#I actually have no idea what a good tag for this spinoff is?
scrunkore · 1 year
it's a shame "Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online" is attached to the SAO name because I just know many lesbians on the internet would be all over this Very Normal woman
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halfvalid · 1 year
nobody but you
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alternate title: the jealous character trope is actually kinda fun to write
rating: teen+
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader | live action!vinsmoke sanji | live action!straw hats ensemble
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 3.5k
description: sanji flirts endlessly with you while dining at the baratie. zoro is displeased.
tags: strawhat!reader, female reader, fluff, kissing, no use of 'y/n', establishment of relationship, flirting, alcohol consumption, pda
author’s note: i got like ~5 requests to write this so here you guys go! this was a popular one lmao. the story is a vague spinoff to my other fic pretty in that, but it doesn't have to be read to understand this one.
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You’d volunteered to deal with the docking fees for the Going Merry, locking up the pirate ship as the rest of the crew entered Baratie. You were just five or so minutes late entering after the restaurant the rest of the Straw Hats had gone into. You’d never seen anything like it before—an eatery right in the middle of the ocean, in the shape of a giant fish. 
You stepped into the building cautiously, glancing around the wide expanse of the main room to try and catch a glimpse of your friends. The restaurant was big, with a mezzanine that you’d entered in and stairs leading down to the first floor. The host, a fishman who was standing at the reservation desk, glanced up to take a look at you. 
“Ah, you must be with the pirates,” he said pleasantly. “Right this way, miss.” 
You nodded, wondering how Luffy was intending on paying for the bill of such a place as you scoped out the area. It was far nicer than anything you would’ve expected—but then again, he’d somehow managed to score the Going Merry from Kaya back in Syrup Village, so you figured he’d work something out. 
Finally, you caught a glimpse of the rest of your crew, tucked away in a circular side booth that the fishman led you to. Luffy brightened upon seeing you, waving you over with a hand so excitedly you feared it was about to flop around like rubber. Considering his powers, that was a more than likely situation, actually. 
“Thank you,” you told the host, then turned towards your friends. “No food yet?” 
“You didn’t miss much,” Usopp said, a little snicker in his voice. “Just the waiter getting our drink orders. He was flirting the heck outta Nami.”
“Oh?” you asked, a smile flickering up your lips. The only open space in the table was between Zoro and Nami—you gave Zoro a confused look, and he gestured down to his swords, which were caught in the ledge between the chair and the wall. You snickered. “Ro. You’re such a loser.” 
“Shut up,” Zoro muttered, hand on your waist as you climbed over him to get to the empty seat. It stayed there for a moment longer, even after you’d arranged yourself in the seat, before he finally dropped his hand. Usopp made a face that you pointedly ignored. 
“What’d you guys order?” you asked instead. If there’d been a menu available, the waiter had probably taken it away; still, there wasn’t much variety in the East Blue, so you could expect there’d be a lot of seafood and not much else. 
“One of everything,” Luffy responded brightly. “So we’ll be able to try the whole menu!” 
“You sure that’s a good idea, Cap?” you asked, brows raised. Luffy shrugged. 
“I don’t see why not.”
“Quit it with the nickname,” Zoro muttered. Neither him or Nami had gotten any more receptive to it since you’d first started calling Luffy it. Usopp didn’t seem so keen on it either—if only because he fancied himself Captain Usopp. Luffy liked it, though, and that pleased you enough to keep using it.
“I’ll get you to start saying it eventually,” you teased, nudging Zoro in the arm. He shook his head, but there was a suggestion of a smile on his lips as he glanced away. “Just you wait.” You turned to Nami, eyes sparkling. “What about the waiter, though? Was he cute?” 
Usopp laughed at that, and Nami gave you a disparaging look. “Come on,” she started. “Not you too. Zoro was all—” 
The sound of footsteps cut off her speech, and you glanced up to find a lean, blond man pausing by the lip of your table. He held a silver plate, upon which perched a variety of different drinks—beers, milk, water. “Here are your drinks,” he said, voice lifting with an accent you couldn’t quite place. “And appetizers.” 
He had just finished placing the last of the drinks balancing on his forearm on the table when the waiter glanced up and registered you sitting there. His expression instantly changed, the crease of his mouth softening into a pleasant smile, his previously-dull blue eyes bright and sparkling. “Well, hello there. An addition?” 
“Yeah, sorry I’m late,” you said. The waiter flashed a grin, white ivories shining under the fluorescents.  
“Oh, absolutely no problem. They say those who are late are fashionable, and you, madam, certainly fit the bill,” the waiter said. Your eyes widened, glancing over to Nami to find her shaking her head, but the waiter didn’t stop there. “I’m Sanji. What can I get for you to drink? We’ve got a wide selection of fine wines that might suit your taste.” 
“Oh, um—” you started, glancing at the rest of your crew again. Usopp was hiding his snicker, and Nami was giving you a tired look. Assumedly this had been the man who’d tried it on her, too—to unfortunate ends, probably, considering how Nami was. Not that this would be any more effective on you. Your eye was already captured by a particular green-haired swordsman, after all. “I don’t really have anything in mind.”
Sanji looked pleased about that, clasping his hands together around his platter. “Ah, let me guess, then. A bayberry or red currant wine, perhaps? Fruity, tart, full of flavor.” he winked. “A feisty drink for a feisty girl.” 
“Can’t say I’ve tried it, but sure,” you said, the faintest smile on your lips. “I’ll let you know how I like it.” 
Sanji grinned, looking rather satisfied with that, a delighted little smile on his lips. “One red currant wine, then. I’ll have it right out. And would you also like to order a meal, or…” He glanced over at Luffy, presumably referencing your captain’s more-than-outrageous order. “Are you all set?” 
“I think we’re set, thanks,” you assured, and Sanji nodded. He flashed you another bright smile before turning on his heel back off to the kitchen. 
Usopp finally let out the laughter he’d been keeping in, choked sounds emitting from his throat as he thudded his chest with a fist. You rolled your eyes, but it was good-natured, letting Usopp laugh. 
“Well, at least I’m not being singled out,” Nami said with a sigh, and you exchanged a sympathetic glance with her. She patted your hand comfortingly, then scrutinized the water Sanji had gotten her. “At least he didn’t put it in a flute.” 
“Zoro, you’ve got competition!” Usopp called, still laughing from the entire ordeal. You glanced to your side, to where the swordsman sat. Zoro had stiffened sometime during the conversation, jaw clenched and arms wound tightly across his chest. He hadn’t even touched the beer that Sanji had set in front of him, eyes fixed carefully to a spot beside Luffy’s head and refusing to look over at you. 
“He’s a waiter,” Zoro said crisply. “He buses tables for a living.” With that, he grabbed his bottle, popping the tab and taking a swig. 
“I don’t know, man, did you see the way he took down those pirates?” Usopp turned to you, all excited again. “Oh, you missed this whole thing! Two pirates were fighting over a seat or something, and Sanji just demolished both of them! You would’ve loved it.” 
“He is a really good fighter,” Luffy agreed. Their words did nothing but seem to annoy Zoro further. 
“Can we not talk about the restaurant personnel? Surely you can think of more interesting topics of conversation.” His tone was sharp, and all icy, and you inched your hand closer to his leg to tap his thigh in question. He glanced down at your touch, but didn’t deign to say anything else. He just picked up his beer again, nursing it while the rest of the crew continued on with their conversation. 
Despite Luffy changing the subject, Zoro didn’t speak, and you kept peeking glances over at him in concern. Your feelings for him had just continued developing ever since Syrup Village, although neither of you had reasonably talked about the closet incident since it’d happened. What with the reveal of Kuro and the escape from the marines and all, there hadn’t exactly been time to. But you’d been on good terms, and the actions he made around you—pressing a hand to your waist as you moved past him, turning towards you first mid-conversation, shoving you down when the marines had fired their first cannon at the Going Merry. 
Before you could whisper to him and question what his silence was about, though, Sanji reappeared, carrying two platters filled to the brim with plates. They were laden with different types of meat and vegetables, sauces glinting under the light and hot steam still billowing. 
He set the dishes on the table, somehow managing to arrange them so they all fit on the countertop. Sanji set down the last plate then turned to you, placing a glass and a bottle of dark crimson wine on the table in front of you. He had to lean over Zoro to reach, and Zoro flinched, but still didn’t say anything as Sanji uncorked the bottle and poured you a glass. 
“Tell me what you think,” he said, all smiles again. “I’ll be embarrassed if it isn’t to your liking.”
You picked the glass up, swirling it carefully inside the glass before leaning down into the cup to take in a full sniff. You tilted your head back to take a small sip, moving the liquid around your mouth to fully savor the flavor before finally swallowing. The wine was sweet, light rather than rich with a delicate tartness that burst on your tongue. You glanced up just to see a giant grin had stretched up Sanji’s mouth, brightening his face up considerably. 
“What?” you asked. 
“Not often do I see a patron who knows how to taste wine properly,” Sanji answered with a little duck of his head. “A lady of class, I see. How do you like it?” 
“Not too strong. I like the tartness,” you answered. “A good recommendation. Thank you.” 
Sanji gave you a little bow, hand flourishing to the side as he dipped his head. “I live to serve.” 
“Yeah, well, why don’t you serve me another beer?” Zoro said abruptly. Usopp coughed, and you could see Nami elbow him out of your peripheral vision. Luffy just looked confused. 
Sanji’s face fell almost immediately after Zoro had spoken, his eyes flickering away from yours. “Of course. I’ll be right back,” he said, a tight smile at his lips. He ducked out of the booth, and Zoro let out an irritated noise, tongue flicking against from the roof of his mouth. 
Usopp snorted, fully this time, and you turned to glance over at him—he and Nami were both hiding their gazes, though you could see smiles cracked along their lips. 
Zoro glared at them. “Shut it.” 
“Not saying anything!” Usopp said, though he half-hid behind Luffy like Zoro was going to lunge over the table to get to him. That didn’t seem… entirely unlikely, actually; Zoro’s right hand rested firmly on the handle of one of his swords, fingers ready to pull the blade at any second. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, wanting to say something. But not in front of everyone else. It wouldn’t be appropriate, you decided. 
