#I MEAN the name is self-explanatory but. nevertheless!
astrxealis · 5 months
got myself in a new fandom-related wholeass hole (i am Doomed)
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arathenerd · 1 year
✨Fanfic soulmate AU idea for Merthur✨
Hi, hey, hello.
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So. Here’s the thing: this idea has been literally living in my mind rent free and it has developed into a sort of monster idea at this rate. I NEED this thing out so maybe someone actually competent at writing can pick it up and make me very very happy. So. So. So. I’m gonna divide this post in three parts to make it more understandable and all that, starting with the world building.
World building 🌎
I know what you are thinking. “Oh, soulmate au, must be very straightforward and boring” NO MY FRIEND.
Usually, in a soulmate au, a superior divine power (be it a god, the universe, or whatever) chooses the characters partners without their intervention. In this world, the characters are the ones who choose their soulmate.
“What?” Yeah. Hear me out.
In this world magic not only exists, but it’s also widely accepted and integrated in society. That includes practices such as marriage, which can be accomplished in three different ways.
Your usual magicless ceremony, though in this world is not as popular as,
Emotional-bonding ceremony. Pretty self explanatory, I think, but nevertheless, is about bonding emotionally with your partner, which means people can feel what the other is feeling. Is believed that this bond allows for a deeper connection in the relationship. And then there’s the most rare one,
The soul-bond ceremony. Like I said, extremely rare. This is mostly because of a series of different reasons, but is also considered the most important marriage bond you could ever have, if you do, and is widely romanticized. Soul-bonded pairs, because of this, are deeply respected, to the point that separating them is considered a grave violation.
Some of the reasons why soul-bondings are extremely rare:
a. It doesn’t work for everyone. What I mean with this, is that just being in love with someone isn’t enough. The soul bond requires not only a deep mutual understanding, but a love that transcends the body. In a matter of speaking, your soul has to be in love with the other person's soul.
b. It’s not enough if you do happen to love that person that way, but the same kind of love it’s not returned. It needs to be mutual.
c. It cannot be forced. You can’t make an arranged marriage with a soul-bonding ceremony. If the people involved aren’t willing and don’t feel like that, the magic simply won’t take. And finally,
d. Not that many go for it? I mean, the prospect of a soul bond is daunting as it is but on top of that, this ceremony is not as simple as that. As the name itself tells you, this is a soul-bonding ceremony. You are literally uniting your souls. That’s not only permanent, my friend, it will also transcend your mortal life and bleed into the next. Do you have any idea how desperately and profoundly in love you have to be to go for it? Yeah, exactly.
As you probably noticed, yes, this is where the chosen soulmate thing comes into play 😏.
Reincarnation exists in this world, but mostly, people can never know if they are reincarnations or new souls… unless, of course, the had a soul-bond from a past life.
People really don’t get flashbacks or memories if they do happen to be reincarnations, soulmate or not. There’s no such thing as a soulmark but the universe does have its ways to push people that are supposed to be close together.
You know when you are about to go on a trip, add all these thing to your baggage, and feel like you have everything you need, except… no. Not quite so. There’s something missing. You turn around your room, even search the bathroom, but for the life of you, you can’t figure it out. The feeling it’s maddening, anxiety inducing, really. What is missing?
And then, you can’t wait anymore and need to leave, so you do. You get to your hotel, and, while unpacking, it hits you. Suddenly you know exactly what you left behind and, yes, it turns out to be something you very much need.
That feeling, that nagging at the back of your brain, it’s how it feels to be reborn soul-bonded. Not that people can recognize it easily. Besides that, there’s the hunches. Sudden strong feelings that say “yeah, if I do this, if I go down this path, I’ll get closer to finding this thing I need, even if I don’t know what it is yet”. It’s slow working, but people always get there. Eventually. It only takes one look for your soul to sing in recognition.
Also, just because they are soulmates doesn’t mean they immediately fall in love. They are still strangers to each other. It’s more like, meeting someone and having the perfect comfort that if you work for it, give it your all, you will find a love like no other at the other side.
Engagements are also done with magic, usually. The practice is as sort of more formal promise, because once a person is magically engaged to another, any magic done in a ceremony (marriage) that isn’t done with the person you are engaged with simply won’t take.
Not only that, but if you happen to already be married (either with an emotional bond or a soul bond) and try to get engaged, the magic won’t take either. This means that if you are a reincarnated soul with a soulmate, you might find something new about yourself at your engagement ceremony lol.
Unless you happen to do a magicless ceremony I guess, but like I said, it’s really not the preferred thing.
Arthur in this AU 👑
After laying down the basics, who’s Arthur in this AU, within my head?
He’s the crown prince of a kingdom (it can be Britain if you wish, or a modern Camelot, idk, it really doesn’t matter) and he’s about to go through his engagement ceremony. *gasps*
Is an arranged marriage, of course. If you write this, you can choose whoever you like to be the woman at the other side, but either way it’s not gonna last.
Arthur, of course, isn’t happy about it but knows this is his duty and all. Never mind the constant feeling that he’s doing something he really shouldn’t be doing, or the feeling of guilt he doesn’t understand.
The ceremony is a public affair. Nobility, high society and royalty are all there to witness the event as expected, including journalists to document the event. Then the ceremony begins, Gaius, the Court Sorcerer to King Uther, doing the spell casting. Except, it doesn’t take.
The guests, who had been silently expectant, suddenly start quietly murmuring. What’s happening?
Uther frowns, going to Gaius, wanting an explanation. Calmly, Gaius tells him that the engagement won’t be possible, since the magic bounced against Arthur. The murmuring gets louder. Is the prince already engaged? Married? Oh, my!
Uther turns to his son, red in the face, screaming “what have you done?!” But Arthur is just as confused as everyone else. He says as much.
Gaius intervenes, telling the king there’s no point in being mad at Arthur, since the soul bond was clearly done in a past life.
Now people are really going nuts with this. Soul bond? It’s rare of course, but do you have any idea how many centuries it has been since a noble, let alone a royal, was soul-bonded? Let alone the crown prince?
Arthur can feel his heart beat out of his chest.
This is pretty much the only clear scene I have in my head, so, yeah. I also played with the idea of having a sort of soul-tracking spell that lets you see who’s at the other side of the soul bond as if it was tv and make everyone look at Merlin and realize it’s him but I wouldn’t know how to make it work. If you can, I might kiss you.
Merlin in this AU 🧔🏻🪄
So, you probably noticed Gaius being Court Sorcerer to king Uther there, didn’t you. It will be relevant here.
Court Sorcerers and monarchs in this world work as a team. Usually, when a new king is crowned, a new court sorcerer will be named, and this sorcerer will be the most powerful one of the same generation as the will-be-king. Sometimes, they'll meet before the kingship, sometimes after. There aren’t really any hard rules about that.
The new Court Sorcerer prospect is not obliged to say yes, but it is considered a high honor. Not that Merlin in particular wanted to.
Merlin is not only the most powerful of his generation, but also the most powerful to be born in centuries. This is not surprising, since it doesn’t matter if he’s reincarnated or not, Merlin is always going to be the most powerful one. But I digress.
He was found by Gaius, when he was 17, barely getting out of school. He explained the process: he would go trough training, and when the time came, he’ll take his place.
Merlin really wanted to say no. He almost did, but something stopped him. A hunch, a feeling that, maybe, just maybe, saying yes would be worth it. The feeling was strong enough for him to doubt his original stance, and then, to yield.
And so, the man would spend years under Gaius’s tutelage on all things magic and royal customs and etiquette, these days being closer to his thirties (somewhere between 25 and 29 years old). And everything would be perfectly fine if he hadn’t had the most curious dream.
You see, I said that people usually don’t remember their past lives but Merlin is a bit different. He’s pretty sure this was a past life.
In the memory, he’s running through the woods. He runs, runs, runs, feeling the heartbreak, the pain, the tears running down his face.
Modern Merlin doesn’t know it, but his past self would dare to soul bond with prince Arthur of Camelot, even knowing he wasn’t his to have. They did it because they wanted something only theirs, for once. Something no one could take away. But, as was usual when it came to duty, prince Arthur would be forced to marry eventually. And that day was that day.
So Merlin runs. Eventually, he reaches a hidden stone cellar, abandoned a while ago. He goes in it, burying the precious item within. He buries it because he knows no one must ever find it. The gods only know what would happen if the nobles or, gods forbid, the king figured out what they’ve done. So he buries his dreams and hopes, protects them with magic so they are not eroded and damaged by the earth, enchants the cellar so it doesn’t fall apart on top of it, no matter how much time passes.
A sudden fear paralyzes him. What if he tried to recover it and didn’t find it? No. That wasn’t an option. He was being a fool, he knew. He would never get the item back. But just in case, he needed to make sure that he could.
And so, the Merlin of the past didn’t know it, but, the spell might have worked too well. The point was to brand the location in his brain, but he’s so desperate, so scared, he doesn’t realize he branded it in his soul.
Modern Merlin wonders at this memory, wonders at the sudden necessity to go look for the item. But the thing isn’t there anymore, is it? It probably never was. It was just a dream.
And yet, before he knows it, he’s already looking, something he can’t name driving him forward. He feels ridiculous, set for disappointment, but he can’t stop. He walks as if he knows where he’s going.
His heart stops when he sees the beat down entrance of the cellar. It goes up to his throat when he goes without stopping to the specific place the item was hidden. He chokes on it when he knows not only where it is, but how deep it was buried.
And then, it’s in his hand.
The ring is simple, but beautiful. A gold band with elegant Celtic runes. Merlin looks at it, fascinated. He can feel the magic embedded in it. Soul-bonding magic.
He gasps. It is believed that touching a soul-bonding item that’s not yours is bad luck, but he has the all encompassing feeling that this ring is his.
Now, within the library he seats with Will and tries to pretend there isn’t a necklace around his neck with a ring hanging from it, hidden under his clothes.
Finishing thoughts 💭
If you write this in a slow burn, longish fic, with angst but also mostly softness and drama from an external threat I would love you forever. Bonus points if you use third pov, specially with the media. I love when that’s included with characters that are supposed to be public. I mean, people gushing about the fairy tale with prince Arthur on twitter? Newspapers documenting what’s happening? Yes please. External pov is the best.
Super extra points if you write it without miscommunication being the center of the angst and the fic. Forget kissing you, I would soul bond with you.
Anyway that’s it. It’s pretty long, but hopefully someone feels as excited as I do about this AU and picks it up. If you do, don’t forget to leave the link in the comments ❤️.
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groupalpha · 1 year
I would ask more about how the swan divers attack, but I think that is self explanatory, given their name. This might be a good opportunity to tell you about my kind’s biology, if you could call it that.
We are mostly mechanical creatures that seem to have been made for hunting, or maybe guarding, given how most of the local creatures, even some of the peaceful ones, don’t take kindly to our existence. We have a single, electrical, green eye that is a strong light which we don’t actually use for sight, we instead use it to get rid of excess electricity so we don’t overheat, however, we can turn it off and, if we do, we are able to run extremely quickly and jump extremely far and high at the cost of a high chance to overheat if used for too long or too often. We also have built in radio transmitters and receivers which allow us to communicate with each other from far distances, which might have originally been used to set up ambushes on creatures if we were hunting, or to alert each other about intruders is we were guarding. I would tell you more but I think that is enough information for the time being*.
(*What I mean by that is this ask is already far too long.)
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EB: I see! Good way to have an effective use of skill, as well as the communication. I assume it's similar to orange lizards perhaps? Nevertheless, it's quite the skill, and quite interesting to say. Thank you for telling me!
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interact-if · 2 years
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Day 3 of our Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Featured Author Interviews, continuing with Nacre!
Nacre, Author of Joint Venture.
Five years have passed since Eric died in the hands of the Agency. All this time you’ve been on the run with your brother’s murderers on your heels. One day, during a mission on your own, you meet some mysterious strangers who intervene with your plans. Although they turn out to be old friends with your brother, you’re not sure whether you can trust them. Nevertheless you share the same goal: earning back your freedom by taking down the Agency. You play as an ex-agent trying to solve the murder of your brother while you are hiding from your former employers who, unfortunately, want to see you dead too.
Read more about Joint Venture here. Play the Demo here. Tags: Crime, spy-fi, romance, action, conspiracy, bromance
Nacre is also the author of Morning Star, a dark fantasy game where you play as Lucifer. You can play that demo here.
Q1. Hello! Could you tell us a little bit about to yourself and your project?
I’m nacre (she/her), an aro girl with both Mongolian and Turkish descent and the writer of “Joint Venture'' and “Morning Star'' (and a third project, but it’s still veery early in development). The one I started writing first was Joint Venture, even long before I knew what interactive fiction was, so it will always have a special place in my heart. The project itself and the story (and a bunch of other things related to it) shifted a lot over time and I’m still unsure what to call it exactly, but for simplicity's sake: it’s an espionage thriller with sci-fi elements, set in an unspecified country very similar to the USA. The MC used to work in a secret facility founded by the government until their brother was murdered and their own life was threatened by the incident too; though they don’t know what the incident actually is. Now they are on the run and spend their days trying to survive. One day, they meet a bunch of people who are more or less in the same situation as them and they decide to work together. I know, I’m not particularly good at making things sound interesting or at times even understandable, but yeah…that’s the WiP in a nutshell!
Q2. What inspired your current project?
Apart from gaining personal satisfaction by making badass OCs, I dig conspiracy theories and spy-fi (who would’ve thought?). I’ve drawn inspiration from a lot of things, some even seemingly unrelated stuff, but the most impact definitely had movies when it comes to JV. To name a few: Salt, Red Sparrow, The Tourist (positive) and Mission Impossible, Liam Neeson and Jason Statham movies in general (negative) stuck with me the most for different reasons. Positive is self-explanatory, I think, but when I say negative, I don’t mean the movies themselves are bad; it’s just that I’m over-analyzing everything and don’t let others enjoy movies by pointing out all of the flaws. Like that’s impossible, even if the title literally says “Mission Impossible” and then they do it (bruh). And it made me want to write something myself, something that wasn’t so ridiculously absurd. Like, ok, not do-able for you and me, but imagine someone trained for it their whole life? Yes. Not that my own story will be flawless, no, no, far be it from being that, but well, what can I say, I’m an entitled hypocrite lol.
Q3. Do you pull from your own identity for inspiration? How has that been reflected in your work?
This question made me think a lot, because I don’t even know what exactly my identity is. People like me, who grew up in a different country as their parents did (and in my case they did in a different country than their ancestorsdid) don’t really belong to anywhere, always floating somewhere in-between the many cultures, religions, beliefs and ethnicities with which they are supposed to resonate. So, whatever my identity may be, in the end I’m an individual with my own opinions, values and beliefs and that definitely shows in my writing.
Q4. What are you most excited about your project?
Everything, really. I’m super excited about being able to share my story in general and everything I add makes me feel so accomplished; it’s surreal. Every piece I write and you guys read and eventually make a comment about, be it a major plot revelation or some small detail that only one of you caught; it’s all making me incredibly happy and spurting me on to do more.
Of course there are moments in my stories where I put more effort in writing because I want them to feel special and I think these moments are especially the developments of the different relationships between characters; be it the MC and a RO or them among themselves. People are so complex and so are their relationships and I want the readers to explore all kinds of dynamics.
Q5. What has your experience writing an IF and with the IF community been like?
I’m not interacting much with the community tbh, since I’m barely active on any kind of social media other than Tumblr and even that is pretty scarce. I’m also shy when it comes to the internet (don’t ask me why, I’m just an awkward lurker, leave me alone). But of course there are lots of people I like, admire and who inspire me and I want to thank all the creators for their investment in this community. It’s only thanks to them that I myself was able to learn coding and build the courage to make my own IFs.
As for writing: it’s hard, but coding is harder, RIP. Seriously, all these commands and what not are at times so confusing; like my brain refuses to process any thoughts whenever I am met with a coding example. I always need a minute to take a deep breath and relax before I understand what’s in front of me. And writing can be difficult too, because there are just some points in life where you have a complete block and it won’t go away. And it’s not something you can actively make go away either, so there’s that.
But apart from that, I write for fun and I’m adamant on keeping it that way. That basically means that I’ll stop the moment I feel it stressing me out, because I don’t want it to be a bad experience. Sending out an apology to all my readers btw, because my stories will most likely take at least a century to finish (love yall <3).
Q6. What changes in the IF community would you like to see?
Ehhh, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t really see problems unless I’m directly confronted with them. Ask again, when I’m complaining (don’t worry I do that very often).
Q7. What piece of advice would you give to fellow creators?
Only one (it’s a good one I promise): Whatever you do, do it for yourself. Seriously, the only person you owe an explanation to is you.
So write what you like, however you like it and most importantly, do it at your own pace! And if you don’t like an idea anymore, be it after 10 or 100.000 words- just scrap it. Don’t throw it away completely, because you might use it for other things or bring it back again, but if you don’t like it no one can force you to continue. So, like I said, do what you want and if it’s starting another story in addition to your 500 existing ones, go for it.There’s no stopping creative minds and inspiration, just let it flow~
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cherry-lipbalm · 3 years
double trouble. spencer reid.
4.8k words.
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where y/n pulls the short straw and has to double up with spencer.
