aezuria · 6 months
hiii i love ur writing sm!! i was wondering if u would do leo valdez x reader headcanons? ty!!!
*ੈ✎ keep your head still, i'll be your thrill
—all the small things, blink-182
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content: leo valdez x reader
warnings: cursing again
librarian's annotations: the title has no connection to the hcs but it came up while i was writing this also IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER 🙏🙏🙏
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super clingy i do not make the rules
oh you thought you were gonna get up and be productive?? not today!
fuck everyone else tbh
LOVEEES gossip sessions with u
hes so invested in all the drama u have
probably laying on his stomach and swinging his feet and gasping incredulously. "what!? no she did not..."
got very pouty that you did not invite him to the girls night bc he didnt want to "miss out on the tea" (lwk stealing from my own work oops)
who can blame him tbh
loves teaching u too (even if u suck)
like imagine him holding your waist and moving you to the beat as you fumble along, his chest pressed up against your own
"forward, back, left- there you go," he murmured into your ear, looking down at your feet. you stepped on his shoes a lot more than you should've; did he ever think that his proximity was why you were messing up!?
"you suck at this, don't you?" he laughed, but twirled you around anyway.
"did you ever think you're just a shit teacher?"
also this man was born a star
can probably hit super high notes as if its nothing
ok so we all know how hes a genius right
oh my GOD imagine him explaining how his stuff works and using words you're sure don't even exist and he's so into it and he just sounds so SMART
intelligence is so attractive why does no one talk abt that
you wanted to watch him work on the engine, so you pulled up a stool next to him. you stared at his side, his tank top dirty with grease and sticky with sweat. how long had he been working since you got here?
you'd get mad at him for not taking a break later. right now? you were admiring the view. who wouldn't?
"hey leo?"
he hummed in response, still hyper-focused on the engine.
"how does all that work, exactly?" you were never one for machines—good thing you have a mechanic boyfriend!
he looks to you, a happy glimmer in his eyes. "you really wanna know? so basically— this part connects to that part and then..."
you don't know how long you've been zoned out, too busy staring at his perfect
"y/n?" he finally realizes you haven't been paying attention. "you with me, now?" he raises an eyebrow with a grin on his face.
"huh? what?" you straightened up, fumbling over your words. "yeah! why wouldn't i be?" you tried to act as if you weren't just ogling him seconds before.
"oh y'know.. cause you were checking me out." he winked, leaning back against the engine as he put himself on display. "i mean, you obviously couldn't help it. i mean, look at me!"
someone humble him
its not like he doesn't do the same tho
if he accidentally walks in on you he'd be like "oh my gods-! sorry!" and cover his eyes with his hands, but his fingers are parted so he could still look through. literally the 🫣 emoji
he is SUPER ticklish and you WILL use this to your advantage
esp his ears
one time you touched them out of curiosity cause theyre pointer than average and he was like "eek!"
"aww i didn't know you could make that sound!" you poked some more fun at him because that was adorable
"shut up!"
another time he's laying on you, ruining your plans of getting up early and being active. you tried rolling out from underneath him but his arms snake around you like a vice, squeezing a groan out of you.
"leo get off!" you tried shoving him off, but that didn't work either. he simply buried his face into your neck, mumbling a tired no.
you really had shit to do, so you resorted to the last possible tactic. "i didn't wanna have to do this..." you warned. (you so wanted to do this)
you slipped your hands under his shirt and started tickling his stomach, effectively getting him writhing off you with laughter.
"stop-! that tickles!" he tried doing the same back, but he was squirming far too much.
ok real talk now
love loves staying up late with you until its past midnight and you guys are just rambling about random topics. he's just so relaxed with you, his heart feels so full and there's no space anymore, so his bottled up emotions spill out
which is usually a closely-guarded secret because he's just the funny guy of the group, right?
what does he know about feelings? isn't it his job to just keep everyone else happy? joking about everything will take away the pain, won't it?
(it doesn't)
"i don't know, i just- feel like i don't really fit in with everyone. they all have these cool powers, and i'm just.. me." he laughed dryly, face devoid of his usual happiness as he stared at the ceiling. "sometimes, i feel like you could do so much better. but at the same time?" his voice lowered as he rolled onto his side, staring into your eyes. "i want to keep you to myself. i really, really don't want to lose you."
you were glad he finally opened up to you, but your heart ached at the way he thought of himself. how could he not see how highly everyone thought of him, especially you?
"just you? leo, you're the coolest person i know. you're so, so smart, you can fix just about anything, you're funny, you're kind, you can cook; what's not to love?" you smiled softly. you could go on and on about this man. for him to think that he was the lucky one? it was quite the opposite.
"and you don't have to worry," you whispered, cuddling closer to him and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "i'll always be with you."
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
I know, you know we both know how much my heart belongs to Val but my minds been drifting around the last few days, so can I get a Vox x Vel x reader where reader and Vel are doing a girls night with face masks, skin care and doing there hair and stuff. They practically force Vox to participate. Reader does his nails while Vel runs around looking for something because she looked at Vox and was like "I have the perfect thing" I want some eye burning fluff because I don't usually read fluff you know about my obsession with doing peoples nails and im still throthing at the mouth for the idea of doing lucifers nails with iridescent gold with dark red details oh Satan's left ball sack I want to make a fic about it so so bad also about angelic steel acrylics I want reader to rip someone's throat out with them also just imagine reader digging her claws into Val's back while he fucks her oh my fuck, no this is Vox and Vel time anyways have an amazing day
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Valentino leaned over and kissed my forehead “mi amore, are you sure you’re okay with me leaving? I mean, it’s just…” His hand fell to my belly as his voice trailed off. 
“Val, I’m fine,” I replied. “Really. I’m pregnant, not sick. And Uncle Lucifer is going to drop by later to check in. But really, I promise I’m fine.”
“Yeah, Val- we’re going to do a girls night, so either pop off or get pulled in,” Velvette added as she looked up from her phone. “Face masks, nails- you name it, we’re doing it.”
Valentino grimaced, “as lovely as that sounds I think I’ll pass.” 
“I just want you to be safe, okay honey?” I pleaded as he kissed me again. “I’ll see you tomorrow night?” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he promised. 
As soon as the elevator door clicked closed, Velvette turned her attention to me. 
“Let’s get to it- we both could use the relaxation.” 
An hour later, Velvette had my hair braided back and I wore a fluffy spa headband with a big pink bow. On my face was a green goop that she swore was good for my pores. My fingers flowed through her thick hair as I attempted to do a simple braid. 
“There,” I said finally as she pulled the headband over the top of her head. 
She adjusted her bow and I sat as she carefully wiped the goop from my face. 
“What are you two doing?” Vox asked as he leaned over the couch. “And what in gods name is on the TV?”
“Fifty first dates,”  I giggled as she wiped the last bit away. “It’s a girls night! There is pizza on the table if you want some!” 
He walked around and grabbed a piece of pizza from the table and took a seat on the couch. I watched as Velvette looked him up and down as a grin spread across her face. 
“You know Vox….you look like you could use a little r&r…” she began slowly. 
“Oh fuck no, don’t even start,” he began. 
Velvette looked at me and I stood up and joined her. I took his free hand in mine.
“I don’t know much about screens, but your nails definitely need work. Vel?”
“I think I have the perfect thing for that tired face,” she added. 
Vox groaned, “I’m not getting out of this am I?” 
“No!” Velvette and I replied in unison. 
Lucifer walked in an hour later to Vox laying on the couch, his eyes completely obscured by two bright green cucumber slices. A soft pink cloth mask covered his face as Velvette rubbed something on his upper arms and shoulders. I had busied myself with his nails, intent on buffing and glossing up his fingers. 
“What are you two doing to that man?” Lucifer asked with a twitch of a smile. 
“Honestly, Lucifer, you should consider joining in. Vel’s hands are magic,” Vox muttered. “And my hands feel so soft.” 
“I think I’ll pass,” he replied casually as he plopped himself down on the couch. “After you’re done torturing Vox, what’s on your agenda?” 
“Vel’s going to do my nails,” I replied easily as I filed down the last of Vox’s fingers. “She said she has a surprise. But Uncle Lucy, let me see your hands.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh fuck no. Reader. I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to…”
“Aw, come on,” I whined lightly. “Come on, don’t make me play the pregnancy card this early in the game.” 
Lucifer rolled his eyes but sat down on the couch opposite Vox. I squealed and grabbed the manicure kit. 
“Only my hands,” he warned as I took his left hand in mine. “I’m warning you right now.” 
“Oh just relax,” Velvette scolded lightly as she came around the back of the couch. She pushed Lucifer’s shoulders back against the cushion. “Let us do our thing.”
Lucifer groaned. “Fine. But don’t tell anyone. And I’m setting an alarm. When it goes off, I need to leave. Got it?”
“Got it,” I said quickly as I began to work on his hands. “Just relax and let Vel and I work our magic!” 
By the time Lucifer’s alarm buzzed, his nails had transformed into bright red, carefully detailed with black and gold. His face was covered with a deep red paper mask and his eyes were hidden under two slices of cucumber. 
“Alright Uncle Lucy, you’re good to go,” I said cheerfully as I took off the mask and cucumbers. “Take a look!” 
He groaned but sat up slowly and stretched. “I will say I do feel better…holy shit, what do you do to my nails?”
I giggled, “I made them pretty! Do you love them?”
He sighed, “I will admit, they do look good. And this is the most I’ve relaxed in quite a long time.” He stood up and stretched. “Just for that, Vel I won’t even charge you.”
