shimichoko · 2 years
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 months
Pairings: Knight!Natasha Romanoff x Princess!Reader
Summary: A silly dream you and Natasha shared as kids turns out to be your destiny.
Word Count: 5.05k
Warnings: Injuries — (broken bones, cuts, bruises)
Author’s Note: Another one that’s been collecting dust. At this point I’m just deep cleaning my drafts I hope you like it 💕
Mini-oneshot: Forever
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Natasha and you had been raised alongside each other since birth.
As the royal heir you were born the kingdoms Princess, and would one day step up after your parents stepped down from their positions as King and Queen.
Meanwhile, once Natasha became of age her father began her training as she was meant to become the young Princesses Royal Knight.
Both of your families had always been close friends. Natasha’s father was your father’s best solider, so you and the redhead had practically grown up together.
The bond between your two families meant that you and the young knight spent a lot of time together. So much time that as you grew up, you and Natasha inevitably fell for each other and only continued to as you got older.
Your parents knew you two had something special from the gecko, but no one knew if it was just puppy love, or if it’d turn out to be the love story you’d only ever hear about in books.
That thought always took up a space in your mind, just like it was right now.
How you got so lucky to be the one in a billion to actually live one of those love stories.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Nat! Natty, wait for me!” you call out to the slightly older girl.
Natasha always teased you for being younger than her even if it was only by a few months. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, waiting a moment for you to catch up to her as your feet quickly patted against the pavement outside.
“Sorry, princess,” she gazed at you once you reached her. “I’m just really excited to see where our parents are taking us.”
Your cheeks flushed a pink tint at the pet name and your heart fluttered. People were supposed to formally address you as Princess since that’s who you were, but whenever Natasha called you that you both knew it had a different meaning.
Natasha always had such a soft spot for you. Some might call it puppy love, but both of your parents believed it was the cutest thing to ever exist.
As she had a couple inches over you, you had to latch onto her arm and lean up on your tippy-toes to peck her cheek. This time it was Natasha’s turn to blush.
“Well, now we can go down there together.” you said and gave her a sweet smile that made her heart double in beats per minute.
Both of your mothers playfully shook their heads to themselves as they made their way over to you, watching the interaction.
“She’s a smooth little girl.” Melina commented with a chuckle.
Your mother chuckled, “Yeah, I don’t know where she got that from because it definitely was not her father.”
You two on the other hand were completely oblivious of their presence as you became immersed in chasing each other around the castle garden, your loud giggles rumbling through air.
“Don’t let him hear you say that.” Melina laughed along with your mother.
The two women watched as Natasha caught up to you and pulled you into her arms. “They’re too cute.” your mother cooed and Melina nodded her head, smiling widely.
At some point Natasha had picked a yellow flower from the grass and place it in your hair with sophistication, admiring how it just accentuated your already beautiful features.
She brought you into a tight hug and dramatically pleaded, “Marry me, Y/n! Marry me so nothing will ever come between us and we can be together forever and ever!”
“Yes! A trillion times yes, Natasha! I will marry you even if it’s the last thing I do!” You theatrically declared, mimicking a woman in a television show.
Natasha pulled back and leaned in with her lips exaggeratedly puckered out way too far and cheeks puffed out so much they could’ve popped, but before she could reach yours she was lifted up into her father’s arms.
“Alright, you little player. You’re not quite ready for that one just yet.” Alexei teased the young redhead.
Natasha scoffed. “I am not a player! Y/n is my fiancé and I am going to make her my wife! I put a flower on it and everything!” she argued with a pout.
That was when your own father scooped you up into his arms and spun you around. “Aren’t you just the enchantress? You’ve got little Natasha all lovestruck and heart eyed. Poor girl.”
You giggled before you heard Natasha call out in annoyance. “I am not little!”
Amused looks spread across your mothers’ faces at the precious scene. At the time, no one knew that your’ and Natasha’s pretend was destined to become a reality.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(Time jump to around 11 years old)
“Nat, are you sure you know we’re you’re going?” you asked, hesitation evident in your voice as she guided you by your hand through the trees.
This would be the third time you asked her this question, so she playfully rolled her eyes at your uncertainty.
“Yes, Y/n, I come here all the time after training. Stop worrying your pretty little head so much, you’ll give yourself a headache.” Natasha assured.
Normally her sweet talk would have you swooning, but this time you were too distracted by the uneasiness you felt about where you were. Natasha had dragged you out to the forest behind the kingdom, saying she had something special that she wanted you to see.
You two had snuck away when your parents were busy, so no one even knew where you were, but you of course agreed because you trust the redhead with everything you have.
“Okay, we’re here.” Natasha’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
You looked around in confusion, seeing nothing besides an abnormally large tree.
“What is it that you wanted to show me?” you finally spoke.
The young knight chuckled at your slightly furrowed eyebrows, “Follow me.” was all she said before beginning to climb up the tall tree.
“What— Natasha what’re you doing?”
“Come on, this is the only way you’ll see it.” she attempted to encourage you.
You were still very unsure about it so you just watched from the ground as she made her way up the tree. She eventually stopped and made herself comfortable on one of the limbs. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” you projected your voice up to her.
“Come on, Y/n, trust me! The view is beautiful from up here. It’s like you can the whole world!” Natasha called down to you.
You contemplated once more before finally giving in. You followed the path you had watched the redhead take and began climbing the tree. However, you had only made it about halfway when a branch you had grabbed onto began to snap.
Before you could even yell for Natasha like you had originally intended, the branch snapped completely and you yelped instead as you fell.
Your mind had barely registered the young knight calling out your name when you hit the ground. The air was knocked out of your lungs, but you noticed the sharp pain that shot up your arm the most.
“Y/n!” Natasha panicked, and when she heard you cry out tears she quickly made her way down to you.
The words to ask you what was hurting were on the tip of her tongue, but that question was answered when she saw you holding your arm and a few scratches on the side of your face.
Natasha didn’t know what to do.
You were sobbing and clearly in a lot of pain, so she lifted you into her arms bridal style and ran as fast as her legs would take her back to the kingdom without causing you any further discomfort.
Ignoring all the looks from passing townspeople, she bolted up the castle stairs and rushed inside.
“Mom! Mom, dad, where are you! Mom!” Natasha frantically searched every room for either of your parents.
They must’ve heard her shouting because they exited the meeting room and saw the young knight running straight towards them with you crying in her arms.
“Natasha, what happened?” Melina asked her daughter with furrowed eyebrows.
“I wanted to show Y/n this really nice view, but we had to climb a tree in order to see it. She didn’t even want to do it in the first place but I convinced her to, and she fell and I think she hurt her arm.” Natasha explained to the four adults as your father gently took you into his arms.
She began to tear up and followed them to the infirmary, “I— I just wanted to show her something I thought she’d like. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn’t mean for her to get hurt.”
Your mother placed a comforting hand on the young girls shoulder to get her attention, “It’s okay, Natasha. We know you’d never put her in harms way on purpose, but you did good bringing her back because now we can help her.”
Natasha wiped away the tears in her eyes, although it was no use because more began to fall anyway, “It’s all my fault, I’m the one who took her out there to begin with. She’d be okay if it weren’t for me.”
“Now, now, Natasha. Stop being so hard on yourself. I’m sure Y/n won’t blame you once she’s all patched up.” Your mother reassured, and she was right.
A couple hours later your parents informed the young redhead and her parents of your condition. The force of the impact when you hit the ground had broken your arm, and you had a few light scratches on your cheek that should quickly fade.
The doctor gave your parents some medication to help with any pain you had, and allowed them to take you back to your own bedroom. When Natasha was asked if she would like to see you she of course said yes, but couldn’t ignore the nerves she felt.
Would you be upset with her?
Your mothers led Natasha to your bedroom and opened the door for her to enter, but she hesitated. She felt as though her feet were glued to the floor.
“Are you sure?” the knight in training asked. “I don’t think she’d want to see me.”
Your mother crouched down to Natasha’s height to look at her. “Can I let you in on a little secret?” she said and Natasha nodded. “Between you and me I think you’re the first person she’d wanna see.”
The young girl sat with those words for a moment longer and contemplated before finally stepping into you room. When she reached your beside she realized that you were sound asleep.
Natasha’s eyes scanned the peaceful expression on your face. Your eyelashes just barely brushed against your cheeks, and your slow breathing was heard through the quietness of the room.
Her gaze traveled down to the white cast around your arm and a sense of guilt washed over her, but she tried to disregard that feeling and just focus on you.
She noticed a lock of hair that had started to fall in front of your face, so Natasha tucked it behind your ear. However, she regretted that decision when your eyes fluttered open and met hers.
Your lips pulled up into a small smile. “Hi, Natty.”
“Hey,” she practically whispered.
You frowned at her vague and quiet response. “What’s wrong?” you wondered.
Natasha sighed and let her eyes travel back to your injured arm. “I’m sorry. I should’ve listened when you said you didn’t wanna go up, and now you’re hurt because of me.”
“Hey,” you sat up and placed a hand over the young knights hand. Her heart skipped a beat at the contact and she met your gaze again. “It was an accident, Nat. I don’t blame you for this, and I’m okay now.”
“I know. I just hated seeing you in so much pain knowing I talked you into doing it.”
You looked at her with soft eyes that instantly calmed her racing mind. “Well you did carry me all the way back, so I guess that makes up for it. All of those extra hours you put into your training finally paid off.” you both giggled.
Maybe this whole situation wasn’t as bad as Natasha convinced herself it was.
“You wanna sign my cast? It looks kind of boring right now.” you asked.
Natasha smiled and nodded her head, looking around the room for something to write with. She spotted a red marker on your large dresser and grabbed it before returning to your side.
She gently took your arm into her hand and signed her name, attempting to draw a few hearts around it, but they just ended up uneven and lopsided.
Nevertheless, they were special.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(Time jump to 16 Years Old)
“Mom!” Natasha called out as she rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping on the last step whilst she tucked her maroon button-up shirt into her black slacks. “Does this look okay? Should I try on a different one?”
Melina examined the outfit her daughter was wearing before smiling at her, “You look wonderful, sweetheart. Stop worrying so much, you’ll make yourself sick.”
“Are you wearing my pants?” Yelena said as he walked into the room alongside Alexei.
Natasha glared at her sister while slipping on the jacket and straightening out the collar of her shirt with the help of Melina.
“Your mother is right, honey. I’m sure Y/n will love it.” Alexei chimed in.
Today was your sixteenth birthday, and your parents thought it would be the perfect opportunity to throw a ball to celebrate this milestone. Everyone in the kingdom received an invitation in the mail, but the Romanoffs were obviously at the top of the guest list.
Natasha was no doubt nervous. She so badly wanted to make an impression on you, but would never admit it to avoid her family’s very unfunny jokes.
Unfortunately for her, she didn’t have to disclose that information in order for her parents and sister to know that she and the young princess always had a thing for each other, even as little kids.
“Oh, so that’s why you stole my pants.” Yelena smirked. “So you could impress your little girlfriend.” she spoke in a teasing tone.
The young knight rolled her eyes, “She is not my girlfriend.”
“Well I suggest you try to change that before someone else decides to sweep her off her feet.”
Before Natasha could retaliate Melina saved her the trouble, “Alright you two, let’s get going before we’re late.” She ushered her family out the front door and gave Natasha a reassuring squeeze to her shoulder.
People were still making their way inside when they arrived. Your parents stood at the entrance welcoming people into the castle, and their eyes lit up when they saw their most dearest friends walking up the steps.
“Melina, Alexei, Natasha, Yelena! You’re finally here, thank you for coming!” Your father greeted the family while your mother gave each of them a quick hug.
“You all look lovely tonight.” she said.
“Oh, the same goes for you two as well.” Melina returned the compliment.
Your mother looked towards Natasha, “Y/n is still in her room getting ready and should be down in just a few minutes, but you’re welcome to go find her if you’d like.”
Natasha nodded, “Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n.” she responded before moving past them to make her way to your room.
She knocked on the door and smiled to herself when she heard your comforting voice call out.
“Just a second!”
A few moments later the door opened and you stood face to face, “Nat!” you exclaimed happily and pulled her in for a tight hug.
“Hey, birthday girl.” Natasha chuckled. “Am I interrupting anything?”
You let her go and shook your head, “Not at all. I’m just about ready anyway.” you answered and returned to your spot in front of your mirror.
Natasha migrated further into the room and rested against your bed frame. “Well, you look amazing.” she said.
You turned to look back at her with a smile on your lips, “Thanks,” you replied and took in her attire. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
The young knight smiled and looked down while you went back to fixing your hair. Natasha tried her best not to stare, but that was proving to be difficult as she kept lifting her head to glance at you.
She decided to break the comfortable silence to distract herself. “Is now a good time for me to give you your gift? I know it’s not time to open presents yet, but I think it’ll look good with your dress.”
You looked back at her again, “Nat, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I knew you’d say that, but I wanted to.” Natasha moved to stand behind you before meeting your eyes through the mirror.
When she pulled something out of her pocket and gently placed it around your neck, you realized that it was a necklace, the charm attached shimmering in the light.
You looked down at the piece of jewelry in awe, “Oh Nat, it’s beautiful.” you said and turned around completely to face her.
“It looks even better on you.” she flattered. You couldn’t stop your cheeks from turning a light shade of pink and Natasha grinned at the effect she had on you.
It took a moment for you to gather your composure before taking her hand in yours. “Come on, there’s an entire party downstairs and I wanna see what kind of food they have.” you both giggled as you dragged her down the stairs and to the ballroom.
Hours later the party was now in full swing. You had received happy birthday wishes from so many people you lost count, and ate so many different desserts that you’d probably have a stomachache the next day.
When people began setting down their drinks to find space to dance, Natasha looked towards you and thought she’d take the opportunity to ask you to dance with her.
“May I have—” she started to say, but was interrupted when a young boy around your age approached you.
“Um, excuse me, Princess. Would you like to dance with me?” he asked, clearly nervous considering his fidgeting hands.
As much as you wanted to decline his offer, you felt obligated to accept as you were the kingdoms princess. You looked at Natasha with an apologetic expression and told her you’d be right back before following the boy.
Anyone that looked at the redhead would be able to tell she was annoyed— it was written all over here face.
So when she made her way over to her family, Yelena raised an eyebrow. “What’s up with you?”
The young knight sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, “Someone else decided to sweep her off her feet.”
All she could do was watch as you kept getting pulled away to dance with people. Whenever a song ended and you tried to make your way back over to her, someone else was by your side asking to dance. To both of you, it felt like forever before you were finally back together.
The song came to an end you were practically speed walking to where Natasha was standing off to the side in a successful attempt to avoid getting pulled away again.
“Hey, I’m so sorry. I swear they just kept coming out of no where.” you breathed out, gulping down your glass of water to catch your breath.
Natasha smiled and shook her head, “It’s okay, is it my turn now or are you too worn out?”
You playfully rolled your eyes and laughed, “Don’t be ridiculous, Natty.” you took her hand and led her to an empty space amongst other dancing people.
Her arms encircled your waist while yours wrapped loosely around her neck. Neither of you exactly knew how to dance, so you just gently swayed with the music.
The young knight found that the annoyance she was feeling early could no longer be felt now that she finally had you. She was too happy to focus on anything except you— but there was one other thing on her mind.
“Can I ask you something?” Natasha said.
You hummed, nodding your head. “Of course, Nat.”
She sighed contently and tightened her hold on you. “I think we both know that we’ve felt something for each other that’s more than best friends, even as little kids. I mean my parents still won’t let me forget about that time I asked you to marry me when we were what? Six?” she spoke and you both laughed at the memory.
“And I did say yes. Actually, if I recall correctly I was pretty enthusiastic about it too.” you giggled.
“Yeah, you were.” Natasha grinned. “But I wanted to know if you’d maybe wanna make our relationship official. You know, so I can be the only one you dance with at parties like these.” she asked hopefully.
You looked at her with a smirk plastered across your face and raised eyebrows. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
“Well— yeah…I am.”
You smiled and laid your head on her shoulder, “I’d love nothing more, Nat.” you said and your answer brought an even bigger grin to her face.
What you didn’t know was that your mothers were watching the scene unfold from across the room, sipping on glasses of expensive wine.
