chemblrish · 6 months
Hi! Do you have any tips for studying chemistry? For some reason I cant seem to get all the formulas in my brain.
My unhelpful but still favorite advice for shoving formulas into one's brain is to understand them 😅 A purely memorization-based approach is very bad for chemistry.
If the problem seems to be particularly understanding/ remembering formulas:
Ask yourself if this particular formula is just words turned into numbers and mathematical symbols. I think it may not work for everyone, but for example I found it easier to remember the literal definition of pH that is "the negative decimal logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration" rather than "pH = -log [H+]" bc otherwise I'd keep forgetting about the minus sign.
Check if you find deriving a formula from another formula easier than just memorizing it. Again, my personal example is I hate memorizing things so much I never really bothered to remember the equation that describes Ostwald's law of dilution - bc I knew I could easily, quickly, and painlessly derive it from the equilibrium constant for concentration + degree of dissociation (and I've done it so many times now it stuck in my brain anyway).
When all else fails, I turn to mnemotechnics. To this day I remember that Clapeyron's equation goes pV = nRT because many years ago someone on the internet shared a funny sentence whose words start with these 5 letters. The sillier the better.
If the issue is with chemistry in general:
Take it chapter by chapter. Chemistry, like most STEM subjects, is just blocks of knowledge upon blocks of knowledge. For example, if you want to learn electrolysis, you need to understand redox reactions first. Try to identify where the struggle begins and work from there.
Once you've picked a topic you want to work on, follow the reasoning in your textbook. If you get stuck, that might be a sign you're simply missing a piece of information from a previous chapter. If an example comes up, try to solve it along with the tips in the textbook.
If anything remains unclear, it's usually not the best idea to just leave it and move on. If the textbook becomes unhelpful, turn to the internet or maybe a friend. Otherwise, the next chapter may just turn out to be needlessly confusing.
Practice problems practice problems practice problems!! And not just the numerical ones. The theory-based ones where they ask you about reactions, orbitals, the properties of the elements etc. are important too.
Choose understanding over memorizing whenever possible.
Try to look at the big picture: the way certain concepts are intertwined, how one law may be a logical consequence of another law you learnt before, why some concepts are taught together, why you had to learn something else first to get to what you're studying now. Again, as an example, I think it's particularly fun to see towards the end of ochem, somewhere around the biomolecules: you need to integrate your knowledge of aromatic compounds, ketones and aldehydes, alcohols, carboxylic acids... Stack new information upon what you already know.
Study methods I'm a big fan of: spaced repetition, solving past papers (anything I can get my hands on tbh), flashcards for the things I absolutely have to memorize, exchanging questions and answers with a friend, watching related videos.
If by any chance you end up taking pchem, I have a post for that specifically.
I hope you can find something helpful here :) Good luck!
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ochakourarakah · 1 year
chapter one: mutualistic. 
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author’s notes: this is a story i’ve had in the works for a long time now, and i really wanted to publish it as a long one shot but here we are. 
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The news hits you the same way most of his words do. 
It’s a gentle rumble, almost as if trying to rouse you from sleep even though you were wide awake. 
“I’ve decided to play for the Schweiden Adlers,” Toshi says over lunch, and the straight tone of his delivery would’ve made you think he was talking about weather or homework due that day.
Now, you wish you were asleep.
The chopsticks fumble in your grip just enough to make you drop the udon noodles you were about to eat back into your bowl. Toshi raises an eyebrow at this, but you don’t let him ask when you say, “Really?” 
He nods. “They’re the strongest team in Division 1 of the V-League.” he takes a sip from his drink. “I’m due to meet them for contract signing next week after final exams.” 
“I see,” You set your chopsticks over your bowl, appetite momentarily lost. “Where will it be held?” 
“They’re based in Tokyo.” 
And this is the part where you’re supposed to be upset as it all clicks into place. 
That he’s being recruited somewhere far away, that playing professionally would take up most of his time and that whatever the two of you had most likely wouldn’t work in the long-term. 
But instead, you smile at him.
This should also be the part where you tearfully ask him how long he had been hiding these prospects, or what this meant for the two of you or if this was his way of breaking up. 
But instead you say, “Congratulations, Toshi.”
“Thank you,” he says back. 
And neither of you say much else for the rest of your meal. 
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You’re not quite sure if the bond between you and your roommate was a product of the close proximity or because your personalities actually worked well together, but you tell Natsumi about your troubles regardles.
“He’s playing right after graduation?” She repeats, a critical furrow in her brow. You might as well have cursed your roommate’s name to filth with the way she was looking at you. 
You’re both seated on your mattress on the bottom bunk, a plushie on each of your laps and hugged close to your chests. A half-empty bag of chips lays between the two of you along with a tray carrying mugs of what used to hold hot chocolate. 
(Not the best combo, you know, but it was welcomed all the same.)
You nod, burying your chin into the softness of your stuffed cow (which, ironically, was a gift from Toshi; Tendou suggested the gift because the pun was too irresistible.)
“He already mentioned being scouted by V-League teams before, so it’s not a complete surprise to me.” 
Natsumi wrinkles her nose and picks a chip off the bag. “Just not the part where he’d be playing in Tokyo.” 
You nod again, tilting your head to muffle your groan into the plushie’s stuffing. 
You knew he wouldn’t stay in Miyagi with the reputation he’s already built for himself in the volleyball community, so much so that you were pretty sure he might even make a name for himself abroad once he hit it off here. 
Yet now, Tokyo already seemed so far away despite it only being a three-hour trip by train.
It reminds you of your monthly visits back home and how you were often too tired to mingle, much less spend actual quality time with your family.
The idea of Toshi going through the same thing (maybe even worse) makes a pit sink deep inside your stomach. 
Natsumi lets you groan a little more before asking, “What are you gonna do now?”
There’s not really much you can do, if you had to be honest. At least, not anything that could change Toshi’s mind in any way. You lift your head up, hugging the plushie tighter. 
“Study, that’s what.” 
“Whether Toshi decides on Tokyo permanently or not, we would still have final exams coming up.” 
“True, but-” 
“Come on,” you put the toy down and move to get your feet off the bed and on the ground. “We still have to review Logarithmic Functions,” 
With the topic pushed aside, you shift your attention to the material you have to study with Natsumi, along with briefly recalling helping Tendou and Semi with chemistry the day after tomorrow as well. The details were all in your planner, so you grab it from your desk and flip it to that week’s page.
Your roommate rolls her eyes but follows suit after you.  “Ugh, fine.” 
You’re not sure if she meant that about the studying or about you changing the topic, but you’re glad for her complacency all the same. 
(You also weren’t quite sure how long it would last, but that was a question for another time.)
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You pride yourself in how patient you were as a person. 
You studied hard to get into the best high school in your prefecture and for the past three years have been busting your ass to make sure that all that hard work didn’t go to waste, then doing it all over again for the college entrance exams that took place just two months ago. You can handle children and their messes and tantrums, and you know how to deal with Natsumi’s penchant of ranting about anything that irked her (which was a lot of things), Tendou’s impromptu singing (which happened quite often) and even Goshiki’s hyperactivity (which you found excessive even for a freshman eager to prove himself to his senpais). 
And you can handle how Ushijima Wakatoshi, no matter how much he says you matter to him, will always put volleyball first. 
It was a no-brainer since you put your studies ahead of him, too- if he was the Volleyball Idiot then you were the Biology Nerd, hellbent on becoming a doctor as he is in playing the game professionally. 
And if you already weren’t a patient person to begin with, your patience was supposed to stretch. Sometimes by inches. Other times by miles. 
But it always, always adjusted to Toshi, and sometimes you have to think back to figure out how many it had to do so.
How many canceled dates due to exhaustion? How many days of not seeing him at all because he was training over the weekends? How many missed calls and unread messages before you can say enough was enough? 
You had to fight a chuckle.
The answer increased every time you asked the question and it only did so because really? 
Who the hell were you to complain when you weren’t completely innocent either?
The last person you dated scowled at how much you studied and how little time you had for them. They rolled their eyes at the idea of library dates and showed annoyance at how you’d only go to cafes to study and not enjoy the food or drinks or the company they offered.
It only took two months before they broke up with you.
They said it was just a mismatch, but you knew better. 
They just didn’t understand how much was riding on your education. How your family was counting on you to graduate. How badly you wanted to help other people by pursuing medicine.   
So now you were the one who did the understanding. 
You gave Toshi his space when he had a game coming up, and kept track of his schedule on your planner so you knew when not to bother him. You came to his games and joined him on the bleachers if he was observing other matches, not really fully understanding but paying attention all the same. Sometimes you even studied on the volleyball gym bleachers, which Coach Washijo only allowed since studying was a quiet task for you and Toshi never lost focus whenever you were around. 
And in turn, he accompanied you to the library and to the various cafes and restaurants you frequented to study the weeks leading up to the Center Test. He borrowed books for you from the public library if you holed up in your dorm and made sure you took adequate breaks between grind sessions despite not knowing a thing about the subject material you were pouring over. 
And everyday without fail, he would walk you to and from your classroom and dorm, then remind you to sleep at a reasonable hour by wishing you goodnight before turning in himself.
In Biology last semester, you talked about symbiosis - a relationship between two species where at least one benefits from the bond. 
While you were no parasite sucking the life out of your last partner, you knew that they didn’t really benefit from your relationship, either. 
Neither of you did, really.
(That’s commensalism, you recalled, where one party benefits while the other is generally unaffected. Or indifferent.)
So maybe now you were also driven to make sure what you had with Toshi was mutualistic. That you both got something out of whatever this was between you and that neither of you ended up wasting your time on the other. 
Toshi had enough on his plate already, and you had no right to add to the many stressors he had in his life.
You watch him from across the lunch table, from the chopsticks that he held in his left hand to the slopes of his broad shoulders. 
They must be carrying a lot. 
Being captain of his team. The need to sharpen his own skills even after their season had passed. Maintaining a good academic performance. His family’s expectations of him.
It’s here that you realize that Toshi had called your name. 
Twice or thrice now, actually.  
You blink a few times before shaking your head. “Sorry, I must’ve spaced out.”
He looks at you for a moment. “Are you alright?”
You nod. “Yeah. Just a little sleepy, I guess.”
Not a complete lie, but Toshi bought it all the same. “Did you sleep late again?”
A guilty smile creeps up to your lips. “Yeah, I wanted to get ahead on the last chapters of calculus.” Which was true, by the way, and boy, did the Limit Theorems take a lot out of you. 
Toshi frowns, the touch of a downward slope of the corners of his mouth. “You really should be sleeping earlier.”
“Can you blame me?”
His mouth flattens as he nods in agreement. “I suppose I can’t.”
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Later that day, in the ten minute break between your first and second afternoon classes, you see Ushijima at the door of your classroom. 
“Toshi?” You get up from your seat and walk over to him. “Did you need something?” 
Maybe he had to speak to Semi? He was your classmate, after all. 
Before you could ask, he hands you a drink. “For you. In case you still feel drowsy.”
You blink a few times before taking it. 
If you remember correctly, the only times Ushijima ever stopped by the vending machines was for water or a sports drink or some green tea if he felt like it. 
Never anything else. 
But then again he’s probably been around you long enough to know your usuals as well. 
So you smile, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to the two of you. “Thank you, Toshi.” 
Much to your relief, your classmates kept to themselves, except maybe Semi who lazily watched your exchange. 
(You guess that maybe Toshi only ever truly got undivided attention when he was on the court.)
Then, quick as you can, you kiss him on the cheek. 
If Toshi blushed at that, you don’t see it. You do, however, hear the catch in his breath when your lips pressed into his cheek, and smiled wider as you pulled away. 
“You’re welcome.” You decide not to comment on his reddening ears as he clears his throat. “I’ll be off now. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye!” you chirp back. 
When you turn around, you're met with Semi’s shocked face. 
You do nothing but flash him a peace sign, open your drink and take a sip.
(And as cliche as it sounded, the drink you’ve had countless times before tasted just the slightest bit better.)
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One of the perks that came with dating Ushijima was that the rest of the Volleyball Club diffused you into their friend group, no questions asked. 
The team sometimes invited you to sit at their table if they happened to eat together and you often shared amused looks with Ohira when everyone’s antics got too rowdy. Meanwhile, the underclassmen would always greet you when you bumped into them on campus and a few of them (namely Shirabu) would ask for copies of your old notes if not actual help for their own studying. 
Out of everyone on the team, however, you find yourself spending the most time with Semi and Tendou. 
With Semi it was like he was always in your orbit; you were in the same class as him, often sneaking glances at each other whenever a teacher announced the next exam or started a particularly difficult topic, sometimes even sharing earbuds during study periods so he could recommend you some new songs to listen to. He was also in the same band as Natsumi and her girlfriend, so you knew firsthand how talented he was and how well he synergized with his bandmates. 
(Semi was also the occasional privy into your interactions with Toshi, but no one else had to know that.) 
With Tendou, though, the best way you can describe how he became part of your life is diffusion, his presence slipping in between cracks without you even noticing; a nudge of the elbow here, an over-the-shoulder lean there. 
He once called you Doc after finding out about your plans for the future and the name stuck with everyone on the team, much to your amusement. 
You also cracked up at enough of his jokes for him to assume you shared the same sense of humor and things went from there as the redhead climbed up the concentration gradient with genuine questions about your life and how you were.
And ions always knew when there was an area of low concentration. 
“Did something happen with you and Wakatoshi-kun?”
He wasn’t called the Guess Monster for nothing, you suppose. 
Semi raises an eyebrow at this, clearly just as curious, but stays silent.
You sigh, then resign to at least tell them the basics. 
“Toshi’s leaving for Tokyo right after exams. I think you already know that part.” They nod. Well, more like Semi nods while Tendou just blinks back. 
You swallow, if only to prevent a lump in your throat from forming. “I’m just not quite sure what that means for us, you know?”
Semi gives you a small frown. “You don’t think you two can handle a long-distance relationship?”
“It’s not that,” Your shoulders rise and fall as you sigh. “Well, not just that, you know? Maybe distance will be a problem, maybe it won’t, but it’s still there. And then there’s the problem with time and-” You bite back the word volleyball with a small cough. “-and priorities.” You say instead before clearing your throat. 
“Toshi already has a clear future in mind for himself and I’m just not quite sure where I fit in all of it, you know?”
Tendou just wrinkles his nose. “You know you can just tell him, right?” He leans back in his chair. “Wakatoshi-kun’s a beast on the court but he’s completely inept anywhere else. You of all people would know that.” 
“I don’t think there’s much to tell him.” 
“Toshi, I’m upset about you leaving. Toshi, I've been crying myself to sleep for the past few nights. Toshi, I’m sad, please hug me .” 
You don’t take offense to the (albeit, well-done) imitation of your voice but you scowl nonetheless. “Only one of those is accurate.” 
The redhead raises a single, thin brow. 
You sigh. “Okay fine, two.” Then you shake your head. “It’s not as easy as you make it sound, you know.”
“But it can be!”
This brings a sharp hiss from the librarian, making Tendou duck his head onto the table and behind the protection of his chemistry textbook.  
He lifts his chin just enough so his eyes peep over the cover. “I don’t get it, Doc,” he says, this time much softer. “You won’t be able to know his feelings if you don’t ask him yourself.”
Not even the nickname was enough to ease the heaviness in your gut. 
“Maybe I don’t need to know how he feels about it and just,” you gesture with your hands, not quite finding the words. 
“Settle?” Semi offered. 
“Yeah.” Both of your friends frown at this but you ignore it. “Just not say anything at all and settle with whatever’s there. It’ll be easier on the both of us, I think.”
Even with half his face hidden, you can spot Tendou’s frown deepening. “That would say more about Wakatoshi-kun than it does about you, to be honest.”
“Well I’m the only one who has to adjust to anything, so what would it say about me?” 
“Just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen to be honest,” Semi says.
“Or you made peace with the idea that you're more serious about him way more than he is about you.” Tendou finishes. “Which isn’t true, by the way,”
You weren’t quite sure what to say about that.
“We should proceed to the next lesson.” you swallow, glancing at them but not really looking.  “Do you guys still remember how to do stoichiometry?” quick ew
Semi all but groans at this, then flips through his notebook to the first few pages. 
Tendou narrows his eyes at you, but you ignore him in favor of helping Semi relearn the entire first semester’s worth of chemistry in the next hour.
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As a child, you learned to never ask for more than what’s already given to you. 
You always waited to be offered seconds at the table and never let your gaze linger on anything in the stores when you went out with your family so you didn’t give them any ideas. 
And even on the rare occasions that you do let your parents let you get things, like a toy or an article of clothing, you always went for the least expensive option, thinking it would trouble them the least.  
Even if what you got wasn’t what you really wanted. 
It was later when you realized that you did this less out of thrift and more out of the need to not burden anyone. To make yourself as easy to look after as possible.
What you have is enough, you would reason. Asking for anything more would be selfish of you.  
By middle school you started to put in the effort to stop with the martyrdom and let your parents actually get you nice things. 
(Even when you didn’t feel like you deserved any of it.) 
But habits, you learned, are often hard to break, and even when you let your parents get you things that weren’t from the discount racks, the need to be convenient never quite went away.
Enter your relationship with Ushijima.
You never asked for more than whatever he could give, and you made sure to keep it that way. 
Since both of you lived in the dorms, you didn’t really find the need (and the time) to spend time together out of campus unless it was a holiday. 
Even if you were to go outside of school on a regular week, it would usually be a study date at a nearby café or at the public library to save on time and money. 