“Charge you?” I asked curiously as Velvette took a small package from his outstretched hand. “For what?” 
“Angelic steel,” Velvette replied with dark excitement. “For your nails, reader. Figured with the baby in your tummy you could use a little extra protection.” 
Vox sat straight up, the cloth falling from his face. “You’re doing what now?” 
Velvette looked pleased with herself. “What? Nails don’t have to just be pretty, you know. They can also be weapons!” 
“As true as that may be, take care not to cut reader on them, would you? They will make her bleed, and that defeats the purpose,” Lucifer said with a yawn. “Have a good night girls, and be nice to Vox, won’t you?” 
I felt his power leave the room as Velvette reached over and took my hand in hers. 
“Definitely steel tips,” she said decisively as she interlaced her hands with mine for a moment. “Relax your hands. I got this.”
An hour and a half later I admired the sharp points that became my nails. Vox had long since left us to our own devices, preferring the luxury of sleep to our chatter. 
“Just be careful with them, you can’t kill anyone but even a swipe will cause pain and an actual scratch…go ahead, try it on Vox while he’s sleeping.” 
“Yeah, no thanks I’m good, he’d shock me or something,” I said as I held their sparkle up to the light. “Looks good with my rings too.” 
“Well yeah, red, silver and blue look good on you,” Velvette rolled her eyes. “It’s after midnight, should we get to bed?” 
The sound of the elevator coming up yanked us both to attention. In seconds, Velvette had me behind her, a knife drawn from seemingly nowhere. The door slid open and Valentino walked out, looking tired. 
“Vel? Princessa? What are you still doing up?” He asked tiredly. “It’s late.”
I perked up instantly and ran to him. He caught me and kissed my cheek.
“Val, you weren't supposed to be home until tomorrow night!” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“Yeah, well, let’s just say I ended the deal faster than anticipated,” he replied as he held me to him. 
“Look! Vel did my nails,” I said excitedly. “Angelic steel!”
Valentino gave Velvette a look. She grinned and gave a big yawn. 
“Ah well, look at the time! Housekeeping will clean up the mess later, g’night loves!” she said cheerfully.
“G’night to you too,” Valentino mumbled.
He snuggled me to him a little tighter and carried me down the hallway that led to our bedroom. He set me down on the bed with a kiss as he began to undress. I leaned back against the pillows and rested one hand on my stomach as I watched. God, that man was sexy. 
“Careful, with those nails,” he warned as he turned back towards me. “Don’t scratch yourself too hard, it will hurt.”
“Leave the shirt off, I want to snuggle” I said quickly. 
He rolled his eyes but tossed his shirt aside and climbed into bed next to me. I quickly snuggled against his chest and lightly glided my nails hand down his chest to his abs, leaving faint red lines. 
“Mmm, Papi,” I said softly. “We can still fuck, you know, I’m only in the first trimester. And I want nothing more than to run these nails down your back.” 
He let out a groan and with one swift motion, I was on my back, his lips pressed against my neck. I ran my nails down his back with just the slightest amount of pressure. He grunted and pushed himself inside of me.
“Fuck, Valentino,” I moaned as his hips moved faster. I dug my nails deeper into his skin and almost instantly he exploded inside of me. 
“God fucking damn it,” he hissed as he rested the entire weight of his head on my shoulder. “Fuck.” He lifted his head and kissed my neck slowly, trailing down my body. “Your turn, bebé muñeca.”
I let out a moan as his tongue flicked against my clit. I felt a finger slide inside of me and in seconds, I came around him. I heard him laugh softly as he kissed his way back up my body, adding several extra kisses around my belly before he pulled me into his arms. Wordlessly, I tucked my head under his chin and closed my eyes. 
There was nowhere in the universe I slept better than in Valentino’s arms.
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rottindecay · 6 months
hi~sorry to disturb you!I'm new to this fandom and in the hope of talking with someone else.🥺🥺🥺 i notice that you write requests for Eric Draven👉👈...could you please write something like a crossover head canon👉👈like David from lost boys being bestie with Eric (as i just read somewhere yesterday that Kiefer Sutherland was close to Brandon Lee and even the one who introduced Eliza Hutton to Lee. 👉👈)Or maybe just write a vampire Eric Draven AU please🥺🥺🥺🌹.
I haven’t seen THE LOST BOYS movie in like a million years and sadly, I don’t write for them. that might change though!
So this post is gunna be about Vampire!Eric Draven x Reader !
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (1): also soo sorry I made this super late, lots of stuff is happening in my life such as school and other things so I hope you don’t mind too much! I've also been grounded for some time now so if this layout looks a bit weird, I'm writing this on computer.
𝑹⛧𝑻' s Note (2): also im so sorry if this is ass i dont know much about vampires.. lol
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𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who writes poetry about you and for you. whether it’s about how much he loves you, or how beautiful you look under the moonlight. anything that comes to mind when he thinks about you, he is writing down on paper and giving it to you once he’s done or he's putting them in a pile full of other his poetry he has written for you but didn't gift.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who feels bad when you give yourself up to him for when he is in need of blood. He hates hurting you in any way and will always feels guilty when he does do it, even after you say how it’s completely okay and you’re fine with it.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when is done feeding on you, would patch any wounds up he might have left on you. he would hug and cuddle you and tell you how amazing and lovely you are as he kisses your patched up scars.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who would give you nicknames such as love, dove, my rose, angel…
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is overly clingy towards you, but it’s not like you mind at all.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who stalks you at night when you’re at walking around or doing anything outside of your guy's shared apartment. He doesn't tell he does this; he just wants to make sure nobody is going to hurt you.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who watches you sleep at night since he isn't tired from sleeping all day. He admires your beauty from the one lit candle he has in the room and is astonished by how or why you chose him out of any other good-looking guys.
𖤐 . . Speaking of sleep.. Vampire!Eric Draven who will see you randomly taking a nap on the couch or bed and would just sit there and just stare admire you. He could do this for hours and hours on end and wouldn't get even the slightest bit of boredom.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who is like an actual crow. He would randomly give you things that reminded himself of you like roses, or just any cute looking trinkets he finds laying on the ground when he's out patrolling the night.
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven who when gifting you roses, would cut the thorns off of it first before handing it to you because he's scared that if you prick yourself on one of those thorns and smell the blood running down from your wound, he doesn't know if he could handle himself with the smell of your sweet... delicious... tasty... blood...
𖤐 . . Vampire!Eric Draven when you do accidently get pricked by something, would walk up to you and try to contain himself. He would ask if you're alright, but you can see the hunger in his eyes when he looks down at your freshly cut wound. After noticing this, you would ask him if he wants some of your blood but he's hesitant (as always) but gives in once he knows your 100% fine with it.
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c1oud999 · 9 months
i just wanted to come on here and talk about my experience with spirituality. warning: longggg post ahead.
basically ive been in the spiritual community for YEARS now. ive had existential crisis since the age of 11 and ive gone through many phases of many different spiritual trends. from law of attraction, to witchcraft, to religious devotion, to law of assumption and now finally non dualism. i read books, meditated for hours and hours, talked to spiritual ppl from all walks of life and watched all the episodes of ganga upanishad (a show i still highly recommend, you can watch on youtube). all this childhood trauma and mental illness made me crave for sweet relief. but nothing really made sense until law of assumption. i thought that that would be it yk. i thought i was done searching but i think that was when i was searching for things the most. i do know i have it in my 4d, when will i see it? i thought i would get all my desires but did not meet success. and then the non dualism trend began and i hopped onto it like pretty much everyone else. i was bewildered at the stuff teachers kept saying. what do you mean everything's an illusion? there's no way that's true. my very real surroundings are causing me VERY real pain and suffering. oh no no there must be a deeper meaning behind all this. and so i read all the books in 4dbarbies drive, but nothing clicked. yes it made sense intellectually, but i didnt want to believe it bc where is the materialisation satisfaction here? also i felt none of the euphoria that was supposed to come with self realisation. which means i must not be a realised being. and then i cried and cried and cried, isolated myself, literally stopped going to school and just lay in bed all day. but ofc, i continued to read the tumblr posts like i had been doing for the past several years. and yesterday i read 4dkelly's post about giving up. it made sense. by the time i had finished reading the post i had truly given up on everything. on wanting, hoping, fearing, striving etc etc. i was SO tired. so i gave up. fell asleep. i woke up really late as usual and missed the school bus. i ate breakfast in silence, switched the tv on and lied down on the couch like always. and like always out of compulsion and force of habit i reached for my phone and looked up non dualism on twitter. and then i came across a tweet that said a simple sentence only- "nothing is ever actually happening." woah. that kinda drove me to the edge of the cliff i desperately wanted to jump off. i turned on some dnb background music and turned the shower on. i stood under the boiling hot water like some dramatic bitch and started piecing together the "puzzle". it all made so much sense now. i got out of the shower and left the house for the first time in months with a cute outfit and makeup on and everything. i went to the mall, bought candles, stickers, eye masks, coffee, and a doughnut with absolutely no social anxiety at all. i sat by window, read some poetry on my e-reader, cried, peered down at the floor below me and cried some more at the sight of little kids sitting on santa's lap and taking pictures and marveled at all the christmas decorations around me. it was insane. i decided i was going to be neutral towards everything but im in love. maddeningly so. in love with this dream that i thought did not love me back. but love is all there is. I AM ALL THERE IS. and i need you to take this literally. there is nothing happening. there is nothing here except you. nothing to fear, nothing to desire. ik a lot of people are going to dismiss this post because it's not a "materialisation success story" but i honestly dont think i can ever want anything physically bc in all its true essence, what is there to materialise? i am already whole and complete. i am lying on this cold hard floor, but i have never felt warmer. also ik there may be a lot of things ive written you might not agree with but again, this is NOT REAL. I AM. i hope this post helps you.
thank you to all the blogs ive come across and all the pointers they have shared: @se1f @realisophie @itgomyway @4dkellysworld @4dbarbie-backup @infiniteko @iamthat-iam and many more i cannot thank enough.
lots and lots of love (more than you can ever imagine), and good luck.