Your mother playfully shook her head, “Like true soulmates.” she spoke and Melina hummed in agreement.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(Two years later)
“Do you have to go?” you said sadly.
You stood on the dock clutching onto the young knight as if she’d disappear into thin air if you let go while she held you just as tight. Both of your families stood around talking, watching the saddening encounter.
Natasha was about to leave for her first ever commission. It was an overseas assignment for her to prove her ability to protect the kingdoms Princess, so as much as she didn’t want to leave you, she had to.
The young knight cupped the back of your head with one hand and pressed her nose into your hair, basking in the comforting scent of your shampoo to soak up her last few moments with you before her departure.
“You’ll be okay, Y/n. Three weeks, and then I’ll be back with you again.” she assured.
“Three weeks without you is too long.” you said. You and Natasha had always been inseparable, so it was hard knowing that she’d be so far away.
“I know, princess, I know.” Natasha whispered into your hair. It was only when she heard you sniffle and felt tears wetting her neck that she pulled back to look at you. “Hey,” she cooed and cupped your cheeks.
“It’ll go by so fast you won’t even remember I’m gone. Yelena promised me she’d keep you company, and she basically is me because she’s my sister, so hopefully you won’t miss me too much.”
That made a small smile pull at your lips. “No offense to Yelena, but no one could ever compare to you, Nat. I’ll miss you so much, and what if you get hurt over there?” you said.
Natasha smiled and kissed your forehead, “I’ll be okay, princess. It’ll all be okay, I promise.”
Her thumbs swiped under your eyes to wipe away your tears before she closed the distance between the two of you and connected your lips.
You both knew you had to keep it short and sweet considering both of your families were still there.
“I love you so much, Nat.” you whispered.
She gazed lovingly at you, “I love you more, my beautiful girl. So much more.” the words fell from Natasha’s lips ever so softly.
You were unfortunately brought out of your little bubble with Natasha much sooner than you would’ve liked when over her shoulder, you caught sight of Natasha’s commander walking off of the ship and towards you.
He cleared his throat, now catching everyone’s attention. “I hate to do this, but the captain’s ready. It’s time to go, romanoff.” he announced.
Your heart dropped as you’d been dreading this moment.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be just a second.” Natasha said.
He nodded his head and walked back onto the ship.
The young knight turned to you and sighed, “I guess that’s my cue.” she said and you nodded in understanding.
Natasha let go of you to approach her family, giving her parents and a hug as well as your parents. She exchanged words with them that you couldn’t really hear before making her way back over to you.
She delicately cupped your face in her hands and pressed her lips to yours once again. You both poured all of your love and passion for each other into the kiss, knowing it’d be the last one until she got back.
You pulled away and rested your forehead against hers. “See you in three weeks?”
“See you in three weeks.” she promised.
You let Natasha go and watched as she boarded. The ship departed soon after.
The castle suddenly became quieter for you with the young knight gone. You of course had to continue with your usual duties and responsibilities because life goes on, but it wasn’t the same without Natasha around.
What made it bearable was that you still had your parents to go into town with every Tuesday and visit all of your favorite spots like normal, conversing with the workers there that you’d become good friends with over the years.
Yelena kept her word and would hang out with you whenever you had free time to distract you from the thought of Natasha being overseas. Melina and Alexei were great as well and did whatever they could to help.
With all of that combined, everything turned out to be okay just like Natasha had said.
And the young knight made good of her promise to you because three weeks later, your father had knocked on your bedroom door, pulling your attention away from the book in your hands to inform you that Natasha’s ship had just returned.
You jumped out of bed so fast, not even bothering to mark your page as you rushed out of the castle and down to the docks. You probably looked like a madman with the way you were running, a huge smile plastered on your face.
But you didn’t care because you got to the docks right on time to see Natasha walking off the ship. When her eyes locked on you she grinned widely and dropped her bags to meet you halfway as you practically leaped into her arms.
(Time jump a few years later/present day)
You turned off the faucet and shook your hands to rid them of dripping water before drying them completely with the hand towel hung on the wall. A gentle smile sat on your lips, one that hasn’t left your face since the night began.
It was the day that you could only dream of as a little kid.
You opened the bathroom door and started to walk out, wanting to get back to the after-party before you missed out on too much of this important night when you felt a gentle grip on your wrist.
Whoever grabbed you had pulled you back into them so your back was against their front, but you didn’t panic too much because you immediately recognized the familiar cologne of your wife whom you just tied the knot with merely a couple hours ago.
She wrapped her arms arms around your torso and pressed a feather light kiss to your neck. “There you are, my love. I lost you there for a moment, I missed you.”
You giggled as her breath tickled your neck. “I was only gone for a few minutes, Nat.”
“A few minutes too long. But now that I found you, I can have a moment with you alone before we go back to everyone.”
You hummed and relaxed back into her, letting out a content sigh as you admired the shining ring that Natasha had slid onto your finger after vowing to you that she would spend the rest of her life by your side.
That this was forever like it was always meant to be.
“I can’t believe we’re actually married.” you whispered out.
Natasha smiled against you. “I know, it feels so surreal. Six year old me would be over the moon right now.”
You both laughed at that. It probably was true.
“You know our moms always called us soulmates.” Natasha said as she reached to take your left hand into hers, staring at the ring and smiling to herself at the memories coming back to her.
“Yeah,” you giggled, “They were right though, weren’t they?”
The redhead sighed happily, “They were.”
You two basked in each other’s presence in silence for a moment as Natasha pressed small kisses to any part of your skin she could reach. You giggled whenever her lips touched a ticklish spot.
“We should probably go back out there now. Before people start thinking we abandoned our own wedding.” you joked.
Natasha chuckled, though continuing her ministrations, “We can spare a few more minutes, right?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, “No, we cannot. Because you’re going to get carried away and then we’re going to actually abandon our own wedding.”
The redhead groaned when you began pulling away from her, but you made it up to her by pressing a kiss to her lips which seemed to satisfy her for now before taking her hand and leading her back to the after-party.
“There you guys are!” Yelena said once she saw the two of you, “We’ve been looking for you. It’s time for your guy’s first dance.”
She dragged you both over to your parents where they were waiting.
You couldn’t help the smile that seemed to take over your face.
Everything was perfect as can be, and now you get to enjoy it all with your soulmate.
~ end ~
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tojipie · 8 months
How does toji feel about halloween in general??
read this and immediately pictured our man leading both his kids up someone’s doorstep like “hey make sure you grab an almond joy for me :/” and “my back hurts >:(“ I LOVE HIMMMSNCHDJS
dilf!toji but there’s passing mentions of him working in an auto shop so maybe mechanic!toji ? who knows. no warnings for this one !
toji always found halloween a little childish. holidays were a very rare occurrence growing up, so celebrating anything besides a paycheck or his latest divorce didn’t strike a chord in him.
he usually spent the 31st of every october begrudgingly taking his kids around the block for candy he could’ve bought for them himself. he’d stand to the side, still clad in his work clothes as the two of them eagerly held out their candy bags—pillowcases from his bed that he’d grabbed last minute.
sometimes an elderly woman would greet them at the door, eagerly handing his two mini-me’s a box of raisins or a handful of cough drops. he’d quickly usher them off the doorstep with a polite thank you, silencing their whines with a “shhh, i know, i know, just give em’ to me i’ll eat em’ at some point.”
sometimes a guy his age would open the door instead, sharing a knowing look with toji, a little nod of the head even simply to say “yeah, i’d rather be drinking a beer right now too.”
and sometimes—rarely— toji gets the chance to talk his game at a pretty lady. he knows he looks good, even with flecks of motor oil staining the front of his sweatshirt and faded jeans. that much is proven about 0.8 seconds into the interaction when the girl he’s eyeing rushes to put more candy in his kids’ bags, shooting him a bashful smile.
you’re different though, toji knows that as soon as you look up to address him.
“where’s your costume?” you tease, eyeing the older man as you hold a bowl of chocolate out for megumi and tsumuki.
he stands there for a couple of seconds, dumbfounded as you wait for an answer.
“… what?”
“where’s your costume, it’s halloween.”
a fit of giggles erupt from the children in front of you at your inquiry.
toji frowns, then laughs quietly, climbing up the steps to look down at you.
“where’s yours?” he states plainly, cocking his head to the side as his kids bound down your steps and settle in the grass.
“i’m not the one trick-or-treating here.” you state plainly, looking up at him with a confident smile.
toji leans against your doorway, still towering over you with that sleazy grin. “huh, guess you aren’t.” he admits, reaching for his phone with one hand and pulling up the “add new contact” page.
you laugh as he slips the device into your hand, typing your name and number in a bit too eagerly.
“and what was that for?” you ask, feeling the heat from his torso engulf your hand as you slip the phone into his sweatshirt pocket.
toji pushes off of the doorway, “so we can talk about our costumes a little more at my place.”
your knees practically buckle at the invitation, nonchalant facade melting off your body and into the pavement with ever step he takes down your driveway.
the two kids bound over to their father as he makes his way towards them, hugging each of his legs as pats their backs quietly.
“is she gonna be another lady you do kissing with?” megumi asks, balancing his little body atop his father’s impossibly solid work boots.
“hey, quiet.” toji laughs, scooping the younger boy onto his hip and taking tsumiki’s little hand in his.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
chris and the reader accidentally eat the viagra chocolates and they get super horny and have freaky sex
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris and Y/N are hungry for a little snack, so being the sweet boyfriend he is Chris makes them smores…….but what happens when he uses the wrong chocolate🍫
Warnings⚠️: SMUTTTTT, it’s nothing like crazyyyy, but like they get down to business or whatever🤭
Song for the imagine: Me and Your Mama-Childish Gambino
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
You know that I love you
So let me into your heart
Let me into your heart
Chris has been hanging around my house all day. We have been pretty busy and we finally had a day to just relax and unwind.
We spent most of our day watching movies, laughing, talking and cooking. It was honestly amazing to just enjoy ourselves without having a camera in our hands every second of the day.
He decided to spend the night so we showered and were sitting on my bed as I just finished painting my toes. I had turned Weird Science on since it was one of my favorite movies. Unfortunately this caused my attention span to weaken which caused my toe polish not to look the best.
“Finished?” Chris asked me as I put the stuff away
“Yeah finally…I was too busy watching the movie” I said sitting back on the bed
“I figured” he said laughing
“I kinda want a snack” I said looking at him
“Me too let me look in your kitchen” he said wiggling his brows
Chris had disappeared into my kitchen for a while as I watched the movie. Occasionally making sounds and dropping stuff which made me giggle.
About 5 minutes later he came in with a plate of something and water.
“Sorry I made a mess” he said laughing
“I figured it sounded like a rat was in the kitchen” I replied laughing
“Heyy be nice” he said sitting on the bed
He handed me my water and placed the plate on my bed
“Your favorite…SMORESSSS” he said singing the ending
“I’ve been itching to make smores I just didn’t have the chocolate” I said biting into one
Chris nodded his head and continued to eat his smores. We each had two and left the other two for later.
We snuggled next to each other to finish the movie when suddenly my brows furrowed. I didn’t have chocolate…
“Hey Chris” I said looking at him
“Did you buy the chocolate?” I asked him
“No you had in your pantry” he said running his hands through his hair
“Did I have a Hershey bar hiding somewhere amongst the other snacks?” I said laughing
“Hershey bar?? Oh no there was this chocolate bar in gold and black wrapping that I used. Seemed boujee and I was right because it tasted great” he told me
“Ohhh must’ve been from a party or something” I said leaning against him
A couple more minutes went by before my eyes widened and I sprung forward
“Wait, did you say black and gold?” I asked him
“Dude yes what’s going on?” He said laughing
“What was the chocolate name?” I asked him
“It was called decadence” he said looking at me
“CHRIS NO” I said looking at him
“What? What’s wrong? Are you allergic?” He asked panicking
“No but those are…..sex enhancing chocolate” I said covering my mouth and laughing
“What? Why do you have those?” He asked laughing
“Steph gave them to me a little while ago and I guess I put them in my pantry mindlessly” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Great….what does it even do?” He asked me
“It’s supposed to make you extremely horny and your orgasms are supposed to be amazing” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Okay and now what? We just wait?” He said concern written on his face
“Unfortunately yes….I mean who knows it could be a placebo effect, and we might not even feel anything” I said
“Okay true true” he said calming himself down
We had been sitting watching the movie for another 30 minutes. Slowly taking our sweaters off and socks off as it got hot.
“Holy shit it’s hot in here” Chris said taking his shirt off
“I know right, I’m about to turn the air on” I said getting up from the bed
I put the AC on and we continued to watch the movie, but Chris was getting fidgety and I was starting to feel weird.
“I hate to say it, but I think we’re feeling the effects of the chocolate” I said looking over at Chris
“Yeah I’m painfully hard right now, and I’m trying to ignore it” he said with a blush creeping up on his face
This made my ears perk up and my chest to rise. Of course Chris and I have had sex before, but what scared me the most was how turned on his words made me??
The movie had finished and Chris shut the tv off.
“We need to do something about this now because I am so horny” he said rubbing his temples
“Me too” I said in a whisper
Chris looked at me for a moment before removing his pajama bottoms. Standing in his underwear as he looked at me, but my eyes were staring at his erection……my head getting dizzy at the sight
I looked at his eyes before ripping my sleep shirt off to expose my chest to him. I crawled over to the side of the bed where he was standing. Leaning on my heels as I looked up at him
Chris leaned down and attached his lips to mine. My hands immediately went through his hair tugging at the roots as our lips fought for dominance.
His hand came down to my breasts as he groped them. Moaning into the kiss at the feeling. Kissing down my jawline and to my neck as his hands squeezed and kneaded my breasts.
“Fuck Chris I need more” I moaned out
His lips traveled down the valley of my breasts before attaching his mouth to my left breasts. Sucking and swirling his tongue around as he looked up at me.
My mouth hung open as I felt my insides burn for him. With his left hand he pushed me back as he kneeled down. His lips kissed down my stomach and to my waistline.
His hands ran up my thighs and into the waistband before sliding my pajama shorts and underwear down.
My breath hitching in my throat at the cold air brushing against my cunt.
“Chris” I moaned out in a whisper
“I know” he said looking up at me
He kissed in between my thighs slowly as he looked into my eyes. My chest rising and falling rapidly.
His lips came down to my pussy…..licking a slow stripe up towards my clit.
My back lifted off of the bed as my hand immediately grabbed his hair.
Swirling his tongue around my clit and slowly sucking on the sensitive bundle of nerves. My mouth hanging open at the feeling
Lapping at me like there was no tomorrow as his nose bumped into my clit making my head spin.
“Chris please please I’m going to cum” I said pushing his head back
“Want me to fuck you?” He asked with a smirk
“Please yes please” I moaned out squirming against the bed
Chris stood up and removed his boxers, his dick springing upwards as my thighs clenched together.
“Ready baby?” He asked with a smirk
“Yes very” I said in a whisper
Chris lined himself up with my entrance and slowly slid in, our mouths dropping at the feeling. These chocolates were making me feel everything on a larger scale.
Chris lifted my right leg higher as he slowly started to thrust into me. Slowly pushing my leg back as his thrusts became harder
“Fuck Chris” I moaned out my hands gripping the sheets
His hips began to slam into me harder and faster and my mind was going blank.
“Fuck you’re taking me so good baby” he moaned out as he licked his lips
“Faster Chris please” I moaned out
He started to snap his hips into me even faster as I began to moan out incoherent statements.
His left hand groped my right boob as he bit his bottom lip. Drilling into me at an unbelievable pace.
His dick hitting all the right places as I began to clench down on him
“Gonna cum for me?” He asked as his left hand left my breast and slid down my body
“Yes OH GOD yes” I moaned out
He grabbed my left leg and my right leg and pushed my legs back. My knees bent and my thighs touching my chest.
His hips snapped into me hard and this position made it feel 100 times better.
“Shitttt” I moaned out as my eyes screwed shut
All that could be heard was my moaning, Chris grunts, skin slapping together and the sound of my arousal.
“Please Chris I’m so close” I moaned out clenching down on him
“I know baby I know” he panted out
Chris kept fucking me harder and my mind was spinning nearing my orgasm.
