nikkashidashipper · 7 months
man this fucking sucks huh
0 notes
sorio99 · 3 years
Deltarune Chapter 2: Live Thoughts
So, since the new chapter of Deltarune came out, I've played it all the way through, so, here are my thoughts as I had them. Basically a live-blog, but, not live anymore, I wrote these in my notes app before.
NOTE: Obviously there are going to be ALL THE SPOILERS for Deltarune Chapter 2 in this, as well as Chapter 1. Reader discretion is advised.
Wow, okay, so I was wrong about it being immediately explained.
Various descriptions have changed, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the change to a new game, or the one to a new chapter.
I feel like Berdly is definitely a m’lady guy.
Okay, so, we’re not skipping class this time.
I really wish we could call Toriel and tell her we’re gonna be late again, but I couldn’t see an option for that. Maybe Kris told her on the ride to school.
Okay, so, Noelle is definitely adorable, and a huge lesbian.
Susie seems lovestruck too, kinda.
Okay, honestly wasn’t expecting the closet to work again.
Fricking LOVE the new transition.
Okay, so, Ralsei knows about, the real world? How, why, and what?
Oh, that, makes, a little sense? But also, if we hadn’t brought the toys over to the closet then, would they all be, dead?
Okay, but I love the new town.
Holy shit, save points have storage, AND a spare list? Hell yeah.
So, we’re all level 2 now. I guess they moved from EXP based (or, execution point based?) to Milestone.
Love the basement for bad guys, with K. Round standing guard.
Bitch said “Child abusers live in Hamster Cage”.
Wait, he uses the hamster wheel?
I don’t know if I believe the king about his “bluff” or not. I think not, but, I don’t know.
I can see the “Susie moves to Ralsei’s castle to escape her abusive home” fic already.
And of course, the moss call-back.
Oh god, Susie just said “My own room, huh.” and my heart is ready to shatter.
This girl has one actual food item in her fridge, and it’s just salsa
Oh, scratch that, there’s ice, crumbs, and jawbreakers in there too?
Oh, okay, Ralsei did give her actual food.
Entering Lancer’s room gives the cartoon Splat sound effect from Chapter 1, and his bedroom is identical to Chapter 1.
And the sound effect, plays in reverse when leaving? Okay.
So, explore until we’re ready to leave, huh? Seems, suspicious.
Oh my god, I just realized, the LightCandy is literally the chalk Noelle gave Susie. What the fuck.
So, for giving the Top back his cake, we get regenerating SpinCake that heals everyone for 140. Nice.
Battle challenges, huh? This should be interesting.
So, we can get a ClubsSandwich, $100, or…Jigsaw Joe’s entire life savings. Okay.
Aw, Clover has separate heads in their dialogue box!
Just realized this “dojo” also has their bed. Odd.
Alright, let’s take these challenges!
Oh, so if we act with Kris, than spare with Ralsei or Susie…got it!
He has a mercy meter. There’s a mercy meter now. I love this.
Oh, of course his life savings is exactly one dollar.
I can already tell the Graze challenges are gonna be the biggest bitches.
Okay, so, being able to rematch bosses, with different gimmicks and attacks, but based on the same logic? Always amazing.
I love the little cut-ins from the other characters with certain lines, like Susie and Lancer revealing “for a price” means zero dollars.
“Cookie and Wife”?
The Blacksmith runs a bakery where he can fuse items…okay.
Imma get a Silver Card.
What the fuck, Mr. Society?
Okay, so, we’re “leaving” through the way we came in, so “surely” we’re going back “home” to the “real world” and our “family”. Sure.
LANCER was added to your key items.
Oh was he now?
And so was Rouxls, “even though no one wanted that.”
Oh, we, actually went back to the light world. Huh. Actually wasn’t expecting that.
Jack of Spades, and the Rules Card. Makes sense.
Still LV 1 here, thankfully. No murder yet.
Okay, thankfully I can call Toriel now.
…Undyne, what the fuck?
Also? This, car horn music, I guess? Is, um…interesting.
Oh, the, computer lab. Where Toby was in Chapter 1. Okay. Makes sense.
“Guess this means we can’t start our project.” I’d say the biggest obstacle is more that we have no clue what the hell this project is supposed to be.
Hmm, we could use the computer at my house, or we could have a fun Toby Fox adventure…
My house!
I knew Susie wouldn’t allow it, also, you always wanna jump in big pits? That’s, worrying.
Computer lab time!
So, computer themed, maybe?
Rouxls jumped out, apparently. According to Lancer.
Okay, this build up is creepy, where’s the fluffy boy?!
Who is SHE?!
Was that Noelle’s chatter sound?
Asking for help?
And, I suppose, this must be, our queen.
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N. Sure. I’ll stick with Queen, yeah.
Oh, she’s a computer! That…that’s probably not, great?
Oh, those plugs are bad, brainwashers. Okay.
Okay, they’re both tired…but Ralsei isn’t here. Fuck.
Aiming at moving targets is hard.
2 Werewires spared, only 4 to go, I guess!
Fun Gang, back together, working to save Susie’s soon-to-be-girlfriend!
Rhythm game to start a new bumping song. Nice.
Might live blog less from here, since, you know, the game is starting proper.
God, I love Deltarune’s look and sound, it’s so clean? And expressive, and AAAGH, I just love it!
I love angry Ralsei.
First lose control laughing moment: Kris and Susie squishing Ralsei like a toothpaste tube, to play an arcade game.
Did, did I just play Punch-Out inside an Undertale?
Curing computer viruses with Syringes…sure.
Sweet is the rhythm guy! Nice to meet you, Sweet! You and Toby are great at this music thing.
Hey, Susie can act now! Awesome!
Ralsei too, because of bullying! Yay!
Now the whole gang’s dancing!
(This is where I took my first real break, to process stuff and relax, and also to sleep)
In between thought: it’s kinda interesting that, in Chapter 1, Susie basically had to be forced to care about Kris, Ralsei, and Susie, but as soon as Noelle is in the slightest bit of danger, she’s immediately like, “We have to save her or die trying”, huh?
“Reverse diss-tracks, where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises Queen…or noise music.” That’s some, interesting taste in music.
“All our songs are only 4 seconds long!” Damn, so you’re, like, Vine musicians?
So, the Knight is opening alternate fountains, that create dark worlds out of, more mundane places? Interesting…
So, someone new is leading the rebels. This, can’t go well.
Smorgasbord 2.
Oooh, a TP raising Item! Nice!
Oh, the guy who was already working for Queen is a Werewire now. Okay.
66 up arrows. Hmmm, I wonder if I can retry at some point…
Oh boy. Here’s the queens…wait what?
Oh my god.
Go kart time.
Noelle, you traitor! How could you!
Oh, okay. Berdly I believe more.
Also, “beloved”.
I love how Queen apparently didn’t even ask him.
“Light Nerds” Good one, Queen.
That’s one weird Check for Berdly.
Berdly, for God’s sakes, Noelle is a lesbian, you idiot.
You know, given this villain rant, I think I hate Berdly more than I do King. And I’ve dealt with both bullies AND abusive dads.
Oh god, Roller Coaster Tycoon murder (also Berdly is dead)
Garbage! Saved by it again.
Oh, this place looks glitchy.
Also, Susie, you’re not the king of the trash pile. You’re QUEEN of the trash pile.
Oh god, please don’t tell me she’s dying.
Okay, good, she just needed fluffy boy hug.
Fork in the path, advantageous to split up, huh? But there’s three of us, and, two paths probably.
Okay, I can either go with the Fluffy boy who might secretly be evil, or the mean girl who might get lesbian scenes…hmmm…
I’m flipping a coin.
Okay, Ralsei it is!
Oh, Susie is upset at me getting to pick.
Oh, they’re going together.
Oh, this can’t be good.
If I had a nickel for every indie game with a cat themed metropolis on my pc, I’d have two nickels. You can finish the meme.
I swear I just saw Noelle on the right. Something big in the streets, hmmmm…
Okay, definitely saw Noelle that time. Shame the Poppups, popped up.
…I get it, Toby, but I’m still mad.
Blocked 10 ads…okay, I still love this game.
God, I’m already missing my party members.
Okay, so I still have Lancer, but, I’m really hoping Noelle listens to reason, because Lancer is, not.
Oh god no, don’t fight me now Queen. And please don’t join me.
Alright, nobody likes Berdly. Figured.
God they’re so dumb.
“G-got any room for another truce?” Noelle, I would do a No Mercy run for you, of course I’m going to help you.
I can’t believe “No Triple Trucies” is even an option.
Yay! Noelle in party!
“LV1 Snowcaster. Might be able to use some cool moves.” She’s got Heal Prayer, a more powerful (but more expensive) Pacify, and a damaging Ice move for only 16% TP.
I love her.
I don’t know what a sugarplum is myself, actually.
Noelle, you have a one track mind, and I like it.
Lancer, she’s not a cream, and we’re not making her a bad guy.
Oh, and she’s scared of mice, I love it!
Ah, she’s never been in battle before, let’s see how this goes.
See? That wasn’t so bad, Noelle.
Oh, she’s a natural!
“Needles aren’t scary…” Tell that to anyone under 20, Noelle.
Also, “subtle” pro-Vax message?
Oh my god, I just love her animations.
So, the virus and the syringe are fighting…hm…
Okay, so, first, Noelle’s defend animation, also perfect.
Second, so Ambyu-lance’s bullets block and destroy Virovirokun’s…hmm…
Have I mentioned how much I love Noelle? This funky little Christmas Lesbian can do no wrong.
Oh my god, she can’t even confidently say we’re friends, and hearing Kris say it makes her happy, I love her so much.
Okay, so, Queen drinks Battery Acid. Makes sense for a computer.
Kris is so done with this shit, I can tell.
I am both scared of and loving Queen.
Oh Jesus Christ Berdly what the fuck is that.
That is not greatness that is…I don’t know. I’m pretty sure even tumblr isn’t horny for you, Berdly.
Christ, he’s gonna break Queen by being an idiot and then he’ll be the Chapter boss.
Her eyes say lying. Of course.
“I Did Not Know You Had… Nipples” that’s, a good point.
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…Berdly, you disturb me.
Second lost control laughing moment: Noelle’s cardboard robot face, and Queen just saying “Wow Cool Face”
Lancer, what is the “illusory nipple technique”?
Oh, of course the music bots built the statue. Berdly would never do manual labor.
Oh, and, they built the next “big” thing…hmmmm…
Why are we, flavors of tea???
Okay, that should be all the werewires for now.
The, clothing store, sold me, a useless mannequin, for $300. Of course.
I am going to touch the cheese.
Cheese maze, purposely ruined to spare more Mices.
Hmm, Berdly talks about Noelle’s crush. $20 says he actually thinks it’s him, or maybe Kris at a stretch.
Noelle is now immune to mice! Yay!
Oh, CD Bagel, Seedy Bagel, just got that.
Okay, sacrifice pacifist run to kill Berdly…I’m tempted.
Uh, Berdly, Noelle just one shot both your allies. I’m not alone, you are.
Jokes on you, buddy, I’ve been dodging A+ for years!
“(He hit me in the face with a tornado…)” Yes, Noelle, and I have papercuts on my eyelids. He do be an asshole.
Oh good, they both made Battery Acid Pies. Now we’re in a car together. Perfect. This is exactly how I wanted things to go.
Who is this trash man?
Spamton, huh. Oh boy.
Oh god, this song has lyrics.
Oh joy, a mini boss on my own. Just what I wanted.
Oh, new game over screen! Nice.
Anyways, I hate this guy.
Okay, just one more deal, I think. I wonder what’s next.
I’m not giving you my credit card info, dude.
Oh damnit, 1% more.
Okay, I’m very scared now.
Oh, I lost $51. That’s, fair.
Okay, back in the car.
Oh my god, Queen loves Noelle too. Perfect.
Lancer took the mixtape! Nice!
Oh, he ate it…nice!
Oh god she’s a little kid.
I’m so sorry, Noelle. I really hope you’re going to be okay. We’ll figure out what to do.
Queen, why does everything you have explode?
Now the prize is on my head.
Susie and Ralsei! You’re back!
She can slightly heal me now…cool!
And she taught him Sarcasm. I love them all so much.
Uh, Susie! You can have it!
Okay, so, now Susie is both gay for Noelle, and suspicious of her. Amazing.
And Noelle is turned on by the threat of being killed. Have I mentioned I love these dorks?
The gang’s all here!
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Uh, just got past fireworks, and, where’s Noelle?
Oh, okay. She was just watching Fireworks.
Oooo, catching mice minigame!
Oooo, more elaborate but simpler to control mice minigame!
Oooo, bucket hole!
Also, nice gay Noelle moment noted.
Oh no, please don’t take the perfect girl away from us!
Okay, so, I don’t like Berdly, but, Acid river? Bit much…
Oh, okay. He was never in danger. I hate both of you. GIVE US BACK NOELLE
Oh, great, now we’re captured too. Except possibly Ralsei.
