#i am hugging u berry tightly
theloveinc · 2 years
Catie, this has been giving me brain rot but I need to pawn it off on someone to make it leave.
Okay, so. I want to say "No" to Bakugou.
No, but listen. So he's been pining, right? Working up the nerve to ask you out because the first time you sassed him he fell head over heels in love. And you've been flirting back, so he's feeling pretty confident about this since there's been a back and forth for a good while (weeks? months? years?) between you two.
So he's like "Oi, you wanna get dinner or somethin'?" But you're dealing with your own stuff - maybe a bad date, or you didn't get a promotion at work, or you have a big project you have to focus on, or you're moving apartments, or maybe he just caught you on a bad day (spilled your coffee on your shirt, lost your keys, sank ankle deep into a mud puddle, etc). Regardless, you don't even spare him a glance, when you say "No."
And just ugh 😩 He's left dumbfounded and he leaves to go sulk, trying to figure out where he went wrong, when really you just don't have the time or the energy right now.
At some point down the road (days? weeks? months?) after still being kind to you and flirting with you (because he's not going to give up on you that easily, or even just get over you that easily), he tries again and this time you say "Yes." 😊
Okay byyyyyyeeeee
Anon......... the fact that you still want to brainrot with me🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️ THANK YOU!!!
Can I just tell you how much I literally ADORE this, too? I feel like you read my mind, too, as just the other day I was thinking about how I'm wayyy too busy for a bf/gf right now... so this is truly the perfect fantasy🥺
BUT ARGHH LKSAJDFAKSD... it's funny but it's also not, you know?He's too wrapped up in worrying how you'll take a confession to realize how hectic your life is....... and you turn him down because you just... can't deal with anything else on your plate (maybe because you don't realize his intentions + know you're not free, don't think it's serious, or are tired, spacey, grumpy... anything, really.)
But I'm also thinking about... Bakugo sulking over this BIG TIME (full on, spending entire weekends drowning in work or being sad on his couch, only moving when Kiri drags him around)... before slowly realizing just how busy + tired you actually are the few times he does stop to see + chat with you.
He starts getting worried; watching you run around trying to tackle work, all your shit at home, your emotions, chores, AND very normal slip-ups, like you said, anon....... and something just hits him, you know? And he feels like such an ass for trying to ask you out when you have so many other things worry about that aren't... him and how much he likes you LOL.
Anyway, he immediately goes from still being kinda miffed to like, wanting to help you out. Doesn't even care that you turned him down anymore, he just needs to make things easier for you again so you can (at least) start being his cheerful friend again🥺
(It's also making chuckle to think about, maybe a couple weeks later... telling Kiri + Denki, or maybe even Deku + Todoroki, that he was rejected by you... except they just stare at him kinda confused and go, "but... isn't y/n super busy right now? Like........ too busy for dates and stuff?"
And he's just: *tik tok sound* OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!!!)
...or you tell the girls about how you feel bad you had to turn him down for dinner, and they're like "y/n... he was asking you on a date..."
But anyway, don't wanna take your idea from you but... Bakugo goes from pining to doing errands with you + cleaning your house (and we could spend a long time talking about all the sweet moments the flirting comes naturally when he's helping you with something)....... TO finally asking you out again, when he KNOWS for sure the time is right...
And it's just the sweetest thing to know that he's been waiting for Y-O-U for so long and he's gonna support you through thick and thin, whether you have time for him (or coffee on your shirt) or not.
I love you, anon! Thank you so much for this!!!
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1eaf-me-alone · 2 years
Hi! In my basket I have Destroying angel with Cherry and Ivy berries. Can I please have Cyno?
(Honestly giving u all the liberty bc I love your writing a lot) thank you!
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𝕴 𝖓𝖊𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚
Character: Cyno
Genre: hurt/ comfort
Word count: around 1k
Prompts: “I am not leaving you” and “one last kiss?”
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You curled up in your bed, tightly shutting your eyes, trying to make your pain go away. A buzzing sound surrounded you, the loud ticking of the clock hurt your head, drumming continuously into your brain. Small rays of light filtered through the cracks in the ceiling. The windows of your room slammed closed from the wind. 
Salty tears and snot covered your face. You felt red, you had a headache, you couldn’t think. You were tired. You just wanted it all to go away
Why? Why did it always happen to you? Why did you always have to be hurt? Just as you were beginning to heal again, just as you were slowly getting better.
You lay your head on the cushion closing your eyes. You felt tired. You just wanted to sleep. 
Trust. Such a powerful thing in a friendship, such a strong thing to have because without it there’s nothing. So fragile, so long to make although it shatters so easily, it takes years to build and seconds to break. It took you years to trust again, you tried to trust again, trying to heal the wound from the last time. And it broke you down- again. 
A new wave of tears fell down your face. You didn’t have the energy to move, eat, walk, to talk. You just wanted to be alone. You needed to be alone. Everyone looked the same, everyone was the same. They were going to hurt you. They were all going to hurt you again and lying in this fragile state you were more likely to be stabbed in the back. 
— — — — — — 
Cyno knew you weren’t ok, he could see the tears you were trying to hold when you rushed upstairs and slammed the door. He could see the pain that had just hit you, the way your eyes clouded because you couldn’t think clearly as sadness overtook your initial anger. He could hear you try and quiet your tears because you didn’t want him to worry. 
And yet he  didn’t know how to help you, he wanted to be there for you, hold you, give you a hand. 
