#I almost accidentally included that in my earlier drawings lol
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mof17 · 5 months
please more apocalypse au please pretty please
(I almost fell out of my chair and broke my neck from how happy I got seeing this lol)
So so for the Aau, there’s a lot to explain. But I should get the ground rules of before the infection that spreads (this is technically an infection AU but eh, apocalypse seems more fitting)(this AU was in help with one of my friends in the beginning of it)
so- let me just dig deep into my Google doc real quick
Before the apocalypse starts, life is normal. There’s a small town, which has most of the characters mentioned in the entirety of the characters living in it.
scar lives with the clockers (minus etho, he left, BUT he will show up later…)(also his attire is his normal skin, BEFORE the apocalypse begins)
(I will be making a post as to why his outfit changes into what was seen in the drawing I made)
grian lives with Pearl (Who is a college student)
Pearl is very much into arts and crafts, so they tend to have very bizarre stuff around the apartment (like gas masks from when Pearl would spray paint things)
gem works at a diner, with Skizz being a cook and Tango being a waiter (alongside Gem)
the four of them don’t know each other EXCEPT Grian and Scar
(Scar, Grian, Pearl, and Gem are pretty much the main four, although more people join on in later)
who used to be in the same middle school and sat next to each other in math class. They would talk occasionally, mainly just Grian helping Scar read the problems and make sense of them or just lending a pencil to one or the other.
one day, Scar gets bullied heavily (it usually happens, but it’s more of a tease). Why does he usually get teased? Because he brings Jellie to school, who is licensed as his emotional support animal and the school just doesn’t care if Jellie is there or not.
but this time, someone took is too far. We’ll call this guy ‘bully’
bully gets a bit psychical taking a book binder from Scar’s bag and tracing it along his face, saying some things, the cut draws blood (and eventually turns into a scar later on in his life)
but out of nowhere, the bully get shoved into the ground, by who? None other than Grian! Grian is one of the only hybrids in the school, him being an Avian, or more specifically Macaw, he draws a lot of attention. see, the town isn’t exactly fond of Hybrids, it’s more discriminatory than most places. So the chances of the bully getting expelled is lower than Grian getting expelled
Grian continues to fight the bully, and the bully fights back
it’s eventually broken up by a teacher, and they’re sent to the office. Grian gets expelled, and is never seen again by Scar
that is until a faithful day in his senior year, where after school, he goes to Theatre, the only place he’s really accepted in. Ren is the teacher.
As Ren is teaching the Theatre club and gives them just a scenario to get a feel for the play they’ll be doing (a mock of third life)
the people in the theatre club include
Scar (18)
tango (19)
Mumbo (on sound)(18)
Katherine (yes, she’s here, it’s important I have to include Nature wives in here somehow, but that’s all of Empires that will be in this AU probably. Other than that, it’s a mix of the life series and Hermitcraft)(18)(set)
and more
They all take turns being the “lead” in this script, Joel voltuneers to go first
as they’re performing lines, Joel happened to forget a prop, so he calls out to someone who is sitting by the prop table that’s next to Ren’s desk.
that someone happens to be Grian, Grian panics as he didn’t expect to be called on or spoken to at all during this. He throws the prop (a wooden sword) and accidentally hits Scar in the head (Sound familiar? COUGH first death COUGH lol)
Scar passes out and luckily, he doesn’t get a concussion because author logic. While he passes out, there’s a flashback scene (AKA THE FIGHT FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL THAT WAS STATED EARLIER :D)
Scar wakes up and sees Grian, who is apologising but Scar’s ears are ringing, he points to Grian and just says “You look familiar…” and then closes his eyes again. When he wakes up, Theatre is about over and there’s an ice bag on his head and the mysterious “stranger” (grian) that he saw, is now gone. Scar goes up to Ren, and talks to him about him
Ren mentions that that was a brother of a friend from college (Pearl). He tells Scar that he doesn’t go to school and is technically homeschooled but borrows stuff from here. Ren also let’s Scar know that Grian feels like he owes Scar a favour or anything because he feels bad that he hit him in the head with a wooden sword.
Scar leaves the class with Jellie and his stuff and takes the bus home, on the way home he can’t help but think about what favour he would owe this guy, or if he’d ever see him again?
he goes home and Cleo asks him about his day, he brushes it off as a normal one, but it really wasn’t. Scar lays on his bed, too tired to change and ends up falling asleep.
(Then there’s a time skip, but that should be saved for a whole different post)
that’s basically like a prologue I guess? Idk, I can turn this into a proper Ao3 chapter, and maybe have a whole fic for this
this whole thing was taken out of my doc, from the section labeled “CHAPTER PLANS” lololol
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drawnecromancy · 2 months
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
Tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer, questions are from @davycoquette (and like Ceph, i'll link the template riiight here :))
If you see this post and consider yourself part of writeblr, please consider yourself tagged. I don't actually feel like I know enough people who would nod and go "yes, my blog is a writeblr", to tag anyone except @isabellebissonrouthier and @literarynecromancy LOL (also Ceph already tagged Jez so I can't tag him)
On the Tumblr Writing Community
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr ?
Well, that's the thing isn't it.
This blog isn't a writeblr. I've defined it in the past as an art blog, because i made it in 2017 primarily to show my drawings to other people. The thing is that said drawings tend to be part of a bit of writing anyway, so of course I'm including that. And it's also a personal blog.
This is just my house man.
What led you to create it ?
Accidentally answered this earlier - I wanted to show my art to other people.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community ?
My friends ! I, genuinely, do not interact with the writeblr community much beyond my friends/mutuals. I have no idea how I stumbled into having genuine writeblr mutuals in the first place.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you ?
I tend to reblog on @irianeth without further comment because my brain is empty 99% of the time
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash ?
...i don't know ?
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today ?
Probably go in the writeblr tag and see how people do it ? I have no idea. Have fun I guess.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately ?
I've been a bit frustrated at my inability (largely due to time and energy constraints) to keep poking at my novel, Le prix du sang. [Hélianthe et Atropa tag] Genuinely I would like to be able to write a bit on it soon because i want this story out of my brain and into people's hands.
Other projects I've been Thinking about... Mostly roleplay stuff with @lee-thee-bee [Neseah tag]. There's so many AUs rolling around in my brain you have no idea. I can grab almost literally any character and go "here's an AU where shit goes differently". Sometimes it's better sometimes it's worse. Been rotating a funny one lately including fake kidnapping this time around.
How long have you been working on them ?
Le Prix du Sang ? Oh boy. I think it started before university, so probably in the 2017-2018 ballpark... Man, that's like 6 or 7 years.
Lee and I've been making Neseah since December 2023, I believe. Not even a year old but there's So much.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started ?
LPDS : I had a weird fucking dream. I was a woman, armed with a crossbow, running away from an entire village trying to kill me for being a witch. I eventually ended up in the living room of a sexy vampire who was basically offering me a job (helping him massacre the village) in exchange for letting me live. We massacred the village. I woke up like "hold on, if you change some things, it could be a short story". ...and then, the short story got out of hand. The village massacre is essentially just the first chapter.
Neseah : "Hey, do you want to do roleplay sometime ?" "Yeah sure !"
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them ?
24/7 for the Nesean guys as of right now.
Hélianthe and Atropa I mostly think of when I'm writing them, since I've got a Lot of things down for them I don't feel the urge to rotate them every second anymore. That, and it's no longer a hyperfixation.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say ?