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minieverse · 2 months
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pairing: idol!jeongin x fem!reader
genre: angst (with good ending)
warnings: stress, anxiety, reader gets hurt by words, cursing, crying
~Jeongin gets stressed with work and takes it out on you by mistake~
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It was currently 2:15am and i was still waiting for Jeongin to come back home from his dance practice and vocal lessons. I know their new album will drop soon and they all get anxious but he’s overdoing it I don’t even know if he grabbed anything to eat before he left
I’ve been trying to call him for the past 2 hours but he never answers but he has seen my texts which is weird, he always answers he hates leaving me on seen. All i want is for him to get home and eat properly, he’s beating himself up with all these practices from 2pm to God knows when
I’ll just watch a movie and wait for him
10+ missed calls from “y/n💕”
Helloooo!? 1:10am
Babe where are you? 1:30am
7 missed calls from “y/n💕”
You are reading my text why are you not answering? 2:00am
Jeongin where the fuck are you 2:15am
It’s 2:40 and i’m driving home, i couldn’t get the choreography right and it was frustrating, what is more frustrating is that i can’t concentrate with my phone blowing up
I kept making mistakes and now i have to practice on my day off
she’s calling again
“oh for fucks sake” i whisper to myself and answer the phone “where the fuck have you been Jeongin!” “stop yelling okay i was in practice” i try to calm her down, i’m way too tired for this “in this hour?” i sigh and rub my eyes with my hand “yes y/n i have work to do okay, i have shit to practice for” keeping calm is way harder than it looks “you better be here in 5” she yells and hangs up, i put my phone on my pocket and start driving back home
As soon as i hanged up the phone i went to the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm down
The door unlocks and his tired figure walks in to our apartment taking of his shoes and placing his back on the ground, he doesn’t look at me at all and just walks at our shared bedroom, i rub my face and follow him “care to tell me why are you this late?” i ask him calmly “for the thousand time, i was practicing is it that hard to understand?” he looks at me, his eyes piercing my skin “Jeongin it’s 3am you can’t be practicing until-” “for Gods sake shut up, i’m working okay im doing my job can you stop being so damn annoying? i can’t fucking concentrate when you blowing up my phone like that i keep making mistakes and now i have to work more” he yells at me, he hasn’t yelled at me before always keeping his cool and being calm, there is silence for a few seconds, the phrase “can you stop being so annoying?” echoing in my mind “okay i- im sorry i’ll leave you alone” i say as i grab my pillow and walk to the guest room to lay down
I’ve always been called annoying because i care too much, Jeongin knows that and i thought i was over it until i heard him saying it it kind of broke my heart. Silence filled the dark apartment, the only sound of life was me turning around trying to get comfortable but that was impossible, i can’t sleep without him and after that fight
I got up to grab a snack when Jeongin exit our room “hey” he said quietly walking towards me “hi” i answered trying to avoid his eyes “look i’m sorr-” “i think you’re right i’ve being annoying you i’ll leave you alone to think and get your job done” i say and quickly walk to the guest room
Sleeping was hard but i managed to rest, by the time i woke up Jeongin was already gone so it gave me time to make myself breakfast and take some of my stuff to the guest room, since his program was unstable i didn’t know when he was coming back so i took a shower trying to get the thoughts out of my head. The time passed so slowly with me trying to force myself to be busy so i don’t get into my thoughts that i had to make lunch, i don’t work these days since it’s summer holidays so i take charge of the house, i finished with cooking but i lost my appetite knowing that he can live without talking to me so i just locked myself in the guest room crying myself to sleep again.
It was 3:30pm and i was packing up from practice, my phone all dry, i kept checking hoping i’d see her name pop up on the screen but nothing, i know i asked for this and it’s my fault but i can’t bare it, i almost started to cry until Lee know hyung came over me “what’s wrong? you look upset” he questioned sitting down next to me “it’s just problems in my relationship i’ll be okay” i answer trying to control my trembling voice and teary eyes “cmon i know you better than that, it’s okay to let your feeling out” he looked at me and i lowered my head, it was getting harder to control my tears until i burst.
I started crying uncontrollably in my hands while Lee know was rubbing my back “everything is okay let it all out and tell me what’s wrong” he said trying to calm me down, after a few minutes there were just sniffles echoing in the practice room “i called her annoying hyung, the person i love the most, i hurt her, i could see it in her eyes i fucked up” i said trying not to cry again and he sighed “Jeongin yes you did probably hurt her but you can fix it, i know you can do grab your things calm down and go fix it hm?” he told me with a serious look “y-yes i’m going” i wiped my tears thanked him and run to my car to drive home
When i walked inside there was no sign of life, i saw food prepared and it made me even more guilty, i kicked off my shoes and walked to our shared bedroom hoping to see her there and apologise but there was no one there, some of her stuff were gone. I got worried and searched the whole apartment until i found her in the guest room sleeping, i sighed in relief and sat next to her sleeping body
“I’m really sorry for what i said” i stated of my apology “i hope you know that i didn’t mean it, i was stressed and i let it out on you i-” i took a deep breath trying not to cry “i shouldn’t have yelled or called you annoying in any case because i love you and all you do is love and care for me” my voice trembling again and tears staining my cheeks “i love you so much and i promise to never do that again, and i’m also gonna say this after you wake up but” i pose for a second and kiss her forehead “i want you to know that i’m sorry” i wipe my tears and get up
“don’t leave” i say calmly while looking at him turning around “y- you were awake?” he asked wiping more tears “well you were running around in the apartment like a maniac” i chuckled “oh i’m sorry” he smiled weakly “ i know that you were stressed and that you didn’t mean it it just hurt” i get up and walk towards him “i’m sorry” he hugs me tight, God i missed this, as he pulls away i kiss him passionately, i can feel his smile in the kiss.
“So wanna go grab ice cream!?” he asks “what kind of question is that of course i want!” i grab my phone and run to put my shoes on
everything can be fixed, even the worst situations but both sides really have to put effort
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I haven’t posted in a while sorry!!🦊Thank you for all the support angels🤍
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the-laughing-lunatic · 3 months
im sick and I'll about emesis blue solider getting love ill take anything fluffy I need cavities,,,
(I’m so so sorry about how long this one took me, I was struggling with how to fit this into the timeline so I kinda made up some stuff. Thanks for requesting, I hope you enjoy and again so sorry for the wait!)
Emesis Blue Soldier/ Nurse!gn!reader (ROMANTIC)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were assigned as Jane’s private home nurse after he’d been hospitalized since he had no one else to take care of him
The only things you knew about him were from his chart
He wouldn’t talk at all in the first few weeks of you being there, and your interactions were limited to giving him his food and meds
Until one night when you were getting ready to leave you felt him grab your wrist
He was looking up at you with pleading eyes, begging you to stay.
And you did. 
Apparently he had been having night terrors frequently, and they were getting worse
So you stayed by his bed while he went to sleep
…though after about fifty minutes of sitting in a chair, you were tired, and there was an awful lot of space left on the bed. Couldn’t hurt to just lay down for a second…
A few moments after you laid down you felt an arm around you
This is completely unprofessional, I should just leave right now—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a soft hum from Jane in his sleep
He was smiling.
You’d never seen him smile before, and you found yourself wanting to make him smile like this all the time
You stayed the night, and the next night, and the night after that–
You two fell into habit, and over the few weeks you kept a decent bit of your things at his place
One night though when you got into bed, Jane wasn’t there, the clock kept ticking until it was two in the morning, so you decided to look for him
He was sitting in his wheelchair outside with a cigar, looking at the sky
“Jane, what’s the matter?” 
He paused for a moment before responding. “...you should leave here.”
“What? No, Jane, this is my job I’m not going to leave you, why would you say that?”
“You’ll get hurt.”
You sat down on the porch next to his wheelchair. “What makes you think I’m gonna get hurt?”
“Everyone I love gets hurt, I’m going to let you down.” 
You sighed and placed a hand on his, giving a light squeeze at his dejected confession. “I see. How would you let me down?”
“I’m good at loving, I always make–” he paused, remembering something. “—stupid mistakes.”
You gave an empathetic look. “We’re not perfect, I know. Though, I don’t think you can be bad at loving someone, but if you’re sure, I’d be perfectly happy if you just let me love you. If, um, that’s not too assuming of me to say.”
He looked at you for a moment, crushing his cigarette out. “You’re making a mistake.”
You took his hand. “Maybe, maybe not. We’re only going to see if you let me make this ‘mistake’.”
He paused for a moment before giving you a tight hug and crying quietly.