He couldn’t do anything about it, he had to leave you space. He had to leave you alone. He hated seeing you in this state, looking crushed and hurt. He didn’t want to see you in pain and it made him suffer that you were. That you were crying, that your brain was a mess, your heart was in bits, your mental state was through the roof, you weren’t taking care of yourself. 
Whenever Cyno thought of you he couldn’t help but smile, seeing how you brightened up whenever you saw him as you rushed in to hug him. But now you couldn’t even look at him. 
— — — — 
Cyno waited until you were willing for him to enter your room.  He knocked at the door before letting himself in. Carrying a tray of biscuits and food for you to eat.
Cyno sat in the bed next to you, stroking your hair gently, placing the cookies on the table next to your bed. 
A sweet smile lay on Cyno’s face as he looked towards you. His glowing white hair flowed freely past his shoulders, and his red eye glimmered, looking at you. His face was full of kindness he was willing to give to you. 
“Would you like to elaborate on what happened?”
You sat up from the bed, wiping away the dried tears on your face. You were in a horrible state. Your face was red, your eyes were puffy, and your clothes were wet from the tears. 
He frowned seeing how badly this had affected you. He couldn’t bear to see you hurt, see you destroyed like this. 
“They left me. They left me for someone else. We’ve been friends for years. I am the one who’s always hurt - people are always trying to hurt me. Whenever I’m finally happy I get beat down again, whenever I try I get punched in the face with reality. So why even try? Why even bother? Everyone has betrayed me. Everyone has left me”
You opened your mouth trying to speak as you could already feel fresh tears about to come out, your chin wobbled as you started to shiver unable to stop. 
Cyno looked you in the eyes and hugged you tightly, letting you breathe in his comforting smell, allowing you to calm down. 
“I’m not leaving you.”
Cyno grabbed your hand holding it in his, kissing your forehead as you felt the warmth of his kiss in you. Small butterflies rose in your stomach. You closed your eyes, trying to balance your heart rate and breathing. Your body felt relaxed as you smiled in Cyno’s embrace.
Cyno beamed thinking of something to say- his eyes lit up in excitement
“So... I don't like atoms because I heard they make everything up”
As pathetic as the joke was you couldn't help but laugh, you wiped the tears in your eyes whilst you gave a small chuckle. You loved this man- even with his horrible jokes. 
Cyno glanced at you. You finally had a smile on your face which warmed him. He was happy he managed to brighten you up even for a few seconds. 
He leaned into your ear to whisper 
“I’m right here with you. I’m not leaving.” 
He gently kissed your hand, forehead and cheek whilst you pulled him in for a kiss. 
His lips were soft and comforting against yours, making you forget all your problems as you melted into his arms.
“I’ll leave you to rest now”
Cyno stood up from the bed, leaving you with a smile as he picked up the tray of food from the table.
You looked towards Cyno
Cyno turned around to look at you, immediately ready to be there with you  
“One last kiss?”
 Cyno walked back to you, sitting next to you on the bed. He kissed you. He wanted to know that he was here for you, that he wouldn’t betray you, that you could trust him. He wanted to know that he loved you. 
— — — — — — —
Hope you enjoyed your stay at the forest
That's all for the first ask hope you liked it @seiiblue
Click here to send an ask
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sun-roach · 10 months
*head bonks* wanna just exist and cuddle, I am so cold and achy rn and need some warm ori’vod snuggles :3💙💙
*pulls you close and hugs you very tightly. Wraps a weighted blanket over your shoulders and puts another one over us. Magics us cup of berry teas*
U kay vod'ika. You r safe here *cuddling and biting u* 🧡
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pokeheadcannons97 · 4 years
request for bede w/ a s/o who has trust issues but admits that they trust bede more than anyone else,,, even despite previous issues (u kno bede being like >:( before opal basically adopts him) and it’s just cute ft. small angst bc bede prob would be like “excuse me what and how”
As someone who has really bad trust issues; I really like this ask, thank you! Hope you enjoy! 🌹
The two of you had set up camp together near the Lake of Outrage. Both yours and Bede's pokemon were out around the campsite playing, and resting together.
His Rapidash was racing against your newly hatched Scorbunny. You laughed as you heard the clearly fake sounds of disapproval from his Rapidash as he let the small fire type win the race. The smaller pokemon in return shouted in triumph and rubbed her nose with a look of satisfaction.
Bede let out a low chuckle, peering at the pair. "I guess gaining confidence at a early age is good for determination."
You looked up from the pot of boiling curry that you had been stirring. "You're a prime example of that yourself sweetie."
Bede eyed you with a smirk on his lips. "I am confident because I've earned the right to do so." He laced his fingers through your Espeon's fine fur as he pet her. "I've put in the work to back my attitude towards my abilities."
"Hmmmn... you are right though. You are a very hard worker." You replied. You placed several bowls on the table in front of you. " But humility never harmed a soul."
Bede rose to his feet as your Espeon jumped off his lap. He grabbed the ladle from you and waved his hand. "I have humility Y/N. I know that I'm not the strongest trainer." He paused and dipped the ladle in the curry, giving it a final stir. "Yet."
You punched him lightly on his arm causing him to laugh. "What was that about humility?"
He only eyed you with the same smirk on his face as he scooped out portions of the curry to the bowls in front of him.
Soon every Pokemon was digging happily into their meals in front of them. Only the sounds of gobbling, chewing and scraping of dishes filled the air.
