#I THINK!!! au where they both work at the bath house- that would be so funny im im
aphomic · 6 months
@inareiko replied ; he truly does look miserable...can i have ten of him please? 🙏
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maidragoste · 1 month
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Larys Strong x Velaryon!Reader
Summary: Larys was thinking about spending a quiet afternoon alone with his wife but Jacaerys ruins his plans.
Modern AU where Sea Dragon was never with Harwin and she is married to Larys. Nobody asked for this but I'm a bitch for Larys and Sea Dragon so I wrote it. The truth is that I really enjoyed writing about them being domestic, please if you liked it, don't hesitate to comment, like or REBLOG 🥰💖💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions 🤭🥰
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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When Larys entered, the first thing that caught his attention was that the house was silent instead of listening to the music that you usually played when you were at home. The second thing was that when Nightwing, your dog, went to meet him excitedly at the entrance and started barking, you asked him to stop, which was strange because Nightwing always did that and a long time ago the both accepted that she wouldn't stop doing it.
And the third thing was that a minute after Nightwing barked a baby cry was heard. As soon as he heard it Larys thought about opening the door again and leaving, maybe if he took Nightwing's leash and took her for a walk you wouldn't be upset with him for leaving but he doubted it. So he finished taking off his coat and tried to calm the dog by petting it as he headed to the kitchen.
"Hi," you greeted him and your husband turned to see you smiling at him from the living room. Despite the small tantrum a few seconds ago you looked happy to have their nephew Jacaerys in your arms "Harwin and Rhaenyra needed some time alone so I offered to take care of him"
He shouldn't be surprised. Lately every time the both went shopping you always "coincidentally" passed by the baby clothes section and stopped there for a while while you cooed just how small and cute the clothes are. Sometimes you even end up buying some compulsively. Not only that, every time you received a new photo of Jacaerys or your cousins' children you let out an "aww" and excitedly showed him the photos. When you two went to the park to take Nightwing out and you found a baby you started making faces at them until you managed to make them laugh. And now you were offering to take care of Jacaerys. He had a suspicion that you have baby fever.
"For how long?" he asked, hoping it would be an hour or two at most, he didn't want to spend the rest of the day with his nephew. When Larys got off work he had planned to come home and relax with you. He hoped they could take a bath together and then order something for dinner at that restaurant you like while watching some reality show.
"Just for a few hours"
Larys took the kettle out of the fire before it started making a lot of noise and Jacaerys would get scared.
"How many?" He asked, knowing that he wouldn't like the answer because you weren't being specific for some reason.
"They'll probably come looking for him at midnight" you responded and pouted as you heard the exasperated sigh your husband let out "Don't be like that, Jace is happy to see you" You went to sit on the couch when you saw that Larys entered the living room with two cups of tea.
"How do you know? He can't talk" Larys scoffed as he put the cups on the table. Nightwing, seeing that he sat down, instantly lay down on the floor.
"He crawled all over the house looking for you" you responded with a smile and you saw that the baby was starting to get restless so you left him on the carpet with his toys.
"You're talking shit"
"Larys! Language!" you scolded him, lamely, slapping him on the shoulder.
"He can't talk," your husband responded, rolling his eyes.
Larys really thought that you were lying and that you told him that hoping that it would warm him and maybe make him want to have a child. But it was obvious that you weren't lying because Jacaerys barely spent a minute with the toy before crawling to his side and starting to tug at his pants. Larys had never held a cup of tea so tightly, he was afraid that at some point it would fall and burn the child. The last thing he wanted was to end up going to the hospital. Besides, his brother would kill him for hurting Jacaerys.
Larys gave you an annoyed look as she placed the cup on the table.
"I told you he wanted to spend time with you" you scoffed but you took pity on him because you sat on the rug and got the baby's attention by making noise with one of his toys.
Jacaerys loosened his grip on the pants but he still seemed hesitant to let go.
“It's okay, Jace, your uncle isn't going anywhere. You can play with him later” you reassured him and the baby finally let go of his pants to go with you. You welcomed him with open arms and kissed his forehead.
“Don't lie to him, I'm not going to play with him,” your husband said as he took the cup back.
“Larys, stop being an ogre and enjoy your nephew's company.” There was no harshness in your voice but he knew you were serious.
He rolled his eyes and started drinking his tea. You managed to distract the baby by playing with him so Larys could enjoy his tea in peace. Your husband admired you as you responded to Jace's babbling as if it were a real conversation. Jace gave you one of his toys, which he had just slobbered on, but you didn't seem disgusted but instead concentrated on cooing and congratulating him for being so good and wanting to share his toy. You would be a good mother. He could imagine you doing the same with their children.
“Your tea is going to get cold,” Larys reminded you when he saw that your cup was still intact.
“It's okay, I can make another one later.”
But Larys knew you wouldn't. “Give it to me and have your tea,” he asked. You handed him, Jace, carefully and watched with a smile as your husband took the baby without hesitation, unlike the first few times he seemed hesitant before Harwin or Rhaenyra handed Jace to him. “The tea,” Larys repeated with a small smile when he noticed the way you looked at him. Maybe it wasn't so bad that Jace came. He instantly retracted that thought when his nephew started pulling his hair. “Harwin is raising a savage.”
“Don't be exaggerated,” you said, feeling warm from the view in front of you more than from the tea.
Later when Nightwing starts crying and staring at the door Larys, who ends up agreeing to “play” with Jacaerys just because she wants to spend time with you, gets up to go take the dog out. He watches with amusement as Jace begins to crawl with the intention of following his uncle but he is too slow so when he reaches the hallway where the door is he just sees Larys close the door and bursts into tears. You will instantly take him in your arms to comfort him. The door opens again and Larys enters again with Nightwing but Jace continues crying.
“Let's wrap him up so he can come with us,” your husband said as he approached you. “You're too annoying.” There's no malice in Larys' voice or when he pokes the baby's cheek with his finger. “Remind me to ask my father if Harwin was as crybaby as Jace when he was a baby,” he tells you as he takes his nephew away from you so that you can look in the bag that Rhaenyra had left you for some warm clothes.
“I will,” you say and give him a small kiss on the cheek before going to get the clothes.
You and Larys manage to quickly dress Jace under the pressure of Nightwing's crying. Any trace of distress on Jace's part disappears the moment you and Larys settle him into The Kangaroo Carry being carried by Larys. Your husband is struck by the fact that out of nowhere there is a baby carrier in the house, but he doesn't say anything, thinking that surely Rhaenyra left it or you bought it for future visits from Jace or your cousin's children.
Once Nightwing relieves her, instead of returning home, the both decide to go to the park that is close to home for a while. This time you are not the one who coos or makes faces at strangers' babies but the other way around. Larys would be lying if he said he didn't like hearing how people said you four looked like a sweet family. If your purpose with Jacaerys's visit was to get him into the idea of having their own child then you had achieved it.
Hours later, Jacaerys has just left with his parents and Larys is sitting exhausted on the couch hugging you around the waist. The television is on but he is not paying attention to the program rather he is looking at you. Your eyes are lighting up and you have a smile on your face as you look through your phone at all the photos you took today of the two of you with Jace.
“You know, if you want a baby you just had to tell me,” he said, catching your attention.
For a moment you look at him surprised but then you laugh and lean in to kiss him. Larys feels how all the tiredness in his body magically disappears while he savors the sweetness of your lips. But Larys definitely feels more awake when you whisper on his lips, “I'm already pregnant, you fool.”
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Taglist for all my House of the Dragon works
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bts-0t-7 · 7 months
So What? | MYG | Chapter 2
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Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader 
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive. 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.1K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next > 
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Three days passed with the same and the schedule between the both of you remains the same. The black cat - you should really start to come out with a name for it - will only come out from the sofa when you feed it, never allowing you to pet it and only starting to eat when you turn away. But you started to get worried. Its fur was matted in blood and you were afraid that it had sustained severe injuries. You wanted to give it a bath to see how bad the injuries were but it was extremely on edge. 
You sighed. Your work shift starts in over an hour and you still need to travel down. You left your room and prepared a big bowl of food and water, placing it at the edge of the sofa. 
“I’m going to go work now, kitty. Don’t eat everything for lunch. Keep some for dinner. I’ll be back before midnight.” You waited to see or hear any response from it but, nothing. You didn’t know what to expect - honestly. 
Your keys clanged against each other as you opened the gate and wore your shoes. “Bye, kitty!” You called out one last time as you hastily locked the gates. 
08 33.
You were going to be so, so late. “Damn it.” You looked at your watch. “Never mind.”
You were going to be late, might as well be late. Right? You ran down the block and unlocked your car. Normally your car sits in the parking lot as you prefer the public transport. However, you can’t afford to be late today. There were important events held today and you need to supply them with the necessities before and during the events. 
You drove as fast as the speed limit allows and managed to reach the shop just in time - spare a minute. 
“Y/N! Good, you’re here.” Your boss exclaimed. “You put everything down first and help pack the cart.”
“With the boxes?” You pointed to the cardboard boxes that were strewn across the floor. He nodded. “Which ones?” You started opening every box to peek inside. “And this cart is for which event?”
Your boss helped you carry the correct boxes to wrap, saying, “This one is for the company event. I think it’s called Furman or something.”
You nodded. “I have no idea what that is.” The both of you burst out laughing. “Normal, eh?” 
The both of you worked together in sync and the things were wrapped, packed, and ready to go. 
“What time does the driver come?” You asked as you sat down on the nearest chair. It was only 10 00 and you were already tired. 
Your boss looked up from his phone and said, “In five minutes. Peng just texted and said he will be reaching soon.” You nodded, getting up from the seats. 
The whole day went by as usual - aching arms, spilling coffee and milk, carrying boxes, serving nasty customers, the list goes on. But today, you were more than happy to go home for a whole new reason. You packed up faster than usual and cleaned up like a speeding train, all to go home earlier to see your cat. 
Well, he wasn’t exactly your cat to say.
What the hell do I call him?
Bringing your bag out of the storage room, you turned to ask your boss, “What is a nice name for a male cat but not generic?” 
“That’s a rather random question?” He looked up from behind the cashier. 
“Come on, please? I wanna go home already.” You whined. “I just need some ideas.”
He scratched his chin. “Did you get a cat?”
“Hmm… Maybe Cookies? Or you can try… What is its fur colour?”
“Erm, black?” Your reply was as if it was a question.
“Blackie? Stormy? Burnt?” He shrugged.
“Hmm, alright thanks.” You scurried out of the shop. “Gotta go, bye!”