She only plays mobile games. Burn her.
For once Berdly is correct.
Queen, you are dumb.
Is that the super Mario world fade?
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I don’t, next question.
No looking at my Search history!
Oh, hey, we can chat in here.
Lancer, never say Pants hole again, and never say you were inside it either.
Lancer, do you still not know our name?!
So this is how they lampshade the tutorial-Toriel thing, huh?
Oh no, Lancer, please don’t die in here.
Um, are there rooms for all the kids at school?
Puzzle time!
Plot twist: Susie is not Susan.
Berdly is dumb.
Admittedly, I did brute force that second one a bit…
Okay, now Susie has outsmarted both me AND Berdly. This is sad.
Oh god, he’s gonna cry now.
Oh, my god, that’s what December meant. That’s why Berdly cares about Noelle. That’s why…oh god.
Oh wow, Susie’s a gamer. This is incredible Lore.
Oh wow, first Lancer’s face returns, now Berdly is Anime. I love this game.
Oh my god, Ralsei in a tux. I love him.
Alright, so, Lancer needs to go back to Castle Town, and we need to get the heck to Noelle. I hope Berdly’s plan actually works…
Aw, I wanted him to stay tuxedo…
Color Cafe, huh?
Oh god, Rouxls came here. I am terrified.
I love this hype manor song!
Toby Fox, why is there so much 3D Shenanigans in this 2D Top Down RPG???
Note: from here, I end up going to the secret of this chapter. Do not read if you don’t want to be spoiled on that plotline. Skip to where I say Pancake Batter.
Okay, I’m going back, and I’m gonna find this third blue check mark.
Okay, found it, now to get back to the guy…
Yay, fireworks, again!
East treasure’s hallway leading to Basement on 1F…
Oh dear.
So there’s a secret here after all…where is…
Found it!
Okay, how to open this lock, now…hm.
Well, one thing was in the field, so, maybe in the city?
Oh Jesus it’s Spamton.
$28, not a penny more.
KeyGen, huh…
If this is as hard as Jevil, I’m gonna be pissed.
Oh, great, just Kris going in. Again. Fantastic.
Oh what the fuck.
Oh Jesus Christ I hate this build up.
Oh, and I died on the elevator. That’s fun.
Okay, so I hate this elevator. A lot.
Okay! Took like six tries, but I made it past the elevator! Now, let’s see what’s waiting for me…
Maybe take that back to Scamton or whoever?
…Ralsei, Susie, what are you two doing?
Okay, trash man, you better like this.
Oh Jesus Christ.
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Okay, this is not what I expected to follow Jevil’s lead. But, let’s see what happens when I turn this disk in.
Oh, nothing happened. Sure it did. Just gonna walk away then…
Oh, wouldn’t you know it, something happened!
Okay, so big puppet robot man. This is terrifying.
Roller coaster boss! Again! Oh good!
Can’t write notes, gotta kill.
Spamton, oh my god. And it’s Neo’s outfit. How the fuck did I not realize before?
Im terrified, let’s GOOOOOO!
Holy shit is that the Undertale Game Over message??????
Many tries later
Okay, I think it’s actually Ralsei and Susie talking…
Quitting the game so they can get their healing items out of storage and buy some good ones extra later
Okay, third turn, and I’ve only been hit once! Granted, it did almost 50 damage to Susie, but, still, doing better this time!
Even more death later
Did he just, attack himself?
Is he surrendering?
I…I did it! I did it in one sitting! Minus quitting so I could grab healing items that did more than 40 HP!
Oh, he killed him by freeing him…….okay.
Dealmaker, huh? Let’s see what this bad boy is…
+4 defense, +5 magic (even on Kris?), and $+30%…”and…?”
Okay, Ralsei, you get that, Susie get’s Jevilstail, and I get many questions.
Alright, now back to the actual plot!
Oh…Kris has goosebumps, and Susie’s asking if they’re okay…no. I’m saying no.
I love these two so much. Now let’s save the adorable lesbian.
Pancake Batter. Alright, we’re good.
Sorry, Noelle, got distracted.
Mouse wheel!
Tasque manager helped!
Man, this room is big and empty, with an odd exit door and screens on the north wall. Hmmmm…
Thank you annoying dog!
Okay, I still love this music. Just wanted to say that. Anyways, PROGRESS!
We’re tea covered now. Except Susie. She’s tea filled.
Oh god, I don’t trust Berdly with Susie.
God, Knight teased.
Duck ride with Fluffy Boy.
Okay, so, puzzle time, methonk.
High Five!
More duck ride!
Ralsei, do you wanna do the kissy?
Oh boy.
Oh jeez.
Oh damn.
Ralsei, you read my mind.
Oh Jesus it’s the tank from the first game.
Okay, so, we, take houses? Okay.
I can’t believe some people thought this dork was Gaster.
Wow, I beat him in like 3 and a half turns because I blocked him in.
Another God Dammit because SOMEONE didn’t pay attention to what happened to Lancer.
His head is still blue…
Hey, Camera! Peace signs and hugs!
Mostly hugs.
Yay, more Susie and Noelle time!
Oh my god, my heart is breaking.
Okay, I love these adorable girls.
Oh boy, this is, weird.
“Point and hearts come out” or “Eat moss”. The choice of a generation.
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Fair point, Susie.
She likes scary things, huh.
Have I mentioned how much I love these two? Because I do.
Susie and Noelle are best girls ever, no objections.
Oh good, Berdly, don’t ruin this completely, okay?
I fucking knew it.
Noelle, you’re going to kill him, and that’s okay with me.
Susie, stop squishing him like toothpaste!
Oh boy, I get big “final boss” energy right now…
Okay, so I just stole from Noelle’s room.
Okay, boss time.
Shit, I should’ve healed up.
Okay, so, I died, but, I can fix that!
So, this boss is calling back to how the town’s internet has gone out, a fact I didn’t even learn until watching other content last night when I should have been sleeping, because I forgot to talk to Alphys during the brief chance I had.
Also, now both she and Ralsei have made reference to the real world outside…hmmmm…
So I guess the plot is about Google search being evil…yeah that checks out.
Bitch, did you just funny runny way?
Hmm, I’d say 50/50 odds of him being a drama Queen vs. him trying to trick Susie into caring about him.
Yep, he’s trying to score a kiss. Berdly…get a job.
Alright, let’s save Noelle, and possibly the whole town.
The “Roaring” Knight?
Oh god, the determination…who is this Knight, what is going on, and how involved are we?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait WAIT
When she described the Knight making more darkness, she said they took their blade, and showed an image of a knife. Was…was this…
Oh. It was a giant robot. Not a statue.
Susie’s dancing!
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Oh yeah, he can fly.
Resistance! Yay!
Okay, so, we sentai up in this bitch.
I wonder how the hell this story would go if we didn’t go pacifist then? Because in Chapter 1, all that really changed was how the boss was defeated in the cutscene, and like a couple details later. This is, a lot more than that.
Okay, so, three rounds of HP, punch out for her turns, just keep attacking. Got it.
Two rounds down, one to go!
Yes, eat your own Baseball, bitch!
Oh, suicide attack. Well it was just a robot.
Oh. She still has us.
Oh fuck the robot is Noelle’s mom. Fuck.
Okay, so, Queen is dead.
Oh fuck, don’t take over the world with darkness all of you, please.
The Roaring?
Oh fuck, new legend lore.
Titans, Fountains, enveloping the land in devastation. Oh jeez.
Lost eternally in an endless night…that’s not paradise. That’s hell.
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Thank you, Susie!
Okay, that’s a good ending for a second chapter, it’s dark fountain time!
Susie, please don’t turn evil.
And, we’re in the computer lab!
Wait, Ms. Boom? Does, does Gerson have a daughter, or wife?
Lost control laughing #3: this
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I love this game so much. Time to explore town again.
Okay, Alphys does crush on Undyne still, at least.
Oops, I just let all the prisoner dogs out.
Awww, Undyne likes Alphys too!
Napstablook, I love you.
Oh shit, Asgore used to be a pig?
Oh god, this Rudy storyline is gonna be depressing all the way through, huh?
Susie, can we steal the tower of the gods?
Hey, we can actually go back to Ralsei’s dark world?!
Okay, this is gonna be interesting.
Oh thank god, we can save in the epilogue now, cool.
Oh cool, King and Queen together.
Oh my god he calls her Queenie Beanie. I love this.
So, a card and a computer fucked to make Lancer, who is a card. Okay.
Okay, so Lancer DOES know Kris’s name! Just not Ralsei’s!
New battle challenges! Yes!
Might save “Ch. 2 All-stars” for another time, though…
Perfection is the mannequin reaction.
Oh my god there’s a dedicated room for listening to music I love this
Alright, time to skedaddle back to the real world.
Okay, so Alvin is Gerson’s son, and he’s depressed. Fun.
Oh, MK and Snowy are by the creepy bunker. That’s…fun.
Okay, so, Susie scared them off after they insulted Kris, because Kris said something about the bunker…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Hey, Nice Cream Guy is one of the Ice-E’s employees! Nice!
Ah, PizzaPants. Never change.
Oh hey, it’s the little guy, who’s clone is a Gaster follower. And the bird guy’s still in the library, and the donut guy is still in his car…
Hey, Catty and Bratty are becoming friends again! Cool!
Omg, Sans’s store is open. Do I…go in?
Hell yes I do!
Okay, so, Grillby’s music still, but, different interior. Interesting…
Sans, a day and 2 years in this game are not equivalent. It’s a day and 3 years.
The trousle grows further away.
Oh jeez Susie’s been drinking the milk. Oh god.
Cool, Susie’s seeing Onion too!
Oh, never mind.
A song is coming from deep under the water…either Shyren is involved, or this is gonna take a turn.
See you, Su-
Oh! Hey mom! Meet Susie!
Pie for all!
Oh my god, Susie, my heart is breaking.
Okay, so Alphys and Toriel know about the chalk. That, kinda makes Susie thinking she’d get expelled for it, really depressing.
Okay, so, Toriel and Susie are gonna make Pie together, that’s cool. Still, pretty worried about, Kris.
Uh, I just ran the sink, and, uh…
…so we get a cute scene with Susie and Toriel, then Susie asks where Kris is and…they do this sometimes?
I’m very concerned.
Okay, Toriel is concerned too, enough to say “hell”. Even Susie is shocked.
Okay, so, they’re coming back, uh, okay, this isn’t good, right?
Stopped the faucet, opened the drawer, and…we’re back?!
Kris what the fuck are you doing
And why couldn’t we find Asgore in the town?
Okay, so, we’re all sleeping in the living room. I, guess tomorrow’s the weekend, probably? I don’t know?
Susie, doesn’t have caring parents, I guess?
Oh god, Susie wants them to come to our world, but, Lancer is a playing card, he can’t…I don’t know. I’ll say it’s “far-fetched”.
There’s a festival, apparently. This seems…suspicious.
I’d take Ralsei, so you could take Noelle.
She’s asleep.
That, might not be good, in this context.
Okay, so, we’re asleep too, I think?
Oh god, Toriel’s tires are slashed, that can not be good, in any way.
Okay, night time, Toriel and Susie are asleep…now what are you doing, Kris?
That, knife…
Okay, so, yep, they’re the Knight, and they just opened Darkness in their living room. This is, not, good. And, the tv’s on, and the door’s unlocked…
What the fuck is happening?
Ending credits song sounds, techno? Is this more of Don’t Forget? Or a remix? I hear the lyrics at least.
“To be continued in Chapter 3” OH IT BETTER BE, TOBY
So, yeah, that's Deltarune Chapter 2. In conclusion: this explains nothing, raises 120% more questions, and overall is still an incredible, wonderful game. I also like how each Chapter so far has been almost as long as a full play through of Undertale, and yet we're still somehow only 2 sevenths of the way through. Oh yeah, did I not mention? After completing it, it brought me to a chapter select with SEVEN DIFFERENT CHAPTERS, only two of which were available. So, you know. THAT'S FUN!
In actual conclusion, please play this game, it's free, it's amazing, and also buy the soundtrack on Bandcamp so Toby can make some kinda living.
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l1ana · 6 years
Dating Peter Parker while being Eddies' younger sister would include...
