#I adore ren
ashusee · 2 months
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Today we are bringing a small pegoryu sticker we made for redbubble , as always @kwoomochi my beloved partner did the awesome colouring :3
We've been compiling all the persona existing outfits there are and this one god... Feral
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soup-in-my-fly · 6 months
I just finished Fervent Care of Dying Things and BOYYYYY I am NOT ok
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Also inspired some domestic ren x law fluff <3
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(With accompanying lyrics from Dom andra by Kent)
Fic link
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tratatdragonlord · 2 years
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Joker can be scary when he's protecting a certain someone (named goro akechi)
Aka my part of the collab I did on twitter for day two of AkeShuAke fluff week!
Here’s the fic!
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easyaesthetics · 2 years
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Click to see Joker and Akechi’s couples shirts :)
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puhochi · 6 months
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fleetwood-cheese · 9 months
Morgana is SOOO little sibling coded it makes me insane. We share a room. You care about me and my well being but youre gonna express it in the most obnoxious way possible. You want to do everything i do and go everywhere i go. You want to steal my food and choose where we eat but you’re definitely not paying for it. You have a crush on one of my friends and its super obvious but we dance around it bc your cute and we dont want to hurt your feelings. Youre teaching me things i already know or could probably guess, and dont have complete information, but im listening to you anyway bc it makes you feel seen and needed and important. We would go through hell for one another but we’ll never say it outright and just tease each other instead.
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elodee · 4 months
ReNDoG x Borderlands
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For Rendog I chose the first-person looter shooter video game series Borderlands!
Ren's base this season reminds me a lot of Borderlands (at least so far). With its desolate landscape, eccentric naming conventions, and industrial buildings put in place by a morally questionable mega-conglomerate, it would fit right in as a setting in one of these games.
Borderlands is an incredibly fun (and funny) game series that I highly recommend playing if you've never picked it up before. However, the games have a lot of adult humor and are very violent, though the violence is played for laughs. If you're familiar with the character Deadpool, Borderlands has a very similar energy.
To learn more about Borderlands and see my style references, continue below the cut.
(Congratulations on crushing the Gamers Outreach fundraiser goal!)
Borderlands is a series of first person looter shooter games set in an open world with a procedurally generated weapon system. The plot of the games follows a group of protagonists with various abilities who complete missions and explore the planet (usually a place called Pandora) in order to find and unlock a fabled treasure trove called a Vault. These Vault Hunters (shoutout Iskall) are not exactly heroes, but as the player you have the option to help people along the way.
There is a lot more to the Vault Hunters' adventures throughout the games that just looking for treasure. Each game has an engaging plot and memorable characters, but the the core gameplay for the entire series is this: shoot, kill, loot a badass new gun, rinse and repeat.
Borderlands is a blast to play and no two playthroughs are exactly the same. It's also great fun to play with your friends and has an excellent multiplayer mode. The series also has a unique aesthetic that makes it look like you're playing in a 3D comic book. The effect is really cool.
Style references:
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The games take place mostly on Pandora, a desert planet which has a lot of abandoned industrial buildings and machinery from various intergalactic corporations. Most of what the companies left behind have since been looted and incorporated into ramshackle towns populated by the locals.
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This is Handsome Jack, the primary antagonist from the second game. The games use hand-drawn textures for the characters, which create the comic book-like feel.
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The Borderlands title design.
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berryless · 3 months
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Ren [REDACTED] from @14dayswithyou Fan SoundTrack
(cover edited from official blog related pictures)
Spotify | YouTube Music | Yandex Music
American Authors — What We Live For
We're taking off, woo This is what I live for Baby, you're my open road You can take me anywhere the wind blows Right into the great unknown We can throw our hands up out the window This is what we live for Hey! We look up at the stars A perfect night to dream with you Got 90's retro on the radio, our favorite tune (Hey!) I put the pedal to the metal just to laugh with you It's interstellar, when it's just us two
Где Фантом? — Я тебя люблю
А на кухне суп мой стынет, в голове одно: "Я тебя люблю" Мяч гоняю по двору, в голове одно: "Я тебя люблю" Сны хорошие и плохие, в голове одно: "Я тебя люблю" В этом городе где-то ходишь, всё никак тебя не найду
Rough translation:
My soup's going cold in the kitchen, my mind goes, "I love you." Playing ball in the yard, my mind goes, "I love you." Dreaming good dreams and bad dreams, my mind goes, "I love you." You're walking around in this town, I can't find you.