And that’s how y’all started dating 
Still very hesitant with any kind of affection in the beginning, you’re the one who initiates most of it
Even though you make sure not to startle him he still keeps getting caught off-guard and flustered
But when he’s more comfortable with it he likes being around you all the time
One of the things he does the most is tapping out “I love you” in Morse code on you
On your arm, your hand, any part of you he can reach he’ll press those touches to your skin
You’re the person he feels the most comfortable talking to, but he’s still rather quiet of a guy so he likes to express his affection for you in other ways by just being close to you and listening to you talk
Is incredibly grateful for how patient you are with him, and you’re the absolute light in his life as he works through his trauma
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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effy-writes · 3 months
Hii can I request Blitzø hcs with a fem S/O who always says she's ok and fine even when she's not, like she's sensitive but knows people are rude and shitty, so she keeps all her feelings in and doesn't speak up bc she doesn't wanna seem like a burden? Tyy!
ofc!! sorry this took so long
blitz x f! reader who feels like a burden hc’s
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• growing up you’ve always been told to keep your feelings to yourself because it’s a “hush hush” type thing (mainly because of your parents)
• even before you and blitz started dating you always kept things buried inside. you’re a typical yapper, but go completely non verbal whenever you’re going through some things
• blitz being blitz, he didn’t pay attention to it at first until he made a joke one day that may or may not made you cry in the bathroom
“thank satan you stopped talking, you were driving me crazy.”
you abruptly left the meeting room and locked yourself in the bathroom, leaving blitz to himself like, “wtf did i even say”
• later on he asked you about it, being like “did i say something orrr” and you told him you were already having a shitty day and that’s when the dots connected. “well if you ever need to spill your heart out you can.”
• you appreciated it, but didn’t want to feel like a burden to him since he already has his problems.
• years later, you two started a serious relationship. he trusted you already, so he wasn’t afraid to talk to you about his stuff (you had to pesterize him for it, but he did managed to tell you things)
• you on the other hand was still afraid of being a burden to him. you didn’t want him to think that you’re too much for him to handle so you kept things to yourself.
• blitz still caught on that you’re not being honest about your feelings, so he would ask you allll the time.
“i’m fine, okay? im fine. don’t worry about me.”
“just tell me what’s going on.”
“i’m just tired.”
“bullshit and you know it.”
•after arguing back and forth you finally told him what’s been bothering you, which consisted of people being shitty to you in the past and how their words still affect you to this day, your own thoughts haunting you, anxiety, etc.
• blitz understood 100% about what you were getting at and he told you that he won’t ever think of you as a burden and that you shouldn’t be afraid to talk to him about things
“but you already have your own stuff to deal with, i don’t want to be added on your plate.”
“and you were always there when i needed you and i want to be there for you.”
• he comforted you as many times as he could. whenever you’re not talking or slouching in chairs he’ll take your hand into his wherever you guys are at. in a meeting and sees that you’re not okay? he’ll sit beside of you and hold your hand while continuing to talk. ESPECIALLY when you guys are laying down on the couch or bed he’ll just flat out hold you, even if you don’t tell him what’s going on because eventually you’ll tell him.
• “want me to fuck those feelings out?”
“let’s role play, me being the therapist and you’re my patient. let’s sigmund freud up this bitch!”
• he really cares about you but has a weird way of saying it
• he offered an idea to where if you really don’t want to talk to him about when you’re sad/upset/any other negative emotions, you can lay your head on his lap facing his stomach so he’ll know if you’re not okay.
• you liked that idea, and the first time you followed through with it blitz kinda got confused but then was like “oh shit, she’s not okay”
you would bury your head against his stomach, wanting to get as close to him as possible. blitz combed your hair with his fingers and slightly purred, “ready to talk about?”
if you mumble no then he’ll just keep massaging your scalp or rub your back, but if you do start talking then he’s all ears and will try to make you sit up so he can hear you better, but if you still wanna bury your head against him then he’ll still try his best to hear you. “sorry say that again?…one more time…you’re not gonna believe this but you’re gonna have to repeat that.”
• long story short, blitz wants you to be up and honest as you can to him. he hates it when you don’t talk about what’s going on with you because he cares so much and doesn’t want to lose you. he’ll always reassure you that you’re not a burden just by speaking up on how you’re feeling
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soyaei · 7 months
Seriously? Give me a break…
a special request from my friend ;)
pt 1
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how did this happen…
You didn’t mean to… you were just a chemist working for the jujutsu world. You made potions for faster healings or for the ones who are having trouble to summon their cursed energy.
One day, you were just mixing this and that, bored out of your mind. You didnt mean to pour what you were just making into Yuji’s water bottle… look, it just looked like one of your lab stuff! And plus, why is it even there? Did he accidentally left it?
“Hey, y/n, i left my bottle here, mind if i come in?” Yuji said from outside of your lab door. “Nope! just dont touch anything and watch your step.” Yuji opened the door and walked towards your table where his bottle was. “Thanks! see you.”
Thats how it all started. Well, couldnt you just warn him? No! You weren’t looking that time, you were busy organising some potions in my special fridge.
“Hey, y/n, we… have some trouble here. Can we come in?” Nobara shouted from outside of your lab.
“We? How many are you there? You know what just, come in, watch your step!” You shouted back, to make sure she heard you. Nobara opened the door and you were met with something not in a million years you would expect seeing.
“Uhm..” Megumi hummed in an embarrassed way. Looking at the floor to avoid making eye contact with you. He was holding… what seemed like Yuji as a baby?
“Why did you bring a baby here?! C-Cover its nose and mouth Megumi!” You warned, he immediately did what you told him.
“Y/n, its… Yuji. We found him like this when we were on our way to our dorms.. he was right infront of his dorm. We were hoping you know why this happened.” Nobara explained.
“Uh… hmm… dude im a chemist… i dont know!” You stressed out. “He did stopped by here to take his bottle, right?” Megumi asked.
“Yea… But…” Then it clicked you. “Wait, did you bring his bottle with you?” You asked, They both nodded and showed you the said bottle.
“Oh… my… god…” You took the bottle and opened it.
“I… *sigh* I accidentally used his bottle when i was mixing stuff… Thats it. This is it. Its time to say goodbye. Im definitely getting fired.” You said with the expression with no emotion.
“Can you stop playing around?” Megumi said to you. “Cant say a little joke? Okay fine.. well, all my potions are temporary and probably the one he drank too. He’ll go back to normal in 2-3 days.” You explained to them. They were shocked to hear you explanation.
“t-two to three days?! Who’s gonna take care of him?!” Nobara shouted out. “Y/n, i think your responsible for this. Its your mistake.” Megumi told you. “Hey hey who was the one who left the bottle in MY lab?” “DO YOU WANT HIM TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF THEN?” They both yelled.
“Okay, okay! we should ask Gojo for advice!”
You said, and opened the door and shooed them out, you following them out too.
“Gojo? GOJOOO” You knocked on his office. Finally, the familiar face comes out. “HELLO MY SUPER AWESOME STUDENTS!!! What are you here for? Oh I know! You want to see my super cool cursed techni-“ Megumi cuts Gojo off by explaining on what happened.
“So? What do you think? Who should be responsible? We dont even know why we came to ask you but please take this seriously.” Nobara said to Gojo. “Hmmm… You know… this bottle does look like some Y/n’s lab stuff.. but it has some stickers on it, see?” Gojo turned the bottle around and showed you the sticker that was attached to it. This is a very Yuji Itadori behaviour, putting a “I Love Boobs” sticken on his bottle.
“What?! I-I didnt see it-“ “Your responsible for him, have a good day!” Gojo closes the door, getting back to slacking off in his office, Megumi and Nobara gave you the baby Yuji and ran away to their dorms. “Ugh! *Sigh* Good thing i wont be having a demanding schedule for a week. Finally, a break! Kind of.”
You said to yourself.
Finally arriving at your own dorm, you put yuji down on your bed and and you lay down on the floor, letting out a loud and tired sigh, you can’t remember how many times you sighed today. “Hopefully you wont be too much trouble, now… what do i do with you first… Do you want to eat?” Obviously, Yuji just looked at you, looking all cute instead of responding.
“Lets go to the cafeteria and asked the chef there to make some baby food for you..”
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savannah733 · 4 months
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( c.sturniolo )
Summary: you and the triplets had a sleepover but your childhood best friend Chris confessed his love to you..
Warnings: nth much ig kissing that's it 😘
Y/n | Chris | Matt | Nick
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃
Nick : y/n you should definitely come to our house for a sleepover tonight!
Sure : Y/n
Nick : okay, see you soon.
It was already 6:00 pm, and you needed go to the triplets for a sleepover. You bought some candy to film a tiktok video with the triplets. You got all your stuff and called an Uber, "Hi, is this y/n?"
"Yup it is!".
When you got out of the Uber you went to the triplets front door and knocked, there was a big smile on Chris's face when he saw you at his front door. " hey y/n, I missed you soo much" he says with a sweet smile on his face, "Oh hey chris, you seem really happy today" you said with a giggle on your face. He welcome you while he shouted "Nick, Matt y/n's here come say hi", Nick immediately runs over to you when he saw you and gave you a big hug and said hi . Matt said " Hey y/n , by the way what are inside of these bags? " " yeah y/n what are inside these bags? " he said while peeking inside the bag. Nick and Matt looks after Chris looked, "Could you maybe explain us why is their candy, and why is their a LOT of it? " he said while being confused, you giggle a little bit, you explain you guys were doing the candy salad tiktok trend. " I thought it be fun if we did a candy salad like the tiktok trend and each take turns and eat them afterwards!" Everyone agree to do it thinking it seems very fun and Nick has also seen other people do it so he wanted to do it too. You set up your phone with a water bottle and you guys started doing the tiktok.
