#I NEED to check out more paris paloma
echo-the-ghost · 2 months
tagged by @thegeekyartist to play my On Repeat playlist and share the first 10 songs that play, I know I just did this recently but it's fun and I'm gonna do it again, shhhh (skjldkjh just being silly, thank you for the tag!)
Four Seasons In One Day - Crowded House
Empire & the Sun - The Moth & The Flame
She's My Ride Home - Blue October
The Watcher - Arch Enemy
Black Wolf - Nicumo
My Immortal - Evanescence
Satellite - Votum
There May Be Tears - Scott Cunningham Band
New Ways - Daughter
not gonna tag people since my cooldown for being perceived isn't done yet, but if you see this consider yourself tagged 👁
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thejujvtsupost · 8 months
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Too Much Labor
So this might be a little heavy, but we got sweetheart toji in his own way - inspired by Labor by Paris Paloma
Notes: F!reader, previous emotionally abusive relationship, emotional manipulation(not by Toji), healing, angst but also fluff. He’s really sweet in this and I think we all need a little sweet Toji in our lives, he’s got a temper but not around you.
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You swore you had a handle on everything. You told Toji, your ex roommate and best friend that you very much used to have a crush on despite knowing it was one sided, exactly that every time he said something snarky about your “shit for ass” long term boyfriend.
Including this time, when you were on the phone with him and waiting for your boyfriend to get home. He was an hour late, but it’s fine. He can’t control it if he has to work overtime.
(Whose idea was it to name their daughter ‘Overtime’?)
Of course when he did get home he was still keyed up from the work day and in a bad mood, it’s not like he didn’t love you. Sometimes he just has a rough day and feels comfortable enough to let his walls down around you.
“It’s not his fault, he just set the glass down a little too hard. He can’t help that he’s too strong for the plate either.” You were still cleaning up the glass after an argument started over what you made for dinner.
That’s how Toji found you when he rushed his way through your unlocked door. Of course that asshole left it open for anyone to barge in leaving you completely unprotected. Over the phone he heard the sound of yelling, then glass hitting the ground, the yelp you let out and the tone of the call ending; it had him out the door with his keys in under two minutes flat.
“C’mon, stand up sweetheart. Let me help.” He wasn’t supposed to call you pet names anymore, no matter how warm and safe that care made you feel.
(He didn’t mean cleaning. You were leaving that apartment tonight and not going back.)
You were shocked to see him, obviously unaware the door open in the first place. Using your sleeve to dry your eyes, letting someone see you crying would make your boyfriend look bad, you shouldn’t be such a slob and embarrass him; you went back to work. “I didn’t know you were coming over, sorry it’s a mess in here. Just give me- give me a few minutes and I’ll get you a drink and start cooking something else.”
Something else? Oh fucking hell… there was actual food, a whole meals worth if he had to guess, mixed in with the shards.
You let out a small yelp when you cut your hand on a particularly large piece of the dinner plate.
He’d treat you so much better than that prick. Toji has always been temperamental but never around you, your calming demeanor was relaxing. “You shouldn’t be cleaning, cmon now. Let me look at your hand.”
“I’ll deal with it later, ‘sfine. I don’t know when he’s coming back and I need to get started on making something el- I mean something better and get everything cleaned up. I’ll be quick I just need a few more minutes please.” You were trying so hard not to cry, your little sniffles were already embarrassing enough. Who cries over a fucking plate? You’re as pathetic as your boyfriend said you were when you cried in front of him earlier.
His heart was breaking every time you let out a shaky breath. “No, c’mere sweetheart. That’s enough.”
“You don’t understand-”
“I understand perfectly, and you’re done here. I can’t take it anymore, look what he’s doing to you!” He had to take a deep breath, he reminded himself when he saw you flinch at his tone. Fuck. “Darlin’ look around, really look around. You cooked an entire homemade meal with a fully set table and it’s on the floor. You hurt yourself on the glass, the food is still hot enough to burn your little hands too; I know it is. You do everything for him, and what does he ever do for you? How does he show he appreciates you? He checks your phone every month to make sure you’re not spending too much time talking to other people. Think about how long this has been going on, our conversations don’t last longer than twenty minutes and you haven’t hung out with me in person in months, much less your other friends.”
“I’m sorry, I know I’ve been a really bad friend but I’m really busy. I’ll try to make more time in the future…” you were losing your grip, the tiny grip you had, on your emotions.
“No no no, you didn’t do anything wrong here. It’s not about that, you haven’t been anywhere without him in ages, have you? You quit your job, how are you so busy if you’re not working?” He managed to pull you up and get you into a dining room chair so he could kneel in front of you. Your tears were gut wrenching. Toji was going to murder that fucker, he deserved to be ripped apart limb from limb for hurting someone as sweet as you. He squashed the impulse down (for now), you were a priority.
“It’s dangerous for someone like me to walk out in the world on my own… and he likes spending time with me so…”
Toji already knew he was about to hate whatever answer you were going to give him. “What do you mean ‘someone like you’?”
