qcoded · 5 months
SINS OF THE SON AU: Detectives Luz Noceda and Hunter Wittebane.
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i finally got around to making proper refs for this au, starting off with these two :3
Synopsis: Luz Noceda and Hunter Wittebane are two amateur detectives in their mid-twenties, and are generally new regarding their cases. Around their 6/7th, they're tasked to investigate the murder of 8 year old Collin Santos.
Luz is the one that started off with the case and gathered evidence, but once she showed Hunter, he made the disturbing revelation that their main suspect was Philip Wittebane, his estranged uncle.
Philip seemed to be Collin's guardian, but they found out that there were no legal documents that could prove that. Hunter had a strained relationship with his uncle, so there was no way that even he knew the man had a whole kid in his care.
The two detectives try their hardest to uncover the disturbing mystery behind the case, and along the way discover the horrifically disturbing intentions from the murderer.
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orions-belt-buckle · 10 months
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The Owl House X Petscop AU
Sprites design
I redesigned the characters' in-game Petscop sprites to fit the AU. This was very fun and I'm pretty proud of what I came up with !
Players' sprites
Golden Guardian (Guardian redesign) : This redesign follows the classic shape of the Petscop Guardian, but makes it look like the Golden Guard. It's wearing the golden Guard outfit, so does every sprite. Instead of the classic head of the Guardian, this is the Golden Gard's mask, but following the normal head shape. All the colors were color-picked from Petscop sprites to match its aesthetic. The Golden Guardian of course still doesn't have hands
There are 4 sprites for the players is Petscop. The basic one, the Guardian, is the one that represents you when you are playing the game, always. When you encounter another player though their sprite will be a Guardian with a different head. That head is something that symbolizes a specific player. This is called the Multiple Player Theory (MPT for short).
Hunter MPT Guardian : This is Hunter-Paul's avatar. Originally, Paul's avatar is called pyramid-head since its head is the red pyramid that symbolizes Care's dance. I thought : what would symbolize Hunter best ? And especially a happier Hunter ? Of course that would be Flapjack, Hunter's best friend and Palisman. Which is perfect because Flapjack is red, much like the original pyramid. It's also not a human face in both cases. To fit better the aesthetic and to symbolize the older Hunter, I decided to go with the Flapjack tattoo design as seen in Watching and Dreaming.
Belos MPT Guardian : This is Belos' avatar. It's based on Marvin's, which is originally a green mask that is quite scary in its deformity. What represents Belos needed to be green and monstrous too, which could only be his Palisman-monster face and its inhumane smile. Both Marvin's and Belos' faces are the closest to a humans face between the three MPT avatars. For this design too I tried to keep it simple with the shapes and no shading.
Amity MPT Guardian : This is Amity's avatar. It's inspired by Belle's, which is in Petscop a circle, specifically a drawing of a girl's face that we assume is Tiara aka who she thinks she is/wants to be. So for Amity, I went with the Blight Industries' logo. It represents Amity very well because it is an Abomination (what she loves most) as well as a symbol of her parents' company (who she thinks she is/should want to be, the perfect daughter, witch and heiress) and it's purple like her. It also replaces Belle's drawing perfectly since it is also a circle with a face in it.
Hunter A, B and NLM
In Petscop, we encounter care A, B and NLM in different locations. Her face in the 3 states is also drawn on a piece of paper at the beginning. She has her own sprites different from any Guardian. Since Hunter is Care in Owlscop, I changed these to look like him. Because this is Hunter-Cqre and not Hunter-Paul, the redesign looks like him back when he was the Golden Guard, especially for his outfit.
Children that went through a Rebirthing have 3 different states: A, B and NLM (Nobody Loves Me). A is for when the child is ok, B not so much and NLM is a mentally broken person.
All the colors have been color-picked from Petscop (Care and Guardian sprites).
Hunter A : This is Hunter before the abuse, as a freshly made Grimwalker. For that reason, he is a Hunter we have never seen in TOH. I removed his scar, damaged ear and characteristic dark circles. Indeed, these are all consequences of Belos' abuse. His hair though is close to what it is the first time we see him.
Hunter B : This one is close to the actual Hunter we see on TOH except more disheveled to match the evolution of Care's sprites.
Hunter NLM : This is the same design as Hunter B, but in Care NLM's pose.
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crimeronan · 9 months
I love political and tactical fantasy shenanigans so I'm very 👀 over that appearing in the princess luz au in some way. There's so much you can play around with, like the public opinion, who gets supplies for not just the castle but the civilians, or runs this or that, and how the different coven's are run (i read a v neat theory that the abomination coven has more opportunities because of Darius, for example), any new covenhead will have to untangle the mess and horrors of their predecessor, and bringing in new people to run a section or help support a coven that's surprise surprise being held together by string and luck because the previous head was incompetent or didn't care enough. Or both.
Like the plant coven's plantations that are mentioned once in Hunting Palismen that guard the remaining palistrom trees. That'll need to be dealt with so more witches can recieve palismen, and then they'll need someone to carve them(possible lead in to Hunter getting intrested in palisman carving? ovo CLAWTHORNE CLAN APPEARANCE MAYBE??). Not to mention the overhaul of the education system, of which TERRA is apparently in charge of, which explains a lot, actually. How many buildings on TBI aren't built to sustain the boiling rain and rely on magic or pure luck to stay standing because the construction coven either didn't bother to do their jobs or they simply couldn't because they didn't have the resources and time, so those who have the most money get priority?
Not to mention taking care of monsters! The empress coven can't be too different from the emperor's coven yet, so they're not very efficient(because they're a cult and that's how they function) and someone has to address that and Lilith is too used to the system to recognise the problems by herself. Maybe Luz makes it law that all coven's now must have a head coven and a vice head of sort, so all the power and decision making doesn't rest with only one person?
Sorry, I'm rambling, I just love this kind of stuff, I go a little insane over it. Adding on all the characters being very stupid or very crazy or both makes for a funny time.
YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!! THIS IS ALL SO GOOOOD these thoughts are all so good. at first i didn't want to plot a big long story about what exactly luz does to solve some of these issues, bc watching and dreaming addressed everything so well... but the circumstances of this AU have changed enough that i'm getting invested anyway. like. how DO you dismantle an empire when you also have to pretend that that empire is normal and fine and that your fragile allyships with power-hungry coven heads are fine and that your so-called "divinity" isn't based on the bullshit lie of a genocidal colonizer. HOO BOY.
i love love love political worldbuilding fic that explores things like infrastructure and different political dynamics and schisms in fantasy worlds, that was ALSO one of my fave things when i would write homestuck ancestor fic. plotting out what a galactic war might look like and how resources were distributed and how empire weaponry could be commandeered and how propaganda on both sides would function.... MMM. my bread and butter
i think the thing i've put the Most thought into toh-wise is the abomination coven, simply because i am a darius girlie and think about darius All The Time. like i think that the abomination coven has opportunities because there's a lot of capitalist stuff going on, because darius has taken a very libertarian-seeming hands-off approach to running his coven. but you can't apply 1-to-1 real world politics to it because actually, darius """small government""" deamonne is letting people get away with having fake abomination coven sigils and repeatedly break the law and game the empire's systems... all under the guise of "i don't know anything about that. i'm just lazy"
i had Extensive palistrom tree lore (and tragedy) planned in the darius & prev gg fic i outlined, i don't know if i'll ever write it in full but MMM the palistrom trees and the bat queen are on my mind Constantly. also tucking these construction coven thoughts into my back pocket for later use because i hadn't thought much about the infrastructure of the isles' buildings but you're RIGHT. living in portland oregon there's CONSTANT vicious local debate about rebuilding our bridges and older buildings and coastal evacuation plans for when cascadia ruptures, bc most of that wasn't built with a 9.0 earthquake in mind. could definitely pull from. All Of That. LOL
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loosescrewslefty · 1 year
A few TOH fic ideas I have been rotating around in my head for MONTHS now;
Coach Approach
Thanks to Professor Hermonculous' meddling in hopes of getting the team disbanned, the Emerald Entrails need to find an adult to serve as a Team Coach before their first official Flyer Derby Match. Logically, the team decides that it's due time for Darius to make up the whole kidnapping attempt thing to them and step up to fill the role, and Darius agrees to get them to shut up.
How hard can coaching a bunch of kids be, anyways?
How We Roll
(No Magic/High School AU) When Luz is invited to join an online DnD Group DM'd by Masha, she is quick to agree in order to help her sister Vee get closer to her crush. Little does she know that there is plenty of drama and intrigue in store for herself as well as she meets friends, finds love, and lives out an epic story of teamwork and triumph over evil. Both at the table and off.
Make Yourself A(t) Home
Now entering their twenties, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter have all left their High School days behind them and are starting careers and families. But like Hell is that gonna tear the Dream Team apart. Banding together, the gang work out a way to build a house that exists on both the Boiling Isles AND the Human Realm.
...That's probably fine. Right?
Healing Herbs
Haunted by the memory of Hunter’s brush with death, Willow decides to multitrack and learn some Healing Magic as well. Just so she is better prepared if anyone she cares about is ever hurt again. But is she truly prepared for the changes that this decision brings?
Teaching You a Thing or Two
Faced with the possibility of Luz and Hunter being expelled from Hexside while Amity and the twins are forced to live with her mother once more, Alador and Darius need to work together to prove that they are more capable of teaching Abomination magic to a teenager than Hermonculous is. Easy enough. How bad of a student can this Willow Park girl be, anyways?
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kittzuxp · 10 months
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Intro post!!!
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About me
Hi hello, you can call me kittzu/kittz/dream/drem or dremzyzz. I use They/she/it/he or autoí/auth/autó/autós prounouns!! Also i am greek🇬🇷🇬🇷
I am a minor‼️‼️ DONT BE WEIRD.
My fav colors are black, red and lavender :3
My fav animals are cats, frogs and bats :33
Yk what. I. Am. Done with gender. Genderfluid, lesbian and aspec (probably aceflux, aegosexual and demiromantic) . If u don’t like it FUCK OFF WHAT R U DOING HERE
I can be pretty shy sometimes but always open to making new friends!! (・・;)
4 more info click here
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Fandoms & interests
I like reading (warriors) and drawing, but also browsing the tube.
I am in a loooot of fandoms but not really active in them cuz… most of them are dead..
BUT!! I have a couple of things that are currently rotting my brain (fandoms I'm hyperfixating on + active fandoms)
Brain rot real
Stardew Valley [foams at the mouth my brain is rotting]
Twomp/ the world of mr plant
Clan gen (warriors fan game by @officialclangen )
TGCF(??? How did that happen???)
Sally face
Ghost eyes
Diary of a wimpy kid [doawk fanfics: Dysfunctional perspective, Rodrick's secret on the loader diper subreddit]
Unfamiliar (comic by lavendertowne pls go read it)
Webtoons(/tapas) [Jackson's diary, Castle swimmer, Your wings and mine <- go read these they're awesome]
Ramshackle [The webtoon & yt series]
Salad fingers
Minecraft (the game)
Helluva boss
South park
Deltarune & undertale
The amazing digital circus‼️
Fionna and cake
Stranger things
Sonic prime
Stardew valley
Sr pelo’s content in general [spooky month and the mokey series]
Saiki k
Good omens
YuB (a youtuber, please go sub to him he’a so silly)
Love, Sam (indie horror game)
Former yandere simulator fan. After the shit with yandev happen i don’t support any of his content anymore.
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Socials & tags
My discord is: forknifeistrash#1419
My wattpad: apersonyoudontknow7
My Ao3: Kittzuxp_the_pidgeon
Sideblogs: @lovrclan-gen @ask-lovechild-au-twomp
I don’t use it very often, but i’m also on the twompcord and clan gen server. I’m not active on the servers tho..
Dnis/ do not interacts: z00s,p3d0s, homophobes, transphobes, n3cr0s, TERFS, MAPS racists etc and any hate groups in general.
Tags i’ll use:
Kittzu's headcannons = pretty self explaintory, headcanon I made
Kittzu's Mr plant plushie = he's here!!!!
kittzuxp = reblogs and posts (fast reblogs do not count)
Kittzu’s enderman plush (i have an enderman plush, if you want any related content, i’m sorry for advertising i just love ‘em so much)
Kittzu's creeper plush (i also have a creeper plush!!!)
Kittzu doodles = any of my art
Kittzu answers asks = do I need to explain?
And then just general tags of any fandom i want the post to be abt
(I might tag your username if i don’t mention you in a post, so beware)
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Hey there! Remember that post I made on my art blog that hyped some of you up for a fic that marks a certain milestone in my writing (my first multi-chapter fic)?
Well… in this post, I present the first official chapter. First though, I wanna give a quick rundown of what Tide of Tied Minds is: it’s an AU scenario where Hooty doesn’t eat Tarak’s letter, so the trip to Titan Trapper Island - and subsequent connection with the Collector - happens earlier in the TOH timeline. I made this fic mainly to explore this connection, since it’s a topic I’ve been curious abt ever since it was introduced in the show.
This will be a relatively short endeavor, abt 6 chapters, and it won’t be, like, a story with back-to-back chapters, but rather a bunch of my ideas that I’ve woven into a more cohesive, chronological thing - so there’ll be time gaps between chapters. Maybe I’ll do a fic like that one day, but for now, this one is mainly just meant to be a character-focused thing exploring a concept at many different points on a timeline.