Other times you would join Wakatoshi and the rest of the VBC when they went out to watch a college game. You know enough of the sport to know how it works, but otherwise you leave the analysis to Toshi and the rest of the team. 
In between chapters of Japanese literature, you look up from your textbook. “So will you be going back to Sendai as soon as you’re done with the negotiations?”
Ushijima does the same, putting down his pen and turning off his calculator. “My uncle- my mother’s brother- offered me a place to stay for the night.”
“Will you be driven to Tokyo, then?”
“I’ll be taking the train. The earliest outbound ride after exams is on Friday evening.”
“I see.” 
And you leave it at that, turning back to your book and ignoring the lump in your throat as you review the writing styles of Tayama Katai. 
It takes a few moments before you hear the sound of Ushijima’s fingers typing into his calculator again.
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If Natsumi didn’t need her textbooks for the upcoming exams, you were sure she would’ve set them on fire. 
Or maybe Toshi’s books, but you didn’t dare ask.
In lieu of this, your roommate scowls as you close the door behind the both of you. “He’s leaving right after exams?” Then she sets down her books onto her desk with enough force to make it rattle on its legs. “You two could at least hang out before he leaves for Tokyo?” 
You wince at the sound before shaking your head. “I don’t mind.” 
Natsumi mumbles something under her breath that sounded an awful lot like Of course you don’t before turning to you with astonishing speed. 
“How many dates have you gone on exactly?” She folds her arms across her chest. “And eating meals together in the cafeteria doesn’t count.”
You were about to open your mouth.
“Watching volleyball games doesn’t count either. Neither do study sessions.”
And what comes out of your mouth instead is a sigh.
Natsumi takes in how long it took for you to reply and scowls deeper. “How is that your boyfriend?” 
“We go out every once in a while!” 
“Yeah, just about as much as you and I do.” 
“It’s functional.” You resign, sitting on your bed. 
“It’s the bare minimum.” She sighs. “Look, I know you both like each other but come on, you deserve way more than he seems inclined to give.” 
“Uh-uh, don’t even get me started on how you refuse to ask for more than the bare minimum from just about everyone you know.” 
Hammer right on the nail, you internally wince. 
But Tsumi doesn’t stop there. “If he loves you the way you love him, he’d give more, no questions asked.” 
But you didn’t even know how to ask for that in the first place. 
A lump grows in the back of your throat, and you try to swallow around it. 
How could you, when you’ve resigned a good chunk of your life to the martyrdom of being convenient? 
“Did I ever tell you about how Fumi and I got together?” Natsumi says after a while. 
Fumiko, Natsumi’s girlfriend and fellow bandmate with Semi, was someone you only ever knew through association. You can count on one hand the number of conversations you had without your mutual friends. 
Nonetheless, you shake your head, also wondering how Fumiko Sato, one of the most mild-mannered girls you had ever met, ended up with your firecracker of a roommate. 
Natsumi pulls out her desk chair to sit on it. “She was quiet at the start, yeah, and she always had trouble expressing herself.” 
If you looked closely, you could see Tsumi’s eye’s glaze over wistfully. “Semi-kun was a great help too, what with the band. And you already knew that I liked her first.” 
You nod this time, remembering how your roommate used to  return to your dorm ready to talk your ear off about Fumiko and how adorable she was or to scream into her pillow in frustration at conversations that went awry. 
“When we got together I realized that she still retained the part of her that was too afraid to really open up to me. So I kept reaching.” Natsumi loosened her school ribbon and kicked off her shoes. “And for a while I thought that my efforts were useless but I knew she needed someone who would reach for her until eventually she reached back.” 
A fond smile grew on Natsumi’s lips. “And now we meet each other halfway.” She shook her head, perhaps a little embarrassed. “This isn’t always the case, but it helps to know that halfway is the default. And she’d let me know if I need to reach more or just wait.” 
“How do you know?” You ask quietly. 
“She tells me.” 
If only it were that easy, you want to say. 
“And you deserve to be met all the way, not just half.” Natsumi gets up to press a sisterly kiss at the top of your head and says nothing else. 
You don’t quite know how to process all this but you nod all the same. 
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
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Exam weeks at Shiratorizawa were always hectic to a certain degree. 
But now on the Saturday preceding final exams, the flurry of stress and caffeine that already plagued students increased tenfold, it seems, and with all libraries at full capacity, you and Ushijima opted to have lunch at a nearby café and study there. 
“Would you like to go out for dinner after exams?” he asked as you were about to shift gears from Calculus to English.  
Golden sunlight poured in from the café windows and over your table, then reflecting off the empty plates and remnants of your drinks. 
You look up from your notebook with a furrow between your brows. “Don’t you have to prepare for your trip?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t have to pack much. I have plenty of time.” 
You hum. “Maybe we can eat somewhere near the station, then?” Then you reach for your cup to finish the last of your beverage. 
A few strands of green hair tussle as Toshi nods. “It’s a date, then.” He says, which makes you smile up at him as you set your cup down. 
“Yes it is,” You concede before turning back to your English textbook.
As you pour over some vocabulary you hear Toshi shift in front of you, and from your peripheral you realize he was opening his own English textbook. 
After a few minutes, he calls your name, making you look up. 
“Can you help me with something?” 
He pushes his book towards you and points to a particular word with the tip of his pencil. “How do you pronounce this word?” 
“Ah uhm-” You look at the word again. “Compromise.” You say slowly. 
“Compromise,” he repeats, the low rumble of his voice carefully forming around the foreign syllables. He repeats it one more time before asking, “What does it mean? Is it the same as agreement?” 
You shake your head. “Agreement is goi, a mutual understanding between two people.” you start. “Compromise is goi dakyo, agreeing to terms that aren’t exactly the standard you want, but it's the only course of action available.” Then you shake your head. “If that makes sense.” 
“It does,” Toshi nods, then slides his book back to scribble into the margins of his pages. “Thank you.” 
“Anytime, Toshi.” 
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You: *sent a link* 
You: i looked up some places we could eat near the station that weren't fastfood and this was the best option. 
You: it’s walkable but it’s still a little ways off from campus 
You: we can take the bus if you want to save time? it’s along the route of the one i take when i head home. 
Toshi: The restaurant looks good. 
Toshi: But I don’t need to rush too much since I’ll be taking the night train.
Toshi: If it’s alright, I’d like to walk with you there
You: sure thing! 
Toshi: Thank you.
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© ochakourarakah 2023. do not copy or repost.
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geometropolis · 1 year
grt3D episode 20 (finale): the endpoint
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origin z listened intently to her brother’s plan. “OKAY, Y… BUT WOULD IT WORK?”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” origin y asked.
“GOT IT, Y!” 
origin y flashed out of the paradox.
sphere smiled at origin z. “you got this.”
“i hope so… hey, i’ll be right back.”
origin z flashed out of the paradox herself and translated over to the cabin. she wasn’t surprised when she found hexagon sitting outside, wide awake.
“hey, hexagonal prism, you and the others will go home today.”
“what?” hexagon gasped. “really?” 
“yes. my brother and i have come up with a plan… and it’ll only work if you, cylinder, and pyramid cooperate. i can’t really explain in detail but i think you’ll know when it’s time.”
“okay. got it. i’ll be sure to tell the others.”
“okey dokey!!! now i gotta go, before möbius strip sees me.”
“thank you so much, origin z!”
origin z giggled as she flew off.
hexagon held octagon’s pacifier in her hand and squeezed it. everything will be alright soon enough, she thought. just you wait…
cylinder groaned. she was too tired for this nonsense. she dragged pyramid out of bed and together with hexagon (who had still been outside when they found her) went over to möbius strip.
origin z heard möbius’s voice and flashed into the paradox. 
“we actually, um, don’t know anything about you,” cylinder stated. “who are you, anyway? what are you?”
“...okay then.”
origin z had flashed back. she was glowing. “yes?”
origin z began to buzz; not only hexagon, but also pyramid and cylinder were drawn towards her.
“hey, origin z,” hexagon piped up, “take the others. but leave me here. i’ll catch up to you.”
“...are you sure?” origin z asked.
“yes. now go!”
origin z stopped buzzing. with pyramid and cylinder attached, she began to soar over to the logarithm labyrinth.
möbius strip was seething. “WHAT THE HELL?” he was about to fly off when hexagon grabbed him.
“don’t think i’m done with you, möbius!” she yelled.
“no way! i’m pissed off at you! you cling so strongly to the idea that everyone’s a monster that you’ve let yourself become one! you’re an idiot! you’re a hypocrite! my primes, what is wrong with you?”
“so what if i do?” hexagon cried. “i don’t care if you think i’m horrible! because we are the same! you’re not a god and neither am i! so shut up and stop acting like one!”
“but what if i am a god?” he whispered. “how would you know?”
meanwhile, origin z had arrived outside of the tunnel.
“okay,” she murmured to pyramid and cylinder. “good luck.”
the two nodded, smiled and began to crawl through the tunnel.
back in the 2nd dimension, origin y had attracted all of the shapes but oval to himself now that his sister had given him the signal.
“are you ready?” origin y asked.
oval gave him a thumbs up and blasted the shapes with the grapher. their limbs reappeared.
“okay, everyone. slowly and carefully stand up. hold hands and make a line… octagon should be at the end.”
trapezoid and pentagon squeezed each other’s hands. pentagon was holding octagon’s.
“are you okay?” she asked.
octagon’s face was clouded with fear. “i don’t know.”
“you can do this!”
“yeah!” trapezoid agreed.
octagon smiled slightly.
“now,” origin y continued in his gentle voice, “i’m going to flash just a little bit. i’m not gonna flash strong enough to go to the paradox, but just to give octagon more dimensional power. okay?”
octagon nodded.
origin began to glow a bright light.
“okay, octagon. reach your arm out. we can do this.”
octagon extended her free arm. slowly it began to rise out of the 2nd dimension, carrying her with it. 
as she rose into that strange limbo she held tighter onto pentagon’s hand.
pyramid and cylinder had made their way into the cave, noticing the floating möbius strip in the center: their home, the 2nd dimension.
suddenly a fuschia hand reached out from the möbius strip, coming through it somehow, without a body visible on the other side.
“grab on!” octagon’s voice rang out. pyramid and cylinder did so. “NOW!” octagon yelled; origin y stopped transferring dimensional power to her, and they were all dragged back to the 2nd dimension.
origin y let go of all the shapes and they collapsed on the ground.
“home,” pyramid murmured. “home! i’m finally home!!” they hugged cylinder and the two wept.
“wait…” heart said, “w-where’s hexagon?”
octagon’s eyes widened.
“she told origin z to go without her, and that she’d catch up,” cylinder answered, wiping her eyes.
“...so we have to do it again,” square said.
“can you do it, origin?” kite asked. “octagon?”
“yes, we can,” origin y said. “but i’ll ask my sister what’s going on… i’ll be back in a sec…” with that he flashed away to the paradox.
at the same time, hexagon shoved möbius strip aside and began to run for the logarithm labyrinth.
she was speeding along as quick as she could, but möbius strip soon overtook her.
“hexagonal prism!” origin z called. 
hexagon turned around.
origin z attracted the little polyhedron to herself, and together they flew to the tunnel entrance.
unfortunately, möbius got there first. he began to hit his body against the mouth of the cave tunnel, causing rocks to fall and block up the entrance.
“NO!” hexagon cried.
“don’t worry, pal!” origin z exclaimed. “you can take the long way around… and möbius strip won’t be able to stop you.”
she flew over to the base of the mountain, where there was an opening.
origin z released her and quickly returned her limbs. “okay. you’ll find your way there eventually… good luck! and thank you!!”
“thank you, origin z… i’ll miss you.”
origin z glowed. “i’ll miss you too. now get going!!!!”
hexagon began to traverse the network of caves and tunnels within the mountain. i wish octagon were here with me, she thought. we got through the labyrinth in the 2nd dimension so quickly together! 
to play it safe, hexagon kept her right hand on the wall. it would take a while for her to find the tunnel to the 2nd dimension, but she would find it eventually. 
möbius strip watched hexagon enter the mountain… so, like before, he bumped against the mouth of the cave so it was blocked off with rocks and stones. hexagon heard a distant rumble.
she was trapped in the labyrinth.
a sudden feeling of panic surged in her body, causing her to let go of the wall and frantically go from tunnel to tunnel.
meanwhile, origin y had just returned from the paradox.
“okay, guys, so hexagon has to traverse the 3D version of the logarithm labyrinth to get to us, so it might take a bit longer for her to get here,” he explained.
“wait, why?” pyramid asked.
“möbius strip blocked up the main entrance.”
“oh… the only other ways in are the skylight and the other tunnel, but both are way too small…”
“so how will she get back?” trapezoid fretted.
“well, we all got dragged back here once origin stopped flashing, right? because the dimensions were correcting themselves?” droplet asked.
cylinder nodded.
“then i might have an idea… pyramid, cylinder, could you possibly join our hand-holding chain? we’ll need to reach even farther…”
hexagon was running around erratically, desperately, not knowing what to do.
the 2D team repeated their plan, this time, with a longer shape chain, letting octagon fully emerge into the 3rd dimension. of course, she was still holding pentagon’s hand.
“HEXAGON?” she screamed. “HEXAGON!!!”
hexagon stopped in her tracks.
“NO YOU’RE NOT,” an all too familiar voice growled.
“möbius?” octagon asked in surprise, glancing around. “geez, where is that voice coming from?”
möbius strip ignored her question. “WHY RESCUE HER?” he could not enter the cave, but his voice could; it echoed around octagon. “HEXAGON LEFT YOU IN YOUR TIME OF NEED. WHY SHOULD YOU TREAT HER ANY DIFFERENTLY?”
octagon ground her foot into the rocky floor in anger.
“BECAUSE I LOVE HER, YOU IDIOT!” octagon cried.
hexagon ran towards the sound of her voice, tears streaming down her cheeks. she found a deep hole in the wall; when she peered through, she could see octagon’s eyes, shining with tears and defiance. 
“OCTAGON!” hexagon gasped.
octagon looked through from the other side.
octagon stuck her hand through the tunnel. “IT’S THE BEST MISTAKE I’LL EVER MAKE! GRAB ON, HEXAGON!”
hexagon reached her arm into the tunnel, trying to feel for octagon’s hand. “I CAN’T REACH!” she cried.
“I HOPE YOU ALL DIE IN YOUR HELLHOLE,” möbius strip snarled. 
“I HOPE SO TOO, MÖBIUS!” octagon screamed. “I HOPE SO TOO!”
she pushed herself against the cave wall, stretching her hand out as far as she could. she felt a hand in the darkness. she grabbed it and held tight.
“NOW, ORIGIN! NOW!!!!!!”
origin y ceased his flashing, and the shapes’ supply of dimensional power was cut off. they all were pulled back to the 2nd dimension, hexagon phasing through the cave wall as her body entered limbo. she passed out.
meanwhile, möbius strip was now alone beside the mountain… well, not as alone as he would like.
“hello, sir!” origin z greeted.
“get away from me.”
“NO THANKS!!!!” and she began to buzz.
but there was nothing he could do. möbius strip was dragged closer and closer towards his co-host. 
“oh yeah,” she said, “don’t be surprised when you don’t see sphere in the paradox. i already let him go.”
with that, she flashed into the paradox.
“so we c-can finally go home,” heart sighed in relief.
“indeed we can,” cylinder – rectangle? – said. 
“then let’s go!” pyramid – triangle? – exclaimed.
“wait, guys!” origin y yelped.
“what is it now, big guy?” parallelogram asked.
“it’s just… look, i know we’ll all see each other again. but this is still a goodbye, right?”
pentagon and trapezoid exchanged glances.
“so we should… we should say goodbye.”
“especially because…” square bit his lip. “we’re moving. all four of us group twoers. we’re moving out of geometropolis.”
droplet gasped. “no! square!”
“don’t worry!” circle patted her on the head. “we’ll keep in touch!”
“we may find someplace better than here,” square continued. “we may not. either way, we’re gonna explore this dimension a bit more…”
star fell onto him and wailed. “noooo!!!! i’ll miss you so much, bro!”
square chuckled. “oh yeah? well i’ll miss you more!!!”
the shapes gave their farewells, all of them temporary. they would see each other again.
helvetica had been sitting around hexagon, who had still been knocked out. all of the commotion caused her to wake up.
she rubbed her eyes. “where… where am i?”
pentagon grinned at her, helping her up. “you’re home!”
hexagon looked around. “hey, where did octagon go?”
after a few moments, octagon reappeared, holding hexagon’s ukulele.
“you…” she began, “you left this.” she held out the instrument.
hexagon’s eyes glimmered. she held out octagon’s pacifier. “and you left this. trade?”
“yes, please.”
the best friends exchanged objects.
“hey…” hexagon murmured. “just for the record… i’m sorry. i had my reasons for doing what i did, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.”
octagon averted her eyes. “yeah. it did hurt, and it still does… hexagon, i’m still upset at you. but thank you for the apology. i shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions… you’re one of my best friends forever, and i’m sorry i forgot that.”
“it’s okay, sweet girl.” hexagon extended her arms for a hug.
octagon simply took one of her hands and shook it, smiling softly. “we’re not there yet, cookie thief. but we will be.”
origin y watched in silence as the shapes slowly but surely left the field. it was the 20th day. just as long as the contract asked for.
“hey, origin,” a voice called.
origin y turned to see circle smiling up at him.