Dedicated to @gaynessnyoom for giving me this idea tysm bb
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You had moved in with Eddie, claiming that you needed a place to crash at for some time
Which was odd since you were in college
Whatever, Eddie loved you with his entire being. Obviously, he let you in without hesitation
To be quite frank, he was getting tired of being alone accompanied with a blood hungy parasite every day
You staying at his place clearly made days much more brighter
You both loved exchanging stories about one another during your time apart and laughed it up
When Venom came into the picture, things didn't really change much besides you and him having constant arguments on which sort of sweets were better
Venom made an oath at the moment he saw you to protect you from whatever harm may come your way with the same amount of force that he protects Eddie with
They both loved you like a daughter — In spite of Eddie being your older brother
Your pictures of different monuments and various attractions served as good fuel for his career
Photography was your more proficient skill
One day while you were walking around the city, snapping a few pics, you saw it— Or rather, him
Spider-man, the hero of Queens
Lounging in an alleyway, sat in a hammock made of spiderwebs with a pair of headphones on
His red and blue color pallet immediately caught your eyes and you took a picture with no second thoughts
While you were fawning over catching a picture of someone so famous, the camera flash had caused the spandex-attired male to turn in your direction
Oh dear how he felt his heartbeat speed up three times than usual
Good lord you were a goddess in his eyes
He was stammering and tripping over his own words, unable to get anything out
There goes his spiderman charm
“So you're the real deal, huh?” You asked, stepping into the alleyway while looking up at him
“M-mhm, yup. In the flesh— whoa!” He stood up in his hammock but immediately lost balance, slipping and falling into the dumpster besides you. His head popped up from the pile of garbage bags
“More like in the spandex...” A gag came from your lips. “...And rotten foods.” You giggled, plucking a half-eaten banana from off his head
‘Im in love’ He thought then and there
From that point on, a beautiful relationship formed between you and Spiderman, the both of you meeting up in secluded areas of the city and exchanging joyous words every day
The time you and his geeky self -aka Peter Parker- met up was when you and Eddie paid a visit to the Bugle, in search for some juicy news to cover and report on
Peter had intentionally bumped into you in hopes to start up any sort of small talk. It was then that he found out that you wanted to dig deeper into Spidermans background and find out more about him
He promised to take you out, claiming that he had some “interesting spots that Spiderman likes to hang out at”
Of course, you took his words and set off with him
Eddie and Venom were definitely cautious of Peter
‘We should bite his head off.’ “Venom, no.” ‘What if he takes advantage of her?’ “He seems like a nice guy. Besides, [Name] can take care of herself.” ‘He's checking her out, Eddie.’ “...” ‘Exactly.’
Eddie sighed, speaking up to call your name. “Hey, uh, [Name],” You whipped your head around, grabbing Peters hand to stop him from walking off without you. “Yeah? What's up?” Eddie sighed again, probably anticipating you to feel offense to what he said: “I know that you're, uh, grown and all but... Y'know, be safe out there. Don't wander into the unknown, kay?” But instead you laughed at him in the most innocent way possible. “Don't worry, don't worry. I can stand my own.” And smiled so brightly it made his worries wash away.
And just like that, you were gone
‘We should follow them’ “Can you not? I'd like to respect her privacy as a grown woman, thank you very much.”
Sightseeing new places was definetly checked off of your bucket list
Peter practically dragged you everywhere he found to be a great site for dates
Yes, he was trying to find a way to turn this into a date
And yes, he was worried on whether you'd catch on to it or not
Most of the places he went to, he was commonly known in
“Hey Peter, who's the lucky girl?”
Que the blushing nerd
“She's, uh, new in town. I'm just taking her to some places Spiderman likes to stop by to. A-also, we're just aqquantices.”
“Haha, yeah. Well try not to confuse where the line ends at, okay?”
You and him were pretty much already talked about to be a couple
It was extremely embarassing for Peter, whilst you displayed no problem with what they were saying
Soon enough, you earned a spot in the Bugle as a worker, right in the same position as Peter
“[Name]? Wh-what are you-” “Guess who found a new job?~” He swore his heartbeat could be heard from miles away
You and Peter poking fun at one another
When he first grew the balls and finally asked you on a date, your affirmation had him absolutely ecstatic
Him taking you to one of the places he told you that his alter-ego liked to hang out at, which to say was spotted at a high-up place where you could see the city sparkle beautifully
“D-dude... This is awesome...!” “Not as awesome as you.” Peter would whisper under his breath, to which you'd clocked your head round and ask him to repeat what he said. “Nothing.” He replied with a sweat
A devious grin grew on your face. “Peeeeeettteeerr~” You sang. At that moment, the brunet knew he was screwed. “You like me don't you?”
Time to jump off the building and hopefully land into another dumpster ans roll away never to be seen again
“I-I-I mean, well, I guess if you mean by having a strong sense of attraction towards you then... M-maybe I...” “Awww, you totally do~” You have him a quick peck on the lips, then ruffling his hair. “Well, I like you more so don't start thinking that I don't!” Poor boy fainted on the spot
Eddie and Venom getting a tad bit worried of you whenever you claimed you were going out late at night
‘Where is she going?’ “To mind her own business, much like you should be doing.”
Most of the time when you did do so, you'd be skipping to Peters apartment
q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶ r̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ a̶n̶d̶ p̶e̶t̶e̶ a̶r̶e̶ a̶d̶u̶l̶t̶s̶, l̶i̶k̶e̶ i̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ 1̶9̶s̶
Whenever Eddie heard you enter the apartment at such a late time at night, he'd just start fearing that you would walk right back out
He loved you so much and really didn't want to see you leave his life again
The concern on his face when he'd found out you brought your own appartment room had mortified you
“You're honestly... Gonna go?”
“Oh chill out Ed. I'm just down the street, okay? Nothing bad is gonna happen to your little sister so quit whining.” You'd reassure with a light kiss on his forehead. “You too, Venom. I know you're worried about me and as flattering as that is I'd appreciate it if you saw me capable to take care of myself, thanks.”
Of course, you paid visits to them every now and then just so that neither would get this feeling of loneliness again
Peter helped spruce up your apartment room with some of his own decor
“You sure this okay?” “Of course, I've always wanted a part of me inside you—” He mentally slapped himself to stop something he knew was inevitable. “I-I-I mean, like, I uh.... I...”
Quick and steamy makeout sessions to stop his stammering
Very gentle™ when having sex
Like, neither of you are virgins and are aware of what goes on during intercourse but still
Also, he made sure to put a condom on so dw
Remember kids: You can't make love without a glove
Don't be a fool, cover your tool
Don't be silly and wrap your willy-
You loved running your fingers into his hair w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶ h̶e̶ r̶e̶a̶r̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶d̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ i̶n̶s̶i̶d̶e̶s̶ w̶i̶t̶h̶ h̶i̶s̶ d̶i̶c̶k̶ because of how soft and curly they were
Apparently he was sensitive to you tugging his hair cuz the moment you did he was melting into your body
G̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ w̶h̶o̶ f̶o̶u̶n̶d̶ a̶ w̶a̶y̶ t̶o̶ t̶u̶r̶n̶ P̶e̶t̶e̶r̶ P̶a̶r̶k̶e̶r̶ i̶n̶t̶o̶ a̶ s̶u̶b̶?
Eddie would drop by your job sometimes just to check in on you, and would usually catch you in mid-talk with Peter
‘Is this the guy she's been going out late at night with?' “Can you at least try to be supportive of her decisions?” ‘You're worried for her... WE'RE worried for her.’
He always came in unnoticed and left unnoticed, much to his relief because he didn't want to seem like a stalker in your eyes
When you finally decided to let both Eddie and Venom into your house, they had devoured a quarter of your food that was meant to be for Peter for tomorrows dinner
Not like you told him that you and Peter were a thing
“We're sorry for eating all your food...” “It's okay. I understand. We all get hungry sometimes.”
Later that same night after Peter dropped by, you both setteled for pizza with a side of takeout
“So do I wanna know about the how, where and why a majority of your food is gone?”
“No,” You took a bite of your pizza “No you do not.”
Romcoms were tonights theme
“Do you think we'll ever be like those guys on TV?” “Peter, we're even better than them.”
Smothering him in smooches whenever he's feeling down
Lots of snuggles
Always coming through the fire escape part of his apartment and greeting him from there
Too bad big brother Venom and Eddie were stalking you
“When were you going to tell us about your male companion?” A familiar voice asked as you unlocked your apartment door and walked in, the lights clicking on
Oh fuck
Okay I've reached the limit, time to make a part 2
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Skinamalink: Chapter 7
Despite being in lockdown, it’s still taken me 4 days to post this somehow. Ah well. It’s up and I’ve also made some edits back the ways as well - nothing major just a bit of fixing the flow.
Or here, if you fancy:
Chapter 7: Monster Back In Town
Vlad smiled wide – crooked teeth on show. Shark’s teeth – or a wolf’s. Either way, something carnivorous and hungry. But perhaps what was more terrifying was how genuine Vlad’s smiles were. Dark eyes brightened and laughter lines gathered around them.
           ‘Are you ever going to let me off the hook for that?’ Vlad chuckled.
‘No.’ Edward’s response was solid and definite, leaving little room for argument. Nevertheless, Vlad tried,
‘Be fair, Eddie – I was doing what was best for you.’
‘Is it? What do you think Sikes would have done to you if he knew you were my son?’
Edward didn’t need to think – he knew. And it would probably have started with his kneecaps and a crowbar. But he wasn’t about to give Vlad the satisfaction, so Edward only shrugged in response.
           ‘Fine. Sulk if you want to. You’re avoiding the question. How do you feel now that Sikes is awake?’
Where to begin? He had taken to checking over his shoulder more often in the past week. And double-checking that the door was locked. Scrutinising the crowd in the café for familiar but unwelcome faces. But that was natural, wasn’t it? A man who wants to kill you comes back into the picture, you're bound to get a little paranoid. Edward knew the kind of man that Bill Sikes was and what he was capable of. He had witnessed it – even participated in some of it. And don’t all monsters fear the monster who made them? Not that Vlad would understand that – he was a monster all by himself.
‘Look, I’m not doing great, but I’m handling it. Dorian’s the one we should be worried about.’
           ‘That’s really why you called me, isn’t it?’ Edward nodded. ‘You think he might start using again?’ Another nod. ‘He’s been clean five years.’
‘Sikes being in a coma helped with that. And honestly, I’d find it hard to blame him if he lapsed. Sometimes... sometimes it was the only thing that could get him through it at all.’
           ‘You didn’t need it.’
‘A lot of the others did. Sikes made your life his or he made it hell – sometimes both. A lot of us were too young to see and do the shit we did – so we found ways of coping.’ And then he said in a whisper, and mostly to himself, ‘We were just kids.’
           ‘I know.’
Vlad cast his mind back to the first time he’s seen Edward. Fifteen. Hair shaggy and black. Green eyes unmistakable, even with the bruising around one of them. The split lip. The slight limp. His face had been so thin and tired that he looked several years older than he was. Now, Vlad didn’t often get sentimental, but Edward had slowly teased it out. And the thought of anyone harming the boy... incited a vicious streak and violent thoughts that surprised even Vlad. And if Sikes did come for his son... well, this time Sikes wouldn’t even make it back to the hospital.
           ‘I should go. I’ve got work to do.’
Vlad squeezed Edward’s shoulder,
‘Alright, Eddie. You know that if you need anything – anything – you come to me.’
           ‘Yeah.’ Edward reached for the car door.
‘Eddie... if things get worse with Dorian – you will let me know, won’t you?’
           ‘Course I will.’
Edward left the car without a backward glance. Vlad watched as he walked back inside the café, closing the door hard behind him. Vlad paused to adjust a cufflink and said with incredible nonchalance,
‘Renfield, I want another man put on the hospital.’
           ‘Yes, sir.’
‘And if I find that any of our dealers are distributing to Mr Gray, they will find themselves on the nasty end of a spike.’
           ‘Of course, sir.’
DS Newcomen was in a growling bastard of a mood. Once again, the news had been delivered that his application for the post of Detective Inspector had been denied. No, no – someone else was being transferred into the unit, they said. A more efficient use of resources, they said. A load of bollocks, Newcomen thought. He’d been a DI once, hadn’t he? He still would be if Sikes hadn’t gone and got his head bashed in a car crash. Eight years ago, he had been on the heels of something great – just a few steps away from getting Sikes behind bars for good. But no bad guy, no case. No case... ten years of his life up in smoke.
           But now... now he had a chance for redemption – a chance to finally make the case and get everything back. And it was getting snatched away again.
           When Newcomen heard that Sikes was awake, he damn near fell out of his seat. He’d rushed straight to the hospital and had stayed there for hours until the doctors had let him in the room. There had always been something about that car crash that didn’t feel right – something that didn’t quite fit – and he was going to get answers.
           Sikes had smiled at him when he stepped inside,
‘Well, well, Inspector... time wasn’t kind to you, was it?’
           ‘It’s Sergeant now. You cost me DI.’
‘Shame. Where’s my fruit?’
‘You visit someone in hospital, you’re supposed to bring ‘em fruit.’ Newcomen bit the inside of his cheek and swallowed down the urge to arrest.
           ‘I ain’t here for a visit. I have questions.’
‘I hope it ain’t on current events – I’m a bit spotty there.’
           ‘No. I wanna ask about the car crash.’
‘Car crash?’ Sikes shrugged his shoulders and grinned like a hyena – deliberately evasive. ‘What car crash?’
           ‘Yes. Car crash. That’s how you got here. You know that. Do you remember anything about it?’