There is a chart within the BAU: a solid, concise graph that portrays, arguably the most, vital information within the FBI. Intricately designed, Garcia and Y/N had managed to construct a comprehensible guide to who in the team was the most pleasant to share a room with. At first it was a joke, originated from a slow day of nothing but paperwork Y/N had spent in Garcia's lair. Conversations arose, and soon after so did the chart.
It's built up on categories such as conversation, tidiness, sleeping conditions and even hygiene. There are ten available points per category, and Emily loses said ten points for sleeping conditions because her snores can be heard from China. The points are the basis of the game, essential in order to rank the team individually and compile them into a list of favourability. Spencer is at the bottom of that list.
"I don't get it, I'm a delight," Spencer argued, strolling alongside Morgan up the small flight of stairs to the BAU room. Another case had forced them to prepare for the jet in 30 minutes, but Hotch and the rest of the team had very different perspectives on preparation. Especially after what he said when they entered the room.
"Okay, before we start you should know I called ahead to book a hotel and they had limited rooms. We all have one but you're going to have to double up."
Y/N had never seen an American Western movie before, but she imagined that the cliché standoff looked a lot like what happened in the BAU room subsequent to that announcement. Those that had been sitting launched to their feet, uncaring to the chairs rolling free behind them. If someone was holding something it dropped onto the table, or even the floor. Communication faltered, and all anyone dared to do was stare at each other.
When Hotch looked up from his file, he had to do a double take because of the drastic change in atmosphere. His team were all standing metres apart; Y/N had a hand over her gun.
"I think we all know what this calls for," she said.
"Get it," Morgan gestured to the back of the room. Y/N's movement caused a surge of motion as everyone sat at the table attentively. Hotch tried to turn the attention back to the screen with the crime scene photos, but even JJ was more focused on the whiteboard rolling into the room.
Y/N stood by it's side, and on her way forced Hotch into a seat. She grabbed the top corner and flipped it over to reveal the coloured array of pie charts, bullet-points and bar charts.
"I still don't see why this is necessary," Spencer whined from the back of the room.
"I don't see why you've obviously spent more time and effort on this than any of your cases," Hotch added.
"Okay, you two are just jealous because you're at the bottom of the list," Y/N snarked, then addressed the team. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today, in holy matrimony, to judge your fellow coworkers and deem who is the least likeable. Spoiler alert: it's Spencer."
At this, the aforementioned agent threw his pen directly at Y/N's head. She shrieked, then turned to him with a glare as she tried to untangle it from her hair. He laughed wholeheartedly, and the team snickered not only at Spencer's attack but the way they were so obviously and obliviously in love with each other.
"This chart makes no sense! I mean, how do I only have five points for hygiene? We all know I'm the cleanest out of everyone here."
"I agree with you Spencer," Y/N said, "your hygiene is at a ten point standard but unfortunately people don’t want to compete with said ten point standard, so that loses you five points, gorgeous.”
Spencer didn't reply (only sulked into his seat), half because he's shocked by the injustice of the chart and the other half because he's shocked Y/N just called him gorgeous.
"Alright! The hat, please," She exclaimed, enticing Spencer from his trance. Garcia presented the fedora over the table, and Y/N began talking immediately when she saw Hotch's mouth open in objection because were they really using the fedora from the unsub they caught last week?
Only four people took turns in picking names out of the hat; ever since in incident in '04 where lack of coordination made for everyone picking a name of someone who had already picked someone else. It resulted in a few brawls when Morgan wouldn't budge from his choice of Garcia even though his name had been pulled by Reid.
It never took them long to pick names out of desperation, considering the name-picking determined how the next 24 + hours were going to go. So when Y/N picked out Spencer's name, no one blamed her when she practically collapsed to the floor.
"That's karma," Spencer said upon her unraveling.
"I thought you didn't believe in karma," she sneered, stomping back onto her feet.
"In situations like these it seems to be the only viable explanation."
Y/N just rolled her eyes at him on her way out of the room, muttering under her breath that she'll be briefed when she's aboard, because she needed a moment alone for a pep-talk on how murdering your colleague apparently isn't socially acceptable.
On her way out, faintly in the background, Morgan caught sight of Emily and JJ fist-bumping victoriously, and realised that Y/N's demise more than certainly involved some foul play. Oh well, he thought, it'll make for good entertainment.
"Science shows us that we feel more personally connected with people who have similar postures, vocal rhythms, facial expressions and even eye blinking. If you consciously sync these factors your brain activity could follow, resulting in what many people call 'clicking' wi-"
"I cannot believe you asked me why you lost seven points for conversation and then followed with that."
"What? What's wrong with science?"
"Oh, Spence, you're so gorgeous but so oblivious," Y/N sighed, exhausted from a mixture of jet lag and Spencer's enthusiastic take on the science of conversation. They had only just stepped foot in the room, and she was already drained from the mere thought of having to bunk with him for the next however many hours.
Y/N is quick to throw her things down as soon as they enter the room. She dumps her suitcase by the door and launches a few more things on the cabinets around her, then tries to ignore Spencer's sounds of distaste as she does this. She's frankly too tired to care, and jumps onto the bed without thinking; she's so enervated she doesn't even realise there's only the one bed.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" Spencer suddenly asks despite the silence that passed and the obvious fact that Y/N is trying to get some shut eye.
All he receives is an incomprehensible mumble from under the pillows, but he takes it as a response anyway.
"Why do you keep, uh, keep calling me 'gorgeous' I mean, I'm not, uh..." he stammers, fidgeting with the room key in his hands while he stands in front of the wardrobe to make it seem like he's doing something and doesn't care as much as he does.
"I'd say it's pretty self explanatory."
He senses the fatigue in her voice, so just leaves it with a shrug of his shoulders and a content smile, then goes to organising his array of sweater vests onto the hangers. When he's done with this, he turns around to make himself a coffee; taking a different approach to the jet lag than Y/N.
At the thought of her, he looks up to see her sprawled out across the bed. She's clutching onto a pillow and seems so relaxed that Spencer has to look away for a moment because he's more than certain he shouldn't be seeing a coworker like this. Nevertheless, he smiles upon her peaceful ambience, and hopes the boiling kettle doesn't disturb her too much.
When it's done brewing, Spencer sips the coffee cautiously and strides over to a small chair in the corner of the room. Here, Y/N's slumped figure is directly in his view, so he can't help but see her so casually on the bed. Wait, the bed... oh shit.
He knows that the chances of him getting the bed are slim. For one, Y/N's pretty much already claimed that territory, and, even if she hadn't, Spencer knew she'd put up one hell of a fight for it. He only hoped there were some extra blankets and pillows that could aid in making the floor at least somewhat comfortable.
"So, uh, Rock Paper Scissors for the bed?" He asks, then slurps his coffee. His voice rouses Y/N for a moment, and he's sure she's dozed back off again until his words sink in and she turns around to him with bleary eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"One bed. Two people," he says nervously and gestures to the space between them.
And it takes Y/N a moment. She looks from Spencer to the bed, then stares at the pillows for a long while, then she looks at Spencer again, then the bed. Then, she lets out a blood-curdling cry so loud that Reid has to cover his ears.
"Why!" She screams, slamming her hands down on the mattress. Spencer can't help but laugh, snickering behind his hand which only infuriates Y/N more.
"Okay, okay!" He moves to calm her down when he can practically see the steam coming out of her ears, "rock paper scissors, come on."
"Oh, I don't want to do that, Spence," she whines.
"Why? 'Cause you know you'll lose?" With his patronisation he raises an eyebrow at her when he approaches the end of the bed, his fist already raised. His condescension makes Y/N irrefutably stubborn, and she knows he's doing it on purpose -because he always does- but she doesn't care when it means she has a chance to beat Spencer at something.
"Fine," she grumbles. She sweeps the hair from her face and sits up straight, shuffling to the end of the bed and letting her legs dangle down; they brush against Spencer's own and he clears his throat amid the contact.
The slap of her fist against her palm indicates the beginning of the game. Y/N knows that she's unlikely to win, because Spencer is bound to have calculated some sure-fire plan to succeed in every round of Rock Paper Scissors.
This is why, when Spencer pulls paper and she pulls scissors, she screams in delight.
"No," Spencer says bluntly, then demands, "best out of three."
"Oh no," she chuckles, "it's never been that way before, it isn't now, gorgeous."
Spencer throws his head back in a groan, kneeling on the floor in defeat. He stays there because he figures he ought to become acquainted with it.
When nighttime rolls around, Y/N is pretty excited. She's already texted the BAU group chat a record seventeen times about the matter, yet somehow the team hasn't gotten sick of it thus far, and may even be more exhilarated than she is. It's the one good thing to come out of sharing a room with Spencer: that she gets to watch him wiggle in discomfort on his makeshift bed of blankets and pillows on the floor.
Except, when it comes down to it, it isn't that fun at all.
He's wriggling, yes, but it's doesn't exactly fulfil her with any satisfaction; if anything, it's just sad. He struggles to reach any form, never mind pinnacle, of relaxation, and Y/N actually feels pretty guilty at the subordination. So when the clock hits midnight and she's still hearing Spencer grunting when he hits a certain incessant bump in the carpet, she gives in and sits up.
Upon the sudden sound of bedsheets rustling, Spencer freezes because he thinks he's going to get shouted at, but it's the opposite that scares him even more.
"Do you want to get in bed?" Her voice sounds, the hush penetrating through the air.
Immediately Spencer rises; he wants nothing more than to take her up on her offer, but he is, unfortunately, chivalrous.
"No, no, it's okay," he whispers back, already delving back under his covers.
"Spencer. Just take the bed, I can't sleep with you tossing and turning," she says, hoping the complaint will cover up her caring behaviour.
"Be careful, Y/L/N, it almost sounds like you care."
"Shut up, do you want the bed or not?"
"I do but, unlike you, I'm actually a good person and wouldn't want to see you lying on the floor-"
"Uh, I'm offering you the bed, aren't I? That's gotta earn me some brownie points," she remarked, now having turned on a lamp. "Besides, if you're that bothered about it, we'll just share."
This makes Spencer stop: his torso is turned abnormally in his angle to see Y/N behind him, the blankets feebly draping across him show the Doctor Who shirt he's wearing, and his hair is a tousled mess that Y/N just knows will take him hours to fix in the morning. Well, that was tomorrow's problem, she contemplated, right now the issue lied in who, if either of them, was going to sleep on the floor.
"Uh, share? You.. uh, you really wanna do that?"
"As long as you don't snore, or kick; whats the harm?"
Spencer avoids dumping information about the harm of them sleeping together: how this kind of physical contact releases oxytocin, a chemical compound in the brain that exhibits feelings of empathy, trust, relaxation and even reduces anxiety. He saves her this because it's just past midnight and he doubts she wants to hear about the scientific risk of them growing to like each other.
"Oh, okay," he agrees instead. He clambers up from his pile of blankets and clutches a pillow to his chest while he stumbles over. Y/N shuffles to one side and pulls the duvet back, and he's more than happy to get under warm, comfy sheets.
"Let me just make something clear," Y/N says while Spencer adjusts into the pillows. He doesn't do this for long because one is snatched from under his head. When he moves to object, he sees it being planted next to his arm, creating a definite border between them.
"Your side, my side," Y/N says sternly, "that clear?"
It's around three am when Y/N stirs awake. At first she can't grasp what's roused her, but then she hears a noise, and assumes there's got to be some construction going on outside because what she hears is alike to the humming of machinery. When she gains a reasonable amount of consciousness, she realises the sound is a bit too close to home.
Her hand reaches out across the bed, and when she accidentally whacks Spencer on the chest, she worries she's awoken him, until the noise starts again and it's here she discovers it's coming from him.
Oh shit, she thinks, please don't tell me my co-worker is having a sex dream while I'm lying right next to him.
He isn't, but Y/N isn't sure the reality is any better.
The moaning sound he first emitted has progressed into some sort of panicked grunt, accompanied by occasional whines. Soon, his body is flinching away from an invisible force.
Y/N knows it's probably best to leave it, that if she wakes him up he might be too confused and scared, he'll be disoriented, but when he starts screaming, she doesn't have anything else to resort to.
"Spence, Spencer! Wake up, hey," she shakes him, and he's awake in seconds. Sitting up straight, Y/N sees him hitting things that aren't there; it's only when she turns the light on that he eventually calms down.
"I'm sorry," he croaks immediately. Then his head is in his hands as he leans on his knees, and Y/N is overcome with a feeling completely foreign to her in regard to Spencer: empathy.
"Don't be, it-... it's okay," her voice takes a calm turn, and she even puts a hand on his back because anything that happens after three am is as good as forgotten anyway.
"You were right, I'm sorry," Spencer mutters. "This'll lose me ten points for sleeping conditions, huh?"
His attempt at cracking a joke does make Y/N smile, but even he can tell it's one of pity.
"Don't be silly. Do you want to, uh, talk about it?"
"I just wanna sleep," he sighs, and falls back into the pillows. Y/N creases her brows in sympathy, then lies down next to him; she stares at the ceiling for a while, and the steadying of Spencer's breathing makes her think he fell asleep a while ago, so she leans to turn off the lamp before his voice breaks the silence.
"Can you keep the light on?"
His sudden ask makes Y/N jump, but she steadies under the softness of Spencer's voice. When she turns to him his eyes are barely open, but he can see the benevolent smile she's giving him; something he rarely sees from Y/N.
"Of course," she says, then lies back down into the indent she's made in the bed.
"Thanks," he replies, and Y/N notices this is the least she's ever heard Spencer talk.
"You know," she starts, "it's not silly to be afraid of the dark; it's basic human instinct. I mean, it's evolution: humans have a... a tendency to be afraid of the dark, our visual sense vanishes and we can't detect anything around us. It's primal instinct, or... something, I guess."
At the end of her ramble, she's afraid she's sent Spencer to sleep, because he's gone uncharacteristically placid, but -yet again- he surprises her.
"Now who's losing points for conversation?"
Y/N's laugh after this is so hearty and genuine that Spencer can't help but smile, grin even. His chest rumbles with a chuckle, and Y/N feels the mattress shake under their collaboration of laughter, when it dies down they're both still beaming.
"Maybe I've been hanging around you too much," she declares. It's a jab, but her cheek rests against the pillow when she turns her head to him because her smile is so wide, and Spencer reciprocates; the act is unfamiliar to the pair, but warming nonetheless.
When it goes silent, Y/N doesn't expect to sleep at all. The Pavlov affect of the light being on tricks her brain into thinking she should be wide awake (something she learnt from Spencer), so she lies there patiently; hands intertwined resting on her chest. She twiddles her thumbs, almost as if she's waiting for something to happen.
"I'm sorry you have nightmares," she mutters.
Spencer's eyes flutter open, and she goes to make another apology, this time for waking him, but he clears his throat so she lets him take the lead.
"S'Not your fault, I just, I don't know. I get these dreams, these weird dreams - ever since I was a kid. I guess they just... developed into nightmares since I joined the BAU," he mumbles. "We see some pretty bad stuff."
Y/N hums, "we do, don't we?"
Her speech doesn't warrant a response, so Spencer just smiles again and they both silently call it a night. Reid is asleep in seconds, which Y/N finds admirable, while she stays still for a while. The way the orange light is bouncing off Spencer's physique makes him look like he's centre stage of an oil painting. The detail she's gaining of his pores and his eyelashes from being so close to him is both daunting and beautiful at the same time. His resting body reminds her of the pieces on display in an art exhibit Spencer dragged her along to one day last autumn. She wonders if he took anyone else to that exhibit, and hopes he didn't.
She soundlessly admires the rise of his chest: the melody of his breathing amid the chagrin of an occasional nose whistle. His hair, once a foreseeable inconvenience, is now an abundance of, what Y/N can only describe as, natural radiance; it's all curls and frizz and length that she's begged him to never lay a hand on. She can't help but run a hand through it. When she does, it's a lot softer than she expected and makes her think, wow I've really got to find out what conditioner he is using while she's untangling any knots she comes across. It only results in more frizz but he'll gel it back with product in the morning (much to Y/N's disappointment).
The noise he exudes when Y/N scratches his scalp makes her heart melt immediately. It is the sound of innocence wrapped up in a ball of revere, the way it comes from his chest and catches in the back of his throat in a small, naive whine. Then he subconsciously curls into her hold and is practically purring when she continues to scrape her fingernails gently across his head.
The ambivalence of it all is what makes Y/N stop. Spencer Reid isn't the kind of guy she ever anticipated to have a crush on. He didn't fit into the pattern of her list of exes, not even one feature of him came close to anything of her usual type. Where she'd normally be taken to movies and dinners, Spencer ventured with her to museums, public symposiums, art exhibits. Y/N can't resist fondly reminiscing on a library trip they took last week that resulted in them checking out each of their favourite books for one another. And while, on paper, this was romantic and harmonious, they were strictly platonic. Barely that; they took the piss out of each other at every opportunity, not even always as a joke. Y/N had collapsed in sorrow when she pulled his name out of the hat.
But the smile on Spencer's face... his serene expression and soft hair makes Y/N's knees weak for a totally different reason. And she figures this feeling trumps whatever feigned resentment she has been portraying over the years.
