cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
it was a genuine accident but i watched naruto until like 2 am last night.....in my reliving middle school but only the parts i didnt block out era
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toytulini · 3 months
jalapeño eggggggggggg
#toy txt post#its Jalapeño Egg time again!!!!!!!#and afternoon coffee#would love to get to a point. in my mental health. spoon distribution. executive function and time management that i could#hold a job and still have jalapeño egg and coffee everyday. maybe have a couple chickens or smth#ive gotten it to be fairly medium spoons on. a good day. or like high spoons medium high reward#the spoon to payoff ratio seems achievable to Balance#compliments the coffee well#if youre curious its Very Basic egg bc i am a Simple Man i and i dont like fancy shit with lots of ingredience generally.#not like on principle just like. statistically speaking.#pan with butter. 2-3 eggs bc that seems like a Normal and Reasonable Amount to allow myself to eat while leaving enough eggs for Future Me#as well. the butter i use is salted. if that matters. u can prolly get away with like olive oil or dairy substitute or somethin idk.#i can tolerate lactose and i like it with the butter. be generous w the butter. stir the eggs up in a little mug or smth like scrample em.#break the yolks and mix em in. cook eggs to your desired egg cookedness. put on plate#put sliced jalapeño pickles on top to desired amount#voila#jalapeño egg. you can alter this as you want. go crazy mix in all sorts of shit put the jalapeños in while youre cooking it cheese whatever#idc. i dont like all that stuff in mine and i prefer it w the jalapeños added after its done cooking personally. pairs well with#black coffee. good black cofffee. like pickle n coffee but elevated. think it takes me like maybe 30 min to do both egg and coffee and#clean up/set aside to clean up later. BUT thats also including the fact that im making coffee in a fancy lil stupid pour over and gotta#babysit it to make sure it hits all those grounds evenly. and watch the bubbles. could deffo do it faster if u have a faster way to make/#have the coffee haha#learning to cook food at all has been learning that i was right as a child when i realized i dont like fancy/complicated ass foods#again not necessarily on principle just like. everytime i see some recipe or gourmet shit or fucking food network im like#wow thats uh. Pretty. that sure looks like it takes a Lot Of Skill And Work! good job!#personally i wouldve stopped like about 5 ingredients and 400 steps ago and not just cos im lazy as shit. that part is bonus#anyway ☆this is not a moral judgement of fancy ass foods. i simply tend not to like them and my Annoyed Tone is purely from#going to some silly little event and they never got basic ass boring fucking plain god damn brownies anymore. everyones gotta get fancy and#Do Shit to em and leave me No Options. smh. its Fine Youre Fine To Like The Fancy Desserts and Many Ingredient Dishes#its Fine! youre Fine! to eat and like fancy desserts and shit. i am simply a Picky Bitch Eater Grumbling In The Corner. let me liiiive
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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heliianth · 10 months
actually bc im never gonna shut up abt it while im still on this im gonna ramble abt botw and totk and maybe how i wouldve written a sequel . & i will pay u money to listen i promise
my favoritest of totks ideas are what it expands from botw. botws whole atmosphere is drowned in quiet mourning. something bad has happened but it was a long time ago. it still hurts but theres nothing to be done now but move forward. something is still missing but all you can do is find something else. nobody has resources to rebuild and you can hear deafening echoes of better times but the alternative is giving up. you are in this frozen state of not quite moving on and not quite in despair. like the numbness stage of grief. and the pivotal element of all of that is that link is alone. like, oppressively alone. its the primary vehicle of conveying this mood. and its interesting because this can be read not only as what link is experiencing through the player but what zelda is feeling as she holds back ganon. its an interesting contrast to have zelda mature faster than link in the flashbacks, only for link to pull her the rest of the way by growing himself
and the reason why i so strongly adore the light dragon aspect of the plot is because it shows how attached to everything zelda has gotten. arguably, zelda held back ganon in botw because she loved link. in totk, she becomes the light dragon because she loves hyrule, which had previously been so unimaginably cruel to her. the crux of her character is learning that attachment is good. loving is good. you deserve to leave an imprint on the world in a shape of Your choosing instead of being another factory print on a paper. on a surface level, shes making the same choice, but the motivation and growth behind it is really powerful
i could waffle for literally ever about all that and the point is that totk takes these ideas and implements them really well through in-game worldbuilding and specifically zelda turning into the light dragon. i would occasionally get extremely emotional just seeing how things have expanded because it feels like the world is finally moving on. theres a catharsis in seeing hyrule finally heal after knowing its desolation so intimately, especially because the state of the land itself is such a strong parallel to the arcs of the two main characters, so you get the sense that not only can people move on, link and zelda specifically have started to as well. thats my favorite part
thats why i think its an odd choice that they decided on a time travel plot. if zelda HAS to be the one getting saved, if she cant be a companion in some way either via sheikah facetime or spirit tracks shenanigans or whatever, there are lots of ways to do this without her being magic fruit snacked ten bajillion years into the past. why spend all this effort intertwining her and link with the land, only to remove her from the equation and have no further growth? in botw its understandable that hyrule is stagnant and only changes when link does because zelda is stagnant and link is doing the one changing during the game. in totk its the opposite. there are lots of ways to do this with out Having to play as zelda (though honestly that would be the way id go about it)
also a lot of my own ideas have to do with the wasted potential of a place like the depths???? what the hell do you mean theres this mind bogglingly big cavern underneath the entirety of hyrule which mysterious people used to live in and it has almost no story relevance beside being a cool setpiece???????? I FEEL INSANE?!?!??!?!? there are so many good ideas in totk that never get expanded dude FUCK
i think no matter how much i speculate and draft my own preferences of how i wouldve liked totk to elaborate on the things it introduces i cant ever bring myself to present them like they couldve realistically happened and gotten thru the nintendo writing room simply bc of the games format. if it were up to me doing certain story missions would radically change the open world as events happened in real time and thats not the MO of the game's design philosophy. honestly totk's biggest enemy is the memory system and i need to kill it with fire
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deadgrantaires · 2 years
i think im getting. more frustrated bc it still feels like theres a lot of things i have to do (like get back to long term dis@bility and stuff) but like. idk that any of that shit is super duper pressing? like... they already dropped the ball... i shouldve gotten paid almost 2 months ago and didnt... i dont think waiting 2 days... or even til next week... is actually gonna fuck me up that bad. like these things are important to do and as soon as they can be but... its more pressing to get some food in the fridge ready for myself than it is to be worrying and stressing over having called and been unable to reach anymore this mornign so i went back to bed about it instead of calling for another half hour... i dont think i did anythign wrong.... like i AM DISABLED. my inability to STAY AWAKE IN THE MORNING AFTER I GET UP... IS SOMEHTIGN HUGELY AND ONGOINGLY EFFECTING ME LOL. and like i have to answer all their questions but i dont think they can actually DO anythign until they recieve the documents from my pcp which they arnt getting until mid oct bc thats the soonest i can see her... BC SHES ON MATERNITY LEAVE!!! and im DONE dealing with this clown shes got as her replacement... and my case manager KNOWS that i TOLD HER THAT if it was an issue she wouldve clued me in on it!!
