i-am-beckyu · 1 year
For the fanfic writer asks- how about 16, 19, and 20? =3 -Candy 🦝
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Okay, so I adore coming up with titles! If its for ask games obviously its straight away, but if its for a fic, usually I get a title before I start typing the fic, (even though I've got a rough plot outline in my head) or after the first few paragraphs. Some times I change the title later if it doesn't really fit or I think of something better, but I LOVE coming up with titles!!!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
OOoOoOoo I have a few..... I'll give a hint for the one I mentioned earlier today with sizeshifters :3
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20. What’s a favourite title for a fic you’ve written?
Its a tie between My Monster to Slay, and Amongst the Kelp, I found you in Hair- I mean There...: because pun :D
Questions here
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apocalypsegay · 7 months
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you wanna play pokemon quarantine crystal with me. you wanna go download and patch pokemon quarantine crystal over a Legally Obtained rom of pokemon crystal and play with me so bad.
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eliecasa · 2 years
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warnings: none!
summary: reader & könig share an ice bath :3 while you mentally list the things you like about him.
wrdcnt: 3K
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The metal door creaks loudly and heavily, sounding off in the empty hallway as you step in with your towel hanging on your arm. A big ‘whoosh’ can be heard when the door shuts behind you, keeping you in the freezer like room as well as catching the attention of the only other person in the room. Wide and brown eyes flicker towards you with the swivel of the persons head, delighting you in an instant.
“Hey, König.”
As a reaction, he abruptly sat up out of his slouch, exposing his nude triceps and abdomen while nearly throwing the freezing ice and water out of the metal tub he was sitting in. The wet material of the bottom half of his veil dangles, wet and heavy.
Before you can even pretend to not laugh at him, your teeth come on display with a humored grin as you began walking over to an unoccupied metal tub.
As if he just sat in the freezing water, his chest began to rise and fall a lot quicker than what it usually was. You’d only just got here but he can already feel the heat burning across his chest. Out of all the ways you could’ve have greeted him, why’d you have to say his name like this all the time? In his mind, König thought you wanted him to fawn over you on purpose.
Maybe that honey in your voice was reserved for him only. After all that time of observing you, he came to the conclusion that you spoke to him extra sweetly to trap him. Sure, his shyness puts him on the sidelines when you’re talking with other people around base but at least that lets him see what type of person you are from a distance. He’s done it long enough to become solid with the fact that he feels for you more than just a teammate.
It’s not far-fetched to say that you could’ve been at fault for the way that he stammers and sweats around you but even he knew that it was partly his fault. Nobody told him to be at your beck and call whenever a new mission would come up and definitely nobody told him to sit and make you laugh whenever it was just the two of you at the canteen.
If he knew that your laugh would make him feel the same way that your smile would, he wouldn’t have found you in the first place.
König found himself stuck like a spider that had created his own web of honey.
The loud ruckus of ice dumping into your metal bath snatches him out of his head, bringing him back into the tension of the ice room. “Yknow, I never expected you to be so fit.”
You wolf whistle, taking a moment from your pour to look him over. He nods before shrugging, meeting your eyes before looking at his shorts through the water and ice. “Me neither,” he drly jokes, still somehow making you laugh. Underneath his veil, the corner of his lip fights to stay down despite his feelings. “You’re so cute, König.” You trail off, heading to turn the faucet near your bath.
It wasn’t everyday that you called him cute. At times you’d call him hot, adorable… and on the rarest of days, you’d call him your military husband. That nickname was his favorite. He shakes his head, trying to get rid of the blush that was tightening his cheeks with every passing second. If you kept talking to him, the ice in his bath would melt before you were out of here.
After checking the temperature of the water pouring into your bath, you hum and settle your hands onto your hips, turning to könig with a small frown on your face. “Was your water a bit warm?”
“Cold enough to freeze.”
