#I am fucking around with cover design and learning to paint red rocks
laundrybiscuits · 1 year
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Cover design for my fic palm split with a flower with a flame (13.6k, T, Steddie hanahaki road trip AU)
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serendipitoustae · 4 years
What Your Father Says
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pairing : alt band! taehyung x reader
genre : college au, established reationship, fluff, implications of smut but not that explicit
word count : 7.8k
summary: your father doesn’t want you to be with taehyung but you simply do not care
a/n: loosely inspired by the vamps song because all i could think about whilst listening to it was rebellious teen romance.
“That ridiculous band have been wreaking havoc again” your dad sighed as he looked at the local paper whilst you ate your bowl of cookie crisp cereal. “Says here that they spray painted the local skate park before having a bonfire on the premises all for a silly little music video” he continued shaking his head.
“They were getting permission to do it” you told him before realising what you’d said “I mean I assume they did because they used to always ask before they did things for videos” you quickly added
Your boyfriend Taehyung was part of the local rock band that the majority of adults over 40 absolutely despised. They hated their style, their music and most importantly the so called trouble they caused in the name of art. Your dad had never been a fan of Taehyung no matter how polite he was whenever he came to your house. A couple months ago after you helped the band set off a load of fireworks in a car park, your dad forced you to break up with him. He didn’t want his precious little girl involved in that kind of thing. You’d never understood why he cared who you were with, he never cared about your life at all. He rarely even asked how your day was but to avoid arguments and tension in the house you “broke up” with Taehyung. As far as your dad knew you had no contact with him at all but of course you did. You weren’t going to break up with the boy you loved because your dad didn’t like him. Your mother knew you were still with him, she’d always loved Taehyung and was outraged when your dad suggested you broke up with him. She often covers for you when you go out with Tae and says you’re studying at a friend’s or simply that you’re ‘out’ because your dad really didn’t care that much about your whereabouts.
“I bet you’re glad you’re not involved with those trouble makers any more” your dad said as he turned the page of the newspaper
“Yeah I’m really glad” you said in a blunt tone before your phone went off
From: Mik
outside angel x
You’d changed Taehyung’s name in your phone to ‘Mik’, his last name backwards, so that if your dad saw your phone he wouldn’t know you were still with him. You looked out of the window and saw Jungkook’s truck on your drive way, Jungkook was the bands lead singer and despite being the youngest he was often the designated driver. Taehyung used to always drive you to college but since you ‘split up’ he’s been riding with JK so your dad didn’t recognise the car.
“Namjoon’s here I’ll see you later” you said
You always used your best friend Namjoon as a cover up for anytime you were going out with the band. Your dad loved Namjoon and often asked why you’d chosen to date Taehyung over him as he was so intelligent and sensible.
“Bye, send Namjoon my regards” your dad said not looking up from the paper as you left
“I will” you said as you walked out of the front door.
You opened the back door of JK’s truck and were instantly met with the sound of ‘something in the way’ by Nirvana one of the band’s biggest inspirations. Taehyung was sat in the back behind JK just in case your dad ever happened to look in the car. He didn’t actually know what the other band member’s faces looked like so if he saw JK you’d be able to lie about who he was.
“Hey baby” Taehyung grinned as he pressed a kiss to your lips the second you were sat next to him. You brought your hand up to cup his face as he nestled his ring cluttered hand in your hair and deepened the kiss
“Ugh! Guys come on it’s not even 9 am it’s too early for your pda” JK groaned from the driver seat next to Yoongi, the bands bass player.
“You’re just jealous you’ve not got a girl as hot as mine” Taehyung smirked as he wiped the remnants of your lip balm from around his mouth “is that strawberry flavoured?” he asked licking his lips to which you nodded “it’s nice” he said pressing another kiss to your lips. This one a lot shorter lived than the other.
“Can we just get to college before they fuck in the backseat” Yoongi groaned causing you and Taehyung to laugh.
The drive to college was fairly uneventful other than the boys talking about the big show they were playing at the end of the week. It was their biggest show yet and there would be a tonne of record labels scouting for new talent so to say they were nervous was an understatement.
“My dad heard about what you guys did at the skate park” you said
“Let me guess he said ‘aren’t you glad you aren’t with that absolute rapscallion Kim Taehyung anymore’” he said mimicking your dad with a pretty spot on impression
“Yeah pretty much” you laughed “you guys did get permission though right?”
“Of course we did, they said they’re thinking of demolishing the skate park soon so we’d be doing them a favour” JK explained.
When you got to college JK and Yoongi went straight to their music class but Taehyung walked you to your lesson as he always did even if it made him late.
“I’m perfectly capable of getting to class by myself you’re going to be late” you told him as you walked up the stairs to the art department
“It’s a music class, the teachers don’t give a shit about us so it doesn’t matter” he replied as you got to your class door
“If you get in trouble don’t blame me” you said
“I would never” he said as he pulled you into a quick kiss, you went to pull away as you knew your whole class was probably watching but he followed your lips and held you there for a bit longer
“I don’t think my whole class needs to see that” you laughed as you pushed his chest away from you
“Sorry that strawberry lip balm just tastes really good” he smiled licking his lips
“You can have it if you like it that much” you told him
“No it tastes better this way” he said quickly kissing you again
“Bye Tae” you said as you rolled your eyes and walked into your class.
Your lesson was off to an extremely boring start. There was only so long you could listen to your teacher talk about colour theory before you were ready do a Van Gogh and cut your ear off.
“I wish we could just get on and do some painting already” Namjoon whispered from his seat next to you, you agreed as you doodled on the page you were meant to be taking notes on. Even though he complained about it you could see Namjoon’s page was full of notes written in green biro.
Once you had finally got on with some painting your phone sounded from the pocket of your denim jacket.
“Phones on silent please” your tutor said, you knew it was Tae texting you because your phone was on silent but you had it on the setting so it would go off no matter what if it was him.
From: Mik
can you come outside please x
You looked up at the window of your class and saw Tae looking at you with his big puppy dog eyes. Despite the majority of your friends not caring for the school system at all you were somewhat of a goody two shoes. Tae was well aware of this so you knew he’d only want to get you out of class if he really needed to.
“Can I go to the toilet please sir?” you asked, your teacher said yes without even looking in your direction. You quickly left the class as you wanted to be out of class for as short a time as possible.
“I’m so so sorry I didn’t want to pull you out of class but I need to calm down because if I ditch again I’ll get expelled and I can’t get expell-“ Taehyung rambled before you interrupted
“Babe it’s okay what’s wrong?” you asked as the two of you began walking out of the art building
“So you know we’ve got that massive show on Friday, we wanted to practise for that in our lesson because obviously that’s our priority right now” Taehyung started as you entered the smoker’s area and he sat on one of the tables pulling out a box of cigarettes.
“Our teacher said we had to learn some shitty pop riff instead and obviously we should get an exception because we’re the only people in the class that actually give a shit about music but no, apparently they don’t give a shit about the biggest opportunity of our lives” he continued as he lit a cigarette with the lighter you’d painted for him and pressed it past his lips. The lighter had your own take on Van Gogh’s starry night as you knew Tae loved that painting. You’d done it so the moon was the Nirvana smiley face and you still remember the smile on Tae’s face when he’d received it for his birthday. After blowing out the smoke carefully to avoid getting any in your face he began speaking again.
“I refused to do the task and explained to the teacher why but she didn’t seem to care so she kicked me out for being disrespectful” he said taking another drag of the cigarette.
You felt bad for him, you really did. He’d gained such an awful reputation as a student for speaking out against the system. He hated being told what to do with an absolute passion. Obviously he listened to his teachers, but sometimes he just didn’t think they were fair and more often than not he was right.  You stepped closer to him and rested your hands in the traffic light red hair at the back of his head, careful not to loosen his bandanna. You felt his entire body relax under your fingertips.
“I know you’re stressed about the show but I promise you could do it tonight and absolutely smash it so not much more practise is needed. I know it’s unfair and stupid that they won’t let you practise in your lesson but you’ve just got to suck it up, I know that isn’t what you want to hear but you know your parents will stop you from playing the show completely if you get in anymore trouble with school” you told him as you continued to play with his hair.
He sighed as he put his cigarette out in the ash tray beside him.
“I love you” he muttered as he dropped his head to rest on your chest “I’m sorry you have to put up with my bullshit”
You pressed a kiss to his head before pulling him up by a hand on his jaw so he’d look at you
“It’s not bullshit you’re passionate about your music and your teacher should understand that , I love you too please don’t think you’re something I have to put up with helping you is what I’m here for” you smiled
“Thank you, can you come over tonight please?” he asked
You knew you’d have to tell your mother in advance so she could make up a lie to your father as to why you weren’t home.