Everyone got that squared away? Good; without further ado, enjoy the show!
Tide of Tied Minds
Chapter 1: Middle Ground
Summary: After his first dream-encounter with the mysterious fella known as the Collector, King grows curious and decides to see if he can find out more about this being and the place that contains them.
Chapter Word Count: 1,216
Trigger Warnings: Out-of-body experience (just in case)
King is asleep.
Sleep was always one of the places he felt safest. After all, who would dare intrude upon the king of all demons during his precious naptime hours?
Later, after finding out that that whole thing was a mere fantasy, sleep offered a break from the new trials and tribulations that came with figuring himself out and setting his life straight.
In recent days, though, sleep feels more like… a gamble. There’s no telling if the next dream will end up being an average one or something that feels like more than just a product of his mind.
King peels his eyes open, and finds himself surrounded by strange, marble-like rock formations overhanging a pitch-dark lake with a small shipwreck.
Welp. Case in point.
This isn’t the first time he’s been here. The first time, he walked away with some questions for sure, but otherwise didn’t think much of it. Now, though…
I need answers.
King slowly pivots in the air until he’s facing the large bubble several paces above him.
And I think I have an idea of who could provide them.
The young Titan clears his throat, steels himself, and calls out into the teal-tinted void. “Hello?”
The response from the suddenly visible shadow is almost immediate. “Who’s ther- wait…”
The Collector’s silhouette pauses, gears definitely turning in their mind.
“It’s you.”
“You… came back?”
“But… how do you keep getting here? Who are you?”
Nope. Can’t answer either of those.
“Can you see me up there?” King asks, pointing his snout up at the orb. The Collector shrugs, so he paddles upward and perches on a jagged rock, face-to-face with the being.
The silhouette’s eyes widen, as if actually seeing King for the first time. “You’re his kid. But, here… ? Waaaiit…” The Collector tips their head, a glint of wary curiosity in his narrowed eyes. “Did you come to check up on me? Make sure I’m still here?” Their mouth gives a wry twist. “Trust me, I’m going nowhere.”
King blinks. “What? No, no, I have no idea how I’m even ending up here - wherever “here” is. Seriously, what is this place?”
The Collector lifts a finger and gives the bubble around him a halfhearted jab. “It’s like this pocket dimension that’s between aallll the other realms. Makes it a… pretty convenient prison,” they add in a mutter.
A short silence ensues, only interrupted by the occasional tap and scrape made against the inside of the cosmic orb as the Collector flicks glances at King. Finally they drift down and press their hands against the spherical surface, studying him intently.
“What’s your name?” They ask.
“Um. King.”
“King. I knew you when you were just an egg, y’know. I’ve always wanted to play with you, but your dumb old dad wouldn’t let me - kept saying it was ‘too dangerous’, whatever that was supposed to mean. I can’t believe we finally get to- well… I guess there aren’t a lot of games we can play here, are there?” The Collector frowns, tapping their chin, his gaze sweeping across the void. “Hmm… we’re still talking, though, and I don’t get to do that a lot here either. Usually I just talk to myself, but this is… different. In a good way.”
Silence falls once again. As King processes what he’s just been told, he can’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the Collector. This curious being seems… lonely. Lonely, but somewhat numb to it. Just how long has this kid - at least, King assumes they’re a kid - been in here? Thinking back to their first encounter, the Collector had only just realized King was present before he’d desperately begged the young Titan not to leave.
It’s a desperation King’s become painfully familiar with.
I did come across someone on that island who knows what it’s like to be left behind, after all.
He lowers himself until he’s lying comfortably on the precipice, his front paws tucked underneath himself.
I just had the wrong ones.
“Hey, so… if you want, I could, y’know… stay here. For a bit longer.”
The Collector perks up immediately, their face brightening. “Would you?”
King nods. “I figure it’s the least I can do, y’know?”
With that, the two talk until they run out of topics, and when King finally wakes, he feels a bit more… resolved than he has in a long while.
“Are you sure he can be counted on?”
This is the first question King poses during his third visit to the place he now knows is called the In-Between. As soon as he asks it, he knows the conversation’ll take an interesting turn.
The Collector whips around, eyes locked onto King. “What do you mean? Why shouldn’t I be?”
Taken off guard by the edge in the shadow figure’s voice, King chooses his next words carefully. “I mean… if you’ve seen firsthand how he gives false promises to people he needs things from, where… where are you getting the hope that he’ll uphold his end of your deal?”
The Collector holds up a finger as if about to protest, but then drops it, as well as his gaze. They stay silent for a long moment, fidgeting, before releasing their tension in a drawn-out sigh. “Fine, you’ve got a point. I guess. It probably is a little weird that he got Titan blood, like, a week ago, and he still wants to wait until the Day of Unity to actually use it. He was all weird about it, too. All secretive, when he first got it; if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he’d been trying to hide it from me.” The cosmic entity gives his head a quick, irritated shake. “He’s got to have his reasons, though. He’s got to. Right?” They look over at King, almost desperately. “…right?”
When King doesn’t respond, their face falls a little, and they drop their gaze again. “Cause, I-I mean, if he doesn’t, then that means…” He gives a huff of forced laughter, a pained smile creasing the edges of their mouth. “That means he’s been lying to me for 400 years, and I really will be stuck here forever, and that just can’t happen.”
Their voice breaks, and he lowers his head into his hands, curling around himself slightly.
A promise is a weighty thing; King knows that well. He can only imagine what might come with making a promise you can’t keep, or never intend to keep - and can only hope the option bubbling up in his mind won’t end up carrying those consequences.
As the silence stretches on, the Collector parts two of their fingers slightly to give King a brief glance. He has a hunch that he knows what that glance means - though, regardless of whether or not that hunch is true, King knows what he has to do.
“If he doesn’t free you…” King floats over to the bubble and rests a paw on its marbled surface, “I will.”
The Collector blinks, puts their own hand against the orb, and curls in every digit until only his pinkie finger is retaining the contact. “…pinkie swear?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, King does the same with his paw. “Pinkie swear.”