“thank you for everything,” circle said. and he kissed him.
circle then ran off to join his friends. “bye everyone!! love you all so much!!!!”
origin glowed. he flashed away to the paradox.
there was love etched into the fabric of the universe. there were emotions plotted onto its graph. it was held together through brunnian links.
geometropolis was not blank now.
it was full of color.
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locke-writes · 3 years
What is your favorite part about your least favorite school subject?
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aruuq · 3 years
to be honest anyone in the gangs of tokyo rev might as well cried in the exam because im guessing none of them actually put in much big effort to study in education
except mitsuya and hakkai, kokonoi and taiju seem more serious too,draken probably puts only like medium effort. takemichi, with hina's guidance might pull through. and then there's definitely kisaki...
yk im probably even guessing that mikey doesn't even attend the exam- or does he???
i mean we've seen baji, and many people think he's dumb in terms of education but what if what if, the rest of the boys are too??? or they just study till they barely pass or something
but then again i could be wrong since a lot of them made it to highschool ( but then again it's because toman disbanded and everyone just worked in their own ways? )
( this isn't a discrimination against their education smarts but just a simply thought )
-random anon
Types of Students – Tokrev Headcanons
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characters: baji, chifuyu, draken, hanma, inupi, izana, kakucho, kazutora, kisaki, koko, mikey, mitsuya, pah, peh, ran, rindou, sanzu
genre & style: fluff, headcanons
word count: 0.8k
notes: at first i started answering your ask anon and then i realized how long it had become, so, well, i can as well put it into a full ass writing. tysm for the idea! 
warnings: not proofread ‘cause i’m almost sleeping while writing it (will correct it tomorrow morning)
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Mikey doesn't and won’t care. An image of Mikey with a book, learning of his own free will about, let’s say, human anatomy, or doing a whole page of complicated equations with square roots and logarithms, doesn’t sit in my mind right. We’ve seen him saying that attending school is important, and then sleeping on his desk during every lesson, it’s obvious he doesn’t care
Draken is a bit more tamed, he may even prepare for an exam once in a blue moon, but he still doesn’t care about the whole school thing much. My boy has his goal and he does everything that may help him to achieve it – which means if he doesn’t see any value in learning a certain subject, he simply won’t do it. Bike shop supremacy, Kenny says.
On the other hand I know for a fact Mitsuya studies. The boy doesn’t sit with books until midnight each day, but he still grasps as much as he can from the education he’s provided with. He’s thankful for what he has plus he just wants to be a good example for his little sisters. Huge good big bro vibes.
Chifuyu looks like someone who doesn’t study much, yet soaks knowledge like a sponge. If he attends classes, he doesn’t have to learn anything at home. If he has a few days break from school, well… good job Fuyu, bcs ur gonna be a bit fucked! But somehow this lucky boy manages to get a decent mark every time, what we can’t say about…
…his dear comrade. Baji ain’t the sharpest tool in a shed, nor is he someone with a great attention span. The only way he gets good grades is when Chifuyu revises material with him. For the younger boy it’s a little repetition, for Keisuke a battlefield.
Kazutora isn’t bothered by the idea of studying. It’s an option. Sure. Is he actively doing anything connected with school? No. Why would he? He does get the concept behind it, but he simply doesn’t want to. He’s fine without it, luck's on his side and he almost always passes exams on his first tries.
When it comes to Pah and Peh I think they are at pretty the same level of smartness. As much as I’m sure Peh takes a book once in a while to make sure he’s going to pass the semester, Pah doesn’t care. He knows his future is secured so he focuses on anything he wishes for.
I don’t think Sanzu even attends school??? He doesn’t look like a type to think hmmm, yeah, it’s a great day to meet these annoying fuckers, have hands covered in a nasty ass chalk, and to do some useless assignments! On the other hand Haru looks like someone who has absorbed chalk like candies as a kiddo, so I’m sure there has been time he attended school. He just doesn’t do it anymore lol
Inupi studies only on specific subjects, the one with teachers he likes and respects. He doesn’t care much if it’s a subject he likes or not, if the person teaching him is likable he’s going to do his best not to disappoint them, and if not… he’s gonna make sure they're gonna remember him. I just think he’s still this salty ‘n petty kid deep, deep inside lmaoo
Koko’s naturally good. He doesn’t learn much, he has decent grades on default, just ‘cause he’s smart. Oh, and he’s this annoying kid who always argues with teachers and corrects them. He doesn’t care if they don’t like him, after all there’s nothing they can do to him due to his high grades.
Izana isn’t bothered by most of the subjects. He doesn’t even attend them if he finds them useless. But if there’s a person he despites, he does everything to humiliate them in terms of knowledge. He studies only on this exact subject he shares classes with this person, and does everything to be better than them
Kakucho is a perfect example (I would say the best in the whole Tokrev) of a good student. His learning habits are well-balanced, he knows when to make breaks, doesn’t overwork himself, and gets the best grades. Somehow every teacher likes him and doesn’t get how he’s friends with somebody like Izana
Ran and Rindou are these mysterious fellas who appear only on the day of final exams. There are many rumors about them, ‘cause they don’t attend any classes, don’t do any assignments for the whole year, just enter the building as the finals start, complete them, and forget about this place for next few months until the next important test happens. Do they pass? barely…
Does he look like he cares? Exactly. Hanma doesn’t find anything exciting in the idea of studying, learning from some extremely fucking boring books, so why would he even try? Why would he even attend school? I mean, there are times where he is seen on the school grounds, don’t get me wrong, but it’s always ‘cause he wants to kick somebody’s ass, educational purposes not detected.
Kisaki is a genius. Perfect grades – no studying involved. Sly motherfucker.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Simple Addition
Pairing: Shy!Peter Parker x Reader
Request by @satanswitchings : reader asks a very shy Peter to help her with her math homework. They become close, but Peters feelings get hurt when reader won’t admit they’re friends in school
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“Hey, wait up.”
Peter stopped in his tracks when he heard your voice from behind him in the hallway. He turned around slowly just as you caught up to him. You gave him your million dollar smile and ran your fingers through your hair, knowing exactly what you were doing.
“It’s Peter, right?” You asked, but you knew the answer. He’d sat in front of you in math half the year and though he never raised his Ahmed or participated in class, he aced every test. The same, however, could not be said for you.
Peter gulped and nodded rapidly, not trusting his voice enough to speak.
“Cool.” You smiled. “So, I have no idea what we just learned. I paid attention and took notes but it still doesn’t make sense to me. I um, I saw you got a 100 on the test. Are you good at math?”
It took Peter a minute to process what you had even said. He was focusing so hard on listening that he didn’t listen at all. He blinked a few times and forced himself to nod, internally kicking himself for being too shy to speak.
“Well, I’m not. Like, at all.” You sighed and shifted your books in your arms. Peter’s eyes clocked the math test on top of your notebook with a failing grade. “I was wondering if you could help me out with the homework? Logarithms for right over my head.”
Peter made sure to listen this time and wordlessly took off his backpack. He went into his red math folder, because math is red, and handing you his completed homework. Your eyes widened in surprise at how easy it was to get it as you looked over the sheet.
“Oh, thanks. I’ll see you-“ You looked up to thank him but he was already gone.
“-later. What a little weirdo.” You chuckled to yourself and put his homework in your folder.
“Who was that?” Your friend Gwen came up to you to ask as she squinted her eyes in Peters direction.
“I don’t know. Some boy in my math class.” You lied. “He gave me his homework though.”
“Nice. I love getting nerds to help me.” She nudged you teasingly with her elbow.
“You’re such a bitch. I love it.” You teased her back as you walked to your next class.
You were walking by the library the next morning when you spotted Peter inside, sitting alone at a table. You went in and took the seat across from him, chuckling a little as he slowly looked up at you in disbelief. A blush spread from the bridge of his nose all the way down his neck as you smiled at him.
“Hey. Thanks for letting me copy it.” You greeted him as you gave him back his math work.
“N-no problem.” He stammered, not looking at you as he put in back in his folder.
“Ahh. So you do speak.” You commented, pleasantly surprised to hear his voice for the first time. He gave you a weak smile and quickly looked away, eyes going back to his Spanish homework. You noticed what he was doing and furrowed your eyebrows. His homework was barely done and it was due later that day. You knew because you were in the same class and breezed through it the night before.
“Is that for Señor Kuhn’s class?” You nodded towards his paper. He looked at you quickly and nodded as he toyed with the cap of his pen.
“You know it’s due today, right?” You asked just to make sure he knew.
“Spanish isn’t my speciality.” He said softly as he brushed some hair out of his eyes.
“Really?” You wondered. “I thought everything was your specialty.”
You knew Peter was a smart kid, some might even call him one of the schools nerds. It surprised you to hear he also struggled with schoolwork.
“I, um, can’t really figure things out without an equation.” He was barely audible but you still heard him. He was painfully shy, and that made him all the more endearing to you.
“Well, Spanish is kinda like an equation.” You told him. “You add the subject to the verb to get the conjugate. Like, this is your homework and you didn’t do it. No hiciste la tarea. I did do the homework. Hice la tarea. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah.” He smiled a little. “Kinda.”
“Here.” You took out your Spanish homework and handed it to him. “You can copy mine. I owe you one for the math homework.”
“Thanks.” He didn’t look at you as he accepted the paper, but his tone told you he was grateful.
“You can look at me, you know.” You chuckled. “You won’t turn to stone or anything.”
Peter’s face flamed red again as you acknowledged his shyness. As much as he wanted to talk to you, he didn’t know how. The words came to mind but died in his throat, leaving him speechless.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” You asked softly, but not meanly. Peter shook his head as he slowly looked at you, a sheepish look on his face.
“Not really.” He mumbled.
“Thats okay.” You shrugged. Talkings overrated. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you around?”
Peter nodded eagerly at you as you stood up from the chair. You waved at him, and he weakly waved back. As soon as you were out of sight, he banged his head on the desk a few times out of embarrassment. The girl he’s been crushing on since third grade had finally noticed him and he couldn’t hold it together long enough to speak to her. He picked his head up and sighed, eyes flickering over to your Spanish homework. He smiled a little at your unmistakable handwriting before picking up the paper and copying the answers down.
This was the first of my many homework trade offs. He’d give you the math homework and you’d give him the Spanish, an arrangement that benefited the both of you.
“Peter.” You came up to him the following week. “Did you happen to do the math homework last night? I got up to number 7 and my mind shut down. It was totally lost on me.”
Peter silently handed it to you, already having it ready since he knew he’d run into you between classes.
“Thank you so much.” You sighed in relief. “I have the spanish, if you need it.”
“Thanks.” Peter mumbled as he took the Spanish from you. “Bye.”
“Bye.” You called after him, but he had already run away.
He came to your locker the next morning with the math homework in his hand, wordlessly holding it out to you.
“Oh my God, thanks.” You took it and slipped it into your folder. “Stay here, I’ll get the Spanish.”
Peter stood there in silence as you began to rummage through your locker. He peered inside, smiling to himself at all the pictures of you and your many friends you had hanging up. Your lives couldn’t be more different, but this single thread tied you together.
“Are you on the Decathlon team?” You asked suddenly as you took out your Spanish folder. Peters face flushed as he nodded, too shy to speak. You got the homework out but didn’t give it to him just yet, knowing he’d run away once you did.
“Is it fun?” You asked. “I almost signed up freshman year until I found out you have to take a bus all the way to Washington DC every year. I get crazy motion sickness.”
“It’s fun. I- I like it.” He stammered, surprised at you making small talk with him. Though you’d never admit it to your friends, you liked Peter. You liked him a lot, in fact. He was far better than the jocks you had pinning after you. You appreciated his help with homework, but you wanted more from him. Despite his obvious shyness, you were determined to get a conversation out of him.
“That’s cool. Do you do any other clubs?” You kept the conversation going just to keep him there.
“Marching band and robotics.” He told you, speaking a little louder now.
“Wow. So you’re like a total nerd, huh?” You joked as you shut your locker. Peter opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. His ears turned pink as he struggled to talk to you.
“Relax. I’m just teasing.” You assured him as you squeezed his arm. “I think robotics are cool. Have you built one yet?”
“I’ve built a few.” He nodded. “It’s probably not the kind of robots you’re thinking of, though. It’s mostly machines that can complete basic tasks.”
“That’s the most I’ve ever heard you speak at once.” You smiled happily. “Here’s the Spanish.”
“Thank you.” He mumbled through a smile as he took it. “Uh, I’ll see you later. Bye.”
And with that, Peter bolted away without another word. You laughed to yourself at his odd behavior before one of your friends came up to you.
“Hey girl.” She greeted. “Who was that?”
“No one.” You lied again, wondering briefly why you even did it. “Let’s go to homeroom.”
In a slight change of events, Peter was the one to approach you the following week. He spotted you in the library and had every intention of minding his own business when he realized you were crying. He couldn’t be totally sure because you had your hands over your face, but your body language told him you were very upset. He took a deep breath and smacked himself on the cheek before walking up to your table.
“Hey.” He said softly, startling you a little as you looked up. You quickly wiped your face free of tears and gave a weak smile, gesturing for him to sit down.
“Hi.” You nodded, averting your eyes so he couldn’t tell how glassy they were.
“You okay?” He asked as he slid a packet of tissues towards you. You laughed sadly as you accepted the packet, quickly taking one out to dry your eyes.
“This is so embarrassing.” You sniffled. “I cannot understand this math for the life of me. You know I got a 67 on the last test? I’m gonna fail this class.”
“You won’t fail.” Peter assured you. “You just need to practice.”
“I try to but I get frustrated when I can’t understand the problem and then I stop. How is it so easy for you?” You asked desperately.
“The same way Spanish is easy for you.” He said. “Different people have different skills.”
“But math is a basic skill that we learned when we were five. The teacher told me if I fail one more test, I’m gonna go to summer school. I’m so stupid.” Yoh began to cry again, turning your face so he wouldn’t see. Peter felt a strong urge to walk away due to his inter hatred of awkward situations, but he felt a stronger urge to comfort you. He got out of his seat and took the one beside you instead, placing a gentle hand over yours. You turned your head sharply in his direction at the unexpected contact, eyes flickering from your hands to his face.
“You’re not stupid.” He said at the loudest you ever heard him.
“Then why can’t I get this?” You whispered.
“Um, I…I don’t…” Peter struggled to find the words to say to make you feel better. He frowned and shook his head, cursing himself for being shy.
“It’s okay, Peter.” You said suddenly. “I shouldn’t even be talking to you about this. I’m sure you have your own things to deal with, you don’t need me to burden you with mine.”
“You’re not being a burden.” He found the words this time. “Doing the homework is what helps me remember how to solve the equations. Since you’re just copying my work, you’re not getting the extra practice.”
“You’re probably right. Actually, I bet you’re exactly right.” You sighed as you looked down at the math you’d been trying to figure out for the last hour. You chewed your bottom lip as you through about what he said and came up with a solution.
“Could I get your number?” You asked him. “Maybe it’ll help me if you explain the homework to me instead of just giving me the answers.”
“Oh, sure.” Peter gulped nervously as he took out his phone, handing it to you with shaking hands. You typed your number into it, smirking at his Lock Screen, a picture of him and Mr. Stark.
“Cute background.” You mumbled as you handed his phone back. “You can put your number into mine as well. I have a feeling you’re not one for texting first.”
“That’s, um, that’s true.” He laughed shyly as he put his number in your phone. “You may be struggling with math, but you’re excellent at reading people.”
“I do my best.” You shrugged. “I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”
Just as you promised, a text from you appeared on Peters screen later that evening.
“Hey Peter. It’s Y/n.”
Peter gulped nervously and picked up his phone, thumbs dancing over his keyboard as he thought of a response.
“Hi. Need help with math?” He texted back.
“Eager to get started I see. We could talk first, you know.” You teased him, hoping he would get your sarcasm through the text.
“About what?” He asked, having literally no idea what a girl like you would possibly want to talk about with a boy like him.
“Idk. Our days, the weather, the fictional character from our childhood that we projected on. Whatever you want to talk about.” You sent, making him laugh.
“I have nothing to say.” He wrote back. He knew it sounded lame, but he was being honest.
“Then I’ll start. What’s your favorite fruit?” You texted. The random quetsion made him chuckled as he rolled over and hugged his pillow.
“Strawberries.” He answered back.
“This is the part where you ask me what my favorite fruit is. That’s how a conversation works.” You wrote, poking fun at him once again.
“I’m not good at conversations.” He reminded you, a cheeky smile on his face.
“So I see. Come on, Peter. Let me pick that pretty little brain of yours.”
Peter rubbed his face as he grinned, blushing over you once again.
“I already told you I like strawberries. Idk what else I can say. That’s basically my whole personality right there.” He texted you, letting a little bit of his personally shine through.
“Hark! 😳Is that a sense of humor? You’re three dimensional after all” You wrote back.
“I have a glimmer of a personality every now and then” He laughed as his own joke as he texted you.
“I’m shocked. I thought you were just the token cute but shy background character that gets his arc in the third season” You sent. Peter let out a shaky breath when he read that you called him cute. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think you were flirting.
“Oh I’m much more. I only think about the way I said “here” during attendance for HALF the day now. Used to be much longer 😏”
You laughed out loud when you read his text, loving that he was finally showing you his personality.
“Say less 🙈😍” You texted back.
“Sometimes I hold eye contact when I’m really feeling wild” He wrote you.
“BABY stop you’re turning me on”
“One time I coughed in class instead of holding it in even though I already coughed a few minutes before” Peter was feeling much more comfortable with you now, your reaction to his texts giving him the confidence to go on.
“You’re such a bad boy 🥵 Do you ever ask to go to the bathroom during class?”