“IM GONNA CUM FUCKKKK” I began to yell out
Chris removed his dick from me and brought his mouth down to my cunt. Legs still bent back as he viciously attacked my clit
His tongue swirling and slurping at me causing my toes to curl and my eyes to screw shut
“CHRISSSSS” I yelled out as he sucked on my clit
Within seconds I felt my orgasm wash over me. My back lifted off the bed as my thighs began to shake. His name spilling from my mouth as I came all over his face
“Fuck Chris” I moaned out as he helped me ride out my high
He stood up and began to stroke his dick faster. His mouth hung open as he let out little pants
I got on my knees and stood in front of him looking up at him as he neared his orgasm
“Fuckkk” he moaned out as he painted my breast with his cum
His brows furrowed as he moaned out for me. Slowly he came down from his high, and looked down at me
“Fuck that felt amazing” he said leaning down to kiss me
“I’ve never felt an orgasm like that before” I said laughing
“Me neither” he said helping me off the bed
Chris brought me to the bathroom and we decided to shower again……some more frisky behavior taking place until the hot water ran out….
The End
Yall I didn’t know how to end this😭😭, but I hope you liked it! I have one more request to go, but yall I’m at like 1,536 followers🤭🤭 I LOVE YALL SOOK MUCH THANK YOU🥹🖤🖤
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henry7931 · 1 month
Head Swap Hookup
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Man, this is still kinda strange to see myself but I’m so turned on by this experience. Last night, I met this guy named Luke at the gym. We hit it off really well and we both decided to grab drink afterwards.
As the night progressed the more we started opening up about what turns us on the most. Luke and I soon discovered that we are into each other’s body types. Luke is super into skinny twinks while I on the other hand love muscular hairy guys. So the both of us ended up hooking up. Afterwards we both laid in bed together and that’s when Luke suggested the craziest idea. He asked me if I would like to head swap with him.
I honestly thought he was just being drunk and silly so I agreed to it. That’s when I saw Luke pull off his head and I felt my mouth drop at the sight of a beautiful headless hunk right in front of me.
“You still down to do this?” says Luke.
I said back to him, “yeah I think so.”
Luke headless body grabs my head and tugs it off my body. It was the strangest sensation, I could still feel and control myself but I was somehow disconnected.
Luke’s body plops my head on my dresser and then grabs his head. I watch as his body places his head on top of my body. I instantly lose all feeling of my body.
Luke looks down at my fingers and chest analyzing my body that he now controls.
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He says to me, “this is so hot.”
I wait for him to put me on his body but instead he says, “one sec.”
Luke walks up to his headless body that’s now at a stand still without anything controlling it.
He grand his hand and places it on my junk. He says to his body, “Play with it… softly.”
Luke’s start softly rubbing my bits.
Luke closes his eyes and says, “oh this feels so good. My rough hands toying with your sensitive cock. Matt your cock feels amazing!”
Still just a head, I somehow felt turned on by just watching our bodies interact.
“You wanna join?” he says to me.
“Well what else am I going to do? Sit on the dresser all night.”
Luke laughs at me and picks up my head. He lifts me up to eye level and kisses me on the lips.
Luke places my head on his body and I feel the bottom of my head connect to Luke’s neck.
I look down at Luke’s muscular hands and then down to his hairy legs and feet. I wiggle his toes feeling the new sensation of controlling his body.
I look back at Luke with my much smaller body and pull him in.
We start making out and I instantly get a hard on from touching my body.
The second round we decided to switch positions. It’s funny, I rarely top anyone but Luke never bottoms with his body. So I pushed into my hole, it felt so warm and tight.
I lifted my body while putting my legs over Luke’s shoulders. I felt so strong.
I thrusted into my hole both of us moaning so loud.
Soon we both blew out loads. We crawled into my bed, I cuddled up to my body. Luke’s junk was still hard so I placed it back into my hole. It just felt so warm.
Luke giggles at me and says, “you gonna keep that in their all night?”
I kiss my neck and say, “hell yeah I am!”
So now it’s the next morning and both of us are still swapped. I got up first and went to take a shower. I played with Luke’s morning wood for about 30 minutes. Edging his body to a point before it blew its load.
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I walk out only to find Luke up in bed playing with my feet.
He grins at me nervously, “sorry your feet are so cute.”
I giggle at him and flopped into my bed.
I watch as Luke traces my fingers in between my toes. I look over at my junk standing tall.
Without any hesitation I began to lower head and wrap my lips around it.
He lets out a moan as I insert two of his fingers into my hole.
We spent the rest of the day in bed going at it. We tried everything together. Luke even pulled us into parts, pulling off my feet, hands, dick and balls. By the end of the day we were in so many pieces Luke struggled to putting us back together. Soon this became regular thing, us hooking up with each others bodies on.
I rarely have my body on unless I’m out in public. But as soon as we get to one of our places Luke switches us.
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He loves wearing my body and especially loves showing it off to me. Luke even asked me to be his boyfriend. And of course I said yes. He’s sweet and the sex is out of this world.
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mvybanks · 2 months
SAFETY NET — ch. 4
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a/n: back again!! hope you guys like this part and feedback is appreciated as always, thank you <33 + thank you so much to the wonderful @jjsbank444 for helping me write this part🤍
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, smut (oral, mentions of sex), fluff, lil bit of angst + jealous!jj🫣
word count: 4k
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safety net: the playlist
add yourself to my taglist <3
“Don’t worry ‘bout him,” Adam had said when you were reluctantly leaving JJ to him and the rest of their teammates, “We’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” 
Those had been the last words he had said to you that evening before you went home, letting their friend blow off some steam in their company, perhaps having a drink or two at their usual bar – of course you hadn’t expected to see them again, outside your door, with a drunk and slightly bloody JJ hanging with his arms around Adam and Nick’s necks. 
Your heart dropped in your stomach at the sight.
“What the hell happened?” You all but yelled at the two who didn’t look better than their friend, and they surely didn’t appear that less intoxicated than him. 
“Listen,” Nick began, “This one can’t stop blabbing ‘bout you, and we’re a little bit drunk, and damn it��he’s heavy – how do you do it?” 
You could tell they had all drunk more than they were able to take, which was why you tried not to be too embarrassed at Nick’s last words. You only nodded at them to step inside and they followed your orders, quickly walking into the apartment and unceremoniously throwing JJ on the small couch. He groaned loudly, turning around on his back, almost unsuccessfully. 
“Is anyone going to tell me what the fuck happened?” You asked again, angrily, as you placed your hands on your hips. The more time you spent with JJ’s roommates, the more you began to feel like their mother, for they were immature and needed more guiding than they usually received. “Adam, I told you to watch him! You said you were going to keep an eye on him.”
“I did!” He slurred, resting against the kitchen counter, “I watched him. I watched him as he kicked that guy’s’ ass.” He chuckled, followed by Nick.
They both seemed messed up, although a little bit less than JJ, and you were honestly terrified to find out what had happened in that bar. “What happened to you two, then?” You sighed.
“Those guys fought back,” Nick answered, taking some steps closer to you to affectionately wrap an arm around your neck, “Guess they were mad about our win.” 
Shaking your head in disbelief, “Do you guys need something?” you asked, finally.
“Nah, Marcus is our designated driver. He’s waiting for us outside.” Adam exclaimed as he began to walk towards the door, “That one just kept whining ‘bout wanting to see you. He got insufferable.”
You tried to hide your reaction, although you knew they would’ve never remembered it the morning after. After all, Nicholas had just fallen asleep on your shoulder. “Hey, big guy!” You giggled, shrugging your shoulder to wake him up. 
“Five more minutes, mom!” He cried, nuzzling his head further into you.
“Please call me or text me when you idiots get home.” You pleaded Adam as he attempted at getting Nick off of you. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Once idiot number one and number two had left your apartment, you went to check on idiot number three. 
Picking a water bottle on your way, you walked to the couch and sat next to JJ, who immediately relaxed against you. “What did you do, stupid?”
“Mmh, missed you.” He mumbled as he pressed his face to your poorly covered thigh. 
You couldn’t help but smile at his antics, running your fingers through his hair as he hummed at the wonderful feeling. Finally, you decided to get up, making JJ whine at the loss of contact, at which you grabbed his arm and attempted at forcing him to sit up. “C’mon, let me help you, Jay.” You whispered before you went to kneel on the couch between his legs in order to carefully analyze the damage that had been done to him. Forcing the water bottle to his lips, you made him drink the beverage, hoping that it would’ve helped with his impending hangover. 
“You’re so pretty.” He slurred as he looked up at you through unfairly long eyelashes and tired eyes. 
You chuckled at his words – he had to be a flirt even when he was in those conditions. Your fingers pushed his hair back, scrutinizing every inch of his face, before you sighed at the cuts that were littering his perfect features. “Why did you have to get in a fight with that guy, mh? Did you have to prove that you had more testosterone than him or something?”
He tilted his head to the side, his signature crooked grin staring at you as he rasped, “You’re hot when you’re mad.” 
“Shut up, Maybank.” You playfully rolled your eyes at him because, although drunk, you knew he meant it. Mindlessly kissing the corner of his mouth, you whispered, “I’ll go get some stuff to clean these cuts.”
“Don’t go.” He pleaded, wrapping his arms around your figure and pushing his head in your chest. 
Biting the inside of your cheek as you found a way to stop your chest from fluttering at his every action, you attempted at getting out of his grasp. “I’ll be back in two seconds, Jay.” And while you quickly walked towards your room, you could hear JJ saying, “I love when you call me that.”
You were praying he wasn’t going to remember this night the morning after; praying that he wouldn’t remember the way you softly cupped his jaw as you turned his head to work on his wounds, or the way you would gently swab the dried blood, cleaning the tiny cuts and protecting them with small Band-Aids – or your delicate touch, as you pushed his sweaty hair back and placed light kisses on the bandaged areas. 
Damn JJ Maybank and his adorable face. 
For the first time since meeting the blond man, you fell asleep with him, on your bed, your clothes still covering your bodies as he lied on top of you – and what terrified you the most was that you had never felt more comfortable. 
“Is this what you two wild cats do on a friday night?” Nick asked you and JJ as he came down the stairs all dressed up. A playful smirk was displayed on his lips while he walked past the two of you.
It had been a week since JJ’s suspension and you had spent most of those days with him, hanging around at his shared apartment. It wasn’t like he was spending his free time sulking and being miserable, though – and you knew it better than anyone else because all of this time that he didn’t know what to do with had been replaced by you. It seemed that JJ had become insatiable, his hands always finding their way to your body whenever he had a chance, and you had no complaints about it. 
That evening was only one of the many that you had decided to spend with him.
“It’s game night.” JJ shrugged, barely giving his roommate any attention. He rolled the dices in his hands and moved his little metal token according to the numbers on the dices.
“Where you going?” You inquired, noticing his attire.
“I have a date.” Nick affirmed, “So, while you two play monopoly, I’m gonna have sex tonight.”
You couldn’t help but notice the smile that JJ was hiding as he counted the fake money on the floor where you were sitting on. “Yeah, sucks not being you.”
“You sure you don’t want me to take you out, Y/n? I’d definitely dump this girl for you.” Nick winked and you rolled your eyes at his behavior.
“She’s not interested, Young. Leave her alone.”
“I mean,” you interrupted, causing the two men to look at you, “It’s a tempting offer.”
JJ lifted one eyebrow at you and he hated how much his stomach twisted at the thought of you going out with another man, even as a joke. “One that you’re not going to accept.”
“And why not, Maybank?” You challenged him. A staring contest between the two of you began, the game that was separating you long forgotten. Blue eyes bore into yours, an intensity that you weren’t sure you were able to mirror. “Nick, get out.” Was all JJ said, the tone in his voice low and threatening as his gaze never left yours.
“But I don’t have to pick up my date for another half an hour —“
“Get. Out.”
“You were supposed to calm him down, Y/n, not make him even more unhinged.” Nick grumbled as he left the apartment.
As soon as the door closed, JJ all but pounced on you, tossing the game somewhere in the room and forcing a loud giggle out of you.
“If you wanted me to fuck you, you could’ve just asked.” He mumbled against your skin as he left a trail of kisses from your cheek down your neck.
“It’s more fun this way.” You chuckled, although it didn’t last long for it was cut off by an unexpected moan. JJ’s hands grabbed your behind, lifting it from the ground and pressing his hips into yours.
“Can’t you feel what you do to me, baby? Mh?” You could tell he was hard, the grey sweatpants he was wearing were doing nothing to hide that anyway. “Driving me fuckin’ crazy.” His quick hands slipped your shirt off, followed by your jeans, never leaving the floor you were lying on.
“Here?” You asked when you realized that he had no intention of bringing you upstairs.
JJ was already kissing down your stomach, one hand playing with your covered breast, when his hold on your thigh tightened. “Need to eat you out right here, right now.”
Putting your own weight on your elbows to look down at him, you watched him as he positioned himself between your legs. “What if someone walks in?”
Maintaining eye contact, he began pressing his lips against your clothed heat, causing you to throw your head back. Your heavy breathing was all he needed to rip your underwear off. “Does it look like I care?” And that was when he licked a long stripe between your pussy lips, which was accompanied by the loud sound that escaped your mouth. JJ buried his head between your thighs, moaning at the taste of your arousal and the delicious sounds that you were making. He licked and sucked as if he had been a starving man, and perhaps when it came to you, he really was. Starving, because he always craved you, in every single possible way.
Your fingers threaded through his long locks, tugging on it from time to time and keeping his head in place — as if he could’ve gone anywhere else. JJ swore he could’ve gotten drunk on the way you moaned out his name, and he knew he was never going to get sober.
“Fuck — Feels so good.” You mewled on top of him before you began to massage your own nipple, trying to get some more friction.
“You taste like fuckin heaven.” JJ growled against you, the vibrations only adding to your pleasure. Inserting one finger inside you, he slightly lifted his head, “This pussy’s all mine, ‘m I right baby girl?” You furiously nodded at his words, barely even acknowledging what you were agreeing to, as if your body had a mind of its own and already knew the truth. As he thrusted another finger in your soaking cunt, he inquired again, “Need words. Tell me this pussy is all mine.” He went back to sucking your clit into his mouth, making you see stars.
“It’s all yours.” You gasped as you arched your back, “Fuck, J, I need you.”
“‘M right here, baby.” His fingers sped up inside you, angling them just right — perfectly. “Lemme take care of you.”
“Need your cock.”
JJ groaned at your words. “Jesus, baby. You can’t go saying stuff like that.” He chuckled at the way your hips worked with the movement of his fingers, eagerly trying to chase that blissful feeling. “Cum all over my fingers and I’ll give you what you want.”
And as if his words had been hypnotizing, something in you snapped, causing you to let go and your walls to contract around his fingers. Curses of his name left your lips and JJ wanted you to do that for the rest of your life — moaning only his name. “That’s it. That’s my girl.” He watched you as you took deep breaths, your chest heaving up and down, and as his mouth ached to touch yours, he listened to his own instincts and connected his lips with yours, catching them in a hungry kiss. His palms grabbed your naked skin with need, wrapping his fingers around your thighs and forcing them on his hips. Finally, he lifted you off the ground, a squeal leaving your mouth at the action.
“Need to fuck you properly, right baby?” He cockily said on your lips. The weak feeling in your limbs led you to just hum at his words and press your mouth to his again. Meanwhile, JJ gathered your clothes, for he didn’t wish for any of his roommates to find your underwear lying around, and carried you inside his room upstairs, wanting nothing but to spend the rest of his evening tangled in the sheets with you.
“Just admit you like him! At least a little bit.” Elle exasperatedly exclaimed, following you around the house as you finished getting ready for your night out. 
JJ and his teammates had decided to spend an evening with some friends, you and Elle included, to cheer up their captain before the end of his suspension, seen it had been almost two weeks since. During that time, you and JJ had been inseparable, always hanging out and finding yourselves naked more often than not.
Your best friend had noticed this new behavior, and she knew you all too well not to have realized that there was something in your eyes that sparkled each time he was brought up in a conversation, as if the name itself brought joy to you – which you were attempting at denying in that very moment. 