“‘M weak and a little- a little oblivious so it’s not safe.”
“Nope. You’re done here. You’re leaving right now. You deserve so much better than this. Someone that loves you would never treat you like this.” I would never treat you like this… it was a selfish thought that would be on the very back burner. That’s not what you needed right now.
“I can’t, he’s gonna be mad at me! I’ll try and hang out with you later!” Your emotions burst forward from the flimsy dam. Full on sobs. It was the loneliness, the fear of always being wrong and not wanting to be a burden on your boyfriend and you wanted things to feel the way they did when you first started dating. That’s when it felt like he actually loved you, you just had to try harder according to him and you were! You really really were!
The stream of thought was interrupted by Toji wrapping his arms around you. It’d been so long since you had one of his hugs and it made you break down into a puddle. Your boyfriend didn’t like when you were friendly with other guys and the boundary you put in place hurt more than you thought it had. “I’m sorry for crying on you.” You managed to get out through your shudders.
“Nothin’ to be sorry for sweetheart. You got a suitcase?”
You nodded and let him wipe your tears for you. “My stuff should be able to fit in one big one.”
“Good. Let’s check out your hand and get you packed up, make sure your phone is synced fully to the cloud and factory reset it, you’re not taking that one with you.”
“Toji I don’t have any money or a place to go, and I need a job to have any money at all-”
“What? No, baby you’re coming home with me. Where you belong.”
You started crying all over again, leading to another hug while you rested your head on his shoulder. “Alright, you’re okay, I gotcha. Clear your phone, I’m gonna wrap your hand and we’ll get outta here.”
Your phone was shut off and left on the counter only minutes later.
Your wound on your hand was tightly wrapped and all your things were ready to go. It’s not like you had a lot, your boyfriend- ex boyfriend said you had too much and you left it behind in your old room in the apartment you shared with Toji. You figured he would’ve done something with all your stuff by now.
All in the span of thirty minutes, you were leaving. It hurt to leave, but it kept on hurting more and more the longer you stayed with him.
“Leave the rest of the mess for him to clean up, let’s go. I have a fluffy blanket with your name on it.”
Toji kept your room exactly as you left it, you always had a home with him…
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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writercole · 1 year
Mid-May update
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After several days of thinking and one very good session with my journal husband counselor, I won't be leaving tumblr after all.
I'm still incredibly frustrated with the way creators are being treated, with the audacity of some of these bitches, the lack of interaction. But all that aside, I do like the fandom aspect of it.
I've culled several of my followed blogs, dropping over 300 people in the last several weeks. And I've been very liberal with that block button. I will be doing what I need to do to protect the little piece of peace that I have here.
A large part of my decision to stay has been mutuals. You guys have been incredibly supportive in so many ways over the years. The amount of you that have reached out and checked on me, that continuously poke my inbox with sweet messages, that flatter me every day is wonderful. To think that if we didn't have the internet, we wouldn't have our found family tribes, our Team Free Wills, our Avengers, our Daggers. Our covens. My life would be incredibly dull without you all.
My first week of work was tedious and slightly boring as it's all training but it's incredibly calming to have something to do during the day without relying on others to entertain me.
My gratitude for everyone through this month is indescribable. I wouldn't have made it, we wouldn't have made it without you and I will forever be grateful. You all have my love and admiration and my sword.
Now that I'm done with the blahdi blah, I'm sure you all want to know the updates on my wips, huh? Fine 😂
But one more thing first - happy birthday to my sibling, my friend, a bright spot in every day - @never--doubt. Kay, babe, I love you. I'm proud of you. And I am sending every ounce of positive energy that today goes your way. 💞💞
Five Minutes More is drafted for posting. We'll see Dean Winchester as a gamer and mechanic figuring out this little thing called love. One part currently, possibly more.
You, Me, and the Noises You Make is a honeymoon with Beau Simpson short story, under 500 words but ready to post soon.
The Replacement Bride is a new story for a new world featuring a group of mafia families spread across the country. There will be interconnected stories - already at chapter 6 and I've worked four of the six families together with a possibility of more as the story continues. I am considering the option of going straight to published with this universe, depending on how it fleshes itself out.
You'll Be In My Heart will be posting beginning in July, unless i finish a few other things first. We last left Jake standing in the bookstore staring after his ex-girlfriend (now named Allie) and his daughter, the one he never knew he had. Depending on the interaction and feedback I get, this may be the last series for tumblr.
Sounds of Someday: The Rewrite is trudging along slowly. My brain keeps telling me that I've already written this and that I shouldn't be doing it again but also that it's nowhere near good enough for publishing. My friend who has a masters degree in social work with a concentration in grief and trauma counseling will be looking over it when it's finished, hopefully between semesters for her!
I have several new pieces with original characters in progress, including a fantasy trilogy based on the song 'Labour' by Paris Paloma.
Also drafted are several moodboards for several different AUs. Due to the way moodboards are being received by the general pubic, they will stay in drafts until I decide what to do with them further.