Fine, she thought, stubborn as always when it came to Spencer, I'll tell him when he wakes up. She began to bask in the peace that came before whatever storm could potentially riot tomorrow when she told Spencer how she felt. She guessed she had at least a few hours to relish in their friendship and the love they had built.
She guessed wrong.
Spencer's eyes were fluttering open before Y/N had even began conjuring up what she was going to say. Unfortunately, when she made a plan she stuck to it; she was beginning to see why her stubbornness could be such an unattractive quality.
Spencer squinted harshly with the light, and the first thing he managed to see clearly was the discreet panic in Y/N's eyes. He took a quick survey of the room to eliminate what visible factors that could reason her alarm; when he ruled out any unsub with a gun to her head, he relaxed.
Rubbing his eyes, he looked to the window, and it didn't seem to be daylight yet.
"Haven't you been to sleep?" He asked, more than prepared to educate her in the necessities of getting a good night's rest.
"Not yet. You've only been out a few minutes," she said softly, retracting her hand from his locks. Here, Spencer realised he didn't like the feeling of Y/N's absence.
"Oh," he hummed, "I was dreaming. I think Darth Vader was there..."
Y/N chuckled lightheartedly, "of course he was."
Spencer seemed willing to remain awake, but time was limited and Y/N wasn't sure when he'd be dozing off again. So, she made her move.
"Listen, I wasn't going to say anything until morning but, you're awake so I may as well tell you now..."
He's visibly intrigued; with a quirked eyebrow and digging the knuckle-joint of his finger in a rubbing motion in the corner of his eye to try and gain some sense of vivacity. Still, all he can respond with is a drone.
"And I don't want this to, I don't know, freak you out? Or to make anything awkward, so if it does, we can just... pretend this never happened, okay? I mean it."
This manages to obtain Y/N the attention she needs, because, without delay, Spencer has both eyes open and his eyebrows are knitted together in mostly concern. Now, with his eager expression, Y/N wishes he had stayed nonchalant.
"What's wrong?"
"I just... I guess. I mean, I like you? I think? I know, really. I just - you're not like any other guy, and I like that, that's a good thing! I mean, what other guy knows how to build a rocket and make a coin appear behind your ear?"
Spencer chuckles, and his eyes are wide and bright like he's been suddenly granted passage to a whole new world. Mouth agape with wonder, he's like a child being told he can finally play on the big-kid swings: buzzing with excitement and anticipation, just like said rockets he launches and gets in trouble with Hotch for.
"You mean like this?" He asks and leans forward to brandish a dime from behind Y/N's earlobe.
"Okay, like, who does that!" She screeches way too loudly for three am. When she clasps a hand over her mouth Spencer chortles and slowly removes her grasp. He's timid, so initially only presses a chaste kiss to her knuckles, then feels the ambience in the room shift; suddenly everything has devolved from blushing antics and stumbles of words to serenity in a matter of seconds.  
Spencer's pecks adhere to Y/N's hands, lingering on the skin of her knuckles and occasionally peppering to her palms. It isn't until a few kisses later that he brings himself to move closer, and even here his courage only brings him to her cheek.
When the corner of his lips press lustfully upon her face, Y/N doesn't hesitate in turning her head ever so slightly. His lips part, and he breaks away to glance at her and make sure this isn't all one big misunderstanding. But her gaze is matched to his mouth, and soon her lips. In a fumble to close the (already compact) space between them, the kiss they share is warm and breathy, it's passionate and lewd, especially with the arrangement in which Spencer places his hands: cupping one side of her face and the placing the other at her neck so he can rest his fingertips in the hold atop Y/N's spine.
Wherever his fingers touch leaves a trail of goosebumps which Y/N hopes never diminish; she wants every piece of evidence she can muster of Spencer's caresses, however this changes when Spencer's lips begin on the formidable task of her neck.
"Stop," she pants, and the hands that had inevitably reached his hair again are now pushing slightly on his shoulders. Her request makes Spencer drop his hands immediately.
"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"
"No, you didn't. It was nice. I just, I don't want everyone to see," she gestured to the red patch that had already formed above her clavicle where Spencer had only been nibbling a moment prior.
"Right, yeah," he breathed. A giddy smile forced its way onto his face when he looked at the way Y/N's lips had reddened and become swollen, especially her bottom (now essentially permanent) pout originated from the persistence of Spencer's tendency to drag his teeth along her lip and enclose it in a bite.
"You know, I predicted this would happen. Scientifically, people are a lot more likely to be attracted to one another after sleeping together. Subconsciously, we feel more capable in our ability to trust that person because we've been so vulnerable and open in a compromising position. The oxytocin we get from sharing physical contact like that is the same we produce in an orgasm."
"Oh," Y/N squeaked, while Spencer lay there with a proud smile on his face, not really registering the effect he'd had on her by using the word 'orgasm'.
"Oxytocin is heavily released during kissing too, so... I guess we're pretty bonded."
Y/N chuckled, smiling at his blushed cheeks. "I guess we are."
"It's, uh, it's actually also called the 'cuddle hormone' because it's primarily recognised as being released during hugging.”
"And that's your way of asking me if I want to cuddle?"
Spencer's smile was unmissable: shifting nervously between tight-lipped and beaming wide, his eyes were the only part of his countenance that stilled; locked on Y/N.
"Yes, I, uh, I believe it is."
She tried to suppress her grin, but it was no use.
"Big spoon or little spoon?" She asked.
"Oh, little spoon... obviously."
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michelemoutons · 3 years
and at last, the post that maybe three people maximum have been waiting for...
em's comfort retro rally videos: a masterlist!
in a much-needed return to this blog's roots, and as an antidote to all motorsport- and life-related chaos, i now present to you: the first edition of em's favorite retro rally videos!
general disclaimer/info: these videos mainly come from the group B era of the world rally championship (wrc), which generally speaking was in the '80s. i am only human, so expect a lot of bias toward my personal favorites...which will become very apparent as you read this list hehe. also i'm not even gonna pretend to be an expert on this or anything. a lot of these are literally just based on Vibes
table of contents
i. my top 5 rally coverage videos
mainly coverage for television, recorded on VHS and uploaded to YouTube by some truly incredible people
ii. honorable mentions
not rally coverage, but retro rally videos nevertheless
often documentaries, mini-doc features, interviews
for all videos, i have indicated the language (most are in english fyi); if any links fail or videos disappear, send me an ask or DM and i'll remove the culprit/find an alternative link.
and now, onward!
(TW for occasional flash photography in many of the night sequences of the videos, as well as a gif included in this post)
i. my top 5 rally coverage videos
in which my bias toward audi sport, mouton/pons, mikkola, toivonen, and vatanen are put on blast for all to see 🥴 i am not an expert in anything i am just very good at research and a whore for aud—[SNIPED]. for the sake of brevity, i narrowed my favorites down to 5. maybe another time i will share all the rest!
also, a general note about the commentary: sometimes, the commentary around michèle and fabrizia can get... weird. keep in mind, they were the most prominent female team partnership around that time, and the first to nearly clinch a wrc wdc, and to modern ears, the commentators really didn't know how to act around them. personally, it wasn't horrible for me, i just ignored the weirder bits, but i understand if others might find it off-putting. also for the sake of your sanity don't read the comments.
5. Rally of the 1000 Lakes, 1984 | finland
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: vatanen/alén/toivonen (full final results)
comments: this was definitely a rally for most of audi sport's drivers to forget: bar stig blomqvist, who came quite close to the podium finishers with a 4:14:01 to henri toivonen's 4:12:57! both hannu mikkola and michèle mouton had to retire from the race, which may lead you to wonder: why does this rank among my favorites? well, it's always fun to watch group b rally cars sailing through the air against picturesque scenery, and this video also contains an intriguing (at least for me!) look at the scrutineering process, with drivers at their most casual.
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owie :( they were fine though!
4. Lombard RAC Rally, 1981 | britain
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: mikkola/vatanen/blomqvist (full final results)
comments: hannu winning by 11 whole minutes even after rolling his car in the middle of the forest is actual legend behavior! anyway this was michèle's first wrc outing in britain, and even though she and fabrizia had to retire, they still did quite well, consistently running high in the leaderboards after the first few stages. and that's considering the fact that michèle had a bad cold for much of the rally and had to ask fabrizia to drive the car to service park for her at one point bc she was so tired. which fabrizia did... with a pencil in her mouth. lot of big names in one video—also, jean todt makes an appearance as a co-driver!
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shamelessly poached off of one of my text post edits
3. Marlboro Safari Rally, 1983 | kenya
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: vatanen/mikkola/mouton (full final results)
comments: ok can i just say how stunning the video presentation is?? the opening sequence is just!!! the shots of the wildlife! the sprinting giraffes! wow! anyway the visual of drivers in deck chairs just tickles me for no reason, and michèle please tell me what you ask for at the hairdresser's and also where you got that orange blouse (this is obviously not just specific to this rally, she always eats and leaves no crumbs). this was michèle's first entry and only finish in kenya (and of course it was a podium mwah). it was also her last wrc entry in the A1 quattro, as she switched to the A2 for the rest of her program in the '83 season. also this is one of my favorite podium pictures ever.
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lksdjffnnkd there's almost too much to unpack... fabrizia somehow surviving in high waist jeans in a hot car... michèle's do-it-yourself shorts... this podium picture was the subject of a very frantic video chat conversation between myself and a friend at 2am a few months ago
2. Rallye de Portugal, 1982 | portugal
links: short recap (eng) | overall coverage 1, stuck in the middle of two other rallies. timestamps in descrip. (eng) | overall coverage 2, very vibey with cool music (ita... also peep walter röhrl speaking italian)
podium: mouton/eklund/wittmann (full final results)
comments: GOD I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH AAAA! michèle's first podium of '82 being a win? this rally being the one where there's footage of her going shopping with fabrizia afterward? (more on that later) them winning by 13 whole minutes? and that's not even considering THEE most poetic victory ceremony of all time! in fact let me talk about that bc the racing and the win aside, that's why it's so high up on my list! literally poetic cinema! it's night, they're standing on top of the car and floodlit and surrounded by cheering crowds but they may as well be the only ones there in their own little world, laughing at each other and barely even having to look to each other when they're raising their hands—like god! shut up! we get it you're besties 😭
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and now... last but certainly never least...
1. Lombard RAC Rally, 1982 | britain
link: overall coverage (eng)
podium: mikkola/mouton/toivonen (full final results)
comments: firstly, if you were to ask me about my dream podium, this would be it. hands down, across all series of motorsport, my comfort podium would be hannu, michèle, and henri in any order. (there's such a cute picture of them from this rally on pinterest, standing in order on a staircase. henri is not looking at the camera because he is laughing at something michèle is saying and it's such a Vibe but i cannot find it wah). the battle for second between michèle and henri ran down to literally the last stage, and their times are separated by seconds, which is just wild to me. the context of this rally deserves another post, which i honestly don’t have the energy to make rn, but just take my word for it that it threatens to destroy me if i think about it too hard! anyway this is just such an awesome rally and i’ve watched this video so many times haha
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i love this rally so much that i actually had a character in a story i was writing attend the ceremony captured in this picture as a small child and made it a formative moment in her life. no, there is nothing wrong with me.
ii. honorable mentions
(is it obvious who my faves are? yikes)
'Group B - Avec Michele Mouton' (eng) - taken from a longer feature presentation about group b, a segment specifically about michèle. a friend once described its vibes as ‘a synth wave edit of an 80s anime set in a cyberpunk world about racing’
'1983 Audi Sport National Rally with Michele Mouton' (eng) - in which michèle takes journalist sue baker as a co-driver for a spin in an A1 and a rally win. fun behind-the-scenes video
'Intervista a Fabrizia Pons, la Regina delle Note' 1, 2, 3 (ita) - very thorough interview which is mostly fabrizia telling all sorts of stories, including the very entertaining story of how she found out she was going to be michèle’s co-driver. also what a badass title
'2008 Otago International Classic Rally' (eng) - THE BESTIES REUNITE THE BESTIES REUNITE!!! michèle and fabrizia reunite for a rally that fabrizia convinced michèle to join, they suffer some problems but there are plenty of wholesome bestie moments to be had
'Michele Mouton hurls Group B Audi Quattro up Goodwood hill' (eng) - i mean, self explanatory. the sound of the chirping tires? asmr could never. very short watch if you want a quick pick-me-up
'1990 Louise Aitken-Walker feature' (eng) - a video featuring a female rally driver from scotland and her point-scoring run at the rallye monte -carlo. i am convinced that louise was john finnemore’s inspiration or at least an influence for the character of linda fairbairn. no my hat is not made of tin foil what are you talking about
hannu rocketing around michigan back in 2017 (eng)
hannu flying around goodwood in 2015 (eng)
sometimes i listen to fabrizia's recent onboards (yes, she's still at it!) and this one is one of my favorites, from 2016 (ita)
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lyndiscealin · 3 years
AFTG Collaboration Experiment
The story behind the story
This is highly inspired by this youtube artist collaboration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCpScnyLOh8&list=PLjvuq1J91QkZpevHWcdlMwFqaMX8fuq3L
An artist (ten hundred) started a painting on a canvas and gave this canvas to a fellow artist and that artist added to the original picture and then gave it to another fellow artist and so on. I highly recommend the video series, the picture isn’t finished yet.
As soon as I saw this, I thought I wanted to do this, too, but with writing. I quickly came to the realisation, that I should start smaller than just ‘any story’, because there are too many genres out there and I couldn’t come up with a beginning that was open enough so any author I admire could continue it. Starting a Slice of life romance story and giving it to a horror author just might not work. It could, of course, but it would be far more unlikely to turn out as something that worked.
So I decided to do this inside of a fandom. The AFTG Fandom is crazy creative and the one I am most involved in right now.
The rules are simple:
Look at what the other authors have written so far
Add something of your own
Document your thought process behind what you added and link it at the beginning of your piece (it can be a google doc, a tumblr blog or something else, as long as you can link to it)
Ask another author to continue this
Upload your piece to AO3 and give it to the collection (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AFTG_Collaboration)
If you don’t have an AO3 account and don’t want to create one, write me on tumblr @lyndiscealin and we will figure something out.
Don’t forget to add the name of the next author at the end of your piece, so I can verify that the addition to the Collection is valid
Be as creative as you like, there are literally no restriction, as long as you don’t ‘overwrite’ things authors before you wrote already
If you write 18+ stuff post a summary, too, so people who are underage don't have a problem continuing the fic
A summary at the end of every piece would be great so the next authors don’t need to spend too much time rereading to search for major plot points
Any author is allowed to finish this, if they feel like it! No reason to hold back!
This should be self explanatory, but I will say it nevertheless: This is supposed to be fun, so no hate, no pressure, nothing that makes anyone uncomfortable. No one has any responsibility for whom he has given this work to. Which means that there is no policing and no asking ‘when will you finish your piece?’ or anything. You give this to the next person and that’s it.
So this was done and I created a Collection on AO3 for this: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AFTG_Collaboration
This is an experiment. I hope it will work, but the nice thing about experiments is that even if it fails, you get something out of it.
I love to gather experience and even if this gets stuck right after my contribution, at least I tried it.
I’m a tiny bit nervous about this, because I saw too many times how people turned something good into something toxic, but we will see. I have trust in this fandom. We can do this. Let’s show the world what we can create!
But, how to start this?
The thought process
So I wanted something open enough that it was easy for nearly anyone to contribute. But even inside a fandom the diversity is very high. There are so many pairings, so many different interpretations.
I settled on Andreil as the main pairing, because it is by far the most popular and I trust people to not give this to someone who can’t work with it or for people to accept this without being able to contribute. I am a big believer in the concept of being responsible for yourself and trusting that people are able to be responsible for themselves.
So Andreil. But Andreil and then what?
What Scenario? What premise? How can I even give a premise without forcing others to follow that path? How can I keep the beginning open enough so others can be as creative with this as they want? Is there even a concept that allows that?
I was stuck.
The thing with a canvas and artist is that you have a canvas. If the canvas is full the picture is likely finished. Of course you can make more out of it, but in the beginning you have just a canvas. That in itself is hard enough to manage, but it is manageable. A far far universe without any direction is destined to get stuck somehwere. But I wanted this to be as creative and open as possible.
So I was completely stuck there.
Until today!!!
Because the Fandom is amazing and crazy and I love it so so much!
Some of you just presented me the perfect idea: Neil as a fanfiction author who writes about the Foxes.
Done. Perfect.
Why? Because this way you can contribute anything!!!!
You can contribute blog articles from Neil.
You can contribute news articles about the foxes.
You can contribute chat fics about Neil communicating with Andrew or someone else in the fandom.
You can even write a whole piece about Neil being on tumblr and AO3 interacting with his fans.
You can write the fanfiction that Neil is writing, so even if you are a JereJean fan, it is no problem at all to write a fanfiction about them and then let the next author write how the Foxes or Andrew or just fans reacted to it or whatever that author wants to make of it.
It’s really really perfect.
It gives me a canvas where I can outline some restrictions, give a bit of a path so the next author can do something with it, without restricting too much.
So what will I do?
I will write the end of the story and then go back to the beginning. I want to let the end be open enough so people can still contribute to it (if we ever get there). Like develop it in a Kandreil fic for example. Or add cats. Or whatever.