The bunch of your eyebrows quickly disperse as you smile and began trotting towards him. “W-what are you doing?” He stammers. To show him that you’ll do no harm, you raise your hands and come to a stop at the end of his bath. “Don’t trip, i’m just checking your temp.”
“Why’re you checking mine?”
You only smirk and stick you hand into the water, your hair shields the mischievous grin that stretched across your face. He remains still, trying not to disturb the stillness of the ice as you pull your hand back.
“That’s pretty cold.”
And without warning, your hands come down to tug off the shirt that you wore.
If König could get any stiffer than he already was, he would turn into a statue. Behind his mask, you can see a little bit of the whites of his eyes and the sight made you belly laugh, nearly causing you to fall over as you worked your feet out of your pants. “What’s wrong? You blushing under that thing?”
“I- I… no?” he hunched his shoulders, speechless at the way you meekly slip into his bath, shamelessly sitting on his legs from the other end as he does his best to control his breathing. “Y/N, your water is still—“
“Shh.” you raise a finger, wincing at the freezing cold water. He doesn’t try to argue and instead let you adjust, his fingers clawing at the rough fabric of his shorts as you scoot down, furthering your seating up onto his knees. “Phew, this does not get any easier.”
By now, König’s entire chest was red. Was it because he was holding his breath, was it because of anxiety, or was it because of his lieutenant sitting in his ice bath with him? Either way, he was about to jump out and run down the hallway in his shorts. Tension in his chest builds and builds enough for him to take his arms out of the water and instead rest them on the rim of the bath.
“This isn’t uncomfortable, is it?” you lock eyes with him as you slid down further, going far enough for your knees to come out of the water.
“Why’re you warming mine up, you’re going to melt all of my ice—“
“You don’t wanna share with me?”
“Yes, but—“
“Ah, I knew it. ‘Always wanting me around.” you tease, poking your foot into his belly. Your toe accidentally went directly into one of the chiseled abs that he apparently didn’t even have to work for. Before you can blink, your ankle is tight in his grip and you were unable to settle your feet down again, making your lips part in surprise.
The pair silently stare at each other with nervousness bubbling in their core but nothing happens, making the situation weirder. König doesn’t say anything and instead sighed and let your foot go, even tugging it back down into its original spot. König was a little timid in some areas but his confidence overshadowed it majority of the time. Don’t get him mistaken for some punk with anxiety because he’d only do the exact things everyone would tell him that he couldn’t.
You admired that about him.
A smile peaks at the edge of your lips whilst you settled your wet hands onto your knees. “Theres other ways to show off your strength. No need to get aggressive.”
He shakes his head and bent his neck back, seemingly forcing himself to relax a bit more as a heavy sigh escapes his lips. Admittedly, Lieutenant L/N was awfully stressful today. “I’m off to Mexico today. Would love for you to be there, König.”
Slowly, his head rises to fully look at you, eyes discreetly looking over your form in one quick motion.
“Are you sure you want me out there?”
“Positive. You’re quick on your feet… and I also just like you.”
The ice around you sloshes a little bit as König bristled and scoffed. “Yea right.”
“Sehe ich aus wie ein Lügner?” you dare, sitting up and placing your calloused hands onto his hairy shins, startling him into gripping the silver frame of the tub surrounding the two of you. Your chin comes down in a daring glare as he can only stare back, eyebrows pinched in a false angry expression.
trans: do I look like a liar?
“Setz dich.”
You shake your head, trying him further whilst climbing further. “I don’t take orders from you.”
“It’s best you get away from me,” König hesitates, fixing his posture in hopes of inching away from your bearing form. “If anyone walks in-”
“Oh shush,” you sit on the hardness of his shaped thighs. The air surrounding you swirled with tension and chill. A quiet buzz comes from the ice machine as König watched your palm come to cup his clothed cheek.
He can only stare in awe as a much more gentle look plagued your face. “I just wanted to show you, what I got.”