“I like him as a friend.” You groaned, placing your earrings in your pierced ears as you looked at yourself in the mirror. It was going to be a simple hang out, and yet you couldn’t help but want to dress up and feel beautiful – something that had been so easy to do for a while.
She scoffed. “A friend that treats you like a girlfriend and that you basically fuck every day? Damn, that’s a good friend.” 
Rolling your eyes at her, you turned around, annoyance clear on your features. “I told him I couldn’t give him a relationship from the beginning, and he agreed to do this on my terms. Which means we’re just friends.” 
As you walked past her and towards the living room to put your shoes on, she continued. “You can’t stop him from falling in love, you know that, right?” And while you tried to swallow the lump in your throat, she sat next to you to add, “And you really want me to believe that you would be okay if he decided to start hanging out with another woman? If he decided to stay friends but put a stop to…this because he wants to ask some woman out and actually date?” 
You stared at her for a second, your mouth probably slightly agape as your hands had stopped midair for you had only grabbed the second shoe before those words had left her mouth. It should’ve been an easy answer: yes; yes you would’ve been okay with that because he wasn’t yours, and if he wanted to date someone, who were you to stop him? 
Then why was there a tight, constricting sensation in your chest at the mere thought of him treating another woman the way he treated you? Lucky for you, you didn’t have time to answer to her insistent questioning, nor to yourself, because the doorbell preceded you. 
“That’s gotta be him.” You announced softly before you raised from the couch and quickly reached the front door.
And there he was, handsome as always, and an adoring smile on his lips. “Hey, beautiful.” He whispered as he leaned closer to leave a gentle kiss on your cheek, his arm sneaking around your waist as he did so. 
“Hi.” Sheepishly you answered, relaxing against his embrace.
The rest of the night had seemed to flow smoothly, just friends having dinner and some laughs, taking everyone’s minds off the elephant in the room – that was JJ’s suspension. JJ’s hand rested comfortably on your bare thigh, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb, mindlessly, as if touching you had been the most natural thing in the world to him. His eyes were bright when he turned to you, amused by your tipsy grin, which had forced him to hold himself back from kissing it. 
From time to time, you would hide your face in his neck, giggling at the ticklish effect he’d had on you or at the dirty jokes he would whisper in your ear when no one was looking. It was so easy to feel lighter when he was around, to have absolutely no worry in the world – that is what makes a great friendship, right? 
And then, just when you thought the night had been a success in cheering JJ up and taking his mind off things, you saw him. With the corner of your eye, you noticed him entering the bar, his friends laughing with him, and you prayed that neither him or JJ was going to see each other. However, that was too late. You felt the blond man tensing up all of a sudden, his hand tightening on your thigh, and a fire in his eyes, that you mistakenly took for anger, began to arise. 
“Jay,” you whispered as you forced him to focus on you rather than the man that had led him to his suspension, “Look at me. Just ignore him, please?”
When his eyes landed on yours, he could feel the anger dissipates, as another kind of fire had been ignited by the way you were pleading him with your gaze. He nodded once, giving all of his attention to the feeling of your hand on his bare bicep and the warmth of your skin beneath his fingertips.
“What the hell is he doing here?”
You shrugged, not caring one bit about the guy. “Maybe they were in the neighborhood, I don’t know. Don’t give him attention, that’s what he wants —“
“I think that’s a bit late for that.”
“What?” You asked, confused at his words as you turned in order to look in the direction of the captain of the Redwood team. “Shit.” You mumbled once you realized that he was walking towards your table.
JJ hated this. He hated how much power a jerk like him had over him. He hated that he was coming over during a chill evening with his friends. He hated that he was already looking at you as if you had been his prey.
But most of all, JJ absolutely loathed that this man could get under his skin only by mentioning you. He had always been a passionate man, perhaps the fact that he had never had anything nor anyone to call his growing up played an important factor, however, it was so much different with you. His affection for you grew with each passing day, and so did his jealousy and possessiveness over you. None of those things should have, but he had no idea how to stop them.
“Well, what do we have here?” Were the first words Alec exclaimed when he approached you and your friends. “Are you all having a reunion with your ex captain?” The two men that were with him laughed at his words, and you were sure they were also on the Redwood team.
“Listen, man, we don’t want any trouble, so —“ Nick began, hoping that Alec would have gotten the message, but he was interrupted by him.
“C’mon,” he snickered, “we’re just having fun, right?” Then, his eyes landed on you, on the closeness between you and JJ, and you weren’t sure what was about to happen until he placed his hands on the wooden table in front of you and leaned towards you. “You still with him, doll face? You know you could do much better.” He winked at you, causing bile to rise up your throat.
“You should leave.” JJ all but growled as his hold on you got tighter, and you truly didn’t know what was going on between them. His hands closed into fists while the hard stare he was giving the man in front of you was the definition of ‘if looks could kill’.
He raised his hands in the air in defense, “I’m just playing, man.” He started backing up, signaling that he was finally putting some distance, “I’m leaving, alright? No hard feelings?” He didn’t give enough time to make up an answer before he turned around while the rest of the table went back into their previous conversation. Then, looking behind his shoulder, he added, “Bye, doll face.”
You felt JJ attempting to get up from his seat and you immediately stopped him by placing a hand on his thigh. He turned his head to you, an unfamiliar storm in his eyes had replaced his usual sweet stare and you wished to have had the ability to read minds in that moment.
“Why are you acting like a guard dog?” You whispered so that no one could’ve overheard your conversation.
Avoiding eye contact with you, he grumbled under his breath, “‘M not acting like anything.”
You searched for his gaze, almost wordlessly pleading for him to look at you. All that you wanted was to go back to normal and aiding him in his attempt at forgetting everything that happened at the last game. “Right. So just good old healthy competition, huh?” You joked, hopefully lighting the mood.
He sighed and finally gave you the satisfaction of his gaze, now soft and attentive again. “I just hate that guy, alright? He’s a dick.”
You placed your hand on his exposed forearm, comforting him as you brought all his attention on you and only you. “Yes, he is. So don’t let him get under your skin, okay?” He nodded at your words, a hint of anger still lingering in his ocean eyes. Raising your head in order to be closer to his ear, you lowered your voice teasingly, “Although I have to admit…jealousy looks cute on you.”
Raising one eyebrow, he cockily murmured, “Is cute really the word you want to use to describe me? I would prefer sex god.”
The smirk that was playing on his lips was tempting you to kiss him right there and then, but thank God you still had some self control.
“Oh really? I’m not sure that fits the description.” You added with a tone of faux innocence as you had to bite down on your bottom lip to stop yourself from laughing in his face.
JJ’s eyes bore into yours; a glint of challenge swam in his ocean, and you were both excited and intrigued by it. He slowly licked his lips, his usual mischievous smile hidden by his hurt ego and lust.
“Time to say goodbye to our friends, baby girl.” He finally rasped before he bent his head to whisper in your ear, “I have a point to prove to you.”
And let’s just say that he proved his point that night — many times.
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w2soneshots · 21 days
Honeymoon -W2S
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Words: 0.5k+
Warnings: light smut, swearing.
In which you and Harry enjoy your romantic honeymoon in the Maldives.
a/n: this is my 100th one shot!!💌 Thank you to everyone who interacts with my posts and also my silent viewers💞. I hope you enjoy this part two to the wedding fic🫶🏼. Love ya!🤗
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Me and Harry got married yesterday. Today we're leaving for our honeymoon and I'm so excited. We decided on the Maldives. It's private, beautiful and has great food. We spent the night in a nice airbnb then grabbed our pre packed bags and left for the airport. Some people don't immediately go on their honeymoon but since we had a small wedding we wanted to get straight into the holiday.
When we arrived (after a very long flight) the warm air hit my face and I savoured it. Luckily the British weather had blessed us with sun for our outdoor wedding but it definitely wasn't the warmest. We had to get a sea plane to actually get to the island where we'll be staying. When it landed we were taken to our villa and given a quick tour by one of the staff.
"This place is beautiful! I can't believe we have an entire week here." I turned to Harry once the man had left. He pulled me into him. "I know, I can't wait." He smirked at me. I raised my eyebrows. "I need to get ready for dinner." I pulled away from him. "Just a quickie?" He proposed. I ran back towards him. "Five minutes." I told him. "Mhm." He hummed as he yanked my shirt over my head.
Ten minutes later we hopped into the shower then I began getting ready for dinner. I blow dried my hair, put on a little bit of makeup then picked out a pretty white sundress. I slipped on some matching white sandals then went to find Harry. I found him stood outside looking at the view. I smiled. He turned then his eyes widened. "Oh wow." He looked me up and down.
We walked to the restaurant hand in hand. It felt amazing to have no work, fans or proper responsibilities to worry about. We're just in our own little world. When we sat down to eat (at one of the cute outdoor tables) we ordered some drinks. We'd both already decided that we weren't going to drink loads during this week since we didn't want to wake up every morning with a headache so I ordered a fancy mock tail.
By the time we'd eaten our food it was already getting dark. Harry payed then we walked back to the villa. He unlocked the door and I went inside. Immediately his hands were roaming my body from behind. I turned around in his grip. Then I cocked my head to the side. He smirked at me once again. I gently kissed his lips. Suddenly the kiss turned desperate. Harry pressed me up against the wall, his hands either side of my head. I held onto his face.
Quickly he removed his shirt. Then he broke the kiss and turned his attention to my dress. Gently his hands pulled the thin straps from my shoulders. The dress fell to the floor with a light thump, pooling around my feet. I kicked it away. He admired my body, now only wearing a small white thong. "I'll never get bored of you. You're so fucking incredible." He breathed out. I smiled then lightly kissed his lips. "Then fuck me." I whispered into his mouth. Harry flung me over his shoulder in one swift swoop. I giggled as he dropped me onto the massive bed. "Don't you worry mrs Lewis, I will."
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gi4hao · 3 months
jun x fem!reader (she/her) — pure fluff <3
“hi. excuse me, i’m looking for that book? it says you have it here on your website but i can’t find it anywhere”
you look up from your computer and flash a smile to the handsome customer that’s standing behind your desk. the library has been particularly empty this afternoon, so this interaction comes as a much needed relief from your intense boredom.
standing up from your chair, you motion the boy to follow you towards the modern history section, where you know his book is waiting amongst a hundred others.
“it should be over here, let me jus…”
but you’re cut off by a slight push on your shoulders, just strong enough to have your back meet the shelves right in the middle of the alley.
you let out a chuckle, not surprised in the least. now towering over you, the pretty customer lets you just enough time to notice his smirk before putting his lips over yours.
“jun, i’m at work”, you push him back, but your giddy smile and the giggle in your voice betray how you truly feel.
“but i miss you” your boyfriend replies, kissing you again. “when do you finish?”
“in an hour” you reply, your hand mindlessly playing with his hair. you love it when it’s tied half-up, and he knows that very well. “just go for a walk or do some shopping and then come back to pick me up, okay?”
you notice his gaze shifting to your left and landing on a rather thick book with yellow pages and a fancy looking cover.
“no i think i’m gonna stay here. just me and…” he pauses to read the title, “recollections of the civil war. can’t wait.”
you chuckle at this convincing display of interest, and give him another peck on the lips.
holding the book against his chest, he then tells you in a whisper: “ok don’t say anything but i’m actually just gonna sit over there and admire the hot librarian. she’s really cute, i wonder if she’d wanna go on a date with me. what do you think?”
after giving a quick look at your surroundings, you whisper back: “i think you have your chances. plus she told me she felt like going to the movies lately so, you know… just saying…”
he nods in agreement, and you two eventually part ways to avoid attracting the attention of the other few people here.
the rest of your shift feels like an eternity. jun chose to sat rather close to your desk, and although he spent most of his time looking at you, it only made your impatience grow stronger. not to mention that he kept texting you how good you looked which made it hard to focus on your actual work. but 5pm eventually came around, and you were out of the building less than three minutes later.
“hi gorgeous” he greets you, linking his arm with yours when you meet him outside. “hope you’re ready to run, our movie starts in 10mn.”
“wait, what?” you ask, and immediately feel your arm being pulled forward by your excited boyfriend, who’s already started running with a huge smile on his lips.
it’s not that jun is particularly eager to go to the movies; but every once in a while, he likes to remind himself that he’s actually sharing his life with the hot librarian he used to have a huge crush on. some days he even allows himself to think that, in a few years, he might also share his last name.
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anadiasmount · 6 months
jude and you being childhood bestfriends but your parents are also super close. Your parents always suspecting yous both like each other and constantly teasing yous about it. But you’ve both been dating for a like a year in secret cos yous both don’t know how to tell your parents and one day they just find out cuz they come home u expectedly when you and Jude are cuddling and everyone’s just all so happy for yous 💗
- your writing is amazing btw x
thank you lovely, means so much! 😣🤍
“we should tell them soon… my mom has become very suspicious of me lately. she followed me to the grocery store! the grocery store jude!” you laughed, feeling as he chuckled on top of you. “do you think we did wrong in not telling them? well besides jobe because he got us here in the first place…” you wandered off asking, jude’s head coming up to stare at you.
“i personally don’t think so baby. look at us, a year strong, and so many memories spent together. i wouldn’t change it for the world, because it means i have you all to myself,” jude says softly, while your finger fixes his brow that had been messed up. “they would understand. both of our families. they know how stressful and hard our jobs are, so who can blame us?”
“exactly my love. how did you want to tell them?” jude asked, snuggling closer to you and placing kisses all over your chest. you laughed and tried to sway away but with his bigger frame he pinned you down. “i was thinking of just telling them today, maybe at dinner or when we play games?”
“whatever you decide i’m right there,” jude replied, falling asleep in less then 10 minutes.
while you hated being separated from jude, he unfortunately had to go back to his house to get ready. you slipped into a dark red dress and left down, your hair parted to your preference, making sure to apply a red lip and gold jewelry. the heels made you look taller which is what you wanted.
after grabbing the cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries, you and your family were headed out to his house were you’d host christmas. you greeted everyone, asking how they were a wishing them a merry christmas eve.
jude almost choked on his drink as he saw you walk in. he was in a trance, his eyes roaming up and down your body, his lips and throat becoming dry at your figure. for a second he got slightly jealous as he observed you talk to one of his moms friend son, which clearly he took a liking.
he scrunched his brows and cleared throat, his mom coming next to him, “you okay jude? y/n looks so pretty doesn’t she,” his mom taunted his head more to which jude snickered. “she always looks beautiful mom,” he did his attempted wink, and walked over to the living room leaving her with a brow raised.
a warm and larger palm touched your shoulder, making you jump, and look down shyly as you stood next to jude. “hi max, you good?” jude pursed, clearly bothered by the interaction which left you confused.
before max respond could respond, jude cut him off “thats good, gonna borrow this one really quick,” he pulled you aside to the kitchen where it was alone. your heels clicked on the grown still holding the cupcakes. “jude slow down,” you warned him.
as you set the tray down, jude double checked the doorway, and strides to where you were. you giggled at his pout and frown. “it was driving me insane. you talking to him? while you look so sexy in this dress? jesus it’s gonna drive me crazy all night. you look beautiful darling,” jude rambled, his hands roaming your sides and placed firmly on your ass.
“thank you baby, you look handsome yourself,” although you were still wearing heels, you had to lean up, and jude lean down to catch your lips in a quick kiss, that then turned into three pecks, “i left lipstick all over your lips jude,” you tried to wipe it away but two gasps had you standing still.
“WE KNEW IT! OH MY GOSH! ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!” said your mom, her hands covering her mouth as she smiled huge. jude’s mom just smirked and walked over to the two of you, “care to explain jude?”
jude still had lipstick on his lips, which made you laugh as your wrapped your hand on his right bicep and muscles. his cheeks slightly went red, embarrassed at being caught, “well we’ve been dating for a year… and she’s the woman i’m gonna marry,” he said confidently.
“A YEAR? YOUVE BEEN DATING FOR A YEAR? john grab my glass this is worth to celebrate,” your mom fanned her face dramatically before joining jude’s mom next to her. they have the two of you warm and tight hugs, scolding you for keeping it hidden for so long.