Mosimann, Joe Cleere — Never Let You Go
All my faith All my love In a pile Light it up Things I'd burn To keep you warm And in the storm I'll never let you go, oh-oh
Deepend, Phil Soda, Lono — I Hate Everyone But You
Been everywhere, searching for something that ain't there I been wandering, and I don't know what's wrong with me So sick and tired, these people leave me uninspired 'Cause no one else could ever bring me to my knees I don't want nobody else in my bed Rather talk with you instead Or maybe it's just all in my head What should I do? I try to find someone new But I hate everyone but you It's true And I don't mean to be so rude I hate everyone but you
Cinema Bizarre — Deeper and Deeper
I'm fallin' deeper and deeper Getting sweeter and sweeter You can't obscure desire 'Cause you learn as it grows It's so strong It lingers on Forever
Нервы — Волшебная
Ты - солнце, ты - звёзды Ты, ты, ты точно не Земля Ты сложна, ты, ты, ты, ты так просто Но кто с тобой я Мы гуляем по краям Бессконечно нежная Не чужая, не моя Но ты волшебная
Rough translation:
You're the sun, you're the stars You, you, you, you're definitely not Earth You're complicated, you, you, you, you're so easy But who am I with you. We walk on the edges Endlessly tender Not a stranger, not mine But you're magical
Мумий Тролль — Фантастика
Осталось никаких сомнений Похоже, счастлив я И не слегка
Всё это ты! И ты – не привидение Фантастика, фантастика! Неужто мы Остаёмся вместе навека, навека?
Rough translation:
No doubts left It seems I'm happy And not just somewhat
It's all you! And you're not an illusion Fantastic, fantastic! Are we Staying together forever, forever?
Official translation:
I have no doubts, no hesitation Secure in who I am Everything's all right
And because of you One word whispered Fantastica, fantastic Our love is true Tangled up together Our galaxy The stars I give to you
All that we dream Comes true in this moment I'll keep you warm and safe Never let you go
Who's Molly? — Until I Found You
I didn't know what life was till' I found you Am I wasting my time? Until I found you Going out of my mind Until I found you I need you back here tonight I didn't know what life was till I found you Oh, until I found you
ТОКИО — Если Да
Я смотрю в твои глаза И тону в своей любви Я прошу лишь слово Если ты готова Пусть об этом скажут губы твои
Если да - тогда все звёзды в твоих руках Тогда все улицы в облаках именем твоим Если да - мы не расстанемся никогда Мы будем вместе с тобой всегда если да Всё зависит от тебя
Rough translation:
I look into your eyes And I'm drowning in my love I only ask for a word If you're ready Let your lips speak for you
If yes, then all the stars are in your hands Then all the streets are in the clouds in your name If yes, we will never part We will always be together if so It all depends on you
Muse — I Belong To You
I can't find the words to say They're overdue I've traveled half the world to say I belong to you
Weezer — Happy Together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you For all my life When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue For all my life
Звери — Не Важно
Не важно, кто спутал маршруты Кто кинул нас круто Кто впарил нам жажду Однажды я стану минутой Я стану минутой твоей каждой!