“Of course I can I’ve gotta get back to lesson are you gonna be okay?”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a tight embrace
“Yeah I feel a lot calmer now sorry for keeping you from your lesson” he said as he released you
“Stop apologising I’m here for you okay?” you told him once again holding his face so his dark eyes were looking in yours
“Okay” he grinned before pressing a kiss to your lips
“I’ll see you later” you said walking back to into the art department.
“Was I gone for suspiciously long?” you asked Namjoon as you carried on with your painting
“No not really, is Tae okay?” Namjoon asked obviously having seen him outside before you left
“Yeah he just needed calming down but he’s okay now” you said
“You’re really good for him you know he’s been so much calmer since you two got together”
Namjoon and Taehyung were neighbours so they grew up together and were still best friends now. That’s how you’d met Taehyung in the first place.
“What’s that noise?” you asked Namjoon as you sat at his dining table studying
“Oh it’s Taehyung and his band” Namjoon told you.
You’d seen Taehyung around as you spent a lot of time at Namjoon’s so it was inevitable you’d see him every so often. You’d never really spoken to him though oddly. You were quite happy about that fact though, he was extremely attractive so much so that it intimidated you slightly.
“They sound good” you said
“We could go watch them rehearse if you wanted? I think we’ve earned a study break” he smiled as he closed his textbook and removed his glasses.
You loved the sound of whatever they were playing but you weren’t sure if you’d be able to cope watching Taehyung playing drums and actually being in his company.
“No it’s okay I’m sure they don’t want us intruding” you said
“Oh come on I know you’re just scared because you think Tae’s hot” Namjoon laughed
You looked at him with wide eyes and furrowed brows.
“Did you think I didn’t know? You think I don’t see you staring at him through the window every time he gets home” Namjoon chuckled
“Okay fine let’s go then” you said as you stood up pulling your oversized Kurt Cobain t-shirt down as you did so.
You and Namjoon walked over to Taehyung’s garage and Namjoon let himself in as you assumed he’d done hundreds of times before
“Hey guys this is Y/N she thought you guys sounded cool is it okay if we watch you rehearse for a bit?” he asked.
The garage was painted a dark blue and covered in old rock band posters, it actually looked quite similar to your bedroom. Once you’d taken in your surroundings you looked at the three boys before you. The guitar playing lead singer was smiling at you as was the bass player, it was the sort of smile that made you feel like they knew something you didn’t. You looked at Taehyung as he was sat behind his drum kit running his hands through his dark hair as he shot you a small smile.
“Yeah that’s fine” Taehyung said as he twisted his red drum stick round in between his fingers.
Namjoon introduced you to all the boys properly and Yoongi told you he liked your outfit even though it was simply just a long t shirt with some fishnet tights. You sat on the sofa opposite their set up and watched them perform a cover of ‘Paradise city’ by Guns ‘n’ Roses. You were surprised that you’d never been friends with any of the band considering their style and music taste was very similar to your own.
After that day you realised Taehyung wasn’t nearly as intimidating as you thought he was. He was actually really sweet which most people wouldn’t assume from his leather jackets and the multiple metal hoops in his ears.
It took around a month after officially meeting for you and Taehyung to get together. All the boys had said from the second you met it was obvious you two would get together as you were just perfect for each other.
When your lesson had finished and you were off to lunch you and Namjoon met the band at their usual table. Once you were sat down you texted your mum telling her you’d be going round Tae’s tonight.
“Would you be able to sleepover tonight?” Tae asked as he rested his arm on the back of your chair.
Sleepovers with Taehyung were always harder to get away with. Your father wouldn’t allow you to sleep round a boy’s house not even Namjoon’s and unfortunately you had no girl friends that you were close enough to that they would lie for you.
“I don’t know I’ll have to think of some sort of excuse” You told him
“I was thinking we should all get new piercings so we look cooler for the show” JK announced
“Yes I am up for that idea” you answered knowing the statement didn’t include you but you would love to see your boyfriend with more piercings. He already had loads in his ears and one in his tongue that he got done when you got your nose pierced. You still remember the horror on your dads face when you came home with studs on either side of your nose. That was probably the start of his hatred for Taehyung.
“What would you like me to get?” Taehyung said as he faced you. He was so open to things like tattoos and piercings and didn’t really make a big deal out of them.
“A nose ring maybe?” you suggested excitedly
“Okay gorgeous, do you wanna go after college?” he asked to which you nodded.
“I was thinking of getting my eyebrow pierced” Yoongi said
“Okay great I’ll get my nose done too” JK said
“Are you gonna join us?” Taehyung asked Namjoon
“I’d pass out if I even saw a needle so I think I’ll just go home” he said
Namjoon was very different to the rest of you, he had completely different style and completely different music taste but you were still all great friends which you couldn’t be happier about.
Once you’d finished college for the day all of you minus Namjoon piled into JK’s truck and made your way to the piercing shop. It wasn’t the most amazing place but it was cheap and you didn’t have to make appointments.
Yoongi and JK went in to get their piercings first as you went in two at a time.
“I’m gutted we can’t even post a cute photo of us having almost matching piercings after I get it done” Taehyung said as you sat on the black leather sofa in the shop.
The chances of your father seeing anything you or Taehyung posted on social media were low but not zero so just to be safe you hadn’t posted anything accept for on your private stories.
“We can take some and put them up in your room maybe” you suggested
In the year and a bit that you two had been together Taehyung had made a photo wall of the two of you above his bed. There was photos from your dates, from his gigs and just stupid little selfies you’d taken together. You wished you could do the same in your room.
“You ready?” the piercing woman asked Tae as she came out with Yoongi and JK. Taehyung nodded and you both inspected the boys’ piercings before going into the room.
Taehyung laid on the chair like he’s done several times before and you sat in the chair opposite. You watched as the needle went through his nose cringing as you remembered exactly what that felt like. Despite his eyes watering slightly due to the pressure on his nose he was fine. After thanking the woman he came over to you standing close to you so you could see the piercing.
“It looks so good” you smiled
You both left the room before joining the other boys. They all had a proper look at each other’s piercings smiling as they did so.
“We’re gonna look so cool at the show” JK said everyone instantly agreeing.
JK dropped you and Taehyung back at Taehyung’s house and you were still thinking of a way to stay the night without your dad finding out where you were.
“Dad I’m home” Taehyung called as you both walked through the door
Taehyung’s dad came to meet you at the door quickly noticing the piercing
“Oh nice piercing, loving the outfit Y/n” he smiled
You’d always adored Taehyung’s dad, he was always so complimentary and supportive of you that it made up for what you lacked from your own father.
You and Taehyung went upstairs and you laid on his bed as he hung his jacket up on his door. He came and laid next to you before pulling out his phone to take photos of the two of you. You did multiple poses making sure you could see his new piercing. He also did a little video because he loved being able to take screenshots from them to have genuine photos of the two of you smiling together. Once he’d edited the brightness and vibrancy of the images he sent them to his Polaroid printer that he had. Once they’d printed he grabbed the ball of blue tack from his bedside table and added them to the photo wall.
“I’m so jealous of this wall” you told him as he laid back down with you
“Why don’t you just tell your dad we’re still together? I treat you well I’m polite I don’t see his problem” He said as he fiddled with your fingers that were rested on his chest
“I know it’s just that he thinks you’re a bad influence and think you’re the reason I dress like in his words ‘a groupie’ and the reason I got my nose pierced” you explained causing him to scoff
“You dressed like that before we even met properly and you’ve always wanted a nose piercing, it’s not like I’ve impacted your life badly your grades are still perfect and the only time I’ve got you in trouble was when I snuck us into that pool that one time” he said
You could feel his frustration through the way he was speaking and how he sighed after each sentence.
“Babe you don’t have to tell me I know , I just don’t want the argument with him and I don’t want him being an asshole to you” you told him you know your dad would eventually get over it but it would just cause a lot of problems in the house and there didn’t need to be anymore.
“Last time I checked we’re planning our lives together you’re gonna have to tell him at some point you’re almost eighteen he can’t control who you’re with” Tae said sitting up which made you fall to the mattress as you’d been laying half on his chest.
“Why are you blaming me?” you asked as he pulled his bandana off and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I’m not” he muttered
“Well it sure sounds like it” you told him
“I just don’t understand when you’re planning to tell him , he can’t really do anything about it and if he kicks you out or something you can just live here” he exclaimed
You sat up and looked at him. He was deliberately avoiding your gaze and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Well maybe if you didn’t have such an awful reputation then he wouldn’t want me to date Namjoon so bad” you said
You knew it was a low blow and something Tae often got jealous over but you couldn’t believe he was blaming you for your father’s disapproval.
