#I MEAN I GET IT FOLKS if it was law in sanji's place i would probably be in denial too
miyuskye · 1 year
ready to fight anyone slandering pudding and sanji x pudding
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soultronica · 4 years
Law’s -ya suffix
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“How many people have you killed, Drake-ya?”
About Law's verbal quirk of adding -ya at the end of the names of the people he's addressing -- fairly unique, yeah? Chances are this is something you've never seen before, at least this was the case for me. This post is an attempt at a comprehensive explanation and overview of the way he uses it.
(obligatory blanket warning that my japanese level is around jlpt n2/cecrl c1 - i understand the stuff i research but i'm not a native speaker. i can be mistaken.)
The suffix -ya (屋)
Let's start off by saying that while it's a strange way to address people, the suffix in itself isn't unfamiliar.
The basic meaning of "ya" (屋) is shop, essentially. You add it to a noun to turn it into a profession, especially ones related to shops and traditional trades, though usually with the polite address marker -san, even in third person.
So for example:
pan = bread ⇨ panya-san = baker kutsu = shoes ⇨ kutsuya-san = shoemaker
This includes “invented” occupations that would therefore be instinctively understood as such. For example, an anime I just watched (durarara) has:
joho = information ⇨ johoya(-san) = information broker hakobu = to carry ⇨ hakobiya(-san) = transporter
And then by extension, it became used in nouns to define a person by a trait of theirs:  
ganbaru = to do one's best ⇨ ganbariya-san = someone who always tries their best hazukashii = to be embarrassed  ⇨ hazukashigariya-san = a shy person
This last bit is relevant here because Law's terms of address includes not so much occupations but attributes. So you'd understand "Strawhat-ya" as "Guy with the strawhat" for example.
Where it gets a bit confusing is that Law's terms of address also include just tacking on the suffix to names, which makes less sense intuitively... Which is where Oda's own explanation comes in handy.
Historical background: yago (屋号)
Straight from the source - this is an SBS answer from volume volume 62 (page 84), which was replaced in the official English edition.
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Reader: Law-san uses -ya to address people such as in "Strawhat-ya", does that mean that if someone is named Tsuchiya he'd call them Tsuchiyaya? Please tell me Law-san ❤ Oda: Law-san! Someone's asking for you! ... Yeah, he's not coming. I'll answer in his place, shall I? In the past in Japan, maybe around Edo era? There was a thing called "yago". If for example in a village you had two people called Tomekichi, folks would use -ya instead of their names to refer to them (by their trade), such as "Tomekichi the toolshop (doguya)" or "Tomekichi the cooper (okeya)". Have you never heard "Tamaya~!" in the context of fireworks or "Nakamuraya!" in the context of kabuki? It's something like that. Right, Law-san? Law: Yeah.
If you're not familiar with yago at all, maybe the wikipedia article will help (link). I'm sure you can make the link with what I've explained above. The gist is that a commoner would often be addressed by their trade or shop name for differentiation (as in Oda's example) or convenience. And if they made a name for themselves, said name (including the -ya bit, the same "ya" as in "yago") could be used the same way their trade name would be, and they'd pass that name from generation to generation, making the name a yago. The Nakamuraya Oda mentions here is a famous yago of kabuki actors stretching back to the 16th century (link) and the Tamaya are, you guessed it, a hanabi (traditional fireworks) yago from the Edo era (Japanese link).
So there we go! Law's -ya suffix usage is actually pretty traditional.
Law's usage
Law of course does not use the -san polite address marker, because he's a rude little shit. This brings me to what I believe is the first time he uses it, chronologically, which (provided you consider it canon) would be in the Law novel which takes place right after Law runs away from Minion Island where Cora died. He doesn't use -ya at all during his manga flashbacks. In the novel however he's saved by a man, Wolf, who creates mostly worthless inventions. Which leads Law to call him Garakuta-ya, where "garakuta" means junk, rubbish. Implying that his occupation is to create junk. I think this is a pretty good in-context illustration of how the suffix works? And if you consider the novel canon, you get the added characterisation bit of this habit of Law's being originally a kid's thing, which fits nicely.