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eversea143 · 1 year
I just need to write this down and (potentially) seek out some advice/opinions on a dream I had that seriously didn’t feel like one and might actually become an AU of sorts in the future so-
We have about the whole kids cast from TOH (Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, King and (most importantly) The Collector post finale) who have ended up in some sort of alternate/parallell/other universe. They first find themselves in what looks to be a stereotypical crowded city with hints of different asian cultures blended together. When they try to leave, however, to figure out if they’ve somehow ended up in the Human Realm the group discover that they’re on an island surrounded by a seemingly endless sea
But it’s no ordinary sea. It’s overgrown by all sorts of jungle-like growth and massive (I mean redwood-massive in some cases) bamboo stalks that shape the ‘landscape’ into a vast plain made out of pure waterfalls that give the weird illusion of hills and valleys. It’s wild, even wilder than what the TOH group are used to and thoroughly shocks them cold. This isn’t the Human Realm nor the Boiling Isles
Next step (after recovering and exploring a little of what they can) is finding a way back home. The Collector discovers he can’t just snap a portal into existence and King is temporarily removed from the group when he’s confused by some local shelter as a stray ‘dog’. First they try to find King (succeed) and next they try to figure out a way back home that doesn’t require hurting their only Titan friend who might actually be too young for his blood to work (said by TC) and clearly already doesn’t like this new world they’re in
Here is when things get even more interesting as the group literally run into a tomboy teen girl (might be genderfluid) who is already trying to find a way off the island (there’s no easy way because it’s one of several and none of them don’t have money to buy a boat ticket to mainland not like this would help the TOH gang) and offers to help them as long as they let her join them, believing their talk of ‘another world’ is just a weird way of saying ‘home’. Everyone is a bit cautious but agree
At some point the gang is forced to stay at the tomboy’s place where she tries desperately to hide something and manages right up until The Collector comes down early morning (bad dream) to discover their new friend arguing with her aunt and uncle about wanting to go home and hating everything about the islands. The two adults leave, more focused on their business then listening to their niece, and in a moment of weakness the girl shares with Collie why she wants to leave (aunt and uncle, obviously, aren’t nice folks but she’s stuck with them because her parents are ‘away’) and promtly receives a hug and understanding because, yeah, the Archivists were asshole siblings and TC knows what it feels like when family doesn’t seem to care. Thus a surpisingly strong and happy friendship is forged that required no coercion on The Collectors part and he’s over the moon about this that he accidentally reveals he isn’t exactly ‘human’
Tomboy girl takes this in stride (go her!) and decides that, even if her new friends are really looking to leave to their original home world, she’ll still tag along because the Demon Realm sounds cool and she doesn’t want to lose her newfound friendship with TC. They start looking and begin uncovering old history forgotten by time that reveals how the islands’ origins are more mysterious than they first thought. Help from a group of people who know that magic once existed in their world brings the friends to eventually uncover a hidden temple where they find this kind of immortal shaman guy who’s actually a fallen god. He’s lacking one arm because it got chopped up at some point and the pieces were scattered, forming the islands whilst the leftover nerves combined with a special kind of tree that grew in what used to be dense marshes to form the now sparkling beautiful waterscape surrounding the islands. He was once worshipped as a deity but eventually cast aside when a ‘fallen star’ appeared. He hints that this other deity might possess a way for the group to leave and they begin searching
They end up finding an ancient tower structure at the edge of the seascape and discover that it’s inhabitated by a teen Collector (the species, not the person) who is clearly more knowledgeable about the world and life but also has that ‘naive’ understanding of death when they start describing how people came and ‘broke’ themselves in front of him and never let him ‘fix’ them (everyone realizes this was actually human sacrifice and our!Collector goes green as the full implication of what mortality is and just how much he’s actually witnessed it without knowing settles in) Here it gets a little blurry but at some point other!Collector shows everyone what’s hidden underneath the water and the islands, revealing a seemingly endless chasm stretching from end to end with a tectonic glowing tree structure supporting everything so nothing can fall into the dark depths. One part of the group goes to explain mortality to other!Collector whilst the rest figure out the whole history of things through murals in the tower
Some character growth, a dash of angst and drama and at some point everyone leaves but I don’t know if Tomboy girl does because I want her to have a good ending but her current home situation is abyssmal and I genuinely believe her leaving with the others would actually turn out to be a good thing. Perhaps have her travel with The Collector as he decides to go on his space fieldtrip (still mad about that!) or stay to learn magic alongside Luz. That’s... about it
For now
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spacedykez · 2 years
hello and welcome to lifesteal/branzypierce fic ideas round 3 (here’s the first two) brought to you by excessive brainrot & looping the same song for literally ten hours straight! oh and also procrastination of things i need to write! with that said, here you are.
Lyrics For Inspiration: every single thing around us is for show and tell don’t it feel like hell I Wanna Live, Not Just Survive the devil’s after both of us make a mercy out of me when the war starts in my heart they say before you start a war you better know what you’re fighting for if love is what you need a soldier i will be don’t you know you’re (my) everything baby you are all that i adore don’t wanna have to bury you (but nothing seems to get through your skull) as you march towards your death breathing your last breath (how did i let you) sink your fangs so deep thought we had a future (but we ain’t got a chance in hell) show me how to lie (you’re getting better all the time) a thousand lies and a good disguise see ‘em running for their lives welcome to the freak show smoke and mirrors, never trust what you see where nothing’s as it seems (they toss you up and smash you down to smithereens) so this is wonderland, where all your dreams come true Quotes: “If you don’t leave now, I will detonate the entire pyramid. You think I’m joking? I’m not. This right here? Is the lever that will do it all.” - Branzy this clip oh my gosh (evil branzy content) “he’s adorable, but vicious” -Branzy (you could make this about Branzy though) this chiefzy quote
Songs, For Inspiration: Angel With A Shotgun (the cab) Carousel (NEONI) Wonderland (NEONI) masochism tango (tom lehrer) Enjoy The Ride (krewella) Tall Remix - End Music Disk Concept is so Branzy’s theme. Trust me. It’s him welcome to the trading hall (branzy) curses - crane wives how far we’ve come (matchbox twenty) - see look they’re not all romance songs obsession (ok go) burn the house down (AJR)
NEW! AU Ideas (mostly courtesy of discord): -httyd (how to train your dragon) au -toh (owl house) au solely because collector branzy i’m just right. -traffic life au (clownzy/treebark or echo husbands divorce quartet. i need a plot idea because i want to write this) -good old pirate au like come on don’t you wanna write sirens and epic ship (as in the pirate ships lol) battles come onnnn -catboy 4 catboy clownzy. either just humanoids or they can shapeshift into cats. -au where branzy is an ender dragon -superhero au. just more superhero aus. SPECIAL! Chat Screenshots
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shatter-song · 1 year
ok so I'm having a lot of toh and amphibia thoughts, and seeing some crossover stuff going (canon and/or fanon)
I have thought of a swapped settings au of both! where like Anne or whoever ends up in the BI and Luz ends up in Amphibia
more under the read more, because man this is LONG
i swear when i post this it better work
The Owl House!Amphibia
ok so the one from the calamity trio who goes the Boiling Isles in this is Marcy
Marcy's parents tries to send her to the camp because of how she acts in canon and sees this as a good opportunity to try to shape her into what they want
yeah they aren't entirely good people basically
Marcy says fuck that
she follows this pair of newts who tried to steal her switch
she meets Yunan and Olivia who live together in the Newt House who are witches! ooOOOoooO
they're on the run from the Emperor's Coven and their leader, Head Witch Andrias, for betrayal and stealing the portal door
Marcy who doesn't wanna go back home tries to convince them to let her stay and learn magic
when they inevitably come around, Marcy attends Hexside and eventually meets Anne and Sasha
so here, Sasha and Anne are the Mean Girls (not really Anne, she's more like Skara but she gets screen time and development like in canon. same goes for Sasha)
Anne and Marcy hit it off while her and Sasha don't
overtime, there's a falling out between them, with Anne and Marcy go together and Sasha is left alone with... uh, army of students she gathered on social hierarchy??