You blew on a spoonful of your curry, bringing it to your mouth carefully. The bits of potato really balanced out the spiciness of the tamato and cheri berries that you had added in earlier.
You looked over to Bede who was feeding your baby Scorbunny with his spoon.
That fire type of yours was always hungry, no matter what time of day.
"Easy now little girl." The blond said pivoting the spoon to catch the bit of curry that had dribbled off on her chin. "There's no need to rush. You're gonna get a stomachache if you eat too fast."
You felt your heart clench in your chest. 'It's too fucking cute.' You thought happily
"She's taken a like to you it seems." You grinned. "She must really trust you to let you feed her like that."
The fairy type trainer paused for a moment. The spoon more ridged between his fingers. He didn't say anything for a moment, instead scraping the last bits of curry from his dish onto the spoon and with care brought it to Scorbunny's mouth.
"You think so?" He responded to your statement and wiped at the corners of the raibbits' mouth with his handkerchief he brought from his pocket.
You quietly turned towards him, placing your arm on his shoulder and leaned against it. "I trust you too Bede. Despite everything and everyone."
This caused his whole body to go stiff. "Excuse me?" He replied his voice a few lines higher than usual.
You blinked at him, your e/c eyes interlocking with his violet ones.
"Is it bad that I trust you?" You asked still processing his reaction. You stop leaning on him to instead place a hand on the small of his back.
Bede gripped his pants leg tightly between his fingers. "Well not bad persay." He began. "It's just..."
Another pause.
He didn't meet your gaze as he finished. "How? How can you trust me? You know how snarky and unpleasant I used to be before I became a gym leader." He stared down at his feet where Scorbunny was staring back at him. "How do you know that I won't be that way again? Or that I'm still not?"
You placed your other hand on the aide of his face, your gazes on each other. "I don't know if you will." You answered and gave him a warm smile. "But I trust that you wouldn't go back that way you used to be."
You booped his nose lightly with your pointer finger as he just sat there dumbfounded. You then gave him a light peck on the lips and patted his cheeks.
"Because I trust and love the Bede that's right in front of me. He's the strongest trainer, gym leader and guy that I know." You leaned forward to give him another kiss that lasted longer this time.
"Whom in fact; that I am both grateful and blessed to call my boyfriend." You finished as you could see Bede's eyes fill a little bit, his cheeks a hot, red mess.
He wrapped his arms around you in one of the tightest hugs you had ever received from him.
And no words were needed.
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the-buried-hopes · 3 years
The daughter of gloom
Chapter 3
'Take a seat', gestured the old man. TNT closed the door behind and sat where indicated. 'Yes sir. You asked for me?' 'I believe they call you TNT at high school? Pretty funny name.'
'Well, I'll beat the shit out of you and then you can say how funny trinitrotoluene is. You may even laugh in pain if you go mad.'
'Like mama, like daughter.'
'In case you have taken more time to know about my peers and name rather than myself, u wouldn't know. I am not a sentimental shit.'
'Nah nah. I was amused at this similarity. And as for your sentiments, your actions will speak.'
'I don't have time for useless chatter. What bussiness?'
'I am sorry to say, but your father died last night in Uriah, sometime between 10 to 11.15, as per forensic. Poisoned. He was one of the best underground agent we had.' He passed on some papers. 'You get his everything. And also,' smirking, 'His job. Its upto you whether you want to be a spy or not. But let me add. It was his wish you follow his steps. Before going to Uriha, that was what he said.'
Everything was suddenly... Nothing... Confusion... the world seemed to freeze right away. And... it turned glassy. No! She was crying. TNT was shedding tears. Her breath hitched. Her mind reeled away from the moment.
My father. Dad. He... She had seen him pass her room a week ago. She had ran out and had asked him where he was going. The briefcase was right beside him. 'To Tramind', he had said nonchalantly, 'I will be back in two weeks'. And she? She remembered crying that night. Just because she was left alone, she cried in her room. And today? Now? When she will forever be alone? How? Her father. Dad. Dad.
'And oh! My condolence are with you. No pressure. We will train you within 2 months, and you will be all ready.'
'I need... a moment...'
And, she, TNT disgracefully stood up and almost ran out of the room, out of the corridor, down the stairs, pass the soldier.
'Miss, be careful-' and she hit the small door with her shoulder, and stormed away.
She ran.
Away. Away. Away. Bursting to tears. Away. She would never come back. She would die there. Away. Away. Away. There was no looking. She just run, and cried. She ran, and if she could fly away from this world, she would have flown.
'I am sorry. Sorry. Oh God! I am sorry. Why? Why?' And she sat down. In the middle of the chilly forest road. And she just lay at the corner, hidden by the bushes and cried. Occasionally a car would pass. The sun was out on the other side of the mountain. It was still foggy here.
'I'll just lie here and die. I'll just wait for death. I have nobody. I cannot live like this. I cannot.' And she closed her eyes.
Sometime passed. It was quiet out there. TNT could just listen to her own heart beating. And then. The sound of movement through the woods. 'Good a bear will maul me up', she thought, 'painful death'.
Someone shook her and she opened her eyes. It was Mariette's mother! TNT knew her quite well. She jumped up.
'What are you doing here, Tristan?'