It doesn’t even have to be the end. Everyone is free to contribute anything, even a chapter after my ending. But it is at least some kind of frame. A good starting point.
So, I really am not a planner. Either an idea hits me or I can’t write. My idea is:
Start with the day Neil sees a tumblr post where someone theorizes ‘what if Neil was a fanfiction author and that is how he and Andrew met?’
He finds it very amusing, because it hits bullseye and he starts to drift off to the beginning of it all.
That’s it, that’s the idea. Let’s see how it will go from there.
The next author
I am in contact with some very very good authors. And I kind of want to ask them all to contribute. But there is one of them who had the displeasure of being online when this idea hit me and they got the full extent of me obsessing over an idea. And because they happen to be one of these great authors I asked them first. Additionally they were one of the contributors to the thread I linked above, so this was even more reason to ask them.
They said yes!!!
I am so excited and at the same time a bit sad I couldn’t ask the others. But I think eventually they will be part of the project, too. Hopefully.
I will reveal the next author at the end of the chapter^^
(I will reblog this with the first chapter, I just have to post this here first)
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demigoddessnation · 3 years
ranking teen wolf dilfs (and milfs) because there's no law to stop me from doing it
a/n: potential spoilers and slight nsfw i guess
at number 10 we have
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kate argent
- ik ik, lady was damaged (and hard to kill)
- but i have a thing for knife-yealding, blood-thirsty women
- step on me pls
- would probably torture me really bad
- if i take her on a lasertag game, she would beat me with the laser gun
- knife kink 100%
- minus points for that one scene with young derek 😣
moving on to number 9, we have
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mr deucalion
- i appreciate visionaries
- when scott and he worked together...let me tell you i sCREAMED
- probably a gemini
- knows how to keep it interesting
- full of wise sayings
- can and will manipulate my infp self unfortunately
number 8
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the desert wolf
- yes, i see the pattern at this point of the ranking
- loved the daughter, loved the mother, couldn't help it
- charisma x100
- feels like she runs a luxurious nightclub on the side and i love it
- cool nickname
- probs a bdsm enthusiast, if not a full-on buff
- she'll shoot me and I'll say thank you
coming up at number 7 is
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dr deaton
- what can I say, there's something about the intellectuals
- loyal, dependable, wouldn't mind red wine brunch dates
- we could discuss poetry together
- always knew a way out of the trouble and I'm predisposed to getting in trouble so we'll get along perfectly
- a gentleman in the streets
number 6
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coach finstock
- inexplicably dilf but a dilf nevertheless
- enemies to lovers, 500k words, sarcasm and lacrosse dates
- will drag me to games
- i just have a soft spot for him
- awkward af
- dad bod supremacy
- will always love greenberg more than me but I can live with that burden ig
coming strong at 5th place
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peter hale
- self-explanatory
- without beard 😐 / with beard 😩
- the "i hate everyone but you" type of dynamic
- hot then, hot now
- probs an aries but I'll suck it up
- not the uncle he could've been but tried to be the father he wanted to be
- honestly has the only acceptable-looking wolf form and that pretty much sold it for me
- wouldn't cuddle for shit but will arguably break your back so who cares
at number 4
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sheriff stilinski
- i don't like law enforcement but he can get it, no questions asked
- likes curly fries (yes, that is a valid reason)
- supports the lgbtqia+ community
- will scold me
- has a son with a slavic name and I'm slavic so I'll finally teach them how to spell and pronounce it
- knows how to use them handcuffs
- actually very romantic
- isn't afraid of anything and i have a phobia of needles so he'll be my moral support when necessary
- resting bitch face and knows how to fight
- has a firm grip (on his firearm)
number 3
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noshiko yukimura
- please, she owns season 3b
- has 900 years of experience
- always knows what she's doing
- had a possessed man run after her and whisper their special phrase to her right before dying - she is the fucking moment
- wise and has a katana
- a questionable taste for military men but will make an exception
- sugar mommy vibes
- i'll carry her sword for her if i must
i love number 2
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chris argent
- "can I talk to you? in my office, where i keep my guns?"
- again, the beard
- had a huge character development
- a man of his word
- can shoot with not one, but two guns at the same time
- ripped
- blue eyes
- charisma
- i mean just look at him
- the smirk, i can't
and finally, at number 1
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melissa mccall
- I'd sell my house, both my kidneys, my crystal collection and my soul for this woman without batting an eye
- the purest, kindest soul ever
- the most badass mother too
- doctor/patient roleplay
- she is beauty AND grace, what more can i want
- I'd steal her from argent if i could
- I'd clean her house, do her dishes and her laundry (extra softener), that's how much I love her
- I don't know a single person who doesn't like her, which pretty much speaks for itself
128 notes · View notes
smallblip · 3 years
If this hasn’t broken me, I will never break.
Levihan | Rated for rough sex (consensual) 
It’s on Ao3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29503941
Love is for suckers. In this life and the next, love is for the foolish, the reckless, the damned.
So they don’t give meaning to this-
thing between them, in full bloom like a rose amidst a bed of thorns. They find one another after each battle, this thing between them drawing a different type of blood. Until it stops altogether, the tenderness between them too painful to contain in two organic bodies.
But until it stops, they called it comfort, they called it fucking to feel something, they called it defiance in a world that tramples upon anything remotely tender-
Now they’ll call it holing up in an inn on the outskirts of town on borrowed time.
Levi draws her close, and she feels like she's about to throw up. There are butterflies in her stomach and they're unrelenting. It’s been so long so he fumbles with her shirt-
the buttons are on the other side. It’s supposed to be easier for you!
But she laughs when she struggles with his shirt too.
Her bolo tie comes off and something like relief spreads across her face.
Commander Hanji Zoë, they had said. She’s now commander and Levi abhors the look on her face. A look he recognises as a mix of fear and resignation.
So he kisses her in the empty hallways after the ceremony. He kisses her so forcefully that it comes as a surprise to himself.
“Levi-“ she says, breathless. And she looks like she’s about to cry.
“Shut up.” Levi says, closing the gap between them to kiss her again. If he kisses her she won’t be able to speak. Then he wouldn’t have to watch her shatter. He wouldn’t be left alone to pick up the pieces. Levi pushes her up against the wall, fingers grabbing at her collar, “shut up,” he says again for good measure.
“Run away with me...” Hanji says in a moment of bravery, in a fevered moment induced by the friction of two bodies. Levi is so close that she can still taste him. And she wants more of him. All of him. Until she’s filled to the brim. Until she ceases to exist. And Levi doesn’t need to be told twice. They leave a letter in her office- we’ll be back, she writes. Words she purposefully etched on paper to tether her to the ground.
And they find themselves in an inn on the outskirts of the next town where no one knows their names.
“What now?” she asks, although she already knows what’s going to happen. Levi’s lips are red and swollen from kissing and things can only go to hell from here.
Levi looks at her, fingers tracing from her chin to her cheek, his palm follows, and she leans into the touch. “I will love you now...” he whispers as he draws her into his arms. I will love you to the brim, until we are whole again, until you are full and swollen like a blueberry, Levi thinks, and after fumbling with her clothes he guides them both to bed.
He’s gentle at first. Gentle kisses layering atop gentle touches, tentative like the first time they fucked. Except this isn’t the first time, and Levi fears it might be the last, so he takes his time. He has his hands on either side of her head and he’s looking down at her with all the love in the world. But Hanji looks like she’s about to cry.
“What do you want?” he asks between kisses that travel from her forehead to the tip of her nose.
"I want you to ruin me...” she answers, already her nails are digging into his arms hard enough to bruise.
And Levi doesn’t need to be asked twice. He sinks his teeth into her shoulder, hand pressed tight over her mouth to muffle her screaming. The taste of rust and earth on the tip of his tongue as he kisses the damage. He leaves a trail of purple flowers from where her pulse is hot and heavy, down to her chest, down to her hips.
“Levi..." she says in between marking what’s hers, high above his collar so everyone will know. A fevered bravery induced by the friction of skin against skin, of running away and holing up in an inn where no one knows her name. "Ruin me...” she says again.
Levi retrieves the belt from his uniform to tie her wrists to the bed frame. He kisses her forehead in a final act of tenderness before he fucks her into the mattress so hard she sees bursts of white light. And Hanji thinks this is all the good that’s left in this world. To feel young and reckless again. To feel an irreverent snigger catch in her lungs when she sees their uniforms strewn on the floor. To see Levi put the standard issue belts to good use on her wrists. To see his shirt crumpled near the door, something he’ll definitely groan about later. To be Hanji Zoë again, just Hanji Zoë. To belong to one person alone. To be whole again- two faces, four arms, four legs, tangled atop threadbare sheets.
Her back arches off the bed so she can feel him deeper, until the warmth of his body spreads like fire through her ribs. Hanji has trouble keeping quiet. She’s always had trouble keeping quiet. So Levi wraps his hands around her neck, “shut up...” he manages between groans. He feels like he’s going insane, seeing the way her eyes roll to the back of her head. Yet she still manages to gasp out his name with whatever air she gathers through parted lips. "Please..." she whispers.
So he undoes the belt around her wrists and immediately she pulls him atop her. His chest is against hers now, and her arms are wrapped around his neck. They can no longer tell where one scattered heartbeat ends and where the other begins.
“What do you want, Hanji?” he asks, a whisper against her neck.
You... she breathes.
She’s only ever wanted him.
But there’s no time to think about hurt and affliction. Now is the time for pleasure. They rut against each other, proximity drawing him in as soon as he pulls out. There’s that familiar ecstasy again, and her eyes close in rapture. She feels like she’s dying.
Hanji is sated, like a cat lying in a sunbeam, the setting sun providing just enough warmth for her to doze off. She hears Levi’s breath settling, and she feels that familiar flutter in her belly. She closes her eyes and sees butterflies emerging from a thousand cocoons. It’s warm so they take to the skies with ease. She thinks of a story she had heard as a child- of two lovers, a shared grave, and the dance of two butterflies. She wonders what Levi would think about being a butterfly. To live three or four weeks, dance, fall in love, then die his lover’s embrace. To return to the ground together, food for the creatures that dwell in the mud.
Hanji traces her gaze over the ceiling. She wonders how it has come to this. How it always comes to this. Hanji had been good. When her hands stray between her hips in the showers she doesn’t think of Levi anymore. She doesn’t think of his body- sinewy and hard, yet soft and pliable under her touch. She doesn’t think of the way his nose furrows, the way his lips part, as he drains her of pleasure, of guilt, of anything that’s not him and his voice, gruff from saying her name. But every once in a while, she falters. They find each other again. And now an image will inevitably slip into her mind in the showers after they return home-
Bruises on skin, blooming like flowers; skilled fingers replacing hers; and a voice, hot and heavy by her ears- Hanji... She scrubs herself raw-
“Hanji...” she hears it again and it coaxes her back to reality. She hums. I’m here, she wants to say, I never left.
“Hey Levi... Did you know adult butterflies don’t excrete waste? They use up everything they eat as energy so there’s nothing left...” she says absentmindedly.
Levi makes a sound that’s somewhere between acknowledgement and disgust. “That would save a lot of time...” he says anyway.
“What would they do with all that extra time?” She muses. This is nice. It’s nicer than fighting the urge to close the space between them every time she sees him, nicer than fighting the urge to tell him how she feels. Regrettable really, that it has come to this. That she guards her thoughts against him only to know it’s futile. So she falters. If there’s anyone in this world that knows her- if there’s anyone in this world that she knows-
“I can think of a few things...” he says, placing his hand in the path of her wandering fingers. He laces their fingers together like a trap. I’ve got you now, I won’t let go this time, he wants to say, but there’s little point in empty promises. “Sorry about the bruises...” he says.
She chuckles dryly, “don’t apologise... I told you to...” she rolls onto her belly with a groan, everything will hurt in the morning. She props her head up on her hands and looks at him with all the love in the world. “Reminds me of the first time we fucked...”
Levi rolls his eyes at her poetic diction. Nevertheless, Levi remembers the first time they fucked. A complete mess of bones and nerves and soft skin pulled taut over muscles. They bump noses one too many times and Hanji had to stop them in the middle of kissing to laugh.
Sorry, she had said, it’s the butterflies.
Levi knew what she had meant. There’s an unkind sort of churning in his gut, betraying his nerves, his lack of experience with anything beyond a rushed job.
Now his eyes trail over her purpling skin, the angry red around her wrists. Levi scoffs, “this is nothing like the first time we fucked...”
“Really?” Hanji hums, “the feeling is the same...” her fingers ghost his lips. They’re really nice lips. She could kiss him for days. “Only you can make it alright, Levi...” she whispers. And he’s alone again, picking up the pieces.
He remembers the last time they had given meaning to this thing between them. I can’t do this anymore... she had told him.
I think about running away with you, Levi... All the damn time, she had said, and I can’t-
And now they’re holed up in an inn, near the edge of the world. Levi grunts, self-explanatory. The feeling is mutual. Only she can piece him back together. Levi shifts closer to press his face in her chest, and he breathes her in. It’s been too long and he’s afraid this memory will be all that’s left of them.
And Hanji feels small again, like a child in her mother’s arms, being told that boys are nothing but trouble. So she kisses a few girls, and then a few boys, and she figures she doesn’t want to kiss anyone else after kissing Levi.
Hanji chuckles, fingers scratching absentmindedly at Levi’s undercut, “what would my mother say?”
“She’ll just have to accept that her child has a thing for runts from the underground...”
More laughter and she kisses the top of his head. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to know the thug her child fell in love with is now Captain Levi of the Survey Corps...”
There’s an aching in his heart and he tries to ignore that this is ill-advised. That they will end up hurting again, inevitably so. But Levi falters. He thinks he can do this forever. “And if she isn’t?”
“Hmmm...” she dramatises, as if coaxing a child, “then I’ll just have to run away with him to an inn in the middle of nowhere...” She peppers more kisses on his face.
And Levi wants to stay in bed until his muscles atrophy. He wants to stay in bed until his skin fuses with the sheets and his mind floats between the ceiling and the beams holding the roof up above them. He thinks it would be nice if they could live like this for the rest of their lives, a pair of skeletons embracing in a room without a view.
But he knows this decision will haunt them for life; will haunt her forever. These four walls cannot hold them. Neither can the walls that cast a shadow they all live under. And maybe that’s the reason Levi loves her. Her eyes hold all the hope this cursed world has to offer. Of new discoveries, like the first time kisses mean something, like the first time she kisses him.
They are atop the walls and she’s telling him about her past, about the time she spent wandering this earth without him. And he remembers the story his mother told him about humans with four arms and four legs and two faces, so perfect and powerful that the gods feared them. So they split them down the middle, condemned to walk the earth in search of their other half.
He thinks about Hanji completing his sentences. He thinks about their jokes that nobody else can begin to understand.
They make such a good team that the others notice. Mike teases her about their chemistry. He asks her what’s her secret to getting through to him.
“Maybe not bashing his head in and dunking him in water?”
Mike chuckles, “I already apologised for that.”
“And you aren’t best friends by now? That’s curious...” she teases.
And now everyone they once knew are now ghosts in the atmosphere. But Hanji’s still here. 
You will know when you meet them Levi, you will know they have your heart. You might not feel it right away, but when you do-
“Say Levi, did you know butterflies can see colours we can’t see?” Hanji says breathlessly, before closing the gap between them and pressing her lips against his. She thinks of blaming the vertigo, it’s not easy being up on the walls and feeling so small. But she doesn’t. And Levi’s world bursts into colour. She has her hand against his chest, over his heart, feeling each flutter, like a dance of feathered wings-
Of butterflies.
“Ah... I feel so full...” she says, lying back down on gravel and brick after they pull apart, head resting against an arm, “like a blueberry...” she continues. Levi scoffs. What a ridiculous notion. What a ridiculous person.
But he knew then, that with her he can conceive of a word so beautiful it shatters him into a million pieces. But they need her too, the others. And Levi doesn’t know how to be selfish.
And already she knows what he’s thinking of. Whether by some curse or by hallowed bond. She knows. They have to go home eventually. Hanji remembers the note she left, and she doesn't know how to lie. Sometimes she thinks if she tries hard enough, she will be able to remember when they had been one- four arms, four legs, two faces, so close she never has to live a day without hearing him breathe. But there’s still time. It’s safe here, no one knows their names. They are two butterflies dancing atop a shared grave.
So Hanji places her head on Levi’s chest, over his heart. There’s a thunder that stirs from within. She listens to the flight of wings- mirroring her own.
They never did give meaning to this-
thing between them. They called it comfort, they called it fucking to feel something, they called it defiance in a world that tramples upon anything remotely tender. They called it being whole again- an affliction that threatens the gods. They call it holing up in an inn on the outskirts of town on borrowed time.
Hanji calls it butterflies.
“We’ll leave when the bruises fade,” he says.
“Until then?”
“I will love you to the brim.”
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
Put A Little Love On Me
A low groan slips from him when your fingers sediment into a particularly offending spot between his shoulder blades. He’s bare from the waist up and on his stomach, arms pillowing his head. You watch as his face contorts in a mix of pleasure and pain, and your hands falter, a hitch of your breath to follow. It’s a first-time experience for you both and a fitful session to say the least, seeing as this is going on the fifth time you’ve stopped working at the knots riddling his body out of wormy reservation. A grimace works its way into your features, of which he is most adept at allaying.