‘Nah. Nothing.’
‘Nothing. Dashboard must’ve hit the ol’ noggin too hard. Sorry.’ Again, Sikes smiled and shrugged – it wasn’t apologetic, it was smug. It said, you couldn’t touch me then and you can’t touch me now – if you think I’m going to answer your questions, you’re even stupider than I thought you were.
           ‘I’m done here, Sikes. But I’ll be back.’
‘Next time bring fruit. I like strawberries.’
Newcomen had left and had been in a bad mood ever since.
           He flipped through the meticulously arranged binder on his desk – one of three. All on the same subject – the life and crimes of William Sikes. Some might call it obsessive. It was obsessive. But when questioned, Newcomen would always say that to catch a criminal you need to be a little obsessed. A cup of bad coffee from the machine was placed on the desk in front of him.
           ‘Ugh, Skip, again with the binder?’
‘It’s called police work, constable.’
           ‘The new DI’ll be here any moment.’
‘Exactly. I’m gonna give ‘im this and tell ‘im we should take the case.’
           ‘What case, Skip?’
‘Sikes is awake. Which means, after all this time, he can be brought to justice.’
           ‘Skip, I don’t get it. There’s plenty bad guys out there – what is it about Sikes?’
‘How old were you eight years ago?’
‘You’d have been a good age for him.’
The constable shifted uncomfortably where he stood. Newcomen turned his attention back to the binder.
           ‘What... what exactly does that mean?’
‘Sikes liked drafting kids into his crew. He’d find kids in need. Give ‘em a place to stay. Get ‘em fed. Make ‘em feel safe. But now they owe him, so he asks ‘em to do a job – and they feel like they can’t say no. So, they do it. And now he’s got ‘em committing a crime, so he uses it to make ‘em do more. Before long, he’s groomed these kids into criminals and they’re a long way from who they used to be. So it’s not just that Sikes is a bad man who does bad things. He drags other people down with him.’
There was a pause, then the constable said softly,
‘How many kids?’
Newcomen flipped several sections of the binder and spun it around for the constable to see. The page bore a list of names. There were forty-three in total but to look at it, they seemed to go on and on. All forty-three were arranged neatly alphabetically with birthdates – and in the case of an unfortunate handful, death dates. The constable blinked, refusing the tears passage.
           ‘You understand me now?’ The constable nodded. ‘Then get back to work.’
The atmosphere in the café had not improved and everyone felt the tension. Lucy was staying quiet. Justine bore it, even though confusion poked and prodded her. Adam stayed in the kitchen away from it all.
           The winter sun had set two hours ago – still leaving them with another three to go. Lucy rapped her knuckles on the side of the kitchen window.
‘Yes, Luce?’
Adam ducked down so that his face was visible through the gap.
           ‘Close up the kitchen, love. I’m gonna shut us for the night.’
‘What about the boss?’
           ‘The boss’ll deal with it.’
Adam nodded and gave a small smile. It was one thing to be grateful for – Adam’s smile had never been affected by the scars across his face. It was a good smile – kind and genuine.
           ‘How are you doing with all this, love?’ Adam shrugged.
‘Not gonna lie, Luce, the thought of Sikes being awake... of him being out again... I don’t like it, Luce. Not at all. I mean, sure, the goons who did this,’ Adam gestured towards his face, ‘are long gone – but the man’s a monster... and he’s going to hurt people.’
Lucy reached out and gave Adam’s hand a squeeze. It too was patterned with raised scars.
           ‘It’s gonna be ok.’
Lucy left Justine to start cleaning. When she reached the door of Edward’s office, she knocked softly.
There was no response. Lucy pushed the door open. For a moment, Lucy thought that Edward must have left. He wasn’t at his desk and his jacket was gone from the back of his chair. A slight shuffling sound drew Lucy to the couch. The leather jacket was serving as a makeshift blanket and his shoes were kicked off so that he could curl his legs up.
           ‘Ed? Ed!’
Edward jolted awake – eyes bleary and hair tousled out of place.
           ‘Jesus, Luce – what the hell?’
‘You’re sleeping?’
           ‘I’m fucking tired. I was woken at five.’ Edward rubbed his eyes. ‘What d’you want?’
‘Wanna close the shop.’
           ‘Shit, is it ten already?’
‘Seven – but it’s quiet. And I don’t think anyone is feeling it tonight.’
Edward didn’t even have the resolve left to contradict her. He started to pull his boots back on.
           ‘Alright. Let’s close it down. Where’s Dorian?’
‘Gone.’ Edward jolted upward.
‘Ed, it’s alright. He left with Basil an hour ago.’ Edward grumbled and sank back down on the couch. ‘Ed, is Dorian using again?’
           ‘No. Maybe... I don’t know.’
Lucy settled herself beside Edward and put an arm around his shoulders. They stayed there for a long moment, silent, in the reassuring company of the other.
           ‘We’re all gonna be here. Whatever happens, Ed. We’ll stick by you.’
‘You shouldn’t.’ Edward shrugged Lucy’s arm away. ‘Sikes is gonna come for me – and when he does, no one can be anywhere near me.’
           ‘He might not, Ed.’
‘I put him in a coma, Luce,’ said Edward, hands running through his hair. ‘He’s coming for me.’
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crunchie-morris · 5 years
Congratulations on your surgery! Can I request Albert and Crutchie being Bros in a grocery store or something? Thank you!
Thank you!!
I’m honestly not very happy with this but it’s the best I could do on post-surgery brain? It’s kinda boring and has no real ending but I’m gonna cut myself some slack for being tired and just post this unedited mess. Enjoy??
Jack: we’re still on for that party at my place tonight?
Race: heck yeahhhhh
Crutchie: !!!!!!!
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Davey: I can only be the designated driver for people on my way home. Les has baseball practice at 10 tomorrow morning so I can’t be out until 2.
Jack: dw dave, kath said she’s got the folks on her side of town
Davey: Thank goodness.
Jack: alright so im hosting, davey and katherine are driving, romeo is dj-ing and race is on snacks?
Jack: race. you didnt.
Race: i was on drinks
Jack: snacks and drinks are a joint deal dude
Race: you just said drinks!
Jack: racer i got screenshots
Albert: dont get your panties in a bunch, i can hit the grocery store after my last class
Crutchie: your last class is psych right?
Albert: yee
Crutchie: my last class is right next door! I can tag along if you want?
Albert: y e a h backwards hat bros on snacks
Race: ill pay you guys back uwu
Jack: you guys rock
Jack: unlike race
Race: i will throttle you
Jack: you cant just say uwu in my gc and then threaten to throttle /me/
“Alright, we’re gonna do this our usual way, right?” Albert asked as they walked in.
“Me in the cart, you run as fast as you can while pushing the cart, and I grab stuff off the shelves?”
Albert grinned and pulled out a cart. “We got this.”
“I dunno why Jack doesn’t just have us get snacks every time,” Crutchie said, climbing into the basket of the cart with the kind of ease that can only come with experience. “I mean, I know we got the whole rotating system for end-of-quarter parties, but most of our friends are unreliable and Davey ends up offering to drive folks on his way half the time anyway. Some positions are best left permanent.”
“So true, Crutchers,” Albert shook his head. “Jack doesn’t recognize genius when he sees it. Let’s go!”
Albert raced down aisle one. “This looks like it’s just produce!”
“Skip it!” Crutchie called as Albert did just that. “Skip the frozen section too!”
“We need chiiiiiiiips!” Albert exclaimed, sprinting towards aisle seven. When they reached it, he skidded to a stop, leaving small tire marks on the tile. “Okay. What kinda chips?”
“I want cool ranch Doritos,” Crutchie said as he took two bags of them from the shelf. “Specs is gonna want plain Lays, and you want-“
“Barbecue, baby.” Albert finished as he jumped to reach the second-to-top shelf, grabbing the barbecue chips and tossing them in the basket.
“You’re gonna have barbecue crumbs if you keep throwing ‘em like that,” Crutchie laughed. “This is why we leave the grabbing-of-food to me.”
“Oh, like you didn’t hear the crunch when you grabbed the Doritos.” Albert retorted. “What else do we need?”
“Soda’s on the next aisle,” Crutchie said. “I don’t trust that Race got much more than beer and maybe punch.”
“That’s a big maybe,” Albert snickered. “Let’s go!”
They sped to the next aisle, both of their faces falling when they saw all the two liters on the top shelf. “Where’s Race’s gangly legs when you need ‘em?” Albert whined.
“I could knock them down with one of my crutches,” Crutchie said, tapping one of the crutches that rested in his lap. “But you probably wouldn’t wanna open them any time soon.”
Albert waved his hand. “Ah, let’s just get the packs of little bottles. They can’t be that much more. Even if they are, it’s Race’s money.”
Crutchie laughed, grabbing two six-packs if Coke, Pepsi, and Sprite each. “You’re so mean to him.”
“Only ‘cause I love him,” Albert grinned. “I’m just being a good best friend and teaching him responsibility.”
“Says the one who totally studied for his psych test last period.” Crutchie teased.
“Shaddup.” Albert flicked the back - technically the front - of Crutchie’s snapback lightly, which spun it sideways.
“Hey, you’re throwing off our brand,” Crutchie turned his hat back around. “I can’t be sideways.”
“Sorry. What do we need next?”
Crutchie thought for a moment. “We should probably get water too, and then stuff like napkins, plates, cups, the works.”
“Let’s work the works.” Albert grinned.
They zoomed up and down the rest of the aisles of the store, being sure to at least glance at every aisle to make sure they didn’t miss any essentials. When they were sure they’d grabbed everything, they got in line for checkout.
“You’ve got to be the only guest I’ve seen sitting in the cart that’s older than double digits.”
Both Albert and Crutchie grinned at the familiar voice that came from behind the counter. “It’s essential to our snack-shopping technique, Smalls,” Crutchie replied, setting the snacks on the conveyor belt. “Since when did you work here?”
“Since I barely scraped together January’s rent,” Smalls smirked. “Girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”
“Good for you,” Albert replied. “When rent rolls around, I just panic and fall into more debt.”
“You’re a mess,” Crutchie shook his head and turned his attention back to Smalls. “You coming tonight?”
“Oh, it’s your end-of-quarter party, huh?” Smalls grinned. “I always forget, I’m on a different schedule than you guys at my school. I wasn’t planning on it, but my shift’s over in 15. If you stick around, could I snag a ride with you guys?”
“Of course,” Albert replied. “Anything for a backwards-hat bro.”
Smalls rolled her eyes fondly. “You two almost make me want to wear it forward.”
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!mark
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request: highschool!mark if u love me plspls
 word count: 5.5k
a/n: lucky that I love u anon hehehehe !!!!! also wOW I didnt mean to make this so god damn long itS REALLY JUST THESE GOD DAMN HIGH SCHOOL AUS IM WEAK FOR THEM OKAY. look at this cutie hOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO RESIST
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
warnings: the usual intermittent cussing and probably an inappropriate joke or two
this au is my Ultimate Weakness it makes me soft as hell alright
okay so your mom has a job that forces your family to move around….. A LOT
and while you’ve gotten used to it for the most part it still sucks having to leave people behind and make completely new friends once every couple of years
this time you’re moving to a new school for your SENIOR YEAR and you’re livid
bc like ??? it’s senior year and you have exactly zero (0) friends since you’re new,,, yet again
you Threw A Fit when you found out but your mom was like shut up you ingrate soon you’ll be in college and won’t even have to worry about it
so you, an ingrate, shut up :/
you move in a month before school starts and the house is nice and your room is cute so that’s a plus !!!!!
you hang up some pictures and organize all your cute little trinkets you’ve collected over the years aw
you’ve even got a lil succulent garden growing on your windowsill
alright so you’re gonna go explore around town because you , don’t know where anything is and you wanna find some good spots to hang
you take the bus into the middle of town because who tf is tryna drive themselves amirite ladies
support ur local bus driver
anywhom this isn’t a HUGE town but it’s one of those cute towns where you can pretty much walk anywhere you need to go
(god i wish that were me)
so you spend all day just, walkin
you find a library and pick up some books …….
both for decoration and reading okay
and you find a couple of restaurants and write them down to try later along with some coffee shops and whatnot
eventually you’re tired and prolly a lil sweaty bc it’s summer and you’re outside and ugh
so you find a nice big park and a tree and sit down at the base of it to read and mindlessly sketch things in the margins of your book
someone shouts
and you look up just in time to dodge a sOCCER BALL HURTLING TOWARDS YOUR FACE
it bounces off the tree and rolls a couple feet away
“uhhhh holy shit” - you
you just kind of sit there astonished for 5 seconds before you get up to get the ball and look around for who saved your LIFE
and there’s boy jogging toward you looking extremely embarrassed
you meet him halfway to hand him the ball and he’s like
“oh mY GOD i’m so sorry i told them to settle down but they never listen to me and jisung just ??? doesn’t know how to not take everything seriously and he lost and got pissed and kicked it and we didn’t even kNOW you were over here and also i’m so sorry”
you smile and tell him it’s fine and hand him the ball
you go to get back to your tree and he’s like hey uh you there uh wait up
god he’s awkward
and you turn around to face him with an expectant look
“so um, what’s your name? i haven’t seen you around here before and like in case i ever gotta make this up to you you know ??”