Regardless of how it started, he clearly got used to addressing people like this. In the manga, these are the addressed characters I'm aware of, including Oda's own compilation from a volume 72 (page 46) SBS answer:
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Luffy - Mugiwara-ya (Strawhat-ya) Zoro - Zoro-ya Nami - Nami-ya Usopp - Hana-ya (Nose-ya) (lol) Sanji - Kuroashi-ya (Blackleg-ya) Chopper - Tony-ya Robin - Nico-ya Franky - Robo-ya Brook - Bone-ya Smoker - Hakuryo-ya (White Chase-ya)* Caesar - Caesar-ya* Drake - Drake-ya Kidd - Eustass-ya (* = are also addressed without the -ya)
There's not really a pattern here. For some of these characters he uses an attribute + ya, which again makes instinctual sense when you're used to the regular meaning of -ya. For others he uses surname + ya, which is what originally confused me until I found the SBS yago explanation. Notably this includes characters who aren't usually referred to by their surnames (Chopper, Robin, Kid). But then you've also got Zoro and Nami who are addressed by their first names.
Despite those two I'd still say that it's overall a particularly offhand term of address, and a non-polite one at that (which is why the "Mr" translation that was in Sabaody-era scans for the ones he addresses by surname doesn't really work, but I can't fault a week-by-week translator for having no idea what to do with that, with no characterisation to go on).
It's worth noting that he doesn't use -ya at all for members of his crew: Bepo, Penguin and Shachi are all addressed by just their names.
So why this particular verbal quirk for Law? It's all up to interpretation of course, but I'd say this leans into his casually rude way of speaking, especially pre-timeskip Law.
Another point that I've seen raised in a Japanese meta, and one that I agree with, is that it serves to make him more Japanese. I know a lot of us have our headcanons about the ethnicities of various OP characters and for me Law is one of the particularly Japanese-coded characters: his Japanese sword, his not eating bread, his use of a traditional suffix as a verbal quirk... (and also just because I've met sooo many japanese guys his age with exactly that terrible facial hair/sideburns combo what's up with that lol)
But of course all this is open to interpretation. I'd love to hear anybody's thoughts about his characterisation! And I hope this helped shed light on some of it.
Rule 63!Law does use the -san polite address marker lol.
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"How many people have you killed, Drake-ya-san?"
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Trafalgar Law x reader
2k words
Warnings : angst (cute ending), description of violence, blood, near death experience
Sum up : (Y/N) suffered PTSD after Wano but she is not alone.
Cesar Clown, Donquixote Doflamingo, Big Mom, Kaido… The names of those Luffy came to fight always were powerful people. Not that you expected something else from your captain ; he promised himself to fight and win any of the Emperors. In your adventures you met great people, made friends and allies, unforgettable memories. But it always had to be through hard labour, sacrifice and pain.
That’s what came to your mind when your eyes landed on the Polar Tang sailing next to the Thousand Sunny in the dark night. 
The moon was hiding behind the clouds and only the light coming from the different windows of both ships enlightened the deck, from where you were watching over the Sunny for the night. It was almost midnight which led you to stood you from your sit at the bottom of the main mat and took the direction of the library. There, was Chopper. Earlier in the evening, he had asked you to come tell him to go to sleep if he wasn’t already. And he wasn’t. The light of the library was still on, and coming closer, you heard him talking through the slightly opened door. Someone answered him, that person being Trafalgar Law. It didn’t surprise you much ; they turned out to spend a lot of time talking about medicine stuff together.
When you were close enough to see the both of them leaning above the same book and exchanging about whatever it was about, you knocked weakly on the door. Then opened it even without their permission. You felt a bit guilty to disturb them but it was Chopper’s request after all.
“Knock, knock, knock, Doctor Chopper. It’s time for the little reindeer to go to bed.”
Both of them raised their gaze to watch you leaning on the frame with a little smile for the younger doctor.
“Already ?” He pouted as his eyes went to the clock on the wall. “Do I really have to…?”
“Yes. You told me to insist if you were to refuse, remember.” He seemed to be even more sadden at the idea to interrupt this moment. “Do you want a glass of milk before sleeping ?”
“Hot with honey ?” His bubble eyes suddenly sparkled at the idea and you swore he drooled a bit.
“Whatever you want, Chopper.”