Is it a dreaded question ? I reply "Fantasy". That's the truth.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
You mean, this long ass list that should be updated with everyone from Neseah ?
Highlights include : Alan, Hélianthe, Atropa, Anne de Monthaut (I LOVE YOU ANNE), Valiandra (The Emperor - he has his own tags bc I think about him SO much), Benadryl (we love Ben).
Not included yet on the long list, but will be included shortly : Maran of Neseah, Nelvaren of Neseah. Insane wizard son and unhinged ghost father. Also Nadir, who's basically "what if Nelvaren was a 25 year old trans catboy". (if you're wondering, yes, Nelvaren's also trans.)
Who’s the most unhinged ?
I think probably Valiandra. Due to the Horrors.
That and also the fact that sometimes he is his own parent in increasingly fucked up ways.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write ?
Maran and Nelvaren - due to being roleplay characters, mostly ! Spontaneity and being able to Just Get Into It feels important to me to sling stuff back and forth.
Hélianthe goes also fairly smoothly because he's fucking ridiculous.
Do you ever cringe at them ?
(Side-eyeing Hélianthe) You could say I do, yes.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters ?
All and none at all.
Sometimes shit Just Happens and Just Makes Sense (Alan dramatically revealing stuff about his past, him being Margot in Le Prix du Sang). Other times, a character presents me with an idea, and I rotate it, and go, no. Most times I'm between putting them in situations to see what happens, and/or building from things I want to write about.
You gotta be able to reverse stuff you don't actually want in your writing.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters ?
Yes ! It's a lot of fun ! I don't get a lot of them and I'm 100% sure it's because I also don't send enough questions to others ! I want to get bettter at this tbh.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account ?
If they seem nice !
What makes you decide against following ?
If I feel like I wouldn't vibe with them or their writing !
Do you interact with non-mutuals often ?
No. But that's because I don't go to the writeblr tags. Due to not being a writeblr.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle ?
@bitchfitch's Arlo lives in my mind rent-free. I need to throttle him so bad but also I want to have a nice day with him and braid his hair or something. I am very normal about this goat. Also Adonis. Every so often I'm just like man, I wonder what Adonis and Ione are up to right now.
@isabellebissonrouthier's Chrysanthemum Clawe - Chrys is so fucking funny. I didn't expect she'd be my favorite but she's a disaster and I love her so much.
@logarithmicpanda's [SPOILERS FOR HEART OF STONE THAT WOULD TAKE A WHOLE PARAGRAPH PROBABLY]. Besides it, there's Ordyr my best friend Ordyr, I want to go hang out with her. And Orion. Funniest little shit I've ever met I need to redraw that slurping the source image.
@jezifster SHADOW. And Veronica to some extent but she scares me, while Shadow just makes me laugh so hard I want to study him like a bug
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dojunie · 1 year
Dearest Dojunie, I promise to stay healthy. At the moment I have two weeks off work, and I am sadly doing more drawing commissions rather then writing. Trying to earn some coin to financially help a person that is very dear to me. I think I struggle more with timelines due to being more involved with art in the past and less with fiction. A writer vs artist dilemma. Though I must also consider the fact that the story being a personal au between me and my friends, and my friends being very creative people themselves. I don't wish to leave out the ideas they created for their OCs. It's a mess to try to include everyone and also to not accidentally give more attention to individuals. If we were closer, I'd ask you for help, for I value your opinion. Also, do not overwork yourself. I hope you love yourself as much as people love your writing. - Book Anon
i know this is late and your two weeks off probably feel like a million years ago bc i answer messages so sporadically but know that for the weeks these messages sit in my inbox before i release them into the world, i think about them almost daily bc they're so nice
in a similar sense to you trying to include all your friends ocs, i sometimes feel that way about trying to include all members of a group into a story, sometimes to the detriment of the pacing, bc i just want them to be together in every universe,,,, i know you said earlier on that you weren't even that big of a dream stan (or a stan at all, i cant exactly recall,) but the innate need to get all their dynamics and nuances and character quirks and dialoge and such into a fic thats supposed to be about like, two people in a relationship, is a little overwhelming sometimes so i feel i somewhat get you there LOL
I LOVE YOU! i will take the not overworking to heart. had a week off of work and have spend every day at my desk trying to get further in my works because i feel like i'm being too slow, but i will remember to take breaks!!!!
ur the bestest. i hope you also stay healthy!!!! i mean it!!
- ur dojunie :D
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quincyhorst · 1 year
Inazuma Eleven Whiteboard but make it Red Matador - Part 2
Hello! Very glad the previous post was well received! There's still other doodles to archive/share here, so here it goes. I'm posting the day after since I wanted to take a little break... So much happened yesterday 😭
As always, this is a public ina11 whiteboard hosted by @ marmolao (Who turns out was the one I've been drawing RM stuff all this time with, YAY), I joined in just to draw Pedro and Igor, ended up doodling almost everyone there LOL. But it was a fun excuse to share HCs a different way, so... Let's continue from where we left.
Remember the last Rafa doodle? Well, I decided to comfort him by sharing a HC of mine with the other Andalusia boys from my setting. However by doing so I accidentally made Marmo create a new ship, and... Honestly? Good for them. I always appreciate seeing any RM pairings anytime <3
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Black Text: "In my headcanon Antonio is from Málaga (An Andalusian Province), so Rafa won't be alone :3"
I also added Juan here.
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"Juan is from Cordoba, but by other reasons he tends to mix up both Spain's spanish and latin spanish"
Another finding on the RM corner was this adorable doodle by an unknown artist, a furry doing the hissatsu Matador Feint :')
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I thought it was adorable! But unfortunately, not everyone is happy seeing that one hissatsu on specific...
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...Don't mind Fermín, he has legitimate reasons for hating Matador Feint with all his guts. Oh, and if anyone hasn't searched/heard the sound effect I mention... I'll do the magic for ya. It REALLY adds to the scene-
Finally, we come upon my favorite doodle so far: A little Rafael x Antonio moment made for Marmo, as to celebrate the new couple formed (?
I also added José out of pure self indulgence. I love the 2-3-4 dynamic 💖
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Of course, due that the pen I used was too thin, you might not see the details properly. That's why I'm also adding some closeups here:
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One last thing, but apparently the autism creature I drew earlier attracted some friends, including a shy one... Don't know who drew each one, but they're adorable! I'm glad this little one got new buddies too <3
(And heyyy, whoever wrote the yellow one, even if you cannot talk, I still appreciate your prescence nonetheless 💛)
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Once again, thank you for anyone who has colaborated on drawing here! 💕 Unfortunately according to Marmo's words, the whiteboard is "closed" in the sense it might not be as frecuented as yesterday. It also will be deleted over at Sunday, so... Yeah, I don't think the goal of drawing all the players will be 100% possible...
Nonetheless, if anyone wants to make any last RM doodle for me to reply, please @ me once you draw it! Because I don't think I will be able to check much on this whiteboard either...😅
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uh, writing rq: spare 3rd life red!ren speculation, maybe martyn and ren both choosing violence? as a treat?
this was fun to write lol i think Ren deserves a little violence as a treat
cw: mentions of suicide (nonpermanent but better safe than sorry)
  Martyn enters the Renchanting building for the third time that day and finds Ren still pacing around, brow furrowed. He stands in the doorway for a moment, arms folded, and watches him. Finally, he says, “Are you planning on doing anything else today, boss, or should I just go home early?” 