oh yeah did i mention Grime is her adopted father, with Percy and Braddock being honorary uncle and aunt
Anne is with her parents but can be regularly seen with the Plantars
Ivy and Maddie are the detention track kids
and that's really all I could think of rn
Amphibia!The Owl House
Luz, Amity, and Hunter are the humans in this one
however they didn't know each other beforehand
Luz's 15th birthday is coming up when Camila announces that they're moving away from Gravesfield
and Luz is... ok with that
Luz doesn't really have anything or anyone in Gravesfield besides her mom and it's always been her mom's dream to open her own veterinary clinic
so if it makes her happy, she's happy
Camila gives her money to at least find some kind of gift to herself since her birthday is coming up
Luz eventually finds the music box at some antique store
but before she can return home with it, she's runs into Amity Blight
Amity Blight, the top of her class, student role model, and definition of bitch /hj
her gang as well, consisting of others and Boscha (Luz: the hell kinda name is Boscha
Boscha: shut the fuck)
she steals the music box
so now you might be wondering: what the fuck
so Hunter Wittebane is this homeless 16 year old who ran away from an orphanage and is now stealing to survive - within reason of course
and the one place who wouldn't kick him out immediately is probably the public library
there he learns of the music box and what it does
he obviously doesn't believe that it actually takes people to other worlds but it could cost a lot of money which, you know, he needs
so using his pathetic white wet cat energy, he manages to take the book with him and see if he could find it
he of course wasn't expecting someone else with it much less fighting over it
so he does the most rational Big BrotherTM thing ever and goes
well if you can't share, you can't have it
and fucking steals it
they go on this goose chase, Luz because she paid for it, Amity because Hunter knocked over Boscha and she can't go because she hit her knee Amity!! she is in pain!!
eventually, Hunter gets cornered and Luz, being herself, tackles him
the music box gets thrown and hits Amity who in frustration kicks it away and accidentally activates it
they get sent to Amphibia
Luz is in Wartwood, Amity at Toad Tower, and Hunter at Newtopia
Luz eventually runs into the frogs, Willow Park and Gus Porter who near immediately take her in
Amity ends up with Raine Whispers who is staging a rebellion with the BATTs. they're obviously not called that in this setting but whatever
Hunter stays in with Lilith Clawthorne, the supposed ruler of Amphibia
and yeah that's about what I have
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monarch-maelstrom · 2 years
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Owl house AU I guess?
A while ago I had a dream where all of my favorite characters from books, tv shows and movies went to Hexside. And I did also, so I got to meet them all. And I decided to draw some characters as if they were in the The Owl House world and went to Hexside. So anyways here’s Ladybug, Chat noir, Marcy, Anne and Sasha all in The Owl House world (in my mind). A little more about my ideas for this and a coven color code so you can figure out what covens I put them in under the cut. Also btw the Plagg and Tikki drawings are not mine. I can’t draw kwamis XD so if anyone does know the artist can someone please tell me so I can credit them. Thank you.
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Plagg and Tikki are Ladybug and Chat noir’s talismans
one of the birds on Sasha’s sword is her talisman. Or it’s one bird and it can color change
Chat noir is some unknown half cat demon being??? I don’t know how to describe it XD
The Calamity trio has their calamity powers but no one really knows how they have them. In my mind maybe they have something to do with the gem pins on their uniforms?
I can’t decide if Ladybug and Chat noir still have their Miraculouses and I don’t know how they would use them in TOH world. If anyone has ideas I’d love to hear them!
In my dream I hung out with Marcy and Chat noir but I don’t really see them being friends. So I think Marcy would hangout with Luz. And I think Amity and Ladybug would hang out. If anyone else more friend ideas please share :)
Okay unrelated but in reality if anyone has any ideas about this AU idea please tell me. I would love to hear ideas
I would imagine Ladybug’s yo-yo would be her purse but it maybe could be weapon she uses to fight stuff sometimes. I don’t know lots of stuff goes on in Hexside. She might need it
Chat noir definitely asked Ladybug to Grom :3
Chat noir and Ladybug don’t actually go by Chat noir and Ladybug they do go by Adrien and Marinette but that’s just how I’m writing this I have no idea why though XD
Chat noir would still be a model (guess the teenagers of the boiling isles thought that half cat demon things were cute and weird)
Gabriel isn’t a half cat demon thing so no one really knows why Chat noir is
Gabriel is probably an ally of Belos
Ladybug’s family owns a magical bakery with interesting and magical treats
King saw Chat noir one day and now they’re besties XD
Marcy wants to know everything and anything about the boiling isles and magic. That’s why I think Luz and her would get along great
Sasha was probably in the friend group that had Boscha, Skara, Cat and Amelia
Chat noir acts more like more like Chat noir than Adrien
Anne’s parents own a restaurant and is probably good friends with Ladybug’s parents
Ladybug and Chat noir umbrella scene in boiling rain. They probably both got burned a little bit
Marcy likes to ask Luz about the human realm and finds it fascinating. Gus and Marcy share human realm ideas and Marcy is probably in the human realm club
If anyone would like more drawings or ideas/writing? of this AU or have specific Characters they want me to draw (They have to be appropriate though) I would take any requests :)
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meltyjellyfwish · 1 year
alright so i think for this au mari dreamworld kel auby hero + other characters including enemies and whatnot get transported into the rw and have no idea what the fuck is going on and maybe like the clot of where headspace and real world is around the old hangout spot ?? like around here near the picnic blanket (think like timepools of toh maybe ??? where coagulated stuff was dropped from the sky onto the old blanket
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and i feel like what would happen is that they would all go "what the fuck is happening, where are we" like how most things go, and the space around them becomes semi warped ?? like things melt, since you know they're from the dream world, different plane of existence most likely
headspace characters might try to fit in, but then again they might also try and wreak havoc, and oh boy. humphrey in the real world. he might need to stay in the water for mobility, and also not to fucking die because of dehydration. and the slime girls would most likely wreak havoc ( the have bombs tee hee ) but lets not worry abput that
anyways, i'm thinking that black space characters also are transported to the real world, but they most likely hide in the shadows, and out of sight, most people mistake them for monster sightings, and now everyone thinks the town is haunted even more than before
after a while perchance they might start to get corrupted since the real world is too complex from the plane of existence that they're from (actually dreaming is way too confusing but for my sake lets just pretend ok thanks)
either that or i'm a dumbass or none of this makes sense but you know what fuck you i can think up of the randomest aus and nobody can stop me mwahahaha
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I posted 3,241 times in 2022
157 posts created (5%)
3,084 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,602 of my posts in 2022
#dsmp - 47 posts
#jackson rambles - 31 posts
#yeah - 15 posts
#dream smp - 14 posts
#unreality - 11 posts
#toh spoilers - 10 posts
#goncharov - 9 posts
#i mean - 8 posts
#stranger things - 7 posts
#minecraft - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i straight up didn't identify with it and i identified way way more with masculinity and being seen as a man and using he/him pronouns made-
My Top Posts in 2022:
First impressions of Underworks binders:
Very tight, I get a lot more compression out of it than I did with my gc2b binders when they were brand new
Kinda difficult to breath in, I see what people mean now when they say it can get kinda hard to breath in your binder
Goes down past my hips
I don’t feel like my breasts will move very much? It’s definetly something I would wear a thin tank top under to protect my skin but my tits were not moving
Overall, achieved what I wanted. I’d heard that Underworks binders work better for people with bigger chests, and I decided to experiment because I need new binders. Definitely keeping my gc2b binders for travel and comfort, but my Underworks binders are probably going to be my day to day.