After you guys were done doing the tiktok and taking turns you guys started eating the candy salad, you guys each toke a bowl and put the candy salad into your guys bowl. After some talking you all decided to go to Chris room and watch some tv, "Guys I'm tired, and is very uncomfortable sitting on the edge of the bed so I'm going to my room" "Good night Nick!" We all said while giggling because we were on in sync.
"Guys Im going to wash the dishes in the kitchen" you said while getting up from the bed " Nono I'll do it " he said while stopping you from going by holding your wrist "Is fine Chris and I also have to grab something I left in the kitchen earlier" "okay I guess" Chris said while slowly laying back down in his bed. Y/n left to the kitchen by closing the door and leaving Matt and Chris, "Chris something is going on with you these couple of days" Matt said with a little side eye "And can you tell me what is it MATTHEW" "you've been acting really weird around y/n like for example, last week when you hold her waist and hold her hand while you guys were walking around the theme park . And also you have been really looking at y/n and getting distracted by her, saying she's pretty and good looking and I feel like you like her or something." He said while looking at Chris who looks like is blushing really hard. "Fine, I like her, like really like her she's just so pretty, gorgeous, and when she smiles she looks so cute I just love her so much and the way she tal-" he gets cut off by Matt who looks speechless and shocked. "OMGGG I knew it , you do like her yes , but why don't you just confessed to her I bet she likes you too . You two would look so cute together" " idk man maybe I'm just nervous that she won't like me back" "hey guys!, so what were you guys talking about " she said . The two guys look so freak out by what to say but Matt hit Chris softly and let's just say Chris knows what was he trying to do.
"Y/n I have something to say to you.." Chris says with a nervous voice rethinking should he have done this or not , "yeah what's up?" Y/n said very calmly. "I like you y/n like Really REALLY like you , your so pretty,amazing and gorgeous and so cute and I've liked you for a long time now. And maybe I can take you on a date sometimes?"
Y/N' s POV
OMG no way Chris just said that to me I feel so happy right now, I've loved him for years now and now he's confessing his love for me OMG . I'm blushing so hard right now , I don't even know what to say.
But all I really want to do is say yes to everything that he just said to me .
I'm so nervous by what she's going to say to me,I don't even know why did I even did this but hopefully I don't regret this decision and hopefully this also doesn't ruin our friendship. I really truly love her appreciate everything she have ever done for me .
But all I really want to hear is her saying yes to everything that I just said.
"So what do you say y/n?" He asked while being so heated up and just hoping she says yes to his question, "yes Chris, Yes I love you so much and forever will, and I will also love to go to the date with you" you said with a big smile on your face while you both blush .
After you said yes to his question, he immediately pull you into a kiss which turn into make out session. "Ugh, disgusting, I can't watch this im going to my room and goodnight,..ig" Matt said while being disgusted by you two. You both laugh at him as you two finished your kissed as he ran to his room.
"I love you Chris" you said while laying beside him on his bed,with your hands on his chest as his right hand hold your waist. "I love you more baby" " not on my watch " you two both giggle while falling asleep super close.
Hope you guys like this one is not much but yeah ig ✌️
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greywritesthings · 6 months
Cherry trees and lavender
Spencer reid x poet!f!reader
Warnings : tooth rotting fluff
A/N : slightly delirious with lack of sleep writing this, may rewrite the end but heres it for now, reblogs likes and follows appreciated massively, i have freaking discover turned off for ages
spencer reid Masterlist
Read on AO3
“Honey! Jordan Bell has a new poetry book coming out!” Spencer yells as soon as he walks in the door, expecting you to be curled up in your shared bedroom given it was a Friday afternoon and you had normally long since finished work for the day. He was surprised to find you laid out on the couch laptop resting precariously on the edge of the sofa, your tablet now resting face down on the floor, already having fallen victim to your slumber. He walked across to you, going to right the laptop and tablet, fully intending to turn them off once they were on the coffee table when an email caught his eye. Book signing meeting: Cherry trees and lavender
Why would you be getting emails about meetings for the book his favourite modern poet had just released. He looked at your tablet and saw two more surprising tabs: Release day sales reports and one off specialty collection edition delivery conformation.“What on earth.” he muttered to himself, nearly going to snoop more but he felt bad already just for looking at the open tabs on your computer, so he decided to just wake you up. “Darling? Wake up sweet girl” he moves the hair from your face smiling down at you as you slowly blink your eyes open as they go from confused to recognition. “Hi baby, tired from work?” he asks, laughing slightly as you just pull him down onto you. “Sweetheart, you left your laptop open from when you were working and i didnt mean to snoop but i saw some stuff about cherry trees and” he gets cut off as you basically push him off of you to sit up and turn towards your laptop. “What emails did you see, exactly spence? I don't mind you knowing, there's just a surprise I don't want ruined.” 
“I don't know, what do you mean? Why are you getting emails about cherry trees and lavender? Let alone sales reports or book signing meetings?” He is painfully confused as you turn around to look at him like he's missed something painfully obvious. “Darling, why do you think I would get those emails? Given I'm not an accountant nor a secretary, I'm sure your genius brain can figure it out pretty boy.” you say as you stand up heading over to the kitchen, you hadn’t explicitly ever told him, but hadn't really kept it a secret, but once you realised he hadn't yet guessed you were Jordan Bell you figured you would tell him with a one off collection of your books, with customised covers all with something that reminded you of him and the latest one, cherry trees and lavender had a dedication page just for him. It had come today so with the kettle boiling you walked off to the bedroom to grab the stack of books waiting on the bed. 
“Sweet girl, your Jordan Bell? The poetry author?” he asks, still sounding utterly bewildered at the thought as you walk back into the room. You place the books down on the coffee table, “Read this, look at these, then if you don't get it i might just have to start questioning that genius title of yours my darling.” you say opening to the dedication page you wrote to him personally and laying out the covers of the books one by one. 
He doesn't move for ten minutes, seemingly frozen on the dedication page, you made sure not to mention him by name but described him well enough that you would hope and pray he gets it. “You okay there darling?” you ask cautiously. Unsure what's going through his head. He shakes himself free of the trance he was in. “Im, your, sorry yes i'm fine darling just, shocked. How did you hide this from me? Also, you're my favourite twenty-first century author just by the way.” he grinned at you. “Well, i didn't care if you found out before this really, but when i realised you didn't know i was part way through writing cherry trees and you ended up being a large inspiration for the lavender part.” you say with a smile, taking the book out of his hands and placing it down carefully. “So, I ordered a special edition collection from the publisher with customer hardcovers that have little things that remind me of you or us, and added some bonus ones to each, so they're all a tad longer than the original. I know you wanted the anniversary collection when it came out but I thought a one of a kind edition was better.” At this point you slotted yourself in his arms, chin resting on his chest looking at him as he looked down at you, smiling as wide as a kid in a candy shop. “I love them darling, they're the best, I just can't believe I never caught onto this.” he says reaching over to grab his new book as you shuffle further down him grabbing your own e-reader as you spend the rest of the evening basking in each other, with spencer commenting on the poems as he goes, smiling at everyone that points towards a memory you shared together.
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medusavsviperz · 6 months
Jealous jealous jealous boy
anon made this for me, i js edited it
warnings: smut, cussing, degradation, jealousy
relationships:catnap x reader
writing type: second person
genre: smut
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Today the playcare had gone a bit rough, almost as worse as you could handle.
Catnap had been assigned with monitoring some older orphans in detention, you on the other hand had to deal with some bratty toddlers during recess.
"Taylor! let Maddie go!" you scolded, trying to get this little shit off another child. "But she took my crafty plush!" the girl said, still tugging on Maddie's hair who was softly crying. I can't do this you thought to yourself growing frustrated, just as you were about to probably scream from the overwhelming situation Catnap showed up. "Taylor. Unhand Maddie." he said coldly, a little bit of red smoke escaping his mouth. She immediately let go and backed up in shame and slight fear, "I-Im sorry." she croaked out tearing up. You inhaled and stepped between them "It's okay, But Dogday will be hearing about this, he'll decide what will come next..now come on vou're goina to the off-" ... "I'll take her. go clean up." he interrupts, already leading her away. "Oh." was all you said before heading to Catnaps room.
You drag yourself to bed after putting on a simple tshirt and panties, sighing as you relax against the mattress before dozing off. The sound of rustling and footsteps wake you up but it's obviously your feline boyfriend, being half asleep you felt yourself dozing back to the sound of him getting into bed. "Cat?" your mumble, but he reaches down to grope your breast and wraps his tail around your thigh.
"Today was shit baby." he said in between kisses on your neck. Just the thought of fucking you to sleep made his cock throb in need, he stains the back of your panties with pre cum as he grinds against your ass. "Fuck baby please." he moaned, rolling his hips harder. Oh no.. you think to yourself. You were too sleepy to be doing any of that!, not that you didn't like this form of intimacy with Catnap, it's just that you're too tired.. "I can't.." vou told him. moving your backside from his crotch "Can't we do this in the morning love? I promise" you mumble through closed eyes."But I want you now." he rasped out in arousal and frustration, but he'd never hurt you intentionally so he backed up. "Later" you huffed, laying your head on Catnaps chest to offer affection. He sarcastically rolled his eyes but took you in his arms in a heartbeat.