Rough translation:
It doesn't matter who tangled the routes Who screwed us over Who duped us to thirst One day I'll be a minute I'll be every minute of your life
Cody Fry — I Hear a Symphony
I used to hear a simple song That was until you came along You took my broken melody And now I hear a symphony
Dневник Dжессики — Когда ты улыбаешься
Ночь выжигает мои пьяные мысли Видишь, как неб�� над нами зависло? Сколько мне ждать, когда ты успокоишься? Вниманье твоё — это моя утопия
Когда ты улыбаешься, ноги подгибаются Тело рассыпается, планета взрывается Когда ты улыбаешься, когда ты улыбаешься
Rough translation:
The night burns away my drunken thoughts See how the sky hangs over us? How long do I have to wait for you to calm down? Your attention is my utopia.
When you smile, my legs buckle My body crumbles, the planet explodes When you smile, when you smile
STERVELL — Вот Увидишь
Ночь, гроза И я ревную тебя к ветрам Что могут обнимать тебя Дождь, а я Всё так же ревную к его каплям Целующим твои глаза
Rough translation:
Night, thunderstorm And I'm jealous of the winds That can embrace you The rain, and I'm Still jealous of its drops Kissing your eyes
Matt Maltese — As The World Caves In
Oh, it's you that I lie with As the atom bomb locks in Yes, it's you I welcome death with As the world, as the world caves in
Земфира — Кто?
В руки твои умру, в руки твои опять Не долетевший Икар.
Кто показал тебе звезды утром? Кто научил тебя видеть ночью? Кто, если не я? Я, я всегда буду за тобой Я, я всегда буду за тебя Нет, не отпущу
Rough translation:
Into your hands I'll die, into your hands again Icarus who didn't make it
Who showed you the stars in the morning? Who taught you to see at night? Who else but me? I, I'll always be behind you. I, I'll always be for you. No, I won't let go.
Три Дня Дождя — Где Ты
Ты не знаешь меня даже по имени Но я снова у тебя за спиной Ты задела всё живое внутри меня И одна шагаешь снова домой (домой)
Я сделал бы тело себе из твоего запаха Я двери сносил бы с петель, чтоб ты заплакалаЯ Продал бы душу, затем отнял обратно Чтоб ты любила меня неадекватного
Rough translation:
You don't even know my name But I'm right behind you again You've impacted every living part inside of me And you're walking home alone
I'd make a body for myself out of your scent I'd tear doors off their hinges to make you cry I'd sell my soul, then take it back So you'd love a madman like me
Три Дня Дождя — Иду За Тобой
Отведи меня туда, где потеплее Я держу тебя за руку, и губы немеют Ты бы знала, как я сильно не хочу домой Тебя касаюсь и жалею, что живой Я иду за тобой по лесам Ищу тебя по коридорам, серым этажам Я предвкушаю, как я скоро всё тебе отдам Убей меня, наблюдая, как схожу с ума, в поисках себя
Rough translation:
Take me somewhere warmer I hold your hand and my lips go numb If only you knew how much I don't want to go home I touch you and regret I'm alive I follow you through the woods Looking for you through the corridors, the gray floors I'm anticipating how soon I'll give you my everything Kill me by watching me go crazy, searching for myself
Saint Motel — Sweet Talk
You're probably not aware That I'm even here Well, you might not know I exist But I don't even care Sweet talk Everything you say It sounds like Sweet talk to my ears You could yell "Piss off! Won't you stay away?" It'd still be Sweet talk to my ears
Моя Дорогая — Моя Дорогая
Моя дорогая, я не так далеко Ты можешь убить меня, не обнимая Моя дорогая...
