#I am feral for these ninjas
watermelonsloth · 6 months
Things the Naruto Fandom Don’t Talk About Nearly Enough Part 2: Sasori’s Puppet Body
CW: Mentions of self-harm, self-mutilation, body dysmorphia and self-hatred
I’ve already talked a little about this but I’m not ready to shut up about it.
I’m not gonna try explaining the confusing ass science/jutsu/bullshit that would make this remotely possible, but I am gonna mention the sheer amount and density of this redhead’s mental unwellness. I don’t even know where to start.
I guess I’ll start with the fact that it’s implied that Sasori was FIFTEEN when he did this. The idea that he was so young when he had skill to pull something that insane off successfully and he reached the mental breaking point to go through with it is crazy to me. Especially since this wouldn’t be something you’d do on impulse, it would be premeditated.
Building on that, we never get a moment where Sasori just snaps like most of the other antagonists we get a backstory for. Because of that, I’m led to believe that his breakdown was just him sitting in his own worsening mental state until it boiled over. So that leaves the question:
When did this process actually start?
As a (very important) side note, did somebody help Sasori? I’m sure anybody who has gone down the rabbit hole of Sasori’s anatomy has also wondered what in the hell this process would’ve looked like. It couldn’t have been Chiyo’s jutsu to bring a puppet to life. First, Sasori didn’t know that jutsu existed. Second, Sasori’s body has a biological core, he isn’t just possessing a puppet. To maintain that core, did he undergo some sort of surgery??? And if so, wouldn’t that imply that at least one person was there to perform the surgery? Or did Sasori perform the surgery himself without using anesthesia or pain killers? He just stubbornly underwent what was probably a few hours of self-inflicted torture.
Speaking of self-inflicted, the very few people I have seen delve into Sasori changing into his puppet body don’t delve into that fact that this is self-inflicted. Sasori didn’t snap and hurt others (I mean, he did, but that’s not what I’m talking about right now), he snapped hurt himself. I’ve read FMA, I know the silent hell that Alphonse went through living in a non-biological body. And whether he realized the full consequences of transforming his body into a puppet or not at the time, this still seems like a very unnatural/self-harm adjacent thing to do to yourself (at least from my perspective). Especially, again, with how this had to have been premeditated.
So, was it self harm to him? Did he hate himself? Did he hate some part of his body? The entirety of it? Was it out of a fear of death or deterioration like Orochimaru? (If so, how did that impact his relationship with Orochimaru?) Or did he not see it as harmful? Did he think he was fixing himself in some way? Or did he not consider his body a part of the equation at all and it was just a purely practical decision to turn his body into a weapon?
I don’t know which one is worse and I can see any of these aligning with his character.
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allmightyscroll-swag · 11 months
Shout-out to @onejellyfishplease for creating a fic that my brain latched onto so violently that I think of it on a weekly basis
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Man, i can't imagine having the feeling of something literally buzzing under your skin writhing to be let out let out let out- being comfortable.
Original sketch below cut;
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It was way more moody but I was like. no . The boy is overwhelmed the arts gotta be BRIGHT and EYESORE-y
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azucar-skull · 5 months
had a bad day so i wrote some music for fcau
tw kinda warpy ig? best listened to with headphones
I call this one "don't forget me" with a doodle symbolizing Casey's mind deteriorating as the Kraang infection takes over her, still holding on to the memory of her son.
i might add more to the song, idk. i just sorta messed with instruments and closed my eyes, picking smth that sounded nice.
Better look at doodle under cut:
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missmisnomer · 1 year
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i’ll not ever let anything hurt any of you, ever again.
Who's the real monster haunting the narrative? Find out for yourself: read The Lemonade Leak on AO3.
