theloveinc · 2 years
Catie, this has been giving me brain rot but I need to pawn it off on someone to make it leave.
Okay, so. I want to say "No" to Bakugou.
No, but listen. So he's been pining, right? Working up the nerve to ask you out because the first time you sassed him he fell head over heels in love. And you've been flirting back, so he's feeling pretty confident about this since there's been a back and forth for a good while (weeks? months? years?) between you two.
So he's like "Oi, you wanna get dinner or somethin'?" But you're dealing with your own stuff - maybe a bad date, or you didn't get a promotion at work, or you have a big project you have to focus on, or you're moving apartments, or maybe he just caught you on a bad day (spilled your coffee on your shirt, lost your keys, sank ankle deep into a mud puddle, etc). Regardless, you don't even spare him a glance, when you say "No."
And just ugh 😩 He's left dumbfounded and he leaves to go sulk, trying to figure out where he went wrong, when really you just don't have the time or the energy right now.
At some point down the road (days? weeks? months?) after still being kind to you and flirting with you (because he's not going to give up on you that easily, or even just get over you that easily), he tries again and this time you say "Yes." 😊
Okay byyyyyyeeeee
Anon......... the fact that you still want to brainrot with me🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️ THANK YOU!!!
Can I just tell you how much I literally ADORE this, too? I feel like you read my mind, too, as just the other day I was thinking about how I'm wayyy too busy for a bf/gf right now... so this is truly the perfect fantasy🥺
BUT ARGHH LKSAJDFAKSD... it's funny but it's also not, you know?He's too wrapped up in worrying how you'll take a confession to realize how hectic your life is....... and you turn him down because you just... can't deal with anything else on your plate (maybe because you don't realize his intentions + know you're not free, don't think it's serious, or are tired, spacey, grumpy... anything, really.)
But I'm also thinking about... Bakugo sulking over this BIG TIME (full on, spending entire weekends drowning in work or being sad on his couch, only moving when Kiri drags him around)... before slowly realizing just how busy + tired you actually are the few times he does stop to see + chat with you.
He starts getting worried; watching you run around trying to tackle work, all your shit at home, your emotions, chores, AND very normal slip-ups, like you said, anon....... and something just hits him, you know? And he feels like such an ass for trying to ask you out when you have so many other things worry about that aren't... him and how much he likes you LOL.
Anyway, he immediately goes from still being kinda miffed to like, wanting to help you out. Doesn't even care that you turned him down anymore, he just needs to make things easier for you again so you can (at least) start being his cheerful friend again🥺
(It's also making chuckle to think about, maybe a couple weeks later... telling Kiri + Denki, or maybe even Deku + Todoroki, that he was rejected by you... except they just stare at him kinda confused and go, "but... isn't y/n super busy right now? Like........ too busy for dates and stuff?"
And he's just: *tik tok sound* OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!!!)
...or you tell the girls about how you feel bad you had to turn him down for dinner, and they're like "y/n... he was asking you on a date..."
But anyway, don't wanna take your idea from you but... Bakugo goes from pining to doing errands with you + cleaning your house (and we could spend a long time talking about all the sweet moments the flirting comes naturally when he's helping you with something)....... TO finally asking you out again, when he KNOWS for sure the time is right...
And it's just the sweetest thing to know that he's been waiting for Y-O-U for so long and he's gonna support you through thick and thin, whether you have time for him (or coffee on your shirt) or not.
I love you, anon! Thank you so much for this!!!
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soapyakships · 5 months
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white day trio new years to start 2024!
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leafsfromthevine · 3 months
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sokka and zuko laying on top of each other i mean what omg who said that
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charcarts · 1 month
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//squints// arlefurry-
anyway would u guys let me cook-
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doodles-in-sand · 9 months
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sure hope it isnt horribly obvious who my favourites are
(tumblr super crunched them this time i think please click to see the sillys in full quality)
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ghoulangerlee · 4 months
I've reached the tummy hurts portion of sickness and I can't sleep so have some thoughts about big girl Cumulus bc yeah we love love love all the big boy ghouls
but what about the big girl?
under a read more bc they're of the sexy variety
Cumulus gets absolutely nothing from having her nipples played with, like sure they get hard with the stimulation, but that's about it—HOWEVER if anyone wants to face plant in her tits, play with them, mouth at them or drag their nails lightly over the thin skin covering the heft of them, that will get her going.