  Ren doesn’t respond. Just as Martyn opens his mouth to say something else, Ren’s head snaps up. “Huh? What? Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s fine.”
  “You didn’t hear what I said, did you?”
  “Something about going home early.”
  Martyn scoffs and shakes his head. “Seriously, you’ve been walking around aimlessly in here all day, thinking way too deeply about something. What’s going on?”
  Ren hesitates, turning fully to face his assistant. “Okay, to tell you the truth… I’ve been thinking about going down to red on purpose.��
  Martyn’s eyes widen in alarm. “What?! Why would you do that?!” 
  “Because I’m sick and tired of people waltzing in here and just taking what they want,” snaps Ren. “I’m tired of being intimidated and walked all over and not taken seriously. If I was on my red life, at least people would be more wary of me and less likely to walk all over me.” 
  “That doesn’t mean you should deliberately die,” Martyn responds urgently. “I cannot stress enough how bad an idea that is.”
  “Well, there doesn’t seem to be any other-.”
  “No, listen.” Martyn grabs Ren’s shoulders. “You don’t have to go down to red in order to cause some chaos.”
  Ren frowns at him. “What do you mean?”
  “Well, Grian killed you, right? What’s HIS colour?”
  “Green…” Ren blinks as realisation dawns on him. “Wait…”
  “And Tango with his lava death trap. He’s on green too but he still killed two people. You don’t need to be on red to cause some chaos.”
  Ren grins at the hushed excitement in Martyn’s voice. “Should you really be condoning this? Isn’t it your job to keep me out of trouble?”
  Martyn shrugs, a slight smirk on his face. “You could argue I’m doing that by not letting you kill yourself.”
  “That’s a very valid point. So do you have any ideas?”
  “I have a few. Would you like some form of revenge or just to cause some random chaos?”
  Ren thinks about this for a moment. “Let’s start with revenge.”
  “Gotcha,” says Martyn. “So even though Grian was the one who actually set the trap, it’s fair to say he was doing it on Scar’s orders. If we bait Scar into striking one of us, we can retaliate and even maybe “accidentally” catch Grian in the crossfire. What do you think?”
  “I like it! Are we allowed to build a trap beforehand or does whatever we do have to be done in that timeframe of a red life being angry at us?” 
  “Um… No clue. But I can find out.” 
  “Hello there!” calls a familiar voice from above.
  “Oh no,” groans Ren. “Not Scar again. It’ll be hours before I can get him outta here again.”
  “Here’s your chance, boss,” says Martyn excitedly. “HE came to YOU. Kick him out! Show him we won’t be bullied or pushed around anymore!”
  Ren considers this. “You know what? Yeah! I’ll do it!”
  He dashes up the stairs and out into Dogwarts. Spotting Scar near the entrance, he charges over to him and jumps to a stop right next to him. “Scar, get the hell outta here!”
  Scar blinks. “What? I just wanted-.”
  “I don’t care what YOU want; I want you to get out and leave me alone. NOW. I’m only giving you one more chance.”
  He almost hopes Scar doesn’t leave; he’s been waiting for the opportunity to get revenge for killing him. 
  Scar doesn’t move. “Ren, you’re still on our kill list, you know. I don’t think it’s wise for you to-.”
  He breaks off as Ren whacks him with the flat side of his axe. 
  “OW!” he yelps. “GEEZ, what the heck?!” 
  “I told you to leave!” Ren crows. “I gave you two chances!”
  Scar throws his arms up to protect himself as Ren hits him again, on the shoulder this time. 
  “Get out before I start using the sharper side,” Ren warns triumphantly. 
  “W-Wait, don’t! Grian! GRIAAAAAAN!”
  Ren draws his arm back to hit again before he notices Grian crouched atop the wall, aiming a bow and arrow at him. 
  But Martyn appears out of nowhere, running along the top of the wall, and hits him off the wall with a shovel. 
  Grian yelps as he lands heavily on the ground. He half-runs half-limps over to Scar, the two finding themselves with an axe-wielding Ren on one side and Martyn, who has traded his shovel for a sword, on the other. 
  “What’s WRONG with you two?” Grian demands. “You’re not allowed to attack us if Scar doesn’t attack first!”
  “Yeah, see, we implemented a new rule here at Dogwarts,” Martyn responds. “If we tell you to leave twice and you don’t, that counts as an attack. We are allowed to defend ourselves against attacks.”
  Grian’s voice rises to a shrill shriek. “You hit me with a shovel!” 
  Martyn matches his tone. “You were about to shoot my boss!”  
  “Because he was trying to murder my friend!”
  “Because your friend keeps waltzing in here like he owns the place!”
  “Enough, enough!” Ren yells suddenly. “Listen, Grian: I’m done being nice. I’m done trying to get through to you two. I’ve asked nicely and I’ve demanded and I’ve threatened, but you refuse to listen to me. I’ve made it perfectly clear time and time again: you. Are. Not. Welcome. Here. So I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way you two will listen to me is if I kill you both.”
  Scar immediately leaps behind Grian. “No, wait! I’m on red! If you kill me, I’ll die permanently!”
  “Then that’s a great incentive to LISTEN to me!” Ren snaps back. “Now get out, both of you. NOW.”
  Neither of them move.
  Ren heaves a sigh. “Do I need to show you I’m serious?”
  He picks up Martyn’s shovel from where he dropped it earlier and swings it at Grian, smacking him in the stomach. As Grian doubles over and stumbles back, Ren hits him again in the shoulder, then swings it at Scar. 
  “GET OUT!” Ren screeches.
  Scar loses his nerve and bolts for the door. Filled with adrenaline and not really thinking clearly, Ren takes off after him, jabbing him in the back with the shovel. 
  Ren takes one last swing at Scar, but he misses and trips over. By the time he looks up, Scar has all but disappeared over the horizon.
  Panting and now with a sore knee, Ren gets to his feet and half-limps back towards Dogwarts. 
  Hearing a yelp, he glances up and is just in time to witness Martyn shoving Grian off the top of Dogwarts’s wall again. “Stop running around on our walls!” Martyn yells after him as Grian takes off running. “Go away!”
  Ren grins at the sight of Grian and Scar fleeing from him in fear, as he reenters Dogwarts and closes and locks the doors. 
  “That,” he says, as Martyn jumps down from the wall, “was the most fun thing I’ve done in this world.”
  Also grinning, Martyn starts to respond when he happens to glance down. “Oh, boss, you’re bleeding. Come here, let’s get that cleaned up.”
  Ren follows Martyn inside and sits down in his chair, only just noticing blood leaking from a cut in his knee. It must have happened when he fell over outside. 
  Martyn kneels down in front of him and starts cleaning the area around the cut. 
  “Thanks so much, Martyn,” Ren says gratefully. “For, um… For everything. Including talking me out of killing myself. That probably wouldn’t have ended well.”
  “It really wouldn’t have,” chuckles Martyn. “This was a much better option. Honestly, it felt good to kick Grian outta here. With any luck, they’ll spread the word that we’re no longer to be trifled with.” 
  Ren grins. “I think this is the start of a new era for us, Martyn. There’s a lot for us to do before we get to the level of power I know we can achieve.”
  “Well, before you go off and achieve that power, you’re gonna go to bed and rest that knee of yours,” Martyn says. 