There are more pieces of the Country Club AU in progress, including our first Boatman Bob story. I also have a collection called "A Thin Line" that I'm working on the second and third stories simultaneously for. One of those includes Fritz smut and I'm having trouble with it because he keeps short circuiting my brain.
There are two Ryan Spencer (Yellowstone) stories in progress as well as one Rip and a couple Rhett.
Sons of Anarchy is making a resurgence with a grand total of four wips.
Jason Todd has a couple of stories floating around in there.
I've got a few more Pedro, Sebastian, and C. Evans stories coming as well as stories for four different Toms, two other Chrises, a few more Jensen characters, and some new Glen, Lewis, and Danny characters.
The DC and Star Trek master lists will be expanding.
Posting of full fics will resume in June. I have one drabble that will be posted Friday and then new master lists will post twice a week until June 6. If there are still some to post, then they will posts on Tuesdays with fics on Fridays.
Fridays will be one-shots with Tuesdays being series.
What I'm also considering is restarting Patreon and including original works in there as well, and expanding it to an audience that includes my other readers. The other option is using tumblr tipping (which is powered by stripe and therefore more trustworthy than the hellsite itself) and locking posts. But that's definitely not the best case scenario.
Also in progress, while we're talking about other readers, is an actual website for my published works. Yes, I know the three I have out now are mediocre by many standards. They were really just to prove a point to myself. These next ones...not so mediocre.
My new job may take 40 hours of writing away from my schedule but let's be honest here...I wasn't spending 40 hours writing a week anyway.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
A TAG GAME?! :O :D !!
♡ 3 Lovely Ships:
Soukoku (i just think theyre so ✨️silly✨️ & couples that are @ war r my fav so- 🥰) also i recently discovered MANGA soukoku??!?!?! like theyre literally
✨️🍒🍑🍓🩹🩸💀🔫🏳️‍🌈🚔🗡🍉🍊🍋✨️ <- this
IVE LITERALLY CEMENTED THEM SO HARD AS MY GAY DADS THAT I FUCKING FORGOT THEYRE NOT CANON- i get confused when theyre on screen and not more coupley 💀 biggest comfort ship <3
Myself / the near entirety of Genshin Impact Playable Characters LMAOO IM A POLYAMOROUS SL*T IDK WHAT U WANT FROM MEEEE-
♡ First Ship:
♡ Last Song:
Labour by Paris Paloma! Im so fucking obsessed it just embodies the entirety of Feminine Rage I need- and how hard women work all the fucking time!
(Idk ig this is part of the template but-)
Live, Laugh, Love Hatsune Miku too
@fandangotales lol
♡ Last Movie:
Cocaine Bear!
Kinda cgi gory, mostly gross, sometimes i gagged 😭, watched it in theaters and it was so hilarious tho, the dialogue was like, super natural too! Like realistic jokes i would make in those situations lmao
Hope i can write dialogue that natural one day :O
♡ Currently Reading:
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System!
♡ Currently Watching:
Bungou Stray Dogs & Saving 80,000 Gold In Another World For My Retirement!
♡ Currently Consuming:
Some fucking stellar Boba teas from my local shop in town! I got a sort of strawberry frozen one with whip cream and mango jelly stars + lychee popping pearls And my quintessential Thai Tea w/classic tapioca my beloved <3
Yes... I am a fancy drink bitch 😔, now you all know my secret
♡ Currently Craving:
God who wouldn't I kill for some pasta rn, like penne with the sauce and the cheeseeee UGH 😫 </3
(no pressure babes!)
@lonelyrosegold (i just found u but i rlly loved ur background music about Linked Universe, which I also just found out about lmao)
@bk-4-trash-fire (the OG, the SUPREME, My Liege 😌✨️ ur actually one of the first ppl that rotred my brain over genshin sagau! Thank u for all ur cool ideas that i may or may not write an entire short story abt some day lmao! The Possession AU i made was partially inspired by you!<3)
@intothegenshinworld (new for me but awesome writer!! I cant wait to see more of ur stuff!)
@chocogi (UR PUPPETEER AU PARTIALLY INSPIRED MY POSSESSION AU! thanks for the cool content!!)
@fandangotales & @undecidingfate
THANK YOU BOTH?! FOR THE TAG 😭 It sounds silly but ive never gotten tagged for these things before & i was so happy to see it ;u; !!
More asks answered/posts to come my fellow zodiac signs!!
Safe travels,
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polyamorouspunk · 10 months
I LOVE SCENE QUEEN!! fantastic band . you're also actually the reason i got into black veil brides so hey you got that for music taste
Honestly I haven’t even got back into them since seeing them last year but maybe I will at some point. I have a lot of new bands (to me) I’ve explored this year including Scene Queen, Set It Off, Beartooth, Motionless In White, Get Scared, Slipknot, and more. I’ve also gone back to some newer Sleeping With Sirens and Bring Me The Horizon (and obviously Fall Out Boy) songs. Right now I’m trending more towards getting into Nu Metal. I’ve also been listening to other artists outside the genre bubble like Maisie Peters, Kiki Rockwell, and Paris Paloma. Oh and I’m listening to In This Moment too since I want to see them with INK on the Kiss of Death tour. I’ve been trying out Ghost as well and I want to check out Sleep Token as well. I saw Bad Omens 2 years ago when they opened for INK but they’ve grown so much since then I need to check them out. I’m really bad at remembering to check out opening bands. Other than that it’s been playlists as usual. I’m still working on a playlist for this blog but I haven’t really come across much else that’s what I’m looking for.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 3 months
5 artists you like and 5 artists you want to get into?