A jingle sounds off next to his ear as you pull your hand away. He comically tilts his head at the sight of a pendant dangling in front of his hidden face. It was in the shape of a heart and had an overall color of 3 red and white horizontal stripes on the front of it, the flag of austria. A childish grin splits your features as you twist your hand to display the carvings on the back of it.
"Your initials?" He reaches for it, slowly taking it out of your hand. "And yours," you slither back into your original seating, chin daring to dip under the icy water. Your movement cause some of the water to slosh out of the tub but still, König only stares at the gift in awe.
"I did say I like you, right?"
The pair share a look. Y/N was a little confusing sometimes but as in right now, König had no idea what they were thinking. Perhaps you had a change of heart and decided to get sentimental rather than teasing him as you were just mere seconds ago. Or maybe, you were afraid you'd die on this next mission. In his jittering heart, König hopes its not the latter.
"So keep it. Hook it next to your tags."
He watches you with a calculated look before clenching the small silver heart in his calloused palm. Your eyes fail to meet his, the shapes of the melting cubes now too interesting to take you away for a second.
"... So, what do I give you?"
In a snail like fashion, your cheeks round and tighten as a blush burns behind your skin. The feeling reminds you of one of the first memories you had as a child. König gave you that itchy feeling you'd get while laying in the grass and watching the sun disappear behind the horizon. The feeling is vivid enough to make you feel the spikey grass poking into your back as your head turns to watch the black and yellow little bees dance around a dandelion. Bliss was inevitable when it felt like home.
It'd been so many years since you've been back in your country but no matter what-- König made home follow you no matter the trip and no matter the gore you'd face in a mission. You've always face it together.
Behind your cold and wet chest, a heart sighs and smiles. If you had a pen and paper, you'd be able to write a thousand things you like and love about the man that was currently avoiding your gaze. His avoidant behavior was listed at #30, right next to 'The cute way he squints when he sneezes'... #31.
"You could give me a kiss."
"I'm serious, what makes you think I'd joke about that, huh?" You crawl back up his legs and comfortably settle onto his thighs. König lets out a sigh as he brought his hands into the water. They seem to levitate around your waist for a moment until your hands come to settle them right in the comfortable fold of your thigh and hip.
You're close enough to see the dramtic flicker of his eyelids. If he was to have a heartattack, you'd be discharged and investigated immediately. Probably even blamed for murder once they found that white notebook under your pillow. They'd find lines and lines of silly little notes that you did your best to turn into poetry, all in hopes that maybe someday when you and König weren't working-- that you'd read them to him and laugh about how dumb you sounded.
"You... want to kiss...?"
"Just one," you boop his nose through his mask, knowing how much he hates when you do that. He fails to start his usual thrashing though, probably too rattled to even remember what makes him angry and what didn't.
He shook his head and once it again let it fall back. "... My head hurts."
Ice bangs against the metal bin while you tug the wer veil, slowly bringing it up inch my inch until König's gentle face is on full display. The corner of your lip raised once you noticed the small pinch in his eyebrows. Around his small frown, he had brown stubble over his lip and down his jaw. Surely, you'd get the chance to see his full grown beard and maybe even complain about it-- like every couple experiences.
"It's been awhile."
"You saw my face yesterday."
"... It's been awhile," you tease.
Your thumb rubs the small hairs above his lip before dragging down to feel the length of his soft jaw. #14, the way he leans into my hands. A beat of silence passes whilst he watched the way your eyes softened with every second. A gentle look on a face that's so stoneish in the battle field... he thought you were the prettiest thing ever.
"I'm trying to figure out where I wanna kiss you," your brows jump, watching the way he subtly gulps at the sensation of your cold palm reaching up to the short brunete mess of his hair. "If I can only do it once... better choose wisely, huh?"
König raised his chin and looked you over with a small pinch still prominent in his shaggy brows. The look made goosebumps erupt up your spine.
"...Why once?"
You pause, now metting his eyes with an enlightened squint in your eyes. "What was that?"