  Ren gives a quiet chuckle. “Whatever you say, Martyn. I trust you.”
  Martyn freezes momentarily. It’s been a long time since someone said that to him.
  “What’s up?” says Ren, noticing this. “You okay?”
  “Yeah, I…” Martyn clears his throat. “Sorry, it’s nothing. You get to bed now; I’ll lock up.” 
  Ren watches Martyn head to the door. “Martyn?”
  Martyn pauses and looks back. “Yeah?”
  “Thank you for always taking care of me.”
  After a moment, Martyn smiles. 
  “No problem, boss.”
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luccislegs · 5 years
alsjlskzjs, I loved the Law/maleso/Luffy, you wrote it amazingly! Can I ask for a continuation, maybe with a little interatcing with the crew and their ghosts, but as a little time passes, Male reader finds himself accidentally using the ghosts powers or skills? like, they are at dinner one night, and sneezes fire. Or after getting startled, they silnce the whole ship for like 3 hours? or like, hes talking to Robin and can read the Ponglyps for a few mineuts (Robons mom) and they freak out?
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sorry this took me so long! i really had to take and do this in chunks bc my brain would fry trying to figure out all the little details for everyone. i don’t think sanji has anyone important to him in his past, so he isn’t here. also the first four are the longest bc they play an actual part in some things, and also theirs have the most obvious powers and drawbacks. i hope i did this enough justice to warrant the wait lol
Over the course of the few months you were on the sunny, more ghosts began to show up, like they were drawn to you. Some spirits, like ace and rosinante, sought you out before you ever met whoever was keeping them tethered. Others, like Olvia and Tom, seemed to sense when you met their loved ones, and then sought you out.
Or that was what you guessed anyway, since they didn’t seem to have an answer for it either.
Regardless, there were now half a dozen ghosts following you around, and new symptoms had shown up on top of that.
Safe to say, you were losing your mind.
You were just cuddled up with Luffy on the couch in the aquarium, his head in your lap as you chatted back and forth about the next island.
The urge hit you out of the blue, and you turned your head to the side to avoid sneezing all over Luffy.
That went right out the window as a huge column of flames shot out of your nose when you sneezed, lighting the curtains beside you on fire.
You immediately jumped up, knocking Luffy onto the floor as you panicked, smothering the flames with the other half of the curtains. 
Luffy, helpful dolt that he is, laid on the floor upside down staring at you in awe before jumping to his feet and picking you up in a hug
“That is so cool, ___. I didn’t know you could do that! You looked just like a dragon!”
To be fair, you didn’t know you could do that either. Over Luffy’s shoulder, you sent ace a murderous glare, to which he happily responded with a shoulder shrug, a smirk, and laughter.
You never actually got a chance to figure out what the hell had happened because, mid-hug, you fell asleep right in Luffy’s arms.
A few days after the incident with Luffy, something else happened. You were beginning to think you needed to screen the ghosts before you agreed to help them from now on.
You were hanging out quietly in the boy’s room with Law, who was busy reading over a medical text from chopper, and Rosi, who was lounging on the other end of the couch smoking a transparent cigarette (which, by the way, was pretty funny when he managed to light himself on fire, freaked out, then realized he couldn’t actually burn) when Franky came bursting into the room with Usopp hot on his heels.
You weren’t even sure how it happened, it was like reflex. Rosi jumped and floated up to the ceiling, you jumped off the couch and hit the floor, and then all of a sudden everything was dead quiet.
You could clearly see Franky and Usopp yelling about…something, but you couldn’t hear anything.
Law, on the other hand, was looking at you with curiosity, like he knew exactly what was going on.
“Er, Law…?” you asked, and you heard yourself perfectly fine, but he didn’t react.
Rosi floated down behind you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he spoke. “I think you may have just silenced the ship. Seems you can use my calm calm powers, ___.”
You sighed. “Yeah I was afraid of that. how do I fix it?”
But Rosi only shrugged before floating over to law. “Come over here and see if he can hear you.”
You didn’t understand how moving closer would help, but did as told. 
Or tried to. You tripped over the floor mat and tumbled, smacking your head off the floor and blacking out before you could get there.
Your next stop was to see Robin, and you found her in the library, looking over a charcoal shading of some strange symbols. She looked up as you entered and smiled.
“Well hello, ___. What can I do for you?” she asked. She always had a knack for telling when someone was actively looking for her and when you just happened upon her.
“Well…I have a problem. and I think you might be the most able to help,” you said, sitting beside her.
You glanced over the sketches in her hands absentmindedly, and a word popped into your head.
“Those are Poneglyphs, right?” you asked, pointing to them.
Robin froze, then nodded slowly. “How did you know that?” she asked, staring at you with a guarded expression. She had never mentioned them to you before, or in your presence, and she was pretty sure that no one else would have a reason to.
“Uh, that’s sort of why I’m here,” you answered, pointing over your shoulder to the– to her, empty– space where Nico Olvia floated. “I think I may be spouting some of the spirits powers out. It just started. I almost burned the library down a few days ago, then just earlier I muted everyone like Cora used to do.”
Robin looked stricken at the mention of her mother for a moment, as she always did, before it turned thoughtful. “I’ve never heard of that being possible. Although Blackbeard stole devil fruit powers, he can use them freely. You can only use them momentarily, right?”
You nodded, looking back down at the papers. Some of the words you could understand, but most of them just looked like gibberish. Slowly, more came into focus, as if your brain was automatically learning another language. 
Before you could really start to piece the words together though, everything seemed to explode into agony. You couldn’t breathe, as if your lungs wouldn’t expand. The edges of your vision turned black, and you collapsed.
Robin’s voice sounded very far away, and there was Chopper’s alongside hers. As you came to, you could start to make out what they were saying.
“…he just blacked out? What was he doing before then?” Chopper was asking.
“We were just talking about the new powers he developed, and he was looking at the pictures of Poneglyphs, and then he was on the floor gasping.”
“Look, he’s waking up.” That was Law’s voice, and he sounded very concerned.
You opened your eyes just a crack, testing whether that was a good idea. Your head felt like it was splitting open, and Law helped you to sit up slowly. 
“What happened?” he asked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know. I was talking with Robin and then suddenly everything hurt, like I’d been beaten, and I couldn’t breathe anymore,” you said, looking around at everyone. It was just you, Robin, Chopper, and Law in the room, and they all looked like you felt.
Robin’s gasp broke the silence, like a lightbulb had turned on. “It sounds like you were experiencing what my mother did before she…I wonder if you aren’t taking their powers but also some of their personality too,” she said, looking at you curiously. “What happened after you used Ace’s and Cora-san’s?”
Law broke in before you could answer. “He fell asleep in luffy’s arms after lighting the libary on fire, and tripped and knocked himself out after silencing our room. Which is exactly what they used to do.”
You nodded in agreement, but Robin still looked perturbed. “It seems like you experience more than just their quirks, but their deaths too. That can’t be good. I’ll do some research and see if there’s anything about your powers, but you need to be careful too.”
This new development was slightly detrimental to your health. You couldn’t figure out a rhyme or reason to how your new powers worked, or when they would, but you were keen to find out. 
The safest way, you figured, was to try practicing with a sword and seeing if you couldn’t channel some of Kuina’s swordsmanship at will.
It didn’t work. At all.