“I’m good,” he assures with a sincerity you can’t help but take with a grain of salt.
But there’s connotation to a wonderfully distended trust in the ability to exercise this level of intimacy with a man who’s line of it has been a little more than blurred his entire genetically enhanced life. You present a sliver of reprieve through perhaps not the most conventional of methods in his eyes, the eyes of a soldier and furthermore a man as complex as the one currently under your care. You marvel over Hunter’s evolution from fierce intolerance for the most minute of touches to permitting your compassionate hands to spread liberally over his body like this. It’s a privilege you aren’t sure you’re worthy of.
Nevertheless, your hands clock back into their masseuse work.
When you regionalize around his mid back a moan unfetters from him, the sound far more laudable than the first and thus denoting to the pleasure end of the spectrum you’ve harried yourself the entire time in trying to discern. You rescind his mewls with gentle hushes, pausing to comb the hair back from his face. He closes his gaping mouth and puckers his lips, and you can’t help the titter that escapes you at the sight.
“Keep it down in there,” you hear Crosshair’s rebuke from somewhere in the ship, and you silently, thoughtfully, remind yourself of the way its caustic qualities stem from poorly concealed trepidations over your ministrations to his unique brother, even if the words do ring with an accusation more appropriate were you in here riding the man instead of rubbing his back.
This in mind, you ward off the remark with a hard eye roll.
“Don’t worry about him,” Hunter’s relaxed voice comes from beneath you. “Thinks he’s got competition. Worried I’ll like your massages better.”
Curiously, no commentary manifests from the sniper in the other room.
“And do you?” You turn your attention back to Hunter, who’s tattooed cheek is smushed against the back of his hand, his lips stretched into a lazy grin. Your fingers have stilled as you take in the Sergeant with his wonderfully boyish streak.
“Without a doubt. Far prettier face to go with it. Better personality. Ten-out-of-ten recommend.”
“Appreciate the review, Sergeant.”
He flexes his back muscles experimentally before offering you a shrug. Apparently, to Hunter, some things are just self-explanatory.
“Feeling any better?” You query further, eyeing his pardoned muscles and allowing a blissed smile to bloom across your face. His lilting hum suggests an affirmative as his eyes flutter and then narrow suspiciously over the magic of your fingertips.
“I don’t know how you do it,” he finally slurs.
“What, love you?” You’ve fully resigned from attacking his muscles and instead reach for the bottle of salve as a final step, squeezing out a copious amount and working it between your palms before slathering the now warmed emollient onto his back. “It’s effortless, really.”
“That can’t be true.”
“Best believe it, honey.”
His previously noncommittal effort is corrected in an instant, his head shooting aloft his arms and brows arching in a way that makes you hide a grin between clamped teeth. “Oh, I’m honey?”
“You’re a lot of things, yes.”
He rolls over onto his still tacky back with a grin that sends your heart into a salvo. “So I’ve been told.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you chide lightly, gathering up your massage products and easing yourself up from the corner of his cot you’d been braced uncomfortably on in the name of love. He grabs your hand to stop you from leaving.
“Hey...” he smooths over your knuckles, voice dropping a notch. “Thank you.”
“For what?” It’s a genuine question. You’ve never seen fit the need for thanks over basic human tenderness.
Which he and his brothers deserve—and dare you say, require—in rather copious amounts.
He powders over you a loving gaze with eyes that could’ve, maybe at one point, convinced you he’s never seen battlefields of heartbreak. He seeks you out further, reaching up and stippling his fingers across your delicate cheekbone. You draw him a smile that’s worth a thousand words.
“You’re too good to me,” he parses.
You shake off his deference and dip your head down to his, nuzzling his hair, breathing him in.
“I said I’d take care of you, and that’s what I mean.”
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zigtheeortega · 3 years
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For the past six months, @pixeljazzy​ and I have been working on a playlist we felt could top last year’s, which was so well received! 
We’ve broken it up into sections by individual love interests, multiple love interests, main character, and miscellaneous, which includes side characters, general vibes, etc. Underneath each song are lyrics we believed stood out to us along with explanations as to why we chose it. Like last year, the [p] is for PJ and [j] is for Jade.
Here’s the link to the playlist on Spotify, but we’ve individually linked the songs with each explanation as well!
We sincerely hope you enjoy our 2021 RODAW Playlist! 
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The Bay, Soft Glas. ft. Mulherin [j]
Leaving you alone is too hard (hard, hard) / I just never know where to start (with you)
I'm not used to leaving someone broken hearted / That might be what really makes this hard (It's hard) / I've never been with anyone this long / If I did it, I really miss you
The softness and apologetic tone of the song reminds me of Logan through and through. He’s so regretful for what he put MC through, both at the beginning when he was lying to her, and by the end when he thinks he’s ruined her life by simply being a criminal and dating her. And by leaving her he’s leaving the one person who’s loved him unconditionally and stuck with him through it all.
Call Me, Nav [j]
They taught me, "Don't forget where you came from" / I regret what I came from
Do you know how it feel to feel alone? / Bought myself a house, to feel like I ain't home / Driving by myself, ain't got nowhere to go / Are you really here for me, I don't know
I hope you mean everything that you told me / I'll try to come back to you, girl, I'm sorry / If you miss me, just call me
This song honestly reminded me of Logan’s backstory that we don’t know much of, besides the fact that he was thrust into a life of crime as a teen and as an adult he hates it. The other lyrics I added are kind of a glimpse into the future I think – wherever Logan is, whatever he’s doing, if he’s not with MC, the woman he loves, everything he accomplishes is gonna feel hollow. And despite him saying that he was leaving to protect her, I know in his heart he’d want her to find her way back to him.
Cold Case Love, Rihanna [p]
I’m torn apart and you know / What you did to me was a crime
We opened up a cold case love / And it got the best of us / And now prints, pictures, and white outlines / Are all that’s left at the scene of a crime / Of a cold case love
The first line reminded me of how MC probably felt after being betrayed by Logan, the one that was arguably supposed to be the closest to them, and then the second lyric is because at the time, MC left and that was the last Logan knew of them with nothing to stand for what they used to have until they eventually came back to help save the crew.
Compass, The Neighbourhood [j]
If I don't have you with me, I'm alone / You know I never know which way to go / I think I need you with me for all-time / When I need new direction for my mind
I've got something to confess / I keep you in my pocket to use / You're my only compass / I might get lost without you / (Could you tell me where to go?)
You're always there to help me when I'm down / I'm lucky you've been keeping me around / You're the star I look for every night / When it's dark, you'll stick right by my side
Like a magnet / Hard to imagine ever changing / Can't help that I'm attracted to you, I am / Could you keep on guiding me? Please
This is a quintessential Logan song – reading these lyrics, it’s like Logan spoke them himself to MC, and that’s why I included so much of the song. All of these remind me of him and his hopeless romanticism, but specifically the line about her being the star he looks for every night? Absolutely perfect. This entire song is like a love letter from Logan to MC.
Don’t Leave Me, Blackstreet [p]
I’m searching for the words to make you realize / That I really, really want you to stay
Don’t leave, don’t leave me girl
This song was giving me Logan vibes from the diamond scene where he’s like “I can’t believe I love someone” and MC is like “you don’t get to say that to me” or some shit like that because he’s trying soo so hard to explain himself to her and to make her not hate him.
Imma Dog, Ugly God ft. PnB Rock [j]
You say you love me, shawty, tell me why / 'Cause I'm a dog and I'ma probably be this way until I die / You say you always gon' be by my side / You say you trust me with your heart and I swear, I just wonder why
Okay, hear me out, I forreal have reasons for this to be tied to Logan. The only verse in this song that’s a non chorus one is related to cheating, but I’m choosing to ignore that for the sake of the chorus. I heard the chorus for the first time and it made me think of one specific moment and point in time in Ride or Die. These lyrics remind me of Logan’s attitude when he was being mean and pretending to be annoyed by MC to get her off of him – despite the facade he’s still in awe of the way she trusts him and cares about him even when he’s treating her like garbage.
Life’s a Mess, Juice WRLD ft. Halsey [p]
Uh, sometimes life’s a mess
Lookin’ for somethin’ real, then I found it
I’m too flawed to hold you down, but / Don’t wanna be here alone
Logan knows all too well how much of a mess life really is (first lyric), and the second lyric is basically what I think he feels about MC. He told MC in the beginning that he doesn’t really stay with crews or trust anyone but himself, but MC was that exception before the rest of the crew became that exception too. And then the third lyric is because Logan looks at himself as someone who probably doesn’t deserve MC, Vaughn even said he was morally obligated to tell MC that she’s too good for his cousin (yes it was a joke (was it) but it fits), but he still wants her anyway (“Look at you...then look at me. You’re going to be valedictorian. I never even went to high school...I don’t have anything, and I wasn’t anybody, and I knew that. I always knew that….Some part of me really wants you to mess things up for me.” - Logan, Ch. 3).
Unfair, 6lack [p]
Hope my mistakes don’t make me less of a man / ‘cause lately it feel like them shits really can / I’m prayin’ I don’t wake up all alone
But know I’m stuck between / What I love and who I love and / I know it’s unfair
The first lyric I feel like is pretty self-explanatory as Logan expresses remorse for his actions (him acting weird and tryna tell MC about his dishonesty in the club, him making the effort to apologize or explain in the diamond scene after the reveal) and it especially hits if your MC is romancing Logan because he doesn’t want to lose them. As for the second lyric, I was thinking about how he was probably stuck between doing what’s best for the crew and doing right by MC
While We’re Young, Jhene Aiko [j]
Baby while we're young / I think we should do something crazy / Like say, "Fuck everyone" / And just run away from the daily routine
I'm tellin' everybody you're mine and I like it / And I really hope you don't mind, I can't fight it
'Cause it's been another perfect day with ya / Wanna lay with ya / Spend the night with ya / Then spend my life with ya, alright
I'll go everywhere you go / You know I'll go, I'll go / Everywhere you go
I'm giving you my heart, please don't break it / Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love
This reminds me of Logan and MC’s brand of romance that’s sweet and clumsy and a little bit reckless when it really gets going. They’re both cautious but they fantasize about throwing caution to the wind even more than they already have.
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Angel With A Shotgun, The Cab [p]
I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back / I’ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Sometimes to win, you have to sin
And I want to live, not just survive
Lemme explain because I feel like people may think this song is really really out there for Colt but I was listening to this song one day and thought of him, esp the last two lines I chose: I think of how Colt came up with the kidnapping plan and how it was so crazy because it was like wow he really was ready for murder if it came down to it, but Colt was basically like we need to do something big to outsmart them or else we’ll just be doing shit for them forever (‘sometimes to win, you have to sin’).
Born 2 Be Great, Lil Tjay [p]
I was born to be great / And I won’t let nobody tell me I ain’t / And I can’t stop, won’t stop
Growin’ up, I’m gettin’ old, start settin’ goals / Tryna make more money off my business and shows / And everybody gon’ hate, I’m great, I know / Everybody can hate, I’m great, I know
These lyrics just scream COLT to me all the way. He knows and believes he’s destined for greatness no matter what path he chooses because no matter what he does, he’s gonna succeed in the end. “I can’t stop, won’t stop” reminds me of how Kaneko wanted Colt to choose for himself what he wanted to do, and even though Kaneko tried to shield Colt away from the family business, that’s where Colt wanted to be. The second lyric is essentially Colt just knowing he’s gonna make money and that he won’t be liked (hated by other crews, police, etc.), but that won’t matter because he’s great nevertheless.
Chandelier, B.o.B ft. Lauriana Mae [p]
They say life’s about choices / In the face of defeat I declined / Put your soul into everything, never back down / That’s how you leave a legacy behind
Let my blood keep pumping, my heart keep beating / Shining like a chandelier
Making something out of absolutely nothing / That’s the definition of a survivor
Colt definitely felt ‘put your soul into everything, never back down / that’s how you leave a legacy behind’ because of how much he focuses on carrying on what his family has built, and taking all the risks necessary to keep that legacy alive and make a name for himself. I put ‘shining like a chandelier’ because that’s how bright Colt shines, as I believe he’s destined for greatness and wouldn’t allow himself to achieve anything but.
Down Bad, Real Recognize Rio [j]
I've been out of my head for a couple minutes, for a couple miles / Made the hair stand up on my neck / On a knife edge, comin' at me for my crimes / Got a mind that can leave you locked inside
'Cause you got me down bad, down bad, your deep desire / Carve my name on your soul, then I walk through the fire / Your voice so clear, like you say my name / You got mе runnin' for my life like this shit was a game / Got mе down bad, down bad to feel your touch
This song reminds me of Colt specifically during the gambling scene when he got shot and the last car chase scene, because MC is put in serious danger but it does nothing to shake her love for Colt. She’s scared for her life and her future but she’s still willing to put everything on the line for him and MPC.
Forever Ever, Trippie Redd ft. Young Thug [p]
You gon’ really have to hold me fuckin’ down, babe / ‘Cause I ain’t with the fuckery, that playing ‘round, babe
We Bonnie and Clyde but except the shots
He don’t love you like he should, I can love you better
First and second lyric are because they’re a team, and Colt sees MC as his right hand. In the life he lives, the people on his team gotta be down fr because there’s always a lot at stake. The last lyric is more conditional, as I feel like this could be him if MC was also romancing Logan because in the reveal, Colt’s like you deserved to know and in the car in the chapter afterwards that’s when he’s like bro we could run this whole shit etc. etc.
Impala, O2worldwide [j]
I been watching you from a distance / Sitting back and acknowledging your existence / I made a couple songs but you'll probably never listen / Shooting my shot but i'm always fucking missing / Setting my ego aside / Me and you can go together just like Bonnie and Clyde / I've been tripping over you just like my shoes is untied / And I tried to hit you up its like my confidence died but
I see you everyday but don't past corners of eyes / I'm just gonna act like I didn't see you close to that guy / Not gonna lie you got me head over ears / I'm tryna find love because I don't know just how it feels
Anyone listening to this and reading the lyrics is going to hate me because… is this the perfect “Colt pining for MC because she’s getting close to Logan” Love Triangle song, or what? I listen to this song so casually most of the time that I forget how sad the lyrics actually are. The first couple verses (not the third verse) fit the narrative so well. A lot of my favorite “Colt” songs aren’t ones where they’re outwardly admitting any kind of affection for MC – they’re the ones where it reads as Colt struggling with their feelings for MC and how to express them.
PTSD, G Herbo ft. Juice WRLD, Lil Uzi Vert, and Chance the Rapper [p]
I don’t belong, I see my past everywhere
I got a war zone on inside of my head
A million dollars ahead, I’m still angry and seeing red
I’m too paranoid, I make sure all my opps, they bled
This song always guts me because G Herbo is talking about all the people he’s lost, and for Colt, I imagined this was probably him after losing his father. Reminded of his past when he saw the remains of the shop, reminded of his past every time after that probably when he was rebuilding the shop. As for the million dollars, it’s like he could pull off as many heists as he could but he would never be satisfied until Brotherhood paid, hence the last lyric because honestly I don’t think it’s over until Shaw is dead (ik there’s a line in ROD where he’s like if we were even, he’d be dead, I just know it).
Sun God, Trippie Redd [j]
Went out my way just to love you / Right at the top, no above you / Right off the top, know I trust you / Ready or not, here I come, boo / And baby, you're hot, like the sun, too / Not too hot for me, no I'm sun-proof / Follow your lead, I'ma come through / Just you and me, baby, one-two
I think this is Colt way farther down the line if MC had the chance to really fall in love with him. He’s the type to value trust and loyalty in a bond more than anything else because he doesn’t do either of those easily at all. And I think that the line about being sun-proof is a cute callback to a lot of the fandom comparisons of Colt and Icarus – the title too and the lyrics just scream Colt to me.
Where Does The Love Go?, Maria Isabel [j]
Nightly negotiations with the moon, whoever's listening / All the miles between us got me messed up, got me trippin'
They say lovin' is easy / But not when one of us is leaving
Back on a plane / Two different coasts / When we're alone / Where does the love go? / What if you go / Forget the way home? / Running in circles but never together / So where does the love go?
The more I listen to this song the more I think this song is about Colt and MC. Colt’s not a clingy type in the slightest, but there’s no doubt in my mind that deeper into the relationship, both Colt and MC would have some doubts – the reason I say this is because I’m viewing the lyrics through the lens of Colt and MC doing long distance while MC is in college on the East Coast. This whole song is long distance relationship anxiety summed up perfectly and it’s so Colt.
Yellow Lights, 24kGoldn [p]
Don’t want no yellow light / don’t want no mixed message
For the crown, ‘cause we could achieve it
Love you now, but don’t you deceive me
Second lyric resonated with me esp because of that line in the book where he’s like “But the two of us? We put our brains together, you and me could run this whole town” so he knows he could achieve an empire with MC by his side. Last lyric is because Colt definitely doesn’t trust those around him and for those that he does trust, that trust doesn’t come easy. So MC, who managed to get past that, is loved, but would automatically lose a lot if she deceived him (now imagine….snitch MC? This line would hit a lot more because she ends up deceiving him so like he had a right to be wary of her holding his heart (like if we’re looking at the pov of him saying this lyric)).