The tops of her breasts are so sensitive, immediate goosebumps at the lightest touch.
She's the slightest bit shy about sitting on someone's face—even though Rain constantly tells her that he doesn't need to breathe like that, she still holds most of her weight in her knees—which then makes her knees ache, and a change of positions are in order.
Cirrus on the other hand, is never shy about getting Cumulus on her back, a couple pillows tucked underneath her hips, one of Cumulus's legs tossed over her back as she eats her out like it's the only thing she knows. She'll switch legs when Cumulus starts making soft pained sounds in between her moans, because her knees get stiff when in one position for too long.
Sunshine also likes Cumulus on her back, moaning into each other's mouths while Sunshine ruts up between Cumulus's thighs. Penetrative sex isn't something that gets Cumulus going most of the time and Sunshine is perfectly okay with that because she also doesn't like penetrative sex most of the time. But, having Sunshine's cockhead pressed tight to Cumulus's clit? The two of them rutting against each other, grinding together until Sunny comes in spurts between her lips, over her clit—Cumulus is a goner after that.
Dew is a thigh guy through and through, and Cumulus is content to let him rut between her thighs while she squeezes them tight around him, on the rare occasion, she'll let Dew fuck her because Dew's good with his fingers, knows how to get her so wet that the sometimes unpleasantness of having something thicker than a couple fingers inside her is the furthest thing from her mind. He also praises her, calls her beautiful, good girl, tells her that she's the most precious thing to him, goes slow and steady until she's whispering into a kiss that he can go faster, harder. His hands gentle and careful as they heft one of her legs up against his shoulder, mouthing and kissing at the dimples in her thigh. He always touches her clit, never lets her get to a point where she has to ask him because he knows she can't get off with just penetration.
Aether loves her shape—the awkward bits of her that stick out even when she's wearing clothes, he'll spend hours mouthing over the sensitive skin on the tops of her breasts, mapping out the visible veins through her skin (a lot of them), he'll follow the stretch marks on her belly and thighs, use his quintessence to keep her comfortable when he's got her legs up over his shoulders. He's the only one of the ghouls that she doesn't feel nervous about sitting on his face. He can handle it, his hands bracing her weight easily as she rides his face.
Swiss is not afraid to throw his strength around, easily lifting Cumulus up until she's pressed back against the wall while the two of them make out. He takes good care of her, his girl. Sometimes he'll get Mountain involved, the two of them taking her to new heights before gently guiding her into some soft and flowy mindset. She loves being taken care of, especially after so many years of thinking that because she's bigger, she's the one who's supposed to take care of her partners. Swiss and Mountain were quick to stamp those thoughts out, letting her luxuriate in the feeling of being taken care of, touched and loved until she's a writhing mess.
Being with Copia, it was something of a kinship with him—their bodies so different and yet so similar. Copia didn't care for any sort of nipple play, in the same way that Cumulus didn't. Penetrative sex was something that needed to be worked up to, and even then, it was never the main event—there were more fun things for the both of them. She'd been somewhat hesitant to fall into bed with him, but he was always so gentle, his touch just firm enough without being too much. He knew her body in a way that had shocked her, whispering into her skin how similar they were, how they liked the same things. She was always satisfied with him, letting her come first and never expecting reciprocation (though she always gave something back). Ironically, he was only the second person to ever make her squirt, his touch so firm and constant that she didn't realize what was happening until it was too late—a shocked and somewhat incredulous sound falling from Copia's mouth as she writhed and gushed around his fingers, soaking not only the sheets but their thighs as well.
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mossy-paws · 6 months
HyPURRlaser (Phighting skin contest)
(Scroll for more images!)
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WOOHOOOOOO!! It’s finally done! This is my first time ever interning into a skin comp. So I made sure to go ALLLLL out for this one! I put a ton time and effort into this one, so I hope you all like HyPURRlaser!
Extra stuff (including a small render):
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And of course, we can’t forget all the princess references I’ve hidden around! (Yes, Princess is on the final skin!)