You couldn’t seem to find any trigger for making it work, swinging the sword as you normally would have. Zoro seemed disappointed as well, having hoped to have a decent match against someone besides Law for once. It didn’t matter that you explained to him you could only use it for a few seconds.
Only when Franky, who was working on something on the mast, accidentally lost his grip on a drawing knife he was using and sent it flying towards you did those “instincts” kick in. Your vision went a little blurry, as if you were seeing things through water, and you lifted the sword and swung with more grace than you ever had, knocking it aside before it could reach you.
Zoro clapped in impressed surprise. “I guess you need to be in danger to use it,” he said, watching you stumble and fall to your knees. “Are you alright?”
“No, I uh,” you struggled to think through the screaming pain that was lancing through your back. It wasn’t nearly as excruciating as Olvia’s death, but your head was still swimming from it. “Can I ask how Kuina died?”
Zoro paused, looking like he swallowed a lemon. “She fell down the stairs.” He sounded bitter, so you nodded and moved on.
“I think I’m experiencing some of the things the others did in their lives, deaths included. Earlier, I could read Poneglyphs, but right after I went through Olvia’s death. This is…a little scary,” you admit, just as Luffy and Law came onto the deck. 
Franky had gone to fetch them when you collapsed, and they pulled you gently to your feet. 
“Are you alright, _____?” Luffy asked, just as Law asked, “what the hell is going on?”
Explaining it all over again, you sighed tiredly. “I just want to go lay down now, if you don’t mind.”
Nothing happened for a few days after that. At every turn, though, you were expecting an outburst followed by some type of mayhem. Practicing with Zoro a little more revealed that only when something dangerous you weren’t expecting happened did you channel Kuina’s excellent swordsmanship. Needless to say, Zoro was disappointed.
Nami’s first experience happened when you were helping her trim her tangerine trees. It was one of the only pleasant experiences you had, because for some reason– maybe you were just relaxed enough that it was flowing– Bell-mere’s knowledge of tangerines was flowing freely. 
For nearly an hour, you and Nami chatted about the best ways to take care of the trees. You could see Bell-mere floating aimlessly through the trees, and knew she was listening but never once did she input anything to the conversation. 
The only negative side-effect you experienced was an overwhelming craving for cigarettes.
Franky’s was another pleasant experience, since you were able to channel Tom’s knowledge of shipbuilding. It didn’t last as long as Bell-mere’s, but it came much more frequently than Rosi’s or Ace’s. 
You were beginning to suspect that the physical aspects took a different type of catalyst compared to the knowledge. Unfortunately, you were unable to physically put any of Tom’s knowledge into effect, but Franky enjoyed talking with you while he was working.
Chopper’s was another unpleasant one.
Channeling Hiriluk’s medical knowledge was a struggle at best, because even though you knew what was going on, you didn’t really understand, and it gave you a headache. 
Combine that with the fact that you spent almost 30 minutes doubled over from unbearable stomach cramps– which you found out was most likely what Hiriluk experienced before he died from eating a deadly mushroom– and his knowledge really wasn’t worth the experience.
Chopper couldn’t even really enjoy chatting with you about it because you were just so miserable, but the catalyst for Hiriluk’s knowledge was pretty much just entering the medical bay, so you suffered quite a bit from that one.
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 2 Episode 5)
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Episode Title: Fun Gus Part 1
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers.
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1. Just like last episode, this particular one begins with a flashback and this time, it’s Kipo’s parents, Song and Lio Oak whom are climbing up a building with tree roots along its walls. The reach the top and they’re amazed by the view of Las Vistas and the different kinds of mutes living there. Song looks almost exactly like Kipo; Only less...pink. 
2. Song has figured out a way to reverse the effects of the mutation in the mutes. And we find out that Hugo aka Scarlemagne was one of the mutes she’s basing her research on! So that explains the supposed backstory between Lio and Scarlemagne we’ve detected in previous episodes. 
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3. Also, the reason why they’re there in the surface world is to find out more information about the mutes and how to turn them back to normal. However, both Song and Lio don’t agree with their team’s plans and they decide to hide Song’s research findings from them, especially after discovering that Hugo is able to say her name. Now I’m really curious as to why Hugo ended up becoming so anti-human. I guess it’s due to him seeing how humans have been treating animals over the years or something. 
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4. I just find their interactions to be absolutely precious. They’re also planning to stay on the surface for as long as they can.
5. We’re now back to the present and we see Super Dave carrying his friends over a couple of blocks without molting (I never knew this word till now). They notice that Dave has been able to prolong the very form he’s in, far longer than before. 
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6. Kipo tells the group that they’re almost at her parents old burrow and she also can’t wait to possibly find out more things about her mom. I’m beginning to wonder if she really died from burrow pox or not? Anyways, Kipo pulls out the map given to her by Cappuccino and it looks like they need to pass through one last checkpoint, a cheese waterfall. 
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7. They are suddenly interrupted by the water mute Mulholland (from last season), who came through a fire hydrant lol. He’s obviously not welcomed by them, especially after what he did to them before. 
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8. At Scarlemagne’s Court, we see the representatives from the 4 pro-Scarlemagne mute groups including the Mod Frogs, Scooter Skunks, Humming Bomber and Newton Wolves entering his residence and being in awe of the place. He wants them to “sing” to him where they think the Mega Monkey might be. Kwat, the Mod Frog sings to him, revealing that it’s in Cactus Town. Because of that, she gets first dibs on a luxury home in the work-in-progress city of Aurum.
9. To my surprise, Scarlemagne reveals that he will be going on the hunt for the Mega Monkey. I gotta say; I do like a pro-active super-villain. We shift things over to the ever-mysterious cloaked individuals who are rushing over to find the Mega Monkey by following an ant trail (because monkeys eats ants?) before Scarlemagne can. But we do find out one of their names: Greta.
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10. They spot Scarlemagne and his crew flying through the sky and carrying the mind-control collar for the monkey. So, they need to hurry. I’m starting to think that they’re just humans; I mean look at those eyes. 
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11. Back to Mulholland; He reveals to them that he is now a travelling nomad or nomads and that Kipo is going to find what she’s looking for. He then leaves. That was certainly random. Anyways, they now seem to be near that cheese waterfall place because they finally arrive at the entrance of her parents burrow and there’s cheese everywhere. Correction. FUNGUS everywhere...eww and it moves too. Despite finding the burrow, they still need to find her parents’ apartment.
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12.  Next, we see the three cloaked individuals riding on a giant dragonfly and tailing behind Scarlemagne and the Nobles. Can the show just tell us who these people are? I’m kinda tired of referring to them as the “cloaked individuals” lol. All of a sudden, a high-pitched sound appears out of nowhere, causing everyone to fall from the sky. It turns out to be the doing of the Umlaut snakes. Looks like these guys are going to take on Scarlemagne but they’re probably not going to beat him I think. 
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13. Kipo discovers that her parents’ old burrow used to be inhabited by a group of scientists, including her parents of course. They then realize that the apartments are arranged in alphabetical order and they make their way over to the O side to find the Oak’s apartment. Oh and Dave is now in his elderly form after being scared by the fungus creature or whatever. And he is the only one who’s noticing that the orange fungus is moving. 
14. Because humans aren’t as sensitive to sound compared to mutes, Scarlemagne orders his human Nobles to destroy the snakes’ equipment. Scarlemagne orders his followers to attack and the scene cuts off. I’m actually worried about the snakes; I hope they are gonna be alright. 