'I... My father passed away. I want to die. I do',And she broke up crying and hugged her tightly. Mariette's mother didn't say anything for a while but just held her, just like a mother. 'Remember whatever happens, Tristan, you should keep fighting. That's the sign of strength and bravery, love. Fighting a bear, or a tiger may sound brave, but the bravest thing one does is live; keep living when life becomes unfair, when the balance is tipped, when you feel you can't put it all right again', she tucked up her shirt like a mother, 'Now go home, hurry off or you will miss the bus and be forced to walk through the railway tracks. My, my! The type of suicidal thoughts you are getting! I don't trust you with walking through the tracks. Come with me. You can stay with us today.' And she grabbed TNT's arm with one hand and shifted her bamboo carved basket on the other, carefully, to avoid the berries from falling down.
Thus, hand-in-hand Tristan Nowa-Trevon and Mrs. Amelia Mesen walked out of the forest path, towards a warm home. Inspite of the mess, a thought was nagging behind TNT's mind.
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Will I be a spy? Like my father?
'Suicidal thoughts indeed', she murmered.
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Day 12 : Fantasy/Video Game - Larry Johnson
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‘ Bby come over, I miss u. Pizza, games n chill. Mum’s with Henry. ‘ was the text I got from Larry, so of course, I grinned at the phone and putting in my earbuds, I close the book I was reading and go to the bus station, hugging my jacket closer to me and breathing into my scarf, despite my glasses getting all steamed up, and wait until the bus arrives, in the meantime continuing my lecture of the detective book I was reading. 
Of course, Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie is an excellent book, but I can’t say I wasn’t expecting many of the tropes that became such clichees over the years in nowadays detective books and movies, but hey, at least they’re enjoyable!
When I got close to the Addison apartments, I get off the bus and walk my way there, going down to the basement and knocking on the door, waiting for Larry to open the door, which he did sooner than expected, and I quickly got engulfed by a bear hug by my favourite boy.
“Hey, sweety, how are you? I see that you brushed your hair, it looks so smooth and silky! What’s the occasion?” I asked, my arms around his torso, my chin resting on his chest, looking up at him as he was much taller than me. “You coming over is enough of a special occasion for me to try to look my best.” he grinned softly, kissing the top of my head, making my squeal at how sweet he was being, and I burried my face in his chest, hugging him tighter. “You’re so adorable! Oooooff, I wanna fluff you up so bad.” I rubbed my face on his chest like a cat would, acting like a spoiled girl, getting him to chuckle at my behaviour, picking me up, as I put my limbs around him like a baby sloth would, and we got to his room, crashing on the bed and cuddling.
Because come on, cuddling is the best.
“Babe, check this out! I recently got this game called Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and dude, it’s SO good. And the music, man, the MUSIC is SO neat, I’m sure you’ll love it. Wanna play?” he rolled us so he was on top of me, instead of on the side, and he put one of his hands on my face, as I leaned in to his touch, feeling much warmer and content than before. “How about you play and I watch? You know I love watching you play. You’re so adorable, and I can play with your hair and kiss you and hug you and fluff you up, Larbear.” I giggled as he started blushing and whined at that nickname that everyone is using to tease him, seeing that his mum calls him that too. “Don’t call me that, Kitten, you know it embarrasses me.” he muttered as he got up, put the game in and continued from where he was at, and sat on the bed in a criss-crossed position, patting the place he did with his legs so I could sit between them and watch him play as I would rest my back on his buff chest. “Uhhh this game looks so pretty! And you’re right, the music is gorgeous!” I clap in excitement putting his arms around me so he could both hug me and play. “Knew you’d like it, babe.” he smirked, putting his chin on my head. “What’s this about? Is this little elf guy Zelda? Or why is it called that way?” I asked, curious of the game. “No, Kitty-Cat, that smurf kid with point ears that looks like a Christmas elf is Link. Zelda is the princess and he has to save her. Ain’t that neat?” he grinned, continuing his Quest to save the princess. “Can we call the shortie Sally? I mean, he looks as short as Sal, so why not? It would make things even better! And the princess can be Ash! That sounds so cute!” I hype him, making him chuckle and kiss my cheek. “You know what? That sounds pretty dope, I’m in.” he replied, but it wasn’t long before I started bugging him again. “Can I braid your hair, baby? It’s soooo beautiful and I loveeeeeeee it and I want my hair to be pretty like yours.” I turn around and put my arms on his shoulders, leaning on him, letting my hands brush through his soft hair. “You’re so clingy today, what’s with you? I thought I was the clingy one.” he let out an amused breath and putting down his controller, letting me put my legs around his waist so I could braid strands of his hair, occasionally stealing a kiss from him. “You don’t like it? I could always stop, if you want to...” I pouted, looking down, but he knew I was messing around, so he blew some air on my face. “Kat, shut up, you know I love it when you’re affectionate. Also, your hair is much prettier than mine, and this red shade is super hot. How about we play some World of Warcraft after this?” he suggested, making me nod my head vigurously. “Yeah, that’d be fun! Hey, hey, Larry Berry, can I ask you something?” I ask a bit timidly, making him raise his eyebrow in confusion, looking down at me, but I was a bit too embarrassed to look at him. “Yeah, what is it, Kitty-Cat?” he asks, putting down his controller once again and raising my face with his hands, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Would you...If something weird happened, like the cult, maybe...You know...Would you...Would you save me like Link saves Zelda?” I close my eyes in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks burning and my heart beating desperately, until I feel Larry’s soft lips on mine. “Silly, why even ask that? Don’t you already know you’re my Princess? I’ll always be here to save you, no matter what.” he hugged me tightly to his chest, making me smile in happiness, putting my hands around him, clutching on the back of his SF Tshirt. “Yeah...I know...You’re the best, Larry. I always feel safe and happy when I’m with you.” I confess tenderly, feeling at peace. “Hey, actually, I’ve an idea, but don’t take it wrong, okay? I want to do 2 things, but I don’t want to freak you out or something. Do you trust me?” he asks, looking into my eyes with a tender expression. “Of course I do. I trust you with every fiber of my being. You’re the only one who knows me for who I am and I know I can trust you to take care of me.” I reply softly, making him hide his face with his hands for a few seconds, feeling more embarrassed than me, before taking off his shirt and putting it to the side. “Will you please take off your sweater and Tshirt too? I promise I will explain. I won’t look either.” he started breathing a bit faster, biting his lip in slight anxiety.