you tell him your name and stick out your hand to shake and he grabs it very hesitantly and tells you his name is mark
he has , very warm hands and they’re only slightly bigger than yours but that’s still cUTE
he says he hopes you enjoy your book and he’ll make sure the boys don’t disturb you anymore than they already have
you wave as he goes and he gives you a smile over his shoulder and his cheeks are tinged pink and wOw this boy is a cutie patootie
you go back to your reading but now instead of doodling you’re just writing his name or drawing his big doe eyes or his smooth hands
(((((let’s pretend we’re all good at drawing okay god knows i can’t do much more than a stick figure)))))
the boys leave after an hour or two and you leave pretty soon after then because the sun is setting and you gotta be home for dinner
basically your mom wants to make sure you aren’t kidnapped and/or lost in a new town
which, to be fair, is not that unlikely
you have your headphones in and you’re leaned against the bus window half asleep as you go
bitch wake up youRE GONNA MISS YOUR STOP
it’s the same bus driver who saw you get on and honestly there aren’t a lot of people on the bus so he makes sure you get off
“hey you, girl back there, hEY! this is your stop girly”
you thank him profusely and tip him because uhhhh u gotta get home and like Not Lost
you skip home with your bag of books and miscellaneous items you found at the thrift store!!!
you bought a little figurine of a dragon and she’s beautiful her name is saraphina because why not
that’s completely irrelevant i’m so sorry
i have ADHD
you walk in and you’re all like hey momma !!! how goes it !!:3
and your mom is Sus™️ because why are you in such a good mood
and you’re like !!! cause i had a good day okay love u bye i’m going to my rOOM
don’t let her question anymore or else she’ll dig out that you met a Cute Boy
you go to your room and get out all your purchases and organize them while you still have the motivation to do so
and yeah
you use one of the blank notes to start like a lil drawing diary of sorts ???? like just to draw stuff in whenever you’re inspired or you see something pretty
and you definitely saw smth pretty today ;))))))))
hint: ITS MARK
you try to draw him from memory but it doesn’t look quite right and like :(((((( how sad is that what if you don’t even see him again
the rest of the month passes pretty quickly in the same fashion
by now you’ve befriended the bus driver and he tells you all the cool secret nooks and crannies of town for you to go find
he’s also your bff pretty much he always tells you about his daughter and all the cute things she does and you just talk about your life in general and he gives you advice
congrats you’ve unlocked Wise Uncle
he gives you directions to this teeny TINY flower shop where you befriend the old lady who works there by bringing a muffin everytime you go by
she trades you for a seasonal flower and makes a big deal out of tucking it behind your ear herself
basically you find all the cute old people in town and make them your friend because.
this is accidentally straying into art hoe territory i hope y’all are okay w/ that
school is starting really soon and you’re nervous but also used to this so it doesn’t affect you as bad as normally
also you did meet some people so you aren’t going in with no friends but like, pretty close to no friends
on the first day of school you ride the bus and you see ???? mark ????? on your bus ????????
so you get on and do your daily greeting of the bus driver
his daughter lost her first tooth AW
you fake cry and he says “mood” and you lose it because you’re pushing internet culture onto this unsuspecting middle aged man skdkdkkd
you pat him on the shoulder as you walk back to find a seat but there are none because for some reason the bus is busy this early in the morning ????
you wouldn’t know lmao summer sleep schedule had you up at 10 at the earliest
so you go to stand and hold onto one of the poles in the center
(nearby our boy mark LEE)
mark looks up from his phone
these god damn millennials always on that damn phone
and he sees you and he’s like wHOA what’s up uhhh Soccer Ball Girl
and nice you remembered his name bUT HE DIDNT REMEMBER YOURS
but then he’s like nahhhh just kidding i remember ur name hey y/n !!!
you talk otw to school and find out you’re both seniors at the same school and how you’re excited for sports games and like, GRADUATING
mark keeps trying to offer you his seat but you refuse and he pouts everytime you say no :((((
good god just take the seat look at the sad baby boy :((((((((((((
there is an, occurrence
at one point the bus goes over a bump and you stumble a little and mark reaches up to catch you before you literally fall on him
his hands fly out and grab you by the hips to steady you since he’s sitting and you’re standing and he can’t exactly reach your shoulders sO YEA
or at least that’s his explanation in his head huehuehuehe
his hands linger for MAYBE 10 seconds before he whips them back into his pockets and blushes while you thank him
you: are also blushing
the bus driver: completely did that on purpose
when you get off the bus your Second Dad tells you good luck and pats you on the head and mark is like ???? do you know him
and you’re like yeah that’s my man maurice we’re buds
and he’s like ???? i’ve rode that bus all my life to school and i’m not buds with him wtf :/
“srry you’re not as lovable as me!! jealousy is a disease <3”
and he laughs his dorky laugh
you highkey are smiling so big because this boy is so cute and he’s walking close enough that your shoulders brush every once in a while and he has a silly laugh and AW
as you walk into the school marks group of Boys starts waving him over excitedly and he turns in their direction but then stops when he sees you aren’t following
“hey whatcha doin???”
“well uhhh those are Your Boys you know and i’m, i don’t, really, uh they don’t know me”
“aw cmon they’ll love you!!! look ill just introduce you and if they’re terrible and annoying you can leave”
“........ i gue-“
but he’s already grabbed your hand and is pulling you over to them
“sup fellas this is y/n and she just moved here this year so don’t be too overwhelming.”
the smaller one with the highish voice chimes in
“aww but overwhelming is my only setting”
“then just don’t be yourself, chenle”
“heYYY it’s that girl i almost killed in the park !!! so sorry about that by the way”
he introduces them to you one by one and they all shake your hand
jisung is the one with the big ass yaoi hands and also the one who almost ended your young life
jaemin is the one with pretty smile
jeno is the one with the squishy eyes
renjun is the Art Hoe of the group you can just tell
he’s wearing some got damn overalls you gotta befriend him immediately
donghyuck is the one with beautiful skin and a v high voice you’re highkey like hey but can you dROP THE SKINCARE ROUTINE and he’s like “i just wash my face every day xoxo :*”
you quickly learn who is a piece of shit and who isn’t
you figure out who has classes with you and then set off for the day !!
mark has gym and economics with you but those are after lunch :(((
he squeezes your shoulder before he leaves and says good luck though so you’ll survive
you have art with renjun first and this boy is your bestie already
he’s such a sarcastic shit and he too likes drawing random things and vandalizing school textbooks with artistically correct memes
he also has the AUDACITY
“so, you and mark already ;););)(;);)))”
“i uh don’t know what you mean by that”
“you SO do!!!!! you guys walked into school together everyone probably already thinks you’re a thing”
“oh shit really??? ah i feel so bad”
“is that a bad thing???”
“i mean yeah i’m not tryna Tarnish mark’s reputation”
“that is some self hatred bs he would be lucky to have you !!!!”
“renjun you don’t even know me that well yet”
“i know enOUGH”
you just uhh change the subject which renjun def notices but like
who cares
renjun apparently also goes to the same flower shop as you !!!
you find out because you see him drawing the front of it and you’re like heY i’ve been there my girl edna works there !!!!! she insist i call her grandma tho
and he’s all oh sHIT that’s my girl too !!!!!!
long story short edna is now your shared grandmother
now THAT is some uwu shit
you go about your day and it’s lunchtime and yOU uh don’t know where to sit :(
you see a girl that you met who works at the little coffee shop you like so you set off in her direction and you’re almost there when jeno and jaemin walk up and sling an arm around your shoulder from either side
“hEY BUDDY” -jeno
“SUP SQUIRT” -jaemin
and they start steering you in another direction towards their own table
“god of all nicknames you had to give me sQUIRT”
“yes it’s because you’re cute and small like squirtle”
“that’s a god damn reach if i’ve ever seen one but okay”
you get there and they practically TOSS you into the seat next to mark
he winces and gives you and apologetic pat on the back before starting the conversation
“alright so who actually did the summer reading”
as the table bursts into Absolute Ruckus you just kind of sit back and watch
mark notices you being quiet and while renjun and chenle are arm wrestling he leans over to quietly be like
“hey you doin okay over there? are they too much”
“oh not at all i’m just takin it in lmao”
“yeah that’s understandable. they’re easily the most entertaining group of people you’ll ever meet but also i’ve wanted to strangle every single one of them at least once”
“what are you 30??? you talk about them like you’re their mom”
“i mean someone’s gotta do it”
you and mark talk all throughout lunch and head to gym together since that’s next
exercising right after eating ??? sounds like a GREAT plan thanks so much public school system !!!!
you go to pull out your bag of gym clothes but ??? all you’ve got is shorts ?????
you start whining because you’re like aWW i’m gonna get in trouble :(((((
and he’s like here i have like 12 shirts in here because i always bring too many and then leave some when i got soccer practice i gotchu
(he gives you the clean shirt that hasn’t been sitting in his locker <3333 what a guy)
you thank him proFUSELY and then go to the girls locker room to change
the shirt is too big and you don’t wanna look like a Bag so you tie a lil knot in it in the front
you don’t look like a thot tho you just look Cute As Fuck
some girl in the locker room lets you borrow a hair tie and off we go !!!
it’s the first day so everyone literally just stretches and sits around talking
you’ve hashtag LOST mark and you don’t have any friends yet so you’re just chillin talking to the girl who gave you a hair tie because she seems nice and you got nothin better to do
you’re explaining to her how to take care of a succulent /properly/ when mark catches a basketball that was headed right for you yelling a watch it !!!! over his shoulder
he turns to you and giggles a little, nudging your foot with his
“you’re just a danger magnet aren’t you”
“i mean danger is my middle name so”
“uGH get your ass over here away from all those freshman hoodlums who think they can play”
you wave bye to your friend because there’s literal fear in her eyes at the sight of mark ??
you ask her what’s wrong later and she’s like oh it’s not him i just have a crippling fear of boys
(that’s a mood)
you and mark pass a volleyball back and forth and fuck around pretty much all period
this is actually the one (1) sport he isn’t good at thank GOD you were worried he had no flaws
at the end of the class you ask him if he wants his shirt back and he says, and i quote,
“nah you and your thot knot can keep it, looks cuter on you anyways”
you smack his arm for calling you a thot but then thank him anyways for the shirt and for calling you cute :))))))))
econ passes the same way except normal clothing and no sports
although mark does throw a wadded up piece of paper on you that says u want 2 hang w the boys n me after school ? if yes then breathe if no do a backflip
this headass boy
you throw it back so it bounces off his forehead and then nod to confirm you will
you don’t have any of the boys in your last class and you don’t where to meet up so you just kind of loiter by your locker since jeno’s is pretty close to yours and maybe they’ll meet here ????
luckily jisung spots you and is like hey what r u doin here aren’t u hanging with us after school??? cmon
you follow him out to the parking lot where they’re all gathered around jeno and jaemins vehicles because apparently they’re the only ones with actual cars
they start waving too excitedly when they see you and mark smiles all big
wooOOO baby boy already has a crush on you :3
they’ve apparently already decided to go to chenles house because apparently he’s fuckin loaded
you don’t believe that for a sECOND because he’s wearing crocs and an old ass polo shirt but
we’ll see
you mark and renjun ride with jaemin while the Babies ride with jeno since he is able to ignore them being crackheads in the backseat and drive his vehicle without crashing
apparently they’ve cause multiple vehicular accidents ??? possibly the reason renjun doesn’t have a car ???????
who knows
y’all have a blast in jaemins car tho playing tokyo drift from the third fast and furious movie if u haven’t heard that shit plEASE GO LISTEN WHAT A SONG HEHEHHEHHEHE
you pull into this BIG ASS house and you’re like no fucking way dude
and everyone else in the car simultaneously says
“i know right ???”
y’all pull in and go inside and it’s real nice holy SHIT
chenle comes in cackling followed closely be jisung and more sedately by jeno who looks ready to fckin die
you pat him on the shoulder and go you did well, soldier
he salutes solemnly before breaking out into the smile
y’all know the one
you UWU right there on the spot but hold yourself back from poking his cheek and cooing
chenle then SCREECHES and yells
and everyone crowds into his living room
somehow the couch is big enough to fit all of you comfortably that’s fckin impressive
you play just dance for 3 whole ass hours and now you’re Tired and Ready To Go Home
there’s a bus stop nearby and you insist upon walking since jaemin already have you a ride here and you didn’t even have gas money to give him :(((
mark goes to since you have to catch the same bus
you hum as you skip around the sidewalk and he walks behind you smiling fondly while you twirl around
he recognizes the song and whistles along and wow !!!!