i just need to get through tonight. i just need to make sure that tomorrows going to be a better day than today. and w/e else falls through the cracks is inconsequential it doesnt fucking matter if i dont shower tonight or i dont call until monday. im fully aware of the vague deadlines im working around and truth of the matter...my world has shifted more from “deadlines” to “waitign around survival mode.” there ISNT much i can brute force my way into happening. i only see my pulmonary monthly. i cant see pcp for 2 weeks. i cant make the dis@bility people pay me any faster.
and on that note. i am going to prepare future rory some more food for the end of the week bc he had a really shit day and i think he deserves to have something to look forward to
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ventrue-in-control · 2 years
When i was still sliving. In my early 20s when I was getting my company up abd running and my lord it went way faster than I could handle. The spike in popularity caused me to make deals i wouldn't ever take now. But I ended up with a manager! She helped me sort through the buisness stuff. Kept me from partying too hard.
But she also kept me from making my own choices in many things. Made me do things I otherwise wouldn't have. Like being so openly queer. I think my family hated me for it n they never did forgive me. And like im not saying its good to hide it. But i wasnt ready. N i deff wasnt ready for that to be used as a selling point. In general.. i wasnt ready to like use my body and face as a way to sell stuff. I dont think I wouldve done certain shoots if it hadnt been for her.
But ya know when you want someone to like ya? She was part of the industry. She knew what she was doing and who was I to say no. I needed to break in big and I wanted her to like me cuz I thought I liked her. But honestly I think I was just scared to loose the fame I had just gotten.
I fired her a year or 2 later. Didnt impact my buiz at all. The shows were still sold out and the clothes flew over the counter. But ah. Feelings are complicated n i dont like em. Picking yourself is easiest. Always.
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greydiminishing · 9 months
After hours of "Organize your life with google calendar!" and "How to task batch" yt videos, this is the timeblock schedule i've come up with:
Tumblr media
This is just for week 1, then i'll tweak anything thats not working and fill in week 2, and iterate that for the next 5 weeks.
I have to remember that this is a guideline, its not my day set in stone, and its not the end of the world if i go off schedule. This is for when im like "ive been scrolling tiktok for 15 minutes, what should i actually be doing rn? Oh yeah, its my study x block". This is a loose schedule and i dont want to stress myself out trying to follow it exactly, eat exactly at the set times, go to bed exactly at the set time, etc.
At the same time though, im feeling upset that I havent really gotten any "real work" done yet and its already 1:45 on tuesday. Today I've showered (*let me make it clear that I added "shower" last minute as a reminder that i really needed a shower this morning, and also to test how long it'll take me for future timeblocking needs. I don't/won't only shower if its scheduled in my calendar lmao), had breakfast, and walked the dog. I had 3 tasks i needed to get done in my task items block, and didnt do any of them. Well, 25% of one task, then got stuck on hold for 20 minutes.
I even took my adderall this morning after breakfast, hoping it would help me want to get stuff done, but it didnt. I just watched twitch vods and stressed out about the tasks i wasn't doing. I was really optimistic about today too! I thought I was gonna be SO productive. I sigh a heavy sigh, check my to do list, close my to do list, and continue watching twitch, feeling like a lazy failure that will never be hardworking and driven enough to not be a lazy failure. And kind of sleepy too, even at 11 in the morning.
Only now, after walking the dog am i starting to feel the effects of the adderall kick in. Starting to feel slightly more motivated and no longer intimidated by the tasks i need to complete. I wonder if it wouldve kicked in faster had I taken it before eating instead of after? Maybe I should take it first time after waking up.
Hopefully I'll get the tasks done, get my exam done, and i'll just have to have a bit less time for learning react tonight.
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Birthday Sunshine~
@thepetitekitty here is your belated bday fluff I promised! Sorry I didn’t make it on time, but I hope you like it still!! Remember that I love you, you are amazing, and I am still So Glad to be your friend💛 
[A/N: this is the song I refer to. listening isn’t necessary, but if you were curious~ ALSO sorry its not under a cut, but I wanted to make sure you could read this ^^;;]
The RFA crew knew how to throw a party, it's what their organization did. So when they heard that it was almost their new member’s birthday, they went into action. Seven didn’t even have to try to get a hold of V, he called Seven. And he already had an amazing plan.
Setup started the morning before, all the members gathering together in a party location chosen by V. It was the first time all of them gathered in a long while, but their excitement was obvious. “Okay...I have an idea of how to set this up and Luciel has MC’s security taken care of, but I wanted to see if anyone had other ideas before we start.” V said, looking at all of the other RFA members. People he considered his family.
“I have more of a question, actually.” Yoosung said, looking a little wary. Of course he was. V knew he didn’t have the blonde’s full trust. “Yes, Yoosung?” He motioned with a smile. “How would we know what MC would like as presents? We’ve never even seen her…” Seven raised an eyebrow at V, giving him a look that basically screamed ‘he has a point’. V sighed, but nodded at Luciel. “You can show them the picture, but nothing else.” Seven grinned, pulling out his phone. “Don’t worry about presents either, I got that covered. We were thinking like, any other ideas. Someone taking her out all day and leading her back here? We bring her family? She’s celebrating with them today, though. Oh, and here’s that picture.” He held his phone to the other four. “She is the target for Operation: Birthday Party.”
The four of them gathered closer to look at the picture, all having similar reactions. “She’s cute, isn’t she?” Seven said with a smirk. “How dare you keep this from the rest of us?” Zen said, scoffing slightly. “She is!” Yoosung said excitedly. Jaehee rolled her eyes at them, but smiled nonetheless. Jumin turned back to V, “Luciel said she was celebrating with family today?” V nodded. “I think a surprise party would be better. It’ll give us more time to prepare. Assistant Kang, will you make an invitation?”
“But how is she going to get here? And she’s going to stay in that apartment all day? On her birthday?” Zen brought up. “Luciel could bring her over.” Jumin said, but Seven shook his head. “No can do, Mr. Chairman-to-Be. I have to stay here and keep watch over the place and the apartment - whether she stays or not. I think it’s actually safer for someone to take her around for a bit. Anyone volunteer?~”
It ended up being Zen. Who was honestly more than willing...of course he was. “And one more thing!” He said after it was decided. “Yes, Hyun?” V asked. “I have an idea, for what you were talking about earlier?”
Zen sent a text to MC, asking to meet him at this cafe that was apparently close to the apartment. Why V and Seven still couldn’t give him the address, he didn’t know, but part of him preferred to show up to the apartment with coffee for both of them. Or actually, that would be a bad idea. What if he got her something she didn’t like? Or she thought he was a creep? Or- “Uh, Zen...right?” A voice said, making him look up to see MC. Heck, she was even cuter in person.