Rough translation:
My dear, I'm not that far away, You can kill me without embracing me, My dear…
IVEMBR — Реплики и Роли
Оставим реплики и роли Героям посредственных фильмов Рядом с тобой я свободен Твой звонкий смех — моя сила
Озеро глаз твоих плачет Слёзы реками впадают В этих глазах всё без фальши К этим глазам меня тянет
Rough translation:
Let's leave the lines and the roles To mediocre movies' heroes With you, I'm free Your clear laughter is my strength
The lake of your eyes is weeping Tears flow in rivers Those eyes reflect no falsehoods Those eyes draw me in
Перемотка — Как Тебя Покорить
Как тебя покорить Как тебя покорить не знаю я Не проходит без этой мысли дня Не проходит и дня
Просыпаюсь и вновь Дышу я тобой Живу я тобой Живу я тобой
Rough translation:
How to win you over I don't know how to win you over Not a day goes by without that thought Not a day goes by
I wake up and again I breathe (because of) you I live (because of) you I live (because of) you
Imagine Dragons — Follow You
You know I got your number, number all night I'm always on your team, I got your back, alright Taking those, taking those losses if it treats you right I wanna put you into the spotlight
I will follow you way down wherever you may go I'll follow you way down to your deepest low I'll always be around wherever life takes you You know I'll follow you
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Let’s be real it ain’t enemies to lovers unless the villain is an overpowered ruler of darkness who is willing to give the world to the humble protector of the light
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sketchy--akechi · 2 years
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some mementos mission art style studies wooo
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ashusee · 2 months
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Me and my beloved bf @kwoomochi have been yearning for strikers and we've been cooking this the last few days :333 kwoomochi really put his everything into this piece, as always, and it's awesome
The rendering, textures, the light the details that weren't even in the lineart, all him. I adore you dude and you did such a perfect job, this is going on our fridge dude
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remderance · 1 year
new rendog design and more?😨
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mushroom ren?...motherspore king ren?..
dunno. crazy stuff, crazy.
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lilianhuas · 2 months
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vampire takes you on a date to raid his own grave - daomu biji style- where he will find the most important artefact ever (it makes his eyes turn red & sexy), but beware! discount Van Helsing Detective Li is hiding in the bushes with his overexcited weapons to slay his crush archenemy. - Snowfall episode 15.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
What would it be like to go out with the boys (Leon, Jade and Teo)? Like a night out clubbing or going out to the beach, we can include Ren as well, because I know that man would follow behind
Going clubbing with da boys: Teo easily covers the VIP booths and expensive drinks (before ditching y'all to hook up with someone T_T), Jae is tearing it up on the dance floor (either by himself or with Teo), Leon is taking shots and keeping you company, and Ren is silently seething by your side and wishing you were both at home instead dhgjds. Otherwise Teo and Ren are getting hit on (one is enjoying it more than the other) while you, Leon, and Jae all get up to your typical nightclub shenanigans.
Going to the beach with da boys: Teo probably invites you all over to his waterfront property with a private beach, Jae is on the grassy area taking 4529 photos of Maple with sunglasses and a sunhat on, Leon is probably walking along the beach or doing volleyball exercises, and Ren is literally just 🧍 in the middle of the ocean while you're trying to touch the bottom (and failing). Otherwise Jae and Ren are off pawning Teo's expensive decorations while Leon, Teo, and you are all lounging around in the pool.
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the thought of every demon in the northern palace being confused and disgusted w how a cowardly, pathetic, wimpy, weak, annoying, sad excuse for a cultivator like shang qinghua was able to bag such an absolute baddie like mbj is so hilarious to me bc can u imagine working for the stoic, merciless, lethal mobei jun who slaughters anyone who dare disobey him, right hand man to the demon emperor himself
and then suddenly one day mbj just appears w a disgusting little thing attached to him crying and wailing nonstop 24/7 and mbj is just? ok w that?? in fact, it seems he doesnt mind??? like at all????
like someone caught sqh eating an entire stick of butter from the palace fridge at three twenty five am and instead of getting mad the next day mbj ordered the entire fridge to b stocked w butter and only butter
every single demon is downright terrified of this odd little man bc he has mbj completely wrapped around his finger and neither of them seem to notice
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minsarasarahair · 1 year
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Long haired men and fighting sequence is my favorite aesthetic combo in donghua. 
(From Top to bottom: Blades of the Guardians, The Outcast, Cinderella Chef, Heaven Official’s Blessing, Hero Return, White Cat Legend, Legend of Hei, Fox Spirit Matchmaker, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, The King’s Avatar)
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