when you get to the stop you’re like 5 mins early
so to entertain yourselves you play rock paper scissors and each time the winner gets to flick the loser on the forehead
mark is a sweet boy so he flicks softly but you go all out
wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bruise tmrw girly u need to chill
you sit on the bus together when it arrives since there’s actually room now and he slumps down low until his head is pretty much rested on your shoulder
(our man maurice sees and is like GET IT GIRL but only so you notice and you make threatening hand motions at him)
you’re not sure if he’s asleep so you stay extra still just in case
and no one needs to know you rested your cheek on top of his head
but when it gets to your stop you’re like mark? mark lee??? mork ???? wake up ??? and you nudge him a little with your shoulder and he sits up and rubs his eyes aW
he slow blinks at you and goes
and you’re like i uh gotta go now
and he’s like :/// okay i’ll see you tomorrow and stands up and gives you a half hug before you go
maurice is DYING in the front you’re going to kill him
you walk home with a smile on your face and again your mom is suspicious of your good mood but you’re like aw it’s nothin just had a good day at school made lots of friends !!!!!!
as summer turns into fall you make more friends but you mostly hang out with the boys because they’re funny and nice to you and also Mark is there and we love our boy
you guys all attend football games together and go absolutely ALL OUT for whatever the theme is
for example: the theme was halloween and you all dressed as god damn SMURFS
it was legendary there was not one bit of you all that wasn’t covered in blue paint
jisung almost fought some girl who thought he was from the movie Avatar until everyone was like jisung cHILL OUT ITS NOT HER FAULT YOURE VERY TALL AND COMPLETELY BLUE
and well
can’t argue with that
it gets chillier though so you all bring blankets and cuddle most of the games
all of the boys suspiciously aren’t cold at first until you and mark share a blanket
they’re so obvious GOD
with each time y’all share you get more relaxed around each other until eventually mark has one arm slung around you and your legs are hooked over one of his thighs while y’all Snuggle
renjun waggles his eyebrows at you every five minutes and you discreetly give him the finger every time
little ASSHOLE
college applications are due like. right now
you all apply to a nice university close by as a backup/safe place and then apply to more brazy places just to see if you can get in
everyone’s been real stressed lately so you’re like !!!!! hey imma throw a friendsgiving party !!! yeehaw !!!!!!!!!
and you invite all of them over
“everyone bring smth and i’ll bake a ham or smth,,, i swear to GOD if all of you show up with store-bought pumpkin pie. i will kill you and then myself”
“what’s with you and pumpkin pie?”
“jUST. don’t”
((((srry i’m projecting my hatred of pumpkin pie onto u reader heheehehheh))))
everyone comes over and it’s really chilly so you have a fire in the fireplace and you have a couple of your gal pals over too
your mom is nice enough to leave y’all alone for the night and she’s not hurt since it’s not real thanksgiving
we stan moms
you bring out the ham and someone has brought green beans and mark ,,,, tHAT ANGEL he brought cornbread stuffing do y’all know what i’m talking abt
and there’s sweet potatoes and apple pie and all the Thanksgiving Essentials
jisung wanted to be a dick so he brought cranberry jelly
“why don’t you have some:) cranberry preserves:) , jisung” -you, every 30 seconds
everyone sits down to eat and it’s LOUD so you’re like shut UP !!!!!!!!!!
“every1 say smth ur thankful for :3333”
“my family !!!!”
“you guys <3”
“awW BOOO” - everyone, while throwing things at jaemin
“my life !!”
“that i’m happy”
“gay” -chenle
anyways no one took it seriously until it got to mark
“i’m grateful y/n moved here :))))))”
everyone goes KSKDDIDI and you blush and you’re like okay ily mark JSKKD
everyone EATS A LOT and then you go sit in a pile in the living room
you go to make hot chocolate for everyone and when you come back it’s , interesting how there’s only room for you next to mark . hm
you pass out the hot chocolate and everyone reaches Maximum Sleepytime
at this point you’re too tired to give a fuck and you just flop onto the couch next to mark and curl up into his side
he puts his arm around you to pull you close and this mf presses a tiny barely there kiss to your temple
you look up and like talk with your eyes
did u just
i did
and then you just settle back down
it’s too crowded in here for any Moves to be Made
you’ve got the karate kid on bc ??? who doesn’t love the karate kid and all of your cutie friends are asleep in various places
but once it gets super late you start waking people up and going hey i love you but your mom called mine like 8 times you gotta gO
you make sure everyone is awake fully if they’re driving and to text you when they got home safe
at long last
you’re alone
in your house
with mark
actually where is mark
mark has disappeared ?????
you start looking around for him and find him in your room ???
“you snoopin thru my things ??!?!??”
he jumps and is like uHH but you’re like nah you’re fine idc
so he continues and he was really just lookin at what kind of books you have and the little drawings and paintings and knick knacks everywhere
you just sit on your bed and observe him
let’s be real he’s nice to look at and you’d be perfectly fine doing this for uhhh the rest of your life
he pulls a book off your shelf and starts flipping through it until he pauses at a page
and his face blooms into this big smile and he looks hella giddy
and you’re like uhh hey whatcha lookin at there bud
and he just keep smiling and it’s a little smug now wtf
“when were you reading this?”
“oh uh i don’t know i got it this summer at that cute little bookshop”
“was it, by chance, the day we met?”
“i mean maybe??? why ????”
FUCK !!!!!!!
you immediately turn tomato red and snatch the book in to hold it tightly to your chest
“uhhh i do that with uhhhh eVerYONE I MEET”
“aw i thought i was special:((((”
he’s creeping closer to you this whole time until he’s INCHES AWAY
he gently pulls the book out of your hands and places it aside before grabbing your wrists and uncrossing your arms
“personally, i think it’s really cute”
you blush even more this man knows what he’s doing
you mumble a thanks with your eyes trained on his fuzzy socks what a dork
he releases one of your wrists to push your chin up so he can look you in the eyes
“do you really do that with everyone you meet?”
“,,,,,,, no it’s just you”
“alright cool”
and then he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you close til you’re pressed together chest to chest AW
he nudges his nose against yours and you close your eyes because your god daMN HEART IS POUNDING AND YOU CANT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THOSE BIG PUPPY EYES
he presses the sweetest and gentlest of kisses to each cheek and then to the top of your nose
he presses one last lingering kiss on your forehead before he tilts his chin down to press your lips together
it’s so soft and innocent wow i’m going to SHED TEARS WRITING THIS
and he pulls away and you press your face into his neck in embarrassment
he chuckles a lil and rubs your back, leaning his cheek against your head
“hey, you down there”
you say “yeah?” but your voice is muffled by his neck and it’s more like eh ???
“my girlfriend y/n will you be ???”
what the fuck
you pull your head back so you can look at his face which is turning steadily redder
“uh what”
“shIT uh i meant will you uh bemygirlfriend”
your confused expression turns into a shit eating grin and you’re like
“what was that :)))) i didn’t hear you :)))))”
he groans and rests his forehead on your shoulder and pitifully whines out
“please be my girlfriend :(((((“
you pick his face up and hold it between your palms and he pouts playfully
“well how could i say no to that face”
and you smooch him right on those lil pouted lips
“yes i’ll be your girlfriend”
he smiles real big and smooshes you against him aw
wow so now you’re mark lee’s gf
lowkey you get a few threats but as soon as mark catches wind of that he stands on the statue in front of the school and announces that if anyone has a problem with you they’ve got a problem with him !!!!
and he looks like: ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
you drag him down while apologizing to everyone in the general vicinity
mark is. veRY CLINGY NOW
i mean no complaints here it’s just
you’ll be standing at your locker when BAM mark is wrapped around you from behind and you get a hey baby how’s ur day right in your ear
in gym class he restrains himself since the coaches are always like LEE KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF
but he always whines after and is like
:((((( but you look so cute in my shirt i wanna squish you
whenever mark comes over you force him to let you draw him at least once
each time it gets easier since you’ve started to memorize the details of his face and the knuckles of his hands and the shape of his shoulders
a lot of times he just comes over to watch movies and talk
he’s not an eloquent guy
(“you all look like pretty grass :)))” - mark lee)
but he gets what he needs to say out and he enjoys listening to you talk about whatever’s on your mind
you’ve started a glow in the dark star sticker collection to put on your ceiling and each time he comes over you put a constellation up there
so you’ll lay in bed and turn off the lights and just stare at the ceiling and try to name them all
soon you’ll just get sleepy though and press your face into his chest
he uwu’s every time :((((
after he’s done being astonished by his Baby™️ he’ll wrap his arms around you and stroke a hand up and down your spine wow
Real Relaxation Hours
your mom will come home and find y’all asleep and then SHE uwu’s and it’s just one big cute MESS
he loves to kiss you right as he’s leaving like he’ll lay one on you then RUN to the bus stop
p.s. maurice is on y’all every day saying he called it AY
his other favorite kisses are when he catches you off guard and just turns you around and kisses you and you’re like
I’m Confused But I Like This
lots of sweet pecks throughout the day and then longer slower stuff when you’re home and alone and relaxing
leaves hickeys on your neck literally just to be annoying
months pass and youve said your first “i love you’s” to each other and renjun is always like so when y’all gettin married huh
you both SMACK him simultaneously
but lowkey you would marry mark he’s the best and you love him so wHY NOT
but it’s early and you know that and you’re happy with what you have now :))))))
pls love and support our hardworking baby mark lee he is doing his best and i love him goodnight
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tconilhilm · 6 years
Clyde in the Bathroom.
Lame title I know, but I’ve had this song stuck in my head for the last few days and I’ve decided since im gonna start using this blog to actually post things I’m gonna start it out with something super cliche and kinda stupid. My head cannons for Clyde at the bottom!
Clyde looked at his reflection in the gym locker room swallowing hard. He wasn’t quite sure how he got here to be honest but he knew it had something to do with his ex-girlfriend Bebe coming over at a rather bad time. He had been... having a small episode and she saw the worst of it, of course after milking him for the truth she somehow convinced him to sign up for the High School talent show to show how he actually felt. 
And he really wasn’t looking forward to everyone knowing what it was like. Especially his friends, he was the cheery friend that you always came to when you needed someone to be stupid with... not the one that always needs someones attention or they start destroying them self. 
“This is stupid, god I don’t need to do this...” He huffed turning around crossing his arms with a glare “I could walk out right now and no one could stop me!” He nodded and took a step forward before sinking on himself again with a frown “But... I couldn’t make Bebe look bad like that... It’s just one song... you can play it off like a joke and I just choose it at random. Yeah...” He choose to ignore the sinking feeling as his number got closer and swallowed before putting on his outfit for the show. “Just... go out and preform what Bebe taught you. You got this.” He said with a smirk as he snapped at his reflection, though the smirk fell as he went slightly pale when he was called on in five. “Oh my god someone help me.” He whined walking out behind the curtain to head on next.
Craig and the others had been surprised at seeing Clyde had signed up for the talent show, never seemed like something he would do. They all joked about it but were serious in going to support him. As Jimmy said if he blew it they could all skip town to north park for the night and choke down crappy fast food. Clyde almost considered doing that before Token talked him out of it. They would not buy him food if he threw it on purpose.
“G-guys he’s on next!” Tweek said looking threw the list of names of who was going, Clyde was near the end thankfully, as soon as he was done they all decided to bounce and take him out to celebrate.
“Thank god, these kids suck.” Craig said crossing his arms as he watched the last boy walk off the stage with some plain magic tricks. They all cheered as Clyde walked out, he was dressed in a sweat top that read REEPE With C on his left arm and R on his right to say CREEPER, Bebe had bought it for him as a joke once on his birthday, he wore it whenever he could. Token couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“He would wear that.” The others nodded as the props were taken for his song, a tub, sink and door. Strange but they only shot each other looks before Clyde walked out and the music started, he adjusted the mic attached to his chin and took a breath before he started to sing.
“I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall. I could stay right here or disappear, and nobody’d even notice at all.” He walked around the stage putting his hands in his pockets as he kicked at the floor and leaned against the sink taking a breath. “I’m a creeper in a bathroom ‘cause my buddy kinda left me alone. But I’d rather fake pee than stand awkwardly, or pretend to check a text on my phone.” 
Clyde turned and grabbed the sink looking at it with a solemn look “Everything felt fine when I was half of a pair. Now through no fault of mind, there’s no other half there.” He looked down gripping the sink before turning to face the crowd slowly sliding down. 
“Now I’m just, Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom, at a party.” He ran a hand threw his hair shaking his head “Forget how long its been. I’m just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party. No you can’t come in!” He said at the door before sliding completely down onto his ass as he picked at the ground frowning. 
“I’m waiting it out ‘till it’s time to leave. And picking at grout as I softly grieve. ”Clyde closed his eyes harshly as he looked away taking a breath I’m just Michael who you don’t know! Michael flyin’ solo, Michael in the bathroom by himself. All by himself.” 