The attempt to pick on him is once again an exhaust. He locks his jaw and looked down into the water, tapping his fingers against your thighs. It calms him down only the slightest. "König."
Your hand cups his jaw, raising it so that his brown eyes can meet yours. Even on the edge of his jaw, you can feel the heat the bursens his attempt with stoicism. Though his blush was the most prominent evidence of his fluster, there was also the fact that he'd been chewing the inside if his cheek for the entirety of your exchange.
"Can I kiss you?"
He nods with calculation and something tells you that the only reason he had that hard look in his eyes was because of your constant pranking and teasing. The idea was nearly laughable but you fight it and only settle it into a smile. #67, the way he suspects me... even though it's untrusty.
Almost too fast, you dip your head closer before slotting your lips against his. König almost startled but almost like an electric shock, he snaps out of it and kissed you back. He squeezes the softness of your thighs but he quickly corrected himself to move his hands to the end of your thighs, wanting to do all but make you uncomfortable in the slightest.
The moment you catch on, your heart blooms again, butterflies flood your stomach and head straight the the red hive in your chest. Even when you allow more, König could still be a gentleman.
You squeeze your eyes shut even tighter, not watching to kill the mood with your stupid emotions. The kiss is sauve and passionate, slow and intimate. His lips swallow yours with every tilt of your head and every pause of your movement. The two of you press against each other impossibly closer once his arms locked themselves behind your back and pushed your half nude form into his.
A gasp nearly escapes but not a single breathe evades him. Your lips lock and your tongue comes to tangle in the swim of your motion. To say that you were impressed by his skill, would be keeping it generous. Perhaps that thing Ghost said about the quiet ones was true.
The kiss lasts for a minute before König had to physically swivel his head to tear away from your lips. Suddenly self aware, you closely watch the way he has to compose himself. "Was that... okay?"
"More than," he instantly answered.
Still shy, you nod and lick your lips before scooting back into that familiar position from the start.
"... You're a pretty good kisser... by the way." The ice hit the metal bin as you shrug, feinging coolness while König did the same. His hands remained hidden beneath the water whilst you fidgeted with your head instead of facing the music of what you'd actually just done. Now what comes next was the discussion of what you two would be after this along with the long talk of how the relationship would work while on active duty. The possibility of König not wanting to take things that far does indeed create a dropping hill within your gut but still, you look forward to the goodness that could happen anyway.
A soft smile spreads across your heated face before you're pointing to the veil hanging on the edge of the tub. "You may wanna... put that on. Bunch of rookies comin' in soon."
Owlishly, he blinked before a small 'oh' escaped his lips. He instantly reached for the fabric and did as suggested, feeling a sense of relief as he now had the chance to hide the emotions that were easiest to see.
Reason #678, the fact that he can't hide from me, no matter the cloth.
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kutiee · 1 year
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&TEAM ↯ First Howling: NOW Concept Photos
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weirdo-ing · 9 months
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dawnleaf37 · 8 days
sometimes i forget that my mutuals see my tumblr psots but then i got reminded a few days ago that my actions have consequences
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fletcherfluid · 1 year
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Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins - Monday Night Raw, May 8th, 2023
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infizero · 1 year
ok guys i dont wanna be a hater but im gonna be 100% honest i didnt rlly like the nimona movie 😭 I MEAN IT WAS FUN. it was nice. but i feel like it was missing everything that made me like the original graphic novel and honestly by the last like 30 minutes i was kind of just waiting for it to be over so i could read the book again 😭 NO HATE TO ANYONE WHO RLLY LIKED IT believe me when i say i dont think it is bad or anything. but i feel like just sooooo much was changed that it didnt feel like nimona at all to me. idk how to explain it, im sure once i reread the book i’ll be able to put it into words since the original will be more fresh in my mind. i think it was good but as someone who was literally obsessed w the og graphic novel it was honestly kinda disappointing. but i dont rlly care honestly its still rlly cool it got a movie!! 