“At your service, birthday princess.” He said with a smile, standing up and moving to pull out the chair for her to sit down. “The RFA have quite a day planned for you.” She let out a short laugh, putting her elbows on top of the table and resting her chin on her hands. “Really? Do tell me about this day the RFA planned for me.” Zen tilted his head, raising an eyebrow in amusement, “If you want a coffee, you should get it now. So I could just show you instead.”
The two of them kept occupied by doing quite a few things. 
He took her to a little shop where he bought a necklace with a little charm of her birthstone. “The others have the rest of your gifts, but I couldn’t help myself.”
They went to a little museum where they could go and view the artwork, took various pictures, and talked about...well, everything. In that little museum alone, they already felt like they knew each other better.
And since they spent more time in those two places than Zen expected, they only had time to stop by a photobooth before Seven texted and said they were ready.
“Ready for the grand finale, birthday princess?” He turned to her with a smile. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The two of them arrived at this building. “This is where the RFA parties are usually held. So when we get to work on that, we’ll come back here. But for now..” Zen said before opening the door, revealing the other four RFA members, who popped some party poppers and yelled out, “Happy Birthday, MC!” 
“You get to see us all earlier than we thought,” Seven said, running to her and putting a party hat on. “There’s presents and cake waiting for you, but first!” He took her by the wrist and pulled her towards the center of the room, where a chair awaited. “A little something from the RFA to it’s newest member~ Enjoy!” He patted her shoulder, making her sit down before he ran off again.
Music started on speakers MC didn’t even know were there, but one by one, the RFA came out from various hiding spots, snapping in tune. And one by one they started singing.
“When you slightly smile at me, You’re so dazzling, you shine down on me,” Yoosung started.
“Let’s be together today, have fun. You make me elegant, Audrey Hepburn~” Seven next.
“How can you shine so much? You’re my perfect delight,” Jaehee sang, smiling
“My breath stops. Beauty itself is you, sunshine,” Even Jumin joined in both singing and dancing.
“You’re my sunshine, you’re so dazzling, my sunshine. All of you is sunshine,” Zen made his way to MC and bopped her nose.
“You look pretty with any style. Wait I wanna make a photograph for you,” V sang with a grin.
And all of them finished with “You’re my sunshine, you’re so dazzling, my sunshine. All of you is sunshine!” Yoosung and Seven bringing out a cake, the RFA posing in front of her.
“Welcome to the RFA, MC,” they said in unison, “And happy birthday!”
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babysizedfics · 4 years
what is something that the cgs or roman can do to quickly calm vee down / make her feel soft and safe? like if fae is scared of something, does patton have a specific phrase he uses to calm faer down? or something that will always make faer stop crying. (sorry this is weird & specific i rather really want fluff rn hshdhshd) -🌙
everyones stop-the-baby-crying tricks
baby bounces, 75% effective
patton uses his strength to his advantage and swoops vee into his arms the moment he sees a tear or hears a whimper. then like in the last chapter of LABD, he bounces faer on his hip and coos at faer softly. this babying and the physical affection is pretty effective, it definitey always reduces the tears; faer sobs turn into sniffles
but the thing is patton treats the cooing and bouncing and singing nursery rhymes as a priority, when he really should be more practical and think if he can fix whatever it is that made vee upset in the first place. he will bounce faer and coo for a couple of minutes before realising that the room is too bright and fae needs the blinds closed, when he could have realised and closed the blinds sooner which wouldve stopped vee's tears
silly faces, 50% effective
logans the least equipped at stopping vee from crying, he panics a little and doesn't really know how to combine affection and comfort with being practical and addressing what actually upset her. like if she hurts herself, logan is focussed on treating any injuries and has a very serious air about him that freaks vee out and makes her cry more.
but he does his best to be silly and make the baby giggle, because he feels awful seeing her so sad. the thing is even though roman loves his mom being silly, vee gets a little thrown off because she sees mama as a calming and sincere person, not a silly one who blows rasbarries and crosses his eyes. when shes happy she can enjoy it but if shes upset it just surprises her. sometimes thats enough to stop the tears, but not too often
interactive toy performances, 90% effective
roman used to hold the title of 'best at getting the baby to stop crying'. he leaves the practical stuff up to the cgs - like if vee's diaper needs changing, if fae needs milk, if fae has a bruise that needs kissing - so he has got a slight unfair advantage, but hes found a way that has gotten vee to instantly stop crying almost every time he does it
he'll take whatever they were playing with when vee got upset (like ro's teddy bear Aladdin, the purple wooden car vee likes to spin the wheels on, maybe even hestia the dragon softie) and make up a song for the toys to perform for vee. he makes the toys bounce around and wiggle to the song, then he gets them to interact with vee.
he will roll the cars wheels gently on vee's arms (a way of grounding faer) or he will get aladdin to wiggle his butt then boop vee on faer nose with his paw (a soft sensory feeling) and almost always it manages to get the baby giggling and smiling with no more tears. he's usually in charge of cheering vee up when fae has an accident, distracting faer and getting faer to laugh while the cgs clean up and run a bath
nana's special sensory cuddle, 100% effective
it was actually first mentioned in this post, but janus has a very special trick up his sleeve.
when he was raising vee, she used to have meltdowns a lot both as a child and as a teen, and janus helped her through enough of them to make plenty of mistakes but also to learn from them and find ways that helped vee get through the meltdown faster and safer
so his method for if vee is ANY kind of upset, whether its overwhelmed or fussy or genuinely sad, is to sit behind vee with his legs around her, wrap his arms around her chest and pull her back against him, and firmly cover her eyes with his hand. he knows exactly how tight to squeeze so that the pressure soothes vee but doesnt restrict her breathing, and he knows exactly how to cover her eyes so she doesnt feel stifled but also so no light gets to her eyes and bothers her hypersensitivity
this works every. single. time. no matter how upset vee is, even if shes in the middle of sensory overload and was hyperventilating and growling and yelling, if janus does this (with vee's consent) it immediately makes her breathe easy and slump into janus. if its done when vee is regressed and was a crying baby then it works just as well, making her coo in confusion then sigh calmly and snuggle back against nana and wiggle into his lap. she usually falls asleep within fifteen minutes or so
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Have you done Krekka for the ask game? I know you're a huge Nidhiki fan, curious if you have any thoughts on his partner?
I haven't gotten Krekka yet actually. So far I only done Toa Ignika and Axonn for the Bionicle ask game (which Im still accepting). That being said great choice. Krekka isn't necessarily a big favorite of mine (partially because I'm not that fond of the "dumb brute" archetype barring a few exceptions), but I have to admit I do have a soft spot for the big guy. Krekka is a relatively simple character when it comes to characterization/backstory/role in the story (especially when compared to Nidhiki), but that doesn't mean I don't have any "deeper" thoughts regarding him or that there isnt stuff worth discussing.