Clyde ran a hand threw his hair again looking back over to the door, now putting on a hurt look. “I am hiding, but he’s out there, just ignoring all our history. Memories get erased, and I’ll get replaced with a new, cooler version of me.” Standing up and walked over to the door and smiled weakly “And I head a drunk girl sing along to Whitney through the door-” He spun around making a joke of it “I wanna dance with somebody!” Soon after his arms dropped as he looked towards the crowd looking down “And my feelings sink, ‘cause it makes me think: no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore!”
He turned away and started to walk towards the tub looking at his feet. “Now it’s just Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party.” He swallowed and grimaced as the mic picked it up but played it off “I half regret the beers.” Moving over he got into the tub and sat down in it leaning out of it watching the floor again. “Michael in the bathroom, Michael in the bathroom at a party. As I choke back the tears.” He slipped further into the tub just sticking his arms up “I’ll wait as long as I need, until my face is dry. Or I’ll just blame it on weed, or something in my eye!”
Pulling himself up quickly he grabbed at his hair pulling it slightly “I’m just Michael who you don’t know, Michael flyin’ solo. Michael in the bathroom by himself!”
Clyde snapped himself up and looked out at the audiance, not being able to see them from the lights though “Knock, knock, knock knock. They’re gonna start to shout soon. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Oh hell yeah, I’ll be out soon!” He said crawling out of the tub quickly and started towards the door as if someone was getting tired of waiting for him. 
He stopped as more voices came out along with the music making him pause as the light focused on just him and the door. 
“Knock, knock, knock, knock!” 
Clyde swallowed and grabbed at his sweat-shirt to just have something to hold.
“It sucks that you left me here alone-”
“Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock!” 
“Here in this teenage battle zone-” He started to look more and more panicked.
“Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang!”
“I feel the pressure blowing up-” Clyde grabbed at his throat as if he couldn’t quite breath, his face was turning red as well.
“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!” 
“My big mistake was showing up-” He took a shaky step back as he looked down at the shaking hand not on his neck, before turning and running to the sink as a spotlight hit it again. 
Clyde practically ran into the sink before taking a deep breath. 
“I throw some water in my face! And I am in a better place.” He made the motion of rubbing his face and turned back to the door. “I go to open up the door, but I can’t hear knocking anymore...” He paused and looked at himself above the sink into a fake mirror, as if looking in a reflection. 
“I can’t help but year, for a different time. And then I look in the mirror, and the present is clearer. And there’s no denying, I’m just-” He made a choking noise and grabbed his face as if he had just started to cry. The music reflected the lyrics as Clyde shook his head and took a breath “At a party... is there a sadder sight than-” He couldn’t continue and just hummed again matching the music as he brought his hands down to look look at himself again “Michael in the bathroom at a party... This is a heinous night.” Clyde looked at the sink and gripped the edges tightly as he glared at the mirror. 
“I wish I stayed at home, in bed watching cable porn.” He threw up his hands and grabbed his hair again now violently pulling at it “Or wish I offed myself instead! With I was never born!” Clyde finally turned to look directly at the crowd as tears started to run down his face faster and faster. 
“I’m just Michael who’s a loner- So he must be a stoner! Rides a PT Cruiser- God he’s such a loser!” He threw his arm out tired of it all “Michael flyin’ solo! Who you think that you know?! Michael in the bathroom by himself! All by himself, all by himself.” 
Clyde looked away from them all not bothering to hide the tears as he smiled at the other side of the stage, before promptly falling to his knees 
“All you know about me is my name. Awesome party I’m so glad I came.”
The music ended with a flourish as the stage went dark, everyone was speechless before the applause started. People started to scream for him the voices were almost deafening considering most of the kids expected all of the acts to suck.
Craig and the others on the other hand, were completely silent in shock. Of everything that Clyde could have done and he chose... that? They all looked at each other before nodding and standing up as they hurried off to the gym to find him. 
Bebe cut them off at the entrance with a frown. 
“He bailed after his performance, too scared to talk to anyone after it. He most likely went to his moms grave.” They all looked at her as Craig frowned and crossed his arms. 
“How do you know that?” She looked at them and sighed crossing her own arms.
“I’m the one that pushed him to do this, but why he got so emotional he needs to tell you himself. Good luck, you’ll need it.” She said before turning and walked off leaving the others to watch her go in surprise and shock.
Token looked at the others before stepping forward and motioning with his head. 
“Well, lets go then, we have our friend to find.” Tweek, Craig, and Jimmy and looked at him before smiling slightly and nodded as they all hurried off to find Clyde.
End of Part 1, yeah I was gonna just do the song but I didn’t want to drag this on for too long so I’ll write the rest in a few days if I remember XD. But first real post on this blog besides a bunch of reblogs. Nice. 
Anyways head cannons! I see Clyde as the one that grows up always trying to make others happy but ends up leaving himself open and hurt, never asking for anything because he’s too afraid to hear the refection. Bebe ended up coming over for something and saw him in the middle of a panic attack like how Michel is having one in the song.
So after breaking down from how close the song hit to home Clyde bailed before anyone could see or stop him. 
Also I do not know much about Be More Chill! I’m gonna listen to the audio this weekend if I have the time but as of now I do not know much! Thanks for reading and I will work on the second part. No promises though!
Edit: Forgot to mention, the song is Michel in the bathroom!
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13r34s0nswhy · 7 years
Part 2 : Jeff Atkins
The bell had just rang while Hannah and I got up to leave. “Hey after you have practice thing you wanna meet up at Monets ? On me of course” “Yeah, sure” We both walked towards the exit door of the class when she started giving me ‘the eyes’ “Hannah stop I know what you’re doing” “Oh yeah what am I doing” she answered smirking at me. “Stop or I won’t even show up” “ you wouldn’t ” “Try me baker” I smirked “Okay” she walked away from me toward the door. I was curious to why she rushed out when it hit me shit Jeffs last period was across from ours. “Hannah no ” I said a little to late for she already makes it to him as all the other students poured out ready to leave. As I walked over I heard her say hi “Hey n/n ” •nick name -Jeff smiled then looked over to me. N/n I thought what’s that about? Before I could answer Hannah spoke for me, “You know what I don’t think I can walk you out to your puff thing, Jeff could you do me a favor and walk with her I mean you’re already going the same way right?” Thank god he wasn’t looking at me because as she spoke because I was burning holes through her head. “Yeah sure no problem ” he turned to me as I changed my expression, and smiled at me which to I smiled back. “Ok good and thanks, so bye guys ” Hannah said turning to go but not before she sent a subtle wink my way clearly taunting me over the 'you wouldn’t’. “Alright ,Ok lets go” he said as we started walking with me right next to him. 'god this is awkward ’ I thought to my myself as we simply walked side to side without saying a word for a few solid minutes. If I was being completely honest I was thinking about our oblivious height difference “So I’m taking a guess you’re not very talkative” he told me with a slight chuckle. “Oh no it’s not that I was just thinking ” “Hopefully not thinking I’m strange or anything” “Why would I think that?” “You know sometimes people think it’s strange if someone they aren’t really familiar with knows their name and well I said your name while you were signing up and I had this question almost questioning feeling from you,,, and now that I’m saying it out loud it sounds really funny” I decided just to laugh it out since we where at the doors and I didn’t quite know how to respond. “Well I guess I’m going over there with the rest of the girls to change out, bye and thanks for walking with me”
Jeffs POV ~ I couldn’t help but smile at Y/N as she walked away she certainly was something else. I slightly shook my head getting myself back to normality. “Ok time to practice”
///after practice///
Normal POV “God I’m going to die” I said to myself as I dressed back into my normal clothes sore as heck and by the time I walked out mostly everyone had left already but I honestly did take my sweet time and I had no rush, plus making Hannah wait was a type of pay back. Not to mention my soreness while walking. I walked out of the school toward Monets. BUZZ I took out my phone to see a text from Hannah so my idea had worked Chica Baker Cakes 🎂 💖: Hey you on your way yet? 🙄 Mini Y/L 👑✨: yeah 😘 on my way I just got out. Chica Baker Cakes 🎂💖: practice ended like 20 mins ago I swear you take longer than any girl ever. Mini Y/L 👑✨: ehh you still love me 🤗 well im on my way, don’t complain or I’ll walk slower. Chica Baker Cakes 🎂💖: Ok, see you here . Read 3:45
HONKKKKKKKK I heard behind me making me jump. I turned to see who the hell had done that to me and to my surprise I saw no less and no other than Jeff. “Sorry for scaring you” “Well if it isn’t Atkins” I laughed “what are you doing still so close to the school?” “I could ask you the same thing” he threw back “I’m taking my time ” “Same here, where you going?” “Monets ” “Really?, what a coincidence me too ” “Really?” “Yeah hey let me give you a ride at least, you know for scaring you ” I smiled “are you sure you’re not trying to kidnap me Atkins I mean you already sneaked up on me” I joked making him laugh. God did he have such a nice laugh. “I promise not to kidnap you today” he threw back making me laugh making me quote with my fingers as I spoke “Today” “Yeah today come on get in ” “Ok” I smiled and walked across the street to get into the passenger side. “Thanks ” “Yeah no problem” he said smiling and put the car into drive. “So what do you think about practice?,, or wait better question what do you think about liberty? You’ve been here for like four weeks now right?” He said glancing at me while still looking at the road . “Four weeks yes, and practice it’s actually tiring I haven’t done anything athletic in two months, and it’s okay I guess it’s high school I don’t think it gets any better than okay there ” I said “Mhh I see” he said driving toward Monets. “So where you from?” “Y/H” (your home town ) “Nice” “Yeah, you?” “I’ve been here since ever” “I see nice ” “Yeah ” he laughed turning the car off. “So two months uh” “Yup I took two months off to go with my aunt in the U.K. I came back and moved here so my parents could be closer to they’re companies so that meant no cheer for awhile ” I said as he just stared at my face for what seemed like an eternity after we made it to monets
Jeffs POV Dear holiness I couldn’t stop staring at Y/N as she spoke “You’re so pretty ” I thought out loud without recognizing it. Shit I said it out loud,I could already feel the pink spreading across my face when Y/N’s phone went off
Normal POV
I sat there shocked now his cheeks were the lightest shade of pink,when my phone went off I checked down and saw Hannah calling so I picked up “Y/L where are you I’m waiting and my hot chocolate is turning very unhot ” “I’m here see you in a bit” “Ok just hurry ” “Ok bye girly ” I hung up. Jeff had already gotten out While I was on the phone and went to my side to open the car door for me. “Thank you ” I said as I stepped out. “No problem ” he answered rubbing his neck somewhat nervously. He closed the door behind be as we both silently walked to the monets door which I opened for him. He smiled at me the pink already gone had he not gotten pink?. He got the door from above where I was holding. “After you” he said breaking the quiet “I held it first ” “And now I’m holding it” “I’m not going in until you do ” “But I’m a gentleman ” “But I’m a lady ” “Exactly go in ” he laughed “Nope you go ” Jeff laughed as he walked in and turned to me , “Y/N Y\L , you my lady are something else” he joked as I walked in after him. We both saw Hannah and Clay together “Swear I can’t wait to see them get together, you can easily see them together” I said more to myself than out loud. “You see it too? I’ve been waiting forever so one of them to make a move” “I bet ,but no I must wait for my parents to get together” “Parents?” “Yeah Hannah and Clay always baby me since I’m the youngest so they’re my other parents ” “Ohh , I see ” he smiled “Well lets go” We walked over to them “Humans!” I said making them turn to me “Child!” Hannah replied as I pulled out a chair and sat down “ Me and Clay ordered your drinks ” they said as they both held on to a cup of hot coco. “A peach ice tea for Y/N” Hannah said sliding it across the table to me “And a Carmel frappe for Jeff” clay said . “Awwweee my beautiful parents finishing each others sentences ” Hannah and Clay simply gave me “thee annoyed” look. “Oh so I was actually checking with my parents and I can’t tutor you today my parents need me home so is it ok if I tutor you tomorrow with y/n?” Jeff smiled and nodded, “hey totally man no problem I actually might have plans myself ” 'Plans?’ I thought to myself while sipping on my tea. “Well since my precious munchkin y/n took so long I need to go help at the store” “Ok mom” I said doing grabbing hands toward her as she stood up so she’d hug me. “Bye guys” she said turning to them. We turned to see clay gulping his drink down, “I actually should get going to, and ummm hey I can finally give you that bike ride” he said toward Hannah. “Yeah sure helmet ” Clay stood up and said his goodbyes and left with Hannah. “Well that was shortly lived” I said making jeff chuckle “Yeah” “Well thanks for the ride but I think I’m due a nice bath ” I smiled about to get up “Yeah but-” he starting making me stop “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go hang out in the park if you want to of course later after your bath” “I mean I would love to but what about your plans?” He only looked at me panfaced when it hit me “Oohhhh” “Yeah” he said smirking “Ok yeah sure” “Great … so umm…. could I drive you home right now?” “Right, yeah” I said standing up while he did the same . At the exit door he made sure to get to the door and open it before me and the same for the car door. “Thank you Atkins ” I said smiling “No problem "he said getting into the car as he took off. "Ok so the address is y/a/n ” •your address name - “Got it” he said, “hey you said you did cheer right?” “Yeah funny story so um……..” -time skip here with conversation- We made it into my drive way “Well thanks and I’ll see you at…?” “Six work for you?” “Yeah ok six” I was going to reach for the door but he locked it making me laugh “You said you wouldn’t kidnap me today” “Maybe I lied ” he shrugged and got out to which I got the message “Not on my watch Atkins” I said trying to open my own door again but he locked it and opened when he got there. “I’ll get it one day” I said stepping out with my things. “Thanks” I said when he Leaned in and gave me a hug . ((HA bet you thought I was gonna say kiss not on my watch )) “See ya y/n” “Bye” I said as he got back in and waited for me to go into my house. I took out my keys and opened my gate to go into my house
God what a day a hug and so much time sent with him I smiled to myself. As I got closer to the door I saw my mom grinning ear to ear good she saw that…
((So yes I did a part two already but I didn't like it and it was terrible quality so I fixed it a bit sorry it took so long))
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thegeminisage · 7 years
time for MORE ZELDABLOGGING hell yeah today’s stream of consciousness:
i’ve decided that i wanna go south bc like im never gonna catch up with my brother and im Not in the mood to do heat-resistence stuff so i might as well see a thing he hasn’t, right?!