I've been listening to more folk/bluegrass/indie/twangy shit lately, lol. Current rotation includes a lot of Big Thief, The Dead South, Paris Paloma, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, and Dustin Kensrue.
I just started listening to Chappell Roan and I really like her! I need to find time to sit down and listen to the whole album she did in 2023. I also want to check out more of Dua Lipa's stuff, b/c I've always enjoyed her singles but never really explored further. Juliet Ivy is another one, I love her song "we're all eating each other" and want to see what else she's done. I also want to do a deeper dive on NoSo, because their voice is soooo nice and soothing.
Thanks anon!! <3
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Hello! how are you doing?
I was thinking, do you know the song “Labour” by Paris Paloma? i hope you do, if you don’t, please read the lyrics. It reminds me SO MUCH of y/n from holy ground… it’s like the song was written for her (for all women obviously) but it’s too accurate lmao…
Also, thank you for writing such an amazing fic that I revisit some scenes every night before i go to sleep.
You’re GREAT.
Hi dear! How are you? Are you having a nice day/night? I didn't know this song and I'd to check it out, I do thank the recomendation because this artist seem right on my alley. I'm not being biased because one of the lyrics videos I found was an edit of Allicen Hightower and I ADORE house of the dragon. I'll rampage a bit, if you allow me to <3
The part where she mentions all the jobs ugh chef kiss! for my Yn had always been the queen in Erwin's chess board, she can move to all the directions, she can fill up any role he needs her to.. but sacrificing the queen is always a risky decision in chess. I've said it multiple times but the song "tolerate it" by Taylor Swift is one that inspired a lot her relationship with Erwin. I'm not saying that Erwin is the only bad guy in the story haha sometimes Levi say some stuff that if a guy say it to me nowadays, he would leave with my 5 fingers marked on his face. It's hard for me to find a middle ground, something that's enjoyable to read but not sugar coated or romantized, like "all dudes are misogynist except Levi". The last chapter? chapter 17? Levi saying that "she's not a woman yet" haha I was writting that scene thinking "man and their cocks, they think that only that is the transition to adulthood for us,"
And about the song, it's marvelouse. When I was creating the character of YN for the story (since its a story that revolves more around the society of paradise over titans) I felt that my main idea was that I didn't want to fall into the "physically strong, doesn't care about society, rebel, powerful, etc" reader. I had 3 main ideas to create her character:
Rage, female rage. I hate the idea that when women are angry with a man they just let s single tear run down their eyes and look at you with doe eyes and walk away silently because they already suffer it all and now you'll have to live with their uncomfortable silence. no. NO. I wanted her to be messy, I wanted her to be vengeable, to be full of rage, to scream, to shout, to cry messily, to do an scene, to be a "hysterical drama little bitch" in the eyes of everybody. Basically to be a woman so tired of her pasiveness that once she's done, she doens't want peace. She aims for your heart and blood.
Her sorority. Yn learned the hard way that putting women against women for a man is never worth it. She's well aware that the only person who will suffer the consequences of she speaking up is Marie and Marie's child. She doesn't care about Marie but her loyalty to what she believed is right to other women is what make her protect her. So she's like "I may be seen as a hysterical little bitch in the eyes of everybody but Erwin would have to suffer the public judgement of being unable to control me, he will never have the comfort of my silence,"
The Madonna/whore complex. Yn is in a limbo where she feels she's never winning, she's a pure little angel who can't deseire anything... her man cheats because she's not pleasing him, you know, men search outside what they don't get in home (sarcasm). OR she's a whore who opens her legs to anyone.
I'm so thankful that you think it sounds like YN from HG and also thank you for your sweet words, it's so nice from you <3 Honestly, I'm always surprised when people recomend me songs that remind them of YN from Hg. In my mind Holy Ground is a story I write for myself because me and other 4 people read, therefore it always make my day that someone like you even goes back to read some scenes. OMG, I just don't know what to say aside from Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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broadwaybydesign · 7 years
I Got Rhythm: Costuming “An American In Paris,” Part I
Hello, dear readers, and welcome back to Broadway by Design! After taking a look at some unorthodox costumes in my Tanz der Vampire/Le Bal des Vampires, I’m shifting gears back towards traditional Broadway, this time with a still-Parisian twist. By request from an Anon (and with encouragement from my dear friend @annbradleys ), I’m moving up my review of Bob Crowley’s couture-inspired designs from An American in Paris, and I can’t wait to get started!