“If it makes your life easier go fucking date him then! You know all the shit your dads heard about me is just rumours” he yelled instantly turning to you as he stopped.
“I’m so sorry babe” he said, he’d always had a rule that he’d never yell at you. There wasn’t a specific personal reason for you it just didn’t sit right with him. “It’s just so frustrating I treat you like a fucking princess and I still can’t get his approval because of things other people have said about me”
You didn’t mind that he’d yelled at you, you found the situation frustrating but it must’ve been even worse for him. Your dad used to somewhat like him but the bigger the band got the more rumours about him spread and eventually your dad didn’t care about the whole year he’d already got to know Taehyung.
“It’s okay I get it I’m sorry about the Namjoon comment you know I’d never want to be with anyone but you” you told him
He sighed and wrapped his arm around you
“It’s not okay I should never raise my voice at you I’m not mad at you I’m just mad at the situation” he said before kissing your head.
“I’ll see if I can talk to him at some point soon” you said
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring as long as I can be with you I don’t care” he said before pressing his lips to yours.
You gently moved your weight forward so he was laying down and your position was more comfortable. His hand gripped your hair as his tongue moved against yours the metal of his tongue piercing creating an icy contrast to the warmth of your mouths. He hummed slightly into the kiss as your hands travelled under his ‘Children of Bodom’ t-shirt. He sat up slightly, assisting you in pulling the shirt over his head before laying back down and pulling you further up his lap. You could feel the cold metal of his rings on your skin as his hand ran underneath the skirt you were wearing. It was then that your phone rang causing the two of you to groan at the interruption. Sitting up, still on his lap, you leaned over and grabbed your phone seeing it was your mum before answering it.
“Hello?” you said sounding more breathless than you’d hoped
“Hi sweetie there’s not a way I can convince your dad to let you stay out for the night especially as it’s a school night, he’s home late from work tomorrow so Tae’s free to come round here I’ll leave the house to you two” your mum said
“Okay thanks what time do you want me home?” you asked
“Eight pm latest”
“Okay see you then”
You hung up before tossing your phone on the bed next to you
“Take it you can’t stay” Tae mumbled against your neck as he pressed kissed up to your jaw
“No I’ve got to be home for eight but dad’s out all day tomorrow so you can come to mine” you told him as you tangled your fingers in his hair and leaned your head to the side giving him more access to your neck.
“Ooh sneaking about now are we?” he said as he trailed kisses back down to your collar bone “that’s hot”
You laughed at his words softly before you felt him bite lightly at your neck
“You can’t leave marks remember” you reminded him
“Not in visible places” he smirked as he undid the zip at the back of your skirt.
You stirred at the mellifluous sound of your boyfriend’s voice
“What?” you groaned as you snuggled deeper into the warmth of his bare chest
“It’s almost eight I’ve gotta get you home” he said
“I wanna stay here” you whined still half asleep
“I want you to as well but you can’t” he said as he got out of bed gathering both of your clothes and underwear before dropping them in a messy pile on the bed “You gonna be able to walk?” he smirked as you did up the clasp on your bra.
“Don’t flatter yourself” you replied
“Excuse me” he grinned in false offence causing you to laugh
Once you were both dressed and you’d made yourself look presentable, he drove you home stopping a road before your street so your dad wouldn’t see.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I love you” you said pressing a kiss to his lips
“I love you too” he told you as you got out of his car.
“I’m home” you said as you entered the dining room to see your parents
“Hi sweetie did you have a good time at Namjoon’s?” your mum asked
“Yeah it was great” you said
“Why does he never come in to say hello?” your dad asked
You look at your mum quickly “Uhm he’s a busy guy these days lots of studying to do” you lied as best you could
“he used to always come in when he dropped you home, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re secretly still dating Taehyung behind my back” he chuckled causing you and your mum to let out nervous laughs
“No never, I’d honestly forgotten about Taehyung until you mentioned him” you lied as if you hadn’t been laying naked in bed with the boy less than twenty minutes ago
“That’s what I like to hear” your dad said
You quickly exited the room and went to the bathroom before turning on the shower as you hadn’t had a chance to have one at Tae’s.
Once you’d finished and were in your pyjamas back in your bedroom you checked your phone.
From: Mik
my bed smells like you come back please i miss you
To: Mik
trust me i wish i could, almost thought my dad was onto us a second ago
You explained what your dad had said and discussed whether or not you thought your dad knew. You two had been so careful that there’s no way he could know and it’s not like your dad was that clued up about your life so you were pretty sure you were in the clear.
“Okay I’m going to be out as long as you want me out for later” Your mum said the next morning as she came into your room “I’ll tell your dad to let you know when he’s on his way home you’ve got to make sure you leave no proof of Taehyung being here though” she continued
It was risky sneaking Tae into your house whilst your dad was at work. You’d never done that since you “broke up” but you thought if you were careful it would be fine.
“Get him to come in the back door so that the neighbours are less likely to see, I’ll unlock it on my way out” Your mother added
“Okay I will” you told her before she left the house
Text From: Mik
house empty?
Text To: Mik
yep, come in the back door x
You had a couple hours until you had to be at college so you were hoping you’d be able to get some more sleep in whilst Tae was there. Within ten minutes you heard the back door open and footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Morning beautiful” Tae smiled as he entered your room instantly pulling his shoes off and climbing under the sheets next to you. His cold body sliced through the warmth you’d previously been surrounded by as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re freezing” You whined despite curling into his chest
“Would you rather I wasn’t here?” he said
“Of course not” you replied as his hands began playing with your hair.
You laid in silence for a while, simply enjoying the comfort of a sleepy morning together that you hadn’t been able to have for a while. When you were allowed to be together he’d stayed most nights and if he didn’t it was likely you were at his. You’d spend every morning wrapped in each other’s warmth having nonsensical half asleep conversations.
“I’ve missed this” he muttered into your hair but you had already fallen back to sleep.
You were wrenched out of what was a seemingly pleasant dream by the screeching of your alarm. Tae’s arms tightened around you as you rolled over in his embrace to turn the alarm off. You managed to sit up out of Tae’s arms slightly deciding that as he was already dressed he didn’t need to be woken up yet.
As you sat next to him you took the time to fully take in his appearance. The slow rise and fall of his chest signified his relaxed state as did the way his thick lashes that were smothered with eyeliner sat upon the flawless skin of his cheeks. His red hair that was once flat against his forehead was now sticking up in the air exposing the slit he’d shaved into his eyebrow a couple weeks ago. You were flooded with a sudden rush of adoration for the boy lying next to you, you never got to properly relax and appreciate him for what he was as you were always worried about getting home and making up excuses these days. He groaned slightly as he rolled over, his arms wrapping around the duvet you were previously laying under. You’d always found it endearing that the Kim Taehyung most people were intimidated by had to cuddle something in order to sleep, whether it be a pillow, a teddy or ,his preferred option, you.
“Stop staring at me you weirdo” he grumbled as his puffy eyes opened and met yours
“Is it wrong for me to appreciate how beautiful my boyfriend is?” you asked
“When you’re denying him morning cuddles it is” he said through a yawn as he made grabby hands at you
“I’ve gotta shower and get ready” you told him before ruffling his hair and getting out of bed
“Can I join?” he asked smirking at you
“No you cannot you can get me an outfit ready though” you laughed before heading to the bathroom.
Once you’d showered and put clean underwear on you walked back into your room and saw Tae sat at your vanity table his hair now a lot neater than when you’d left him.
“I chose the AC/DC t shirt and your red skirt” he said as he quickly stood up to grab the clothes “I was thinking you could where the long sleeved fishnet thing you wear sometimes with your red boots maybe to match the skirt” he said as he looked up at you with his pouty lips and wide eyes showing you he wasn’t sure if he’d chosen well.
“Yeah that sounds great” You smiled walking to your draw to pick out your fishnet top.
“You look so hot in that” he muttered as you pulled the fishnet shirt over your head “Shame JK’s getting us in ten minutes”
You rolled your eyes at him and the way he was like most boys constantly thinking about one thing.
“Don’t forget we’ve got all afternoon once we’re back” You reminded him
“How could I forget? My favourite person all to myself with no interruptions, it’s a dream come true” He grinned as he pulled you into him by your waist and pressed his lips to yours
“I’m starting to remember-“you said into the kiss “why we were late all the time when you’d stay here” you smiled as your arms wrapped around his neck
“That’s young love for you” he grinned as his hands began trailing down south
“Go downstairs so I can get ready with no distractions please” you said as you took his hands off of you
He feigned offence as he looked at you
“The one time your boyfriends here with you in the morning and you’re telling him to leave? The audacity” he said
You giggled at his expression
“You know I take ages to get ready even without distractions and you said it yourself JK is gonna be here soon so please”
“What if I don’t want to?” he challenged as he stepped closer so he was towering above you face inches away from your own
“What if I make it up to you later?” You shot back raising your eyebrow at him looking him up and down for extra effect
“Done!” he said before leaving the room
After being only slightly late to college you were in your usual spot next to Namjoon.