Eventually your meal wound down to an end. Zoro got less and less tense throughout it, though you were fairly certain that was due to the drinks he was having rather than any actual reassurance. Sanji, thankfully, came back with the bill in the middle of a conversation you really didn’t want to think about—Luffy and his marine grandfather was not something your mind wanted to dwell on—only for him to disappear again. 
Just moments later, a man with a braided mustache came storming out of the kitchen. Luffy did some more of his Luffy nonsense, and, honestly—you were getting too tired about all of this to pay any close attention. You spared a glance over at Zoro again. His face was as blank as ever.  
“Okay,” Usopp said slowly, a few delayed seconds after who’d undoubtedly been the head chef yanked Luffy out of his seat. “I’m ready to check out whatever’s outside. Let’s go.” 
“What about Luffy?” you asked, perplexed. 
“He’ll find his way out of that,” Nami said with a sigh. She stood up, knocking back the rest of her drink. Since she wasn’t exactly wrong, you got up, glancing over your shoulder at the last of the group that remained seated. “Zoro?” 
Zoro was staring into his now-empty bottle of beer. He still seemed off, the line of his mouth creased downwards, jaw set tight. “Yeah,” he said finally, standing to his full height and slipping out of the booth. He offered you a hand, helping you down from your seat, but said nothing more. 
The four of you headed out to the mouth of the Baratie fish, which boasted a bar decorated with neon lights. You found a place to sit by the fish’s bottom lip, and you turned in your seat, staring out at the sea. The water was dark with the night, peaceful ripples moving across the water that sent shimmering waves across the blue. 
“I’m gonna get a drink,” Usopp said. “Come, Nami?” 
“Huh?” Nami glanced up, and you turned to watch the exchange. “Oh, I’m okay, Usopp. Thanks, though.” 
“No,” Usopp insisted, a smile still pasted on his face as he jerked his head, not very discreetly, in your and Zoro’s direction. Nami seemed to realize, then, eyes going wide before she got up from her seat. 
“Actually, on second thought, I’ll join you,” she said, far smoother than Usopp had been. “God knows you don’t have any money to pay for a drink.”
She breezed past him, ignoring the offended gape Usopp left in her wake before he was scrambling to follow her. You turned your attention towards Zoro—he was lounging in the seat across from you, one hand on his swords with his legs crossed. “Hi,” you said carefully. 
He stiffened. “Hey.” 
You pursed your lips, mulling over the ways to go about the conversation before ultimately deciding to spit it out. “What’s wrong?” At his raised brow, you were prompted to continue— “During dinner. You were acting weird.”
Zoro shook his head, dropping his gaze from yours. You could see the faintest trace of freckles spattered along his cheeks, the yellow glow from the lanterns reflecting off his skin. “Nothing’s wrong. Just… the waiter.”
“The waiter,” you repeated. Zoro shifted, legs uncrossing and hand tightening around his swords again. His voice was low the next time he spoke, and you could barely hear him, having to lean forward to catch all of his words.
“He was flirting with you.” 
Your breath hitched, but you tried to keep your tone casual. “He was flirting with Nami too,” you said, glancing up to meet his eyes. Zoro still wouldn’t meet your gaze, staring out into the East Blue behind you. 
“That’s different.” Zoro’s eyes finally lifted, long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks as you met eyes. You shivered, gooseflesh suddenly prickling up everywhere on your skin—the back of your neck, up your spine, down your arms and legs. “I don’t like Nami.” 
You tilted your head to the side, meeting his gaze. The words sent a little rush through you; a rush you got practically every time Zoro looked in your direction, actually, which was only a little bit annoying. The amount of influence a man you’d known for, comparatively, not that long had over you had you rolling your eyes all the time, but… you trusted Zoro at this point, as uncooperative as he and Nami had been throughout your entire journey. 
“You’re jealous of a waiter.” 
“Don’t—” Zoro sighed. “Don’t put it like that.” 
“But it’s true. You’re jealous of a waiter,” you said, unblinking. Zoro rolled his eyes, teeth resting along his lower lip in an almost-bite. You snickered, tone sloping upwards to become more teasing, almost sarcastic. “How the mighty have fallen. From me practically begging you to say I looked nice in a dress to this.” 
“Okay, that’s enough,” Zoro said, uncrossing his legs to lean over and press his hand over your mouth. You laughed, surprised, as he leaned over you, eyes sparkling at the reaction. “Not another word.” 
He removed his hand, giving you a look. You betrayed his trust almost immediately. “Of a waiter.” 
“Do you want me to put the hand back?” Zoro threatened, but you were full-on laughing by now, and he couldn’t do anything but watch. The sounds escaped from your mouth, ringing out in soft, lively hiccups. He shook his head, hand falling to his side as he watched you, a ghost of a smile tugging up the side of his mouth. 
“Sorry, Ro,” you said, unable to suppress your grin even as your laughter died off. “It’s a little funny, you have to admit.” 
“I’d like to hear you talk if someone was flirting with me,” Zoro muttered, so quiet you could barely hear. You had to stifle another laugh. 
“Okay, well, unlike you, I don’t get territorial over people I haven’t even talked about my relationship with, but I appreciate it.” You nudged him. “It’s kinda cute.”
Zoro seemed lost in the first half of your sentence, and you could practically see the cogs whirring in his head. For a moment, you were worried that the closet had been a one-time thing—but no, he’d mentioned just earlier that he liked you, so clearly something else was the matter. 
Your worries were answered in just another moment. “...We’re supposed to talk about our relationship?”
“Zoro.” You gave him a look of disbelief, forced to suppress another laugh, though this time it was out of incredulity. “Yes. Have you ever dated anyone before?” 
Zoro made a face at that. “Keeping that to myself, thanks.” He dropped his chin, glancing down at where you were, still leaning over you so you were forced to crane your neck to stare up at him. He tilted his head to the side. “So what kind of talking are we supposed to be doing?” 
“You know, the establishment of being exclusive; a cementation of our feelings; what the relationship entails; where we want it to go…” You paused, watching as his eyes flickered down your face. Your words were going in one ear and out the other. “You’re not listening at all, huh.” 
“Not really,” Zoro said, not sounding very apologetic about it. His free hand came to cup the underside of your jaw, tilting your head up just so. “Is the talking really that necessary?” 
You shrugged, trying to keep your cool. “Eventually.” 
“Eventually,” he repeated, stretching out the syllables of the word as he quoted you. “So we can do it another day.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to hide your smile. “What were you thinking?”
Zoro was slotting his lips over yours before you could say another word, his fingers digging into the hinge of your jaw to allow him better access. You smiled into the kiss, lips curling upwards and open to let him lick into your mouth. 
It wasn’t too risqué, but Zoro took your breath away all the same, an appreciative murmur low in his throat as he kissed you. One of your hands wrapped around his wrist, tugging him insistently downwards so you could get a better angle at his mouth, sucking gently at his lower lip. He nearly stumbled, losing his center of gravity before steadying himself, one hand coming to rest on your ribcage as the kiss deepened. 
“Guys!” Usopp’s voice came somewhere from the right, high-pitched and excessively scandalized. You felt Zoro scoff into your mouth.
“You realize you’re in public, right?” Nami deadpanned, plopping down in the seat next to you. You nudged Zoro’s head away, his hand still on your jaw, half-craned over your figure. Nami looked unimpressed, eyes flickering from Zoro to you and back again. “Get a room. Go back to the Going Merry for all I care.” She extended a hand, placing a mug of beer on the table before you before handing you a matching one. “I got you drinks. You’re welcome.” 
“Thanks,” you said, leaning up to press one final kiss on Zoro’s lips before turning to take the glass Nami had outstretched. Usopp groaned, covering his eyes with one hand and lifting a giant cup of something with the other. It was so big you wondered how he’d even been able to carry it. You eyed him. “You’re going to pass out drinking that.” 
Usopp made a face at you. You just laughed. 
“Sorted out your issues with the waiter, then?” Nami asked, turning to fix a knowing look on Zoro. He rolled his eyes, effortless as ever as he settled back down into his seat. 
“Still don’t like the waiter.” 
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, and Zoro scoffed, picking up the mug Nami had gotten him. You could see the smile behind the glass rim, though, even as he clearly tried to hide it, and matched it with one of your own. 
Zoro ducked his head to smile into his beer. Usopp made a gagging sound. “God,” Nami muttered, but their criticisms might as well have been deaf to your ears by then. 
All you could see was Zoro. 
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© halfvalid 2023
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edenesth · 4 months
TWTHH Spinoff: Written in the Stars [Teaser]
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Pairing: military strategist!Mingi x royal physician!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Summary: Mingi had spent countless years searching for the angel who saved his life when he was on the verge of death. He believed god was on his side when she finally reappeared before him, but she was now so near yet so far, so unobtainable. No longer just a young medical trainee, she had become an esteemed royal physician—a woman working within the palace walls. And what did that mean? It meant she now belonged to His Majesty.
A/N: Credits to @sundaybossanova for contributing the main idea of Mingi's spinoff. I might have changed most of the proposed plot, but the MC's identity as a physician and how the two first meet remains Sunny's idea.
Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist | Part 1
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"Ooh, guess who's here again," your colleague remarked, nodding toward the entrance of the royal medical hall where a certain tall, handsome military strategist strode in for what felt like the thousandth time this week. You sighed, refusing to look up from your book. "Please tell me it's not him."
She gulped, watching him approach. "Hate to break it to you, but it is your not-so-secret admirer, General Officer Song."
"Good afternoon, ladies. I, uh… I'm here today because—" his familiar deep voice rang out as he paused at a respectful distance.
Clearing your throat, you finally closed your book and turned to face him with a courteous smile, finishing his sentence for him, "Good afternoon to you too, Officer Song. Let me guess, you're here because you got hurt during training again?"
Instead of the usual sheepish nod, he shook his head and nervously fiddled with his fingers. "No, actually… I came to ask if… i-if you would like to accompany me to the royal banquet celebrating Joseon's unity with Ruhon tonight, Royal Physician Ahn?"