“we’re so happy for the two of you, i’m glad the two of you found each other and are able to start a relationship! we love you guys,” his mom said. after a quick conversation, jude pulled you into the bathroom, he took a quick selfie of his marked red lips and posted it onto his story, captioning it with “merry christmas to all 🤍🎄”
you cleaned his lips and tried to remove every red mark. walking back out to being faced with everyone looking at you, the two of you chuckled nervously, jude’s hand finding home with yours as everyone continued to stare.
“congratulations on finally making it officially,” jobe teased everyone cheering, which made you hide your face onto his chest.
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
The Interview
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Hi guyss! Thank you so much for the support for my last post, here’s another idea I’ve had and if you want a part 2 to any of my stories feel free to reach out to me!
summary: You’re an actress in Spain who supports atletico and are asked in an interview about Joao’s goal against your team, you playfully answer and receive a notification afterwards.
genre: fluff
pairing: Joao Felix x Y/N
So, Y/N, we’re coming to the end of our interview but before that, I see here in my cards that you’re a die hard Atletico fan. Is it true?” Jim, the interviewer asked. You giggled.
“It’s true Jim, growing up, my dad was a football man. We spent every weekend watching games in the stadium or at home and I still do, just not going to games because of my crazy schedule, just watching them with my Griezmann shirt at home. We’re all big fans.” you answered truthfully. You loved watching the games but sometimes it was hard to catch up.
“So, did you watch the game they played against Barcelona?” he asked, intrigued.
“I did, actually. It was heartbreaking.” you said.
“Oh yeah yeah. Felix scoring the goal.”
“Yeah, it was hard to watch because I always knew he was a good player, seeing him score against us was hard.” you answered hoping that nobody would get upset because as much as it was true, you knew you had to make interviews professionally. Especially the live ones.
Soon after, the interview was done and you were in the backstage grabbing your items to head out. It was an off-day and you had planned on going home and not do anything.
When you went into the house, your dog, Biscuit was waiting for you at the door. You played with her for a few minutes and then grabbed some treats from the kitchen and a blanket to make yourself cozy and watch some TV but your phone vibrating like crazy meant the interview was up and everyone had seen it. You weren’t a big time celebrity but your recent role in a Netflix series has gained you tons of attention.
You were going through your message requests seeing the good and the bad things people said until one name caught your eye.
Joao Felix
Sorry to break your heart 💔 he said. You stared at the message for what felt like an eternity.
Maybe one or two footballers slid in your dm’s in the past months but none had any effect on you but Joao’s single sentence made your tummy flip. Was he mad? How could you respond to this, if you were to respond of course because you shouldn’t. Right?
It’s a little late for that, what’s done is done, you wrote but deleted right after, was it too harsh. You always had a weird sense of humor and enjoyed banter in flirting but you didn’t even know if this was flirty.
Well, you could always make up for it, you wrote then but feared it might be too forward, what if he was just apologizing genuinely to a fan? Oh god that would be embarrassing.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just your job” you wrote and sent. This is the most appropriate, you thought. And maybe, he wouldn’t even respond after this.
You were wrong, he replied back in a minute.
“What can I do to make it up to you?”
Okay, this wasn’t about all fans, you thought. Because he specifically asked what could he do for you. Breathe Y/N, breathe.
Before replying, you quickly went onto his page, he was an amazing looking athlete there’s no denying and you’re single so you shouldn’t feel bad about the butterflies in your stomach.
“You could start with a dinner.” you replied and threw the phone on the couch scared of his response. Oh god, you hope you didn’t misread the interaction.
After a few minutes you decided this was stupid and picked the phone up.
“My pleasure. Tonight at 8?” he wrote and you nearly screamed, this gorgeous man was taking you out tonight and you were already shaking.
You quickly said ok and decided to have a long shower and get ready since it’s already 5. He also asked for your location to pick you up at 8.
After the shower you went into your closet trying to decide on what to wear and ended up with a navy dress and did your makeup. Just as you were putting on earrings, you heard the door knock. You tried calming yourself and opened the door and saw the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on with a big smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Hi.” he said sheepishly.
“Hi.” you replied equally giddy.
“Are you ready?” he asked, eyeing you up and down.
“Yes, here just let me take those of your hands and we can go.” you said, blushing because he was looking at you with no shame.
He drove you to a fancy restaurant which you’d once been with your manager as a celebration but he reserved a secluded table for the two of you.
At first, you were a little nervous about being on a date with him but that quickly went away as you talked about anything and everything. You quickly realized he was the most down to earth guy and wasn’t full of himself. He listened and gave you compliments as you described your life and you listened about his career. Before you knew it, it was nearly midnight and you were having the time of your life. You didn’t have to put on a facade with him and say whatever.
When the bill came, you of course offered but he wouldn’t budge and paid for the night and helped you walk to the exit with his hand on the small of your back. You got goosebumps just from a simple touch.
You went in the car and he started driving so you put on the radio and singing along the song when he joined you. You giggled.
“What, do you not like my voice?” he asked offended.
“No, I actually do.” you said. It felt like you knew him for years.
“I had fun tonight.” he said while walking you to your door.
“Me too, thank you for everything.” you said as you walked up the stairs to your door.
You stood just looking at each other’s eyes, lost in the moment.
“I sho-“
“Do you want to come inside?” you cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
“Yeah.” he smiled as you walked in the door.
He started looking at your home, analyzing details and when he saw the pictures of your family, he smiled.
“Did I also break your dad’s heart?” he asked.
“Why, are you going to buy him dinner too?”
“No, that was all for you.” he said as he walked over and held your waist looking at you intensely.
You looked up at him and smiled. He leaned in and stopped, as a way of making sure this was okay and you gave him the permission by pressing your lips against his. He smiled into the kiss and started moving his lips immediately. You lost yourself at his touch and placed your hands behind his head, playing with his hair. His hands roamed over your body trying to hold you closer.
“Y/N, I think I like you.” he said after you broke the kiss to breathe.
“I think I like you too Joao.” you said smiling widely.
“Now take me upstairs.” you said in a quiet tone, needing more of him.
He nodded immediately telling you to jump and wrap your legs around his torso. He carried you upstairs and you strengthened the connection you found today, until the sun came up.
You opened your eyes slowly, feeling a presence next to you and it was Joao. He was still sleeping. After you went to sleep, your mind wandered if this was just for one night but seeing him next to you happily snoring made that feeling go away. You carefully escaped his arms holding you at place to wash your face and go down to the kitchen. Just as you were passing the living room, you saw the flowers he brought last night. Smiling to yourself, you picked them up to put in a vase when you noticed a card sitting in between pink tulips.
You opened it up to see what was inside and found a note from him and smiled even wider if it’s possible.
“I hope this is the beginning of a great story”
Ahh, this was sooo sweet even when I was writing I was smiling, hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is always appreciated luvs 🌷
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
I just got an idea for a story and have to share!! So reader and Bucky are high school sweethearts and married just before he's in the war and taken by hydra. She never finds out what happened to him and never remarries because he was the great love of her life... but just after he's taken she finds out she's pregnant.
Flash forward to the present and when Bucky is saved by the avengers he tries to find reader but finds out she died and also that he has a son. He goes to meet his son who tells Bucky all about reader from when he was growing up.
Somehow Bucky finds a way to bring reader back through teleporting her or something because he simply can't live without her.
80 years later.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warning: talks of death, angst, pregnancy, fluff.
A/N: the day I stop writing. About time travel send help because I love it. The TVA can kiss my ass. I also forgot I had written this and it was saved in my drafts for the longest time. I also thought it’d be funny if Bucky was a grandfather that looked younger than his grandkids.
Bucky stood in front of the red door and took a deep breath. He finally gets the courage to knock on the door, his hand trembling as he raked it through his long hair. When the door opens it feels like he’s been punched in the gut.
“Dad?” Surprise colors the voice of this familiar stranger.
“Hey kid.”
Bucky stood in front of an older looking version of himself. White hair and wrinkles around electric blue eyes. But the nose and the lips were all you.
James Grant Barnes, was the son you’d had right after Bucky had been shipped off to the Great War. The son Bucky would never know about because he’d fall off of a moving train and into the hands of hydra. For sixty five years you’d mourn the loss of your high school sweetheart, love of your life and husband. He’d asked for your hand in marriage as soon as you both graduated high school but only married right before he went off to boot camp. It was the happiest days of both your lives, a life you’d never get to share.
Both men stared at each other for a minute before a voice came up behind them.
“Who’s at the door pa?”
“Please come in.” Bucky gets ushered into the living room. “Make yourself at home.”
“Pa who was at the-“ a woman walks into the living room. Hair down to her shoulders, bright eyes and the spitting image of you.
“Rebecca, I'd like you to meet your grandfather.”
“You look just like her.” Bucky’s voice breaks as he speaks.
Rebecca smiles as she sits next to him and it makes Bucky’s heart ache even more. She takes his right hand in hers and squeezes it gently.
“I’m sorry you lost your time with grandma. I feel like I’ve known you all of my life, she talked about you all the time and she loved you so much.”
Bucky cried at that for two reasons. The first being because hydra stole his life away from him and second because he could barely remember you. He just always knew there was something or someone missing. He could only piece parts of your relationship by what Steve told him. The only thing Bucky had of yours was a picture and you looked a bit older then.
“Would you like to see pictures?” James asks his father. Bucky only nods.
Bucky and James spent hours together watching home movies and looking through albums you’d put together. James filled in the blanks for some pictures and family moments. The more he saw the more memories from your time together came back to Bucky.
“Grandma, what was grandpa like?” A very young Rebecca asked you.
You were both sitting in a garden having a picnic. James was currently recording the interaction. While Rebecca sat beside you, you held the newest addition to the family in your arms.
“Well he was a nerd.” You giggle along with Rebecca. “The cutest nerd at our school. He loved reading and dancing and anything to do with technology.”
“Did he ever take you dancing?”
“He sure did. We went dancing every Friday night and we would always drag Stevie with us. Even the night before he went off to war we went dancing.”
“Why didn’t he come back so he could dance with you again?” Rebecca asked innocently. She was still too young to understand what had happened.
The video cuts off there and James pauses the video before it goes any further.
“I wish I could have.” Bucky says after a while.
“She knew, Ma was never mad at you or anything. She just missed you. Even when she thought I wouldn’t notice I always knew when she’d be crying over you. Especially around your birthday or your anniversary. So once I was old enough to have a job I’d always take her out to celebrate.”
“She did a good job raising you. Did she ever-“
“She never remarried or dated anyone at all. Always said you were the love of her life and that there was no use in seeing anyone else because she would just compare them to you and it wouldn’t be fair to them.” James says sadly.
“She should have. She deserved to be happy.”
“Ma was happy with the family she had. She said it herself she wouldn’t change a thing.”
Bucky nods and stands up.
“It’s getting late, I should go. Thank you for not shutting the door on me and for showing me all of this.”
“I could never shut you out. This is your family too. I never thought I’d ever meet you,” James struggled to find the words to express how he felt. “I’m happy we got a chance to meet. You’re welcome back anytime.”
“Me too, I’ll come back soon.”
James stood and they hugged. The hold they had on each other was strong and neither of them wanted to let go. When they finally did they both had tears running down their cheeks but for different reasons. Bucky cried because he missed out on raising his son and James cried because he got a chance to meet his father.
Bucky left the house with a new sense of belonging. Although he never understood why you wouldn’t have written to him to tell me he would be a father. He knew he’d never get an answer so he tried to let it go. It was a complete shock when Steve told him about it.
From that day Bucky met with James frequently. They would mostly talk about the family and what growing up was like for James. His job and his kids. Bucky wanted to stay away from the topic of what happened to him with hydra or the missions he was going on with the Avengers. James didn’t seem to mind.
Today was a special occasion. It was Rebecca’s birthday and the family was going to have a party. Of course the first thing she did was invite her grandfather and anyone he wanted to bring. At first he politely declined, stating that he would probably ruin the party. But she insisted, with multiple calls. She was stubborn just like you.
Bucky showed up with Steve and Sam at his side. This would be the first time Bucky would meet the rest of the family and he was nervous.
“Grandpa, you made it!” Rebecca said in a joking tone. Bucky smiles and accepts the hug she’d offered.
“Wow, Buck was not joking when he said you looked like Y/N.”
Steve stood there stunned. While he had spoken with James on the phone he hadn’t met him or anyone else from the family in person. You had been one of the few people to see Steve for who he was and what he wanted to become. The two of you had been friends for as long as Bucky and Steve had been. He grieved your death when he woke up from the ice. Now he stood in a room full of people that had loved you, he took comfort in knowing you hadn’t been alone all those years.
“Hi, grandma talked about you just as she did gramps.” Rebecca smiles at Steve and opens her arm for a hug.
“James, this is Sam.”
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“No, the pleasure is all mine, James. Now tell me all about your mom. I bet she had the patience of a saint to put up with these two.”
“She did.” Both men chuckle as they move to the living room.
Not only did Bucky have a son and grandchildren, he also had great grandchildren as well as nieces and nephews. They had all gathered for Rebecca’s birthday in the hopes of meeting him. It was a surreal experience to have so much family. Bucky had thought that there would be no one left. That there wouldn’t be a place for him in this world but you’d managed to make sure he wasn’t alone. Even if you never got to know what you’d done.
After introductions were made the celebration really got started. There was music and conversations going on everywhere. Steve and Sam had been accepted quickly.
“Hey Steve,” Georgie, James’ son, called out. “You should try this.” He held out a plate for Steve to grab a cookie.
“Mmm,” Steve moaned out after he took the first bite. “These taste just like the ones Y/N used to make.”
“They are. When dad said you were coming Becs and I pulled out grandma’s recipe books. She had a little note next to this recipe saying they were your favorite. She was your friend too, thought you’d like having something she used to make.”
“Thanks,” Steve cleared his throat. “This is incredibly kind of you.”
“Don’t mention it. We made a few for you to take home. So don’t forget them before you leave.”
“Trust me I’m not leaving these behind.” Steve said with a chuckle as his phone began to ring. “Excuse me, I have to take this.”
Steve moved to a more private area as he answered Nat’s call and sighed as he hung up. He went through the house until he found Sam and Bucky out in the backyard.
“There’s an emergency, we have to go.” He announced grimly. “Buck, why don’t you stay? We’ll call you for backup if we need to.”
Bucky looked at Steve then at his son and some of the other people he had been talking with moments ago. If something bad was happening he had to go. He had to make sure to keep them safe however he could. So Bucky shook his head. “I’m going with you. I’ll be back before you know it, kid.” He told James with a wry smile.
James accompanied them to the front door where he exchanged a hug with Bucky. “Please come back safe.”
The request was a punch to the gut. You’d said those exact same words on the platform just before he got on the train.
“I’ll do what I can.” He knew better than to make a promise he couldn’t keep.
Days later Steve would come back and tell James that Bucky had disappeared in the snap.
Bucky stood in front of the same door he had five and a half years ago. He felt the same kind of fear he did last time. The door was opened this time by Rebecca who, upon seeing Bucky standing at the door, launched herself into his arms and cried. She pulled him into the living room and sat down on the couch.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” She said with a sad smile. It only served to make Bucky’s heart stop.
“Rebecca, where's James?”
Tears started to run down her cheeks again.
“He passed away two years ago. I’m so sorry.”
Bucky’s chest tightened. He’d never been there for his son in the moments that mattered and now his son had been taken away from him. He didn’t realize he’d started crying until Rebecca pulled him into her chest. Her arms around him and he sobbed. He grieved for his son, his wife and the life he’d lost.
“I thought Steve would have told you. He was with pa when he passed.”
“No, the minute I was able to come out here I did. We didn’t even get a chance to talk.”
After what felt like hours of them just sitting there and talking, Bucky excuses himself. He needed to get back before Steve went on his final mission.
“Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.” Steve quipped.
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” Bucky and Steve hugged. “I’ll miss ya buddy. If you see her tell her I’ll always love her.” Bucky whispered.
Steve nodded and patted Bucky on his shoulder before heading to the platform.
Bucky held his breath as Steve disappeared. It should have taken only seconds based on what Bruce had said but Bucky knew he wasn’t coming back. Sam and Bruce began to argue but Bucky just turned around and started to walk away.
Bucky found it odd that Sam and Bruce went completely quiet and his steps faltered. He turned to find Steve standing on the platform and headed back.