Anyways some thoughts/headcanons/general musings:
This is a weird thing to start with but... Krekka is kinda adorable for me. I think its kinda this ...overgrown puppy (bulldog??) vibe due to his loyalty and dumbness. I admit BOADH is a big reason for me feeling this way since it gave him a few moments that made me go "AWWW he's so cute". Just..love his loyalty so much.
His undying loyalty makes him stand out for me across the other dark hunters. While many dark hunters we ha e are opportunistic and schemy, Krekka is just...very loyal. Maybe too much so. But I love that he is loyal. Feels refreshing tbh.
And now I cant help but feel that TSO is just "guys stupid but at least he wont double cross me and is easy to keep in check" when it comes to him.
Not to go woobifying villains but I genuinely dont think the guys that bad. Hes just really stupid, overly loyal and doing his job. Its kinda like w Lariska being a decent person despite being a knife happy murder girl although to a much lesser extent since guys a literalminded fool and also just smashy boy.
I do like his backstory of being a former guard who lost his job and started wreck havoc until one day a dark hunter found and hired him. It isnt anything too complex but it works well for his character and explains why he is so loyal to Dark Hunters. It also helps bringing a bit more light to his homeland and I love when we get more info of places through character backstories, makes the world feel more real that way.
Also can Gorast please stop hurting charaxters I like. This is the reason shes my least favorite character in the 2001-2008 storyline that isnt just a glorified extra or a plot device.
When it comes to Krekka, one scene I always think of when I think of him is in BOADH where he temporarily forgot to fly and Nidhiki was just "WAIT A MOMENT LARISKA TOLD ME YOU CAN FLY????" and Krekka just goes "whoops I forgot". That was adorable honestly. You dumb idiot, forgot you could fly.
Also, I know he's kinda "the idiot character", and while I am NOT saying he isn't, I do think its worth pointing out that he's basically literal minded. In BOADH (again) when Nidhiki tried to do that training scenario Krekka basically was like "wait I’m here, there’s nothing there why should I move there". This is
Another thing I really like about Krekka is that how, despite being an absolute idiot and tool, he still is willing to sometimes not take Nidhikis bullshit, see preventing him from getting the Zamor launchers (geez BOADH did a lot for this guys characterization lmao)
I sometimes call him truck boy because his name is one letter off my languages word for truck.
Also unless canon/word of Greg says otherwise I don't think every member of his species is as stupid as him. Like possibly on similar level but still.
It is made pretty clear that Nidhiki couldn't stand Krekka at all, but I do genuinely wonder how Krekka feels about Nidhiki. Based on the little we have I'd say he liked him to some extent or at the very least, didn't hate him to the same degree. I also have to wonder how aware he was about Nidhikis haterd towards him.
I also love the idea that when Nidhiki was mutated, Krekka just...wasnt afraid of him at slightest, no fear in this dumb boy. (I also like the idea he didnt recognize him at first and Nidhiki just, had to explain to his thick skull who he was. It took a while but eventually he got it.)
On a related note, I find it interesting how the LOMN website describes him working with Nidhiki because guy knows where to get the good jobs or something rather than being his goverment (read TSO) assigned partner The way the twos relationship were described makes it feel that by this point the staff hadnt figured out what they wanted to do with Dark Hunters , or if it even was an organization or just these two tools.
Its really interesting for me how Krekkas characterization not only varies between the books/comics (where hes more intimidating and him being a simpleton isnt as pronounced) and the movie (where hes more of a dumbass) but also how his characterization evolved. Like, his loyalty wasn't that pronounced trait but now I feel its just as important part of him as him being a dumbass (which is to say, very interesting)
I remember how the aftoermentoined Metru Nui movie website described that Krekka hated toa to the point wouldve hunted them for free if Nidhiki didnt make sure the two would get paid. I feel this is somewhat early installment weirdness as it isnt mentioned anywhere else but at the same time Krekka being willing to fight without payment sounds 1000% in character if you ask me
Something I have been confused over: when exactly was Krekka recruited to the dark hunters??? The timeline is very vague about this and I wish we knew.
It's been AGES since I watched my home countrys dub of LOMN but what I recall I really liked Krekka's voice in that dub. He sounded more badass and I loved it, the VA had a pretty unique sound. Sadly dont think there is any clips of the LOMN dub, which is a shame. UPDATE: I rewatched the dub and I love the voice itself but felt the voice direction made him sound kinda inconsistent
This is more a "Nidhiki and Krekka related thought" rather than just Krekka related but one thing I really like about Krekka and Nidhiki is that how they are like a more serious and competent take of "those two evil henchmen with contrasting personalities" trope. Often these types of villains are rather goofy, but these two could be rather dangerous as well and I really like that. I also like their dynamic of just doing Nidhiki being done with Krekkas bullshit. One of the main reasons I wish LOMN was a miniseries rather than a movie is because I really wanted more screentime with the two.
On a related note can I JUST SAY I LOVE the way the two compliment/pararell each other. From design (Krekka being bulky mostly blue colored, Nidhiki being slender and monstrous, mostly green colored) to personality (Krekka being foolish and simpleminded but loyal Nidhiki being cunning and ambitious but treacherous) to powersets (Krekka being strong physical attacker, Nidhiki being weaker(??) but faster and more special attacker).Heck, even their backstories have similarities as they both lost their orginal purpose in one way or another and didnt have anywhere to go but Dark Hunters (the main difference being that Nidhiki inflicted his fate upon himself by betraying the toa while Krekka didnt really do anything iirc)
Now for something crossovery, Krekkas and Nidhikis dynamic reminds me a lot of Kronk and Yzma from Emperors New Groove. Yes I have drawn a parody of the "pull the lever kronk" meme, yes I intend to make more screencap redraws. They also remind me a lot of Mummymon and Archenemon from Digimon 02, partially due to the dynamic (smug spider that tries to be cunning and intimidating but gets outclassed by most other villains in that + loyal blue dumb boy) partially due to their ultimate fate being rather similar.
I don't know how familiar you are with the franchise, but Krekka reminds me a fair bit of Gamel, one of the four villain generals in Kamen Rider OOOs, mainly because "the dumb brute major villain that's kinda cuteish and loyal a f while everyone else is an asshole".
I remember reading a p good oneshot fic that was just him accidentally killing a civilian when all he wanted was a hug and...honestly that is p much what I imagine him being like. Guy may be strong, reckless and a fool but like I said I dont think hes all that bad and just a puppy. An overgrown, moronic puppy but a puppy nontheless
For AUs, I remember I have thought once of "What if Krekka survived but Nidhiki died" and just ...guy wouldve been very lost and confused and unsure what to do tbh. He would most likely returned to Dark Hunters but Mata Nui knows how say TSO wouldve felt about that. Its not too complex au yet but I am thinking of developing it further one day.
Thank you for asking.
Sorry this took longer than expected. I had too many thoughts and half of them were deleted so. I hope its worth the wait tho. I do have a lot of Krekka thoughts and tbh wasnt sure if I was even able to get them all here.