For those not familiar with this production, it takes its lead from the 1951 movie of the same name. Stunningly for an Oscar-winning production in this era, the costumes for the movie were not Edith Head, but were a team effort by Orry-Kelly, Walter Plunkett, and Irene Sharaff. For the stage production, Bob Crowley definitely took some inspiration from the original movie, but moved in a new direction that was inspired by the high fashion (couture) of post-war France, which means his costumes are elegant, simple, and visually appealing. Let’s dive in, this time with images courtesy of Vanity Fair, which spent quite a bit of time promoting the production:
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I’m starting with a group shot for a reason: it gives us an idea of where the costumes start before we begin to look at some of the more unique designs that were given to individual actors and ensemble members. The production is set in post-war Paris, so it makes sense that (especially on the female members of the cast) the costumes are somewhat demure. The style on the women’s dresses are similar, but with an air of refinement in each of them. I like how, despite similar fabrics and patterns, the cut on the green and red-orange dresses on the righthand side are quite different, with the latter sporting a doubled look and the one on the right looking a bit more timeless and classical. The dress in the center and on the left both share that timelessness, but in shades of color that are simply ravishing. I’m not as much of an expert on male costuming, but the mens’ suits are visually appealing and fit the era (late 1940s) extremely well. It’s difficult to get a suit wrong but believe it or not, I have seen it done.
The same Vanity Fair coverage gave us insight into Bob Crowley’s design processes for well, especially for the more elaborate costumes. Below, I’ve included a couple of his design sketches so I can comment a little on that process before proceeding to look at some of the more visually appealing dresses that appear in this production:
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(Caption: Galeries Lafayette - Customers/Ladies who lunch)
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(Caption: Milo Davenport | Ritz | Chaldet AAIP Ballet, with side notation indicating there is a fur wrap)
Color sketches are how a costume designer first lays out his or her vision for the wardrobe department. A designer, while intimately involved in every aspect of producing a costume, is not a single force and works with an extensive team in the costume shop of the theatre. This includes any number of tailors and seamstresses who will do the actual work of assembling the outfits to the people who add jewel or beadwork, all to the designer’s exacting specifications. But these sketches, often done in pencil and watercolor for intensity of color, are where it all begins. Notice how not every detail is outlined at this early stage; even if these are what the public envisions when they think of designer sketches, they aren’t the finished product. This, however, is how the work gets started and it can take an enormous amount of back-and-forth consultation between the costume designer, the costume shop, the set designer (can’t have color clashes or competition for the audience’s attention!), and even the actor or actress who will wear the finished product. The idea is to give a rough expectation of the finished product while allowing the flexibility to make changes for later. It’s the same process used by fashion designers making regular clothing or runway dresses, but with a different set of people consulted at each step.
Bob Crowley’s designs, as the sketches show, reflect a classic look, something a bit more sophisticated than many of the dresses I have reviewed recently. That’s intentional given the time setting of An American in Paris; as I noted in my reviews of War Paint, the post-war era is where couture really started to come into its own. The designs reflect that while making sense in the context of the musical. There’s a tremendous use of color in the sketches, and that later gets transformed into some beautiful costume designs for the Milo character in particular. With thanks to BroadwayBox, I want to look at a few outfits Milo wears in particular:
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I started with this outfit for Milo (as played ably by Jill Paice) because, lo and behold, it matches one of Bob Crowley’s design sketches above! What was once simply pencil and watercolor has now become a far more complex and complete costume from head to toe. We can see that he kept the same red for the dress as in the sketch, as well as the bow-like adornment that lies on the character’s waist. The coat has changed dramatically (remember what I said about sketches changing often?) and is now a black-and-red checked pattern rather than white-and-red, which I think makes it seem much more dramatic. The fabrics are rich and hang well, and there is simple accenting in the form of black suede gloves (according to Ms Paice herself), wide-brimmed hat that accentuates her blonde hair, and a relatively simple gold chain. It’s a visually impressive piece, and I love the way it just looks classical!
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Second, we have this green, silky number that goes down to Ms Paice’s ankle. For the most part, it’s a simple dress with a traditional off-the-shoulder look that would have fit in at any swanky 1940s cocktail party (and indeed this costume makes an appearance in a scene set in the Ritz Hotel in Paris), especially on the figure of a wealthy woman like Milo. The lines are very classic and the fabric just looks so rich; having worked mostly in college productions, I can only dream of working with something this fine. But there is an additional element that I absolutely love about this one: the extra flare of silk on the left portion of the bust (viewer’s left, wearer’s right). It takes this dress from simply something that could appear in a Macy’s or Neiman Marcus window and elevates it to couture, a custom fashion made specifically for the wearer.
And one more thing about this dress: it flows, oh does it flow:
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It floats outward and immediately comes back into place without looking wrinkled or shabby, and that is the sign of some truly quality work in any production, let alone one by Bob Crowley.