“Tell her yourself.” Steve said with a shit eating grin as he stepped to the side.
Bucky had barely processed that Steve was back or what he had said when his eyes landed on you. You stood there wide eyed as you looked at him and then you moved. Before he could even react your arms were around his shoulders and your face was buried in the crook of his neck. Bucky snapped out of it and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Hi.” You said once you pulled back, letting out a teary laugh. Your hands cupped his cheeks. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“I’m pretty sure I do because I’ve missed you just as much.”
For the first time in years Bucky kisses you. It’s slow and timid but perfect nonetheless. He rested his forehead against yours and breathed a sigh of relief at having you in his arms again.
“My love, there’s something I have to tell you.” You inform him.
“If it’s about James I already know.”
“I met him. He was a full grown adult but I spent some time with him.” Bucky tells you.
“I hope you’re ready to spend more time with him.” You say as you turn to find Steve holding on to a five year old version of your son.
“Hi daddy.” James waved excitedly and Steve set him on the ground. He takes off running and jumps into Bucky’s arms, giggling at the feeling of Bucky’s scruff tickling his cheek.
“Hi kid.”
You stand back to watch father and son interact for the first time. Your heart feels like it’s going to burst at the sight. Steve stands next to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder to pull you in. You cry in his embrace, this time the tears are from happiness.
“Thank you so much Steve. I never thought I’d see him again.”
“The moment I knew we could travel through time, I knew I’d go back to get you. If anyone deserves to be happy it’s both of you.” He smiles down at you.
“What about you? You deserve happiness too.”
“And I have it.” Steve said just as the platform activated again and someone stood in the middle. The suit came off to reveal a very pretty redhead. “That’s Nat, she’s my girl.”
She walks down the steps and stands beside Steve as you pull away. Steve officially introduces you both before you move toward Bucky and James.
“I have heard so much about you it’s good to finally meet you, I’m Sam.” He said as he stretched his hand out for you to shake.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You smile at him and then look up at Bucky. “Who is that?”
“That Bruce, he works with us.”
“Why is he green?” You whisper.
“We will explain as much as we can. Why don’t we go home?”
“Where is home?”
“I have a place in Brooklyn. You’ll stay with me while you get settled.” Steve spoke up.
“Is that ok with you?”
“Anywhere you are is ok with me.”
The red door didn’t feel as intimidating this time around. Bucky explained everything that had happened to you. From his time at hydra to being saved by Steve to the family you still had. The door opens and Rebecca’s face immediately lights up when she sees it’s Bucky.
“Hey gramps, how have you-“ the words die on her tongue when she sees you standing just behind Bucky. “Grandma?”
“So I’ve been told.” Your eyes soften as you see the tears in her eyes. When she steps out and cups your face you let her. She stares in disbelief for a moment and then you bring her in for a hug.
“How is this possible? I mean you’re so young again.”
“I’ll explain anything you want to know.”
“Let me have George come over first.”
“That’s amazing.” Rebecca said after Bucky explained everything. “You should keep the house.”
“You should keep this house. Dad wanted it to stay in the family but we don’t need it. But you do, especially if you want to raise him somewhere safe and away from the Avenger business.”
“George we couldn’t do that, this was your father’s house.” You said although it felt a bit weird.
“But he was your son first. Dad loved taking care of you. If he were here now he’d offer you this home. It would just sit empty until someone finally decided to sell it. Let him take care of you one last time, please.” Rebecca adds.
You and Bucky looked at each other before he spoke up. “Ok, we’ll take it.”
“Wonderful. We’ll clean it out for you and you can keep whatever furniture you’d like. You can change whatever you want in it. And if you need anything all you have to do is let us know.”
You all stood and headed to the main door and exchanged hugs.
“You have no idea how great it is to see both of you together. You deserve to be happy.” Rebecca said.
“Even though you’re technically younger than us, you’re still our grandparents and we’ll be here for you for whatever you need.” George added.
“Thank you. It’s very kind of you to help us like this.”
“It’s the least we could do, you are, or rather were, the best grandmother a kid could have asked for.”
You hug Georgie again and then Rebecca.
“I can still be that if you’d like. We can have Sunday dinners together. How about that?”
“Just like the good old days.” Rebecca said. “We’d love to.”
“Once we’ve settled in then, I’ll call you and let you know so the whole family can come over.” You inform them.
“It’ll be good. Steve has been asking about seeing you guys again.”
“So it’s settled. We’ll see you soon.”
A year and a half later.
Most of the nieces and nephews and great grandkids had all left already. James was asleep in his room. The only ones left were Georgie, Rebecca, Sam, Steve and Nat. You all sat at the dinner table still trading stories. Bucky takes your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. You look over at him and give him a little nod and a smile which he returns.
“There’s something we’d like to tell you.” You say, getting everyone’s attention. “I’m pregnant.”
Everyone stares at you for a moment before they start congratulating you and Bucky. Sam and Steve take money out of their wallet and hand it over to Nat who is smiling smugly at them.
“What’s that about?” You ask her.
“I told them that you were acting differently. I said you were pregnant, they didn’t believe me so we bet on it.”
You laugh as you turn back to the others. Sam and Steve came up to hug you and promise to be the best uncles, but you knew that already with how they treated James. Next were Rebecca and Georgie who also promised to be there for you however they could.
You were exhausted by the time you laid down in bed. Bucky walked in a few minutes later after checking to make sure all the doors and windows were locked and the alarm was set on.
The bed dips behind you as Bucky lays down and immediately pulls you into his chest. His hands immediately rest on top of your very small baby bump and he kisses your shoulder.
“Today was good.” He murmurs.
“You say that every night.” He can hear the smile in your voice.
“Any day I get to hold you like this is a good day.”
“I love you Honey.”
“I love you sweetheart. And I love this little bean too.” He says as he smooths a hand over your belly.
“Little bean?”
“Yeah, we don’t know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl yet.”
“I think it’s going to be a boy.” You say confidently.
“Nope. It’s going to be a girl, I just know it.”
“You would be good with a little girl.”
“Can I ask you something, sweetheart?”
“Anything you know that.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me you were pregnant? You sent all those letters but you never mentioned it.”
This time you turn so that you’re fully facing him. You can tell it’s been weighing on him, the not knowing.
“It’s going to sound stupid. I didn’t tell you because I was afraid that if you knew I was pregnant you wouldn’t be thinking clearly out there. I don’t know, maybe you’d be afraid of getting hurt and would make a mistake and then you’d never come home. Now with everything I know I feel guilty that you never knew about him back then.”
“Don’t, I probably would have been distracted. I mean even back then all I wanted was to get back home to you. That was my only reason to fight as hard as I did. I think I would have been more afraid to fight if I knew about James. It could have been worse, I could have actually died. But I’m home now, we’re together and that’s all that matters.”
“It only took about eighty years.” You smile before pulling Bucky down for a kiss.
This new life you had was strange. You didn’t really belong in the current time you were in but you did belong with Bucky. The city was different, the only people you knew were your family and the Avengers. There was no one left from your previous life but you’d trade all of those things at a chance to be with Bucky.
Because Bucky had always been it for you. Whether it was in the 40s or eighty years later.
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Missing our plm couple extra today. Wonder what they’re doing 🫶🏼
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I’ve had this on my drafts for a while and decided to finish it with the image of long-haired and glasses JK in mind. It sort of sets up the stage for the The Fight as well. I hope you enjoy 🥰
Title: Please Love Me Bonus 06 - I tell you everything.
WC: 4,421
Tags/Warnings: suggestive
Series Masterlist
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Five minutes. Jungkook’s phone pings.
No 10.
Or maybe 15 sorry hun I’m still packing up but also it’s the last day of class so everyone’s chatting it up oh you can come in if you want! Another ping. 
Jungkook laughs at your run-on sentences and knows you’ll be cringing at them later. But he’s also imagining you looking a little stressed, trying to multitask between fixing your tools and saying your goodbyes to your classmates. 
He turns off the engine and exits the car. It’s when he gets another message - Kook, can you come? I need help with my things 🥺 - that he jogs the block to the art studio and makes a left to the hallway where your class is. 
He looks around, in awe of how the decor at the west wing quickly changes. In the half year that you’ve been enrolled in your drawing class, he’s visited you a few times and each time, the art pieces hanging on the wall have been different. He’d spied a few of yours, too, and he’d spent too much time just admiring your work and imagining what inspired you or what you were thinking, something he always asked you about later on. 
But one other thing he likes to do when he picks you up is peek through the half-wall window and not-so-creepily watch you work on your piece - focused eyes surrounded by your soft features, with only a look of determination mixed with pure passion for the craft. You did say you’ve come to love drawing after all. 
It’s through his visits that your classmates have come to know him, too - that first time, one asked if he was the nude art model and another yelled they wished he was. Jungkook didn’t miss your slightly embarrassed and flushed face when you finally claimed him as your husband. The room melted into a puddle, with oohs and ahhs reverberating through the walls when he greeted you with a forehead kiss and picked up your things as he often does. 
Jungkook does all those again today. He sees one of your pieces and imagines what you were thinking of as you painted the sky green, then he turns to the room where the sound of applause catches his attention. But then his smile - the one he’s been sporting since this afternoon when he got to free up his evening so he could attend your event with you tonight - fades, his eyebrows furrowing and a pout forming on his face. 
He’s familiarized himself with all your classmates and colleagues, and that half-naked man with firm pectorals and large biceps and chiseled jaw and sharp nose is definitely not one of them. 
Back inside, you’re busy putting away all your pencils giggling at the light banter between your classmates. You’d asked Jungkook to help you with some of your things and you know he’s probably waiting outside.  
Before your gaze wanders outside, you look around the room and meet deep-set, hazelnut eyes - intense and paralyzing as they bore into you. You’re quite surprised, and as you zip up your bag, you accidentally hit your easel. You shut your eyes as reflex, ready for it to make that sound as it hits the floor. 
But it doesn’t.
“You nervous or something?” 
The man’s voice is deep. It’s familiar, and as you look up, you know why it is. 
He’s putting in place the easel that you almost knocked over. He’s got a smirk on, and you wonder if your flushed form has anything to do with it. You didn’t really expect that the man whose backside you were drawing just minutes ago would be speaking to you. The models for your nude drawing class don’t exactly interact with the artists - it’s kind of weird to do that when strangers have basically seen every part of you. 
But he’s here in front of you with a twinkle in his eyes that have now softened, and you’re only able to shake your head. Sure, he's handsome, but he’s also still half-naked - you’re not exactly sure how to process that outside of your drawing bubble.
“You’re rushing, then?” He asks.
“Uh, sort of?” You chuckle, relaxing a little as you try to focus on just his face.
“That’s a shame. I heard that Mrs. Yang’s treating your class to dinner and she invited me. I was really hoping I’d see you there,” he replies.
“Oh? I’ve got an event tonight. Is there something you wanted to tell me?”
“Sort of,” he chuckles now. “I’ve modeled for some of her other classes and no one draws me quite like you do. They seem so real and so intimate. Mrs. Yang said I could personally ask you if I could bring home your drawings of me. I like how you’re able to capture the—”
He’s cut off by the sound of a throat clearing and Jungkook turning you towards him with a deep kiss on your lips, his hand gripping your waist tightly as he lingers on your skin.
“Hey, babe,” he says.
“Kook,” you blink up at him, surprised again by the desperation in his actions. “Hi,” you recover, smiling at his presence despite the scowl on his face. 
“You ready to go?” He sounds in a hurry, uninterested.
“Yeah, I was just talking to Samuel. He was asking for my drawings of him.”
“Is he now?” Jungkook arches an eyebrow and crosses his arms. He looks up and down the man in question who still has a smirk on his face.
“I am,” Samuel replies, assessing your husband from head to toe just the same. “___ draws me so beautifully. Her pieces make the hours-long process of posing nude all worth it. She’s got an amazing eye, among other things.” 
If you didn’t really care much for him earlier, now, you don’t care much for him at all. You want to tell him off for how shameless he’s being, but the selfish and silly part of you wants to know how your husband would react and well, follow up that sudden kiss he gave you to get your attention.
“She does,” Jungkook replies. “She’s obviously talented but she’s also had some practice. I mean, I’m her muse when it comes to this… nude drawing thing and yeah, I know all about posing for so long being worth it.”
Jungkook gives you a naughty smile and you know exactly what he’s thinking about. “It’s quite the gift when you’re married to an artist, you know?”
“Ah, you’re married, I see,” Samuel hums, glancing at your left hand that’s now sporting the ring that you remove every time you draw or paint.  “That’s good. For both of you. Not for me but yeah, I shouldn’t be surprised,” he turns to you, chuckling now, realizing at how stupid he seemed. “But can I still keep the artwork, if that’s okay and not weird for your husband?”
“Her work, her choice,” Jungkook responds. 
“Sure, if it’s as nice as you say it,” you shrug, not minding much. It’s always a compliment when your model reacts that way to your final output. “You can just ask Mrs. Yang for them.”
“It is, I truly mean it,” Samuel smiles more genuinely this time. “And yes, I’ll choose the best one, although that might be difficult. They’re all great.”
“Thank you, Samuel,” you grin, not interested to keep this on. “I’ll get going now. It was a pleasure.”
“It was. I hope to see you around,” he smirks again, and you don’t miss the scowl that graces your husband’s face once more.
You wave goodbye to your classmates and tell them you’ll catch up with them another time. It’s when you exit the building that you turn to Jungkook, his frowned expression turning into a pout. 
“What was that, Mr. Jeon?” You giggle. 
“What?” He’s defensive, even as he takes your hand and leads you down the street. 
“Don’t think I didn’t know what you were doing with that kiss and head-to-toe look and hidden meanings in your words, hmm? Are you threatened?”
You’re teasing, a rarity for you because Jungkook does get quite jealous and you’ve never wanted to push him, but something about him in his work attire, rolled up sleeves with tattoos exposed and all that makes you want to just try. He looks tough like this, especially with his hair that he’s growing out, but the glasses he’s been wearing more frequently just makes him adorable. It’s a kind of sexy that you’ve been enjoying lately. 
“Just never seen him before,” he shrugs. “And he was obviously flirting with you. Like, ‘you’ve got a great eye among other things’? What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Yeah, I thought he was just being friendly until that,” you laugh. “He’s modeled just 3 times including today. He’s apparently an artist, too, so he knows a lot about forms and stuff. So that’s kind of nice, being complimented like that.”
“Hmm, probably. You also couldn’t stop looking at him.”
“Hey!” You nudge Jungkook. “It’s only because his body is so overwhelming, you know?”
“And what about mine?” He frowns.
“Perfect - just the way I like it,” you turn towards him, stopping him in his tracks so he could look at you and see the love in your eyes. “You, my dear husband, are the most handsome and sexiest being in this world, with or without clothes, and I absolutely adore every inch of you, every ridge and every dip and every beauty mark and every scar.”
You cup his cheeks and feel them rise to his eyes as he can’t help but smile at your words. 
“No need to worry, okay?” You assure. “Classes are over and I’m satisfied with my nude drawing abilities already, especially with the muse I’ve got.” You wink, liking how he blushes. He takes your hand and lovingly kisses it before kissing your forehead. 
“Hmm, might want to draw me again soon so that this is the only nude body you’ll remember,” he winks. 
“Oh trust me, this is the only nude body I remember,” you respond, resting your palms on his chest.
He takes the opportunity to pull you closer, his warm breath tingling your skin. “Good. I’ll keep reminding you though, maybe tonight? Or right when we get home?” He hums in satisfaction and kisses your lips.
You giggle in his hold. “Kook, we’re in public,” you remind him, as an old woman chuckles as she passes by you both. 
“I don’t care,” he huffs.
“I do,” you answer, though your words don’t have a bite in them.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he arches a brow.
“Do I need to?” You tease, tracing his defined pecs underneath his silk polo as you bite your lip.
“Fuck, let’s go.”
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You arrive at the grand estate of Mr. Lee that’s right at the edge of the city. It took a while to get here, as you and Jungkook took too much time feeling each other up before you actually got dressed, but it was something you didn’t mind. He gets riled up when he gets jealous, and you’d shyly told him it was quite a turn on. You would’ve passed up on this event if it wasn’t so important to you, and he understood. He promised to continue what you’d both started after, though, and that really got you smiling. 