I believe this delightful little child belongs to you, @turtleinsoup?? 💙
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owlfacenightkit · 1 year
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Them <3
Ough I forgot how much I love this ship
They’re adorable
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ronithesnail · 1 year
Guys my polyninja ass is gonna be so obsessed with oppositeshipping until part 2 comes out and they tell us where they been hiding cole and jay
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I kind of want to turn my Randy blog into something post-canon? I just have literally no idea how to do that — do I just poof it and pretend it was like that the entire time, ooorrr do I make a whole ass new blog for post-canon Randy? Because I have fucking ideas and they are eating at my brain, I swear
I think I’m a little manic lmao, but no seriously- WHAT DO I DO?
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lotus-duckies · 10 months
casey doing this >>>>
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blueinkedcrowling · 1 year
Welcome to the Official Tumblr page for the ROTTMNT AO3 Fanfic “This Last Stretch of Paradise”!
My name is Blue, and I’m the author! Genderfluid, but they/them works as the default.
Fanfic Description:
A Kraang-Future AU in which F!Leo stops F!Mikey from finishing the portal and sending Casey Jr. back in time, leaving them all stranded in the war-ridden future to figure out their next move.
It’s a huge adventure/road trip fic that will metamorphose as time goes on! Overall though, it focuses on the three’s familial bonds and how they have to grow as people and adapt to their harsh conditions.
Do be aware that this is NOT an official/canon addition to the movie or the show and is only a work of fanfiction.
Blog Description:
- Asks are welcome [NSFW, rude, or disrespectful asks will be deleted]
- TLSOP art, music, etc will be tagged with #tlsop
- TLSOP-related reblogs will be tagged with #tlsop reblog
- Other reblogs will be tagged with #reblog
- Updated irregularly
Fanfic Pointers:
Tc3st/Pr0sh!p DNI. If I see you here, you will be blocked by this page immediately.
There is intense themes described in the fic. Nothing NSFW, of course, since I’m not that kind of writer, but there will be the following topics covered: Violence, depictions of PTSD and panic attacks, discussions of injuries (both physical and psychological), and unstable family connections. [Note: The last one does get improved on, but it takes time, as all things do. I want to show healthy and logical progression in these characters, as well as the real damages that war and the apocalypse can have on the psyche.]
This fic is very dear to my heart. I try to write it with as much accuracy as possible, meaning I do a lot of research into what I write about (locations, culture, injuries, psychology, etc). That being said, I might get things wrong. If I do, please kindly DM me about your grievance so I can attempt to remedy it for the betterment of the fic!
The chapters are not released on a consistent basis! I have a lot going on in my life right now (school, job, moving, social strain, etc), and even though this fic means a lot to me and I want to feed my audiences, I can’t guarantee I’ll always be at 100% for writing.
With the previous point said, I will let you know that there’ll most likely be a chapter released every month or so depending on how I feel (may be a little more or a little less time between chapters). I’m hoping to eventually be in a position where it’ll take less time than this, and I’ll be able to write more content in a shorter period of time, but for now; patience is key. I haven’t abandoned the fic, and if I ever do (which is highly unlikely, but stuff can come up), I’ll make an announcement on AO3 and on here. I wouldn’t leave you all in the dark about that.
Finally, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, my DM’s are always open! I won’t be responding to unnecessary hatred, but constructive criticism is okay.
Thanks for reading!
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I just want to draw Feral Raphie
I just want to see the boi
The last one was ✨amazing✨ but I need more
Where are my artistic skills 🥺
Is it cheating to use a reference and do some tracing/editing from the show??
Wait, a scene just came to mind lemme try something-
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igotsnothing · 1 year
💌 | It's time to spread some positivity! Send this to 5 other simmers to show how much you appreciate them & their content💌💌💌 💜💜
Oh, gosh, you dropped this about a block back. So glad I was able to catch up to you, wouldn't want you to lose it…💚💚💚
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But, but how??? You must have learned that trick from the-formerly-feral-cats! Darn it! Thwarted again! *Shaking fist toward sky*
(Thank you, dear friend! You are the best and you win all the prizes and cookies! Hope you are having a lovely weekend with all the bestest music and reading!) ❤️⭐️😺😼😽
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junovyradish · 1 year
my favorite part about rise is how absolutely unhinged everyone is its prolly been said before but asshole donnie n batshit crazy april are my favorites
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My notifications stay broken from likes and that's a little disheartening, honestly.