(I am still doing the ask game so if anyone wants to send me a bonkle I will try to give thoughts, meta and headcanons on them)
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
The Cheater and The Bear Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
10/6/21: PLSSSSS THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT ON THIS FIC BUT I HATE IT. I love the plot but i hate how i brought on the story towards the end, its boring, quick and sloppy as well, sorry for that. Ill touch it up...later🦖🦕
A/N: Kinktober, I dont know when Ill be encouraged/inspired enough to finish it, besides its obviously already overdue. This was written in a little under 5 hours and I think its pretty good.
The Angst isnt too bad, a bit of a weak ending but its alright.
F/F= Fav Food F/A=Fav Animal F/C=Fav Colour F/D=Fav Drink
Fandom: Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia
Genre: Angst
Warnings/Contains: Angst. Slight/mentions of; Insomnia, Cheating, Abuse and Death(Reader), Sicknesses(Unspecified) and Suicude(Not directly)
Word Count: 1,934
Angst Level: 2-3
Bakugou and Y/n have been dating since they graduated college, they live together and Bakugou has been coming home late because “his boss is asking him to do extra hours” y/n being a good girlfriend, stays up and waits for him to get home so she can help him calm down from the foul attitude he’d usually have.
Trying not to fall asleep most the time, she would rarely get some sleep just to make sure he’s alright.
What he really does while his GIRLFRIEND is slowly falling ill for his sake is gradually getting closer to his coworker, spending the late nights with her and not his own girlfriend.
Slowly, week after week he starts recognising the late hours he’d yell at y/n for ‘Not minding her own business’ when she asks ‘Where he was’ or ‘How he was’, he’d notice his coworker being nothing like y/n, for example; when y/n would hug him, he’d feel warm inside, not with her.
When y/n would compliment him, he could tell she meant it, but she didnt even bother to. When y/n would wait for him and care for him, though she didnt? It just wasnt the same at all, it felt useless, he felt weird, sad in fact, he didnt know how he felt but he knew that if he looked into the e/c eyes of the person he loved; he would practically fall apart.
Checking the mail when he arrived home to see a letter from their local doctor to his y/n and opening it to see that his girlfriend had a bad condition with no possible ‘cure’ or ‘last resort’ to help with her condition caused by stress and insomnia he was scared, he rushed inside the house, stressfully slamming the door shut and walking into the living room to find his what looked like a now fully alert girlfriend with dark bags under her widened eyes with her hair a little messy, she tried to keep it tamed, but the first thing she still asked him was if he was alright, then she checked his forehead for a temperature while he stared speechless at her, mouth ajared and eyes wide with regret, sadness, anything in remorse “Youre sick and you didnt tell me?” He managed to mutter out after grabbing a soft hold onto her hands, something he hadnt done in a while because all his touches to her were violent and dangerous, the way he just spoke to her was the calmest in weeks, months even because he had been noticing the raggedness in his throat whenever he left to work.
She looked down, sadly, “I tried telling you but you told me I was just lying and being selfish..” his breath hitched realising that she wouldn’t live because of him.
Sure she told him she was fine and he didnt need to worry or that it wasnt his fault but that only made him realise how selfless she was, how much she really loved him and how idiotic he was, he finally realised what an idiot he was, a dirty unloyal cheater is what he called himself, undeserving of the very person he vaguely remembered promising to himself that he would give his life and propose to, because, because? He didnt remember because his mind was poisened with the thoughts of the nights he spent with someone else.
He knew that the memories would rush into his mind either after she died or while he tried his best to care for her during her last few days, when he couldve been doing this for until they grew old together.
He didnt remember why he did what he did but he knew that would be the greatest regret of his life; destined to burn into his mind while he recited her very words about moving on and living his life as strong as he always did or at least now could-though she didnt say that last part herself, he knew its what he knows wont stay out of his mind.
And so the days went by, he had stayed home from work to comfort her while in denial about the inevitable death ((Unus Annus👀)) coming to her.
He gave as much love to her that he could, made her the food she desperately needed, made her feel as needed as she was to him, bathed her himself and made her feel comfortable.
Even when she knew he was cheating on her she never stopped loving him, making sure HE was alright even when her very own health was slowly dropping as the weeks passed.
She knew what he did and she still didnt stop caring for him and his health, not her own. She shuffled and shivered in his embrace, causing him to adjust the blanket on her while smiling softly, the other rested on her back hugging her closer to him.
When her breathing evened once again he continued thinking, ‘Was it worth it?’ He would sometimes think to himself while brushing her hair.
He remembered the time he asked her if he was that worth it that she would sacrifice her health for;
‘Was I that worth it?’ He asked her while he adjusted the f/a bag on her back, to which she sadly looked down and said ‘You werent supposed to find out, When that letter arrived I was supposed to leave after seeing how bad my condition is,’ he stared down at her in shock as she continued,
“If I had gotten to the letter before you and left it would all be a little better..you wouldve forgotten me and moved on, I know you wouldve. I didnt want to bother you anymore, so I figured it’d be better if I left and probably went and lived with Hanta or Jirou instead of dying and leaving my body for you to find..I didnt want to cause so much trouble for you..’ His eyed watered and so did hers when she looked up at him..
Driving her to what she knew would be her last festival and what he denied it to be, he held her hand as if it would be the last time he would ever get the chance to.
She pulled him weakly by the hand, taking him from ride to ride—while he complained about how it might not be safe enough for her to ride, she didnt listen though, she still dragged him on, the cycle kept on going with y/n taking him on rides wether he worried about her safety or not, she took him to get some food and candy from time to time, she even asked him to win the f/c bear for and he nodded.
They watched the fireworks with her arms wrapped around her new bear and her bag and his wrapped around her, he watched as she looked up at the bright lights in the sky, he noticed how they reflected in them.
When they got home, she didnt tell him that she felt more unwell than usual, she just told him that ‘I had a great night, ‘Suki. I really love you, you know?’ She hugged him while he wondered where this came from but didnt take much mind as he listened with a smile on his own, she then continued ‘When Im gone, I dont want you to be sad,’ she whispered, ‘Dont say that.’ He shook his head, arms wrapping atound her and hugging her close ‘Youll be fine, you told me youll be fine..’ ‘I know..I just want you to know that, I love you and I want you to be happy and smile, dont dwell on the past, I forgive you, you know that right?’
He nodded, picking her up and taking her to their room, undressing her and putting her pyjamas on then the same with himself while she climbed under the cover and continued, ‘I mean it okay? So dont think it was your fault’ ‘But it was’ he muttered, sadly. ‘It wasnt.’ He didnt argue, he just stayed quiet, contemplating and dwelling on how he knew it was. ‘Are you hungry? Ill go make you some f/f..’ he left the room, not waiting for an answer, leaving you to look down disappointedly.