You ran for the car park at the back of the building where the store was located and quickly got in. Turning on the engine, you thanked the gods that the roads were fairly empty today, allowing you to reach home earlier than usual. You parked in the multi-story car park where it is sheltered and decided to head over to the nearest supermarket to get some food. 
You headed over to the cat food section, picking out a bag of new kibbles and can food. Then, you gravitated over to the vegetables and meat, chicken, and beef. Maybe some seasoning and a tad bit too many crackers. 
You paid for the groceries and headed up to your block, struggling to grab your keys as you reached your level. You opened your door and ran to the kitchen, putting everything down before rushing back to close the gates. You turned on the lights and started to pack everything into their respective places on the shelves. 
Heading over to the bowls that you have left out for kitty, you spotted that there were only a few kibbles he didn’t finish. You tossed those out and gave them a good wash, placing them on the rack to dry overnight. 
You turned off the lights and cautiously headed to your room, hoping that all the noise you made had not yet woken the sleeping cat under your sofa. But when you stepped into your room, oh, you were so wrong. 
Kitty was indeed asleep but not under the sofa. It hissed at the sudden attack of light that you switched on, scurrying to your pillow’s snout first. 
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“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t know you were there. I thought you were sleeping under the sofa.” You dimmed the lights and headed to the closet, walking over to your bathroom from the connection point there. 
Yoongi could hear the water running down the shower room from where he was laying on your bed. He was just about to fall back asleep when you picked him up, making him hiss at the sudden contact. Trying to pry your hands away by lightly scratching you didn’t seem to phase you at all. 
Where are you taking me? PUT ME DOWN! I SAID, PUT ME D - 
“If you want to sleep in my bed, you are going to take a bath first.” You announced, bringing him to the bathtub which you have already filled up with water. 
You slowly placed him down into the water and he hissed, not wanting to be washed. He sloshed around in the water, attempting to get out but your grip on him was too tight. 
“Come on, kitty. I’ll leave you alone later if you are willing to let me bathe you now.”
So Yoongi floated there, let you wash him up, blow dry his fur, coo over how soft his fur now is, and check his injuries. When he had gotten enough attention, he jumped off the countertop of the basin and trotted back to the pillows with a meow. Letting you close enough was already pushing his instincts, he wanted to rest now and that was exactly what he was going to do. 
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Yoongi heard you sigh from the washroom and started to clean things up. He didn’t last too long with the warm pillows and your scent, lulling him into the darkness. 
A few more weeks went by and the schedule essentially stayed the same. Nothing really changed. 
Nothing really changed. 
Food schedules may not have changed but your cat sure did. Kitty, you decided to call it, started to be more comfortable with you after that day you bathed him. His injuries didn’t seem too bad, just a few scratches here and there but have mostly healed over the past few days. You realised that it was indeed a he and that his fur - oh, it was the softest thing you have ever touched. It was even nicer than the fluffy rugs you have lying on the floor of your house. 
Sometimes, you even wake up with him snuggled in between your arms. 
What a character this cat has.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly until a few days ago when you realised that your cat wasn’t eating as much as he used to. He ran fevers, occasionally spasming, and always whined for your attention every time you were near. Hell, you think that he probably vomited while you weren’t around too! You decided to take a leave today to see exactly what was wrong with your cat. 
So the moment that you woke up, you prepared to leave for the veterinarian. Your cat, however, did not seem at all fond of the idea. It mewled and clung onto your sofa when you tried to bring it out of the house. 
“Come on!” You struggled. “Come on, kitty, seriously! You have been sick for god knows how long and I’m not going to let you keep going like that!” You huffed. “Come…On! Let’s go already. The faster you finish, the faster we can come home.”
When you finally managed to get him out of the door, he meowed the whole way to the vet, almost ripping apart the towel that you had wrapped him in. You heaved a sigh of relief when you reached and got him into the clinic, heading right to the registration counter. 
“Hello, what are you here for?” 
“Erm, my cat has been having fevers and spasming recently. I would like to have him checked out.” You said, eyes darting around the place, seeing many different animals and feeling real… Out of place. You only fed the stray cats downstairs your blocks but never really had a pet by yourself. 
“Have you seen any doctors or come before?”
You shook your head. “No, we haven’t.”
The receptionist nodded. “How long has this been going on?”
You tried to think back to the earlier times when you started to suspect that your cat was sick. “Erm, about a few - maybe around four - days ago?”
“Alright.” The receptionist typed something into her computer and took out a ticket. “You can head over to the seat and wait for your queue number. It will show up on the screen when it is being called.”
You thanked her and went to take a seat. 
A3009, You read on the ticket. 
“That’s still a long way from ours, kitty. It’s only A286 right now. Hang in there.” You told him as he started to gag after a while. You ran your hands down his back in an attempt to calm him down. 
He started to shift around in your hold and you started to panic. “Erm,” You looked up, trying to ask for help just as he puked, vomit splattering off the floor and onto your shoes. People jumped back and pets got startled. The receptionists and nurses came out, trying to diffuse the commotion and clean the mess. 
You stood there trying to calm your cat down to no avail. “Gods, I’m so sorry -”
“It’s fine.” A nurse said. “I think this is more serious than you may have thought. Go to room five and knock. The doctor there will let you in. The receptionist has already informed her that you would be going first.”
You nodded and rushed to the room on as steady feet as possible, hoping that your quick movements would not trigger him again. 
You knocked and went in, hastily greeting the doctor before explaining what was going on. “I really have no idea and I didn’t know how bad it was. I thought it would have gone away after a while.”
Dr Park conducted some tests and checked his lungs. As the results came back, the frown on his doctor’s brows was not making him feel any better. All the sources online stated that stray cats have a much stronger immune system to counter diseases than domestic cats do, so you decided to try for a few days. 
“I think it isn’t quite the problem of what your cat has eaten or what disease it has contracted.” Dr Park said. She scribbled something on the papers and moved to the screens, calling somebody to arrange for some sort of transportation. 
When she came back, she looked you dead in the eyes and frowned. Sighing, she said, “Goodness, how do I phrase this?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Your cat isn’t a cat. It is a hybrid.” 
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leohatter · 1 year
Hi Leo !
Can I request a fluffy au for Jungkook x male reader with dialogue prompt 1. "there you go. that looks better now" where reader is just pampering Jungkook after a long schedule he had ?
Have a great day <3
Late Nights
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jungkook x male reader
genre: fluff
(it's my first request so i really hope you like it!!)
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you were in the kitchen making dinner when you heard the front door unlock ‘’i’m home” a small and tired voice rang through the house.
you turned off the stove and took off your apron before hurrying to the front door. just as you entered the hallway of your small apartment you were greeted by a tired and sweaty jungkook ‘’hey kookie, how’s your day been ?’’ you asked as he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, burying his nose in your neck ‘’really tiring and boring. i missed you’’ he mumbled.
he had a really busy schedule this week as they were all getting ready for a comeback, coming home late at night and waking up early in the morning. but finally, bang pd decided to give them a week off so they could get the rest they needed, so he didn't wait a second before hurrying to your apartment after he finished his work.
“are you hungry ? i made your favorite food” you said while running your hands through his messy and tangled hair ‘’mhmm, i’m starving” you knew that he still was on a diet, but a day away from it wouldn’t hurt anyone.
you pulled away slightly to press a loving and gentle kiss on his lips. he pulled away from you after a few seconds before taking his jacket off and pulling you to the kitchen.
he sat down at the table while you served the food, his eyes full of love and adoration following you around. moments like this made him realize how lucky he was to have you. whenever he would come home late at night you would always be waiting for him, no matter how tired you were.
just as you put his plate on the table he grabbed your hand and hugged your waist, snuggling his head in your stomach after pressing a kiss on it. you giggled and hugged his head, one hand playing with his hair while the other massaged the tight knots in his shoulder muscles.
you stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's presence before you broke the comfortable silence ''the food is going to get cold kookie'' you chuckled as he shook his head ''but i wanna stay like this'' he said looking up, his doe, puppy eyes and cute pout visible on his face.
you smiled and pressed a short kiss on his forehead ''how about we eat, i draw you a hot bath and then we can cuddle ?" you asked, watching his eyes light up before nodding. you two ate while talking about your day and after you finished, jungkook was the first one to get up, grab your plates and go to the kitchen.
your eyebrows furrowed before you got up and followed him, watching him put the plates in the sink and grab gloves to wash them. you took the gloves from his hands and hid them behind your back, trying to suppress your laugh ''what do you think you're doing sir ?"
you asked, raising an eyebrow ''washing the dishes ?..." you chuckled and put the gloves on the counter before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bedroom ''you've worked enough. i'm just gonna wash them tomorrow don't worry''
after entering, you pushed the door closed, guiding him to the bed and pushing him softly to sit on it. ''you sit here while i'll go and draw you a bath'' you said, rushing to the connected bathroom after pressing a short kiss on his nose. you grabbed a fluffy towel and his favorite pajamas from the closet, placing them on the sink before turning on the hot water in the bathtub.
you turned around and flinched when you saw him leaning on the door frame ''god you scared me'' you both chuckled. you kissed his cheek before leaving the bathroom, hearing the door close. while he showered you tried making the bed even comfier, grabbing another blanket and a few pillows just in case.
you were laying in bed not too long after when you heard the door open. you watched as jungkook dragged himself to the bed, sitting down while lazily drying his hair with the towel. you moved towards him and sat behind him, grabbing the towel and ruffling his hair with it. after you finished, you giggled at his messy and tangled hair before running your hands through it, trying to fix it down a bit ''there you go. that looks better now'' you said before throwing the towel on the nearby desk chair and laying down in bed.
you watched as he moved around, laying on top of you and wrapping his arms around your waist before snuggling his head on your chest. you pulled a blanket to lay over the two of you and started playing with his hair, sleep taking over you.
you kissed his head and smiled when you heard soft snores coming from him. even tho you didn't talk that much today, just being in each other's presence was enough. you turned off the bedside light and whispered a soft ''i love you'' before falling asleep, wrapped in jungkooks warmth.
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Masterlist Joel Miller
Updated: May 19th 2024
updated fics/ new fics marked with ->
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Counting Stars (G->E; Soulmate AU; ongoing)
Mel didn’t know she would ever get out of the hospital that had become her prison. Year after year she lost everything. But then when she finally got the chance to escape she took it. And all thanks to the man who took down everything in his path to get to his daughter. Joel Miller.
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Mine (E)
Only noticing you had put on his shirt when you were out of the house and on your way to work, you did not think much of it. Joel on the other hand had a lot of thoughts when he found you wearing his shirt, visiting you during your break.
a bubble (E)
A supply run gone wrong turned into a stay in an abandoned lake lodge neither you or Joel are in a rush to leave.