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azucar-skull · 5 months
I am solely convinced that my Spanish fluency is based upon environmental factors.
Day 1 in Mexico: Spanglish, can barely hold a conversation.
Day 2:
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^^^ Vámonos a Marte is their song btw. Like I say, singing keeps the infected sane.
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curechocolattymilk · 2 years
Lars' Tekken 8 trailer dropped no one look at me
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secret-engima · 1 year
Kumo Thoughts
So this will hopefully be quick but the most common take I see for Kumo in the Naruto fandom is that it's a overly militaristic hellhole (pardon the language) that kidnaps and forcibly breeds any bloodline it can get its hands on and like.
I get it?
the Naruto ninja world is absolutely messed up enough to accommodate a village like that. Especially with- *waves at Kiri*, *waves at ROOT*, *waves at Ame*, *wa-*. But I feel like personally I think that's. The shallowest take? Like if that's how you wanna world build it! You can! Lots of angst and interesting subterfuge down that way.
But we seen in canon that shinobi who live in Really horrible villages do tend to go missing-nin en masse; Kiri is the poster child for this, but Iwa and Suna both have some ... pretty noticeable defections. On the flip side the only REAL Kumo missing-nin we see, iirc, are the Kinkaku brothers.
From The First Shinobi War.
Like- what are things we know about Kumo *really* from the show/s?
and the one everyone harps on in worldbuilding- they tried to kidnap Hinata and Kushina.
HOWEVER. The rest of the things we know about them are:
2. Their Raikage is allergic to doors. He refuses to acknowledge doors. He can and will smash through any wall, window, or other non-door entity in order to exit or enter a room when at all possible. This is not the behavior of a Strict Rigid Militaristic Man this is the behavior of a feral gorilla someone stuffed in an office and expected to do paperwork. Which, granted, A is fully capable of doing his paperwork, by all accounts he's actually really good at running his village. But again. This man is allergic to doors or manners and anyone who is willing to arm wrestle Senju Tsunade to get medical assistance for his own men can't be all bad let's be real.
3. Killer B exists. I feel like he alone is enough evidence against the "military breeding program hellhole" fanon but to break it down. This "brother" of A is not actually his brother. In canon, B is literally just- *some kid*, AT BEST a cousin of the previous Jinchuuriki but that is not confirmed iirc, that was among several other kids that were all lined up and told "we need a new Jinchuuriki and A needs a fighting buddy, run at this training dummy and see if you can help him decapitate it" and when B was the one who succeeded they went "congrats you're his brother now, here's your complimentary octopus monster". And like everyone just accepts this? Not a SINGLE person calls B as a fake brother or points out that he and A are not actually related. Not to mention B has the strongest and most stable relationship with his Biju until Naruto and Kurama work out their bromance, and B was rocking that friendship with his biju *years* before Naruto even knew Kurama was a Thing That Existed.
4. B is also beloved by his village. BELOVED. The people adore him and his weird rapping nonsense. And yeah there's flashbacks in the anime to that not being the case when he was first introduced but B was actually able to work on changing their minds. You really think "small feral child rapping at civilians to make them warm up to him" would have flown in Kiri? In Iwa who canonically keep abusing their jinchuuriki to the point of running off? Nope. No sir. B is also allowed to have a team of his own, and seems to not only be an accepted member of the village but also a much trusted and beloved one who is even allowed his own team? Even Konoha doesn't have that good a track record lbr. It took Naruto face punching the guy who just committed genocide on the entire village for Konoha to go "you know what? We like you now".