if i get too bored i can always turn around and go north!!
furthermore he’s getting closer to hyrule castle and i dont wanna lol
fast traveled to the dueling peaks and found the tower already
ooh and lake hylia is south as well! tho ofc im doing the southeast one first
and i’ll probably get tired of storyless exploring before i get out that far hahaha
wow the tower is close to the border, i can see the lake hylia province from here
there’s an Immense palm tree lookin jungle and i think i see a giant armos?
but the mountains divide it pretty neatly so it looks to be an easy walk assuming those guardian statues don’t move
ah. of course they move.
at least they can’t get up and walk around :|
too bad you can’t play around in the menu while you wait out rain. i’d rewatch m memories and shit
i climbed this one red looking cliff and the sky went green and the weather changed to all cloudy forever so im probably about to die
and just like that, glided to the tower. easy peasy
ah, the faron province!! cooool
ah wow!! it’s bigger than i realized *w*
watching a lightning storm from one of these towers is fucking terrifying
that lightning does Not fuck around
the maddening thing about this game is seeing so much cool shit in the distance and you can’t check it out yet, or it would be such hard work
i see some glowy shit and a giant pink tree and i wanna explore everything but also it’s so Much
it’s kind of creepy out here :/ maybe i want to go do story after all lol
im ging back to the shrine you hang glide off of so i can start from  somewhere familiar >_>
idk why im so cautious playing this game. like. its a game. its not like it can hurt me
im having trauma flashbacks looking at eventide island
wait is this a
i hear town music!!! omg omg
ohhhh my gosh what a beautiful peaceful beachside town
reminds me of bodhum/new bodhum and bits and piece of ff11, which i say with the greatest reluctance
i love everyone in this village just bc they are here
oh god it’s so beautiful i love beaches so much i want to live here
oh my gosh there’s a gerudo here!!!!!! OH MY GOD I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU SINCE MM TALK TO ME
she’s asleep in the inn lol
oh hey the painter dude is here too
some of these hylian npcs are poc which is so do cool and overdue
ooh a chest game
i lost lmao
the gerudo lady is awake and she is. so tall oh my god
im gay
i am Gay
I Am Gay
oh, man. oh man
are they all  so beautiful. so Strong. good god
i wish this village was bigger i could have happily stayed here for hours
someone a long time ago was standing on a mountain that looked like a broken heart and was like, is this not the place to find your soulmate…? but i haven’t found mine yet
someone mentioned a similar legend here and on the map i see a mountain with a whole heart on it pfffft
im so sick of seeing these stone cirlces everywhere…i can’t blow them up..what do you DO with them? complete the pattern maybe??
oh my god it worked
i’ve passed by so many…how will i ever get all these seeds……..
i know the game wants me to sail here but i hate sailing, it’s tedious, i want to control my boat with the fucking control stick
holy fuck dude the sword im using is so strong?? it cut down a palm in a single swipe!!
the longer i play the more i hate the blood moon
oh no i found a hinox
i was going to avoid him but he has an orb….
idk where it goes tho so there’s no point there’s no point the blood moon will bring him back okay Okay
hes a red one anyway so no big, when the time comes
oh my god ANOTHER hinox with an orb
i bet they go to the twin shrines near the village
but i’m supposed to find a tablet before i do that…….i don’t wanna skip another quest like the zora helm also thats a Long walk jesus christ
so fucking glad
exploring is so dangerous Why
why do i suck SO much at combat
oooh a bokoblin camp with a black mobiln :/ Yikes
aaand bomb arrows takes care of THAT
i love seeing farosh flying around here but i can NEVER CATCH HIM
i was just a few minutes too late to getting him at a really good spot
but the dragons seem to take the same route over 24h, so there’s that
oh hey im back at green cloud plateau
okay Um am i crazy or did i just hear something roar? was that the wind??
oh god i see a question mark from here something already knows im close
oh ogd oh god why i bet it’s big and awful
i dont have any healing or defense stuff no way
oh no i think there’s a shrine up there where he is ): but i can’t get it
jesus i knew i’d die here
at least there’s no orb on this one
oh noooo more lightning god the storms here are brutal
omg i found shelter behind a waterfall and there’s the shrine i was sensing!! yes!!!!!
holy fuck im not safe here either i nearly just got fried
in the shrine we go holy shit
may the weather be better when i get out
damn i keep finding ore today… #blessed
I SAW FAROSH AGAIN HE WAS SO CLOSE BUT I WAS STILL TOO SLOW…okay they DEFINITELY take the same route everyday i think
or at least if not at the same time, the same places
ugh i went over to this one place and the weather turned to all lightning forever
im so glad to see him ;_; it’s creepy out here
uh…i think…i have to get struck by lightning…on this hill…oh my god i’ll die???
maybe my lightning rod will work……? please…………..?
aaaaand it did nothing. great. ok
/saves game
……../dons metal armor weapons and shield
oh my god im alive!!!! i had mipha’s grace just in case but i took an electric elixir
jesus FUCK
yes nice i didnt even have to do anything just get the…chest…….
i got rubber tights!!! electric resistance!!!!! NICE
ah and when i came out the storm was over :3
but kass is gone ): i wanted to tell him i figured out his song!!!
i knew i should have talked to him before i went in :/
lol i find a boat after playing in the water for 100 years…..not that i wouldve used it, but
aw i met and saved a traveling couple, i’ve saved them before
oh my gosh a STABLE!! all the way out here!!!!
man i wondered what that couple was doing out in such a remote place
oh wow beedle gave me a single ancient arrow…apparently it deals huge damage even to guardians
maybe this is what the start screen meant by the right tools!!!!
but there’s only one…
robbie from akkala gave it to him…NICE i’ll remember
ah some guy here said there was something glowing at the top of floria waterfall…i gotta check that out
ooh a shrine back here too…nice
god there’s a chest in here that’s REALLY hard to get bc camera angles but it has an ancient core (looked it up) and i need one to upgrade my runes………smh
man…nah. im out. there will be other cores & this is crazy ridiculous
its just the stasis rune anyway and i use that one the least
five big hearty radishes means TWENTY FIVE EXTRA HEARTS
but you can only have a max of 30 lol so
almost died for it but. i got it. he throws electricity involuntarily and it’s major stuff i shoulda worn my rubber gear
i kinda wanna wait and see if i can get another……..but i have shit to do
holy shit farosh came back around & i got another scale…wish i could hit his horn
AAAH NO A GIANT STONE THING IS HERE….i have no idea how to fight them im leaving
well idk if the stone thing or the dragon or the shrine was what was supposed to be glowing up here but i don’t see anything new
im almost done exploring this province, actually
gotta walk along one beach and climb the heart mountain and that’s it!
a little tempted to grab my horse since it’s such an easy direct road, but i’d be getting on and off all the time ):
fml there’s a guardian on this beach…pls dont move pls dont pls dont
oh thank god its stuck in the sand
omg there was a chest in the sand but it WASNT A CHEST it was one of those yellow octoroks!!!! but!! i shot it! and got money!!!!!!!! #nice
NOOOO another stone thing!!
but you know the last one took a lot of damage from one accidental bomb so maybe
how do you fight it?? i can’t damage it???
OH OMG THE ORE THING!!! OKAY LET’S DO THIS SHIT let’s go i cooked up so much good food
oh my god i took him down in just a handful of bomb arrows…THATS what ive been running from?
not nearly as scarly as lynel tbh
and i’ve been marking the minibosses on my map so now i can look for jewels there if i ever need to
i found a fuckton in this region but lol i sold them all
i know one great fairy needs 10k rupees and like…..Yikes
im getting pretty good with my bow, i can hit far off targets bc i know how high to aim and shit
i’ve kind of been wondering what happens if you get to the edge of the map
but the wind gets so strong on the beaches i bet you just either run out of stamina if swimming or can’t make the boat get past it if sailing
but what happens if you get to a land edge though…?
i actually dislike getting to edges of maps haha it creeps me out. that disreality unrealization shit. no thanks
in la noire the edges of the map have u-turn streets and you realize the cars are all just on one endless track and no one is in them and no one ever goes home and you start to wonder if this actual universe is a simulation and it freaks you out
omfg someone from the yiga clan selling bananas like i actually could have bought some if i wanted LMAO
he actually had me fooled for a moment even though i know what npcs named “traveler” mean
why do they all give me bananas when they die anyway………whats going on with this.
oh my god this dude at the heart shaped pond is in love with this gerudo lady here. and like. same oh my god she’s so Big
but lol you can choose to say “yeah talk to her” or “nope, rival time!”
me: aggressively wants to flirt with the gerudo lady but not in a straight way
pls this cutscene was so cute
but she deserves better than a weirdo like this guy
he like, gave me a twenty, and she fussed at him for being stingy, so then he have me a hundred, and THEN
wow and with that im All Done with this province O:
i mean yeah i got quests and shrines to come back and do, but i’ve SEEN everything, yk
maybe now i’ll go up to death mountain haha i feel so slow ): i hope what i saw and did made up for my slow story progress
whoa this weapons guy said he’d remake mipha’s trident if i ever broke it!! what a relief
ah i finally figured out the shrine puzzle by zora’s domain…gotta give that thing a dragon scale. but i like my dragon scales too much so i won’t. maybe later
oh hey the death mountain region tower! that was easy
uhhh what…is that
oh my god a FLYING GUARDIAN are you KIDDING me??? why???????
and they’re everywhere! fantastic!!! my ass is DEAD
oh okay this region is called akkala
at least i get guardian arrows here eventually :|
oh my god ONE SAW ME FUCK
oh my god
what is that thing crawling all over death mountain?!
what is happening OH my god!!! so much!! everything!!! all at once!!!!!!!!
that’s the divine beast
oh my god
oh my god.
oh my god it’s so big but even still it looks tiny in comparison to the mountain, oh my god
omg it gets cold up here only at night?? omg
NO there’s a still guardian up here too ;_;
i’m gonna try to kill it!!! good first try it can’t move and there’s cover RIGHT here
second try really but im stronger now
now, i have bomb arrows and lightning rods
ok lightning rod does nothing, bomb arrows dont work in the rain, but i killed it with shock arrows!!
and it wasnt v hard bc i was behind cover the whole time lol
but like, with those arrows - i used maybe 9 or 10? and that was all i used, i threw a couple of bombs at it too i guess
now to figure out how i even get IN here w/ all this gunk…..
fuck a bokoblin near a cooking pot saw me and accidentally set itself on fire lmao
ok i can’t climb past the blight, i tried, but how the fuck do i get rid of it i dont see any eyeballs )))):
……………………….w ait
this bokoblin has a shield with the hylian crest on it. the HYLIAN crest
these ruins have the red carpet with the double line of gold on the side
i’m crying this was someplace special
i don’t know what it was bc it can’t be the temple of time or hyrule castle but it was someplace real i recognize the style of it so faintly and it’s COVERED IN BLIGHT
oh my god………..this is so Much
ah ok a beam fell when i shot the first eyeball and i was like why arent there anymore?? but apparently i can magnesis it
oh wow i found a piece of a room…….totally trashed, jesus christ
must’ve been a lab or library
omg its thundering outside…..that has nothing to do with zelda but it makes this creepier
its not alive tho thank christ
jesus fuck the divine beast is SO BIG and the mountain is still SO MUCH BIGGER i feel so tiny every time i look
anyway it’s 5am and there’s lightning so i gotta unplug for many reasons, this is a fine stopping place, can’t wait to get my ass kicked by that thing and rescue a goron, holy fuck
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