“Never 😉” He sent, making you giggle.
“That’s so hot 🥴” You texted him, imagining the blush it would put on his face.
“I’m glad you think so. I’m just a little 👉👈”
You sat up in bed and laughed loudly, falling in love with him with every text. It’s always the people you don’t expect who make you smile the most.
“BAHHAA I cannot believe you. You should talk more!! You’re actually really funny” You texted him, hoping he would listen. If he had been this open in school, you would’ve noticed him years ago.
“You mean I’m not just a pretty face? 😔🥺” He stole your joke from before. It was a minute before you answered, his heart pounding as he waited.
“You’re that too” You finally said, making him smile.
“Don’t get used to this.” He told you. “It’s a lot easier to talk over text. It may be months before I make eye contact with you”
“Well lucky for you I’m a patient person”
“Are you ready to do the math now?” He asked, feeling his social better beginning to drain.
“Yes I’ve gotten my Peter fill. Can we FaceTime?” You asked and his heart skipped a beat. Not knowing what to say, he turned to humor.
“Sure but I’ll only show my ceiling and barely speak 🥰” He wrote. You let out a breathy laugh and shook your head at his antics.
“That’s okay.” You sent. “I’m calling you now”
Peter sat up in bed and swiped his hands through his hair to tame it before your contact lit up on his screen. He took a deep breath before clicking the answer button.
“Hey. What are you doing?” Your smile appeared on his screen. Your phone was propped up against something as you sat at your desk, homework all out in front of you. A smile tugged at Peter’s lips as he saw a glimpse into your room, and you think thinking the exact same thing. Your walls were full of pictures of friends and his were full of decathlon posters. They were different, but different was okay.
“I’m just laying in bed.” Peter told you. Only his eyes could be seen from his camera and as promised, you were looking at his ceiling.
“Aw. Without me?” You teased and shot him a wink. Peter’s face flamed red before he disappeared from your screen all together. You let out a laugh at the surprised squeak he made as he struggled to find words to say.
“Wait, come back.” You chuckled. “It’s so fun to flirt with you because of how red you get but I genuinely fear you’re gonna have a heart attack. Does your family have a history of heart problems?”
“No.” He answered your joke question seriously.
“Okay.” You nodded in satisfaction. “Then you looked really cute today.”
Peter’s face left the screen again but you heard him let out a flustered laugh, which made you laugh as well.
“Let me see your face.” You whined as you leaned your cheek on your hand.
“No.” Peter laughed. “Open your textbook to page 56. There’s a good practice test I want you to do.”
“Okay, I see it.” You found the page and looked over the question. “How do you do number one?”
Your face timing sessions became a nightly routine as you tutored each other in your respective subjects. Peter eventually worked up the courage to ask you to come over to study for midterms, which you gladly accepted. Even after you got an 81 on the midterm, you continued to go to his house twice a week for studying. Two months later, he had become one of your best friends, even if he was still a little shy around you.
“I think of it as BAE.” Peter explained, lying on his stomach beside you on his bed. “Base, answer, exponent. Do you want to try this one?”
“Okay.” You nodded and took the pencil from him. “The base is 2. The answer is 8. And the exponent is 3?”
“That’s right.” Peter smiled but didn’t look at you. “You got it.”
“Finally.” You sighed in relief. “Do you think I’ll be ready for the test on Friday?”
“I think so.” He nodded as he wrote down another problem.
“I think so?” I need to hear your confidence, Peter.” You urged as you nudged him with your elbow.
“Fine.” He spoke up. “You’re going to ace this test, I know it. You are going to ace this test because you are smart and capable and I’m so proud of you.”
A shocked smile lit up your face at Peter’s words of encouragement.
“Wow. That was almost a normal volume. I’m impressed.” You remarked.
“Shut up.” He mumbled through a laugh as he went back to his equation.
“Sorry. I’m just teasing.” You assured him. “You can speak at whatever volume you want.”
Peter looked up from his notebook and smiled softly at you, holding your gaze for a moment before returning to his work.
“Hey.” You smiled in realization.
“What?” He wondered.
“You looked at me.”
“I always look at you.”
“Yeah, but you held eye contact with me.” You gushed. “You don’t normally do that.”
“I guess I’m getting more comfortable around you.” He shrugged bashfully as he averted his eyes. You knew he was getting overwhelmed, so you didn’t push the subject. It still meant the world to you, though, as he was finally coming out of his shell.
“Good.” You mumbled. “Good, I’m glad.”
Peter looked at you again with a shy smile, and you looked back. As you stared at each other, you saw his eyes drop to your lips before returning to your eyes. You picked up his signal and leaned in a little, but he quickly looked down and away. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and cleared your throat to hide your disappointment from him.
“Um, so do you want to start Spanish?” You suggested, not wanting to spend another minute in that moment.
“Y-yeah.” He stammered. “Let’s start Spanish.”
You walked into school the next day with a heavy heart after Peter rejected you. Being in the popular crowd, you were usually the one doing the rejecting. You had always assumed Peter wasn’t making the first move because he was shy, but now you knew it was because he didn’t feel the same. Your friends were already waiting for you at your locker, so you painted on a smile and let it go.
Peter spotted you at your locker and could immediately tell something was off. He knew you well enough to know when your smile was forced and he was a sneaking suspicion that he was the reason why. He hadn’t meant to dodge your kiss the night before. He wasn’t even entirely sure you were leaning in for one, which is why he short circuited and pulled away. He’d been beating himself up over it but had an idea of how to make it right. You were always encouraging him to be bolder in school, and he couldn’t think of anything bolder than walking up to you while you were with the popular kids. Before he could lose his nerve, he walked up to you and cleared his throat.
“Hi, Y/n.” He said a little louder than he was used to, surprising the both of you.
“Uh, hi Peter.” You looked at him briefly and quickly looked back at your friends. You couldn’t hear what they were saying anymore because of the range of emotions you were going through. You were frankly a little pissed at Peter for pulling away from the kiss, but you were also proud of him for having the courage to come up to you at school. That pride was currently being overshadowed by embarrassment as your friends gave you strange looks for talking to him. On any other day, you would’ve been happy to talk to him in public. But him pulling away from your kiss and then talking to you was sending you mixed signals that frustrated you to the point where you didn’t even want to speak to him.
“Um, do you think we could meet an hour later that usual today?” He asked sheepishly. “I have a feeling band practice is gonna run late.”
Your friends looked at you in amusement and one of them made kissy faces in your direction. Your face heated up in embarrassment and you decided you needed to get rid of Peter as quickly as possible.
“Sure. Whatever, that’s fine.” You said quickly, hoping he’d get the message and leave.
“Did have any trouble with the practice problems I gave you?” He asked and your jaw almost dropped. Your friends raised their eyebrows at you, looking for answers you didn’t want to give them.
“No.” You stated bitterly.
“Practice problems?” Gwen snickered and looked at you questioningly.
“It’s nothing.” You assured her before looking at Peter. “Is there something else you needed?”
“No.” He said, shocked by your bitter tone. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah.” You nodded vaguely and turned back to your conversation. Peter took that as his cue to leave and began to wonder if the way he was feeling was how he had made you feel the night before. If it was, he understood why you didn’t want to talk to him.
“What was that?” Your friend laughed tauntingly, making the rest of the group laugh as well.
“Nothing.” You dismissed quickly. “Let’s just go to class.”
Peter was already waiting for you in your room when you got home, the sight of him making you let out an angry huff.
“What was that?” You demanded with your hands on your hips.
“What?” Peter asked curiously as he looked up from him his notebook.
“This morning. You totally embarrassed me in front of my friends.” You whined.
“How did I embarrass you? All I did was talk to you.” He pointed out, hurt evident in his voice.
“Yes, and that’s how you embarrassed me.” You stated. “They don’t need to know that you and I are hanging out all the time and they certainly didn’t need to know that you’re giving me practice problems. Now they’re gonna think I’m stupid.”
“You’re not stupid for needing help.” He said quietly.
“But they don’t get that. I never wanted them to know about this, or us, or any of it.” You explained. “What you and I do in private is between us. You can’t just come up to me and act like…”
“Like we’re friends?” He finished your sentence as he stood up from your bed. Your face fell when you realized how bad it sounded. The hurt look on your best friends face, a look you put there, made your anger evaporate. You realized almost immediately that you were in the wrong and shouldn’t be scolding him.
“Peter, please don’t do this. You know I care about you. Love you, even.” You walked to him and put your hands on his shoulders. “You’re my best friend within these four walls. But when we’re at school, people expect me to be friends with girls like Gwen and boys like Flash. People like you and me don’t really hang out, you know?”
“And I expect you to be kind.” He snapped as he pushed your hands off. “Should I not do that? Are you not capable of that?”
“Why are you yelling at me?” You stepped back from him, knowing he was getting overwhelmed. “I’ve never heard you raise your voice above a mumble.”
“I’m yelling because I’m hurt.” He yelled, voice cracking at the end. “Are we even friends? Do you regard me as that much or am I just a tutor to you?”
“What are you talking about? Of course we’re friends.” You reached for him again but he pulled away.
“Well you’re being a bad one.” Peter shot back. Your face twisted in pain as he stared at you, both of your chests heaving. Peter tore his eyes away from you and went into his backpack, quickly getting out his math folder.
“Here.” He took your practice test from his folder and held it out to you. “You got them all right.”
You took the test and looked at in in disbelief, momentarily forgetting about the fight. You’d never gotten all of the questions right before. You looked up in time to see Peter leaving with his backpack.
“Where are you going?” You grabbed his arm gently to stop him.
“Home.” He told you. “You don’t need tutoring anymore so I have no reason to stay.”
“We can still hang out. You’re not just my math tutor.” You made a desperate attempt for him to stay as the weight of your actions hit you. Peter laughed darkly before looking up at you, an amused look in his eyes.
“Would you ever admit that outside this room?” He asked.
“Then I am just your tutor.” He spat. “Goodbye.
Peter managed to avoid you the next morning, dodging you all together until math class. You knew you had to focus on the test and not your fight, but all you wanted to do was make up with him. Once the tests were over and handed in, you took your shot.
“Hey.” You whispered as you poked him with your pencil. “How do you think you did?”
Peter didn’t turn around, which you partially expected.
“I bet you did really well.” You tried again. “I actually think I did well too, thanks to you.”
Again, silence.
“Peter, please talk to me. I’m sorry about our fight.” You rubbed his shoulder kindly but he still didn’t move.
“You are my friend.” You said a little louder. “You’re my best friend. What can I do to prove that to you?
Peter was tempted to say something to you, but the bell rang before he could. He grabbed his books and hastily got out of his seat before you had a chance to to speak to him again. You grabbed your backpack and ran after him, determined to make this right.
“Excuse me, sorry.” You pushed past people to catch up to Peter. “Hey, Peter!”
When he didn’t answer, you called out again.
“Peter! Wait up.”
Still no answer, and you were starting to get frustrated.
“Hey! I’m talking to you.” You caught up to him and grabbed his hand. He looked at your hands before looking you in the eyes and dropping your hands harshly. You stood there stunned for a moment as he began to walk away until you decided you had enough.
“PETER PARKER.” You screamed, making everyone look at you. Every pair of eyes in the hallway was looking in your direction, but you were only looked at Peter.
Peter, who was about to pass away from the attention, by the way.
He looked around sheepishly as people cranes their necks to see who you were yelling at and felt his face turn redder than it ever had.
“You don’t talk much, and that’s fine.” You continued, loud enough for everyone to hear you. “I just need you to listen.”
Peter blinked a few times before nodded slowly, signaling that he would listen. You smiled in relief before digging in your backpack and pulling out your math test from earlier that day. You held it up over your head and turned in a circle so everyone could see it.
“I got an 92 on my math test last week.” You announced. “That’s the highest I’ve gotten since middle school and I couldn’t have done it without Peter tutoring me. I came to him for help with homework but I ended up with a best friend whom I love very dearly.” You were only looking at him now. “I will admit that behind closed doors and I will admit that here. But I also have to admit that I have not been a good friend and for that I am truly sorry.”
Peter smiled a little as the shocked looks of the crowd faded to nothing when he looked at you.
“You don’t have to do this here.” He whispered, but you weren’t finished yet.
“I haven’t even done it yet.” You half smiled as you shoved your test into your bag.
“Done what?” He asked as you walked up to him. You got to him and gave him an apologetic smile in advance for the attention you were about to draw to him.
“What I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now.” You told him. Peter barely had time to react before you put your hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss. You could feel his body tense up momentarily, so you pulled away just enough to whisper…
Peter’s body did a better job at listening than he did as he slowly loosened his muscles. A hesitant hand found your waist and rested there as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You could feel the heat of his skin against your face and pulled away before he could get too overwhelmed.
“I.…just…heh…um - wow - uh…” He stumbled over his words as he looked at you with a shy smile.
“Don’t speak.” You laughed and shook your head. “Just kiss me.”
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sabraeal · 4 years
Minimum Distance
If there’s one thing Obi’s sure of, it’s that this is Hisame’s fault.
Not the lockdown-- though honestly, he wouldn’t put it past the bastard if it meant having things go his way-- but everything else. This fucking party. That stupid fake dating plan. The kiss.
He scrapes a hand down his face. This whole ‘day trip’ is turning right into a disaster weekend and god, if he had the ability to fly right back to DC right now, he would. But instead he’s trapped here, in the middle of the New Mexican desert, in the Smart House of some elusive and shady billionaire. He must have kicked a puppy in the last life-- no, bags of puppies-- if the universe is exerting this level of karmic violence on him.
His back hits the door. He needs like, five minutes. Just until he learns how to breathe again.
Which he’s not going to do, if he keeps replaying that kiss in his head. You know, the only thing he’s been doing for the past twenty-four hours, including breakfast, where Rougis just stared at him with that grin on his face. Like he knew. Like he could somehow see every last mortifying second of his dreams last night, and thought it was funny.
Doc’s informed him this whole pandemic thing is serious, that there’s stuff with r’s and knots and things being close to two. He is tangentially aware aware of how a logarithmic scale works, and he’d never wish anyone actually sick, but-- if Hisame could just shuffle off this mortal coil in the next few hours, that would really pluck one of the bigger monkeys off his back.
He takes a deep breath-- more like a deep hiccup, honestly-- and lets the tension fall out of him. It’s fine. He doesn’t have time to stand here and freestyle mental scream. He has to work on getting them back home. Which means getting this Rugilia guy to sign off on funding.
And then he can hop on a plane, pandemic permitting, and get instantly fired for kissing his boss’s girlfriend. Bingo bango bongo. Job well done.
God, it would be just great if he could resist fucking up just one good thing in his life. At least Ryuu will still write.
Right, no time for catastrophizing. They’ve got a billionaire to woo. Or something.
He swings open his door-- no, it’s her door, but also his, because switching rooms seemed prudent when the guy holding all the keys spent a night trying to get Doc alone in a garden-- only to run into Doc. Literally. Right there. In her borrowed pajamas.
Whatever intel Rugilia had on her was clearly not as good as his, since Doc is really a matching pajama sets kind of girl, and not--
Well, after living with her for three years, Obi can firmly say he’s never seen a cotton teddy. At least, not on Doc herself.
He could get used to it, though.
“Oh, Obi!” She blinks, taking a step back. Adjusts her glasses, too. Tugs at a hem that is not going to get any lower, no matter how much she tries. “I was just coming to see you.”
“Ah.” He scrubs at the back of his head; it gives him as good an excuse as any for looking anywhere else. If he gives her more than a glance he’ll start counting freckles, and well-- they have separate rooms for a reason “Me, too. I was thinking--”
“The room thing isn’t going to work.”
He blinks. Blinks again.
“I mean...” Her cheeks bloom to a pale pink, the start of what’s sure to be a painful blush. “We should be sharing a room.”
He hopes there’s an actual, medical doctor in this group of useless socialites, because he’s about to have a cardiac event, and Doc’s doesn’t have the right alphabet soup to handle that kind of thing. “UH.”
“No, no!” She waves her hands, and god, they’re so close her fingertips practically brush his chest. Which wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t follow up with, “I just mean, we should be sleeping together.”
Oh, it’s too late for medical intervention now; he’s already dead. “Ah, Doc--?”
“I just mean,” she yelps, fingers fluttering nervously between them, making it real hard to not look down and get some solid ideas about her cup size. “I know we switched rooms. For safety.”
“For safety,” he echoes dumbly, because that’s the level of thought he’s at right now. Or at least, the level he can safely be at without risking a real containment breach on all the things he’s not allowed to think when Doc’s around, wearing almost nothing, and telling him they need to put their bodies in close, horizontal proximity.
“But if we’re trying to be a couple, I don’t think...” Her tongue pokes out, pink and spongy, and draws his eyes right to the lips he definitely shouldn’t be staring at. “Well, I just don’t think that we-- that you-- that it looks--?”
“You mean,” he says, so slow, like she’s a rogue possum and he’s animal control, “I don’t look like the kind of guy who wouldn’t be taking advantage of a king bed and silk sheets?”
“Ah...” She’s the one that blinks now, eyelashes fluttering against red cheeks that are begging him to take their temperature. “Not-- not the way you were, um...”
She lets the implication hand in the air, and god, fuck Rougis for putting that fucking idea in his head, for even allowing the memory of her against him like that, sighing into his mouth--
“I thought we were supposed to be keeping it on the down low,” he says, leaning in with a grin. “Since you’re slumming it with the help.”
Her mouth goes from sexy to scowl. “I’m not slumming it with anyone.”