“Are you sure sneaking Tae into your house is the best idea?” he asked as he mixed his water colours
“My dad’s at work all day and my mum has left us the house so what can go wrong?” you asked
As much as you loved him, Namjoon didn’t have a rebellious bone in his body and would often make you think through your antics properly before you did them. You weren’t particularly rebellious apart from dating a boy your Father hates and consistently lying to him so that you can go and see said boy.
“What if your dad comes home early or what if one of the neighbours sees and tells him?” Namjoon said
“He’s going to text me when he’s on his way home and Tae’s going to go in the back door so the neighbours probably won’t see” you assured him
“Okay let me know if you need me to cover for you at all for any reason” he said
No matter how much he disagreed with your actions he’d always be there to help you if you needed it and for that you were eternally grateful.
Once you finished college you got JK to drop you home, you went in the front whilst he drove round the back to drop Tae off. You dropped your bag and walked through the house to open the door for Tae.
The second the door was open his hands were on you as were his lips. You stumbled backwards into your living room as Tae walked forwards, his lips still feverishly attached to yours.
“What’s the rush? We’ve got all afternoon” you asked as he started trailing his lips down your neck
“We never get to be this alone, I’m making the most of it” he mumbled as his lips reconnected with yours your dark lipstick now smeared all around his mouth. He continued walking the two of you backwards before grabbing the back of your thighs and pulling you up to wrap your legs around his waist. Taehyung carried you through the house for a second before pushing you up against the wall simultaneously pushing himself into you causing the both of you to groan slightly.
“As much as I love this just go to my room already” you said moving your lips only millimetres away from his to speak.
“What’s the rush? We’ve got all afternoon” he smirked mocking you
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes
“Gladly” he said as he reconnected your lips and began blindly walking to your bedroom.
Once you were there he dropped you onto your bed before taking his shirt and jeans off and climbing on top of you. You’d already taken your shirt off so he instantly placed his hands under your skirt and began pulling your underwear down with one hand whilst the other held your face. Seconds after you’d put your lips back on his you heard the front door open. Tae pulled back and you stared at each other with a similar look of horror.
“Y/n?” Your dad called
“I thought he was working late?” Tae whisper shouted
“He was supposed to be!” you replied as you quickly got up throwing your shirt back on and checking yourself in the mirror. You quickly grabbed a makeup wipe to get rid of the lipstick on your chin and neck.
“Y/n are you home?” your dad’s voice sounded again
“Yeah I thought you were uh working late?” You said as you made your way downstairs
Your dad was in the living room placing down his brief case and loosening his tie when you walked in
“I was meant to be but my meeting got cancelled, I was going to text you but my phones dead” he explained
Your mind was running a million miles an hour trying to work out a way to get Tae out of your house without your dad seeing.
“When you didn’t answer and I saw the back door was open I thought someone had broken in” your dad laughed causing you to laugh in return
“Sorry I had my headphones in” You lied avoiding eye contact with him. As you did so you noticed a pair of shoes by the still open back door. Tae’s shoes. How did you not even realise he’d taken them off? Anyone that had ever met Tae could recognise those shoes as his anywhere as they were covered in little doodles he’d designed. Your father was yet to see them but there was no way you could discretely hide a pair of size 10 Doc Martens.
“Would you mind getting me a beer?” your dad asked you as he sat down on the sofa
“Yeah of course” you said but you didn’t want to leave the room because you knew your dad would see Tae’s shoes if he wasn’t distracted by conversation. As you grabbed a beer from the fridge and were making your way back to the living room you heard your dad yell your name.
“Where is he?” your dad said as he met you in the kitchen
“Who?” you said knowing there was no point lying but not knowing what else to say
“Don’t play dumb with me Taehyung’s here his shoes are by the back door, god I thought he’d be smarter than to leave evidence of him being here right in the living room” he scoffed
“In his defence you weren’t meant to be home for hours” you said knowing it would just make the situation worse
“He’s upstairs isn’t he?” your dad asked despite knowing the answer and already heading upstairs
“Dad wait!” you called rushing after him, oh how you hoped Tae had put his clothes back on and wiped his face before your dad found him.
You trailed behind as your dad opened your bedroom door and saw Tae sat on your bed. You let out a sigh of relief as he was now fully clothed. “What are you doing in my house?!” Your father said causing Tae to jump to his feet “Dad it was my idea don’t be mad at him” you tried as you stood between them both but your dad dismissed you completely “She’s lying sir it was my idea I’m so sorry” Tae said You snapped your head towards him a his words “What are you doing!” you exclaimed at him “Dad I promise you it was my idea he’s just trying to protect me” you said turning back in your dad’s direction. “I don’t care whose idea it was I want him out now!” Your father shouted pointing at your door. Tae looked at you with an apologetic look on his face before walking towards your door. “Tae stop” you said causing him to look back at you “Dad what’s your problem?” “What do you mean? Isn’t obvious? Look at him!” Your dad exclaimed gesturing towards Tae “He looked like that when you knew we were together so what’s happened to make you hate him so much?” You asked as Tae made his way too your side Your dad sighed and sat down on the chair of your vanity table “For starter’s he didn’t have red hair and a nose piercing when I knew, I just don’t want my daughter involved in the antics him and those boys get up to” he explained His words made absolutely no sense to you and you were about to voice that when Tae spoke up “Sir if you don’t mind me saying the things the papers write about us and our music videos we always get permission for everything we do, we’d never do anything against the law and if we did I wouldn’t involve Y/n” Taehyung explained “I understand you’re protective of her as any father would be but I can confidently say I treat her perfectly and have given you no reason to think I don’t” he finished Your dad looked up at him and shook his head “I never said you don’t treat her well I know you do, but I also know what it’s like being in a rock band it starts out harmless and legal but the bigger you get the worse it gets and before you know it you’re all drug addicts and alcoholics and I just don’t want her getting caught up in that like I did” he said You never knew your dad had been in a band. You’d never think he’d ever have the guts to do something like that, he’s always been so sophisticated and quite frankly up himself as far as you were concerned. “How have I never heard about you being in a band?” You asked “Because it’s not a time I’m proud of and I wanted you to think better of me” he admitted causing you to laugh “I’d have thought better of you if you’d told me” “Well now you know , Taehyung I never asked for you two to split up as a personal thing I’m just afraid you’ll get into things like I did” You father said looking at Taehyung without disgust for the first time in a while. “You know how headstrong and stubborn she is she’d never do something out of peer pressure and would probably be the one stopping us from doing anything like that” Tae laughed smiling at you “I know you’d rather her be with someone like Namjoon I’m aware I’m not good enough for her but by some miracle she thinks I am so would there be any hope at all of you letting us be together?” Tae asked “Honestly I always knew she’d end up with someone a bit different and alternative and if you continue to treat her well and promise you won’t get her involved in anything bad then I suppose you can stay together” Your dad smiled “Seriously?” you asked making him nod
“Thank you! I promise I swear on my life and hers I will never involve her in anything bad” Taehyung grinned at him
“Thank you dad” you smiled as Tae pulled you into his arms
“This door stays open though!” Your dad said as he left the room.
“I can’t believe that was so easy I should’ve snuck you in weeks ago!” You said
“I told you if we just spoke to him it would turn out okay” Tae said
“so where were we?” he added as he kissed you running his hands under the hem of your shirt.
“We weren’t anywhere, not with my dad right downstairs” you laughed as he continued to trail his hands under your shirt
“That’s definitely not stopped you before”
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obxparadise · 4 years
Rebel Love Song
JJ Maybank x Female Reader 
Word count: 3,836
~JJ’s had enough of his abusive father and life on the Cut, so he tries to convince you to run away with him~
Song: Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides 
A/N: Leave a comment please :) 
*GIF is not mine, but found on Google. Creds to the owner!*
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I cannot hide what’s on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what’s mine
Let us start living for today
“You are a worthless piece of shit.”
“Shut up!”
“Your mama knew!”
“Shut up!”
JJ’s fist strikes his bedroom door, although he wishes it were his father’s face. It probably wouldn’t be as painful, and he’d feel good about it. But his dad would retaliate like he always did, and JJ’s face couldn’t handle another black eye or split lip. Luke had already done a number on his face twenty minutes prior.
Luke turns up the volume of whatever rock song is playing throughout the house, and JJ clutches the sides of his head, digging his palms into his temples, the thoughts in his head drowning out the song. What the hell was he listening to anyway? Judas Priest? Black Sabbath? He had no fucking clue.