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Can’t Love, Trippie Redd [p]
She say she love me, I think she love me not / She say she love me, I know she love me not
How could you do this to me? / Yeah, yeah, I thought you, I thought you loved
Another Mona and her ex song teehee but I’m imagining this from Mona’s pov while she’s in jail like wow that girl never loved me like she said she loved me (first lyric) and how could she betray me like this (second lyric).
Favorite Mistake, Giveon [p]
Is my secret safe? / Safe with just you and me / We can’t leave a trace / This is my favorite mistake
Look in my eyes / Do you mind the lies? Do you feel alive?
Even when you’re gone / The feeling just grow stronger / Should leave it alone / But you’re getting closer
So I finally did a Mona route and GOD yes this song is about cheating (Mona and Hieron can’t relate) but we gon ignore that and just focus on these lyrics specifically because wow they really hit me like Mona for one was in denial of her feelings for MC from the jump and at some point she’s like god this is so ridiculous I can’t believe I’m feeling this way again so ofc she doesn’t want people to know she’s in love (like that time Toby is like man she is NOT happy about liking you! in the club scene) hence the beginning of the first lyric but at the same time….. she’s in love… so “this is my favorite mistake.” As for the second and third, the lies are that “I don’t like you” ra ra ra she’s only fooling herself and then it’s like yeah she knows her feelings are dumb but she can’t help but fall for MC anyway <3
Gonna Love Me, Teyana Taylor [p]
Sometimes we say things that we really don’t mean / We do things in between the lines
Please wait up for me ‘til whenever I get home / I know that you’re all alone / Thinking ‘bout what you’re gon’ do / I hope that you see it through, ooh, ooh
Why is it so hard to keep in touch
For the first lyric, I was thinking of the time MC says “Being with you makes a difference to me. It feels safer” and Mona replies that “It’s just an illusion. A blanket. And I’ve told you before not to count on me.” Yeah she said that wit her chest but ik she knows it’s more than that for the both of them. The second and third lyric both have to do with her being in jail by the end of the book (making it literally hard to keep in touch), and even though she tells MC not to wait up, a part of me thinks the vulnerable part of Mona would’ve hoped at least a smidge that MC would, and the last bit ‘thinking ‘bout what you’re gon’ do / I hope that you see it through’ reminds me of the advice in the diamond scene of driving Mona to the hospital that she gave MC which was that to move on, you just gotta keep your foot on the gas and look forward and that eventually, she’ll be somewhere better than she’s ever been.
Love or Lust, 24kGoldn [p]
It’s love or it’s lust, we just need to be clear / ‘Cause if you’re in love, then I shouldn’t be here
Would you walk eight thousand miles just to make me smile on a rainy Wednesday? / If so, then you gots to go, it ain’t mutual and I’m not pretending
Basically in the beginning stages of MC falling for Mona, Mona’s like oh hell nah (“I shouldn’t be here”) and she recognizes that MC likes her a lotttt (MC would definitely walk eight thousand miles to make her smile on a rainy Wednesday) and so she’s like fuck
PLW, Leon Thomas [j]
Left my fear right at the door (ooh) / She's an animal hunting in the wild, yeah (in the wild) / Doesn't move around or groove / But she come from the depth / That's why she's down to earth / An instrument of war
Baby ain't no beginner / I got love for my little winner / Flashing or finessing / That's why I mess with her, yeah
And you don't have to worry, yeah / 'Cause I know what's she worth / No, you don't have to save me / From my pretty little weapon
Ooh my baby smart, and she sharp, and she sharp, yeah / Pretty little weapon
I’ll never ever get over how this song fell into my lap and is absolutely perfect for Mona. This is for an MC who acknowledges that Mona’s a badass and that she loves her because of her strong personality and unwavering confidence because she knows she’s good at her job. The first verse is the best approach an MC could take – leaving her fear at the door because she knows someone like Mona could sniff it out. The line “No, you don’t have to save me / From my pretty little weapon” kills me, because it’s accurate – on Mona’s route, despite any betrayal, the MC is still in love with her and knows that Mona would never actually hurt her.
Sleeping With the Enemy, BbyMutha & Kindora [j]
Creeping around corners / I don't feel like myself / Studying your movements / It's a carousel / And I can't confirm that you / Mean what you say / And I'm pretty sure / That it's / Better that way
Why can't I trust in you / Am I slipping up / Over you / If it really turned to be the way / That I think / How bad could it be?
And I know that we could go for / Round and round like 123 / And I gotta question myself / Is it coming? / Possibly / And I gotta wonder / Am I sleeping with the enemy?
I'm watching my back / Like I got nothing left / I give you all I got / Wish I knew what was next
The first time I heard this song it was a toss up between whether or not it was a Colt and Mona song (or both) but I settled on Mona pretty quickly after a re-listen. Not only is the internal conflict in the lyrics a perfect description of Mona’s own battle, but it could be easily viewed from MC’s perspective as well. The idea of knowing it’s “wrong”, and mistrusting them but pursuing it anyways is quintessential early Mona route.
The World is a Marble Heart, AJR [p]
We could have been, we should have been / What your heart couldn’t handle
Run away, girl, ‘cause I let you / Now you found some other man, you see / I’m better off without you, ‘cause the man ain’t me!
I’m going right now / To the beginning / What you denied from the start / And now you can’t go breaking my heart
The world is a marble heart / It’s bullshit and we know it
I think the first lyric is definitely MC to Mona because Mona was afraid to allow herself to be in love, and then evidently their relationship couldn’t blossom because Mona ends up arrested (“we could have been, we should have been”). This song called out to me because Mona always comments on how MC’s heart got them into the Brotherhood mess, how MC always think the crew is something they’re not, so MC’s heart is the marble heart and the last lyric (“it’s bullshit and we know it”) is essentially Mona being like girl you know we are not what you think we are. The second lyric is because in a scene after the reveal, Mona drives MC to Riya’s house and MC goes I wish we could run off together and Mona is like just say the word and MC is like I can’t :/// and then Mona is like the only one stopping you is you, and then “I’m better off without you” is Mona being don’t call don’t write don’t text
Would You, Pink Sweat$ [p]
Would you die for me? I would die for you / Would you shoot for me? I would kill for you / Would you run up the bag if I needed you to? / Girl, all the things that I’d do for you / Would you do for me too?
I wanna know when it pops off that you gon’ be right next to me
This was giving Mona and her ex from that scene where MC got a glimpse into Mona’s past. Essentially, Mona’s ex and her were thick as thieves, and when they got arrested, Mona didn’t say anything and her ex did, so Mona was always ten toes down but her ex never had her (Mona) like she (Mona) thought she (her ex) had her (Mona)
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Both of Us, YFN Lucci [j]
Stay with me when there's no one else to call / If you got me then I'm in it for the both of us
Look, ayy, do you love me like you say you love me? / Ay, do you vow to keep it cute when everythin' get ugly? / Ay, if I ever leave, girl would you come lookin' for me?
I think that this song and these lyrics fit into the title of the book and how “ride or die” each of the love interests are for MC and vice versa. I think the softer parts of this song are MC for sure, and Logan at times, and the second bullet point is Colt and Mona. For them, it’s more of a promise of loyalty rather than love like the earlier lyric is (which is why I think that’s a bit more hopeless romantic like Logan).
C U Girl, Steve Lacy [j]
I haven't seen you in a while, you know I miss you babe / When you hear this song, feel flattered, it's about your face / And how I miss it and I wish that I could see it more / But you're in college now and I'm about to go on tour
I love this song because it makes me think of the possibility of MC and the LI having a “song” – one where any time they hear it they think of each other. And that when they hear it it makes them happy but at the same time they’re forced do think about the distance between them and how much they miss each other.
Collide, Tiana Major9 and Earthgang [j]
Everybody's got opinions on our thing / Say we're flying down a path with no ending / And if I die before I wake / Ooh, don't let me wake up from this dream / When we collide / When we collide, it's a beautiful disaster / When I crash into you, you, you
And I don't care about the future or the past / Riding slow, 'cause you know the world's moving too fast
Without you, I'm just a fraction / Closing in on my demise / And I love you religiously / With everything inside of me / As long as I'm alive
So I think it fits for all three because the relationship is taboo since they’re criminals and she’s a valedictorian getting ready for college. Their relationship is sloppy and dangerous and comes to an inevitable end, and they both know that, so this song for sure encapsulates how little both the LI and MC care about that. They don’t that it’s a trainwreck, because colliding is all that matters :)
Heaven, Clairo [j]
Alone, for the last time / You're just a loner / Give it a try / And you're hard on yourself / And your laugh, it just melts in my hands / Lonesome in the streets
I'll get by with you on my mind / I'll get by with you on my side
I love the idea of this song being viewed as MC’s perspective of her LI, because I’m sure the other LI’s haven’t been appreciated in the way that she appreciates them. For example, the line about the laugh melting in her hands makes me think about how they’d react to her saying that to them. None of the LI’s probably have never been told their laugh is cute, and I’m sure they’d be confused about it at first, so this whole song gives me a cute late night summer drive vibe. Like the MC is in the passenger seat of Mona or Logan’s car or draped around Colt and she’s just appreciating the things she loves about them.
Heaven Ain’t Hard 2 Find, Tupac [j]
Simply because you nervous, let me start off with my conversation / Hoping my information, elevates the hesitation / I can see it clearly now / Catch you smiling through your frown / I'm askin' Baby Boo are you down?
Heaven ain't hard to find / In fact you can have it just have faith / Just like a little kid, still believing in magic / It takes a lot of sacrifice / With all the lonely nights on tour / I need somebody I can trust in my life
Oh god help me identify me truest thoughts / Your hidden motives full of passion who would of thought / Come holla at me baby, love me for my thug nature / Far from a player hater, label me a money maker / Straight heart breaker
I originally added this song because it’s canon that Colt loves old West Coast Rap, so that makes me think he’s a huge Tupac fan. I can see him listening to this in his car driving down a California highway at like 2 a.m. On the other hand, though, the beginning of the song reminds me of the first meeting with Logan at the party, or the second meeting when they go to the car show – young love jitters and all that.
Keep Me Up, Charlotte Lawrence [j]
My heart starts beating and my hands start sweating / My chest starts sinking and sometimes will even start shaking / It's physical and emotional
And I don't want you all inside my head / And I can feel you running through my veins
When I say, and I say, and I say / That I want you in my life / But you stay, and you stay, and you stay / And you never leave my side / And you take, and you take, and you take / And you say you feel so nice, boy / And you keep me up all night
I think this fits with all the LI’s and MC and how they cope after the LI’s had to leave. Read it from both perspectives and it honestly fits so well for both of them – like the first couple months of restlessness staring at their ceiling while reflecting on how much they miss each other.
Kitchen, Kid Cudi [j]
Hmm, you wanna find somebody you trust and lay low / But it seems they all on the same mission / You wanna find somebody you trust and lay low / But can't stand the heat of my love, then stay out the kitchen
Oh baby here we are, I made a wish on shootin' stars / I ain't even mad at it, we made it this far
The attitude of this song reminds me of both Mona and Colt’s feelings about relationships – they both know they’re intense people and that they don’t trust or love easily, and that whoever’s interested in them needs to know that. They’re not going to apologize for it, but they appreciate anyone who sticks around and loves them despite that.
Meet Me Halfway, The Black Eyed Peas [j]
Can you meet me halfway, right at the borderline / Is where I'm gonna wait, for you / I'll be looking out, night n' day / Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I stay / I can't go any further than this / I want you so bad it's my only wish
I think of all three LI’s when I listen to this, because it fits into the idea of them struggling to maintain both of their lifestyles and have them mesh together. And it plays into the distance when MPC has to scatter.
Moonlight, Trippie Redd [j]
I can still be your man / I was tryna see your plans / 'Cause I was tryna have this dance tonight / Your body, girl, I'm a real big fan / And I cannot lose this chance / So, baby girl, grab my hand / This moment I'm waiting for, I fantasize / I just wanna be with you, I just wanna be with you tonight / Under the moonlight
This reminded me of the prom scene and how despite the chaos, all three love interests took the time to appreciate MC and soak up their last “date”.
out for the night, 21 Savage [j]
Five foot five (Five), she my ride or die (Die) / Never tell a lie (Lie), we like Bonnie and Clyde (Clyde) / Lookin' at her thigh (Thigh), like, "Do it come with rice?" (Rice) / She don't like FaceTime, she would rather Skype / But I'm out for the night (Straight up) / Out for the night (Straight up)
When I heard this song I could definitely see Colt listening to it, but I think the flirtiness of the song fits for all three love interests! Also, I mean… “she my ride or die” and “we like Bonnie and Clyde”? Self explanatory.
Part of Me, Teo [j]
I believe there's no one in your place / So much lovely / You can cure my mistakes / You reside in me no room for escape
You're my darling / You're my love / You're rocking all of your diamonds / All dressed up / And girl I lost my mind, no, I messed up / So now I'm knocking at your doors with my chest up
You're part of me / Come again and see / Diamonds make you sparkle
This reminds me of the prom scene from the LI’s perspective. And even more so than that, it reminds me of post prom/car chase where they have to say goodbye to each other the last time. It’s like a bittersweet tribute to MC about how much they mean to them and how much they’ll think about them when they’re apart.
Special, 21 Savage [j]
We got something special / I was finna text you / But I don't wanna pest you / Even if we ain't together (no matter we're forever) / I'm still coming to your rescue
Ride with me (ride with me) / Tell the truth and don't you lie to me (lie to me) / You know I need you on my side with me (side with me) / Tell the truth and don't you lie to me (lie to me) / Baby, roll with me (roll with me)
I'mma hold you down forever / You my round forever / They just want to use you, but I'm tryna help you
I think of Colt mostly with this song, but it definitely fits with all of the li’s in my opinion! Logan, Colt, and Mona would all approach their relationship with MC this way – constantly affirming that they’re there for MC no matter what, even if things go South with them, they’re always one call away. And especially the last line “they just wanna use you, but I’m tryna help you” that’s for sure an overprotective LI about the Jason Shaw situation and generally people taking advantage of MC’s kindness.
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Drunk on Love, Rihanna [p]
Take me away / I wear my heart on my sleeve / Always let love take the lead / I may be a little naive, yeah
I feel like I’ve heard MC being described as naive, and even in the book Mona is like man it’s your damn heart that got us into this mess because you thought we were more than who we are, so yeah this song reminded me of MC.
Final Goodbye, Rihanna [p]
Thought that you would stay forever with me / But the time has come to leave
Promise you our love will carry on
Final goodbye, MC saying goodbye to their LI, you catch my drift.
The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty, Panic! at the Disco [p]
If you wanna start a fight / You better throw the first punch / Make it a good one
I feel like this lyric specifically is saying that if you’re gonna stand for something, you better give it your all, and it reminded me of how MC came up with the plan to defeat the Brotherhood in the last few chapters of ROD, and to get out of it, they really had to go all out (AKA MC telling the police everything, meaning the gang had to go on the run). Also, MC just nose-dived into this life and I feel like this lyric is like ‘well sis if you gon be a criminal you might as well do your best’ (and she did when she bodied her first heist I know that’s right, my driver forever <3).
Harder We Fall, Jessie J [p]
So, whatever path we choose to take / There will be highs and there will be lows, the same / Oh, we’ll never run from our mistakes / The harder we fall the harder we try again
I just feel like this is a good song for MC to listen to in the car on her way to Langston yk crying but the windows are down and the wind is wiping your tears so you just keep it pushing because you’ll live and you’re stronger than your lows.
House of Memories, Panic! at the Disco [p]
If you’re a lover, you should know / The lonely moments just get lonelier / The longer you’re in love than if you are alone / Memories turn into daydreams, become a taboo
I think of you from time to time more than I thought I would
I just feel like this is a perfect song for MC going through the motions of leaving their lover behind and thinking about the times they shared because her life with the crew will always be so drastically different than the life she was went to have (going to Langston, being the ‘goody two shoes’, etc.).
Let It Out, Trippie Redd ft. Myiah Lynnae [p]
I need to know, before I tell you, can I trust you?
Idk man this song really just spoke to me.
Saw You in a Dream, The Japanese House [j]
I saw you in a dream / You had stayed the same / You were beckoning me / Said that I had changed / Tried to keep my eyes closed / I want you so bad / Then I awoke and it was so sad
Haven't talked to you in months / And I thought that I might cry / But I'm not that kind of girl
All good things come to an end / But I thought that this might last / But you came and left so fast
I wonder if you'll come visit me again / You're taking your time to reappear / I'm starting to believe that when I call your name / You just don't hear me anymore / And I know that I shouldn't even try / It's a waste of time
I don’t think I need to go super in depth as to why this reminded me of MC, but I do see this as MC’s defeated approach to it in the months/years after meeting the MPC.