“Right, right, I know that,” he assure her, “but Rugilia--”
“No.” It’s loud enough that he flinches, because fuck, he can pretend to be normal all the live long day, but the second a voice raises-- “Oh, Obi, sorry, I didn’t--” her palm wraps warmly around his arm, thumb rubbing over the cotton of his sleeve-- “I just meant that I’m not-- it’s not-- being with you isn’t slumming.”
It’s all a little much having her so close, having so little of her be clothed, and smell so good as she does. She must have taken a shower or something before rushing out here to make herself his own personal problem.  In any case, all he manages is a half-dubious, half-distracted hum.
“Besides,” she adds, one of her eyebrows rounding in a teasing arch, “as far as I was aware, doctors and lawyers were considered the same pay grade.”
Obi coughs on his own spit. “I’m not a lawyer.”
“And I’m not that kind of doctor.” Her arms fold neatly-- distractingly-- beneath her breasts, A cups giving off a distinctly B-cup vibe. “But Eisetsu doesn’t know that. I told him I was here about a vaccine, and you said you were here to keep me out of trouble.”
And with a man used to dealing with pharma rather than the academic side, the legal representation would be implied. Obi scrubs a hand through his hair, staring down at his silk pajama set, and tries to discern what about him says ‘went to a four-year college,’ let alone law school. “Me?”
“Well...” She really shouldn’t look at him like that, all coy from the corner of those big eyes, if he can’t give her a repeat performance of last night. “It only makes sense. I mean, who else does Zen hang out with.”
Now, that-- that gives him pause. Mitsuhide, lawyer. Kiki, lawyer. Doc, doctor, but Not That Kind. Him--
“Fuck me,” he breathes, “that actually makes sense.”
“It does,” she agrees primly. “I’d thought the keeping it quiet angle was more along the line of, uh, conflict of interest, rather than, um, other reasons.”
Other reasons, like that half of his other aliases were on No Fly lists. “Conflict of Interest?”
“Well, um...” Her flush is brighter this time, spilling over her cheeks and down her neck, flirting with the lace edging her neckline, and he certainly is feeling both conflicted and interested about how far it might go-- “There’s probably fraternization rules.”
He blinks. “Fraternization?”
“You know,” she says slowly, taking a step back, right into the doorway of her-- his room. “That employees can’t date or, um--” her skin’s barely a shade lighter than her hair-- “do other stuff. At least without clearing with HR first.”
It shouldn’t be so cute that a woman with a doctorate can’t say sex, but this is it, this is his type now.
“Other stuff, hm?” He steps close, their toes sharing the jamb. So close that when she sucks in a breath, shallow and quick, her chest brushes against his. “If we’re supposed to be fraternizing in this room tonight, a few things are going to have to change.”
She shuffles back, an arm’s length--one of hers, at least-- toes curling on the carpet. “O-oh?”
The thing is: Obi can’t resist a good joke. It’s why he works so good with the boss-man; no matter how transparent, how dumb it is, all his teasing crawls right under that lily-white thin skin of his and sends Wisteria climbing right up the wall. It’s satisfying.
So when he closes the gap between them with a single long stride, he expects Doc to just-- tell him to quit it. Yelp maybe. Slap his chest. Scold him, if he’s lucky.
But instead she just peers up at him, chest quivering, and doesn’t get the joke. By the way she’s looking at him, she--
Ah, well, it doesn’t look like she minds overly much either. Which is going to make this Not Funny real quick in a southerly direction.
Strange, he doesn’t feel much like laughing either.
“The bed.” His hips guide her back a step, then two. “For one.”
She really needs to stop him, to put her foot down, to really get it through to the parts of him below the belt that she’s not interested in bringing some realism to this little show they’re putting on.
Instead, she lets him herd her four more steps back, body following every slow, rolling suggestion of his. “Bed?”
“Yeah.” Her knees hit the edge of the mattress-- well, considering how tall these beds are, her waist. She wobbles, hands bracing on his chest. “We need to get this bed messy.”
Her breath sighs into the air between them, eyes so round, so dark, and--
She realizes what he’s about to do five seconds too late. “Obi, n--!”
Feathers fly everywhere. Damn, this Rugilia guy really did spare no expense.
There’s a long, quiet moment, Shirayuki staring up at him with confusion and betrayal warring in her eyes, and she-- she laughs. It’s all the warning he gets before he’s blind-sided, pillow knocking him to his knees, and god, she’s going to regret starting a fight with--
Tap tap. Tap tap.
They both freeze, staring at one another. That was on the door. Her door. No, his door.
“It’s Eisetsu,” comes the soft voice through it. “Can we talk?”
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xxpadfootxx · 4 years
🐾The Unexpected Wingman🐾
Summary: When your friends are so completely oblivious and hopeless when it comes to romance, you’ve got to push them together somehow. For Bakugo, that means by any means necessary
Izuku shuffled uncomfortably for the hundredth time that evening, his whole body on edge as he sat beside Ochako on the couch in the main dorm living space, the two trying to study for an upcoming exam. Despite his constant shifting, Ochako was too engrossed in her homework to notice, her face set in a calculated frown and her pencil tapping against her slightly parted lips as she analyzed her work. Izuku had been trying to work on the same project for the past hour but she was just so. damn. cute. How the hell was he supposed to focus when she was sitting so close to him, her outer thigh pressed inadvertently against his and her soft hair tickling his shoulder? He had tried to push the thoughts out of his mind but they had just come back with even more persistence, to his immense frustration. He needed to focus. He wasn’t too worried about this particular test, but he didn’t want to go into it blindly. Even though he had all of his books and papers spread out in front of him, he knew they wouldn’t be of much help if whenever he tried to remember the material he thought of Ochako instead.
“All righty, Deku,” Ochako said, snapping Izuku out of his reverie as she sat up and raised her arms above her head, the loud sound of her back popping echoing out. “I think I’m going to be done for the night. You should probably finish up sometime too, it’s getting late. Thanks for helping me study! I really needed help with those logarithms but now I’m not as worried!”
“It was no problem, Uraraka,” Izuku said, trying his hardest to fight the blush from rising in his cheeks as her warm smile lit up the room around them, making his heart pound. “See you later.”
“See ya!”
Izuku watched her leave, a look of longing in his eyes as she sashayed out of the room carrying all of her books. As soon as she rounded the corner, Izuku relaxed against the couch, throwing his pencil down on the coffee table in front of him in tired annoyance. He let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair. He had had a crush on Ochako ever since she had kept him from falling flat on his face before the entrance exam that had only gotten stronger as he had become closer with her. But now it was starting to interfere with his hero studies. He had originally pushed any thoughts of romance away, not because he didn’t want a girlfriend, but because he wanted to focus entirely on achieving his dream of becoming the new Symbol of Peace. He had shoved down his feelings for the radiant girl deep into his heart and shelved it into a “never gonna happen” category. She was WAY out of his league and especially after their first year at U.A., her laser focus on becoming a hero started to rival even his own convictions. He didn’t want to get in the way of her dreams.
But now, the thought of pushing down his feelings was starting to fray at the seams. He struggled to think of anything besides Ochako nowadays. Izuku groaned and closed his eyes, leaning his head back to rest against the back of the couch as he tried to justify the problem in his head. He knew that the obvious answer would be to just tell her but he knew she would say no, his insecurities overflowing and leading to his fear of rejection, so he danced around that solution, trying to think of anything to give him at least some semblance of his sanity back. He sat like that for several minutes before finally giving up for the night, packing up his stuff and heading to his room as he concluded that he would just have to spend yet another day without her knowing his true feelings.
“Come on, Ochako! You HAVE to confess to him! What’re you waiting for!?” Mina squealed, her legs hanging over the end of Yaoyorozu’s bed.
Ochako covered her bright red face, desperately trying to cool the flames in her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t have come to this little sleepover the girls had invited her to in Momo’s dorm. She loved them, but after accidentally letting it slip that she loved Izuku, she knew they would never stop pestering her.
“I can’t!”
“Why not?” Hagakure asked incredulously.
“Because he’s so amazing and so focused on being a hero! There’s no way he’d have time for a relationship! On top of that, he is way out of my league, there is no way he’d ever go for a girl like me.”
“Stop that!” Momo said sharply from where she was leaning against the pillows on her bed and brushing her hair. “You are just as amazing and Midoriya would be beyond lucky to have you as his partner.”
Ochako blushed at her friend’s words. She knew she shouldn’t put herself down but she just couldn’t help it. She knew her love was unrequited so what was the point of trying to make herself feel better about something that was never going to happen?
“Thanks, guys for being so sweet and trying to help but it’s just not going to work out. He’s much too busy, as am I. I just don’t want to be in his way,” Ochako said.
“You won’t be in his way!” Mina popped up again. “Are you kidding me? You guys have the same goal! You guys would totally help each other reach the top.”
“You really think so?”
“Oh my god, it is both a gift and a curse to see so clearly,” Mina said, causing the other girls to giggle a little.
“It wouldn’t really hurt just to find out, Ochako,” Tsu said softly, her finger pressed up against her chin in her signature thinking pose.
“But what if telling him makes our friendship weird?” Ochako asked quietly, staring at the floor as she sat on the edge of Momo’s bed.
“Come on, this is Midoriya we’re talking about! He’s not going to think about this too much. If he says no, I bet he’ll just go back to being normal friends with you the next day. Just so long as you don’t make it too overdramatic or weird then you guys should be fine. I know you love him but just so long as you also care for him as a friend, you should have all of the skills necessary to maintain your friendship with him,” Jirou said with a rare smile, giving her floaty friend a small pat on the shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Ochako said, still not entirely convinced.
The other girls eventually dropped the subject as they moved to watch a movie but Ochako still couldn’t stop doubting herself. What did she have to offer that he would ever want? She honestly didn’t even know if he was straight. She had no real reason to believe otherwise but she had never seen him show interest in any of the girls they were around, both in and out of Class 1-A. She tried to push the intrusive thoughts out of her mind as she turned her attention to the movie they had put on, wanting nothing more than to spend time with her friends and ignore the pit of despair and longing that had lodged itself in her heart.
Izuku gulped and raised his shaky fist up to the plain, unassuming door in front of him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do. He was still reeling from the fact that he had come to this decision in the first place but they say love makes you do crazy things. Finally steeling against his nerves, Izuku knocked on the door. He heard someone make their way to the door before it was flung open aggressively, revealing a very irritated Bakugo. Maybe now wasn’t the best time. Bakugo’s eyes narrowed once he saw who was on his doorstep.
“What do you want, you damn nerd?” Bakugo hissed.
“Um… Kacchan… I need your help with something,” Izuku said, his eyes darting to stare at the floor while his fingers twiddled mindlessly in front of him.
“Why the fuck would I want to help you?”
“Well um… you don’t have to, but I think you may be the only person who can really help me with this. Um… you know how you have been doing those weekly sparring sessions with Uraraka?”
Bakugo raised his eyebrow. The two had begun sparring shortly after the Sports Festival. Originally, Bakugo had been hesitant to work with her but Uraraka had been patient and kind with him, gently persuading him to work with her at least one time. It had eventually become a weekly regiment that Bakugo secretly enjoyed, the gravity girl containing much more skill than what meets the eye, allowing them both to expand on their quirks and hand to hand combat fighting skills. They had slowly developed a mutual respect for one another, the closest thing to a friendship the two had.
“Yes, of course, I know about the damn sparring sessions, what about them?”
“Well, since you’ve been spending so much time with her, I’ve noticed that you’ve learned a lot about her, what she is like, how she fights, how she uses her quirk-”
“Spit it out, Deku!” Bakugo snapped.
“Right! Sorry, um… do you think it would be reasonable to pursue a relationship with her?”
Bakugo was stunned for a minute, his eyebrows shooting up into his blonde hair. He had always guessed that the nerd had something for the gravity girl but he had never expected the kid to actually gain the balls to entertain the idea of courting her. Shaking himself out of his own jumbled thoughts, Bakugo looked down at Izuku.
“Tch, pathetic. I’m not gonna help you with some fucking love shit. Go ask someone who actually fucking cares.”
Bakugo then shut the door in Izuku’s face, leaving the green-haired boy down-trodden and tired. He let out a sigh of defeat. He knew he could ask any of his other friends but even Iida didn’t know Ochako like Bakugo and Izuku did. He could ask one of Ochako’s girlfriends but he was worried about them saying something to Ochako while they gushed about it. Padding back out into the main living space, Izuku tried to look as put together as possible and move on with the rest of his day. When Ochako smiled at him with the smile that always made the room feel several degrees warmer, Izuku felt the pit in his stomach increase and his heart flip as he mentally marked the day as another unsuccessful attempt of asking Ochako out.
The series of loud, furious pounding on his door later that evening made Izuku jolt in his chair where he had been trying once again to study for his exams. Standing up and making his way over to the door, he was surprised to see Bakugo standing on the doorstep, a determined glare in his eyes.
“Oh hey, Kacc-”
“Shut up and follow me,” Bakugo said before spinning on his heel and walking away, not checking to see if Izuku was following him. Izuku trotted after him, unsure of what was happening but unwilling to turn Bakugo down just in case it was something serious.
The explosive blonde made his way through the winding halls of the dorms and out the main entrance towards the U.A. school building.
“Kacchan where are we-”
“I said shut up!”
The pair scurried down the sidewalk and up to the side doors of the school, where Bakugo pulled out a small keycard and pressed it to the scan reader, allowing them in.
“I borrowed it from Aizawa so we could access the library,” Bakugo grumbled at Izuku’s shocked expression.
The boys then wound their way through the corridors until they arrived at the library. Bakugo used the keycard again and shoved Izuku inside, slamming the door behind them.
“Kacchan what is going on here?”
“I changed my mind.”
“I changed my mind.”
“About what?”
“About the whole romance thing. I just didn’t want to talk about it with our other classmates there,” Bakugo snarled.
Bakugo then moved over to one of the work tables and sat down, gesturing curtly for Izuku to do the same. Wasting no time, Izuku sat down across from his childhood friend and rival.
“So what was it you wanted to ask me?” Bakugo asked. “I wasn’t really paying attention before, I don’t usually care for romance stuff.”
“Oh, I was just wondering, since you’ve spent the most time with Uraraka if she has ever mentioned wanting to be in a relationship.”
“No, she hasn’t said anything to me, why do you ask?” Bakugo said, his gruff voice echoing throughout the empty library.
“Because… I’m in love with her,” Izuku mumbled.
“I didn’t hear that last part, speak up, you fucking moron,” Bakugo snapped.
“I’M HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH HER!” Izuku yelled out in compensation for his nerves.
Bakugo looked at him with a slightly shocked, slightly amused expression.
“Well, I don’t know anything about romance, but if I were you, I’d just tell her how you feel.”
“But she’s not going to say yes, she’s way too good for me! I mean, look at her, she’s gorgeous, smart, talented, strong, stunning… I don’t deserve that! I feel like such a coward because I want to tell her how I feel so bad, but I don’t want it to ruin our friendship or break her focus on being a hero.”
“While I agree with you that she is way too good for you, I still think you should tell her. You might be surprised,” Bakugo said.
“I don’t know, I’m just so afraid of rejection. It’s stupid and childish, I know, but I just, care about her so much, I don’t really want to see the look of disgust in her eyes when she realizes that I’M the kind of guy she attracted,” Izuku said softly, letting his insecurities get the best of him.
“Well if you ask me, she doesn’t look very disgusted right now,” Bakugo said, his eyes glinting with mischievous amusement.
Izuku froze, his eyes widening as Bakugo’s words sank in. Turning ever so slowly, Izuku rotated in his chair to find Ochako standing behind him, her arms full of books. Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted with surprise, the corners of her mouth twitching as if she were trying not to smile or cry or both.
Izuku closed his eyes as his face flushed in embarrassment. So that’s why Bakugo dragged him all the way to the library. He knew Ochako was going to be here getting books for her project and brought him here to force him to confess. He looked up when he felt a rough hand on his shoulder.
“Your welcome, brat. You owe me now and I’m not doing this again. But I think you two will make each other happy. Just remember that if you hurt her, you’ll be nothing more than a stain on the ground, got it?”
Izuku nodded as a slight shiver ran down his spine at his friend’s low threat. Bakugo then stood up and made his way to the doors, patting Ochako’s shoulder supportingly on his way out. He may be aggressive most of the time, but he could also be rather gentle with those he cared about. He held no romantic feelings for the gravity girl, but he had grown to respect and even care for her in their time spent together and he was determined to keep her happy. For competitive reasons, of course.
“So… Deku? Did-did you really mean it?” Ochako asked softly.
Izuku looked up. Damn, she looked so adorable in her small skirt and button-up white blouse. The light from the sunset outside set her beautiful hair on fire, her whole face glowing in the evening light. It took Izuku’s breath away.
Standing up, Izuku made his way over to her. Looking deeply into the dark brown eyes he loved so much, he reached out and gently grabbed one of her smooth hands, cringing slightly as he realized how rough and scarred his own hands were.
“Every word,” Izuku said. He was still afraid of rejection but he knew that since he had already confessed, albeit, on accident, he had to go all the way.
“All this time…” Ochako whispered to herself. “All this time, I thought it was unrequited.”
Izuku’s heart leaped up in his throat at her words. He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes but he forced them back. Now was not the time to get emotional.
“You-you like me back?” Izuku asked, almost tempted to pinch himself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.
Ochako didn’t respond, she merely reached up to cup his face in both hands and bring his lips down to hers. The movement of their mouths against each other was inexperienced and clumsy at first, but they eventually got used to one another and it felt so good, finally being able to hold each other like they had both dreamed of doing. Izuku suddenly gasped as he felt his world turn upside down… literally.