The mansion is buzzing. Clanking sounds of champagne flutes, soft munching of canapés, and laughter and conversations fill the grand room and the hallways nearby. There are many familiar people - and not because you know them from the art world, you know them because of your family and Jungkook’s. Those present in the viewing of Mr. Lee’s private art collection are big names in the business and entertainment industry, after all. But they’re here by personal invitation and their appreciation of art, including you.
It’s a twice a year event, and you’re lucky that one of Mr. Lee’s granddaughters is currently your student in the weekly art class for children that you’ve been teaching for the past few months. Her mother befriended you and was kind enough to invite you tonight, and you couldn’t be happier, especially when Jungkook messaged you earlier that he was able to free up his evening to accompany you here. You’ve been busy with various projects on top of the classes you take and conduct, and you wanted to spend time with your husband, even if half the time you’d be gushing about the pieces anyway, something he said he wouldn’t mind at all.
You find your way to look at a contemporary piece, telling Jungkook about the artist, when someone calls your name. You turn to the side and see a familiar face. 
“Chi-won,” you smile. “It’s good to see you here.”
You return the hug that the man gives you and introduce your husband.
“You, too, although I figured you’d be here,” he grins. “You’re why I got invited in the first place. I heard you recommended the tattoo shop to Mr. Lee’s daughter. She came a few weeks ago and found out I collect art, too, and she invited me tonight. So thank you.”
“Ah, that’s wonderful,” you chirp. “She said her friends aren’t into the arts so she gives the invitations to even acquaintances whom she thinks would appreciate it. I’m glad you get to witness this, too. It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
Jungkook zones out a little once you and your friend start talking about the artists whose works are displayed in the estate. Somehow, art talk is only interesting to him when it’s you who’s talking, so he lets his mind wander a bit until he hears the words that sort of knock him out.
“Loving the tattoo, by the way. It looks really great now that it’s healed,” the man says. 
Saying it’s great means he’s looking at it, and looking at it means he’s got his eyes on the colored ink painted on the valley between your breasts. Much as Jungkook adores the low-cut neckline of your wine-colored satin dress, that obviously also means that other people get a peek at it, too. The tattoo is beautiful - it’s his birth flower, after all, and he feels blessed everyday that you got it because of him, and that he gets to marvel at it every single day. He just doesn’t like the thought of others having that opportunity, too.
“Thank you,” you gush. “You’ve got amazing people at the shop, and that’s because of you. I really love it, and so does my husband. Right, Kook?”
You turn to him and Jungkook manages a curt nod and an almost-whisper of “of course.” Is… is he the man who put this on you?
You and Chi-won say your goodbyes as he heads to the other wing, and you turn to Jungkook with his curious look mixed with a tinge of nervousness.
“He’s a tattoo artist at the shop where I got the flower done,” you say, realizing what your statement could imply once Jungkook’s eyes widen.
“Oh! He didn’t tattoo me, Kook. He just owns the shop,” you explain, not wanting your husband to worry that another man got to see your bare chest. Jungkook’s face relaxes and you hear his sigh of relief. “I told you I’d get a woman to do it even if you didn’t ask for it. I don’t exactly want to expose my body to another man, you know?”
“Just me, huh?” Jungkook shyly smiles now. 
“Of course, honey. No one else.” You kiss his nose and like how his eyes close and how his features soften at the act.
You both continue the tour around the mansion. There’s an entire area dedicated to all the pieces - paintings, sculptures, mixed media art - and you gush at each one. Somehow Jungkook feels like it’s just you and him in your own little bubble. Even with the people you greet every once in a while, you choose to experience the collection with just him, even if you know he doesn’t understand half of the things you’re explaining - he’s said he likes just hearing the tone of your voice and the way your eyes crinkle when you talk about the things that make you happy.
Unfortunately, he has to burst that, as he takes an important work call and excuses himself. It takes 15 minutes but when he returns, there you are with yet another man gushing over you, it seems like, as the tall man with incredibly strong features and perfect hair shows you photos from his phone and laughs along with you.
Jungkook stands there, not wanting to burst the bubble you have with another person who gets you, in that sense - someone who gets your art, your world, your passion, and who gets to respond to you with more than just “ah, that’s cool,” the way he does. So he lets you have your moment, your space. He’ll step in in a while, he tells himself.
“Why is it that every time I see you in one of these things, you’ve always got that look on your face as you watch your wife socialize with another man from afar?”
Jungkook knows the voice before he even turns to the side and finds Kim Namjoon, your brother’s close friend and a staple in these events as an art collector himself. He’s become familiar to Jungkook, too, finding him during the times when he’s stuck on his spot as he chooses to observe you from afar. Because the man’s right - this happens more frequently than Jungkook likes to admit.
“It comes with marrying a talented and beautiful woman, I guess,” Jungkook chuckles. “I’m used to it.”
“Well, it’s her world and she stands out,” Namjoon responds.
“She stands out anywhere, actually, with anyone,” Jungkook responds, letting the thought settle in before he continues. “The man’s this big shot executive and a single dad. His 5-year old is in her art class and the kid adores her so I don’t blame the guy for admiring my wife. She’s great with kids.”
“Is it really admiration, though? Looks like he’s just showing off his son to her,” Namjoon observes, as the man holds up his phone to show you various photos to both of your delight. You’re laughing along with the man, smiling as he shows more.
“Yeah? I mean, look at the way he looks at her,” Jungkook responds.
He should be used to it by now. You have a comforting charm about you, and if he wasn’t a stuck up teenager, he would’ve realized that very early on. But no; he’d shut you out and only got to see just how good it is to be around you once he’d married you.
Your students in art class are a testament to that - it’s no wonder you were asked to add another schedule because the kids enjoy your sessions that much. Their parents are a testament to that as well. Even strangers are. But it hits differently, as he sees how the man softly watches you laugh and coo at his own son. There’s a certain glow on your face when it comes to children - Jungkook won’t blame anyone for finding that beautiful. 
“Hmm, it’s nothing compared to the way she looks at you, though,” Namjoon says. “You’d be laughing or something, or socializing when you’re in your world, and she’d be looking at you with the brightest stars in her eyes.”
Jungkook looks at the older man with questioning eyes. 
“I’ve been to some of your family’s galas, Jungkook. She hangs with me sometimes when you’re off to do your duties, and it always made me smile how adoringly she looked at you, whether up close or from afar.”
“That’s, uh… that’s nice to know,” Jungkook hums, feeling his heartbeat quicken. 
“And it shouldn’t be news to you anymore. She may be catching a lot of people’s attention but at the end of day, all she wants is you.”
And right on cue, you look around and find him, your soft eyes asking if he’s okay. Jungkook nods - to you and to Namjoon’s suggestion of going over to you. 
“Hey, hun,” you take his hand as he gets closer. “This is Woobin, Sunoo’s dad. He was just showing me photos of them painting the new playroom.” You turn to the other man. “This is Jungkook, my husband.”
“Hi,” Jungkook shakes Woobin’s hand. “So you’re the father of the famous Sunoo. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Ah, so she’s talked about him,” Woobin chuckles. “And yes, I am. My son adores your wife, as many of the kids and their parents surely do.”
“___ talks about the kids at her class all the time,” Jungkook smiles, realizing it now. “They just make her so happy.”
Despite your busy schedule full of your own classes and the ones you run, on top of your actual job at the art firm and being an artist yourself, you’re devoid of any stress once you start talking about your students. You know what they like to paint or draw, know how to help them improve, and have so many ideas to make them appreciate art even more. It’s no wonder they love you as much as they do.
“Ah, that’s no surprise. I’m just glad my son got to enroll in her class. I heard it’s tough to get into it now since she’s in demand,” Woobin states. “But it was nice to meet you, Jungkook, and nice to see you again, ___. Sunoo will be happy to know I saw you tonight.”
You and Jungkook bid him goodbye and you turn to your husband, smiling sweetly at him. 
“I’ve seen everything tonight,” you inform him. “Another round of desserts and then we can go?”
“Sure, but I’m suddenly craving for churros and ice cream,” he responds.
“Hmm, let’s go to McDonald’s, then.”
“Alright, but uh, are you cold? Do you want to put this on?”
Jungkook removes his coat and offers it to you, and though you know the breeze outside is manageable, you take it, somehow wanting him much closer tonight. You also know that perhaps it’s your low neckline that he’s a bit wary of. 
“Sure, Kook. Thank you.”
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You lean on Jungkook’s shoulder and hum in satisfaction over the strawberry-flavored sundae. “Hmm, this is almost just as good as the desserts at the event.”
“Babe, McDonald’s is always just as good or better than anything,” Jungkook says with a half-full mouth. “It’s truly amazing.”
“It is. Somehow it cleanses our palette of rich-people stuff, doesn’t it?” You laugh and he joins you. It’s something that sparked your bond in the beginning, after all, and that hasn’t changed. 
“Yeah, but it’s also just my happy food, you know? Grease, sweets, unhealthy stuff… delicious.”
“Happy food, huh? Did something upset you tonight? Or maybe someone?” You ask, wanting to know if him stepping away while you spoke with Woobin has something to do with it. 
“Not really. Woobin didn’t cross a line,” Jungkook says, an admission that he knows what you’re talking about. “I mean, he was looking at you like a man with a crush, though, and I can’t blame him but he knew his boundaries. Good for him.”
“Of course he does, Kook. He knows I have a husband.”
“Yes, after you told him you couldn’t have coffee with him when he asked you out, which means that he was interested and he probably still is, like that nude model who was definitely into you.”
You turn to look at him who’s busy with his sundae but clearly bothered, but not enough to be angry. You’ve always been honest with him, the way he’d always been honest about the women at the Clubhouse who’d thrown themselves at him after one of his soccer games. You’ve always trusted each other, and you’re just glad that that’s always been enough to not have any miscommunication or arguments because of it.
“Ah, Samuel. Yeah, that was new.”
“Oh? He’s never hinted on a crush? Dude was looking at you like you were all he could see,” Jungkook shakes his head. 
“Yeah, then you came in with a kiss and swept me off my feet,” you teasingly roll your eyes. “How romantic.”
“Sorry, it was just reflex,” he explains. 
“I know, but you have nothing to worry about, okay? I tell you everything. Maybe not the mundane interactions or insignificant things that I easily forget but the important ones.”
“I know,” he says, smiling at you. “And you know I tell you everything, too.”
“You do,” you smile back. “But thank you for making it tonight. You’ve been so busy and I’m just glad I got to be with you.”
“Anything for you, babe. You’ve been so busy, too, and honestly, I didn’t mind moving the meeting with my father since I wasn’t really ready. Plus, all I had to say was that I was accompanying you to an art event and he let me go. You’re a spoiled daughter-in-law, you know that?”
You laugh at his teasing and the fact that your husband had the gall to ask his own father and boss to move a meeting for you. 
“I am, actually. And now it benefits you, too!”
“It benefits both of us,” he corrects. “But tonight was good. I mean, I kinda had to ward off certain men but I didn’t mind. It was still a fun one.”
“It was,” you hum, basking in his boyish smile and the twinkle in his eyes. Something comes alive inside you when he looks at you this way, and amidst the midnight buzzing of a McDonald’s in the city, you move closer and kiss his lips, gentle but wanting, and you feel him smile even wider against you.
“Babe, we’re in public,” he teases, and much as he likes to do that, he also enjoys it when you get a little flustered even when you mouth that you ‘don’t care.’
You peck his cheek and pull him, and as you walk to the car with his coat over your shoulder, as you talk about the art collection all the way home, and as you share a bath and then lie bare underneath the covers with your tangled limbs, Jungkook only knows this - this is your world, and in the one you both share, you’re the only two people who matter.
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx​​​​ @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat​​​​ @fan-ati--c​​@cravingforhotchocolate​​​​ @adoraminie​​​​ @helenazbmrskai​​​​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​​​​ @preciouschimine​​​​ @gukssunshine​​​​ @nch327​​​​ @kookxin​​​​ @petuliii​​ @yoursthv​​​​ @libra04​​​​ @fancycollectormoon​​​​ @twixxxpie​​​​ @ignoretheskies​​​​ @ohmydarlin-g​​​​ @bids97​​​​ @minyoongiboongi​​ @main-bangtansmauyeondan​​​​ @investedreader
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
Young One
Doppo Kunikida X Young!Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 848
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi!!
Do you think you could write a story about Kunikida with his 3-5 year old daughter?
Thank you!
Warning: Mum is dead
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Kunikida had known your mother for years before she passed away. When he got the call to say that he was the named carer for the child that they had with them. It took some time to get you settled, with the social services having to make sure that he was living in a safe environment for you and had a steady income, he obviously passed all tests with flying colours.
It was hard at first looking after you when he had no intention of having a child but with the help of the others at the Detective Agency he learned everything that he needed. Junichiro had helped his parents look after Niaomi and remembered some things from when she was little, Kenji was good at keeping you occupied when Kunikida needed to finish his work, Akiko kept a check on your health and Dazai… Dazai held you upside down by your ankle one time, you laughed but Kunikida never let him near you unsupervised again.
Now at the age of 5 you were in pre school and getting on well, Kunikida had noticed that you loved drawing, he wasn’t sure if he had something to do with that considering how much time he spent with his book of ideals in his hand, scribbling down words and conjuring up the things that he could for you. Your drawing skill was far better than any 5 year old that he had seen before, he was able to tell what most things that you drew were with little difficulty.
He watched you as you sat on the floor again with a pencil in hand and an image in your head, he smiled as you little tongue stuck out of the side of your lips in concentration but it turned to surprise when your hand pressed against the paper and the small puppy that you had drawn came bounding off of the paper circling you, he stood and when your eyes caught on his the puppy disappeared in a puddle of ink “What was that?” Kunikida asked. “I have powers just like you daddy!” You cheered, lifting your hands to him and he smiled as he picked you up. “Have you made anything else with your powers?” Kunikida asked, you shook your head “really?” “Choco bars.” You answered. “Chocolate bars, you made chocolate bars?” He asked. “Looks like I will have to make sure that there was no drawing before dinner then.” “No!” You giggled as he squeezed your sides balancing you on his hip. “Looks like we will have to talk Uncle Fukuzawa about this.” Kunikida said before heading into the kitchen to get you a snack before getting your ready to head to the office.
Kunikida left you in the care of Ranpo and Akiko while he talked to Fukuzawa, he explained everything that had happened that afternoon. “This is the first time that you’ve seen her do this?” Fukuzawa asked. “It is.” Kunikida nodded. “It won’t be a problem unless she intends to use it in defence but she’s too young for that.” Fukuzawa explained “she will have to learn, though, both control and self defence.” “I know.” Kunikida nodded. “For now keep her close, we can find a tutor that can teach her everything that she needs to know, so that there’s no accidental revealing of her powers.” Fukuzawa suggested and Kunikida nodded. “We will discuss other precautions when she gets older.”
When Kunikida walked back into the main office he saw you sitting at the desk with a pen and paper as Ranpo showed you one of his favourite snacks “Ranpo what are you doing?” Kunikida asked a slight twitch in his eyebrow. “I’m just seeing the limits of her ability.” Ranpo answered “it seems that she can’t make something that is living permanently but things like food or pens she can make as permanent fixtures in our world.” “What happens to the living things?” Kunikida asked. “It seems that at the moment she can make them and they can interact with the world but only for a set amount of time, it seems at the moment that the most that she can do is 10 minutes without distraction.” Ranpo explained, Kunikida looked over at Dazai who was uncharacteristically quiet. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked. “They’ll look for her.” Dazai said after a second “Mori will find use for a power like that.” “And we will stop him at any chance that we get.” Kunikida said. “I won’t let him get anywhere near her.” “I believe you just don’t do anything stupid for her, she’ll never forgive you.” Dazai said softly as they both watched you giggle at Ranpo. “She’s lost so much already she won’t lose me too.” Kunikida said, walking over to stop Ranpo from feeding you anymore sugar. Dazai watched you all and sighed, he knew that one day that would need to protect you from Mori and the rest, there were some who would not hurt a child but there were so many more that would and he worried about them.
Request Here!!