An hour later you two were basking in the quiet and cool room before you heard soft pattering against the floor and a quiet whimper came from the floor. You look down and smiled "It's just critter..aw." you cooed, picking up the Mini Catnap." Look,and it's one of yours kitty!" you held in his face, grinning." i wouldn't care if it was DogDays..get that little shit outta here." Catnap mumbled, an pit jealousy growing in him. You frown and lightly smacked his arm before placing the mini under your arm."Stop being mean baby, he just wants attention" you scoffed. Catnap rolled his eyes and kept his gaze on the critter, eyes narrowing as it licked your hand. He growled and got out the bed, snatching the mini out your arms before putting outside his room and shutting the door."What the fuck Kitty!" you frowned, folding your arms just to be pinned down and kissed roughly.
"Ah..wait." you moaned as Catnap placed marks along your neck and ripped your panties. "'Shut the fuck up" he rasped out, rubbing his cock between your thighs. He lines up in your wet hole before slowly thrusting "Nngh..thats it take it.." he grunts before rolling his hips in your cunt, angeling his hips just right to drive his cock deep." Catnaap~" an pathetic whine left your lips as you scratched his back, he hissed and arched his hips."Oh fuck..do it again" it was no surprise that the feline could be a masochist so you trailed your fingers a little deeper along his shoulders, making him moan louder and stuff his face in your neck to muffle his sounds.You smirked and cuffed his face in your hands "like that?" he couldn't help but whimper and nod his head, making a lewd moan that gave you butterflies."Hah- aahh!" you panted feeling yourself grow close, you couldn't help it he was hitting every sensitive spot. Over and over. His hips slamming against yours, the sound of your bodies slapping against each other flooded your ears."Ffuuah..gonna cum!" you whined, tossing your head into the pillows deeper. Catnap reaches down to thumb your clit before his hips stammered "Fuck!" he groaned as he came on your thighs, collapsing next to you with heavy breaths.
You felt his arms wrap around your body but you pulled back "What..what are you doing?" .. "We're not done love~" you crawled on top and started bouncing on his cock. "Ahh shit!..wait!" his hips bucked up into yours, hands reaching up to squeeze your tits. He was already close to cumming again so fast at an embarrassing rate so Catnap grabs your hips and stilled you "hnng..I said wait." he mumbled through gritted teeth, feeling his cock twitch and leak pre-cum
"Mm..you sound close baby..go on, cum".
Without hesitation Catnap flipped you over and started pounding your ass like a madman "Baby- oh fucck." he groaned.
You were moaning in the pillow helplessly as he fucked you like an doll, with one hand he reached over to rub your clit
"CatNap- fuck, please!" you whined before cumming over his cock. With one final snap of his hips he came,making sure you didn't waste a drop. Before you could object he collapsed on top of you, low purrs left his body. With a sigh you scratched his ears before sleep took over your vision. In the corner of your eye the catnap mini sitting staring at you two.
you'll deal with it tomorrow
made by anon/medusavsviperz
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spxllcxstxr · 2 days
Kintsugi • K.R
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Pls pls I need Kendall x young reader wife with a kid living in a remote place away from all the post waystar drama — anon
Summary: Six months later, Kendall still believes he's broken
Warnings: fem!reader (referred to as girl and mommy), usage of mommy and daddy but in pure parental terms, you have an unnamed daughter, rehab mention, kendall takes meds and goes to therapy now, past suicide implication/mention?, normal ken stuff, spoilers for the end of succession
Word Count: 1.2k (I didn't think it was gunna be this long lmao)
A.N: this was a little angsty im not gunna lie lmao, I’m going feral over this request—I just want Ken to be HAPPY, not enough happy Kendall gifs, also i am not entirely great with writing modern bros so like sorry about the characterization? first kendall piece so if you have any tips let me know, hope you all enjoy!
Kintsugi - a Japanese art form that involves repairing broken pottery with gold
"Ken? Ken honey do you want to join us at the beach today?" Your words cut through the painful silence of your master bedroom, shrouded in darkness despite it being past noon.
Kendall gives no indication that he heard you; no vague grunt or shift in movement. He just lays there--the blanket covering everything below his nose as his eyes stay closed. He isn't sleeping, you've been married to him long enough that his shuddering breaths and still as stone rigid posture was a poor attempt to convince you otherwise.
It’s like he thinks the blanket is the only thing holding him together. Like if he leaves that spot he’ll crumble to pieces right in front of you.
Your heart drops just looking at him. Being away from the city had obviously done some good, along with his month long visit to rehab, but Ken was still…healing.
You kiss his forehead before leaving, telling your disappointed daughter that daddy wouldn't be joining you today.
"It's one of daddy's bad days?" She asks once you feet hit the sand. Her childish voice laced with her innocence almost makes you tear up.
"It is, sweetie..." You nod, before quickly distracting her with placing your towels down and bringing out water bottles from her little pink lunchbox.
The ocean is what occupies her little body for the first hour or so. She jumps over the little waves and collects sea shells. Like what any parent would do, you snap photos of her with the biggest grin on her face.
Eventually, though, the two of you end up in the sand, using her plastic bucket and shovel to build a castle fit for a queen. She's actually not half bad, you notice, as the usual clumsy movements of a toddler are no longer present when she details her sandcastle.
“How’re my girls?”
You look up from the sand beneath your fingers to see your husband, clad in shorts and t-shirt.
“Daddy!” Your daughter shrieks, practically stomping all over the sandcastle the two of you were working on to get to Kendall.
She hugs his knees, squeezing them between her little arms, and he crouches down to hug her back.
Your husband smiles and it’s enough to convince your daughter—but not you.
He's tired, you notice; though it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. At just a glance it looks as if your husband has aged 50 years in six months. His eyes are sunken, not mention the dullness of his usually bright brown eyes. Kendall's normally sun-kissed skin now a deathly grey, which makes sense, he has barely left your bedroom much less the house. It’s almost as if someone had taken a spoon and hollowed out everything that made him human. Frown lines are etched into his face, your heart almost shatters at the overpowering aura of sadness and despair surrounding him.
Six months isn't enough time to wash away the years at Waystar.
You smile at him as your daughter takes his hand and drags him to the crumbling sandcastle.
Once he sits down he kisses you, placing a large hand on the side on your face. You taste the mint of the mouthwash he must've just used before his trek down here. Kissing Kendall was addicting, it always was, but with your daughter's groan of disgust you slowly pull away from him.
"Oh don't be like that kiddo, that's just what mommies and daddies do when they're in love." Kendall teases, ruffling her hair in the process.
She sticks her tongue out before turning her attention back on the ruins of the castle in front of her. Instead of crying about the state of it, she happily starts rebuilding with the help of you and Ken.
One eye never leaves his figure.
This sort of mood swing isn’t uncommon, for years you’ve experienced Kendall’s drastic moods, but this certainly wasn’t one of his highs.
The sandcastle slowly morphs into a sandkingdom; once she starts she never wants to stop. That is, until your daughter finally gets tired after the sun sets and she curls into Kendall’s lap.
You know you should get back to the house, it’s late, but it’s just too peaceful out here, alone on the beach.
Careful not to stir the little girl in his lap, Kendell leans his head on your shoulder, shifting closer to your warm figure. The stars flicker above you--a sight you almost never saw in the city. You take a deep breath before kissing your husband's recently buzzed head. Kendall hums, nuzzling even closer into you, like he was trying to burrow underneath your skin so you never had to leave him.
"I love you, Kendall. And we're ok." You whisper, the words getting eaten by the crashing waves just feet away from the two of you. Still, he hears you, you can tell by the sniffle against your shirt. Your daughter groans in her sleep, shifting.
He swallows roughly at your words.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n)…I fucked it.” Ken chokes out quietly, trying not to disturb the child. “I fucked it and I’m broken.”
His tears seep into your shirt. You angle your head down, your nose brushing against the top of his head.
"Oh Ken honey..." Your own lip wobbles at your husband's vulnerability. "You're not broken...you were never broken..."
"Then I'm--I'm fucking cracked, (Y/n)! I'm just not whole anymore! I don’t know if I ever was!"
Thoughts race through your head. Kendall had been doing better. He was consistent with taking his meds and he went to therapy every week. What if he tried to--? You clutch him closer to you, trying not to make yourself spiral when Kendall needed you.
His body shakes with silent sobs, your daughter still peacefully sleeping, unaware of the world around her.
The cool ocean breeze dances across your skin. You take a deep breath.
"Have you ever heard of kintsugi, Ken?"
"What? I'm having a complete breakdown and you're asking me about whatever the fuck that is?" He huffs, annoyed.
"Just listen to me Ken, it'll go somewhere." You kiss the top of his head to comfort his suddenly tense figure beside you. He eases at the contact. "I read in some stupid magazine that it's a Japanese technique where they repaired broken pots and stuff with gold." Kendall lifts his head to look at you. His eyes are red with unshed tears and his eyebrows are furrowed, listening to you. "They were made whole again; made more beautiful and were stronger than before."
Kendall purses his lips as you bring a hand up to stroke his tear stained cheek. Your other hand lightly strokes through your daughter's hair, careful not to rouse her.
"We'll be your gold, Kendall."
All at once the tension leaves his body, tears cascading down his face. His once dimly lit eyes brighten to reflect the stars above.
"Right," He nods, almost like he doesn't know how to respond to what you just said. "My gold..." His eyes flick between you and your daughter before his head settles back onto your shoulder, almost as if he couldn't take anymore emotions for the day.
You sigh, leaning your own head against his. Closing your eyes, you let the sound of the waves wash over the otherwise silent night.
The stars still shine above you and the saltiness of the ocean tinges the air.