I said nothing, instead, I nodded and took off my dark green sweater, then my Scorpions Tshirt, revealing my maroon bra. I looked down a bit shy, trying to hide my belly, that despite knowing it wasn’t big, I was still insecure of, but before I knew it, I got hugged tightly to his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat.
“Can you feel it? That’s my heart, and it’s beating for you. Ever since you came into my life, I could feel I was doing much better, despite all the shit I’ve been through. I’ve always wanted to have you safe and protected, so when I heard of what you’ve been through, I kinda lost it. I know I can get violent when someone angers me, and I can be pretty impulsive sometimes, but that will never stop the fact that I love you so much that I don’t know words to describe it. I ain’t as smart as you, but Kat, you’re amazing and I don’t deserve you. But you chose me, and I’ve never been happier ever since. And hearing you say that you trust and love me is the best thing I could hear, really.” he confessed and I could feel my hear trembling with emotion at how sweet and genuine he was being. “You have no idea how much I love you and how grateful I am that you didn’t get tired of me or something. I really love you, Larry, and I’m very happy that you’re so patient and understanding with me. I couldn’t have pulled through without you.” I reply, kissing him lightly on his lips, making him open his eyes in wonder, without realising that he said he wouldn’t, but then he got flustered, which amused me so much that I started laughing. “Here, take this. Will you spend the night over? It’s already late, mum’s not coming home tonight and it’s so cozy around here. C’mon, you know you can’t resist.” he chuckled, putting his Tshirt on me, fitting me like a dress. “You’re giving this to me for the night? Are you sure? It’s SF, your fave band.” I asked awkwardly, not sure what to say. “My favourite band and my favourite girl. It fits, right? And I’m not giving to you for the night, I’m giving it to you forever. It’s my way of saying that I trust you that much.” he grinned at me, making me hug him tightly once again, fangirling a bit. “You’re the absolute best, Larry Berry. I love you so much.” I chirped in a voice higher than my usual tone. “Okay, Strawberry Shortcake, that’s enough fluff for today. Let’s get some pizza, drink pepsi and binge some TV series.” he suggested, getting up and going to the kitchen to get the food, so I took off my pants to get comfy for the movie marathon, before jogging after him to help him carry the snacks, but I think he might have been shocked by what he was seeing ‘cause he spit out the pepsi. “What’s it, babe, like what you’re seeing?” I chuckled in amusement at his crestfallen face. “You betcha I do. You’re godamn stunning, Princess. You matchin’?” he asked in curiosity, making me laugh even harder. “With my hair? Definitely. With something else? I’ll let your curiosity guess.” I teased him, taking the snacks and going to the bedroom. “Oh, and, by the way! Let’s watch Lord Of The Rings! We’re the best Elf duo, wohoo!” I cheered, with a little skip in my movement, super excited for the movies, as I jump in bed, before I heard Larry’s deep voice saying a bit louder than he might have wished for “THEY MATCH!”
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must-be-mythtaken · 7 years
Rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!
tagged by the ever lovely and oh-so-cool @galactic-cactus123 !
I’m like a thousand years late but HERE WE GO KIDS
1: Are you named after someone? Not as far as I know? Both of my parents claim to have come up with my name W H E R E  I S  T H E  T R U T H
2: When was the last time you cried? The night before leaving Seattle to return to Korea. I was exhausted and read a sad fanfic and just had like...a toddler meltdown.
3: Do you like your handwriting? I love my cursive and hate my printing. 
4: What is your favourite lunch meat? Probably turkey? I love good roast beef but it’s basically nonexistent here so. There we are.
5: Do you have kids? About 400 new ones per year. HAHA TEACHER JOKES
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Well my best friend is basically just another me soooooo yeah?
7: Do you use sarcasm? No. Never. I’m certainly not sarcastic right now. That would be ridiculous.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? I do!
9: Would you bungee jump? Tentative yes?
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Special K Red Berries because I am  VERY WHITE and VERY BASIC
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends on the shoes, but usually, since I tend to tie them very tightly.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? I’m stronger than people expect, so I guess yes? I used to lift 50 lb bags of flour when I worked at a bakery. Omg. I’m Peeta.
13: What is your favourite ice cream? From Russia With Buzz, a discontinued Ben & Jerry’s flavor that was coffee and coffee and more coffee oh and also coffee.
14: What is the first thing you notice about a person? Their body language, I suppose. 
15: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? I get chronic sinus infections and there’s basically nothing I can do to get rid of them.