Try (T)
“Did I what?” - “Find someone who feels like home to you?” - “I thought I did,” you said. - "What happened?” - “You were with Tess,” you whispered, turning your head to look out of the window.
Healing (G)
A quiet night in after escaping what should have been certain death in Kansas city turns into a nightmare when you wake up to find out your sister had been infected.
Safe (G)
“You can’t keep punishing yourself for what happened twenty years ago. It was not your fault. You are allowed to move on. You are allowed to care for other people And no matter how much you tell yourself that she’s only Cargo. You care for her.”
Nightmares (G)
Ellie has nightmares after what happened with David. So do you. Back in Jackson she just wants to feel safe after another nightmare, searching for the comfort of the people who had become something like parents for her.
Break (E)
When Joel Miller walked into the diner, they knew he wasn’t here for food. He was here for you.
too fast (G)
Sarah getting her first period, leaves Joel Miller standing confused in the women’s hygiene aisle where you, his high school sweetheart, find him and offer your help.
I bet you say that to all the girls (E)
Every Friday at 1pm on the dot Joel Miller pays you for 20 minutes to take you apart in the best way before he leaves again. But what if he wanted more?
Heaven is a place on earth (E)
With Joel being out on Patrol you decided to take a long relaxing bath in the bathtub Joel had installed for you. Once Joel came back home, he wanted to join the fun, not even taking off his clothes before getting to you in the tub.
Claimed (E)
While on the run from raiders and their twisted game of hide and seek you get saved in the last minute by a creature you only thought existed in books. You knew you should be scared, yet you could not find it in you as you looked into the warm brown eyes of a wolf that seemed way too human to be a monster, letting him have you and your body, letting him claim you. Waking up in a cabin the next morning you think it was all a dream, wanting to move on until Tommy and Joel Miller find you in that cabin, offering you to stay in a town called Jackson.
Slow (E)
A night out celebrating Miller Contracting finishing their first big contract on time with the next one around the corner, leaves you going home with Joel and Frank, spending a night with both men you would have never dreamed of.
Sweaty (E)
Things…. escalate after Joel caught you watching him chopping some wood outside in the snow.
Focus (E)
You had been signed up with Joel and two other people to patrol to the radio tower in Cody. After getting there you offer to take first watch, leaving Joel coming up with a… creative idea to test how good of a sharpshooter you really are.
Illicit Affairs (E)
Stranded in an airport hotel because of hurricane warning, you snatch the last hotel room for the following two nights, not knowing that these two nights would change your life forever. You meet Joel and spend every moment you can with him until he leaves you in the middle of the night the day you both had to go back home. Months later, heartbroken and pregnant from a man you hadn’t even exchanged last names with, you go back to your hometown to meet your mother’s new boyfriend, not knowing it’s Joel.)
Mistakes (E)
You were tired of men making decisions for you. Even though they had your best interest at heart, all they ended up doing was breaking your heart more and more. After reuniting Joel with his brother Tommy (your Ex who left the QZ without telling anyone including you) in a town called Jackson and an overdue argument with Joel Miller you finally confess your feelings for him, spending the night with the older brother, only to wake up alone in an empty house with him and Ellie gone.
Time (E)
Not wanting to face Joel after you found out that you’re pregnant, you leave the Boston QZ to live with Bill and Frank. Almost four years pass before you can’t hide from him anymore, letting him finally know why you ran from him all these years back.
Rules (E)
Joel wants you pregnant. And you want to have Joel’s baby. And not even a big council meeting would stop the two of you from getting what you wanted.
Rain Confessions (E)
A dance in the rain at Jackson’s last day of the summer celebration leads to you and Joel finding out something surprising about the both of you after you sneaked off to have some alone time.
-> Failing (G)
Joel made many mistakes. The biggest was leaving you.
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Has survivor syndrome. What's that? Survivor syndrome, also known as survivor's guilt, is the response of a person when they believe they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt. This can be from being Kira or set before Kira, like an incident from his youth that he forever lingers with. This mixed with his "where's the justice" mind set only adds fuel to the fire of the war in his mind
Favorite food isn't apples as many would assume/joke about
The poor boy didn't really think of his sexual orientation until collage, didn't have the means or needs to and it wasn't only until he dated Misa and began to hang out with L he started to think on it more
In my AU Ryuk and Rem didn't give Light and Misa the Death Notes again and L, Light, Misa, etc didn't die, so this technically takes place the amnesia arc which I argue is a favorite okay?! Still doesn't mean Light gets dreams of him as Kira and isn't aware he was.
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Got really into the Gothic look after her parents' death where someone was a jerk and said a "joke" when she was still wearing black while she was still grieving
Didn't really fall in love with L right away (obviously) but she did care for him in a way that showed she cared
Loves bubble baths
Like Light she still has dreams of Rem and often find herself crying over the waking of her dreams as if someone killed her loved one in front of her
And like Light she knows after Rem confronted her she was the second Kira and feels terrible about it
Has a beautiful singing voice
After a lot her and Kiyomi kind of became friends, she honestly feels as if Kiyomi reminds her of someone she knew before (ie rem)
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Dude, this man was aware he liked both for a loooooonnng ass time, since Wammy actually
He knows Light and Misa were Kira, I mean he subspecies it since day one but to actually be right honestly hurt him.. He didn't want to be right in this case. So, he swore not to say a word since they're no longer Kira and 2nd Kira
Loves baths more than Misa
His family died in an domestic abuse murder suicide and he wandered out the house alone in which an officer found him and discovered his family's death, since then he's been emotionally isolated
Is autistic just doesn't get meds
Has lots of stim toys and objects he uses a lot when he thinks hard or under/overstimulated
Loves hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream
Watari was basically his father after the many years they've known each other, doing the most of a father like role than others, helping the boy when needed, etc. And while L doesn't show emotions he generally is greatful and sees Watari as his father figure, even having him his best man and father-of-the-groom for his wedding
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As mentioned with L when I said "wedding", the three didn't really want a huge public wedding since that would exposed L's identity and it would be a headache to deal with so they had a secret small ceremony with friends and some family with Watari being L's father-of-the-groom, Sayu as Light's Best Lady, and Kiyomi was Misa's maid of Honor. They each wore a mix of white and black with some red elements thrown in there for many reasons but mostly cause L said they looked good so yeah
Their wedding cake was similar to these two:
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They all live in an apartment together, similar as to the building they were all stuck in, and have their own rooms/studies for work while Misa keeps working as a model and actress and both L and Light kept working as detectives until Light decided to leave being a detective after so many nightmares of cases and being Kira and decided to be a true crime/mystery novel writer
One day while they were chilling, pre-marriage them btw, L decided he's going to visit Wammy to get any plans of who his next "L" would be if he died and they came along with him. There they were able to meet Near, Mello, and Matt. The three kids hung out with them during their stay back in Japan to see who is perfect for the next role. Weeks pass and all three are doing really well and it didn't really sink in until later that L is actually doing this to see if he wants kids. Well, Misa and Light like the idea and they ended up adopting Mello as their son in which he admittedly cried
They go on date nights three times a week, one for each pair with their trio dates mostly being at home
After a few years of marriage they had two kids of their own in which Mello likes the role of older brother
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Like L, Near is autistic (I believe that's canon and people hate it??)
Is nonbinary. I'm sorry I honestly can't see this baby as cis at all!
Owns lots of pants, shirts, skirts, dresses, tights, boots, heels, flat shoes, socks that'll work with him with any gender dysphoria and day
Primally goes by Near since that sounded right
Suffer from night terrors which is how his spark of studying happened cause that distracted them
Demi-Sexual bean!
Got adopted by Kiyomi and gets spoiled rotten
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Choco-holic what else is new
Suffered an eating disorder which was quickly helped fixed with Matt and his new family
Mentioned above with L, Light, and Misa adopting him, he adores his family gratefully and it's not just cause L chose him out of everyone
Him and Near still have a rather strong rivalry but it's healthy now and also more so childish thanks to their adopted families
Likes his Uncle Matsuda a lot (Matsuda ends up marrying Sayu in this)
Is kind of that kid in school who knows shit and will market the crap out of soda and candies to the kids who have money and parents who won't allow sugar in his household
Often gets caught sneaking out to see Matt and sometimes (a lot) Near by his parents
Is Pan and always knew it
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Got adopted by Stephen and Teru in this AU
Still is obsessed with video games and eats candy cigarettes until he's legal to smoke if he wants to
Is straight besties with Mello and Near
Has so much gaming stuff it's unreal
Loves the rain
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Got together sometime after Near was adopted with Matt and Mello being a thing first and Near joined after
They're both protective of Near
And then Near would shock everyone with a thrown of a textbook to the face if someone says something bad about either of them
Misa is overly supportive of this relationship, Kiyomi loves to tease Near often, and the many times Teru and Stephen would interrupt calls with them to tease is too much
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Innocent act!Eddie facts!/ facts abt IA
Otherwise known as: canonical facts within my older!Eddie au innocent act!
Light NSFW ahead, minors dni
I gift yall with this as a thanks for 300 <3
Older!eddie has twin kids named: Ozzy and Aurora. They were born october 1991, when he was 25. (Yes i’m finalizing the time era of IA which is 1996.) he has split custody and the mother is someone he accidentally knocked up. They don’t have a relationship outside of her dropping the kids off during the weekends. Eddie has surprisingly kept this a secret from you.
Eddie works as a mechanic but he also has a certification as a tattoo artist, he has a few tattoos that he’s done himself. He offered to tattoo you for free when you turned 18, (this was a strictly platonic offer)
Contradicting myself from the first part of IA here but Eddie only started thinking about you in a sexual/romantic way 2 months or so before your first encounter (we’re just gonna pretend what he said originally was a heat of the moment thing bc I absolutely hate it)
Eddie has a hair pulling kink…it’s gonna be expanded on later but its there, he likes both getting his hair pulled and pulling your hair.
Eddie doesn’t actually own his house, your father does he just rents it extremely cheap because your dad owed him. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to it tho bc in all terms except legally its his.
Eddies house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath house. One of the rooms is his kid’s, the other is a little studio (where once the twins get to the age they don’t wanna share a room anymore will be one of theirs.” And his room.
Hellfire is still running after years. Eddie still has original faded hellfire shirt, he meets with the hellfire club every Thursday.
Vecna and everything DID happen, but everyone lives
Eddies hair is longer than in the show, he never cut it. It reaches to his mid back, he rarely bothers to cut it, other than that he basically looks the same.
Eddie has a slight muscle definition from working as a mechanic, but its not a lot.
Eddie has a criminal record from selling drugs and has ran from your father multiple times before he hit 26. Which is when he decided to turn his life around.