You were all going to be alright.
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starwilliams · 1 month
just thinking about soft and sleepy ellie <3
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ways you can help palestine 🇵🇸
warnings: not rlly just fluff, kissing, and nakedness?😭 reader isn’t rlly specified as fem or masc, soft!ellie, established relationship. i think that’s all??
you and ellie always managed to get sleepy around eachother. you were just so comfortable after you began dating, a small touch from eachother so comforting that it leaves you both ready to fall into eachothers arms. so that’s exactly what you did today.
when ellie got home from a long patrol, you were often waiting at her house, finding comfort in being in her room, surrounded by her stuff with some of yours thrown into the mix now too. her posters with movies she’s forced you to watch with her, and her guitar resting in a corner. you often looked through her sketchbook, with her permission of course, seeing all her sketches, all of things she found beautiful.
due to that being the main things she drew, of course she had sketches of you everywhere. sometimes just sketches of a small portion of you, of your eyes or lips.
today, ellie’s patrol was even longer than usual, going on and on. so as soon as she left her horse at the stables, she practically ran back to her house. knowing you would be waiting for her.
once she opened the door, she immediately called out your name, before sitting down on the edge of a desk by her door and slipping off her boots and jacket.
“hey els.” you say with a warm smile as you head to the door to greet her. god. she loved that damn smile.
“hey babe, you been here long?” she asks, pulling you into a hug, her head leaning on your shoulder.
“not too long. was just looking at your sketches and stuff. you look tired.” you say, noting the exhausted look in her usually bright, green eyes, now dull and muted.
“mhm. just wanna get in bed. is that okay?” she says, intertwining your hand with hers and sitting down on the edge of her bed as she stretches, positioning you infront of her, her chin on your stomach looking up at you.
“yeah, i’ll never refuse a lazy evening with you.” you say smiling, already slipping your tank top over your head and your pyjama shorts down your legs as ellie heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
she smiles as she feels your hug from behind, your arms snaking around her shoulders, as she slowly sways you both from side to side, her eyes closed as she sleepily brushes her teeth. the quiet, intimate moment brings such a sense of peace to the both of you. after hectic days, it’s just what you need.
you both loved being intimate with eachother physically, of course, but these other intimate moments feels like the strings of your souls tying together in a domestic bow.
as she finishes brushing her teeth, you both walk attatched at the hip to her bed, and she flops down onto it completely.
“cm’ere.” she whispers, and pats the other side of the bed.
“patrol really knocked you out huh?”
“mhm. jus’ wanna lay with you.” she says, as you climb into bed next to her, and she positions her legs inbetween yours, and her head on your chest.
“i know you’re tired ell but you’ve got to take off your jeans and sweaty hoodie.” you say, pleading for skin to skin.
she nods sleepily and lifts her hoodie over her head, leaving her in her sports bra, and then unzipping her jeans and pushing them down, in her nude briefs now.
now she’s laid on your chest, your thin bra against her cheek. and your bare legs intertwined together.
“mmm, im so tired.” ellie whispers.
“i know baby, just go to sleep.” you whisper back, looking down at her, her droopy eyes looking up at you. as she slowly hikes herself up, to place a soft kiss on your lips, you both breathe into the kiss, having wanted this affection from eachother all day. she lifts her hand to push a strand of hair behind your ear and smiles softly.
“missed you today.” she whispers, placing soft gentle kisses down your neck and across your chest, before laying on it once again and resting an arm around your waist.
“missed you too, dork. now go to sleep” you say, a small smile lifting the corner of your lips, soft eyes looking down at her.
she smiles and sleepily lets out a giggle “i love you, y’know that?” she whispers.
“i know. i love you more.” you reply, your chest steadily breathing against her.
she lets out one more ‘mhmm’ before she reaches up with one hand to pull the switch of the bedside lamp off, before resting her arm onto your stomach.
fuck. you’re whipped.
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~ Chapter 6. 02 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I lean my head against the wall letting out a sigh. I need to be alone, after what Ji-su told me earlier today.
I hadn't seen Miss Im yesterday evening. The kids and Mister Han were okay and here, but she wasn't. I wanted to ask Ji-su or Jae-heon about it, but they were both already asleep when I came back from guarding the door.
In fact, everyone was already asleep except Eun-hyuk, Jae-hwan who had to go take over guard duty from me, and Sang-Wook.
I think.
I hadn't seen them sleeping with the others, but he didn't seem the type to sleep among them. My best guess is that he's somewhere on the first floor sleeping.
I didn't want to sleep now. I was tired of everything that had happened, but I was scared I would have a nightmare again.
So I just sat in the hallway all night. I finally found Ji-su the next morning. Her face changed when I mentioned Miss Im and asked where she was.
She was hesitant to tell me, but eventually, she did. She had turned. When we went downstairs she had turned in the bathroom. Ji-su told me that she didn't hurt anyone and that she was actually harmless to others.
I could feel myself choking up while my eyes began to burn from the tears that wanted to come out. I wanted to know more.
I wanted to know what happened and if she wasn't in pain, but looking at Ji-su I could tell that she didn't know much as well.
The only ones I could ask were Mister Han, Hyun-su, or the kids. I didn't want to ask the kids. I don't even think they let them see her.
Mister Han was busy making sure every entrance was secure and safe, so I didn't have to change to ask him. The only one who was left was Hyun-su, but he had left this morning to go upstairs.
Just like me, it seemed like he didn't sleep well or at all. I wanted to yell at Eun-hyuk to give him a break, but that would change nothing, so I just gave him a death glare when he looked at me.
I began to even get more angry when I found out that the residents gave him more work. They had given him a list of things that he had to bring with him when he came downstairs.
So not only is he risking his life for supplies so that we could survive, but now he's also risking his life for stupid shit.
After watching the door close behind Hyun-su I needed a break from everyone or it wouldn't end well for any of us.
“So this is the place you have been hiding.”
I looked up and saw Eun-yu standing in the closet doorway.
I shrug my shoulders before speaking up.
“It’s better for everyone if I sleep here. I don’t want to annoy anyone by waking them up if I have a nightmare.”
I asked Eun-hyuk if I could stay here at night. Like I explained to Eun-yu I told him that I don’t want to scream everyone awake. I know that they didn’t know about my nightmares, but I rather tell them than if they have to find out when I actually scream at night.
“I got scolded at when I wanted to sleep somewhere else,” Eun-yu said with a sigh before sitting down next to me.
It’s not like I’m having a room for myself. This was just a little walk-in closet that had some stuff in it. It had enough space for me to lay in, but that’s it.
"Why do you have that 'I'm angry.' look on your face?"
I look at Eun-yu with from brows.
"What are you talking about?"
She sat down beside me before answering.
"You always had that look on your face when someone makes you angry and you want to kill them." I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh.
"Because I am angry and want to kill people."
She nodded her head looking away from me.
"Is one of those people my brother?"
I looked at her with an 'are you kidding me look.'
"Don't look at me like that. You have my blessing to kill him though. Besides I understand why you would want to."
I pressed my lips together debating if she was serious or not about killing him, but I don't think she really wanted that.
"Yes," I answer looking back outside.
I felt her move beside me before answering.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Yes, your brother is one of them."
I could hear her click her tongue, but it was silent after that. Which was odd for Lee Eun-yu. I looked at her to see what she was doing, but she was just looking in front of her. I could see on her face that she was in deep thought.
I wanted to open my mouth to ask her what was bothering her when she beat me to it.
"So, are we gonna talk about those pictures?"
I turn to her surprised that she brought up those pictures. Only Sang-Wook and Eun-hyuk had seen them.
"How do you know about those?" I whisper.
"I found them in the office. I wanted to ask my brother about them thinking that they were his, but seeing that they were taking like the person was hiding while taking them I don't think my brother took them." She explains looking intensely at me and making me look away.
She is right about the hiding part.
"Besides my brother is maybe weird, but not this weird."
A little laugh escaped my lips before I shook my head looking at her.
"It wasn't him." I pause for a second letting out a sigh.
"It was Yoon-jae. He took them."
"That creep from 802?! I know that he was a pervert. That explains why that gangster killed him. I knew he had a good reason." She spoke looking away from me to think.
"That was not the only reason he killed him. There were pictures of little girls." A grimacing expression appeared on her face when those words left my mouth.
"Some were just normal pictures but others were them beaten up, tortured, and dead. He killed those innocent kids. I don't know how Sang-wook knew, but he did."
I wanted to talk with Sang-wook about it and thank him for what he did, but I hadn't seen him. Also, I don't know if he even wants to talk about it or me. He doesn't seem the person to talk much
"I took this from the security room. I didn't know if you would have wanted this or not. I had thought that maybe you would have wanted to destroy them yourself." Eun-yu took the pictures out, handing them to me after that she stood leaving me alone to think.
It felt wrong to hold them and I wanted to rip them apart or burn them the moment I had a chance.
Nevertheless, looking at them now I don't want to destroy them all.
The pictures of me with other people I actually wanted to keep. In times like this everyone can die in just a snap of a finger, so why would I throw something away that would remind me of them?
Besides the pictures of Eun-yu and the kids, there were also pictures of me with Miss An at the store. She was smiling at me while I gave her one of her favorite foods I had gotten from my job.
She didn't always have the chance to eat it because of her husband, so when she mentioned it one time I knew I had to get her some from my job.
In another picture, it was Ji-Su and I coming back from work with our guitar and bass cases on our backs and some takeout in our hands.
