#I am a small gremlin who WILL go absolutely unhinged one of these days
code-verxnica · 4 years
Yellow and maybe a hint of moss green? and....Red (:
Yellow - Hajrieixekcj thank you Mirage 👉🏻👈🏻 (I don’t feel pretty or cute right now cause I’m sick but it’s nice to hear! 💕)
Moss Green - Oooh interesting pick! I do like the aesthetic of it 🤔
Red - AKDIKEFIKEFJJEN “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit?”One of these days.... ;) perhaps sooner rather than later. We’ll see. Depends how everything goes Yeehaw!
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sageandfrog · 2 years
Office Affairs//JujutsuKaisen x Fem!reader Chapter 1
Fem!y/n x Nanami Kento| y/n x Bestfriend!Gojo Satoru
A chuckle leaves Kento's lips when he starts to bounce and flex his leg hitting my clit continuously. “Use me baby, you deserve it.”
Words: 4,030
This is a 4 part series and will not be continued once finished. We also have a wattpad.
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6:00 am
It was 6:00 when my alarm went off. My eyes were heavy as I reluctantly reached for my phone. The sun had barely brightened the sky yet the sun's bright rays pierced through my curtains warming up my face.
Today was my 25th birthday... yay.
I never cared for birthdays. A bunch of people who never acknowledge me pretend they know me for a day just for a slice of cake.
No thank you.
I could care less if I was celebrated or not, but then memories of my last birthday came crashing in and a smile creeped on my face. It was after hours when a gentle frame approached me. He had a cheeky grin on his face, a small candle brightened the dim room as he looked at me,"Happy Birthday y/n".
Suddenly I feel excited to go into work. I've been working for an expensive advertising firm for the past 2 years now. I was one of the main designer's assistants. I actually started as an intern straight out of college and have been working my way through the company.
I lay in bed for a few moments wondering what to wear for the day when my phone began to ring, interrupting me mid-thought. It was Gojo.
"Happy Birthday Stink!"
Gojo always called me some random pet name. Never the same one twice in one day, I found it silly and endearing.
"Thanks, love."
" Did I wake you up?"
"No I was just chilling in bed."
"Want me to join you? I can give you a morning workout?"I rolled my eyes and laughed as I looked at the time. Gojo and I always had a playful friendship; he loves to tease me and I don't mind.
"Yeah no offense but old man pubes aren't my thing."
"Who said they were white?"
"Aren't they?"
"Wanna find out?"
"Aw you're such a tease y/n... anyway be ready by 8:30 and we can carpool today. I shall not let my gremlin take the train on her birthday!"
I finally slither out of my covers and stretch, mentally preparing for the day. "Wow thanks, and can you please text me this time instead of honking the horn. My landlord wouldn't stop complaining last time."
"Yeah yeah sure I'll see you then," the call ended.
I finally got out of bed and laughed a little thinking about my unhinged friend. Gojo was actually the first person I talked to in the company. I had just graduated college when some guy gave me a call offering me an internship for the most renowned advertising company in the country.
I remember my first day, I was so nervous and shy. I wore a pencil skirt a size too small and fell on my ass.
I couldn't get up without my skirt tearing from the seams.
Fuck this is embarrassing.
I tried shimmying up against my chair for a good five minutes when I realized a tall figure watching me fail over and over again at the opening of my cubicle.
"Need some help there?" He had on a black bomber jackect with a white- T and sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses inside?
He picked me up by my arms and sat me back down in my chair.
"Thanks you're a lifesaver." He giggled watching me adjust myself with embarrassment plastered on my face. Ever since that day I couldn't get rid of him.
Gojo was the one who taught me everything I needed to know in the business. I shadowed him for the majority of my internship and we grew quite close. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't like most mentors.
He'd like hanging out with the interns and actually getting to know us. Because all the others were still underage I was stuck going to the bars with him. Shit I was practically his wingman by the end of my internship.
Around the office there are rumors that we are a thing but that's just absolutely ridiculous. I can acknowledge that the man is hot but he's not my type. I have my eye on someone else.
I look in the mirror examining the tired look on my face. I think today I'll wear something more sexy and less old librarian. I grabbed my makeup bag and went to town, beating my face.
I chose a simple yet smokey eye look with a nude lip. As I curled my lashes, images of blond slicked back hair and strong arms flooded my brain. Is he awake right now? No matter what day it is I can never escape that man. Nanami... my boss.
I get up and change into something black and tight fitting. It made my ass look plump and firm while it caressed my little tummy pudge. The material felt cool leaving slight goosebumps on my skin. I wore a jacket over it with my favorite pair of heels. I felt good, I felt confident. Maybe today will be a good day afterall.
I grab my keys when I hear Gojo's car honk outside. Little shit. It's bright out now, I wince at the sunlight, my shoes clicking against the pavement. I look up when I hear an obnoxious holler from the front seat.