You froze at his question, and your colleague mirrored your reaction. The two of you exchanged bewildered glances, trying to process the fact that this fool was openly pursuing you, a woman working in the palace, someone who belonged to the King.
Does he realise what he's doing?
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You're probably wondering why I'm posting this on a Wednesday (depending on where you are) but it's a public holiday here today in Malaysia, so surprise!! It's finally Princess Mingi's turn! The way y'all thought his spinoff would be the first and here he is HAHA
In case you're confused and are not sure what I mean by MC belonging to the King, please read ✨this✨
As always, I'll do my best to get the first part out as soon as I can! Let me know your thoughts on the concept! <3
Tag list (1/9):
@itstheghostofmypast @huachengsbestie01 @minghaoslatina @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr |
@cheolliehugs @the-kpop-simp @writingwieny @stayatinykatsy @skzline |
@green-agent @stayinhellevator @vampzity @tinyteezer @evidive |
@vantediary @superbbananananana @kimyeolchan @chocolate-scoups @decadentstrangernacho |
@vic0921 @marievllr-abg @sunnyhokyu @seungmin-in-thebuilding @heyitsmetonid |
@sansaurora9904 @darkestacademiamindsx12-blog @myblovedjyh @professormingisglasses @newworldwritings |
@chicken-fifi @thunderous-wolf @shythinggiver @madnpan @yandere-stories |
@anxiousskylar @frobin4ever @starssongs98 @dollce-exe @jan-l |
@lovelyred2 @haven-cove @watermelon2319 @dreamingofyeo @akimkim |
@scuzmunkie @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @borntoshineateez @st4rhwa |
@ddaeing @tropicalsstuff @bts-army380 @skteezcursed @beauty143 |
@naps-over-degree @brown88 @sis-101 @lemon-sage17 @jcalicocatj
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350 notes · View notes
https-milo · 2 months
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yeah ok guys I hear you
instagram posts w/ comments while dating dabi!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of interest, reader can be however you imagine !
(guys im going to be so honest, I haven't really watched MHA past like season four so ermmmm yeah!) (this one was actually kinda cute, like I wanna make a spinoff oneshot :(( )
main m. list / instagram m. list
blah.blah.y/n · 71w
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liked by: himiko.v4mp, tomura.shig, twicenottwice
blah.blah.y/n he said "I can do this without a lighter" but I didn't want our apartment to burn down <3
dabi wow you have no faith in me. kinda thought you loved me.
blah.blah.y/n dabi yapper, yapper. you know I love you, I just don't love paying for repairs xo
himiko.v4mp good call!! :33
blah.blah.y/n himiko.v4mp thank youuu!! <333
tomura.shig euh you two make me sick.
dabi tomura.shig watch it.
dabi · 67w
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liked by: himiko.v4mp, twicenottwice, stainismyidol, compressed.marbles
dabi look what her psycho ass got me
tagged: blah.blah.y/n
blah.blah.y/n literally be quiet. you love that shirt and mug.
dabi blah.blah.y/n doesn't change the fact you're crazy.
blah.blah.y/n dabi crazy about you 😽😽😽
tomura.shig kay why ess
blah.blah.y/n tomura.shig someones a little jellyyyyy
blah.blah.y/n · 65w
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liked by: tomura.shig, himiko.v4mp, big.sis.magne, twicenottwice
blah.blah.y/n my sister trusted us with watching my nephew. safe so say she picked the right people :,) <3
tagged: dabi
dabi i've never been caught lacking like this.
blah.blah.y/n dabi yap yap yap. you look so cute
offical.hawks blah.blah.y/n yeah dabi, you look soooo cute
dabi offical.hawks actually kys, birdbrain
offical.hawks dabi only if you'll help me
blah.blah.y/n offical.hawks GET YOUR OWN MAN YOU BITCH.
himiko.v4mp you guys should have one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
dabi himiko.v4mp dont give her ideas.
blah.blah.y/n dabi rude. but as much as I would want one, neither of us are home enough to take care of a baby + ur job would make it dangerous
dabi · 60w
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liked by himiko.v4mp, tomura.shig, twicenottwice, big.sis.magne, compressed.marbles
dabi after a really long, long talk with y/n and shig, I've decided to leave the LoV. It's been fun and, even if I hate to say it, I'll miss you guys. In other news, my girl is pregnant so yay
tagged: blah.blah.y/n
blah.blah.y/n :( ilysm you dont know how much I appreciate you
tomura.shig whatever. be safe and let me see the baby when it's born.
blah.blah.y/n tomura.shig AWWWW I ALWAYS KNEW YOU CARED!
tomura.shig blah.blah.y/n shut up.
himiko.v4mp we're gonna miss you patchwork :((( I wish you and y/n well!! (I better be the godmother)
dabi himiko.v4mp ill miss you too shit head
blah.blah.y/n himiko.v4mp obviously youre the godmother!! my fave future auntie <33
big.sis.magne take care of yourself. don't let y/n do too much work, you brat.
dabi big.sis.magne yeah, yeah. I hear you.
s.todoroki um????
blah.blah.y/n s.todoroki unc shoto 🙏🙏
fuyumi.todo how is touya the first to have kids.
dabi fuyumi.todo tf is that supposed to mean.
n.todoroki IM GOING TO BE AN UNCLEEEE you better be treating y/n well 😤😤😤
blah.blah.y/n n.todoroki dw natsuo, i keep my man in check !!
blah.blah.y/n · 2w
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liked by: himiko.v4mp, tomura.shig, fuyumi.todo, s.todoroki, n.todoroki
blah.blah.y/n its been a while!! me, touya, and our precious boy are doing better than ever <3 thank you guys so much for all the support this past year and so. Even if he won't say it, touya is grateful. (p.s. you guys don't always need to spoil our son)
tagged: touya.todo
touya.todo sappy on main
blah.blah.y/n touya.todo 🤩 shut the fuck up 🤩
himiko.v4mp anything for our angels!! (+ touya)
touya.todo himiko.v4mp everytime we interact, i get the urge to relapse my killing sobriety
fuyumi.todo ahhh im so glad you guys are doing well!! i love you three 💕💕
s.todoroki did you guys get the packages I sent?
blah.blah.y/n s.todoroki yes sho, all 5 of them
tomura.shig good to see you guys alive and well.
blah.blah.y/n tomura.shig stfu, come visit your nephew
tomura.shig blah.blah.y/n ...coming
rei.himura my beautiful son with my amazing daughter-in-law and my adorable grandson... i hope you guys will visit me someday
touya.todo rei.himura of course ma
blah.blah.y/n rei.himura we'd love to! Our baby would love to meet his grandma <333
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
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mareastrorum · 5 months
These are just initial thoughts, and perhaps I’ll learn something that changes my mind on it, but I’m glad to see Critical Role making the leap to their own subscription service with Beacon.
As a lead in: I’m an attorney that has some background in IP law, though it isn’t what I practice currently. I’ve kept in contact with several active practitioners, particularly those that represent small-time creators either in their own independent practice or via nonprofits. I do not have an extensive Rolodex of IP peers, nor do I spend the money to keep up on IP CLEs. I’m just someone who used to know a ton because I did heavy research and work in that space, and that hasn’t been the case for years.
So here’s my thoughts a bit on the IP angle:
The primary reason I’m happy to see this leap is that CR is taking active steps to keep control over its IP. It’s a boring thing to most people, but when I start paying attention to a specific creator (authors, directors, companies, etc.), I tend to be very attentive to how they use their IP. How freely do they license their marks to partner with other creators to make merch? How often do they allow others to make adaptations or derivatives of their copyrights? What is the quality of those products? What is the supply chain like? Are those third parties objectionable in some way? Were the other parties faithful to the original works or marks? Was this a cash grab or an earnest effort to make something worth the price tag?
Honestly, I like how CR run their business. They have a history of tapping fans and fellow small businesses when making new merch or spinoffs. They embrace the culture of fan-made derivative works, both by featuring fanart/cosplay and by sharing their success. Do you know how rare it is for a company to pay fan artists for their already-made and freely posted work and then sell books of it? Let me be clear: CR bought a limited license from each artist so they could print and sell each work in a physical book, then paid the cost of publishing that book with no guarantee that CR would make that money back, let alone profit. I have a copy of the collector’s edition art books: they’re actually very well made and the packaging definitely cost a pretty penny. That’s not a rainmaker idea, that’s genuinely risking financial loss to sell something people could access for free if they wanted to.
The art books aren’t a one-off either. Darrington Press is CR’s separate LLC for tabletop games. (It’s good business practice to split off companies that handle products in different industries.) CR has also made shows based on those games, and the Candela Obscura series has quite a dedicated audience. Everything about Candela belongs to them: the game itself, the rule book, all the art in the book, the web series based on the game, and merch. It’s so successful that they invested in scheduling a live show for Candela later this month. That’s HUGE.
Contrast that with the distribution of Campaign 1 and the first 19 episodes of Campaign 2. CR cannot host those videos themselves; Geek & Sundry still exists and still holds what I presume to be distribution rights (but I don’t have the contract to review). So G&S gets to host those videos on YouTube and reaps the advertising. I can’t speak to whatever share CR gets from that, but considering that CR is locked out of hosting their own copies of those videos, I doubt it’s much, if any, revenue. (If you’re wondering why CR just didn’t buy those rights back, I ask: what incentive does G&S have to sell something that’s making them money for no cost?)
Knowing that background about G&S, I was wary of CR choosing Amazon to host and distribute The Legend of Vox Machina. Originally, TLOVM was not the plan; CR had a kickstarter for an animated special based on C1. It was only because they blew past the goal that CR was able to make an entire season. The reasonable assumption is that choosing Amazon had to have secured CR additional funding for future seasons of the show, which seems evident from how quickly season 2 was announced, Mighty Nein Animated is also going to be a thing, and that season 3 of TLVOM is scheduled for fall 2024. CR had the option of just doing 1 season and keeping it purely in their control, but going with Amazon meant they could animate more of their works. Animation is expensive. I cannot stress enough how doubtful I am that CR would have been able to afford this many episodes and both campaigns if they had not gone this route. As wary as I was in the start, it paid off, and it’s going well—so far. Hopefully CR doesn’t regret that decision if Amazon tries something sleazy. But, as before, we don’t have the contracts and can’t know how secure CR’s position is if any dispute came up.