Literally spoils u, like mf is buying lingerie, stuffed animals and jewelry for you ON THE REGULAR.
Still smokes weed, just more secretly and when his kids are away + your dad isn’t home.
Hates + loves it when you smoke, he hates it bc a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be harming ur pretty lungs. Loves it bc fuck if your not hot doing it.
Corruption kink oh my god, act innocent and ur getting absolutely ruined.
Brat tamer no other explanation needed.
Absolutely has multiple bookshelves of just straight fantasy books in his living room.
Eddie is flexible, like more than you would expect. Once on Halloween he did a backbend then proceeded to chase you like that.
Can and will pick u tf up. Ur his princess
Eddie got his demobat scars tattooed over, they’re noticeable but only when u look close enough. And he’s usually wearing a shirt or your too…distracted to notice them.
God he has such a thing for mirror sex its unbelievable
Also possessive asf, he’s constantly making sure you are properly marked, and even though you two aren’t dating. He makes it clear u belong to him
Also big on knife play and thinks knives are both pretty+would look great against your skin.
Also he has an oral fixation + voice kink ;)
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oldsargasso · 2 months
ficlet: self cast shadows
soooo I did the five fun facts for a winnerdean spy au and then @le-trash-prince left a perfectly innocuous comment: "God it’s gotta be hard for North to just watch Dean suffer when he’s been told not to do anything 😭 He and Sonic better mother hen Dean to death" and I required no further encouragement to lose my mind first thing on a Monday morning.
~1k, North/Sonic&Dean. the car ride and what comes after.
The car stinks like dried blood, fear-sweat and something acrid that burns North's nose as he gently, carefully, holds Dean steady as Kim takes corners slightly too fast to be sensible. Sonic's on the other side, rummaging through the first-aid kit they'd spent hours checking and re-checking that it was fully stocked with everything they thought they might possibly need. Dean silently refuses to take the painkillers they offer.
"It'll be easier if you just get him in a shower," Kim says, eyes flicking to the rearview mirror as Sonic lightly dabs at the crusted blood on Dean's face.
"Yeah, sure," Sonic answers, and keeps going.
By the time they get to Alan's place Dean's face is clean and horrifying. Both eyes black and swollen, most likely a broken cheekbone, his mouth a mess of his own teeth-marks and cuts from something like a ring on a closed fist. North's own hands clench hard; Dean's stuttering inhale has him furiously relaxing his grip.
"It's okay," he soothes automatically, petting at Dean's shoulder—the least damaged looking part he can see. Dean doesn't relax, exactly, but he does take a slightly deeper breath.
Kim parks neatly right in front of where Alan's waiting all alone, arms crossed and lit from behind with all the lights on inside the house. North slides out first, taking most of Dean's weight (noticeably less than when he left, bones so fragile in North's arms it feels like he'll snap) as Sonic hurries around to help, first-aid kit clutched in one hand. Kim keeps the car running, waiting until they're clear to move it around to the garage.
When Alan reaches out, tries to take Dean from them, Sonic snarls, a sound from deep in his chest like North's never heard before. North feels Dean's aborted flinch shake all the way through him.
"Just—" North starts but doesn't know how to finish. It's Alan, of course: their boss, their pack alpha. He's safe. It would be safe to hand Dean over to him. It's expected. But North can't let go and Sonic is fierce and protective like he gets when he's in heat, except he's definitely not anything; still the only real smell is Dean and his bitter injured scent. "We got it, uncle."
It takes a moment, but Alan nods. "Okay. I got—Everything's all set up in Dean's room." He steps out of their way, arms folded again, face set stern like when he thinks he's not allowed to cry. North feels unkind about his lack of sympathy, but it was Alan's decision that brought them here. He doesn't get to feel bad about it. Not yet.
Sonic leads them not to Dean's room but to their room. It settles North a little when they cross the threshold and lock themselves in. Everything smells like the two of them: Sonic's sour apple and jasmine is all over their bedding, while North's subtler lemongrass and cedarwood drifts through the air.
The comfort of it must hit Dean as well, because he becomes true dead weight the moment they're fully inside. His eyes are open, when North checks, but he's not focusing on anything.
"Shower?" Sonic suggests uncertainly. "Or do you think, is the water going to hurt him?"
"Maybe a bath," North agrees. They move into the bathroom and fill the tub, lukewarm because Sonic thinks that's the best temperature. Dean flinches violently away when Sonic tries to take off his clothes, so in the end they all three clamber into the tub fully clothed.
Mostly North is used to keep Dean propped up and not in any danger of drowning, while Sonic works his way through cleaning Dean up: tenderly washing his hair with the fancy stuff Way gave him for his last birthday, the softest washcloth he could find to wipe away all traces of anything that isn't Dean. Whether it's the soft touches or the cooling water or the fact that's it's just them, just North and Sonic, Dean comes back to fully conscious and cooperating partway through.
He still doesn't really say anything, but he lets North manoeuvre them all so they can get at least their shirts off. North doesn't have it in him not to growl at the sight of Dean's chest all battered and bruised. He'd known what was hiding under the shirt, but it's very different seeing it through a screen than seeing it in his arms.
He wonders how much more he's hurting Dean, holding him up like this.
"Yeah," Dean sighs, laboriously lifting one hand to pat Sonic's arm. "I know."
Sonic hums, blinking furiously, as he carefully cleans Dean with the unscented body wash he usually uses before a heat, or when he's homesick.
North presses his face into Dean's wet hair and inhales deep. "You sure you don't want that painkiller?"
"When I go to sleep," Dean says. He's trembling all over, the exhaustion and the pain definitely hitting him now. Sonic works a bit faster. It's too difficult to get Dean's pants off when they're all tangled together in the tub, so they climb out and let their wet clothes clump on the floor in favour of wrapping the biggest towel they could find around Dean.
Sonic makes them stay in the bathroom while he organises their bedding; building a nest, North assumes. It will be good, to get Dean into their nest, and let him sleep while they keep watch. While they wait he braces Dean against the sink and dries his hair.
"Thanks," Dean breathes out when the hairdryer shuts off and their ears ring in the quiet left behind.
North doesn't know how to say that something like this feels like moving a small pebble from the mountain of guilt he has for leaving Dean, for watching over him without helping for so many days, for letting fucking Winner do what they wouldn't, so he says "you're welcome" and carries Dean to the nest when Sonic finally lets them in.
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Klaroline relationship + Koroline friendship pleeeeeease. Also some roommates AU?
I usually give myself an out or some wiggle room, so the Koroline friendship is implied and Klaroline live together instead of Koroline roommates.
This has also been adapted from a scene of Grey’s Anatomy. What can I say, I'm a Grey’s whore.
Anyway, enjoy!
“You want to do what?” Caroline asked, her voice burning with fury.
Klaus sighed, knowing repeating the sentence would only make her angrier. “It wasn’t my idea, alright? But I think that’s the only option.”
Caroline picked up a woolly tablemat and threw it at her boyfriend, who caught it in the nick of time. “And why may I ask,” she hissed, making him wince, “would you agree to such a thing?”
Klaus shrugged, looking uncomfortable. “He’s single and lonely and his lease just expired—”
“He’ll find somewhere else, won't he?” Caroline asked coldly. “Last I saw him he didn’t seem too upset about it.”
“That’s because the last time you saw him was last night drunker than anyone there.”
“Exactly. Klaus,” Caroline said, her voice frustrated, “we moved in together three months ago. I want to spend time with you, not you and Kol. I love him, but he has got to find his own house.”
“I know,” Klaus said, pulling her by her elbows onto his lap, where she settled comfortably. “Believe me, I do. I'm not that fond of Kol living here either. But he’s my brother, and I need to take care of him, so I want him to stay.”
Caroline huffed, and Klaus pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder, where the strap of her camisole had slipped down. “Please.”
She scoffed. “Are you seriously saying please?”
“Yes,” he said standing up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, making him settle her onto the table. “Please. For me.”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he said, kissing her sloppily. “We’ll stay in. Kol would be moving in next week, anyway. We’ll stay at home, the whole week, or we’ll go to a hotel, and we both have that vacation we’ve been meaning to take anyway. I know we said London, but—”
“But?” she pressed, sighing when he attacked her neck with his teeth, causing a bright splotchy mark to appear there instantly in the shape of his teeth.
“But,” he continued, his fingers drifting along the sides of her pants, “we can go to London anytime. After Kol moves in, we’ll have to be…quiet,” he smirked, his hands slipping under her panties, making her let out a loud moan. “And you as well as I know you aren’t good at that, sweetheart.”
“You know,” she breathed, pulling him closer so that their fronts were pressed together. “You aren’t exactly selling me on this.”
“I’ll cook anything you want for a week.”
“Mm hm. Not good enough.”
“A month.”
“Now we’re talking. Anything else?”
“I won't rip your knickers.”
“We both know that’s an empty promise. Next.”
“I’ll try to get along with Lorenzo.”
“Hm. Good. Anything else?”
He slipped off her bra, setting her down on the table, hands working away at his jeans. “Picture the following things.”
“Mm. I’m listening,” Caroline said, panting as he slipped off her panties as well, making him smirk.
“We spend the week at the Ritz.”
“I like work.”
“You have a mandatory vacation week, love,” he said, kissing her softly. “You're required to take it. Like I said, we spend the day at home. Or,” he murmured, and she shivered when she felt his hot breath against her chest. “I take you to the Ritz, and we spend the week there doing absolutely nothing.”
“Just me and you, and champagne and strawberries and chocolate.” He dropped to his knees, taking his shirt off, pushing Caroline more firmly onto the table. “We can stay in bed. All day. Then we’ll eat.”
“And sex?” she breathed, inhaling sharply when he pressed a kiss to her hip. “This sounds counter-productive.”
Klaus’s eyes glinted. “Fine. I fuck you in the bed. I fuck you on the table, against the walls, and over the bathroom counter. We eat, and take a shower. I could fuck you in the shower, or in the bath. Then we sleep. And the cycle continues.”
“You know,” Caroline panted, “this doesn’t seem like such a bad proposition.”
“You want sex? I’ll give you sex. So much that you won't be able to walk for a week.”
Caroline whimpered, and Klaus smirked. “Do we have a deal, sweetheart?”
Caroline rolled her eyes, then gasped when his tongue pressed against her inner thigh. “Fine, fine. Kol can stay.”
He smirked at her, making her narrow her eyes at him. “You totally tried to bribe me with sex, didn’t you?”
“Oh, I'm very persuasive, sweetheart,” he drawled, licking a long strip along her thigh, biting into the skin to leave a mark.