He should be used to it all by now. The loud music. The constant drinking. The verbal violence. The physical abuse. The mental manipulation. It’s been going on for years. And there’s no way to stop it.
The cut on JJ’s lip burns as a salty tear mixes with the dried blood. He drags his fingers across the bottom of his lip, wincing. Thirty grand in restitution for a boat he didn’t even sink. He should’ve seen the punch coming, anticipated it as soon as he slid in the passenger’s seat of the beat up pick up truck. But it happened so fast, over and over, until Luke’s knuckles were painted red with blood.
He doesn’t regret taking the blame, though. Even if he now has to scramble to come up with thirty thousand dollars, JJ’s glad that he did the right thing for once in his life. Pope was a good kid, had too much to lose. But JJ? He had nothing.
The music dies down in the living room and JJ peers toward the door, heart hammering against his chest as he waits for Luke to bust into his room. His fists are balled by his sides, ready to attack if necessary, but the door never opens.
JJ takes it upon himself to crack open the door, just enough for him to peer out into the living room and see Luke passed out on the sofa. Empty beer bottles are scattered along the coffee table and a pill bottle is just barely sitting in Luke’s hand that dangles off the couch. Just another typical Tuesday in the Maybank household.
It’s times like these JJ wishes he wasn’t an only child. Although he’s glad no one else is subjected to Luke’s abuse, the house gets lonely. Talking to his father is impossible. His mother is nowhere to be found, and he resents her for leaving him to live with a monster, to fend for his life.
He could always talk to his friends, though.
Ah, scratch that. They’re all busy tending to their own lives.
Pope’s in and out of scholarship interviews.
Kiara’s working overtime at the Wreck.
John B is glued to Sarah Cameron’s hip.
But there’s one more person left. One person that would always make time for him. One person he could confide in no matter the circumstances.
JJ retrieves his phone from the back pocket of his shorts, typing out a quick message.
Can you meet me at the dock?
He smiles as your name pops up on the screen, promising to meet him in ten minutes.
You watch from afar as JJ stands at the edge of the dock throwing rocks into the bay. The sun has begun to set, the sky now painted a light orange and pink, and there’s a slight chill in the air thanks to the open water. Tugging the sleeves of your hoodie down to cover your hands, you shuffle quietly along the wooden boards.
JJ’s body instantly relaxes when your arms circle his middle, forehead resting against his back. The cologne on his body mixed with his natural scent is what keeps you still against him until he turns around to hold you. He needs this hug. You can just tell.
“I owe thirty grand for sinking Topper’s boat.” His voice is defeated, arms limp around your body.
Wherever trouble was, JJ found it. He was always getting into scuffles with the teenagers on the other side of the island, parents turned their noses down at him, and the cops had no problem blaming JJ for crimes he didn’t commit. The boy was an easy target.
You shake your head, refusing to believe his story, but asking the question anyway. “Why’d you do it?”
JJ pulls away, stuffing his hands in his pockets, eyes downcast on the dock. He doesn’t want to tell you the truth, but you have a guess as to who he’s protecting. “Just sick of everyone treating us differently because we live on the poor side of the island. Money isn’t everything, but it’s all these people on Figure Eight know.”
He’s not wrong. The rich kids on Figure Eight can’t separate fantasy from reality. They’ve never known struggle. They’ve always had designer clothes, food on the table, a roof over their heads, plus the perks. Motorcycles. Boats. Cars. Status. Friends. Opportunities. So much more than the average person could afford, or wish for.
And you were one of them.
It’s a wonder how you and JJ became friends. You knew of his hatred for rich kids before you’d even met him. But JJ saw something in you. You weren’t like the rest of them. You had a pure heart, kind soul. Being rich wasn’t a personality trait for you.
“I just,” Dragging a hand through his hair, JJ gazes at you sadly. His frown tugs at your heart. “I just want to get away, you know? I can’t hide it, but I’ve had thoughts about leaving the Cut, the OBX in general.”
Now that’s something you never would of thought would come out of JJ’s mouth. He lived and breathed the Outerbanks. He didn’t know anything else.
“Where would you go?”
He takes a seat on the end of the dock, feet dangling just above the water. You join him, sitting close, head on his shoulder, toes skimming the cool water.  “Paris. England. The Yucatan,” JJ chuckles, nudging you. “That’s long term.”
“What about now?”
JJ exhales, thinking hard. “Maybe Florida. Or Texas. California, possibly. I want to go somewhere warm, like OBX, with a beach and some palm trees,” JJ looks down at the top of your head, resting his cheek on your hair. Your presence calms him. “And I’d take you with me.”
He knocks the breath out of you. You were never one to plan for the future, but the future is all JJ can think about it. And he sees you in his future, wherever he decides to be. How could you possibly tell him that the life that was destined for you would always be in the Outerbanks, breaking his heart in the process?
“Don’t you want to start living? The way we want to?” JJ asks softly, fingertips grazing your leg. Goosebumps rise on your skin at his intimate touch.
“I already am,” you say, considering his words. “My life is here, JJ. I can’t leave it behind.”
“No, it’s not,” JJ retorts instantaneously, voice unwavering. “This life you’re living? It’s not yours. It’s your parents’.”
Bringing your knees to your chin, you reposition yourself to look at JJ, whose staring out at the bay, blue eyes scanning the water, tuffs of blonde hair dancing in the breeze. It’s the first time that night you really took notice of his face. Dried blood dots the corner of his mouth, and a purple bruise rings around his eye. There’s a tick in his jaw and his fingers drum quickly on his leg. He’s tense. “How so?”
He’s never been anything other than blunt. He hides nothing, letting you know how he thinks, what he feels. “Because you don’t stand up to them. They drag you to yacht parties on the weekend because you’ve never told them who your real friends are. They think Susie Milligan and Delia Pratton are your best friends, except they have no idea that you can’t stand them and would rather be surfing with Kie and John B. They make you stay in and study your dad’s old college textbooks, convinced you’re going to be the world’s greatest attorney, but you complain to Pope that the material is dry and you’ll never be happy working as a prosecutor.” Pulling a cigarette from his pocket and then lighting it, JJ takes a drag, puffing out the smoke before turning to face you. “You let them dictate what should be your life. What is it that youwant to do? You never talk about the future, but one day it’ll be here, and it’s sooner than you think.”
His eyes are focused as he waits for you to consider his question. The truth is, you know what you want, but you’ve never said it aloud. No one ever cared to ask, except for now. Except for JJ.
“I want to be a marine biologist,” you’re confident in your answer, and it leads you to spill more. A weight lifts off your shoulders. “I want to go to school in Hawaii or Australia and learn about animals, nature, sea life. I want to surf, fish, and wear flowers in my hair, embrace my free spirit.”
JJ’s smile encourages you. Opening up to him is so easy because he understands. He listens. And he wants the same freedom as you do. The only difference is, JJ will chase after his dreams.
“I want to learn how to play guitar, climb a mountain, run a marathon, learn Chinese, ride in a hot air balloon,” you take a second to catch your breath, feel the chill of the breeze on your legs. “I want to find love. Maybe get married, have a kid or two. Adopt five kittens. Build my own home with a pool that has a waterfall. I want to try escargot, visit a rainforest, and see the Northern Lights. I want so many things, JJ.”
“Then let’s do it,” JJ says, standing and pulling you to your feet. A smile lights up his face as he grabs your hands in his. It’s the happiest you’ve seen him in the last hour, but it contrasts with what you feel inside. “Let’s start living.”
Never gonna change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin’s gonna stop us
No not this time
“Hawaii, huh?”
You look up from your soup. Kiara leans against the bar top, watching you curiously. JJ has gone off to the bathroom, the perfect opportunity for Kiara to grill you with questions.
“He seems pretty adamant,” she remarks, flipping hair over her shoulder. “What’d you say?”
The spoon clinks against the metal bowl as you set it down, dabbing your lips with a napkin. “I didn’t answer.”
“Don’t you think you should?” Kiara asks, playing with the beads on her bracelet. “From what JJ said, he seems pretty sure that wherever he goes, you’re following.”
“Oh, he’s set on us moving to the west coast, but I can’t just leave the OBX,” you counter, shoulders slumping. “My life is here.”
“Then why did you tell him all the things you wanted to do if you don’t ever plan on doing them with him?”
The million-dollar question.
“Because I knew he’d listen,” you say quietly. “I didn’t think he was serious about us leaving together, though. We’re sixteen, Kie. What sixteen year olds do you know drop everything and leave their home behind? And besides,” your laugh comes out strangled, “My parents would never let me leave. You know how they are. They don’t even like that I’m friends with JJ. They think he’s trouble, a bad influence. How do you think they’d react if I just up and left with him?”