"Damn y/n... you trying to get laid?"
"Fuck you! Hey before we go can we stop somewhere?"
"Where to, my lady?" he chimed as he opened the door for me from the inside.
"The bakery down the corner, I want breakfast." Please don't say anything, please don't say anything.
He stared at me for a second and laughed," Are you kidding me... wow. You are so far up his ass it's not even funny anymore."
"Drop it. It's my birthday you can't give me shit."
The truth was I wanted to see a smile on Nanami's usually stoic face when I remembered his favorite pastry.
"Whatever you say princess."
The mood was awkward and tense now. Gojo seemed annoyed and bothered. I don't know what to say, maybe taking the train would have been better. I turn to Gojo when I see him plug in his phone to the aux.
The song "U Remind Me" by Usher comes on and I see Gojo smile. I make fun of him all the time for having an Usher phase. The guy praised the singer as a teen. I watch him with amusement as he sings each word gesturing towards me. He's really bad.
He drove with one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against his seat facing me. I couldn't resist his enthusiasm and started singing along too. It's really hard to not have fun around Gojo.
By the time we had pulled up to the bakery we were both giddy and loud. We both go inside adventuring the various breads. Gojo always wanted something sweet, he was like a child. The man won't eat a donut without sprinkles.
I grabbed some sweets and placed them in a separate tray as Gojo waited for me in the front. I was on a mission. Nanami liked more light and fluffy bread. The ones that can go with pretty much everything, the ones that practically melt in your mouth. My eyes lit up when I saw the perfect roll, it was fresh and hot to the touch.
I ran up to Gojo, satisfied with my pick of the day. He told me to wait in the car as he paid, "My treat, honeybun."
"You're exhausting." I cringe to myself as I walk out of the bakery. I almost slipped trying to open the car door. Gojo watches from the window with a hopeless expression on his face.
"What am I going to do with her..."
9:57 am
We were just on time when Gojo finally found a parking spot.
"Hurry up, let's go!"
"It's not my fault you wanted to get bread for your boyfriend," I flipped him off as I stormed to the entrance with the bag of bread in my hand. I go to my station and finally clock in without a moment to spare.
Gojo walks in behind me already dreading the work load. I take off my jacket when I hear a haul in others conversations around me. What's up with them?
Unfortunately I was the only woman in our department. The advertising business isn't very diverse, which drove me crazy.
I hate having to deal with mansplaining and wandering eyes when I speak to my coworkers. If it weren't for Gojo and Nanami I probably wouldn't have felt safe working here on my own.
They always reminded me I was one of the best in the company, especially Nanami.
I was his second in command and took great pride in knowing he trusted me.
The room feels different now. It's like I'm on display. Gojo comes in close to whisper,
" I think you outdid yourself today sweetheart... he's gonna notice."
I look around and see everyone side-eye me, some smiled while others looked confused. I start to feel queasy knowing that people are looking at me.
Should I change? Go home?
I jump when I hear someone else walk in. There he was.
He had a deep blue button up tucked into his beige pants. His sleeves were cupped to his elbows, his smooth veiny arms looked chiseled and toned. Today he wore his brown watch that brought out the warmth of his brown eyes.
His shoulders were wide as he stood tall and proud. He was cautiously eyeing the documents in his hand. Authority practically pouring out of him, I wanted to touch him, follow his every order.
My face starts to soften seeing him concentrate on the paper in front of him. He tends to bite the inside of his bottom lip, it's almost like he's pouting. Well no time to change now.
"Good morning Nanami," ew am I too eager?
"Morning y/n." he didn't even look at me. Usually he gives me a tiny smile and nod.
"Gojo and I went to the bakery and I remembered your favorite." I lifted the bag to him as he still focused on his clipboard.
"Is that so?"
Is he seriously not going to look at me? Gojo watched from the side with a cackle threatening to pierce through his lips.
"Yeah... here," he glanced at me and the bag in my hand. Something was different about his expression. He looked surprised and indifferent at the same time. Is he tired? Did I overstep?
He gulped, "Thank you y/n, can you put it on my desk please?"
"Uh sure." That was kinda rude, what's up with him today.
I place the bag neatly on his desk and make my way back to mine waiting for my daily files to be presented to me. I couldn't help but sit there confused, wondering why Nanami was so different today.
12:00 PM
I go through my emails while a few of my fellow employees wish me a happy birthday, some hand me cards others a pat on the shoulder. Looking back at my computer I notice some rude emails, letting out a heavy sigh I turn my head to the side. Nanami is in his office with piles of papers and packets scattered on his table.
He always makes sure I have less paperwork to go over than him. Today was the day for meetings and as his assistant I'm supposed to join him but something about today made me uneasy.
Along with the rude emails, I had tripped multiple times and knocked over my workload of papers. I need a coffee break.