While Chopper was putting bookmarks to not lost his pages, you turned to the surgeon.
“What about you, Doctor Trafalgar-san ?”
First surprised, then smiling, Trafalgar nodded.
“Tea, please.”
You went to the sacred kitchen of Sanji and prepared the drinks for the three of you while they were tidying the library of their mess of books and flying papers. You had just finished pouring the tea in yours and Trafalgar's cups that they came in and sat at the table with you. The three of you drank and shared a few ideas about what your future adventures could be.
Chopper swallowed the last drops of his hot honey milk and jumped from his chair.
"Thank you for the milk, (Y/N)-chan ! Have a good night you too."
Trafalgar and you returned the courtesy as you waved at the boy. Chopper had just left the room that the surgeon's gaze turned back to you. You felt his piercing eyes followed your every move as you took a sip of your tea. You put the cup on the table and watched him back.
"What ?" He let out a snigger at your nerve.
"I was just thinking… Isn't that the third night shift in a row you're taking ?"
"It is. I have insomnia lately. The others may as well take advantage of it and sleep."
He stayed silent a bit, hesitant.
"By lately… you mean since Wano ?"
Your fingers on the cup tightened at this.
Your eyes stayed fixed on the wooden table before you as if it would help you to erase Trafalgar’s presence next to you, at the edge of the table. But it couldn’t. His piercings eyes were digging holes in your whole body so it was intense ; you always felt strange when his eyes were on you, but at the moment it was almost physically painful.
You put one of your hand on your neck where you knew he was looking.
“Yes… since Wano.”
Trafalgar looked around for a moment but he couldn’t help but let his eyes fell back on you. Your head was still low, facing the wood.
It pained him to see you in such a state. Sure the biggest part of the sorrow went away when your eyes opened after what felt like endless days of silence from you, but you were still suffering, and he hated it. He hated it more than when he had to admit himself he fell in with you.
It happened with the defeat of Kaido against the alliance. The power of the dragon wasn’t enough against the mischief of the monkey ; and the will of the D. The tyrannical oppressors Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi fell, but not all their subordinates yet sadly.
And you were the one to pay the high price.
You had finished your own fight not far from the place the captains fought against Kaido. Everyone was gathering Luffy’s way who successfully ending the fight with one of his craziest transformation. You watched from afar how he was thrown in the air by civilians. You smiled when you saw Trafalgar, Eustass or even Zoro being thanked by the folks and hated that.
Trafalgar, precisely… He saw you coming slowly their way. But he knew by your smile you were ok. You were safe.
Then it was as if time had stopped.
The whistle in the wind, that’s what Trafalgar heard just before actually seeing an arrow planted in the middle of your chest. Neither of you could hear the cheers around anymore. You were looking at the wood stick dug into your flesh and the cloth of your kimono tinted of the color of the poppy. Slowly you lowered your head, letting Trafalgar saw that another arrow had already hit you by slicing your neck, at your jugular vein. You were bleeding abundantly.
And time took up again.
Another arrow came in your right lung. And a last one in your stomach.
Trafalgar’s shout attracted everyone else’s attention, especially the pirates’ ones who followed of their eyes, the way he was running to, just in time to grab on your falling body. While the other Straw Hats, full raged, were going after the archer, that turned out to be two living dogsbodies of the man you defeated, Chopper was fast to join Trafalgar and you.
“(Y/N)-chan ! It’s gonna be fine ! We’ll take care of y-!”
Chopper was interrupted by bloody coughing fits. With arrows in lung, stomach and trachea according to Trafalgar’s scan thanks to his room, the doctors expected it.
While the doctors were deciding how they would proceeded to save your life, you struggled to breathe. Your teary eyes were going from one to another. You couldn’t understand what they were saying from the pain… and the fear. The fear of dying. The hand Trafalgar kept tight around your neck in order to drop off the runoff from your vein felt warmer on your skin with every new second… or maybe it was because of your heated blood on his hand.
“(Y/N)-chan, don’t close your eyes !”
“(Y/N)-ya !”
It was the last thing you heard until days later when you finally opened your eyes. You were in the post-operative room on the Polar Tang, connected to dozens of beeping machines. You were still on Wano, on the shore ; but except for a farewell on the beach of the country, you didn’t get back inside the lands.