Kiara leans in close, whispering, “That’s why you don’t tell them.”
You roll your eyes as Kie laughs. “I’m not going to change my mind on this, Kiara.”
Her face turns serious as she chews on the corner of her lip. The gears turn in her head as she contemplates. “Would it matter if I said JJ’s in love with you?”
Your eyes roam her face, waiting for a laugh, a smile, a teasing wink, but her composure is kept intact as she stares at you. Your face falters. “He—what?”
She nods. “What boy asks a girl to travel the world with him if he’s not in love with her?”
Color creeps up your neck, mouth dry, heart beating irregularly. Your body is jelly, almost sliding off the bar stool, but you slink back further into the chair, hands gripping the arm rests. “Are you sure?”
“If I was a gambler, I’d bet it all. That’s how sure I am.”
“I—no,” you dig in your purse for some cash, slapping the bills down in haste. “I’m either going to disappoint JJ or my parents, and I can’t disappoint my family. So, no, JJ being in love with me doesn’t change anything,” you say, exhaling a breath. “I’m not going with him.”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
Kiara’s eyes expand, and you freeze. JJ’s boots pad against the floor as he pushes through the front door, angrily stomping into the night. You thank Kiara for the dinner before rushing outside to chase a visibly irritated JJ.
“JJ, wait!” Your hand clamps down on his shoulder, spinning him around. The look on his face is disheartening. You try to cradle his cheeks, something you normally did to comfort him, but he pushes your hands away. “Please, stop.”
“You were never planning to come with me, were you?” JJ questions, twirling a few of the rings on his fingers. “You were just…what? Entertaining me?”
“JJ, my life is here, in the OBX!” The words that use to flow perfectly off your tongue don’t even sound right anymore. Part of you doesn’t believe them. “I can’t just leave it all behind. And my parents…God, JJ, they’d never let me go with you. I mean, we’re so young.”
JJ nods, although he doesn’t understand. He knows you. He knows your heart. He knows where you really stand. But he can’t persuade you anymore than he’s tried. “I’m taking my dad’s boat and I am leaving tomorrow. I’m getting out of here because I know what I want and nothing is going to stop me.”
JJ turns, and your heart squeezes as you watch him leave. Your fingers twitch, begging to reach out to him. This can’t be it. He can’t be leaving you. “Is it true?”
He stops in his tracks, glancing over his shoulder.  “Is what true?”
You choke back a soft cry, voice croaking. “Are you in love with me?”
JJ faces you, staring absentmindedly. He wants nothing more than to hold you in his arms, kiss your breath away. But he keeps his distance, shoving his hands back into his pockets, whispering, “It doesn’t matter, because it wouldn’t be enough, anyway.”
Back home, you’re surprised to see your parents still awake, chatting softly at the island in the kitchen. You hastily wipe away any leftover tears before they can hound you with questions.
“You’re home late,” says your father, giving you a look. He’s the stricter parent of the two. “I assume you have a good reason?”
You keep the conversation short. “I got caught up talking to JJ. I lost track of time.”
Your mother wrinkles her nose, wine sloshing in her glass as she takes a sip. “How many times have we told you to stay away from that boy, Y/N? He’s trouble.”
“He’s not trouble,” you fire back, wishing you had come up with a lie instead of telling them the truth. “You’re just judgmental.”
“That’s enough,” your father snaps. He runs a hand over his tired face. Being an attorney has aged him ten years. And to think he wanted to send you down the same dreadful path. “I’m having lunch tomorrow with DA Lance Nicholas. I figured you could come along, ask him some questions--.”
Your mother stares at you quizzically. “No?”
“Is tomorrow a bad time?” asks your father, loosening his tie. “I’m supposed to meet with him next week as well, if that’s better for you.”
You feel the rage building up inside of you as you remember JJ’s words. You let them dictate what should be your life. What is it that you want to do? “No, dad, there will never be a time that’s good for me to meet the DA, because I don’t want to meet him. I don’t want to be a lawyer.”
You’re sure they’ll yell, give you a hard time, but the laughs that come out of their mouths are surprising. You don’t understand why they’re laughing, but you’re determine to stand your ground, speak up.
“You’ve never once asked me what I wanted to do with my life.”
“Well, yes, because—.”
“Because you planned it for me.”
Your mom glances at your dad, unsure of how to continue the conversation. “Sweetie--.”
“I’m not going to law school,” The light dims in your father’s eyes, face growing red as your tone grows serious. He’s silent, but it doesn’t scare you. “Because I want to be a marine biologist.”
“Honey, listen,--.”
“I want to travel, see what the world has to offer me. I’m tired of being your puppet. I’m tired of pretending to like Susie and Delia. I’m tired of going to stupid yacht parties with out of touch rich people. I’m tired of reading college textbooks about a career I don’t even want while I’m still in high school. This is my life, and you don’t get to choose how I live it.”
Your mom speaks up after what feels like an hour of silence. Her eyes are full of sorrow, voice low, disapproving. “What happened to you? You’re so…outspoken.”
“It’s that damn Maybank kid,” your dad’s forceful voice cuts right through you. He slams his fist on the counter, startling your mom. You stand your ground, unflinching. “I always knew he’d corrupt you sooner or later.”
“Corrupt me?” A laugh escapes you. He can’t be serious. “He helped me, dad. He taught me to stand up for myself, which is what I’m doing right now. He taught me that there’s a life outside of our world in Figure Eight. JJ helped me realize that I don’t belong here,” your mother’s face drops. Guilt briefly flickers across your face. “I belong with him, wherever he goes. Whether it be California or Texas or Hawaii. I belong with him.”
“You are sixteen years old,” your father reminds, looking at you in disgust. “You have no clue what you’re talking about or what you are doing. Go on, get out of my sight.”
You shake your head, turning your back on your parents. It didn’t matter what they said. They wouldn’t be able to stop you from chasing your dreams, from living your life the way you wanted to. They could say you were too young, too naïve, until they were blue in the face. But you know what you want, and no one, especially not your parents, would stop you.
So take your hand in mine
It’s ours tonight
This is our rebel love song
Staring down at the note in your hand, you exhale a sigh before dropping it on the kitchen counter. You sign it with a kiss, letting your family know you love them, before venturing outside, quietly closing the door behind you.
The last night in your house was spent packing, constantly checking that your bedroom door was locked to keep the helicopter parents away. There wasn’t much you could fit into the duffel bag, but you squeezed as much as you could, the contents varying from clothing to toiletries to small mementos you didn’t want to leave behind.
The plan was to surprise JJ at the dock. Tugging your duffel higher onto your shoulder, you walk with a content smile.
When you reach the dock, your heart rises to your throat. JJ stands with his back to you, one foot on the dock, the other in the boat. He’s ready to take off, and your legs break out into a sprint, daring him to leave you behind. “JJ!”
The voice makes his ears perk up. He turns, wide-eyed, smile brighter than the gleaming Carolina sun. JJ’s heart swells as he watches the girl he loves run after him, one hand waving frantically in the air, the other tugging the bag higher on her arm.
“JJ, wait!”
But he’s not going anywhere. He’d never go anywhere without you.
You drop the bag onto the dock, launching yourself into JJ’s body. He wobbles slightly, arms coming around your middle, pulling you as far into his chest as you’ll go. You fit perfectly.
“You came,” JJ breathes into your hair, kissing your forehead. The soft pecks are quick, friendly.
It’s not enough for you, though.
You grab his cheeks, pressing your mouth to his, hard. Your heart reacts, beating wildly. The feeling in your body, the sensation you get from kissing JJ, it feels like sunshine. Warm. Blissful. Happy.
There’s no hesitation as JJ kisses you back. His hand creeps up your spine, pressing you impossibly closer to him, almost as if he’s testing to see if you’re real.
It’s all real. You, the kiss, the moment.
He pulls away, slightly breathless. His eyes flicker to the dandelion lying on his drawstring bag, and a smile tugs at his parted lips. He’d picked it for you on his way to the dock, just in case.
“It’s true,” JJ says, reaching down to tenderly pick the flower. Doe-eyed, you watch as he tucks the dandelion behind your ear, shielding the stem with a few strands of your hair. “I am so deeply in love with you.”
“And you were going to leave without ever letting me know.”
“A part of me hoped you wouldn’t let me leave without you,” JJ answers, helping you settle into the boat.
“You’re right,” you smile. “I couldn’t let you leave without knowing I’m in love with you, too.”
The kiss that follows is better than the first. It’s softer, more intimate, and it feels like a rainbow.  
It completes him.
It completes you.
After grabbing your bag from the dock, you help JJ untie the boat before joining him at the wheel. The boat rumbles to life, sailing slowly across the open bay. A new life is just in the distance.