5. One of the only other jinchuuriki we see that has fully mastered their Biju state and is on good terms with their Biju while also not being a missing-nin (or brainwashed and then immediately dead) is ALSO a Kumo ninja. Namely the holder of the Two Tails. Now on the wiki it says that she was put through a "detestable" training program but we all know how inconsistent Kishi is with... everything worldbuilding ever. And if we go off behavior alone from the brief scenes with her, Yugito Nii is?? Really stable??? And solid with her Biju??? She gave her pawprint for an Uchiha child's book of cat paw prints for crying out loud.
6. throughout the entire show, Jinchuuriki are consistently treated as the lowest class citizens. In basically every village. Naruto in Konoha, Kushina cried when she realized Minato was going to make Naruto a Jinchuuriki and put him through what she went through growing up as one so you know she didn't have a great time either, GAARA is his own entire dissertation on Jinchuuriki treatment and stability, Fuu was raised by the village leader of her village but had zero friends and was canonically super lonely and isolated, Han and Roku straight up ran away from Iwa because of whatever they were put through, a maneuver only repeated in another village by Utakata from Kiri. But in Kumo we find two jinchuuriki who have mastered their biju, are well respected by their peers and fellow citizens, and are basically treated like any other really weirdo ninja from the village barring needing to be monitored with bodyguards in B's case, which is mostly because he keeps running away to go train under rap artists so you can understand why A is ready to go frothing at the mouth feral at his brother sometimes.
All I'm saying is that if even the village's "monsters" are treated that way, why does everyone stick with the fanon that they're a breeding, bloodline stealing hellhole?
Imo it would be WAY more fun to world build Kumo as the feral mountain ninja-mandalorians of the Elemental Nations, who have a reputation for bloodline theft because they keep finding Actual Strays, Refugees from other villages, and Illegitimate bloodline children and going: YO ANYONE GONNA ADOPT THIS? and not waiting for an answer. Your a missing ninja from Kiri and you're fed up with both them and missing-nin life and want to come work for us? Great. Oh you also have a valuable kekkei genkai that can be inherited? Awesome have you heard of our red light district and child support program or better yet our tax deductible program for marrying one of our lovely civilians and raising a family here where no bloodline purges will ever happen ever. Oh you're a stray Uzumaki on the run from bloodline hunters? Well we may have been involved in destroying Uzushio (depends on your fan interpretation since canonically we do not know which villages did that other than Not Konoha) but we also have hot food, good housing, high ninja standards of living, and free weekly entertainment in betting when our Raikage is going to launch his desk at his brother like a high speed missile because B's rapping got too cringy.
Let Hinata's and Kushina's kidnapping either be the exception to their usual playbook of how they acquire bloodlines (hey it's not their fault if the other villages can't keep it in their pants/can't inspire loyalty) OR have it be seen, culturally in Kumo, as something more akin to a rescue mission. Yes these two girls are useful and have useful bloodlines, that's tactically wise, but also have you SEEN how Konoha treats their jinchuuriki? They have seal master princess and are treating her like a dog on a leash! And literally everyone knows what the Hyuuga do to their own kids if they aren't main branch, and we can't rescue any of those kids without their eyeballs exploding and them dying but hey we can snag the heiress and then any kids she has won't have to be branded so-.
Like I feel that would be so much more INTERESTING? Instead of having Konoha be the only "nice" village and make this weird tonal dissonance for how the "nice" village has the most incompetent leadership (Sarutobi) and underground atrocities (Danzo and Orochimaru) while every other village is Horrible All The Time For Everyone why not have Kumo be actually Really Functional and treat their shinobi and Jinchuuriki well and their horrible reputation is *mostly* (not entirely, because. Ninja.) be cultural clashes between the feral mountain ninja and Everyone Else and propaganda from the other villages who would like their shinobi to STOP DEFECTING TO KUMO PLEASE. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY HAVE DENTAL.
Seriously I feel like there is so much more you could do with that angle than just "yet another shinobi village that is Bad and Awful and Needs The Power of Friendship yet somehow has this really stupid goofy jinchuuriki man who loves his brother and his village shut up don't think about it".
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