she can annoy, police she can annoy that dewey put on to watch her room, open for further injuries :)
buffy summers
roman roy
victoria sutherland || twilight ( 2 / 5 )
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she/her pronouns - victoria is absolutely going to be using this event to let off some freaking steam, she is taking the opportunity to just go on a bit of a rampage tbh. she likes the fact that she can blame literally anyone else for it and who's going to stop her?? she has had so much go on in the past few weeks she needs this, so so sorry to anyone who has a working heart and passes by her bc she's at an all you can eat buffet :) ➳ potential plots : unrelated murdering, injuring people, being an all around menace and monster, pointing people in the wrong directions, people to join her in the chaos she is creating
benjamin (dead -- ill make up for it post event)
ylfa snorgelsson || d20 : neverafter ( 2 / 5 )
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she/they pronouns - ylfa's bottleneck is open for business babey!!! let someone come at them, they are ready to let their powers show again. they are sort of hoping that if they do end up getting into a fight it'll help them learn how to use them again now that they aren't super used to using them every day. she's pretty good with puzzles and things so she'd like to help where she can, but will definitely be leaning towards fighting if she needs to fight. ➳ potential plots : people she can beat up, people who need protecting, someone who can idk make sure they aren't sleeping in the park in the midst of this, open for injuries or unrelated murder :))
fabian seacrest
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arcadiabaytornado · 1 year
hi! speaking of games, have you played any by telltale? if so, what did you think? if not, i really recommend the walking dead game series in particular - it hits a lot of the same spots as lis for me :)
I have! I've played all four of the "Walking Dead Games" and both "Batman" games.
I could go on for hours about how much I love "The Final Season" from TWDG series. I adore all of the characters and the choices are my favorite from any game. Plus I love Clouis and Violentine and watching their romance with Clementine. It gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling.
The second Batman game is crazy good as well! John Doe and his not so subtle crush on Bruce was so much fun to watch. I like the choices in the second one a lot too!
I agree with you that Telltale games give me major Life Is Strange vibes. I love choice based games and they "Life Is Strange" and "TWDG" serious are my two favorites.
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