She growled. “Well, unless you're incapable of doing things fast and hard as well I'll just finish myself off.”
Klaus’s eyes darkened with lust. “Choose your words carefully, love. I don't recall hearing any protests last night when you begged for—”
She sniffed. “I don’t beg.”
“And I beg to differ,” he growled. “Knickers off unless you want them shredded. Now.”
“I want him out,” Caroline snarled as Klaus rubbed his temples. “I want him out now.”
“Sweetheart,” he started cajolingly, but was cut off abruptly.
“Don’t you fucking dare sweetheart me right now. Are you kidding? He covered the kitchen walls with ketchup and bourbon, Klaus!” Caroline ranted, as Klaus racked his brain for a way to fix the situation.
“No. There’s no way you can get out of this now, Klaus. He’s been doing this shit for three months and I have put up with it because he’s your brother and my friend and I love him. But if you don’t kick him out, I might murder him.”
Privately, Klaus thought that would be a good solution to all his problems, but perhaps it wasn’t the best time to share that with Caroline.
“Just another week or two,” he coaxed, and Caroline’s face grew red with anger. “I promise. Then I’ll kick him out. Elijah can take him in. He and Katerina could use the extra help for the baby anyway.”
He kissed her and walked out, leaving Caroline red-faced and shocked, standing in the middle of the kitchen, stewing in fury and a burning desire for revenge.
Fine. Klaus wasn’t going to kick Kol out? Fine.
She would.
“This is cheating,” Kol muttered, moving his knight to its space, where Nik promptly took it with his rook. Kol sighed. “You know, for someone who claims not to be good at chess you are very good at chess.”
“I'm not good, I'm excellent,” Nik murmured, his eyes fixed on the board. “It’s what you say when you want to hustle someone, Kol.”
Kol huffed and looked back at the board, yelping when Nik let out a yell.
Kol’s eyes darted up to the doorway of his brother’s and Caroline bedroom, where Caroline stood.
Completely naked.
Kol slapped a hand over his eyes and ducked under the table, and distinctly heard Nik’s chair scraping back with screech. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Caroline must have looked at Nik innocently, because he heard his brother exhale through his teeth. “Oh, just being comfortable in my apartment.”
“And you have to be naked to do that?”
“Why, is me being naked a problem for you, Niklaus?” Kol heard a strangled sound come from Nik and he swallowed a gag.
“Nik, I didn’t see anything, I swear I didn’t see anything,” Kol rambled, his hands still over his eyes.
Nik suddenly turned towards him, pure rage burning in his eyes. “Get out.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
Kol shot up and scrambled out of the apartment, pausing slightly when he caught a glimpse of Caroline’s bare shoulders, which was a very big mistake.
“Bye, Kol!” Caroline called behind him sunnily, waving her hand cheerfully. Kol shook his head and raced out of the door, slamming it behind him, exhaling deeply, not before hearing his brother’s voice.
“We’re going to have words, Caroline.”
“I did what I had to do, Klaus. I just employed a different tactic.”
“Which was getting naked in the apartment?”
“Oh, fuck you. You don’t have any problem with me being naked in the apartment three months ago. Just because you couldn’t handle—”
A loud crash interrupted her words, followed by a large moan, and Kol scurried away as fast as he could.
Elijah was not going to be happy.
Hope you liked it!
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purpleisnotacolor · 1 year
I had a Little nightmares AU concept that I think would be cool to share.
TL;DR: A noir detective AU, staring the Thin Man
This AU is based on the following concept art we see of the Thin man
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specifically the bottom left panel, which I have zoomed in here:
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(sorry for the blur)
here we see the Thin Man interviewing a child, while a cigarette smokes in an ashtray.
So from this one little piece I have spun a bunch of ideas!
(under the cut for spoilers, and I do have a lot of ideas)
The basic plot is that adult Mono/Thin Man is a detective who works with cases involving children. He's been tasked with solving missing child cases that eventually lead him to the Maw, where he teams up with apprehends Roger/the janitor And tries to rescue Six, the runaway kid, and anyone else he can from the Maw with Roger's help, all while the Lady tries to kill them.
Both forms of "Warping" are on the rise, and have been for a while, but the world has not reached the same level we see in the games, so society is still functioning. The height difference between the adults and children is the same, and the TVs are still present and in use.
People still have faces, they're just misshapen, and normal looking people are still common. Most people are somewhere in the middle, with Roger being a more extreme example, while Mono would be seen as average to slightly weird, and any normal humans like The Lady would be considered extremely beautiful.
As for the madness: very few people are murder crazy, at least not anybody who wouldn't be that way already. But depression, addiction, sociopathy, etc. are all common among the adults, especially within the pale city. But there are still plenty of moral and sane people around.

Both the Maw and Pale city are going to be a bit cleaner than in canon.
The Pale city will be your typical noir setting. Constantly raining, and with a dark atmosphere that's covered in little pieces of color such as the cloths of the residents or the many, many neon signs and adds that over the city like the ones in the concept art.
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The best inspiration I could think of for the Maw would be the Bath House from "Spirited Away". The Maw would have to be more refined than in game if The Lady wants it to be a profitable business that attracts guests without attracting the law, and would provide more than just food to the guests. That being said, it still has a shady reputation, but I don't imagine the law would reach very far in this world.
IDK I'm probably not going to make much of this, but this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I really wanted to get it out there
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darklove9314-blog · 2 years
The Fox and The Fawn: An Elucien Fanfic
Author’s Note: For Day Three of Lucien Week (Prompt: in Another Life AU), I decided to do an Fluffy Elucien fic where they go to the mall, specifically bath and body works and a Home Goods Store to get stuff for their first home together. (That and since it’s almost officially fall I thought it would be a perfect fall themed fanfic) I hope everyone enjoys it!!! 
Her smile was radiant as the setting sun as she turned to him, tears prickling her vision, flour coating her apron as Lucien shared the unbelievable news, her hand going to her mouth to suppress her grin, barely able to contain her excitement
“You mean we got it? We got the home?” Elain inquired, 
Last month, Elain and Lucien had decided that their one bedroom apartment was getting too small for them, they were both tired of living in the city, living around the hustle and bustle, not finding exactly what they were looking for. Until one day, Lucien had skewered the internet looking for listings for their ideal home. 
One had come up, Elain’s eyes widening at the sight of the cottage depicted in the photos. They had both agreed to set an appointment with a real estate agent and see the home together. 
They had drove to the cottage, wandered around the grounds, Elain smiling fiercely as she saw a Herd of Rabbits, kneeling down to get a better look at them as she glanced at them in wonder, Lucien at her side. as the real estate agent waved them inside, Lucien helped Elain up, her smile radiant as she pulled her fall coat closer, both of them captivated by the scene of the leaves falling and surrounding them. 
Elain took his hand, squeezing it tightly as Lucien helped her up the stairs, Elain’s eyes widening at the garden amongst the property. He could envision what she saw, her tending to her own makeshift garden, gathering fruits, vegetables, and flowers for her own small business that she had excitedly shared with him. 
He had smiled telling her that he would support her every step of the way as they had checked out the house, light shining through the cottage, a fireplace to keep them warm in the winters in a sitting area, a kitchen so small but cozy that Lucien couldn’t help but smile. 
The realtor showed them around the house, Elain twirling on her feet in the spacious living room, Lucien smiled, enchanted by his girlfriend as he spun her back to him giving her a kiss on the tip of her nose as she smiled up at him. 
Once they were shown the rest of the house, Lucien envisioned every night they could have in this house, every moment that he would share with her, and it filled him with a joy he never knew. To see his girlfriend at her happiest. 
“So, what do you think?” The realtor asked them, her eyes alight with the prospect of a sale. 
Lucien turned to Elain, to the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and answered, 
“We’ll take it.” 
After signing the deed to the house, and excitedly calling their friends and family, they kissed in the middle of their house, Elain glancing up at him as she said, 
“We need some new stuff to really make this house a home, don’t you think?” 
“I couldn’t agree more.” He stated, leading his girlfriend out the door, taking one last glance at their newfound home before making their way to the mall to shop for things that would make their house a home. 
Elain wandered through the isles, the skirt of her dress rushing behind her, as they gathered things for their new home. 
Elain gasped in surprise, showing Lucien the candle holder she saw, the one with a fox and a fawn turning on her heels to show him it with a radiant smile, 
“Isn’t it perfect?” She asked. His heart warming at the sight of her smile. 
“Just like you.” He whispered to her as her eyes shone with the purest form of love he had ever known. 
“Well then we simply must get it.” She replied, putting it in their cart. 
From that point out, Elain and Lucien found pieces that fit the vibe they wanted their cottage home in, simple with a touch of rustic flare. He loved every moment of it, every bit of joy this day brought her, but he had an even bigger surprise planned for when they celebrated their first night in their home. One that he had been planning ever since he had seen the fire place, had felt the romance that  cottage had offered. 
He had saved the ring for months, not sure when the right opportunity would present itself, but now. Here with her. Nothing ever felt more right. More perfect. 
“What are you thinking about?” She asked running her hand over the cream comforter she was observing. 
“That this cottage will be the start of several different adventures for us.” 
She smiled, leaning forward to kiss him with a smile. 
“Then I can’t wait to experience them, Lucien Vanserra.” 
“Come on, Elain Archeron, let’s pay for this stuff and get to our new home. I’m thinking a night by the fire is what we both need.” 
Elain smiled as Lucien gazed upon her beauty as his feature wife carted their new belonging up to the register a small smile on Lucien’s face as he followed, always happy to follow her into the setting sun. 
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appleciders · 11 months
6, 8, 18, 19
beautiful flipped symmetry in these numbers bro thank u!
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
ooh, all the time i'm not sure, but i'm a serial bookmarker (LOVE to bookmark something) and i definitely do come back to stuff!! i'm having trouble thinking of names right now. there's just so so much incredible fic out there tbh. if you're willing to do some sifting, here's the full unfiltered (💀) list that's been growing since i was like 14
(oh wait: actually, just remembered one that i do come back to probably at least once a year, until the sun makes the hills its grave. i have no idea how i even found it, given that i only watched the first two seasons of the 100 and i'm missing half the context for it, and i don't know why this one resonates with me so much, but there's a certain kind of mood i get into where i love to reread it)
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
i haven't been writing too much at the moment! moving and life stuff has thrown a wrinkle in it. i've got a bunch of half-finished ficlets for bad sisters that i don't know if they'll amount to anything bigger, especially bc the response to the last one wasn't super interested. for in-progress projects that have been on new-hyperfixation backburner that i hope to return to, i've got my mary circle of magic au for wn and my lupe butching her way through domesticity fic for aloto
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
oh hmm. this chunk from housed as they are has been sticking with me all through this year, so right now i care for it a lot!