Since you woke up of your surgery, you hadn’t been able to sleep more than a few hours per night because of the nightmares. And this led to insomnia as you were afraid to dream again. It was always the same thing ; you were suffocating in your blood just like when you were that day.
“(Y/N)-ya… you need to sleep.”
“I don’t want.”
“It’s not about what you want, it’s about what your body needs. And you lack of sleep-” He stopped as you punched the table of your two closed wrists.
“I keep dreaming about my death. I feel like I am dying in every of my dreams.” You didn’t raised your voice but your tone was shaking and harsh. You turned to him, holding back your tears just like every time, and looked in his eyes. “You can’t understand !”
There was a blank.
Then he sighed.
“You really think I can’t understand ?”
They were different. His eyes. You always knew them with that flame inside ; lively, sly, holding a will to live. But it was not just that this time. You could feel he already went through hell. You guessed that the moment you met him, by his scars, his tattoos and that attitude of him - a shield to hide his true self. But it was different this time… You saw deeper inside of him.
“I’m sorry.” You lowered your head another time. But not long since Trafalgar covered your joined hands with one of them.
"Chopper and I were looking for a way to ease your mind. We found a few things. But the most important one is that you need to talk to us. I mean… me, Chopper or anyone you feel at least with." He took back his hand and stood up from his chair. "Think about it, (Y/N)-ya. And remember you're not alone."
The surgeon knew you would need time to process this and so he went back to his room on the sub. He put his notes on his desk and went to shower. He knew he was going with another restless night, so when he was done in the bathroom, he grabbed a few books of his shelf and got comfy on his bed.
An hour, then two, went by with him reading endlessly. He didn't grow tired.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The soft knocks on his door were almost a murmur in the thick silence.
"Come in."
He expected someone of the night shift about something strange on the radar but it was you. Trafalgar frowned.
"I hope I am not disturbing you."
He shook his head no and signed you to come closer as he pushed his papers so you could sit on the edge of the bed.
"What can I help you with, (Y-N)-ya ?"
"I asked Zoro to take over from my nightwatch. Can we… can we talk ?"
He knew what you meant despite not saying it with words. For wordless answer, he moved everything from his sheets and took off the glasses he was wearing to put them on his bedside table. You didn't expect you would be talking to him by laying in front of him on his bed but it somehow felt soothing. It's probably what helped you talk about your feelings, about what happened and how you were since then. If he expected tears and difficulties to put words on your thoughts, there was none of it. You were clear and calm, even if he understood you once were stressed out.
"Do you think it will stop one day ?"
"The nightmares ?" You nodded. "It will fade for sure. Sometimes it may come back, and then the following night it would have disappeared again."
Trafalgar had noticed how you were slowly drifted to sleep by tiredness. And he didn't try to stop it.
"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)-ya…"
"I told the Strawhats she's there."
"Ok. We should let them sleep a bit more. Tell every to not wake them up."
Ikaku went away from Bepo as the white bear closed the door to Trafalgar's bedroom. He would probably never know if it was international or not but he was happy to see his captain deeply sleeping in the big spoon you were.
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ais-n · 6 years
One Piece theory
I’m in a mood to talk about a One Piece theory I have. This contains SPOILERS for One Piece’s world/history in general, but I’m guessing about the future so I could be totally wrong on ideas or predictions. I’m trying not to do any major spoilers in this beyond what we’ve learned of the ancient weapons, but if you’re worried about any spoilers at all, don’t read if you aren’t at least through  Fishman Island arc.
btw you may read this and go “...yeah, and?? I already thought this too” but I wanted to put it down anyway, if for no other reason than potential amusement 10 years from now to look back and see how right or wrong I was.
Specifically, my theory is about what “one piece” itself is, and what would need to happen in order to achieve it. And why I think “one piece,” as I imagine it being, would end up also fulfilling the dreams of the main characters and many we know.
So, let’s look at the ancient weapons as we know them.
Pluton is a ship, capable of massive damage and destruction, built in the Void Century on Water 7. My theory includes that Pluton represents “land” or at least, the elevation level of land - in this case, water/the ocean, which is the baseline level around the world because the majority of the world is water. In other words, Pluton is mid-range in terms of height. It would be used by people who naturally live at that level, aka humans or other beings which can’t just swim around in the sea and have to use a ship to navigate beyond there.