16: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Blue pants and black shoes. Boring!
17: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? MAUVE-oulous
18: Favourite smell? Honey and vanilla and jasmine. Even together!
19: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? The car repair guy, trying to summon him to jumpstart my trashmobile.
20: Favourite sport to watch? Soccer/football whatever it’s called where you’re from.
21: Hair colour? Dark reddish brown, trying to move in a more coppery direction but I haven’t dyed my hair in a while so it just kinda looks faded and sad.
22: Eye colour? Blue? Green? Gray? Turquoise? Vote now on your phones!
23: Do you wear contacts? Yes. I am nearly blind without them or my glasses and my glasses give me a headache and take away my peripheral vision.
24: Favourite food to eat? Yes. 
25: Scary movies or comedy? Neither? I dislike them for similar reasons. Jumpscares fail to scare me and jokes often fail to make me laugh. But I like both if the story is good and the characters are compelling beyond the scare/joke aspect.
26: Last movie you watched? Inferno! Still better than Suicide Squad! I was a trapped audience on a plane.
27: What colour shirt are you wearing? Black with white lace. Got my fancy work duds on.
28: Summer or winter? In Korea? Winter. In Seattle? Summer.
29: Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
30: What book are you currently reading? MANY. Just started reading “Peter Darling” by my good friend and it is SO GOOD look it UP and BUY IT (Peter Darling by Austin Chant)
31: Who do you miss right now? My quality sleep schedule...when will she be back from the war...
32: What is on your mouse pad? It’s blue and has one of those squishy wrist support thingies that feels like an alien boob.
33: What is the last TV program you watched? Does Monster Factory count?
35: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The first album I ever bought with my own money was A Hard Day’s Night
36: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Either Korea or Greece. Not sure which is further from Seattle and I can’t be bothered to check.
37: Do you have a special talent? Puns.
38: Where were you born? Seattle, USA
I tag @flyingpotatoeduck, @tyrannicallady, and uhhhh @eschmiel and anyone else who wants to do this. :D
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taeminstark · 7 years
Macrophylla - Au [JongTae]
hi so liek i’m too lazy to make a real story out of this so its just gonna be an ongoing au until i run out of ideas. prompts are super open for this and yeah, hope u enjoy
zombie taem & his bf jong (ratings will range) 
–> fluff?
The accident had happened months ago. A sadly simple accident that couldn’t have gone better. The two of them were spending their summer vacationing in Japan. The summer breeze, the birds, all the flowers, and everything else was utterly beautiful. On one fateful day, Taemin was riding his bike along the open country roads with not a care in the world- that is until a pickup truck crashed into him- ending his human life.
It was the luckiest the either of them had ever been. Had it not been for Taemin’s initial idiocy, he’d really be dead. This miracle of a second chance at life was all thanks to Taemin misbehaving.
Earlier on that same day, Taemin had stopped by a meadow. He ran through the tall grass and only wished Jonghyun could be there with him in that moment, alas the older had chores. Taemin’s eyes wandered through the grass when he came to a few sparse bushes of berries. Weird, Taemin thought. They seemed harmless to Taemin and he decided to eat a few. After downing a few purple berries Taemin noticed that there were other bushes nearby, some blooming beautiful flowers he did not know the names of.
The young boy wondered if the leaves of those delicate flowers tasted as good as they looked. Soon enough Taemin found the taste of the leaves to be intoxicating; the leaves had something sweet to them filled with a subtle tang and Taemin couldn’t get enough of them. After about half an hour of snacking on leaves he had finally filled his belly, and was prepared to head home and share the good news of his findings in the wild with his Jonghyun.
Taemin plucked a few more leaves, and some of the flowers and set them gently in the basket of his bike. However the mix of rushing home and assuming the roads weren’t busy were his last two mistakes in life. As his thick red blood spilled from a crack in his skull all Taemin could remember was Jonghyun, his entire mind flashed with images of the one he loved so desperately. Of course his family was somewhere in there too. He blinked away cold tears as he said goodbye to his life. His breath hitched when he thought about someone heading to his and Jonghyun’s cottage, just thinking of how Jonghyun would feel at the moment the news was delivered to him- that he had died- he didn’t want that for the other, not ever, but there was nothing he could do now as he watched clouds pass over him in the baby blue sky.
Eventually, he bled so much he could see the blood in his peripheral vision, but that’s when he wondered. It was taking a long time for him to die. Certainly with half his brain scattered over the pavement and more blood on the outside than inside had to be a signal that he should be dead already. But oddly enough, he wasn’t dead, and in terms of pain he didn’t really feel anything, only numbness.
Finally the truck driver came into view. He had the most horrified look on his face and Taemin even felt bad for him, funny. Just as the driver came into view, the world started to fade out and darken at the edges of Taemin’s sight. This is it Taemin thought, still unable to process that he was really about to die. Without more time to think, his eyes rolled back and finally his heart stopped.
The driver screamed, abandoned his car and ran in search of help, anything at this point. He was too scared to even near Taemin, so scared that he ran ten miles in the opposite direction, looking for the nearest town.
When Taemin opened his eyes stars covered the countryside sky. If this is what heaven looked like, Taemin liked it, he liked being able to float endlessly in space, admiring the universe till the end of time- only he wasn’t actually floating.