29 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Why is ‘Turning Red’ somehow the most accurate depiction of 13 year olds I’ve seen
30 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
For any and all 'empty 100-ish year old subway station' needs
44 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
C! Karlnapity is really two tiny murderous lil dudes with Issues™ and the one who can reach the top of shelves
48 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A short lil thing for dessert duo in an Indiana Jones AU, with Double Life mechanics lol. Warnings for a broken bone, but nothing else
Grian was minding his own bloody business when his rib cracked.
He doubled over, books and papers spilling out of his hands with a strangled "SCAR!!"
There was no secondary explanation. Scar had, obviously, started some new dumb adventure in the time between breakfast that morning and when he was meant to be coming home. And as per usual, he'd gotten hurt. And also as per usual, he'd forgotten his soulmate at home.
He picked himself back up, hissing at the pain. It was a good thing he kept healing potions stashed about the house for exactly this (very common) scenario. And then it was to the maps and his usual contacts to track him down. As per usual.
He sat down in his chair and grabbed the potion he'd tucked under the table. Jellie jumped up as he drank it, wincing as the rib set itself back into place. He gave the cat a very exasperated look. "Are you as tired of this as I am?"
Jellie blinked at him, slow and deliberate. She reached out a paw, oh so delicately. And she slammed it, claws out, on one of his maps.
He peered around her paw. "Of course he's in Siberia." He mumbled to himself. Jellie had a built in compass to where Scar was, or something similar, because she hadn't been wrong in the entire time he'd known the two of them. And Scar tore off by himself more times than Grian liked to think about.
He stood up. "Best get packing, eh?" He asked, almost bemused. "I wonder who's chasing him this time.
69 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
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oh-phineas · 6 months
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Thursday, November 30 -- SWYNRP Character Wishlist: A list of 10+ characters you’d like to see in the RP (for you to play or someone else!)
Soooooo, to be honest, I still feel VERY strongly about the majority of my suggestions last year and I couldn't bear to not include them. But I didn't want to cheat by literally copy/pasting last year's task so you will find them at the end. Let's goooo!
Luz Noceda
So I haven't actually watched much of the Owl House (Like... 2 episodes maybe) and therefore I am not the person to bring this character, but I just thought Luz was so adorable and so relatable I mean she is a fangirl just like us!!! And she would fit in perfectly at Pride U her story is so easy to adapt to Swynlake. We have so many awesome TOH people and I just think we should have our protagonist!!
FC idea: I think it's been said before but cutest girly ever Madison Reyes
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2. Koda and Kenai
I went through this phase (probably inspired by TLOU tbh) where I really loved the idea of like Koda and Kenai from Brother Bear as a duo that wound up together because they were both hitchhiking across the US (Koda looking for his mom, Kenai looking for someone to break his curse) and it turns out Kenai killed Koda's mom!!!! That would be crazy right? Maybe somehow they end up in Swynlake and run out of money and otherwise get stuck here, and eventually the truth comes out about Koda's mom.... listen I just love Brother Bear and I love found family and I love a sibling-type relationship where one of them is a little shithead because they're hiding how they're actually really hurt and the other is a grump it's always just so fun. Someone take this idea away from me please.
I don't have FC suggestions off the top of my head but I highly recommend talking to Mak, the FC wizard, if that is a concern!!!
3. Izzy Hawthorne
I just think the Swynlake Rangers have a lot of potential (especially if it's like in Lightyear where the group is kind of a joke lmao and maybe even one or two of them are actually just there for court mandated community service). I love an idealist and a disney protag type girly with big dreams and I just think she'd be so much fun!!
FC idea: Jasmine Savoy Brown
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4. Mama Odie
I think Mama Odie could be a lot of fun. She's a character with a sense of humor in the movie, she enjoys being kind of cryptic and even though she helps people she always makes them work for it. And I just think it'd be interesting to have her around and kind of challenge Tiana's ideas about New Orleans and what it was like being a Mundus vs. a Magick living there. And maybe could incorporate some stuff about her dad and the RAS? Idk just a thought!!
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5. Collette
Another selfish Tiana connection request lol but PLZ. Let's do French cooking vs Cajun cooking! Let's do fine dining versus mid level dining! Let's do THE BEAR AU!!!! YES CHEF THANK YOU CHEF!!!!
FC Idea: Greta Lee I mean COME ON!!!! Have you ever seen a more Collette FC in your life.
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6. Joe Gardner
I am simply a sucker for a story about ~what it means to live a good life~. I like the idea that Joe gets to come back and he's so determined to be a famous musician and then he realizes what makes a good life is the friends he made along the way etc. I also just want more Soul characters lmao. I love u Joe <3
FC idea: Michael B Jordan yes sir plz come teach me about music I'm listening
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7. Bonnie and Forky
Sorry I just think this is the craziest and funniest idea I ever had. Like we all know what it's like to be under pressure as a creative but what if you were under so much pressure that your demon friend's life depended your ability to produce??? I just think it could be a really fun satire on like hustle culture especially in the creative world and I also think Forky is a hilarious character and I need someone to bring this.