He didnt want to listen because he knew what you were going to say. Weakly closing your eyes, your hands wrapping around your torso, you opened your eyes a few minutes later, you felt awful, you felt your time closing in you, you swallowed some saliva or at least tried to, you heard Bakugou walk back in and the smell of f/f invaded your senses, you looked up and he walked over with two trays, both holding f/f and f/d, you smiled a small smile that weakly faltered when he put the trays down on the bed and grabbed the remote to the tv in your shared room.
That night when he held you in his arms and ran his finger through your hair and you slowly faded away, youre heart beat faltering, to which only the bear you held—between you two chest to chest—could hear.
‘I love you so much you know that right?’
‘I know..I love you too y/n’
You smiled, hearing him as he spoke genuinely, he really did love you, he just didnt remember or realise that he did so much until he woke up the next morning, your time had come and gone, your heart—
—‘Y/n? Baby wake up, its time to get up’ he shook you softly, you still clung to both him and the bear between you both—faltered that night, it had finally given up and you had lost your last game—
—‘Y/n wake up!’ He checked your breathing, your pulse, anything he could think of to try and give himself some hope that you weren—
You didnt want to die unhappy but you didnt want to stress him or frustrate him when or if he found your body had you stayed and he didnt read the letter.
—t dead, to try and give himself some hope that you werent dead, but the large lack or little to none of heartbeat and the fact that you werent breathing only made the tears fall from his eyes faster—
Its not the time to dwell on the past anymore, you just had to focus on not being scared of what was to come next, so instead you took in as much of Bakugou as you could, you latched closer onto him and took in his warmth and tried to focus on the bear, the calm bear that basically had no idea what was happening around it.
—‘Please wake up, Please wake up’ he repeated while dialling Emergency Services—
At least Suki would have it to take care of him while you were gone. You closed your eyes, and let out one last breath, feeling his grip tighten on you, a tear ran down your cheek as death took you with a gentle touch.
—‘I love you’ Bakugou whispered to your grave, tears running down his face as he hugged the bear the won you at the festival the night you died in his arms..when the found his body and a note saying,
‘Bury me with the bear next to her -Katsuki Bakugou’
It turned out he really did love you?
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fairyscribbles · 6 years
No More Running. (D.O, Romantic Confession)
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By the way my loves, no need to worry about me! I decided to clean my folder and I found a lot of stories that I haven’t posted on tumblr yet, and I am pretty proud of them! So these are things that were written a while ago, but you get to see now! <3
You pushed your feet to go faster, feeling the strain in your muscles as you sped down the dark alleyway. You muted out the gruff yells that were behind you and your mind was only set on one thing- escaping the situation you’ve gotten yourself into.
You haven’t done anything wrong. You were innocent, and yet it was you who ended up being chased again.
You knew very well who was following you. And you knew they were toying with you. If they would’ve wanted, the vampires would have already ripped your jugular out.
They weren’t doing this for hunger. Oh no, the reason was far more personal than an innocent feeding.
This was an act of revenge, an eye for an eye. But they had the wrong person. You weren’t supposed to be executed for this reason.
You sharply turned left, almost losing your footing as you slammed into the side of the building. You could faintly register the burning on your arm as it scratched against the building, willing yourself to go faster.
This was all just a big mistake. They weren’t supposed to go after you. You weren’t the one closest to Do Kyungsoo, the werewolf they wanted to hurt the most.
Kyungsoo made sure you knew that well.
“Look…” he started, pausing after muttering your name. His eyes were set on the ground.
“This isn’t because of you…”
“Oh, of course not. It’s never me, it’s always you.” You cut him off, your hands balled into fists at your sides. He tried to open his mouth to protest, but you didn’t let him.
“At first, it was about you being different. When I showed you I had absolutely no problem with you being a werewolf, you changed the story to the “enormous” age gap problem.” You stated, crooking your fingers in the air in imaginative quote marks. Kyungsoo’s full lips pursed in a thin line, his brows furrowed.
“Even when I said that three years aren’t that bad, you’ve apparently come up with another one.” Crossing your arms on your chest, you glared at him.
“Let’s hear it, then.” He started out with your name again, and no matter how much you loved hearing it rolling off his lips, you willed yourself not to be affected by it.
“I cannot…I’m too dangerous for you.”
“Oh, that is rich.” You scoffed and Kyungsoo showed his distaste of interrupting him by growling deep in his chest. Sometimes, you forget that Kyungsoo is really a dangerous being, but no one could blame you- he is always so gentle and nice, it isn’t hard to let your mind slip with that little fact that he is able to transform into a great beast.
You pursed your lips, holding in all the other snarky comments until he is finished.
“I’m too dangerous. After all these years, I’ve made too many enemies. They could hurt you to get to me. And the biggest enemy is right in this room.” You lifted your eyebrow in question and Kyungsoo pointed at his chest.
“It’s me. I could hurt you so easily…” he muttered almost to himself, as he lifted his hand and his thumb brushed gently over your cheek. It took all you had not to lean into his touch, as you stared into his eyes, which seemed to be torn by uncertainty.
“Just with a flick of my wrist, I could break you bones…”
“You don’t have to flick anything but your tongue, to let those words out and break my heart.” You added, your voice lowering to his whisper. Pain flashed through his eyes and to your dismay, his hand retreated from your skin. He was already taking steps back, away from you.
“I’m sorry, I can’t…I can’t risk it. I’m so sorry.”
You would’ve cried, but you didn’t have the energy anymore. Sadly, you were so used to Kyungsoo walking out on you; it didn’t hurt as much as the last time.
You loved him, and you were sure he loved you back. The fact that after every single time he left, he returned to you made you realize that he was unable to be without you.
Do Kyungsoo’s machinations of his mind were an enigma, you decided, as you stared at the closed door, a thought crept in your head that it might’ve been a metaphor about Kyungsoo.
The closed door might be a metaphor on your relationship with Kyungsoo.
You were left all alone.
And alone, you had to face the two bloodthirsty vampires at your heels. You felt that your muscles started to scream in pain, but you couldn’t allow yourself to slow down. Slowing down mean certain death.
“Think fast, wolf bait!” a crystal clear voice called out behind you and not a second later, a sharp rock came in contact with your scalp. With a yelp, you stumbled but kept your balance. Your head throbbed, and that pain seemed to break down the numbness your brain created when they started chasing you.
You were being chased by vampires. And your only hope, the only one that could save you, turned his back on you.
That didn’t stop you from calling for help.
“Help…” the only word whimpered through your lips and the vile creatures behind you cackled.
“No one will come, sweetie. Stop running and we’ll make it quick.”
I don’t want to make it quick. I want to live, you wanted to tell the vampires, but you knew it would be useless.
“Please, help!” your voice grew louder as you took another turn. You noticed your grave mistake too late, that you ran into a dark alley, that was most probably cut off by some obstacle. Your fears came true, as a metal fence started rising above you and soon enough, you collided into it, hoping it would topple over.
Not happening. The fence stood there long before you and it probably will continue standing proud long after you’re gone.
You searched for a weapon of any kind- you were positive that you wouldn’t find any silver in the abandoned alleyway, so you settled for a broken vodka bottle. You clenched it by the throat, facing the predators with shaky legs.