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Next, we have an amazing skirtsuit that really shouts out for some analysis. A black A-line skirt is complemented and popped by the leopard-print blouse that imbues the character with two things: a sense of power and a sense of fun. During my review of Christine Ebersole’s wardrobe, I talked about the idea of power suits, and this definitely falls into that category. The cut of the dress (an A-Line) coupled with the color make clear that this is a serious person with serious business and ideas, while the blouse makes it clear that lurking underneath (literally!) there is a fun and vivacious character to be found. With very simple jewelry, the simple nature of the dress is allowed to carry the day, with the blouse itself acting as the accessory. Very clever mixture of techniques that I like!
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This gown made its appearance in the Broadway debut of An American in Paris, appearing in the Bal des Beaux-Arts scene where everyone (or almost everyone) is enjoying a masquerade ball. For those who are fans of Phantom of the Opera, the concept of a masquerade ball is not alien; everyone wears their fanciest, most memorable couture and everyone carries or wears a simple mask that is adorned with beads, jewels, and/or feathers in order to conceal their identity.
Milo’s masquerade gown harkens back to the red-and-black checked coat at least in color scheme, and that’s something that I like--but the similarities end there. The skirt is ruffled with layers of what seems to be chiffon, while the black covering is a much smoother, more satiny fabric. Jill Paice said it was her favorite gown of the Broadway production because of the way it allowed her to move and breathe; because the dress is puffed out and because the black is fit to her figure, there’s no need for a corset or other structure underneath. That’s why it looks a little bit smoother in some regards on her upper body.
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This dress appears at the beginning of Act II and is another entry in the couture-inspired designs. There’s some classic French and Hollywood glamor on display here, from the bodice that has an almost sensual black lace to the way the dress hangs elegantly without flowing too much; it’s definitely the kind of dress you expect to be seen in, rather than, say, go dancing intensely. While it’s not apparent in this shot, you can just see the hints of a large bow fixed at the back of the dress, a mark of custom design that once again reinforces that we are dealing with a character of means. The accessories are once again relatively simple; Milo Davenport is a character whose wealth and elegance speak for themselves. She doesn’t need fancy jewelry, though the necklace adorning her neck is a beautiful gold number that matches the tones of the dress well.
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The last outfit of Milo’s I’ll cover is this number from the finale of Act II. Here, I must confess, I am not as avid a fan of Bob Crowley’s design as I am for some of the other pieces. I like the way the large floral adornment acts as a bridge between the patterned skirt and the un-patterned top of the dress, but the pattern itself strikes me as dated--even in the context of a 1940s-set musical. To be clear, I don’t object to floral patterns in general; indeed, I think Paloma Young did a beautiful job with them in Bandstand. But this one falls a little flat to me. Compared to the other costumes prepared for the character of Milo, this one just feels a bit more low-market. I freely admit that this may be a matter of personal taste, and I won’t criticize the work that went into it, but it just feels like it would have been better with either a different, more subtle pattern, or even as a black dress with some kind of accessories. One positive I will give it, however, is that it does hang well on Ms Paice and the fur stole/wrap really does do it justice.
And here’s the biggest reason I’m not as huge a fan: this dress started out as the dress on the far right of the Milo sketches that I posted earlier. There, it had a subtle pink skirt with the rose adornment. It was sleek and classical without being overly dramatic, and it avoided the somewhat dull pattern work that the final number had. But remember what I said: sketches are just the starting point. Clearly, someone (perhaps Mr Crowley himself!) decided that the final number needed to have Milo in a patterned skirt. It was a judgment call, and while I didn’t love it, I am sure there are many fans of the musical who did.
Overall, I really am in love with the classic, clean, couture look of the musical’s costuming, especially the majority of the dresses prepared for the Milo character. Bob Crowley is a master of the costuming arts and created some truly elegant and beautiful designs, even if I didn’t always agree with his choices. What makes them work is not only that they fit the era of the musical, but that they fit the personality of the character and the actress portraying her as well. On the whole, I can’t really find much to do but celebrate the way this turned out.
Next, I’ll take a look at some of the other costumes in this utterly lavish production, including those of the leading lady in An American in Paris. Bob Crowley put so much work into this musical that it’s only fair to give his costumes the full attention that they deserve.
Stay tuned!
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richincolor · 7 years
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Need Some Romance?
One of the ARC’s I received at the LA Times Book Festival was Sarah Dessen’s new book. My friend is a big fan of her books, but I had never read anything by her so I decided to give the book a try. I found the book to be kinda bland and the romance was predictable, however I know that teenage me would have loved it. When I was a teenager I loved reading all sorts of romance novels rooting for the couple to beat whatever obstacles they were up against. I got lost in the fantasy of falling in love with your soulmate and riding off into the proverbial sunset. When I was a teen, however, there was not much diversity in YA contemporary romance, so I definitely missed seeing myself as the heroine/love interest. Times have changed, but not by much. While there are more YA romances with characters of color, the number of novels actually published is still very dismal compared to the number of romances featuring white couples. And, as a proponent of Black Love, I could barely think of any romances that focused on Black love or even Latinx love. I found that most titles were interracial couples (not that there is anything wrong with that), but that is an examination for another time. What I want to do is highlight some YA romance that I’ve read and loved, and that you should read too. Also, if there is a title that you’d like to share, please do so in the comments below.