15. The gang is inside the apartment and they’re going through some of their things like their bed, kitchenware and Kipo’s old baby clothes to which she is keeping one of them. Kipo then notices drawings of constellations on their ceiling and points out that the Leo constellation has an extra star, which is actually just a button that opens up a secret panel.
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16. The panel reveals a book with the title, “Project Kipo”. She grabs it and starts browsing through it. To sum up what she read, it’s basically about combining Kipo’s DNA with the DNA of apex predators like the jaguar. Other apex predators include the falcon, monkey and Komodo dragon. So this explains in scientific detail why Kipo is their “hybrid-baby”. As a Biochemistry graduate, I find the incorporation of recombinant DNA technology in the story-lines of cartoons to be exciting.
17. Again, I like how Kipo isn’t upset at her parents in any capacity for pretty much making her their science experiment. I’d probably be angry but then again, I’m not Kipo lol. Meanwhile, Dave is freaking out because he saw a face on the wall and calls out for Benson to come over. But yet again, nothing happens when anybody but Dave (and Mandu) shows up to check it out.
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18. As Kipo goes further into her reading, we get more flashbacks of Song and Lio in that same apartment. Pretty much this book is also Song’s journal/diary it seems. Song comes home to reveal that she’s pregnant with Kipo and Lio is overwhelmed with joy. Aww, this is sooo adorable. I’m getting chills. They are such goals. 
19. After reading the part about the pregnancy, Kipo obviously gets very emotional, in a good way. And she, Wolf and Benson get into a group hug. The love fest is short-lived, however, because Dave is still freaking out about the “ghosts”. Benson gets annoyed and shouts at him and tells him to molt into someone more fun. This hurts Dave’s feelings and he plus Mandu walk away. But suddenly, the fungus mute/creature shows up on the wall again with a face this time and it also has the voice of a toddler. It then grabs hold of both of them and drags them through the wall. That was way spooky. 
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20. Whilst the snakes are fighting off Scarlemagne’s minions, the cloaked individuals are using this opportunity to grab the giant collar and take it away from Scarlemagne’s reach. The leader of the cloaked group heads inside the den where the Mega Monkey is sleeping. Now I’m thinking that these individuals are human beings because she said “for the future of humanity”. After thinking through it some more, I predict that they were Lio and Song’s old scientist colleagues. 
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21. Why didn’t Kipo, Wolf or Benson hear what was going on outside the apartment?; They need to get their ears checked. Kipo is still focused on the book and she reads that her mom was making kimchi and peanut butter. As she’s opening the jar, she accidentally breaks the entire jar without any effort. She seems to have super-strength as a side effect and she grew fur on her arm earlier, revealing to all of us that she’s a Mega Jaguar too. Therefore, I’m pretty sure her mom’s not dead. But if that’s the case, why d id Lio lie to Kipo for all her life about her mom dying from an illness? 
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22. After getting all excited by this discovery, the fungus mute steals the journal (which should be Kipo’s anchor) from her. And the episode ends here.
23. I absolutely loved this episode. I liked being able to see the past interactions between Lio and Song through Kipo reading Song’s journal. Stay tuned tomorrow for when I will be posting my review of episode 6. Thanks for reading everyone! Bye!
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leviathiane · 5 years
this is going to be a long-ass post i am so sorry to Everyone! i take a lot of notes.
So, as You specifically know (as well as all of my lovely Soggers) I take a LOT of notes. Obsessively. I write fucking everything bc i have very little memory and very much paranoia. This results in literal Piles of notes. Raw planning, on paper, on my phone– doodles of scenes im brainstorming, bulletpoints, entire SCRIPTS– it’s all there but scattered (I’ve got scenes planned in the margins of my goddamn anthropology notes and deciphering it was a NIGHTMARE) 
I won’t even upload all the photos of my writing notebook, because itd be like 50 pages of illegible nonesense. but heres a couple of planning phase pages. (may be hard to read, I dropped this notebook both into some tidepools, into a creek on campus, and accidentally leaked my waterbottle onto it in my backpack :/) 
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if you can’t tell already, yes they all look exactly like this. Some are even more illegible, because I wrote them with the notebook half under my actual class notes. Because i wrote most of them in class. During lectures. And pretending very badly that i was not doing exactly that. (pay attention in class please i got away with this bc i was filling up elective units) 
I’m also flat out MISSING a large portion of my notes bc some of it? isnt even in the damn notebook. its on a sheet of binder paper, or on the empty back of an assignment. I’ve now lost most of those notes, but the ones i do still have are just as (even more, actually) indecipherable chicken scratch: 
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Wow, how clean and tidy and easy to follow! i am in hell. 
and this doesnt mention the PAGES and PAGES of outlines that are on my laptop, and the pages of outlined scenes that are on the notes app of my phone. if i put them all, you would have entire chapter spoilers up to the very end of the story so i cant post a lot of them– and also theres just a goddamn lot of them. currently i have 16 pages of outlining. There are no spacing breaks. It is a solid 16 page block of text. Looking at it gives me a migraine. 
some assorted notes which i have dredged up from the deleted parts of the main draft google doc go all the way back to when i started Wror in June and they are Barely more readable than my handwriting on sheer account of: articulation is not my strength. These include: 
“Ch 8 plan: sabo gets trained specially, awakens his armament haki, beats ace in a bunch of spars and proves himself to be anything but vulnerable. The boys are like “we fucking recognize that technique ryu taught you before us!!” and goad ryu into finally starting them both on basic haki training, just to awaken it, since sabo already has. Also this is the chapter that ace finally confronts ryu for his devil fruit after ryu confirms that some devil fruit users can’t be hurt without haki and ace immediately catches onto that and tries to slam his pipe through ryus head. It doesn’t work, ryu catches the weapon with a haki covered hand, to avoid turning to flame with hit and ace just gets frustrated and accuses ryu of hiding his devil fruit, because he remembers what he saw in grey terminal and that now that he has seen haki he can distinguish it from what he saw and he’s sure no one could do what ryu did. He calls ryu a hypocrite for coddling them even after telling them to stop coddling sabo and ryu has to sit them down and explain that yes he does have powers and he has been hdiing it and explains his reasoning. However instead of understanding th eboys just get fired up and say they don’t wnt to be scared of fire, especially not when it means ryu isn’t taking them seriously in a spar. Ryu finally agrees to start them on desensitization training for fire trauma. Fire desensitization training happens on the beach, so that they have water nearby in case things get out of hand. At some point ace gives ryu a considering look and is just like “if you have a devil fruit that means you can’t swim either right?” and ryu is basically just like “lmao yeah” and then ace immediately attempts to drown him. Lots of murder attempts in ace’s department toget his older brother to be less of an idiot with little success lol(extra: ace tried to attack ryu earlier both to confirm that ryu has a devil fruit that would force him to use haki to hide it, and because he now knows that he CAN’T hurt ryu without haki and as thus can’t beat him and make him admit he’s awake without being good at haki.)” [chapter 8] 
“Small sabo lost his hat and goggles in the incident and while he doesn’t remember having them future sabo notices he looks uncomfortable and keeps touching his hair and head. Ace yells at him for it thinking he bandaging are bothering him and that he can’t touch them but little sabo just comments that something about it feels wrong. Luffy blurts our that he had a hat, like luffy does, But he doesn’t now ace begrudgingly mentions that they can’t get a new one in town. Future sabo doesn’t even hesitate and just plops his own hat onto his younger selves head. It clearly too big for him, and almost falls over his eyes but he grins up at future sabo and is like “wow!! Thank you! I’ll take care of it till I have one of my own” and creates a paradox like Luffys own hat. The footsteps younger sabo has yet to fill. This HAS to happen AFTER the talk where they explain that future and past sabo are both the same person, to give little sabo that pressure.” [chapter 9]
“(Right after this older sabo takes them down to the ocean so that they can play a little and desensitize themselves and immediately fucks himself over when he goes weak in the water bc he somehow fucking forgot his own devil fruit again and now even younger sabo is on his case about not letting him near the fucking ocean that little goddamn HYPOCRITE—) )” [for chapter 9]
“Ch 9 plan: they finally leave dawn island. Starts with the boys getting a haircut after training and luffy mentions how long it’s been since they’ve last needed a haircut, giving sabo and ace time to point out that it’s been 2 months now since ryu joined them, and that sabo was completely healed by now. The boys are now aware of the basics of haki, and while luffy hasnt awakened either yet ace and sabo both have a little bit of weak armament haki. (sabo won’t awaken observational haki until he gets his memories back) ryu tries to sneak off into the city to steal a boat but his brothers refuse to leave him behind and keep sneaking out after him, not wanting him to go alone and saying that since he’s been training them they’re clearly stronger and he needs to let them do this. Ryu eventually just lets it go because why the fuck not it’s a dream and they make him feel better. They get the boat out on open ocean and finally fucking sail out, cheering loudly, ryu struggling to make them all calm down but also not really trying. He’s happy as shit, and they’re all so excited and happy and sabo dips a hand into the waves and then smiles so fucking wide and tackles ryu so violently they both nearly tip into the water and it’s just very very good. “ [also for ch 9] 
** I flat out dont Have any outlining from before chapter 6, because i only started actually outling chapters after that. i tend to just sit down and Write up until i hit a plot point or writers block and then am forced to actually think it through and plan rather than letting it come naturally. thats also why the quality and editing is better in later chapters despite everything being written within the same time frame. 