“Leave me alone.” You tried to make your voice firm, but it cracked to a plea in the middle of the sentence, making the vampires laugh.
“We can’t do that, honey. There’s no escape. I’m sorry.” The monster replied and as if his speech triggered your reflex, your legs set off running again.
You didn’t get far though, as an arm shot up to meet you, sending you flying back to the fence. With a cry, you tried to catch your breath, your eyes glazing over with tears.
“Kyungsoo…” his name escaped your lips and your attacker grinned.
“Yes, thank him for killing you.”
“Kyungsoo, help me…” you were far too gone with fear, trying to back up even further into the fence when the vampire started approaching you.
“No! Stay back! Please!”
“So loud…” the other one growled, slapping you across the cheek. The sole impact had you losing your balance as you fell on the ground, knocking your head on some rubbish. Sobbing, you tried to crawl away from your death, into the corner of the building and the fence.
“Please, no!” you cried again, when you felt an iron grip on your ankle yank you away from your haven.
“Shut up already!”
“Say your prayers, flower.”  The first one finally said, lifting his arm to strike you again, but this time, you were sure it would be the last.
“Kyungsoo!” you shrieked, your eyes closing and awaiting the impact.
A growl cut through the air and soon enough, ripping and yells reached your ears, before you covered them, cutting them off.
You wanted out. This was just  a horrible nightmare, you wanted out, to wake up. Or if it had to be real life, you just wanted to die, to finally have it over with and to die in peace. Oh god, that was the only thing you wanted, just to get out…
Your ranting was interrupted by a familiar voice calling your name. At first, you thought it was just your mind playing tricks, but when big hands covered yours, gently prying them off your ears, you heard that concerned voice again.
You opened your eyes and as you stared into Kyungsoo’s worried ones, you couldn’t fight the tears anymore and you broke down, crying.
“Did they hurt you? Hey, ___, talk to me, please.” His hand cupped your chin, tilting you up to meet his gaze again, while his other one gently swiped at the swollen cheek and busted lip that the vampires rewarded you with. His eyes laced with fury, and a growl rumbled off his chest.
“They didn’t bite you, right?” he asked carefully and relief washed over him when you shook your head.
“Did they hurt you anywhere else?”
“You came.” You interrupted his interrogation by throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tight. You refused to let go of him, your grip around his neck was almost bordering with pain, but either way, one of arms wrapped around your back, bringing you impossibly close, while the other one cradled your head.
“I’m so sorry I came so late. I’m so sorry.” He whispered into your ear, while you proceeded to cry into his neck.
“I was so scared…” you were only able to hiccup through your sobs.
“I know, and I’m so sorry, but it’s all okay now, I’m here…” Kyungsoo started rocking you gently, trying to calm you down.
“But for how long? How long until you’ll leave again?” you’ve managed to form a longer sentence now, your grip automatically tightening when you spoke of him leaving.
“Forever. I’ll never leave you again.” His hand ran through your hair, and when he brought out bloody fingers because of your injury, he gently pushed you away so he could look into your eyes.
“I never wanted you to experience something like this. I thought that if I left you, they would lose interest in you, and yet the only thing I did was make you completely vulnerable.” As he spoke, your eyes cast downwards to look at his shirt. He brought your attention back to his face when he kissed your brow gently and you looked up in surprise.
“I promise to take care of you from now until you’ll want me. I’ll never let anything happen to you again. If someone as much as touches you, I’ll make sure they’ll regret it.” The determination in his eyes told you he was speaking the truth. A moment later, uncertainty crept through the irises.
“That is, if you still want me.” Normally, you would’ve scoffed, but now, you wound your arms around his neck again and nodded into his shoulder.
You could feel as Kyungsoo wrapped one arm under your knees and lifted you into his embrace, as if you weighed nothing.
“Never leave me again, please.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
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aestheticvoyage2019 · 5 years
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Day 136: Thursday May 16, 2019 - “Roller Coast”
Grew up as a kid going to Cedar Point for the thrills of America’s Roller Coast, from not being tall enough to ride the big rides, to dropping in off Magnum’s 200 foot crest, this place held a lot of childhood nostalgia.  And so, when dreaming up something special for AC’s birthday, I set my sights on returning back here for the first time in almost 15 years, and sharing it my daredevil partner knowing she would surely love every bit of it.  I was right.  
Everything has evolved so much, even as its stayed the same.  Gatekeeper, Maverick, ValRavn created all new memories, mixed in with old favorites like Raptor, Magnum, Mine Ride, and Gemini.   As much as I thought I knew what to expect, the rides have gotten faster, taller, steeper, scarier, and more amazing since I was last here.   I got AC started off right, after a spin around Iron Dragon, my old childhood favorite, we popped on to the Millenium Force and got in the front row.  “oh my god I cant believe Im doing this”  - after taking what felt like 4 hours to do her hair, it was wind blown and coaster haired in less than an hour.  Blown away.  After that initial shot in the arm of a front-row-straight down drop of speed, we were on for a good day of rides.  Down the midway and through the Frontier Town, looking for thrills, and short lines, under the sun.  I was sad to learn they took out the paddleboat ride, but moved on quickly to Maverick, the first ride we rode back to back and what would turn out to be, Fan Favorite of the trip.   I ate Corn Dogs, like when i was a kid, and we enjoyed unlimited Freestyle Coke but mostly we just enjoyed our time with each other putting another page in our story, of a memorable day of screaming, laughing, and making sure the lap bar was locked so that we wouldnt die as we flipped and flew, and rode the Giant Wheel.   My best memories of the day were looking over at her mid-ride and seeing the look on her face, especially on those where the feet dangled with her little legs in a mustard romper stretched straight out and joy like on the Gatekeeper, one of her favorites OR on the Power Tower drop, where she faced her greatest fear and adrenaline of the day which made me wonder if I should also be scared out of my mind.  We’d ride the Top Thrill Dragster, one I remember being to afraid to ride before, but certainly couldnt show that today! 0-120 in 4 seconds??   Im a big boy now, but I would have totally freaked as we alllllmost got to ride it backwards.  That wouldve been maybe a little too memorable.
By days end, we worked our way back to the back of the park and found the #1 ride in the world, Steel Vengeance.  A wooden Hybrid, that we’d been putting off on account of the longer line, but it was time to experience what would become the best ride of the day.  There aren’t words to describe what theyve done here other than to say I think I said “holy shit” and “what in the world” about 3 dozen times in the 2:30 minute ride.   Barrel rolls inside of wood?  No way.  Watch it for yourself here.  I brought Audrie here knowing we’d get some thrills - we got off this ride though, completely mind blown.  What will they dream up next that could be bigger and badder than that?  All kinds of world records, but the most impressive is that 27 seconds of air-time, out of a seat that is designed to give you nothing to hang on to.  Worth every second of the line.  Definitely #1.