Bonnie: I think Haley Lu Richardson has the what-the-fuck-have-I-done energy lmaooo
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Forky: Pete Davidson because it would be funny
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I am once again asking for an evil sorcerer... And c'mon wouldn't it be fun to join the 50+ Ladies Who Slay club... Seriously I have plot ideas for you I'm not even kidding plus we could even get a Zeniba and do the whole rivalry thing it would be great just trust me
Again no FCs off the top of my head but happy to help you hunt
9. PJ from a Goofy Movie
I love a sweet gentle boy and so do you. Ngl the majority of this idea is simply my love of the character Cheese in Reservation Dogs the sweetest person ever plz watch the show if you haven't... but yeah please someone get PJ and use Lane Factor as the FC
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10. Cruella De Vil
Come onnnn, join the hunters, you know you want to!!! Cruella is a truly heinous villain but she also is a villain who slays. She would be so fun like just imagine her rubbing shoulders with Gen or making deals with Smee! She brings her own fabulous flair to the shady world of poaching and I would like to see it.
FC idea: Taraji P Henson
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The Potato Heads as a couple that adopts triplets and then discovers they are actually powerful Magicks!
Mr. Potato Head as David Harbour
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Mrs. Potato Head as Jennifer Coolidge
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Massimo from Luca as Matty Matheson, a hunter who just does it because it's the only way he knows how to support his family
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Dr Facilier as Jacob Anderson but he's a misunderstood guy who just got driven away bc people didn't trust his magic
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Missy Fritter as Lea DeLaria
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Or Melanie Field for a younger casting!
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Darren Barnet as Jackson Storm
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Jacob Elordi as Hans sorry Laur
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And now for some FCs I would like to see.......
D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai
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Teyonah Paris
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Will Sharpe
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Hari Nef
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Rachel Sennott
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Melanie Lynskey
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Megan Suri
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Ncuti Gatwa
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alright that's all i got, please get these characters!!!
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seraphina-cat · 1 year
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I posted 1,685 times in 2022
That's 1,070 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
1,679 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 65 of my posts in 2022
#the owl house - 18 posts
#toh spoilers - 16 posts
#shadow and bone - 7 posts
#toh - 6 posts
#six of crows - 6 posts
#inej ghafa - 5 posts
#kaz brekker - 5 posts
#asexual - 5 posts
#kanej - 5 posts
#thomas sanders - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#in the middle of the night in my dreams i can see the things we do baby ... are you ready for it
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Sending this out into the tumblrverse
Does anyone know a Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides discord I can join? I need people to talk to
1 note - Posted April 6, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa Characters: Jesper Fahey, Colm Fahey, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Wylan Van Eck, Kuwei Yul-Bo, Inej Ghafa's sibling Asha Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Crows modern au, the crows cause chaos, Colm is tired of dealing with them, Good Parent Colm Fahey Summary:
Colm drew the short straw, and while the rest of the Crows' parents get a night out, he is stuck watching them for the night. When they're together, they're always causing trouble, and he's tired of it. As always, Kaz has a plan for what they're going to do.
5 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Is anyone else wondering why we got a music video for Bejeweled instead of Vigilante Shit?
The phone positions when she announced the song titles were telling us things. Upside down was Antihero and Vigilante Shit, which seemed to mean they got music videos. You're On Your Own, Kid and Sweet Nothing were both on the opposite side, and they got the other versions on the Target lavender special edition.
However, Bejeweled was announced just like the rest of the songs, nothing out of the ordinary.
So the big question is...what is she doing with Vigilante Shit? Clearly something is going to happen with it.
8 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
23 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
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redkittenwhispers · 1 year
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I posted 2,424 times in 2022
That's 262 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (0%)
2,419 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 87 of my posts in 2022
#ml spoilers - 27 posts
#ml - 20 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 14 posts
#the owl house - 10 posts
#toh spoilers - 9 posts
#adrien agreste - 8 posts
#ml s5 spoilers - 8 posts
#toh - 7 posts
#ladynoir - 7 posts
#adrienette - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#sure it could just be a typical case of comics do weird stresses because that's been a thing since the advent of comics
My Top Posts in 2022:
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
I'd cook and eat the meat. Crab is really good and it's free 🤷🏻
0 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
This miraculous crack fic (based off @buggachat 's bakery enemies au) is hilarious
0 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
pass the happy! 🌻🌈 when you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications! 💖
Bold of you to assume I have 10 different people in my notifications but here are my five things:
My boyfriend
Video Games
Animals (Like my cat/dog)
And from a literal standpoint: my meds
0 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Don't blaze posts need to be approved in the first place? What is happening
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(ID: a screenshot of a 'sponsored with blaze' tumblr post that just is the rumblr cover up of 'Hey, this post may contain adult content, so we've hidden it from public view.' )
1 note - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Queer is NOT a slur, you're just a TERF 🤦🏻
6 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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novelist-becca · 3 years
TOH Fanfic recs! Part 1
(All of these people are my inspiration I stg)
Found family
Make my heart your home series by @tiredandjaded
First fic: Luz accidentally calls Eda "mom" and they both have a crisis over it. Mostly Luz. Second fic: post-YBOS, Luz tells Eda and Lilith of what happened during the rescue mission, and both Luz and Eda give Lilith a shovel talk. Third fic: Luz and Eda are both taking care of each other in the first seven days after coming home. Includes fun sibling bonding!
(Patiently awaiting the next chapter of the third installment!)
Literally anything by @hereforthehurts
The way they write emotions and hurt/comfort is seriously amazing. Never fails to make me cry, especially when it comes to sickfics and fics of Eda and Luz. (I recommend supporting them on Ko-Fi!)
You Are My Sunshine by @liesminelli
One of the first Owl House fics I ever read, and it's SO good! Luz has a night terror and Eda walks in on her freaking out, and it goes from there. The emotions of both characters are very well-written, and the ending is so sweet! I also recommend checking out their other works too!
It's The Least I Could Do by @witchesbeforewizardss
There aren't enough fics of Luz and Lilith bonding, and this is one of the BEST ones. Lilith needs more healthy relationships, and in my opinion, building an aunt-niece relationship with Luz is a great place to start! (next to making amends with Eda) Basically, Luz is feeling homesick, and before dinner, she allows Lilith to help her feel better.
Luz's Not So Great Luck and
A Friendly Beastly Surprise by @animerunner
The first fic has a large abundance of angsty scenarios, mostly AUs, all of which are wonderful to read. My personal favorite is the one where Luz is an orphan and she has a chronic illness, and well, you'll have to read to find out! The second one is canon compliant, and it's about Eda turning into the Owl Beast and treating Luz like an owlet, and Luz is just like "guess this is my life now". It's so cute!
Rainy Day Makeovers by @fallenflowersfromgrace
To summarize, There's boiling rain, and Luz convinces Eda to spend time with her giving each other makeovers. It's very cute, and I love it!
Some Honesty Before Breakfast by @pizzaboat
Eda notices Luz is acting unusual, and gets her to open up. It's in-character, and wonderfully executed.