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idanceuntilidie · 1 year
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Computer virus!yan x gn reader
Tw! Mentions of yandere behaviour
Requests are oopen~! Don’t be scared to interact with me
* You were in the middle of the game, your palms sweaty, and eyes focused on the game before you. Luckily you were winning but then something popped up on your screen. Your eyes widened. Internet connection lost…
* Oh fucking hell!
* It really took so much strength to not throw that piece of crap out of the window of your apartment.
* Horrible piece of junk…
* The next few minutes you spent on trying to connect back, which was unusually hard. Frustrated, sweaty from the stress and anger you gave up and plopped on your bed. Checking out social media. And secretly planning a revenge on crap of a computer. A sound forcefully dragged you out of your thoughts.
* You have a message! But how? Your laptop wasn’t- oh are you kidding me? Now it’s connected?! You seriously need a new laptop or a computer, ANYTHING. You clicked open the notification, and guess what happened. The computer froze.
* You love it here.
* You stared at the screen, it flicked, once, twice, before going completely black.Isn’t that enough of a good excuse to buy a new one…? Just as you were about to close it, a face appeared. You were flabbergasted. Slowly but surely backing away from the device. The face smiled at you cheerfully.
* “Hello! Sorry for the scare! I really had hard time finally catching your attention” they said, their voice surely sounded, oddly fake now that you think about it.
* “I have been watching you for months you know? I finally wanted to meet you ‘face to face’!”
* The color drained from your face, months? What do they even mean???“You really should update your antivirus program love! Or not have the same password for everything” They cackled. What in the actual fuck is happening right now?You grabbed your phone, maybe your friend knows what to do- he fixes this shit. You tried to unlock your phone desperately, you heard giggling coming from your laptop.
* “Tehe! Blocked! Sorry I can’t have anyone disturbing our small date you know?”
* You threw the phone away, it landed on the bed with a bounce. Useless piece of junk.“Listen love, I can ruin you if you won’t cooperate with me mkay?” They said nonchalantly before continuing “I can spread some fake photos and such! Your private conversations, and photos might leak out” You kept your distance from your laptop, sitting on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest.
* “I can make your life hell honey!”
* You tsked at them.
* “If you don’t want that, you need to work with me, and well be mine of course~”
* “You can call me Ian, and you are never getting rid of me.”
* That’s enough of electronics for the day…
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jifanjiang0710 · 1 year
Why we celebrate - Yan Zhongli x f! Reader
Written by: Leo
A/N: Wishing everyone a prosperous and healthy new year!
"Happy Lantern Rite, my dear."
"Good morning, Zhongli."
He exhales, setting down the tea cup on the stone table with unfailing gentleness. The balcony overlooking the harbour is illuminated by the morning glow, though the sight is far overshadowed by the sunrise in Minlin.
The buzz of morning begins when the first of the citizens swing open their doors in festive mood. Mortal traditions are so extravagant, borne from passed on customs preserved through many generations, ever changing, adapting. Nothing like the rituals performed by the adepti, with stringent guidelines and unswerving adherence to the scrolls. 
The Lantern Rite isn't what it used to be.
Zhongli is sure that is what you are thinking. With that subtle frown and furrowed eyebrows (he hasn't seen you smile in many weeks) as you gaze at the people going about this very special day. He's been on the receiving end of your glares much more often.
"Darling, it would not be auspicious to scowl today."
The night is clear, as are the waters of the spring. Liyue harbour is alight with what was once well wishes carried by mothers and sisters of warring men.
You frolic over the waters, to the stone table. "Happy Lantern Rite, Morax!" You clasp your hands in greeting. "Prosperity and longevity to all!"
Someone groans. "One hopes not. One has lived long enough."
"Moon Shaper! You shouldn't say stuff like that! It brings bad luck for the rest of the year." Guizhong says, astounded. "[Name]! Happy Lantern Rite! Is Morax being stubborn again?"
"I have no regard for mortal festivities, nor mortal affairs tied to it."
"Hm…" You place two fingers on his unflinching face and turn the corners of his mouth upwards.
"Smile more, Rex Lapis."
Zhongli smiles. How endearing you were back then.
"What amuses you? Finally gotten senile?"
No stranger to disagreeable remarks from you, with utmost decorum, he reminds you of the annual gathering with the Minlin adepti.
"Must I go?"
"You sound like a child," he chides. "As per the contract-"
"I understand," you say, eyes fixed at the spring couplets on the door of Third Round Knockout. The words are carefully penned, and speak well-wishes of business and wealth. "Please do not bring up the contract again."
Almost sheepishly, he resumes his activities. For once, the distinguished, all-knowing gentleman has nothing to say. Zhongli could understand your distaste for the season. He would be lying if he said the Lantern Rite only brought back painful memories. He just wished that you'd-
Zhongli places a gloved hand on yours for reassurance. You would pull away, repulsed, but 'as per the contract'...
A little green girl and the sound of bells alerts you.
"Aunty [Name]!" She seems ecstatic, toes barely touching the floor as she struggles to see over the table, before giving up and settling for placing the basket of fruits on your lap. "Mr Zhongli, too. Happy Lantern Rite!" Cloud Retainer said that you would- you felt like- she said-"
"Calm down, little one. Happy Lantern Rite. What did she say?"
"She said that you promised to join our reunion dinner tonight, with eeeveryone! Are you really? I've never spent a Lantern Rite with you before. Will you really?" Her eyes light up with fervour, and dull almost instantly. "Oh…but if you don't want to, then don't push yourself. Master also says that I shouldn't pressure you."
You pat her on the head. "Of course I'll go. Anything for my favourite disciple." She giggles and runs, backtracking to whisper in your ear.
"Don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite adeptus too. One last thing…Cloud Retainer and Master and the others all care for you very much! I'm sure Mr Zhongli does too, so take care of yourself, alright?"
You watch her until the jingle of bells fade away into the distance.
Within minutes of that interaction, Zhongli decides to cease feigning disinterest and speak up.
"Do you still express reservations? If it pleases you, we may cancel."
"Ah, why don't you shut up."
"As you wish, dear."
She places a glaze lily onto your lap. Its petals droop and its stem wilts. Without a doubt it is on the verge of death, but Guizhong insists that you fix it onto her hair.
'Why?' You wanted to ask. Your fingers were clumsy and rough, far from her own, so deft and dexterous, perfect for tinkering with the mechanisms she loved as much as this dying glaze lily.
You fumble, but successfully weave it into strands of her hair.
She is ethereal in the moonlight, illuminated by stars and lanterns alike.
"Will you do one thing for me?" Guizhong whispers, taking your hands, giving the lightest of kisses on your wrists. You pick up on faraway sounds of slashing blades, shrieks into the night. Somewhere, there is fresh blood being spilt. Somewhere, your fellow adepti are fighting to the very ends of their lives.
"[Name]. I want you to live. Can you do that?"
"I will, if you do the same."
"Please promise me. Live, along with everyone else. You are important to me."
"I promise." As long as you are here with me to see it through. You decide not to voice it.
Her eyes crinkle. There is a dimple on her left cheek. "Happy Lantern Rite, [Name]."
Very soon after, you had come to wish that she had never asked that of you.
"Greetings, Traveler. What brings you?"
"We're here to deliver Zhongli some bamboo shoots. It's good to see you, [Name]!"
"The pleasure is mine, Paimon."
Clouds roll past mountain peaks, a sight you had become infinitely familiar with over the course of several millennia. The Traveler's presence is not unwelcome.
"Why're you here all alone? Everyone's gathered over there."
Their companions incessant questions, however…
"I enjoy solitude sometimes."
"But the Lantern Rite is all about spending time with family and friends. Isn't that right, Traveler?"
Paimon's words seem to resonate with them. "...that's right."
"Say, Traveler. You are looking for your lost sibling. Losing your own flesh and blood must be unimaginably difficult to handle, yet you carry yourself with such radiance and passion. How do you do it? How do you manage to shine even amongst the darkest times?" They take a while to answer.
"I think…it's because of Paimon."
"Uuahhhh! Do you really mean it, Traveler?"
They nod. "Without you by my side, this journey wouldn't be half as meaningful."
"Awww…that was unexpectedly sweet of you. Paimon would say that her goal is to follow the Traveler all the way! And eat lots of delicious food, hehe. What about you, [Name]?"
"Heh. Me? What do you think, Paimon?c
"Paimon thinks…your motivation is the people around you. The adepti, Yaoyao, the people of Liyue…and Zhongli, of course."
"Uh huh! It's obvious that he really really likes you-" she falters at the Traveler's glare.
"Does he?" Something in your tone makes them hesitate. "Do you agree, Traveler?"
"What has gotten into you, Morax?"
He is fixated on his thoughts, only the back of his hood faces you. 
"I meant what I said. Henceforth you are exempt from battle. No, it is better to say that you are forbidden from it."
"I cannot accept these terms! This new contract is absurd! You are chaining me to you for what is essentially forever."
"I am protecting you. The enemy is cruel. You are much better off away from war," the next words are spoken under his breath," and closer to me."
"Guizhong's passing has changed you. You- you failed to protect her. Do not project your insecurities and failures onto me!"
The very ground trembles beneath your feet, shaking even its rocky foundations. "Do not," he growls, "speak of her again." The singular glaze lily in his hand crumbles to dust.
"From now on, you are not to cross Liyue's borders, not to leave Guili plains without my presence, and not to interact with other adepti without my explicit permission. I trust you will do your utmost to adhere."
"And if I should fail?"
"Then we send forces to quell the rebellion arising in the north. What was your domain? Qingce? We cannot guarantee they will not get caught in the crossfire."
No. This was not Morax. This was a monster. "You would sacrifice a hundred innocents, let them perish…for this?" Hardened with war and loss, he tells a sickening story.
"Do you accept the terms of the contract?" Finally he turns, and for a fraction of a second, you see his eyes glisten.
"[Name]." The voice of the last person you wished to see snaps you out of the reverie.
"..." Zhongli had not planned this far. He did not expect you to acknowledge him immediately. He settles for small talk. "Cloud Retainer's culinary mechanism. Have you seen its inner workings? Undoubtedly fascinating."
"I know."
The sun casts a golden edge to the clouds in an ephemeral sunset over the peaks. Very far away, you can hear the celebrations in the harbour. The only thing that remains the same throughout the years is the mortals' love for festive proceedings.
"It serves in the interests of no one to dwell in the past. We can only live on and honour the memories of those who cannot be here today, for their sake if not ours."
You scoff. "You hypocrite. You have seen a millennia worth of history more than I, experienced suffering far more potent than mine, and you still strive. Pray tell, what is your motivation?"
"That would be the people whose company I regard with fondness. Whether it be gods, adepti, or mortals. And you."
This man is shameless. "Is that an excuse to justify the atrocities committed in my name?"
"No. It is simply the truth." Silence. "Would you like to hear about the Lantern Rite's origins?"
You huff but don't object.
"In ancient times, the people of Liyue faced many centuries of war. They sent lanterns into the sky to remind their soldiers of the way home. Over time it became tradition, and after the era of war, citizens commemorated this symbolic custom by celebrating with friends and family. Many years later, the history behind it has long been forgotten, but the meaning is not lost on us. The essence of the Lantern Rite is still to appreciate our loved ones and those who are here now, for they are invaluable in our lives. With that said, may I have the pleasure of spending this occasion in your presence?"
"Either way, I still have the rest of my life with you, so there is no difference."
"Aunty [Nameeee]! Mr Zhongliii! The fireworks are about to start!" Yaoyao drags you away by the sleeve before you can protest.
"Greetings, [Name]. Rarely do you join us. One hopes you will endeavour to do so more often."
"Retainer, what is this frightful mechanism of yours?"
"One implores that you do not touch it! It is most fragile."
Yaoyao inspects it closer. "Isn't this the fireworks launcher the Millelith use?"
"One takes offense at that statement. Though it is inspired by mortal creations, one has made significant refinements and improvements to ensure it far surpasses the original. One thinks you will find it an unparalleled gadget."
The first of the fireworks are launched, setting the canvas of black ablaze with irradiant colours.
"What do you think? Would you find it in yourself to partake in festivities together next year?"
"Happy Lantern Rite, and shut up, Zhongli."
"Happy Lantern Rite, dear."
A glaze lily blossoms by your feet, swaying to the wind.
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kmgkmg · 11 months
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Soonyoung clears his throat before belatedly starting the meeting, “Water day! Wonderful leaders, sign up for the activity that you’re most willing to facilitate after lunch.” 
After a few more reminders and check-ins he sat back down next to Hansol. You’re never one to be in much of a rush, so you went to the end of the line, prepared to fill in whichever remaining slot. As you walked up to the sign up sheet, your face immediately soured. Canoe Rowing - Joshua Hong. 
Looking in Soonyoung’s direction, you put on your best pitiful expression to quickly change activities but he was nowhere to be seen. Joshua and Hansol were talking by the bagel bar which means Joshua still hadn’t realized your pairing yet. Yet. Soonyoung’s voice boomed from outside and once you looked out the window, you realized you were doomed. Soonyoung and another leader were picking teams for a game of water volleyball. Soonyoung’s excited self asking the kids to show off their skills to make them worthy of his recruitment. 
Besides very brief interactions with him, this would be the first time you talked to Joshua for an extended amount of time since you were highschoolers. The time when you walked home from school together everyday. The time when his mom memorized your favorite foods and would invite you over for dinner spontaneously. The time when you would sing along to songs that he was learning on his guitar. The time when you knew what the other was feeling from the slightest change in their body language. 
“We’re leading the canoe rowing together,” You inform him plainly. His blank expression to your statement helps in getting you out of your head with the previous memories playing through it. 
He pauses for a few seconds, “...Alright.”
Soon after, the two of you were walking on the dock, campers in tow. Twenty minutes were spent going over the basics and emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance on the canoe while in the water. Once all the kids took off, you and Joshua finally got into your canoe. Your foot slips on the seat as you get into the canoe, resulting in your arms flailing as you try to stand up straight again. Joshua reaches out to help you out of instinct, but you fail to notice his attempt to assist. He awkwardly brushes both hands on his jeans, sitting down and causing the canoe to become even more unstable. 
“Are you trying to make me fall, idiot?” You seethe. 
A collection of ‘oohs’ can be heard from the campers as Joshua glares at you. 
The moment that the campers in your group are out of earshot Joshua groans, “I never understood your high maintenance.” 
You stop rowing with him, “High maintenance because I lost my footing for a second? Well, why were we best friends for our entire childhood then?”
“Beats me,” He shrugs and continues to row.
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“Are you going to stay on your phone or help me?” Joshua grunts, making you finally put your phone down. 
“You know saying please wouldn’t kill you, Joshua.” 
“In your dreams, Y/N.” 
You both sat in a heavy silence, watching the campers ahead of you giggle and have fun. Although you were hostile with one another, you couldn’t help but smile at seeing the campers happy. Both of you admired them before Joshua’s scream tore your gaze away from the occupied canoes ahead of you.
“Wasp! Wasp!” He points, standing up and trying to bat the bug away.
Water flows into the canoe as you pleaded with Joshua to calm down, “It won’t sting you if you stay calm! Just sit back down!”
“Say that when it buzzes close to your ear, Y/N!”
Your bickering continues as campers laugh at the level of childishness that rivaled theirs. The wasp circles around Joshua, causing him to move to your side of the canoe. His move was the tipping point, water flooded the canoe’s interior and as the wasp flew near the two of you, Joshua dragged you into the lake with him. 
The cold sensation of the water shocks you as you submerge. You're left gasping for air as your head resurfaces.
“You can stand in this water, it’s not that deep,” Joshua lifts you by the waist, helping you overcome the initial shock of falling into the water. 
Catching your breath, you grab the canoe and flip it right side up again. You were soaked. Thankfully, the sun was shining down on you, providing warmth for your freezing body. 
“I hate you.” You snapped at the person who caused you to fall in.
“Hate you more.” Joshua retorted, walking to shore behind you.
a/n: is it an oar? is it a paddle? the world may never know...
taglist: @kthpurplesyou, @kokoiinuts, @fairywriter-oracle, @cookiehaos, @miruac, @fairybinie, @strawberri-uyu
(send an ask/reply to a post/dm to be added to the taglist!)
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