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beybuniki · 1 hour
it's all a performance it's all a big effort to make people think you're so good and righteous. yawn. fan artists should shut the fuck up and just post art quietly.
well I’m glad you could get this off your chest as soon as I turned anon back on, I hope I didhnt edge you for too long 😋
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successionable · 1 year
matthew macfadyen confirming he doesn't actually look at his own face when he watches the episodes:
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kozachenko · 4 months
ok so I keep thinking about what would happen if Seija ever met Zanmu, because once Zanmu figures out that Seija will literally do the exact opposite of what she says, if she tells Seija to "go grab the rock on my left" (example statement) will Seija grab the rock on Zanmu's right or will she grab the rock on the left
because if Zanmu has the expectation of Seija going to pick up the rock on the right (doing the opposite of what she said), then Seija picking up the rock on the left will be doing exactly as Zanmu asks her to since that is the opposite of what Zanmu expects her to do
or if Seija still picks up this hypothetical rock on the right, she'd still be doing the opposite of what Zanmu tells her to do, even if she picks up on the fact that Zanmu expects her to pick up the rock on the right and wants to pick up the rock on the left, but she has to pick up the rock on the right to do the opposite of what Zanmu wants her to do based on words alone
or for a hypothetical third scenario, will Seija just not do anything because doing something will be doing exactly what Zanmu says either way, but what if she picks up both rocks as a hypothetical fourth scenario?
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murdleandmarot · 21 days
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A quick bluebelle painting :))
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constantvariations · 11 months
So uhh...
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Anyone wanna talk about this?
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heckling-hydrena · 1 month
love being the resident Atheist Blasphemer in a household of Lax "yeah sure we believe in God" Orthodox Christians. I've already eaten 2 of our easter eggs early. Hristos vaskrse to all who celebrate I hope your chosen egg beats the shit out of all the other loser eggs
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deitiesofduat · 5 months
DEITIES Update – 2023 ➝ 2024 New Year’s Edition
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Happy New Year Everyone!
Typically I would write a formal blog post for my end-of-year update, but I'm writing something on the fly for the sake of timeliness ✨
I wish I could say I completed most of what I wanted in the year 2023, as I had several goals I thought were feasible. However, some of those goals had to be placed aside for a very sudden but fortuitous reason, that I feel worth sharing with ya'll -- which is that Iiiiiiii bought my first house! 🥹🥹🥹
(As you can imagine, this took quite a bit of my energy and time this past year, thus explaining part of my absence -- more details regarding my activity under the cut!)
From early August thru the end of December, my home-searching and closing process was incredibly long, stressful, exhausting, expensive (lmao), and time-inducing. I'm thankful to have had support from my agent, and well as my friends and family while navigating this ordeal, and I'm in the process of moving my items and services into my new home during the remainder of my apartment lease.
This home search combined with my full-time work, was a major reason why took a partial break from social media, and semi-hiatus from new art. This also affected my frequency of updating the DEITIES website and blog -- at least, on the front end. I did a lot of backend work and completed a major to-do with migrating the website and giving it a new primary domain -- so now, both deitiesofduat.com AND deitiesproject.com will redirect to the website. 👍
For the most part though, I used the 2nd half of 2023 to focus on some major life decisions, and leading into early 2024 I’m aiming to give myself a bit of a lifestyle reset. It's going to take some time to settle into this new normal, so aside from occasional media posts I'll continue to be quiet a bit longer. Once I complete some key home-owning goals and attempt to recharge, I'll aim to resume the goals I had in mind for DEITIES Project and my personal art, as well as engaging with my audience more (I miss interacting with ya'll, aha 😭).
In the meantime, thank you all for you continued patience and support! Despite being offline more-than-not this past year, I really appreciate the continue interest you all have in this project. DEITIES remains so important to me even with my shift in scope, so I'll do what I can to put iterate on it and give it all my effort when I have more bandwidth. Until then, wishing you all the very best in 2024!
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megullumverrr · 6 months
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hyperrealisticblood · 7 months
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playing idol gachas goes against all of my morals but ive been reading some of the nightcord at 25:00 stories bc my friend is into it. mafuyu and wally are the same character in my deeply twisted and autism riddled mind
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