“You ready?” JJ asks. There’s nothing in his eyes other than hope, nothing in his grin other than happiness.
Taking his hand, you smile. “I am now.”
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sj-penner · 7 years
The Catacombs [Parts 1-7]
There was no earthquake when it appeared. No red moon, or solar flare marked its arrival, or to portent the tragedies to come. It didn’t rise organically either; there was no inch by inch progression of measurable progress. It was not there, and then one day, it was.
No one seemed to notice the change, none of the locals anyways. The farmer who owned the field just harvested around it, the neighbors saw nothing odd about the black obelisk thrusting from the golden wheat into the azure prairie sky. It hadn’t always been, but now it was and in the tradition of stolid farming folk, they just continued with the yearly cycles of planting and plucking.
It was a tourist, of course, who drew the worlds attention. One badly lit photo on the world wide web, and the tiny town of Rosmire was suddenly inundated with the curious, the conspiracy seekers, and the bored. Campsites were filled for months, the tiny town inn’s prices jumping to compete with the most luxurious New York city hotels for their lovely view of Sally the cow, and their decade old comforters.
The government ignored the obvious hoax. Lawmakers, scientists, and military men had far more important things to deal with than some silly tourist attraction.
Or they did, until Leo Morrison disappeared.
[Specimen 1.002 Obituary obtained from the Rosmire Daily Tribune]
Leonard Albrecht Morrison (August 2, 1989 — August 2, 2007)
Leo was a beloved son, adored brother, and admired classmate. His curious nature and enthusiastic smile will always be remembered by those who knew him.
Leo was born and raised in Rosmire, and was always front and centre for every event and festival. Even as a child he was always with his mother or father, carrying loads of baked goods to a sale, or handing up a hammer during a barn raising. As he got older he only grew more generous, always happy to lend a hand to anyone who needed it.
Head of the Rosmire Art Club, Leo’s talent will grace the walls of the community center for years to come, as well as the homes of many of our citizens. He was always searching for new inspiration, and often found it in the strangest places. A number of Leo’s paintings have been donated by his parents to be auctioned off, the proceeds going to fund the continuation of the club Leo began four years ago. He is painting for God now.
The funeral will be held this Saturday, September 23rd, 2007 at 1pm. The Morrison family welcomes all to join in remembering this wonderful young man, celebrating his life and his reunion with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Leo Morrison disappeared on August 2, 2007. A massive search was staged, most of the town turning up for the grid search. Local police were stumped. The boy had been low risk, friendly, with no priors or known disagreements with anyone in town. He was single, a loving brother, and deeply involved in the community.
Weeks went by with no sign of the boy, dead or alive. The town grieved, but as they had done with the appearance of the obelisk, they set the disappearance behind them and continued. The harvest waits for no one.
On August 22, 2007, twenty days after Leo’s disappearance, his sister, Hailey, left home one evening and didn’t return. Another man hunt, another failure. The distraught parents begged the police to do more, to do anything to help bring their children back. Stumped, the locals called in the feds, and a pair of black cars, newer than anyone in town was likely to see again, rolled in on August 31, 2007.
Why the government sent four agents to look into two missing, rural kids, I couldn’t tell you. My clearance isn’t high enough to get more than the broad strokes of the story. They came though, and they dug through the town like a fine tooth comb, pulling up every disagreement, disturbance, and grudge.
And finally, two weeks after their arrival, they pulled up a secret. Leslie Twilling, the Morrison girl’s best friend, confessed. Hailey had called her the night before her disappearance, desperate and barely coherent. She had sent her brother to the obelisk. She had asked him to paint it, something beautiful and unique for her when she left for university the next semester. He’d agreed, gathered up his paints, and never been seen again.
The recording of the interview is confusing, full of teenage tears and fumbling confusion.
The obelisk had taken him. She repeated it, just like Hailey was to have done on that last phone call. It took him and she had to go take him back.
She couldn’t answer why she had waited so long to come forward, why Hailey had kept the information from the local police. She died three weeks later, hanging herself in the local jail where she was being held for the murder. Her story made no sense, the locals had argued with the feds. She had to be involved somehow.
No one had understood what she was talking about, then. How could some random protruding rock take a boy? It would be years before the first expedition into the Catacombs, and even after all this time, the mystery of how Leo and Hailey Morrison entered is unsolved. Hailey’s body was recovered by the thirteenth expedition, in area I-431. Leo has never been found.
My name is Anna. I am the lead linguist on the thirty sixth expedition into the Catacombs. I have a PhD in comparative linguistics, focusing on cultural cyphers. That basically means I’m good at figuring out what people are trying to not to say, even if I can’t read the language.
My husband was killed in action in another one of those stupid wars begun by stupider people with no right to throw men at their personal problems. My parents died when I was 22 in a car accident that left me alone in the world with my younger brother. Caleb and I had never gotten along, and it’s been six years since the last text he sent me.
All it said was ‘Fuck off’.
You don’t apply for the expeditions. You’re invited by men in dark suits and dark cars. They pluck you from your life and you disappear from the world, not a ripple left to show you’d been there. Not that it would have been hard, in my case. I hadn’t really been anywhere, anyways.
They’d tossed me in a room, the walls covered in papers, photos, and sketches. I had a pencil and a notepad. I guess the conclusions I came to about the various signs and sigils impressed someone because less than two hours later I had security clearance the Vice President wouldn’t sneeze at, and an apartment on campus that was twice as big as the one I hadn’t made it home to.
It was a kind of anxiety fueled blur. I asked, later, why I was never interviewed. The security guard just rolled his eyes. I guess it was a kind of stupid question. Anyone who could erase someones entire existence could have found all of my skeletons with a click of a button.
Not that I had many. Really, as far as I could tell, I was the perfect candidate. No real family, few friends, no permanent job, young enough to handle the rigors and trials down in the darkness. No problems with drugs or alcohol, no history of criminal activity or violence.
In return they offered me puzzles; languages and locks that no one else had ever seen, cultures that had never seen the light of day.
How could I have said no?
I should have said no.
Training was horrendous. I’d always been a bit of a couch potato and the next six months would put military basic training to shame. All electronics were removed from us aside from government assigned laptops and phones. We were cut off from the world, physically, electronically, and emotionally.
Somewhere between four and six every morning we were woken in a variety of horrible ways. Ice water dumped across the bunks, a screaming mad man rushing into the room with a shotgun and a ladle, the drill sergeant whispering terrifying, pointed things in our ears. That last one was the worst, and it left me with the feeling of cockroaches beneath my skin for a week.
As soon as we were awake and dressed in the identical uniforms the real work began. Running endless laps around the complex, up stairs, over desks, and even at one point right through the olympic sized pool. Calistetics that made my muscles scream day in and day out. Stress tests that I can’t bring myself to write about, even now.
Food was the same, everyday. A breakfast of some sort of high protein mush, a lunch of the same, and a dinner of a casserole of unknown origin. I have never wanted a chocolate bar so badly in my life. I would have killed from one, some days, especially if I could choose the drill sergeant as my victim. She was five foot two, a hundred and sixty pounds of insults and muscle. I never learned her name, and I doubt she bothered to learn mine. I was ‘Maggot’, ‘Twig Girl’, or, if she was feeling particularly friendly, ‘Trainee Y-229’.
The only thing that kept me moving, that kept any of us moving, was the evening classes. Handed over from the sergeant to one of a variety of nameless lieutenants, we spent our evenings in various labs, classrooms, and other odd set ups. We were all trained in the basics of all the disciplines; surveying, archeology, psychology, linguistics, along with others that I’m not sure I have a name for. After an hour or two of cramming new knowledge into every line and bump of my brain, we split up into our specialties.
I had been hired as the lead of the linguistics team, seven wildly unlikely but enthusiastic academics all thrilled by the puzzles set in front of us every day. The training here was less like a class, and more like a series of literary labyrinths. Codes in languages I’d rarely seen, or symbols I knew had never existed outside of the designers mind.
Every day my body and mind grew stronger, and as much as I hated each wretched day, even now I would never take it back.
If I had thought the training was bad, the run of necessary vaccinations taught me new levels of pain and existential terror. Hallucinations will do that to you. Almost two months in, when our bodies were stronger and we were beginning to think we understood what we were being prepped for — we weren’t, but we all thought we were — they began to call us from our breakfasts into the medical center.
At first it was blood tests, urine samples, fecals, the typical diagnostic tools. We were sent back to training without another word, grateful for the respite.
The next day seven of our number were gone.
When we asked we were told they had been deemed incompatible with the mission, and for their safety and ours, had been removed from the program. We didn’t really think much of it. It was surprising, and those of us who remained were motivated now. We hadn’t realized we were still within the trials.