CR also partnered with Dark Horse Comics to make Vox Machina comics and Might Nein Origins comics. What’s especially surprising is that each of the cast had a hand in writing the MNO comics for their characters, with Matt listed for multiple. That isn’t very common with comic adaptations. Often times, IP owners let comic companies go ham with minimal oversight. Being listed as one of the authors comes with IP rights that have to be negotiated. That means that Dark Horse had to talk with CR about whether that warrants more or less revenue going to which party in exchange for that—or, alternatively, whether the comic gets made at all. That’s a ballsy move. You think people can just demand to write the comics that a publishing company is going to pay to print? Pffft. CR wanted some creative control, and that is a big ask. However, Dark Horse still has the distribution rights, both digitally and for physical copies. You couldn’t buy the comics from CR until they came out with the library edition, a book bound compilation of 4/8 comics. But the publisher is still Dark Horse; CR is just allowed to sell the book directly from their own site as well.
Contrast that with the novels about CR characters. CR partnered with Penguin Random House to publish novels about Vex and Vax (Kith & Kin), Lucien (The Nine Eyes of Lucien), and Laudna (What Doesn’t Break). Liam and Laura were vocal about having some say in K&K, whereas Madeline Roux said in an interview that she had full control over TNEOL. Both of those novels were narrated with CR voices, but narrating a book doesn’t come with IP rights, it just brings in a paycheck. There’s a lot less IP control in there compared to the comics, but this isn’t abnormal for book publishing. To be blunt, I doubt PRH would have agreed to publish the novels if anyone from CR had been a co-author or had heavy oversight over the author or the editing. I don’t think PRH even considered that as an option. Either an author that has already managed to sell X number of copies or nothing. Creative control over a book a huge ask, asks come with reduced revenue, and switching to books from a web series is already a leap. The fact that Laura and Liam had any say is surprising, really.
That was a long meandering tour of what we’ve seen CR do with its IP. The reason I bring up each of these things is that navigating the way to protect an IP in this space is rife with challenges. Different types of IP warrant different strategies because of the cost involved in creating each medium and the challenges placed by industries that have already sprung up around them. Any time that a third party is tapped to create an IP, it’s usually because they already have the funds and resources to create the work, and CR has to negotiate for revenue, creative control, distribution, and—the big one—who gets to be the owner. These are not easy, quick, or fun conversations, and CR is always going to be the smaller company at the table.
Knowing that, I’m not surprised or worried that CR is creating its own independent subscription service with Beacon. It tells me that they’re being careful with their IP whenever they can. A subscription service means they don’t have to trade away distribution rights or give up ad revenue to a third party. They’re in this for a long term investment, and that requires solid income not tied to third parties that can definitely outspend them in litigation in the event of a dispute. A subscription for bonus content is one of many parts in a diverse revenue stream.
(All that said, this isn’t meant to criticize creators that cant afford to do this type of thing. It took 9 years for CR to get to the point where Beacon is financially feasible and a desirable business decision. They have enough ongoing, popular content to warrant paying for a subscription, and they’ve built sufficient trust with their audience that more will be added. That takes time and an awful lot of money.)
As a final note, I take this step as a sign that CR definitely intends to stick around. This isn’t a move people make when they plan on ending the business after the current campaign. I’m glad to see CR is taking steps to secure their foundation and keep making new content.
I’m sure people will chime in on other issues (cost, content exclusivity, etc.), but I hope my perspective gives an idea of why this sort of thing is good for business generally and why it would be good for CR.
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missfckingfortune · 2 months
How many works do you have on AO3? 4
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? I have no idea. Maybe around 150k? (I’m sure there’s a way to actually see this?
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently only writing for ACOTAR and Masters of the Air In the past, on a different site ( most of which I have since DELETED) band of brothers The pacific last kingdom the 100 thor one direction ( I know, I know)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I only have four fics. But of those. It’s I Can Wait For You At the Bottom.
5. Do you respond to comments? YES!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? None of my current fics have ended yet, but I’m not a fan of angsty endings.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? None of my fics have ended yet, but spoiler alert, it’s going to be I Can Wait for You at the Bottom.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I’m not popular enough for this hahahaha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Currently the good old f/m kind. I’m for sure a plot with porn girl with some good old breeding kink, praise kink, and light dom themes. But open to branching out to m/m or f/f and likely will for one of the spinoffs I have dreamed up ( Azris)
10. Do you write crossovers? Haven’t yet.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Again, I’m not that popular.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Please see above.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet!
14. What is your all-time favorite ship? Oh, like all time? Doesn’t even have to be ACOTAR? Let’s do acotar first just to get that out of the way. I’m a major Elucien girlie. All time? Will Turner/Elizabeth Swan, Ben Solo/Rey, Charles Vane/Elinor Guthrie, Ross Poldark/ Demelza Carne, Bellemy Blake/Clarke Griffin. There’s probably a million more I’m not thinking of!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My Reylo fic- Strange Addiction. I’m just not in the same place as when I started.
16. What are your writing strengths? Description and VIBEZ. Sometimes dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Pacing, not repeating myself, organization, thinking the plot all the way through.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I’m so uni-lingual American it’s not funny, and I have not done this before, really. Oh, wait, there’s a teensy amount of French in I Can Wait for You at the Bottom, courtesy of google translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Band of Brothers 20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I Can Wait for You at the Bottom. This was my return to writing as an adult, and I’m pretty proud of it, even if it is a bit of a chaotic mess
Thank you so much to @beesays @cauldronblssd and @witch-and-her-witcher for the tags!!! You are all goddesses and I love you!! <3 I'm so late to this, so if you've already been tagged please ignore me!
@itsybitsybluesy @wilde-knight @clockwork-ashes @temperedink
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luvwich · 6 months
some questions for writers 🖋️
tagged by @orangekittyenergy 💖
Last book I read: good omens
Greatest literary inspirations:  nabokov, anais nin, john kennedy toole, octavia butler, tom robbins
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write
cyberpunk: many ships i enjoy reading but don't have the writing itch for (goroV, johnnyV, songV, and i'm fascinated by alexV of which there's basically none but i think @merge-conflict is cooking sumn up 👀). post-temperance endings. nomad themes/settings/lore
bg3: durgetash, love those crazy kids. modern aus. uh anything with karlach, love her but i'm too miserable of a person to write her
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: o brother the list goes on lol. i'll just say: regina jones in shanghai spinoff from hypercritical au
You can recognise my writing by: off-kilter metaphors, navel gazing, banter, occasional direct address from narrator, maximalist formatting decisions, the same 3-4 smut tropes, and some hacky plot devices that i won't name lest they be perceived!!
My most controversial take (current fandom): i think i'm not plugged in enough to know what is actually controversial? i exist in a tumblr bubble where everyone is p chill about everything. anyway i think a lot of the actual writing in cyberpunk 2077 is not very good and as a narrative it fails way more than it succeeds!
Top three favourite tropes: hurt/comfort, PINING / emotional slow burn, and uhh idk the name for it but "fucking instead of talking about feelings"
What’s your current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): maybe a 4? i'm still in that post-longfic season of malaise / refractory period. i need to be essentially possessed by a demon in order to write and i have a handful of little ideas simmering, waiting to turn into demons
Share a random frustration: the lakers are fucked in the playoffs and have managed to waste a season of anthony davis in his prime and one of lebron's last shots at another championship before he retires :\
tagging @baublekute @butchsquatch @ghostoffuturespast @merge-conflict @m-arahuyo @rowanisawriter @shimmer-like-agirl @streetkid-named-desire @theviridianbunny @wanderingaldecaldo with no pressure~
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cru5h-cascades · 8 months
hi I’ve become addicted to your idea for a Splatoon superhero game spinoff.
Ok but hear me out, Nintendo has made it clear that they’re willing to break into new genres with Splatoon, given Side Order’s roguelike elements.
And with the Switch 2 (which, ignoring rumors, has to be somewhat more powerful than the Switch), they’ll want a game to show off the power of the console. TOTK just came out, so Zelda is out. And Mario always has to be somewhat safe, so…
What if, for the Splatoon spinoff (let’s call it Splatoon: Rogue), it’s a superhero open-world game similar to Marvel’s Spider-Man, where the player can travel through the city freely, stopping criminals and villains? And I’m going to talk about my concept featuring Paul Mizuta, which I’ll fully detail in a post later that I’ll tag you in if you’re okay with it.
But with my concept, it would be a visually impressive game with solid combat and an open world to set the standard for Switch 2 games going forward. No instant fast travel like Spider-Man 2, we’re not quite there yet, but still impressive.
Pretty good idea! I feel like if the devs wanna expand the world a bit more, they have to do it litterally. Let the players find new bits of lore wherever they go! There's so much potential for a new story arc and new gameplay mechanics that can really spice up the next game! I really hope that the next game gives us something really interesting both lore and gameplay wise like showing off some cool new enemies or hell explaining the spooky stuff that happens in multiplayer stages during splatfests (I've been working on my idea of the vigilante story myself; still gotta do a post about it tho!). Just something we haven't seen yet (and I really hope that the next game isn't like RotM; they hyped up Deep Cut's magic powers and stuff for nothing in the campaign. to be honest I think it'd be cooler if they were like loyal employees of Mr. Grizz, sent to Alterna to take down the NSS. THEN it actually make sense for them to be there.)
(also yea I'm totally cool with you tagging me in a post ^w^)
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slicedmayonnaise · 10 days
Okay, Slice n Dice, I'm gonna rant, enjoy :3 (good luck)
When I first started reading WTE I was in an, "I'm not too big a fan of modern aus" mindset, and decided not to read it when I first saw it (Ford's top ten biggest mistakes).