*PS I would have included "When Dimple Met Rishi" but since we just discussed it just last week, read our discussion to learn what we all thought of the book.
PPS A few months ago I did a post about adaptations of Romeo & Juliet. Check out that list for more romance titles. Romeo & Juliet 2,0: Reflecting Our World.
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High-school junior Leila has made it most of the way through Armstead Academy without having a crush on anyone, which is something of a relief. Her Persian heritage already makes her different from her classmates; if word got out that she liked girls, life would be twice as hard. But when a sophisticated, beautiful new girl, Saskia, shows up, Leila starts to take risks she never thought she would, especially when it looks as if the attraction between them is mutual. Struggling to sort out her growing feelings and Saskia's confusing signals, Leila confides in her old friend, Lisa, and grows closer to her fellow drama tech-crew members, especially Tomas, whose comments about his own sexuality are frank, funny, wise, and sometimes painful. Gradually, Leila begins to see that almost all her classmates are more complicated than they first appear to be, and many are keeping fascinating secrets of their own.
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Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she’s written. One for every boy she’s ever loved—five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
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Lace Paloma may be new to her family’s show, but she knows as well as anyone that the Corbeaus are pure magia negra, black magic from the devil himself. Simply touching one could mean death, and she's been taught from birth to keep away. But when disaster strikes the small town where both families are performing, it’s a Corbeau boy, Cluck, who saves Lace’s life. And his touch immerses her in the world of the Corbeaus, where falling for him could turn his own family against him, and one misstep can be just as dangerous on the ground as it is in the trees.
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Could there ever be one time, one place, one pair whose love would truly tip the balance?
Meet Flora Saudade, an African-American girl who dreams of becoming the next Amelia Earhart by day and sings in the smoky jazz clubs of Seattle by night. Meet Henry Bishop, born a few blocks and a million worlds away, a white boy with his future assured—a wealthy adoptive family in the midst of the Great Depression, a college scholarship, and all the opportunities in the world seemingly available to him.
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Daniel: I’ve always been the good son, the good student, living up to my parents’ high expectations. Never the poet. Or the dreamer. But when I see her, I forget about all that. Something about Natasha makes me think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store—for both of us.
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4yourexcitement · 5 years
  Credit: Johan Persson
There is no doubt that within the theatre community, brand new musical & Juliet is one of the most eagerly anticipated shows to open this year. The musical which stars Hamilton’s Miriam-Teak Lee in the eponymous role, uses the extensive back catalogue of music producer Max Martin, to tell the story of what happened if Juliet decided there was a life after Romeo and Juliet and decided that Paris is the place to be. The book by David West Read, tells us the story of how Juliet decides that life means more to her than dying for the one she thinks she loves.
Ahead of the show’s London opening in November, the show has been wowing audiences at Manchester Opera House since mid September and if the show I saw on October 1, 2019 then London audiences will be in for a real treat next month.
Although there is only one original song “One More Try” in the show, the re-orchestrations of the songs at the hands of Bill Sherman create a new twist on some incredibly memorable, and nostalgic songs and at no point did I feel that I was watching a traditional “jukebox musical” and that is due in no small part to the exceptional directing talent of Luke Sheppard (In The Heights).
West End stalwart Oliver Tompsett (We Will Rock You, Wicked, Rock of Ages, Kinky Boots), plays William Shakespeare who is debuting the first performance of Romeo and Juliet to a challenging audience after making a memorable entrance and Cassidy Janson (Beautiful, Man of La Mancha) stars as Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare’s wife who makes him reconsider his “shit” ending.
Tompsett is perfectly cast as Shakespeare, and his cheeky and clever Shakespeare is definitely not the bading, ruff wearing image we are used to seeing. He has exceptional chemistry with Janson, and there are times where you can’t decide whether you want to slap him or hug him. Of course Tompsett’s voice is nothing short of perfect, with the opening number “Larger Than Life” showing off his vocals perfectly, his duet with Janson “As Long as You Love Me” is one of the tearjerkers of the show, and of course hearing Tompsett rock out in “It’s My Life” is pure pleasure. Tompsett’s Shakespeare is definitely not a one dimensional caricature, and we definitely see Shakespeare as a slightly flawed human who pours himself into his work at the potential exclusion of Anne.
Janson is a joy to watch both as Anne Hathaway, and as Juliet’s new best friend April who helps her to find the way to secure her own happiness. Janson has a fabulous comic touch and she has some of the funniest lines in the show, and the scenes between Juliet and her friends are just a joy to watch. Janson blew the roof off the theatre with her rendition of the Celine Dion classic “That’s the Way It Is.” Whilst Lee (and Juliet) is no doubt the star of the show, it feels like Janson and her characters are the true heart of the show, and some of her scenes with Tompsett will bring a tear to your eye.