besides entire chapter outlines, there are the scene specific phone notes like:
“(ADDED) Right after they leave dawn, when sabo is sure they’ve gotten enough of a head start, he calls Garp. He doesn’t say who he is, but that all of the boys are safe and happy with him and has them all talk into the phone to assure him that they’re fine. Garp is honestly just pissed off he doesn’t know who’s calling and when he asks sabo just laughs and says a disobedient brat before hanging up. “
“(ADDED) TO EXPAND ON CH 3: sabo gets offered the chance to go with dragon, and he hesitates on the offer to go through with his previous life with the family he’s made in the revolutionary again. He almost agrees, because the bought of losing them in this lifetime is near excruciating but reminds himself swiftly that it’s no place for his brothers and not what they’d really want, and he wants selfishly to be with them as long as he Can until he “inevitably” wakes up. The boys are visibly relieved by this, especially ace. (Sabo gets asked who he is by dragon, who wants to know more about the stranger with his son, but dragon has always been quicker to make connections no one guessed and he just smiled knowingly at sabo and tells him he’s sure the other will have no trouble finding them if he’s in need. Sabo in turn warns him to keep Kuma close, and to look for a slave girl named koala.)”
I have…. many of these. I have Many of Everything. 
finally, i have scene doodles. if i hit a bad writers block it usually helps me to sketch scenes or the character designs to regain my grip on what the hell is happening in the plot– Breach of Intention has character design sketches, pakcbond has MANY scene sketches, even some of my nsfw has some sketches. my wror skecthes arent Good of course, I am an art teacher for children and that means i am more often explaining the color wheel and brush techniques over drawing perfect human replicas– and i just dont really make a lot of fanart? ive never drawn sabo before but i sure have a bunch now. i wont include close ups because they genuinely suck but heres an example pic 
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So… yeah thats about everything. this is a VERY long post and yet i only included like maybe ¼ or 1/5 of all the notes i have dbskhjgfkjadns lmk if anyone wants more (or notes for my Other stories, which contain NO WHERE the same absurd amount of shit that wror does.)
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Fantasy Fest Series: Demon of Mine || Bu Fan [Demon!AU]
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Credit to @buyuefan for the gif, which sparked inspiration for this fic!
Title: Demon of Mine Pairing: Reader x Bufan Genre: Witch!AU + Demon!AU + fluff  Word Count: 2,202 words Summary: Magic can be tricky, especially when you accidentally summon a demon into your home.
A/N: My first fic in the Fantasy Fest series! At the time of me writing up this fic, demon!au is currently in the lead in the poll. Who else better to play the role of a demon that Bufan himself? Also, a disclaimer: everything is pretty much more or less fictional. I made up a few things as far as summoning demons go and I also didn’t want anyone to get any ideas, lol. Everything is under the cut because this is the longest fic i’ve ever written I think, oof. Enjoy demon!Bufan! 
Warning: mild cursing, brief mention of blood
ya’ll asked for demon!au
so i gotchu boo
you come from a family of witches 
magic has ran through your family blood line for generations, dating back to the early 1400s
contrary to popular belief, your family did not practice black magic or served the Devil
instead your family used magical skills in order to heal others, even opening an apothecary as a family business
all throughout your life, you loved learning about the functions of different types of herbs and ingredients and using that knowledge to create all types of potions and concoctions 
you also had an affinity for spell-casting and charms
every so often, your parents would go on business trips and travel across realms, bringing back new knowledge of spells and potions that you had never heard of 
sometimes they were gone for months or, rarely, a year
it did feel strange being on your own for long periods of time, but you grew accustomed to it
it also meant you were left in charge of running the apothecary, which you were all too eager for
as you flipped to a page in one of your many ancient potion-books to find the cure for nightshade rash for one of your clients, you scanned the ingredient list and saw that one of the ingredients was virtually illegible due to the fact that the ink was rubbed away over time 
“damn. how am I supposed to make this potion now?” you sighed. “guess i’ll have to ask grandma.”
after closing up the shop so that no customers wandered in, you headed to the back room. shelves lined the walls and were filled with all sorts of magical ingredients, all neatly organized according to their use. the soft sound of the fire crackling under the fireplace and the bubbling of the cauldron hanging above it filled the room. books and papers written in latin littered the tables and floor messily, the aftermath of your charms studying session from earlier
with a flick of your wrist, the books and papers levitated and swirled in the air for a moment before tidying themselves into organized stacks. another flick of your wrist, everything including the furniture moved on their own and cleared the center of the floor
“hm... what was the spell that mom used?” you said to yourself.
you had never summoned your deceased grandmother before, let alone any spirit for that matter. usually it was your mother who did the spirit contacting
looking through a spell book, you stopped at one particular spell and figured this was what you were looking for 
how to summon a loved one
according to the spell, all you had to do was draw a magic circle, provide a drop of blood and say a simple incantation. the circle will automatically summon the one you love, which you figured was your grandmother in this case
sounds easy enough
oh boy were you in for a surprise
you carefully used a piece of white chalk to carefully replicate the image  of a large summoning circle, carefully sketching intricate patterns as you go. facing the fireplace, you slowly inhaled and exhaled, a stream of wind leaving your mouth and extinguishing the flames, turning the room almost pitch black. with that said, you lit a few candles around the circle. gently running your index finger over the other, a small incision appeared. tilting your finger, you let a drop of blood fall into the circle. it was time to start the ritual.