One day, I was sitting on the floor, my third cup of iced coffee in my hand and Markiplier's rdr2 playthrough on my laptop and I thought to myself, "I wonder what WTEs about.." So I went back to good ol' ao3 and took a deeper look, aka read the first few chapters, oh my god did I regret not reading it sooner. I have a hard time immersing myself in stories because I get distracted so easily, but I was so immersed in the entire thing, that I could finally see in my tiny brain what was happening and it made me love the story even more.
Anyway, after WTE I didn't stop thinking about it, kinda just stared at my wall for half an hour looking confused, ik I'm going to do that exact thing once Washed Up is done, and I ain't complaining.
It actually took me a bit to read Washed Up too, after WTE I needed a break because I couldn't find any stories that matched how good it was, and for some reason, I didn't look at Washed Up which was literally created by the same person </333333 (I'm a little dumb)
When I'm hyperfixated on smth I get hyperfixated on things in that smth (like Javier) and I got hyperfixated on WTE (but I didn't draw fanart, which disappoints me) so that's another reason I didn't read Washed Up right away, I actually read WTE twice.
So I FINALLY started Washed Up and yeah that was the best thing I've ever done. Actually, this story might be one of the best fics I've ever read, I just absolutely love the slow burn that wasn't too short to be like, "What just happened?" and wasn't too long to make me get bored of the story, but in every chapter, I might've asked, "are they gonna kiss?"...
And the characters, omg, I actually didn't expect Vincente to turn out how he did, I love this version of him. and Eddie.......hhhhhhh Eddie.......I love Eddie...AND FLACO, WHEN I WAS READING THE TAGS I GOT SO SURPRISED THAT BRO WAS IN IT THAT EVERY TIME A NEW CHARACTER WAS INTRODUCED (without knowing their name ofc) I WAS LIKE, "Flaco?"
My reaction to when he showed up was priceless.
Okay, this rant went really off track-
I love how you sort of mixed like rdr canon into the story, but with your own like twist, yk, which is pretty much what the whole story is but you get what I mean (I hope-)
And Javier..oh poor Javier, he really won't like water now, or boats...sigh poor Javier </3
Okay, this is getting really long I don't want to overwhelm you.
But just know, I love your story so much, I wish I had given it a chance right away because now it is one of my favorite things ever, and I hope you will write more in the future, speaking of the future I'm so excited for that spinoff with Flaco and Eddie.....so excited...
But thank you, for opening my eyes to a surfing au that I never expected to like so much, it didn't make me want to start surfing but that's okay cause I'm afraid of oceans.
Okay, this was so long, oopsies-
THANK YOU <33333333
I was literally smiling like an idiot the entire time reading this oh my god. My cheeks hurt from smiling. I may or may not have also cried a little. Thank you thank you so so much oh my god 😭😭😭 <3<3<3<3<3<3 like idek what to say
I'm so so glad you like my fics and the way I write and like just thank you so much for all the feedback like idk what to say just thank you so so much. You have just made my entire year if not my entire life <3<3<3<3<3<3 thank you thank you!!!
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Make Me Write Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @gummybugg (and others that may have mentioned me in past posts for this game...I have been a bit behind on everything lol). How did you know I've been procrastinating?!
So here are the rules:
Make a poll listing the tasks you need to work on for your project/WIP. Votes determine the order things get done!
Similarly to @gummybugg, I do want to get as much work done as possible, here, so I do plan to do ALL of these things at some point. So everything on this poll is kind of a priority.
Here goes...
It's a lot... I know.
To be completely clear, I haven't actually written 3 books. Or any spinoffs... I'm in the middle of book 2. And I'm still working on book 1 as well (done the first draft of it, and making edits/adjustments to it). Discussing spinoff ideas is just a thing I like doing with my friends when we talk about my writing sometimes. It's a lot of fun!
Anyways, I'll keep this up for a day, and see what we end up with!
Tagging these people to do this next: @exquisitecrow, @thelavenderwriter, @jessicawestonauthor, @winterandwords, @theunboundwriter, @hollyannewrites, @author-a-holmes, @toribookworm22, @mysticstarlightduck @lyutenw
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patchdotexe · 1 year
the KG masterpost, again,
hey guys who wants to read 50 paragraphs about my oc ok great here we go
the original version of this was very.. me cutting out a lot of What The Characters Actually Were Like to try and give an overview of out-of-character origins? which is fun but also does not actually tell you anything at all about them. SO IT'S TIME FOR THAT NOW
Katie G.:
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aka: KG, Prime pronouns: she/he/they
a cheerful and intentionally wacky person, KG has the permanent vibes of being "up to something". never anything malevolent (or at least not on purpose), but their friends are never really sure when they'll kick down their doors with an idea in mind. she's adaptable to just about every situation, treats everything like a fun game, and while she's able to take things seriously she never really sees a need to most of the time. he's just here to have fun! sure, chaos follows in his wake, but as long as everyone's having a good time it's fine, right?
in a setting where worldhopping was a normal thing, it became clear that something was up with Katie. originally her tendency to pop up regardless of universe was written off as her tagging along, but the difference between each version in appearance and backstory led to the idea that they had a lot of counterparts. except then one of the alternate KGs would reference something another version of herself did, or have knowledge that didn't make sense for her to know, and things stopped adding up.
KG is a case of isekai gone sideways. somehow they broke the multiverse and are existing in several universes at once-- each iteration shares awareness and memory unless stated otherwise, although it's all filtered through the pile of noise that is "existing as 17+ people simultaneously". as a result, KG mixes up names, dates, and universes, and has trouble keeping her story straight. it's not exactly something they can explain easily, so he does his best to handwave it or dodge the topic entirely if people start catching on. as an upside, she's basically immortal due to her status as a multiversal anomaly, but on the downside nobody's really sure what the long-lasting events of breaking the multiverse are.
how this works in practice is that KG has Really Weird Vibes, is permanently leaning on the fourth wall, and either goes Full Protagonist or relegates themself to comic relief to stay out of the spotlight. as a side-effect of The Incident, the "original" KG is firmly stuck outside of canon because of breaking everything she touches, but that doesn't stop her from causing a mess (to the annoyance of T1, her best friend and partner-in-crime) :D
under the cut: more of this guy! specifically the ~16ish other This Guys. i will make tumblr regret letting me add more than 10 photos per post and also not having a character limit
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aka: Kaylandia, Lan pronouns: they/he/she
kinda the basis for their own subset of AUs because you would not believe how many minecraft aus we keep getting involved in. occasionally younger (or older?) sibling of Leonaut and/or Leontids, resident self-proclaimed memelord, here to have a good time not a long one, etc.
despite their immaturity, Landia's been around a pretty long time. ..sort of. he predates the existence of dogs, but didn't really start being a Thing again until around 1.15 and his memory of The Before Times is very fuzzy. still, in a fandom where players from near the start are considered old gods, applying that to this doofus is really funny.
has a couple spinoffs including Dashtwo (time traveler that's more likely to mess things up than actually fix them, got adopted by the resident polycule) and...
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aka: Landia, Lan pronouns: they/he
(minecraft skin is a bit out of date, outfit in artwork is accurate)
branches off of Landia, but is separate enough at this point to get a fully distinct entry because [looks at notes] i love him. hailing from the far future, Lan used to be an infobroker for the ConVex thanks to their multiversal knowledge. then things went south when the ConVex found out he knew too much about them. on the run and in a panic, they tried to get off-planet as fast as possible, got knocked out, and woke up in the cargo hold of a spaceship belonging to a fleet of outlaws. somehow they managed to endear themself enough to the captain to not get kicked out immediately, and now he's a pilot for one of the ships in the fleet!
somehow none of that is the most notable thing about him. what is the most notable thing about him is that after getting a neural implant to better interface with technology, he immediately got infected with sapient malware. and also that sapient malware is also the AI of the ship he woke up on, which itself is a fork of a brain scan of a wanted criminal that attained digital immortality. the Broker AI is actually rather harmless; they mostly sit in the backseat and try to keep Lan from getting themself killed.
he's somehow even more overenthusiastic and overeager than your baseline KG. he's living like full-throttle, usually traumatizing himself in the process, and his plucky attitude is a bit out of place in life-threatening gunfights and dogfights. he knows the rest of 77-2 has his back, though.
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pronouns: they/he/she (alternating/scrambled)
cringefail pokemon trainer
hailing from Goldenrod City in Johto and then also Jubilife City in Sinnoh due to Reasons, Twone has a tendency to get in over their head. he mainly trains electric and fire types (with her starter being Eclipse the Luxray), and proudly calls themself a gym leader despite not having a gym. or any badges to give out. but she has plenty of enthusiasm and that's almost the same thing
through a series of Currently Undefined Events, Twone ended up joining up with Team Rocket and assisted in the radio tower takeover before getting sorely beaten by our other Pokemon OC Robyn. embarrassed and reconsidering her life choices, they bailed out while they still could and settled down in Sinnoh... and also stole a bunch of Rocket stuff on their way out.
currently known for: disappearing into the jungle for 3 days with a friend and returning with 3 Mews and a Mewtwo, alchemizing a bicycle, agreeing to get murdered by one of his best friends on the condition that they reference The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, getting exploded by voltorbs
technically newest addition to the roster, but he's been around a while? there was just. no art of him and the comic he was planned to show up in self-destructed before he could. but now he's back! and also is now the missing link between KG and Landia because of pixelmon.
KG the Foxcat:
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aka: Foxcat pronouns: she/they
Foxcat answers the long-awaited question of "what if KG was a furry?". happily sitting in the same zone of non-canonicity as Prime, Foxcat's job is to annoy the heck out of T1, reminisce about old fanfic, and make sprite comics of herself and her friends. they are very much not part of CV but that doesn't stop them from having a noncanon friendship with CVTails that mostly involves bullying him and locking him in the same room as T1 for comedy purposes.
Foxcat is currently the only non-hedgehog example of an Outsider, which is a thing from our old Sonic continuity Shattered Worlds that basically translates to "worldhopper with weird powers". i guess if Shadowy is Mephiles and Chrome is Silver, then Foxcat is Tails? which makes her hobby of collecting AU Tailses make more sense i guess. she thinks they're neat.
would eat a Chaos Emerald for fun.