Moments later Taemin could feel his arms and legs. He sat up like nothing had happened and looked around. The driver’s truck was still there. Was he a ghost now? Taemin wondered, looking around and being met only with total darkness. For a little while he ached all over as he tried his best to stand, once he was up, he groaned a little. His limbs seemed to weigh immensely more than before , and he didn’t understand.
Searching for his bike, he sighed. It had been mangled by the truck and so he would be walking home at this late hour. He kicked rocks ahead of him as his skin basked in the blue-grey moonlight, weird, the moon always reflected a white glow on his skin. Maybe his skin was dirty.
Around twenty minutes later he was at his front door. It only took a knock and a half for Jonghyun to pull the door open and then pull Taemin into his arms.
“Babe, where did you go? It’s been hours I- I was so worried about you.” Jonghyun said in a panicked voice. Taemin’s eyes widened. Was he not dead? Maybe it was all just a freak accident and he had imagined dying, alongside the brains and all the blood.
Taemin tried speaking and was surprised to hear a raspy, dry voice emerge from his mouth. “Hyung, I got into a car accident, but I think I’m ok. My bike isn’t though.” He smiled into Jonghyun’s shoulder, trying his best to hug him back tightly with heavy arms.
“Taemin are you sure you’re fine, you’re- you’re so cold,” Jonghyun said, pulling back to meet Taemin’s face. Jonghyun’s mouth gaped a little when he looked into Taemin’s eyes.
“Tae- Taemin, are you sure you’re alright, your- your eyes I mean…they’re like grey or something, what the hell.” Taemin furrowed his brows and left Jonghyun’s embrace to check a mirror, before he could look at himself though, Jonghyun screamed. Taemin spun in confusion.
“What’s wrong Jong?”
“Your- your head is cracked wide open!” The older said with a fright. A million different thoughts spilled into Taemin’s mind (or what was left of it now).
“Hyung I- what are you talking about, I feel perfectly fine. Look at me.” At this point Taemin didn’t know what he was saying, and didn’t know if this was all a nightmare that he’d wake up from soon.
“Taemin, I can see your brain!” Jonghyun yelped, stepping backwards when Taemin turned to face him.
Taemin walked back to Jonghyun and held his shaking hand. Jonghyun pulled back when he felt Taemin’s chilled fingers.
“Taemin.. Your hands..they’re.” Jonghyun looked down and saw pale blue fingers. They had a hint of Taemin’s natural skin colour, but they stood out under their yellow light.
“Hyung.” Taemin started, finally realizing his current state. “Hyung..am I dead?”
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wolfsteax · 7 years
The Damage We Do
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2 - Run
I was livid. I let Guzma into my house. I trusted him. And, he robbed me! I was not losing all my money like that. I jammed my feet into my shoes and nearly kicked the door open. I was pissed. I saw his big foot prints in the dirt road and angrily followed them like a hound dog. The more I walked the angrier I became until I saw something down the road. I knew that big body. It was Guzma and he had… food? This kid. Guzma had taken my money to buy us food. Sure, I basically paid for it, but he was trying to be nice. My anger slipped away as he came closer. “LAE! I GOTCHA SOME BREAKFAST!” He shouted from afar. I started laughing and grabbed my stomach.
Guzma came into my house and set down the malasadas, cocoa, fast food bacon, and fruits he bought. Well, at least he spent it on somewhat decent food. “Guzma, you realize you robbed me… to do something nice for me, right?” I laughed. He blushed and suddenly realized. “Oh shit ya right! I’m so sorry, girl- eh, Lae! I swear I didn’t spend all of it! Look! Here ya go.” Guzma handed me what was left of my cash. It was crumpled up and in a ball, but I didn’t care. “I’ll be totally honest. I was going to find you and kick the shit out of you if you had robbed me for real.” I glared at him with a grin. “Ya couldn’t take me. I’d squish you.” “With that big ass of yours?” Guzma smooshed a malasada on my nose and laughed. “Oh! You little shit!” I laughed and threw a strip of bacon at him. We had started a little food fight which got us playing like little kids. I saw something in him during this play. I saw a person with a warm heart who was longing to be seen as strong and worth time. During our play fighting and twisting and twirling I felt my pity for him change into something else. This was not okay. I had only met Guzma. And, yet… There it was again! “And yet” rattling around in my head.
While I became lost in my thoughts Guzma threw me on the couch and sat on me. “ACK! GUZMA!” I laughed loudly as his butt crushed me. “Ya? Wassup?” He teased and pat my head. “What was it ya said about my big ass?” He leaned back and sighed with a shit eating grin. I cackled under him and let myself lose the fight. I turned my head and looked up at the tall man. “How old are you Guzma?” I asked. “18. You?” “18 as well.” Guzma started to twiddle his fingers. “I’m thinkin’ I can… go to my house tonight. I’m gonna tell my dad enough’s enough! But, will you come with me?” I couldn’t believe he was getting serious while crushing me with his ass. “Why? You… You don’t even know me, Guzma.” I said with a sigh. “Then tell me who ya are.” He suggested.