Poseidon is a “weapon” which we later learned is actually a person - specifically, a mermaid princess from the Void Century who had the ability to talk to Sea Kings, which are huge afffff and could do some massive damage. Poseidon represents the lower level or the deep sea - the lowest of the levels in terms of height. It is a weapon which can only be used by a denizen of the deep sea; a mermaid princess, in this case, who naturally would have been able to speak to sea creatures anyway but because of her extra powers she can speak to creatures of an age and size no one else (mostly) can communicate with.
Uranus is the last weapon, and we know nothing about it - except that it could be animate or inanimate, based on Pluton and Poseidon. My theory is that Uranus will be a weapon of the sky or air, something on the level of Skypiea or higher. Possibly even the moon. We’ve seen that there’s advanced technology in use already on the moon, thanks to Enel’s little foray into space. I feel like Uranus might end up being a weapon based on the moon OR be a weapon (or person or creation such as an android or cyborg or etc) which operates from a place of height such as the clouds, sky, or moon, and which is only capable of use by someone who naturally lives there. So, someone from Skypiea perhaps, or the moon people. Or possibly the sky weather wizard dudes, but since Uranus has been thought of as a night god and we’ve seen the technology of the automatons up there, I keep going back to the moon in my mind. But if we tie it to the Void Century, it’s harder to do because according to this One Piece timeline the moonfolk had already abandoned the moon at that time, which makes it seem like Skypiea is a choice again. But Enel clearly met someone up there since then, so... At any rate, Uranus represents the highest level of the weapons in terms of height.
In other words, Poseidon is the sea, Pluton is the land, and Uranus is the sky.
Why this matters is related to my theory and the Void Century. 
So, prior to that, there was a great kingdom on Raftel which started gaining power. I keep thinking that kingdom is related to the D family line or at least the D’s in general, but we don’t know. What we do know is that 20 other kingdoms formed an alliance to fight the great kingdom, and those 20 kingdoms eventually won and became the World Government and produced the Tenryuubito - a system which, by this time in the OP world, is corrupt from its dominating power for so long.
We also know that prior to all that, the great kingdom had “built” 3 ancient weapons which I already named above.
Additionally, we know somewhere along the line Noah was brought down to the Fishman Island by Joy Boy in order to ??? - we don’t know for certain, but my theory is to bring the fishpeople and merpeople up to the surface. 
We also know that it’s possible in the OP world for someone to have foresight, as Madam Shyarly/Sharley has shown us. And we know that some people can live a long ass time even if they are human in present settings.
Another thing we know is that Raftel is where “one piece” is allegedly going to be found, but no one has been there since Roger and his crew, who won’t really tell anyone what was up. There are 4 Poneglyphs, very specialized kinds called Road Poneglyphs, of which all are required in order to locate Raftel. (From what we understand, you would basically draw an x between these points, and the center is Raftel - x marks the spot) Which means Raftel isn’t something you can just willy nilly stumble across accidentally. There are implications with that, of course, but we’ll leave it for now. 
(Just sayin’, though, do we know for certain it’s an island in the sense of the word we usually imagine? The images we’ve seen of it are mostly cliffs with fog or clouds surrounding it, and theoretically the blue at the bottom is water but it doesn’t necessarily mean it is, or if it is water that doesn’t necessarily = the ocean. I don’t have a strong opinion on this part, mind you; just mentioning it because if it’s not a traditional island, that would make it much harder to run across. Such as if it were on or in Red Line itself, or if it were beneath the water or in the sky, or some other unexpected location. But, again, that’s not really part of the theory, just a comment. It could easily just be a regular island that’s hard to find, too. Just seems like it would be a bit easier to stumble across if it is.)