As the sun went down, we buckled into that old nemesis the Magnum, that used to be the big boy here but now is just a rough rickey headache producing screamer.  30 years anniversary this year as we got one last sign photo together.  I remembered wishing I wasnt tall enough to ride this one, and it was a good nostalgic way to the end the day.  Those kid-nerves came right back as we rolled out on the first row at Closing Time.  Looking out over the park and the lake, just like when I was a boy and now the experience is shared with my best friend and partner, dreaming up when she can bring others back to share this place with her.  We were pretty fried at the end of the day and ventured out in Sandusky for some food and drink and reliving of all we had done and experienced.  From the opening ride of our morning, to the last drop at Magnum, AC’s birthday present certainly rocked us.  ShitchyaBarry!  By midnight we were calling it good and I found myself loving this place even more now, that Audrie loved it too.
Song: Luke Bryan - Play It Again
Quote:  “...perhaps, also this short embrace may infuse in their veins a little of this thrill which they would not have known without it, and will give to those two dead souls, brought to life in a second, the rapid and divine sensation of this intoxication, of this madness which gives to lovers more happiness in an instant than other men can gather during a whole lifetime.” ― Guy de Maupassant
Day 1 Cedar Point Ride List:
1.) Iron Dragon 2.) Millennium Force Front Row 3.) Rougarou 4.) ValRavn 5.) GateKeeper6.) Ferris Wheel 7.) Raptor 8.) Top Thrill Dragster 9.) Gemini 10.) Maverick 11.) Maverick 12.) Steel Vengeance Last Car 13.) Magnum 
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timelessmulder · 6 years
the Mirage Lives au
(this is also an au where the lost light doesn’t reach cyberutopia at the end of the trilogy)
mirage bounces back from the memory loops faster than the others - he’s still disoriented, but he’s not really a stranger to flipping from a Feels Real dream back to reality 
so when he’s presented the protectobot’s shitty plan of using ambulon as a replacement for rook he’s like “i know none of you guys are thinking straight but also im part of a combiner lol” so they just. use mirage.
they figure that getaway rly doesn’t need to Know that mirage can combine, so its decided that while formed as defensor, mirage would disguise himself as ambulon while projecting a False mirage to serve as any kind of distraction. this plan requires a time limit, so they either get out within that time or break apart when they’re given the opportunity
obviously, the latter happens. disastrously. mirage takes himself out of the playing field so his attention isn’t so divided (and, of course, to buy more time). defensor splits, he goes invisible. he isn’t able to intervene when the protectobots are shot down, and wouldve done something to star saber if atomizer hadnt gotten there first (and frankly at that point mirage had kind of overdone it)
he opts to say behind on the lost light, keeping an eye on the protectobots & helping out while he can. otherwise he’s stealing energon for himself and making life a nightmare for getaway and star saber by being a horrible, shitty poltergeist
(in the end he IS caught, bc he was starving and his health was starting to take a downward turn but he did get star saber to perform an exorcism on the lost light, so he considers it a win)
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fuzzy-melonlord · 2 years
Saved my life? All he's done is make it worse. And I have plenty of reasons to hate him.
(They scoff)
And I tried to save him and I wouldve if you had gotten there faster and if that guy hadn't grabbed me. I fucking wish it would've been me instead and all I get is you treating me like shit for something I had no control over.
‐ Wrath
And now you know how I felt when you threw his death back into my face. Don't dish out shit if you aren't willing to take it back. And im done fucking talking to you. I'm done.
I'll get Cam out of that place and then you'll never have to see me again. It'll be just like you always wanted, just you and Collins. After this I'm dead to you.
@bruh-im-aggro @sam-collins
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crybabybyee · 3 years
ive lost almost all my spoons today.
i almost feel like im going to have a meltdown, because i feel like i have no outlet or downtime to release it in a different way.
i have no one to talk to. i mean ive seen my mum and nan today, but i dont feel like i can talk to them about...the bad stuff..him
who can i vent to??? literally noone is around to give a shit or be my friend. even my one discord guy-friend is no good to talk to. he was okay at first, but he wont want to hear me crying about my ex all the time. yesterday, i tried to make conversation about my dogs, sent pics, but my last message he never replied to, idk why. last time he was like ‘damn i thought i replied but didnt’ but he hasnt today either so, doesnt really care about normal convo unless its drama i guess. but last time i vented to my best friend everyday after going through heartbreak, she was just bitching about it to our other friend and saying i only talk about him, so i really dont want that to happen again.
so like i have no one? i dont want to tell my mum about all the bad parts of our relationship? and being around my mum and nan all day, all they talk about is being old or ‘dying’...so all i feel myself is that im getting old and ugly and dying, whilst my ex is probably living his best life only being 22, and feeling himself. i just feel disgusting and ugly today. and not showering/hair wash for days doesnt help at all. my face looks pasty and dry because i didnt wash or moisturise it last night/today. its all just awful
i keep trying to remind myself of all the things hes done and im failing. such a great start to february, not. last night when breaking dawn was coming to an end i started crying, at how i’ll never have what they have. and all i could think was, why can’t i have someone imprint on me, like jacob did? to literally want to protect me at all costs, love me unconditionally and only me, forvever. it hurt so fucking bad to watch that. because i honestly believed that that was how my ex saw me, if i believed the way he acted to my face. all the things he did for me. but he didn’t fucking imprint on you, you idiot, he begged you to get back together 2 weeks later, it’s been a month now AND HES GIVEN UP. a month. thats all it took. you promised youd fight for me forever, and you gave up in fucking less than a month? what a joke. last time we broke up he fought hard for me and i got back with him. but now that i think about it it was 2 weeks we were basically apart. any longer than that perhaps he wouldve given up too lmao, what a fucking desperate loser i was.
i felt like after watching that movie and crying that maybe he would feel a link to me and message...but no, nothing
why is he moving on faster than me? i thought it was the girls that move on faster, not the guys. probably because he has so many backup girlfriends, he has them to fall back on. it just pisses me off because WHY does he DESERVE to have all these girls? why i have...NO one??? absolutely zero?
i actually remember him trying to ‘move on’ with some other girl in ff, trying to make her feel special and shit, but he caved when he saw me in game and ditched her and started whispering me and harassing me in game til i took him back. so now that im out of the picture, he doesnt think about me, i dont exist i guess? it makes me cringe to think ‘how far’ hes gotten with someone now, if hes telling them he loves them, etc. i wouldnt put it past him... i just hate how much you want to believe someone isnt that bad, that they would actually change when something drastic happens and they completely lose you...but he’s just not changing? i feel like such a fool?
i pulled the emperor today, reversed. something about me abusing my power...which just made me feel shitty first thing in the morning and its all gone downhill from there.
please just remember what he did. all he did. the bad things. i could go see if a new stream is up with him in it. that would just be the icing on the cake. wouldn’t it..?  just to totally self sabotage, you know. i want to hear his voice and be repulsed. but im sure it will just hurt as much. i feel really lost today 
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