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pronouns: she/he
didn't make the cut in the original masterpost, but then i noticed some wording in one of the MSPaint doodles of her and connected some dots so she's here now!
Ellis is the closest to pre-incident Prime in backstory and vibe, with the major divergence point being "suddenly there was an alien invasion". despite the rampant devastation, he banded together with her friends and was able to uncover the truth behind the invasion, stop it at the source, and hopped worlds a few times until settling down in somewhere close to home.
and then suddenly there was a zombie invasion.
Ellis is not a lucky person.
as far as out-of-universe timeline goes, Ellis is maybe the first instance of a KG? as in i think she was my first self-insert character, and the other KL era ones (kh!Katie, Plus, Self) were variations on her. between that and the worldhopping, Ellis is probably whatever part of Prime successfully got isekai'd instead of getting dumped in the noncanon void. where is he now? i dunno! he might've exploded. either that or she's a cryptid.
nicknamed "Ellis" because of that one time the friendgroup got really into Left 4 Dead. this may be related to the zombie invasion thing.
Katie & Teixak:
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aka: Heart (Katie), Tei (teixak) pronouns: she/her (both)
them. hoo boy, these two. Heart regularly hung out with the OCs from the KL era and was mostly slapstick, up until Sora's appearance and the involvement of the remnants of Organization XIII ended up being a herald of a Heartless invasion. side-by-side with her friend, Heart fought off as many as she could, but the two of them got overwhelmed along with the rest of her world and became Nobodies.
picking up where Katie left off, Teixak got recruited into the New Organization led by Rasemtix with the goal of "okay but what if we Did actually get everybody's hearts back". mostly she got left to her own devices, though, which included taking the mission objective of "study the canon KH characters to get an upper hand" and turning it into "hey Leixand what if we just locked everybody in a mansion for a few months and played truth or dare" until Rasemtix found out and yelled at her.
eventually Rasemtix's plan went off without a hitch because Dream Drop Distance hadn't come out yet, Teixak became Katie again except for the final chapter of YAToD where they both existed at the same time???, and then a decade later i found all my old fanfic about them and realized i should probably rewrite the KG masterpost
Kay Gee:
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aka: Kay pronouns: they/them
older sibling of local overworked CCC field agent Leo Naught, Kay is a troublemaker through and through. somehow they've ended up with the same Retry power as Henry, although they haven't quite ascended to the rank of master thief or high-ranking Toppat or special ops agent or whatever. mostly they just goof off and cause a little bit of chaos here and there, which leads to them being on the run from the CCC most of the time.
thanks to basically being immortal from both "being a KG" and their Retry power, as well as outright being able to rewind time and take a different path at any time, Kay doesn't take stuff too seriously and needs to be reminded now and then that their actions do in fact have consequences. whoops!
they are in SO much trouble.
comes bundled with their Stickmolus counterpart, a!Kay (or Akay). they're the exact same, it's just this one has inbuilt psychic powers on top of Retry and also is a fuzzy alien.
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aka: Zeff pronouns: she/her
a novice Dream Traveler, Zephyr is along for the ride more than anything else. she's very naive and prone to messing things up, but puts her all into fixing any problems she causes and tries to leave each world a better place than when she showed up. it doesn't always work.
she crosses paths with Klonoa now and then, and they have a kinda-sibling-ish dynamic? she's also friends with the reincarnated King of Sorrow because Reasons. (she calls them "Koss".)
i don't remember why she has four ears. i don't think it was ever explained. when she was younger / first starting out she hid them under her bandana but then she got self confidence about it. she also either has her own Wind Ring or borrows Klonoa's, i don't remember which - i think originally she borrowed Klonoa's, but then got her own later on?
stop everything. klonoa, get the banana
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aka: Katie A., kG pronouns: she/her
(image on right is Very old)
remember when homestuck? yeah. part of a 4-player (later 6-player) fan session from 2011ish, and while she wasn't quite the voice of reason she was definitely the voice of "WHAT THE FUCK?". originally her actual initials were KG and not just her chumhandle, but after finding out about her session's ectobiology she decided to break the mold and took her ecto-dad's last name.
her ecto-dad is also a First Guardian, a late-arrival session member, and the son of Ninten from Earthbound. i didn't process the implications of that last part until 10 years later.
originally she was the Scribe of Dawn in the Land of Ruins and Twilight, but she'd probably be a Heir of Heart now when using the canon classpects because [gestures at this entire masterpost]. her weapon of choice was bladekind i think, and eventually she ended up with a kusarigama But With A Sword and somehow didn't kill herself with it.
was like the only KL-era KG that wasn’t interchangeable with the others but HAHA NOT FOR LONG! although i think her reaction to being a crucial part of KGverse would be to turn around and leave. see you space weeb, have fun playing okami
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aka: karelessGuitarist, kG (the other one) pronouns: she/her
the troll version of Katie A., sort of! ish! they're both KGs and are a rare instance of there being more than one KG in the same setting, but they're still kinda from different universes so eh. i don't think they ever met.
in the previous version of the masterpost i described her as "the sequel to Nepeta" and that's still accurate. i don't have much documentation on her but i think her deal was that she would just beat the absolute shit out of people that were mean to her matesprit online. imagine you're blogging and a catgirl crawls through your window to punch you in the face
she didn't get much use but did cameo in a MSPFA as a cute kitty alien! (she's the one on the far left :D)
Plus & Minus:
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aka: Katie R., the Ride System pronouns: she/her (both), they/them (plural)
a resident of Echo Ridge and rather withdrawn, Katie R. struggled with identity and finding a place to belong. despite making friends and having the whole world open up in front of her, finding out about the extended multiverse only made her struggle harder to find somewhere to fit in, and this rising stress (along with the chaos of being one of the first KGs) caused her to buckle under the pressure.
this got the attention of the FM-ian Gemini. now with the ability to wavechange into Gemini Spark, the two Katies scuffled over choosing to be heroes or be villains. Plus wanted to use her new powers to fight evil and help her friends, while Minus was teenage angst and trauma personified and would sabotage Plus at every turn. this led to Gemini Spark being more of a hindrance than anything else, especially once the Andromeda Key came into play.
these two are terrible plural rep. but they also ended up being a stepping stone to figuring out my plurality! so they have one (1) rights.
two of them thursday
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aka: Katie Adagio pronouns: she/her
originally a percy jackson OC, now is... i don't know??? generic urban fantasy? in the PJatO incarnation she was a daughter of Apollo and got cursed to be a cat after royally screwing up a quest (it never fully wore off). on the plus side, she now has catlike reflexes on top of her demigod powers of incredible aim!
also she a cane (not pictured) because apparently she got mauled by a hellhound and has a permanent limp as a result and i did not remember this until looking up the deviantart posts Just Now? what the heck. she also has a mechanical wolf as a companion, which you'd think would set off the hellhound-induced dog phobia that's mentioned several times in her old bio but.. eh...?
her non-fandom incarnation, on the other hand, got caught in a gateway between the human and magical worlds which gave her a) truesight b) cool glowy magical tattoos and c) being a catgirl. the "being a catgirl" is a constant.
might've graduated from being a KG but i like including her anyway because her design's fun and it's not like i ever wrote the urban fantasy story she was gonna be the protag of
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aka: SI pronouns: she/her
second instance of a KG after Ellis, and out-of-character she's one of the reasons why the "multiversal anomaly" thing started in the first place because she was interchangeable with Heart, Plus, and Ellis. she just straight up doesn't bother making a distinction between herself and her "other selves", and everybody around her just kinda has to deal with it. it helps that she's from the KL era so worldhopping and AUs were just kinda a thing that happened all the time.
she kinda ended up being part of a trio with two other characters that would show up in other timelines, although Self's universe was the main one where all three of them were together i think.
her Personas are Nekomata and Byakko and i honestly don't remember anything else about her compared to the other KGs from her era because of the whole "being interchangeable" thing.
ok that's everybody. bye
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itsbrucey · 9 months
STOP I'M SHAKING YOUR HAND SO HARD ON EVERYTHING YOU SAID IN RESPONSE TO MY TAGS Erin with the fancy fur outfits and cool makeup is you reading my mind DARRYL WITH ALL THE PAEDENS I'M GONNA CRY AAAAAA 😭 AND DAMN IT THAT WILLY IDEA IS SO GOOD FUCK I'M ALREADY OBSESSED WITH HIM okay Nick, Nicolas, and Nicky being played by separate actors is *also* very funny and reminds me of a post someone made a *while* back (don't think I'd be able to find it unfortunately) wherein those three live together in an apartment and now I'm thinking about that again it's. It's the fucking low-budget spinoff series that's somehow way better than it should be- in any case imagining all of their actors being silly in behind-the-scenes footage AH AND NICK AND GLENN'S ACTORS HANGING OUT YEAH I-
I think we're thinking of the same post but yeah,,, all the flavors of Nick being separate actors is so fun bc it literally WOULD be a different person but Jodie and Glenn are still fighting over this random kind in a Ralph Lauren polo.
AND YES. I stand firm that Erin O'Neil would be DRAPED in fur. Her costuming needs to be EXTRA. LUSH. EXTRAVAGANT. CARNIVORE QUEEN! It would make the dads stand out even more + she deserves it.
I've seen it in other fandoms but the Villian Actor being like....normal and nice outside of their character always gets me so I imagine Willy as like. The one to cough and take a sip of whatever after a bunch of brutal shouting and then high-five Scary. Let the Teens wear the cloak. Be super good friends with Ron's actor......
Darryl having all the Paeden kids on his back/dangling from his arms/holding onto his legs. That's what I want. And I imagine there's the MAIN PAEDEN. THE ALPHA. and the rest get wigs/styled like him but it's essentially a Wolfpack of children who LOVE their job.
GLENN AND NICK'S ACTOR SMOKING BUT ITS FAKE VAPES AND BLUNTS..... Movie magic ( bonus points if Glenn doesn't actually smoke and it's just for the show)
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
you tagged this post with fernando alonso (i feel like a journalist coming at you with incriminating documents) and obviously i thought about the numbering at bethlehem, do you want to think about what would be his role in it ? could he be a professor ??