but in my mind at least it proves that some things dont need to be made into a movie. ppl act like movies are the best form a piece of media can take and if something gets made into a movie then that’d be the peak form of it. but i honestly think nimona works wayyyyyy better in its original graphic novel form. most of the early stuff is way more slice of life lowkey stuff that lets you get attached to ballister and nimona as characters and get invested in their relationship w each other, BEFORE all the angsty final act stuff happens. also there honestly was just a ton of stuff that felt to me like it worked better in the original, like jousting tournament thing instead of the knighting ceremony, nimona being captured and being forced to turn into her “true” form rather than this new version with it just sort of happening bcuz of Emotions, etc. also the movie suffered from a lot of pacing and tone issues imo but the former i think is just from that lack of the slow buildup of their friendship, and the latter is something that i think just worked better in the book. idk again I’LL BE ABLE TO SAY THIS STUFF MORE CONCRETELY WHEN I ACTUALLY REREAD THE BOOK but i dont remember there being so much jokes and goofy shit DURING serious scenes. like iirc in the original during serious scenes it was SERIOUS. but in the movie theres so many unnecessary unfunny jokes and stuff. idk IDK i probably just had too high expectations idk. anyways
#also im kind of mad they changed the ending i know it works similarly but like THE TONE IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT#in the movie ballister goes back to the lair and you hear her voice and he gets all excited and goes ''HOLY SHI-'' and then it cuts to title#which seemed rlly lighthearted and played for laughs and srry but THE ENDING OF NIMONA ALWAYS MADE ME CRY SO IT LOWKEY PISSED ME OFF ToT#IN THE ORIGINAL. he wakes up in the hospital and the nurse like talks to him or whatever and then she comes in again and hes like ?? u were#just here. and shes like no?? and then he sees on the clipboard the nurse left behind the firsttime theres a shark drawing (or smthn)#clearly drawn by nimona. and you see his eyes widen and he rushes out of the room and he runs through a crowd desperately trying to find her#and then he sees her there. in the crowd. and he just stares looking sort of heartbroken. and she gives him a quiet bittersweet little wave#and then she disappears into the crowd. and thats the last you see of her#I FUCKING LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE THAT ENDINGGGGGG IM ACTUALLY SO MAD THEY CHANGED IT#also sorry i will die mad about the climax THE CLIMAX OF NIMONA IS WHAT GETS ME EVERY FUCKING TIME.#THOSE PAGES WITH THE HUGE MONSTER AND LITTLE GIRL NIMONA JUST RIPPING INTO BALLISTER MAKE ME CRYYYYYYY DAWG THEYRE SO GOOD#idk. idk. i cant put it into words but just the overall vibes of the book are so much better imo. i think nd stevenson's style fits the#story reallyyy well and idk if the movie's style rlly does the same. also i wish the movie wasnt as sanded down like the original wasnt like#INAPPROPRIATE. it wasnt adults only. but it had a lot more like. blood and rude humor and stuff. and i miss that#i think the best way i can put it is. the original is the scratchy ever evolving style of nd stevenson it feels raw and unfiltered#and thats why i love it and why it moves me so much. while the movie is much more polished and round and soft and im gonna be honest:#I DONT LIKE IT! sorry. having my hater moment#<- lightheartedly again I DONT THINK THE MOVIE IS BAD i just think that by comparison the book is way better#still incredibly happy for and proud of the whole team that made the movie i think its awesome!!!!#just my personal opinion#serena.txt#nimona spoilers#<- idk if anyone actually needs this but jic
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milfzatannaz · 6 months
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the-almighty-bling · 2 years
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tvisnoton · 1 year
heyyy guess whos into bsd
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hdmiports · 1 year
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making the lesbian aliens of my dreams <3333
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bewby · 2 years
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nyuni fanart <3
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fellheirs · 2 years
Yesterday i finished engage, i loved it, i’ll k*ll for alfred
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ribbonpinky-art · 2 years
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