Even though it was late and we were exhausted we were still smiling.
Another picture showed me and Eun-hyuk talking while waiting on the elevator. Then there was a picture of me standing in front of Mister Han at his doorway. I must have probably helped him by bringing some stuff to his apartment.
All those pictures actually made me smile. The time I had lived here was the best time of my life. It doesn't seem much or just ordinary to everybody else, but for me, it was peaceful and I was genuinely happy for the first time in my life.
It's just sad that it didn't last long.
My smile disappeared when I took the next pictures. It was a picture of Miss Im. She had just come back from a walk with her so-called baby when I came back from the store.
We began to talk while we walked to the elevator. My finger moved over her face and I could feel a tear running down my cheek.
I didn't have much time to grieve when the sound of a whistle came from somewhere on the floor. After putting the photos in the pocket of my dress I jump up taking my axe from beside me.
Eun-hyuk had told me I needed to carry it around with me just in case something happened. When I came around the corner I saw Eun-hyuk running out of the security office with a bat and the others were standing all together on the other side.
I moved forward trying to get a glimpse of whatever the monster was. Slowly, a long-haired look figure came from around the corner. It was moaning and groaning, but it didn't seem like a threat to me.
Sang-Wook was about to take a step forward when Miss An stopped him.
"It's my husband. I have to do this." She walked toward him with the steel pipe tightly in her hands.
"Pull yourself together, Kim Seok-Hyeon." It was the first time I heard that tone in her voice.
She wasn't afraid of him like she was before.
"Kim Seok-Hyeon"
Her voice was louder than before when he came closer and closer.
"Pull yourself together!" She now yelled before swinging the steel pip at him.
For a second I thought that it didn't affect him, even when that horrible sound went through me when the pip made contact with his head.
It did stop him from moving.
"You're back." Her voice sounded cold and without any regret from hitting him.
"Do you have any last words?" I could hear him breathing hard, but after a while, a voice came through the mop of hair.
"Please kill me. And."
It took him a second to say it and the word that came out of his mouth was a surprise and one I had never heard him say before.
"I'm sorry."
Miss An. Let out a cry before swinging the pip down at him. This time it did hurt him. A shiver ran down my spine when I could hear it go through his head.
Even when he fell down on the floor Miss An didn't stop. I had seen and heard a lot of horrid things these past couple of days, but for some reason, a chill ran up my spine when I heard her hitting him.
At some point, I had closed my eyes turning my head to the side. She's killing her husband. Yes, he was a horrible person who deserved to die like this, but still, it made me think.
If I could end up like this in the future. Just because I have some control of it now doesn't mean I will forever.
Just yesterday I attacked Eun-hyuk without actually trying or realizing it. Could the people here easily kill me as Miss An could kill him?
Would it be one of the residents of don't really care about me? Or Eun-hyuk, he is serious about protecting everyone, so would it be easy for him to kill me?
If they really had to would Ji-su or Jae-heon do it?
Mister Han?
The kids?
Or Hyun-su....
Would he kill me if they asked him?
Or.... Could I kill him if he turned and hurt someone?
'I can guarantee they will kill you the first moment they have a chance." My hands turned into fists when I heard the voice again in my head.
Shut up.
'Just wait and see. They are just the same as the people in the orphanage. Only thinking about their own wishes and desires without caring who gets hurt in the process.'
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone brushing past me making me open my eyes.
To my surprise, Hyun-su had returned.
He was looking down at the scene just as intently as I was.
Is he thinking the same things as me?
My eyes followed his figure while he wobbled back to the room. To be locked up and alone.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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asmallpinkfan3 · 2 years
Wait hold on i think im on to something
Death x little red riding hood (gender neutral) reader who has bomb apples inside their basket and is a outlaw
If you need character references for this see: Elvira from Guardian Tales (GOOD GAME YOU SHOULD PLAY IT IF UR INTERESTED IN RPGS WITH GACHA)
Death x red riding hood s/o.
Song I listened to on repeat while writing this: South Park intro
Warning: reader bombing some dude, swearing, injuries
GN reader
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First meeting:
Literally the first time he saw you was while you threw an apple into jack horners bakery.
“Take that you purple bitch”! You yelled reaching into your basket pulling out another apple.
I mean he was greedy rich so why wouldn’t you try to rob him.
Eventually his bakers came after you and you bailed with some pretty magical items.
“And that’s about 342 dollars”. The pawn said giving you your money after you pawned all of jack horners stuff.
Your a very wanted criminal so of course you get nearly killed a lot, but you always see that fucking wolf in the corner.
One day after you robbed jack again (reader loves to rob him cause yes). You had gotten stabbed in the arm by one of his men.
“WHAT THE FUCK”?! You yell throwing a bomb at the guy.
It killed him and his soul was literally just waiting for death. You hid near by to see why death was always there when you nearly died.
Suddenly you feel a presence behind you, “why are you hiding their gone”? A voice says and you turned around.
There standing was the wolf that you had always seen when you always nearly got killed.
“Alright I’m tired of this tell me who you are”? You asked a hand in your basket just in case he was a bounty hunter.
“Uh I’m death quite literally”. He said and you pulled your hand from the basket.
“Hang on the reason you always appear is cause I nearly die”? He nodded and you looked shocked.
“ well stop I’m not gonna die anytime soon”. You say trying to make small talk.
“That arrow says otherwise”. He pointed to your arm.
Fuck you forgot about that, “hey why don’t I help patch you up”? He offers suddenly wanting to use this as a chance to get to know you.
“I guess”. You responded not knowing really what to do, I mean your a wanted criminal if you go into a hospital your gonna get arrested.
After that you and him got closer until you started dating.
Now he’s very interested in your life just about now, I mean you have apple bombs why wouldn’t he.
You trust him, a lot.
He does worry about you often because you get hurt quite often.
You come in late and you exhausted and you just plop down on the couch next to him where he was reader a book.
“How was today”? He asks as you lay your head on his shoulder an arm wrapped around your shoulders. “Tiring I had to fight some asshole and I didn’t realize I was almost out of apple bombs”.
He reminds you when you need to get more bombs and you really appreciate that.
On the occasions you do get hurt he gives you a lecture about how you shouldn’t have fought jack for the 50th time this week.
“Yea but he’a rich so I rob him when ever I want”. You say as hes literally wrapping your arms in gauze.
For a criminal you do get very sleepy on the days you left not “working”. On those days you like to cuddle up to him.
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xamaxenta · 5 months
I've got a shitty, evil cold and I want Ace like that, he gets to suffer along with me. (Includes regular cold stuff if coughing, runny nose, sore throat)
Ace is going through a day and not thinking the little cough he has matters enough to visit med bag, he probably just hasn't drank enough. At dinner, he tries both ale and water at dinner and it's not perfect, but he does feel a bit better and decides not to pay it any mind when he climbs into bed and passes out.
Marco comes to bed later, late evenings in the med bay you know, and notices that Ace is tossing and turning but he calms down when Marco runs a hand up and down his arm, and he chalks that up to a nightmare. He quickly gets undressed and tucks himself in near Ace, hoping his heat will get rid of any vestiges of a nightmare left.
Ace wakes up the next morning with a sore, scratchy throat, an annoying cough, and a desperate need to blow his nose. He stumbles to the bathroom, slightly lightheaded in a way he normally isn't, and blows his nose in what could only be called a honk.
Brain still trying to catch up with this whatever-the-fuck, he tries to breath deeply and ends up jumping straight into a cough fit, each exhalation tearing at his throat.
Ace moans, tired, tired, tired down to his bones despite just waking up. Swiping at his nose again, he goes back to the bed and chugs the red cup of water Marco must've brought for him.
He attempts to curl back into Marco's chest, but that makes one nostril all plugged. The other side does the same thing and Ace grumbles, moving to his back. There's little solace there, but better than the first two options, so he props himself up a little and falls back into an uneasy sleep.
Marco wakes up to Ace in the middle of a coughing fit, the bed jostling from the intensity. He's a little confused but mostly concerned, and starts rubbing soothing circles on Ace's back, using a bit of his flames to ease his partner's pain.
"Are you good?" Marco asks, surprised when he gets an armful of messy, sniffling, whining Ace instead of an immediate answer.
"I'm dying, Marco. Put me out of my misery, please."
Petting at black hair, Marco shakes his head. "No thanks. I'll get you some medicine instead and something soft to eat from Thatch, how does that sound?"
Ace whines again. "Can't you just use your flames on me? Pleeease. I feel awful."
"They don't work as well with colds, it's not like an easy to find and stabilize wound. I'll use a little bit and go get the food, okay."
Nodding forlornly, Ace lays back on his pillow. Chuckling internally at how cute his sickly Fire is, Marco taps Ace to sit up a little and tucks his own pillow underneath Ace's. Ace gives a small smile and Marco leans over to press a kiss to his forehead, letting blue flames dance over his lips and enjoying the soft sigh from below.
"Thank you Mar," Ace whispers, grey eyes fluttering shut, his breath slowing to an slightly more even cadence. Marco ran his hand through Ace's hair one last time before tugging on his shirt and going to fulfill his promise.
HIS SICKLY FIRE aawawawhdowyrowhr this is so. Cute sO cute
U know im always weak for how domestic and in love you make Marco and Ace, like its their best phase of their relationship just past the honeymoon part and its the utmost trusting phase? Like when theyre fully settled into their relationship as partners its really lovely
Ive only just beaten my sickness from three weeks ago so i hope you feel better soon Angel 🥺💕
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