Thank you for being in my life by @peridot-garcia
Episodes of The Owl House from Eda's perspective, and as of now, also Luz and Lilith's perspective. It's got wonderful found family scenarios, and so far the plot is pretty great!
Lighting up the Dark by The_Quoter
This is a very recent one, and I love it! It's post-Young Blood Old Souls, and Eda comes to terms with how much Luz means to her, while also helping her come out of a nightmare.
The Light Behind Your Eyes by ABirdinFlight
Post-Young Blood. Eda gives Lilith a shovel-talk (harsh but well-deserved) and has a heart-to-heart talk with Luz in her room.
Moonlit Masquerade: Replacement by Rohad
Similar to make my heart your home, Luz accidentally calls Eda "mom" and both of them have a crisis over it. (As expected!)
Bad Days by @drabbles-of-writing
Part of their Four Years AU, Luz has an episode, and Eda takes her home to help her calm down. It's very bittersweet and heartfelt.
Gratuitous Embellishments of Chicken Noodle Soup by Rulerofthecosmosandsnails
Luz almost drowns at the Knee, but her Owl Mom is there to help her get better, including making her soup! (Yeah, my fic Snow Day was inspired by this)
A Line Crossed by Clevinger
AU in which Luz dies by the spikes at the bridge, in front of Eda, who thankfully resurrects her, and as expected, Luz is having a hard time handling it. There's another work inspired by it called Too Much, Too Late by TheHonestyBird.
A nightmare and a hug by moreteaplease
Reeaaally hard to find since it doesn't have the relationship tag for Luz and Eda, but still, it's very good! Post-YBOS, Luz has a nightmare and goes to Eda for comfort, confessing that she misses her mom.
Sleepless Nights by @snail-watch
Similar to the one before this, Luz has a nightmare and goes to Eda for comfort. I loved the way the author wrote Eda's thoughts about Luz!
Mending Trust by @electricwalkman
Similar to The Light Behind Your Eyes. Eda puts Luz to bed, and Luz tells her about the portal being destroyed, and gives her the mask piece. Eda comforts her, as well.
Night Owl and
The Bad Dream Club by @thedrunkenwerewolf / @wolfiethewriter
Eda has trouble sleeping, Luz notices, and Eda confessed that she's scared of hurting Luz as the beast. Luz of course, reassures her by telling her it won't happen. The second fic is the other way around, sorta. Luz has a nightmare and gets herself a drink to calm down, and Eda finds her.
Dreams of a Witch by TheDinosaurNerd
Eda talks to her younger self in her mindscape about her life as a wild witch. (In the end it turns out to be Luz in her lap.)
Griffon Flu by @serendipitouslyss
Another great sickfic! Luz gets the flu, or Griffon Flu as it's called in the Boiling Isles, but Eda and King are more than willing to help her get better.
Owlet by spotty8bee
Ah, the cursed AU that started it all. Only 2 chapters, but it's wonderfully heartbreaking and you really feel for Eda in the second half of chapter 1.
Observations of the Witchy Kind by JoLau
If you like platonic cuddling, you'll love this fic! Luz wants to learn about witch biology, but unfortunately Boscha burns the notebook that had her research, so she tries to rewrite her observations, and ends up catching Eda's attention.
I Need You, Please Don't Leave Me by rainbowpotato12
Luz is having bad thoughts, and worries that something bad could happen to Eda again, but Eda reassures her it won't.
This is Home by SpaghettieBabie
Luz has doubts about herself, and opens up to Eda about it, confessing that she likes her as her mother figure.
I Love the Found Family Trope! by @l-egionaire
Takes place after The Intruder. Eda thinks that Luz and King might leave her after knowing about the curse, and they tell her they would never do that.
Nightmare by OneandOnlyOllie
Another nightmare fic! Eda comforts Luz after a nightmare. Lilith hears the two, and wants to make things right with Luz.
It was not, in fact, a day out by @pizzaboat
Post-YBOS. Eda turns into the Owl Beast, tries to cuddle Luz, Lilith and King in her nest, and they have to come up with a working scheme to turn her back. Basically The Intruder if Lilith was there.
A broken brain by @pizzaboat
I can relate to this one a lot (except my adhd is diagnosed). Luz has trouble focusing on homework, and doesn't know why, and tells Eda she thinks she's going crazy, but Eda tells her she's not, and that Lilith had a similar problem.
What big claws (to protect you with my dear) by @ito-itonomen
AU where Luz is 10 and Eda takes her in, and both of them have doubts about themselves. Chapter 2 is especially good.
Unexpected Hope by @sepublic
Luz talks to Lilith about how she had (surprisingly) inspired her.
Lilith and Eda
Mistakes Might Have Been Made by @fallenflowersfromgrace
WARNING: you will definitely cry in the second chapter!
An AU in which Lilith split the curse with Eda the first time she transformed. Of course, by the time she reveals that she cursed her, it doesn't go well. (Eda's reaction hurts, but it's in character) and the pain in chapter 2 is just…AGONY AND ITS SO GOOD!
Walk Through the Storm, I Would by @lilithswxfe
Trigger warning for self harm and suicidal thoughts in this fic.
Lilith tries to hurt herself while in a bad state, but Eda catches her and comforts her.
Source Decay series by @tiredandjaded
Trigger warning for underage drinking in the second fic.
Two pre-canon fics about Lilith and Eda, the first fic portraying Eda as trans and how she's feeling about her name, and how Lilith helps her. The second one is sadder, it's after the curse and Eda isn't taking Lilith coming home late very well, leading to some…not-so-great coping mechanisms.
Rabbit Heart by radiantstaber
It has found family Owl Mom moments, but then it is mostly about Lilith and Eda rebuilding their relationship, with Luz trying her best to encourage both of them. (The description is very funny, describing the Owl House as a get along shirt.)
The Cafeteria Incident by @electricwalkman
Remember that page from Eda's record about Eda summoning abominations because somebody stole Lilith's lunch money? This is based on that, and it's SO GOOD!
Runaway Raven by @witchesbeforewizardss
Trigger warning for graphic injuries
In both Lilith thinks she doesn't belong with her family in the Owl House, and tries to "punish" herself. Eda convinces her that it's not worth it and she just wants her sister back.
The Long Night by @serendipitouslyss
Post-YBOS, just like The Light Behind Your Eyes. Eda puts Luz to bed, and she and Lilith have a long talk. (Though she's not as harsh.)
A Midnight Talk by @elizabethemerald
Lilith sees Luz having a nightmare, and calms her down for a little bit (via stroking her hair). Eda sees her, and the two have a talk.
I Need a Moment to Quiet This Pain by @come-unhinged
Moments in Eda's life and how she dealt with her curse.
Part 2 might have Lumity idk
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