Joining Janson’s April as one of Juliet’s friends is Arun Blair-Mangat (Angels in America, Leave to Remain, In The Heights, Kinky Boots) as May who is always there for Juliet and is willing to throw away their own chance at love for their best friend. Blair-Mangat is as always heart wrenchingly amazing, and May is a truly fabulous character and at no point does May feel like a stereotype, or a reason to be mocked. May’s relationship with Juliet is something that everyone needs, a friend who has their back and there is a lovely emotional connection between the pair, however their group is not without its comedic elements which Blair-Mangat excels at as can be seen in songs such as “I Kissed a Girl”. Blair Mangat is a true vocal powerhouse with two of what I feel are some of the many unforgettable songs within the show; “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman” had the audience drawn in totally with an emotional rawness that Blair-Mangat creates effortlessly and it reduced me to a total puddle of tears and “Whataya Want From Me” shows a new side to his vocal range that I wasn’t used to hearing, and I need to hear more rock spring forth from his stunning vocals. I truly believe that Blair-Mangat’s role could see him receive nods when awards season comes round next year.
Tim Mahenderan, who plays Francois, is just exceptional and a shining talent with songs such as his duets with Blair-Mangat and Lee. I can’t wait to hear what Mahenderan will do next, and I have no doubt he has a bright and glittering future ahead of him. His emotional scenes are just amazing and you end the show rooting for Francois’s happiness just as much as Juliet’s.
Double Olivier Award winner David Bedella (Jerry Springer the Opera, The Rocky Horror Show, In The Heights) stars as Francois’s father Lance, who is blustering and pompous who is also an old flame of Juliet’s nurse, played by the sublime Melanie La Barrie (Wicked). Songs such as “Shape of My Heart” reminded me of what a wonderful voice and range Bedella has. Bedella’s comic side is definitely allowed to fly free in the role of Lance, and I had to pick my jaw off the floor (in the best possible way) watching Bedella and La Barrie frolicking around a bedroom whilst singing a mash up of “Teenage Dream” and “Break Free”.
In a similar vein, I never knew that I needed to see a “Bois Band” comprising Tompsett, Blair-Mangat, Mahenderan, Bedella, and Jordan Luke Gage (Bat Out of Hell) who sing and dance their way through “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”, but now I’ve seen it I want to watch it again, and again.
Gage, plays Romeo who we only really see at the end of Act One, when he arrives in a blaze of glory rocking to “It’s My Life” and determined to win back the most recent woman he loved. This version of Romeo is vapid, dense and in the words of Anne Hathaway “a douche”. Gage’s voice is something special and his duet with Lee “One More Try” is gorgeous, and although his Romeo is anything by perfect he is still a guy trying to do the right thing.
There is one true star of the show and that is Miriam-Teak Lee as Juliet, a modern girl who isn’t willing to let a failed relationship define her life, and with the help of her friends she will discover who she is. Lee’s performance is truly of another level of power and awesome raw talent from her pared back version of “…Baby One More Time” to her theatre grabbing rendition of “Roar” which is undoubtedly the anthem of this show. There is not one song that she doesn’t fail to deliver on and her voice is truly of the most exceptional I have ever had the honour to listen to. The mash up “Problem/Can’t Feel My Face” with Lee and Gage is one of the most inventive reimaginings of the songs in the show. If Lee does not receive an Olivier Nomination for her role in the show, then I will wonder what is truly wrong with the world. Lee deserves every praise for the way that she becomes the centre of the show without making it a one woman show, yet standing tall in her own diva worthy way.
The “Company of Players” are one of the tightest I have seen in a long time, with a special mention to Grace Mouat (Six), and Jocasta Almgill (Dreamgirls, West Side Story, In The Heights) who plays the almost villainous Lady Capulet; they are both brilliant and bring a new level to the show.
The choreography from Jennifer Weber is clever, and in total keeping with the vision that has been created and the company execute it impeccably. Paloma Young’s costumes are unexpected but work so well with feel of the show, and the costumes never feel out of place or jarring to the action that is taking place on stage at the time. Soutra Gilmour’s set design in conjunction with the lighting designed by Howard Hudson create the varying worlds of Verona and Paris in a way that was totally unexpected and the mash up of period and more modern makes it even more interesting. I certainly found myself looking at so many details of the stage before the show and in the interval which is not something that happens all that often.
At the end of the show, the entire audience is on its feet and quite rightly so, because & Juliet is the musical we have been waiting for to show us all that there is more to a person than the person they fall in love with and that we are ok no matter what. I can’t wait to see this show again and again, because this show deserves to run for a long time.
Check out the gallery of official production photos below:
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Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
Credit: Johan Persson
& Juliet is currently playing at Manchester Opera House until October 12, and will open at London’s Shaftesbury Theatre on November 19 with previews starting on November 2. Tickets for both venues can be purchased via the show’s official website.
& Juliet Roars With Sass, Shakespeare and A Second Chance At Life There is no doubt that within the theatre community, brand new musical & Juliet is one of the most eagerly anticipated shows to open this year.
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