“Another part of me can’t stay here.” She tips her face toward Addison, almost apologetic. “Both hurt. But I love too many people to keep away from either.” “So go,” Addison says. “Go and come back.” Like the tide, Maggie thinks. Like the circulation of blood from the heart. Go and come back.
less seriously, i love a lot of the silly little jokes i made in this same fic lol
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
i wish i could give you a chunk from the prompt that's sitting in my inbox, because i do hope to get some wn brain soon to be able to fill it for you!! but here is some mary&lilith from the mary fic i mentioned in the meantime (with bonus shannon)
Lilith makes a face, entirely ungrateful of Mary’s prodigious restraint. She looks around. “Where’s Beatrice?” Shannon and Mary give her matching looks. “Still? Yanna’s hands.” Exasperated, Lilith appeals to the Living Circle god of healing. “One day, the pipes for the private baths will break, and she is going to have to bathe in the trough with the pigs.” Mary shrugs. “She might prefer that. Over you.” Lilith scoffs, splashing a wave of water at Mary. Mary slaps the water to spray her back. Shannon, caught in the crossfire, retaliates by shoving Mary off the bench. Mary grabs Lilith in her attempt to keep purchase. The two of them fall sideways in slow motion, Lilith’s vice grip clenching around Mary’s wrist. They surface, spluttering. “Oh, you–” Mary starts. “Shannon,” Lilith harmonizes. To any outsiders, Shannon would seem placid, at most mildly amused. To the two who know her best, she is utterly, unbearably smug. Mary looks at Lilith. Lilith looks at Mary. As one, they lunge, grabbing Shannon on each side and yanking her in. She lets them; she comes up laughing. All three of them are grinning, then, neck-deep, droplets of warm water hanging like clear beads from their faces. Lilith doesn’t even start a whirlpool, though, as she readily threatens, she could.
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swimthroughthefires · 8 months
Yuletide Letter Placeholder
Yuletide requests + favorite tropes below
Werewolf By Night
Elsa x Jack
Werewolf x Werewolf hunter is a criminally underused trope IMHO.
I loved how much tropey deliciousness we got in just 60 minutes with werewolf by night - trapped together while the werewolf transformed, recognizing your love interest while transformed… A++
I'd love a post-movie fic with more of those vibes.
(And this is very optional but… I won't say no to some knotting…)
Wheel of Time (TV)
Lan Mandragoran x Nynaeve al'Meara
I found their relationship a lot of fun. I liked that Nyneave is clearly very smart and has a lot of experience… except with feelings (especially her own).
Also it was not lost on me that if Lan was ever restored… and married Nynaeve…. she would be a princess. Which I think Nynaeve would scoff at and then be really good at.
Normally I am not interested in kid!fic but after what Nynaeve went through in the arches I would love to see her and Lan have a daughter and live happily ever after.
Charlie's Angels (2019)
Jane, Sabina, Elena
I ship Sabina/Jane but wanted to add Elena in case you, Dear Author, are interested in writing a mission fic and/or something gen.
I really love Sabina/Jane. I think they have a very classic by-the-book serious person/much more creative, bohemian person (and it's super sexy when it's two lady spies).
Jane and Sabina getting together, them as an established couple going on missions, a lazy day off I'm interested in it all – whatever you like.
That said? Sabina smacking her own ass with that crop? Made me REALLY want a Jane/Sabina fic where Jane spanks/uses a crop on Sabina.
Scholomance - Naomi Novik
El, Orion, Gwen
I would love to see El and Orion post series hunting Maw-Mouths across the world together - I really enjoyed the stable but "the adventure continues" ending of the series.
I'd also be interested in an AU where they both make it out at graduation and Orion goes off to Wales to find El. When El and Orion were at the end of The Last Graduate I was really hoping for "Orion shows up at the commune, Gwen has to deal with the golden boy of New York City Enclave who is in love with her would-make-a-great-dark-sorcerous daughter."
Also please no pregnancy/kids.
Some of my favorite tropes in general if you're looking for additional inspiration:
drunk kissing they both enjoyed but neither admits because they don't think the other feels the same way"
the “this is your house I’m not making you sleep on the couch” “yeah but you’re the guest you take the bed” conversation between ur otp right before they share the bed reblog if u agree
Enemies to lovers
Praise kink
Clothes sharing
Helping someone dress or undress
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Fake Dating/Fake Marriage Accidentally Turns Into Feelings
Soulmate Identifying Marks (Tattoo, Red Thread of Fate, etc)
Seemingly Unrequited Pining
‘Falling For A Coworker/Teammate Is A Bad Idea’ Except This Is Fiction So It Works Out
And They Were Roommates!
Amnesia Fic
Accidentally Fell In Love With The Mission Target
Snowed-In Cabin/Isolated Together For Extended Period of Time
Found Families
Bed sharing
fuck to get over my (our?) feelings
Date to a wedding
Secret romance/sneaking around
shower/bath sex
naked cuddling for warmth
Sexy sparring
Greencard marriage
when a character gets wounded and they go to their love interest for help and while they’re getting their injuries cleaned and patched up they flinch from the sting of the antiseptic and their love interest says “hold still” in an exasperated but touchingly concerned tone of voice and then they accidentally make eye contact or brush hands and just freeze in that position until the tension in the room is nearly unberable before both looking away and pretending the unspoken thing that just passed between them never happened
Undercover as couple
Sex sparring
i just saw a thing on fb like ‘does somebody wanna be fake engaged to me for like 2 hours to try free wedding cake samples’ and im just…………………imagine ur otp 
Sex pollen
Trapped in an elevator/snowed in/mineshaft
witch/werewolf au
favorite mini trope is “oh no danger is coming we must press ourselves against each other in this confined space” followed by “the danger has passed yet we’re still like this (awkward silence)”
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literally-inlove · 2 years
sooo, i saw in your what i write for list that you write for dr stone. can i get a hurt/comfort scenario where senku and (fem) reader are married in modern au, and he always ignores her and doesn't give her attention while she loves him from the bottom of her heart and she gets upset and tells him she wants a divorce, but he says no bcs and confesses his true feelings. if that was too detailed then its ok if u don't do it.
LET'S GO! DR STONE! Very little Dr Stone on Tumblr now. Making me sad. 😢
Also, sorry it took so long. I try to do headcanons first as in my opinion, they're a lot quicker and easier to do. ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑)
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I'm Worried is All
Senku Ishigami x Fem!Reader
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Genre: Comfort Angst
Summary: Senku has been going to work too often and it's making you worried. Is he cheating? Is he talking bad about you to his friends? Does he just not care about you anymore? Either way, you're sick of it...
Warning: Slight cussing
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Lately, Senku has been out of the house way too often for your liking. You would make dinner and pray they could talk about his day, only for him to come in to eat and collapse on the couch. So much for his constant scoldings about how napping on the lounge can cause back and neck pain.
The most he would do now is look your way at night. He leaves early in the morning at gets home late. What is more important than you? What was more important than your marriage?
You looked a photo of when you were in the most gorgeous white dress. The day of your wedding. You sighed before grabbing the frame of the small tabletop picture and lay it on its face. Your eyes glistened as tears threatened to fall from your face.
You had just woken up from your slumber to walk around the house. You saw the clock on the wall that said that it was six in the morning.
6am and he wasn't even home. "He never has time anymore..."
You began to do your daily life chores alone, as per usual. You washed the dishes, did a quick shop at the local market, had a bath, and finished the day with a call with your best friend.
"Listen. If he doesn't care about you, then you don't have to care about him." She groaned to you over the phone. She happened to be divorced with four kids so she has more pain you'll ever have.
You laughed. "I know that, but I still care about him. And deep down, I know he cares-" "He obviously doesn't if he's not talking to you!!"
You heard her start yelling at her two middle kids, telling them to shut up. That was until she sighed. "Listen. I have to go. But divorce is always an option."
"I'm not finished yet-" You hung up the phone and slammed it back down.
These past few weeks, your best friend has been trying to convince you to leave Senku. But you could never do that. The most you do to acknowledge each other is you cooking him dinner.
So for once, you'll cook for yourself and yourself only. You had finally taken the eggs off the pan and on to the plate. You couldn't think of much to have so you're having what would normally be a breakfast as a dinner.
You were half way through your meal, which isn't being very filling at this moment, when you heard the front door open.
Despite it being one of the first photos you see in your house when you walk in, he didn't even notice that your wedding photo wasn't there.
You heard Senku's back crack after he stretched and heard the soft thumping of his feet as he walked to the kitchen. You could tell he was looking around until he finally said something.
"Honey? Where's my portion?" That's it.
You clicked your tounge before placing your fork on the plate you had in front of you. "You haven't spoken to me in weeks, and that's the first thing you say to me?" The sound of metal clashing with glass echoed the room which was then followed with the sound of the chair being pushed out.
"You know what, Senku?" You looked at him with a stern look in your eyes. "I've had it with you. With-..." You motioned to the both of you. "-This."
You saw as he just stared at you with confusion. He shook his head before walking up to you slowly. "Look. Whatever it is, we can sort it out later-"
"And when is later?! Huh?!" You could see him swallow his saliva that was stuck at the back of his throat. "When will that be, Senku?!" His red eyes were easier to see with how wide he had them open. "When will later be if the last real conversation we had was weeks ago?!!"
He blinked in surprise before sighing. Senku opened his eyes to see yours tearing up. "(Y/n). Listen. We can work this out."
"Work what out? This mess of a relationship?!" "Okay. You can quiet down."
You threw your arms up and slammed them against your thighs. "Rich coming from someone who hasn't spoken to me in-" "-Weeks. I get it."
He sighed and pinched his nose bridge. You held back your tears before storming upstairs, forgetting about your plate. He saw this and chased after you. "(Y/n) where are you going?"
"I'm fucking done." Senku stopped after hearing your words. He managed to mutter out "what" as you spun on your heels. "I'm done with whatever you have going on here! I don't care who you're sleeping! I don't care what you say to your friends about me! I do not care anymore!!"
At this point, the water built up in front of your eyes were streaming down your face. You flinched at his touch due to sensitivity as he put his palms on his cheeks. "Okay. We'll sort this now." He pulled you into a tight hug, he head only just being above yours. "I'm not cheating on you. I'm not talking shit about you to any of my friends. And even if I was, Taiju and Kohaku would've told you. I love you so damn much that I can't imagine either of us being with anyone else."