Ok so I actually had a whole side plot in the maxiel spinoff that never got written, described here. TL;DR Fernando is Daniel's housemate, a PhD student in English who did, like, a PhD in Spanish first and is now Back In Academia To Try Again, and also is dating Max's roommate Carlos Sainz.
Oops I wrote a whole fic concept below the cut
Fernando served two functions in the story. Plot-wise, I needed a way to get Max and Daniel interacting after daylight hours, on purpose. Otherwise they would have just kept getting coffee on Mondays and it never would have gone anywhere. Having Fernando bring Daniel over to Carlos's room, to meet him, and then oh shit out walks MAX, is the event that kicks the whole thing into gear.
But of course, he's also a foil for Daniel. In so many ways, he's what Daniel wishes he could be (he gets an interview, at the beginning of the fic, and a job by the end of it. He's dating Carlos, without a qualm about it.) But in other ways, he's who Daniel is terrified of becoming: still lurking around a college campus past the age where it's cute, taking endless cracks at the market, fucking this undergrad which, it's sleazy, right? Daniel judges him for it almost as much as he judges himself for wanting it.
In the first scene I wrote, Daniel is hungover because Fernando dragged him out to celebrate getting a flyout, and his throat is sore because he bummed too many of Fernando's cigarettes. That's Fernando, to him: his best and worse self all rolled into one, getting everything Daniel wants in the sleaziest way possible.
I alluded to the fact that Fernando and Carlos break up, around spring break, and to possible carlando after that (since in true shakespearean fashion, everyone ends up paired off). Since the only thing I can think about anymore is estenando, I'm very tempted to throw Esteban in here as well. I like the idea of an Esteban who's younger than Fernando, but still actually kind of a peer. Like maybe he's a PhD student in *spins wheel* Spanish literature, teaching first year Spanish, and maybe the department periodically organizes lunch tables, where students can speak with native speakers, and Fernando goes for the free food and meets Esteban, and makes fun of his accent, and why a Frenchman is studying Cervantes (why anyone under the age of 80 is studying Cervantes, actually), and Esteban gives back as good as he gets and Fernando starts falling.
Maybe even while he's still dating Carlos. Maybe it's why he and Carlos break up. Life is messy.
Anyway by the time they get together Fernando is already on his way out, has his job offer in hand, and so it's fun and easy and time-bounded and if they're hopelessly, head over heels in love, maybe neither of them notices. Or feels the need to say it out loud. Maybe it's just good, while it lasts. Or maybe they find a way to live happily ever after. I'll let you know, if I ever write it.
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fluffy-critter · 1 year
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lukewarmkraftsingle · 2 years
hello, tumblr user adekuscrub.  i am the anon who sent you the ask about reigen's divorce.
i would firstly like to apologize for the demeanor of my previous ask: from what xkit tells me, it was 27 minutes after the ball dropped for new years and i was facing my most cathartic experience yet.  following a dream where i was in love with reigen (note: i am aroace), i fell madly obsessed with mp100 and was desperately searching the tags, posting like a kpop girl and her bias. in that sudden delirium (where i was also screaming silently in a discord voice call), i had stumbled upon a fateful video.
if it was any other night, im certain i would give a good chuckle, queue, and move on. but it was not that night. i was absolutely taken. even now, as i think of what to say next, i am replaying the video in another tab because it tickles me so. im going to leave it on loop now. anyways, as you might have guessed: your video had sent me into a frenzied state of dire need.
surprisingly, i didnt have any of the questions you delved into. i believe the mere idea of reigen, a 29-year-old man, being wrecked by divorce and now raising a 14-year-old teenager, was enough to launch my brain into the stratosphere. as i recall, the feeling was akin to being High As Hell and discovering birds can fit in your mouth. (small birds, anyway. im not sure someone can fit an eagle). all i needed was context, information, anything that could add into the brand new fantasy my mind had begun to leech on.
and, as i had asked, you delivered. i greatly enjoyed the screenshots, by the way. and the cat ears gamer headset reigen rendition. i have saved that image to my photos folder for my private enjoyment. i am grateful for the response, as it has brought me several fits of giggles and satisfaction to my mp100-riddled mind. and now, after three unnecessary asks (my apologies. i know its a lot), i will go into my own commentary on the mp100 divorced au.
Of course hes gay. Why wouldn’t he be? as a serirei fan myself, i imagine the ultimate continuation of reigen’s disastrous love life would be finding comfort in his anxiety-riddled employee/business partner (i feel like they addressed his title in the reigen spinoff, but i cannot remember at the moment).  in this same line, yes, it would be difficult imagining reigen married to a woman.  but, as you have already addressed, this is an alternative universe of our own making.  more so, this is a story of discovering oneself through messy trial and error. course, i dont think hes actually been through several divorces, as “trial and error” implies. just the one.
as for with whom: i didnt know what a ‘lavender wedding’ was either, but found it entertaining all the same. i imagine they would have met at reigen’s old job, maybe bonding over similar feelings of loneliness. and maybe the divorce is what lead reigen to quitting said job. something like a not-so-midlife midlife crisis. but, as i mentioned, i enjoy the theme of self discovery. this reasoning is also why i cannot bring myself to entertain the ‘ex-husband from reigen spinoff’ pipeline, because it would the same thing.  sorry, gays.
unfortunately, this has brought me into a rut, because i cannot for the life of me think of an identity for our mysterious ex wife.  i suppose the ex-coworker idea would work. if it means going into my tastes, her lesbianism would get retconned.  though now that i think about it, who said she had to be a lesbian during their marriage? maybe she went into self-discovery, too.  yes, i think i like this idea more.  it would bring up the possibility of an epilogue, a rehashing of old dirt and patching up sore feelings.  maybe a friendship shaped from divorce.  i dont know.
to end this dialogue (as i am suddenly aware that the google doc is nearing 800 words), however or whoever reigen settled this divorce with is up to viewers discretion, of course.  i find more enjoyment in the emotions reigen would experience post-divorce.  how would it feel, knowing your confidant wouldnt, couldnt, accept such an integral piece of you?  how would that loneliness sink into you, as you struggle to find another partner who stand to be near you, much less deal with your lies and fakeouts?  you want to be someone, but nobody wants you to be that person, their person.  its sweetly disgusting how these thoughts swirl in my head.  i guess i just like to push this guy’s buttons.
my apologies. i meant to end it there, but i went on another tangent instead. either way, i hope my thoughts brings you something to consider.  you probably werent expecting a letter.  and im sure some of these thoughts were a bit irrelevant… nonetheless! i open my sincere feelings to you, spurred by passion, delirium, and some sort of disease in my little head. thank you so much for reading, if you ever got to this point.  feel free to respond at your leisure.
p.s. you might be wondering why im speaking like this. you see, your reply was a surprise to me: it held the cadence of some sort of indie author receiving their first fan letter, passionate and inquisitive. have you ever watched a film or video with an accent or way or speaking, and, whether by accident or on purpose, you adopt said accent? you could say this was what happened. because no i dont normally write like this. Also i love that ACNL track; it brings fond memories.
[the previous ask. for posterity. what can i say. i like to be thorough]
thanks for the follow-up! the situation unfolds. this was received in a similar manner to the previous one, first thing in the morning, but much earlier, i must admit. as the invigoration of the holidays fades from view, unfortunately, i am being reminded that i have items that i am responsible for, and life is slowly fitting itself back into the typical slog. lovely way to begin such a day, however! that little blue dot on my inbox was as a freshly received, carefully sealed letter which i could not wait to simply tear into. an excellent letter indeed, the sort that i want to read many times over and fully soak in. unfortunately, i am quite bad with envelopes. i can never get a clean peel, or tear across the top, without the entire thing going into little pieces. it's a bit of a weak point for me, but i am too stubborn to use a letter opener. i suppose it doesn't matter. the envelope is not as important as the contents, and you have certainly given me some contents. truly, the envelope icon is a lovely skeuomorph.
enough of that, though. i am absolutely floored. this is all i ever could have hoped for in response. i will attempt to address things in an orderly fashion.
i understand your frenzied circumstances, certainly. it reminds me somewhat of how i felt after i watched mob psycho. well. it reminds me a bit too much of how i watched mob psycho.
this needs to be approached as i approached it. i am not an anime watcher. certainly not. i have dabbled previously, but not with any depth. it's not an uncommon thing on the internet, especially when you have friends who are into anime. the most i had seen was some of my hero academia, some of ouran high school, and the game theory ddlc videos, which may or may not count as anime. i am not a man of anime experience. however, i am a man of mishandling television.
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please ignore the current state of my profile. a recent development. it doesn't matter. my profile picture was certainly not reigen at the time.
this is a message sent moments before disaster. and the verdict?
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all within 6 days. it's not a terribly long show. could have been worse, yes?
but oh. i have now remembered. i have repeatedly neglected to clear my browser history. for months. many other things stuck in a similar purgatory. it's fine. it provides me with information such as this:
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(not to worry. all watched for free, so subbed at the time, with the most powerful ad-blocker known to man, mind you. this is a screenshot of firefox history, okay, and those blocker things run like crazy. my ad-blocker does not mess around.)
started september twenty-third at 9:11 pm, ended on september twenty-fourth at 4:19 pm. all within less than twenty-four hours. i feels as though we are taking part in some sort of mental illness competition. no one is winning. and i say this with affection.
i shortly after dragged gf into this, and we both watched to the end of season 3, through, ah, let's say, alternate means. lovely. and mob psycho is now my go-to thing that i absolutely will not shut up about. my divorce musings should be sufficient proof.
i can't say that it was driven by any sorts of uh. dreams. as yours was that night. but my god. what a way to kick off the new year for you. that is just. i don't even know what to do with that information. i simply need to take it in, over and over. what a couple of paragraphs. what a description. i love it.
i am glad that the cat ear headphones reigen has been well-appreciated. i suppose i only have one other tidbit to add about that image: they are based on a pair i had myself when i was younger. a dearly beloved pair of headphones. i have since misplaced them. they are not fully lost, simply lying in wait, in the depths of some sort of storage area type of situation. the sort of thing you find when you decide to re-organize your room one day.
well. i could elaborate a bit more. there are, in fact, more mspaint drawings.