Ochako opened her eyes and snorted as she tried to hold back a laugh.
“I’m so sorry, Deku,” Ochako said in between barely suppressed giggles as she stared at Izuku, floating upside down in front of her.
Izuku began to laugh too before grabbing her face and kissing her this time, completely ignoring the fact that he was hanging upside down in front of her. He felt her smile against his lips and couldn’t help but beam at her, his eyes so full of love for the girl in front of him.
Unbeknownst to the two new lovers, several pairs of eyes were watching them from the library windows.
“Oh my god finally!” Mina whispered excitedly as the girls of class 1-A crowded around to gush at the new couple.
“Tch, who cares?” Bakugo said, turning away from the window with a look of disgust on his face.
“Oh don’t act all tough now, big guy, if you didn’t care you wouldn’t have interfered. You’re happy they’re together and you know it!” Hagakure said happily.
Bakugo grumbled incomprehensibly but didn’t protest, sneaking glances at the pair inside, watching as Ochako helped Izuku down and the two embraced once more. The tiniest smirk flitted across Bakugo’s features.
“Not bad, you damn nerd,” Bakugo whispered, his eyes following the new lovers making their way back to the dorms, the moon shining down on them from where it was just peeking over the edge of the horizon.
“Not bad at all.”
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promptmaker · 4 years
Cloti Smut Prompts Part 2!
This is the second half of my Cloti smut prompt list. The first part of the list can be found HERE.    All Prompts came from my Fantasy Cafe Prompt list found HERE. If you are interested in any of the below prompts let me know and I will put pending by them if you wish. Crossed off prompts have been written.
29. Please, I need the distraction.              (Modern AU) Cloud comes to visit Tifa at her college. She was supposed to meet him at the front but she is not there. After no replies from texting her he decides to go straight to her dorm room. Using his own key for the room he enters and finds her studying intently with her headphones on. Tifa doesn't notice he is there. Sometimes she gets so focused that she loses all track of her surroundings. Rolling his eyes but smiling at her intense focus, he notices her tense shoulders and tight grip on her pencil. Knowing she has been overworking herself again, Cloud comes over and puts his hands on her shoulders. She jumps at first but relaxes once she sees it’s him.  He continues to rub her shoulders as she tells him what she’s been working on. He tells her she needs a break and urges her away from the school work. She reluctantly agrees and gets up to stretch. Cloud takes in her casual wear, taking note she is wearing one of his shirts. Noticing him staring she teases him and he teases her back, offering her another way to decompress from studying. She likes the sound of that and pushes him onto her bed for some fun.   (optional: Her roommate gets an eyeful when she barges in)   
3.  I can't believe we haven’t tried that before!   (I can’t believe that worked!) - Full DISCLAIMER: I have never been to New Orleans or Mardi Gras and am aware that this is a sensationalized version of it.        (Modern AU) Fresh off of a bad break up, Tifa’s friends, Jessie and Aerith, decide she needs to get out and cut loose. New Orleans is a short drive away and it just happens to be time for Mardi Gras. Tifa has never been so her friends are excited to show her the sights. Tifa is reluctant to get into the festivities at first, but booze and good friends really help her to cut loose so she decides to enjoy herself and have fun. A couple days in Tifa and Co.  are bar hopping. They are a bit tipsy and her friends decide they want to collect the beaded necklaces that are thrown to tourists.  For souvenirs of their trip. The easiest way to get them is by flashing (according to her friends anyway), but Tifa has been reluctant to try that.  That is  until they come across a local named Cloud who is handing out the necklaces they are looking for. Tifa is instantly attracted to him and in a drunken sper of the moment impulse, flashes him. Cloud is taken aback but is bemused by her but gives her the beads. Seeing her starting to get embarrassed at what she did, Cloud decides she is cute and offers to show her around. Tifa’s friends practically shove her at him and tell her to have fun (but to check in from time to time). Tifa sobers up a bit and the two have a good time exploring the city. When it gets late, they head to Clouds place where he offers to sleep on the couch. Remembering the purpose of this trip, Tifa tells him that that’s not necessary and the sexual tension building between them all night explodes as she leads him to bed with her.    (PENDING)
4. What if they hear us?  (Modern AU)                                                       Sick of neither of them making a move on each other, Cloud and Tifa’s friends conspire to get them together. The friends get the two to take time off and a pay to send them to a spa, not telling them that they signed them up for a couples massage.  Since it's already been paid for, Tifa and Cloud decide to go along with it. They spend the day there together getting massages together before ending up in a sauna, where they finally decide to make a move.    
5. Where did you have that hidden?  (Game or Modern AU)  Tifa and Cloud are really into role play. Lately a game they like to play involves “interrogation”.  For this game, Tifa is an AVALANCHE soldier restrained to a chair and being interrogated by Cloud playing a turk and dressed like Rude. Cloud will “integrate”  her until she gives the safe word. (Logarithmic Base 2 Ch.1)
Tifa is the Turk interrogator and she is dressed as Reno. With an open shirt and goggles. Cloud is the AVALANCHE soldier but on a leash instead of restrained. Tifa leads him around the house and uses toys pulled from her cleavage to get the info she needs.       
9. Looks bigger up close.   (Modern AU)                                                    Tifa and Cloud first met in a chat room online where they became friends. After months of chatting online, they decide to give online dating a chance. Once a week they have a date through video chat and sometimes those chats lead to webcam sex. But now one of them is moving closer to the other so now real dates can happen. When the time comes to actually be physically intimate, they find that the real deal is WAY better.
10. Describe it to me. (Post-Game)                                                                While out on a delivery, Cloud is blind sided by bandits. One of them manages to hit him with a Blinding spell.  Cloud of course manages to fight them off but his vision is fading due to the spell and he has no more Recovery items on him.  He manages to walk his bike the rest of the way to Edge and someone escorts him home. There Tifa gives him Elixir but it will take time to take effect. So Tifa takes care of him until then. Runs him a bath and hops in with him to help him wash. Afterward Tifa gets him to bed and they attempt to go to sleep but Cloud is restless after the day’s events. So Tifa gets the idea to help him wear himself out. She will help him masturbate by describing things they have done and could do together.  (She gives him JOI basically)    
12. I missed your taste     (Modern AU)                                                          Tifa is a Succubus (decked out in leather) and replenishes her life force through sexual activity.  Lately she has found someone that she greatly enjoys replenishing it with, a man named Cloud. Unlike most men, Cloud is able to handle her and gives as good as he gets. One night, when she is in need of an energy boost, searches for Cloud and finds him relaxing on his rooftop apartment. When she greets him and asks if he is up for some fun he teasingly  plays hard to get.  Tifa takes it as a challenge and goes into full seductive mode and he quickly gives in.       
23.  I didn’t think that would get such a reaction out of you  (Modern or game AU)                                                                                                       Tifa works at a bunny club (a honey bee inn type place) as a bartender, server, and manager. The standard attire is a sexy bunny outfit (or whatever animal the writer prefers) and Cloud also works there as a bouncer. Due to her attire, she gets hit on a lot but it goes with the job and the tips are worth it. It also helps that Cloud keeps a watchful eye on her throughout her shift.  Whenever a customer gets too bold with her Tifa usually likes to think of a time when her and Cloud have fucked right where the rude customer is sitting.  Since Tifa is the one that closes, her and Cloud have the run of the place when its empty. Tifa also finds that although he is a professional, Cloud has a jealous streak. The more Tifa flirts or gets hit on, the more he gives it to her after hours.  Tifa’s favorite time to rile him up is on Fridays when they switch out the bunny outfits for lingerie. The more daring the outfit the better because all the extra attention is worth it just to see Cloud’s reaction when he sees her and for what he does with her after hours. 
16. I see you found my message   (Modern AU).                                     Cloud is smitten with a cute “Coffee Shop” worker named Tifa he meets in Amsterdam. To shy to talk to her, he writes down everything thinks about her in his notebook.         (Logarithmic Base Ch.2)
19. You want to do what!    (Modern or post game AU)                          Cloud and Tifa are on their honeymoon to Costa de Sol. They are staying at the resort there and are enjoying all it has to offer. One evening, while walking along the beach, they come to a blocked off section of it that was not advertised. That section is a nude beach. They give it a curious glance but don’t see anybody there. So they turn and continue their walk. But Tifa keeps thinking about it. She thinks of her friends who tease her for not being too shy to try anything daring and she thinks about how its just her and Cloud there so know one home would know. So that night in their room she suggested to Cloud that they should visit the nude beach at some point in their trip. He is not a fan of the idea at first but she tells him it could be a fun experience to reminisce about in the future and that it would be their little secret. Cloud relents and they go the next day. They get to the nude beach, still in their swimsuits but they gradually ease into it. Once they get used to the fact that no one cares, Tifa takes the plunge and strips down first before jumping into the ocean. Cloud as always, follows after her.  They enjoy the rest of their day there. Cloud notices some glances their way but doesn't care. They only have eyes for each other. Tifa decides she should reward Cloud for being a good sport (a cause she wants to) by sneaking off with him to a nearby alcove or empty lifeguard shack for some intimate fun.     
21.  Quick, while the kids are asleep!    (Game AU)                                       It has been a month since the last time Tifa and Cloud have had sex, though not for lack of trying. Between moving into a bigger place and with school done for the summer, the kids  are around a lot more now, and are constantly interrupting any intimate moments. But now is their chance. After a long day of moving furniture and setting up rooms in their new place, the kids are now tuckered out and in bed while Tifa and Cloud are enjoying the peace and quiet in their new backyard. They relax in lawn chairs by the fire pit until they make the startling discovery that there are now kids in sight and they are suddenly now full of energy. Tifa jumps Cloud in his lawn chair and a month’s worth of repressed sexual energy comes out at once. They do it with most of their clothes still on and the chair is destroyed but in the end, it is worth it.          (The gravity of falling stars)
22. Are those my boxers?    (Post Game)                                                  After the bar closes for the night, Tifa and Cloud have drinks and play cards together as they do every night. Getting tipsy, Tifa ponders whatever happened to Cloud’s dress that he wore to Corneo’s years ago. Cloud (lies) tells her it has long been destroyed. Tifa calls him on his bullshit and asks him what it would take for him to wear it again. Cloud drunkenly suggests she wear some of his clothes (A secret kink of his) and he’ll wear whatever she wants. They laugh it off and to bed.  The next night, they continue their ritual of drinks but Tifa tells Cloud she is going to get some of the good stuff from storage and disappears. When she returns, she is dressed in Cloud’s clothes (the ones from remake or whatever the writer wants). She asks him if he likes her outfit and he decides he loves the sight of her in his clothes and tells her as such. She pulls out the drinks and a deck of cards and asks him if he wants to see her out of them, So a game of strip poker commences. Who wins and how far they go is up to the writer but in the end they toss the cards aside and go at it in what little clothes they have left. When they finish Tifa once again asks Cloud where his dress is. He smirks at her and tells her he’ll get it out of storage.   
24. I am loving this new piercing  (Modern AU)                                      Cloud works in the video store or comic shop at the local mall. For the past few months he has been pining for the Tattoo artist, Tifa, in the  shop across from his. He loves to watch her work when days are slow but hasn’t had the courage to talk to her. Between her clients, the heavy metal always playing, and having several  tattoos herself, Cloud thinks he would be too overwhelmed to say anything if he did visit.  His coworker Zack reminds him that they are both getting tattoos there soon, so he will have to talk to her eventually.  Days later, Cloud and Zack are now at the tattoo parlor to get their new tattoos. This will be Cloud's first one.  He finally meets Tifa and she is way sweeter than he expected, while he gets his tattoo, he is still too nervous to talk much but he wants to say something so he blurts the first thing he can think of, that he likes her new navel piercing.  Tifa ponders out loud how he knows it was new when they have just met, Cloud about has a meltdown but Tifa just laughs it off and tells him she was teasing and that she knows he works just across the way from her. This wins him over and they become fast friends. Now he stops by her shop whenever he can to visit or to get a new tattoo or piercing. Tifa loves to tease him when she can too, whether it's giving him a look down her top as she gives him a new tattoo or lifting her skirt just enough to show him her thigh tattoo, his reactions are always worth it.  One night, as the mall closes, Cloud heads over to Tifa’s shop and helps her close up since her co-worker left early. As he helps out, Cloud makes note of Tifa’s back tattoo and asks her what it is (since the shirt covers most of it). As a reward for helping her out she tells him she’ll show him and takes him to the back room of her shop. She faces away from him and takes her top off, expecting him to be shy about it but when she looks back she sees a heated look on his face. This gets her going too as she asks if he wants a closer look and the two go at it (possibly on a spare tattoo chair). She is pleasantly surprised to learn he is not nearly as shy during sex and is happy to let him take the reins as he blows her mind. (Optional: She shows of her new tongue piercing too)   (PENDING)
26. You know me to well   (Modern AU)                                                      Tifa needs repairs done on her motorcycle, so she takes it into her favorite auto shop to be looked at by her favorite mechanic, Cloud. The two of them have been seeing each other in secret and have been trying to keep their relationship hidden from their group of friends. Cloud lets her go back into the garage with him as he works on the bike since he is the only one there at the moment. Tifa chats with him and checks out all the other bike/cars in the shop. Cloud takes a break from fixing her bike to show her a new model that has come in. Cloud shows it off and the sight of him with that motorcycle is a huge turn on for Tifa. To the point where she can’t take it anymore, Tifa makes sure his co worker Zack will be out on his lunch break for a while longer (they’ll never hear the end of it if he finds them). Cloud, noticing the state she is in, asks if she wants a “ride” on the new bike. Tifa is hesitant to defile such a nice bike so early so Cloud suggests Zack’s car that is in the shop at well. Tifa thinks thats acceptable and takes him over to go at it right on the hood.  (Perhaps leaving grease/oil stains for Zack to find later)
27.  I wanna try something from this book  (Game or modern AU)       Cloud has discovered Tifa’s hidden horde of trashy romance novels. He teases her about them at first but oddly finds some of them informative after looking through them. Never being that adventurous in the bedroom before, Cloud asks Tifa if they can try some of the things they do in the books. Tifa is more than willing to try anything with him. The books inspire them to try new positions and role-play. Their first attempts at role-play are cheesy and awkward but they get the hang of it and have fun.  But now they are much better at it.  Now they are trying out a scene from one of her books that they have been practicing for a while and even have props for it. What kind of scene is up to the writer but here is an example: Tifa and Cloud role play from a fantasy romance novel where a monster huntress falls for a werewolf and they have a secret rendezvous. Tifa is decked out in a corset “hunting” garb while Cloud has fake teeth and ears of a wolf. It's the first time he sees her in that get-up so he doesn’t even need to pretend to be ravenous for her. Tifa thinks the ears are cute and the teeth are hot. They play out the scene of a forbidden rendezvous where they both like it rough. When the scene is finished, they have a good laugh about their performance and head for the showers.
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shimzus-a · 4 years
musical: low. kiyoko doesn't inherently pick up on musical or vocal tones outside of regular daily use, such as rising intonation in questions. she doesn't play any musical instruments ( despite being invited to try koto by women in her neighborhood ), & won't try because she knows she doesn't have an ear for it. she doesn't sing very well, either -- her voice usually sounds too soft, tinny, or unsteady to keep up a song. you won't hear her singing or being very musical on her own. 
bodily-kinesthetic: medium-high. there are certain areas where kiyoko excels, like in precision underhand serves ( which didn't take very long for her to get right on her own ) & speed in running ( which she's built up over time ), but other areas where she struggles, like jumping hurdles. while she's not necessarily NATURALLY skilled in bodily-kinesthetic intelligences, she has built up her skill over time & is now more advanced than she was as a child.  
logical-mathematical: medium-high. her math isn't perfect, especially when dealing with concepts like abstract numbers or advanced calculus ( logarithms, limits, etc. ), but she's highly capable of simple arithmetic in her head. her logic is also somewhere in the medium to high range: as a realistic thinker, she can work through a problem in a structured, logical way, even if she won't get the right answer. in a way, her process is accurate, but her ability to test and prove her ideas isn't, so the follow-through is what she struggles with. 
interpersonal: medium. she seems to understand others' feelings, but only if she's known them for a long time. people that are important her take precedence over strangers. she's somewhat judgmental when first meeting someone, & stubborn in her perceptions of others, so she is often less receptive to the feelings of others she doesn't know well. however, with close friends/peers, she can read the air relatively well & empathizes with them more readily.
intrapersonal: medium-low. struggles to understand the meaning behind her own emotions, instead finding solace in physical stress relievers. she’s not the type of person to talk herself through her thoughts or her emotions when they’re running high, & making sense of them is usually difficult for her on her own. she considers herself someone who’s more practical than that, & would rather DISTRACT herself with a task than sit down & journal about her thoughts or try to come to terms with them. 
linguistic: low, but improving. furudate has said that kiyoko struggles with her words, which is one reason why she tends to be quiet & reserved. despite reading a lot, she’s not the type of person to maintain a wide vocabulary or use it very actively. furthermore, with foreign languages kiyoko has always struggled, and her english grades reflect someone who simply doesn’t understand linguistic rules very easily, even with study. kiyoko struggles with finding the right words for what she wants to say, leading to miscommunications or long periods of silence where she has to think through her words, so they end up being more impactful & functional than her instinctive words are. 
spatial: medium. she’s not clumsy — she can see where she’s going, understand depth & proximity well — but she’s not perfect. like anyone, she has her moments of slipping up on a stair, missing a hurdle ( cough ) or struggling with understanding the actual size of a space. she probably wouldn’t be able to give relative sizes for items in centimeters, kilometers, etc. — either in length alone or area squared. 
naturalistic: medium-low. she still doesn’t understand some things about nature, like what causes weather patterns, how to take care of plants well, etc. [ this is a dumb intelligence & i only added it because some theories include it but it’s lame. ]
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danbensen · 4 years
The sun is hot on my back, and my thighs burn with the effort of holding this position. My back doesn’t hurt, though. Those stretches work.