Lastly, what we know is the world is divided into oceans based on the Red Line (a long string of land which goes all around the world) and the Calm Belt (which bisects the world perpendicular to the Red Line, and is two long slices of water where there are no currents and no wind and the Sea Kings thrive - therefore being a mortal danger to normal ships and boats). The Grand Line and New World - a turbulent strip of ocean circling the world - is located between the two Calm Belts and can only properly be accessed through the Red Line due to the Calm Belts (unless you are super special). The rest of the world is constituted of the more normal seas of East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue. They span the entire world, but they are broken into their little sections by the Calm Belt/Grand Line on one side, and Red Line on another. Here’s a visual if anyone needs to be reminded. Also, here’s another two visuals which are different ways of looking at it.
This entire system keeps the nations and sea life and peoples and everything of the world all very much segregated from each other.
There is something known as “All Blue” that Sanji is seeking as his dream, where allegedly all the waters of the world pool together, meaning you can find all the sea animals/fish/etc of all the world co-mingling and all available. As a chef, he loves this idea.
We know a lot more things too, but it all ends up on tangents from what I wanted to get at now for my theory:
Personally, I think “One Piece” is the world becoming one world, by breaking down the Red Line, which I think was erected by the World Government or someone else in some way during the Void Century (or, barring that, was somehow taken advantage of by them). I think the three ancient weapons were made so that everyone had to work together to use them - people of the sky, the land, the sea - so that no one nation and no one people would become a danger of completely subjugating another.
If you look at the way the world is broken into pieces, a lot of it is based on the currents. The Grand Line is mega fucked because the currents are weird as hell, and the only law on that side of the world is the magnetism of the islands. In order to reach the Grand Line from the Blues, you have to scale a great mountain using what’s basically a backward sea current, which happens because all these different oceans try to meet at the same place and the pressure shoots the water upward and over into the Grand Line.
These ocean currents also probably play into the formation of the Calm Belt.
But when you look at WHY there are these wonky ass currents, personally I believe the Red Line is a large reason for it. That is what causes the water to be unable to flow all around the world, that is what stops people from being able to migrate between countries, and it’s only through the Red Line that you can “easily” access the Grand Line/New World which is sandwiched between the Calm Belts. In a world of water, the Red Line is the outlier as the only massive strip of land which bisects the entire world. Everywhere else, it’s islands.
Also, whether by design or simply by taking advantage, the World Government controls a lot of the migration of people and more by controlling essentially the ports and gates of the Red Line. The Red Line allows them to exert inordinate control over a world otherwise easily run or equaled by pirates or just regular seafaring folk. Because the World Govt has its holiest city at the Red Line, and controls Sabaody and other places which are the only way to realistically gain entrance unless you’re willing to risk your lives and your ship by going the more difficult route of the sea floor.
If there were such a powerful set of weapons which could attack from below, at sea, and above, in sequence, it seems like they could at the least break a hole through the Red Line. The Sea Kings are absolutely massive, and if they were to ram themselves against the Red Line the way Laboon did Reverse Mountain, it seems like at the very least they could do some damage. I don’t think on their own they could break through, though, nor do I think a single ship could, nor any weapon no matter how powerful from the sky. The Red Line is incredibly massive, tall, and deep. It would take a coordinated attack on an extreme scale to make it budge.
But imagine a world where the Red Line was gone, or at least opened up significantly. If the Red Line is the reason for the messed up currents, then that could on its own affect the blue seas which would in turn affect the Calm Belts which would in turn affect the Grand Line/New World which would in turn affect the entire world. 
If the world were, in fact, one piece, it would mean everyone would have an equal chance, it would mean power could be redistributed, and the people who felt banished to the sea floor could come back to the surface, and the people who fled to the moon or sky could return to land, and everyone would come to know each other and see that they all have meaning regardless of how they look or what they are. It would mean All Blue would happen, because now all the creatures of the sea could swim wherever they want, and a chef in the East Blue could, for the first time ever or perhaps hundreds or thousands of years, see naturally in the ocean a fish from the West Blue.
The Pirate King would be a king who ushered in a new world, a new nation comprised of the world nations as one, but being that he’s a pirate, he doesn’t want to rule it. So it would be a ruler who would let everyone rule on their own, without a governing agency telling everyone what to do and how to do it.