Silent Nite, Tink [p]
I put your joy and your feelings ‘fore mine / These days I’m angry, angry inside / No words to say (oh) / One thing to do / Move on and fall back from you / It’s gonna be a silent night / No one here to hold me tight / It’s gonna be a silent night / No one here to hold me, oh, oh I’m lonely / Lost for words (lost for words)
It’s a short song so I just put the whole lyrics in here LMFAO but I feel like this could be MC during her first few nights at Langston. For Hieron at least, I know she went through a range of emotions processing this new chapter without the people she holds dear, angry at the way this is how things had to play out, but all that’s left for her to do is get over it, move on, and get used to not having that support anymore (i.e. like if MC is used to cuddling with [insert LI], they deadass gotta sleep alone now f in the chat).
Smile, Juice WRLD ft. The Weeknd [p]
I’d do anything in my power to see you just smile / I want you to prosper and come proper / Even if that means I ain’t by your side
I spent every day right beside you (‘side you), ‘side you (‘side you) / A hundred pics of me on your phone / Now you’re someone that I used to know
OKAY so I’m absolutely obsessed with this song and the first lyric was definitely giving me Logan x MC because I feel like this is something he could’ve said during his goodbye, like saying something that vulnerable and heartwrenchingly sweet is def on-brand for him, but the second lyric I feel like fits all the LIs. Like because they were part of the crew, they spent so much time with MC, and now that they’re gone, MC has all those pictures and memories that they  want to hold on to them so badly even though they can never be together again (‘now you’re someone that I used to know’)
Stuck With Me, The Neighbourhood [j]
Now I'm feeling guilty for it / Didn't wanna leave / Realized I'm less important / Than I thought I'd be, yeah / I'm not tellin' you for any certain reasons but / I just want your empathy
Our lives keep on gettin' shorter / Losin' opportunity / There might be some other ways of looking at it but / That's just what I see / I been gettin' over myself / Thinkin' about what you need / Then I realised that neither of us matter
You always end up stickin' to me / Somehow, somehow / You are stuck with me / So I guess I'll be sticking with / You are stuck with me / So I guess I'll be sticking with
So I think this song covers a lot of topics for MC. I think the vibe of the lyrics suit MC when she’s dealing with her relationship with her father, being pressured by Jason Shaw, and grappling with whether or not she’s making the right decision despite it all – homegirl was falling in love throughout all of it, too. Reading the lyrics with that lens made me think of each of the lines as a different conversation. The first part sounds like a tidbit of a conversation she could’ve had with her dad or about her dad. The next one is like a realization that despite how careful she is with her choices, nothing matters anyways, if the MC takes a nihilistic approach to it. And the last lyric is her conclusion with the LI that despite everything, she’s happy that she’s with her LI and she’s grateful for their loyalty.
worst behavior, Ariana Grande [j]
I been on my worst behavior / But, baby, I don't need no savior / I'm way outta line / But I kind of like the way I / Feel when I just don't give a fuck
This ain't no game, won't play with you / This time I know I'll stay with you / Just promise you won't say nothin' / Don't you be actin' like that, don't you be actin' like that, babe
Said baby it's just in my nature / To be a little troublemaker
Know you really like the way I / Taste when we kiss, you reminisce / But this ain't the last time / Just stay by my side
This song reminds me of rebellious MC before the gravity of the situation really hits her – the short span of time where she’s not worrying about being Valedictorian or college or her dad’s approval. She’s just living and falling in love for the first time. This could probably work for all LI’s but the specific “troublemaker” line makes me think of an MC who is trying to reassure Logan that she can make her own decisions.
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1Day, PnB Rock ft. Ugly God [j]
Momma told me that I wouldn't be shit / Told her one day / I'ma be rich (huh)
One day, I'ma buy a big ass crib  / One day, I'ma buy a big ass mansion / One day, all my fucking diamonds gon' be dancing / One day, I'ma fuck a bitch in the Hamptons / One day, I'ma eat the sushi with the salmon
Dropped out of college, everybody said I'm tripping / Told them be patient, but they ass wouldn't listen / Made it big time, now they fucking with the vision / Now I'm really rich, and my diamonds really glistening
The lyrics kind of remind me of the lifestyle that they live – whether or not they fell for the MC in the process, they all kind of have the motive of money and being successful in their own way. Even though the li’s and MC have their own shortcomings and wants and needs outside of MPC, I like to think of this song as an ego booster and probably representative of their attitudes when they joined MPC at the beginning. Reminds me of Logan especially since he joined the life so early and probably romanticized it for the longest time before it really went to shit. And to add to that, the last lyric is Colt all the way.
92 Explorer, Post Malone [p]
Ooh, baby, I see these muhfuckas’ glancin’ / When my whip stop, then my wheels keep spinnin’
Made a lot of M’s, made a lot of moves
This song is literally all about Post Malone’s precious car so I was like LMFAO why not because everyone in ROD loves their cars and then the last lyric is because they be making a lot of money with their transactions/steals.
Best Friend, Saweetie ft. Doja Cat [p]
Beep beep, is that my bessie in a Tessie?
Listen... I feel like we were robbed of the peak best friend dynamic that could’ve existed between Riya and MC so this whole song is for them (also c’mon MC could’ve snatched a Tesla if she reeaaally wanted too so yup that’s Riya’s bessie in a Tessie).
Lost It, Rich The Kid ft. Quavo and Offset [p]
The Bentley don’t cost shit / I walk out the bank rich
Okay, drank sippin’, lane switchin’ / I done brought my gang with me
Ooh, I might snatch the coupe
First one because they really could get any car they wanted, second lyric because gang always together yk, and last one because they really be stealing cars out here LMFAO.
Royal Rumble, Lil Tecca [p]
My life is a movie, you not ready for that clip
It’s a Royal Rumble
ROD really is a wild ride (‘my life is a movie’) and the ‘it’s a Royal Rumble’ just reminded me of the fact that it’s basically a showdown between two crews where one wins in the end but at what cost.
Runnin’, 21 Savage and Metro Boomin [p]
Runnin’, runnin’, runnin’, runnin’
We run the motherfuckin’ city
Fuck your crew, [redacted], we’ll kill your crew
First lyric is because literally everyone has to scatter by the end of the book, and the second lyric just gave me their vibes, whether or not they truly ran the city. The last lyric makes me laugh because Colt really was about to kill the other crew, the ‘we’ is a lilll bit loose in that sense though LMFAO because I know damn well Toby was not ready to go down like that.
Stuntin’ Like My Daddy, Birdman ft. Lil Wayne [j]
What we doing? Getting money / What they doing? Hating on us, but they never cross / Cash money still a company, and, bitch, I'm the boss / And I be stuntin' like my daddy, stuntin' like my daddy
Colt and Teppei don’t get along, but I like to think that Colt not only bumps this song in his car, but secretly imagines that him and Teppei run L.A. – either together or with Colt taking the reins.
Takin’ Shots, Post Malone [p]
Drinkin’ all night, but we ain’t done yet / Waitin’ on the plug, but he ain’t come yet
Already losin’ control, this is the life that we chose
The first lyric and this song overall just give me club vibes, like the underground one they went to where MC wears that neon fit. The part in the second line that always gets me is ‘this is the life that we chose’ because being a part of this crew was a choice for most, and they knew what comes with this lifestyle.
Trouble on Central, Buddy [j]
So the entire song is pretty much the idea  “I wish life were better and I’m daydreaming about how good things could be for me”. And to be honest, I think that the vibes of that fit Logan when he was young and broke, but at the same time, I could see Colt bumping this song in a convertible.
The whole song reminds me of the gambling scene and the high stakes of it. It kind of reads like the MC trying to fit in with dangerous criminals while she’s there despite the MPC thinking she’s not ready for it
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elisabeth515 · 3 years
(Some) Greek Gods as Historical Figures
So some days ago I secretly logged back into Mythology and Cultures amino and I stumbled across post of casting historical figures as the gods from Greek mythology. Of course, I hated it, so I made my version of this.
Note: Of course, this is going to have quite a lot of Napoleonic figures, since I am more familiar of this period, but please do reblog this post (or tag me on another post) with the hashtag “#mythical figures as historical people” and add some more of your historical figure Greek God fancasts!
Note 2: this post is for entertaining purpose, and just me introducing some guys to y’all and I am not a historian myself and hopefully you all would still like my takes😅
1. Zeus - Louis XIV of France
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First and foremost, I shall introduce the king of gods featured in Greco-Roman myths. You may ask, why don’t I cast Henry VIII of England? Well, my reason is very simple: Henry is far from accurate to Zeus in actual myths.
To be honest, Zeus has a more “absolute power” energy in it, and Louis XIV totally has rocked it (like that iconic line “l’état, c’est moi (I am the state)”). Well, Henry also has that kind of energy but everyone only remembers his six wives and the uncountable number of bloodshed (not to mention Catherine of Aragon is a much better fighter than him—got this from Horrible Histories OwO)... Anyways, Louis XVI is basically a Zeus.
2. Hera - Catherine of Aragon
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This brings to Catherine of Aragon herself. She’s a total Q U E E N and if you have watched “Six” the musical you already got what I mean (like, being the wife who married to Henry the longest). There’s also the early warlike aspect in Hera (featured in Homer’s works) that Catherine has it as well (at least you know that she’s getting more victories than Henry if you have watched Horrible Histories season 6, in the episode with Rowan Atkinson playing Henry VIII (which is sad because I want Ben Willbond to play him—he iconic to the HH fandom)), making her a great casting of Hera.
Hera, in my opinion, is a very strong woman who has to take Zeus’s shit and I could totally understand why she took revenge on the girls that Zeus has slept with—but anyways, hopefully you guys would like it :3
3. Aphrodite - Pauline Bonaparte
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This is half-self-explanatory, really—just look at that statue she posed as Venus, the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite.
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Pauline was famed for her beauty in her time, also a big chunk of scandals from her affairs (which bugs her big brother Napoleon, a lot). Nevertheless, despite her big spending habits and a great sexual appetite, she always helped Napoleon in some surprising ways (like she sold her house in Paris to the Duke of Wellington to get the funds for Napoleon).
Just like Aphrodite herself, Pauline harnessed her beauty very well. Thus, I rest my case.
4. Apollo - Joachim Murat or Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria
(Warning: long content ahead)
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Firstly, let me briefly introduce them because you guys might not know them much.
Joachim Murat was a marshal of France, also one of Napoleon’s brother-in-law, grand duke of Berg and Cleves from 1806 to 1808 and the King of Naples from 1808 to 1815. After the wars, he attempted to escape yet was caught and executed in 1815 in Pizzo, Italy (if you have read of Alexandre Dumas’s “Famous Crimes” you might know him—by the way no one has cut his head off and sent it to that big nose King Ferdinand).
For those who have watched “Elisabeth” or the “Sissi” movies, you might know Franz Joseph I of Austria already but you might not know much about himself besides being the husband of the (in)famous Empress Sisi (ie. Empress Elisabeth of Austria). He was the Emperor of the Austria from 1848 to his death in 1916—one of the longest reigning European monarchs in history. During his reign, the empire had been through a lot of change, most notably, the creation of Austria-Hungary. Nevertheless, he was also the Emperor who started World War I and he died of old age in the midst of the Great War.
For Apollo, I’m not casting musicians because this is quite overdone. I rather want to shed a light to the other arts that he represented in Greco-Roman mythology. This makes me want to draw a parallel to Joachim Murat as he was also a great sucker of classical literature. Plus, he also was known to be a flamboyant dresser (his nickname was “the Dandy King” by the way), also the designer of the uniforms of the Neapolitan army (with an excessive amount of amaranth, perhaps his favourite colour). Really, everyone just sees him as a great flamboyant himbo but in reality, he’s iconically badass in the battlefield as the First Horseman of Europe. Well, also he’s known for being extremely good with women even though his wife Caroline was fierce as hell. So, in my opinion, he fits the image of Apollo that we know.
However, you guys might feel surprised why I picked Franz Joseph for Apollo. Well, he really... was a rather mediocre ruler in my opinion, and perhaps our most memorable image of him was the senile emperor who signed the declaration of war to Serbia. Nevertheless, he was a well-liked man among his subjects, at least to some old citizens of Austria-Hungary telling future generations. Besides, culture flourished in Vienna under his reign—with notable figures like Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Erwin Schrödinger. Despite the series of unfortunate events which made the empire started to crumble, Austria-Hungary arguably has its cultural importance in Europe. Sounds like what Apollo would do if he’s a ruler, somehow.
Well, enough of his political achievements, let’s talk about his private life... which was probably the actual reason why I picked him.
Enter Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria, the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, also known as Sisi.
On a side note, Marshal Louis-Alexandre Berthier of France, Prince of Neufchâtel and of Wargram, was Empress Sisi’s grand-uncle in-law via his marriage to Duchess Maria Elisabeth in Bavaria
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Absolutely love Pia as Elisabeth in the musical so please don’t mind me using a gif from this :3 ((also, “Elisabeth” spoiler alert
Franz originally was to marry her sister Helene (nicknamed Néné), nevertheless, on the first meeting in Bad Ishl, he has fallen for the young Elisabeth, head over heels—making him defying his domineering mother, Archduchess Sophie, for the very first time. Elisabeth also liked him and did not expressed her refusal either, so they got married in St. Augustine’s Church in 29th April, 1854.
However, the marriage was not well. Sisi was not accustomed to the strict Austrian court especially Archduchess Sophie (also she was not really a fan of intimacy). Poor Franz was rather helpless in situations between his mother and his wife, and eventually, Sisi chose her freedom over her duty as Empress, traveling around the world. They two briefly went back together during the Austro-Hungarian compromise, yet she was constantly not there. Eventually, Sisi was assassinated by an anarchist named Luigi Lucheni during her stay in Geneva, Switzerland, and Franz was devastated over her death (“she will never know how much I love her”).
To Franz, he loved her so, but he really didn’t understand her needs. Even though he had countless mistresses and female companions in Vienna, he still missed his wife. I say, he was really unlucky when it comes to love. Like Apollo himself, he dated countless nymphs and humans, but a lot of his notable relationships did not have a good end. (Probably Cyrene was the most lucky one, yet she also has chosen to be left alone after mothering several children with Apollo.) For this, I picked Franz Joseph as Apollo.
5. Ares - Jean Lannes or Michel Ney
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As usual, for those who don’t know much history, I shall briefly introduce my babeys these two great soldiers.
Jean Lannes was one of the marshals of Napoleon, known for being one of Napoleon’s closest friends and his fiery personality, and is considered one of the best marshals of the 1st French Empire. His finest moments including the Battle of Ratisbon in which he led his men to storm the well-guarded city with ladders (hence his nickname “ladder lord” in our very humble Napoleonic marshalate fandom :3). Sadly, he died of the wound he received in the battle of Aspern-Essling in 1809.
Michel Ney was also one of the marshals of Napoleon, known for his extreme valour (yep, he is known as the “Bravest of the Brave”). As you might know, he was one of the marshals who was in Waterloo, yet, his finest hour was during the retreat from Russia in the disasterous 1812. Sadly, he was arguably the most prominent victim of the White Terror under the second Bourbon restoration, executed in 1815 (**I am not accepting any kind of conspiracy theories of my babey survived and died in America😤).
Speaking of Ares, I have a lot of things to say (that’s my dad ;-; no jkjk). He is really not that bloodthirsty idiot who casually hates humans. Well, he’s more like a fiery dork and a man who was very faithful to his lovers, and fights very well (by the way also one of the best dads). So, the bois that come into my mind are automatically two of the most courageous marshals of France.
Lannes, if I have to get him a godly parent, it would definitely Ares. He resembled the god a lot (also I sometimes imagined Ares as a smol bean with dark hair), probably looks the most like Ares himself. He got that fiery temper, that faithfulness to his wife Louise, also being a very courageous fighter in the field—well he literally was like, “NO LEMME STORM DAT CITY *grabs ladder*”.
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There you have it, my big bro our ladder lord Jean Lannes who can pull off a perfect Ares.
Ney is like a slightly introverted (and mature) version of an Ares person. You can guess his temper already through his famed auburn hair, and indeed despite his shy exterior his temper sometimes was a bit explosive, and a bit impatient (which was somehow one of his fatal flaws). He was a great fighter, known as a skilled swordsman in his youth. And you all know how brave he is in his famed epithet. Michel Ney is purely badass (and C U T E) you know (and he needs a lot of hugs because he has really been though a lot in the wars, and was a possible case of PTSD which was shown in his arguably suicidal behaviour during the battle of Waterloo). That’s why I casted him as the Greek god Ares OwO
And there you have it, my interpretations on the Greek gods via people in history. I originally would like to include more but somehow I realised that I have written too much about my picks. So, if you want to add more, reblog this post or tag me on the post you made on this topic (and please use the hashtag “mythical figures as historical people” so that I could look into your choices via the search bubble on this app🥺).
Last but not the least, I hope you all lovelies like this, also have learnt something new via my brief introductions on some historical people. Have a great day!
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ambivertwriter · 3 years
Pet Names? (Tenya Iida HC)
Prompt: Tenya Iida doesn't really understand the concept of pet names. After some of his classmates’ help, he still has no idea what he's doing.
     "Babycakes, can you hand me my phone?" Iida looked around to see Bakugo with his hand held up, most likely expecting his phone to be tossed to him. He wondered quietly how Bakugo expected mini cakes to respond to his request, but nevertheless, kept his head trained to see the outcome.             