I decided to bring his favorite drink to his office. A black coffee with two sugars when he opened the door, knocking the scolding drink all over me. I gasped when the hot liquid dripped down my chest.
What the fuck.
He looks down at me with a concerned face, Gojo runs towards me with a towel.
"I'm fine! I'm fine, shit-"
Nanami picks up the cup, his hands were trembling. It was obvious he felt bad, I played it off as it was nothing but in reality my skin was burning. He's always concerned when it comes to me.
"Come on y/n you need something cold before it gets worse."
Gojo started leading me to the restroom as I turned to look at Nanami,
"I'm so sorry y/n... are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine don't worry"
"Sure you are-" Gojo mumbled to himself as he glared at Nanami.
I take off my shoes as I sit on the stool in the bathroom, Gojo is leaning against the sink wetting a paper towel with cold water and gently placing it on my hot skin.
"Shit... so much for looking nice today," but Gojo didn't laugh. He looked concerned and annoyed.
"You can wear my spare clothes while yours are at the cleaners."
"Thanks man," He was serious and quiet.
I watched him as he gently patted my neck and chest. When he's not being a little shit he's actually really sweet and thoughtful. I realized that he was watching me too when his face changed.
He looks at me with soft eyes and leans down. He presses his lips on the top of my head and mumbles,
"Anything for my coffee bean."
I roll my eyes in response, which gets a giggle out of Gojo,
"That was a good one right?"
"Shut up." I'm so lucky to have him. My best friend... My Gojo.
Gojo hands me a pair of his gray sweatpants he used for the gym and a white button up shirt to wear. My chest barely fits in the tight shirt and my ass felt a little too tight in the sweats.
Gojo looked at me with wide eyes, "do I look weird?"
"Not at all... you're perfect."
1:00 PM
I make my way to my seat when Gojo leaves with my clothes to get them cleaned before the end of the day. I look for Nanami but he is nowhere to be found. He probably went to the meeting without me. I start to go through the papers on my desk and get some work done.
 I can't help but daydream about sweet memories of Nanami. Besides today he is usually very attentive and sweet. Visiting my desk multiple times to check on me. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't wished me a happy birthday yet.
Nanami notices everything. There was this one time where I wore the wrong pair of shoes. The back of my heels were bleeding and I was limping around the office. He went out of his way during his lunch break to get me cozy slippers to wear instead. Now he has an extra pair in his office just in case it happens again.
Another time when I forgot my lunch he offered me his, telling me that he barely had an appetite that day. I knew that was a lie. I have never seen someone eat with such content.
Usually on meeting days he treats me out for lunch where we go to our favorite place, a small italian cafe where we get the infamous Rigatoni D and talk about recent books we've read.
I enjoyed the way his face would light up talking about his favorite character, or how his leg would bounce in excitement as he predicted the end of a story. There was something so calm and domestic about our outings. At times it felt like we were playing house.
I felt safe, he felt like home.
He felt as warm as the blanket he once laid on me one late night at the office. As sweet as my favorite candy he would buy from the just stocked vending machine.
For the past two years on my birthday he goes and gets me a mini decorative cake with my favorite pastel colors and a single candle in the middle. He always said "For my hardest worker." Yet something always felt odd about the gesture.
Gojo is the best in the business and has been with the company for years before I have. Could I possibly be special?
Maybe he realized my lack of importance to him and decided not to get a cake this year? I can feel my eyes furrow when the blond approaches me. I am deep in thought when he places a hand on my shoulder.
"Are you sure you're ok y/n?" he has a handful of papers and his tie is loose. I can't help but admire his face. His lashes are long and curly, and his eyes look tired and worn out. I hope he's ok.
"Yeah Nanami, I'm fine. I put some neosporin on the bad areas so I should be good."
He kneels down to me so that we are at eye level. He focuses on my features and expression. It looks like he wants to say something but he is frozen.
I see his eyes linger on my neck where there's a red blotch peeping through Gojo's shirt. He reached for the white shirt and he thumbed the material between his fingers.
He looks down to see me in Gojo's sweats. He's so close, I can smell his soft cologne. His jaw clenches when he realizes who's clothes I am wearing. I try reading his face but he stands up straight before I can take a closer look.
He is quiet and stern as he looks down to me. Did I do something wrong? Why is he staring at me like that?
"I'm sorry about the coffee. If you're in pain just go home for today." he walked away with his fist clenched to his sides. Seriously what's up his ass.
6:00 PM
Nonetheless I stay the rest of the day, I can't help but mope around my cubicle. I can't believe he forgot. Every year he always made sure to wish me a happy birthday, sometimes leaving a note on my desk when he was too busy to see me.
Why did he look so mad earlier?
Nanami stayed shut in his office the rest of the day. When Gojo came back from picking up my clothes he noticed the tension in the air, my dissatisfaction plastered on my face.