closing your eyes, you channeled all of your energy to your core and began reciting the spell incantation. feeling the magic run through your veins, you felt the air pick up and stir around you, creating a vortex at the center of the circle. shadows danced along the walls to the sound of your chanting that grew in volume with each repetition. the once tiny golden flames were now a roaring, brilliant amethyst. 
your words came to a halt as you finished reciting the spell. the room around you also fell into a complete silence. opening your eyes, you were prepared to greet the spirit of your grandmother
except it wasn’t a spirit
hell (no pun intended) it wasn’t even your grandmother
floating in a fog of purple smoke above the summoning circle was a massive male figure around 6′3′’. his hair was a blood crimson, mirroring his glowing eyes beneath his closed lids. aside from wearing slightly loose black pants and a long trench coat, he was completely shirtless 
(you were lowkey checking out his abs ooh la la)
but what caught you the most off guard was the lilac tint of his skin, the onyx curled horns above his head, deadly talons instead of fingernails, and the powerful presence of obsidian wings that were tattered and torn at the edges and looked at least twice your size
“oh shit i just summoned a demon”
at the sound of your voice, the demon’s eyes snapped open and glared at you with what you believe was murderous intent
you were going to die tonight 
you were a healer, not a fighter rip you
just as the demon made a move to step out of circle, the spell broke. the magic that kept him afloat disappeared in a flash
causing him to plant face first onto your wooden floor
you knew you probably shouldn’t have found the idea of a potentially dangerous demon in your home funny, but you couldn’t stopped laughing at how someone so scary looking could be so clumsy
meanwhile the demon only winced in pain as he stood back up and rubbed his face before shooting you a look of disbelief
most people would faint, pee their pants, cry, or at least scream in fear at the sight of him
but here you are laughing at him
who tf were you?
“are you done?” he deadpanned after watching you laugh at him for three minutes straight
wiping away a stray tear, you barely managed to settle down and responded, “y-yeah i think i’m good. are you?”
you felt the need to laugh again... until you realized that the spell you used was meant to summon:
a loved one
and it summoned this random demon 
wtf was that supposed to mean
“wait, who the hell are you?” you interrogated
“my name is bufan. i’m a formidable demon of the Underworld!” his loud, deep ass voice boomed before leaning down his height to make eye contact with you
you felt your heart flutter a bit at how close he was
“that’s uh... nice...”
“just... nice....?”
awkward silence
“so who are you and why did you summon me?” bufan questioned, raising a dark eyebrow at you
“oh! i’m (y/n). i kind of summoned you by accident,” you sheepishly admitted
“how do you accidentally summon a demon?”
“how do you accidentally trip and fall while getting summoned?”
damn you got him there
“anyway,” you coughed, “all i wanted to do was summon the spirit of my dead grandmother, not a demon. i’m not even sure why the spell summoned you in the first place. not to be rude or anything but can you go back to where you came from? I'm really busy and need to talk to my grandmother so i can start this cure already”
"i can't unless you give me your first born child"
“....say what now”
you gaped at his serious poker face before slowly watching it contort into a shit-eating grin. then he broke into a boisterous laughing fit that shook the whole room with its intensity
you pouted when you realized he was pulling your leg. “this is payback for earlier, isn’t it?”
he calmed himself down to a few chuckles, “i was just trying to break the ice. it’s not every day i get summoned to a cute little witch’s home”
you nearly forgot how much of a smooth talker demons were
blood rushed to your cheeks at his words
definitely not because he called you cute
(it definitely is)
“but i’m telling the truth when i say i can’t exactly go back. that’s not how this spell works. i’m already bounded to you by blood”
you wondered what he meant by ‘not how the spell works’
“the spell book doesn’t say anything about it either,” you sighed. “i guess that means you’re stuck with me for the time being- hey! be careful with that!”
you snatched a bottle of naga venom from bufan who already was snooping around at all of the magical ingredients and things around him
“you’re awfully calm. aren't you afraid i'll take your soul or something?" he says
"bold of you to assume I have a soul"
you were joking of course and he, being a demon, could sense that you indeed did have a soul and grinned at you
“just... try and behave yourself, ok?”
“i’ll be on my best behavior”
bufan was not on his best behavior
you should have known never to trust a demon smh
having bufan around was like taking care of three year old child
he’s constantly asking you questions every time you’re trying to make potions and just genuinely trying to annoy you
“(y/n), what’s that?”
“dragon’s breath”
“and that?”
“alicorn tears”
“this empty jar says teeth. who’s teeth?”
“it’s about to be yours in a second after i punch you in the jaw if you don’t stfu”
“are all you humans so snippy?”
“oh my god”
“more like oh my lucifer amirite”
you were a unicorn’s hair away from hexing him jfc
for someone so big, he was also extremely sneaky and sly
he’s always trying to play pranks on you and using his powers to his advantage
such as using his invisibility to randomly pop in front of you or poke your sides or face when you were doing something
or hiding your phone and other necessities all over the house and sending you on an entire scavenger hunt
despite his childish tendencies, bufan was also quite reliable 
for some reason, he grew to be protective of you although he knew you could protect yourself with your own powers
whenever you traveled home alone at night, he insisted on flying you home on his broad back
which you secretly loved bc flying with bufan was always fun since he would always make it feel like a roller coaster ride by flying in loops and various speeds
there were times where bufan even acted like a mother figure which was both intriguing and terrifying
“(y/n), did you eat yet?”
“no i don’t have any time to-”
*proceeds to make eight different types of meals for you*
in addition, he always had liver medicine on hand and you have no idea how or why???
whenever you were having a bad day, he never hesitated to listen to your problems even if they didn’t apply to him as a demon
over the next few months of bufan living with you, your once quiet and uneventful home was now constantly filled with laughter, annoyed yells, and bustle. you found yourself noticeably happier
but a part of you always wondered if your happiness was only one sided
“bufan,” you called out to him one day while fiddling with your wand
he made a grunting sound from the couch that was situated a few feet from you, indicating that he heard you and was listening
“do you regret being summoned by me?” you nervously asked
no answer
feeling your heart drop when he failed to respond, you assumed the worse and laughed quietly to hide the sadness in your heart
“it’s okay if you do. i wont hold it against you,” you nodded timidly
hearing his footsteps approach you, you faintly remember hearing your wand drop onto the floor before he pulled you close to him
you’ve never felt so tiny oml
“what makes you think i regret being here?” he questioned, clearly confused as to why you were suddenly bringing this up
you shrugged, “i don’t know... i mean, you were kind of forced to. do you miss being on your own?”
“do you?”
it took you a moment to quietly reply, “i’ve gotten used to feeling alone, so if you wanted to leave, i would let you”
bufan could hear the loneliness that lingered at the edge of your words. little did you know, he already knew how much you meant to him from the very first day he met you. there was no way it was an accident. he pulled you tighter to him before kissing the top of your head
“silly little witch. who says i’m going anywhere?”
you tilted your head up at him in surprise, “you’re saying that if you had the chance to leave, you wouldn’t take it?”
“you couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to”
and you swear that that was the moment you knew you had fallen for a demon
maybe performing that spell wasn’t a mistake after all
perhaps the universe knew that bufan was meant to be your loved one
because there was no better feeling than always coming home to a certain demon of yours
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