My face is full of leaves. They come in triplets, saw-edged, each the size of the space between my thumb and forefinger. Hard, unripe berries tap against my glasses. Somewhere too close, a yellow-jacket buzzes.
I put one hand down and reach with the other into the shadows, scattering leaf-hoppers. The sweat sticks to the inside of the glove as I squeeze the handles of the garden sheers. A growing resistance, then a dull snap, and a brown, prickly cane shudders behind the leaves.
The dead cane tears away from the bush like velcro, exposing a patch of soil, the wall of my parents’ house, and a small volume of empty space, dangling with raspberries.
I grab one and put it in my mouth. It tastes like the dirt and leather on my glove, ash from the recent forest fires, and decades of piled summers.
Raspberry canes take a year to grow up from the root, another to produce fruit, and then they die in the third. My job is to clear out the dead canes of last year to make room for next year’s shoots. I’m also exposing more of this year’s berries to my daughters and their cousins.
I wanted to do this in my garden, which is just old enough to have its own raspberries. They’re planted in rows away from the house, just the way my grandpa had them. And I have already done the chore of cutting out that patch’s first crop of dead canes. But my kids were firm: if we were going relive someone’s childhood today, it would be theirs.
I decide that my back is hurting after all and slowly stand.
My parents’ garden hasn’t changed much since Julia was a nine months old and pooping in the wading pool. The lilacs have grown thicker, the apple tree has died. The bird bath is now at our summer house three valleys south of here. Julia manipulated my parents into giving it to her.
But there’s still the enormous rhubarb plant next to the compost. To the east, beyond the rhubarb, the hill slopes down to the Interstate, the web of aerial traffic, and the houses, condos, restaurants, business incubators, network hubs, and micro-factories of Lolo, Montana.
Julia and Mikhaela move through the garden like a hummingbird and a lawnmower, respectively, with the other teenagers strung between them. Some are talking or doing incomprehensible things with their key-rings and charm-bracelets, but an impressive amount of berry-picking is still getting done. Mikhaela said she wanted to make a pie for the party, and they already have enough for two.
I glance to my right, where my younger daughter is methodically mowing her way down the raspberries. I can’t tell whether she’s listening to an audiobook or sharing her POV with some other kid in Saudi Arabia or just thinking her thoughts.
I remember my grandpa when he drove me home from the airport one summer. I had wanted to read a fantasy book, but he wouldn’t let me. He kept me talking that whole drive.
“What did you learn in drama camp today?” I ask her.
“Diegesis,” she says.
There’s a conversation starter! But my attempt at a follow-up question is interrupted by a delivery drone descending onto our lawn. Its brown plastic carapace is emblazoned with the logo of the nearest hub, which means only that this isn’t a delivery from a Lolo caterer or micro-factory. The kids could have ordered something from Seattle or New Zealand, and it would still get routed through the local hub. My guess, though, is that it comes from Sofia, Bulgaria.
“What did you forget to pack, Yooli?” I shout at my older daughter, Julia, as she runs toward the drone, waving her wallet-key.
Last summer, Julia packed almost nothing for our trip to the US. She told us she thought it would be easier to just mail herself stuff when she remembered she needed it. When we saw the international shipping bill, we got her her own bank account and wallet-key, which might have been the whole point of the exercise.
The drone sees her key, releases the box it was clutching, and zips back into the smoky air to join the sky-traffic.
“I didn’t forget anything.” Julia shakes her hair out of her face and lets go of her key-ring, which zips back to her belt on its recoil line. The belt is bright pink, with green and blue Kazakh embroidery patterns. Each key on the ring is a different color and pattern, for a different digital purpose. “This is for our party.”
She pulls open the self-storage box, revealing an irregularly-shaped pink crystal the size of a melon. It’s a salt-lamp.
Generational cycles are funny things. Growing up means doing whatever your parents didn’t do, but we all have a soft spot for our grandparents. I want to be firm and practical like my grandpa, Mikhaela wants to be strong-minded like my mom. My older daughter Julia, for her part, cultivates a free romantic spirit like my mother-in-law. This, for me, is an endless opportunity for spiritual growth.
“Your salt-lamp.” I repeat. “Why do you need a salt-lamp for a party? Why do you need your salt lamp? You could have ordered a brand new one and it would have been a lot cheaper.”
I know what she’ll say next: “it’s my money. You‘re the one who told me to get a job and now I have eighty.” I open my mouth to tell her that she still ought to save her money for something important. And what is it exactly that she’s doing in these eighty jobs anyway?
But Julia hoists the salt-lamp and says, “it has to be this one. My friends and I licked it into just the right shape.”
I have no idea how to respond to that. I close my mouth and process data while my daughter skips away, tongue-sculpted lamp cradled in her arms. I’ve been out-maneuvered again.
I strip off my gloves and hat and go to find my wife.
Pavlina is on the balcony, sipping chilled white wine with her brother and sister-in-law. They’ve lived in California since the early 2010s, and in some ways they’re more American than me.
“I need to go to the teenager party,” I tell Pavlina.
“Zashto? Ti li si tineidjar?” Why? Are you a teenager?
Pavlina’s brother lifts a bottle of beer in my direction. “Ne trevozhi, bre. Veche si imam pushkata.” This is an in-joke.
According to Bulgarian tradition, Julia’s and Mikhaela’s first teenager party means we adults are all exiled here, to my parents’ house. We’re supposed to have a party, too, but I suspect it will be more like a military command center. Lots of tense pacing while we try to imagine what chaos is unfolding on the front lines.
“What are you talking about?” My dad appears from the kitchen with a tray of cheese and the tactical situation becomes more complicated. Neither of my parents approve of the teenager party, and we’ve been tip-toeing around the topic all week.
“We could be in the attic,” I tell Pavlina. “Or the basement.”
“That is where I’ll lock you when you go insane, yes,” she says.
Pavlina’s brother cackles and my dad says “What?” in a tone that means “I am playing the doddering cyborg grandpa, but I really am angry that you’re talking over my head.”
“It’s the teenager party.” I look out over the balcony, where our kids are doing incomprehensible and scary things in the yard below us. “I mean, what if something happens?”
My dad doesn’t say, “exactly! We have to cancel this whole barbaric ritual.” He says, “I’m worried too.”
“Yooli and Mishi will take care of it,” Pavlina says. “That’s what they’re learning to do.”
“What if someone brings dope?”
“They’ll tell him to smoke it outside.”
I check to make sure my mom isn’t in earshot. “What if things get…physical?”
“Zdravko and Boris are big. They’ll beat him up.” These are Julia and Mikhaela’s cousins, who seem to be engaged in some a virtual sword-fight right now. Mikahela is directing it.
“Now you say, ‘there can be only one sun, one moon, and one great khan!'”
I look around for support, but even my dad is nodding. “You don’t need to worry about boys,” he says.
I pick up a piece of cheese. “Well, at least I got them to pick raspberries with me. Mishi’ll make a pie.”
Pavlina looks serenely out at the Sapphire Mountains. “Sore wa kokuteiru no tame da to itta yo.”
‘She told me they were for cocktails,’ in Japanese, a language which nobody within earshot speaks but me and my wife.
I try to slow my breathing.
It isn’t just the underage drinking. It’s the social situation. My kids keeping secrets from me. Me keeping secrets from my dad. I reach down inside of myself for that still, small, voice. It says “be honest.”
“Mikhaela is making cocktails?” I say.
Everyone stiffens.
The US and Bulgaria have very different ideas about what constitutes proper behavior for teenagers and police officers. My dad, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law now all agree that the teenager party is a terrible idea.
Pavlina, meanwhile, looks steadily at me, letting me know that I have now become her opportunity for spiritual growth.
I put my cheese down on the balcony railing. “I’m just worried. Our kids are going to be alone in the summer house, which we just finished. They’re going to be drinking and smoking and licking salt-lamps.”
“Huh?” says my brother in law.
“What’s going to happen? What are we going to do when something does happen?”
“You’ll deal with it.” Pavlina declares, standing. “Nali si moyat mesten vodach?” Aren’t you my native guide? Another in-joke.
She pats me on the shoulder. “In the mean time, meditate on trusting your children, or at least trusting God to watch over them.”
“The God of fools and children,” I mutter. But that still, small voice speaks to me. “Go pick some more raspberries,” it says.
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lthmath · 5 years
Recently we have been reorganizing our LThMath Book Club. The whole idea behind it is to read and discuss books with other people. We are happy that the Goodreads Club grew to 278 people. We have created a Facebook Group with the same idea as the Goodreads one. After the first months we have reached 377 members in the group and we have some really great book recommendations. Hope you all enjoy the idea.
Due to this change, we cannot do just a Goodreads poll for the bi-monthly book. Therefor, we decided to do a survey (created using Google forms). In this way more people can vote for the book. If you want to vote, you need to do it HERE.
“A Beautiful Mind” by Sylvia Nasar*
Economist and journalist Sylvia Nasar has written a biography of Nash that looks at all sides of his life. She gives an intelligent, understandable exposition of his mathematical ideas and a picture of schizophrenia that is evocative but decidedly unromantic. Her story of the machinations behind Nash’s Nobel is fascinating and one of very few such accounts available in print.
We are very interested in this book due to the movie “A Beautiful Mind”*. It is an incredible, emotional and interesting movie about the life of John Nash. If this book was chosen, we believe it would be a great idea to watch the movie after we read the book. What do you think?
“Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension: A Mathematician’s Journey Through Narcissistic Numbers, Optimal Dating Algorithms, at Least Two Kinds of Infinity, and More” by Matt Parker*
In the absorbing and exhilarating Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension, Parker sets out to convince his readers to revisit the very math that put them off the subject as fourteen-year-olds. Starting with the foundations of math familiar from school (numbers, geometry, and algebra), he takes us on a grand tour, from four dimensional shapes, knot theory, the mysteries of prime numbers, optimization algorithms, and the math behind barcodes and iPhone screens to the different kinds of infinity―and slightly beyond. Both playful and sophisticated, Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension is filled with captivating games and puzzles, a buffet of optional hands-on activities that entice us to take pleasure in mathematics at all levels. Parker invites us to relearn much of what baffled us in school and, this time, to be utterly enthralled by it.
“Lost in Math: How Beauty Leards Physics Astray” by Sabine Hossenfelder*
Whether pondering black holes or predicting discoveries at CERN, physicists believe the best theories are beautiful, natural, and elegant, and this standard separates popular theories from disposable ones. This is why, Sabine Hossenfelder argues, we have not seen a major breakthrough in the foundations of physics for more than four decades. The belief in beauty has become so dogmatic that it now conflicts with scientific objectivity: observation has been unable to confirm mindboggling theories, like supersymmetry or grand unification, invented by physicists based on aesthetic criteria. Worse, these “too good to not be true” theories are actually untestable and they have left the field in a cul-de-sac. To escape, physicists must rethink their methods. Only by embracing reality as it is can science discover the truth.
Looking at the general description, this sounds more like a book about physics but we are still interested to see how the author deals with the bondary between mathematics and physics. Also, this book was released in 2018.
“The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus: The Mathematics of Christmas” by Hannah Fry and Thomas Oléron Evans*
How do you apply game theory to select who should be on your Christmas shopping list? Can you predict Her Majesty’s Christmas Message? Will calculations show Santa is getting steadily thinner – shimmying up and down chimneys for a whole night – or fatter – as he tucks into a mince pie and a glass of sherry in billions of houses across the world?
Full of diagrams, sketches and graphs, beautiful equations, Markov chains and matrices, Proof That Santa Exists brightens up the bleak midwinter with stockingfuls of mathematiccal marvels. And proves once and for all that maths isn’t just for old men with white hair and beards who associate with elves.
“The Music of the Primes: Why an unsolved problem in mathematics matters” by Marcus du Sautoy*
Prime numbers are the very atoms of arithmetic. They also embody one of the most tantalising enigmas in the pursuit of human knowledge. How can one predict when the next prime number will occur? Is there a formula which could generate primes? These apparently simple questions have confounded mathematicians ever since the Ancient Greeks.
In this breathtaking book, mathematician Marcus du Sautoy tells the story of the eccentric and brilliant men who have struggled to solve one of the biggest mysteries in science. It is a story of strange journeys, last-minute escapes from death and the unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Above all, it is a moving and awe-inspiring evocation of the mathematician’s world and the beauties and mysteries it contains.
“A Brief History of Infinity” by Brian Clegg*
Infinity is a concept that fascinates everyone from a seven-year-old child to a maths professor. An exploration of the most mind-boggling feature of maths and physics, this work examines amazing paradoxes and looks at many features of this fascinating concept.
“Gamma: Exploring Euler’s Constant” by Julian Havil*
Among the many constants that appear in mathematics, π, e, and i are the most familiar. Following closely behind is y, or gamma, a constant that arises in many mathematical areas yet maintains a profound sense of mystery.
In a tantalizing blend of history and mathematics, Julian Havil takes the reader on a journey through logarithms and the harmonic series, the two defining elements of gamma, toward the first account of gamma’s place in mathematics.  Sure to be popular with not only students and instructors but all math aficionados, Gamma takes us through countries, centuries, lives, and works, unfolding along the way the stories of some remarkable mathematics from some remarkable mathematicians.
“Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception” by Charles Seife*
“Proofiness,” as Charles Seife explains in this eye-opening book, is the art of using pure mathematics for impure ends, and he reminds readers that bad mathematics has a dark side. It is used to bring down beloved government officials and to appoint undeserving ones (both Democratic and Republican), to convict the innocent and acquit the guilty, to ruin our economy, and to fix the outcomes of future elections. This penetrating look at the intersection of math and society will appeal to readers of Freakonomics and the books of Malcolm Gladwell.
“Tales of Impossibility: The 2000-year quest to solve the mathematical problems of Antiquity” by David S. Richeson*
Tales of Impossibility recounts the intriguing story of the renowned problems of antiquity, four of the most famous and studied questions in the history of mathematics. First posed by the ancient Greeks, these compass and straightedge problems–squaring the circle, trisecting an angle, doubling the cube, and inscribing regular polygons in a circle–have served as ever-present muses for mathematicians for more than two millennia. David Richeson follows the trail of these problems to show that ultimately their proofs–demonstrating the impossibility of solving them using only a compass and straightedge–depended on and resulted in the growth of mathematics.
We hope this helped you decide what book you would like to read in August – September with us. Hope you liked this post. Have a great day. You can find us on Facebook,  Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram. We will try to post there as often as possible.
Lots of love and don’t forget that maths is everywhere! Enjoy!
*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
December – January Book Choice Recently we have been reorganizing our LThMath Book Club. The whole idea behind it is to read and discuss books with other people.
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lorei-writes · 5 years
People I’d Like to Know Better
Aww, I got tagged by @datenoriko . Let’s do this!
Birthday: March 13 ( it’s somewhat awkward sometimes, because I never know what to answer whenever somebody asks me for my age if it’s before my birthday - the most accurate answer would be my actual age, but the more useful one would be to round it up. Either way, I’m almost 20).
Zodiac: Pisces! (And I can’t swim and have been terrified of water since forever).
Last song I listened to: Take This Lonely Heart - Nothing But Thieves
Okay, stay with me there. Disclaimer: I do not do all of that stuff all at once. I do not know why it is that, but my hobbies have always followed fixated pattern: find something you like and do nothing else in your free time. I do not want to brag here, I’m just really passionate about those things! + I’m babbling way too much.
Math - I absolutely adore math, especially logarithms and trigonometry. There’s nothing more satisfying that finding a solution to a problem, even if it’s “using a cannon to kill a mosquito”, as my tutor says. That being said, I usually studied on my own (the majority of my classmates at high school just oftentimes needed more time than I did. I did have a private tutor - it is a really common thing in my country - but I usually had the general idea of the concept before the class and we’d just solve the tasks I didn’t know how to tackle). Because math is just like that! It makes sense! I feel safe doing math - if I can see enough examples, then I’ll probably be able to come up with a pattern and the solution. However, there’s a single problem with math ^^”” I had a very bad posture and could sit studying well... 6 hours at school + 3-5 at home (+private tutorial depending on the day)?^^””” It wasn’t all math, but it certainly did increase the amount of time I’ve spent like that... A couple of years of that and you know how I injured my spine ^^”” It was really bad, hehe, I could hardly write ^^” The first physician I’ve seen also didn’t diagnose it right, so I had to take a year off to somehow figure it out ^^””
Writing - I LOVE WRITING. I think I’ve started doing it when I was 11? Although it’s probably hardly noticeable, since I had never written stories in English before, haha. I usually write fantasy, because the word building aspect of it is just so enjoyable. Other than that... I am this unfortunate kind of writer that can’t lie ^^” I always have to research everything, otherwise it doesn’t feel right at all! I most probably always am overly optimistic in regards to economic stuff, but yeah, overall I tried to read up. Recently I’ve been EXTRA excited by how different English is when compared to Polish! I hope one day I’ll be able to convey the same raw emotion in both of them. And that I develop muscle memory, so that I don’t make so many typos!