      In a matter of seconds, his significant other responded with a "sure." and tossed his phone to him. It utterly baffled Iida how Bakugo's significant other could respond to such a name. Not wanting to touch on it any further, he simply went back to his studies.            
      Now, Iida would have happily let that single instance go by without question. However, after it had happened a second time in his presence, he simply had to know what in earth was going on.            
      "Sparky, could you grab that for me?" This time, it was Denki's significant other as they struggled to reach an item off a rather high-up shelf.            
      "Sure thing, honey bee,"  Denki replied as he carried through with the task. It was at this point where Iida unintentionally slammed his book closed, causing all eyes to go on him.            
      "Iida, you good?" Denki asked, his head tilted to the side with a rather concerned expression on his face. Iida looked up and around to see all the attention he had accidentally called upon himself. Somewhat embarrassed, a tinge of pink dusted his cheeks before he explained.            
      "I just... I fail to realize the significance of addressing someone who you care so deeply about as such a crude name. I mean, 'babycakes' and 'sparky' a-and 'honey bee'? Surely those must be insulting towards the receiving end of those names, right?" The four in the room couldn't help but laugh; not at Iida, but for him. This was the first they've ever seen him so befuddled over what should be a commonly known topic. It was only when he kept his expression clear on his face that the rest had stopped laughing.
      "Wait you're serious? Iida, do you really not know what pet names are?" Denki was thoroughly shocked at this revelation.            
      "Of course I'm aware of pet names. They're quite self-explanatory, no?"     
      "Not the literal pat names, you numbnut. We're talking about the ones you use on your s/o," Bakugo chided.            
      "Why would one think to give their significant other a name alluding to a common pet?"            
      Mina walked into the room, picking up context from her surrounding and what she just heard and she couldn't help but chuckle. She walked over to Iida, giving him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before signaling to the other four that she would handle this, and that they could return to their previous tasks.            
      "Oh, buddy. A pet name is a term for a sort of nickname for someone very special, not exclusive to significant others. Sometimes, these nicknames hold an importance and sometimes they don't, but one thing is always very clear: the receiving end of that name is comfortable and sometimes even flattered to be given that nickname. Do you understand or do you need me to elaborate a bit more?" Out of all the students, Mina was the most patient when it came to teaching the old souls modern slang and terms.            
      "So, if I understand this correctly, a pet name is the alternative phrase for a special nickname given to someone incredibly emotionally connected with the person giving said nickname?" Mina only nodded, as it sounded like Iida had a follow-up.            
      "And... you're all okay with the things you're being called?" Iida asked, looking at the four. They all responded with some variation of an affirmative, some simply nodding and others responding verbally. With this new-found information, Iida decided to test it out. conveniently, as he exited the common room on his way back to his dorm, Izuku was just about to enter. As they crossed paths, Iida decided to apply his learnings.
      “Hello there, sugarbear!” Iida said with as much positive emotion as he could muster. He didn’t look back to see Izuku’s face, but if he had, he would find an utterly shell-shocked and mortified Izuku, his face a mix of fear and confusion. If he wasn’t as far away from the common room as he was, he also would have hear boisterous laughter from the others in the room, mostly from Mina and Denki. 
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barzzal · 3 years
barzzal’s mobile guidelines
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hi! here are some guidelines for a quick run down of what you can expect on the writing side of this blog. listed below the cut are some rules and hockeys i’ll be writing for. please don’t ignore this post in case you’re planning to send a request. thank you!
requests: closed
masterlist: the barn
writing tags:
imagines, blurbs, headcanons, wet weekends
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writing guidelines:
— requests are open! do keep in mind that i write at my own pace but i assure you that i’ll work on it as soon as i can. hope you’ll be fine with that!
— i do appreciate likes, but reblogs and feedbacks will surely go a long way! they’re just as important and it wouldn’t hurt to help a girl out, amirite! appreciate authors and their fics! validate us in the tags!! :’))
— my nsfw works are strictly for adults only! (18+) if you’re a minor, please don’t interact in any of my smut writings. do not consume content you’re not supposed to and was clearly not intended for you.
— i sincerely hope you would be considerate enough to honor all of the things stated on here.
— if you do have more questions, feel free to hmu my askbox is always open for everyone! talk to me!
what i write:
fluff → domestic themes, feel good imagines, all that cute and tooth rotting stuff!
angst → break ups, relationships in a rut, falling out, jealousy, and all that goes under the category of hurting yourself with a fic just to make you feel things... yes i love that pls send more angsty concepts <3
smut → we all want the naaaasty! give it! i don’t write polyamory btw it’s not my strongest suit but we’ll see (we’ll never know)
imagines, blurbs, headcanons → i usually write requests in the form of blurbs/hc. if it gets longer than a blurb i might publish it as a full imagine. but don’t worry, i’ll make sure to include your request on it. do lmk which one you’d want the concept written in.
everything “x fem!reader” → i avoid any race-giving description/s as much as possible even tho i’m a poc. nonetheless, you are free to specify if you want the imagine to be more tailored to you.
real person fiction → i might write au’s occasionally but i prefer writing for them as hockeys and themselves.
also, i love angst more than anything! so pls dont hesitate to send me angsty concepts. <3
what i don’t write:
i hold every right to simply not write what i’m not comfortable with as i give you the right to not support what i wrote if you’re not comfortable with it. give and take boo x
i strictly don’t write for problematic players. i don’t think i need to stress on this any further.
i don’t write for married/family man hockeys. this is pretty self explanatory. pls don’t send requests for gabe landeskog, matt martin, carey price, casey cizikas, travis konecny, and the like. if someone from the list i write for eventually gets married or have a child, assume that they will be taken off it as well.
what you can send other than requests:
my inbox is always open and i answer as soon as i can soo shoot whatever you wanna or just talk and have a chat with me :-))
PLEASE for the love of all things good and pure, send me thots!!! your girl badly needs it
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disclaimer: this is fiction. that means the way i write these boys is not/will never be an appropriate justification of how or who they are in real life. rpf authors use celebrities as the yardstick of a certain character limited only as the ff. a face claim, a name, a and few attributes/personalities but it shall never depict how they really are as a person. i love them yes, but keep in mind that they are men. and we all know that men are shitty as hell.
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who i write for: you can send blurb/headcanon requests for these people + do not send requests for players that are not on the list
note: the list is in alphabetical order (team wise) and their specific tags. names without links mean i’m yet to write a full-imagine for them. nevertheless, feel free to check my masterlist for blurbs and/or headcanons of said players.
colorado avalanche
mikko rantanen
nathan mackinnon (pending requests)
tyson jost
carolina hurricanes
sebastian aho (concept under wet weekends)
new jersey devils
nico hischier
ryan graves
new york islanders
mathew barzal
pittsburgh penguins
sidney crosby
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retired writings (players i no longer write for)
nolan patrick
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Understanding BvS’s Lex Luthor: CSA and Repressed Homosexuality
(Re-posted with minor revisions after I moved accounts and accidentally deleted this post)
Lex’s motivations are quite explicit in BvS, he has a whole speech explaining why he is doing what he’s doing and what he says is consistently shown throughout his screentime. But I think there is a lot unspoken beneath the surface that most people wouldn’t think of, based on my observations I think that BvS’s Lex was molested by his father and that he’s sexually attracted to Clark, and that his issues with Superman partially stem from the duality of desiring Clark and being afraid of him. That may sound strange, especially the csa bit, but hear me out because there is quite a bit of evidence and it may give you a clearer perspective on the character.
NOTE: I just want to clarify that it is not at all my intention to equate homosexuality with CSA nor demonize CSA survivors, I’m simply observing this particular character who happens to be a villain. Lex being attracted to Clark doesn’t make him villainous, the way he deals with it because of trauma and internalized homophobia is the problem.
1.) Daddy’s Abominations?
“No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to save me from daddy’s fists and abominations!”
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This is quite self-explanatory, Lex just said that his father sexually abused him. The only other possible interpretation I could think of is a more general ‘my dad made me evil because he was evil’ but that’s a really weak explanation especially since the line is equated with the trauma of being beaten by his dad and the way he is very visibly triggered saying that line. When he finishes “abominations” he immediately flinches away from Superman and shakes his hand in front of his face as if desperately trying to erase what he just confessed.
2.) Lolita + Alice in Wonderland
“Plain Lo in the morning, Lola is slacks -“
“Late, late says the white rabbit”
Lolita and Alice in Wonderland...those are interesting choices of literature for a supervillain to quote. You’d think something more threatening and/or pretentious would be an obvious choice for a traditional mastermind-type supervillain rather than two obscure (not very masculine) classics that only have one thing in common: themes of sexual obsession and pedophilia.
Lolita is the story of a pedophile who uses his power as a step-father to groom and sexually abuse a child. Alice in Wonderland, while not having explicit pedophilic content, was written by a suspected pedophile and is obsessively focused on a child that there are photographs of the author kissing on the mouth. These are the two novels Lex relates to enough to quote them casually off the top of his head.
3.) The “it’s cherry” scene
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So this is obviously a sexual innuendo but the question is, why this guy? This character is utterly unimportant on his own and this doesn’t affect anything plot-wise which means this action is entirely about characterizing Lex. What are they trying to communicate here? This guy represents a figure similar to Lex’s father, an older businessman who behaved as if he had authority over Lex, and Lex’s instinct to that is to assert dominance in a sexually suggestive manner. This establishes Lex as a character who uses sexuality to dominate and make others uncomfortable, and relates it to a man who who represents his father.
4.) Two Versions Of The Same Scene
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Lex caressing Zod’s face directly parallels him caressing around Clark’s face, even the framing is identical. I think these are two versions of Lex confronting Superman, one with the actual Superman where he has to keep his distance and put on a callous front, and the other with a Kryptonian corpse he can project Superman onto. The scene with Zod I think shows how Lex truly feels about Clark. “You flew too close to the sun” he’s saying this and crying as he’s creating a monster to kill Clark which makes me think those words were not for Zod but the god he feels he has to kill. There’s no reason for Lex to cry for Zod, Lex has no relationship with him, it’s much more coherent that this scene is using Zod’s body as a substitute for what Lex can’t express to the real Superman.
EDIT: Upon rewatch I noticed a small moment where the Jolly Rancher Dude (I don’t think he has a name lol?) says with a smile “You want Zod’s body?” and Lex goes “Okay”, it’s a very playful interaction and it I think strengthens the connection between Zod’s body being an implied sex symbol of Superman.
4.5.) The Sexual Tension In The Rooftop Scene
Every moment of the rooftop scene (and all of this film) is so multilayered and intense, I could talk about it for hours but I want to talk a little more about the moment in the above gif.
Seconds before this, Lex was wagging his fingers inches for Superman’s glowing laser eyes but now when he knows Clark isn’t going to attack him, he won’t touch him? Lex is less afraid of having his fingers burned off than he is to touch Clark’s head knowing that he won’t do anything. Because Lex would be happy if Superman burned him, that would prove him right and give him an easy category to put Clark in but letting himself touch Clark in an ‘affectionate’ manner is terrifying.
A straight male villain that just wanted to use physical contact to assert dominance over the hero would have touched Clark here (and also would have no reason to caress Zod’s dead body) but Lex can’t even though he’s literally trembling with desire to and we know for a fact he’s not afraid of invading Clark’s personal space in an even more physically dangerous moment.
5.) The Dual Realities Of An Abused Child
“If God is all good then he cannot be all powerful.”
Now, I’m not an expert in psychology but I will do my best to articulate this. When someone, especially a child, is abused by someone they love it creates an extreme paradox in their mind. They love this person and they have to trust them but they also have to fear them, their brains are forced to compartmentalize when this person is a threat vs when they are a protector. In some cases, like Lex’s, this can lead to someone entirely thinking in absolutes and dualities.
It’s a consistent theme in Lex’s dialogue that he thinks in absolutes. The cornerstone of his ideology is people have to be “all good” or “all powerful” when really no one is either, there arguably is no such thing as either.
It’s also a theme that he has dual views of people in his life, the most prominent being his father and Superman. In one scene he’s reminiscing about wishing his dad would come back, in another he’s emotionally describing the abuse he inflicted. And Lex does the same with Clark as explained in point 4.
Lex even seems to have a dual view of himself. In the rooftop scene he points to himself as “the evil in the world” but his speech about Prometheus at the party is clearly meant to illustrate that he sees himself as a misunderstood savior of humanity (this is even confirmed in the bonus material).
6.) Internalized Homophobia
“I don’t hate the sinner, I hate the sin.”
Two things are important to me with this line. First is that it reinforces point 5 but also this is a very, very common phrase in homophobic rhetoric so for him to say this and gesture to Clark’s body as the “sin” has implications. And yes, yes, I know he meant that Clark’s powers are a sin but things can have double meanings and I sincerely doubt that anyone making a movie in the western world’s current political climate wouldn’t realize that phrase is strongly linked to homophobia.
To elaborate on how it reinforces 5: Lex is openly saying that he doesn’t hate Clark, he just hates his power, which brings us back to the idea of an abuse victim’s dual reality. It’s Clark’s power that is the threat to him but he can still love Clark, same way his father’s abuse was a threat but he can still love his father. Note: Lex calls Clark “my friend” and “Clark Joe” and similar affectionate names throughout their interactions which I think suggests that Lex sees Clark as partially a person.
7.) Conclusion
DCEU’s Lex Luthor was a fresh, contemporary take on the character so it was a jarring difference from the Lex we’ve seen in other recent mainstream media. I also think it was upsetting partially because it took away Lex as a male power fantasy; a buff, suave billionaire who’s hyper masculine and doesn’t let anything get to him including his canonical abuse. Now we’ve got this definitely charming and silver-tongued but effeminate and deeply traumatized Lex that I think is much, much more dynamic and compelling (and definitely fits this universe) but was uncomfortable for people that were attached to the charecter as a male power fantasy.
Nevertheless we need more villains like this. That can be both intimidating and vulnerable, that are human and offer a real ideological opposition to the hero. BvS could not have been the story it is without this Lex. BvS is a brilliant and nuanced film about how fear and trauma affects people’s worldviews, which is an important thing to explore when you have a Superhero that is the embodiment of hope. It’s important to show that not everyone can have hope so easily and to humanize those people.
Anyways this post is really long and I could literally talk for days about DCEU and this film especially so thanks for reading, please be respectful in the notes.
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reginrokkr · 4 years
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✩ @magnatis​ wished upon a star: “ you owe me something. ”
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Every early morning is punctuated by a self-imposed rigorous training Ace always makes sure to follow religiously. Akademeia is known for having its commander officers offer their cadets and students a training as part of their academic routine sufficiently decent so they can be sent to missions that correspond to the role assigned to each class. Perhaps the boy assigned by name as number one of Class Zero could adapt a more tranquil demeanor and enjoy the occasional moments as a student for a change rather than a weapon. Nevertheless, he has long grown accustomed to live up to the name Mother gave him and keep the perfection he is known for.
Despite his efforts, his physique does not seem to evolve accordingly to his training regime. He knows he isn’t obligated to prove anyone that he seeks to improve his body to offer his best performance in missions, albeit sometimes he cannot help but attribute the lack of visible results to his ongoing growth spurt. Despite the similar age, he is nowhere close to what King and Nine represent–– not even Eight, whose body is as petite as his own. Ace finds he can’t compare himself to the monk, either. His body is his weapon, whereas the blond is heavily magic and speed reliant.
A light cough garners his attention, enough to draw Ace away from his train of thoughts concerning his muscle mass. “Ah, King.” It was certainly strange to see the older cadet at this hour, yet his presence was far from unwelcome.  He turns to receive him properly, reaching to pat the sweat of his face with a clean towel surrounding his neck while the other approaches him.
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“You owe me something.” Curiosity reflects in the younger blond’s cyan irises in a momentary bout of confusion. He blinks, unable to realize what King means. In all the time they had spent together since a young age, Ace had learnt that he isn’t one to say something unless he means it or to joke about only to say it was nothing. “Do I now...?” He mumbles, gaze descending in thought as one hand finds repose on his hip and the other cradles his chin. Realization dawns on him fairly quickly when he reminisces the befallen events in their last mission and Ace’s willingness to check that the wound he sustained had healed properly. “Oh.” He lets out a faint chuckle as the hand falls to the other side of his hips, lips curling in a smile. “I didn’t think you meant that after seeing you never brought back the topic after the mission.”
Truth to be said, Ace doesn’t consider himself to have a considerable expertise in white magic like Deuce, the one who has adapted the most supportive stance out of the class. Certainly, he increased his own pool of abilities and mastered a few skills beneficial for himself and those who are within his immediate vicinities. Nothing in comparison to her as she has access to a bigger range so long as someone hears her flute, regardless. “Having a certain knowledge of medicine or an understanding of the limits of healing might be a good start to improve.” Blond brows knit in silent consideration, mindful to choose his words to not deviate from the point or give too much information which King might not need in the first place. Trey is a solid example of what means to ramble endlessly–– no matter how intelligent he may be, even Ace thought more than once how useless that can be. The fact that he gets better scores than the archer in the exams is rather self-explanatory. “Healing can do as much no matter how skilful you are. It won’t replenish lost blood nor fix severed muscular tissues, but it helps to not worsen it. That’s why therapy is important.”
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