I thought for a few moments. Me? Tell him who I am? I don’t talk about myself with anyone… But, then again, I had given Guzma a reason to be so interested in me. “Alright.” I said as he let me sit up. “I am Lae Hibiscus. I’m 18 and I am an eevee breeder. My main pokemon is a sylveon. He’s my best friend. I guess I just kinda.. Keep to myself. I draw as a hobby and enjoy cycling and tennis. I uh… I don’t have family really.” I looked away and ran my fingers through my black, rugged pixie cut. “Okay, okay. You don’t wanna go into detail. ‘S alright.” He pat my shoulder. “I am sorry.” I told him. “Don’t be, girl. Will you still come with me though?” Guzma asked with a sparkle in those silvery eyes. “Of course…” The rest of the day was spent talking, eating, and watching more movies. Guzma was pretty funny and actually smart. He knew how to work with pokemon and how to train them perfectly. His english was just bad. In a short time Guzma and I became good friends. We bonded through something. I didn’t know what. The more I looked at him the more I found myself attracted. And… dare I say it, I think he felt the same about me. He kept patting my back and pulling me into noogy my head. Every time he did his cheeks got pink. When night came Guzma became uneasy. “We gotta do this.” He told me. I looked deep into his eyes and nodded. “Alright… Let’s go…”
Guzma led me to his house on Route 2. It looked like such a peaceful house, but an angry and sick vibe seeped from its walls. He was so quiet and determined. My friend led me to the bushes under a window. Guzma pat my back and looked at me very seriously.
“Okay. I gotta do this by myself, so watch from the window. Aight?” Guzma said to me as I hid myself in the bushes. “Got it.” I said. My stomach was twisted so tight I felt sick. What if Guzma got brutally beaten? It’d be my fault for telling him to do this. I watched him walk away and go inside the small home. An angry, gruff looking man sat on the couch. He turned when he saw Guzma enter. Guzma’s mother, who seemed timid as a baby bird, ran to Guzma, but stopped dead in her tracks when his father yelled at her. She backed off. Guzma glared at his father. “Don’t talk to my mum like that.” I saw him spit from outside. “You little shit. You numbskull. You thought running away from your trials was strong? You’re a weak little shit. You aren’t leaving this house again until you’ve learned your lesson.” The man rose and walked closer to Guzma. I saw Guzma change. His eyes seemed to glaze over and his face lost its color. His father was the same size and looked stronger. This was a terrible idea. Why did I have to tell him to do this!? Guzma’s father leaned in extremely close to Guzma’s face. “You’re the most disappointing thing in my life.” He spat on Guzma’s face and grabbed his throat. Guzma froze. It was as if his father had programmed him to just allow this. Guzma’s hands shook as his father’s grip tightened around his throat.
“Fight back!” I thought to myself as I slammed my fist against the window. This caught his dad’s attention allowing Guzma to harshly shove him off. His father toppled over on the back of the couch and immediately had death in his eyes. “You made a big mistake, you little shit.” His father got up and ran for Guzma. The two clashed in a blur of flying fists and kicks. I thought I saw some blood go flying! I panicked as they fought, but promised Guzma I’d stay out here as to not get hurt. Guzma threw his father against a bag of golf clubs, but it wasn’t enough. I saw where the man was going. He reached back and grabbed a club. I rose from the bushes and screamed just as his father swung the club into Guzma’s stomach. The kid coughed and curled up as the metal club shot pain through his body. His father pulled back again, this time nailing him in the ribs. Guzma shrieked with pain and fell to the floor. His father then kicked him right in the nose. Blood flew from the new wound and spilled into Guzma’s mouth. “You have nothing.” His father spat on him again. Suddenly, I saw a fire in Guzma’s silver eyes. “No. I got a friend. A girl. She only known me a day and she treats me like I’m worth everything. I ain’t gonna let her watch you beat me.” Guzma rose and looked bigger than his father. “You wanna know what destruction looks like in human form?” Guzma grabbed his father by the neck and lifted him off the ground. “It’s your boy, Guzma.” He whispered very close to his father’s ear. Guzma then took his father and slammed him against the wall. He punched him in the face. Then again, and again, and again, until his father’s face was red with blood. But, Guzma wasn’t finished. He was going to leave a mark. The kid took his father’s arm, the one that he always used to beat him, and twisted it until the loud snap of a bone shook the silence.
A red and blue light caught my eye. Oh, fuck. The neighbors called the cops! They looked through the window and saw Guzma beating his father. They saw the wrong story! Guzma noticed the lights and dropped his dad’s weak body. He immediately ran for the window on the other side of the house and broke through it. I saw him sprint off into the berry farm. As soon as the cops ran off I chased after Guzma in another direction. I ran until I saw him running in front of me. “Guzma! This way!” I shouted. He looked back and U-turned. I paged my Charizard and grabbed Guzma’s arm. I yanked him on and we flew away. The cops never saw us escape.
We flew until we reached another island. I knew of an empty town here where we could hide. It was once called Po Town and an old house rested in the back. We landed there and I lugged Guzma inside. Luckily, he didn’t need to go to a hospital. But, he sure as hell needed to rest. “There should be a bed in here somewhere.” I told him as I helped lead him along. We found a large bed in a backroom upstairs. It had an old chair inside as well and some empty alcohol bottles. The bed was pretty clean, just dusty. I cleaned it off and helped Guzma sit down. “There. You did it, Guzma. You showed him who’s boss.” I told him with a smile. Guzma took one look at me and began sobbing. He never said why, but I assumed it was the cluster of emotions he was feeling. “Awh. There there, Guz.” I took a cloth and wiped the blood off his face. He suddenly yanked me into a huge hug. He squeezed me so tightly it almost hurt. But, I hugged him back just as tight. I felt him kiss my neck very lightly then nuzzle it. We stayed like this for an hour until we both leaned back and fell asleep. He was warm… so warm…
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