A week passed with no further incidents before we were brought back to the medical bay. Six injections along the left forearm, three along the right thigh. I heard screaming down the hall, and the sound of retching. I’ve always had a high pain tolerance.
The next day when we were called to the medical bay again, it was a journey made with reluctance. Our arms and legs were swollen and varying shades of purples, greens, and blues. Tapestries of bruised and battered fleshed from nothing more than pinpricks.
Two weeks of torture, of syringes, bandages, and bruising. Limbs swollen like maggots, and fevers that left you soaked and reading of sweat. Twelve people left. Or, at least we were told they left. They might have died. I’m pretty sure I almost did, after the ‘spinal tap’, which I’m almost positive was another injection.
As abruptly as the daily trips to the white coats began, they ended. Without a word or warning we were woken by six thousand live rats released in our dorms.
Back to normal.
After the disappearance of the Morrison kids, the federal government took a serious look into the situation in Rosmire. Rural disappearances are common enough, though tragic. Runaways, murders, kidnappings, accidents; anything that can happen in a city can happen in a small town. As harsh as it may sound, the government simply doesn’t have time to deal with little things like that.
Panic though, that is something the government takes very seriously. With the recent influx in tourists to the town, and the leaking rumors of the obelisks involvement in the disappearances, there was a real chance of a serious national incident. Paranoia can grow out of the smallest seeds, gossip and rumors can cross the world in moments now, spread by man made webs and whispers.
The last thing a government already wrapped up in two wars and multiple other international efforts was some panic about supernatural towers claiming the lives of kids. There are procedures for situations like this; hazards not so much in the object or person themselves, but in the publics reaction to it. Mob mentality can kill hundreds, cause millions in damage. True national panic is even more costly.
So less than a day after Twilling’s confession she was taken away by federal agents, and Fred Aster’s farm was quarantined, the entire thing wrapped in yellow tape and crawling with men with big guns. The best way to sooth the publics worry is to show that it’s being taken seriously.
Security theatre, they call it. Getting on an airplane and having your tweezers confiscated, needing six types of identification to cross a border, we’ve all dealt with it. The fear of horrible events that happened to someone else happening to us…well, the government is quick to make sure you think they are dealing with it, and swiftly.
In most of these cases the theater is all there is to it; it’s rare that it actually changes anything. The first woman to enter the catacombs willingly changed that. Rosmire is no longer a small town, lost in an ocean of wheat. Area X2291: Rosmire, is a black site. There are road blocks, fences, and regular patrols 50 miles out from what used to be the Obelisk. The old inn holds the military big wigs, the homes retrofitted into barracks and storage areas. A training facility grew within and finally out and around the old community center. I learned to shoot a gun in what used to be a hockey rink.
Rosmire was once a quiet town where a boy disappeared. Now, it’s a living graveyard, full of people waiting to walk right into the gaping maw of death.
This is a serial story updated once per day. You can keep up with the daily updates here, on my Medium series of the same name, on my Wattpad account, or on my blog.
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andivinebeauty · 7 years
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I'm Alina Elektra Lykos (Αλίνα Ηλέκτρα Λύκος). I am a pure blood werewolf. I am able to shift half way - with multi-tonal chocolate fur all over my body, elongated black claws on my fingers and toes, sharp canines, and able to stand on to feet. But still maintain the agility and enhanced senses. The complete monstrous looking form. Also, I can shift fully into a large timber wolf. The more majestic, wild form. A duality of both as I think of it. The raging anger, the hunger for blood and flesh, the territory, caring, and protective nature. Basically for the whole package. My story starts off in my family's homeland. Greece. Particularly near the northern coast. I was born to Dmitri & Lena Lykos, but before I could reach my second birthday, my parents decided to leave me with my grandparents, Dmitri Sr & Sofia Lykos. They had always told me that my parents left for my protection. Whatever it was, it certainly kept them away for most of my life. Growing up under my grandparents' supervision wasn't bad. We lived on a small farm. We had two horses, a couple chickens, two goats, four dogs, and a small herd of sheep. Even had some helpers to help with the amount of chores that ran the farm. Apart from being farmers, we were also members of a local werewolf pack. It meant we had protection, help whenever we need it, be there for one another. It consists of family and friends. Familiarity. Easy to go running on those full moon nights, or any other day. Life was good. Throughout my school years, I develop a love for reading, history, dancing, drawing, painting, and photography. Even learn a couple new languages; French, English, Chinese, Korean, and Italian. By the time I finish high school, news of my parents whereabouts finally reached the three of us. It came from neighboring packs in Greece. Apparently they had met their deaths by hunters. Human hunters, and not the angelic ones. It hit my grandparents hard, while it just left me hollow and angry on the inside. I barely knew them, or remember what they look like. The only images I had we're pictures my grandparents had of them. While I felt empty, lost, and sadden. Though my grandparents were hurting more on the inside. Which lead to the decision to take a year off from going to college to take care of my grandparents. As much as they persist on me going, I didn't mind, since they were still mourning over their son and daughter-in-law. By late fall, my grandparents and I finally took that trip. It became a wonderful distraction from the grief and misery we’re going through. From town to town, we visited the ancient sites to see the ruins and took photos of the place firstly. Afterwards, the three of us would roam around the town. Checking out their shopping and dining locations. Mostly do what those on vacations do. Tourist stuff. It was during this vacation that my destiny came knocking. On a stifling hot autumn day, my parents decided to spend it together, in the town. Which I didn’t mind at all. I decided to go check out some ancient ruins all by myself. The day roaming around the ruins started off fine, but it quickly took a turn for a mind blowing experience. While taking pictures of the monument, I had thought I saw something weird. A figure of a man, who was staring right at me. But when I peel my face from the camera, the man was no where to be seen. Slightly confused and put off by this, I just push it aside and went back to snapping some pictures. Suddenly, I begin walking backwards, to get a much better shot. Unfortunately, i wasn’t being careful, and my left foot found a rock in the ground. Which knocked me off my balance, causing me to fall backwards to the grass covered ground. Assuming I would land on it, when I actually landed on something much harder. Marble. Apparently, I was no longer near the monument and ruins. But inside a dark marble covered room, the walls draped with red silk curtains, there were busts of an that unfamiliar man, weapons of all sorts decorated the walls and room. At first thought, I was like “Where the fuck am I” in Greek. Just as I begin to get to my feet, a male’s voice rings out. Once on my feet, I turn and face the man, who turns out to be the same one I saw through my camera. But dressed differently, his dark hair hung loose around his face. His mesmeric eyes locked on me. A hypnotic smile etching on his face. He immediately calls himself Ares, as in the Greek God of War. Before I could debunk this, he showed me proof of his powers. By changing the outfit I had on to a pale blue silk dress, trimmed in silver, with silver embroidered designs, while the straps hangs right at the edge of my shoulders. It reminded me of the old drawings of the kind of dresses women wore in ancient times. There were metal, silver pins resting upon my shoulders. Probably keeping the dress from falling off. Another thing I noticed was I wasn't wearing anything underneath. Rather than contemplate where my bra and panties went, my mind was on the other changes that was done to me. My feet were adorn with beige leather sandals. My hair was pulled back, with curls cascading down my back. Meanwhile the jewelry I had on before had remain, thankfully. When I come to the conclusion that he is who he claims to be. He beings to tell me that he can give me a chance to avenge my parents, while all I would have to do is work for him from time to time. At the time, it all sounded reasonable, since I was still angry over losing my parents. Whom I never got the chance to know. As they were always on the run, from whoever had wanted them dead. Well they had succeeded. Things could have been different for me, for them. But it was just a big IF that would never, ever happen. So foolishly, and naively, I took the deal. The next thing, Ares made a ring appear on a finger on my right hand, with a brass frame and a onyx jewel set in the center. After that, I was back to facing the monument and ruins, back in my own clothes. Thank heaven. What I didn’t know at the time, Ares had branded me as his. Meaning he owns my ass. Or the deep dark secret that I am fucking related to him. Whatever, that is something I would deal with later on. He had also given me powers that enhance my own werewolf abilities, and a few new ones. Once I reunited with my grandparents, they saw the new ring I was sporting. Immediately knowing what had happened to me. They told me that nothing good will come from this. As nothing good has ever come from the blood line of Ares. Now that I've been branded, I've also been made a target. To those that want to wipe out the bloodlines of the Gods and Goddesses. They insist that I go to the States, to stay with my cousins. Olympia and Athena. That it will be safer for me there than remaining in Greece. The night before I was suppos to leave, hell came for a visit. My grandparents got me out, but they remain behind. To give me enough time to get away. I never saw them again. Many hours later, I was on my way to the States, to see my cousins whom I have never met.
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