You arms slowly lifted up so that you both were holding on to each other. Senku smiled as he spoke some more. "The truth is, I've been extremely busy with this latest project over in the labs these past two months. Lucky for us, it's almost finished." Holding on to your shoulder, he pulled away to look at you. He had a large smile on his face. Larger than what you've ever seen on him. "And I'm sure with all the pay I'll be given, we can go on a nice holiday. Just the two of us."
You felt him wipe your tears. "And me? Cheating? Honey that is simply i-" "-Illogical... I know..." You laughed softly.
Senku gave you a small pat on the head as he laughed with you. "Ever since we met in college, I doubt I would let you go. Based on my research, we were and still are a perfect match for each other." You smiled at him as he rested his forehead on yours.
He then pulled away and patted down his clothes. "Well. I'm hungry and you didn't make anything. I think your food is half cold and you looked as if you weren't enjoying it." "You saw?"
Senku looked at you and grabbed your hand. "Honey. I look at you almost every day. You just never notice." He tapped you on the nose before walking down the stairs. He halted his step and turned around slowly. "Looking at the time, there's not enough time to cook so.." He lifted his hand out. "Let's just go get take out."
All you could do was laugh as you took his hand. You both walked to the door as you put on shoes. "What happened to junk food being bad for you?" "Well, I'm hungry. You're hungry. Food is food at this moment."
You both closed the door, not knowing he lifted the frame back up on your way out. Based on his completely logical research, you were bound to have fights but were not bound to ever break up.
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And we are done. Sad but not too sad. Yayyyy.
Again. I am sorry this request took so long. But it is here now. I hope you liked it. I am not strong in the angst part of writing but yk.
Requests are open!!
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m-jelly · 2 years
hi jelly!! i am so thankful for all the work you putting into sharing your writing with us! it always cheers me up and i just love the way you write <3 i was hoping i could submit a request!
could you write something along the lines of modern AU/established relationship between Levi and reader (with maybe a smidge of an age gap), where reader is worried because she has to move to a new place for school/work and doesn't know if Levi will want to move with her? But its basically Levi reassuring her and saying he wants to go wherever she goes bc her goals and their relationship is super important to him 🥺 OR alternative addition/idea maybe she moves before him to set up but when they reunite, its super fluffy and spicy 🥵 if you feel up for it.
thank you so much jelly!! i hope you have the most wonderful week! thank you again for sharing your works with us and for being so kind <333
Happy to do this!
The heart follows
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Couple, love, romance, emotional, smut, romantic Levi, loving Levi, love-making, Levi showing you love in the bedroom, modern AU.
Concept: You have to move for your dream job and you're scared of what it will mean for you and Levi as a couple. Levi assures you that he'll never leave you and will follow you no matter where you go. You move first and settle into the new apartment while Levi is finishing up things back at your old place. Levi joins you finally, he shows you just how much he's missed you.
18+ material below. Minors do not interact.
You nibbled your lip, then gazed at your lover. "Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to stop you with your job."
Levi continued packing your bag. "I think it's good for us. I can move with no problem. I'll work from home easily." He looked over at you. "This is your dream job brat. I'm not letting you throw that away."
You smiled a little. "But."
He walked up to you and cupped your face. "No. We're not doing this again. You're taking this new job and you're going to own it. This is your dream and you are amazing at what you do. Tch, come on brat."
You blushed. "You're right."
He kissed you and hummed. "I'll sell everything here, okay? You get yourself to the hotel and buy a nice apartment for us."
You nodded. "Alright."
He carried on packing your bag. "I'm looking forward to moving. This will be fun. A new house to clean and look after."
You giggled at how cute your lover was. "You're right." You got up and grabbed your bag. "Thanks for packing my suitcase. I wish I could help with the other packing."
He shook his head. "You focus on your job. You work and be wonderful. Do as you're told, brat."
You hummed a laugh. "Yes, sir!"
He pulled you close and kissed you. "I love you and I'm proud of you."
"Love you too." You hugged him tightly. "Thank you for this."
"My pleasure."
It was hard leaving Levi, it was hard for you both but with his encouragement, you knew you could do anything. You moved to your hotel room and found the perfect apartment for you and Levi. You signed the papers and kept Levi in the loop the whole time.
You moved in first and made sure everything was in order while Levi stayed back at the old place to pack. You both missed each other a lot and spent most of the time calling each other or texting. You wanted to stay in contact as much as possible.
You went about your evening one night, you thought about having a nice hot bath in your new place. You wanted to relax and just soak. You were tired, aching and you missed the love of your life. You smiled when you heard the front door, which meant Levi was finally here.
"Levi! I'm in the bathroom!"
Levi hurried through the apartment into the private bathroom. He stopped when he saw you in just a long dressing gown as you decided what to put in the bath before you turned the water on. "Brat."
You hummed. "Hey honey, I'm just trying to figure out what would be nice in the bath." You turned and smiled at him. "It's wonderful to see you again. I missed you."
Levi growled in annoyance, then he picked you up and sat you on the edge of the bath. “Tch, little shit.”
You squeaked and tried to cover yourself up. “W-Wait Levi.”
He knelt in front of you, then massaged your thighs and kissed your left knee. “If you really don’t want me to, then I won't However, I would nothing more than to be squeezed between your beautiful thighs. I have been dreaming of it."
You blushed as your arms pressed against your breasts. “Oh…” You gulped and parted your legs a little. “O-Okay. What a welcome home, huh?”
Levi kissed the inside of your left thigh and moved up a little. “You've been on my mind all the time we've been apart. You are stunning.”
He bit the inside of your thigh making you hum, then he sucked a mark. He licked it after and smiled at the love bite. He dragged his lips along your skin, then bit and sucked another mark making you moan. He moved your legs over his shoulders, then turned his head to your other thigh and began nipping and sucking on the skin covering your sensitive inside thigh to be covered in his love for you.
He licked up your pussy slowly causing you to clench your legs around his head sending pure pleasure to shoot through Levi. He smiled, then licked up again to your clit. He playfully licked your clit and traced letters and patterns. He pressed his mouth closer and took your clit into his mouth. He sucked and traced the perfect patterns on you as your back arched. You moaned and cried out in delight.
You reached behind you and grabbed the other side of the bath to support you. You tangled your fingers on your other hand in Levi’s hair and rocked with his movements. Your moans and pants echoed off the bathroom walls, it was embarrassing to hear, at the same time it was music to Levi’s ears.
You squeezed your toes as you felt the pleasure increase, you knew it was only a matter of time before you felt your release. You could taste it; it was going to be heavenly. You moaned and panted faster. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes.
Your body shivered, then you felt the pop of pleasure run through you. You held your breath as no moans came out, you were just silent. You finally moaned, then you felt your body relax completely. You whined and panted as you felt your body shivering pleasure. You opened your eyes as Levi kissed and nipped the inside of your thigh. You panted and hummed, then let go of Levi’s hair.
You giggled at his messy hair. You covered your chest up with your arm and hummed. “Levi?”
He looked up at you, then leaned up. “How was that?”
You blushed and looked away as you gulped hard. “Amazing as always. Welcome home.”
He smiled at you. “I’m glad you liked it.” He kissed you and hummed. “I mean, I want to do a good job and make you feel good. I always want that for you. We've been apart for so long I just wanted you to remember how much I love you."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him over and over. “I can feel that love.”
He blushed. “Ah, well…I’m glad.”
You stood up, then shoved him against the bathroom wall and kissed him roughly. “More.”
Levi blushed, then gasped as you nipped and sucked his neck. Levi shivered, it was a weakness of his to have his neck kissed and nipped so much. He called your name and gulped. “S-stop. We don’t have umm…we don’t have protection.”
You kissed Levi, then held his hand and pulled him into the bedroom. "I have some in the bedside draw somewhere, or maybe in the living room box..."
Levi gulped. “Unpacking still...”
You nodded. "Yeah, sorry!"
"It's okay, let's just find the condoms."
You ran out into the living room and searched the boxes until you found what you needed. "Got it!" You got into the bedroom, then closed the door and handed the box to Levi. “Well, now you can no longer worry that we don’t have anything.” You locked the door, then gasped when you heard the box you gave Levi get ripped open. “Levi?”
Levi grabbed your hips, then angled them. He bit the crook of your neck, then slammed his cock deep into your pussy. You bit your hand and cried out in pleasure. He lightly kissed your neck. “Are you okay? I was a bit eager, sorry."
You nodded and panted. “I’m good.”
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You shook your head. “N-No.” You hummed and gulped. “You have never hurt me. You're incredible. You always know what I want.” You moaned a little as Levi moved.
Levi growled at you and gripped your hips harder. “Of course, I listen to my lover.” He nipped your ear. “I’m going to give you everything you desired. If it’s too much, just tell me.”
You nodded. “Yes, Levi.”
He rocked into you slowly and gently, because he didn’t want to hurt or push you more than he already had. He needed to make sure you were hurting first before he got a little rough.
He kissed your neck and shoulder over and over, he wanted you to feel loved and desired. He smiled against your skin when you wiggled against him, meaning you wanted more. He stopped kissing your neck and shoulder, then pulled back.
He panted, then slammed his cock hard and fast into you. He saw your legs wobble and struggle, but you weren’t asking him to stop. He looked up to your face and saw you biting your hand to stop you from crying out loudly. Levi thought you looked and sounded so beautiful like it was music to his ears. You always felt incredible to him. He loved just having his hard penis buried deep inside you.
He angled your hips more and felt you clench tightly around him, he'd pressed your sweet g-spot. He rocked against you and made sure that he hit the right spot in you over and over. He pushed his hand around your hip to your clit and moved his fingers. He other hand pushed up your body to your left breast.
You whimpered and whined as you were overwhelmed with pleasure from all over your body, you couldn’t keep track of it all. You felt like you were going to pop with euphoria. You kept biting your hand, then with your other hand grabbed Levi’s massaging your chest. You needed the connection, needed the contact, needed the touch to remind you that he was there, that he was right with you. You closed your eyes tightly and tried to control yourself and your body, but you were losing grip on yourself and your pleasure.
Levi panted and hummed as he felt you were close, so he needed to push you over the edge. He nipped your earlobe. "Good girl. That's it. That's my good girl. You take me so well." He panted as you shivered around him. "You feel so fucking good. I love you, I love you so much."
He moved a little rougher and faster, then smiled as you gripped his hand on your chest and your other reached around and slapped about on his thigh as the pleasure was on the verge of your body wanting to get away from it. Levi wouldn’t let you escape though, he wanted you to feel bliss.
You tapped your forehead against the door, then gripped Levi’s hand and thigh hard as you felt pleasure burst from your pussy and flow through every inch of you. Your legs buckled as you struggled to stand, it was just too much for your body to take. Levi caught you as your body collapsed.