And through the creation of this sort of ‘one piece’ it would, in turn, fulfill the dreams of everyone in the Straw Hats:
Luffy: to be the Pirate King, not because he wants power, but because he wants to be the most free - now he is free to go on any adventure, anywhere, any time he wants
Zoro: to be the strongest/greatest swordsman in the world - now, he can easily travel the world to seek out opponents and rivals and maybe even proteges
Nami: to make a map of the world - now, because it’s all open, she can easily navigate everywhere and create the most complete 
Usopp: to become a brave warrior of the sea - there would be no braver warriors of the sea than those who reunited all the seas into one
Sanji: to find All Blue - now, with the world opened to all the oceans, All Blue is everywhere; literally All of the Blues of East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, and South Blue
Chopper: to become a panacea, a doctor that can cure any disease - now he can go anywhere in the world, learn all of the medicine and healing advice from all of the cultures, and he can collect all that knowledge in order to use it to save everyone
Robin: to learn the true history of the world - the process of getting to the point where the world becomes one would likely inherently include learning what happened in the Void Century, but even if it didn’t she could now go anywhere, learn anything, talk to anyone, to learn even more
Franky: to create his dream ship - which he sort of already has done, in Thousand Sunny, but for it truly to be his dream ship he wants to see it around the world, through all these adventures, in all these contexts, and in the process of making the world one, he would do just that. And afterward? He would have that much more world to explore on his ship.
Brook: to navigate the world and return back to Laboon, so he knows he wasn’t abandoned by the crew all those decades ago. They would likely make it back to Reverse Mountain anyway through the process of all of this - because if indeed attacking the Red Line is part of what frees the world then that’s the natural next stop - but even without that, if the Red Line is no longer a barrier, then Brook and Laboon won’t be stuck on either side of the world from each other, and they can reunite anywhere.
Jimbei/Jinbe: TECHNICALLY not a straw hat at the moment, and so therefore we don’t technically know what his dream would be, but based on what we know of him he seems to wish for the fishpeople and merpeople to be free of oppression, to have better relations with humans/their like, and just generally for everyone to be safe. This could happen, with the world as one.
You could get into others at this point - 
-Dragon and the Revolutionary Army want a revolution, primarily to wrench control away from the World Government which they seem as corrupt and oppressive (this dream would be met if the World Govt falls or loses its stranglehold on power). 
-Coby, Smoker, Fujitora, formerly Kuzan and Garp, and all of the other Marines who see justice as something other than the justice the WG has been enforcing would see a more just justice come to play if the WG is no longer the monopoly on power and world navigation, and if everyone who joins the Marines or WG are able to do so of their own volition, and can affect the nature of the organization through hard work and a genuine passion for helping others.
-Everyone who’s talked about the Will of D would see the ancient weapons of the D empire, Raftel’s great kingdom, come back to the world in a manner which allows the world to regain a sense of freedom it hasn’t had in hundreds or thousands of years
-Alabasta, Dressrosa, Fishman Island, and all the nations who want better relations with other countries, who want a more equal world, would see a greater chance of that coming about with the Tenryuubito and others at the very height of it no longer dictating for everyone else. Including the nations who represent that gathering of nations (as all those I listed do) but who feel their voices aren’t being heard.
-Everyone who wants adventure without near certain death, who wanted to race around the world on a ship but whose dreams were broken by the severity of the Grand Line/New World, would have another chance
-Even the Vinsmokes may have a chance to regain their kingdom, since what seemingly took it away was the World Government
And many more people from many more perspectives. Hell, even Big Mom’s dream of everyone sitting at the table would be sort of achieved through this, except she’s kind of crazy so idk that she’d see it that way since she’s taking her dream to be much more literal than figurative.
Basically, the main people who would lose out in this are the corrupt people using the segregation of the world to their advantage to control traffic flow and monopolize power.
I could go on... I have theories about what may be going on with Vegapunk and more, but my theories are less strong down that line. 
For now, I’ll leave it at this.
If anyone got this far, you probably already had all of these thoughts, too. If you did, I’d be curious to see if you have any other reasons for thinking all this which I didn’t mention. I didn’t go into everything for proof or evidence of why I think any of this, so it’s possible you’d be pointing to the same thing as me, but you may have noticed other things I didn’t - so it would be fun to compare :)
And if you hadn’t thought of any of this and you got this far, I’m curious what you think - if you think I’m tooooootally off, or if anything is interesting to you.
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