"You ok my little rain cloud?" He hands me my clothes that are now washed and dried in a clear plastic bag.
"Yeah... thanks for bringing me my clothes."
I can't help but space out staring at the floor, today was supposed to be like always. Why do I feel so shitty? Gojo watches me with a sympathetic expression.
"Can I give you my present now?"
"Are you serious?"
"Of course I am! How am I not gonna give my best friend a present on her Birthday." He made sure to whisper the word birthday while he reached in a paper bag that was in his drawer.
"Close your eyes!" I can't help but smile.
I hold out my hands and wait patiently for him to place whatever it is in my reach. The object is heavy and cold to the touch, it was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand. He didn't!
"Open them!" I opened my eyes and there stood the item on my wishlist for the past 3 years. It was a porcelain cow figurine. I've always been obsessed with weird and random nick nacks to place around my desk. They were my little babies. This one in particular was $200...
"No you fucking didn't", Gojo was practically smiling from ear to ear.
"Yes I fucking did!" I gently placed the figurine down and lunged at him. He pats my head as I squeeze him.
"Thank you so much I love it"
"Oh but there's more my precious y/n! We are going out tonight, Lets get fucked up!"
I wince thinking about the last time we got "Fucked up", I was hung over for days.
"I don't know about that, maybe next time."
"Nope. we are going today and we are going to have fun."
I sit back down and side eye him as I place my present in its rightful spot. He's glaring at me with his hands resting on the sides of his hips.
"Lets be honest y/n today fucking sucked. Let's at least have fun tonight."
I slink in my chair remembering the one person I was hoping to have fun with on my birthday.
"He didn't even wish me a happy birthday."
"So... Fuck him! Let's go out and forget him."
I don't appreciate his language towards Nanami, but maybe he's right. Why am I pouting over some guy?
"Fine... Let's get fucked up!" Gojo dances in excitement and pulls me out of my seat.
"Let's forget today and have fun." He practically grabs all my things and pushes me out the door. I turn when I see Nanami, he's leaning against the door frame of his office.
Did he hear any of that?
Before I leave I manage to give him a little wave. He smiles softly at me before I'm out in the lobby. I seriously need some help. I can't help but get butterflies from the sight of him.
11:00 PM
After dinner I decided to change into something short and revealing. I curled my hair as Gojo sat in my living room watching TV. It took me only 30 minutes to finish getting ready. I walked out to Gojo who now has his keys in hand and is ready to go.
"Damn mamacita! I'm gonna have to fight off the creeps all night."
"You better. I just want to forget about today."
I grab my hand bag and walk out the door. Tonight I'm going to have fun and forget about him.
12:00 AM
The club was loud and colorful. The smell of booze and sweat filled my nose. There was a crowd of dancing bodies grinding against each other. To be honest it looked like a lot of fun, they were so carefree. Nothing was chaining them down, they were themselves in their most primal state.
Gojo found us a booth and led me to my seat. Girls in groups flocked to our table, they all fought to be near Gojo. It was pretty annoying but I had my share of dudes coming up to me.
None of them piqued my interest. They were all slimy looking and bummy. Everytime the image of Nanami popped into my head I took another shot. I was 5 shots in when I finally started to feel something. Gojo was 8 shots in when he noticed how tipsy I was.
He had a beautiful brunette next to him. Her dark skin complimented her gold cocktail dress. She was honestly the prettiest girl in the place.
I started to feel restless sitting in the booth and got up taking 2 more shots. I swayed to the dance floor as dudes swatted around me. Gojo laughed as he grabbed the girl's hand and led her to the dance floor.
He stayed within arm distance from me as the beautiful woman pressed herself against him. I myself found a dancing partner and broke loose. My hands wrapped around the guy's neck as he gripped my hips.
I felt dizzy and free. But there was one thing that still played in my mind. The face Nanami gave me today. I've never seen him so mad before. Everything always goes back to Nanami. I can never escape him. I wonder what he's doing right now? I don't know if it's the alcohol but I feel tears stain my face.
Gojo notices right away and pulls me out of the crowd.
"What's wrong?"
"Why did he look so mad at me today?" Gojo looks up at the ceiling in disbelief. He looks at the girl next to him and lets her know to look for him later on.
My eyesight is foggy but I am now sitting back in the booth with Gojo. He orders me a glass of water and makes me chug it down.
"Come on babe, you're supposed to be having fun not crying."
I don't talk, I lay my hot face on the cold table. Gojo attempts to get me out of my gloomy mood. But there can't possibly be anything to break me out of my daze.
And then my song comes on.
The vibration of the bass tickled my core as I lifted my head off the table. It's as if I've been possessed when I stand up and climb on top of the table. Why was I sad again? I look down to see a bright light flash before my face. Then everything else was a blur.
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