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here is one based on the artful combination of my old discord status and picture, and
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here is one that gf used as a profile picture! matching profile pictures! adorable. hers changed shortly after mine did. we were both holding out to see who would change first. an unspoken war. i lost to that one piece of art for the show, made for the urban legends episode, i believe. the one that is in the screenshots from the last post. but how could i not? it is such a beautiful image. to me. i love it dearly. as to avoid repeating myself, i have left some Normal tags on a post containing it, if you are inclined to dig a bit for them.
i am glad that you have garnered such enjoyment from my video, though. personally, when i make something like that, i'll open up my videos folder occasionally and watch it a few times over. that happened more with the video i made for the last response, though. i quite like the feel of that one. i just end up being entirely too pleased with my own silly videos.
a handful of my postings betray a similar appreciation for gay business men. this is the clear follow-up to divorce in my mind. and as i recall from the reigen manga, there was an addressing of Serizawa's title: i believe that it is officially "my man," of course, the highest honor an employee can be given. incredible.
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(i know what you are actually referring to, but i do not have the actual part on hand, terribly sorry.)
i do appreciate your placement of self-discovery and trial and error as a vital point for all of this, and as it has brought me to further thoughts. i would like to elaborate on that a bit more in tandem with societal expectations, all while getting vaguely personal, as that is the only way i can think clearly to properly get my ideas across.
like most, i would venture to say, i have lived a very large portion of my life in an environment where heterosexuality was very much the standard situation. a place where any sorts of marriages followed by gayness-induced divorces or lavender weddings would be born. my younger years were filled with a specific idea of what an "attractive person" should be, how "crushes" should happen in pre-teen through teenage years, and other items along those lines. i figure these typical standards are familiar. for myself, they birthed a sort of good ol' 'merican suburbia-induced conundrum. out of an unshakable and then unidentifiable confusion from these standards, i shut myself out of entertaining any sort of thoughts of relationships outside of platonic ones, and, to a degree, i found comfort in aroace labels as i learned those terms, simply because i did not experience attraction in the ways that people around me were peddling. for myself, my distaste for such things was not born of a very healthy place. being the young and generally introverted person i was, i found it much easier to shut out anything romantic, rather than partaking in any sort of aggressive generic heterosexuality, as a certain divorced au man may have. that man interacts with complete strangers so much. it scares my poor, fragile, introverted heart.
do not be mistaken. i deeply respect the Aroace Grind, dearest anonymous tumblr person, my belovèd. i impart my blessings unto you. may your lack of such attractions be born of the beauty of self-acceptance. i wish you the best in whatever Degree of Not Being Romantically Attracted to Reigen Arataka you partake in outside of the world of dreams. keep it real. etcetera.
anyway. i do not remember if there was ever one deciding moment, but i gradually started to realize through some amount of reflection and experience that i did have desires for romance and other sorts of things that follow, but not on the "typical" terms. and it was certainly a long process of self-discovery for me. in fact, it was only a couple of months ago that i thought slightly more than what would be normal about a side character in a television show who did not match the typical image of Hyper Attractive Male Actor, thought about it a bit harder, then realized that i, traditionally not a man, have successfully been duped by male beauty standards for my entire life. this is my official announcement. i do not care for famous men alarmingly toned 6 foot tall jawline whatever. memories of my mother and old school acquaintances talking about actors following that description being attractive rush to my mind. unfortunate circumstances. but i am allowed a bit of heterosexuality. as a treat.
i do not know if you have had similar experiences in coming to understand yourself, dearest anonymous person, but that is the story i have generated to understand myself. i am quite a fan of narratives that allow me to compartmentalize my own mental processes. and thus, it is how i have come to think about divorced au. reigen, raised around similar expectations, figured that as an adult man, he should be in a typical heterosexual marriage. i think this fits in with what little knowledge we have of his family, mostly from the recent fanbook. they all seem to want him to have a "normal" life, and maybe they quit talking altogether after the divorce. although there is some hope, as he does want to rekindle that relationship. the true reasons for the marriage and depth of awareness of other sorts of attractions are up for interpretation, as i am not offering anything terribly concrete, but my thinking about divorced au comes from my own experiences of suppression, trial, and frequent error.
is it okay if i come up for air for a moment? a brief moment of self-awareness? because this was born of a complete one-off stupid video i made in maybe an hour max from idea to completion. and i'm now projecting my own problems and insecurities onto it. what the hell. actually what the hell. what am i even doing man. i have other ideas about mob psycho characters, hell, i have an au idea that i have been obsessing over born of personal experiences first (i might be tempted to go into that at some point too who knows), but the divorced au is the one that gets thousands of words???? the divorced au????? the one that's only out there because i made funy mob drawing???????????? anon person i am grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you back and forth like some kinda cartoon character
anyway. enough of that. enough of the hater part of my brain. i'm having too much fun with this.
bringing up the fanbook has brought another thought to mind: one of the major parts that was hyped up for it was information about reigen's past love life, which, in beautiful reigen fashion, was a showstopping display of dodging the question entirely. if the man is divorced au, it could be a touchy subject, or a situation too complicated to explain. it gives off that very generic perception of heterosexual romance.
i appreciate that you've also fit in some of the themes straight from the show shockingly well. that really stands out in the part where you're talking about how reigen would take it. his struggles with loneliness, with his family's expectations, his other side especially, taking into account his conversation with mob in the finale. feeling unwanted. he may already be a bit more than 16% divorced in vibes. i don't even have anything to add to that, i love how you put it.
straying completely and entirely from the mob psycho discussion, your noting of my tone completely and fully warms my heart, truly. i think it's strange that we tend to do that, pick up on how other people speak. personally, my vocabulary has certainly been completely wrecked by reading a large amount of books when i was younger and a vast quantity of stupid posts on the internet. always glad to be writing things for fun, though. i see it as a sort of puzzle. i enjoy finding the exact words i want to use and meshing them together to flow from one sentence to the next, ensuring that i don't repeat too many as to maintain healthy variety, and frequently re-reading parts to convey my ideas as clearly as i can, even if they still end up mildly incoherent and silly - such a roadblock is inevitable in considering divorced au. i get myself into a certain mood when i want to explain something, and it is electrifying, especially when i do it out loud. i am usually an incredibly timid speaker, reserving myself to only a handful of words at a time and letting other people lead in conversation, but once i feel comfortable and reach a place where i have knowledge and ideas to provide, the cadence of my speaking quickens, i give more thought to the arrangements of my words, my voice reaches the height of its volume and full timbre, and i feel as though i could just talk for hours. it is definitely one of my favorite feelings. i still keep my usual stutterings, but rather than dwelling on them, i find myself gliding over them as i do in performing music; a finger slips, but i continue to the next phrase all the same.
that type of speaking does not translate over exactly to my typing, but when i begin typing anything with great length, i fall into a similar style. for myself, this sort of tone is typically reserved for writing in more professional or academic settings, but occasionally, i offer myself the opportunity to splurge on a silly idea or a niche passion, and it restores my soul, in a way. it places me in that mood where i could go on for hours. of course, if i am writing something in a different setting, it does contain capitalization, but outside of that, i'm really not a capitals kinda guy. i am a huge advocate of attempting to type as speech, generally, especially while texting, and my voice simply isn't that poignant, i suppose. the google dictionary claims that my usage of "poignant" is both archaic and metaphorical, but i do not particularly care.
i meant to add the profile picture, but i didn't want to cut into the pace of my writing. here it is. in all its mspaint glory. whatever sort of conversation led up to it was absolutely, definitely, mind-numbingly stupid. it's fine.
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and to wrap it up, once again, i feel the need to reiterate, this is the most incredible response i could ever receive from my ramblings. the most incredible.
oh. let me go ahead and stick the second ask into here too, for the sake of brevity:
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much appreciated! god has given me very limited knowledge of html, and i will use it to create a barely functioning hodgepodge of a blog. i hope they're okay with that. gf doesn't like it. i think she just fears my power. my favorite detail is resizing the window. almost everything is decently configured for that.
i hope this addresses your concerns, and maybe adds on some new ones, too!
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hellinglasses · 2 years
beloved mutual and actual fruit warfare @blackberrywars tagged me on the wip game and here!! are the rules:
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of  how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips
so i did the thing and scavenged through my google docs archives while shaking slightly in anticipation and found several works in various states of progress, spanning several years and fandoms. the only currently active are the two marked in bold letters while subsequent spinoffs in that universe are italicised. and i cannot stress enough how much these wouldn’t be even happening without berry and @girls-and-honey. while not all these are going to see the light of day, i really am full of love for all these ideas and thought it would be nice to include them too, and maybe other folks would think about those blorbos in those situations and feel what i’ve felt too
the witcher
himym theme but played on lute and jaskier screaming
our flag means death
izzy and ed are those girls from jennifer's body and stede reunites them through the power of rv
how to have your girlfriend spell out for you the love is stored in the hot TA
ed teach town cryptid
holiday shenanigans for polycules and mamas
the new adventures of pissed off dad izzy
the silmarillion and assorted jirt work
that lilo and stitch au that grew out of my control
fringe but make it second age middle-earth
what happens after the love of your life
finding nemo but without fish but actually losing your bother when you’re sleep deprived in a bus station after fighting your whole extended family
this is entirely powered by suzi quatro soundtracks but above all no control, or, bev is dean winchester
eddie kaspbrak gets to be patrick dempsey on made of honor (2008)
victorian losers fuck off to maine working doc
discovery investigation documentary
the ahs asylum au
good omens
good omens but it’s stranger things but different
gravity falls
the gravity falls x-men au
i also cannot stress enough that if you’re curious about any of these i’d love love love to go off about it and please feel free to ask about more than one, or multiple if you want, brain is literally sizzling with all the blorbo emotion and the possibility of sharing it
i’m tagging @fist-amidst-the-hands i’m not sure who else would like to play but this is absolutely an open invitation
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