Levi pulled from you, then turned you around and looked at your bliss covered face. He admired your hooded lids, parted lips and pink cheeks as your legs shook.
"I love that face you get." Levi kissed you over and over and hummed. “Are you okay?”
You nodded and linked your arms around him weakly. “I’m perfect.” You hummed and smiled. “Can we keep going?”
He nodded and picked you up, then put your legs around him. He pushed in your pussy slowly making you both hum and whine. He panted as he pressed your back against the door, then he smiled at you. “So beautiful.”
He squeezed your thighs, then rocked into you slowly. He captured your lips and kissed you sweetly at first, then he nipped your lip and deepened the kiss. He growled at you.
He smiled as you clawed and gripped at his back, which meant he was moving correctly. “So perfectly cute and sexy.”
You pressed you more against the door and got rougher with you. You whimpered and whined at him as you felt pure heaven as Levi moved and spoke to you. The man was a dream come true and you knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with him.
Levi smiled and kept kissing you, he was just so happy. “Mine.” He moaned and kissed you again as you squeezed around him so perfectly. “All mine.”
Levi pulled from your lips, then kissed along your jawline and started nipping and sucking your neck. He left as many beautiful flower blossoms of love bites as he went. Levi wanted you to feel none stop pleasure, he wanted you to think of nothing but him for the rest of your life.
He panted and moaned your name to you, it just sounded so good being said by him as his voice was dripping with pleasure and desire. You both just loved and adored each other. He angled your hips and heard your moan change, so he knew he was hitting your g-spot again. He gripped your thighs hard, then rocked hard and fast into you and captured your lips in a rough and passionate kiss so the only person who could have your moans was him.
He pressed you against the door as hard as possible and kept moving hard and fast, his body rubbing against your clit and against your g-spot. You gripped at Levi’s back as your toes squeezed, you couldn’t hold on any longer and knew another rush of pleasure was coming. You didn’t fight it this time, instead, you let it come surging towards you like rushing waters.
You gripped the back of Levi’s head, then kissed him with all the love within you. You whimpered and cried as you felt your body dance on the edge of pleasure, then you felt it fall towards the euphoric end. You squeezed around Levi over and over making him grunt and growled at you.
He pulled from your lips and held you against him as he panted and you shivered and mewled. He carried you over to the bed, then gently lay you down. He pushed your dressing gown off you and threw it, then kissed your body all over as you hummed and smiled in happiness.
Levi looked up at you, then pushed his hands along your arms and up to your hands. He entwined his fingers with yours, then pinned your hands to the bed. He lay his full weight against you, arms on the bed and fingers entwined with yours. He smiled at you making you smile back, you both knew in that moment you were happy, safe and in love.
Levi kissed your face all over, then rocked his cock gently into you. You moved your hips slowly with him. You both no longer wanted something rough, instead, you were ending with love and passion.
You whined at Levi and squeezed his hands. Levi turned his head from kissing your neck, then smiled at you. He lightly kissed you and laughed a little at your pout and grumpy whine. He kissed you again for a little longer. He nipped your lip, then deepened the kiss and gave you what you were demanding from him.
He hummed and rocked with you as you tangled your legs around him. You both hummed and moaned as you tried to move as much as possible. Both of you were near your end, but Levi wanted it to last a little longer. Levi made you feel like you were the most beautiful woman in the world. He doted on you always. He was just so wonderful and caring with you like you were the only thing in the world that mattered.
Levi tapped his forehead against yours, then hummed as he focused and moved as much as he could. His body rubbed against your clit as he rocked perfectly against you. You squeezed Levi’s hands tightly and moaned at him. You both gazed at each other as you moaned each other’s names. Levi tried to keep a rhythm, but he was struggling a little. He rocked as hard and fast as he could, you moved your hips with Levi. Both your moans got closer and closer to bliss. Both your bodies shook with desire and need.
Levi snapped his hips causing a burst of pleasure to rip and drag its nails through your body. You moaned and kept gazing at Levi, you wanted him to see what he was doing to you, that he was wonderful. Your body reacting to pure pleasure and the beautiful look on your face and sweet moans sent Levi over the edge. He moaned your name and rocked slowly, then pressed into your pussy and panted. He shivered and hummed as his body throbbed from heavenly bliss.
You played with Levi's hair, then giggled. "Welcome home."
He purred at you. "It's good to be home."
You smiled at him. "I didn't even get a chance to ask you how your journey was, you just pounced on me."
"Tch, you just looked so sexy." He kissed you and sighed through his nose. "Bath and massage."
You hugged him. "Mm, please."
Levi pulled his dick from you, then held you close and carried your weak floppy body to the bathroom. "Nice place, by the way. You chose so well."
He started the bath and put in soothing things. "I missed you."
You squeezed him. "Miss you too."
He sat you on the bath, then pulled off his full condom and tied it up before binning it. He pulled his things off and ruffled his hair. He smiled at you with a little blush. "You're so beautiful."
"You're handsome."
He walked up to you and kissed you. "I'm glad we're together again."
"Me too."
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Hi can i please request kogami shinya smut where the reader and him are roommates and both of them kinda like each other and then one day kogami had enough and he snap? Make it smutty as you can heheh. Thank you
based on the prompt, I had to make this au. so hopefully that was ok. also, if you want something nsfw, please specify gender. there is no wrong answer. I’m more than happy to do het or slash, but I don’t want to get into the fight if I guess wrong. you’re welcome to request a sort of annex piece if you’d like to see smut.
Kogami + Reader - Roommates to Lovers.
He’ll blame Kagari when this is all done.
It’s all mister junior detective fault that he was even considering this. He was perfectly happy with the way things were between him and [Y/N] before he opened his big mouth.
The two of them had been living together for a while. They met in college, and shared the same residence hall before [Y/N] went into their primary post-grad work and he went into criminal justice for the detective track. Given how expense it was in Tokyo, and that neither of them was making any money at the time, they decided to move in together with two other roommates to converse resources.
As time went on, the other two floated out. Moved into their own place. Got married. Someone would take their place now & then until they eventually had enough for just the two of them to split the cost on their own. Everything was fine.
That was, until [Y/N] decided to bring his lunch to him at work that he had forgotten before he went on tour and Kagari gushed about how sweet and kind and thoughtful they were to bring it to them. Not to mentioned talented for making it for him in the first place, and beautiful. That last part was said just between them after they left, but his junior had made it a point to bring that part up the most.
“So, you guys really aren’t dating?”
“No.” Kogami answered for the 18th time when Kagari asked. “We’re just roommates.”
“That seems kind of weird.” The younger man responded, in this completely unrequested critique of his life. “Two adults your age living together and not boning? You have enough money to live on your own right? Are you just bad with money?”
Kogami grit his teeth and focused on his reports. Of course he had enough money to live on his own if he wanted. He just didn’t want to.
He liked having [Y/N] there to come home to. He wasn’t the most social person, but that one constant was a blessing in his chaotic world. Plus, they were great at keeping the house clean and cooking meals; which he generally sucked at. In exchanged he bought the groceries and worked on their car when it was on the fritz.
‘Shit....’ he thought. Really thinking about it for the first time. ‘we sound like an old married couple.’
“Well, if you’re not dating, do you mind if I ask them out?”
The pencil in Kogami’s hand snapped like the brittle twig it was. He suddenly realized Gino’s fondness for pens.
Kagari didn’t ask him about it anymore. Or speak to him the rest of the day.
He might be a dumb kid, but he was certainly smart enough it seemed to realize that his senpai was working through something and that his stupid questions had struck a nerve. For this, Kagami was grateful.
He finished his work and went home for the day. Still distracted and contemplating his life with [Y/N] up until this point. We're they actually weird for this living together? Had too much time past for them to change their relationship from platonic? Was [Y/N] just not interested in him?
Kogami thought about all of this as he came to the door and turned the key in the lock. His thoughts halting as if running into a wall as he smelled [Y/N] cooking dinner and the usual sound of them humming from the kitchen.
“Hey Shinya!” They greeted cheerfully when he rounded the corner and saw him. “I didn’t expect you home from for so soon. So if you want to take a bath before dinner you can. How was your day?”
It was a familiar scene. [Y/N] making dinner, happy as usual. Clearly already had their shower and waiting for him to come home. It was so familiar that Kogami may have realized he had gotten complacent in it. Perhaps too comfortable that he never thought to ask why they never took that final step forward.
“Hey, [Y/N], how come we never dated?”
The questions clearly caught them by surprise. To the point that they almost dropped their spoon. “W-W-What?? What’s all this about?”
He chose not to mention Kagari’s intention to hit on her. Instead he played dumb and just answered, “I was thinking about it, and the question has been bugging me.”
[Y/N] set their spoon down and stepped away from the stove. Looking incredibly nervous. Even without his detective training, it was pretty obvious to pick up on the cues. “We...I don’t’ know. I was dating someone in college. You were seeing that girl in chem after that. I guess we were just two ships that past in the night, and no one ever really said anything because we were friends.”
That was true. Leave it to [Y/N] to find the answer.
Kogami hadn’t exactly been celibate not dating [Y/N]. He’d dated. Hooked up. He’d mostly been in a dry spell recently because of work, but [Y/N] was no saint either.
They never stood in each other’s way of dating. Never questioned their motives in seeing another person. Now that he was thinking about it though, it did bother him sometimes when they were dating someone else and Kogami had to come home alone.
“Let’s do it.” [Y/N] looked up at him with a confused look. “Date I mean.” 
Their express just became more confused and surprised. “Look we’re...basically almost dating now. It’s only logical.” Right, logic. Right, right, right. “I care about you more than anyone in the world. And...I think you feel the same way.” [Y/N] shifted their feet in a way that Kogami’s detective skills told him it was true. “So, let’s move forward. Do you want to be with me? Not just live with me?”
The look on [Y/N]’s face was too complicated to decipher, even with all his skills, but he felt his heart leap up higher in his chest when they said, “yes. I want to be with you.”
Kogami smiled; or as much as he usual smiled, which was just a quirk at the corner of his lips. He stepped forward to [Y/N] and took their hand. Kissing right now seemed too....intimate. Although they were already very intimate emotionally, there were some lines that felt too intimate to cross right now. Instead, he gave it a little squeeze.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower so we can eat.”
“O-Okay....” [Y/N] stammered out. He thought it was very cute. It made him re-think this ‘no kissing just yet’ policy.
He left to go shower and give them both some space to absorb the news. Honestly he felt....good about it. Like he was moving forward and not making a big leap into the unknown. [Y/N] was the most important person to him. So moving forward with them was the most natural thing in the world.
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