O, and there’s some actual I-have-looked-it-up-stuff in my stories (spoilers): Had it happened in the future, part 2 - I know a person who has lost an eye in a very similar way, Dragon’s Treasure - technically, those are the symptoms of a poisonous hemlock... Poisoning. Gash, it sounds so stupid. Either way, it doesn’t grow in Japan (but it does in China, India, almost the entire Europe), so I put up the “it was exported” hypothesis. Either way, the funny thing in the story is that we still don’t have an antidote for it, so Torakikumaru was literally saved by the fact that he wasn’t hungry after stuffing himself with candy - yes, the konpeito he shared with Nobunaga. The boy just didn’t ingest enough of the plant for it to be lethal. Together? That’s how untreated hypothyroidism looks. I hope to write more stuff including some small details like that ^^” O, yeah, I was also really happy with how the Judgement day turned out! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve referenced the Exodus there ^^” Well, more precisely, Exodus 34:14, per verse. Though I’d say that that what happened before is also kinda important - the golden calf and so on.
Yes, I’ve been on one shots rampage since I’ve started this blog. 
SEWING - I’m self taught seamstress! I make mostly backpack and cute bags, but I can sew some simple clothes just as well ^^ Recently I’ve been doing some easy fixes and mending, but I hope to make a flat lined skirt in near future. Now that I finally have my hand back, I want to WORK. I also do embroidery. 
Crocheting & Loom Knitting - I’m not the best at either of this, but it’s soo calming. I oftentimes crochet when watching something - I actually can do this and still read the subtitles, so I can watch anime!
Languages - it’s low-key embarrassing, but I can only speak Polish and English ^^” I know some very basic French and Japanese as well, but yeah, I hope to learn more about those. Preferably, I’d like to understand written and spoken Japanese without much trouble. Though I like to just listen how others speak about languages just in general - what are the grammar rules, etc. It’s so fascinating!
Biology - I kinda cheated on biology (well, and chemistry) with math, but I still do love it. I especially like reading about the engineering of human body - how it evolved, what are the flaws in the “design”, how it all works. And for some reason, I like the long words. Just the long words. And since I like to know what they mean, people at school assumed that I was smarter than I was - like, nope, dear, I just read about random stuff and get VERY excited when there’s just a single tiny tineey chance I can infodump somebody.
Drawing - I used to draw portraits before my spine injury ^^” I was kinda decent at it, but yeah, well... Spine. Couldn’t hold the pencil. I’ve lost most of my skill now, but I’m slowly coming back  to it. I love coloring things with alcohol markers. They blend just so beautiful. I also paint with acrylic paints aaand want to learn more about watercolors! 
History - Eh, kinda random, but I watch a lot of stuff about how the daily lives of people in the past were - how did they do the laundry, how was the soap made, how did women deal with their periods, how did the underwear look, etc. I’ve read an amazing book on women in Medieval times! 
CATS - everything cats. Literally. From cat related goods, to actual products for cats - litterboxes, cat litter, anything. I like researching cat behaviorism. That’s probably good tho, because I have three lovely little cat ladies ^^
Otome games - I write only for ikesen, but I’m playing ikevam too. I played ikerev, but gash, the game crushes all the time! :C Other than that, I’ve finished Masamune’s route in SLBP and it was enjoyable - it is only that the colour scheme of the interface makes my eyes burn. I do not mean to say that it is ugly or bad, it just hurts me - not in metaphorical sense, it really, literally tires me out and makes the experience unpleasant. I know it’s weird.
Last movie I watched: Oh. Em. The thing is, I do not know ^^” I plan to watch some Ghibli movies on Netflix, but haven’t got around to it just yet ^^” I don’t remember when was the last time I’ve watched a film other than that - I just can’t focus for long enough. Or I get too excited. Long story short - you don’t want to watch a movie with me. You really don’t.
Dream job: Teacher! I would want to teach math. I’ve seen far too many bright minds go dull because the parents couldn’t afford the private tutor and that is just sooo wrong. However, it means getting stuck in a dead end job and becoming the private tutor after the school - teachers are gravely underpaid in my country and frankly, I don’t know if I will be able to afford to become one. 
Meaning behind URL: None. I just like Masamune & keep here all my stuff and the stuff I like. It makes me happy ^^
Tags: @missjudge-me, @fairstival, @nad-zeta , @metroidgirl0234 ! Hope you guys don’t mind ^^” If you don’t like the tag game, feel free to ignore it.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Scientists show how to calculate your dog's 'human' age, and it's not a multiple of 7
Scientists show how to calculate your dog's 'human' age, and it's not a multiple of 7
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The conventional wisdom for working out how old your dog is in human terms is to multiple the dog’s age by seven – something experts have previously debunked. Now researchers think they’ve landed on an alternative method that’s much more accurate.
Part of the problem with the multiply-by-seven rule is that canines and human beings don’t age at the same rate, so a graph plotting human age vs dog age shouldn’t show a perfectly straight line.
The new formula shows dogs reaching maturity more quickly than we do, and spending more of their time in old age: whereas a 2-year-old dog would be around 40 in human years, for example, a 4-year-old dog is the equivalent of a person aged just over 50.
To work it out yourself, you need to multiply the natural logarithm of a dog’s age by 16, then add 31 – that will give you the equivalent in human years.
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(Wang et al., Cell Press, 2020)
“This makes sense when you think about it – after all, a nine-month-old dog can have puppies, so we already knew that the 1:7 ratio wasn’t an accurate measure of age,” says bioengineer Trey Ideker, from the University of California San Diego.
This updated calculation method is based on studies in the emerging field of epigenetics, the way that genes can be switched on and off without affecting the underlying DNA.
In this case, the team looked at molecules called methyl groups – chemical tags, essentially – and how they accumulate as both dogs and humans age.
Using the methyl groups as a way of matching up ages across the species, the new formula was created. Further down the line, the researchers say, this new method could help test anti-ageing treatments, as well as giving us a better understanding of how pooches grow up and get older.
“There are a lot of anti-ageing products out there these days – with wildly varying degrees of scientific support,” says Ideker. ”But how do you know if a product will truly extend your life without waiting 40 years or so?”
“What if you could instead measure your age-associated methylation patterns before, during and after the intervention to see if it’s doing anything?”
The idea to use dogs as a way of measuring ageing in a different and more accurate way was inspired by bioengineer Tina Wang from UC San Diego, the first author of the new study and her canine companion Belli.
As part of the research, the scientists sequenced the genome of more than 100 Labrador Retrievers through blood samples, analysing the build-up of methyl groups. While no other dog breeds have yet been studied, the researchers expect that the same method can be applied across multiple species.
It is effectively a new epigenetic clock – using methylation as a signal of age in the same way that you might look at wrinkles on a face, as Ideker puts it. This new method still isn’t perfect, but it looks to be an improvement over the old times-by-seven rule.
As dogs live so closely with us, they’re often exposed to the same environmental conditions and healthcare, and so a better understanding of their ageing process could help vets prescribe more suitable treatments – as well as perhaps helping us to understand that our pets aren’t as young as they used to be.
“I have a 6-year-old dog – she still runs with me, but I’m now realising that she’s not as young as I thought she was,” says Ideker.
The research has been published in Cell Systems.
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bloodyflashlight · 4 years
Dance, Dance!- a TWDG Mix Challenge prompt
#13 + #6 = Violet... gets caught dancing to her favorite song!
Words: 839
@stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale has given me yet even more inspo, this time with My Girls... I love Violentine so much and I had to pause writing this several times because I thought they were too cute
Read on AO3!
"Jet black boots…" 
She kicks her foot into the air.
"Long blonde hair…"
She spares a glance at herself in her dresser's mirror, almost surprised at the breathless grin on her face. Sure, she changed the lyrics, but nobody's around to correct her.
"She's so sweet with her, 'get back' stare!" 
Violet jumps as the chorus kicks in over her stereo, her socks skidding through her carpet. She's been home alone for the past two days, due to her parents being off to visit family she'd rather not see. It was freeing to have this sort of liberty, to just leap around her room and sing like she was nine years old in the back of her mom's car.
"I know we ain't got much to say, before I let you get away, yeah!" 
Violet was too caught up in her imaginary concert that she hadn't heard her door open, and a grinning Clementine was peeking into the room. One arm was occupied with her backpack, which she quickly cast aside as she pranced up behind Violet as she strummed away on her air guitar.
"I said are you gonna be my girl?"
Violet leaped as her girlfriend wrapped her arms over her shoulders, making both of them stumble. Her heart was still racing as Clementine backpedaled, erupting in cackles. "What in the actual hell are you…" she stared at her wide-eyed, a grin betraying her will to be peeved. She clutched her chest, her shirt bunching up in her fist. 
"Sorry, sorry, I had to!" Clementine was still laughing as she approached Violet again, and this time the other reciprocated the hug she offered. They parted for just a moment, long enough for Clementine to press her lips to Violet's. "I hope you weren't having too much fun without me?"
Violet sighed as she leaned her head into Clementine's shoulder, finally letting out a laugh of her own. "If anyone asks, I was blasting My Chemical Romance."
"Uh-huh, got it." Clementine leaned back– with Violet still clinging onto her– to turn down the music as it started to get loud again. "How long do I have 'till your parents get home?"
At the mention of her parents, Violet's smile faded. "They said they'd be gone the whole break, so… couple weeks?"
Clementine tilted the bill of her hat back as Violet pulled away from her, and walked towards her backpack. "Than I guess it's good I brought the work packet due once we get back."
Violet cocked her head back in a childish manner. " Clem. It's called Spring Break for a reason!"
"Yeah, it's also called Graduation for a reason." Clementine unzipped her back pack's main pocket, tossing her burgeoning binder out. She tossed a look to Violet, who now had her arms crossed. Her foot was still tapping to the beat of the song. 
Violet met Clementine's eye with a raised eyebrow. "You're thinkin' of something," she said matter-of-factly. "You're doing that thing with your mouth when you're thinkin' of something."
Clementine broke the stare to chuckle. "Okay, yeah, I am thinking of something." She picked up her binder, making herself comfy on Violet's bed as she used her feet to pull off her shoes.
"That something being…?" Violet sat next to Clementine, squinting one eye at her.
"You." Clementine beamed sweetly and pecked her cheek.
Violet snorted, slapping Clementine's arm as she opened her binder. "You fuckin' sap."
Clementine laughed, cringing away and flinging her hand back at her. "No, really! I have an idea." She took out her and Violet's copy of the work packet assigned by their Algebra II teacher. "It's obvious we can't do this entire thing without some sort of break or incentive, right?"
"Uh, duh." Violet held her packet by the corner as if it were a radioactive chemical. "Jeez, just looking at this is giving me a headache."
"How about… every two pages we do, we get to take a break?" Clementine offered. She took out two pencils, handing one to Violet. "And maybe we can dance around some more?"
Violet felt her cheeks redden. "I get to pick the music?"
Clementine nodded as if she should know. "It is your house. Maybe you can throw on some more MCR." She winked teasingly. 
"Okay..." Violet hummed, tapping the pencil against her chin. "But this math is super-fucking-hard."
Clementine hummed back, pulling her phone out. "What if– if I have enough money, that is– if we finish the whole packet by tonight, we can get some Wendy's."
Violet gasped, dropping the pencil into her lap. "You know my weakness."
"What, Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets?" Clementine side-eyed Violet with an all-knowing smirk. She looked back to her phone with an affirmative nod. "Okay, yeah. If we finish before it closes tonight, we can have a Wendy's date in your room dancing to all the music in your Spotify library?"
Violet grinned, leaning over to kiss the side of her head. "Alright, you won me over. Let's knock out these logarithmic functions."
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sabraeal · 5 years
In plain sight, please!
I started In Plain Sight for one reason only: Witness Protection AU was on the row I wanted to do for AU bingo last year, and I felt confident I could at least bullshit a good fic for that if I didn’t come up with something to hook it into. This last year my board had a LOT of good spaces, but none of them made a good ROW, so I spent a good few days deciding whether to mulligan or not until I really settled in on the row I actually did.
I saved this one toward the end, I think? Yeah, second to last. I really had no idea what I was going to do with it. I was actually half tempted to pull a Witness, but that seemed like FAR too much research for how fast I had to pull this out. Which was...extremely fast, because I got massively held up through personal issues and also having SO MANY fics to write for July, some of which got MASSIVELY long.
This was originally going to post before Sic Semper Monstrum’s second chapter, but I realized as I was wrapping up Fae AU that I could fill the “post-apocalyptic au” space with that instead, and pushed off working on this, because, hoo boy, I had no fucking idea what I was going to do. And then suddenly the idea came to me and I was like, oh man, I’m gonna write the teaser to this and everyone’s gonna tell me I have to write more.
....The teaser got so long I had to cut off half of what I had planned. And then drafting got so long I had to cut off two thirds of the first draft. Having written two chapter of it, I still have not finished what I got to in the first draft of the teaser. THAT is how writing this fic went
The leader of her orientation was an older man, thin but not gaunt, dark hair peppered with gray. He spoke with the sort of firm, no-nonsense tone of her favorite professors: soft-spoken, but not timid; a man who did not have to shout to have his voice heard. His boxy suit hung off his shoulders like a coat hanger, but still he had presence, still commanded the attention of a half dozen people squeezed into a letter-box sized room. 
This scene blebbed off from where I first started the fic, which was what became the second scene. But I realized there was...too much flashback, too much exposition drop, and it was ruining the flow of the fic keeping it there, so I pushed it to the beginning, made it better....and dropped a Herr Anda cameo, because it’s my fic and I can do what I like. So there.
She sighs, lugging it off the belt. Or, at least, she would have, if she was four inches taller and had any upper body definition to speak of. 
I’m just below 5′10 and honestly, my little noodle arms have a hard time lugging my shit off the conveyor belt too. I live in fear of not being to grab it in time.
Shirayuki can perceive attractiveness; it’s a skill she’s cultivated over many years, trying to feign more than a passing interest in guys her friends had swooned over. Celebrities are easier; they are airbrushed to be perfect, an easy thing to agree on, and if she watches them in enough movies, she can grow fond enough to feel that burgeoning attraction, somewhere far off and safe. But in real life, with real people, it takes a lot more than a glance in the hallway to get her rolling in that direction, and never very far.
But now she’s standing next to – to him, and she can only assume that the people she’s known just exist somewhere at the middle of the attractive scale. Which is a logarithmic one, if this man is any indication.
I get asked about this a lot, and I really thought I’m pretty clear in fics! But yes, Shirayuki is absolutely supposed to be gray-ace/demisexual here. I usually always write her as demisexual, because it just makes a lot of sense to be re: her really not understanding that she had a romantic relationship with Zen until he kissed her in canon. And being able to have her go through that demi panic moment of, OH MY GOD, IS THIS WHAT SEXUAL ATTRACTION IS LIKE? PLEASE SEND IT AWAY feels very true to her character. However, I really did put a concerted effort in making her more demi in this than in other fics, and trying to convey this in the first chapter. For reasons.
Roos. That’s her. Or it is now, at least. 
It took me forever to settle on a name for her cover in this story and I still kind of hate it but IT IS WHAT WE HAVE NOW. I wanted to make a play on the snow white thing by having her last name mean red, which...I mostly got.
and thigh-adjacent assets, which feels very, ah, un-governmental this close
Some of the most fun I have writing modern Shirayuki is the way she describes someone’s secondary sexual characteristics. Because lbr, she can be clinical....but if she can’t, she would be SUPER AWKWARD.
“Hey, hey! It’s okay.” He pulls back, and when their eyes meet, his concern isn’t feigned. She might have though him harsh when she first saw him, but it’s hard to think that when his brows are drawn tight over the bridge of his nose, when his hand comes up to brush away the straggling strands of her hair that always hover at her hairline –
When he leans in, eyes at half-mast, and she – she just tips her head back to meet him.
I wanted to really make it clear-- especially since Obi is....such a charmer after this-- that Obi is actually a really nice, empathetic guy. He knows how hard this is, and if he’s going to keep up the boyfriend cover he DOES need to act affectionate, but also...I think that at least a hug would have happened anyway. She’s a cute, small girl in a big old airport by herself somewhere no one is supposed to recognize her, and Obi is definitely like ADOPT HER on the inside.
...Until she kisses him, of course.
For the number of times she’s been cornered – sometimes with a shy smile and ducked chin, sometimes with a smug smirk and unearned confidence – she half expects she’s going around with kiss me written on her forehead.
This is definitely some personal experience I felt like would almost certainly apply to Shirayuki. Sometimes being a nice person is a real fucking pain.
He holds her, firm enough make her confident that this is all purposeful, that she isn’t making another mistake about his intentions, but gentle enough that she knows she could pull away, put space between them. Strangely, she doesn’t feel the urge. 
I know no one’s complained about this kiss, but this is definitely Obi really trying to sell this cover. Like that first kiss was WAY too awkward for long-term bf/gf, so he needs to make this LOOK GOOD. And then Shirayuki gets into it, and he’s like WHOOPS, maybe I made that a little too good.
His eyebrows arch over the lenses as she climbs in, using the door, and he says with a grin bordering on dangerous, “That’s really something you should have checked before you got into my car.” 
He is definitely upping the asshole because of that kiss. Trying to put some sort of barrier between them. AND DOING A REAL GOOD JOB OF IT.
“Yeah, good. Also, for the record,” Obi says, throwing the car into gear and pulling out with a screech. “I cannot believe they let you keep the hair.” 
Lbr, as much as this is a dick movie...Obi totally has a point.
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